TR-2012-3 CPA EXPENDITURE FOR SCHOOL STREET PARK wo 4 00 A T11-2012-3�,, A RiisoimrlfON APPROPORIATINC FIZOM THE COINIMUNITY PRESE.RVATiON FUND AND AuTHORIZING THE, EXPENDEITURE OF COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUNDS FOR THE CREATION, CONSTRUCTION AND PRESERVATION OF LAND ASA PARK FOR RECREATIONAL USE ON PROPERTY OWNED BY T14E CITY OF AGANNIAM AND LOCATED ON SCUIOOL STREET (Sponsorcd By: Gem-ge Bitzas) Whereas, voters of Agawam chose to form a Community Preservation Committee (CPA)-, and Whereas, pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44B, Section 5(2) allows the CPA Committee to make reconiniendallons, to the leolislative body, and WIM-CaS1. PLWSLIant to Massachusetts Gvneral Law Chapter 4413, Section 5(3))(d) states that the legislative body shall then take such action and approve such appropriations for the CPA Committee; and Whereas. one of the CPA committee's functions is related to providing recreation benefits to the City and its residents- and NVhcreas. a plan has been developed to create, C0nStrUCt ,,,md preserve said land asa park for recreational Use on property owned by the City on School Street; ,in(] Whei-eas, the Community Preservation Committee has previouslyapproved funds for said purpose; and Whei-eas, the pro ca is in need ofadditional funds to bC Used to assist in !he crea(1011. J consirLIC6011 and preservation ofsaid land as a park Cor recreational use; and Wlicreas, there is extremely sti-0112, C0111111MIlly SU�)POI-t 170r SLIC11 use Of 1111W.", 1'1�0111 olected officials , City of Aimvam Depm-tinent Heads. and ResideluS ofAinm,am. and Wh e reas, 'I'll e Community Preservation Committee has recommended appropriationand expenditure in the 11110LInt OftWO Million dollirs ;.md no cents ($2.000,000,00) from CPA unreserved fund balance., and VNIllicreas. The Conimunliv Preservation Committee rccommends that the Aoawam Citv Council appropriate two million dollarsand no cents ($2,000.000.00) ofCPA ftinds fbi Phase It ofthe School Street Park subject to the CPA Committee and Agawam City Council approval of"the Final plans-, and Whereas, it is the best interest of the public and the City of Agawam to appropriate from the community preservation fund and authorize the expenditure of community preservation funds for the creation, construction and preservation of land as a park for recreational use on property owned by the City of Agawam located on School Street; NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby further resolves, appropriates and authorizes the expenditure of Community Preservation Funds in the amount of two million dollars and no cents ($2,000,000.00) from CPA unreserved fund balance for the creation, construction, and preservation of land as a park for recreational use on property owned by the City of Agawam and located on School Street. THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL hereby further resolves that the Mayor is authorized to expend said funds, as permitted by law, and to do all things necessary for the purposes so stated. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Christopher C. Johnson, President AP ED AS T ORM AND LEGALITY ED AS T ORM AND I Citv Solicitor -Vincentf F. 1a, City Solicitor APPROVED AS TO APPROPRIATION Cheryl St. John, Auditor TR-2012-3 A RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FROM THE COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDEITURE OF COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUNDS FOR THE CREATION, CONSTRUCTION AND PRESERVATION OF LAND AS A PARK FOR RECREATIONAL USE ON PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF AGAWAM AND LOCATED ON SCHOOL STREET (Sponsored By: George Bitzas) Whereas, voters of Agawam chose to form a Community Preservation Committee (CPA); and Whereas, pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 4413, Section 5(2) allows the CPA Committee to make recommendations to the legislative body; and Whereas, pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 4413, Section 5(3)(d) states that the legislative body shall then take such action and approve such appropriations for the CPA Committee; and Whereas, one of the CPA committee's functions is related to providing recreation benefits to the City and its residents; and Whereas, a plan has been developed to create, construct and preserve said land as a park for recreational use on property owned by the City on School Street; and Whereas, the Community Preservation Committee has previously approved funds for said purpose; and Whereas,the project is in need of additional funds to be used to assist in the creation, construction and Preservation of said land as a park for recreational use; and Whereas,there is extremely strong community support for such use of funds from elected officials , City of Agawam Department Heads, and Residents of Agawam; and Whereas, The Community Preservation �onimittee has recommended appropriation and expenditure in the amount of two millio dollars and no cents ($2,000,000.00) from CPA unreserved fund balance; and Whereas, The Community Preservation CO tt ecommends that the Agawam City a�giyni ee r Council appropriate two million dollar "w4amalt 00) of CPA funds for tt and Agawam City Phase 11 of the School Street Park subject to the'CP.A: 6 Council approval of the final plans; a d INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: CHRISTO'PHE'R C. JOHNSONII, COUNCTI. PRF'SlDF T' FROM: COUNCILOR (;E,'0RG1:`1 13117AS SUBJECT: "FlZ-2012-3A\DTR--20] -1-4 DATE: JANU,-\RY 26, 2012 Ai this point In time, I ECSPCCffilll�� rC(jL)CSr, thC \V1LhdI-,1W,0 of "IR-2012-3 and I­R-2012-4 fconi the City Cound Agen&i dtic Lc) the denial of the S500,000 PARC Grant, I ain \,cry disappointed that Agawam did not recci\,c this gTant however Parks c'l,-- Recreation Director, Chris Sparks, indicatcd lie Will be re- applying for d-iis grant in Apr� should a ne-w grarit beconic av-ailable- Por your convenicncej have a ttac lied the denial letter from the statc� OLIT nexc step and best COLINC Of aC11011 WoUld be to hirc Be-rkshlrc Design GrOLIP to cTcar.c a definimc plan clesign for thc� park .111d one that. would be accept-able, by the City (-'ouncil, clic iWnyoi:, and the (:I,)'\ Committee. Chsil." Sparks will introduce ii scpai-aic CPA fundillg 1-�C(-JUCS1 f0Y M-V1111VCtUral scrvic(I'll onIV, With or Nvich0l.lt LhIS grAllt, I hope thL. ("iry (]oI.11161 \vIll C(-)F1tI'J1L1e M WOrk \\�Idl the administi'aLlon i�c) use CPA nionics to complete the School Street Pai-k. J'he longer we wait, tlic niore. expensive It will be for oUr KAVIL 'I'liank you for votir consideradon. cc: Full Council 1\4avol. SoLicitOr chn,,� Spark's Pianning CPA Cornrnirtccl jennifer The Commonwealth of Wwassachusetts �Lqczttive Qfce qfEneig it's y andE Y77 00 Camfiiidge Street, Suite 900 Bostot4 5W;4 02114 MY Pm&k GONTRNOR romuly Nway. W 00 626-Wv "M K.Solon j r� pan 017162p-1 19) SECRETARY January 13, 2012 ChAsSparks Nrks and RecreaGn E)epananem 16 Main Weet Amawarn, MA 01001 RE School Street Park 11hase IL PARC 95 Dear Mr. Sparks� it is vvit1i regret that I inform you that the School Street Park Phase it pr(liect wps not selccred for lbndhg thh;ycai% Grant funds were WWI and compeddon with 49 other proj(xts F01-Ced US 10 maki: diffliculi decisions. If there is a 1,,rani, I-OLInd in the next fisc-,il yeaq h Mumdd be,annoum:ed someiiint in rhe spring. Please Ash our vveb she at vmvm in ass�gov/e ca/dc s-gra tits and book-mark- it to clieck for dhe yrim anmuncems, Once the grant round announcement is made, die Div1sion, "AH Imst a Cham MvpmKon wmkAmp in Te spi4ing. (Imsdons concenAng how you nii,(,,Iit itrcngth��n your applivaion or general ques6onc regai�dfiq, be Parktand AcqNsTiom and Renovadons fbr Comnwnkks program and our proct!dures should hi� dbected to MAssa Cryan m (617) 626-1171 or it i e I In Li.LIS� 'I hank you i'Or�'C)Lir interest and suppon Rv ow- Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Commurkities prograrn, Roben CYCImum Wector A Town of Agawam Parks & Recreation Department 1000 Suffield Street Agawam, MA 0 100 1 Tel (413) 821-0513 Fax (413) 821-0637 MEMO C.;;- Date: January 25, 2012 To: George Bitzas, Chair Ad Hoe Recreation Committee ON Cc: Richard A. Cohen, Mayor cf? From: Christopher M. Sparks, Director of Parks &Recreation Re: PARC Grant Attached is a copy of the letter that I received from the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs stating that the Town of Agawam was not selected for funding through the Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities (PARC) Grant. In speaking with Melissa Cryan I learned that only 17 projects were funded out of 50 applications. Agawam scored 56 points and the 17 funded projects scored 61 points or better. There are three areas where Agawam lost point and could score more points in the future. The Park is not on a public transportation route. Agawam is not a Green Community. Agawam is not an Environmental Justice Neighborhood. Agawam is eligible to reapply for a PARC Grant. The Commonwealth will announce in April if there will be PARC funding for FY 2013. 1 have also heard from Senator Michael Knapik's office and they are willing to help and support another PARC application. At this time I think our best plan of action is to hire Berkshire Design Group to work with the City Council, the CPA Committee, the general public, and Town Officials to turn our conceptual Master Plan into a realistic Final Design that is accepted by all. This can be done with the current $2,000,000 CPA request or with a separate CPA funding request for architectural services only. Either way the Town will have an accepted Final Design with a more accurate Opinion of Probable Cost. Also attached is a copy of Lieutenant Governor Murray's announcement of the$14 Million that was awarded in FY 2012 for Park Improvements. This briefly describes the 17 projects that were funded through the PARC Grant as well as the 10 projects that were funded through the Gateway City Parks Program. The Commonweafth of9Vassachusetts D,,ecutive Office of Energy andEnvironmentalAffairs 100 Camkidge Street, Suite 900 Boston, 9Y,4 02114 Deval Patrick GOVERNOR Timothy Murray LIEUITNANT GOVERNOR T�1:(617)626-1000 Richard K.Sullivan,Jr. Fax:(617)62 6-1181 SECRETARY January 13,2012 Chris Sparks Parks and Recreation Department 36 Main Street Agawam,MA 01001 RE: School Street Park Phase H,PARC #5 Dear Mr. Sparks: It is with regret that I inform you that the School Street Park Phase H project was not selected for funding this year. Grant funds were limited;and competition with 49 other projects forced us to make difficult decisions, If there is a grant round in the next fiscal year, it should be announced sometime in the spring. Please visit our web site at www.mass.gov/eea/des-grants and bookmark it to check for the grant announcement, Once the grant round announcement is made,the Division will host a Grant Preparation workshop in the spring. Questions concerning how you might strengthen your application or general questions regarding the Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities program and our procedures should be directed to Melissa Cryan at(617)626-1171 or metissa.Man@state.ma.us. Thank you for your interest and support for our Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities program. Sincerely, ,/,a�69 1�zl Robert O'Connor Director Lieutenant Governor Murray Announces $14 Million for Park Improvements -The Office... Pagel of3 The official wetishe of the Governor of Massachuseft Governor Deval Patrick Home PTess Office Press Releases OEVAL PATRICK GOVERNOR For Immediate release-January 17,2012 TIM MURRAY LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Lieutenant Governor Murray Announces$14 Million for Park Improvements Contact BOSTON—Tuesday,January 17,2012—Lieutenant Govemor Timothy Murray today announced more than$14 million Lauren Jones(i in grants to enhance parks and recreational fadlifies in 25 communities throughout the Commonwealth. 617-725-413130 Catherine Williams(EEA) 'Parks are key resources that strengthen the fabric of communities across Massachusetts,"said Lieutenant Governor 617-626A809 Murray."By committing resources to our parks,our Ad miri and municipal partners are providing more recreational opportunities for people of all ages and affecting positive change in our neighborhoods and communities." The grants will fund projects in Amherst,Barnstable,Boston,Chelsea,Ellereft,Fall River,Falmouth,Gloucester, Haverhill,Holyoke,Lawrence,Leominster,Lowell,Lynn,Medford,Northampton,Quincy,Revere,Salem, Somerville,Springfield,Westfield,Wilbraham,Woburn,and Worcester. 'Public parks are essential to the health a ind economic wetlbeing of our communities,"said Energy and Environmental Affairs(E EA)Secretary Richard K.Sullivan,Jr.'Both of these programs have been key tools in helping revitalize our public spaces in communities across the Commonwealth," The gi�ants announced today derive from two EEA initiatives—the Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities program(PARC)and the Gateway Cities Parks Program,which is one of Governor Deval Patrick's signature initiatives.Through these two programs alone,the Patrick-Murray Administration has invested more than$72.� million since 2007,resulting in the creation or restoration of 154 parks. 1 appreciate the administration's commitment to providing recreational opportui for people throughout the Commonwealth,*said Representative Anne Gobi."I live in a rural area and take advantage on an almost daily basis of the parks and open space in my area,the people who live in urban areas deserve that same opportunity.' "This PARC grant provides an exciting opportunity to improve Joyoe Playground,which is a center of family and youth activity in our community,'said Representative Kevin Honan.'These significant Improvements to the landscaping and play equipment will be greatly appreciated and enjoyed by our neighborhood residents.' In addition to creating or restoring 154 urban parks.the Patrick-Murray Administration has protected more than 88.000 acres of land since 2007.Massachusetts now has nearly 1.3 million acres permanently protected—more acres than acres that have been developed. 'Governor Patrick and Lieutenant Governor Murray have continued to support urban parks and playgrounds,helping to maintain resources that are so important to our city's children and fari said Boston Mayor Thomas M.Menino.'For many in Boston,the neighborhood park is their backyard.These improvements to Brighton's Joyce Playground will ensure that the park continues to provide a wonderful outdoor gathering space to Brighton residents for many years to coms., PARC Grant Awards: 6 Amherst—Community Field Rehabilli—$208,320 for the installation of a pool liner,new concrete decking, fencing and lighting for safety,new drain lines and piping to fix significant water tea ks,replacement of the filtration system and upgrades to the filter house,new benches,lifeguard chairs,shade structures,water fountains and improvements to the pool house. • Boston—Joyce Playground—$500,000 for the replacement of the existing water play feature,the addition of shade trees,renovation of the existing play lot equipment,the replacement of the fence and gates,renovation of the basketball court,the addition of benches and picnic tables and the installation of inferpretive panels. • Chelsea—Washington Park Redevelopment Project—$500,000 for the introduction of active recreation opportunities to the site,additional seating and gathering areas throughout the park,a linear trellis,additional plantings,new walking paths,retaining wall repairs,fighting,an irrigation system and the add ifion of 4,500 square feet of open space. • Fall River—BrItiand Park Project—$600,000 for the construction of a watercraft launch area,entrance and parking areas,paths and picnic areas,interpretive signage and the installation of a synthetic turf field, hftp://www.mass,gov/govemor/pressoffice/pressreleases/2012/20120117-14-million-for-pa... 1/26/2012 Lieutenant Governor Murray Announces$14 Million for Park Improvements -The Office... Page 2 of 3 • Falmouth—Teatickel Park—$500,000 for the acquisition of a 10.7 acre conservation restriction. • Gloucester—Newell Stadium Field Turf Installation—$500,000 for the installation of a synthetic,multi-purpose field and dedication of the 8.23 acres site as permanent parkland. • Lawrence—Campagnone(North)Common Renovations—$500,000 for the installation of a now play structure, a wide asphalt path around the play area,new plantings and benches and the renovation of two entry ways. • Lowell—Concord River Greenway: Phase IIIA—$500,000 for the construction of the last segment of a paved path along the Concord River from Centennial Island back to the east side of the river,continuing north to the end at the Rogers Street Bridge. • Medford—Hormel Stadium Athletic Field-$500,000 for the installation of new,high quality and well-draining soils,storm water management systems,high performance synthetic turf,system and field markings. • Northampton—Florence Recreation Fields—$500,000 for the development of a new park that includes five multi- use fields,one 60-foot baseball diamond and one 90-foot baseball diamond,a parking lot,a multi-purpose path along the property,playground,pavilion,restrooms and a concession and storage building. • Revere—Gibson Park Renovation Project—$140,000 for the addition of two now tennis courts,resurfacing of tw(: existing courts,addition of an ADA accessible ramp from the parking lot,installation of ADA compliant sidewalks, replacement of fencing around tennis courts,replacement of a baseball backstop and the addition of a half basketball court. • Salem—Splaine Park—$420,946 for the removal of overgrown vegetation,the construction of a stone dust bike/watking path along the park perimeter,the enhancement of the two main entrances,the construction of play structures,the installation of a new baseball field and Irrigation system and rebuilding of the bleachers and dugouts. • Somerville—15-25 C roes$treat East Park Construction—$SOO,000 for the development of a new park that will include a Social gathering space,play structures for older and younger children,a water play feature and a half-coull basketball court • Springfield—Hubbard Park—$500,000 for updates to the tennis and basketball courts,grading and drainage for the ball fields.new perimeter fencing,ADA accessible paths,a new parking lot and a new picnic grove. • Wilbraham—Spec Pond Recreational Area Renovation Project—$39,040 for the design of the Spec Pond Recreational Area. • Woburn—Whispering H III Woods—$500,000 for the development of a new park that includes a multi-purpose natural turf field,a parking area and the restoration of an existing garage into a storage facility. • Worcester—Elm Park Renovation—$500,000 for the upgrade of current walkways to ADA standards.renovation of the playground,installation of new electrical service,pond edge improvements,upgrading of park lighting system� and the replacement of benches and picnic tables. Gateway City Parks Program Grant Awards: • Barnstable—Downtown Parks and Trails Plan—$50,000 to develop a plan to connect existing parks and provide an expanded pedestrian network throughout Downtown Hyannis. • Everett—Glendale Park Renovation—$600,000 for the installation of a new synthetic field,athletic and pedestriar lights,inigation and drainage systems,benches and trees,the rehabilitation of the walking paths,reconstruction of the entrance and tot lot. • Everett—Northam Strand Community Trail—$235,000 for the production of design and construction documents for the trail from the Maiden line to Route 16 in Everett and a conceptual plan for the remainder of the path to the Evereft-Chalsea line. • Fall River-Quequechan River Bike Trail-$785,000 for the services of a surveyor,wetland scientist,landscape architect and civil engineer to produce design and construction documents for Phase 11 of the Quequechan River Path and a new 9,300 linear feet segment of shared use path that will connect downtown Fall River to the existing path along South Watuppa Pond. • Haverhill—Swasey Park Renovation—$1.1 million for the first phase of renovations to a 14-scre park built for millworkers and their families over 100 years ago.When complete,the park will have a new accessible perimeter path.an attractive main entrance,a small accessible water spray park,new back Stops,team benches,bleachers and infields at each baseball field and a new surface for the basketball court, • Holyoke—Veterans Park Renovation—$1.4 million for the renovation of the existing park including the addition of handicap accessible camps,new pavement,tree removal and pruning,tree pignting,new lighting,fencing,trash receptacles and benches. • Leominster—Monoosnoc Brook River Walk—$50D,000 for the construction of the first section of the Monoosnoc Brook River Walk from Central Street to Mechanic Street including sidewalks and walkways,lighfing,fencing,site furnishings,signage,plantings and"state of the art'storm water treatment using bioratention areas, http:Hwww.mass.gov./govemor/pressoffi ce/pressreleases/2012/2 012 0117-14-million-for-pa... 1/26/2012 I Lieutenant Governor Murray Announces $14 Million for Park Improvements - The Office... Page 3 of 3 • Lynn—Lynn Commons Rehabilitation—$210,000 for the services of a surveyor,architect,landscape architect and civil engineer to produce construction documents for the rehabilitation of the historic Frederick Douglass Bandstand and immediate surroundings on Lynn Commons. • Quincy-Adams Green-$1 million for the design and construction documents necessary to build Adams Green, planned as a centerpiece of a reinvigorated Downtown Ouincy.This planned park will be a new civic open space featuring a unifying town green and promenade. • Westfield—Columbia River Greenway—$1 million for the city of Westfield to build a greenway along an abandoned rail line from the city's border with the town of Southwick to the Little River,a distance of just over a mile, The greenway will also eventually connect to trails in Northampton,allowing travel along a substantial network of trails to the north as well. The PARC program,formerly Urban Self-Help.was established in 1977 to assist cities and towns in acquiring and developing land for park and outdoor recreation purposes.PARC grants are offered on a competitive basis and reimburse oommunifles between 52 and 70 percent of the total project cost,determined by the municipal demographics, with a maximum grant award of$500,000. Municipalities receiving PARC grants must have a current open space and recreation plan,an authorized parks and recreation commission and the land must be under parks commission jurisdiction and open to the public. Grant a pplications are assessed based on criteria such as project quality and demographics,with preference given to park projects located close to urban centers and public transportation or serving environmental justice populations. These populations are defined as neighborhoods where the median annual household income is at or below 65 percent of the statewide median income or 25 percent or more of the residents are a rninority,foreign born or lacking in English language proficiency. The 17 PARC:grants total more than$7.3 million to help municipalities acquire parkland,renovate existing parks or build new parks and other outdoor recreation facilities. Gateway City Parks is a flexible program,providing municipal officials with a menu of funding options for all phases of park development.24 Massachusetts cities are eligible for the program,which targets communities with population greater than 35.000 and median household incomes and educational attainment levels below the state average.Fundin� can be used for activities and costs such as brownfield assessment and cleanup,park planning and recreational needs assessments—including the development of open space and recreation plans,activities that were not eligible for state parks funding prior to creation of the Gateway City Parks program. Cities can also use the grants for acquisition,design and construction of parks,greenways and other recreational facilities.Funding for both grant programs comes from the Energy and Environment Bond Bill signed by Governor Patrick in August 2008. The nine Gateway City Parks grants totaling$6.8 million announced today will fund design and construction of parks of all types and sizes including sections of several inter-municipal trails. Follow Lieutenant Governor Murray on Twitter http:/�www.mass.gov/govemor/pressoffice/pressreleases/2012/20120117-14-million-for-pa... 1/26/2012 FA oil, TED Town of Agawam Interoffice Memorandum Date: January 10,2012 To: City Council Cc: Barbara Bard, Cheryl St.John Fmm- Jennifer Bonfiglio RlF- CPA Application Enclosed is a resolution to appropriate $2,00,000 for the final phase of School Street Park. This application was recently approved by the Community Preservation Committee by a 7-1 vote. The CPA committee has recommended that the $2,000,000 be funded through the undesignated fund balance subject to the CPA committee and City Council approval of the final plans. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information Thanks You, Jennifer NYr lit Fund balance Agawam Community Preservation Committee Fund Balance Financial Information Fund Belance has been Updated, Year: 2011 Home Page Summary $359,164 Affordable Housing- Historical Preservation., $328,419 Open Space- $607�921 Undesignated & Recreation, $2,525,589 Total: $3,290,410 Financial Details Town of Agawam 4 Parks & Recreation Department 1000 Suffield Street Agawam, MA 0 100 1 Tel (413) 821-0513 * Fax (413) 821-0637 Date: Januar NIIEMO y 9,2012 To: CPA Committee From: Christopher M. Sparks,Dire ctor of Parks &Recreation Re: School Street Park Application At our meeting on December 28, 20111 was given questions by Henry Kozloski. I offer the following responses to you. Who determined the estimated cost of Phase 11? I The Berkshire Design Group of Northampton created the Opinion of Probable Cost. Attached is a memo form Peter Wells explaining how the estimate was created. What are the yearly cost of maintenance for School Street Park Phase I? Approximately$40,000. Please-see attached spreadsheet. Where is Mr. Christopher Golba letter on maintaining of School Street Park Phase 11? Please see attached letter from MT. Golba, What is the estimated cost for maintenance for School Street Phase 11? Approximately, $20,000. We estimated that the new park is approximately Y2 the size of the existing park and additional maintenance should be figured accordingly. What is the Parks and Recreation Budget for 2010 and 2011? The Parks and Recreation budget for FY 2011 was S 166,369 of which $10,400 was designated for park supervisors and S3,060 was designated for water. The Parks and Recreation budget for FY 2012 was $163,269 of which$11,700 was designated for park supervisors and$3,000 was designated for water. What other town funds are available for Phase If? Mayor Cohen stated there are no other funds available for the design/construction of Phase 11 Who determines the final design of Phase 11? Town Officials and the Park and Recreation Sub-Committee of the City Council will determine the final design of Phase 11 with public input gathered at public hearings and be held within the budget constraints of appropriated and approved funding. V Bonding: Questions about bonding came up at our December 28 meeting. Laurel Placzek did respond directly to Jennifer Bonofiglio. Please see the memorandum that was forwarded to the CPA committee. School bffie-ef Mainfe-nan�-e Costs approximately 24 acres) DPW LABOR Mowing-Toro 1 man/TO 7 hours 4 x month 28 hours/month-'8 months 224 Hours $20];$4,480 Hustler 1 man/MR 7 hours 4 x month 28 hoursImonth 8 months 224 Hours $20 $4,480 Trimming 4 rnen/SH 4 hours 2 x month 32 hours/month 6 months 190 Hours $8 $1,520 hourg 15 x m 4 months , Field Prep- Baseball 2 men/HR KB 1.5 onth !45, hours/month 180 Hou 26 $3,600 Softball 2 men/HR KB 1.5 hour�8 x month 24 hours/month 4'monthe 96 Hours $20 __�1,920 Filed Lining , Lacrosse 2 men/JH NIT 1 hour 4 x month 8 hours/month 3 months 24 Hours $20 $480 Soccer 2 men/JH NIT 2 hours 4 x month 16 hours/month 2 months 32 Hours $20 $640 Field Hocke 2 men/JH MT I hour 4 x month 8 hours/month 2 months I Hours $20 $320 IpVa� set up _2 men/jH GH 7 hours I x spring_ 14 h 19 ear 14 Hours $20 $280 shut down 2 men/JH GH 7 ho 14 hours ytar_ 14 Hours $20 E$280 DPW Labor $18,000 DPW Materials Fertilizer 2 applications $2,500 $5,000 Grub Control $2,2bO $2,200 DPW Materials $7,200 Total DPW $25,200 Park and Recreation Labor Park Supervisors $11,700 Park & Recreation Materia s FAi Water Bathrooms and Inigation $3,00 Total Park & Recreation $14*700 ITOtal Park MaIn—tonancel $39,900] e Berkshire �W Design 1111 Groupjnc. MEMORANDUM To: Chris Sparks From: Peter Wells IRS 1,42 Date: January 3, 2012 SPA�ok Project: School Street Park - Phase 11 Cost Estimate A question came up with regard to'the cost estimate for Phase 11 of the School Street Park and who actually performs this work. All of our cost estimating for park- like developments is done "in-house" using a number of reliable sources including: * 2012 RS Means Site Work and Landscape Cost Data — 31 st'Annual Edition * In-house cost estimating data that is constantly updated reflecting the current bidding environment * Contacting numerous site contractors and builders to verify unit prices for installed materials using prevailing wage rates We have found our methods of cost estimating to be very reliable for budgeting purposes and detailed cost estimates. 4 Allen Place - Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 m t 413,582.7000 9 f 413,582,7005 - bdg@berkshiredesign.com F A TOWN OF AGAWAM blic Works -vepartment qfht J, K0. 1,000 Suffield Street # Agawam NIA 01001, Tel (41.3) 821-0600 - Fax (413) 821-0631 Christopher J, Golba — Superintendent January 9, 2012 Christopher Sparks, Director Parks and Recreation Department 1000 Suffield Street Agawam, MA 01001 RE: School Street Park Phase 2 Dear Mr, Sparks: Please be advised that the Department of Public Works will be maintaining the grounds of the School Street Park Phase 2. We will be budgeting for any additional maintenance costs in the future, when the park comes to fruition, and will be coordinating our activides with the Department of Parks and Recreation's needs as we do with other similar facilities. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Christopher 3. Golba Superintendent Department of Public Works 7' 77, vf rea'L i`r)1 " , )R.C�,"Vliest for I I I V' ' ip "A 4"0 p", K�j _714-N, 7 7 41 A 4. Aw 00. __7 4k Jk. 'At 4 -_-_4 7 hool SuTeet Paim lul- Submitted to- Communitry Preservation Committee 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 December 2011 I.D., L COMMUNITY PRESERVATION ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION FORM The purpose of this fonn is to make sure that all project applications applying for Community Preservation Act funding are eligible for funding, Please refer to Appendix-B in the Community Preservation Plan when filling out this form, This form must be approved in order for an application'to be accepted. Project Title: School Street Park- Phase 11 Project Sponsor/Organization:Town o Agawam Parks & Recreation Contact Name:Chris Sparks Mailing Address:1000 Suffield Street —T�7"T Daytime phone#: 821-0513 . 821-0637 E-mail address: recreation@agawam.ma.us (.n 35-rri CPA Program Area(check those that apply): Open Space [] Historic Preservation rn Community Housing 0 Recreation Project Purpose(check those that apply): D Acquisition Z Creation El Preservation El Support El Rehabilitation/Restoration Project Summary: Please provide a brief description of the project, (provide additional pages if necessary) The final phase of construction may include, but is not limited to, open space with covered picnic shelters, a volleyball court, a playground, a spray park, restroom facilities, parking for 200+ cars, a band shell, an multi-use field, an educational wetland overlook, and maintenance facilities. In addition to satisfying a pressing town need for additional recreational facilities, the proposed Phase 11 addresses needs for additional athletic fields foT, lacrosse, field hockey, and soccer. The entire community, children and adults, will be given new areas to picnic, play, and enjoy concerts and outdoor shows. The entire community will have access to a new spray park, playground,be able to extend their walking/biking through the park from the River Road Bike Path, as well as enjoy open field space for recreational opportunities, COMMUNITY PRESERVATION PROJECT APPLICATION COVER SHEET 1. Project ]h Project Title: School Street Park Phase Il Project Summary-, The final phase of construction may include, but is not limited to, open space with covered picnic shelters, a volleyball court, a playground, a spray park, restroom facilities, parking for 200+ cars, a band shell, an multi-use field, an educational wetland overlook, and maintenance facilities. In addition to satisfying a pressing townneed for additional recreational facilities, the proposed Phase II addresses needs for additional athletic fields for, lacrosse, field hockey, and soccer. The, entire community, children and adults, will be given new areas to picnic, play, and enjoy concerts and outdoor shows. The entire community will have access to a new spray park, playground, be able to extend their walking/biking through the park from the River Road Bike Path, as well as enjoy open field space for recreational opportunities. Estimated start date: 2012 Estimated completion date:2014 CPA Program Area(check all that apply): Open Space [] Historic Preservation [] Community Housing Recreation 11: Applitaiit/Di�Velopeelni'orliiation Contact Person and or/primary appli717! Z7TM; Spars Organization (if applicable): Town of Agawam Parks &Recreation Mailing Address: 1000 Suffield Street, Agawam, MA 0 100 1 Daytime phone#: 821-0513 821-0637 E-mail address: recreation@agawam.ma.us Project Manager: Chris Sparks 7 Total budget for project: $2,268,000 See attacbed Opinion of Probable Cost. CPA funding request: $2,000,000 Other Funding Sourcc:PARC Grant $500,000 Applicant's Signature: Date Submitted: CPA Application S�hool Street Park Phase 11 Narrative In 2002,the Town of Agawam purchased 50.62 acres of land located to the north of School Street and to the west of River Road in Agawam, The land was forinerly owned by Hampden County and referred to as the County Prison Farm. The property was permanently restricted by the State to be used for recreational purposes. In 2008 the first phase of construction of the School Street Park was completed developing approximately 30 acres of the property, This first phase of development included the construction of a 60' softball diamond, a multi-tise field (le. soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, football), a 90' baseball diamond,bocce courts, shuffleboard courts,a playground,parking for 214 cars,buffers for immediate abutters, a walkway/bike path, and restroom facilities. I The final phase of construction may include, but is not limited to,open space with covered picnic shelters, a volleyball court, a playground, a spray park,restroom facilities,parking for 200+ cars, a 60' baseball diamond, a band shell, an Tnulti-use field, an educational wetland overlook, and maintenance facilities. During its preparation of the Town's Open Space and Recreation Plans, the Town has conducted a number of town-wide surveys, Most recently,the Town undertook a survey in 1999. Sixty-eight percent(68%) of those respofiding to the survey felt that Agawam should preserve open space to meet the Town's recreational needs. Most respondents felt that the number, quality and proximity of recreational facilities in Agawam did not completely satisfy their needs. Specifically, 39% of the respondents were not"satisfied"with the number of facilities in town. In addition, 55% were not 64satisfied"with the places for children to play and recreate in Agawam. In addition to satisfying a pressing town need for additional recreational facilities,the proposed Phase 11 addresses needs for additional athletic fields for youth baseball,lacrosse, field hockey, and soccer. The entire community, children and adults, will be given new areas to picnic,play, and enjoy concerts and outdoor shows. The entire community will have access to a new spray park,playground, be able to extend their walking/biking through the park from the River Road Bike Path, as well as enjoy open field space for recreational opportunities. Incorporated into the 50.63 acres are two separate wetland areas. The central wetland will have an overlook for observation with interpretive signage that will be used to educate the public about the immediate surroundings. Classrooms can also use this area for environmental education. The-Town of Agawam Department of Public Works (DPW) will be maintaining the grounds of the School Street/River Road Park. Mr. Christopher Golba, Superintendent of Public Works has stated that the DPW "will be budgeting for any additional maintenance costs in the future, when the park comes to fruition, and will be coordinating activities with the Department of Parks and Recreation's needs as we do in other similar facilities."' The School Street Park abuts the Agawam Sportsman Club and is in close proximity to, the Cote property,which is 15 acres of wildlife conservation area, The walking/bike paths within this park also connect to the Agawam Bike Path, which will then link the park to Pynchon Point,Meadowbrook Park, and Borgatti Park. Budge Attached is the Opinion of Probable Cost provided from The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. from Northampton Massachusetts. This budget reflects the Master Plan that was created in 2010. That conceptual plan will be revised once the wetland boundaries are detennined and approved with the Agawam Conservation Commission. Throughout the spring of 2012 The Berkshire Design Group will work closely with Town Officials and the general public to gather input before creating a final design plan and going to bid. The approved final design will determine the true final cost of the project and can not be truly determined at this time. The$2,000,000 requested at this time is needed to secure a $500,000 Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities (PARC)Grant that was applied for in July, 2011 with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. The PARC Grant is a reimbursement grant that will only be given if the community appropriates 100% of the project cost. Attached is an e-mail from Melissa Cryan. In 2005,this same process was taken when the CPA funded a S928,000 Opinion of Probable Cost to secure funding for a$500,000 Urban Self Help grant. After the final design went to bid another $575,000 was ftinded to complete the project in 2007. Bids and Quotes Bids and quotes will not be available until a final design is approved and the project goes to bid in the summer of 2012. Pt9jectTirnefine July 2011 Submit PARC Grant Application October 2011 Go to Bid for Architect/Engineer to Design School Street Phase 11 Berkshire Design Group chosen out of 5 potential bidders November 2011 PARC Grant to be Awarded January 2012 Secure Funding to satisfy PARC Grant requirements Council Resolution Awarding CPA Funds Council Resolution Accepting PARC Grant Spring 2012 Finalize Final Design of Park Summer 2012 Go to Bid and choose Contractor for Construction Fall 2012-Fall 2013 Construction The PARC grant stipulates that FY 2012 (7/l/11 —6/30/12) is used for design and engineering of project. Reimbursement for design and engineering must take place before 6/30/12. FY 2013 (7/1/12—6/30/13) is used for construction of project. Reimbursement for construction must take place before 6/30/13, Visual Materials Conceptual Final Plan Photos USGS Locus Map ADA CoMBliance All aspects of this newly constructed park will follow the Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines and codes. Documentation Property.Deed Deed Restriction PARC Grant Guidelines and e-mails from Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs Letters of Nicholas Blodyga, State Representative West of the River Chamber of Commerce Town of'Agawam Office of Planning and Community Development Agawam Little League Agawam Youth Football ,Town of Agawam Council on Aging Attachment I Opinion of Probable Cost School Street Phase 2 Master Plan Opinion of Probable Cost Prepared bw The Berkshire Design Group, Inc, 6/912011 ftem Unit QuE�ai -Unii Price Total L Erosion Control Barrier LF 2300 S7�00 $16,100,00 1 Clear and Grub Vegetation AC 11.5 $3,500-00 $40,250.00 3. Strip Uarn CY 12720 $5,00 S63,6'00.00 4. EarthworMough Grade CY 47460 $3.50 $166,110,00 5� Parking SF 65080 S4,50 $292,86U0 6. Paved Walks SF 17404 S150 S60,914�00 7. Concrete Paving SF 9416 MOO S84,744M 8, Drainage LS 1 $40,000�00 $40,000,00 9� Water LS 1 $10,000.00 S10,000.00 10� Sewer LS 1 $25,000.00 S25.'000.00 11, Irrigation LS 1 $40,000.00 $40,000,00 12. �Lighting LS 1 $30,000.00 $30;000.00 13. Concession Building EA I $200,00b.00 $200,000.00 14� Maintenance Building EA 1 S95,000�00 $95,000.00 15. Bandshell EA I S60,OKOO $60,000.00 16. Picnic Pvillions EA 8 $4,000.00 $32,000,00 17. Wetland Overlook EA 1 $15,000.00 $15,00UO 18, Spray Park LS 1 $100,000,00 $100,000.00 19, Playground Surfacing SF 7990 $3,50 $27,965.00 20, Play Equipment LS 1 $60,000.00 S60,000.00 21, Baseball Infield SF 3330 $2.50 $8,325�00 21 Backstop LS 1 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 23. Player Bench EA 6 $500,00 $3,000,00 24� Protective Fence LF 60 $32-00 S1,920-00 25� Volleyball LS 1 $6,000-00 S6,000�00 26� Picnic Tabels EA 40 $600.00 $24,000,00 27. Park Bench EA 20 $800,00 $16,000.00 28. Fencing LF Soo $32,00 S 1 6X0.00 29. Screen&Spread Loam CY 7330 $12-00 $87,960.00 30. Seed&Fertilize MSF 395 $130.00 $51,350,00 31. Siobasin Seeding MSF 35 $120,00 $4,200.00 32, Shade Tree Planting EA 180 $400-00 $72,000,00 31 Evergreen Screen Planting EA 60 S2KGO S12,000.00 Subtotal $1,792,298.00 10%Contractor O&P $179,229.80 10%Con,fingen cy S179,229.80 6.5%Designer Fee SI 16,499.37 GRAND TOTAL SZ,267,256.97 Note: This opinion of probable cost is NOT a guaranteed amount,and may vary 'due to uncontrollable fluctuations in labor prices and material prices. The amount shown is based on our professional judgement, and current-year pricing for similar work in the region of the project. Attachment 11 Master Plan ..... ......... .............................. 01 N"' 0 Runs N i i I Attachment III Photos SAW Sucel Park Phase H, School Street Park Photos AM photo ol'undeveloped land Exhhng PhyssWe Undeveloped Ptiase If Lind 1"'ximing V"Ain, t,,!H abuts c n Ph,ksc J (.Jrand Sot1hall F"�Xisfing 1-fistoric B on Property t1ndeveloped Phase 11 T.uml Attachment IV USGS Locus Map USGS Locus Map.- �YNCHON,,' i61NT'-- �z ? R�t:Z, T% 1*0 - On 7y t771- - AV a b Attachment V Property Deed 027-P 4-2 0 0 2 1 : 59a A' CH'USETTS THE coMMONWEALTH OF MIASS Release, Deed The COMMWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS acting by and throu.9h its Division Of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance with a mailing address of One Ashbiurton,pja'c9, Boston, Massachusetts 02108, hereinafter "Grantor", acting under the authority of Section 6 of Chapter 195 of the Acts of 1998 not�ithstanding sections 40E through 40J of -Chapter 7 of the Massachusetts General Laws, as amended, for consideratiDn of One �Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,000,DO), to be paid as hereinafter provided, does hereby grant 'Without covenants, express or implied, toTown of Agawam with a mailing address of Office of the Mayor, 36 Main Street, Agawam, Massachusetts 01001, hereinafter "Grantee", all fight, title and interest of Grantor, if any, in that ceriain parcel of land in Agawam, Hampden County, Massachusetts as hereinafter described. Being a certain parcel of landJdentified as parcel N12-8-26 on the Town of Agawam' Assessor's Maps and containing approximately Fifty and Sixty-Two, Hundredths (50.62) acres (the "Premises") and also shown as Parcel No. 7, No. 8 and No. 9 on that certain plan entitled "LAND OF HAM-PDEN COUNTY AGAWAM, MA DEPA,RTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK�S ENGINEERING DIVISION SCALE I" = 200"' (the 'Plan') to be maintained within -the Engineering Pivision. files within the Grantee's Department of Public Works. The Premises consist of five (5),parcals of land situated in the Town of Agawam, being located On the northerly side of School Street and the -northwesterly side' of River Road as described in deeds into The frihabitiants of- the,County of Hampden listed Ln Exhibit A. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 30B of the General Laws o any gener6l' or special law to the contrary, the Grantee shall within five (5) years after he effective date of the transfer Of Premises pay the Grantor the sum equal to One Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,00D,00)', Said payment shall be made out to the "Commonwealth of Masse'c-husetts" and delivered to the Office of Finance, Division of Capital Asset Management, One Ashburton Place, I 51h Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 021 OB (or its successors). ,It is the intent of the parties hereto that all agreements and covenants herein shall run with the land and be�deemed to be ma6e for valuable consideration, This conveyance is made subject to and *t h th6 benefit' of all rights, res,trictions and easer�ents*of record, if-any, in the Hampden County Registry of Deeds insofar as the same rernain in force and applicable. l3k 12193' PgBG # 188as Use of the premises shall be,,for agricultural, horticultural�or recreational purpose. In the event the Premises cease to be used for such agricultural, horticultural or recreational purposes ata' ny time said Premises shall ,revert to the Commonwealth to the care and control of the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance. For Grantors title, note as follows" See Exhibit A for deeds to the Inhabitants of Hampden County. 2. The Hampden County Commission was dissolved as of July 1, 1998 'by Chapter 48 of the Special Acts of 19,97, all real 'property owned by The inhabitants of Hampden County was transferred to the Grantor to be held in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and subject to the provisions of Chapter 7 of the General Laws�. Therefore said Premises, pursuant to section 7 of Chapter, 48.of the Special Acts of 1997, were transferred on July 1, 1998 to said Grantor undersection 7 of Chapter 48 of the Special Acts-of 1997 without notice and withbut any further action or�documentation in said HampOen.County Registry.of Deeds. 3. Chapter 195 of the Acts of 1998 transferred the Premises to the Grantee, said transfer to be effective upon acceptance by the'Grantee. 4. The Grantee by% the recording of this release deed hereby accepts the Premise§ and agrees to the conditions herein. IN. PITNESS WHER50F, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has caused these elsents to be signed, sealed, acknowledged and deiivered in its, name and ? behalf by I David B. Perini, the duly- appointed and authorized -Comm. si er of the Division =al Asset Management" and* Maintenance, on this _�ff 2f day of._ Commissioner, Division of L Capital Asset Management and Maintenance Bk 12IS3 Pga7 # 18B2S THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Suffolk, ss. 2002 U Then personally appeared the above-named David B, Perini, Commissioner, Division of Capita) . Asset Management and Maintenance and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act a0d'deed as Commissioner as aforesaid, and the' free act and deed of th'a, Commonwealth of Massachusetts before me, fKame] , Notaryfublic Print Name �_!4� 0 , My Commission Expires �3 t�45- jr Mayor of the Town of Agawam, agree to Richard A: Goheh accept the Premises on behalf of the Inhabitar4 of the Town of Agawam. 2002 Date ,husetts General Laws, no excise tax shall be due on this Pursuant to Chapter 64D of the.Massar deed gNen by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, acting by and through Its Divisionof Capital Asset Management and Maintenance. Attachment VI Deed Restriction Bk IE-193 PgeS Use of, the Premises shall be,for agricultural, horticultural,or recreational purpose, In the event the Premises ca'ase to be used for -such agricultural, horticulWral or - recreational purposes at any time said Premises shall revert to the Commonwealth to the care and control of the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance. For Grantors title, note 23 f011OWS:' 1-. See Exhibit. A for deeds to the lnhabiiants of Hampden County. 2, The Hampden County Pommission was dissolved as of July 1, 1998"by Chapter 48 of the Special Acts of 1997, all real property owned'by The Inhabitants of Hampden County was transferred to the Grantor to be held in' the name of the C6mmonwealth of Massachusetts and subject to the provisions of Chapter 7 of the General Laws" Therefore said Premises, pursuant to section 7 of Chapter 48 of the Special ,Acts of 1997, were transferred on.July 1,, 1998 to said Grantor under section 7 of Chapter 48 of the Special Acts of-1997 without notice and withbut any further action or documentation in said Hampden County Registry of Deeds. 3. 95 of the Acts of- 1998 transferred the P.remises 'to the Grantee, said trahsfer to be' effective upon acceptance by the'Grantee. 4. The Grantee by the recording of this release, deed hereby accepts the Premises and agrees to the conditions herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has caused these pre'sents to be signed, seated, acknowledged and delivered in its name a,nd behalf by David B. Perini, the duly, appointed and authorized Comm r of the ta Division ot, a I Asset Management and' Maintenance, on this 4 F - ,2002. day of David B. Perini Commissioner, Division of' Capital Asset Management Maintenance Attachment VII PARC Guidelines and e-mails c 0 (t c 0 4-J 0 (A 0 o. E 11. 21.45 c CL 0 0 u c CL m CL .0 4J C:L u 0 CL 0 'd ce 0 0 4J 4-J U 0 402 , 10 C: 0 Z E u, a. c 0 c w 0 c CL > CL 4-j c W) CL 4J (It E U 0 > 0 > C: C) M c Ak A, LAND and PARC Grant Inform ation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � Grant deadline July 14, 2011 at 3:00 pm � Applicants must have current Open Space and Recreation Plan on file with DCS by grant deadline Applicants with outstanding conversion issues are ineligible Maximum grant award of $500,000 Reimbursement rate between 52 and 70% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Selection Process for DCS Grants ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------I------------------------- ------------------ All projects arevisited by DCS staff, then rated and ranked (rating system is included in each grant's application package) Recommendations are appr-oved by the Secretary Recommendations are approved by the Governor Anticipated grant award announcement, date is November 2011 (this is an estimate) Project completion date will be June 1 , 2012 for acquisition p.rojects, June 1 , 2013 for construction projects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muni ci pal . Votes -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q � All projects must have a town meeting or city *1 vote councl � The vote will.- � Authorize grant application � Approve appropriation of 100% of the total project cost � Dedicate the land to recreation or conservation purposes � Sample vote language is in application package � Send all draft vote language to Celia or Melissa for approval � Vote can occur after application deadline and/or after grant decisions, have been announced ---------------------------------- Page I of 2 Christopher Sparks From: Cryan, Melissa (EEA) (Melissa.Cryan@state-ma.us] Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 12:36 PM To: (amaguire@revere.org),, (dyonika@dedham-ma.gov); Odinardo@leominster-ma.gov); (Ischiavone@cityoflawrence.com); (Lucia.DeiNegro@peabody-ma.gov); (mark@abingtonrec.com); (mar,y.nadwairski@town.boxborough.ma.us); (MBRES@worldband.net); Acton conservation (n,r@acton-ma.gov);Acton recreation(recreation@acton-ma.gov),-Adam Bossi (abossi@wellesleyma.gov); Alicia Zoeller;Amy Hamilton(amy@bedfordma.gov); Angela Cornacchioll Snell;Anne Phelps (aphelps@newtonma.gov);Ann-Marie Moggio (recreation@northamptonma.gov); Anthony Mucciaco (amucciaccio@dedham-ma,gov); Armstrong, Pat; Arn Franzen;.Ashby conservation(conscom@ci.ashby.ma.us),,Auburn conservation (oonserv@town.auburn.ma.us); Auburn town(sconroy@town.auburn.ma.us); Barry DeBlasio (bdeblasio@townhall.plymouth.ma.us); Becket conservation (conservation@townofbecket.org); Bourne Natural Resources (TMullen@townofboume.com); Brendan Egan (recreation@marblebead.org);Brockton conservation(conserv@ci.brockton.maus), Bruce Doig (bdoig@beverlyma.gov); Bud Deyo(bdeyo@randolph-ma.gov);Caleb Mitchell (cmitchell@pittsfieidch.com); Carey Puques (cduques@medford.org); Carol Gumbart (ConCom@TownofBolton.com); Caron, Krissanne; Christina DelRossi (cdelrossi@cJ.stoneham.ma.us);Christopher Hayward(chayward@watertown-ma.gov),-Cindy DePalma (Cindy@randolphconcom.com); City of Lynn 0lewin@cj.lynn.ma.us);Connie Silvia (silviac@cheimsford.kl 2.ma.us); Cori Beckwith (CBeckwith@town.arlington.ma.us); Danielson, Stephanie: Darren Guertin(dag@frarn ing ham ma,gov); David Grasso (dgrasso@ci.marlborough.ma.ur>); David Mountain(dmountain@maii.danvers-ma,org), David 0-h- Oiane Subject: DCS FY 12 Grant Round Open The Division of Conservation Services announces the opening of the FY 12 grant round. PARC funding is available for the acquisition of parkland or the development or renovation of a park, LAND funding is available for the acquisition of conservation land. The maximum grant award for both grants is sSoo,000. Please attend an informational grants workshop on May 4, 2011 at-io:oo am at loo Cambridge Street, Boston or May ii, 2oii at ii.-oo am at io-i University Drive,Suite C4,Amherst. RSVP to Melissa Cryan at melissa.cryan @state.ma.us or 6:L7-626-1"71 for the PARC grant program or Celia Riechel at celia.riechelastate.ma.us or 6-17-626-1 a,87 for the LAND grant program. Grant deadline is MY 14, 2013.at 3:00 Pm. New for FYi2: Conservation Assistance for Small Communities grant Expanded program assists small communities(S,000 or fewer residents)in applying for the LAN D gra nt program. Funding is non-com petitive. 8o%reimbursement provides up to sS,000 for each appraisal and slS,000 for preparation of an Open Space and Recreation Plan(OSRP), Community must submit a complete application to the FY:t2 LAND grant program to receive payment, but will be reimbursed regardless of the outcome of their LAND application, Contracts will be awarded on a first-come,first-served basis until MaY 30, 2011. See the DCS website or contact Celia Riechel at 617-626-1-187 or celiarjechel(a)statema,us for more information, 12/20/2011 Page I of I Christopher Sparks From: Cryan, Melissa(ENV)[melissa.cryan@statema.us] Sent: Wednesday,August 31, 2011 1:06 PM To: Christopher Sparks Subject: RE:Agawam Application Chris, You should be set. Thanks, Melissa ------------------------------ Melissa Cryan (617) 626-3-171 From: Christopher Sparks Jmailto:CSparks@agawaim.ma.us] Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 201110:00 AM To: Cryan, Melissa (EEA) Subject: Agawam Application Melissa, I am just checking to make sure that my application is complete. Thanks, Chris Sparks Confidentiality SWement This Town of Agawarn electronic message along vAth any corresponding attachments may contain privileged or confidential Information,This information is for the use of the intended redpentts)only.Any disclosure.copying,distribution,or use of the contents of this memge in any manner is strictly prohibited by anyone other lhan the intended recipienl(s),It you have received this email In error,notify the sender immediately by email and delete all copies from your network. 12/�0/201 1 Page I of I Cheistopher Sparks From- Cryan, Melissa(ENV)[melissa.cryan@stat6.rna.us] Sent, Monday, October 31, 2011 3:40 PM To: Christopher Sparks; ziomekd@amherstma.gov; Gary Ayrasslan; Parker, Alisha; Ghirin,Aldo-Parks Dept.; Chris Miller; Marc Resnick; Forbes, David-, Stanley Walczak,- Danielson, Stephanie; Marzie Galazka; kpacheco@fallriverma.org; Heather Harper; Sarah Garcia; Stephen Winslow, Susan Fink; Kisker, Rachel;dwalker@cUynn.ma.us; redauth@aol.com; Ryder, Priscilla; Clodagh Stoker-Long,- parkoomm@mendonma.gov,, patrick.sullivan@newbedford-ma.gov; Ann-Marie Mogglo; McGrath, Jim, Barry DeBlasio; Frank Stringi, Tom Devine; Lisa;Am Franzen; ecauley@town.southampton.ma.us; Tully, Michael D.; smaio@wakefield.ma.us; stomaselio@city.waltham.ma.us, LaCrosse, James; Litz, Bryan;Tarallo, Ed; Antonelli, Robert C. Jr,, Parks Asst.Comm.; Armstrong, Pat Subject: no PARC decisions yet Hi everyone, I had a bunch of messages that folks left me while I was on vacation last week regarding the status of the PARC grant announcements, I have no update for you at this point. The Governor has not approved the decisions as of yet. I promise to let you know the second that I can. We're not usually given any warning that the decisions are imminent,so 1, unfortunately, can't give you even a ballpark as to when they'll be announced. I hope that they will be announced in the next couple of weeks, but can't guarantee that. I know that it is frustrating to be this patient because it is for me too! I look forward to being able to call all of you with fantastic news, Thanks, Melissa Let us know what types of conservation and recreation projects you'd like to see Massachusetts spend its Land and Water Conservation Fund money on. Fill out the survey at httvs:JLwww.survevmonkev.corn/s JBL79V26. ------------------------------------------------------------- Melissa Cryan Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities(PARC)Grant Coordinator Executive Off ice of Energy and Environmental Affairs :ioo Cambridge Street,9th Floor Boston, MA 02124 (62-7) 626-1171 www.mass.gov/eea/dcs-grants 12/20/2011 Page I of I Christopher Sparks From: Cryan, Melissa (ENV)[melissa.cryan@state.ma.us] Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 11:06 AM To: Christopher Sparks; ziomekd@amherstma-gov-, Gary Ayrassian; Parker, Alisha; Chris Miller; Marc Resnick; Forbes, David, Stanley Walczak; Danielson, Stephanie; Marzie Galazka,- kpacheco@failriverma.org; Heather Harper; Sarah Garcia; Susan Fink; Kisker, Rachel; Don Walker; redauth@aot.com; Ryder, Priscilla; Clodagh Stoker-Long; parkcomm@mendonma.gov; patrick.sultivan@newbedford-ma.gov,,Ann-Marie Mogglo; McGrath, Jim; Barry DeBlasio; Frank Stringi;Tom Devine; Lisa; Am Franzen; ecauley@town,southampton,ma.us*, Tully, Michael D.; smaio@wakefield.ma,us; stomasello@city.waltham.ma.us; LaCrosse,James; Litz, Bryan; Tarallo, Ed; Antonelli, Robert C. Jr., Parks Asst.Comm.; Armstrong, Pat Subject. FY12 PARC grant update Hi everyone, I've been receiving a lot of phone calls and emails regarding the statu5 of the FY3.2 PARC grant round. Unfortunately,there is still no news to share. The capital budget was approved only last week, which has slowed down the approval process. Hopefully there w11 be something definite to tell all of you in the next couple of weeks, However,as always, I will tell you as soon as I'm able,so keep that in mind when you're dying to call or email me for a status update. I also wish that I had more solid answers for you and I apologize for the delay, I wish there was something to do to change it, but there isn't. One thing to work on while you're waiting—the town meeting or city council vote, The deadline for the vote is supposed to be December 3-1. We may be a bit flexible on the date given that tomorrow is Decemberist, but we cannot be dramatically flexible. Keep in mind that you may take the vote in anticipation of the grant award, See attachment D in the PARC RFR (it's still online at htt D.Hwww-mass.oovlee aldocsteeald cslfv:Lz-g r1pa rc�-rfr- jgb df)for more information. Please have me review any vote before it occurs to verify that it includes all of the necessary language, Any questions, let me know. Thank you for your patience, Melissa ------------------------------------------------------------- Melissa Cryan Parkla nd Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities(PARC)Grant Coordinator Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs ioo Cambridge Street,9th Floor Boston, MA 02114 (617) 6z&ii7i www,mass.gov/eea/dcs-9 rants 12/20/2011 Page I of I Christopher Sparks From: Cryan, Melissa(ENV)Imelissacryan@state.ma.us] Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 2�42 PM To- Christopher Sparks Subject: RE- PARC Draft Resolution Chris, Two things are missing—a statement that the land is protected under Chapter 45 Section 3 or 14(whichever it is protected under)and the appropriation of i00%of the total project cost. Also, please note that we are the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, so make that change where needed. Once those items have been added/changed, send me the vote back for final approval. Thanks, Melissa ------------------------------- Melissa Cryan (617) 626-1-171 From: Christopher Sparks[mailto.CSparks@agawam.maus] Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 20112:34 PM To: Cryan, Melissa (EEA) Subject: FW: PARC Draft Resolution From: Patrick Toney Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 20112:25 PM To.. Christopher Sparks; Vince Gioscia; Mayor Richard Cohen Subject: PARC Draft Resolution Hey Chris, Please review attachment and give me your thoughts asap. Thanks-Patrick Toney Confidentiality Statement This Town of Agawam electronic message along with any corresponding attachments may contain privileged or confidential information,This information is for the use of the intended recipient(s)only.Any disclosure,copying,distribution,or use of the contents of this message in any manneriS strirtly prohibited byanyone other than the intended reciplent(s),Ifyou have received this email in error,notify the sender immediately by email and delete all copies from your network, 12/20/2011 Attachment VIII Letters of Support Cx Ho sE-or REPRESPENTAnVItS -1 54 �TATP.t�QUSE,BOSTON,MA 0213� NICHOLAS A, BOLDYGA - committees: Financiat Services STATE REPRESENTATIVE Fubfi� Safevi 6 Homeland S4curity 3rd Hernipcien Distriut Higher Education AgaWann, Grenville, Russell, Sm-thwick ROOM 1167, STATE HOUSE September 8, 2011 TEL: 1617) 722-2810 Christopher Sparks Director of Parks & Recreation 36 Main Street Agawarn,MA04001 Dear Christopher: The City of Agawara has my overwhelming support in its request to receive a PARC grant from the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. The state subsidies are being sought in order to renovate the School Street Park with picnic facilities, a spray park, athletic fields,parking, restrooms,walking trails, a permanent band shell and possibly a dog park. Renovating the School Street Park has been a great concern of City of Agawam for quite some time. A large number of my constituents have made it known to myself and other local officials that they w ould like to see the remaining 20 unfinished acres of the School Street Park refurbished. When this process is complete,I am certain that the entire area will be utilized for recreational activities by a large portion of the City of Agawam's population, Aside from contributing to the livability of the City of Agawam, the new facilities at the School Street Park will provide a safe place for our children to play while also providing the citizens of Agawam with more free space to enjoy the scenic landscape of Western Massachusetts. In addition to providing recreational facilities for the city's youth population, the School Street Park includes outdoor facilities that can be utilized by residents of all ages including Senior Citizens and the Handicapped. For these reasons, I provide my overwhelming support to the City of Agawam in its effort to obtain a PARC grant for the purpose of renovating the School Street Park. If you require additional information or comment, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely, /?,'/ao� NICHOLAS A. BOLDY State Representative 3 d District of Hampden Proudly Serving Agawam, Granville, Russell and Southwick West of the River Chamber Agowam - West Springfield July 7,2011 Mr. Christopher Sparks Agawam Parks & Recreation Department 1000 Suffield Street Agawam, MA 0 100 1 Dear Chris : I would like for you to know that the Agawam Chamber of Commerce is fully in favor of the development of the School St. Park for the town recreational activities. We believe it will be a benefit to the town residents, businesses and their employees,and others that would come to town to enjoy the activities. The businesses in that area of town should also be able to benefit from the flow of traffic which would be generated. Personally, I am a long life resident of Agawam and would like to see this project approved and completed as suggested. Please let me know if you need any assistance from me or the Agawam Chamber of Commerce. Best Regards Remo Pizzichemi Chairman West of the River Chamber Town of Agawam 36 Main Street Agawam, Massachusetts 01001-1837 Tel. 413-786-0400 Fax 413-7'86-0927 July 6', 2011 Christopher Sparks,Director Agawam Parks and Recreation Department. 1000 Suffield Street Agawam, MA 01001 Dear Mr. Sparks: Please accept this letter of support for Agawarn's PARC Application for the completion of the School Street Park. The School Street Park is a tremendous facility that serves the needs of the neighborhood, the Town and the,region. Its diverse amenities are available' to all age groups and arefully handicapped accessible. The final phase of the park will address some outstanding needs including the spray park which will the first of its kind in Agawam. The extensive picnic area provides shaded areas for more passive activities and the band shell will replace the current venue which has limited parking and presents safety concerns for those attending Agawam's popular concert series. the opportunities for environmental education will be a great asset to the School Department and in particular the Phelps Elementary School. - In ,addition, the proposed volleyball court will allow for informal and formal adult recreation. ,�gawarn residents are forturiate to have such a wonderful recreational facility. When completed, it will satisfy the needs of residents for years to come'. Sincerely, Deborah S. Dachos, Director Office of Planning and Community Development cc: Mayor Agawam Liftle League P.O. Box 778 , Agawam, Ma 01001 July 11, 2011 To Whom It May Concern; My name is David DeMlatteo and I am the current President of the Agawam Little League. Our league is made up of appro)(imately 600 boys and girls and over 100 volunteer coaches. Our Board of Directors works hand in hand with the Parks and Recreation Department and its Director, Mr. Christopher Sparks not only during the Little League season, but year-round. From field assignments to rain-outs we are in constant communication. As of this date we have a total of seven (7) fields owned by the Town of Agawam that Agawam Little: League uses as well as two (2) fields at the Sacred Heart Church in Feeding Hills which the Agawam Little League pays a user fee for our teams to play games and practice at. The Agawam Little League and its members are in full support of the completion of the School Street Park, Not only for the hope of adding more baseball fields to the Town of Agawam but also for more open space and recreation areas that the entire town can enjoy. As a lifelong resident of Agawam, my family has enjoyed Phase I of the School Street Park, spending many hours at the park. We hope to enjoy the completion of the park along with the other residents of the Town of Agawam. Thank you for your time, David DeMatteo President, Agawam Little League knineieri bcomcast.net ddematteo@agawamliftiele_g.gue.com 411374.0975 www-agawainlittleleague.coin