TR-2012-23 C.I.P. BUDGET (bud,
WHEREAS,The Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2013-2017 itt
to the City Council on April 9,2012 in accordance With Article 5,Section 5-3(a)of the Marter;
WHEREAS,The Capital Improvement Program contains a prioritized plan of proposed
capital improvements over the next five fiscal years in accordance with Article 5, Section 5-3
(b)of the Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Capital Improvement Program is designed to utilize funds for capital
improvements on the basis of community priorities in condition with the availability of grants
and/or other state, federal or private reimbursement; and
WHEREAS, In development the Capital Improvement Program each year,the planning
process includes consideration of growth of the town, the improvement of efficient service
delivery reducing the need for staff increases,maintenance of new and existing facilities,and
consideration of existing commitments; and
WHEREAS,Each year the Capital Improvement Program is revised and updated in light
of changing needs, requirements, and funding availability; and
WHEREAS, In accordance with Article 5, Section 5-3 (c) and (d), the Council shall
conduct a public hearing and on or before the twentieth day of the last month of the current
fiscal year, shall by resolution adopt the Capital Improvement Program.
NOW THEREFORE,THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby resolves to adopt the Fiscal
Year 2013-2017 Capital Improvement Program as submitted by the Mayor on April 9,2012.
DATED THIS -'tt' DAY OF ?JC- 2012.
Christopher John President,Agawam Town Council
o 1%
inceni Gi s Solicitor
Received this day of 2012 from Council Clerk.
Signed by Council President this L4 _day of j 2011
By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the A Charter, as
amend hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this iTr day of
tVn��, 2012.
Rich�rd A. Cohen, Mayor
By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as
amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of
2012 for the following reason(s):
Richard A. Cohen, Mayor
Returned to Council Clerk this dayof , 2012.
Christopher C. Johnson The Agawam City Council will conduct a public hearing on Monday,
VICE PRESIDENT June 4, 2012, at 7:00pm, at the Roberta G. Doering School, 68 Main
Dennis J Perry Street, Agawam, MA on the Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal
Year 2013 to Fiscal Year 2017 as submitted to the City Council by the
COUNCILORS Mayor on April 6, 2012,
George Bitzas
Cecilia P. Calabrese The Capital Improvement Program is a prioritized plan of proposed
Patti C. Cavallo
Janies P. Cichelli capital improvements over the next five fiscal years. A capital
Gina M Letellier improvement is a project or undertaking which provides for the
Robert A. Magovern planning, design, construction, reconstruction, renovation or
Joseph Mineo replacement of a public building or facility; an addition to a public
DonaldM, Rheault building or facility; the purchase of land, buildings or facilities for a
Robert E. Rossi public purpose, or a long range development study.
ADMINISTRATIVE The Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2013 to Fiscal Year
ASSISTANT 2017 is available for public inspection at the City Clerk's Office, 36
Barbarak Bard Main Street, Agawam, MA between the hours of 8:30am to 4:30pm,
Monday through Friday. The Capital Improvement Program is also
available at the Agawam Public Library, 750 Cooper Street, Agawam,
MA and the Agawam Senior Center, 954 Main Street, Agawam, MA.
Christopher C. Johnson
President of the City Council
(413) 786-0400 Ext, 8716
(413) 726-9717
DATE: JUNE 7, 2012
During discussion of the Capital Improvement Program at our June 4'h City
Council meeting, there was a concern regarding costs, funding sources and
state/federal reimbursements of the October storm and related clean-up.
Would you kindly provide this Council with the final cost of the clean-up, the
status of any state/federal reimbursements and the source of funds utilized to
pay the bills incurred?
Thank you for your assistance!
cc, Full Council, Auditor
DATE: 5/31/2012
Dear Mayor Cohen:
After reviewing your proposed Capital Improvement Program, the members of the
Finance Sub-Committee respectfully request clarification of the following items-
I. On Page 3 you indicate in Item 4A, that principal and interest spending will
not exceed approximately $Imillion annually. That estimation is inconsistent with
the figures set forth on Page 3 1. Please explain the reason for this large
inconsistency and advise which figures are the most accurate for our purposes of
evaluating the Capital Improvement Plan,
2. The Capital Improvement Plan calls for a Fire Department vehicle with
towing capacity to be used by the Deputy Fire Chief. It appears that such a vehicle
will be driven home by the Deputy Fire Chief whom does not reside within the
Town of Agawam. How is that practical and of what benefit is there to the citizens
of Agawam to have this vehicle traveling outside of our town? What is the benefit
of having a vehicle with boat towing capacity if it won't always be onsite for
expeditious use?
We look forward to your clarification of these matters.
The Agawam City Council Finance Sub-Committee members
cc: Full Council
To wv , n of Arvawam
Interoffice Memorandum
Date: 05/1712012
Dear City Council Finance Sub-Committee,
In response to your letter dated May 17, 2012 in regards to the Capital Improvement
Program I am happy to supply you with the following information you requested for
Question I —As outlined in the Capital Improvement program the following are general
assumptions, #4A states, "Limit General Fund principal and interest payments to
approximately $1 million dollars per year". This should have been removed, as for
numerous years this has not been the case, Thank you for bringing this to my
attention. The figures in each year's appropriation and bonding schedule are estimates
for evaluating the Capital Improvement Program as they are updated each year based
on need and the ability to fund. This plan is the Towns best estimate for your review.
The appropriations for each year are made as part of the whole budget, The principal
and interest payment for each year are included in the line items portion in section 30 of
the annual operating budget. The Capital Improvement appropriations for each year
are shown in Section 31.
Question 2—As to your concern regarding the Deputy Fire Chief taking the vehicle,
outside of Agawam, I want to advise you that the Deputy lives in Feeding Hills. The
new vehicle in the C.I.P. will have towing capacity providing a back-up for our current
tow vehicle.
The 1996 vehicle the Deputy is driving currently is becoming unsafe due to advanced
age and body deterioration. The Chief and Deputy Fire Chief are on-call 24 hours per
day for the safety of our residents.
Richard A. Cohen
DATE: 5/17/2012
Dear Mayor Cohen:
After reviewing your proposed Capital Improvement Program,the members of the
Finance Sub-Contmittee respectfully request clarification of the following items:
I, On Page 3 you indicate in Item 4A, that principal and interest spending will
not exceed approximately $Imillion annually. That estimation is inconsistent with
the figures set forth an Page 3 1. Please explain the reason for this large
inconsistency and advise which figures are the most accurate for our purposes of
evaluating the Capital Improvement Plan.
2. The Capital Improvement Plan calls for a Fire Department vehicle with
towing capacity to be used by the Deputy Fire Chief. It appears that such a vehicle
will be driven horne by the Deputy Fire Chief whom does not reside within the
Town of Agawam, How is that practical and of what benefit is there to the citizens
of Agawam to have this vehicle traveling outside ofour town? What is the bcnefit
of having a vehicle with boat towing capacity if it won't always be onsite for
expeditious use?
We look forward to your clarification of these matters.
The Agawam City Counci I Finance Sub-Committee members
cc: Full Counci I
Employees Subject to
Vehicle Fringe Benefit
Type Loc # Lost First
950 7440 421 Blackak Brian
950 7420 420 Bonesteel Steven
950 7250 969 Bosini Richard
950 7220 24 Brown Gary
950 7420 282 Decker John
950 7450 419 Flynn James
950 7420 526 Golba Christopher
950 7420 359 Myers Ralph
950 7220 1370 Sirois Alan
050 440+-%34-8ylviT---ATitf�
950 7250 519 Urbinati Dominic
950 7111 21 Cohen Richard
950 7137 583 Nicora Chet
Town of Agawam Page 1
Policy Period; 711111-7111112 2J27J 12
ago 2011
Coverage Codes: 1= Full coverage - (liability,comprehensive&collision)
2= No collision - (liability,comprehensive)
3= No physical darnago - iliability)
4= Physical damage only - (comprehensive,collision)
Aga Mass
went amont Indicates now Cost
No. No. Cov. DepL Description Now Ptate No. GVW VIIN
Motorcycles with fu1l_q2yqraqe
Cyl 68 1 15 2006 Harley Davidson 14,951 MM04647 IHDIFMW106Y678170
CY2 69 1 15 2006 Honey Davidson 14,951 MMC7199 lHDlFMW1X6Y577q50
Total motorcycles with full coverage 2
T-1 70 1 14 2010 Wanco Radar Board(Speed) Trail 5,000 MP896F 189AF51-IX9P825333
T-2 74 1 14 2003 Carmate Emergency Reponse Utili 2,000 M70170 SAX7140431.004039
239 1 14 2{110* ATS-$Utility Trailer 1000 MP896F 189AF511X912825333
240 109 1 8 1974 Mastercraft Boat Trailer 150 F14773 182038
385 28 1 10 1989 Intl Trailer(paint mach) 2,000 M40127 3,500 IZFUFOB17KB003488
395 83 1 10 2005 Brim Utility Trailer 4,595 M72929 -- 43YDC20265r,045646
719 27 1 71 2007 Big Tex Utilitty Trailer 1,200 M80090 -- 16VLX081072A73025
720 157 1 10 2010 Cross Country Flat Bed Trailer 4,000 M83398 9,996 431FS2020AI000444
Total trailers with full coverage 8
379 44 2 10 1988 International Trailer 2�000 M40-131 3.5oo 1ZFUFlOI05SO03140
386 77 2 10 2004 Big TE Utility Trailer 2,000 M69028 16VAXIO 1 442A321 09
Total trailers with no collision 2
207 21 3 8 1931 Intl Suftlo Water Trailer 2,000 MIF910 A42309
291 ill 3 23 2006 CARMATE UTILITY TPAILER 61500 M74268 5AX7114DO61-002275
324 46 3 10 1979 General Flatbed Trailer Roller 2,000 M28-516 3,000 3TL7925
342 108 3 10 1973 WoodchucX Chipper Trailer M000 M74274 0 STWG 3243
384 55 3 10 1990 Cvslom Flatbed Trailer 3,295 M61553 10�,000 5873215-3)(XIO04781
409 48 3 4 1985 Superior Ideal Trailer -- M33-868 2,000 IZT4ZCB12F4018120
420 138 3 4 2009 Anderson Utility Trailer 1,795 M77-901 4YNBN18229CO56912
701 49 3 10 1985 Ouality Utility Trailer 2,000 M33-871 ---- 8685
903 52 3 10 1985 Collemore lifility Trailer -- M40-035 LCAA83OTgFT086874
Total trailers with no physical damage 9
Total Trailers 19
Town of Agawam Page 2
Policy Period: 7ill/11 -711/12 2J22J1 2
aga 2011
Coverage Codes: 1= Full coverage - (liability.comprehensi've&collision)
2= No collision - (liability,comprehensive)
3= No physical damage - (liability)
4= Physical damage only - (comprehensive,collision)
Aga Mass
warn amont indicates now Cost
No� No. Cov. Dept Description Now Plate No. GVW VIN
Vehicles with full coverage
101 1 14 2011* Ford Crown Victoria 31,000 MP375F 2FA8P7BV5BXl06850
102 158 1 14 2011 Ford Crown Victoria Sedan 30.000 MP187D 2FABP7BV6BX172324
103 154 1 14 2011 Ford Crown Victoria 30.000 MP378F 2FA8P7BV86Xl68,324
104 4 14 2011 Ford Crown Victoria 30,000 MP2410 2FABP7BV56X149228
105 1 14 2011 Ford Crown Victoria 30.000 MP404F 2FABP7BV38XI07544
106 131 1 14 2011 Ford Crown Victoria 30,000 MP184Q 2FABP7BV5BX107545
107 10 1 14 2033 Explorer Sport Utility 35.000 MP9663 1 FMZU72KO3UB06346
108 85 1 14 2006 Ford Taurus Sedan 21,000 44HG70 IFAFP53U96AI24052
109 1 14 2009 Dodge Charger 30,000 712FXK 283KA43V4gH582442
110 78 1 14 1097 Ford Crown Victoria 26.000 290CVVJ 2FALP71W3VX229842
ill 76 1 14 2007. Fwd Crown Victoria 25,000 81GR32 2FAFP71WOTXI 17533
112 76 1 14 20D4 Ford Crown Victoria 25,000 M64619 2FAFP7lW64XI43324
113 56 1 14 2660' F�'rd B-ro w-n-Victoria 23,035 8900SX --2FAFP7lW7YX2f240T
114 86 1 14 2005 Ford Crown Vic.Sedan 26,807 MP402F 2FAPP71W75X176950
115 84 1 14 2006 Ford Crown Victotla Sedan 28.000 M 30494 2FAFP7lW76XlO8326
116 4 1 14 2008 Ford Crown Vic DARE 25,730 MP9164 2FAFP71V48Xll2196
117 5 1 14 1997 Ford E350 Van 29,982 MP124A 9�400 IFMEEllLlVHB96245
118 146 1 14 1998 Marked Ford Van Prisoner Van 30,000 MPI 15A 1 FTSS34L6VVHA56432
119 1 14 2009 Crown Vic 30,000 MP405F 2FAHP7lV99XIO4444
121 71 1 14 2000 Hyundai 25.000 4461 NY --- KMHWF35VXYA300550
122 1 14 2005 Ford Taurus 30,000 6"2CV I FAFP53UO5Al 59240
124 112 1 14 2003 Ford Crown Vic Unmarked 17,719 8652XB 2FAHP7lW23Xi92012
126 147 1 14 2001 Audi A6* 32,000 799XBM WAUED64B91NI63367
125 152 1 14 2D06 Nissan Maxima' 16.000 776EA3 IN4BA41EX6C843045
123 156 1 14 2003 Unmarked Lincoln Navigator 25,000 213KH9 SLMFU28RO3U32345
128 1 14 2012 Unmarked Ford Escape 363HI-9 I FMCU5K36CKS20521
201 a 3 a 2007 Pierre Pumper 400.000 MF4606 4PlCCOlT77AO07357
202 9 3 a 2007 Pierce Pumper 400,000 MF4656 4PICCOiT97AO07358
203 6 3 8 1996 Pierce Pumper 390.000 MF78�O 1 PICT02U3TA000486
204 7 3 8 1996 Pierce Pumper 390,000 MF6216 4PICT02U5TA00G490
210 113 3 8 2002 Pierce Dash Tower Truck 1,100,DOO MF7727 4P1 CT02S73AO02626
211 a 8 2010 Ford E450 Cutaway Ambulance 163,510 MP9719 IFOXE4FPBADA06498
212 96 3 8 2006 GMC.Cutaway Ambulance 165,000 MF6183 17,500 1GOE4VI266F400931
213 1 8 2010* Ford E450 Cutaway Ambulance 165,000 MF971 9 - 1FDXE4FP8AOA16707
215 114 3 8 1986 GMG Saulsburg Rescue Vehicle 100.000 MF52B3 1GDM7DiG6GV538811
217 2 8 2003- Ford Expedition 10,800 M83936 IFMPU16L23LA20095
222 53 1 8 1997 Ford Crown Victoria 20,497 MF6218 2FALP71W7VX229861
226 102 1 8 2005 Ford Expedition 35.000 MF7816 1FMPU1655SLAW05
228 1 8 1997 Ford F350 Pickup 30,000 MF9731 IFTHr36GOVEC46709
233 1 21 2011 Ford Escape Hybrid 32,000 MP74 I FMCU5K33BKA75767
345 1 8 2000 Ford Ranger MP9958 1FTYRiOX8YTA59559
301 101 1 10 2007 F450 Rack Body 35,000 M80099 14,000 IFOXF47P57EB31229
302 75 1 21 2004 Ford F 150 Pickup-4 WO 20.000 M70129 6,250 2FTRF18W44CA38978
303 13 1 10 1999 Ford F150 Pickup 22,755 M54230' 6�000 2FTRF08W4XCA13223
304 88 1 21 2006 Intl 700ser Henderson Muni 8D 123.145 M74264 40,000 1HTWCAAR16J313570
Town of Agawam Page 3
Policy Period: 7111111-V1112 2/22JI 2
aga 2011
Coverage Codes: I= Full coverage - (liability,comprehensive&collision)
2= No collision - (liability,comprehensive)
3= No physical damage - (liability)
4= Physical damage only - (comprehensive,collision)
Aga Mass
wam amont Indicates now Cost
No� No. Cov. Dept. Description New Plate No, GVW VIN
Vehicles with full covera-ge (continued)
306 15 1 21 1995 Ford LN8000 67,129 M52450 35,000 1 FOYR82EXSVA37753
307 16 1 10 1997 Ford LN8000 Dump/Spreader 72,650 M64-728 35,000 1FOYR82ElWA28654
308 56 1 10 2001 Freightliner FL8O Dump/Spreader� 86,318 M64-738 40,000 lFV64886181-113056
309 144 1 10 2009 International 7400 Dump Sander 106,000 M77-263 40,000 IHTWCAAR99JO84284
310 141 1 10 2009 International 7400 Dump Sander 109,000 M77-275 40,000 1HTWCAAR09JO84285
311 95 1 21 2005 Ford Explorer 23.000 L472932 IFMZU72EXSU883M
312 1 21 2011 international 7400 Dump 145,380 M82877 40�000 IHTVVCAARGBJ394314
313 136 1 21 1986 GMC Truck 50.000 M15-429 IGDL6TIG4GV526438
314 89 1 21 2006 Ford F250 Pick-Up 32,745 M7425-3 IFTNF205X6EA65610
315 90 1 21 2006 Ford F350 Utility ORW 32,745 M74254 IFDVM36Y26FA65611
316 80 1 21 2004 Ford Cutvan 30,161 M69599 1 F UWE35L74HAO1 147
317 91 1 21 2005 International 700$ER OUMPISpre� 81,818 M72014 40�000 IHTWCAARXSJ107720
320 97 1 21 2006 Ford F450 Utility 36,545 M74263 0 lFDXW46Y86EA76977
322 25 1 10 11996 Ford F450 Dump 31,707 M52442 15,000 1FDLF47FXSEA28192
325 57 1 10 2001 Freightliner 51-80 Oump Truck 74,891 M64746 40,000 IFV6JLBB31HH13055
326 1 21 2011 Ford Escape Hybrid 27,892 M83377 1FMCU4K37SKA76765
328 98 1 10 2005 Ford F250 Pickup 21.928 M69592 I FTNF2157SEA45604
332 54 1 10 1999 Freightliner Medcon FL80 Dump 77,813 M52515 35.000 1FV6JLABXXH882267
333 26 1 10 2005 Intl 700SER Dump 50.200 M69581 1H'TWCAAR55JO14877
334 103 1 10 2003 International 7400 Dump/Spread 91,611 M62295 40�000 1HTWCAAR63JO51735
337 62 1 10 2002 Freightliner Dump Truck 74�910 M67275 IFVABXBS22HJ73761
339 107 1 10 2007 Ford F1 So Pickup 20,000 M74891 IFTRF14W27NA59025
339 151 1 '10 2009* Ford FISO Pickup 28,000 M91516 1FTRF14W49KC60011
340 64 1 21 2001 International Sewer Cleaner Truck 194�427 M40046 IHTGBADR6lH343554
343 12 1 10 2007 TrierfTerex TV900-1 27.000 M73845 43YDC16167CO57072
34$ 19 1 21 1999 Ford Ranger 19,200 M54033 !FTYR10VOXTA17799
357 22 1 7 1996 Ford Econoline Club Wagon 17,448 M64-687 1FMEEIIY6THA40828
3W 35 1 16 2002 Ford Focus 4 door Sedan 14,540 M66937 I FAPP343X2W267924
3 5.q 23 1 7 1997 Ford Escort Wagon 13,150 M54672 3FALP15PGVRI16322
360 142 1 21 2008 Ford Escape Hybrid 23,OOD M76570 IFMOU59H58KE09145
361 115 1 21 1999 Ford Ranger Pickup 14,800 M54231 4,000 1FTYRIOV2XPA27325
362 61 1 10 2001 Ford Super Duly Crew Cab Dump 50,999 M64620 10,000 IFOXW47F51EA94343
363 139 1 10 2008 Ford F450 Crew Cab Dump 31,680 M77267 16,000 1 FOXW47R58EE39519
364 140 1 10 2008 Ford F450 E>ump 31,880 M77266 16�000 IFDXF46Y28EE39518
371 24 1 21 1999 Ford F450 Super Duty Dump 44,490 M61503 15,000 1FOXF47F2XEC28816
373 72 1 21 2003 Ford F250 Pickup 16,971 M70152 8,800 IFTNF20183ED58190
375 92 1 10 2006 Ford F450 DRW Cab Rack Body 281.480 M74273 15,000 1 F:DXF46Y36r C65729
383 63 1 10 2001 Ford Pickup la,436 M66950 6,600 1FTRFl7W91NB70738
380 29 1 20 1997 international Modef 4700 78,000 M47449 35,000 1HTSCAAR2VH414380
TownofAgawam Page 4
Policy Period: 7111111 -711112 ?J2211 2
aga 2011
Coverage Codes: 1= Full coverage - Iliability,comprehensive&collision)
2= No collision - (liability,comprehensive)
3= No physical damage - (liability)
4= Physical damage only - (comprehensive,rollision)
Aga Mass
warn amont indicates now Cost
No. No, Cov, Dept. Description New Plate No. GVW VIN
Vehicles with full coverage (continued)
344 36 1 3 1996 Ford Escort Sedan 12,293 M47-435 3FASP13J2TRIO4014
390 1 4 2012 Ford DRWSUP M88638 0 IFDUF4HY7CF-B23718
391 93 1 1 2005 Ford Explorer U728 4X4 23.000 M72933 5,984 1 FMZU72E85UBB3687
392 66 1 10 2002 Ford Ranger Extended Cab 4WD 20.000 M66946 4,940 IFTYR45E62TA15866
402 32 1 4 1989 Ford F250 Pickup 12.700 M40-148 2FTHF25H6KCA47847
406 73 1 4 1W8 International 400SER Box Truck 15,200 M44-687 25,500 1 HTSCAAMBWHS47182
407 110 1 4 1999 Ford E250 Van 10.000 M40911 IFTNE24L2XH807375
411 33 1 4 1995 Ford E150 Econoline Van 15,594 M52403 6,700 1FTEE14YISH869459
413 94 1 4 2006 Ford E-350 Van 32,000 M74262 9,400 1 FOWE35L26HA73392
414 153 1 4 2005 Ford Econovan 27,355 M78609 IFTSE34L45HB27729
565 31 1 9 1998 Ford Contour 16,197 M54294 0 1 FAFP86L6WK274395
608 17 1 7 1998 FoTd Contour 19.197 M54293 0 1 FAFP66LBWK274396
600 1 14 2012 Ford Escape M81814 0 1FMCV5K36CKB20525
730 67 1 6 2002 Chevrolet Silvaderado 4WD Pickul 17,222 M67265 6,400 1GCEK14V42E153207
801 104 1 19 2000 Ford Cut Away Van 30,000 M64624 1 FDWE35S?YH831541
802 116 1 19 2DO6 Ford EcoVan 15,886 M74272 1FTNE24LO6DA10634
803 1 19 201G* Ford Transit S98 23,215 M83387 NMOKS9BN8AT033809
807 9 2011 Intemational 700SER DUMP M82877 I HTWCAAROBJ394314
902 38 1 22 1999 Ford Ranger 14,640 M60183 1FTYR10VIXTA17800
905 135 1 16 2007 Ford EcoVan 15,000 N17"33 I FTNE24L87083800
954 41 1 16 1997 Ford Escort Sedan 12,340 M41-717 1FALP13P6VVV192316
Total vehicles with full coverage 102
Vehicles with no collision
206 42 2 8 1993 Ford F250 12,000 M54233 8,000 1 FTHF26H5PLB25642
208 43 2 8 1986 Chevy 4 WO Pickup 10,000 MF8363 -- IGC1HD3458G5446920
290 117 2 23 1994 Ford Bronco 20,000 MF906 1FMEU15H9RLI343518
327 18 2 21 1997 Ford Ltgcon Crew Cab Util Body 38,212 M56288 10.000 1FTJW35H4VEDO8639
341 99 2 12 1996 Ford F 150 Pickup 14.800 M69595 6.250 IFTEF15Y9SLB92349
404 106 2 4 1983 Ford El 50 Van 7,999 M16596 I FOKE04YI DHA42641
405 159 2 4 2000 Ford E250 Van 10,000 M79434 I FTNE2424YH891 174
Total vehicles with no collision 7
Vehicles with no Physical damage
IGO 45 3 14 1968 VW Sedan(Safety Bug) 2.000 MPKK 18818453
121 79 3 14 2000 Hyandai Sonata Sedan 11,000 4461NY KMHWF35VXYA300550
906 149 3 8 1997 Rogue Boat/1-railer MFC-282 18YI LAX27U1 011373
Total vehicles with no physical damage 3
Total of all vehicles 133
AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL facility;the purchase of land,
HISTORICAL The Agawam City Coun- buildings or facilities for a
COMMISSION cil will conduct a public public purpose, or a long
The Agawam Historical hearing on Monday, June range development study.
Commission will be hold- 4, 2012, at 7:00pm, at the The Capital Improvement
ing a public hearing at 7:00 Roberta G. Doering School, Program for Fiscal Year 2013
PM on Thursday, May 24, 68 Main Street, Agawam, to Fiscal Year 2017 is avail-
2012,a( the Captain Charles MA on the Capital Improve- able for public inspection
Leonard House,'663 Main ment Program for Fiscal Year at the City Clerk's Office,
Street. The purpose of this 2013 to Fiscal Year 2017 as 36 Main Street, Agawam,
hearing will be to review the submitted to the City Council MA between the hours of
Demolition Permit for 414 by the Mayor on April 6, 8.30am to 4:30pm, Monday
North Street which comes 2012, through Friday. The Capital
under the Town of Aga- The Capital Improvement Improvement Program is
wam's Demolition Delay Program is a prioritized plan also available at the Agawam
Ordinance. of proposed capital improve- Public Library, 750 Cooper
By'Order of ments over the next five fiscal Street,Agawam,M A and the
David Cecchi,Chairman years.A capital improvement Agawam Senior Center, 954
AGAWAM HISTORICAL is a project or undertaking Main Street,Agawam,MA.
COMMISSION which provides for the plan- BY ORDER OF:
5/10,5117/12 ning, design, construction, Christopher C.Johnson
reconstruction, renovation President of the City Council
LEGALNOTICE or replacement of a public 5/t7/12
PUBLIC HEARING building or facility; an addi-
AGAWAM tion to a public building or LEGAL AD
L M I a-.Aks AV
16 _96�_ 27
Registration More sponsorships are welcomed. If your 30
�30 p.m.Dead- company would like to sponsoK this very im-
portant tournament or for more information T6_
eck out to the please call Dee or Lori at 413-888-4019. 40
urnament and
ten Magazine, To get your organization's information 42 43 44
Feeding Hills, placedin the Agawam Advertiser News,con- 46 47
'ard,Visa,Dis- tact Sports Editor Dave Forbes at 413-283-
pal location on 8393 ext. 23 7 or send an email to dforbes@ 7TS---
)nsored by Pe-
The offense was spearheaded by the ever- CLUES ACROSS stud,
present work from Miami Hurricanes for- 1.Traditional baby 40,1-
,-ame of it' ward Kate Howarth. Her work off and over carriage sleer)
the gates fit- the ball created many scoring chances for the 5.A fencing sword 41.-
onverting on a Mutiny but Fury goalkeeper Michelle Betos 9.Titan mother of 41�
early chances was up to the task,especially in the 64th and Helios grou
lutiny defense 83rd minutes. 10�S.E,Asian 45.1
Ay &dynamic "I thought lKatel was excellent," said Penninsula now
and Jasmyne Horta about his athletic forward, "I think 12.A stretch of 46_1
we're going to see a lot of her, I gave her shallow waer false
AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL facility,the purchase of land, . AGAWAM
HISTORICAL The Agawam City Coun- buildings or facilities for a CONSERVATION
COMMISSION cil will conduct a public public purpose, or a long COMMISSION
The Agawam Historical hearing on Monday, June range development study. The Agawam Conserva-
Commission will be hold- 4, 2012, at 7.00pm, at the The Capital Improvement (ion Commission wi I I meet
ing a public hearing at 7-00 Roberta 0. Doering School, Program for Fiscal Year 2013 on Thursday,May 24,2012
PM on Thursday, May 24, 68 Main Street, Agawam, to Fiscal Year 2017 is avail- at 6�30 PM at the Agawam
2012, at the Captain Charles MA on the Capital Improve- able for public inspection Public Library, 750 Cooper
Leonard House, 663 Main ment Program for Fiscal Year at the City Clerk's Office, Street, Agawam, MA. The
Street. The purpose of this 2013 to Fiscal Year 2017 as 36 Main Street, Agawam, purpose of this meeting will
hearing will be to review the submitted to the City Council MA between the hours of be to bear the Request for
Demolition Permit for 414 by the Mayor on April 6, 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday Determination of Applicabi-
North Street which comes 2012. through Friday. The Capital lity of Mazurowski for pro-
under the Town of Aga- The Capital Improvement Improvement Program is perty located at 8 Independ-
wam's Demolition Delay Program is a prioritized plan also available at the Agawam ence Road.
Ordinance. of proposed capital improve- Public Library, 750 Cooper By Order of Henry A.
By Order of ments over the next five fisca I Street,Agawam,MA and the Kozloski,Chairman
David Cecchi,Chainnan years.A capital improvement Agawam Senior Center. 954 Agawam Conservation
AGAWAM HISTORICAL is a project or undertaking Main Street,Agawam,MA. Commission
COMMISSION which provides for the plan- BY ORDER OF� 5/17/12
5/10,5/17/12 ning, design, construction, Christopher C.Johnson
reconstruction, renovation President of the City Council
LEGAL,Ni)TICE or replacement of a public 5/17/12
PUBLIC HEARING building or facility; an addi-
AGAWAM tion to a public building or LEGALAD
Ar%kmqw AONMF—= F R A M E I P I rm I E
IM111W 0 ICE oil "t L!J
ERROR& Each -Residential I
; A L E G U M E
advertiser is re- -Commerdal 0 i
cluested to check Cleaning N JD A L A It M
their advertise- *Repa[rs
ruent the first time "Foreveirdean" N .0 L 0 A D S
it appears. This G~SPUM 0 V A 8 uls
paper will not be Iff"ME WARHMM
responsible � for � I T
more than one 010 E U R
corrected inser- i
tion,nor will be li- M I A A T E
able for any error Fomfly OpuaW fix 38 W�n E ID I D E R M A
in an advertise- A 8 B A 0,
ment to a greater For All Your
extent than the Guffer Needs U 8 T 8 T
cost of the space P r
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item in the adver- MAUC4103177-crt24MM P L E M 0 D E M
tisement. I,A_ 0 A I S
41-I diw 18
UE 111 EU 9
CALENDAR,from page 16 2 28
7fbe cost pergolfer is $130. Registration More sponsorships are welcomed.If your 30
time is I I a.m.Tee time is 12:30 p.m.Dead- company would like to sponsor this very im-
line for sign up is June 19. portant tournament or for more inforination 6
Golfers can make their check out to the please call Dee or Lori at 413-888-4019. 40
Peter Picknelly Sr. Golf Tournament and
send to Western Mass Women Magazine, To get your organization's infonnation 4 43 44
525 Springfield St. Suite 0, Feeding Hills, placed in the Agawarn Advertiser News,con- —
MA 0 1030 or pay by Master Card,Visa,Dis- tact Sports Editor Dave Forbes at 413-283- 46
cover,AMX at the secure pay pat location on 8393 ext.237 or send an entail to dforbesO 46 -
the website at
The tournament is being sponsored by Pe-
ter Pan Bus Lines.
MUTINY,from page 14 The offense was spearheaded by the ever- CLUESACROSS studc
present work from Miami Hurricanes for- 1.Traditional baby 40.F
Pie early crosses,but nothing came of it.' ward Kate Howarth. Her work off and over carriage steept,
New England came out of the gates fir- the ball created many scoring chances for the 5.A fencing sword 41�_
ing,with Riley Houle almost converting on.a Mutiny but Fury goalkeeper Michelle Betos 9.Titan mother of 41 S-,
scoring opportunity,But those early chances was up to the task,especially in the 64th and lielios grou�
opened up the space in the Mutiny defense 83rd minutes. 10.S.E.Asian 45�B
to counterattack and the speedy &dynamic "I thought tKate] was excellent," said penninsula flowe
two-some of Merrit Mathias and Jasmyne, Horta about his athletic forward, "I think 12,A stretch of 46�&
Spencer filled that void, we're going to see a lot of'her. I gave her shallow waer false
Mathias would notch the first of her three the freedom to exploit those places that she 13.Pea,bean or 48.Ic
first half goals in the 5th minute,beating the likes to go into.We need to get a player that lentil 49�G
oftside, trap and breaking in one-on-one on can compliment her with her speed and with 16.African 51.L
Mutiny goalkeeper Jennifer Bannon. Math- being interchangeable:' antelope smatil
ias would become the provider on the second New York's Meghan Lenczyk, however, 17.Recording of 52,C
goal in the 14th mmute,joking along the end would show her how to fire a ball past a keep- different songs 54.D
line to serve a cross to an open Spencer who er in the 74th minute,blasting ashot from 20 18.—contendere. over I
ruthlessly finished for the 2-0 lead. yards out on the left side of the penalty area plead no contest 55,P_
Both teams appeared to settle down into a that Bannon had no chance to save. Recent 19.Diving bell indiv
rhythm for the next ten minutes until Math- signee Tiya Gallegos would put the Mutiny inventor 5&R'
ias capitalized on a goalkeeper error to make on the board a little over a minute later,con- 20.Egg cells platft
the score 3-0. If the third goal didn't let the verting off a rebound of a hard Howarth shot 21.Cumulus rain
air out of the balloon for New England, for the final score of 5-1� cloud CLU,
Mathias'goal to seat the hat trick in the 42ad The next home game for New England is 26.Cry of sorrow I�A
minute would prove to be the needle in any Saturday, May 19 as they host the Chesa-' 30.23 go 1 Cc
comeback bid. peake Charge(0-1 WPSL Elite).The Charge away writt
The Mutiny were now behind 4-0 on the lost to the Boston Breakers(1-0 WPSL Elite), 3 1.Supreme Allied 3.Fc
scoreboard. Horta would make adjustments 3-0, in the WPSL Elite Opening Match this Commander Europe 4. 1/
to his side at halftime and the second half past Thursday night. 36.Enroll as a amp
would see a stronger performance from the
home side. 6
05/30/2012 15:29 iTown of Agaw&M
eheryj,s�john jYTD BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud
AS OF 5-30-12
FOR 2012 99
--------------- ------------------------ ......—-------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------- ------------------
16610 S24SO 14GWIY OTHER ECUPMENT 150�000 2,677,00 152,677�00 152,559�54 �00 118-26 99.9t
16610 52460 STREET IMPROVE PROGRAM 150,000 -2,6'77,80 147,�22�20 38�556.39 �00 108,765.91 26,2t
16610 53001 JR HIGH POOP DESIGN FE 0 fio,omoo Go,oWoo 40,208.00 .00 19,792.00 67.Ot
26610 59415 TRAFFIC LIGHT IMPROVEM 20,000 .00 20,0W00 .00 20,000.DO .0%
16610 $8501 DPW CPS VRHICLE TRACKI 50,000 -00 50,000-00 .00 50,000,00
16610 50502 ENGINEERING DIG SCANNE 25,000 .00 25,000�00 24,234.44 .00 765.56 96.9%
16610 58501 FIRE AIR COMPRESSOR 40,000 .00 40,000.00 38,602�00 �00 1,39voo 96,5%
16610 SSS04 FIRE EMERG BACKUP GEN 12,000 �00, 12,000-013 .00 �Qo 12,000,00
16610 58505 FIRE CARDIAC MONITORS 8,928 .00 8,929.00 8,647,50 .00 280.50 96.91,
16620 58913 COUNTY LAND ACQUISITIO 9,500 9,5moo 9,swoo �00 1004%
16610 $8924 SIDEWALK REHAB & EXT� 5,000 .00 5,owoo �00 51000�00 D%
16610 58934 GYM DOOR JR HIGH SCHOO 25,000 �00 25,000.00 00 .00 25,000.00
16619 $2450 SIGNS & POSTS/HGWY EQU 0 1,611.65 1,611.65 1,175�00 .00 436.65 72.9%
16619 52460 CAP IMPR RD MATERIAL C 0 149,156.35 149,156.35 149,156.35 .00 �00 100.0t
16619 52461 CT RIVER WALK & DIKEPA 0 72,2S6.61 72,256,61 u,469,37 �00 63�797.24 11.7%
146619 S2469 GASS 34 IMPLEMENT C/O 0 27�495�45 27,495.45 �00 .00 27,495�45 �0%
16619 $2475 FARM LAND PRESERVATION 0 10�000�00 10,000.00 �00 '00 10�000100 .0%
16619 58706 ZONING MAY RECODIFICAT 0 2,000-00 2,000.00 �00 �00 21000�00 .0%
16619 58914 SIDEWALK REHAB & EXT 0 56,759.53 56,-755�-53 1911BS�31 '00 37,574�22 33.sit
16619 58926 MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASSROO 0 1,271.98 1,271-88 1,271,88 .01
16619 58929 CLARK SCHOOL PRKNG LOT 0 570.84 570.84 Go 570.84 .0%
GRAND TOTAL 495,428 361,122.31 8-16,550.31 ;90,293,90 �00 386,256.41 55-9t
— END OF REPORT - Generated by Cheryl St. John
FISCAL YEAR 2012 as of 5129112
301 SCHOOLROOF $ 3,424 $ 3,424
303 N.AGAWAM REVITALIZATION $ 2,472 $ 2,472
305 AERIAL PLATFORM TRUCK $ 3,088 $ 3,088
306 F H SOUTH WEST AREA SEWERS $ 26,617 $ 26,617
308 N. AGAWAM REVITALIZATION $ 14,263 $ 14,263
312 GOLF COURSE IRRIGATION $ 8,575 $ 8,575
314 MAIN STREET WATER MAIN $ 121,970 $ 121,970
315 FIRE HEADQUARTERS $ 266 $ 266
321 PLAYSCAPE GIFT ACCOUNT $ 1,512 $ 1,512
323 CAMPBELL DRIFLORIDA DR SP $ 31,827 $ 31,827
324 PUBLIC LIBRARY EXPANSION $ 446,925 57,624 $ 389,301
326 RT 187 WATER MAIN $ 677,132 1,595 $ 675,537
327 CHAPTER 90 $ 22,428 555,976 786,244 $ (207,840)
329 AHS LIBRARY EXPANSION $ 1,563 $ 1,563
330 MAIN STIR PWED $ (212) $ (212)
331 DPW FACILITY ACQUISITION $ 43,632 $ 43,632
332 PHASE 11 STORMWATER/COMBINED $ (14,611) 37,518 12,031 $ 10,875
334 MIDDLE &JUNIOR HIGH REPAIRS $ 18,588 $ 18,588
335 MODULAR CLASSROOMS $ 21,811 $ 21,811
336 FIRE PUMPER TRUCKS $ 828 $ 828
337 SENIOR CENTER $ 26,600 22,040 $ 4,560
338 PERRY LANE POOL RENOVATION $ 5,417 $ 5,417
339 WESTFIELD RIVER SEWER MAIN $ (8,120) $ (8,120)
340 SANITARY SEWERS $ (2,153,630) 373,579 $ (2,527,209)
342 TOWN TELEPHONE SYSTEM $ 307,760 $ (307,760)
343 JR HIGH GREEN REPAIR PROGRAM $ 88,017 162,096 $ (74,079�
TOTALS $ S 643,993 $ - $ 37,518 $ 1,845,509 $ $ $ (1,858,051)
Note-A bond anticipation note and/or bond will be issued for funds with a deficit balance before June 30, 2012�
Note-Chapter 90 has a deficit because it is a reimbursement grant. Expenditures are made then copies of the invoices are submitted for reimbursement,
DATE: 5/17/2012
Dear Mayor Cohen:
After reviewing your proposed Capital Improvement Program, the members of the
Finance Sub-Committee respectfully request clarification of the following items:
I. On Page 3 you indicate in Item 4A, that principal and interest spending will
not exceed approximately $I million annually. That estimation is inconsistent with
the figures set forth on Page 3 1. Please explain the reason for this large
inconsistency and advise which figures are the most accurate for our purposes of
evaluating the Capital Improvement Plan.
2. The Capital Improvement Plan calls for a Fire Department vehicle with
towing capacity to be used by the Deputy Fire Chief It appears that such a vehicle
will be driven home by the Deputy Fire Chief whom does not reside within the
Town of Agawam. How is that practical and of what benefit is there to the citizens
of Agawam to have this vehicle traveling outside of our town? What is the benefit
of having a vehicle with boat towing capacity if it won't always be onsite for
expeditious use?
We look forward to your clarification of these matters.
The Agawam City Council Finance Sub-Committee members
cc: Full Council
DATE: 5/17/2012
Dear Mayor Cohen:
After reviewing your proposed Capital Improvement Program, the members of the
Finance Sub-Committee respectfully request clarification of the following items:
I. On Page 3 you indicate in Item 4A, that principal and interest spending will
not exceed approximately $1million annually. That estimation is inconsistent with
the figures set forth on Page 3 1. Please explain the reason for this large
inconsistency and advise which figures are the most accurate for our purposes of
evaluating the Capital Improvement Plan.
2. The Capital Improvement Plan calls for a Fire Department vehicle with
towing capacity to be used by the Deputy Fire Chief. It appears that such a vehicle
will be driven home by the Deputy Fire Chief whom does not reside within the
Town of Agawam. How is that practical and of what benefit is there to the citizens
of Agawam to have this vehicle traveling outside of our town? What is the benefit
of having a vehicle with boat towing capacity if it won't always be onsite for
expeditious use?
We look forward to your clarification of these matters.
The Agawam City Council Finance Sub-Corni-nittee members
cc: Full Council
05117/2012 10�07 I'lown of Agawam I PC; I
cheryi.stjohn JYTD BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud
AS OF 5-17-12
FOR 2012 99
----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
90000 51200 SCHOOL COMMITTEE 32,4CO .00 32,400,00 27,400.20 .00 4,999.80 84.61
90000 51220 SCHOOL COMM SECRETARY 15,225 .00 19,225.00 17,007.09 .00 2,217.91 88.51
90001 52365 SCH COMM LEGAL/CONTR SE 95,000 .00 55'000�00 4'�,554.94 4,000.00 43,445.06 54.3%
90001 62990 SCH COMM OTHER EXPENSE 15,000 -6,500.00 8,500.00 7,704.19 .00 '795,81 90,6%
90002 51200 SUPERINTENDENT SALARY 110,182 31,647.00 141,829.00 125,438,04 16,390,96 88,4%
90002 51205 ASSISTANT SUPT SALARY 95,711 -1,02D.00 94,691.00 84,660.77 .00 10,030,23 89.4%
90002 51220 SUPERINTENDENT SEC SALA 59,439 -1,762,00 57,677.00 51,039.60 .00 6,637.40 88.5%
90003 52170 SUPT DUZS�SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 314.40 314.40 314.40 .00 .00 100.Ot
90003 5223a CENTRAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 9,0-76 -563.20 0,512.00 6,174.72 483.34 I,SS4.74 78.2%
90003 5236G CENTRAL OFFICE CONTR SE 16,366 -1,639�94 14,527.06 B,369.3G .00 6,157.70 57.6%
90003 52362 SUPT NEWSLETTER/POSTAGE 11,00() .00 11,000.00 11,000.00 �00 .00 100.0v
90004 51010 CENTRAL OFFIC NON PRO S 13,362 220.OD 13,582.00 11,721.60 .00 1,860.40 86.3%
90004 51100 CROSSING GUARDS SALARY 50,767 -7,031.DD 42,936.00 40,454.13 2,481.87 94�2%
90004 51200 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE/HR 103,000 3,403�00 106,4D3.00 94,399.84 �00 12,003�16 88.*71k
90004 51201 C OFFICE ADM ASST SAL 50,000 -4,610.00 4S,390.00 42,283,61 '00 3,106.39 93.21k
90004 51220 CENTRAL OFFICE SECRETAR 152,039 2,927.00 154,966.00 119,769.65 '00 16,196.35 89.5t
9000S 52090 CENTRAL OFFICE MILEAGE 700 .00 700.00 194.37 Do 505.63 27.8%
90005 52130 CENTRAL OFFIC VAN SUPPI, 4,000 .00 4,000.00 1,347.18 -00 2,652.82 33.71k
9000S 52173 Advertising 0 R,587.74 8,5B7.74 8,644.74 '00 -57.00 100.71
90007 51211 LIBRARY ASSISTANT 25,751 .00 25,751.00 20,696.62 .00 5,054.38 80.4%
90015 51205 SPED SUPERVISOR SALARY 85,911 .00 B5'911�00 72,152.34 '90 13,758�66 84�0%
90015 51215 SUPERVISOR OF SPED PROG 74,520 74,520.00 59,139.67 .00 15,391.13 79.4%
90015 51216 SPED SUMMER PROGRAMS ST 31310 OD 3,310.00 3,310-00 Do .00 100.0t
90015 51220 SPED SUPV SECRETARIAL S 77,707 .00 77,707.00 '77,990.7a '00 -283,73 1GOAt
90015 52390 SPED SUPV TRAVEL ALLOWA 3,600 .00 31600-00 .00 �00 3,600.00 c%
90019 52000 SPED SUPP TM CONSLT/STI 4,400 .00 4,400.00 1,397-19 Do 3,002�81 31.8%
90018 52230 SPED DIRECTOR SUPPLIES 12,000 -S,951.61 3,048.39 1,26B.99 Do 1,779AO 41.6%
90018 5224S SPED INDIVIDUALIZED/INS 1,000 969.44 1,969.44 1,735.41 Do 234.03 8811%
90018 52360 SPED DIRECTOR CONTR SER 51000 .00 5'000�00 2,42a.32 Do 2,576�68 48,5%
90018 52390 TRAVEL 0 .00 842.53 -00 -842.53 100.0%
90020 51105 PHELPS LUNCH MONITOR 15,314 '00 IS,314.00 5,6'72,47 .00 5,641.53 63.2%
90020 51206 PHELPS PRINCIPAL SALARY 89.4C6 .00 89,406,00 79,880.78 .00 9,525.22 89-3%
90020 51220 PHELPS PRIN SECRETARY 9 26,423 'GO 26,423.00 32,84�.�4 Do -6,470.84 124.5%
90021 52230 PHELPS PRIN OFFICE SUPP 2,000 -1,025,00 975.00 723.66 .00 251.34 74.2%
90021 52360 PHELPS PRIN CONTRACT BE 11,000 .00 11,000.00 7,976,98 .00 3,023.02 72.5%
90021 52369 SAFETY & SECURITY 0 607.50 667.50 60?.50 DO .00 100.0%
90022 51105 ROB PK LUNCH MONITOR 9,770 1,443.00 11,213.00 10,449.01 .00 763.99 93�2%
90022 51206 ROB PK PRINCIPAL SALARY 910155 900�00 92,055.00 81,443.82 �00 10,611.111 $8.5%
90022 51220 ROB PK SECRETARY SALARY 31,7�7 943�00 32,680.00 29,114�22 .00 3,565.7B 89.1%
90023 52230 ROB PK PRIN SUPPLIES 1,000 .00 1,000.00 109�13 .00 890.87 1D.9%
05/17/2012 10:07 ITown of Agawam JPG 2
cheryl.stjohn jYTD BUDGET REPORT 1glytdbud
AS OF 5-17-12
FOR 2012 99
---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
90023 5236C ROB PK PRIN CONTRACT SE 10,000 Ao 10,000.00 8,986,86 1,013,14 89.9%
90024 51105 GRANGER LUNCH MONITOR 10,411 .00 10,411,00 7,457�96 .00 2,955,04 71.6%
90024 51206 GRANGER PRIN SALARY 79,750 .00 79,750.DD 69,541,78 .00 10,208.22 B7.2k
90024 51220 GRANGER PRIN SEC SALARY 31,4BE .00 31,4B6.00 27,354.98 .00 4,131.02 86.9t
90025 52230 GRANGER PRIN SUPPLIES 1,000 .00 1,000.00 834.28 �00 165.72 63A%;
90025 52360 GR.ANGER PRTN CONTRACT S 9,600 -1,800-00 7,800.00 7,246.72 .00 SS3.2a 92.9t
90026 51105 CLARK LUNCH MONITOR 15,657 -1,287.00 14,370.00 13,376,14 '00 993.86 93.1%
90026 51206 CLARK PRINCIPAL SALARY 102,505 2,977.00 105,4B2.00 94,991,33 .00 10,490.67 90.1%
90026 51220 CLARK PRIN SECRETARY SA 32,127 1,689.00 33,616.00 30,332�77 .00 1,483.23 89.7t
9G027 52170 CLARK PRIN ACCREDITATIO 0 530,00 530.00 -00 .00 53D.DD At
90027 52230 CLARK PRIN SUPPLIES 1,000 -530.00 470.00 109.13 .00 360.B7 23.2*
90027 52360 CLARK PRIN CONTRACT SER 10,000 500.00 10,500,00 10,221.5B .00 278.42 97.3%
9002B 512G6 DOERING SCHOOL PRIN SAL 165,733 1,624.00 IB7,557.00 151,980.98 '00 35,576.02 81.0%
90028 51220 DOERING SCH PRIN SEC SA 39,598 792.00 40,360.00 35,767.73 .00 4,612.27 86.6%
90029 52170 DOERING PRIN DUES/SUBSC 0 BOO.00 600.00 .00 .00 BOD-00 .0%
90029 52230 DOERING PRINCIPAL SUPPL, 6,000 -670.00 5,330.00 4,691.18 .00 638,82 68.0%
90029 S2360 DOERING PRTN CONTRACT S 12,000 1,130.00 13,130.00 12,456.00 .00 674.00 94,9%
90030 51206 J HIGH PRINCIPAL SALARI 183,441 .00 183,441.00 149,804.51 .00 33,636.49 B1.7*
90030 51220 J HIGH PRIN SEC SALARIE 73,091 .00 73,091.00 53,521.47 .00 19,569.53 73.2%
90031 52170 J HIGH PRIN DUES/SUBSCR 574 .00 574.00 530.00 .00 44,OD 92.3%
90031 522�O J HIGH PRIN SUPPLIES 11,064 1,674.64 12,730.64 10,115,03 982,00 1,641,61 87�1%
90031 52360 J HIGH PRIN CONTRACT SE 13,650 2,000.00 15,650.00 11,287.3-Y 4,147.41 15.22 99.9%
90032 51206 S HIGH PRINCIPAL SAIARI 374,658 .00 374,658.00 307,392.77 .00 6?,265.23 82.0%
90032 51220 S HIGH PRIN SEC SALARIE 82,367 .00 82,36-7.00 75,058.07 .00 -),30a.93 91,11k
90033 52170 S HIGH PRIN DUES/SUBSCR 3,730 290.00 4,020.00 4,225.00 .00 -205.00 105�1%
90033 52230 S HIGH PPIN SUPPLIES 2,980 1,907.00 4,s8�.oO 3,929.23 .00 557.1)11 8D,41k
90031 52236 INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT 0 4,050.00 4,050.00 3,gal.36 .00 68.64 98,3W
90013 52244 SH PRIN COMPUTER SUPPLI 3,477 -204,51 3,2-72.49 2,841.63 29.26 4GI,60 87.7'k
90033 52255 SH PRIN COMPUTER HARDWA 0 958.10 958�10 1,437.15 .00 -479.05 150.01
90033 S2360 S HIGH PRIN CONTRACT SE 48,600 -1,438.00 47,162,00 44,407A3 427.32 2,326,85 95.1%
90033 S2369 SAFETY & SECURITY 0 279.00 279,00 269.10 �00 9190 96.5%
90033 52990 S HIGH PRIN OTHER 4,600 -3,240.29 1,S69.71 926.15 433.56 68.1%
90034 51220 SECRETARY SUBS/OVERTIME 3,500 3,500.00 9, .00 -5,599.50 260.0%
90034 51225 SUBSTITUTE COORDINATOR 11,097 11,097.00 605�55 .00 10,491.45 5.5%
90035 51210 SPED SUMER PRG TA SALA 66,198 66,198.00 63,205.52 .00 2,992.48 95.5%
90035 51300 SPED SUMER PRG TCHR SA 63,099 .00 C3,009.00 60,982,50 .00 2,105.50 96.7%
90035 51320 SPED TEACHER STIPEND OS 695 .00 695.00 505,72 .00 199,28 72.8%
90037 51300 PHELPS KINDERGARTEN SAL 201,870 36,530.DD 238,400.00 129,636.52 .00 loa,761.68 54.4W
90040 51300 ROB PK KINDER SALARY 158,481 12,871�00 171,352.00 125,214,90 .00 46,117,10 73.1k
90042 51300 GRANGER KINDERGARTEN SA 164,363 -17,664,CO 146,699.00 96,266.26 .00 50,432.12 65.6t
90045 51210 CLARK TCH ASST (REG ED) 39,779 -1,701.00 38,078.00 27,969.06 .00 10,088.94 ?3.5%
90045 51300 CLARK KINDER SALARIES 139,637 -39,943.00 99,694.00 71,851.53 .00 25,842,47 74.1%
90047 S2248 COMP NETWORKING-ELEM 4,650 -4,650�00 .00 .00 .0%
90047 52255 COMP HARDWARE-ELEM 5,580 -695�30 4,884.70 4,884,70 .00 .00 100.0%
05/17/2012 10�07 ITOWD of Agawam
cheryl.atjohn �YTD BUDGET REPORT �qlytdbvd
AS OF 5-17-12
FOR 2012 99
-----------------------I--------------------------------------... -----------------------------------------------------------------
90048 51300 MUSIC CLEM SALARIES 145,581 �00 145,581,00 106,552�76 39,028.24 73,21V
90050 51300 PHYS ED CLEM SALARIES 156,942 .00 156�942,00 114,326�22 �Oo 42,61S.78 '12�sw
90054 51300 ADAPTIVE PZ/OCC THERAPI 271,411 271,411,00 299,443�85 �uo 71,967,15 73�st
90056 S2295 SPED ENRICHMENT TRIPS 2,000 .00 2,000-00 314.00 1,6moo 15.7%
90058 51300 CLEM ART SALARY 103,869 �00, 103,869-00 76,668-07 �Oo 27,200,93 7318%
90059 51210 PHELPS TCH ASST REG 63,814 19,140,00 82,954,00 35,654.79 .00 47,299�22 43.01
90059 51300 PHELPS TEACHER SALARIES 764,42o �00 764,42G.00 598,741.44 165,678.56 78.3%
90059 51329 PHELPS ELEM SCIENCE TC)i 26,124 �00, 26,124.00 19�090.23 �00 7,013.77 7311t
90060 51300 PHELPS READING SALARY 140,746 �00, 140,746�00 103,291�78 �00 37,454�22 73.4%
90060 51315 PH INTENSIVE RATH TCHR 57,050 �00 57,050.00 41,251.52 .00 15,798,48 72�3t
90061 51210 SPED P14ELPS TA SALARY 129,147 .00 125,147,00 103,890�28 �00 25,256.72 80.4t
90061 51300 SPED PHELPS TCHR SALARY 229,123 �Oo 229,123,CG 16a,479,57 .00 60,643.43 73,5%
90062 52216 PHELPS INSTRUCTIONAL MA 6,526 -82,50 6,443�50 1,390,81 564,40 4,488.29 30.3%
90062 52239 PHELPS TEST f. ASSESSMEN 1,400 200,00 1,600.00 1,187,01 384.23 28.76 98�2t
90062 52241 PHELPS SCTENCE SUPPLIES 300 Do 300,00 257,64 .00 42�36 85�9%
90062 52242 PHELPS CLEM PE SUPPLIES 300 300�00 225.66 '00 '74.44 75.2%
90062 52243 PHELPS MUSIC SUPPLIES 300 �00 300,00 288,82 �00 11�18 96�3k
90062 52244 PHELPS COMPUTER SUPPLIE 4,500 -1,654.79 2,845.21 1,977,66 861�55 .00 100�0%
90062 52245 PHELPS GENERAL SUPPLIES 7,000 -200,00 G,800.00 6,021.16 220�64 550�21 91.8%
90062 52247 P14ELPS COMPUTER SOFTWAR 2,000 5,4MOO 7�400-00 7,lwoo '00 201�00 97,3%
90062 522SS PHELPS COMPUTER HARDWAR 0 645�11 645,11 64S.11 '00 .00 imot
9Oo62 52256 PHELPS RUG RECOVERY SUP 400 �00 400�00 .00 �00 4DO.00 .0%
9DD&2 52274 PHELPS WORKBOOX9 12,500 -1,356�21 11,104.T9 10,844,55 260.24 97,7%
90065 61210 ROB PK TCH ASST SAL (RE 51,020 41,676�00 92,696-00 64,645.99 .00 28,050.01 691,17%
90o6S, 51300 ROB PK TCHR SALARIES 761,795 48,561.00 810,356.00 583,445,50 Do 226.910�SO 72�0%
90065 51329 POD PR CLEM SCIENCE TCH 26,124 Go 26,124.00 19,090,11 .00 7,033�69 71�lt
90066 51300 908 PK READING SALARY 65,281 -25,617�00, 39,664.00 29.187,91 .00 10,476.09 73.6%
90067 51210 SPED ROB PK TA SAL 281,151 �00 281,151,00 195,609.54 85,461�46 69.6t
90067 51300 SPED ROB PK TCHR SALARY 177,526 177,526,CC 145,158,04 '00 32,367�96 8I.B*
90068 52215 ROB PY INSTRUCTIONAL MA 10�000 10,000.00 2,989.92 �00 7,010�08 29.9%
90068 52239 ROB PIC TEST & ASSESSMEN 1,200 �00 1,200.00 �00 918�68 281.32 76.61
90068 52241 ROB PK SCIENCE SUPPLIES 300 '00 300.00 �00 00 300.00
90068 52242 ROB PX CLEM PE SUPPLIES 300 .00 300�00 296.89 .00 3.11 99�0%
90068 52243 ROB PK MUSIC SUPPLIES 300 40 300,00 296.30 '00 3.70 98�9%
90068 52244 ROO PK COMPUTER SUPPLIE 4,500 -4,500,00 '00 .00 '00 .00 .0k
90068 52245 ROB PK GENERAL SUPPLIES 91140 9,140,00 4,009.32 �00 5,130.62 43�9*
90060 52247 ROB PK COMPUTER SOFTWAR 1,000 1,429.00 2,429.00 2,429,00 .00 '00 100.0%
90068 52255 ROB PK COMPUTER HARDWAR 0 4,74�,00 4,748.00 4,748.00 �00 100�0%
90060 52256 ROB PX READING RECOVCRY 400 .00 400�00 39�55 360,45 9�91
90068 52274 ROB PX WORKBOOKS 12,500 '00 12,500.00 8,358�17 .00 4,141�83 66.9V
50070 52245 SPED RPK SPEC SUPP/MATE 0 40,00 40,00 '00 �00 40�00 .0�%
90071 51210 GRANGER T.ASST, REGULAR 45�832 '00 45,932�00, 34,509�21 Do 11,222,79 75,5%
90071 $1300 GRANGER TEACHER SALARIE 628,218 42,660�00 670,878.00 477,630,62 1$3,247�38 71�2%
90071 51328 GRANGER CLEM SCIENCE TO 33,648 '00 33,648.00 24,588.44 5,059,56 73�1%
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90072 5130D GRANGER READING SALARY 54,210 .00 54,210.00 29,711.32 .00 24,498.68 54A%
90073 51210 SPED GRANGER TA SAL 207,588 .00 207,588�00 205,149.32 .00 2,438.68 98.8%
90073 51300 SPED GRANGER TCHR SALAR 208,425 '00 208,425.00 134,321.32 .00 74,103.68 64.4%
90074 52215 GRANGER INSTRUCTIONAL M 7,800 -2,051.50 5,749.50 4,755.45 .00 993-05 82,7%
90074 5223G INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT 0 1,338.46 1,338.46 1,338.46 �00 .00 lco,ov
90074 52239 GRANGER TEST & ASSESSME 1,2GO 197�95 1,397.95 1,082.49 .00 315.46 ?7.4%
90074 52241 GRANGER SCIENCE SUPPLIE 300 4.75 304.75 304.75 �00 .00 100.0%
90014 52242 GRANGER ELEM PE SUPPLIE 300 .00 300.00 286.73 13.27 9516%
90074 52243 GRANGER MUSIC SUPPLIES 300 OG 300.00 .00 .00 300�00
90074 52244 GRANGER COMPUTER SUPPLI 4,500 GG 4,500.00 3,317.50 50�00 1,132,50 74.8%
90074 52245 GRANGER GENERAL SUPPLIE ?,527 1,322,00 8,849.00 7,298.62 1,420.97 129.41 98.5%
90074 52247 GRANGER COMPUTER SOFTWA 1,000 1,429.00 2,429.00 2,429.00 .00 .00 loc.0%
90074 52256 GRANGER ROG RECOVERY SO 400 .00 400.00 93.30 .00 306.70 23.3%
90074 52274 GRANGER WORKBOOKS 7,429 2,006.00 9,435.00 11,817.39 .00 -2,382.39 125.3t
90077 51300 CLARK TEACHER SALARIES 673,842 39,940,00 713,782.00 519,108.86 �00 194,673.14 72.7%
90077 51328 CLARK ELEM SCIENCE TCHR 33,648 .00 33,648.00 24,58a.66 .00 9,059.34 73.1t
90078 513oO CLARK READING SALARY 105,399 .00 105,399.00 77,022,66 �00 28,376.34 73.1%
90079 51210 SPED CLARK TA SALARY 230,269 .00 230,269.00 15�,904.52 .00 70,284,18 69.5%
90079 51300 SPED CLARK TCHR SALARTE 233,936 -1,566.0G 232,370.00 132,772.57 '00 99,597,43 57.1v
90079 51305 SPED CLARK INTEGR GR 1 31,644 .00 31,644.00 23,140.54 �00 8,5G3.46 ?3,111
90080 52215 CLARK INSTRUCTIONAL MAT 7,000 -399.99 6,600.01 359.01 6,241.00 S.4t
90080 52236 INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT 0 399.99 395,99 327�90 �00 72.05 82,OV
90080 52239 CLARK TEST & ASSESSMENT 1,000 .00 1,000.00 973.86 .00 26.14 97.4%
50060 52241 CLARK SCIENCE SUPP 300 .00 300.00 273,65 .00 26.35 91.2%
90080 52242 CLARK ELEM PE SUPPLIES 400 157.53 55-1,53 557.53 .00 .00 100.0%
90080 52243 CLARK MUSIC SUPPLIES 300 Do 300.00 .00 .00 300.00 .01k
90080 52244 CLARK COMPUTER SUPPLIES 4,500 -3,539A2 960.19 1960.18 .00 100.01
90080 52245 CLARK GENERAL SUPPLIES 7,652 1,BDO.02 9,452.02 9,430.53 .00 21.49 99.Blk
90G80 S2247 CLARK COMPUTER SOFTWARE 1,100 .00 1�100.00 925.00 OG 175.00 84.11k
9GG80 52255 CLARK COMPUTER HARDWARE 0 5,183.52 5,183.52 5,163.52 .00 .00 100.0%
90080 52256 CLARK ROG RECOVERY SUPP 400 .00 400.00 -.04 .00 400.04 ov
90080 52274 CLARK WORKBOOKS 15,000 -4,532,72 10,467.28 8,190.97 OG 2,276.31 79.31k
90062 52245 SPED CL SPEC SUPPLIES/M 0 350,00 350.00 342.76 .00 7.24 97.9%
90083 51300 DOERING TEACHER SALARIE 1,562,166 6,582,00 1,566,748.00 1,140,997,97 .00 427,750.03 72.7%
90084 51300 DOERING RDG/INTENSIVE M 222,734 .00 222,734,00 162,767�31 .00 59,966.69 73�lk
90085 51300 DOERING ART TCk 52,247 52,247.00 36,160,51 14,066.45 73,1%
9CO87 51300 DOERING MUSIC TCHR 129,041 .00 129,043�00 94,300.61 '00 34,742.35 73.1%
9CC88 51300 DOERING PHYS ED TCHR 127,454 509.00 127,963.00 93,511,37 '00 34,451.63 73.1%
90C90 51300 DOERING INSTRUCTIONAL T 50,364 50,384.00 36,819,17 �00 13,564.83 73.1%
90092 51304 MCAS TCHR DOERING SCHOO 67,917 .00 67,917-00 49,631.61 �00 18,285A9 73.11k
90093 51210 SPED MIDDLE TA SALARY 274,291 .00 274,281,00 .00 36,203.11 96.8%
90093 51300 SPED MIDDLE TCHR SALART 616,909 �00 61�,909.00 451�597.99 �00 165,311.01 73.2t
90094 52170 DOERING DUES/SUBSCRIPTI 625 .00 62s,00 .00 �00 625.00 ot
90094 52175 DOERIN CLASSROOM SUBSCR 3,110 .00 31110.00 11601,60 '00 1,508.40 51.5%
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90094 52215 DOERING INSTRUCTIONAL M 15,165 51099-00 20,263.00 19,499.57 �00 763,43 96�2*
90094 5223G INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT 0 2,345�00 2,345.00 2,332.71 .00 12�29 9915%
90094 52244 DOERING COMPUTER SUPPLI 5,000 225.00 5,225.00 4,865.00 87.72 272,28 94.8%
90094 52245 DOERING GENERAL SUPPLIE 30,000 -17,790.00 12,220-OD 7,267�16 156.56 4,796.28 60.8%
90094 52247 DOERING COMPUTER SOFTWA 1,000 .00 1,000.00 .00 .00 1,000.00 .0%
90094 52255 DOERING COMPUTER KARDWA 0 1,500.00 1,500.00 11462-12 .00 37.88 97.5%
90095 52245 DOERING ART SUPPLIES 31000 650.00 3,650,00 3,648,47 .00 1.53 100.0%
90098 52245 DOERING MUSIC SUPPLIES 1,500 352.00 1,852.00 1,089,00 .00 763,00 58.8%
90099 52245 DOERING PHYS ED SUPPLIE 700 .00 700.00 655.28 .00 44.72 93.6%
90100 52248 COMP NETWORKING-MIDDLE 5,580 -5,580.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0%
90100 52255 COMP HARDWARE-MIDDLE 4,650 5,550-00 10,200.00 10,200.00 .00 .00 100.0t
90101 5224S SPED MIDDLE SPEC SUPP/M 0 226�22 226.22 166.22 59.90 .10 100.0t
90102 51210 J HIGH TCH ASST SAL (RE 3,134 3,134.00 3,320.10 .00 -196.10 los.9t
90103 51300 J HIGH READING TCH SALA 184,113 '00 184,113-00 94,929.13 .00 09,1&3.B7 51.61k
90104 51300 J HIGH ART SALARIES 144,065 144,065�00 105,278.25 '00 38,786.75 73.1%
90105 51300 3 HIGH MATH TCHR SALARY 448,933 .00 446,933,00 311,338.2-; 131,594.73 70�7%
90106 51300 3 HIGH ENGLISH TCH SALA 447,977 Ao 447,977,00 278,449.66 .00 169,527,34 62.2%
90107 51300 J HIGH LANGUAGE TCH SAL 335,419 '00 335,419-00 256,329.26 .00 99,009.74 70�5%
90108 51300 J HIGH SCIENCE TCH SALA 340,362 �00 340,162.oO 248,�726,19 91,635.Bl 73.1%
90109 51300 J HIGH SOC STUD TCH SAL 309,407 .00 309,407.00 225,050.63 .00 04,356,37 72.7%
90110 51300 j HIGH BUSINESS TCH SAL 125,019 .00 125,019.0C 96,694.52 .00 28,324.48 '77.3%
90111 51300 HEALTH ED JH SALARY 264,663 .00 264,663.00 235,943.62 .00 2B,739.38 89�1%
90112 51300 TECH ED J HIGH SALARIES 94,937 .00 94,937.00 8?,561.52 �00 7,375.48 92.2%
90113 51300 MUSIC J HIGH SALARIES 195,192 .00 195,192.00 142,640.2B .00 52,551.72 73�1%
90114 51300 PHYS ED J HIGH SALARIES 124,117 .00 124,117.00 91,377.47 .00 32,739.53 73.6%
90115 51210 SPED J HIGH TA SALARIES 135,332 .00 135,332.00 100,163.59 �00 35,168.41 74.0%
90115 51300 SPED J HIGH TCHR SALARI 593,441 .00 593,441.00 434,380.37 �00 159,060.63 73,2%
90117 52175 JH STUDENT SUBSCRIPTION 1,250 350.00 1,600.00 1,590.56 '00 1.44 99.9%
90117 52244 JH COMPUTER SW/HW/SUPPL 1,150 400.00 11550-00 1.499.00 .00 51.00 96.7%
90117 52245 J HIGH GENERAL SUPPLIES 10,285 .00 10,285.00 9,823.01 404.82 57.17 99.4%
90117 52255 JH COMPUTER HARDWARS 7,000 -2,750�00 4,250,00 .00 .00 4,250.00 Olk
90118 52244 JH MATH COMP HW/SW/SUPP 1,400 '00 1,400,00 336.9� .00 1,063.07 24,1%
90119 52245 J RICH MATH SUPPLIES 1,440 2,128,67 2,568�67 2,564�76 .00 3.91 9918%
90119 52244 JR ENGLISH liW/SW/SUPP 545 545.00 .00 .00 545�00 .0%
90119 52245 J HIGH ENGLISH SUPPLIES 300 .00 300.00 250.96 .00 49.04 83,71k
90119 52246 J HIGH ENGLISH AV SUPP 400 400.00 410.00 .00 -10,00 102,5V
90120 52244 JH LANG COMP HWISWISUVP 250 -180,00 70.00 15.10 Do 54.90
90120 52245 J HIGH LANG SUPPLIES 700 180�00 880.00 879.8S .00 .12 100.01
90121 52244 JH SCIENCE COMP HW/SW/S 100 500,00 600.00 589.00 .00 11.00 98.2%
90121 52245 J HIGH SCI SUPPLIES 71000 -500.00 6,500.00 1,580�34 3,9B5.31 934.35 8516%
90122 52244 JH SOC STUD HWISWISUP 200 .00 200.00 .00 .00 200.00 .0%
90122 52245 J HIGH SOC STUD SUPPLIE 2,500 .00 2,500.00 781�43 .00 1,718.57 31.3%
90123 52244 JH BUSIN ED 14W/SW/SUPP 1,000 -20.00 9ao.00 367,00 186.00 427.00 56.4%
90123 52245 J HIGH BUSI ED SUPPLIES 200 20.00 220.00 215.29 .00 4,71 97.9%
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90124 52244 JH READING COMP HW/SW/S Soo -500�00 '00 uo �00 .00 .0%
90124 52245 J HIGH READING SUPPLIES 300 800�00 1,100,00 1ID90,80 �00 9,20 59,2v
90125 S2244 JH HEALTH ED HW/SW/SU 800 -300,00 500.00 �DO 40 500.00 .0%
90125 52245 HEALTH ED JH SUPPLIES 4,800 �00 4,800.00 3,040�32 1,220�61 539.07 88�8%
90126 52244 JH TECH ED HW/SW/SUPP 2,200 -1,245.00 955�00 .00 '00 955.00 ot
90126 $2245 TECH ED J HIC14 SUPPLIES 2,500 1,24S�00 3,745.00 2,642,87 11033,78 69�35 98.214
90127 52236 INSTRUCTIONAL 8OUIPMENT 0 1�949.92 -1,949�92 1,S45.92 �00 4.00 99.8%
90127 52245 MUSIC J HIGH SUPPLIES 2,700 -4W92 2,own 779-87 .00 1,220.21 39,0%
9DI2B 52245 PHYS ED i HIGH SUPPLIES 900 �00 900-00 1,234�7S 00 -334�75 137,2t
90129 52245 j 14IGH APT SUPPLIES 3,700 -1,250,00 2,450-00 1�704.92 '00 745.08 69.61
90130 52244 COMPUTER SW/HW/SUPPLIES 4,650 -4,650�00 �00 .00 .00 .00 .0%
9013G 52248 COMP NETWORXING-J HIGH 4,650 .00 .00 .00 cc 0%
90130 52255 COMP RARDWARE;-J HIGH 51580 6,570.00 12�150.00 12,150�00 �00 100.0v
90133 51300 S HIGH MATH TCH SALARIE 764,557 764,557.GC 573,449�19 191,107'al 75�0%
90134 S1300 S HIGH ENGLISH TCHR SAL 714,085 714,085-00 501,206�B2 �00 212,818.18 70.21,
90135 51300 S HIGH LANGUAGE TCHR SA 511,791 511,791,00 375,910.72 �00 135,89o.2a 73,5%
901�6 51300 S HIGH SCIENCE TCHR SAL 901,313 901,313.00 658,092.76 .00 243,220�24 73,0V
90137 51300 S 14IGH SOC STUD TCHR SA 679,986 .00 67g,gaG.00 4aB,383.30 �00 191,602�70
90138 51300 S HIGH BUSI14ESS TCHR SA 253,GS5 .00 253,655.00 190,314,44 73,340,56 71.1%
90140 51300 S HIGH ART TCHR SALARIS 132,34D .00 132,340�00 96,929.12 3S,410.88 73.2%
90141 51300 HEALTH ED SH'SALARY 132,131 �00 132,131,00 qi5,557-28 �00 35,573.72 7311%
90142 51010 IT TECHNICIAN 76,819 6,777.00 83,596-00 73,950.34 �00 9,645�66 salst
90142 61020 IT SPECTALIST - DATA 63�204 -390.00 62,806.00 SS,714�23 �Qo 7,091.77 88.714
50142 51205 IT ADMINISTRATOR 67,000 6'Woo 61,670�Do 59,86i,86 �00 7,808�14 96.59,
90142 51207 IT SPECIALIST ADM 62.992 236�00 63,228�00 56�136,28 �00 1,091.72 a&.&%
90143 51300 TECH ED S HIGH TCH SALA 152�610 �00 152,610�00 93,585,26 59,024.74 61.3%
90143 51326 INSTRUCT TECH TEACHER S 159,491 .00 159,451-00 113,335.62 ao 46,15S.38 71.1%
90144 51300 MUSIC 9 HIGH TCHR SALAR 99,328 �00 95,328,00 72,585.91 .00 26,742,09 73.1A
90145 51300 PHYS ED S HIGH TCH SALA 104,867 -16,318,00 288,545-00 206,711.7a .00 81,837.22 71,6t
90146 51300 ESL TEACHER S HIGH SALA 48,623 .00 48,623.00 35,532�30 �00 13,090,70 73.1%
90147 51210 SPED Sfl TA SALARY 203,022 .00 203,022.00 143,531.72 59,490.28 70.7t
90147 51300 SPED S H1014 TCHR SALARY 767,901 �00 767,901.00 550,335,36 217,565�64 71,7%
9014B 52215 S HIGH INSTRUCTIO14AL MA 4,900 -2,512.25 2,307,75 1,702.50 685�25 .00 10G.0%
90146 52244 S HIGH COMPUTER SUPPLIE 10,000 -6,396.73 3,603�27 3,603,27 40 �00 Ioc.c%
90146 52245 S HIGH SUPPLIES 27,000 -6,748�23 20,251.77 14,652,80 667.20 4,931.77 75�6%
9014H 52247 914 COMPUTER SOFTWARRYLI 6,000 -6,000,00 -00 �0() �00 -00 .0t
90149 52255 S HIGH COMPUT99 HARDWAR 0 17,389�11 17,389.71 17,386.41 �00 3-30 100.0%
90149 $2170 SH MATH STUDENT DUESISU 100 �00 100-00 100,00 �00 .00 100�0%
90149 S2236 INSTRUCTIONAL EOUIPMENT 0 �00 .00 4,565,00 .00 �4�565�00 100.0t
90149 52244 SH MATH COMPUTER SUPPLI 2,600 -292,82 2,50-7,18 497,78 �00 1,809.40 21,6t
90149 52245 S HIGH MATH SUPPLIES 8�500 -2,603.95 5,896�05 318-00 .00 5,578.05 5.4t
90150 52244 SH ENGLTSJJ COMPUTER SUP 780 -151�58 428.42 369,90 58�52 .00 loo.ot
90150 52245 S HIGH ENGLISH SUPPLIES 4,050 -1,319,87 2,730AI3 631,58 124.70 1,773.85 35�0%
90150 52255 SH ENGLISH COMPUTER HAR 0 1,431�15 1,437�15 95slio �00 479,0!i 66.7%
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90151 52244 SH LANGUAGE COMPUTER SU 1,130 -500.00 630,00 93.34 95.96 440.70 30.0%
90151 52245 S HIGH LANGUAGE SUPPLIE 2,070 834.00 2,904.00 1,054.2� 300.00 1,549.77 46.6t
90152 52244 SH SCIENCE COMPUTER SUP 260 .00 26G.00 .00 29.26 230.74 11.3%
90152 52245 S HIGH SCIENCE SUPPLIES 17,570 -558.46 17,011.54 11,331.17 5,266.01 413.56 97.6%
90153 52244 SH SOC STrJDIES COMPUTER 0 143,97 143.97 .00 143,97 .00 100.0%
90153 52245 S HIGH SOC STUD SUPPLIE 2,630 -143.91 2,486,03 709.39 1,776.65 28.5%
90155 52244 SH ART COMPUTER SUPPLIE 510 .00 510.00 .00 '00 S10.00 �ov
90155 52245 S HIGH ART SUPPLIES 10,980 1,234.53 12,114.53 12,IB6.50 -71�97 100.6%
90156 52217 OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL SER 0 .00 .00 152.62 .00 -152.62 100.0%
90156 52244 SH BUSINESS ED COMPUTER 1,270 -96B.27 301.73 58.00 co 243.73 19.2t
90156 52245 S HIGH BUSI ED SUPPLIES 7,240 -1,180.70 6�051.30 4,206.17 .00 1.845.13 69.5%
90156 52248 SH BUSINESS ED SW LICEN 1,190 -275.00 915.00 -00 .00 915-00 .0%
90156 52295 SH BUSIN ED ENRICH TRIP 1,500 519.34 2,019.34 1,019.34 11000.00 .00 10010%
90156 52390 BUSINESS ED MILEAGE 260 -244,34 15.66 �00 .00 15.66 'Ot
90157 S2245 SPED SH SPEC SUPPLIES/M 0 256.60 256.60 156�60 200.00 -100.00 139,0%
90158 52244 SH HEALTH COMPUTER SUPP 400 172.12 572.12 507.60 64.52 100 10010%
90158 52245 HEALTH ED SH SUPPLIES 6,140 437.68 6,577.86 4,366.97 2,186.07 24.84 9916%
90159 5224a IT EXP COMPUTER NETWOR 113,600 -17,347.29 1,252.71 1,252,46 .00 .25 10010%
90159 52255 IT EXP COMPUTER HARDWAR 12,090 10,124.71 22,214.71 22,214.71 .00 .00 100.0%
90160 52244 SH TECH ED COMPUTER SUP 3,140 �00 3,140.00 2,123�77 �DO 1,016423 67.6%
90160 52245 TECH ED S HIGH SUPPLIES 13,150 .00 13,150.00 10,699,88 457.47 1,992.65 84.8%
90160 52241 S14 TECH ED COMPUTER SOP 2,600 .00 2,600.00 975,OG .00 1,625.00 37,5%
90161 52245 MUSIC S HIGH SUPPLIES 3,700 .00 3,700.00 3,497,98 57.00 145.02 96.1%
90162 52245 PHYS ED S HIGH SUPPLIES 4,640 .00 4,640.00 4,222.06 425.46 -7�52 100.2t
90164 52000 PL 504 EXPENSE 10,000 -2.840.00 7,160.00 240.GG .00 6,920.00 3.4%
90164 52090 MILF-A(3E-ESL/Bl-L/TUTOR- 2,500 .00 2,500.00 2,748.36 .00 -248-36 109,9%
90164 52091 ACADEMIC COORD MILEAGE 1,600 �00 1,600.00 971.04 .00 628,96 60�7%
90164 52092 PROF DEVELOPMENT GENERA 73,000 .00 73,000,00 36,917.f4 398-00 35,684�86 sill%
90164 52195 INSERviCE CONTRACT SERV 45,000 -10,446,00 34,554�00 .00 .00 34,554,00 .0%
90164 52240 ESL/BI-LINGUAL SUPPLIES 3.000 �00 3,000-00 482-43 .00 2,517,57 16.1%
90164 52260 MEDICAL & SURGICAL 0 2,840.00 2,840.00 4,436.31 .00 -1,596.31 156.2*
9DI68 51300 SPED TCHR VISION/HRNC; 1 58,562 �00 58,562,00 13,936.8-7 44,625.13 23�8%
90168 51306 TEACHER HEARING IMPAIRE 67,917 �00 67,917,00 49,370.39 .00 16,546.61 72.7*
90169 51300 SPED SPEECH TCHR SALARI 748,480 -18,240-00 730,240.00 540,265,02 .00 189,974.98 74.0%
90170 51020 SPED TUTORS SALARIES 67,950 -2,000,00 65,950.00 �7,835�00 .00 28,115.00 57.4%
90171 52090 SPED TUTOR/SP/APE MILEA 3,500 3,500.00 2,341,�6 .0D 1,158.64 66.9%
90172 52990 SPED TESTING 0 4,858,94 4,858.94 4,533,74 .00 325.20 93.3%
90173 51010 SUBSTITUTE SALARIES 344,500 .00 344,500.00 274,935.61 .00 69,564.39 79�8%
90173 51020 TUTOR SALARIES (REG ED) 29,482 .00 29,482.00 19,266�90 .00 10,215,10 65.4%
90173 51300 CURRICULUM SALARIES 10,000 .00 10,000.00 157.50 .00 9,842.50 1,6%
90173 51307 NEGOITIATED TNCR/DEGREE 49,217 .22,974.00 26,243.00 .00 �00 26,243.00 .0%
90173 51313 I.S.T. STIPEND 3,324 .00 3,324.00 2,724.61 .00 609,39 81.7%
90173 51320 VIRTUAL HS STIPEND 21020 .00 21020,00 500.00 '00 1,520.00 24.81k
90175 51205 EARLY CHILDHOOD DIRECTO 29,8al 3,412.00 32,243.00 24,742.92 .00 7,500.08 76.7%
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cheryl.stjohn JYTG BUDGET REPORT lglytdbud
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FOR 2012 91
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
90175 51210 SPED EC TCH ASST SALARI 327,325 15,173,00 342,498.00 249,972.41 �00 92,525,59
90175 51300 SPED EC TEACHER SALARIE 413,178 Woo 413,238�00 301,997�78 �00 111,240.22 73,11k
90183 52275 CLARK TEXTBOOKS 0 431,47 431,47 431.46 .00 .01 100.01
90184 52275 DOERING TEXTBOOKS 1,500 1�500-00 .00 11500�00 ot
90185 52275 J HIG14 MATH TEXTBOOKS 529 -Soo�oo 25�00 .00 .00 25�00 ot
90186 52275 J HIGH ENGLISH TEXTBOOK loo 1,040�00 1,140.00 1,131�30 '00 8.70 99.2%
90187 52275 0 HIGH LANGUAGE TEXTECO 2,200 -1�040.00 1,160.00 862,34 �00 297,66 74.3%
9018a 522�75, J HIGH SCIENCE TEXTBOOK 400 .00 400�00 -00 .00 400.00 olk
90189 52275 J HIG14 SOC STUD TEXTBOO 900 .00 900.00 �00 �00 900.00 Ov
90190 52275 J HIGH READING TEXTBOOK 1,000 �00 I,Omoo 783.20 .00, 216.80 79�39,
90191 S2275 S HIGH MATH TEXTBOOKS 230 31603,95 3,833,95 3,992,27 .00 -58.32 101-5%
90191 52,2*16 S HIGH TEXTBOOK REPAIR 11500 .00 1,500,00 366.70 .00 1�133.30 24.4*
90192 52275 S HIC14 FNGLrSH TEXTBOOK 6,380 _11000�00 51380,00 4,608.79 .00 771,22 05-71k
90193 52275 S HIGH LANGUAGE TEXTBOO 7,640 �3,901�09 3,738,91 3,403,74 �00 335,17 91�0%
90194 52275 8 HIGH SCIENCE TEXTBOOK 8,630 Ac 8,630.00 �00 Ao 8,630,00 .0%
90195 52275 S HIGH SOC STUDIES TEXT 1,850 -4WOO 1,450.00 1,423,50 26.50 9R.2%
90196 52275 SH BUS: ED TEXTBOOKS 1,090 2,706.10 3,796,10 2,801.38 �00 -5.28 100.1%
90201 52275 HEALTH ED SH TEXTBOOKS 1,390 -132�91 1,257.09 1,256.31 �00 .7B 99.9%
90200 52D90 SPED RTF MILEAGE 2,000 .00 2,omoo B57.87 �00 1,142,13 42.9%
90217 52276 J HIGH TEXTBOOK REPAIR 460,00 1,160.00 1,156.00 2.00 99.B%
90218 52248 PHELPS LIBRARY TECHNOLO 2,500 -2,495.11 4�69 .00 �00 4.99 Olt
90219 S2248 ROB PK LIBRARY TECHNOIJO 2�500 -1,6?v�oo 823,00 146�51 �00 676.09 117�9%
90220 52248 GRANGER LIBRARY TECHNOL 2,500 -1,429.00 1,071.00 146�91 .00 924.09 13�7t
90221: S2248 CLARK LIBRARY TECHMLOG 2,500 �00 2�500100 960.50 .00 1,539.50 38�4t
90222 51211 MIDDLE LIBRARY SECRETAR 0 .00 .00 113.54 .00 -113.54 100.0%
90222 51214 ENRICHMENT COACH-RD 22,471 2,112.00 24,583.00 17,968.58 6�614.42 73�1%
90222 51300 MIDDLE LIBRARIAN SAIARY 0 32,570�00 32,570.00 19,834.32 Go 12,735,68 60.9%
90223 52110 DOERING LIBRARY SUBSCRI 360 360�00 351,92 8.18 97.7v
90223 52270 DOERING LIBRARY BOOKS 1,500 .00 1,500-00 2,218.30 �00 -718�30 147,9%
9G223 52�60 DOERING LIBRARY CONTRAC 7,500 �00 7,500.00 5,973.06 .00 1,526,94 79,6%
90224 51220 J HIGH LIBRARY SEC SALA 0 .00 1,211.53 �00 -1,211.53 IGO.Ok
90224 51300 J HIGH LIBRARIAN SALARY 71,201 �00 73,201�00 53,493.00 19,708�00 73.1%
90225 52248 JH LIBRARY TECHNICAL SU 700 -460�00 240.00 �00 �00 240,00 'Olk
90225 52270 J HIGH LIBRARY BOOKS 4,400 _650�00 3,760�00 2,641.72 2OOAO 900,28 75�8%
90226 51220 S HIGH LIBRARY SEC SALA 29.848 �00 29,848.00 26,749.18 �00 3,098,82 89.6%
90226 51300 9 HIGH LIBRARIAN SALARY 46�319 -46,240�00 79�00 7R.74 '00 126 99.17%
90227 52171 SH LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION 541 37.00 578.00 GIS.00 -37.00 106,4%
90227 52245 S HIGH LIBRARY SUPPLIES 1,860 -685�00 1,175.00 1,140�22 Do 34.79 974%
90227 52248 S HIGH LIBRARY TECHNOLO S,160 6,71,7.00 11,877.00 11,842,00 �00 35.00 99.7%
90227 52270 S HIGH LIBRARY BOOKS 5,400 .5,469�00 -61.00 30.90 .00 -9�9,90 44�8t
90229 52246 PHELPS AV/IJBRARY SUPPL 1,100 1�100�00 1,064.26 .00 35.72 96�8%
'30230 52246 ROB PX AV/LIBRARY SUPPI, 1.100 �00 1,100.00 826.04 �00 283�96 74�2'k
90231 52246 GRANGER AWLIBRARY SUPP 160 Do 160�OG �00 �00 160,00 Ot
90232 S2246 CLARK AWLIBRARY SUPPLI 1,100 .00 1,100,00 142�17 .00 957.83 1219t
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Cheryl.stjohn jYTD BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud
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FOR 2012 99
----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
90234 52246 DOERING "/LIBRARY SUP Soo 6,350.00 6,850�00 6,777.52 .00 72.46 98.9t
90235 52246 J HIGH AWLIBRARY SUPPL 5,950 -1,653.11 4,296.69 4,021.29 .00 275.4G 93.6%
90236 52246 S HIGH GEN AV SUPPLIES 10,000 5,162.35 15,162.35 10,559,61 IBO-00 4,422,74 70.8%
90238 52246 S HIGH ENGLiSH AV SUPPL 200 -2DO.00 .00 00 Do �00 Olt
90239 52246 S HIGH LANGUAGE AV SUPP 1,340 -1,340.00 .00 .00 Do .00 0%
90240 52246 S HIGH SOC STUD AV SUPP 5BO -500.00 .00 .00 .00 .00
90241 52246 S. HIGH SCIENCE AV SUPPI, 1,910 -1,910.00 .00 �Oo .00 Do Ok
90245 52246 HEALTH ED JR AV SUPPLIE 700 .00 700.00 Do .00 700.00 .0%
90246 52246 HEALTH ED SH AV SUPPLIE 960 -290,00 690.00 3S4.31 335.69 51,3%
90248 51300 JH AV SAL DIFFERENTIAL 1,546 .00 1,546.00 1,129.75 .00 416.25 73.1t
90251 51220 GUIDANCE DOERING SEC SA 31,524 3,086.00 34,61D.00 31,078.37 .00 3,531.63 B9.B%
90251 51300 GUIDANCE DOERING COUNSE 120,357 .00 120,357.00 $7,953.09 .00 32,403.91 73.1%
90252 52170 GUIDANCE DOERING DOES 155 .00 155.00 60�00 .00 95,00 3B.7%
90252 $2230 GUIDANCE DOERING SUPPLI 900 �00 900.00 747,78 .00 152�22 83.1%
90253 51220 GUIDANCE J 14IG14 SEC SAL 32,387 �Oo 32,387�00 29,197,76 Do 3,189.24 90.2%
90253 S1300 GUIDANCE J HIGH PRO SAL 106,813 .00 106,813.00 75,217�42 .00 31,595.56 70.4%
902S4 S2170 GUIDANCE J HIGH DUES 100 �Oo 100,00 Do .00 100.00 0%
90254 52230 GUIDANCE J HIGH SUPPLIE 700 '00 700,00 204,43 .00 495.57 29,2%
90255 51205 DIRECTOR OF GUIDANCE K- 77,501 '00 77,501,00 57,201.75 .00 20,299.25
S025$ 51220 GUIDANCE S HIGH SEC SAL 74,205 .00 74,205,00 66,923.11 .00 71261,89 90�2%
90255 51300 GUIDANCE S HIGH PRO SAL 292,764 '00 292,764�00 213,942.67 Do 76,821,33 '�311%
90256 52170 GUIDANCE S HIGH DUES 220 .00 .220,00 45.00 .00 175.00 20,5t
902S6 52230 GUIDANCE S HIGH SUPPLIE 2,060 .00 2,06mo 1,361.47 Do 698�53 66�1%
90256 52244 8 HIGH GUID COMPUTER SU 2,020 -149.00 1,871.00 199.00 678.02 993,98 46.9%
90256 52247 S HIGH GUID COMPUTER SO 0 149,00 149�00 149.00 .00 .00 100.0%
902S6 52270 GUIDANCE 9 HIGH BOORS 770 .00 770.00 GO 240.00 530.00 31.2*
902SG 52359 SH GUID VIRTUAL HIGH SC 6,000 .00 6,000.00 5,250.GO .00 750.00 87�5%
90258 52360 9 HIGH GUIDANCE CONT SE 13,300 .00 13,300.00 13,108.74 .00 191.26 98.6%
90257 51210 TEACHER ASSISTANTS 0 33,274.00 33,274.00 .00 .00 33,274.00 .0%
90257 51300 SPED EDUC TEAM LEADER 269,157 .00 269,157�00 ISS,046.31 .00 84,110.69 68.e%
9025Q 51301) SPED SCH ADJUSTMENT COU 506,088 .00 506,088.00 367,135,29 .00 138,952,71 72.51
90259 51300 PSYCHOLOGIST/RMVIOR 1 298,023 -00 298,023�00 217,786.41 Do 80,236.59 73.11k
90259 S1316 SPED PRIMARY INTERVENTI 70,540 .00 70,540.00 51,548.52 DO 19,991.48 73.1%
90260 52090 PSYCH MILEAGE 1,200 .00 1,200.00 11219,99 .00 -18.99 101.6%
90260 52236 INSTRUCTIONAL EGUIPMENT 0 714.00 714.00 714,00 .00 100.0%
90260 S2245 PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPLIES 2,250 .00 2,250.00 1,965,17 93.50 191-33 91,5%
90260 52360 PSYCH CONSULT/COUNSELIN 325,751 -207,391.20 118,359.60 80,244.42 8,190.2a 29,925.10 74.7%
90260 53260 OT/PTISPEECH THEPAPEUTI 74,790 210,631.20 285,421,20 259,566.79 55,079.29 -29, 11D.2t
90260 53720 OT/PT/SP/PSYC/INDEPENDE 0 15,000,00 15,000,DD 3,974.75 cc 11,025.25 26.3%
90272 51300 DOERING BANDIYEARBOOX S 2_241 .00 2,241.00 1,637.38 .00 603.62 73.1%
90274 51300 J HIGH OSA DIFFERENTIAL 9,315 �00 9,315.00 4,421.62 .00 4,893.38 47.51k
90274 51302 JH YRBX/NEWSPAPER STIPE 1,625 .00 1,625.00 1,167.50 .00 437.50 73.1%
90275 S2245 J HIGH OSA SUPPLIES I'Soo .00 I'S00,00 413.40 .00 1,086�6o 27.6%
90277 51300 S HIGH OSA DIFFERENTIAL 21,315 32,9-�O.00 54,285.00 22,165.08 .00 32,119�92 4C.8%
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cheryl.stjohn 1YTD BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud
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--------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
90278 52245 S HIGH TliEATER SUPPLIES 4,130 -593.60 3,536,40 376.56 2,399.63 '760.21 78.51;
90278 52590 OSA S HIGH OTHER 9,350 8,8S7.57 18,207.57 17,835.70 .00 371.87 98.0%
90279 52290 OSA MUSIC ENTRY FEES 2,330 500.00 2.830.00 1,415.23 .00 1,414�77 50.0%
90280 51300 BAND J HIGH SALARIES 1,546 .00 1,546,00 1,129,7S �00 416.25 73.1%
90281 52245 JH BAND SUPPLIES 3,000 AO 3,000.00 448.90 .00 2,5S1,10 15.0%
90282 51300 BAND S HIGH SALARIES 5,413 5,413.00 2,259�50 Do 3,153.50 41.7%
90283 52245 BAND S HIGH SUPPLIES 4,500 340.92 4,840-92 4,475�10 1,649.40 -1,283.58 126.5t
90283 52415 BAND S HIGH UNIFORMS 1,500 505.50 2,005.50 1,505.50 .00 SGG.00 75.13k
90284 52296 BAND TRANSPORTATION 1,470 5,530.00 7,000.00 2,681.34 .00 4,318.66 38.3%
90295 51300 S HIGH GRADUATION SALAR 2,823 .00 2,823.00 .00 .00 2,823.00 .0%
9028G. 52070 SH GRAD BLDG RENTAL 6,000 100.00 6,iOO.oO 5,750.00 .00 �50.00 94.3%
90286 52245 SH GRAD SUPPLIES 3,000 -314.00 2,686-00 2,144.06 45.42 496.52 81.51k
90286 52990 SH GRAD OTHER 2,900 314.00 3,214.00 2,794.40 415.00 4�60 99�91r
90287 51300 S HIGH CHEERLEADER COAC 3,324 .00 3,324.00 2,321.00 .00 1,003.00 69.6t
90288 5224S SH CHEERLDR SUPPLIES 100 .00 100.00 IGG.00 .00 .00 100.0%
qa2sa 52297 CHEERLEADER TRANSPORTAT 600 .00 600-00 .00 .00 600-00 .0%
90288 52990 SH CHEERLEADER OTHER 360 360-00 3GO.00 '00 .00 100.0k
9C289 51300 MIRROR S HIGH PRO SALAR 1,546 .00 1,546.00 1,129.75 .00 416.25 73.11;
90290 S2360 SH MIRROR CONTRACT SERV 6,225 11579.80 7,804.80 8,684.80 .00 -88D,00 111,3�
90291 52150 UTILITIES TELEPHONE 24,000 .00 24,000.00 47,036.15 .00 -23,036.15 196.0%
90294 52030 GRANGER MAINT EQUIP 0 518,75 518.75 518.75 .00 .00 100.0%
90296 52030 DOERING MAINTENANCE EQU Soo '00 50G.00 418.00 82,00 83.6%
90257 S2030 J HIGH ADMIN MAINT EQUI 4,700 .00 4,700.00 1,228.00 .00 3,472.00 26.1%
90299 52030 S HIGH MAINTENANCE EQUI 4,040 -774,42 3,265.58 922.50 330.00 21013.00 39.4%
90318 52030 MAINT EQUIP VEHICLE 500 �00 500A0 .00 500.00 �ot
90321 52060 SPED MAINTENANCE EQUIP 61000 .00 6,000.00 147.00 .00 5,853.00 2.5%-
90347 52404 TUITION COLLABORATIVE V 1,208,248 .00 1,208,248,00 1,089,957.00 55,645.00 62,446.00 94.Bt
9034a 52401 TUITION PUBLIC (RECOVER 15,000 '00 15,000.00 .00 .00 15,000.00 .0%
90348 52402 TUITION COLLAB SPED 30,900 .00 30,900.00 32,250.00 .00 -1,3SO.00 104.0
30348 52404 TUITION OCC/VOC (NON SP 87,907 -00 87,907-00 20,832.00 .00 67,075,00 23.7%
90349 52400 SPED INSTATE TUIT NON-P 53,a64 23,964.00 77,028-00 42,959�31 22,621.23 11,447.46 eslit
90349 52401 SPED TUITION INSTATE PU 0 .00 .00 2,435�00 .00 -2,415.00 100.0%
90349 52403 SPED TUITION OUTSTATE 285,329 -23,964.00 261,365.00 187,876.32 73,488.68 .00 100.0%
90349 52405 TuiTTON RESIDENTIAL INS 296,747 -00 296,747.00 163,109.76 45,554.97 88,082.27 70.31k
90349 52406 OUTSTATE RESIDENTIAL TU 82,�68 .00, 82,368.00 .00 .00 82,368.00
90349 52401 Home/HoSpital Tuition 0 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,517.80 .00 482,20 ?5.9%
90350 52402 SPED TUITION COLLABORAT 1,152,487 .00 1,152,487.00 973,087�22 17,505.66 161,894.12 86.0%
90367 52030 IT/DP MAINTENANCE EQUIP 8,370 -4,571.00 3,799.00 3,798-97 .00 .03
90367 S2041 IT/DP CONTRACT SERVICES 127,939 -3,736,75 124,202.25 110,135.92 11,305,93 2,760.40 97.8%
90367 52090 IT/DP MILEAGE 2,325 .00 2,325.00 1,407.42 �00 917.58 60.5%
90367 S2236 INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT 0 3,185.00 1,185.00 3,185.00 .00 .00 100,0*
90367 52240 DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIE 9,021 -4,926.B9 4,094.11 4,093.89 .00 .22 100�0%
90167 52245 IT SUPPLIES 1,395 .00 1,395,DD 1,115.66 .00 279.34 80�0%
90367 52247 ID/DP COMPUTER SOFTWARE 9,300 11,44a.41 20,748.41 592.40 20,166�01 .00 10010%
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cheryl.stjohn JYTD BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud
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90367 52246 IT/DP LICENSES 37,200 -23,544,15 13,655�85 11,520,00 2,051.92 83.93 99,41F
90367 5225S IT/DP COMPUTER HARDWARE 18,600 42,919.26 61,519�26 31,814.86 29,703.52 .88 100.0%
91092 51300 ESL TCHR ELEMENTARY SAL 203,909 .00 203,909.00 140,758.89 .00 63,110,11 69�ov
91164 52360 DW GUIDANCE-CONTPACT SV .00 .00 3,360.00 .00 -3,360.00 100.0*
51218 51211 PHELPS LIBRARY ASSISTAN 25,160 .00 25,160.00 18,717.8C .00 6,442.20 74.41
91218 51214 ENRICHMENT COACH-PHELPS 21,155 .00 21,155.00 17,033.09 .00 4,121.Sl 80.5%
91218 51300 PHELPS LIBRARIAN 18,207 18,207.00 13,305.30 .00 4,901.70 73.1%
91219 51211 ROB PK LIBRARY ASSISTAN 21,325 542,00 21,867,00 16,037.64 5,829.36 73.3%
91219 51214 ENRICHMENT COACH-ROB PK 23,787 -2,346.00 21,441,00 15,611.-JS .00 5,829.25 721B%
91219 51300 ROB PK L18RARIAN 18,207 .00 18,207.00 13,305.33 .00 4,901.67 73.1%
51220 51211 GRANGER LIBRARY ASSISTA 26,261 .00 26,261.00 19,605.79 .00 6,655.21 74.7%
91220 51214 ENCHRICHMENT COACH-GRAN 23,787 23,787-00 18,297.54 �00 5,489.46 76.9%
91220 51300 GRANGER LIBRARIAN 18,207 .00 18,207,00 13,305.33 .00 4,901.67 '13.1%
91221 51211 CLARK LIBRARY ASSISTANT 25,080 327.00 25,407�00 18,723.90 6,663.10 73.7t
91221 51214 ENRICHMENT COACH CLARK 21,155 1,989.00 23,144,00 16,916A4 6,227.16 73.1%
91221 51300 CLARK LIBRARIAN SAL 18,207 '00 18,207,00 13,305.33 '00 4,901.67 73.1%
91248 51301 SH AV SAL DIFFERENTIAL 2,316 .00 2,318.00 1,696.12 .00 621.BB 73.2%
91341 51100 ATHLETIC OTHER SALARIES 33,000 2,428.00 35,428-00 35,422A0 A0 5.40 100.0%
91341 512C5 ATHLETICIPE SUPERVISOR 71,1'77 3,756.00 80,933,00 56,962.78 .00 23,970,22 '70.4%
91341 51220 ATHLETIC SUPERVISOR SEC 29,742 96.00 29,83o.00 26,012.14 .00 3,825.B6 67.2%
91341 513GO ATHLETIC COACHES-SALARY 108,076 57,640.00 165,716.00 118,869.70 A0 46,946.10 71.7%
91341 51340 ATHLETIC TRAINER 47,247 1,518,00 48,765-00 34,947.22 .00 13,al7.76 71.7%
91342 52240 ATHLETIC SUPPLIES 17,281 -3,200.00 14,081.00 12,571.63 1,194.00 313.37 97.6%
91342 52297 ATHLETICS TRANSPORTATIO 41,675 -1,640.00 40,035.00 11,629.96 .00 8,205�04 79.5%
91342 52360 ATHLETICS CONTRACT SERV 7,645 3,200.00 20,845.00 10,565.88 .00 279A2 97.0
91342 52415 ATHLETIC UNIFORMS 11,145 .00 11,145.00 6,870.74 4,260.00 14.26 99.9%
91342 52990 ATHLETICS OTHER 29,645 .00 29,645.00 37,211.1S .00 -7,566.15 125�5k
99011 52090 11 CARRY FORWARD PROF D 0 69.97 69.87 1,179.87 Do _1,11C.00 168B.'7ik
99011 52092 11 CARRYOVER PROF DEVEL 0 1,110�00 1,110.00 .00 .00 11110.00 .0%
99011 52150 11 CARRY FORWARD TELEPH 0 2,410.17 2,410.17 2,410.15 .00 .02 100.0%
99011 5224S 11 CARRY FORWARD COPY P 0 54,132.85 54,132.85 54,126�54 .00 6.31 100.0%
99011 52247 21 CARRY FORWARD SUB FI 0 12,360.00 12,360,00 12,360,00 .00 .00 100.01
99011 52248 11 CARRY FORWARD IT INS 0 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 .00 .00 100.0%
99011 52270 11 CARRY FORWARD SH GUI 0 180.00 190A0 180,00 .00 .00 100.0%
99011 52360 11 CARRY FORWARD JR SC14 0 6,750.00 6,760,00 6,750.00 .00 '00 100.0%
99011 52990 11 CARRY FORWARD RRIMBU 0 20.Oo 20.00 20.00 .00 00 100.0%
GRAND TOTAL 32,263,439 389,615,89 32,653,054.89 24,29B,289.39 307,502.15 7,567,263,35 75.6%
- END OF REPORT - Generated by Cheryl St. John
I Page I of I
barbara bard
From: Cheryl StJohn
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 10:48 AM
To: barbara bard
Subject: SPECIAL REVENUE 4-30-12.xls
Attachments: SPECIAL REVENUE 4-30-12.xis
Attached are special revenue summaries through 4-30-12 for the town and school that Paul Cavallo
requested. Town funds 630, 632, 635, 642 and 647 have deficits because they are reimbursement grants
where the money is expended first and then copies of the invoices are submitted for reimbursement. If
you have any questions feel free to call me at 726-9707.
FISCAL YEAR 2012 AS OF 4130112
200 ANNIE SULLIVAN $ 1,513 1,513
201 BEAUTIFICATION $ 25,196 20,764 14,146 $ 31,813
202 CABLE TELEVISION $ 336,649 114,461 133,757 $ 317,354
204 COUNCIL ON AGING $ 8,061 3,437 8,036 $ 3,461
206 COA MEALS ON WHEELS $ 42,761 119,619 131.507 $ 30,874
207 COA MEMORIAL FUND $ 2,400 $ 2,400
208 COA NUTRITION $ 2J27 2�201 Z773 s 1,656
210 DOGLAW $ 4,546 SiGO9 $ 9,555
211 EMERGENCY FUEL FUND $ 2,778 2�300 3,372 $ 1,706
214 LIBRARY $ 118,352 $3,848 4Z373 $ 139.828
215 B.HODGES MEMORIAL $ 92 $ 92
218 PARKS AND RECREATION s 75,675 111,456 130A99 $ 56,632
219 PERRY LANE DAY CAMP s t2l,490 114,922 148�718 $ 87,6a3
220 PLANNING BOARD $ :50,180 3,260 see $ 52,852
222 RUTH TIERNEY $ 25 $ 25
223 TUCKAHOE RENTAL $ 213,218 $ 213,218
224 VETERANS COUNCIL $ 24,277 3 24,277
226 WETLANDS FEES $ 32.000 $ 32,000
228 FIRE AMBULANCE $ 856,656 1,098,575 1,158,797 50.000 $ 746,435
230 LIBRARY EXPANSION $ 19,726 s 10.726
231 FIRE GIFT $ 9,993 904 2,414 $ 8,483
232 POLICE ACCIDENT $ 28,862 $ 28,862
233 POLICE DARE $ 6,695 1,5SO 1,734 $ 6,510
234 POLICE DEPARTMENT $ 37,120 530 $ 37.650
236 COMMUNITY POLICING $ 144A60 302 440 (50�479) $ 93,842
236 DA DRUG FORFEITURE 111 9"118 11,205 6,511 $ 13,811
237 ARTS AND HUMANITIES s 12,128 2tO49 18,819 $ 14,358
238 COA VAN GIFT $ 2,652 50 $ 2,602
239 COA ELDER AFFAIRS $ 15,293 44,150 36,803 $ 22,640
241 LIBRARY HEALTH s 28,050 $ 28,050
244 LPVTA $ - 7 $ 7
245 TREE PLANTING $ 1,527 $ 1.527
246 SKATEBOARD PARK $ 4,600 s 4,500
247 INSURANCE DAMAGE CH 44 S53 $ 28,175 106,377 87,332 $ 46,220
249 SAFE GRANT $ 430 $ 430
325 TITLE V SEPTIC s 22,370 $ 22,370
602 COMPOST BINS $ 312,279 76,391 75,463 $ 315.216
605 SKATEBOARD PARK s 1,571 $ 1,571
607 CATV DATA SUPPORT GRANT $ 9.824 846 $ 8,978
608 CATV PEG ACCESS GRANT - $ 30.391 20,000 $ 10,391
$10 SENIOR CENTER EXPANSION $ 4,125 $ 4.125
611 CPA SURCHARGE FUND $ 3,338,297 535,273 19,816 $ 3,853,753
613 FIRE FEMA GRANT $ 140 $ 140
614 PARKS&RECREATION GIFT FUND $ 56,713 57.870 20,137 $ 94,445
616 EMERGENCY MGT DEPARTMENT $ 2,,101 3J35 2,152 s 3,685
516 HANDICAPPED PARKING NNES $ 30,531 4,325 7 $ 34.849
617 MUNICIPAL RECYCLING GRANT $ 32,859 $ 32,859
619 SAFE GRANT 11 3,295 5�266 4,796 $ 3,762
620 VACCINATION FUND $ 83,367 10�363 4.297 $ 89,433
627 PYNCHON POINT $ 33 s 33
628 LIBRARY STATE AID $ 75,983 38,129 17,101 $ 97,011
829 2008 HEALTH CAPACITY BUILDING $ 13,599 $ 13,599
632 COPS SECURE OUR SCHOOLS GRANT $ M668) 24,206 20,032 $ (5,414)
633 STREET OF FLAGS-VETERANS s 1�II45 524 $ 2,469
634 BULLET PROOF VESTS-POLICE $ 4�920 795 $ 5.715
635 FY03 ASSIST TO FIREFIGHTERS $ (146) $ (146)
636 SCHOOLSTBARN $ 1.601 349 $ 1,253
639 SECURE OUR SCHOOLS VIDEO GRANT $ - 65,830 131,661 $ (65,631)
642 FYI 1911 TRAINING GRANT $ (338) $ (338)
643 FYI 1911 DEPT SUPPT INGE $ (21,579) 17,851 46JS0 50,479 S 1
6,44 MILITARY CARE PACKAGES s 1,374 $ 1,374
$45 FY10 ASST TO FIREFIGHTERS GRNT $ 80,352 5700 111 22,752
646 FYI 2 STATE 911 DEPT SUPPORT GR $ 6%374 61,689 $ 7,485
647 FYI 2 STATE 911 DEPT TRAINING $ - 208 $ (208)
656 NFIE PRIVATE GRANT $ 685 $ 685
667 SMALL BUSINESS ASSISTANCE $ 13.364 4,702 7,531 $ 10.534
807 POLICE OUTSIDE DETAIL $ 269,638 778,271 710,699 $ 337.209
$ 3,554,370 $ 65,830 S 3.IM99L�$.� 50,000 $ $ 8,987,372
FISCAL YEAR 2012 AS OF 4130112
250 SUMMERSCHOOL $ 50,874 39,905 44,176 S 46,604
251 ADULT EDUCATION S 26,231 23,790 24,875 $ 25,146
252 SH ART REVOLVING $ 1,862 437 $ 2,299
253 EARLY CHILDHOOD TUITION $ 27,496 59,204 75,536 S It'163
254 HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES $ 150,430 128,645 54�9`14 $ 224,i6l
255 LOSTBOOKS $ 15,482 8,066 3,457 $ 20,091
256 SCHOLARSHIP FUND $ (9,231) 860 10,500 S 2,129
257 SCHOOL ATHLETICS $ 4,644 61,380 49,314 $ 16,710
259 SCHOOLLUNCH $ 4%010 940,459 1,062,535 S (73,065)
260 11 TCHR QUALITY(140) $ 17,641 6,691 28,060 $ (3,728)
261 11 ED JOBS FUND PRG s 2,429 6,903 8,913 s 418
262 11 RACE TO THE TOP(201) S 1,542 6,231 7,147 s 626
263 11 E CHLDHD ALLOC(262) $ 1,910 1,910 s -
264 11 SPED 94-142(240) S (4,607) 138,640 132,135 S 1,897
265 12 COOP SERV,GRANT s 22,417 25,917 $ (3,500)
266 11 E CHLDHD APRA(762) S 1,738 1,781 $ (43)
267 12 QUALITY KINDERGARTEN (701) $ 0 82,953 82,880 $ 73
268 11 DRUG FREE SCH(331) $ 3,578 3,578 S -
269 11 QUALITY F DAY K(701) S 297 297 S -
270 11 SPED ARRA(760) $ 19j041 M477 S 564
271 11 STREAMLINE DATA MGT(120) S 8,0010 8.000 s
272 11 TITLE 111(180) $ (63) 15,698 15,635 $
273 12 ACADEMIC SUPPORT(632) S 264 13,730 13,730 $ 265
274 11 TITLE I ARRA(770) $ 5,163 5,163 $ -
275 12 TITLE 1(305) $ 0 341,160 312,570 S 28,591
276 12 TITLE III $ 19,660 18,195 S 1,465
277 11 TITLE 1 (305) $ 38,554 70,541 97,QO3 S 12,093
278 12 COOP SERVICE GRANT(115) $ 21,275 S 21,275
279 12 E CHLDHD ALLOG(262) $ 3,414 36,225 30,076 $ 9,564
280 12 SPED ENTITLEMENT(240) S 18,694 850,474 813,578 $ 55,590
281 12 T17LE I CARRYOVER s 4,226 17,809 4Z051 $ (20,016)
282 12 TITLE IIA EDUC QUAL(140) S (766) 67,807 63,124 s 3,918
283 11 ACADEMIC SUPPORT(632) $ -
284 12 SPED IMPROVEMENTS $ 2,699 8,323 2,055 $ 8,967
285 SPED 50:50 CIRCUIT BREAKER $ 547,115 494,409 987,281 142,337 S (88,094)
286 11 SFSF CARRYOVER(780) $ - 7,246 $ (7,246)
287 SCHOOL AGED CHI LOCARE $ 694519 417�706 580,510 S 529,715
288 12EDJOBS $ 272579 265,72'0 $ 6,859
269 12 CFCE 237 EEC $ 18,475 13,136 $ 5,339
290 12 RM S 32,202 28,463 S 3,739
291 11 IJPK(EEC) $ (3�273) 4,502 1,228 $
292 12 INCL PS LEARNING(391) s - 6,326 8.892 $ (2,566)
293 11 MMS! $ (55) 33.600 IZ112 $ 21,433
294 11 INCLUSIVE P$LRNG(391) $ 1,044 1,044 $ -
295 FED COUNSELING $ (76,670) 280,538 344W3 $ (139,204)
296 TITLE III CARRYOVER $ - 47,926 4,208 S 43,719
297 11 CFCE(237) $ 5,730 5,730 $ -
298 SCHOOL CHOICE REVOLVING $ 169,400 256,500 193,215 $ 232,685
299 11 LANGUAGE&LITERACY DEV 297B $ 467 3,735 4,202 s -
$ 1,800,248 $ 4,835,363 $ $ 5,504,140 $142,337 $ 10,500 $ 999,633
FISCAL YEAR 2012 as of 5/15/12
301 SCHOOLROOF $ 3,424 $ 3,424
303 N.AGAWAM REVITALIZATION $ 2,472 $ 2,472
305 AERIAL PLATFORM TRUCK $ 3,088 $ 3,088
306 F H SOUTH WEST AREA SEWERS $ 26,617 $ 26,617
308 N. AGAWAM REVITALIZATION $ 14,263 $ 14,263
312 GOLF COURSE IRRIGATION $ 8,575 $ 8,575
314 MAIN STREET WATER MAIN $ 121,970 $ 121,970
315 FIRE HEADQUARTERS $ 266 $ 266
321 PLAYSCAPE GIFT ACCOUNT $ 1,512 $ 1,512
323 CAMPBELL DR/FLORIDA DR SP $ 31,827 $ 31,827
324 PUBLIC LIBRARY EXPANSION $ 446,925 56,340 $ 390,584
326 RT 187 WATER MAIN $ 677,132 1,595 $ 675,537
327 CHAPTER 90 $ 22,428 555,976 786,244 $ (207,840)
329 AHS LIBRARY EXPANSION $ 1,563 $ 1,563
330 MAIN STIR PWED $ (212) $ (212)
331 DPW FACILITY ACQUISITION $ 43,632 $ 43,632
332 PHASE 11 STORMWATERICOMBINED $ (14,611) 37,518 12,031 $ 10,875
334 MIDDLE &JUNIOR HIGH REPAIRS $ 18.588 $ 18,588
335 MODULAR CLASSROOMS $ 21,811 $ 21,811
336 FIRE PUMPER TRUCKS $ 828 $ 828
337 SENIOR CENTER $ 26,600 22,040 $ 4.560
338 PERRY LANE POOL RENOVATION $ 5,417 $ 5,417
339 WESTFIELD RIVER SEWER MAIN $ (8,120) $ (8,120)
340 SANITARY SEWERS $ (2,153,630) 373,579 $ (2,527,209)
342 TOWN TELEPHONE SYSTEM $ 307,760 $ (307,760)
343 JR HIGH GREEN REPAIR PROGRAM $ 88,017 157,491 $ (69,474)
TOTALS $ (694,053) $ $ 643,993 $ - $ 37,518 $ 1,839,620 $ $ $ (1,852,162)
Note-A bond anticipation note and/or bond will be issued for funds with a deficit balance before June 30, 2012.
Note-Chapter 90 has a deficit because it is a reimbursement grant, Expenditures are made then copies of the invoices are submitted for reimbursement.
1�- m!�- -n-ki ,
05/15/2012 12t43 Town of Agawwn
cheryl.stjohn IYTD BUDGET REPORT lgl�ytdbud
FOR 2012 99
16610 52450 HGWY OTHER EQUPMENT 150,000 2,677.80 152,677,80 152,559-54 .00 118.26 99,9%
16610 52460 STREET IMPROVE PROGRAM 150,000 -2,677.80 147,322�20 38,556.39 .00 108,765.81 26�2%
16610 53001 JR HIGH ROOF DESIGN PEE 0 60�000.00 60,000�00 40,208.00 .00 15,792.00 67.0%
16610 58415 TRAFFIC LIGHT IMPROVEME 20.000 .00 20,000.00 .00 .00 20,000�00 -0%
16610 58501 DPW GPS VEHICLE TRACKIN 50,000 �00 50,000�00 .00 .00 50,000�00 .0%
16610 58502 ENGINEERING DIG SCANNER 25,000 .00 25,000.GO 24,234,44 .00 765,56 96.9%
16610 58503 FIRE AIR COMPRESSOR 40,000 .00 40,000-00 38,602.00 .00 1,398.00 96.5%
16610 58504 FIRE EMERG BACKUP GEN 12,000 �00 12,000.00 '00 .00 12,000-00 .0%
16610 58505 FIRE CARDIAC MONITORS 8,928 �00 8,928.00 6,4W00 .00 2,528.00 71�7%
16610 58913 COUNTY LAND ACQUISITION 9,500 .00 9,500.00 .00 .00 9,500,00 .0%
16610 58914 SIDEWALK REHAB & EXT. 5,000 .00 5,000.00 �00 .00 5,000.00 .0%
16610 58934 GYM DOOR JR HIGH SCHOOL 25,000 .00 25,000.00 �00 .00 25,000.00 .0%,
TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 495,428 60,000�00 555,428.00 300,560.37 .00 254,867�63 54.1%
TOTAL GENERAL FUND 495,428 60,000.00 555,428.00 300,560,37 .00 254,867�63 54.1%
TOTAL EXPENSES 495,428 60,000.00 555,428.00 300,560.37 .00 254,867.63
GR,NND TOTAL 495,428 60,000.00 555,428.00 300, 560.37 .00 254,867.63 54.1%
END OF REPORT - Generated by Cheryl St. John **
Z b A d S
131JJO W13 113Nnoo
i ,own of Arvawam
Interoffice Memorandum
Date- 05/17/2012
Dear City Council Finance Sub-Committee,
In response to your letter dated May 17, 2012 in regards to the Capital Improvement
Program I am happy to supply you with the following information you requested for
Question 1 -As outlined in the Capital Improvement program the following are general
assumptions, #4A states, "Limit General Fund principal and interest payments to
approximately $1 million dollars per year . This should have been removed, as for
numerous years this has not been the case. Thank you for bringing this to my
attention. The figures in each years appropriation and bonding schedule are estimates
for evaluating the Capital Improvement Program as they are updated each year based
on need and the ability to fund. This plan is the Towns best estimate for your review.
The appropriations for each year are made as part of the whole budget. The principal
and interest payment for each year are included in the line items portion in section 30 of
the annual operating budget. The Capital Improvement appropriations for each year
are shown in Section 31.
Question 2-As to your concern regarding the Deputy Fire Chief taking the vehicle
outside of Agawam. I want to advise you that the Deputy lives in Feeding Hills. The
new vehicle in the C.I.P. will have towing capacity providing a back-up for our current
tow vehicle.
The 1996 vehicle the Deputy is driving currently is becoming unsafe due to adva(@ed
age and body deterioration. The Chief and Deputy Fire Chief are on-call 24 hourtpet;L3
day for the safety of our residents. >r-
r%J M
Respectfully, ;t;V
Richard A. Cohen
DATE: 5117/2012
Dear Mayor Cohen:
After reviewing your proposed Capital Improvement Program, the members of the
Finance Sub-Committee respectfolly request clarification of the following items:
I On Page 3 you indicate in Item 4A, that principal and interest spending will
not exceed approximately $I million annually. That estimation is inconsistent with
the figures set forth on Page 31. Please explain the reason for this large
inconsistency and advise which figures are the most accurate for our purposes of
evaluating the Capital Improvernent Plan.
2. The Capital Improvement Plan calls for a Fire Department vehicle with
towing capacity to be used by the Deputy Fire Chief It appears that such a vehicle
will be driven home by the Deputy Fire Chief whom does not reside within the
Town of Agawam. How is that practical and of what benefit is there to the citizens
of Agawam to have this vehicle travc1ing outside ol'our town? What is the b4mcrit
of having a vehicle with boat towing capacity if it won't always be onsite for
expeditious use?
We look forward to your clarification of these matters.
The Agawam City Council Finance Sub-Committee members
cc: Full Council
Employees Subject to
Vehicle Fringe Benefit
Type Loc Al Last First
950 7440 421 Blackak Brian
950 7420 420 Bonesteel, Steven
950 7250 969 Bosini Richard
950 7220 24 Brown Gary
950 7420 282 Decker John
950 7450 419 Flyrm James
950 7420 526 Golba Christopher
950 7420 359 Myers Ralph
iceirl Miehart
950 7220 1370 Sirois Alan
950 7250 519 Urbinati Dominic
950 7111 21 Cohen Richard
950 7137 583 Nicora Chet
TownofAgawam Page 1
Policy Period; 711111 -7)1112 2122JI 2
aga 2011
Coverage Codes: I= Full coverage - f liability,comprehensive&collision)
2= No collision - (ttability,comprehensive)
3= No physical damage - Itiability)
4= Physical damage only - icomprehensivG,collision)
Aga Mass
wam amont indicates now cost
No. No, Cov. Dept. Description Now Plate No. GVW Vq N
Mgtorcycles with full coveraq
cyl 68 1 15 2006 Harley Davidson 14,961 MMC4647 — lHDlFMW106Y67fll70
cyz 69 1 15 2006 Harley Davidson 14,961 MMC7199 — 11HID1�MWIX6Y677960
Total motorcycles with full coverage 2
T-1 70 1 14 2010 WancG Radar Board(Speed) Trail 5,000 MP896F I B9AF51 I X9P826333
T-2 74 1 14 200� Carmate Emergency Reponse Utili 2,000 M70170 SAX714D431.004039
239 1 14 2010' ATS-5 Utility Trailer 3,000 MP896F lB9AF5IlX9P825333
240 109 1 8 1971 Mastercraft Boat Trailer ISO F14773 182038
385 28 1 10 1989 Intl Trailer(paint mach) 21000 M40127 3,$00 IZFUFO;817Ke003486
395 83 1 10 2006 Brim Utility Trailer 4.595 M72929 — 43YOC20265CO45646
719 27 1 21 2007 Big Tex Utility Trailer 1.200 M80090 --- IBVLX08107ZA73025
720 157 1 It) 2010 Cross Country Flat Bed Trailer 4,000 M83398 9�996 4�11FS2020A-1000444
Total trailers with full coverage 8
379 44 2 10 1988 internationalTrailer 2�000 M40-131 3,500 1ZFUF101OSS003140
386 77 2 10 2004 Big TE Utility Trailer 2,000 M69028 16VAX101442A32109
Total trailers with no collision 2
207 21 3 8 1931 Intl Buffalo Water Trailer Z000 MF910 ---- A42300
291 ill 3 23 2006 CARMATE UTILITY TRAILER 6,500 M74268 -- SAK714DO61.002275
324 46 8 10 WO General Flalbed Trailer Roller 2�000 M28-516 3,000 3TL7925
342 108 3 10 1973 Woodchuck Chipper Trailer 10,000 M74274 0 STWC 3243
354 65 3 10 1999 Custom Flalbed Trailer 3,295 M61553 10,000 58732163XXIO04781
409 48 3 4 1985 Superior Ideal Trailer — M33-868 2,000 IZT4ZCB12F4018120
420 138 3 4 2009 Anderson Utility Trailer 1,795 M77-901 4YNSN18229CO56912
701 49 3 10 1985 Quality Utility Trailer 2jOOO M33-871 — 8685
903 52 3 10 1985 Colemore Utility Trailer M40-035 LCAA83OT9FT086874
Total trailers with no physical damage
Total Trailers
Town of Agawam Page 2
Policy Period: W1 111 -711112 2J22/12
aga 2011
Coverage Codes: 1= full coverage - (liability,comprehensive&collision)
2= No collision - (liability,comprehensive)
3= No physical damage - (liability)
4= Physical damage only - (comprehensive,collision)
Aga Mass
warn amont Indicates new Cost
No. No. Cov. Dept- Description Now Plate No. GVW VIN
Vehicles with full coverage
101 1 14 2011* Ford Crown Victoria 31,000 MP375F 2FAGP78V5I3X106850
102 158 1 14 2011 Ford Crown Victoria Sedan 30.000 MP187D 2FABP7BV6BX172324
103 154 1 14 2011 Ford Crown Victoria 30,000 MP378F 2FABP78VSBX168324
104 1 14 2011 Ford Crown Victoria 30,000 MP2410 2FABP7BV5BX149228
105 1 14 2011 Ford Crown Victoria 30,000 MP404F 2FABP7BV3BXlO7544
106 131 1 14 2011 Ford Crown Victoria 30,000 MP1840 2FASP78V5BX1 07545
107 10 1 14 2033 Explorer Sport Utility 35,000 MP9663 1 FMZU72KO3UB06346
108 85 1 14 2006 Ford Taurus Sedan 21,000 44HG70 IFAFP53U96Al24052
109 1 14 2009 Dodge Charger 30,000 712FXK 2B3KA43V49H582442
110 78 1 14 1997 Ford Crown Victoria 26.000 290CWJ 2FALP71W3VX229842
Ill 76 1 14 .2007, Ford Q_Fgwn Victoria 25,000 81GR32 2FAFP71WO7X1 17533
1 9 2FAFP71W64X143324
112 76 14 2004 Ford Crown Victoria 26.00b MG
113 58 1 14 2000 Ford Grown Victoria 23,035 8900sx VAFP71W7YX21240'1-
114 86 1 14 2005 Ford Crown Vic.Sedan 26.807 MP402F ----- 2FAFP71W75Xl76950
115 84 1 14 2006 Ford Crown Victoria Sedan 28,000 M 3D494 ... 2FAFP71W76X1O8320
116 4 1 14 2008 Ford Crown Vic DARE 25,730 MP9164 - 2FAFP71V48X112196
117 5 1 14 1997 Ford E350 Van 29,982 MP124A 9,400 1 FMEE1 lLlVH895245
118 145 1 14 1995 Marked Ford Van Prisoner Van 30,000 MR115A 1FTSS34L6WHAS6432
119 1 14 2009 Crown Vic 30,000 MP405F 2FAHP71VSSX104444
121 71 1 14 2000 Hyundai 25.000 4461 NY KMKWF35VXYA300550
122 1 14 2005 Ford Taurus 30,000 6442CV 1FAFP53UO5A159240
124 112 1 14 2003 Ford Crown Vic Unmarked 17,719 8652XB 2FAHP71W23X192012
126 147 1 14 2001 Audi A6* 32,000 799xsm WAUED64891N163367
125 152 1 14 2006 Nissan Ma)dma 16,000 775EA3 1N4SA41EX6C843045
123 156 1 14 2003 Unmarked Lincoln Navigator 25.000 213KH9 5LMFU28RO3U32345
128 1 14 2012 Unmarked Ford Escape $631-11-9 1 FMCU5K36CK820521
201 8 3 8 2007 Pierce Pumper 400.000 MF4606 4P1CCO1T77AO07357
202 9 3 8 2007 Pierce Pumper 400,000 MF4656 4PICC01T97A007358
203 a 3 8 1996 Pierce Pumper 390,000 MF7820 IPICT02U3TA000486
204 7 3 8 1996 Pierce Pumper 390,000 MF6216 4PICT02U5TA000490
210 113 3 8 2002 Pierce Dash Tower Truck 1,100,000 MF7727 4PJCT02S73AO02626
211 a 8 2010 Ford E450 Cutaway Ambulance 163,510 MF9719 IFOXE4FPBADA06498
212 96 3 8 2006 GMC Cutaway Ambulance 165,000 MF6183 17,500 IGOE4VI26BF400931
213 1 8 2010, Ford E450 Cutaway Ambulance 165.000 MF9719 -- IFDXE4FPaADA16707
215 114 3 8 1986 GMG Saulsburg Rescue Vehicle 100,000 MF6283 1GDM7DlG6GV538811
217 2 8 2003- Ford Expedition 10,800 M83936 1FMPU16L23LA20095
222 53 1 8 1997 Ford Crown Victoria 20,497 MF6218 2FALP71W7VX229861
226 102 1 8 2005 Ford Expe6bon 35J)OO MF7816 IFMPU16555LA34805
228 1 8 1997 Ford F350 Pickup 30,000 MF9731 1 FTHF36GOVEC46709
233 1 21 2011 Ford Escape Hybrid 32,000 MF74 1 FMCU5K33BKA75767
345 1 8 2000 Ford Ranger MFO58 1 FTYRJ OX8YTA59559
301 101 1 10 2007 F450 Rack Body 35,000 M80099 14,000 IFDXF47P57EB31229
302 75 1 21 2004 Ford F 150 Pickup-4 WD 20.000 M70129 6,250 2PTRFlOW44CA38978
303 13 1 10 1999 Ford F150 Pickup 22,755 M54230' 6,000 2FTRF08W4XCA13223
304 88 1 21 2006 Intl 700ser Henderson Muni BE) 123,145 M74264 40,000 1HTWCAAR16J313570
Town of Agawam Page 3
Policy Period: 711111-711112 2122112
aga 2011
Coveratlo Codes: I= Full coverage - (liability,comprehensive&collision)
2= No collision - (liability.comprehensive)
3= No physical damage - (liability)
4= Physical damage only - (comprehensive,collision)
Aga Mass
warn amont Indicates new Cost
No. No. Cov. Dept. Description Now Plate No. GVW VIN
Vehicles with full coverage (continued)
306 15 1 21 1995 Ford LN8000 67,129 M52450 35.000 1FOYR82EXSVA37753
307 Is 1 10 1997 Ford LN8000 Dump/Spreader 72,650 M64-728 35,000 1FDYR82EIWA28654
308 56 1 10 2001 Freightliner FLBO Dump/Spreader 86,318 M64-738 40,000 IFV6JLB851HH13056
309 144 1 10 2009 International 7400 Dump Sander 106,GGO M77-263 40.000 1 HTWCAAR99JO84284
310 141 1 10 2009 Intemational 74GO Dump Sander 109,000 M77-275 40,000 1 HTWCAAR09JO84285
311 95 1 21 2005 Ford Explorer 23.000 M72932 IFMZU72EX5UBS3688
312 1 21 2011 International 74DO Dump 146,380 M82877 40,000 IHTWCAAROBJ394314
313 136 i 21 1986 GMC Truck 50,000 M15-429 IGDL6TIG4GV526438
314 89 1 21 2006 Ford F250 Pia-Up 32,745 M74253 1FTNF205X6EA65610
315 90 1 21 2006 Ford F350 Utility ORW 32,745 M74254 1 FDWW`366Y26FA65611
316 80 1 21 2OG4 Ford Cutvan 30,161 M69599 IFOWE35L74HAO1147
317 91 1 21 2005 International 700SER DUMPISpre. 81,818 M72014 40,000 1lHTWCAARX5J167720
320 97 1 21 2006 Ford F450 Utility 36,545 M74263 0 1FDXW46Y86EA76977
322 25 1 10 1995 Ford F450 Dump 31.707 M52442 15,000 1 F0[,F47FXSEA28192
325 57 1 10 2001 F(eightfiner F1-80 Dump Truck 74.891 M64746 40,000 1 FV6jLBB31 HH1 3055
326 1 21 2011 Ford Escape Hybrid 27,892 M83377 lr'MCU4K37BKA75765
328 98 1 10 2005 Ford F250 Pickup 21,928 M69592 I FTNF21575F-A456G4
a32 54 1 10 1999 Freightilner Medcon FL80 Dump 77,813 M62515 35.000 1FV6JLABXXH882267
333 26 1 10 2005 Int'l 700SER Dump 50,200 M69581 IHTWCAAR55JO14677
384 103 1 10 2003 Internatfonal 7400 Dump/Spread 91,611 M62295 40.000 IHTWCAAR63JO51735
337 62 1 10 2002 Freightliner Dump Truck 74.910 M67275 1FVABXBS22HJ73761
338 107 1 10 2007 Ford F150 Pickup 20,000 M74991 1FTRF14W27NA59025
339 151 1 10 2009 Ford F150 Pickup 28,000 M81 516 1 FTRF1 4W49KC6001 1
340 64 1 21 2001 International Sewer Cleaner Truck 194,427 M40046 11-ITGBADR611-1343554
343 12 1 10 2007 Trier/Terex TV900-1 27.000 M73845 43YDC16157CO57072
345 19 1 21 1999 Ford Ranger 19.200 M54033 IFT-YRIOV9XTA17799
357 22 1 7 1996 Ford Econoline Club Wagon 17,448 M64-587 1 FMEEI lY6THA40828
358 35 1 16 2002 Ford Focus 4 door Sedan 14,540 M66937 I FAFP343X2W267924
359 23 1 7 1997 Ford Escort Wagon 13,150 M54672 3FALPlSP6VR116322
360 142 1 21 2008 Ford Escape Hybrid 23.000 M76570 IFMCU59H58KE09145
361 115 1 21 1999 Ford Ranger Pickup 14,800 M54231 4.000 1FTYAlOV2XPA27325
362 61 1 10 2001 Ford Super Duty Crew Cab Dump 50,999 M6A620 10,000 1FOXW47F51EA943,43
363 139 1 10 2005 Ford F450 Crew Cab Dump 31,880 M77267 16,000 1 FDXW47R58Er=39519
364 140 1 10 2008 Ford F450 Dump 31,880 M77266 16,000 1 FDXF46Y28EE3951 8
371 24 1 21 1999 Ford F450 Super Duty Dump 44,490 M61503 15,000 1FOXF47F2XEC28816
373 72 1 21 2003 Ford F250 Pickup 16,971 M70152 8.800 IFTNF20183ED58190
375 92 1 10 2006 Ford F450 DRW Cab Rack Body 281,480 M74273 15,000 1FDXF46Y36EC65729
383 63 1 10 2001 Ford Pickup 18,436, M66950 6.600 1FTRF17W91NB70738
338 29 1 20 1997 international Model 4700 78,000 M47449 35,000 1HTSCAAR2VH414380
Town of Agawam Page 4
Policy Period: 711111 -7111,12 2/22JI 2
aga 2011
Coverage Codes: 1= Full coverage - fliability,comprehensive&collision)
2= No collision - (liability,comprehensive)
3= No physical damage - (liability)
4= Physical damage only - (comprehensive,collision)
Aga Mass
wam amont indicates now Cost
No. No. Cov. Dept Description Now Plate No. GVW VIN
Vehicles with full coveraq (continued)
344 36 1 3 1996 Ford Escort Sedan 12.293 M47-435 3FASP13J2TR104014
390 1 4 2012 Ford DRWSUP M88538 0 1 FOUF4HY7CEB23718
391 93 1 1 2005 Ford Explorer U728 4x4 23.000 M72933 5,984 1 FMZU72E85UB83687
392 66 1 10 2002 Ford Ranger Extended Cab 4WO 20,000 M615W 4,940 1 F`TYR45E62TA1 5866
402 32 1 4 1989 Ford F250 Pickup 12,700 M40-148 2FTHF25H6KCA47847
406 73 1 4 1998 International 400SER Box Truck 15.200 M44-687 25,500 1HTSCAAMBWHS47182
407 110 1 4 1999 Ford E250 Van 10,000 M4D9I1 1 FTNE24L2XHBO7375
411 33 1 4 1995 Ford El 50 Econoline Van 15,594 M52403 6.700 IFTEE14YlSHB69459
413 94 1 4 2006 Ford E-350 Van 32,000 M74262 9,400 1FDWE35L26HA73392
414 153 1 4 2005 Ford Econovan 27,355 M78609 1 FTSE34L45HB27729
565 31 1 9 1998 Ford Contour 16,197 M54294 0 IFAFP66L6WK274395
608 17 1 7 19,38 Ford Contour 19,197 M54293 0 1 FAFP66L8WK274396
609 1 14 2012 Ford Escape M81814 D 1FMCV5K3C)CKB20525
730 67 1 6 2002 Chevrolet Silvaderado 4WD Pickul 17,222 M67265 6,400 1GCEK14V42EI53207
801 104 1 19 2000 Ford Cut Away Van 30.000 M64624 IF[)WE35S7YHB31541
802 116 1 19 2006 Ford EcoVan 15.886 M74272 1FTNE241-06DA10634
803 1 19 2010 Ford Transit S9B 23,215 M83387 NMOKS9BNBAT033809
807 9 2011 International 700SER DUMP M82877 1HTWCAAROBJ394314
902 38 1 22 1999 Ford Ranger 14,640 M60183 1FTYRIOVlXTA17800
905 13$ 1 18 2007 Ford EcoVan 15,000 M79-433 1FTNE24L87DB3806
954 41 1 16 1997 ford Escort Sedan 12,340 M41417 IFALP13P6VW192316
Total vehicles with full coverage 102
Vehicles with no collision
206 42 2 8 1993 ford F250 12,000 M54233 8,000 1FTHF26H6PL826642
208 43 2 8 1986 Chevy 4 WD Pickup 10,000 MF8383 -- 1 GCHD3458GF446920
290 117 2 23 1994 Ford Bronco 20,000 MF906 1FMEU15H9RLBQ518
327 18 2 21 1997 Ford Ltgcon Crew Cab Util Body 38.212 M56288 10.000 1 FTJW35H4VEDD8639
341 99 2 12 1995 Ford F 150 Pickup 14.800 M69595 6.250 IFTEF15Y9$LB92349
404 ADO 2 4 1983 Ford EISO Van 7�999 M16506 1FOKE04YlDHA42641
405 159 2 4 2000 Ford E250 Van 10,000 M79434 1 FTNE2424YH891174
Total vehicles with no collision 7
Vehicles with no Physical damage
100 45 3 14 1968 VW Sedan(Safety Bug) 2,000 MPKK 18818453
121 79 3 14 2000 Hyandai Sonata Sedan 11,000 4461NY KMHWF35VXYA300550
906 146 3 9 1997 Rogue Boat/Trailer MF6282 18Y1LAX27U1O11373
Total vehicles with no physical damage 3
Total of all vehicles 133
DATE: MAY 22, 2012
Please be advised that during their regular council meeting, on Monday, May
21, 2012, theAgawarn City Council approved the following:
TO-2012-22 T's Jewelers
559 Spningfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA.
t44z (gammat tslt4 af Musartmants
I'll 7a-- 40M
To THz Licr.NSINr. AUTHORrrms:
In accordance with the provisions of the Statutes relating thereto, application for a Permit
is herebv made bv
L (Ftdi A%M* & perowt. firm or corpomtsan Maxus* appiscatuas)
(Cive Imatusu bV strwet and numorr)
State clearly
purpose for
wlucn permit
0 is requested. =n
Permit issu 19
Department of Criminal Justice Information Services
200 Arlington Street,Suite 2200,Chelsea,Massachusetts 02150,MASS,GOV/CJIS
TEL:617-660-4600 - TTY-.617-660-4606 - FAX:617-660-4613
Enhancing Public Safety
Through Information DevalL.Patrick TirriathyP,Murray Mary Elizabeth Heffernan I James f.Slater,III
Exchange Covernor oeutenantcovernor Secretary of Public Safety and Security AcEingCommiWoner
To whom it may concern:
A computerized search has been made of the database of the Department of Criminal Justice
Information Services, which is the repository for criminal records in the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, for TOKMAN, ZINOVY, date-of-birth 05/29/56 and have determined that he or she has
no adult criminal court appearances.
Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury this Fifth day of April, 2012,
Criminal Justice Information Services
Suffolk, ss.
County 0
On this day of 20 before me,the undersigned notary public,personally appedRd
(name of document signer),proved to me through satisfactory ev4ence
of identifir-alion,which were— Z-,,C -, signed the preceding 6X u;
&_('?,lo be the person who
attached document in my presencb,arid who swore or affirmed to me that the contents of the doccri-nerd cD
are truthful and accurate to the best of(his)(her) knowledge and belief, f _V1
Dated: 04/05/2012 rn
My commission expires
Enhancing Public Safety Through information Exchange
Commonwealth of Massachusetts — Department of Criminal Justice Information Services
No record found in Court Activity Record Information file on CJIS for:
DOB: 05/29/56
Today's date: 0410512012
Today's time: 12:31
This indicates that there is no record in the Massachusetts Probation Central File Automated
Database for this name and date of birth pursuant to your request.
Please check that the name referenced above matches the name and date of birth of the person
CORRESPONDS WITH THE REQUEST. If there is a discrepancy please contact the CORI Unit at
Requested by: PERSN
Completed by: ##CORI-OAR 0293-OAR
aw Cl>
Licry-se Number
I/Vo 1//
Name' Fex,:
I--=:i-:y under:he pemidties of pc:�=-v::hz L to -my bes:1mowle'dze znd belie� have =7-ed
aU SMIC=7.—=7_S=d Vmd an smte taxes :-Z=Ired under law.
C-rp—Na= C--=. =Mt=(MCWwarn it A,"PUcabic)
Sc=al Sz==ty N=*_- or Ftdczl Nh==
Tlis license-%,U not be issued unJ ess :his certn_mdon :1z,= is signed by the applic=
Your Soma] SermtyINT=ber wW 'be =-xmz; hed zo Depa== o f
Revenue to d—___=.' evVnether you have =zz -,zx a;i4g, or=pk,,=-- czt oblizations.
who :',zZ to cormc, their non-filing or delinque:ncy i-xq
revocLnm This r-_-uestis made under =-thomv ofVMzss..GI. c. 62C s. 49.k
Town o- f Ag-awam
Interoffice Memorandum
Date: 05/17/2012
Dear City Council Finance Sub-Committee,
In response to your letter dated May 17, 2012 in regards to the Capital Improvement
Program I am happy to supply you with the following information you requested for
Question 1 —As outlined in the Capital Improvement program the following are general
assumptions, # 4A states, "Limit General Fund principal and interest payments to
approximately $1 million dollars per year". This should have been removed, as for
numerous years this has not been the case- Thank you for bringing this to my
attention. The figures in each year's appropriation and bonding schedule are estimates
for evaluating the Capital Improvement Program as they are updated each year based
on need and the ability to fund. This plan is the Towns best estimate for your review.
The appropriations for each year are made as part of the whole budget. The principal
and interest payment for each year are included in the line items portion in section 30 of
the annual operating budget. The Capital Improvement appropriations for each year
are shown in Section 31.
Question 2—As to your concern regarding the Deputy Fire Chief taking the vehicle
outside of Agawam- I want to advise you that the Deputy lives in Feeding Hills. The
new vehicle in the C.I.P. will have towing capacity providing a back-up for our current
tow vehicle.
The 1996 vehicle the Deputy is driving currently is becoming unsafe due to advanced
age and body deterioration. The Chief and Deputy Fire Chief are on-call 24 hours per
day for the safety of our residents,
Richard A. Cohen
70--,"" M'A',Y-0RR1CRA—R,D--C-OHEN
DATE: 5/17/2012
Dear Mayor Cohen:
After reviewing your proposed Capital Improvement Program,the members of the
Finance Sub-Coirunittee respectfally request clarification of the following items:
I� On Page 3 you indicate in Item 4A, that principal and interest spending will
not exceed approximately $I million annually. That estimation is inconsistent with
the figures set forth on Page 3 1� Please explain the reason for this large
inconsistency and advise which figures are the most accurate for our purposes of
evaluating the Capital Improvement Plan.
2. The Capital Improvement Plan calls for a Fire Department vehicle with
towing capacity to be used by the Deputy Fire Chief It appears that such a vehicle
will be driven home by the Deputy Fire Chief whom does not reside within the
To,wri of Agawam,, How is that practical and of what benefit is there to the citizens
of Agawam to have this vehicle traveling outside of our town! What is the benefit
of having a vehicle with boat, towing capacity if it won't always be onsite for
expeditious use?
We took forward to your clarification of these matters.
The Agawam City Council Finance Sub-Committee members
cc: Full Council
Employees Subject to
Vehicle Fringe Benefit
Type Loc # Last First
950 7440 421, Blackak Brian
950 7420 420 Bonesteel Steven
950 7250 969 Bosini Richard
950 7220 24 Brown Gary
950 7420 282 Decker John
950 7450 419 Flyrin James
950 7420 526 Golba Christopher
1950 Vi49-442-AUftiff------Stephen
950 7420 359 Myers Ralph
950 7220 1370 Sirois Alan
.960 4AA
950 7250 519 Urbinati Dominic
950 7111 21 Cohen Richard
950 7137 583 Nicora Chet
Town of Agawam Page I
Policy PLriod: 7111J111 -711112 2122JI 2
aga 2011
1 = Fu41 coverage - (liability,comprehensive&collision)
2= No collision - (liability,comprehensive)
3= Nd physical dar"090 - (liability)
4= Physical damage only - (comprehensive,colfision�
Aga Mass
wam amont Indicates now Cost
No. No. Cov. Dept. Description Now Plate No. GVW VIN
Motorcycles With full coverage
Cyl 68 1 15 2006 Harley Davidson 14.961 MM04647 1HDIFMWI06Y678170
Cy2 69 1 15 2006 Harley Davidson 14,951 MMC7190 1HDlFMWlX6Y677950
Total motorcycles with full coverage 2
T-1 70 1 14 2010 Wanco Radar Board(Speed) Trail 5,000 MP096F 1B9AI:511X9P825333
T-2 74 1 14 2003 Carmate Emergency Reponse Utili 4000 M70170 SA3C714D43LOO4039
239 1 14 2010' ATS-5 Utility Trailer 31000 MP896F 1B9AF5llX9P825333
240 109 1 8 1971 Mastercraft Boat Trailer 150 F14773 182038
385 28 1 10 1989 Intl Trailer(paint Mach) 2,000 M40127 3,500 IZFUFOB17KBOOW8
395 83 1 10 2005 Brim Utility Traiter 4�595 M72929 43YE)C20265CO45646
719 27 1 21 2007 Big Tex Utility TraiW 11.200 M80090 16VLX081072A73025
720 157 1 10 2010 Cross Country Flat Bed Traiier 4�000 M83396 9,996 431FS202OA1000444
Total trailers with full coverage 8
379 44 2 10 1968 Inlemational Trailer 2,000 M40-131 3,500 1ZFUFlOI05B003140
386 77 2 10 2004 gig TE Utility Trailer 2,000 M69028 16VAX101442A32109
Total trailers with no collision 2
207 2'� 3 8 1931 Intl Buffalo Water Trailer 2.000 MF910 A42309
291 ill 3 23 2006 CARMATE UTILITY TRAILER 0,500 M74268 SAX7114DO61-002275
324 46 3 10 1970 General Rattled Trailer Roller 2A00 M28-516 3,000 3TL7925
342 108 3 10 1973 Woodchuck Chipper Trailer 10�000 M74274 0 STWC 3243
384 55 3 10 1999 Custom Flatbed Trailer 3,295 M61553 10,000 5,8732153XX1004781
409 48 3 4 1985 Superior Ideal Trailer — M33-866 2,000 1ZT4ZCB12F4018120
420 138 3 4 2009 Anderson Utility Trailer 1,795 M77-901 4YNBN18229CO56912
701 49 3 10 1985 Quality Utility Trailer 2,000 M33-871 -- 8685
903 52 3 10 1985 Colemore Utility Traiier -- M40-035 LCAA830TOFrO86874
Total trailers with no physical damage 9
Total Trailers 19
TownofAgawam Page 2
Polley Period! 711114-7/1112 2J22/12
aga 2011
Coverage Codes: 1= Full coverage - (liability,comprehensive&collision)
2= No collision - (liability,comprehensive)
3= No physical damage - (liability)
4= Physical damage only - (comprehensive,collision)
Aga Mass
wam amont Indicates new Cost
No. No. Cov. Oopt. Description New Plate No. GVW VIN
Vehicles with full covera e
101 1 14 2011* Ford Crown Victoria 31,000 MP375F 2FABP7BV5BXl 06850
102 158 1 14 2011 Ford Crown Victoria Sedan 30.000 MP1870 2FA8P7BV68Xl72324
103 154 1 14 2011 Ford Crown Victoria 30,000 MP378F 2FASP713VBBX1 68324
104 1 14 2011 For(j Crown Victoria 30.000 MP2410 2FA9P76V5BXI4'J228
105 1 14 2011 Ford Crown Victoria 30,000 MP404F 2FABP78V3BXI07544
106 131 1 14 2011 Ford Crown Vicloria 30,000 MP1840 2FABP7BV5BX107545
107 10 1 14 2033 Explorer Sport Utility 35,000 MP9663 I FMZU72KO3UB06346
108 85 1 14 2006 Ford Taurus Sedan 21,000 44HG70 IFAFP53U96Al24052
100 1 14 2009 Dodge Charger 30,000 712FXK 2B3KA43V49H582442
110 78 1 14 1997 Ford Crown Victoria 26,000 290CWJ 2FALP71W3VX22W2
Ill 76 1 14 �.2007. Ford Crown Victoria 25,000 51GR32 2FAFP71WOTXI 17533
112 76 1 14 2004 Ford Crown Victoria 2e.00b M64619 2FAFP71W64XI43324
113 58 1 14 2000 Ford Crown Victoria 23,035 8900SX
114 86 1 14 2005 Ford Crown Vic.Sedan 26,807 MP402F 2FAFP7lW75X176950
115 84 1 14 2006 Ford Grown Victoria Sedan 28,000 M 30494 2FAFP71W76XlO8326
116 4 1 14 2008 Ford Crown Vic DARE 25,730 MP9164 2FAFP71 V48Xl 12196
117 5 1 14 1997 Ford E360 Van 29,982 MP124A 9.400 1FMEE11LIVH895245
118 146 1 14 1998 Marked Ford Van Prisoner Van 30,000 MP115A 1 FTSS34L6WHA56432
119 1 14 2009 Crom Vic 30,000 MP405F 2FAHP7lVg9XlG4444
121 71 1 14 2000 Hyundai 25,000 4461NY KMHWF35VXYA300550
122 1 14 2005 Ford Taurus 30,000 6442CV 1 FAFP53UO5A1 59240
124 112 1 14 2003 Ford Crown Vic Unmarked 17,719 8652XB 2FAHP71W23X192012
126 147 1 14 21301 Audi A6* 32,000 799XBM WAUE0641391N`163367
125 152 1 14 2005 Nissan Maxima 16,000 775EA3 IN4SA41EX6C843045
123 156 1 14 2003 Unmarked Lincoln Navigator 25,000 213KH9 5LMFU28R03U32345
128 1 14 2012 Unmarked Ford Escape 363HL9 I FMCU5K36CKB20521
201 a 3 6 2007 Pierce Pumper 400.000 MF4606 4PICCO1777AGO7357
202 9 3 8 2007 Pierce Pumper 400,000 MF4656 4PlCCOlT97AGO7358
203 6 3 8 1996 Pierce Pumper 390,000 MF7820 IPICT02U3TA000486
2134 7 3 8 1996 Pierce Pumper 390.000 MF6216 4PtCT02U5TAOOMD
210 113 3 8 2002 Pierce Dash Tower Truck 11100.000 MF7727 4PlCT02S73AO02626
211 8 8 2010 Ford E450 Cutaway Ambulance 163,510 MF9719 I FOXE4FPBADA06498
212 96 3 8 2006 GMC Cutaway Ambulance 165,000 MF6183 17,500 lGOE4V1266F4G0931
213 1 8 2010* Ford E450 Cutaway Ambulance 165.000 MF9719 -- lFDXE4FP8ADAI6707
215 114 3 8 1986 QMC Saulsburg Rescue Vehicle 100.000 MF6283 1GDM7DIG6GV538811
217 2 8 2003" Ford Expedition 10,800 M83936 IFMPU16L23LA20095
222 53 1 8 1997 Ford Crown Victoria 20,497 MF6218 2FALP71W7VX229861
226 102 1 8 2005 Ford Expedition 35.000 MF7816 1FMPU16555LA34805
228 1 8 1997 Ford F350 Pickup 30.000 MF9731 1FTHF36GOVEC46709
2a3 1 21 2011 Ford Escape Hybrid 32,000 MF74 1FMCUSK33BKA75767
345 1 8 2000 Ford Ranger MF9958 1FTYRiOX8YTA59559
301 101 1 10 2007 F450 FZOOI�Body 35,000 M80099 14,000 1 FDXF47P57EB31229
302 75 1 21 2004 Ford F150 Pickup�4 WO 20,000 M70129 6,250 2FTRF18W44CA38978
303 13 1 10 1999 Ford F150 Pickup 22,755 M54230. 6,000 2FTRF08W4XCA13223
304 88 1 21 2006 Init 700ser Henderson Muni 80 123.145 M74264 40,000 IHTWCAAR16J313570
TownofAgawarn Page 3
Policy Period, 7/1111-711112 2122/12
aga 2011
Coverage Codes- I= Fuil coverage - fliability,comprehensive&collision)
2= No collision - (liability,comprehensive)
3= No physical damage - (liability)
4= Physical damage only - (comprehensive,collisionj
Aga Mass
wam amont Indicates now Cost
No. No. Cov. Dept Description Now Plate No. GVW VIN
Vehicles with full coverage (continued)
306 15 1 21 1995 Ford LN8000 67,129 M52450 35.000 1 FDYR82EXSVA37753
307 16 1 10 1997 Ford LN8000 DuMPISPreader 72.650 M64-728 35,000 1FOYR82ElWA28654
308 56 1 10 2001 Freightliner FI-80 Dump/Spreader 86,318 M&4-738 40,000 lFV6JLBB51HHl3056
�09 144 1 10 2009 International 7400 DUMP Sander 106,000 M77-263 40,000 IHTWCAAR99JO84284
310 141 1 10 2009 International 7400 Dump Sander 109,000 M77-275 40,000 1HTWCAAR09JO84285
3`11 95 1 21 2005 Ford Explorer 23.000 M72932 IFMZU72EX5UBS3688
312 1 21 2011 Intemational 7400 Dump 146,380 MB2877 40.000 IFiTWCAAROBJ394314
313 136 21 1986 GMC Truck 50,000 M15-429 1GDL6T1G4GV526438
314 89 1 21 2006 Ford F250 Pick-Up 32,745 M74253 1FTNF205X6EA65610
315 90 1 21 2006 Ford F350 Utility DRW 32,745 M74254 IFI)WW36Y26FA65611
316 80 1 21 2004 Ford Cutvan 30,161 M69599 1FOWE35L74HAO1147
317 91 1 21 2005 International 700SER DUMP/Spre; 81�818 M72014 40,000 1HTWCAARX5J167720
320 97 1 21 2006 Ford F450 Utility 36,545 M74263 0 1FDXW46Y86EA76977
322 25 1 10 1996 Ford F460 Dump 31,707 M52442 15,000 1 FOLF47FXSEA28192
325 57 1 10 2G;l Freightfiner FL80 Ountp Truck 74.891 M64746 40.000 IFV6JLBB51HH13055
326 1 21 2011 Ford Escape Hybrid 27,892 M83377 1FMCU4K37BKA75765
328 98 1 10 2005 Ford F250 Pickup 21,928 M69592 I FTNF21575EA456D4
332 54 1 10 1999 Freightliner Medcon FL80 Dump 77,813 M62515 35.000 IFV6JLA13XXHB82267
'333 26 1 10 2005 Int'l 700SER Dump 50,200 M69581 IHTWCAAR55JO14677
334 103 1 10 2003 International 7400 Dump/Spread 91.611 M62295 40,OW IHTWCAAR63JO51735
337 62 1 10 2002 Freightfiner Dump Truck 74.910 M67275 IFVABXBS22KJ73761
338 107 1 10 2007 Ford Fl 5D Pickup 20,000 M74891 IPTRF14W27NA59025
339 151 1 10 2009* FordFlSOPickup' 26.000 M81516 IFTRF14W49KC60011
340 64 1 21 2001 International Sewer Cleaner Truck 194,427 M40046 1HTGSADR61H343554
343 12 1 10 2007 Trierrrerex TV900-1 27,000 M73845 43YDC16167CO57072
345 19 1 21 1999 Ford Ranger 1%200 M54033 1FTYRiOV9XTA17799
357 22 1 7 1996 Ford Econoline Club Wagon 17,448 M64-587 IFMEE1 1 YGTHA40828
358 35 1 16 2002 Ford Focus 4 door Sedan 14,W M66037 1 FAFP343X2W267924
359 23 1 7 1997 Ford Escort Wagon 13.150 M54672 3FALP15P6VRI16322
360 142 1 21 2008 Ford Escape Hybrid 23.000 M76570 1FMCU59HSBKE09145
361 115 1 21 1999 Ford Ranger Pickup 14,800 M54231 4,000 IFT-YRIOV2XPA27325
362 61 1 10 2001 Ford Super Duly Crew Cab Dump 50.999 M64620 10,000 1FDXW47F51EAS4343
363 189 1 10 2008 Ford F450 Crew Cab Dump 31,880 M77267 16,000 IFI)XW47R58EE39519
364 140 1 10 2008 Ford F450 Dump 31.880 M77266 16.000 1FDXF46Y28EE39518
371 24 1 21 1999 Ford F450 Super Duty Dump 44.490 M61503 15,000 IFDXF47F2XEC28816
373 72 1 21 2003 Ford F250 Pickup 16,971 M70152 8,800 1 F-rNF20183ED58190
375 92 1 10 2006 Ford F450 ORW Cab Rack Body 281,480 M74273 15,000 IFDXF46Y36EC65729
383 63 1 10 2001 Ford Pickup 18,436 M66950 6,600 1FTRF17'WglNB70738
368 29 1 20 1997 International Model 4700 78,000 M47449 35.000 1HTSCAAR2VH414380
Town of Agawam Page 4
Policy Period: 711111-711112 2122JI2
ago 2011
I= Full coverage - jilability,cornprehensivo&collision)
2= No collision - (liability,comprehensive)
3= No Physical damage , [liability)
4= Physical damage only - fcomprehonsive,collision)
Aga Mass
were amont indicates now Cost
No. No� Cov. Dept, Description Now Plate No. GVW VIM
Vehicles with full coverage (continued)
344 36 1 3 1996 Ford Escort Sedan 12.293 M47-435 3FASP13J2TRIO4014
390 1 4 2012 Ford DRWSUP M88638 0 1FDUF4HY7CEB23718
391 g3 1 1 2005 Ford Explorer U72B 04 23,000 M72933 5,964 1 FMZU72E85UB83687
392 66 1 10 2002 Ford Ranger Extended Cab 4WD 20.000 M66946 4,940 1 FTYR45E62TAl 5866
402 32 1 4 1989 Ford F250 Pickup 12JO0 M40-148 2FTHF25H6KCA47847
406 73 1 4 1998 International 400SER Box Truck 15,200 M44-687 25,500 1HTSCAAMBWH547182
407 110 1 4 logs Ford E250 Van 10,000 M40911 IFTNE24L2XH807375
411 33 1 4 1995 Ford E150 Econotirve Van 15,594 M52403 &700 1FTEE14YISH869459
413 94 1 4 2006 Ford E-350 Van 32,000 M74262 9�400 IFOWE35L26HA73392
414 153 1 4 2005 Paid Econovan 27,355 M78M 1FTSE34L45HB27729
565 31 1 9 1998 Ford Contour 16,197 M54294 0 IFAFP66L6WK274395
608 17 1 7 1998 Ford Contour 19,197 M54293 0 1FAFPGOLBWK2743<36
609 1 14 2012 Ford Escape M81814 0 1 FMCV5K36CKS20525
730 67 1 6 2002 Chevrolet Silvaderado 4WD Pickul 17,222 M67265 6,400 10CEK14V42E153207
801 104 1 19 2DOO Ford Cut Away Van 30.000 M64624 1FDWE35S7YH831541
802 116 1 19 2006 Ford EcoVan 15.886 M74272 1FTNE24LOBOA10634
803 1 19 2010 Ford Transit SOB 23.215 M83387 NMOKS9BN8AT033809
807 9 2011 international 700SER DUMP M82877 1 HTWCAAROBJ394314
902 38 1 22 1999 Ford Ranger 14,640 M601B3 1FTYRiOVi)(TA17800
905 135 1 18 2007 Ford EcoVan 15,000 M79-433 I FTNE24L67083806
954 41 1 16 1997 Ford Escort Sedan 12,340 M41-717 1FALP13P6VW192316
Total vehicles with full coverage 102
Vehicles with no collision
206 42 2 8 1993 Ford F250 12.ODG M54233 8,000 1 FTHF26H6PL526642
208 43 2 8 1986 Chevy 4 WD Pickup 10,000 MF8383 — IGCHD3458GF446920
2190 it? 2 23 1994 Ford Bronco 20,000 MF906 IFMEU15HORLS43518
327 18 2 21 1997 Ford Lt9con Crew Cab Util Body 38,212 M56288 10.000 IFTJW35H4VED08639
341 go 2 12 1995 Ford F150 Pickup 14,800 M69595 6,250 1 FTEF I SY9SL892349
404 106 2 4 1983 Ford E 150 Van 7,999 M16596 1FDKE04YlDHA42li41
405 159 2 4 2000 Ford E250 Van 10,000 M79434 1FTNE2424YH891174
Total vehicles with no collision 7
Vehicles with no physical damac
100 45 3 14 1968 VW Sedan(Safety Bug) 2,000 MPKK 18818453
121 79 3 14 2000 Hyandai Sonata Sedan 11,000 "61 NY KMHWF35VXYA300550
906 149 3 8 1997 Rogue Soat/Trakler MF6282 18YIL"271.11011373
Total vehicles with no physical damage 3
Total of aft vehicles 133
WHEREAS,The Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year2013-2017 was submitted
to the City Council on April 9,2012 In accordance with Article 5,Section 5-3(a)of the Charter;
WHEREAS,The Capital Improvement Program contains a prioritized plan of proposed
capital improvements over the next five fiscal years in accordance With Article 5,Section 5-3
(b)of the Charter; and
WHEREAS,The Capital Improvement Program is designed to utilize funds for capital
improvements on the basis of community priorities in condition with the availability of grants
and/or other state,federal or private reimbursement; and
WHEREAS,In development the Capital Improvement Program each year,the planning
process includes consideration of growth of the town, the improvement of efficient service
delivery reducing the need for staff increases,maintenance of new and existing facilities,and
consideration of existing commitments; and
WHEREAS,Each year the Capital Improvement Program is revised and updated in light
of changing needs, requirements,and funding availability;and
WHEREAS, In accordance with Article 5, Section 5-3 (c) and (d), the Council shall
conduct a public hearing and on or before the twentieth day of the last month of the current
fiscal year,shall by resolution adopt the Capital Improvement Program.
NOW THEREFORE,THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby resolves to adopt the Fiscal
Year 2013-2017 Capital Improvement Program as submitted by the Mayor on April 9,2012.
Christopher Johnson, President,Agawam Town Council '-0
Vincenf Gi4tifi, Solicitor
.... ........
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017
(1) Cover Memorandum to City Council 1
(2) Introduction 2
(3) List of Projects (Bonding& Appropriation Schedules)(FY2013 - FY2017) 5
(4) Project Descriptions 20
(5) Bond Payment Spreadsheet 26
(6) Chart- Budget Appropriations 27
(7) Chart- Existing Bond Costs 28
(8) Chart-Projected New Bond Costs 29
(9) Chart - Projected Total Bond Costs(before grants and reimbursements) 30
(10) Chart -Projected Total Bond Costs (after grants and reimbursements) 31
(11) Chart- Self Sustaining Funds- Existing Bond Costs 32
(12) Chart - Self Sustaining Funds - Projected New Bond Costs 33
(13) Chart - Self Sustaining Funds- Projected Total Bond Costs(before grants and reimbursements) 34
(14) Chart - Self Sustaining Funds - Projected Total Bond Costs (after grants and reimbursements) 35
Town of Agawam
36 Main Street, Agawam, Massachusetts wool,
Telephone (413) 786-4520 1 FAX (413) 786-9927
Richard A. Cohen, Mayor
To: Agawam City Council
From: Mayor Richard A.Cohen
Re: Capital Improvement Program (Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017)
Date: April 9, 2012
Pursuant to Section 5-3 of the Agawam Home Rule Charter, I hereby submit the Capital Improvement
Program for Fiscal Year 2013 to Fiscal Year 2017 to the Agawam City Council. The Capital Improvement Program
is a prioritized plan of proposed capital improvements over the next five fiscal years. The major purposes of
the Capital Improvement Program are as follows:
(a) to develop and prioritize needed proposed capital improvement projects;
(b) to research and estimate the revenue necessary to fund proposed capital improvement
(c) to set parameters on the revenue dedicated to fund proposed capital improvement projects;
(d) to forecast future principal and interest expenditures.
The program presented represents a realistic financially feasible long term program.As revenue estimates
become available, revisions shall be made and incorporated in the capital budget portion of the annual budget.
Please call with any questions.
Respectfully submitted,
Mayor Richard A. Cohen
CjjO-,,*tA1 Improvement Program
7?�ilk.941 �20'13 - Fiacal Year 2017
For the purposes of this Capital Improvement Program, a capital improvement is a project or
undertaking which provides for (i) the planning, design, construction, reconstruction, renovation or
replacement of a public building or facility; (ii) an addition to a public-building or facility; (ift) the
purchase of land, buildings or facilities for a public purpose; or Uv) a long range development study.
While the type of improvement is the basic criteTia, a project costing at least $20,000 that has a life
expectancy of ten (10) years or more is generally considered to be a capital improvement.
The Capital Improvement Program is designed to accomplish the following purposes:
I. To utilize town funds for capital improvements which are compatible with the
town's �mission of effective and efficient provision of quality services to the
citizens and businesses of Agawam which in turn enhance the quality of life in
our community;
2. To undertake Capital Improvement Projects on a coordinated basis;
3. To inform the community when needed and planned Capital Improvement
Projects and corresponding expenditures are to be expected and initiated in the
4. To utilize town funds on the basis of community priorities in coordination with the
availability of grants and/or other state, federal or private reimbursements; and
S. To undertake Capital Improvement after careful planning and financia analysis to avoid
an undue burden on the town's fiscal capacity now and in the future.
After many years of limited capital investment, the town was faced with ma"ny desperately needed
projects which had to be undertaken in spite of projected limited revenue growth. Fiscal restraint and
careful planning are required to assure long term stability, and care must be taken in project
development and implementation in order that bond sales are timed so that principal and interest costs
occur in the year scheduled. In addition, the funding requirements of the Education Reform Bill have
placed severe limits on the Town's ability to undertake needed capital improvements.
In developing this Capital Improvement Program the following general assumptions on fiscal
capacity,were assumed and applied:
1. Growth in total property tax revenues will continue to be limited by the
restraints of Proposition 2 1/2and no debt exclusion overrides are contemplated
in this plan;
2. The town will pursue the maximum property tax revenue allowed by
Proposition 2 1/2;
3. For the upcoming fiscal year and future years, the Administration is continuing
to recommend a greater emphasis be placed on capital improvements; and
4. During the next five years, the town should:
a. Limit General Fund principal and interest payments to
approximately $1 million dollars per year;
b. Appropriate as much funding as possible annually from the general
fund for capital improvements on a pay as you go basis while
maintaining existing service levels; and
C. Utilize the Stabilization Fund to assist in meeting the above referenced goal for
level principal and interest payments.
The process of capital planning involves setting priorities within the fiscal capability of the town.
Each year the entire plan is reviewed in light of changing needs and requirements. There are more needs
for improvements by town departments that can be included in a five year time period, and certainly the
net school spending requirements of the Education Reform Bill may cause further delays in making
capital improvements.
in developing the recommended Capital Imptovement Program, the following priorities were
1. �irowth - The town must meet the needs of a growing population and at the
same time direct and manage growth through the timing of public utility
2. improve or Assist Service Delive - Projects that will reduce the need for staff
increases or make staff operations more efficient have been given priority;
3. Facilities - Newand Maintenance of Existing Facilities - When Proposition 2 1/2
was implemented communities were forced to delay constructing new facilities
and defer maintenance on existing facilities which has led to the current
backlog of need for new facilities and the provision of maintenance to existing
facilities; and
4. Prior commitments - The Town is bound by commitments made in prior years.
The commitments were considered in the proposed budget and program.
The attached Capital Improvement Program was developed around the previously cited constraints
and program objectives. It includes a bonding and appropriation plan for each of the five program
years, a brief description of each project item, spread sheets and charts showing existing and proposed
bond payments and graphical representations of these payments.
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017
Fiscal Year-2013.Appropxiat-i-Qn.,Sc—h—e—d-j&
General Frund ApVLQdations
Hampden County Land Acquisition S%500.00
Department of Public Works Equipment S200,000.00
Street Improvement Program $150,000.00
Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $5,000.00
Permit Tracking Software $61,790.00
Fire Department Motor Vehicle $34,800.00
Fire Department Protective Gear $40,000.00
Town Hall Emergency Generator $25,000.00
Police Department HVAC System $75,000.00
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017
Eiscal Ycar 2013 Appropriation Schedulg (Confinged)
Wastew-ger Fund Ap-pLo-jLnatign
Project Descri%ion Ain=J
Wastewater Equipment Replacement $20,000,00
Wastewater Motor Vehicle $47,174�00
r Fund Apmo atioDs Projected
&Qjcct Dc AM
Water Department Equipment Replacement $47�174.00
AZAAam al, s—e-Appmp-riations
-WuniQ�-Golf CQmL
Pwigu MscriptiQn AmQJW
Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $60,000.00
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Prograra
Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year' 2017
Eiscal Ycar Z013 Bonding Schedule
Qpncral Fund Ur -i ects
Projected I'Year
Proiect Descjjption Amo-un De t Sepdce
Junior High School Roof, Windows and HVAC $1,250,000.00 $112,5KOO
High School Bathroom and Locker Room Renovation SI,75OjOOO.00 S 157,500.00
Pine Street Road Improvements $524,000.00 $55,960.00
Suffield Street Drainage Improvements $300,000,00 $32,000.00
Wastewater Bundhwj—ecta
Projected V Year
Project Desgrip-liQn AMQU--nl Debi Set-vice
Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Extension Phase 11 $10,700,000.00 $963,000.00
Water Fund ftircts
Projected I"Year
ft.ject Descdl2tion Debt Sgryice
Water Main Design -Main & Suffield Streets $350,000.00 $34,000-00
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017
FiscaUg—ar-2-014 Al2i2rQpriatioll Scbedulk
Genera-I-Fund Aagruriationk
I Amm=
Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00
Department of Public Works Equipment S150,000.00
Street Improvement Program $160,000.00
Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $30,000.00
Traffic Light Improvements $30,000.00
Pool Filtration System -Junior Higb School $150,000.00
TOTAL $522,500.00
Waste5ygter Fog AppLo-priafigns
ELqject Descrip-tion AmQ=1
Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017
Fiscal Ykar 2014 Appx�oriationSchedmitL(:mtin,ued)
Water Fund Appropriations
Proiect DqScdRf1M
Water Equipment Replacement $47,100.00
Agaw—am Mmidpal QD-1f!Q.Q=e A21=2dations
EW-ject Desg6ptio AmQunt
Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $31,100.00
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017
JE15cal Year 201 Bonding lichgdUl
ftiggi Desgrript—ion Amomt D&I scry'c
Westfield River Backup Force Main Design $300,000.00 $30,000
)yater Eund Proiects PMjggLed I"ye
Prp.jerg Dcagliption. Am-qu--nt Debt Service
Water Main Construction - Main & Suffield Streets $2,000,000.00 $200,000.00
Water Main Construction -North Westfield Street $3,300,000.00 $330,000,00
Water Main Construction - Reed Street $600,000.00 $60,000.00
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017
Fiscal Year 2015 Approndalign Sche We
CnengALLund A=r-QiLna1im5
Hampden County Land Acquisition sq,500m
Department of Public Works Equipment $150,000.00
Street Improvement Program $400,000.00
Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $40,000.00
Traffic Light Improvements $30,000,00
Police Station Renovation -Feasibility Study& Preliminary Design $25,000.00
Robinson Park School Energy Management System $128,000.00
TOTAL $782.50,,-00
Wastmaer Fund Aampiiatimns
Rmiegt DescripjjQn AMQ=
Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017
Fiscal Y-ear-2V15-Appropriation Schedule (Continged)
Water Fund Appropriations
Wiect Description Amount
Water Equipment Replacement $47,100.00
Agawam Mmicipal. Golf Courst Appropriations
Project DescdptiQn Amount
Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $31,100.00
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017
&cal Yor 2Q15 Bonding Schedule
Wastewatq Fund Projects
PrQjected Elm
EWig-cl Dewhplion Am Debt Smice
Westficld River Backup Force Main Construction $2,000,000.00 $230,000.00
Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Extension Phase 111 $393,000.00 $45,545.00
VACTOR Truck $400,000.00 $10
)Yater Fund Prq.jects
EW-ject-D-esc;dXjm An—ou-n Debt Service
Water Main Replacement- Silver Street to Elm Street $1,100,000.00 $1
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 -Fiscal Year 2017
Flual 1(eaj: 2QJ6 Appr9priation Schedule
QgBrrgj Fund Awrariations
RMig-c-1 DMEWliffl Amount
Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500,00
Department of Public Works Equipment $150,000.00
Street Improvement Program $500,000.00
Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $50,000.00
MIAL $709,59Q.00
t und AppnWhations
RMject 12g5gription. Prgjgcttd
Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174M
TOTAL Ll L LL4.0.0
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017
Fiscal ar 20Ifi-ApVrQprhatiQn Schgdmig (CQntinue
-W-a—ter-Elmd ARprgpriations
PW.jggt Descriplion Amount
Water Equipment Replacement $47,100.00
TOTAL LiL-12"o
Agawam M-umicigal-AQ&Course-A=Qlaiations
praigr-t Pgarriptig Amunt
Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $31,100.00
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017
Fiscal-Y-ear.2016 B-anding-S-chtdo-le
Wastewater Fund Pro-jects
2hpi-e—eted LYear
Pr-Q-ject Qg5cription Debt Smice
Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Extension Phase 1H
Construction $3,900,000.00 UL8,0�00.00
Water Fqnd-kWj.�cts
Rwjgcjed 15t,lyeff
ZMect Descfipl ArnQjm Q bt Service
Water Main Design-South Street $200,000.00 $24,000.00
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017
FisdaLY—e—ax-207 ApprQpriglion Schedulc�
Er-01ject j2r.5 Am
Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00
Department of Public Works Equipment S160,000.00
Street Improvement Program $500,000.00
Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $50,000.00
Traffic Light Improvements $30,000.00
TOTAL S24222.0_
Waste3ygter Fund AppropriatiQp5
Wastewater Equipment Replacement S47,174.00
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017
Eiscal Yor 2017 Appropriation.,Schedul-e-.(-Conlin-ued)
)yggr Eund Apprgpdations
miect Q""ip�, Am
Water Equipment Replacement $47,100.00
Agawam Municipal Golf Cgurae Appropriations
Pj:Qj-e-ct DesuipAim Amm
Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $31,100.00
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017
Fiscal Year 2017 Bonding Sizbcdule,
-Wqatewater FjWd RrQ.jects
Erg.jecte lt�L=
Eroject 12gigiphon Amo Debt Sgryig?,
Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Extension Phase IV Design $388,000.00 $49,100.
W—ater Fund ELoj—ec—ts
,ted I' Yc
ErQjgct DrsaipkPn oun
Am— j Debt Sgryicc
Water Main Construction- South Street $1,500,0KOO $187,500.00
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 — Fiscal Year 2017
The Town has applied for a FEMA grant to purchase an emergency generator that wil I provide
emergency power to the Town Hall in the event of an extended power outage. The estimated
cost of the generator is $100,000. The FEMA grant will provide for seventy-five per cent of the
cost,the Town's share would be$25,000.
Funds are requested to replace the heating and air conditioning system at the police station. The
present system is over twenty years old and is required to operate twenty-four hours per day,
seven days per week. Due to the age of the system, it does not operate efficiently. A new
system should last between fifteen and twenty years and provide energy efficiency which will
reduce operating costs.
Funds have been set aside to provide for a use and feasibility study for repairs and improvements
to the Police Station.
An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment
on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in
order to provide ftinding for high value, large Department of Public Works trucks and other
capital equipment. Two large dump trucks have been replaced and financed with a capital lease,
$100.000 has been set aside for lease payments. As part of a scheduled replacement program,
$50,000 has been included to provide one-third of the cost for the replacement of a CAT 199 IT
28G Loader with 8,595 operating hours (or converted to 257,850 miles). In addition S50,000 has
- 20-
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013— Fiscal Year 2017
been included to provide foTone-half of a two year lease for a 1999 Jacobson HR9016,, a 16 foot
winged rotary mower with 166,320 operating hours (or converted to 166,320 miles).
Funding is required for the improvement and maintenance of local roadways. Improvements
include the construction, reconstruction, widening and resurfacing of roads and the installation
and repair of drainage structures and systems. Funds will be utilized in combination with state
Chapter 90 funding to meet routine maintenance,preventative maintenance and improvement
requirements. Annual increases in this account are recommended based upon the Pioneer Valley
Planning Commission Pavement Management Study performed in 20 10.
The Department of Public Works Highway Divisions' sidewalk construction and repair team will
continue rehabilitation work on sidewalks throughout the community. Funds will be used to
extend walks to provide connections to schools and recreation facilities. Future increases in this
account are recommended in order to implement a Sidewalk Master Plan currently under
Funds are included to provide for upgrades of equipment and software for existing traffic lights.
In conjunction with Phase 11 of the Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Extension, Pine Street will
have to be rehabilitated, graded and resurfaced.
The culverts on Suffield Street are inadequate to provide drainage during storms. Funds are
included to enlarge the existing culverts to correct this problem. It is anticipated that partial
funding will be provided from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency to reduce the
costs to the Town for this project.
- 21 -
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 —Fiscal Year 2017
An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment
on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in
order to provide funding for large, high value, wastewater capital equipment.
This project involves extension of the sewer service to the Southwest portion of Town. The first
phase of this program is complete. Funds are included for construction for recently combined
Phases 11 and 111, followed by additional construction in the second subsequent year. The
enormity of this project requires that it be completed and funded in phases. It is anticipated that
it will be completed in several phases over a period of approximately nine years at a total cost of
Failure of the newer force main during fiscal year 2008 required emergency repairs during which
the 10 inch backup force main was used to continue flows to Bondi's Island. This backup force
main should be completed to be ready to be put in service should any of the existing four river
crossings fail in the future. Assistance will be sought from local communities that share the use
of the force main.
An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment
on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in
order to provide funding for high value,large water capital equipment.
-22 -
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013—Fiscal Year 2017
The Springfield Water and Sewer Commission is planning maintenance work on their
transmission mains from which we receive our water. A portion of the mains will be taken out
of service for the work, Hydraulic modeling of our system indicated that we do not have
sufficient capacity in our distribution system to insure adequate pressure for our residents if we
lose service from more than one connection. We need to build flow capacity in an east-west
This project will provide a link from our only connection to the Springfield northerly
transmission main to the rest of our system, which only has connections to the southerly
transmission line. This will allow the Town to maintain- service should the southerly
transmission line go out of service. Seventy-five per cent of design costs will be submitted to the
Massachusetts Department of Transportation with the Route 187 road improvement plans in
Fiscal Year 201.4.
Funds are requested to construct a twelve inch water main to replace 650 feet of six inch asbestos
cement pipe and 1,050 feet of four inch cast iron pipe. This will also improve the east — west
flow capabilities as well as fire flows.
Funds are requested to replace the existing six inch main running between Main Street and
Suffield Street with a twelve inch main to improve the east — west flow capabilities as well as
fire flows.
Funds are requested to replace the existing six inch main with 5,420 feet of eight inch ductile
iron water main.
- 23 -
Town of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 —Fiscal Year*2017
Presently, the software services only the Inspection Services Department. In addition, the
current application runs too slowly. Funds are requested to replace the current software with a
Permit Tracking Software that will service the Inspection Services, Planning and Engineering
departments and provide a speedier, accurate flow of information between departments,
Funding is included to replace the Fire Department 1997 Ford Crown Victoria that is currently
utilized by the Deputy Fire Chief The replacement vehicle will also serve as a secondary means
of towing the Agawam Fire Department rescue boat when it is stored at Station 1.
Funds are requested to replace twenty sets of firefighting personal protective equipment (turnout
gear) that will ensure the safety of personnel in fire suppression and rescue operations,
An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment
on a scheduled maintenance program, In fiscal year 2013, funds are required to replace golf
carts, Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for high
value, large Municipal Golf Course capital equipment.
Agawam acquired most of the holdings of the Hampden County government that were within the
Town's boundaries when the county was dissolved. The Town is required to reimburse the other
county communities for their share!of these assets.
-24 -
Tow n of Agawam
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2013 — Fiscal Year 2017
The roof at the Junior High School is being replaced, along with the windows and HVAC system
as part of a Massachusetts School Building Authority Green Repair Project. The Town is
required to fund 42.26 per cent of this project.
These projects will continue to be funded through annual appropriation. They include a new
folding gym door at the Juniof High School, a new energy management system at Robinson Park
School, and a new pool filtration system at the Junior High School.
Pursuant to the NEASC report, funds are included to provide for locker room and bathroom
refurbishment at the High School,
- 25 -
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of 1 0#1
General Fund
et!pIected New Bond Costs n2013 - FY2017)
FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017
Building Maintenance Building Extension $ 16�884 16,444 $ 16,055 15,667 $ 15,278
Toom Wide Telephone System $ 45,500 $ 44,450 $ 43,400 $ 42,350 $ 41,300
Junior High School Roof cod HVAC System $ - $ 112,500 $ 110,000 $ 207,500 $ 105,000
Pine Street PAnd Dnprovements $ - $ 55�960 $ 54,560 $ 53,160 $ 51.760
Sufflelid Street Drainage Improvements $ - $ 32,000 $ 32,200 $ 30,400 $ 29,600
High School Locker Room & Bathrocto $ - $ 157.5W $ 154,000 $ 150.sw $ 147,000
ITOTAL 62,384 $ 418,854 $ 409,215 $ 399,577 $ 389,938
"ected New Bond Costs TY2013- FY2017)
FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017
General Fund
Total Bond Costs (FY2013 - FY201
(before grants and reimbursements)
FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017
Existing Bomd Costs $2,868,488 $2,772,184 $2,535,732 $2,345,138 $2,240,739
Projected New Somd Costs $62,364 $418,854 $409,Z15 $399,577 $389,938
ITOTAL BOM COSTS �2:M,872 $3,191,038 $2,90,947 $2,70,715 $2,630,61"
Total Projected Bond Costs (FY2013 -FY2017)
(before grants wW reimbursements)
$I,OW,= V
$5W,OW -//
$0 -
FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017
if-in :-:T=MMqm7lt 1 114-7
Self Sustaini
Prgjected New Bond Costs, (FY2013 - FY201Z)
FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017
Feeding Hil;s Southwest�i�er Phan n $ $ - $ 963,000 ;;1.;; $ 920"200
Westfield River Backup Fame Main Usign $ $ - $ - $ 30,000 $ 29,250
Westf ietd River Backup Force Main Construction $ $ - $ - $ - $ 230,000
Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Design Phase M $ $ - $ - $ - $ 45,545
VACTOR Truck $ $ $ $ 101,000 $ 96,800
Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Construction Phase 3M $ $ $ $ - $ -
Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer besign Phase IV $ $ $ $ - $ -
Water Main besign - Main &Suffield Streets $ $ $ $4,000 $ 33,200 $ 32,400
Water Main Coratruction - M41n A Suffield Streets $ $ $ - $ 200,000 $ 195,000
Water Main Construction - North Westfield Street $ $ $ $ 330,000 $ 321,750
Water Main Construction - Rud Street $ $ - $ 60,000 $ 58.500
Water Main Construction - Silver d Elm Streets $ - $ - $ 112,750 $ 117,70D
W t main Design - South Street $ - $ - $ - $
W::: Main CAnstruction - South Street $ - $ - $ $ -
FTO�TAL— $ - $ 997,000 $ 1,808,5W $ 2,047,145
Projected New gond Costs (FY2013 - FY2017)
$2,000,000 -
$5oo.00G -
$- -I
FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017
Self Sustaining Funds
Projected Total Bond' Costs (FY2013 - FY201
(before grants and reitubursements)
FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017
Existing Bond Costs $484,929 $475,105 $463,993 $375,068 $372,537
Projected New Bond Costs $0 $0 $997,000 $1,808,550 $2,047,145
ITOTAL BON0 COSTS $484,929 $475,105 $1,460,993 $2,183,618 $2,419,682
Total Projected Bond Costs (FY2013-FY2017)
(before grants and reimbursements)
$2.5w.000 -
$I,SW,000 -
$1,00o.000 -
FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017