TR-2012-39 GIFT FROM EMERG MNMENT ov *-&CC70 !too TR-2012-39 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GIFT FROM MASSACHUSETTS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY PURSUANT TO MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER ", SECTION 63A FOR AGAWAM EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT (Sponsored by Richard A. Cohen) WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam applied for and received a grant from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency;,and WHEREAS, the Agawam Emergency Management Agency desires to accept said grant; and WHEREAS, the grant is in the amount of six thousand and 00/100 ($6,000.00) dollars; WHEREAS, the Agawam Emergency Management Agency will use the funds to purchase computers, radios, software and other electronic equipment; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to accept the grant from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency. NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council hereby resolves pursuant to M.G.L. c.44, §53A to accept this grant from Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency. DATED THj s 6714 DAY OF ' 2012. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 4- C-c'. 0 Chrik6p—her C. Joh on, President V)C, ATPVED AS ITORM AND LEGALITY EK F Vincent r. dioscia",tolicitor St! :1 d OZ 9nV 1107 'VW 'WVMV9V �01JJO ��310 lmnoj OMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS STANDARD CONTRACT FORM Mued wW pu by Uie Eaecitive QMM&AdmblW�-m&N to Office of 0*ComMijar(CTR and ft QM�nl WdM the delmultoontradiar al C4nmravedith Departments when awtv bm Is rd prescribed by regulation or poficy.Any dwigestotedfiablprkad fam shall be voki.AddWwml norroonficting term may be added byAUaftxd Gmtftn;may rot require any addtona=UWQW=t lefin contrw adcliftial lamas pistcrift CarbtdwWwAPf0 DepartTartapVM.C9Ck0fthYW&ft%rd0W=,kWm*n%E$ EeWrerna*ihat n incorporated by 0 rer ft Contat An eimtonicM Df this form Is evabble al X*wx=.c un*QuMm FaVendots under QSD 5M jUDELEGALKA MWNOFAGAWAN CO M&M Dff_AjR@JN�k- 0 rgency Mamement Agency MM D0kadMqaIQ-0T R-9,W-4,T&q.36 UAJN ST,AGAWAhk MA 01001-1801 8uslnm*!8nzzAddr�ss: 4qq r Road,tm KA M702 -j - . .eeM — an er.DinzioYCbestarKloora Addressfa(ftro"01. I-.- cotmet -Jeffrey IF=NIA Jacy-tuvsubmu VCM91622 gqLjLMc;Wrjknjo Code. bovw.WU2N= 5*412D-Mll ytDftQ&e Ad�MID(ca.dADO'X AD C 11) -CDA-FY12EKPGIW00lXAGAWA ffig�Do CT (mow:The Address Id Must be set up forfff payments.) -RqjBMSg!M"or 2MRr.IQ!4Mr.FFY2010 EMPG Gmnt x KW CQM26q AMENDMENT MMMIENT OR KS;2M psckoneoptiono* Eter Cturad Caftl End Date ft to Arnwdrnant.20_, _Sg2ddLQmWd-(0S0oran0Mk%*nabd DepadmerM &��TO Po*am option onty.Aftech detaft of Amendjusnt chuqjn.) procurvinwrl St3b or Federal grants 815 CMB _&MMAMhtt0-S00p.S2L9ZjLGt0Z3ch upbled soope and bxbo - Pamd RFR and Response or otw pnmurernwit v4por(ing doaumtow) Ca (Aft3cinjusillicall, furintaftCadWwWWdaWdic�* ftffMWCQn=ofthJUSTEdM JbrW0gIJM=p8.I%Pdgel) W" ErnabIrrrmtswo amm budlel -CqnftctEmpWyg.4 Kbch any updates to=pe arbtx%eQ Lzbh2muffilor WaM mftdft WWwq*jWWabw,=p and LegislathIMI or Pftr(MW&h sulloWN taVwq*==tbn and W&M hdF* swpoxw b4go The Notdnq gMNVALM TEM AND CONOMNS RQ bw W=emk*4 fied with CTRand b1mmonftc!by reference ho this Contrat W=wm0TwmsandCondfts Cwmmwealfi Twns and UniAm For ftm&W Social Swvkes MMMM Ped ONE oplicinrThe DeputmentourM ft pwmb for auttiorized pubmence In s=nIanneift ft term of ft ContradwIll be supporW j LMn-Mw2NM9MnGQ 67WToWMw*mm0b%donfortUdum§onofMCmbd(orwwToWlCm.hdi3bakvmm&4$ PWK PAYMENT D!�nM ffM Comonv=M payments are Issued"In MI 45 days kom hvke mcdpt Caftb3 recluestiV accftibd papnenis nrud weriffy a PPO as Pwflmrit hamd wft 10 days__16 PPD:Papnent Inued wft 15 days-%PM.Payrrwl haued wft 2D days-%PPD,Payment issued wft 3o days--%PPD. 0 PPD pencentages am left blank bway ressm_agree to 5WWwd 45 ft cycle-stalWMAeO or Ready Payments(G.L c,2&4 JL onlY haw SCINdUledlo SUPPortStandard EFr 45 day 2M!�2�E See�Mgft Pk0jrk Min.) OR V=3MRO-MUMPERFORMANCE or REASON FOR AMENDM Pdor dw CaMd ft pupose,%cei ye�s)wid a dadeddesalpft of twescope of 11, n,I ortUls bft weended fora ContrwAmer4wa Abch ag supportN dommort4ca and justlikaomm)Fwuft IbrMgnustis pmvVW tacugh to FFY2010 PatnumcoGrand.to CaWog of Federal DanesucAsWance(M)ournberls 97.W Cammx*Weaqft to p;=h=m1b and E(X%*mmt 1.pybe,marx!03cfdw Ltgkpa ftlest sigragge dab Ww)and gg oNodam have been Incurred 2!!gr In ft gfftft -7-rezybal I as 01�20�a date LATERVW to Efbc&o Q&beicwar4 DR dtafta bw bew incurred pdq,lote Effeam --3.r=hcuMA SS Of—20L-.a dab MOR b the gha&90 Ww.&Id to pulm agme MOMOO for M dAgalleas Ircmad pdwtDft akqftDate aukdmdbb&mWea2mmuMmxrdpffprantsoras w4alzBd rehkwxffdPqwft arIdM0wdW&aWdMwnWxn ale oNtalknunderlhiscontrodare eftdied and b ko ft Contract. !Z!2�n of pawwft trvm mkmes d*Carnmonwealth tw Ww daft reLltw to these obbalic � r60-KMA9 M8 DATE' GD�Wb=ce WW Wm*eb as of'RI22ftf n 2M�vkh,no rW ablgalfon3 being Irimued vW M daie.unjew the cenw is p"" amended.pumAded0ottatm of ft ConWarW pwbrmerm expadwxm mid oblIgAm stiall mnive Its bminh lJanfbr0vp��ofmqdftwjdaknor&P^f0r cmPllng any n%GW taw andwarranw.b allow aw cbse out ortrarzft peAmnanc%Mporft,lnvddM or&W payrneorb,orduring any WW bet4w mmkw*. M�-� Naw&ttnft wu or oew reprawwwo by the Parties,to mitive Dae aft contract or ftmhw mall be ft tatm,dab whi,cattrad Amendmenthm bow vAcuted by an aftted*natxy 0(to Conlracbr,beDePartneM aa later Cwftd OrArnwfte�tftd Oat specified above,sutled tDOY required eppwds� The Camaft makas ell certillmibm mquW under&q attached�OnLmctor p2ggn(hcDfpor&d by reference ff not afte6ed hw&)Lmder ft pairtf ad Waft Of PMq.sgr0w 10 REM&any Muted dommr1bilion upon request to support cornpIlance.and agrees dkd all tew gw"p&tffM' w or ft Contract ffd doing. Wsh=lnM=Wx=ftamabdWqrhwpm bed by m(amce hweb accol"to ft bION09 Nwd*cf dWMW PlUederM,ths Wkable QQMMMmMkrms.and t&BkndardCmbWFormhckAVtmhst%�mWCcNMftCwftkftmftReqmstf F )OrOfff ciWon, �fs Respme,and brRq=w FR 3W ft Col BdgbFW 1IM01111ed ftM PI-4 W addftW negetlated lerms w0I takB PG09darIQ8 ow the reWart trms in the RFR and te CcintraWs Re5pmsB o*9 lmde using to poem wMad in NLq&21N affernwaW RFR or"Pmm Ww result In best walue,bm wo,Gr a mom cost effa*m ConVad prwided tW any wated MWRONG ME III&FOR THq Wwg-()k- AKr-H6RQINd*91GN&TURF-EOR THE COMMORWg6m, X Dt,: X. PFIAm an J Dab-Busl He Handwriftn PA TIM pf ftnauvel ,4 (Sl9neft"and Daft Must Be HarmVrIften At Time of$%nature) PrInt Nam Pew Van": 10 MOW Pft rus:Z AM Y/I le Print TIft Chief Fkpi Officer (tMued 197712011)Page I.Of 2, 7.Budaget Detail The Budget nMg align with your Project Summary and equal your proposed funding amount AU costs must be identified below. Insert additional rows if needed. For equipment, list the EMPCi Alit- zed Rquipment List Referene-y-numhPr- bu e u _May include " -to a no morgiban. three 3) % -of their mg est for 'Manage _gCfiy ment and AdmJnJs=tJQa'(M&A)com M&A-activities are those defined as dir Wating-to-the managgment-and adminislotion-of EMEG fiUlds.- 5ugh as -financial miangggment and Mgnit-orin&Apyll-canvi are r-eminded to he mindful-of supplantigg andlo. -dual cgmpensation. If your proposed project will extend beyond 6/30/12,two(state fiscal year) budgets must besubmitted. One budget would be for activities from Projected Stint Date to 6/30/12;the second b!Ldget would be for activities Erom 7/1112 to 9/30/12. flUftairga Pmtected Stntp,=to fi/30112, Cost Cate"01. Y Desr.riplioll AEL Quantity Unit Cost Totln) D.ercises, M&A) equipment mon1t6r 04-md-03- one 400.00 9400-00 dig equipment Gps monitor 04-ap-02- two $150.00 $300.00 i bagt equipment Lap-top 04-hw- one $900.00 $900.00 mobl equipment I pads 04- three $SOO.00 $ 1500.00 hwOlhhcd 'u P t equipment Motorola radio 06-cp0l- one 760.00 or 1 t equipment Ms software computer 04hw01- three $900.00 $900.00 Jnhw $ $ equipment JapAorcomputers 04-hw-01- two $620.00 $1,240.00 pg�_kk-rvlo In-hw $ $ -GRAND TOTAL $6,000.00 10 MAYOPAL ACTION Received this Tt�\ day of LkS�- 2012 from Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this day of O-LkA L6jr—, 2012. qj APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Char-ter, as amended, I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2012. Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2012 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this day of U�S�- 2012. TR-2012-39 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GIFT FROM MASSACHUSETTS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY PURSUANT TO MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 44, SECTION 53A FOR AGAWAM EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT (Sponsored by Richard A. Cohen) WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam applied for and received a grant from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency;-and WHEREAS, the Agawam Emergency Management Agency desires to accept said grant; and WHEREAS, the grant is in the amount of six thousand and 001100 ($6,000.00) dollars; WHEREAS, the Agawam Emergency Management Agency will use the funds to purchase computers, radios, software and other electronic equipment; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to accept the grant from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency. NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council hereby resolves pursuant to M.G.L. c.44, §53A to accept this grant from Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency. DATED THIS DAY OF ) 2012. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL C:) Christopher C. Johns n, President 0 )>C-) �E MF AP VEID AS TO RM AND LEGALITY 7� Vincent F. Gioscia�,-tolicitor 45 C) c.n AV' OMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS - STANDARD CONTRACT FORM ftzdand published by ile Fj=[M Offim forAdmb!�Nm and-Fance Me 611m oftha CorrmtroUer LCTRI and the Qi&M�Mt ftdM as te deiml omirad br al Comomveift Depafterits when wa=Imn is not pmalbed by reguldbri or pDky.Arry dmW to ft d�vlIed foun shall be void.Addknal ncrH=fficttrg trm m3y be added by AftadwA ConftOts rnay not reqLdre any adcllo ad&WW lamas port of ft Cmizactwiftutprior DeqadneutappvaL CUckonhypMkftbrde2ffi=.Irmkucftqi by ftConbaa AneWbv*MofftfwmIsavaIabIeaI"m!m _p �m underGulftla For VuidEL&MM xg FMn. OR LE -8 DEP M ency Managwaoft Apmy QU TO"OFAGAWAM -COMWNWEALT Agav-7 ress:(W-9,W4,T&q 36 MM STAGAWAA%MA 01001-1801 BustnessM.01ringAddigs 4%*x�ster Road, MA(K702 im DhOorChestuffiwm .13MIngAddras (K&ft=* CorilmillIvIa J"Tr MIA jiffi*,twk@sWwnU gRfljNctDzVffndDrCcdvVc=9169z PhqW.5084VA6= 5084&= Ven6arCWqAdgT"S (eg.IAD0W'p AD_., MM Doc ftk CT4DA-FYVIMIPGIWQ=GAWA (Notm Tim Address Id Must be satup forg[paymentL) Number FFY2010 EWG Grant HM COWTWT AMENDW-9 RRIM OR Tbftk one option onW ErderCurrertt CoubW Eftd DateE&Io hmotmmL__,20---, 8=90LOnftm—d PM oran 0SWasignaled Naftwit) EntarAmccdmcMAmoLmt$�(or'w dwgel —D&AMP-1-h—01tch 0M M—A=M bj*Q 6tMNKIM Pmck ou opaw culy.Au=h dab%clAmwdnur4d=ges) ninuftEdPtocamraKdoxi4mStftorFadeWgm�ftBl5CMR OW RFR and igip-��- ardhv Wunnmt xq**q d=mmWw) CQq='pAwA)AffcdM forwmwcy.awPa.b*eQ —Irderh tk�JuMcathn brintarbCa6ecland wdatediwWWot) ErnplqM(Adah UNIZM�SWM&M aoqx6 k4wo —Cwtftg&miam JAMIaM aq qxlaks to=pe or budgrA Lobb2muml or WBM aftAft SODPO Grg LegbIgIbmIMI or 2ftr~m0wttg WMuaqa��oW qxInted W*Q =pe BW b4eQ The ftcotho 982MMAM EMU AND CORPM148(r&Q Jus tow exim;&A f1bd wfth CTR Zd"lsbwp=W by mference hAD ft CaRfta Ommn"O Tenns and Wdbm Q=wwcalh Ta=ON Cond�Fof Rww and Social Su*m Q0gffM&T-WN (Check ONE optlm�The DexrbwaaffM M paymBrits foraffimfmd parbmanx amepled In sewidwwwIth he fzw offt Ca*W*M be squW Inftd*awxmft wdft byudIbmtappmprMonsoro6wramW�bxb,vjWdbkkmqAthrC*nwwesffi oved debts undergISCNR ODD. -%-go (WVzM=0b%atbm Atach dftb of d mft units,cdmWkM axdbe orts=arid wV dwrign ffraWs or term are beft wnended) X . ObikiabaCommd Bi*TctalMa*mm0b%atbnfortoWdumftof#bCmiM(OrwwToWgConftdlsbftwo-&4; Counawmah parwo am hawl tw4h JH 45 days fmm Wobe rcosrpt.Cm*adors ropcsft axdmw pqmb=9 ftT*a P130as kD=Payment W;ed wft 10 dep_16 PPD;PwmtksLmdwft 15 days—%PP&.PcFwI Issued wft 2D dqs—%PFV.Pvjnd IssiadVft 3D Mys_%PPD. 0 PPD pmasoMes am W1 bb*kWtdy mwm_jVw In slariclard 45 day qcb_3WWM&QW or Ready Parwis(0,L c.M 4 JL 04 hft PWV]dt�no 02!LS WWW%J ID V=dSWd8rd EFT 45 4 pfinwi2�j see maaaam&ft. MUEF MXRUQUf-C&M -)rMMMF0RAMENQMgff pubmmcborvWhbftmmkdforaConhdAmer4wL Atinch all sLW*domme*jbn ardodicaftr.)Fwdft for ft pw is pvtw"b ft F=0 EmqpricyMomp-EdPatm==GmtMoCaWWofFedemIDol-,RmrAmbU=(CFUA)wnbwls97MC*=w*&Ami#topzdmomdbaWEOCmWmwL (00U�ONE Ww**)The DwwtrratwWWftdbrcefVytrftCwhck or0wtWArwdm&A docordwWbab= —ZMh0knMWa50f.20_adaIeLATERewhe t;w frownw!as d_2k_a dato PWR to ft Ww.am ie parties Boma ft pq=tg for am ub�Irconxi ArtID tie am auk&edlobamadeeffieressedhim pumts or as aubatcad vebbowment pwaft ard Ulm deleft and ft=bv=of 611 Wplarts odar this Cwtvdam dWzd wd Lx�kdD ft Cmhd!MLve d parwils trum ftCWWr*IVWMhMAUWC�&WFBIa iD!!EGhVaftM_ .JCOMMACTEWDATE: Wm.WW.WWd2d W to Um d th CorM wW poWmnce upctatim ard nbrgaUts sha wMps h Wftft for rm P�pm of MMMV ffiq dah or&Wla�for caup!uRv any nei;cOaW fenns and wavantiop.b allow any c1058 OW Or VWBkn p*M9rM MpWft,InWACbV or W Mmerds,or&ft any*e beWm arnickrerrls MM�R-'A � NOWIStErAV WNW or oft represvistrans by Ihe p4m,1**Eff8ctke DaW offt WOW or kW&&nt shd bB do West d*U this Cmbw(w kmntWhnbmmwWbyanmftdmds�natxydtmCWndor,lhoDP�crabbrCwbadorAmmkrotStaitD* abum.Utled tD any=AW appmds, The Cwbacior maim no a%M=d=required undw ft am&gd�mjmft 99!0—%u 00MMIed by mfere=If not abd*d W*)wider the p"wd Of WW.SgrOW tD MNIft arW miukad d=awfeft upm MqUBSI CD 04)pOn OW#X=.8W ggM"ta no W=90Mj&q WbMWM of fb oMbj�d Wd" .I bizilness in M&va*wb we Or IDWPOMW by F&&W=W*aMOOV ID INS hbAtq MWER"d d==I pamdmw,ft Wlc"rmflommghlem-BA ft ftnftd Cotwftim kAdng%IrOvAm pnd Caftdor CM**&ft RequesitrRespm W)ardtw 80003ft,Un CaftcbrIs Resporm wd a&ftW DMD&ftd WA PmW W 89UW"GUM taffris W111 bike Mmlance over Me raleW lam in the RFR and the Gmtacbes Resp=e 0*j=do wbg ft p-assuiftedin 8QLQffi2lAbmq*wWhareh pv4ded Marry wnendedWR orResxwe Isimmsuffin bestwakA bwromts�cra ffm wgeftx*mCmVacL ALITIfORIZING B)R: AXHO.EQN6.SIGNATURE FOR THE COMMONWEALTH Data: i Date: x I&et_l (Skrl2t— DMaust!30 :rAWIrjrrm Sigutun) ib (�gnatzn and Date Must Be Handwritten At Time of Signatum) Prbdmmw. Print r*: cwffial-Ow (issued BVI201 1)Pap 1�of Z 7.Budget De!afl The Budget mwqlt align with your Project Summary_a&d equal your proposed funding amount AU costs must be identified below. Insert additional rows if needed. For equlpment� list the JEMPG f, -eferenep numbpr- Autbprigpd FayippPyt List Awlicants may include uR to, btut no moreA:han, ftee (3) % of their reguest for !Man2genleU t and Adminj=tion'(M&A)cosm M-AgUivities are those defined as di Watine to the management and adinWstration-of EMEG huu)s—alch, as -finandal mangggm-ent and mQnito1JR&ApplicaM aM remindg"e mind[ul-of supplanting andlor dual mmensation. If your proposed project will extend beyond 6/30/12,two(sMtef fiscal year) budgets must bisubmitized. One budget would be for activities from Projected Start Date to 6/30/12;the second bH!&-et would be fbr activities from 7/1/12 to 9/30/12. Hudgafrom f�WJQGLtd Sb-u!t Date toA13011%-, Cost Cal:cgol,N Descriptiott A E L#T QUajitity Unit Cost, Tot., zt) - E�.Prdses, NI&A) equipment monit6r 04-md-03- on.6 $400.00 J $400.00 Not disp equipment Gps monitor 04-ap-02- two $150.00 $300.00 b�g equipment Lap-top 04-hw- one $900.,00 $900.00 mob] equipment I pads 04- three $500.00 $1500.00 hw01hhcd equipment Motorola radio 06-cp0l- one $760.00 $760.00 port equipment Ms software computer 04hw01- three $900.00 00.00 inhw equipment LapAvp-computers 04-hw-01- two $620.00 $1,240.00 DE in-hw I $ $ A �GRAND iDTOTAL $6,000-00 10 TR-2012- A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GIFT FROM MASSACHUSETTS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY PURSUANT TO MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 44, SECTION 53A FOR AGAWAM EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT (Sponsored by Richard A. Cohen) WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam applied for and received a grant from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency; and WHEREAS, the Agawam Emergency Management Agency desires to accept said grant; and WHEREAS, the grant is in the amount of six thousand and 00/100 ($6,000.00) dollars; WHEREAS, the Agawam Emergency Management Agency will use the funds to purchase computers, radios, software and other electronic equipment; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to accept the grant from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency. NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council hereby resolves pursuant to M.G.L. c.44, §53A to accept this grant of Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency. DATED THIS DAY OF 2012. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Christopher C. Johnson, President 3F APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY )> 45 Vincent F. Gioscia, Solicitor OMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS STANDARD CONTRACT FORM W issued and publisfed by the Exeg&m Ofte fbrAdmin�Mon and Finance Ihe 6ft of ft Corn=Wr(CTR)and ffie Opgra"Servim as tie d It contract Icr all Cornmonweafth Departments when awther Wn is nut prewAbed�y regulation or polcy. Any changes lo ft offlcial printed lorm shall.be void.Additiorel non-coriftling term may be added by Attachment.Contractors may not require any addliforial ants�engagerrent letters,contract W*uctlo I requirernen additional term a3 part of 0%Contract Wftd prim Department approval.ClIck on hyperlinks 11or daUjam. IsihatarelnooWIdledby thir.Conhd An electrunIcoopyof this form Isavahble alwxwffmq under Guidance For Vendors- v/wd under OSD FM. OR LEGAL NAME TOWN OF AGAWAM COMMOM DEPAM03&k- Agency r MMARS Pwadmeg C%�*DX SmqrgaM gementAgency dres :(W.9,WAT&C);36 MAIN ST,AGAWAM,MA 01001-1801 BusfnessMaIringAddre-5s: 4qk%ucaster Road,Fra_M4ham,MA 011702 Mina er. DirectorChostarNicona arndIrector@AgawaaLm;aA* Contract Mana-ger. Jeff M Trn;& �Fax�NIA LMa us J;N&ey.trask@:5tztLmX_ ;ontractor Vano&_0dw.VC6W01916M Phone:50"20-M Fax: W-M2030 Yjndor Code Address ID(eg.'ADODI'p AD M8RLDoc ID Us:CT-CDA.FY112EMP01 OOOOOOAGAWA (Note:The Addreso Id Must be Sig up for ER payments.) -RERR=pjtmen o[Other.111)Number.FFY201 0 EWG Grant NEW CO CONTRACT AMENDME PROCUREMMOREKCgM (Check one coon only) Enter Current Contract End Date Er&to Amendment .20_, _%ftyp 92ntract(OSD or an OGD-designffled Deprtment) Enter Amendment Amount$ 0 .(or'no chamej —Cole0a Purchm Obach OM app74 smp%bWgaQ AMIMMUT!M:(0hook one option ority.A%uh dotalls olftendrmnt changes.) 2L 130artmt Prowernarit(k�State or Federal grants 61§CIVIR Amendraght to Sc*pa or Budget(Atlach updaW scope and budgeQ (AW RFR and Pasponse or other pecurament suppor&V docurnenlallon) ln6d6 Contract(Aaach IMMODn for Interim Contract and updated icoWbudge* —Ememm CoM V13ch MOcation for amergeM,scope,bAeo Contract Emplovep(Atladi any updates to soope(x budgeg — EMWoyee(Abch EmDW�men MA. soops,butiaQ _LgIbM at or (AAach authortft lar~udfloation,soope and fter(Attach mftd&g"uage�ustfllcaaon and updated bi*Q mpg and tpAet) The fo8ov*9 COYMMALTH TERMS AND CONINIMN Cr&C)ha�s been'ex;;k,Mod v&hCTRvW IsIhoorporoted by reference ktothlaContraa X 0xnmonwWMTem*aWCoFtd&ns Commomvealth Temisand CoMillorm For Hurrm and Social Services COWUMTION:(Che*ONE opliony The Delmgmeracer0as that payments for authorized performance soiVed In accordance with the term of this ContradwIll be supported in the stab accountrig vyftn by sufficlantappmpridons orother non-iapproprialod fimds,subodlo hercept for Commwweafth omd debts under 815 CMR 92, Con"d d*units,cdcuWlon5.corKhons or terms aW any ch If rates Or IS=are being amended) —gym No Ma*=ObIgatim Attach details of SO r Ongt* -A-MmdmumQbflgdbn_Cc EnterTotal Maximum Obligation fortDtal dundon of thd3 Contract(or nrwTotal If Contract Ls being wnwKK.S O000go PROMPT PAYMEWT DUQUNTS(PPDI-. Commorwrealth payments aTe issued through EE 45 days from holce recalpt Contractors requesWV emelwat�d payments njsj identilly a PPD as IoOW Payrnent lissued within 10 dap_9�PPD;Payment issued within 15 days_%PPD;Payment issued within 20 days_%PPD;Psyrnent issued within 3o days_%PPD. UPPO pi�es are left blank Iderdify ressm:_j�rae t3 standard 45 day cycle_stalutoryllegal or Ready Payments(G.j.C,29.4 23A;_L only inlU _2=LKftWusrrt Unents 3cheduiedlosuoportstandardEFT45 ypa cy e.See ftm_2LPaL��=y!!E�iw-) BRIEF QE%RFMN0E.00RTBAURgREg3KANCE r REASON FdRAMENDIVIENT (EnterLheCciritraall fitle,purpose,Exal y*s)and adetafleddesa"on of lhe=pe ot Parkmmnob orwW is being amended for a Attach at supporting dommxplaflon and k&tIflcakn&)Funding for this grant Is provided through 1he FFY2010 Emmgwzy MffIQgWWtPerIonnwK*Grant the Catalog of Federai DornesticAssistanoe(CFDA)numba Is 97.042.Community lntB�to purchase radio and EOC eq*ment AKMeM START (Cmvft ONE op5on ordy)The Department end CaAractor carfi�forihis ContrA or Conbvd Arn=IMK that Contract obllgabm� X�1.may be hmxred as of the Effid-m Ualest signaWre dots Wow)and H o*a§Dn3 have been Incurred p�qr to the E&ft pi —2-mWbekmrradasof�2O�odah3LATERthanbeEffec*eDa beiawao4mobka#=hayebminawridpAUtDftEffecmDe -J.Me h=md OS 01—20—,a dab PPJOR to the EMx5m QjQ Wow,and ffi6par!l;as agree that paynmtB for any oblIgadom incurred pria to 1he Effecbp are aubAmd 10 be made either as wbarnent parmts or as authorized r9iffbAwnlent PaY=%and that 1118 details mid chwnistaftm of elf obibatIons under this Contract are ubched and - Into this Cartract!2MLwce of p=fior�mleases the Cornmonwaith trom btw dalms related to them obligatiorm CONTRACT FN;DATE: Contact p8ftrmanm shag termirtate as of'DIcetber 31 20IL-willi-no newbbNations bft inwred afw ft date.unlass the C**W b p" aW",PvAdRd thel ft t8nm of this Contract and parforrnance expectations and obligations 3hal survive Its termination for N PuMm of msftV any claim or dispute,for completing any n0ftted terms and wamsntle�.lo allow any close out or tramidon performance,reporting,Invoicing of*W payments,or durtV any[ape between amendments, CEMFICATIONS NoWntanding verbal or oowrepreaantawrI3 by the p1do,the'Effective oats,of this Contract or Amendment shall be the latest date ftt thb Contract or Amw*W has b8W=U%d bY an authorized signabry of the Cartractor,the Departrnent,or a later Contract or Amendment Stag Dab speched above,sub)oct to any required aPPvr& The Camacbr makes all cufficallons required under the attached Conlax*Certifications Owrpor4ed by reference ff not aftched hereto)Under the palrif and PSM583 of PS*rY.99MO to ROWS any required documentation upon m-Wssl to Support cornpflanW.and agrees M all terms gomirig performance of d6 Contract and doing business in Massachuxtts am al%3ohed or baorporated by reference herein awwding b the 16Wng hierarchy of document precodarve,Me oppgc&e Qmmmmlth Terms and "Standaid ContradForm hjudhV%inftclkoand gM=r Cerrrr0Wn3,the ftuastfor Response(RFR)or other WxWon,the Contractors Respons%and adgondl negobW tpzm provided that addlOwl negotiated term will take 1)(008defice OW 1he reWant lam in be RFR and ft Contraclair's RespaU only I made Lrslog ft POOSS3 OU23ad in 801 QbM 21.07 hoorpocaled hereln.provid8d that any amendOd RFR OrP=Ponse terms result In best value,tower costs�or a mom cost e%cm Conlract AUrH0RZM9 THg 2MAE0 AMMOR12INd 8IG NATURE FOR THE C0VlM0NWg6LTH: x e., Z494ZKZZzZ:.j Date:_�4i—e--Taxe X: * Date: (Sipature and DaterMust 139 Handwr n At I IMS of Signature) (Signal=wxI Date Must Be Handwritten At Time of 61griatum) PrInt Nam: jft I Prtn(T-Ale:PO' Pdrd"pKI6. David M..hT Print nUe-. Chief Fiscpl Qffigar (issued 8/2712011)Page 1-of I 7.Budget Detail The Budget M#g align with your Project Summary-and equal your proposed funding amount- AU costs must be identified below. Insert additional rows if needed. For equipment, list the LMPLi Aufhn1j7F!q,_9_q!!!RLn�P�!! Us) Rpferance numbpr. Applicants.-may--in-cLude up _tg. but 110 More thgo, three (3) ?&—of their rgequesj for 'Management aadAftlWmation'CUM)asts,M&A acUV&u are those deftled as-dinectl Wating to the mgnaggmgnt and administratiQn gf-EMEfi- funda, such as finang Lal management and.Mllitori.ng.Applir-antis are-rgmtnded to be mindLul_o(supRianting andLar dMal compensation. If your proposed project wW extend beyond 6/30/12,two(statei fiscal year) budgets must be�submitted. One budget would be for activities from Projected Stan Date to 6/30/12;the second budget would be for activities from 7/1/12 to 9/30/12. H-ad"from"g=d SM Date to 613fiM, Cost Category Description AEL ff QUantity UnitCost. Total Equipment,Training' Exercises, %I&A) equipment monitor 04-md-03- on.6 $400.00 $400-00 Oory disp equipment Gps monitor 04-ap-02- two $ 150.00 $300.00 bag equipment Lap-top 04-hw- one $900.00 $900.00 mobl equipment I pads 04- three $500-00 $ 1500.00 hwOihhcd equipment Motorola raclio 06-cp0l- one $ 760.00 $760.00 port equipment Ms software computer 04hwOl- three $900-00 $900.00 - inhw equipment JjpAxYp-computers 04-hw-oi- two $ 620.60 $ 1,240.00 DE5K-12 10 in-hw $ G ND TOTAL $6,000.00 10 General Laws: CHAPTER 44, Section 53A Page I of 2 Print PART I ADMINISTRATION OF THE GOVERNMENT (Chapters 1 through 182) TITLE VII CITIES, TOWNS AND DISTRICTS CHAPTER 44 MUNICIPAL FINANCE Section 53A Grants and gifts; acceptance and expenditure Section 53A. An officer or department of any city or town, or of any regional school or other district, may accept grants or gifts of funds from the federal government and from a charitable foundation, a private corporation, or an individual, or from the commonwealth, a county or municipality or an agency thereof, and in the case of any grant or gift given for educational purposes may expend said funds for the purposes of such grant or gift with the approval of the school committee, and in the case of any other grant or gift may expend such funds for the purposes of such grant or gift in cities having a Plan D or Plan E form of government with the approval of the city manager and city council, in all other cities with the approval of the mayor and city council, in towns with the approval of the board of selectmen, and in districts with the approval of the prudential committee, if any, otherwise the commissioners. Notwithstanding the provisions of section fifty-three, any amounts so received by an officer or department of a city, town or district shall be deposited with the treasurer of such city, town or district and held as a separate account and may be expended as aforesaid by such officer or department receiving the grant or gift without further appropriation. If the express written terms or conditions of the grant agreement so stipulate, interest on the grant funds may remain with and become a part of the grant account and may be expended as part of the grant by such officer or department receiving the grant or gift without further appropriation. Any grant, subvention. or subsidy for educational purposes received by an officer or department of a city, town or school district from the federal government may be expended by the school committee of such city, town or district without including the purpose of such expenditure in, or applying such amount to, the annual or any supplemental budget or appropriation request of such committee; provided, however, that this sentence shall not apply to amounts so received to which section twenty-six C of chapter seventy-one of the General Laws, and chapter six hundred and twenty-one of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-three, as amended, and chapter six hundred and sixty-four of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, as amended, apply; and, provided further, that notwithstanding the foregoing provision, this sentence shall apply to amounts so received as grants under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, (Public Law 89-10). After receipt of a written commitment from the federal government approving a grant for educational purposes and in anticipation of receipt of such funds from the federal government, the treasurer, upon the request of the school committee, shall pay from the General Fund of such municipality compensation for services rendered and goods supplied to such federal grant programs, http,//www.malegislature.gov/Laws/GencralLaws/Part]/TitieVII/Chapter44/Section53AfPr... 6/29/2012 I General Laws: CHAPTER 44, Section 53A Page 2 of 2 such payments to be made no later than ten days after the rendition of such services or the supplying of such goods; provided, however, that the provisions of such federal grant would allow the treasurer to reimburse the General Fund for the amounts so advanced. httv://www.malegislature-gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/Partl/Tit]eVII/Chapter44/Section53A/Pr... 6/29/2012