TR-2012-13 KENO TO GO ONE STOP MART SUFFIELD ST Go . 1 P TR-2012-13 A RESOLUTION REGARDING THE EXTENSION OF KENO TO GO (Sponsored by Agawam City Council) WHEREAS, the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission has offered KENO To Go to One Stop Mart,308 Suffield Street,Agawam, MA.; and WHEREAS, the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission has notified the City of Agawam that it has the right to object to the extension of KENO To Go; and WHEREAS, the License Sub-Committee of the Agawam City Council has reviewed the extension of KENO To Go for said business and taken into consideration any traffic or other relevant concerns; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Agawam City Council votes to notify the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission that it does not object to the extension of KENO To Go at One Stop Mart, 308 Suffield Street, Agawam, MA. Dated this va day of &!�iL' - 2012. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Christopher C. nson,President oil A ROVED A4 TO FORM AND LEGALITY oj �Fincent Giost'ia�City Solicitor 0S . .1 CJ 'VW WVMIVDV �OjJAO MAYORAL ACTION Received this day of 2012 from Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this day of ' 2012. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the AgA Charter, as d hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this ;W day of 2012. Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 52012 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returried to Council Clerk this day of 2012. 'Massachusetts State Lottery Commission 60 Colutn6ian Street &aintree, 914assachusetts 02184-1738 Licensing T-aic. (M)849-5656 ,M-- GR 0.5,5A.f.-IN PAUL R. �W1,RAIRURG 11�casurer andq?srei�var getwraf Eqcuti-ve(Director March S. 20 12 Wn ofAgawam Limising Commission 36 MaK Sweet A,,awani. NIA 01001 Dear Sii'Madam: The Massachuscits Sttic LOUCg is OnOng WiTing. non-pluring agons our KENO A Go gmne. a tran, .3oction w-hich i's idcntical to Be Mrmdv existing on-line ganics. such as Adegabucks and Mass Cash. At this Am We Loncry is not lvoviding agents Ah a K END monitor as part oF this lirognun. In accordance with NI,G-l- c 10. smtkn 27A. as arnmided. ym mv herchy notifial tat die f'ollowing e,\iscing agengs) in yoUl- COMMUnitY MH he soU an anplication and agreement to SCH the KF"'NO To (30 product: STOP MART 3 0 8 S U F FI E L D STR I ET A GA NVA M� M A 0 10 0 1 11'YOU Ob.ji:Ct to these agen4s) seHing FANY 'ro (Ao. you must do at in %wh0g, widiin tweWpone i2l ) days oFruccipi orthis letter, Please address Nnour "Tinen Qection to Wiliam J. Egan, Jr. OCIACI-�11 COMISCI. IMLISSOCI)LISCHS "'tatC L(AtUry, Commission, 60 Columbiwi Street, Braintree, IVIA 02 184, Should you have any quesdons regarding ths pmgrani or any other issue relative to the Lomy pkase Q mo at 78 K849-5555. 1 Kok 11orward to working with you as the Imlery condnues its' Wnns to support die 351 NO and LoXVIIS Ofthe COMM011%vealth, Sincereiv. Paul R. SternbUro F.NCCULive Director C'CrlifiCd N-1:10 — RCtUrn RCCCi[)t RC(lUC-StCd: 7004 25 M MXW 84 17 SSU I '�("Ppoo lug Ific.i-5,1 ( it if's F A AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET ..... --n's o i oo i AGAWAM, MASSACHUsf� 0 �April 5. 2012 PRFSJDLNT Christopher C Johnson I'VI r. W,i I I i a III J, E'::all, Jr. VICE PRESIDENT General C01.111SCI Deomis.l. Perry 11"I'l qS'IC III]sells State Lotter%,Comm IssI011 60 Columbian Street COUNCILORS brilifitrec. IMA. 02 1844 George Biras Cecilia P. calubraye Rc-1 1xttv[- kfl'Nkirch 8, 20 12 - K EA(-') To G o 1.ict:l Ise poll/C Cavallo James A Cichetti Dc'u- Anol-liev Gina.,It Letellier Robert,,J. kfewovem I am wrj6lio oil IM1.11f,of,flic A,nikvani City Council re-ardim, a KE'NO To Go I)L�iliu' Joseph Nfinen L_ Donald?'vf. Rheaull of,16-cd to the 011e Siof) IM"irt. 30S St011cki Stred. Agawam, MA 0100 1 Robert E. Rnssi After a tllvorablc vow at die April 2, 20 12 mccling ol' the Aga\vam CitV COL11161. 1 respectfully do NOT obJect it) a KENIO To Go bein,4. (ATcred to tile One Stup ADNIINISTRA'rivp. WS Suffilold Street, A awam. NIIA 01001, ASSISTAN'r Burbara A. Bard Thank .\,oil Cor ymir ititctition and iw;sislancv in this regard. Siliceref.y. Christopher C' ,follilsoll. Presidil .1 A,';Iwilln OiN Coullcil cc: Ikell.sc chnif TELEPHONE (413.) 786-0400 Ert. 8716 FAX (4 13) 72 6-9 717 ROAH, bbard('u� Ogaivam.ma.us 03/15/2012 11: 10 781-e49-5680 FACILITIES PAGE 01/01 (781)849-5515. (781)849-5579 FaX 60 Columbian SLreet Graintrea, MA 02184 MASSACHUSETTS STATE LOTTERY COMMISSION Fax To., Barbara A.Bard From- William J. Egan,Jr.,General Counsel Fax; (413)T26-9717 Pages: Phone: ftta: March 15,2012 Re: Response to Kene uxtenslon 0 Urgent X For Review 0 Please Comment C1 Please RepSy C3 Please Recycle 0 Comments- Dear Ms. Bard: In response to your leqer dated March 13, 2012, you requested an extension until April 30, 2D12 to respond to the Lottery in regard to a KENO monitor being offered to One Stop Mart. 308 Suffield Street in Agawam, You stated in your letter that this issue would be discussed at and voted on at the April 2"d City Council meeting, Therefore, I am granfrig your request for an extension, if you have any further questiohs. I can be reached at(781) 649-5515. Sincerely. William J Egan, Jr General Counsel 5TATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY The documents transmifted by this facsimile contain confidentfal and privileged information. This information is intended for the use of the addressee named on this transmittal sheet If you are not the addressee, any disclosure, photocopying. distribution or use of its contents is prohibited, If you have received this facsimite in error, please cali us immediately so that we can arrange to retrieve the original documents. TR-2012-13 A RESOLUTION REGARDING THE EXTENSION OF KENO TO GO (Sponsored by Agawam City Council) WHEREAS, the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission has offered KENO To Go to One Stop Mart,308 Suffield Street, Agawam, MA.; and WHEREAS, the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission has notified the City of Agawam that it has the right to object to the extension of KENO To Go; and WHEREAS, the License Sub-Committee of the Agawam City Council has reviewed the extension of KENO To Go for said business and taken into consideration any traffic or other relevant concerns; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Agawam City Council votes to notify the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission that it does not object to the extension of KENO To Go at One Stop Mart, 308 Suffield Street, Agawam, MA. Dated this day of 2012. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Christopher C.Johnson, President ArROVED JAT:O FORM AND LEGALITY Vincent diosfi"a',JCity Solicitor 9Vassachusetts State Lottery Commission 60 Cofuin&an Street Brai`ntree, Wassachusetts 02184-1738 Licensing Tay,- (781)849-5656 GRO,�S,414A.; 1�4 UL R. 57ER AIB UR G Treasurer andwsceiver Genzra( E.Xecutive(Director March 87 2012 -Fown of'A gawam Licensing Commission ,6 iMain Street Aoawani, MA 01001 Deiir Sir/..Vladam: "NO 'Fo Go ine. Tht� "Massachusetts State Lottury is offuring exisni-IL). non-POLH 1111' aLlents Our KE It 'D a tr- ansaction which is identiclif to the �111`C3(1�,� eNlSting 011dil-IC g� IMVS. SLICII as Megabucks and jH"Iss C-,ish, -At this time, the Lottery is not providing agents with a KEN10 monitor as part oCthis i n accordance \vith NI.G.L. c 10. ,;ectlon 27A, as amended. YOU are hereby notified that the f0flowim-, existlnL) at�,,ent(s) 1*11 )POLIT cOMMUllitY will be sent an anplication and agreement to sell the KF_N0 To Go PI-OCILICt: O1,1E STOP MAR'F )08 SUFFIELD STREE AGANV'AM. MA 01001 [I'VOL) ObICCt 10 11leSC ILI�ellt(S) Selling KENO "Fo Go.. YOU 11111M CIO SO. in writing, within lvvenlv-one I ) days of'reccipt of0lis letter, Please address VOLIV wrl(lell oh-ection to William .1. Egan. Jr.. Cwllcrai COMISCI. MaSSaChLlSeLIS SiatC Lottt�r-,, C0111111ISS)CM, 60 Colunihian Strect. Braintree, MA 02184. Should VOLI 11,IVe LMN! ql.l(fS�MIIS tills prouraril Or Lmy other ISSLle I­Clatl'Ve tO tile Lottery. pleasecall nic at 781-80-5555. 1 look forxvard to working with VOU as the LoLtery continues its' efforts to support the 351 cities and towns ofthe Commonvvealth. Sincerely, c= P3Ld R, Stel'llbl.ir _g [XCCULive Director N) Certilied RCILU-n Recelpt RCCjL1(2StCC1'. F-1 70041 _2 5 10 0000 84 17 SO 1 r ific 351 C'itws 01 1111,7.fsa�.fmseus F A13 A AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAN4, NIASSACf-l'USI�l"1.'S 0100t Nlarch 13, 20 12 PRE-SIDENT Mr. William 1":unm. .1r. Christopher C. Johnson General Coullsul -Massachil"V11, ate 1.011cry Commission VICE PIUSIDENT 'St, - Demus J. Perry 60 COILHIII)HIJ) Slf-eCt Brainirce. \Ij\. 02],%';1 COUNCILORS Re: 1,cHcr of'Nlarch S. 20 12 - 1�1:.',\Io -J-0 (jo I Cecilia 1� calabrese Pmd C. Cavallo Dcar AtiorneY 17g.111: Joma P Cichelti Gina Af. Letellier ilIll WI-ililIL' 10 I'C(jUest an c.xtcnsi()ll re—ardirit, %'()Lll- initial letter 11)r a K17NO monitor RobertA. Magovern being offercd to One Stop Njarl. 308 S- Z7 . - Joseph Afinco - Lifl'ield Strect. A,--,jwajlj� k1A 01001, The ncxt 111veting of the Aunvam Cil\' C01.111CH is scliduled Donaldill Rhraulf '1"] )11 March 19. 2012 wherc flil'S 'S, I'll-S1 6111C Nild 111 N: Robvri E Rossi 'tell, cd1l flirsl appear under New BLIS'ille"' c I - dISCLISSCLI M)d vOted jlp()jj 'S �11 iJ)C 2l)d 11lCC1ill_Q- 1 111) 1'e(ILICS61111 1111 (111iii April 30. 2012. ,%D,N11N[1S1'RA,rivE A S S I STANT Y0111- l-e-1;j)()jjSC �koLlld he 0�-caik -jpprccl;t1cd so I would know %�hctjjcl- ,()1 11 Barbara.-I Bard I'casible. I'liank You f'or wor consl(jerallon in thl�, 1-vu"Ird. SHIccrelY, Barbara A. A(fillillis(ralive Assislant A,-,aw,iljj Cij�,Cotillcil TELEPHONF ('413) 7,Y6-0400 1--v. 8716 F AX (41-?) 7?6-9717 EMAIL bbarSii' ,;agnivam.ma.us 9Yassachusetts State Lottery Commigsion 60 Cofumbian Street Braintree, Wassachusetts 02184-1738 Licensing Ea_,C: (781)849-5656 STEVEN GROSSA1AN PAUL R. STERNBURG Treasurer andRsceiver Genera( Erecutive Director March 8, 2012 Town of Agawam Licensing Commission 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 Dear Sir/Madam: The Massachusetts State Lottery is offering existing, non-pouring agents our KENO To Go game, a transaction which is identical to the already existing on-line games, such as Megabucks and Mass Cash. At this time, the Lottery is not providing agents with a KENO monitor as part of this program. In accordance with M.G.L. c 10, section 27A, as amended, you are hereby notified that the following existing agent(s) in your community will be sent an anplication and agreement to sell the KENO To Go product: ONE STOP MART 308 SUFFIELD STREET AGAWAM, MA 01001 If you object to these agent(s) selling KENO To Go, you must do so, in writing, within twenty-one (2 1) days of receipt of this letter. Please address your written obje'6tion to William J. Egan, Jr., General Counsel, Massachusetts State Lottery Commission, 60 Columbian Street, Braintree, MA 02184. Should you have any questions'regarding this program or any other issue relative to the Lottery, please cail.me at 781-849-5555. 1 look forward to working with you as the Lottery continues its' efforts to support the 351 cities and towns of the Commonwealth. > Sincerely, > Z'—�) '007 Paul R. Sternburg Executive Director C) Certified Mail— Return Receipt Requested: M '7004 2510 0000 8417 8801 (12-11) Supporting the 351 CitieslaWi�w'nis of Wassachusetts