TR-2012-24 APPT DOREEN PROUTY CPA IY ■ _ , . �� �� r l� t i i i TR-2012-aq A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF DOREEN A. PROUTY OF 891 SOUTH WESTFIELD STREET, FEEDING HILLS, MA TO THE COMMUNITY FRESER VA TION COMMITTEE FOR TERM EXPIRING APRIL 30, 2015 WHEREAS, a vacancy currently exists on the Community Preservation Committee, and C:) WHEREAS, the Mayor has appointed Doreen A. Prouty, of 891 South Weaeld 'z -p,,E2 G-)r- Street, FeedIng Hills, MA to the Committee Preservefton Committee for term on�in April 30, 2015; and -.3 3K .5�0 NO W THEREFORE, THE A GA WA M TO WN COUNCIL hereby resolves to con&w .Lj the appointment of Doreen A. Prouty, of 891 South Wesffjeld Street, FeedIng Hills, MA to the Community Preservation Committee for term expIrIng on Apr# 30, 2015. DATED THIS 71� DAY OF MAY 2012 PER ORDER OF THE AGA WA M TOWN COUNCIL b,�-P�,fy lb D� T a - -Fn UL Christopher C. Jgson, 'President, Agawam Clty Council CQ, - Ar_JV0VE0 TO FORM AND LEGALITY Vincent F. Gibscia, Solicitor 0 Wd L I OW ?log MAYORAL ACTION Received this day of 2012 from Council Clerk. � 'it ou� Signed by Council President this day of J2012. 1 V APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Ag r,'harter, as amp ded I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2012. V —24�1 - — Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2012 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor ,RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Retumed to Council Clerk this day of ) 2012. Doreen A. Prouty 891 S. Westfield St. Feeding Hills,MA. 0 1030 (413) 789-197H Ms. Barbara Bard, Clerk of the Council Agawam Town Hall 36 Main St.Agawam, MA 01001 Re: CPA vacancy Dear Ms. Bard, This letter is to inform you of my interest in the CPA committee vacancy. Since its inception,the CPA has been a great asset to this community. Being an Agawam resident for the past 31 years, I have grown to love this town. I have enjoyed my many years on the Zoning Board of Appeals and would like to increase my involvement for the town of Agawam. CPA has helped fund some terrific programs, especially School Street Park and I believe I can bring positive input for future projects. Tbank-you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Po-�� 6-&;'� Doreen Prouty C= -0 I> —J FAG AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET -S 01001 AGAWAN/1, MASSACIAUSET1 ED April 18. 2012 PRESIDENT Christopher C.Johnson VICF PRESIDENT Dennis J. Perij- COUNCILORS George Bitzas VII�S, 1)01'CCII PI-OWN' Cecilia P. Calabrese 89 1 S0LJIfI WeStfield Street Poll/C cavallo Fc�cd i no I I i I I s. N1 A, ()10 1 0 James P, cichuni Gina A.I. Letellier Robert A Magvver�j [)ori�cw Joseph Ahneo DonakiAl Rheauh Oil hC11,111' 01' the A2ZI%VMI1 Clt\,r C01.11161, I WIS11 10 C.Xtelld all Roberr E. Rossi ifflIllatioll to attelld [lie Regulm- Council Mccting at whicil [lie COMM] Will VOW to C011fli'lli VOL11, zippointillent lo the Au, ADNIINISTRATIVE C(mimunitv Preservation Act Committec. This mectino has been ASSfSTANT scheduled for Nlonda.y, M;jy 7, 2012 at 7:00, and \vIII be lidd III Barbara/I 13ard tile MIL111.01-iLlIll .11 flIC Roberta Cr. 1)ncring School, 68 i'maill Sireet, Thank VOLI J'or your dedic,,iiion ind uencrositNI tO OLII' WWII. Sincerdy, 4,4( Ral-har"I A. Blird Admimstr,mvc Assislant to thc City (70[incil TELEPHONE (413.) 786-0400 F-a 8716 FAX (413) 726-9717 ENIAII� hbardot 4�ggrnvam.ma.us 7R-2012- A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF DOREEN A. PROUTY OF 891 SOUTH WESTFIELD STREET, FEEDING HILLS, MA TO THE COMMUNITY PRESER VA TION COMMITTEE FOR TERM EXPIRING APRIL 30, 2015 WHEREAS, a vacancy currently exists on the Community Preservation Committee, and WHEREAS, the Mayor has appointed Doreen A. Prouty, of 891 South Wesffleld Street, FeedIng Hills, MA to the Committee Preservation Committee for term expiring on April 30, 2015; and NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL hereby resolves to confinn the appointment of Doreen A. Prouty, of 891 South Wesffield Street, Feeding Hills, MA to the Community Preservation Committee for term expiring on April 30, 2015 C� lb > DA TED THIS DAY OF PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL Christopher C Johnson, President, Agawam City Council A 0 VED S TO FORM A 1VD L EGA L I TY I r� r<�7L ,�v � Vincent F Gibscia-Solicitor Doreen A. Prouty 891 S. Westfield St. Feeding Hills, MA. 01030 (413) 789-1978 Ms. Barbara Bard, Clerk of the Council Agawam Town Hall 3 6 Main St.Agawam, MA 0 100 1 Re: CPA vacancy Dear Ms. Bard, This letter is to inform you of my interest in the CPA committee vacancy. Since its inception, the CPA has been a great asset to this community. Being an Agawam resident for the past 31 years, I have grown to love this town. I have enjoyed my many years on the Zoning Board of Appeals and would like to increase my involvement for the town of Agawam. CPA has helped fund some terrific programs, especially School Street Park and I believe I can bring positive input for future projects. Tbank-you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Doreen Prouty X rp �2