TR-2012-26 APPT MARIO TEDESCHI BOARD OF REG - � 5 oorzaou TR-2012-26 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF MARIO TEDESCHI JR., 150 JUNIPER RIDGE DRIVE, FEEDING HILLS, MA 01030 TO THE AGA WAM BOARD OF REGISTRARS TO A TERM EXPIRING APRIL 1, 2015 WHEREAS, the Agawam Board of Registrars currently has a vacancy; and WHEREAS, the Mayor has appointed Mario Tedeschi Jr., 150 Juniper Ridge Drive, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 to the Agawam Board of Registrars to a term expiring April 1, 2015, NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM C/TY COUNCIL hereby resolves to confirm the appointment of Mario Tedeschi Jr., 150 Juniper Ridge Drive, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 to the Agawam Board of Registrars to a term expiring April 1, 2015. M >C-,) DATED THIS -7-N DAY OF N A-1 2012 j >r- -K >C) PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL Cn Christopher C. Jotpon, President, Agawam City Council CO LkneA APPROVED TO FORM AND LEGALITY VincenlF. Gioscia, Solicitor :Z1 Wd L I IN Z109 VWV 331JAO S,%d3jo MAYORAL ACTION Received this 24/K� day of Iq" — , 2012 from Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this j*I) day of 2012. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Aga,?nWharter, as am Mned, I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this -7-:? day of IL 2012. /,Z- Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of � 2012 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor ,RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this day of ) 2012. 7- Tbe 21gabiam ToWn Republican Commtttee Michael J. Daley April 1, 2012 Po Box 101 Agawam, Ma 0 100 1 Honorable Richard A. Cohen Mayor of Agawam Agawam Town Hall 36 Main St Agawam, MA 0 100 1 Dear Mayor Cohen; I am writing to you to recommend two of our committee members for the appointment of Board of Registrars. I would like to recommend Timothy P. McGrew for this position and for the second position Mario Tedeschi Jr. Although the second recommendation is for the position that expired April 1, 2011, no one contacted the committee to seek reappointment. Mr. Tedeschi will accept the appointment from last year, to fill the term. I must apologize to you for this oversight. It was only recently that the comnlittee was made aware of MGL 51 Section 15, Appointment process of the Board of Registrar. Thank you for your time. Sincerely if f Chairman FAG AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 01 36 MAI - STREET AGAWAN4, 1\1ASSACHUSETTS 0100t ED May S.. 2012 PRESHONT Christopher C. Johnson VICE PRESIDE-NT Dennis.J. Perry COUNCILORS George BUMS Cecilia P. Calabrese Ndr. NIanoTedeschl—jr. Poll/C. Cal'(1110 150 Ailliper Ridgc Drivc James P, Cichelti 1-cedingl-fills. MA. 01030 Gina At Lefellier RoberiA. Alagovern Josaph Alinco Dezir M I-. Tedeschl: Donald H. R17cault Roberi E Rossi C01l1-11-WUl,]t]01ls Oil VOL11- appointment to the Atlawani Board of' RegistrzVS to it Term Expiring April 1.. 2015. The City COLHICH ADMINISTRA,rivL 1'ecol-11117CS VOUr hard wor�- ail(I coillill' Z� - itillent to [his board as wcij ASSISTANT as to tile Town of'AL�mvam. Barbarak Bard ()Ilcc a -,1"17 011 helidlCol-the Ai'DW1111) C11V COL1116L thank you flor g I lo otil. 1(mv-11. At4&IV- Barbara A. Bard Administrative Assistant to the CIV COLUICI TELF;PHONE (413 7 86-0400 F�xt. 6716 FAX (4131) 726-9717 EMAIL )FAG -NCIL AGAWAM CITY COU 36 MAIN s,rREFT -T(,SETTS 01001 AGAWAM, NIASSACI AQ IN, 2U 12 PREMDENT Wistopher C. Johnsv? ME PREADENT Dennis J. Porly COU.NCILORS George Buzas Mr. N,41ri0TedCsChiJ]-. Cecilia P. Calabrest, 150 JuKpo, My Me Pow C% AM& Feeding Hills, -VIA. 01030 Junles P, cichem Ginu,-11. Lerellier RobertA. Magovern Dear .-Mr. T�deschi: AnqmAmwo Donala'Al Rheault CM Indmif of be Agawam City Council. I wish -to extend all Rohen E Assi invitatkni to alWnd We Regidar CouncH Nicel-ing at whidi Tc COL11161 W-HI VOle I0 C011FIF111 api)0iII1111ellt 10 the Agawaill AW-01NISTRATIVE 130at'd 01' RCQiS ThiS IlleetilIg haS beC11 SCII CILLI C , .I]-a i�S. C C I R I- ASSSTANT Monday, iklay 7, 2012 ta 100, and \vill be held in the auditorium BorbarriA. Bard at the Roberta G. Doering, School, 68 Main ',,trect. Agawani. Thanl� VOLI f01- VOUr dedintion 111d 11CJ1C1-0Sil)' to OUI- t0wn. shcov". Barbara A. Rard Administrativc Assist.uit to the City Council TELEPHONL' (V1$) 786-0400111. 8716 FAX (413) 726-9717 MAIL hbaraVlagawamnical,lus TR-2012-26 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF MARIO TEDESCHI JR., 150 JUNIPER RIDGE DRIVE, FEEDING HILLS, MA 01030 TO THE AGAWAM BOARD OF REGISTRARS TO A TERM EXPIRING APRIL 1, 2015 WHEREAS, the Agawam Board of Registrars currently has a vacancy, and WHEREAS, the Mayor has appointed Mario Tedeschi Jr., 150 Juniper Ridge Drive, .Feeding Hills, MA 01030 to the Agawam Board of Registrars to a term expiring April 1, 2015; NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby resolves to confirm the appointment of Mario Tedeschi Jr., 150 Juniper Ridge Drive, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 to the Agawam Board of Registrars to a term expiring April 1, 2015. DA TED THIS DAY OF 2012 C') PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL C) 3> Christopher C. Johnson, President, Agawam City Council n 'C") rn APPROVED A— TO FORM AND LEGALITY L VincedF. Gioscia, Solicitor ra)L Tbelgalmam Totun Aepublican Committee Michael J. Daley April 1, 2012 Po Box 101 Agawam, Ma 0 100 1 Honorable Richard A. Cohen Mayor of Agawam Agawam Town Hall 36 Main St Agawam, MA 0 100 1 Dear Mayor Cohen; I am writing to you to recommend two of our committee members for the appointment of Board of Regish-ars. I would like to recommend Timothy P. McGrew for this position and for the second position Mario Tedeschi Jr. Although the second recommendation is for the position that expired April 1, 2011, no one contacted the committee to seek reappointment. Mr. Tedeschi will accept the appointment from last year, to fill the term. I must apologize to you for this oversight. It was only recently that the committee was made aware of MGL 51 Section 15, Appointment process of the Board of Registrar. Thank you for your time. Sincerely h5 -AL&�W� Chairman