TR-2012-7 REAPPOINTMENT DAVID CECCHI - HISTORICAL sJba a/ r-O TR-2012-7 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE REAPPOINTMENT OF DAVID CECCHI, 29 ALBERT STREET, AGAWAM, MA TO THE HISTORICAL COMMISSION TO A TERM EXPIRING JANUARY 1, 2015 WHEREAS, the appointment of David Cecchi, 29 Albert Street, Agawam, MA to the Historical Commission has expired; and WHEREAS, the Mayor has reappointed David Cecchi, 29 Albert Street, Agawam, MA to the Historical Commission to a term expiring on January 1, 2015; and NOW THEREFORE, THE AGA WAM CITY COUNCIL hereby resolves to confin-n the reappointment of David Cecchi, 29 Albert Street, Agawam, MA to the Historical Commission to a term expiring on January 1, 2015. DATED THIS DAYOF M ARC tj 2012 PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL S4-f I Christopher C. J on, sident, Agawam City Council ek APPROVEDAS TO FORM AND LEGALITY C�,, P Vincent F. Gioscia, Solicitor 0z IM D A V I D C E C C H 1 29 At.BERT S rRF E:T AGAWA". MASS. 0 1 013 1 iMayor Richard Colivii EIII 36 X.I.Iiii StrVCt Agawam, Massachusetts 0 1001 Dear N-layor Cohen: this Iciter I wisin It) piace my name in consideration ror reappomirneiii io the Agawam I-ii'q()rjCaJ ('A)1JJrII1sSi(jII. Agawam is my hometown and I am deeply inrcrested in its history (and future). First appoinred to the conmil,,�,1011 111 1993, 1 have served as its ch.i1rinan since 1994. Over the past eighteen year-�, the Agawam I listurical Commissioil Ims ;erVed to Idel"ItIfIV 111d PFE)Utct the historical resources of this toxn throU.1,111 11 number of Hiltlatives, Includingthc creation of the Agawam Center National Register Hisroric District, the sponsorship of the town's Demolition DdaN Ordliunce., and the expansion of Agwvarn's Inventory of I listoric Structure.,, Working together with the town's Office uf Planning mid C011MIL1111ty Development, and othcr group,; sm:h as (lie Agnwam I 1krorical Associntion and the Captiln Charics Ltonard House, on whose boards I Aso serve, thu A�,nwnm I li,.torical Comniksion cominues I(, rai.�x public awart-ness LJ Apvcani',, rich historic.11 herit.1.9c, ("'Aurctit priorities 4 tht: Agnw;-.Iii Historical C(1111111111'�Itpj; * Update ind expand the 1985 portion of Aga,.vain's hwuntory of I 11morl, �trucrurvs to meet current Massachusetts Historical Cuilimission standard's * Nomination of cligiHe properties to the National Register of I 11storic I'Lices * Oversight of irilprOVefflentS within the Agawarn Ccriter Nailonal Register Historic District dUring the ROLIte 1.59 (Maill Street) Traffic L&' Safety Ir"proveinctit Project * Preservation of the School Strect Barn III additioti to iny efforts on hchalf of the presm-ation-minde.d C�r(_Mps Pl'e%ioLf%'I%. 111el'111011CLI, I have compiled threc books on the hisrory of Agawam: Agau'L;M and Feedi)ig [lilts (2000), Agauum and Feeding llills Revisited (20051, and Riverside Park, which was published last ;unitlICT. Preservation (if [lie tok"'n's I1ISt0I_ic rcswirces Is continuallY Ideritil'ICLI JS �1 prlorliy h% rcs;klcnis (ifAga\vam. I consILIcr it a privilege io scrve the town Al� J 111CIIIIIff of ElIc Apw;III) I liSt(IFIC.11 (A)IIIIIIISSM11 and AM J-FMILI (11 111C wiwk we 11'�Ive accomplished. I hope that ','Oil v.-Ill con.,idcr me I-,r reappollitiliclit W d1l, 4 Respectfully &Libmittcd, David Cccdii MAYORAL ACTION Received this day of 2012 from Council Clerk, Signed by Council President this day of Aburck 2012. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the AgaVililarter, as a nded I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this r) day of ' 2012. Iel Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2012 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this day of 2012. OF AG TY COUNCIL AGAWAM CI -T d, STREF' 36 MAIN 1"J'S 0 100 1 AGAWAM, NIASSAC -1USE March 8, 2012 PRESIDENT Christophc`r C Johnson VICE PRESIDENT De;7171'�'� Perr.). COUNCILORS Georgm Bit-my Ct�ciliu 1'. Culabrest, David Cecchi Pold C. U71,0110 29 Albert Street d(Imes P. Cicheni Gina Af. Letellier Agawam, MA. 01001 Rohcrl.�]. Mazovern Joseph Nfipleo Dear Mr. Ccechl: Donald.,V. Rhcauh Ri-)beri E. Rossi Com,ratu lations Oil Your 1-c-appoi Z� Intillent to the Historical Conlillission to a term 0XPll'illg JaIlLuiry 1. 2015. The City Council ADMINISTRATIVE reC0glliZCS V01-11- hard Work and commitment to tills board as well ASSISTA,NT as to the Town of'Agawam. 13arhurv,+ Hard Once again. oil bcliall-ol' the Agawaiii CltV COLHIC11. thank you for \'Offl- coniinued dedicati011 10 01-ir towli, Sincerely. �' mbtvto' I , pa— n-� Barbara A. Bard Adrimilstrative Assistant tO the City COLHIC11 TELEPHONF (413) 786-0400 Ev. 8716 FAX (413) 7-?0-9717 ENIAH, G AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL -N STREET 36 MAI AGAWAM, NIASSACHUSETf S 0 100 1 February 22, 2012 PRESIDENT Christopher C Johnson VICE PRESIDENT Dennisj. Perry COUNCILORS George Biizas I-Xivid cecchl Cecilia P. Calubreso 29 Albert Sn-eet paul C Covallo Agawmi'. NIA, 0 t 00 1 James A Cichelti Gina,,V, Lerellier Roben A. Magovern Dem- !Mr. cccclli� Joseph ji-finco Donald.,V. Rheoult Oil behalt' of' the Agawam City Council. I wish to L:.\:tCnd wi Roberf E, Rossi invitation to allend the Regular C(.)tlllcil N'lecting Lit which 111C 1. — C01-111C11 Will Vote to Collill'ill votil' 1-c-appoilitillcilt to the Agawam ADMINISTRATIVE Historical Commission. This meelim, has been schedUIC(l 601' N'll o n th ASSISTAN'r i av, March 2012 at T.00, and \Vill be held ill the Barbara/1. Bard Miditol-JIL1111 at the Roberta G. Docring School. 68 Main Strect. Thank you f()r \y0111' C0l1tll1LjCC1 dedic,'16011 to 01-ir town. Sincerel v. 13:14-hara A. Bard Adm ill istraliv(� Assistani. W thC (.'It\' U01.111Cil TELEPHONE (413) 786-0400 Fri. 8716 FAX (413) 726-9717 EMAIL TR-2012-7 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE REAPPOINTMENT OF DAVID CECCHI, 29 ALBERT STREET, AGAWAM, MA TO THE HISTORICAL COMMISSION TO A TERM EXPIRING JANUARY 1, 2014 WHEREAS, the appointment of David Cecchi, 29 Albert Street, Agawam, MA to the Historical Commission has expired, and WHEREAS, the Mayor has reappointed David Cecchi, 29 Albert Street, Agawam, MA to the Historical Commission to a term expiring on January 1, 2014; and NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby resolves to confirm the reappointment of David Cecchi, 29 Albert Street, Agawam, MA to the Historical Commission to a term expiring on January 1, 2014. DATED THIS DAYOF 2012 PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL Christopher C. Johnson, President, Agawam City Council APPROVED ",S TO FORM AND LEGALITY ROVED ' S To ' io Vincent Gioscia, Solicitor 0 A V I D C E C C H 1 29 ALBERT STREET AGAWAM, MASS. 0 1 00 1 25 January 2012 Mayor Richard Cohen Agawam Town Hall 36 Main Street Agawam, Massachusetts 01001 Dear Mayor Cohen: -With this letter I wish to place my name in.consideration ior reappoli4ffient to the Agawam Hisiorical Commission. Agawam is my hometown and I am deeply interested in its history (and future). First appointed to the commission in 1993, 1 have served as its chairman since 1994. Over the past eighteen years, the Agawam Historical Commission has served to identify and protect the historical resources of this town through a number of initiatives, including the creation of the Agawam Center National Register Historic District, the sponsorship of the town's Demolition Delay Ordinance, and the expansion of Agawam's Inventory of Historic Structures. Working together with the town's Office of Planning and Community Development, and other groups such as the Agawam Historical Association and the Captain Charles Leonard House,on whose boards I also serve,the Agawam Historical Commission continues to raise public awareness of Agawam's rich historical heritage. Current priorities of the Agawam Historical Commission include: • Update and expand the 1985 portion of Agawain's Inventory of Historic Structures to meet current Massachusetts Historical Commission 'Standards • Nomination of eligible properties to the National Register of Historic Places • Oversight of improvements within the Agawam Center National Register Historic District during the Route 159 (Main Street)Traffic & Safety Improvement Project • Preservation of the School Street Barn In addition to my efforts on behalf of the preservation-in 1 nd ed groups previously mentioned, I have compiled three books on the history of Agawam: Agawam and Feeding Hills (2000), Agawam and Feeding Hills Revisited (2005), and Riverside Park, which was published last summer. Preservation of the town's historic resources is continually identified as a priority by residents of Agawam. I consider it a privilege to serve the town as a member of the Agawam Historical] Commission and am proud of the work we have accomplished. I hope that you will consider me for reappointment to this commission. R!�pectfully submitted, David Cccchi