TR-2012-61 GRANT FOR DPW Doo -00 f TR-2012-61 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION PURSUANT TO MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 44, SECTION 53A FOR AGAWAM DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (Sponsored by Richard A. Cohen) WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam applied for and received a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation; and WHEREAS, the Agawam Department of Public Works desires to accept said grant; and WHEREAS, the grant is in the amount of Fifty thousand and 00/100 ($50,000.00) dollars; and WHEREAS, the Agawam Department of Public Works will use the funds to offset expenses associated with public tree pruning, trimming and removal of damaged trees and limbs from public ways, within parks, cemeteries and other public areas to protect the public safety of the community; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to accept the grant from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council hereby resolves pursuant to M.G.L. c.44, §53A to accept this grant from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. -T� DAY OF 2012. DATED THIS J�&Jyvx I k -'I-n CA PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 01 C— >e3 I F: C. Jo Christop�er 'blon, President ArPIVEDS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Ct Vincent F.-6ioscia, Solicitor C,L MAYOFAL ACTION Received this day of 2013 from Council Clerk. 14— U Signed by Council President this day of jMYqPj ' 2013, 01 APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Aga Charter, as *ended, I berel%y approve the passage of the above legislation on this day of 22013. 4- �6a' Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2013 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this day of � 1" 32013. FA TOWNOFAGAWAM Department of Public Works 1000 Suffield Street - Agawam MA 01001 Tel (413) 821-0600 - Fax (413) 821-0631 Christopher J. Golba —Superintendent Eric F.Seaborn Program Coordinator DCR Urban and Community Forestry Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Urban Forestry Challenge Grant Application—Project Information,November 2012 Project Request: The Town of Agawam hereby requests a S50.000 grant for public tree pruning, trimming and removal of damaged trees and limbs from public ways.within public parks. cemeteries and other public areas to protect the public safety of the community afler the 2011 weather events. The grant if received will be primarily mankaed by the Agawam Department of Public Works. Project Summary: The'rown of Agawam,with an area of approximately 23.24 square mile,suffered severe damage to many public shade trees and trees on public properties during the various weather events of 2011.Funds from the grant will remove deceased and failing trees on public property around the town damaged during the storms. Z' The Town recently participated in the DCR's tree grant program which allowed us to replacc 91 trees destroyed during the recent weather events and was greatly appreciated.Trees were replaced in a number of public areas around town from schools to our municipal golf course(see attacbed spreadsheet). Project Schedule: initial work will begin immediatoly after confirmation of grant receipt. It is our intention to perforin the work in affected areas this Fall and continue until the funds are expended. Reporting: 7be'rown of Agawam will work closely with DCR staff to ensure grant compliance and a successful project. Location,species,size, cost,and any othcr rcquested information by DCR staff will be provided in a timely fashion. Sincerely 39 rq c�& Christophe 1. olba Superintendent Agawam DPW ,wL OM as the debult cantract for all Commonwealth Departments when another form is not piresciibeJ by regulaton or policy, Arty changes to the ofl I pfinW a-iguage of this form shall be Yold. Additional non-confricting terms my be added by Attachment Contractors may riot require any additJonal agmermts,ergagement letters,Contra. /ior�s or&.her addiCona[terms as part of this Contract wthout prior Departnent approval. Click on hypejilnks for definibis,instructions and legal requirements thal,are i=rporated I refeance into M Contract. An ektronic copy of lhis form is avalilable at W.M. �avks tinder V -E o magq underOSDF QVj&M E2r endors or= r wo-t---- . CONMACTOR LEGAL NAME:Tom of Agawa m COMMONWEALTH DEPARTMENT RAME: Conservation and Recreation (and&# MMARS DeWdme_nLGgdq- Legal Addgw.(W-9,*4,T&G�36 MaIrt Strae�Agawam,MA 01001 Surilrign Mailing a4diress: 231 Cau5emy Strear4 Boston,MA OV 14 Contract Manager Christopher I Gala ffighlAodmi(H different), E-M: cso1ba@apvvam.mus Contract Manace Eric Scabom ftff. 413-M-023 =ax:413-821-0631 L-WI. eriLwbom@statema,us Contr0CtQLY8jAff;At'6=91692 2�9_nk.617-626-1468 617-626-1351 Vendor g�gq Address Q(e.g.uADQOV�'. ADOLAir (Note:The Address td Must be set up for ELT payments.) RFRIP remont or Qftr lR_NVkU; - X NEW CONTRACT — CONTRACT AMENDMENT PROCUREMENT OR EXCEfTION TYPE.(Check one option only)- Enter Current Contract End Date Pylorto Ameidment _20_ —Statmide Co (OSD or an OSD4etigirtated Department) Emar Amendment Amount$.(or'no changel —Gofl2gtyj�rrhjsg(Attach GSD approrval,soope,budget) AMENDMW TYPE:(Check one OpUon only.Aftach details of Amendment changes. _2L Department Procurement(inicludes Stale or Federal grants 615 CUR 2 00 —Amendment 12 Spove or Budget ch updated scope and budgeQ (Attach RFR and Response 6(dW procurement suppo"documentation) _kmillmCoaftil (Attach Offmilon for ln;tarim Contract and updated s0DPQtud* Eme!gana CpNract(AW�Attlicafbn for erneWricy,scope,budgel) —Con 0 Employee CAttach Employm _ontStpM_FM scope.budgQ —9ontqj2LLmR1oyee(Attach aiy updates to scope or b4eo —Le-alsimiyalLeaalExe!M)tionorOtbe (Aluchou:aizinglangumerp5ftation. —Leal-slitivel-ma.I Demidoon or Other(Attach atitalzIrig languagefpstficat.12r and scope and Wdget) ' upcietan scope and budget) The follovAng COM14ONWEALTH TERMS,AND_CONDITIONS(T&C)has been executed,filed Wth CTR end 1,incorporated by reference Into this Contract. Commonwealth Tma and Conditions —Commonwealth Term and CDnd*m For Human and Wal Services CQff5K§Ajl0N:(Ct"OWE optiori)�The Defoaltmarit oeatfies that payments for authorized perfonmance accepted In accordance with 0 terms of this Contrao will be supportac in the state acoottriling sys',ern by sufficient appupdations of ota non-appropitted funds,subject to intercept for Comroortivealth vAred debts under 815 CNIR 9.00. Rate Contra (No Mwftni Obtaton. A,11ach details of all rates.unis.caloulations,conditions or temls and my changes If rates or terms am being amended.) _&Maximum OblinationC4int Enter Total Vaximurn Obligation for but duration of tftlz Contract(or now Toot If Contract Is being amended),s 509N PHQMPj PAYMER1 DIaMUNIS M)o Commormealth payments are issued through En 45 days from invoice receipt Caritractors requesting accelerated Payments mu identify,a PPD as follows: Payment issued within 10 days—%PPD;Payment,issued within 15 da)i—%PPD;Payment issued within 20 days—%PM Paymerd issit will,hin 30 days_%PPD. It PPD percentages are left biank,identify mramptim:_slatirlory/legial or Ready Payments(G.L.c.29.4 23D,, federal granVmzl;_initial paym (subsequent payments must be schadulacl to support payee cash flow reeds and standard EFT 45 day Payment coe.See__ pavy Q� unlff EQI! em.=�_Pa_ 0.) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT PERFORMAN AMENDMENT (Enter the Contract tits,purpose and a detailed description of the scope of perfriMnanCE or what is being amanded for a Contract Amendment. Anch al supporlIng documentation.)Grant funds are provided for"!9nitIng of public shade trees destroyed by the June I 201 U0 ls,spOlied for use by the Town.L�Ajp ,V a reserve account 6ftriiMlorthe=Munities affeCted by the Jude'2011 tuwdo.p P rg Z M05ttfiSin Ntt�D6R P rak ANTICIPATED-STARTDAT - (Complete ONE option only)The Department and Ccritractor oer*for this Contractor Contract Amendment,that Contract obl�ations,. 1,may be incurred as of Me g!kgjye Nle(latest signature data below suboct to 8M"uired approyals)and I&oblkations have been#km mmd Pdo to ��e Pa j the I may be incurred as of_,20�a date LATER than be Elkg&Q&below and U obligations have been incurred Prior b the gff.%&R palz .L3.were incurred asof Jq"6 20_IL,a date PRIORto theEtTective0a below.and the paTties agree that payments for any obligations incurred prlarto the Effe*e Dote am autorized to be made either as settlement payments or as authorized reimbursement payments,and that the details and Circumstances of all obligations tinder this Contrac are aaachea and incomeW hto this Contract. Acco2taince of payments forever mloases the Cornmorywoalth from further claims related to these 01gations, CONTRACT.-EN.0- Contract perforniance shaill letm,nate as of - 60 -- -,20_tL,with'no new obfigatonD being k=fred after this date unless lie Contract is prope. amended,provided that the tem of this Contract and perfDrimance expectawm and obligatkins shall survive its lemniriation for the NrPOSe of reSDIViN any claim or dispwe, cDmiplating any negotlated tens and warranties,to sbw"close out or transithn peftmance,rapord%invoicing or fnal payments,or during any lapse betueer,amandmant5. CEBJIFICATION�: Notwithstanding verbal or other represeritatloris by te parties,the*Fflecim Da of this Contract or Amendment shall be the latest data tal this ConbaLl Amendment has been exearlDd by an arthorized signatory of N Contractor,the Department,or a later Contract or Amendment Start Date specified above,subjed,to any requTE approvals. The Contractor makes all certifcation3 requdred under the attached Corftwor CertiMWM Chcori:iorated by reference it not ettached hereto)under the paln3 ar penarJes of petury,agrees to provide any required docurnenitation upw request to support compliance,and agrees that all terms governing Worrunce of tils Contract and doir business in Massachusetts am attached orimirporated by reference herein acoorifing to the fotlowlng hierarchy of docuirmt precedence,the applicable Comirmyss4h Terms a Condition ,this Standard Contract Form incluciing the Inytriuctiong and CGntracV Certifications. the Request tor Re3ponse(RFR)or otIner solkitation.the Contractor's RospDme.ar additional negotiated term.provided that additional negotiated lerms,wU take precedence over the relevant terms in the RFR I the Contracioes Response only it made using R pmcess outlined In 80.1.CW 2'.07 Incorporated hemin.provided that any amended RFR or R lower costs,or a mom cW effective Coritact. AUTHORNG%NATORY F9P THUMNTRACTOR- A!jT=r'5 xTQh27.F'0RE COMMONWEALTH X., Date:IA' Date: Sl tu'! (SIgnaturs and Date Must Be Handwritten At Time of ftnature) (S] lure and Date Must Be VandWritten I.Time-of signature) I Print Name: R' rd Cohen :Int Name; et 4— Print Title: Mayor PrintTille: air, AdL�. 'i= T"' C_ 'LQ_ (issued 50011)Page I of 5, t t6 PAGE 001 EFFECTiVE DATE: 116/�O��2 CHECK NUMBER : 4 2 CHECK AMOUNT : $50,0 8.00 Electronic funds transfer (EFT) is the preferred method of payment for all gayees doing business with the Commonwealth. You can sign up through the epa"tment you do business with or visit https:/ massfinance.staLe.ma.us . Cllckr on VendorWeb and follow the instructions. �his web site is also a resource you can use for all your payment information. PAYME NT:'�,R ETTRENC EN� -,�',OOCUMENT-: I D - -TELEPHONE AMOUNT 'DEPARTMENT lLOCkT-I ON TORANDO TREE PLANTING 2oii PRC DCR3PRCDCR3G70333000302 G17-626-1289 50.000.00 251 Cowseway Street DEPARTMENT CONSERVATION AND RECREATION $50,000-00 1:01-D, CPF-ASE AND TEAfl ALONG PERFORAI-ION CHECK NUMBER 53-7G24 1 vm� 0004675482 113 VENDOR CUSTOMER 10 CHE�K DATE VC6000191692 11/30/12 SOVEREIGN BANK CHECK ANIOUNT PAY*********50 ,000*DOLLARS*AND*00*CE)tTS**** $50,000 . 00 PAY* 50 1 OWN OF i R ASUREI MA TO THE TOWN OF AGAWAM ORDER OF TREASURER 36 MAIN ST AGAWAM MA 01001-1801 Swves: Grfmsmaii.I'muurer IiiM 110000 1�1; ? S L-a 211' 1:0 1 & 3 ? S 2 4 Sl: 000686,13D 50 50 TR-2012-61 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION PURSUANT TO MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 44, SECTION 53A FOR AGAWAM DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (Sponsored by Richard A. Cohen) t WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam applied for and received a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation; and WHEREAS, the Agawam Department of Public Works desires to accept said grant; and WHEREAS, the grant is in the amount of Fifty thousand and 00/100 ($50,000.00) dollars', and WHEREAS, the Agawam Department of Public Works will use the funds to offset expenses associated with public tree pruning, trimming and removal of damaged trees and limbs from public ways, within parks, cemeteries and other public areas to protect the public safety of the community; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to accept the grant from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council hereby resolves pursuant to M.G.L. c.44, §53A to accept this grant from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. DATED THIS DAY OF 2012. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Cn Cn C= Christopher C. Johnson, President C-1) ArPjVIED ISTO FORM AND LEGALITY M Vincent F. &ioscia, Solicitor FA TOWNOFAGAWAM Department of Public Works 1000 Suffield Street - Agawam MA 01001 Tel (413) 821-0600 - Fax (413) 821-0631 Christopher J. Golba —Superintendent Eric F. Seaborn Program Coordinator DCR Urban and Community Forestry Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Urban Forestry Challenge Grant Application—Project Information.November 2012 Project Request: The Town of Aipwarn hereby requests a S50,000 grant for public tree pruning, trimming and removal of damaged trees and limbs frorn public ways,within public parks. cemeteries and other public areas to proteci the public safety of the community after the 2011 weather events. The grant if received will be primarily managed by the Agawam Department of Public Works. Project Summary: The Towr of Agawam,with an area of approximately 23.24 square mile..suffered severe damage to many public shade trees and trees on public properties during the various weather events of201 1. Funds froin the grant will rx�move deceased and failing trees on public property around the town damaged during the storms. The Town recently participated in the DCR's tree grant program which allowed us to replace 91 trees destroyed during the mcent weather events and was greatly appreciated.Trees were replaced in a number ofpublic areas around town from schools to our municipal golfcourse(see attacbed spreadsheet). Project Schedule: initial work will begin immediately after confinnation ofgrant receipt. It is our intention to perform the work in iffected areas this Fal I and continue unti I the funds are expended. Reporting: The Town of Agawam will work closely with DCR staffto ensure grant compliance and a successful project. Location,species,size. cost,and any other requested information by DCR sLaffwill be provided in a timely fashion, Sincerely &) rqc�& Christophc J. ,olba Superintendent Agawam DPW 'asb)as ie-ieilui for all Commonealth Departments who another formis not pw6bed by regulaton or policy. Any changes to the o6cial pdmted Auage of[his form shal be voW, Additional non-conflicting temns may be added by Attachment Contractors may not require any additional agreements,eDgagement letleM contra, form or o'ber addiConal term as part of this Contract without pflor Deparhmt approval. Click on hylperii0s for definiaDis,kistruclions and Legal requirw.-ents W,are incorporated I refemnceinlDMContrad under GuiclanktEgrVeWors-EqUM orgfi2z- As_&q9Y&§juider06Df CQKW�TOR LEQAL NAME Tovm of Agawam COMMONWEALTH DEPARTMENT NAME: Conservatlion and Recreation (and d1hia): MMAIRU-spadr-pent Coixle Legal Agdress;(W-9,W4,T&C�30 Main Street Agawam,MA 01001 Busivess-Paillinct Addresi; 251 Causeway Street,Boston,MA 02114 f&jitMgAjnaUer.Christopher J.GoMa SA(if different): MRAML E�W cgoIba@apwarn,nis.us Qn=Manager. Eric Ssaborn ftm. 413-M-M23 jFax-41IM21-0631 EWI. erkseabom@stat&ma,us -7T- gqntractarVeyWor Code 6WO191692 ftn-.617-626-1468 Fax: 617-626-13$1 Vgridor Code Address ID(oa,W001"?: ADQRf MMARS Ogg 121) (Note,.The Address ld Mustbe sat up forM payments.) BERffMnome t Qr Other ID-Nj!jnber. --L NEW CONTRAC — CONTRACI AMENDMENT PROCUREMEffl OR EXCEPTION TYPE (Check one opUGn onlyl EaletCurrent Contract End Date Prforto Ameldmert; .20� Statewide Con (0813 oran 08l)-designated Department) Enter Amendment Arimunt:$.(or'no change) —CollecityePurchas (Adwh0SDaWwaI,soope.budgeQ AMIENQMgNj TYPE:(Check one option only.Attach details of Amendment changes. _X Dg2LqmentProcurermn (includes State orFederal grants 815-CMR 2, _AMllridmootto ScaRULrAyAUWAttacIi updatEd scorpe and budaet) (Attach RFR and Response or othier procurement support ng clocurnentaocn) [MrimCgM (Attach Psff;caffDn for Interim Cant-act W updated scopeUbudgel) EMWency.Contrad.(Attach�Atftatxm for ernergency,scope.budget) — —CQ ct EMR10yoo(Aft"E[uploymol Stm Form,scope.budgeo _92gtEdEmployZ(Attach aiy updates to scope or bw%0 ;Mflo ution, _LegislativelL99al f4ggipliola or OthgL4(Attach authorizing languaqefjust&al��r anc .p or Othe "cri authorizing languagerpstif scope.and NA;erl updata�o scope and budget) The follouving COMMONWEALTH TERMS AND COND11IONS(T&C)has been executed,filed with CTR and Is incorporated by reference Into this Contract. -LComrnonweaIthTwns and Goncloons —Cm=nweatthTermsandCondr=F or Human and Smal SeM= COMENSATION:(Check ONE opWn):The DeNVatcartIfes that payments for auftrized performance accepted In accordance with the forms of this Contract w1l be supportec in the state accounting sys:ern by sufficient appropriations or other non-aplimprialed funds,subject to Intercept for Comrnorwealth owed debts under 815 CMR 9,00. —Rate-C Q (No Mmftm Obligaton, Altach details of al?rates.unils.calculations,conditions or te4rns and any changes if rates of terms am being arnended.) X Majimum Obligation CortlEart Enter To�al Maximurn Obigatim for total dartnJon o!this Contract(or new Total ff Contract is being amnded).$J0,0W RaQbo UXMEKI 01EQUNTS(PPD)b Conytonweafth payments are issued through EEJ 45 days fmm invoice rew�t.Crntr&DTS Tequesft accelerated payments mu identify a PPD as follows: Payment issued within 10 days—%PPO;Payrnent issued within 15 days—%PPID;Payment issued within 20 days—%PPD;Payment issA 0jjjn 30 days_%PPO. 11 PPO percentages am left bW*,ioen*exemption;—startutoiy1logal O(Ready Payments(aj-c-2L§2 j JA; federal granVtnz�_initial paym (subsequentpa )nrts must te scheduled to suMit payee cash flow rweds and standard EFT 45 day payrant 2pe,See PIpTpt Pay n P BRIEF DESCRIfflON QF CQgjU2 ffffQRMNCE ipf REASON LOB AKKMNI (Enler the Conrd tte,purpose anda detailed ofm of the scope o!�perfrimmnrF or what is being amended for a Contract Amendment,Attach an suppoftng�ocurnentation,)Grant funds are providedfor ne-plantng of pubk shade trw destforyed by the June I 20V OO.L Th lt;spWieo for use by the T�?wf. OWdO,OR ,Lp�awarn from trie,ldria,2011 ANTICIPAT-EDSIARIPAT (Complete ONE option only)The Deparhent and Cwtractor certify for thit Contract or Contract Amwdmmt that Contract obfigabons� —I.may be incurred as of the Vk0ye Qptp(lazest Signature data below s0o to any required approvaLs)and M otftalbns have been�jcurred pdor to the EftV�Qpg —2 ffwy be incurred as of_,20.a date LATER than d-m gftj�2 Q below and N obligaftis have been Incurred prior to the E&d Yg PaW X 3.%-mmincurred as of-June 6 20_JL,a date PRIOR to the Effectiye Da below,and the parks agree that payments for any obligatkras Incurred prior to the Effe��e Qk) are auftrized to te made either as settlement payments or as aufficifted reimbursement payments.and that the details arid circumstances of ah obliptions undert%CDr.tr3C are attached and Irsc*=1od Into th�is Ccntmd- Accoptanco of ments for over releases the Commonwealth Imm further daims feblec-tD Owe obigatiorm. CAUNT END DATE Cont'act partiormance shall temi�nate as of M .-20-11.wW no new obrigatons being inctrred after this date unless f-le CoitTact�s proper amended,provicled M the terms of this Conyact and peffomance evectat*ns and obigations sher survive b tenhaliDn for the purpose of resolvN any claim or d6pum, completing any negotiated terms and warranles,to albm arty close Gut or MWtbn parlbaTence,roperUV,invoicing or trial psyments,or dudng any lapse betiucan amendmants, CERTIFICATION : No"i standing Yetal or other representations by tte parties,the"Effqgj.M Da"of this Contract or Amendment shag be the lalest dalu that this Contract Armndrmnt has been exacuted by an siftrized signatory of me Contractor.the Departmiant or a later Contract or Amendment Start Dam specified above,subod,to any requ'r( approvals. The Contractor makes all cedfzations.required under the attached Corttractor Mfical (hoarpora!ed by reference ff not attached hereto)under the pr!jn3 ar panaW Of pelLoy.agrees to praMe any required 40cumenta,:ion upon request to support compliance,aniJ agrees tnal all M.7m govemN performance of Us Contract and doir t�usiness in Massachusetts are attached w incorporated by reference herein according to ft fogowing hierarchy of document precedence,the applicable Compornwafth Terms a Congo .this Standard Contract Form inclucHnig Uie lngingffims grid ConjW=g2lj&fftkm the Requesi for Resporme(RFR)or other solicitation,Vie Contractor's Response,ar additional negotiated tenns,provided that additiortal negotiated tam wil take precedence am the relevant term in the RFR a . Contrador's Response only if made using t process outlined In 801 CNR 21.07 incorporated herein.provided that any amended RFR or Res.wo t V lower costs.or a more cost effective Contact. U AUTHO MG. UgAGT . -... 11 TO -FORIECOMMONMULTH: PN QRY FQR THR= QR, Date. X. oat". (Signature and Date Must Be Handwritten At Time of Signature) I (5t lure and Date Must He�!3d z4t Time of Signature) eVj. .1 Print Name:---Bkhard Print Name. 9 Print Tide: --MayQr PrintTide. ot� (issued W712011 1)Page I of 5. 4 V, 'lee PAGE 001 EFFECTIVE DATE : lIU0 �2 CHECK NUMBER 46 5 2 CHECK AMOUNT $50,0 0.00 Electronic funds transfer (EFT) is the preferred method of payment for all dpayees doing business with the Commonwealth. You can sign up through the epartment you do business with or visit hLtps:/ massfinancc. sLaLe.ma.us . Click on VendorWeb and follow the instructions. (his web site is also a resource you can use for all your payment information. PAYA.ENT."REFERENCE,- DOCUMENT. 10 -TECEPHONE AROUNT. - LOCATION � 'DEPARTMENT TORANDO TREE PLANTING 2011 PRC DCR3PPCDCR3G7O233CO,03O2 617-G2G-1289 251 Causeway Strcet DEPARTMENT CONSERVATION AND RECREATION $50,000.00 ["C)LD, OPEASE ANL) TEAR ALONG) PE-'RF0AATi0r4 :R41. um�z'is FaTWETC:M;xa-114NA-.11 Ill V11 nii 7wa.-It I NU210 MR N I FV 1MVxK*1;1 will 0 0h Y)I rjpj(ill"it Iffre? CHECK NUMBER 53-7524 ly"A 0004675482 IRI qI-I VENDOR bUSTOMER 10 CHECK DATE VC6000191692 11/30/12 SOVEREIGN BANK CHECK ANIOU14T PAY*********50,000*DOLLARS*AND*00*CENTS**** $50,000 . 00 TO THE TOWN OF AGAWAM ORDER OF TREASURER 36 MAIN SIT ' AGAWAM 14A 01001-1801 1160004rD ? SLa 2111 1:0 1 L3 ? S 2t, Sit: 0001381BI30so Sill