TR-2012-46 STRETCH CODE zim
(Sponsored by Councilor Cecilia 11. Calabrese and Councilor.james 11. Ciclw(fl)
WHEREAS, improving .the energy efficiency ofresidential. commercial and ffldt.lStlial
buildings will redUce the total lit.'etime costs to property owners and residents. I'C(ILICC L'�reenl)011SC
gas emissions, arid increase the arrioUnt of economic activity within our local economy:
WHEREAS, municipali,ties in Massachusetts have a local'option to accept a portion ol
the state building code that contains more SLI-ingelit energy efriciency standards ih,,it lovver the
to[a] lifetime energy costs of building ownership and operition ("Massachusetts Stretch E'iierov
WHEREAS, on May 16.. 2011., the Agawam Cily C01.111Cil approved it resoltill(Al to
promote economic and environmental health in Agawam through the design. constructimi.
operation and deconstruction oi' town facilities by desi-naiing Agawam as an 1"rici-gy 'Smart
j ?_1
Community" and SUPPOrtini-I arid endorsing the town's application to be designated it --Crecll
C011111IL1111tNt". Lind
NOW THEREFORE, ;BE 11' RESOLVED that the Agawam City Council hcrchy
accepts Append].N 115.AA ofthe Massachusetts Building Code. 780 CMJ�. which is knowii as
the "Massachusetts Stretch En'ergy Code", 111CILt(fing amendments oi- modifications thereto.
which re0t.dates the design arid cortstrLiCtiOn of buildim l c I VC
Z__ gs for the effiective (ise oferiergy Of cti
.11,11V 1. 2013.
Dated this day of 2012.
Cliristoplier C. .1olinson, President, Ap I . t 11 1
awarn C'tv C:o i cil
Vincent Gio>A, City Solicitor
Christopher C. Johnson
Dennis J Perry The'Agawam City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday,
COUNCILORS October 1, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. at the Roberta G. Doering School, 68
George Bitzas Main Street, Agawam, MA. The purpose of this hearing will be to
Cecilia P. Calabrese hear the petition of the Agawam City Council on proposed Resolution
Paul C. Cavallo (TR-2012-46) accepting the "Massachusetts Stretch Energy Code"
James P. Cichetri (App. I 15.AA of the Massachusetts Building Code, 7
Gina M. Letellier 80 CMR). A
Robert A. Magovern copy of the proposal can be obtained from the Agawam Clerk's Office
Joseph Mineo between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm in the Agawam Town Hall,
Donald M. Rheault 36 Main Street, Agawam, MA.
Robert E. Rossi
ASSISTANT Christopher C. Johnson
Barbara A. Bard
City Council President
TO BE ADVERTISED ON 9/20/12 and 9/27/12
(413) 786-0400 Ext. 233
(413) 786-9927
Chapter 82
[Adopted 0-0-2012 ATM /STM by Art.
International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) - The International Energy Conservation
Code (IECC) is a building energy code created by the International Code Council. It is a model
code adopted by many state and municipal governments in the United States for the
establishment of minimum design and construction requirements for energy efficiency, and is
updated on a three-year cycle. The baseline energy conservation requirements of the MA State
Building Code are the IECC with Massachusetts amendments as approved by the Board of
Building Regulations and Standards.
Stretch Energy Code - Codified by the Board of Building Regulations and Standards as 780
CIVIR Appendix 11 5.AA of the 8th edition Massachusetts building code, the Stretch Energy Code
is an appendix to the Massachusetts building code, based on further amendments to the
International Energy Conservation Code (I ECC) to improve the energy efficiency of buildings
built to this code.
The purpose of 780 CMR 11 5.AA is to provide a more energy efficient alternative to the base
energy code applicable to the relevant sections of the building code for both new construction
and existing buildings.
This code applies to residential and commercial buildings. Buildings not included in this scope
shall comply with 780 CIVIR 13, 34, 51, as applicable.
Stretch Code
The Stretch Code, as codified by the Board of Building Regulations and Standards as 780 CIVIR
Appendix 11 5-AA, including any future editions, amendments or modifications, is herein
incorporated by reference into the Town of Agawam General Bylaws, Chapter 82 .
The Stretch Code is enforceable by the inspector of buildings or building commissioner
Summary of the Massachusetts 'Stretch' Energy Code
Appendix I I 5.AA of the Massachusetts building code, known as the 'stretch' energy code, was
adopted by the Board of Building Regulations and Standards in May 2009, as an option for
towns and cities interested in more energy efficient building standards than the state "base'
energy code. The stretch code amends the MA base energy code (IECC 2009), to achieve
approximately a 20% improvement in building energy perfon-nance.
New residential buildings 3-stories or less are required to meet an energy performance standard
using the Home Energy Rating System (HERS). The HERS index rates each home on a scale
where 0 is a zero-net-energy home, and 100 is a typical new home built in 2006. The HERS
index has been 'in use for many years in programs such as: Energy Star homes, LEED homes,
and by the Federal IRS to qualify homes for tax credits and energy efficient mortgages.
HERS ratings are performed by a 'HERS rater', an independent certified building energy
professional, working with the home builder. HERS ratings are submitted to the local building
code official in draft form at plan review and final form on building completion,
Stretch code exceptions:
The stretch or base energy code is not triggered in the following situations:
Storm windows added to existing windows
Window repairs to an existing sash and frame
Reroofing or residing over uninsulated roofs or walls where the sheathing is not exposed.
RegWrements- New homes
0 3,000 ft2 or larger: HERS index of 65 or less
0 less than 3,000 ft2: HERS index of 70 or less
In multi-unit buildings, the unit size determines the HERS score needed.
In addition:
Mandatory requirements of the base energy code (IECC 2009)
Builders and HERS raters must complete the Energy Star Homes Thermal checklist.
Requirements: Existin2 home renovations and additions
Home additions and renovations have two options to meet the stretch code:
Option 1) Performance path: whole house - HERS rating option
• Existing homes 2,000 ft2 or larger: HERS index of 80 or less
• Existing homes less than 2,000 ft2 HERS index of 85 or less
• Home additions less than 3,000 ft2 HERS index of 70 or less
• Home additions 3,000 ft2 or larger: HERS index of 65 or less
In addition:
Mandatory requirements of the base energy code (IECC 2009)
Builders and HERS raters must complete the relevant portions of the Energy Star Homes
Thermal checklist.
Option 2) Prescriptive path: partial house option (HERS rater not required)
• Any portions of a building modified by renovation must be brought up to code, or
insulated to fill open wall/ceiling/floor cavities whichever is less.
• Any new windows, doors or skylights must meet Energy Star 5.0 standards.
• Any new ducted heating or cooling systems outside the insulated space must be tested
and meet a maximum of 4% leakage to outside.
• Builders must complete the relevant portions of the Energy Star Homes Thermal
Commercial Buildings
The stretch code applies to new commercial buildings and additions over 5,000 ft'.
New commercial buildings smaller than 5,000 ft2
Existing commercial building renovations,
"Specialty" buildings—supermarkets, laboratories, and warehouses— less than 4 0,000 ft 2,
due to their widely differing energy needs.
These 'stretch code exempt' buildings remain subject to the base MA commercial energy code
(IECC 2009 or ASHRAE 90.1-2007 with MA amendments).
New laree commercial buildin2s (over 100,000 ft2, and "specialty" buildino over 40,000 ft 2
These buildings are required to meet a 'performance' standard set at 20% below the base energy
code. This is based on predicted energy use compared to the commonly used ASHRAE 90.1-
2007 standard. This method is also used by buildings applying for LEED energy certification.
New medium-sized commercial buildin2s (between 5,000_10().000 ft2)
These buildings have two options. They can either use the large building 'performance' standard
or use a 'prescriptive' path: a modified version of the base energy code (I ECC Chapter 5).
The 'Prescriptive' path adds incremental efficiency improvements to the base energy code
primarily through:
Building envelope elements ( better walls, roofs, windows, insulation, etc.)
Commissioning tests to ensure that building energy systems operate as designed
More efficient lighting power densities and improved lighting controls
One of three options: high efficiency HVAC equipment, further lighting energy
reductions, or on-site renewable energy
Lcgb No'�'Ico
AGAWAM ZONING LEGAL NOTICE AGAWAM ZONING that the Agawam Zoning purpose of this hearing will To all persons who may
BOARD OF APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING BOARDOFAPPEALS Board of Appeals will hold a be to hear the petition of the have an interest in the above-
LEGAL AGAWAM CITY LEGAL public hearing at the Agawam Agawam Planning Board on captioned estate,the Division
ADVERTISEMENT COUNCIL ADVERTISEMENT Public Library Conference d proposed zoning amend- of Medical Assistance and,
August 30,2012 The Agawam City Coun- August 22,2012 Room, 750 Cooper Street, incril to Section 180-2 of the if interested. to the Office of
Notice is hereby given cil will hold a public hear- Notice is hereby given Agawam, MA on Tuesday, Agawam Zoning Ordinance the Attorney General and (be
that the Agawam Zoning ing on Monday, October that the Agawam Zoning October 9th at 6:30PM for entitled "Definitions and United States Department of
Board of Appeals will hold 1, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. at the Board of Appeals will hold all parties interested in the Word Usage." A copy or the Veterans Affairs.
a public hearing at the Aga- Roberta G. Doering School, a public hearing at the Aga- appeal of T-Mobile USA,Inc. proposal can be obtained Notice is being sent to
wam Public Library Con- 68 Main Street, Agawam, wam Public Library Confer- which is seeking a Special from the Agawam Planning you as you may have a legal
ference Room, 750 Cooper MA. The purpose of this ence Room, 750 Cooper Permit in accordance with Office between the hours of interest in this case, in order
Street, Agawam, MA on hearing will be to hear the Street, Agawam, MA on Section 180-96, Paragraph 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM in the to inform you of your rights.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012 petition of the Agawam City Tuesday, October 9th at A of the Zoning Ordinances Agawam Town Hall,36 Main Under the new Massa-
at 7.30PM for all par- Council on proposed Resolu- 7PM for all parties interested to allow for the installation Street,Agawam,MA. chusetts Uniform Probate
lies interested in the appeal tion (TR-2012-46) accepting in the appeal of MctroPCS of wireless communication BY ORDER OF: Code Inventory and
of Maxine Cirillo, who is the "Massachusetts Stretch Massachusetts, LLC which antennas and equipment to Christopher C.Johnson Accounts are not required
appealing a decision of the Energy Code" (App. 115.AA is seeking a Special Permit an existing utility tower at President of the City Council to he filed with the Court,
Agawam Building Inspector of the Massachusetts Building in accordance with Section the premises identified as 9/20,9/27/12 but interested parties are
as allowed in Section 2. Code, 780 CMR). A copy of 180-96, Paragraph A of the 695 Cooper Street. entitled to notice regard-
Paragraph C of the Town of the proposal can be obtained Zoning Ordinances to allow Doreen Prouty Chairperson Commonwealth of ing the administration from
Agawam "Adopted Charier" from the Agawam Clerk's for the installation of wire- Agawam Board of Appeals Massachusetts the Personal Representative
and MGL Ch. 40A, regard- Off-ice between the hours of less communication antennas 9/20.9/27/12 The Trial Court and can Petition the Court
ing signs and parking at the 8:30am and 4:30pm in the and equipment to an exist- Probate and Family Court in any maitcr relating to the
premises identified as 1710 Agawam Town Hall.36 Main ing utility tower at the prem- LEGAL NOTICE Hampden Division estate, including distribu-
Main Street. Strret,Agawam,MA. ises identified as 695 Cooper PUBLIC HEARING 50 State Street tion of assets and expenses
Doreen Prouty BY ORDER OF: Street. AGAWAM Springfield,MA 01103 of administration. Interested
Chairperson Christopher C.Johnson Doreen Prouty Chairperson CITY COUNCIL (413)748-8600 parties are entitled to Petition
Agawai7i Board of Appeals City Council President Agawam Board of Appeals The Agawam City Coun- Docket No. 12PI602EA the Court to ins.4pte formal
9/20.9t27AY 9/20,9/27/12 9/20,9/27112 cil will conduct public hear- Estate of: proceedings obtain
ing on Monday,October 15, Robert Henry Griffen orders terminating or restrict-
AGAWAM ZONING 2012 at 7:00 PM at its regu- Also Known As: i ng the powers of the appoi nt-
Richy s 1 1 -14 BOARD OF APPEALS larly scheduled City Council Robert H.Griffen ed Personal Representative,
LEGAL meeting to be held in (he Date or Death: Petitioner requests
1.�,!-Tree Service 6 .#�
ADVERTISEMENT auditorium at the Roberta March 31,2011 to be permitted to file a
T. August 22,2012 G. Doering School, 68 Main MUPC SUPPLEMENTAL MUPC Bond.
'Call The Bcst-Mthant the Mess' Notice is hereby given Street, Agawam, MA. The NOTICE 9120/12
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Shrub Removal*Brush Chipping
786- 786 786-0808 G R E E C T E REFIA CIE
Ft D E3 All legal notices to be published in the Agaivain
Prevention is superior to treatment C A 0 L E A Adverliser News should be sent directly to klanicr@
A G A V E E � B N Karen Lanier processes all legals. for this
N A A MM M A newspaper and can answer all of your qucstions re-
S 1 0
garding these notices. Please indicate the newspapers
AMIN S . I N A 0 1 N R A G I and publication date(s) for(he notice(s) in the subject
T I'N L I I T A I G I 1 0 line of your email. For questions regarding coverage
S N U L U area, procedures or cost, please call Karen directly at
413-283-8393 x27 1.
307 E Main St Rte 20, Vitamins Herbs S I A K E R L A T Turley Publications,Inc.publishes 15 weekly news-
Westfield, MA 0 1085 *Supplements E L E A I E I B E papers throughout Western Massachusetts.Visit www,
(next to Price Rite Grocery) Gluten-Free Foods S for more infonnation.
413 568-8333 S E
-S I S I H 0 T S S : E T S
r=ct,i`n"ffi,_c,_1n'u'r's'ery each week for songs, host chicken supper
a story, and free play. Worship and church
school are at 10 am. Agawam Congregational Church
The Junior and Senior Youth Groups be- will hold a chicken and biscuit sup- 1 2 5 a 7 a 9 10 11 12 113
gan Sept.7 and meet again this Friday,Sept. per Saturday, Oct. 20 at 5:30 p.m 14
21. Juniors in grades 3-6 meet from 6-7:30 The menu will include chicken, bis' 18
p.m.and seniors in grades 7-12 meet from 7 cuit and gmvy, salad, green beans
-9 p.m.The Community Parent-Child Play- cranberry sauce, butternut squash, 20 21 22
Group began Sept. I I and will meet every rolls and butter, coffee or tea, and
Tuesday from 10 - 11:30 a.m. during the homemade apple crisp. Cost is $12 27 28 129 32 33
school year.This program,run with support for adults;$6 for children.For reser-
from the Coordinated Family and Communi- vations,call 786-7111. 34 3
ty Engagement Parent Link,offers playtime,
music, snacks, parenting programs, and in- 39 40 41
48 49 so
2AM F EV E R ? 53 54 55 67 158 ISO I
60 61 84
67 88
69 70 71
ONLINE AND CLUESACROSS 40.Soccer player CLUES DOWN 33.French Chateau
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Sign up today at people table &bay
40 1 INN Q arATA WA I 130 1 SI I E I Answers on 1),age 18
(Sponsored by Councilor Cecilia P.Calabrese and Councilor James P. Cichetti)
WHEREAS, improving the energy efficiency of residential, commercial and industrial
buildings will reduce the total lifetime costs to property owners and residents, reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, and increase the amount of economic activity within our local economy;
WHEREAS, municipalities in Massachusetts have a local option to accept a portion of
the.state building code that contains more stringent energy efficiency standards that lower the
total lifetime energy costs of building ownership and operation ("Massachusetts Stretch Energy
WHEREAS, on May 16, 2011, the Agawam City Council approved a resolution to
promote economic and environmental health in Agawam through the design, construction,
operation and deconstruction of town facilities by designating Agawam as an "Energy Smart
Community" and supporting and endorsing the town's application to be designated a "Green
Community"; and
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Agawam City Council hereby
accepts Appendix 115.AA of the Massachusetts Building Code, 780 CMR, which is known as
the "Massachusetts Stretch Energy Code", including amendments or modifications thereto,
which regulates the design and construction of buildings for the effective use of energy effective
July 1, 2013.
Dated this day of
Christopher C. Johnson, President, Agawam City Council
Vincent Gioscia, City Solicitor
Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR I I 5.AA
Stretch Appendix to the Building Energy Code in Massachusetts
Question and Answer (Q&A) - February 2011
General Questions Page
1.What is the'stretch'code? 2
2. How is the stretch code different from the existing'base'energy code? 2
3.Why did the Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRS) create this option? 2
4,What are the expected benefits to a municipality of a more stringent energy code? 2
S.What is the anticipated cost of implementing a more stringent energy code? 3
6.Where can I find and read more about the stretch code appendix? 3
7.What building types does the stretch energy code apply to? 3
8. Does the stretch code apply to major renovation projects as well as new construction? 3
9. Does the stretch code apply to minor additions to existing buildings? 3
10.What happens to buildings not covered by the'stretch'energy code? 4
11.What categories do multi-family residential buildings fall into? 4
12. Does the stretch code apply to historic buildings? 4
Standards and Training
13.What standards are the stretch code appendix based on? 4
14.What training and materials are available on these standards? 4
15. How would a town or city adopt the stretch energy code? 5
16. How soon after a town or city adopts it would the stretch code take effect? 5
17. How is the stretch code implemented and enforced? 5
18.What is the role of Building Code Officials in a code that includes 3rd Party verification? 5
19.What happens in 2012/13 when the base energy code changes? 5
Residential Building Questions
R1. How do I meet the residential stretch code for new homes? 9�
R2.What is a HERS rating? z:
R3. Do I have to get a HERS rating? F
R4. How do I meet the residential stretch code when making renovations to existing homes? (a-- -.-.e n
R5. If I'm doing a small remodeling project,like a kitchen or a bathroom renovation,will I
have to meet the stretch energy code?
R6. How do I find a HERS rater? 6> >C:)
R7.What training do HERS raters undergo? 7co :D-
R8.What testing equipment is required to meet the residential stretch code? 74=
R9.Are there enough HERS raters and testing equipment available? 7
R10. How much more does it cost to build to the stretch code,and how does this compare to 7
the energy savings?
R11.What financial savings/rebates are there from building to the stretch code? 8
R12.How is the MA stretch code different from the existing Energy star for Homes pro- 8
R13. Do I have to use the Energy Star program? 8
R14. How does the building official in my town/city check whether I met the stretch energy 8
R15. How does the stretch code work with LEED for Homes? 8
R16: When following the prescriptive path for residential additions or renovations can the 9
builder or architect complete the thermal checklist?
Page I of 10
Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR I I 5.AA
Commercial Building Questions
C1.What building types are covered by the commercial stretch code? 9
C2.What is required for large new commercial buildings above 100,000 square feet? 9
C3.What is required for new commercial buildings between 5,000 and 100,000 square feet? 9
C4.What is required of small new commercial buildings,below 5,000 square feet? 9
CS. How are commercial renovations handled by the stretch code? 9
C6. How are new commercial buildings with special energy needs handled? 9
C7. How do the benefits and costs of the Stretch Code standards compare to the baseline 10
energy code?
C8. How does the stretch code work with LEED buildings? 10
C9.Does the stretch code require 3% renewable electricity or solar panels? 10
fieneral Questions rated into the commercial chapter of the next In-
ternational Energy Conservation Code (IECC) in
I.Wh at is the'stretch'cod e? 2012.
The'stretch code'is an optional appendix to the
Massachusetts building energy code that allows 3.Why did the Board of Building Regulations
cities and towns to choose a more energy- and Standards(BBRS) create this option?
efficient option.This option increases the effi- There have been mounting calls for additional
ciency requirements in any municipality that stringency in the building energy code,linked to
adopts it,for all new residential and many new the desire to reduce energy costs,cut dependence
commercial buildings,as well as for those resi- on imported fuels,and address concerns about
dential additions and renovations that would climate change and national security.
normally trigger building code requirements. Several towns and cities asked for the ability to
2.How is the stretch code different from the adopt their own stronger energy code,and/or
existing'base'energy code? proposed legislative changes to allow municipali-
The stretch code appendix offers a streamlined ties to strengthen their building code and zoning
and cost effective route to achieving approx- options.
imately 20%better energy efficiency in new resi-
dential and commercial buildings than is required In response to this,the 131311S,along with the
by the base energy code.This is largely achieved state's energy and environmental agencies,colla-
by moving to a performance-based code,where borated with regional and national code experts
developers are required to design buildings so as to develop one'stretch'code that is consistent
to reduce energy use by a given percentage below across the state, in order to meet demands for a
base code,rather than being required to install stricter code without having multiple standards
specific efficiency measures. Developers have in different cities and towns.
flexibility to choose cost effective and appro-
priately designed solutions.New residential con- 4.What are some of the expected benefits to a
struction must use the performance-based ap- municipality of a more stringent energy code?
proach,but residential renovations and most The stretch code allows municipalities to take
commercial buildings may instead opt to follow a meaningful action on energy use and climate
I prescriptive'route that specifies a set of mini- change; it will yield significant cost savings for
mum energy efficiency requirements for different local residents and businesses,and will increase
building materials and systems.In the commer- design and construction firm competitiveness in
cial case these add up to approximately a 20% the growi ng green bu i I di ng ma rketplace.
improvement over the base code.Many of these
changes have been endorsed by the federal De-
partment of Energy and are likely to be incorpo-
Page 2 of 10
Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR I I 5.AA
5.What is the anticipated cost of the stretch Scolle
Construction costs are estimated to rise approx- 7.What building types does the stretch code
imately$3,000 for a typical single family home, apply to?
and by 1%to 3%of total costs for commercial The stretch code applies to both residential and
buildings. However,after energy cost savings on commercial buildings:
heating and electricity are included these higher a) Residential buildings from single family homes
performance standards save money. In addition, up to and including buildings 3 stories or less of
the state's electric and gas utilities provide finan- any size. It applies to new construction,additions,
cial incentives that further reduce the upfront and major renovations.Historic buildings are ex-
costs of high performance buildings. empt from both the stretch code and the base
For example,a residential home purchased with a b) New commercial buildings over 5,000 square
30-year mortgage would typically result in net feet in size,including multi-family residential
savings to the homeowner in the first year due to buildings over 3 stories., Supermarkets,laborato-
energy bill savings that are larger than the in- ries,and warehouses are exempt if they are be-
crease in mortgage payments from construction low 40,000 square feet.Other building types with
and financing costs.Case studies of commercial unusual energy usage profiles can also apply for a
buildings utilizing the improvements on which waiver from the stretch code from the BBRS.
the commercial code changes are based have
shown paybacks of 1 to 2 years,when standard 8.Does the stretch code apply to major reno-
incentives from electric utilities are included on vation projects as well as new construction?
the benefits side. For commercial buildings: no, for residential
buildings:yes.The stretch code has less stringent
6.Where can I find and read more about the energy performance requirements for renova-
stretch code appendix? tions than for new buildings. In addition,those
The stretch code appendix language is freely doing additions and renovations have the option
available on the Massachusetts BBRS website,' of using a simple'prescriptive'path to code com-
Along with a 2-page summaryz of the code and pliance.The prescriptive path specifies a set of
other explanatory documents. In addition the minimum energy efficiency requirements for dif-
stretch code appendix 780CMR 115.aa can be ferent building materials and systems,instead of
found with the rest of the Massachusetts energy requiring energy performance modeling and test-
code in the state bookstore.As the commercial ing.This flexibility is available due to the greater
stretch code in particular amends the base energy design constraints involved in working with an
code,they are best read together.The base ener- existing building. Due to the wide variety in types
gy code is now the International Energy Conser- and conditions of commercial buildings,at this
vation Code, 2009 edition (IECC 2009) currently time there are no widely-accepted standards for
available for free from the ICC website3 due to a renovating such buildings,so only new commer-
sponsorship by the Department of Energy,and cial buildings are covered by the stretch code re-
also available for sale from other online book quirements.
9.Does the stretch code apply to minor addi-
Stretch code language: tions to existing buildings?
httn://www.mass.p,ov/Ecops/docs/dns/8th edition/l 15 ap Additions to existing buildings that are large
pendices.12df enough to require code compliance are treated in
2 Stretch code 2-page summary: the same way as new construction for commer-
htti):Hwx%, code ov cial buildings,and in the same way as renovations
erview 'un05 09.1)df in residential buildings. In both cases those doing
3 The IECC 2009 code book is available for free additions can follow the performance approach
download or purchase from the]CC website at: to code compliance or a simplified prescriptive
littp:// path. For residential additions,the prescriptive
httR://%N,ww.iccsafe,orv,/e/vtodshow.html?r)rodid=3800SO9 path is very similar to the base energy code but
&stateInfb=fEadjxibnW�cdbai 172%5
Page 3 of 10
Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR 115.AA
also requires the use of a checklist to ensure qual- gy,and customized for Massachusetts,This Ener-
ity installation of insulation and air sealing,use of gy star program is in turn built upon the Home
Energy Star windows,doors and skylights as ap- Energy Rating System (HERS)which is developed
propriate,and tighter duct sealing for new heat- and administered by the national Residential
ing and cooling systems. Energy Services Network(RESNET).s
10.What happens to buildings not covered by The Commercial stretch code for buildings from
the stretch code? 5,000 square feet to 100,000 square feet is based
Building types that do not fall under the stretch on the International Energy Conservation Code
code scope,such as small commercial buildings (I ECC 2009),which is now the base energy code
under 5,000 sq.ft.,will follow the existing base for Massachusetts,with further improvements
energy code requirements,which changed in July, derived from the New Buildings Institute (NBI)
2010 to the IECC 2009 code with minor Massa- Core Performance program for commercial build-
chusetts amendments. ings (recently revised and published as the Core
energy code).6 Above 100,000 square feet com-
11.What categories do multi-family residen- mercial buildings are required to show a percen-
tial buildings fall into? tage reduction below ASHRAE 90.1-2007 energy
Residential multi-family buildings that are above standardS.7 This performance approach is also an
100,000 square feet and at least four stories tall option for smaller commercial buildings.
have to follow the same performance path (20%
better than the ASHRAE standard 90.1-2007) as 14.What training and materials are available
other commercial buildings larger than 100,000 on these standards?
square feet. Residential buildings below 100,000 In addition to the websites referenced in the
square feet and at least four stories tall are classi- prior question,training on the IECC 2009 base
fied with commercial buildings between 5,000 energy code and an introduction to the stretch
and 100,000 square feet. Multi-family homes with code appendix was offered to all municipal code
one to three stories of any size fall under the res- officials (at no cost),as well as to interested
idential stretch code the rare case of building professionals (at a discounted cost),
a multi-family building of three stories or less throughout 2010.Training on the stretch code
that is larger than 100,000 square feet,the devel- and building best practices will be continuing
oper may elect to be treated either as a residen- through 2011 with more focus on reaching design
tial or as a commercial building. and construction professionals. In addition,the
Massachusetts Energy Star Homes program pro-
12.Does the stretch code apply to historic vides training covering HERS and other require-
buildings? ments of the residential stretch code,given the
Both the stretch code and the base energy code large overlap with the Energy Star Homes pro-
exempt historic buildings listed in state or na- gram.The major Massachusetts electric and gas
tional registers,or designated as a historic prop- utilities also offer occasional training on the New
erty under local or state designation law or sur- Buildings Institute(NBI)Core Performance pro-
vey,or with an opinion or certification that the gram and their customized incentive programs
property is eligible to be listed. for commercial buildings.
13.What standards are the stretch code ap-
pendix based on?
The residential stretch code is based on the pre- 5 The RESNET websitc is: http://,�
existing'Energy Star for Homes'4 program devel- 6 The Core energy code is available online at:
oped by the federal EPA and Department of Ener- http://www.newbuildinp
The ASHRAE 90.1-2007 standard is readable online in a
Java enabled browser at:
4 The Massachusetts New Homes with Energy Star htti)://
program website is: http://www.ener_eyst,[n/ RAE I/ashrae 90 1 2007 IP 1280
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Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR I I 5.AA
Process Star Thermal checklist,are the steps required to
demonstrate compliance with the energy por-
15.How would a town or city adopt the tions of the code,and must be submitted to the
stretch energy code? local building inspector prior to receiving a certif-
Towns and cities in Massachusetts may choose to icate of occupancy. In this way the local inspector
remain on the base energy code or to adopt the retains their oversight role but the additional
stretch code as their mandatory energy code re- energy requirements do not place a significant
quirement. A city or town can adopt the stretch additional burden on their time.
appendix by a vote of their appropriate elected
officials: typically the town meeting in a town; or 19.What happens in 2012/13 when the base
in a city the mayor and the city council or alder- energy code changes?
men. interested municipalities are encouraged to Sometime in 2011 the next IECC base energy
hold a public hearing to get input on and raise code (IECC 2012)will be published and the Green
awareness about their intention to adopt the Communities Act requires that Massachusetts
stretch code. As of January 1A 2011,64 munici- adopt it within one year 2012. During that
palities had adopted the stretch code. one year transition period the BBRS will consider
adoption of an updated 2012 stretch code to
16.How soon after a town or city adopts it maintain a gap between the base and the stretch
would the stretch code take effect? energy requirements.Once a new stretch energy
In order to provide consistency among communi- code is available the old stretch appendix will be
ties,once adopted the stretch code can only go rescinded by the BBRS. However,municipalities
into effect on January 1st or July 1st,and there will remain stretch code or base code communi-
must be at least six months between adoption ties through the code change from 2009 to 2012
and when the stretch code becomes mandatory. unless they elect to change their status. For ex-
For example: if Town A voted to adopt in Novem- ample municipalities who have previously
ber 2010,then on July 1st 2011 the stretch code adopted the stretch code will automatically be-
would become mandatory.During the interim come stretch code 2012 municipalities, unless
period the stretch code would be an option for they choose to rescind their stretch code adop-
builders to use. tion
Enforcement/Reg uirements Residential Building Questions
R1.How do I meet the residential stretch code
17.How is the stretch code implemented and for new homes?
enforced? For new residential homes including multi-family
Implementation and enforcement of the code is homes of 3 stories or less,builders essentially
similar to existing code,where the developer is follow the 2006 Energy Star for Homes program
responsible for submitting documentation of requirements in Massachusetts,aind must show
compliance to the building inspector for review, that each unit meets or is below a maximum
and the building inspector conducts a plan and HERS index score.For new homes greater than
site review. 3,000 ft2 in size the maximum HERS score is 65
(similar but not identical to Energy Star tier 2),
18.What is the role of a building code official for smaller homes less than 3,000 ft2 the maxi-
and a HERS rater for residential projects? mum HERS score is 70. In addition the homes
Residential buildings meeting the stretch code must be inspected using the Energy Star Thermal
through a HERS rating and EPA thermal bypass Bypass or Thermal Enclosure Checklist and as
or thermal enclosure checklist require indepen- with the new base energy code likely require duct
dent certification by a HERS rater.The rater will testing.These inspections ensure that the home is
produce a report detailing the energy systems in well air-sealed,while the HERS rating ensures
the building and will provide a HERS index score, that the home is designed to be well insulated
together with proof of whether the home quali- with efficient heating,cooling and lighting-all
fies for any federal tax credits.Submission of the measures that save energy and reduce utility
HERS report,together with a completed Energy bills.
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Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR I I 5.AA
dows doors and skylights where replacements
R2.What is a HERS rating? are made.If the prescriptive option is chosen,
HERS stands for'Home Energy Rating System,' then you only need to meet code for the systems
and is a national standard that uses information that are being replaced.This means that adding a
on the design of the energy systems in a home to new efficient boiler does not require changing the
calculate,via computer modeling,the average windows,and adding wall and attic insulation
energy needs of that home and give it a rating does not require modifying the basement—al-
score.The HERS Index was developed by the non- though it may often make sense to combine
profit Residential Energy Services Network measures where that is cost-effective.
(RESNET) for the mortgage industry,and is uti-
lized by the Federal Internal Revenue Service Choosing to follow the HERS rating approach
(IRS)and the LEED for Homes program.On the used by new construction often makes sense
HERS 2006 index scale smaller numbers are bet- when doing a whole house renovation. While us-
ter,with 0 representing a net zero energy home, ing the same HERS approach as new homes,exist-
and 100 representing a home built to meet the ing homes have an easier standard to meet.The
national model energy code in 2006 (the IECC maximum allowable HERS score is 80 for home
2004 with 2005 amendments).A HERS rating of renovations greater than 2,000 ft'and 85 for re-
65 means that the home uses about 35%less novated homes less than 2,000 ft2.
energy than the same size home built to the
2004/2005 IECC code requirements.The Resi- R5. If I'm doing a small remodeling project,
dential Stretch code is based on the nationally like a kitchen or a bathroom renovation,will I
successful'Energy Star for Homes'program re- have to meet the stretch energy code?
quirements,which utilize HERS ratings. if a small renovation involved replacing a couple
of windows and opening part of a wall cavity,
R3. Do I have to get a HERS rating? then those new windows and wall cavity would
New homes built under the stretch code must get have to be brought up to the stretch code,just as
a HERS rating.Renovations and additions to the plumbing in the kitchen or bathroom being
homes have the option of the HERS rating or a remodeled would have to comply with the
I prescriptive'approach,whereby specific effi- plumbing code. However,improving a kitchen or
ciency measures are required,but no computer bathroom would not trigger required changes to
modeling is done.The HERS performance-based the rest of the home such as attic insulation or a
approach provides an excellent way to ensure new heating system.Only the systems being mod-
that homes are not only well designed but also ified have to be brought up to code.Despite not
well built.As part of the HERS rating the home being required,your contractor,utility company
will be tested for air leakage,and under both the and code official may suggest cost-effective
base and the stretch code homes with heating changes (often with tax and rebate incentives to
and cooling ducts may also have those tested for reduce your energy bills)that you may want to
leakage.Combined with the EPA thermal check- consider doing at the same time.
list the HERS rater,builder and building inspector
can have confidence that the completed homes R6. How do I find a HERS rater?
really are energy efficient. HERS raters work with the residential build-
er/developer/design team,and should be in-
R4.How do I meet the residential stretch code cluded in the team from the outset.An updated
when making renovations to existing homes? list of HERS provider companies is available on
Existing homes being renovated or expanded the Energy Star Homes website.The Energy Star
have two choices when it comes to stretch code for Homes program staff can also help you to con-
compliance.The performance option is based on tact a HERS rater in your region.
a HERS rating,while the prescriptive option uses
the base IECC 2009 energy code,but in addition R7.What training and certification do HERS
requires quality assurance with either the Energy raters undergo?
Star Thermal Bypass or the new Thermal Enclo- HERS raters are typically experienced building
sure checklist and the use of Energy Star win- professionals,who in addition take a week- or
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Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR I I 5.AA
two week-long intensive training course in resi- and testing equipment,and we don't anticipate
dential energy efficiency.After completing the demand for HERS raters exceeding the supply.
training,learning how to use HERS rating soft-
ware,and passing a test,8 new raters must also Costs for HERS ratings currently range from
complete at least 5 ratings with an experienced around $600 to$1,500 per unit in Massachusetts,
HERS rater before being able to independently and they are also subsidized by the utility-
award ratings. In addition to this initial training sponsored Energy Star for Homes program.The
and certification, HERS raters must be affiliated price variation may reflect differing levels of
with a company that is certified as a HERS pro- technical assistance to the builder depending on
vider,and is responsible for ongoing code educa- their needs and preferences.
tion and quality assurance oversight of the HERS
rater's work.The HERS providers also carry lia- RIO.How much more does it cost to build to
bility insurance and allow builders to request a the stretch code,and how does this compare
review from a second HERS rater in the rare case to the energy savings?
of disputes. For new construction additional first costs are
estimated at around$3,000 for a 2,700 square
RB.What testing equipment is required to foot single family home, including the cost of a
meet the residential stretch code? HERS rater.This is reduced to about$1,700 after
HERS ratings require testing of the air leakage receipt of$1,300 in utility rebates,which trans-
rate of residential units. In addition, for homes lates into around $125 a year when rolled into a
that have forced air heating and central air condi- 30-year mortgage at 6% interest. But these in-
tioning systems that have ductwork running out- vestments reduce energy bills by about
side of the heated portion of a house,a duct lea- $500/year,resulting in net annual savings to the
kage test is needed.These tests help calculate homeowner of about$400. For a larger 4,400 ftz
how much energy is needed to heat and cool a home the additional costs are higher but so are
home,and help builders to identify possible prob- the energy savings,resulting in a net annual sav-
lems before a home is completed,when there is ings of$1,100.This is an excellent value for the
still time to fix them cost-effectively. home buyer and a marketing opportunity for
builders who are looking for another way to dif-
R9.Are there enough HERS raters and testing ferentiate new homes from existing ones.
equipment available,and what do they cost?
In 2008 over IS% of all new homes in Massachu- In the case of renovating a 3-unit urban triple-
setts were built through the Energy Star for decker,the minimum additional construction
Homes program,in 2009 that climbed to 34%, costs for all three units combined relative to
without any noticeable shortages.The majority of meeting the new base energy code is only around
these homes used HERS raters and testing $1,400,while the annual energy savings are over
equipment to achieve a HERS rating.The growing $130 per year,yielding small but immediate net
interest in HERS ratings has led to more building cash savings to the unit owners. Larger annual
professionals going through HERS training and savings could be achieved by more aggressive
certification and expanded sales of blower door energy efficiency improvements,but the stretch
and duct testing equipment.The Massachusetts code requirements for renovations are modest.10
Energy Star Homes website now lists several new RII.What flnancial savings/rebates are there
HERS provider companies,'and many more from building to the stretch code?
builders as Energy Star Homes partners.There is The stretch code is designed to allow builders to
already in place an active market for HERS raters maximize use of the Energy Star Homes program
10 Separate documents are available that summarize
More information on the HERS rater test is available the detailed cost-benefit analysis that has been un-
here: dertaken to help set the appropriate level of energy
httn:#%%,$ efficiency for the stretch code. These calculations do
9 not include substantial financial incentives available
http://vA"—ho both from utilities in Massachusetts and through
mes_partners.showStateResults&s—code=MA federal tax credits (see next question),
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Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR I I 5.AA
with its full range of training,support and finan- additions to existing buildings builders may in-
cial incentives.A new home with a HERS rating of stead utilize the prescriptive option—using only
65 or less currently qualifies for$1,250 from the Energy Star qualified new windows, doors and
Energy Star utility sponsors,and additional re- skylights and carefully sealing ducts that are out-
bates are available for installing high efficiency side the heated space if installing new heating
heating and cooling equipment,appliances and systems. In both cases builders must also com-
lighting.The utility companies also provide$6SO plete the Energy Star Thermal Bypass or Thermal
to partially or fully cover the cost of hiring a Enclosure Checklist. In order to simplify qualifi-
HERS rater to work with the builder. cation for the rebates,training and technical as-
sistance that are offered we recommend that
For existing home renovations there are tax cre- builders participate in the Energy Star Homes
dits for the homeowner as well as the same utility program,but it is not mandatory.
incentives on efficient equipment,appliances,and
windows.There are also major incentives availa- R14. How does the building official in my
ble to add insulation and reduce air leakage in town/city check whether I met the stretch
existing homes,through the MassSave program energy code?
sponsored by the gas and electric utility compa- For several years,under both the 7th edition and
nies.11 the 8th edition base energy code in Massachusetts
it has been possible to show code compliance by
R12.How is the MA stretch code different achieving a HERS rating and/or Energy Star
from the existing Energy Star for Homes pro- Homes certification,and submitting a copy of the
gram? HERS report and Energy Star paperwork to the
The Energy Star for Homes program is a volunta- local building code official to demonstrate this.
ry program for home builders.In Massachusetts The stretch code expands the use of this existing
it is currently administered by ICF International code compliance option to all residential con-
on behalf of the major electric utilities in the struction. Building code officials have been re-
state,and has over two hundred builders ceiving free training on the new base energy code
enrolled.12 The program accounted for 15%of all and the stretch code.An updated 2011 training13
new homes in Massachusetts in 2008 and 34%in is also open and available to interested building
2009.There are currently 3 tiers to the Energy professionals for a small fee to cover costs.
Star program.The stretch code essentially makes
the 2006-2010 Energy Star program require- R15. How does the stretch code work with
ments mandatory in any adopting municipality, LEED for Homes?
and sets a specific minimum HERS index rating of LEED for Homes is a voluntary residential green
65 or 70 based on size for new homes,and less building program that includes a significant ener-
strict requirements for renovations. gy efficiency component.The mandatory energy
and atmosphere requirements of the LEED for
R13.Do I have to use the Energy Star pro- Homes program are the minimum Energy Star
gram? Home requirements of a HERS 85 rating and a
The Energy Star Homes program is strongly rec- completed Thermal Checklist. Homes can then
ommended,but not required. It is also going gain additional points for achieving a lower HERS
through a transition from Energy Star v2.0 to score.Because LEED for Homes and the stretch
Energy Star v2.5 and ultimately v3.0. Residential code share the same HERS and Energy Star un-
builders in stretch code communities will be re- derpinnings they are fully compatible.
quired to get a HERS rating for new homes and
the utifity funded programs can help offset the R16:When following the prescriptive path for
cost of this rating. In the case of renovation or residential additions or renovations can the
builder or architect complete the thermal
homes_panners.showAreaResults&s—code=MA&msa—id 13 The MA building energy code training home page is at:
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Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR I I 5.AA
Yes. They do have to sign to say that the relevant cial buildings (IECC 2009 Ch.5),supplemented by
measures were checked in the field. A HERS rater enhancements taken from the Core Energy Code
is needed only if a HERS rating is needed or to go developed by the New Buildings Institute(N BI).is
through the Energy Star Homes program (pri- The Core Energy Code and its precursor the Core
marily for new construction and gut retrofits). Performance Guide are nationally-recognized
standards already in use by Massachusetts gas
and electric utility companies as the basis for
Commercial Building Questions providing financial incentives to commercial
building developers.
C1.What building types are covered by the
commercial stretch code? C4.What is required of small new commercial
New buildings,and new additions to existing buildings,below 5,000 square feet?
buildings covered by the commercial energy Such buildings are exempt from the Stretch Code
code,that are greater than5,000 ft2 in size are requirements.
covered by the stretch code appendix.New com-
mercial buildings smaller than 5,000 square feet, CS.How are commercial renovations handled
as well as renovation to existing commercial by the stretch code?
buildings are exempt from the stretch code and Commercial renovations are exempt from the
remain covered by the base energy code. Stretch Code requirements.
C2.What is required for large new commer- C6.How are new commercial buildings with
cial buildings above 100,000 square feet? special energy needs handled?
The designed energy use in large commercial Supermarkets,laboratories,and warehouses
buildings is required to be at least 20%below the above 40,000 ft2 must meet the performance
use expected based on the energy modeling stan- modeling requirements of the stretch code that
dards contained in ASHRAE 90.1 2007,14which is apply to regular commercial buildings greater
the latest version of the national model code for than 100,000 square feet. Because these build-
commercial buildings.This is determined by ings often have large and unusual energy loads
computer modeling of the building energy use, developers are likely to model their energy usage
taking into account factors such as air sealing, as a standard design practice,so meeting the
insulation,efficiency of the cooling and heating standard of 20%below ASHRAE 90.1-2007 via
systems,and lighting design. Builders have the energy modeling should not require a new com-
flexibility to choose the set of energy efficiency pliance approach.
features they prefer,as long as modeling shows
that overall these features yield the required 20% Supermarkets,laboratories,and warehouses be-
reduction relative to the base ASHRAE 90.1-2007. low 40,000 ftz are exempt from the stretch code
requirements,but must still meet the base energy
C3.What is required for new commercial code.Other specialty buildings can apply to the
buildings between 5,000 and 100,000 square Mass. BBRS for waivers based on evidence that
feet? they have unusual energy loads,and that they are
Builders of such buildings have two choices. First, not typically built using energy modeling.
they can use the same modeling approach as
buildings larger than 100,000 ft2,and show that C7.How do the benefits and costs from the
the expected energy use is at least 20%below the commercial stretch code standards compare
code requirements of ASHRAE 90.12007.Alter- to the baseline code?
natively,they can choose a set of'prescriptive' Case studies of specific buildings by Massachu-
requirements for particular efficiency measures, setts utility companies National Grid and NSTAR
based on the new base energy code for commer-
14 '�For more information please see the New Buildings
Specifically: ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007 Energy Institute press release available here:
Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential http://Nkv��,nloads/press/MAAdopt
Buildings,Appendix G, sStretchCode.od
Page 9 of 10
Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR 115.AA
show that the savings in reduced energy costs far a) More efficient heating and cooling equi p-
exceed the greater initial construction costs.If the ment-widely available and with utility
costs are included in a mortgage,then owners rebates that offset much of the incremen-
would see immediate cash-flow savings. Moreo- tal cost.
ver,the utilities offer generous incentives that b) More efficient lighting-also widely avail-
make the efficiency improvements even more able and eligible for significant utility re-
profitable. For example,on one mid-sized office bates.
building in Leominster,Mass,the additional cost c) Providing at least 3%of the onsite electric
was$101,000,while the annual energy savings load from onsite renewable generation-
were$27,600,for a three year payback. But the which qualifies for both large federal tax
utility energy efficiency program provided a re- incentives and significant state renewable
bate of$66,600,reducing the initial cost to energy incentives administered by the
$34,000.As a result,the energy savings pay for Department of Energy Resources16 and
the extra costs in just over one year. More gener- the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center17
ally,we anticipate that any additional upfront (MA CEC).
costs incurred in construction should be recov-
ered from energy savings with a payback after
rebates of less than three years.
C8. How does the stretch code work with LEED
The commercial stretch code has two code com-
pliance pathways.Both of these qualify for LEED
new construction points,and require no add i-
tional work because of the stretch code. If pur-
suing the performance approach,then achieving
the stretch code standard of 20%below ASHRAE
90.1-2007 uses the same baseline and modeling
as the 2009 LEED program and qualifies for 5 out
of 19 LEED energy and atmosphere points. Many
LEED buildings will go significantly beyond these
energy efficiency requirements,in order to obtain
additional LEED points.Similarly,meeting the
stretch code through the Core Performance-
based prescriptive approach qualifies for LEED
C9.Does the stretch code require 3%renewa-
ble electricity or solar panels?
There is an option under the prescriptive path of
the stretch code to meet one of the requirements
of the code with onsite renewable electricity gen-
eration. However,this is not a requirement for all
buildings,it is merely one of three options under
the prescriptive approach,and builders may also
choose to meet the commercial stretch code re-
quirements using the 20% better than ASHRAE '6[&L=5&LO
90.1-2007 modeling approach.The three options =Home&L I=Energy%2c+Utilities+%26+Cican+TechnoI
which appear in section 507 of the prescriptive ogics&L2=Rencwable+EnergY&L3=Solar&L4=R PS+Sol
code option for buildings between 5,000 and ar+Carve-
100,000 square feet are: Out&sid=Eoeea&b=terrni nal content&f—Aoer_renewabI es
T7 solar—about-the-rps&csid=Eocea
http://www.masscec.conVindex.cfin?pid=i 1159
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Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR 115AA
Commercial Building Questions
C1.What building types are covered by the commercial stretch code? 9
C2.What is required for large new commercial buildings above 100,000 square feet? 9
C3.What is required for new commercial buildings between 5,000 and 100,000 square feet? 9
C4.What is required of small new commercial buildings,below 5,000 square feet? 9
C5.How are commercial renovations handled by the stretch code? 9
C6. How are new commercial buildings with special energy needs handled? 9
C7.How do the benefits and costs of the Stretch Code standards compare to the baseline 10
energy code?
C8. How does the stretch code work with LEED buildings? 10
C9. Does the stretch code require 3%renewable electricity or solar panels? 10
Geneml Quesdons rated into the commercial chapter of the next In-
ternational Energy Conservation Code (I ECC) in
1.What is the'stretch'code? 2012.
The'stretch code'is an optional appendix to the
Massachusetts building energy code that allows 3.Why did the Board of Building Regulations
cities and towns to choose a more energy- and Standards(BBRS)create this option?
efficient option.This option increases the effi- There have been mounting calls for additional
ciency requirements in any municipality that stringency in the building energy code,linked to
adopts it,for all new residential and many new the desire to reduce energy costs, cut dependence
commercial buildings,as well as for those resi- on imported fuels,and address concerns about
dential additions and renovations that would climate change and national security.
normally trigger building code requirements. Several towns and cities asked for the ability to
2.How Is the stretch code different from the adopt their own stronger energy code,and/or
existing'base'energy code? proposed legislative changes to allow municipali-
The stretch code appendix offers a streamlined ties to strengthen their building code and zoning
and cost effective route to achieving approx- options.
imately 20%better energy efficiency in new resi-
dential and commercial buildings than is required In response to this,the 131311S,along with the
by the base energy code.This is largely achieved state's energy and environmental agencies,colla-
by moving to a performance-based code,where borated with regional and national code experts
developers are required to design buildings so as to develop one'stretch'code that is consistent
to reduce energy use by a given percentage below across the state,in order to meet demands for a
base code,rather than being required to install stricter code without having multiple standards
specific efficiency measures.Developers have in different cities and towns.
flexibility to choose cost effective and appro-
priately designed solutions. New residential con- 4.What are some of the expected benefits to a
struction must use the performance-based ap- municipality of a more stringent energy code?
proach,but residential renovations and most The stretch code allows municipalities to take
commercial buildings may instead opt to follow a meaningful action on energy use and climate
fprescriptive'route that specifies a set of mini- change; it will yield significant cost savings for
mum energy efficiency requirements for different local residents and businesses,and will increase
building materials and systems. In the commer- design and construction firm competitiveness in
cial case these add up to approximately a 20% the growing green building marketplace.
improvement over the base code. Many of these
changes have been endorsed by the federal De-
partment of Energy and are likely to be incorpo-
Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR 115.AA
S.What Is the anticipated cost of the stretch Scope
Construction costs are estimated to rise approx- 7.What building types does the stretch code
imately$3,000 for a typical single family home, apply to?
and by 1%to 3%of total costs for commercial The stretch code applies to both residential and
buildings.However,after energy cost savings on commercial buildings-
heating and electricity are included these higher a) Residential buildings from single family homes
performance standards save money. In addition, up to and including buildings 3 stories or less of
the state's electric and gas utilities provide finan- any size. It applies to new construction,additions,
cial incentives that further reduce the upfront and major renovations.Historic buildings are ex-
costs of high performance buildings. empt from both the stretch code and the base
For example,a residential home purchased with a b) New commercial buildings over 5,000 square
30-year mortgage would typically result in net feet in size,including multi-family residential
savings to the homeowner in the first year due to buildings over 3 stories., Supermarkets,laborato-
energy bill savings that are larger than the in- ries,and warehouses are exempt if they are be-
crease in mortgage payments from construction low 40,000 square feet.Other building types with
and financing costs.Case studies of commercial unusual energy usage profiles can also apply for a
buildings utilizing the improvements on which waiver from the stretch code from the BBRS.
the commercial code changes are based have
shown paybacks;of 1 to 2 years,when standard 0.Does the stretch code apply to major reno-
incentives from electric utilities are included on vation projects as well as new construction?
the benefits side. For commercial buildings: no,for residential
buildings:yes.The stretch code has less stringent
6.Where can I find and read more about the energy performance requirements for renova-
stretch code appendix? tions than for new buildings. In addition,those
The stretch code appendix language is freely doing additions and renovations have the option
available on the Massachusetts BBRS website,' of using a simple'prescriptive'path to code com-
Along with a 2-page summary2 of the code and pliance.The prescriptive path specifies a set of
other explanatory documents. In addition the minimum energy efficiency requirements for dif-
stretch code appendix 780CMR 115.aa can be ferent building materials and systems,instead of
found with the rest of the Massachusetts energy requiring energy performance modeling and test-
code in the state bookstore.As the commercial ing.This flexibility is available due to the greater
stretch code in particular amends the base energy design constraints involved in working with an
code,they are best read together.The base ener- existing building.Due to the wide variety in types
gy code is now the International Energy Conser- and conditions of commercial buildings,at this
vation Code,2009 edition(IECC 2009) currently time there are no widely-accepted standards for
available for free from the ICC website3due to a renovating such buildings,so only new commer-
sponsorship by the Department of Ene'rgy,and cial buildings are covered by the stretch code re-
also available for sale from other online book quirements.
9.Does the stretch code apply to minor addi-
Stretch code language: tions to existing buildings?
IhRD://!i-5i.gQv/Eeops/docs/dos/8th edi=tion 5�a Additions to existing buildings that are large
lgendices.vdfl enough to require code compliance are treated in
'Stretch code 2-page summary: the same way as new construction for commer-
httV:flWWW._ code ov cial buildings,and in the same way as renovations
lerview iun05 09.1)dfl in residential buildings. In both cases those doing
-'The IECC?009 code book is available for free additions can follow the performance approach
download or i)urchase from the ICC website at: ---1 to code compliance or a simplified prescriptive
hnD://www.iccsafe.orWstore/pa.ges/doeregis path. For residential additions,the prescriptive
h"p://www.iccsafe.oro/e/r)rodshow.html?t)rodid=3800SO91 path is very similar to the base energy code but
&stateInfo=fEadixmbnWicdbai 1729151
Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR I I 5.AA
also requires the use of a checkIist to ensure qual- gy,and customized for Massachusetts.This Ener-
ity installation of insulation and air sealing, use of gy star program is in turn built upon the Home
Energy Star windows,doors and skylights as ap- Energy Rating System (HERS)which is developed
propriate,and tighter duct sealing for new heat- and administered by the national Residential
ing and cooling systems. Energy Services Network(RESNET).s
11.0.What happens to buildings not covered by The Commercial stretch code for buildings from
the stretch code? 5,000 square feet to 100,000 square feet is based
Building types that do not fall under the stretch on the International Energy Conservation Code
code scope,such as small commercial buildings (IECC 2009),which is now the base energy code
under 5,000 sq. ft.,will follow the existing base for Massachusetts,with further improvements
energy code requirements,which changed in July, derived from the New Buildings Institute (NBI)
2010 to the IECC 2009 code with minor Massa- Core Performance program for commercial build-
chusetts amendments. ings(recently revised and published as the Core
energy code).6Above 100,000 square feet com-
11.What categories do multi-family residen- mercial buildings are required to show a percen-
tial buildings fall Into? tage reduction below ASHRAE 90.1-2007 energy
Residential multi-family buildings that are above standards.7This performance approach is also an
100,000 square feet and at least four stories tall option for smaller commercial buildings.
have to follow the same performance path (20%
better than the ASHRAE standard 90.1-2007) as 14.What training and materials are available
other commercial buildings larger than 100,000 on these standards?
square feet. Residential buildings below 100,000 In addition to the websites referenced in the
square feet and at least four stories tall are classi- prior question,training on the IECC 2009 base
fied with commercial buildings between 5,000 energy code and an introduction to the stretch
and 100,000 square feet Multi-family homes with code appendix was offered to all municipal code
one to three stories of any size fall under the res- officials (at no cost),as well as to interested
idential stretch code standards.In the rare case of building professionals (at a discounted cost),
a multi-family building of three stories or less throughout 2010.Training on the stretch code
that is larger than 100,000 square feet,the devel- and building best practices will be continuing
oper may elect to be treated either as a residen- through 2011 with more focus on reaching design
tial or as a commercial building. and construction professionals.In addition,the
Massachusetts Energy Star Homes program pro-
12.Does the stretch code apply to historic vides training covering HERS and other require-
buildings? ments of the residential stretch code,given the
Both the stretch code and the base energy code large overlap with the Energy Star Homes pro-
exempt historic buildings listed in state or na- gram.The major Massachusetts electric and gas
tional registers,or designated as a historic prop- utilities also offer occasional training on the New
erty under local or state designation law or sur- Buildings Institute(NBI) Core Performance pro-
vey,or with an opinion or certification that the gram and their customized incentive programs
property is eligible to be listed. for commercial buildings.
13.What standards are the stretch code ap-
pendix based on?
The residential stretch code is based on the pre- 5 The RESNET website is-.Ihttp://www.n
existing'Energy Star for Homes'4prograrn devel- 6 The Core ener&y code is available online at:
oped by the federal EPA and Department of Ener- lhttt)://www.newbuilding!i.Qrp
'The ASHRAE 90.1-2007 standard is readable online in a
Java enabled browser at:
4 The Massachusetts New Homes with Energy Star lhttlD://
program website is FF;7—
a� IRAE I/ashrae. 90 1 2007 113 12801
Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR 11 5.AA
Process Star Thermal checklist,are the steps required to
demonstrate compliance with the energy por-
15.How would a town or city adopt the tions of the code,and must be submitted to the
stretch energy code? local building inspector prior to receiving a certif-
Towns and cities in Massachusetts may choose to icate of occupancy. In this way the local inspector
remain on the base energy code or to adopt the retains their oversight role but the additional
stretch code as their mandatory energy code re- energy requirements do not place a significant
quirement. A city or town can adopt the stretch additional burden on their time.
appendix by a vote of their appropriate elected
officials:typically the town meeting in a town; or 19.What happens In 2012/13 when the base
in a city the mayor and the city council or alder- energy code changes?
men. Interested municipalities are encouraged to Sometime in 2011 the next IECC base energy
hold a public hearing to get input on and raise code (IECC 2012)will be published and the Green
awareness about their intention to adopt the Communities Act requires that Massachusetts
stretch code. As of January 1-st 2011, 64 munici- adopt it within one year i.e. in 2012. During that
palities had adopted the stretch code. one year transition period the BBRS will consider
adoption of an updated 2012 stretch code to
16.How soon after a town or city adopts It maintain a gap between the base and the stretch
would the stretch code take effect? energy requirements.Once a new stretch energy
In order to provide consistency among communi- code is available the old stretch appendix will be
ties,once adopted the stretch code can only go rescinded by the BBRS. However,municipalities
into effect on January 1st or July 1st,and there will remain stretch code or base code communi-
must be at least six months between adoption ties through the code change from 2009 to 2012
and when the stretch code becomes mandatory. unless they elect to change their status.For ex-
For example:if Town A voted to adopt in Novem- ample municipalities who have previously
ber 2010,then on July 15t 2011 the stretch code adopted the stretch code will automatically be-
would become mandatory. During the interim come stretch code 2012 municipalities,unless
period the stretch code would be an option for they choose to rescind their stretch code adop-
builders to use. tion
EnforcementlRequirements Residential-Building Questions
111.How do I meet the residential stretch code
17.How Is the stretch code implemented and for new homes?
enforced? For new residential homes including multi-family
Implementation and enforcement of the code is homes of 3 stories or less,builders essentially
similar to existing code,where the developer is follow the 2006 Energy Star for Homes program
responsible for submitting documentation of requirements in Massachusetts,and must show
compliance to the building inspector for review, that each unit meets or is below a maximum
and the building inspector conducts a plan and HERS index score. For new homes greater than
site review. 3,000 ft2in size the maximum HERS score is 65
(similar but not identical to Energy Star tier 2),
18.What Is the role of a building code official for smaller homes less than 3,000ft2the maxi-
and a HERS rater for residential projects? mum HERS score is 70. In addition the homes
Residential buildings meeting the stretch code must be inspected using the Energy Star Thermal
through a HERS rating and EPA thermal bypass Bypass or Thermal Enclosure Checklist and as
or thermal enclosure checklist require indepen- with the new base energy code likely require duct
dent certification by a HERS rater.The rater will testing.These inspections ensure that the home is
produce a report detailing the energy systems in well air-sealed,while the HERS rating ensures
the building and will provide a HERS index score, that the home is designed to be well insulated
together with proof of whether the home quali- with efficient heating,cooling and fighting-all
fies for any federal tax crediM Submission of the measures that save energy and reduce utility
HERS report,together with a completed Energy bills.
Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR I I 5.AA
dows:doors and skylights where replacements
R2.What Is a HERS rating? are made.If the prescriptive option is chosen,
HERS stands for'Home Energy Rating System,' then you only need to meet code for the systems
and is a national standard that uses information that are being replaced.This means that adding a
on the design of the energy systems in a home to new efficient boiler does not require changing the
calculate,via computer modeling,the average windows,and adding wall and attic insulation
energy needs of that home and give it a rating does not require modifying the basement-al-
score.The HERS Index was developed by the non- though it may often make sense to combine
profit Residential Energy Services Network measures where that is cost-effective.
(RES N ET) fo r the mo rtgage industry,and is uti-
lized by the Federal Internal Revenue Service Choosing to follow the HERS rating approach
(IRS)and the LEED for Homes program.On the used by new construction often makes sense
HERS 2006 index scale smaller numbers are bet- when doing a whole house renovation. While us-
ter,with 0 representing a net zero energy home, ing the same HERS approach as new homes,exist-
and 100 representing a home built to meet the ing homes have an easier standard to meet.The
national model energy code in 2006(the IECC maximum allowable HERS score is 80 for home
2004 with 2005 amendments).A HERS rating of renovations greater than 2,000 ft2 and 85 for re-
65 means that the home uses about 35%less novated homes less than 2,000ft2.
energy than the same size home built to the
2004/2005 IECC code requirements.The Resi- R5.If I'm doing a small remodeling project,
dential Stretch code is based on the nationally like a kitchen or a bathroom renovation,will I
successful'Energy Star for Homes'program re- have to meet the stretch energy code?
quirements,which utilize HERS ratings. If a small renovation involved replacing a couple
of windows and opening part of a wall cavity,
113.Do I have to get a HERS rating? then those new windows and wall cavity would
New homes built under the stretch code must get have to be brought up to the stretch code,just as
a HERS rating. Renovations and additions to the plumbing in the kitchen or bathroom being
homes have the option of the HERS rating or a remodeled would have to comply with the
'prescriptive'approach,whereby specific effi- plumbing code. However,improving a kitchen or
ciency measures are required,but no computer bathroom would not trigger required changes to
modeling is done.The HERS performance-based the rest of the home such as attic insulation or a
approach provides an excellent way to ensure new heating system.Only the systems being mod-
that homes are not only well designed but also ified have to be brought up to code. Despite not
well built As part of the HERS rating the home being required,your contractor,utility company
will be tested for air leakage,and under both the and code official may suggest cost-effective
base and the stretch code homes with heating changes(often with tax and rebate incentives to
and cooling ducts may also have those tested for reduce your energy bills)that you may want to
leakage.Combined with the EPA thermal check- consider doing at the same time.
list the HERS rater,builder and building inspector
can have confidence that the completed homes 116.How do I find a HERS rater?
really are energy efficient. HERS raters work with the r6idential build-
er/developer/design team,and should be in-
114.How do I meet the residential stretch code cluded in the team from the outset An updated
when making renovations to existing homes? list of HERS provider companies is available on
Existing homes being renovated or expanded the Energy Star Homes website.The Energy Star
have two choices when it comes to stretch code for Homes program staff can also help you to con-
compliance.The performance option is based on tact a HERS rater in your region.
a HERS rating,while the prescriptive option uses
the base JECC 2009 energy code,but in addition 117.What training and certification do HERS
requires quality assurance with either the Energy raters undergo?
Star Thermal Bypass or the new Thermal Enclo- HERS raters are typically experienced building
sure checklist and the use of Energy Star win- professionals,who in addition take a week-or
Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR 115.AA
two week-long intensive training course in resi- and testing equipment,and we don't anticipate
dential energy efficiency.After completing the demand for HERS raters exceeding the supply.
training,learning how to use HERS rating soft-
ware,and passing a test,9 new raters must also Costs for HERS ratings currently range from
complete at least 5 ratings with an experienced around$600 to$1,500 per unit in Massachusetts,
HERS rater before being able to independently and they are also subsidized by the utility-
award ratings. In addition to this initial training sponsored Energy Star for Homes program.The
and certification,HERS raters must be affiliated price variation may reflect differing levels of
with a company that is certified as a HERS pro- technical assistance to the builder depending on
vider,and is responsible for ongoing code educa- their needs and preferences.
tion and quality assurance oversight of the HERS
rater's worlt The HERS providers also carry lia- RIO.How much more does It cost to build to
bility insurance and allow builders to request a the stretch code,and how does this compare
review from a second HERS rater in the rare case to the energy savings?
of disputes. For new construction additional first costs are
estimated at around$3,000 for a 2,700 square
R8.What testing equipment Is required to foot single family home, including the cost of a
meet the residential stretch code? HERS rater.This is reduced to about$1,700 after
HERS ratings require testing of the air leakage receipt of$1,300 in utility rebates,which trans-
rate of residential units.In addition, for homes lates into around$125 a year when rolled into a
that have forced air heating and central air condi- 30-year mortgage at 6%interest. But these in-
tioning systems that have ductwork running out- vestments reduce energy bills by about
side of the heated portion of a house,a duct lea- $500/year,resulting in net annual savings to the
kage test is needed.These tests help calculate homeowner of about$400. For a larger 4,400 ft2
how much energy is needed to heat and cool a home the additional costs are higher but so are
home,and help builders to identify possible prob- the energy savings, resulting in a net annual sav-
lems before a home is completed,when there is ings of$1,100.This is an excellent value for the
still time to flx them cost-effectively. home buyer and a marketing opportunity for
builders who are looking for another way to dif-
R9.Are there enough HERS raters and testing ferentiate new homes from existing ones.
equipment available,and what do they cost?
In 2008 over 15%of all new homes in Massachu- In the case of renovating a 3-unit urban triple-
setts were built through the Energy Star for decker,the minimum additional construction
Homes program,in 2009 that climbed to 34%, costs for all three units combined relative to
without any noticeable shortages.The majority of meeting the new base energy code is only around
these ho mes used H E RS raters and testi ng $1,400,while the annual energy savings are over
equipment to achieve a HERS rating.The growing $130 per year,yielding small but immediate net
interest in HERS ratings has led to more building cash savings to the unit owners. Larger annual
professionals going through HERS training and savings could be achieved by more aggressive
certification and expanded sales of blower door energy efficiency improvements,but the stretch
and duct testing equipment The Massachusetts code requirements for renovations are modest.10
Energy Star Homes website now lists several new R1 I.What financial savings/rebates are there
HERS provider companies,9 and many more from building to the stretch code?
builders as Energy Star Homes partners.There is The stretch code is designed to allow builders to
already in place an active market for HERS raters maximize use of the Energy Star Homes program
a "Separate documents are available that summarize
Moire inforination on the HERS irater test is available the detailed oost-benefit analysis that has been un-
here-, dertaken to help set the appropriate level of energy
efficiency for the stretch code, These calculations do
not include substantial financial incentives available both from utilities in Massachusetts and through
mes-partners.showStateResults&s-code�=MA federal tax credits(see next question).
Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR 115.AA
with its full range of training,support and finan- additions to existing buildings builders may in-
cial incentives.A new home with a HERS rating of stead utilize the prescriptive option-using only
65 or less currently qualifies for$1,250 from the Energy Star qualified new windows,doors and
Energy Star utility sponsors,and additional re- skylights and carefully sealing ducts that are out-
bates are available for installing high efficiency side the heated space if installing new heating
heating and cooling equipment,appliances and systems.In both cases builders must also com-
lighting.The utility companies also provide$650 plete the Energy Star Thermal Bypass or Thermal
to partially or fully cover the cost of hiring a Enclosure Checklist. In order to simplify qualifi-
HERS rater to work with the builder. cation for the rebates,training and technical as-
sistance that are offered we recommend that
For existing home renovations there are tax cre- builders participate in the Energy Star Homes
dits for the homeowner as well as the same utility program,but it is not mandatory.
incentives on efficient equipment,appliances,and
windows.There are also major incentives availa- R14.How does the building official in my
ble to add insulation and reduce air leakage in town/ctty check whether I met the stretch
existing homes,through the MassSave program energy code?
sponsored by the gas and electric utility compa- For several years,under both the 7th edition and
nies.11 the P edition base energy code in Massachusetts
it has been possible to show code compliance by
R12.How Is the MA stretch code different achieving a HERS rating and/or Energy Star
from the existing Energy Star for Homes pro- Homes certification,and submitting a copy of the
gram? HERS report and Energy Star paperwork to the
The Energy Star for Homes program is a volunta- local building code official to demonstrate this.
ry program for home builders. In Massachusetts The stretch code expands the use of this existing
it is currently administered by ICF International code compliance option to all residential con-
on behalf of the major electric utilities in the struction. Building code officials have been re-
state,and has over two hundred builders ceiving free training on the new base energy code
enrolled.12 The program accounted for 15%of all and the stretch code.An updated 2011 training13
new homes in Massachusetts in 2008 and 34%in is also open and available to interested building
2009.There are currently 3 tiers to the Energy professionals for a small fee to cover costs.
Star program.The stretch code essentially makes
the 2006-2010 Energy Star program require- R15.How does the stretch code work with
ments mandatory in any adopting municipality, LEED for Homes?
and sets a specific minimum HERS index rating of LEED for Homes is a voluntary residential green
65 or 70 based on size for new homes,and less building program that includes a significant ener-
strict requirements for renovations. gy efficiency component.The mandatory energy
and atmosphere requirements of the LEED for
R13.Do I have to use the Energy Star pro- Homes program are the minimum Energy Star
gram? Home requirements of a HERS 85 rating and a
The Energy Star Homes program is strongly rec- completed Thermal Checklist. Homes can then
ommended,but not required. It is also going gain additional points for achieving a lower HERS
through a transition from Energy Star v2.0 to score. Because LEED for Homes and the stretch
Energy Star v2.5 and ultimately v3.0. Residential code share the same HERS and Energy Star un-
builders in stretch code communities will be re- derpinnings they are fully compatible.
quired to get a HERS rating for new homes and
the utility funded programs can help offset the R16:When following the prescriptive path for
cost of this rating. In the case of renovation or residential additions or renovations can the
builder or architect complete the thermal
http://www, checklist?
homes_partners.showAreaResults&s-code=M&rns.a-�d The MA building energy code training home page is at:
Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR I I 5.AA
Yes. They do have to sign to say that the relevant cial buildings (IECC 2009 Ch.5),supplemented by
measures were checked in the field. A HERS rater enhancements taken from the Core Energy Code
is needed only if a HERS rating is needed or to go developed by the New Buildings Institute (NBI).is
through the Energy Star Homes program (pri- The Core Energy Code and its precursor the Core
marily for new construction and gut retrofits). Performance Guide are national ly-recognized
standards already in use by Massachusetts gas
and electric utility companies as the basis for
Commercial Building Questions providing financial incentives to commercial
building developers.
C1.What building types are covered by the
commercial stretch code? C4,What Is required of small new commercial
N ew bu i I di ngs,an d new additio ns to exi sti ng buildings,below 5,000 square feet?
buildings covered by the commercial energy Such buildings are exempt from the Stretch Code
code,that are greater than5,000 ft2 in size are requirements.
covered by the stretch code appendix.New com-
mercial buildings smaller than 5,000 square feet, CS.How are commercial renovations handled
as well as renovation to existing commercial by the stretch code?
buildings are exempt from the stretch code and Commercial renovations are exempt from the
remain covered by the base energy code. Stretch Code requirements.
CZ.What Is required for large new commer- C6.How are new commercial buildings with
cial buildings above 100,000 square feet? special energy needs handled?
The designed energy use in large commercial Supermarkets,laboratories,and warehouses
buildings is required to be at least 20%below the above 40,000 ft2must meet the performance
use expected based on the energy modeling stan- modeling requirements of the stretch code that
dards contained in ASHRAE 90.1 2007,14which is apply to regular commercial buildings greater
the latest version of the national model code for than 100,000 square feet.Because these build-
commercial buildings.This is determined by ings often have large and unusual energy loads
computer modeling of the building energy use, developers are likely to model their energy usage
taking into account factors such as air sealing, as a standard design practice,so meeting the
insulation,efficiency of the cooling and heating standard of 20%below ASHRAE 90.1-2007 via
systems,and lighting design. Builders have the energy modeling should not require a new com-
flexibility to choose the set of energy efficiency pliance approach.
features they prefer,as long as modeling shows
that overall these features yield the required 20% Supermarkets,laboratories,and warehouses be-
reduction relative to the base ASHRAE 90.1-2007. low 40,000 ft2 are exempt from the stretch code
requirements,but must still meet the base energy
C3.What Is required for new commercial code.Other specialty buildings can apply to the
buildings between 5,000 and 100,000 square Mass. BBRS for waivers based on evidence that
feet? they have unusual energy loads,and that they are
Builders of such buildings have two choices. First, not typically built using energy modeling,
they can use the same modeling approach as
buildings larger than100,000 ft2,and show that U.How do the benefits and costs from the
the expected energy use is at least 20%below the commercial stretch code standards compare
code requirements of ASHRAE 90.12007.Alter- to the baseline code?
natively,they can choose a set of'prescriptive' Case studies of specific buildings by Massachu-
requirements for particular efficiency measures, setts utility companies National Grid and NSTAR
based on the new base energy code for commer-
14 15 For more infonnation please see the New Buildings
Specifically: ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007 Energy InstituteTrewmlease available here:
Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential lhttv://www.newbuildings.orp-/download&/PressIMA
Buildings,Appendix G. IsStretchCode.2dj
Q&A for MA Stretch Energy Code Appendix 780CMR 115AA
show that-the savings in reduced energy costs far a) More efficient heating and cooling equip-
exceed the greater initial construction costs. If the ment-widely available and with utility
costs are included in a mortgage,then owners rebates that offset much of the incremen-
would see immediate cash-flow savings. Moreo- tal cost.
ver,the utilities offer generous incentives that b) More efficient lighting-also widely avail-
make the efficiency improvements even more able and eligible for significant utility re-
profitable. For example,on one mid-sized office bates.
building in Leominster, Mass,the additional cost c) Providing at least 3%of the onsite electric
was$101,000,while the annual energy savings load from onsite renewable generation-
were$27,600,for a three year payback But the which qualifies for both large federal tax
utility energy efficiency program provided a re- incentives and significant state renewable
bate of$66,600,reducing the initial cost to energy incentives administered by the
$34,000.As a result,the energy savings pay for Department of Energy Resources16 and
the extra costs in just over one year. More gener- the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center17
ally,we anticipate that any additional upfront (MA CEC).
costs incurred in construction should be recov-
ered from energy savings with a payback after
rebates of less than three years.
C8.How does the stretch code work with LEED
The commercial stretch code has two code com-
pliance pathways. Both of these qualify for LEED
new construction points,and require no addi-
tional work because of the stretch code. If pur-
suing the performance approach,then achieving
the stretch code standard of 20%below ASHRAE
90.1-2007 uses the same baseline and modeling
as the 2009 LEED program and qualifles for 5 out
of 19 LEED energy and atmosphere points. Many
LEED buildings will go significantly beyond these
energy efficiency requirements,in order to obtain
additional LEED points.Similarly, meeting the
stretch code through the Core Performance-
based prescriptive approach qualifies for LEED
C9.Does the stretch code require 3%renewa-
ble electricity or solar panels?
There is an option under the prescriptive path of
the stretch code to meet one of the requirements
of the code with onsite renewable electricity gen-
eration. However,this is not a requirement for all
buildings,it is merely one of three options under
the prescriptive approach,and builders may also
choose to meet the commercial stretch code re-
quirements using the 20%better than ASHRAE '6
90.1-2007 modeling approach.The three options =Home&L I=EnergyO/o2c+Utilities+%26+Clcan+TechnoI
which appear in section 507 of the prescriptive ogies&L2=Renewable+Energy&L3=Solar&L4--RPS+SoI
code option for buildings between 5,000 and ar+Carve-
100,000 square feet are: Out&sid=Eoeea&b=terminalcontent&f�--doer-renewables
solar about-the-rps&csid=Eoeea
T7 http7
.//Www.masscec.coni/index.cftn?pid=I 1159