TR-2012-41 APPT MURIEL BIRCHENOUGH TO HOUSING AUTHORITY rr_� TR-2012-41 C') A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF MURIEL BIRCHENOUGH,886 MAIN STREET-#6,AGAWAM, MA TO THE AGAWAM HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR AN UNEXPIRED TERM EXPIRING , THE SECOND MONDAY IN JANUARY 2015 VC WHEREAS, a vacancy exists on the Agawam Housing Authority; and 'n WHEREAS, the Mayor has appointed Muriel Birchenough, 886 Main Street Agawam,MA to the Agawam Housing Authority as the Tenant Representative foran unexpired term expiring on the second Monday in January 2015; and NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL hereby resolves to confirm the appointment of Muriel Birchenough,886 Main Street- #6,Agawam,MA to the Agawam Housing Authority for an unexpired term expiring on the second Monday in January 2015. DATED THIS DAY OF �4fkcmkr 2012. 1 PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL Christopher Johnso President,Agawam Town Council P VED A O.FORM AND LEGALITY )rjaT �Ancent`dio'sc—ia, Solicitor C'c/ — Uwlu— MAYORAL ACTION Received this day of QS 2012 from Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this day ok—WkM)XL' 2012. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the ALgaw harter, as en ed, I h reby approve the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2012. Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2012 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this 3A—day o 2012. July 11, 2012 Mayor Richard Cohen City Hall 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 0 100 1 RE: Board of Commissioners - Agawam Housing Authority Dear Mayor Cohen, It has come to my attention that a position is currently open, which was vacated by a previous board member. Please accept this letter as a request to become a member of the Board of Commissioners for the Agawam Housing Authority. Thank you for your consideration in this matter and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, tkr"-B Lrchevwug�v Muriel Birchenough President Agawam Housing Tenant Organization �O 886 Main Street, #6, Agawam, MA 0 100 1 413-821-9509 A13 AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN S'FREE'f' AGAWAM, NIASSACHUSFI-I-S 01001 N TED Septemher 5, 20 12 PR F'Sl 1)E NT Chrisfopher C Johnson VICE MrSIDVINT Oonm�,% J perrY COUNCILORS Ueorge atiz-ay Cet:dia P. Calabrese MY.S. MLII-Iel Bil-Chell0l.lgh Paul C covall'? 886 Kaln Street 96 Junjus 1-1 Cichem Gina,ll Ixtellier Agawam, MA. 01001 Rubco A Alagover;7 ,loseph Almeo I)ear Mrs. BirclIC1101.1gh: Donaldhf. Rheault Ruhcj-t E Rossi CongralLikiliMIS 011 y0lIr LIPPOintment to the Agawam Housing Authority to ',III LIIICxpli-ed term expi�ing the second Monday in ADMINISTRATIVE RIIIL[arv. 201 S. The Clt)l C01.11161 I rea)gnins vour hard work and ASSISTANT commitment to this board as well Lis to the Town u(A-a\vam. Once a,,aln. on behalfol' the Agawam City Council. iliank you f*Or VOLIr dedicati011 10 01.11' 10MI, Sincerely. Barbara A. Bird Administrative Assistant lo the City C(�LIIICII TFLEPHOLNIL (413) 786-0400 Lyt, 8716 FAX (4131) 7z-6-9717 E.M,�\11, 11 1)(Ird,a.-0ga"110M.III cl.IIS F A(G; AGAWAM CITY COUNCI L T R E E T -36 MAIN, S \CHUSETTS 01001 AGAWAM, MASS., AUgUSt 87 2012 PRESIDENT Chi-islopheo-C Johnson VICE PRESIDENT' Dvmtt.i.) pori-Y COUNCILORS MS. MUl-iel ffirchenough George Bums 886 Main Street 96 Cecilia P. Calabrese Agawam, NIA. 01001 Part/(-,. Cavedlo dume� P. Cichuttj Gina Al. Leleffiet- Dear Ms. Bil'ChCr1k)Ugh: Robet-tA. Alagovet-n Joseph Alhico On behalf' of' the Agawam C[tv Council. I wish to extend in Dimuld Al Rlicault invitation to attend the RCOUlar Council Mee(11W. 1( %V111ch thc Roherl E Rossi �7 Council will vote io cont-irm y0LIF apl)OIntment to the Au�i\vam HOLISIng Authority. The mecting has been sched0led l'orTuesday, A DNI I N ISTRATI VE, September 4, 2012 at 7:00. and will be held ill Ille aUdI10111.1111 Lit A,SSISTANT the Roberta G. Doering School, 68 Main Street. A,oawam. Your Bcw�arci A Bard presence is not're(JUired. Thank �`OLI I'Or \,oi,lr dediCatWil alld LClle1-0Si1V to 01.11- 1OW11. cere Barbara A. Bard A—� Administrallve A."iStallt to the Clt\1 COLHICil TELEPHONE (4 13) 7S6-0400 I-xi. 8--16 FAX 013.) LIVIA11- hbard'a agaimm.mo.us TR-2012-41 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF MURIEL BIRCHENOUGH, 896 MAIN STREET-#6,AGAWAM, MA TO THE AGAWAM HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR AN UNEXPIRED TERM EXPIRING THE SECOND MONDAY IN JANUARY 2015 WHEREAS, a vacancy exists on the Agawam Housing Authority; and WHEREAS, the Mayor has appointed Muriel Birchenough, 886 Main Street - #6, Agawam, MAto the Agawam Housing Authority as the Tenant Representative foran unexpired term expiring on the second Monday in January 2015; and NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL hereby resolves to confirm the appointment of Muriel Birchenough,886 Main Street- #6,Agawam,MA to the Agawam Housing Authority for an unexpired term expiring on the second Monday in January 2015. DATED THIS DAY OF 2012. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL Christopher Johnson, President, Agawam Town Council Ea QF= kfp� ED A O.FORM AND LEGALITY -0 KM %Tincent'dio'sc`ia, Solicitor -0 July 11, 2012 Mayor Richard Cohen City Hall 36 Main Street Agawam, NIA 0 100 1 RE: Board of Commissioners - Agawam Housing Authority Dear Mayor Cohen, It has come to my attention that a position is currently open, which was vacated by a previous board member. Please accept this letter as a request to become a member of the Board of Commissioners for the Agawam Housing Authority. Thank you for your consideration in this matter and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Muriel Birchenough President Agawam Housing Tenant Organization 06. 7LO 886 Main Street, 46, Agawam, MA 01001 413-821-9509