TR-2012-48 CPA FOR HISTORIC - RECR SIGNS for TR-2012-4,? A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMETTEE TO SPEND$4,935.00 FOR THE PURCHASE OF HISTORIC AND RECREATIONAL SIGNS (Sponsored By: Community Preservation Committee) WHEREAS, the voters of Agawam chose to form a Community Preservation Committee; and WHEREAS, the Committee has recommended that $4,935.00 should be expended for the purchase and installation of signs at various parks and historic locations; and WHEREAS, the funds will be appropriated as follows: $4,535.00 from Unclesignated Funds and $400.00 C-1 from Historic Funds;and C) WHEREAS, a Community Preservation Project Application was submitted October 3, 2012gnd in ?Qch Committee has recommended the funds be appropriated for the proposed project as describ%fl,) :r>r— Application. :Krn . ;0 > :K:X1 )>C) WHEREAS,the expenditure will preserve, and protect these valuable Town assets; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL that the Community Preservation Committee is authorized to expend up to$4,535.00 from Unclesignated Funds and $400.00 from Historic Funds for the purchase and installation of signs pursuant to a Community Preservation Project entitled "Historic and Recreational Sign" 'in accordance with Massachusetts General Law 44B, Section 2. PER ORDER OF THE AGWAM CITY COUNCIL 'Try UP— C�r�istopher C.Jo Yson, President JAROVED:AS LEGALITY FORM AND C Vincent F. dioscia, City Solicitor cc C C, APPROVED C Cheryl St.JohQ, Auditor 6C --8 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION PROJECT APPLICATION COVER SHEET 1: Project Information Project Title: Historical & Recreation signs Project Summary: 1. Replace the faded and deteriorating Ann Sullivan Memorial sign. 2. Install standardized signs for all parks in the Town of Agawam which shall identify the park and also post regulations as stated in the Town Code. Estimated start date: Winter 2012 Estimated completion date: Spring 2013 CPA Program Area (check all that apply): Open Space X Historic Preservation Community Housing X Recreation Al: Applicant/Developer Information Contact Person and or/primary applicant: Richard Bennett Organization (if applicable): Town of��wam Mailing Address: 3 6 Main Street Agawam, MA 0 100 1 Daytime phone#: Fax 413-786-0400 E-mail address: Project Manager: Richard Bennett - I[I: Budget Summary Total budget for project: $4,935.00 CPA funding request: $4,935.00 Other Funding Source: $ Applicant's Signature: Date Submitted: 2— CPA Application; Historical and Recreation Signs; $4,935.00 This project will serve multiple needs and populations and/or addresses more than one focus area of CPA. The proposed signs shall provide a standard fon-nat for posting all regulations for citizens and visitors to Agawam parks as well as replace the fading historically significant Ann Sullivan sign. There is no ongoing maintenance and upkeep required. This project protects and or enhances current town-owned assets. This project is economically feasible to implement. The cost had been kept under $5,000. Although state procurement laws have been adhered to as stated in M.G.L. c.30B PROCUREMENT OF SUPPLIES AND SERVICES, three written quotes have not been obtained since sound business practices have been used. A local business has been asked to fabricate the signs as he has experience with other signs in Agawam and is reasonably priced. This project has been reviewed by the town solicitor, building inspector, fire inspector and police. Agawam Park Signs 4f X 51 - Borgatti Field - North Borgatti Field - South Memorial Field r School Street Park Perry Lane Park Shea Field 31 X 4" - Pynchon Point iOl Ramah Circle South Agawarn, MA 01001 DATE INVOICE NO. PH.413-IM0349 FAX 413-78"377 9/12/2012 www.morensigns.com BILLTO.. Richard Bennett Cornmunity Preservation Cornmittee 0 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 35 Main St. a NEON CHANNtL LETTERS Agawam, MA 01001 0 VE-HICLE LETTERING INTERIOR SIGNAGE SYSTEMS CRANE SERWIct SIGN MAINTENANCE QUOTE 786-0670 cell 478-1515 _2 6 Fabricate and install(6) 4'x5' 3/4"thick pvc signs 685-00 4,110.00 (one sided)white bkg. w/dark green text and full color town seal. Installed with two pressure treated wood posts in vinyl sleeves. Sales Tax-resale pernait/exemption required 0.00% 0.00 TOTAL $4,110.00 DEW@ 101 Ramah Circle South Agawarn, MA 01001 DATE INVOICE NO. Van& PH. 413-786-0349 PAX 413-786-0377 9/12/2012 Quote W-% www.morensigns.com 'yar-orpmwed f7vMtra BILL TO: Richard Bennett Community Preservation Committee 0 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 35 Main St. - NEON CHANNEL LETTERS Agawam, MA 0 100 1 * VEHICLE LETTERING IN*ERIGR SIGNAGE SYSTEMS CRANE SERVICE ql" MAINTENANCE QUOTE 786-0670 cell 478-1515 I Fabrnicate and install (0) 3'x,4V' 3/4 thick ppvc siggns 425.001 425-OD (one sided) white bkg w/dark green and town seal. installed w/two pressure treated posts in vinyl sleeves. Sales Tax-resale permit/exemption required 0.00% 0.00 TMAL $425.00' 0 101 Ramah Circle South Agawam,MA 01001 DATE IWOICE NO. PH. 413-786-0349 FAX 413-786-0377 9/12/2012 Quote www.morensigns.com BILL TO: Richard Bennett Community Preservation Committee * ILLUMINATED SIGNS 35 Main St. a NEON CHANNEL LETTtRS Agawam, MA 0 100 1 * VEHICLE LETTERING 0 INTERIOR SIGNAGE SYSTEMS CRANE SERVICE SIGN MAINTENANCE QUOTE 786-0670 cell 478-1515 K'6 I Fabricate (2) new 24"x24" x 3/4"fick solid pvc 400.00 400.00 signs...brown w/gold leaf letters Ann Sullivan Memorial etc..to match faded sign text. Sales Tax-resale pern-�t/exemption required 0.00% 0.00 '170TAL $400.00 Page I of I I MON.4- http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q--tbn:ANd9GcQHufaQ56BSI tCDle7d]QKiOmEiIOJ03t3CbTsKKM3-bNd8... 9/26/2012 MAYORAL ACTION Received this 441 -day of MW 2012 from Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this 1�Th day of �)W4 r, 2012, APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION B y the powers vested in me pursu ant to Arti cle 3, S ection 3-6 of the Agawam Cb arter, as ended, I here�y approve the passage of the above legislation on this -�� day of 0 M. 2012. 4zld' Richa A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this_day of 2012 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returriedto Council Clei-k this 4-6-* —dayof L�D"Mbb(2011 TR-2012-4'b A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE TO SPEND$4,935.00 FOR THE PURCHASE OF HISTORIC AND RECREATIONAL SIGNS (Sponsored By: Community Preservation Committee) WHEREAS, the voters of Agawam chose to form a Community Preservation Committee; and WHEREAS, the Committee has recommended that $4,935.00 should be expended for the purchase and installation of signs at various parks and historic locations; and WHEREAS, the funds will be appropriated as follows: $4,535.00 from Undesignated Funds and $400-00 from Historic Funds; and WHEREAS, a Community Preservation Project Application was submitted October 3, 2012 and the Committee has recommended the funds be appropriated for the proposed project as described in said Application. WHEREAS,the expenditure will preserve, and protect these valuable Town assets; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL that the Community Preservation Committee is authorized to expend up to$4,535.00 from Undesignated Funds and $400.00 from Historic Funds for the purchase and installation of signs pursuant to a Community Preservation Project entitled "Historic and Recreational Sign" in accordance with Massachusetts General Law 44B, Section 2. cl PER ORDER OF THE AGWAM CITY COUNCIL CD s., C= rn Christopher C.Johnson, President A ROVED JAS FORM AND LEGALITY C') co Vincent F. 610scia, City Solicitor APPROVED Cheryl St.JohW,Auditor A Town of Agawam Interoffice Memorandum Date: October 15, 2012 To: Vincent Gioscia, City Solicitor Cc: Barbara Bard, Cheryl St. John From: Jennifer Bonfiglio RE CPA Application Enclosed is an application from Richard Bennett for a recreation and historical signs for all town parks. This application was recently approved by the Community Preservation Committee and will be recommended to the City Council for approval. The CPA committee has recommended a $4,935 appropriation of which $400 will be funded through the CPA Historic Fund and$4,535 will be funded through the CPA Undesignated fund, A resolution will be needed so that this may be included in the packages and placed on the nextCouncilagenda. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information Thanks You, Jennifer S 1101 34YJ13 113HI)OO COMMUNITY PRESERVATION PROJECT APPLICATION COVER SHEET 1: Project Information Project Title: Historical & Recreation signs Project Summary: 1. Replace the faded and deteriorating Ann Sullivan Memorial sign. 2. Install standardized signs for all parks in the Town of Agawam which shall identify the park and also post regulations as stated in the Town Code. Estimated start date: Winter 2012 Estimated completion date: Spring 2013 CPA Program Area (check all that apply): Open Space X Historic Preservation Community Housing X Recreation ]I: Applicant/Developer Information Contact Person and or/primary appTirc—anv Richard Bennett Organization (if applicable): Town of Agawam Mailing Address: 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 0 100 1 Daytime phone Fax 413-786-0400 E-mail address: Project Manager: Richard Bennett [[I: Budget Summary Total budget for project: $4,935.00 CPA funding request: $4,935.00 Other Funding Source: $ Applicant's Signature: Date Submitted: CPA Application; Historical and Recreation Signs; $4,935.00 This project will serve multiple needs and populations and/or addresses more than one focus area of CPA. The proposed signs shall provide a standard format for posting all regulations for citizens and visitors to Agawam parks as well as replace the fading historically significant Ann Sullivan sign. There is no ongoing maintenance and upkeep required. This project protects and or enhances current town-owned assets. This project is economically feasible to implement. The cost had been kept under $5,000. Although state procurement laws have been.adhered to as stated in M.G.L. c.30B PROCUREMENT OF SUPPLIES AND SERVICES, three written quotes have not been obtained since sound business practices have been used. A local business has been asked to fabricate the signs as he has experience with other signs in Agawam and is reasonably priced. This project has been reviewed by the town solicitor, building inspector, fire inspector and police. Agawam Park Signs 4" X 5f - Borgatti Field - North Borgatti Field - South Memorial Field School Street Park,,,,�/ Perry Lane Park Shea Field 31 X 4" - Pynchon Point 0 0 101 Ramah Circle South Agawam, MA 01001 DATE INVOICE No. PH.413-786-0349 FAX 413-786-0377 9/12/2012 11WO 9W www.morensigns.com BILLTO: Richard Bennett Community Preservation Committee 0 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 35 Main St. 0 NEON CFIANN�L LETTERS Agawam, MA 01001 0 VEHICLE LETTERING INTERIOR SIGNAGE SYSTEMS CRANE SERVICE SIGN MAINTENANCE QUOTE 786-0670 cell 478-1515 6 Fabricate and install (6) 4'x5' 3/4"thick pvc signs 685.00 4,110.00 (one sided) white bkg. w/dark green text and full color town seal. Installed with two pressure treated wood posts in vinyl sleeves. Sales Tax-resale permit/exemption required 0.00% 0.00 TOTAIL $4,110.00 0 0 1MOR' ' 101 Ramah Circle South MW@0@G) - 4 Agawam, MA 01001 DATE INVOICE NO. PH. 413-786-0349 FAX 413-78.CW377 9/12/2012 Quote www.morensigns.com BILL TO: Richard Bennett Community Preservation Committee 0 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 35 Main St. 0 NEON CHANNEL LETTERS Agawam, MA 01001 a VEHICLE LETTERING INTERIO R SIGNAGE SYSTEMS CRANE SERVICE SIQN MAINTENANCE QUOTE 786-0670 cell 478-1515 I Fabricate and install (1) Tx4' 3/4" thick pvc signs 425.00 425-00 (one sided) white bkg w/dark green and town seal. installed w/two pressure treated posts in vinyl sleeves. Sales Tax-resale permitlexemption required 0.00% 0.00 TMALL $425.00' 101 Ramah Circle South DATE INVOICE NO. 1M01ff`4 TE Agawam, MA 01001 PH. 413-78"349 FAX 413-786-0377 9/12/2012 Quote 10-ma www.morensigns.com 'NCOTOrafed BILL TO: Richard Bennett Cornmunity Preservation Committee 0 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 35 Main St. * NEON CHANNEL LETTERS Agawam, MA 0 100 1 a VE i HICLE LETTERING 0 INTERIOR SIGNAGE SYSTEMS CRANE SERVICE SIGN MAINTENAISICE QUOTE 786-0670 cell 478-1515 E-S I Fabricate (2) new 24"x2411 x 3/4"thick solid pvc 400.00 400.00 signs...brown w/gold leaf letters Ann Sullivan Memorial etc..to match faded sign text. Sales Tax-resale pennit/exemption required 0.00% 0.00 TOTAL $400.00 Page I of I htto://t2.gstatic.com/imav,es?c--tbn:ANd9GcQHufaQ56BSI-tCDle7dlQKiOmEjIOJo3t3CbTsKY,M3-bNd8 9/26/2012 soll Town of Aoo awa�� m Borgat Rdd - South Park Hours 7:30AM to 9:00PM — per Town Code §45-2 No TresRassing after Hours No Dumping or Uttering — per Town Code §109-8 and §116-1 Please Use Trash Recepjac�es No Mcoholic Beverages, — per Town Code §72-2 Dg.qs -must be on a Wsh and waste picked up — per Town Code §96-11 Violation of above rules wifl be prosecuted. Funded by the community Preservation Act Committee Agawam Park Signs 41 X 5f - Borgatti Field - North Borgatti Field - South Memorial Field School Street Park Perry Lane Park Shea Field 31 X 41 - Pynchon Point