TR-2012-21 REAPPT MARILYN CURRY WHITING ST THOMAS PYNE FUND - - - -- -- �-�1�--�� � � �� � � ,�� �,� - - - - '�^ / - �� . � TR-2012-21 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE REAPPOINTMENT OF MARILYN CURRY, 123 BEEKMAN DRIVE, AGAWAM, MA TO THE WHITING STREET AND THOMAS PYNE FUND FOR A TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 31, 2015 WHEREAS, the appointment of Marilyn Curry on the Whiting Street and Thomas Pyne Fund has expired, and, WHEREAS, the Mayor has reappointed Marilyn Curry, 123 Beekman Drive, Agawam, MA to the Whiting Street and Thomas Pyne fund for a term expiring December 31, 2015; and NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby resolves to confirm the reappointment of Marilyn Curry, 123 Beekman Drive, Agawam, MA to the Whiting Street and Thomas Pyne fund for a term expiring December 31, 2015. DATED THIS -I-t-h DAYOF MAY 2012 PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL Christopher C. dvi"nson, President, Agawam City Council APPRO AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY C=2 Vincent F. Gioscia, Solicitor :Z1 Wd L I AN ?lag V WWv�Av� ,, MAYORAL ACTION Received this dayof 2012 from Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this e7 day of 2012. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the ALga)V harter, as a"r is day of ded�l hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on th 2012. 1�12 Rich�rd A. Cohen,Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation or) this day of 2012 for the following rcason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor ,RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this day of 2012. 123 Beekman Drive Agawam, MA 01001 March 20, 2012 Mayor Richard Cohen 36 Main Street Agawam, MA. 01001 Dear Richard, I have been informed that my term on the Whiting Street/Thomas Pyne Commission has expired. I would like to continue as a member of this Commission. I've lost track of the number of my years of service, but I think we perform a necessary job, given the limited funds we handle. Both Funds, now combined, have specific guidelines which we take very seriously. if you need to speak with me about this, please do not hesitate to call me. I do not have a cell phone, but my home number is 786-1452. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Mat ilyn Curry Qf A AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL -36 MAIN' STREE'f AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 0 100 1 TED May 8, 2012 FRE'SIDENT Chi-istupher C. Johnson VICE PRESIDENT Dennis J. Perry COUNCILORS George Bit-Tas Cecilia P. Calabrese Mllrikll CLUTN' pold C. cavalf) P, cichetti 123 Beekman DriVe Gincj ,,11 Letellier A guawam. M A. 0 100 1 Rubert.,I. Magovern Joseph dwi))eo Dear Mrs. Curry� Dona)d M, Rheaull 0 Roburf E. Rossi Coll g rat ulati011s 0[1 your 1-c-appointillent to the Whiting Street and 110111a, P%`11C FLInd to a term expirizil, December 31, 20 5. Thank ADMINISTRATIVE VOLI Aso 1.01- the 1111'01-111,11'vc words reliardiniZ the importance ofthis ASSISTANT board. I'lle C tN' COLUIC FCQ0('Il1ZCS VOUr hard work and Barhara,l. Bard corillilitmem to this board as well as to the Town ot'Agawam. Once agam". ml behalf'offlic Aummam Clitv Council. thank VOL] fOt' N'0Ur contlinled dCd' ication to our town. Barbara A. Bard Administrative Assistant to tile citv councd TELEPHONE -4 13) 786-04 00 Evi, S'716 FAX (413.) 726-91-117 ENIATI, bbordCc.i�agawom.m a.us F AG AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL st 0 'N 36 MAIN STREET -S 01001 AGAWAM, MASSACHUSET]. April 18, 2012 PRESIDENT Christopher C Johnson VICE PRESIDENT Detinis.l. Perry COUNCILORS George Bflzas Mrs—Mardyn CL11-1-V Cecilia 1'. Calabrese 123 Beekman DrINT Nut/C. cavallo Ag, P. Ciehelti mvam.. MA. 0 100 1 Gina.,11. Letellier Robepi,4. Magovern Dear i\/Irs. Curry: JOSOr,17 DonaldilIr Rheault On hchall' of' [lie A,,awam CitV COLAICH, I WiSh 10 CNICIld an Roberi E. Rossi to zitIcild the Rquilm. Council 'MccLing al which the COLHIC11 Will VOle 10 C0111-11111 VOL11' I'e-Uppoilitilluill 10 [lie Whiling AD:�IINISTRATIVE Sti-eet 111d Tll()111�[S J'\-11C FLfl1d. 111CClith- IINS bCCII SChCdLdCd ASSISTANT I'Or N11mi(hi'y, A/h'v 7, 21)12 a 1 7:00. wid will bc held fin [lie Barbara A Bard M&101-41111 III HIC ROhcrtu G. Dour-Ing School. 69 Main Street, A—aw,im. C7 Thank \'(-)Lj C01' V001- (IC(fiCiI6011 L111d LMIel-OS16' 10 Mit' 10\V11- Si icerely. Barbara A- Bard 'Administi-ii0vt! Ass],�Uljlt to die C11yCotind TELEPHONE (413) 786-0400 F-W, 8716 FAX (413) 726-9717 EMAIL bbard(a)agawam.ma.us TR-2012-21 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE REAPPOINTMENT OF MARILYN CURRY, 123 BEEKMAN DRIVE, AGAWAM, MA TO THE WHITING STREET AND THOMAS PYNE FUND FOR A TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 31, 2015 WHEREAS, the appointment of Marilyn Curry on the Whiting Street and Thomas Pyne Fund has expired; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor has reappointed Marilyn Curry, 123 Beekman Drive, Agawam, MA to the Whiting Street and Thomas Pyne fund for a term expiring December 31, 2015, and NO W THEREFORE, THE A GA WA M C/TY COUNCIL hereby resolves to confirm the reappointment of Marilyn Curry 123 Beekman Drive, Agawam, MA to the Whiting Street and Thomas Pyne fund for a term expiring December 31, 2015. DATED THIS DAYOF 2012 PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL Christopher C. Johnson, President, Agawam City Council C-- PIC-) C)F APPR 01VAS TO FORM AND LEGALITY ri VincentF. Gioscia, Solicitor 123 Beekman Drive Agawam, MA 01001 March 20, 2012 Mayor Richard Cohen 36 Main Street Agawam, MA. 01001 Dear Richard, I have been informed that my term on the Whiting Street/Thomas Pyne Commission has expired. I would like to continue as a member of this Commis'sion. I've lost track of the number of my years of service, but I think we perform a necessary job, given the limited funds we handle. Both Funds, now combined, have specific guidelines which we take very seriously. If you need to speak with me about this, please do not hesitate to call me. I do not have a cell phone, but my home number is 786-1452. Thank you for your consideration. A Sincerely, Z7 Marilyn Curry