TR-2013-29 CIP BUDGET (PH-2013-4) PUBLIC HEARING ■ �- 0 Xa Town of Agawam, Massachusetts ti Capital P �p`� s Amended -al Year 2014 to Fiscal Year 2018 tS�S S t r . a 4 � , Submitted « MayorRichard A., COhen, Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2014 - fiscal Year 2018 Eis cal ear ZQ14 Appropriat on S-chedule G=oJ Fury nr pr'atio Projected feet escri t`onAmmiM Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Department ofPublic Works Equipment $194X0.00 Street Improvement Pro $150, 00.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension S5,000.00 Permit Tracking Software . $35,000.00 Fire Department Station 2 Electrical Service $73,000.00 Fire Department Hydraulic Extrication Equipment(Jaws of Life) $ 2,000.00 Inspections Services Department Motor Vehicle $l 8,663.00 Clark School Energy System $135,000.00 Junior High Rooftop Air Conditioners $240,000,00 TOTAL S l b 5 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2414 - Fiscal Year 2018 Fiscal Year2014 ro ' t`o u ti d Write)rater Fund An r riat Projected Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 TOTAL Projected PrJW Q0!gd0n11 Water Department Equipment Replacement $47,147.00 TOTAL Agar m tunic na1 QWf Come Appnph Projected Ewicct Descri tp i ►n Municipal GolfCourse Equipment Replacement $10,000.00 TOTAL t1 6 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, a&Amended Fiscal Year 2014 Fiscal Year 201 Elsc l Year 2Q1.4 Bf)-ading Schedule Gener l Furkd PEQ1itcts Projected V Year Pr ect Dopriwiott unt Delft mri Fire Street Road hriprov ents $5241000.00 $58,5K00 Suffield Street Drainage Irnprovements $30%000.00 $33,500.00 High School Bathroom and Locher Room Renovation $2,08 ,000.00 $198,8 5.t Early Childhood Center $4,000,0K00 $380,000.00 Wa tewa er Fund Pzaieci Projected 1"Year Pro" t 12gaWntion Amout ebt smio Westfield River Force Main Design, $300,000.00 $28,500.00 Water Find 1'rWmh Projected I" Year P tr y e ' Q AmQu Debt Serrriee Water Main Construction -forth Westfield Street $4,88 ,000.00 $463,6K00; half Course Proiect Projected V Year Prod ct Desgd Lion Amount 1261mice Golf Carts $315,+0(1 OO $77,175.00 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended; Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 2018 Fiscal Year. 2fl15 Appropriation Sgitedulf, Geneial Fund Appropriation Projected I'r 'ect critr Hampden County Land acquisition $9, 00.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $182,000.00 Street Improvement Program $160,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $30,000.00 Traffic Light Improvements $ 0,0OO.O0 Permit Tracking Software $35,000.00 Fire Department Repair Vehicle $371000.00 Fire>Department inspector's Vehicle $3 ,000.00 Fire Department Communications Receiver $12,000.00 Malice Station Renovation - Feasibility Study& Preliminary Design $25,000.00' Robinson Park School Energy Management System $1 0,000.00' tl Pool Filtration System - Junior High School $150,000.00 TOTAL W5.500.00 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 201 Fiscal r 2,015 Appropriation Schedule nt" ed Wgig ater bUd pl 12datiQns Projected Proms D=.6 m Amour Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,17 4.00 TOTAL J1ZJL4.J0A Water Fund A¢�€�rr� "attar RW.j -uoipJi= Amount Water Equipment Replacement $47,147�00 TOTAL BUEM Agawam MpWgi12al!QQJfCQ=c Ap=righm PrQiw PrQ-jw pcsilipl Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $15,00 .0 TOTAL L X= 9 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 201 Useal Ycar 2015 Bonding Schedule general Fund'Projects PrQi"!9d I'Year Pra t Description A=unl Debt Service High School Track&Bleachers $2,350,000.00 $277,500.00' Wotewater Eund Fnjygs PrQjeet DesWptiun AmQu EJ►elst Service Westfield River Backup Force Main Construction $2,000 000.00 $200,000.00 VACTOR Truck $400,000.00 $100,000.00 Water Fund ProjgcAs PEgiwed EMject eseritRrn AMM& Debt e_ ic ; Water Main Design -Main, Suffield and Reed Streets $455,000.00 $47,750,00 10 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 201 J'iscal Year 1+ prop iatiog Schgdule den - Fund Aw=riatigns pwiect Dmg ' burr Am2un Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,5 0.00 Department of Public'Works Equipment $i 50,000.00 Street Improvement Program $400,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $40,000.00 Traffic Light Improvements $ 0,000.00 Fire Department SUV $ 6,000.t TOTAL $ = 3Mgt Lwater Fund ate rations prQ.ject Description Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 TOTAL 4 f;l Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 2018 `sea 1 n ao a e uule a i ed �tez-Fund x�ry "stigma PrQj ected Pr jest Descri Lion Am u Water quippment Replacement $47,147.00 TOTALWj!LWj Agmmi Municil2aI Gal +Course_A ph ions ErQiQQWd- Pwiect p ion Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $15,000.00 TOTAL 1 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 2018 Fiscal Ykar 2O t- Bnn WR Schedule -Water Eund Pwigctts rlw t ' yeff Proct des ti�on Amount Dght smi!p!g Water Main Construction - Main, Suffield& Reed Streets 2,600,000.00 $260,000.00 1 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 2018 Fj ca 2 a ti + ul {general Fund ApyLopriaiiens c,ieet Dge ` tics t Hampden County Land Acquisition $9, 00.00 Deparftnent of Public Works Equipment $150,000.00 Street improvement Program $500,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension '$50,000.00 Fire Department Special'Hazards Vehicle $100,000.00 TOTAL 90220.0 Wastewater Emad tion Pwjw l es p °on AMDMiA Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 TOTAL 142aL4,N 1 Town;of Agawam Capital Improvement program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 2018 Fiscal Ygar 2016 Appropriation Schgduk(Continued) Water Eund nr® 'at c2ns Proms 'e&t 12mchlition AmQ-uD-t Water Equipment Replacement S47,147M TOTAL m Agave 1" tnieinago-If Ajmvialtians r�r w l2r.5gription Amaurt Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $15,000.00 TOTAL Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 2018' Fiscal Year 2Q117 londingchdule, Water Fund Proj FEW99LQd tl PWjggt 9 scriplion AmQ= petit Service Water Main Design - Silver Street to Elm Street; $192,500.00 $19,625.00 Water Main Design - South Street $200,000.00 $20,000.00 1 "Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2014 4 Fiscal Year 2018` 'sc l Ycar 2018-Appmria-tion e eneraj Eund AppMbatigns Ernimw f ro'el ct T3ecriF ion Am=t Hampdcn County Land Acquisition $ ,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $160,000.00 Street bripro ement Program $500,000A Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $50,000.00 Traffic Light Improvements $ 0,+Cl00.0l Fire Station Improvements and Repairs $50,000.00 TOTAL Wastewater Fund AnrorYaiions EMigpt Dgapidalign Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174. 0 TOTAL 17 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 2018 Fiscal e io a i d )ygig FungiElmd A112prurialignN kwiWed I!rQ.icct Desaiption Water Equipment Replacement $47,147.00 TOTAL }�1 Agawam M icilval QoWCoum Ap ro jatioa PW1iQA Ito t Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $15,000.00 TOTAL �i 1 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 2018 Eisc l Year 2Q18 R-Qndjug Sghgdple Water Eun+d Froiects °eel Degiqdpfio Ammi Debt Swj Water Main Construction - Silver Street to Elm Strut 1,100,000.00 $110,000.00 Water Main Construction - South Street $1,500,000.00 $1 0,000.00 1 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Programs, as Amended> Fiscal Year 2014 — Fiscal Year 2018 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS I, MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS FIRE DEPARTMENT STATION 2 ELECTRICAL SERVICE t Station Two,the electrical service line from the street to the station and to the electrical panel in the station needs to be upgraded in order to facilitate installation of the new generator. The existing electrical system is almost fifty years old and has been modified heavily over the life of the building. It now needs to be upgraded. FIRE STATION IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS Funds are requested to make improvemcnts and repairs to both fire stations in fiscal year 2018 in order to increase the longevity of the buildings and to provide state of the art facilities. POLICE STATION RENOVATION Funds have been set aside to provide for a use and feasibility study for repairs;and improvements to the Police Station, II. PUBLIC WORKS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be caned from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funning for large,high cost Department of Public Works trucks and other capital equipment Over the past few years several trucks and other departmental equipment have been replaced and financed over a number of years; Included in this line item arc the annual lease payments for a dump truck, a CAT front end loader and a Toro 16 foot winged rotary mower. The fiscal year 2014 lease payments total $144,200,00, In fiscal year 2014, the equipment request includes the purchase of a cargo van to replace a 1996 Ford E 250 used by the Engineering Department and the replacement of a 2001 Ford -1 0 with over 95,000 miles with a Ford F-250 4X4. In fiscal year 2015, funds are requested to purchase a Trackless MT 20 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2014 — Fiscal Year 2018 Municipal Tractor to replace a 1993 Milton Brower Tractor which finally met its end because parts are no longer available to repair it. The tractor is used in conjunction with a snow thrower for clearing the 19.07 miles of sidewalks after each snowstorm. Funds are also requested to replace a 2002 Ford Ranger with 80,000 miles with a Ford F-250 4X4 with plow, The frame and body of the Ranger are rusted. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Funding is required for the improvement and maintenance of local roadways. Improvements include the construction, reconstruction, widening and resurfacing of roads and the installation and repair of drainage structures and systems. Funds will be utilized in combination with Chapter 90 funding to meet routine maintenance, preventative maintenance and improvement requirements. Annual increases in this account are recommended based upon the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Pavement Management Study performed in 2010.. SIDEWALK REHABILITATION AND EXTENSION The Department of Public Works Highway Division's sidewalk construction and repair team will continue rehabilitation work on sidewalks throughout the community. Funds will be used to extend walks to provide connections to schools and recreation facilities. Future increases in this account are recommended in order to implement a Sidewalk Master Plan currently under development. TRAFFIC LIGHT IMPROVEMENTS VEMENTS Funds are included to provide for upgrades of equipment and software for existing traffic lights, PINE STREET ROAD IMPROVEMENTS In conjunction with Phase 11 of the ]Feeding Hills Southwest Serer Extension, Pine Street will have to be rehabilitated, graded and resurfaced. SUF'FIELD STREET DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS The culverts on Suffield Street are inadequate to provide drainage during storms. Funds are included to enlarge the existing culverts to correct this problem. It is anticipated that partial Funding of this project will be provided from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency to reduce the costs to the Town for this project. 21 Town of Agawam Capital tal Improvement Program, as ;Amended Fiscal Year 2014 — Fiscal Year 2018 It. PUBLIC WORK -WASTEWATER WASTEWATER EQUIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment n a scheduled maintenance program, Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for large, high value,wastewater capital equipment. WE TI~IELD RIVER BACKUP FORCE MAIN Failure of the newer force main during fiscal year 2008 required emergency repairs during which the 10 inch backup Force main was used to continue flows to Bondi's Island. This backup force main should be completed to be ready to be put in service should any of the existing four river crossings fail in the future, Assistance will be sought from local communities that share the use of the force main. IV. PUBLIC WO -WATER WATER REPARTMENT EQUIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for:the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for high value, large water capital equipment: NORTH WESTFIELD StREET.WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION The treed for the 24 inch water amain in North Westfield Street from the intersection of North Street and North Westfield was first recommended in 2009 by Tighe and Bond based on a hydraulic model of the Town's water system. The 24 inch water main is the highest priority of the infrastructure improvements required to supply water to the Tb 's water distribution system in the event that Springfield's southerly water transmission main were to be shut off for repair or replacement. The project consists of the installation of a 24 inch water main from the intersection of° north Westfield Street and North Street to Springfield's middle transmission retain. The project also - 22 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2014 — Fiscal Year 2018 calls for installation of a 12 inch water main to from the middle transmission main to the intersection of North Westfield Street with North West Street and the installation of an 8 inch main the remainder of the distance north on North Westfield Street to the Westfield town line. At that time ( 009) it was;planned to have the water main improvements incorporated into the overall reconstruction of North Westfield Street(Rt. 187)but that project has been hindered with permitting delays and has not reached the 75% design threshold) required to place it on the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission's Transportation Improvement Flan for funding. In the meanwhile,on November 26, 2012 Springfield's southerly transmission line experienced a failure between North West and North Westfield Streets resulting in the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission "SW SC") shutting down the southerly transmission line from Provin Mountain to Colemore Street. The southerly transmission main is approximately 84 years old. The SWSC has conducted an inspection of the pipe and is currently rendering repairs to allow the line to be brought back into service for the near-term, but the failure and the results of the inspection on this section of pipe have pushed the scheduled replacement of the southerly transmission line up significantly. Due to the acceleration of the southerly transmission line replacement project by Springfield, the Town of Agawam needs to proceed with the North Westfield Street Water Main Improvement Project independently of the reconstruction of North Westfield Street to ensure that the Town has an adequate supply of drinking water. MAIN SUFFIELD AND REED STREETS WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENT e Springfield Water and Sewer Commission is planning maintenance work on their transmission mains from: which we receive our water. A portion of the mains will be takers out of service for the work. Hydraulic modeling of our system indicated that we do not have sufficient capacity in our distribution system to insure adequate pressure for our residents if we lase service from more than one connections. We need to build flow capacity in an east-west direction. Funds are requested to construct a?twelve inch water main on Reed Street to replace 650 feet of six inch asbestos cement pipe and 1,050 feet of four inch cast iron pipe. This will also improve the east—west flow capabilities as well as fire flows. Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2:014 — Fiscal Year 201 SILVER STREET—ELM STREET WATER REPLACEMENT Funds are requested to replace the existing -six inch main running between Main Street and Suffield Street with a twelve inch main to improve the east — west flow capabilities as well as fire flows. SOUTH STREET WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT Funds are requested to replace the existing six inch main with: 5,420 feet of eight inch ductile train water main. V. MISCELLANEOUS PLACE PERMIT TRACKING SOFTWARE e Town of Agawam utilizes a permit tracking system "MGMS" to track and manage its building related permits: The application is being utilized fair beyond its capacity and the performance of the application continues to suffer to the paint where looking up information can take 20 to 30 seconds per query. Upgrading permit tracking software would allow the Clerk's office and the DPW to manage their permits and business licenses electronically in MLNIS. Funds are included in appropriations to both FY2014 and FY2015 for full implementation in FY2015. FIRE DEPARTMENT HYDRAULIC EXTRICATIQN EQUIPMENT JAWS OF LIFE' Funds are requested to replace two hydraulic power plants and hoses that are in excess of twenty- five 25) years old. Hydraulic power plants are mission critical for the Fire Department and supply the energy to operate extrication tools (haws of life that are used to disentangle victims from vehicle crashes and heavy machinery, FIRE DEPARTMENT lviC3TC}R VEHICLES ]Funding; is included in fiscal year 2015 to replace the Fire Department repair vehicle, a 190 Ford utility body pickup truck. This aging vehicle is relied upon to perform many tasks including pick up and transport of vital parts and equipment, transport of tools used in the field -24 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2014 — Fiscal Year 2018 for repairs, towing the; department rescue .boat and transport of heavy hoses, including emergency response I-1AZMAT supplies. Funds are also needed to replace the Fire Inspector's vehicle. In fiscal year 2016, fonds are requested to replace a 2010 Ford Escape with a hybrid vehicle. Finally, in fiscal'year 2017 funds are needed to replace the special hazards vehicle with newer used equipment. FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVER Funds are requested for installation of a communications receiver site at the Agawam Industrial Park INSPECTIONS SERVICES DEPARTMENT MOTOR VEHICLE Funds are included for the replacement of a 1999 Ford Ranger with a Ford F-150 in the Inspections Services Department. GOLF COURSE GOLF CART FLEET The fleet of golf carts needs replacement with seventy new carts. The present fleet is twelve(12)' years old, with an average eaf five to seven carts down for repairs at all times during the season due to their age. Some carts need significant, costly repairs in order to get them mnning, GOLF COURSE EQUIPMENT n annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. 'Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for high value,large Municipal Golf Course capital equipment. HAMPDEN COUNTY LAND ACQUISITION Agawam acquired most of the holdings of the Hampden County government that were within the Town's boundaries when the county was dissolved. The Town i required to reimburse the other county communities for their share of these assets: 2 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program, as Amended Fiscal Year 2014 — Fiscal Year 2018 V1. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT SCHOOL REPAIRS These projects will continue to be funded through annual appropriation. They include a new energy management system at James Clark Elementary School, rooftop air conditioners at the Junior High School, a new energy management system at Robinson Park Elementary School, and a new pool filtration system at the Junior High School. LilGILSCHOOL LOCKER RQOM AND BATHROOM RENOVATIONS Pursuant to the NEASC report, funds are included to provide for locker room and bathroom refurbishment at the High School. This renovation is also needed to comply with Title Nine requirements. EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER The Early Childhood program has outgrown its present location on Perry Lane. A new facility is needed to allow for much needed additional classroom space as well as to provide for private bathroom and changing rooms for small children and an area for teachers to meet with parents. HIGH SOH OOL ALL WEATHER TBACK AND BLEACHER REPAIR An all weather track With field runways would greatly improve conditions while reducing maintenance costs. Drainage facilities would also be included, Wooden bleacher planks continue to rot and require replacement each year. This safety project will encompass sand blasting and painting the metal runners and replacing the wooden planks with aluminum. A special committee is presently researching the project to include the track, concessions, all surrounding facilities and amenities, - 26 - IT$ 8 a g.8, lal g " g a a avi a$ a , " « 8�18,g8t8ge 8; Bg8 8gg'e` aQ 8 4By$8Q[8858y�� pgp.88 8 , 8 #88 8aa,g'ag 8 ^a as a aaaB8i8.gga 8 " w iY r a c I ipg{S� jg8'gBtla S P3MC p �. � t i �i4„#S I 14�IV L rig ., �i6' I i;7S jF�,��29FR T a s's 8,918 8 c SIB 8 P 8i8i ':8 ii, l g S'B g a&B"8 g a " P R �, ga x ,. a s.s «� +c�" s' " a mgg9�8 a B as r g"asa.a$ E al S 8 8 a 8 B as a a a r, °s 18'aiatg 1 si a,a 8 a a . :a a ,a'a a. a aa,gsaa 8 w as aaagas Aila�B' . as a a, a aaaia.48 a I 8S'BB�ga 8 8` :8 a, B,aaa'8a - a s as a s a a,a a sl 14 E , Tl III.I. ;�� � � ae l� Fig,'f s R a a;g g a r s s *"II is "is v ffx �� , is a 8 8:8 8.8`B 8ix t a`~a ;a s a 4 to°8 8 a a 8T8 a= •8's g a, a e _ " fli .a `+pia'. : '� : a g 8`a R a•aAa "a agig g +* Y a are ala a a gig I r {- ,8xaaa8`8x8 8, :B8 BsBaag 8si rB«8g 8S" a88a a $'8ae,aa,aa a B B: a8 ,ag#g88ai8a8 >gs p! 8ga 98p81 g 8 S.a a8 � 8 8q:$'a8a', a 8 . , ��ag ,°atelag8a.g8� a' s gg a,aa•a,eg as -ig:, � �a'8assa� �erag �s a g s'aa a $ a 111Na� �..aQx s� �»�'�x� '•�� �c-�8sr",r'� ,�ai,xz .s'7 � � �: a g,uas ea9STS Risasa aa, Big Big aa a ,as _ geag•a r ease - . a asit � a �' .9�� a {:i�tgl ;-�?�� .�� -.t��x:�w� g "'�# x��� $iR= •�i ,�, �$ � � � s a ie g" ga a.s aBgt �kta BS88$ ,aa as6g, 88i8q :s8i #8,8 8 8 s E 8# g 8 a , �'a' s"a � "rr•�� � .� :s g 8"�°s��. Rom' � "is i � q�'s;s.$I� P «i , '� ; �s� � � s' s�$ a `8"e gas.aa8y .g(as Psg � - las"'�� a ' ar:s��a ,ss r ; �,�r w g • M w x a a 8:9 11 8kC�8;E x s{a gi g a a B; I ; i ` . 8'b $ E �R 8�8 s' 1 ` Ria a g g g ao- i 10zx gib a:# i s#xr , i I 1.11.1 'Municipal Cori' Course 10 o $15, $15,WO 1 mom ,xx SR# J Y t} .. t w...t $400,000 f h rr�t\ht�t rs��� f Y y $ '°'" 8- Gerieral Fund bvisiinq Sri d Cc,,,,Sts (FY2014 -- FY201,8) YZ,'O 14 Y201 15 FY20 16 FY201 7 FY2-01 6- Ftre Headquarters $ 107,535 T'w,ka,hat I'vrf Frm,-n $ 62, 545 $ $ scha*f prvjects I -, 11 1 ZOO,4138 94 3,191,50 I'di t V Commun&Y Septic Mana -,,,1 mt 3,477 $ 3,337 $ 3,198 $ 3, 2,921 Pubfik. Library ENwarmiam $ 2 ac"3!5c. $ 26-,B,4&) $ 2 610,7 10 $ 242,120 s, 234,660 Apajamm KqJl Schoo� Libramy cm $ 48,810 $ 441,960 $ 45,130 $ 44,310 4 Z,LOG, Fwe Defwrtmml Aerfal Plafforin Trvck $ 76,406 $ - $ 9) P,W Fwfity Acquasitt4m, 721 811 t, $ '70,560r940 56,603 D P,,W, Facility Alterofians 99,964 $ 87,024 $ 94,672 $ 82,320 $ $ 16,746 $ 16,00,1 $ Middle SchatA Roof 3 3,6,60 S 32,5601 $ 31,660 30,800 $ 79,920 Midge A Juno- High Repmrs, 9"1 so $ 8,860 $ 1%m 1640, F"'Iew."I'dry schlmls - ATHkAor clawooms 122,4t)O $ I a 4(X) $ 115,2c,* $ 112,MKI $ 1 108,8010 Senior Center coltsfmmelion $ 1548,740 $ 536,415 $ 522,815 $ 507,!�15 4 90,940 Fire punvArr I'mck's $ 66,910 Perry Lame Pow N-4yalions $ 2C675 $ 25,950 $ 25,1%- $ 24,21,K) 18,394 Ph'A'Se I'l, Stormwe"'er, Completion $ 6,538 $ 6,538 $ 6,5348k $ 6,538 $ 6,1538 W,Ading Maialenance SuidvV E'Poemsicrt $ 13,520 $ 12,3('X) $ 12,3(X) $ 11,9CK) $ 6,700 Y'cwp WW* rekpfwmt,, Syrtam 66,860 $ 63,600 $ 62,40D $ 6 MO 5114 $ 2,6m,,63Z $ 2,313,639 2,105,924 Nne !,`*'rze DIct.W VP "MIR z5u,ffitlld SfreO, p I 3k, ,Ahakl'� S c4 Locker i-lo-c-im, d $ $ 98 $25 m f",,"or,ty ChWdhcud Center 80, $ P1,000 $ Existing Bond Costs (FY2024-FY201,.8) 1500,Oclo cro FY2014 FY2OJ 5 FY2016 FY2017 FYZOI 8 -29- &eneral Fund P r� � p�ed New � Costs J 1201. Y2 ter,. FY2014 IF 20 6 FY2017 FY O S Pima r tel Road Improv manti xs r. 430 x ) ' k f t s .K)„0100 f}r s, 3 s , General Fund Tol-al Bond Costs �` � be grans and reimbursements) Y2 1 ,ri j c t d New Seed Costs 91, OW Projectec.1 Bond Costs (FY2014 - Y 0 8); (before g n- ` and reimbursements) �3 W) I' OW, 03LI 1 v � e „ ,OL "ti „W , " a,. $500, .,u 1 General Fund (after grants and reirnburserments) Prqiectcd New Batull, Costs 0 0 $6,70,905 $932,205 6,953 tt rojected Total Boni Costs (Y2,0,1 xi.y, 1 ) (after greets and reimbursements) 4 ,50 ,500,MID € ��ijtfi�tttt� tft{✓fz7�F£t' 1 a0 Exisfirig, Sid Costs (FY2014FY2018) " + t efd River a n, $ , ,1 ` " `� 04 1, 01 off, 9r7 61 63,504 61,740 59,976 z 825 ate -) ,� a 35 115 w, 6i.,, 4,41 �;•�';"� wt,3%'" a"+ ,r"s',°o,3 5 ti.�..v3, 66,1 e.70 1,692,036 Existing a Cosh's FY2 r , Y2018' 7 o-o 600� ( 3Ol01, 200,00, 33 Self SUS S Funds Pro _New Bond Costs Westficid Awtr a cku Foref mwn otsiqi, Weslfa f r Risser Sackup Force hkain ctr aAC'OP Tmvc ma., %'Xl 9 6, tea O Moir, CmSt ur-I'mr - North W «tt^get Street $ 11 463,600, t Water a a. are - 4i 50fiel"d A keed St s $ 7,"7 , "sags~ main C'On structi n, malm, Ofiaakd, A Reed Streets a Wattr Mtaif� Desir SiNer to M, Street x Water, Adir, Design .. Smauth, sir e Water Aaakak Constmelim n Sher to Elm, Projected New Bond Cos' (F 2014 - FY2 1 7 mr00 t :;�yf 1}ylt k 4 �tT-�..i151� pap m ,("Mom fd44k�'?st `tY f s $ 00 cioo j,, c$- Op E -34- Funds Total Costs ft2 F Y � (before grants and reimbursernents) Existim ss Total Projected Bond Costs FY20 -FY20 8) befo . grwits ami reimbursemeats) 1 F oc Y � 'c)'o $1,400;OWOWO 1,200, " ,i, 00, i $400,000 Self Systainin& Funds Pro ted Total lived Cosh fte ra . and r mbur neri FY2014 FY2015 i fasV, SomeeCosts $686,805 $6 ,693 $5M0,768 $574j,237 $559,911,1 Projected, w Bone: Costs, 7 1 7 $7 4 4 aK r� k5,436 Projected Total SOAd roosts FY2,01 . FY20 ) (affe,r grants and, m em n s) 00 $1,4W,000 $1,20o"00,0 'rot, 2„000 �b CK)m - tx $A10 'lit 4 , t Agawam,looms 411B fill loom fill loll loll moms loll loll look OWN Town of ,ss Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 o Fiscal Year 2018 U, 4 vl{ 4 �� Sub Subm itted : Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 201 Fiscal Year 201 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM PAGE NUMBER (1) Cover Memorandum to City Council I (2) Introduction 2 (3) List of Projects(Bonding& Appropriation Schedules) (FY2014.- FY2018) S (4) Project Descriptions 20 ( )', Bond Payment Spreadsheet 28 ( ) Chart-Budget Appropriations 2 (7) Chart -`Existing Bond Costs 30 (8) Chart-Projected New Bond Costs 31 ( ) Chart- Projected Total Bond Casts(before grants and reimbursements) 32 (10) Chart - Projected Total Bond Casts (after grants and reimbursements) 33 (1 l) Chart - Self Sustaining Funds - Existing Bond Casts 34 (12) Chart- Self Sustaining Funds - Projected New Bond Costs 35 (13)` Chart- Self Sustaining Funds - Projected Total Bond Costs (before grants and reimbursements) 36 (14) Chart- Self Sustaining Funds- Projected Total Bond Costs (after grants and reimbursements) 37' - �t ,r4ti Town ot Agawam Memorandum To Agawam City Council From: Richard A. Cohen, Mayor Date. April 8, 2013 Subject; Capital Improvement Program (Fiscal Year 2014-2018 Pursuant to Section 5-3 of the Agawam Home Rule Charter, I hereby submit the Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2014 to Fiscal Year 2018 to the Agawam City Council. The Capital Improvement Program is a prioritized plan of proposed capital improvements over the next five fiscal years. The major purposes of the Capital Improvement Program are as follows (a) to develop and prioritize needed proposed capital improvement projects, (b) to research and estimate the revenue necessary to fund proposed capital improvement projects; (c) to set parameters on the revenue dedicated to fund proposed capital improvement protects;and (d) to forecast future principal and interest expenditures, The program presented represents a realistic financially feasible long term program that has been reviewed with the Council Capital Improvement Sub-Committee. As revenue estimates become available, revisions shall be made and incorporated in the capital budget portion of the annual'budget. Please call with any questions. Respectfully submitted, Mayor Richard A. Cohere Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal "ear 2018 INT&ODUCTION For the purposes of this Capital Improvement Program, a capital improvement is a project or undertaking which provides for ( ) the planning, design, construction, reconstruction, renovation or replacement of a public building or facility; (ii) an addition to a public building or facility; (''.) the purchase of land, buildings or facilities for a public purpose; or (iv) a long range development study. While the type of improvement is the basic criteria, a project costing at least $20,000 that has a life expectancy of ten (10) years or more is generally considered to be a capital improvement. The Capital Improvement Program is designed to accomplish the following purposes. L To utilize town funds for capital improvements:which are:compatible with the.. town"s mission of effective and efficient provision of quality services to the citizens and businesses of Agawam whichain turn enhance the quality of life in our community; 2. To undertake Capital Improvement Projects on coordinated basis; . To inform the community when needed and planned Capital Improvement Projects and corresponding expenditures are to be expected and initiated in the future; 4: To utilize town funds on the basis of community priorities in coordination with the availability of grantsand/or other state, federal or private reimbursements; and 5. To undertake Capital Improvement after careful planning and financial analysis to avoid 2 an undue burden on the to "a fiscal capacity now and in the future. After many years of limited capital investment, the town was faced with many desperately needed projects which had to be undertaken in spite of projected limited revenue growth. Fiscal restraint and careful planning are required to assure long term stability, and care must be taken in project development and implementation in order that bond sales are timed so that principal and interest costs occur in the year scheduled. In addition, the funding requirements of the Education Reform hill have placed severe limits on the To 's ability to undertake needed capital improvements. In developing this Capital Improvement Program the following general assumptions on fiscal capacity were assumed and applied; l. Growth , total property tax revenues will continue to be limited by the restraints is of Proposition 2 l and no debt exclusion overrides are contemplated in this plan, . The town will pursue the maximum property tax revenue allowed by Proposition 2 1, For the upcoming fiscal year and future years, the Administration is continuing to recommend a greater emphasis be placed on capital improvements; and 4. During the next five years, the town should: a. Appropriate as much funding as possible annually from the general fund for capital improvements on a pay as you go basis while maintaining existing service levels b. Utilize the Stabilization Fund if necessary to assist in meeting the above referenced goal for level principal d interest payments. 3 The process of capital planning involves setting priorities within the fiscal capability of the to Each year the entire plan is reviewed in light of changing needs and requirements. There are more needs for improvements by town departments that can be included in a five year time period, and certainly the net school spending requirements of the Education Reform Bill may cause further delays in snaking capital improvements. In developing the recommended Capital Improvement Program, the following priorities were addressed. 1. growth - The town must meet the needs of a growing population and at the same time direct and manage growth through the timing of public utility expansion;' . Improve or Assi;j Servige Delivery - Projects that will reduce the need for staff increases or make staff operations more efficient have been given priority; .. Facilities New and Maintenance of Existing Facilities - When Proposition 2 1 was implemented communities were forced to delay constructing new facilities and defer maintenance on existing facilities which has led to the current backlog of need for new facilities and the provision of maintenance to existing facilities, and . Prior commitments e Town is bound by commitments made in,prior years; e commitments were considered in the proposed budget and program. The attached Capital Improvement Program was developed around the previously cited constraints and program objective . It includes a bonding and appropriation plan for each of the five program years, a brief description of each project item, spread sheets and charts showing existing and proposed band payments and graphical. representations of these payments. 4 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 2018 JEi5ggl Yegr 2Q14 ApprQp rialion Schedule General Fund Appropriations Projected P olect Description Amount Hampden County Land Acquisition $9, 00.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $19 ,000.00 Street Improvement Program $1 0,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $5,000.00 Permit Tracking Software $35,000.00 Fire Department Station 2 Electrical Service $7 ,000.00 Fire Department Hydraulic Extrication Equipment (Jaws of Life) $22,000M Inspections Services Department Motor Vehicle $18,66 .00 Clark School Energy System $13 ,000,00 Junior High Rooftop Air Conditioners $240,000.00 TOTAL 5 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 2018 Eiscal Yggr 2014 o 1 chcd t. d Wastewater Fund Appropriations riations Projected oiect Oescri tine Amoun Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00' TOTAL Water Food Appropriations Projected ft.ject Deseriplion Qlwt Water Department Equipment Replacement $47,147,00 TOTAL A&Iwam Munic; ate 1 Golf . u s Awro 'ations Projected `ect'I e- Lion Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $10,000,00 TOTAL 1 = 6 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 201 - Fiscal Year 2018 Fiscal Year 20141 ondina Schedule neral Fund Pro°ects Projected V Year Project Descri ion unt Debt Service Pine Street Road Improvements $ 24,000.00 $68,580r00 Suffield Street Drainage Improvements $300,000.00 $33,500,00 High School Bathroom and Locker Room Renovation $2,08 ,000.00 $1 8,825.00 Early (childhood Center S4,000,00U0 $380,000.00 Wastewater. Fund Project Projected V Year Project Deser tion Amunt D-di.-Lenice Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Extension Phase II $10,700,000.00 $1,016,500.00 Westfield River Force Main Desip $300 000.00 $28,600,00 Water umd Projects Projected VYear l!1QJerA Desgripli Amu= Debt Servigc Water Main Construction -North Westfield Street $4,880,000.00 $463,600.00 Q&Cote Pr °ects Projected 1�t Year pr�iect sc ion unt DQbt Service Golf C $316,000.00 $77,17 .00 7 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 2018 Baral Year 5 App-twiation Sg hedule General Fund ApprQpriations Projected Rr iectDcacription Amount Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,5 0,00 Department of Public Works Equipment. $182,000,00 Street Improvement Program $16 ,000,00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $30,000.00 Traffic Light Improvements $30,000.00 Permit Tracking Software $35,004.00 Fire Department Repair Vehicle $37,000.00 Fire Department Inspector's Vehicle $35,000. t Fire Department communications Receiver $12,000.00 ® Police Station Renovation-Feasibility Study &c Preliminary Design $25,0K00 ■ Robinson Park School Energy Management System $150,000.00 Pool Filtration System -Junior High 'School $150,00UO TOTAL Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 2018 Elscal.Year 2015 Aoropdafio-n.Sdeduleo tit ed Wastewater Fund Ap=-12riatims Projected Pjggt I-cscri tionAmQun Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 TOTAL Whaler F d Ax�nrgpriat on "ecte Project Desc ' tio, Amou Water Equipment Replacement 47,147.00 TOTAL jCa4 AgawAm-b&micjrLa1 GolfCourse Ap rop iaati ns ',fir 'ec ed Project Qe2cril2lion A, d t Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement S15,000m TOTAL 5 00 FFTown of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 201$ Fiscal Near 2015 Hondi Schedii General Fuznd Projects Projected V Y Pr ject Descri t� ion: AmQunit Debt Service High School'Track& Bleachers 2,350 000.00 $277,500.00 ante ater Fund P `acts PxDi t d st Ye Prima ct DesghZign Arnq Debt Se ice Westfield River Backup Force Main Construction $2,000,000.00 $200,000.00 Feeding hills Sewer Southwest Phase III Design $3 3,000.00 S39,650.00 VACTOR Track $400 000.00 $100,000.00 meter Fund Projects P— Ly—= P'r jet Desc-' try ion Amon Debt,5glyice Water Main Design - Main, Suffield and Reed Streets $455,000.00 $47,750.00 10 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 -Fiscal Year 2018 Fiscal Year 2016 p prgUriation Sc te-duie general Fed Apprnpriattp, PLQject Descri flan Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,600m Department of Public Works Equipment S 150,000m Street Improvement Program $400,000.00' Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $40,000.00 Trade Light Improvements $30,000.00 Fire Department SUV $36,000,00 TOTAL $665.50Q.00 3Mastewatq Fund A r priations o' t Prrject Desorption o t Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 TOTAL 11 TownofAgawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 2018 is al Year 2016 ApprQprigtignSchedule ont' W Igr Eund &proyriations E �ec� t Dogbptioja Amok Water Equipment Replacement $47,147.00 TOTAL Agawam Municipal Golf C-Qurse Appm riai --l-io s r ' PrQject DescriZiion Am= Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement S 1 5,0W00 TOTAL 12 Town of Agawam Capital m t Program Fiscal Year 201 - Fiscal Year 2018 Figgl Year 2016 Bonding Schedule °Waggwater Fund Projects REQjCc11-.d ! ear Pr-gje j l escri lion AmoCant 12 ermic Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Phase III Construction $3,900,000.00 $ 90,000.00 water E nd Prs °ect r coed � e Projegj Desc g—n AM 12 bA service Water Main Construction - Main, Suffield &Reed Streets $2,600,000.00 $ 60,0K00 13 Town of Agaw m Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 -Fiscal Year 2018 Fiscal Yea r-2017 Approriation Schedul, General Fund ADnropriatioa5 1 ' cd PrQ.j uc, , tioa Amount Hampden County tend Acquisition S9,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $150,000.00 Street Improvement Program $ 00,Q00M Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $50,00�0.00 Fire Department Special Hazards Vehicle $100,000M TOTAL 5 )MasWwatgj Fund ApPropriatigns r` Project Desc "' tion Amool Wastewater Equipment Replacement $ 7,1 4M TOTAL ULiaa 14 Town of Agawam Capital improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 2018 ]'iscat Ypr 2016 Appropriation Schedu AContinu_ed Water Fund A print ons Ur ject ect Dr tiun Am=t Water Equipment Replacement $47,147.00 TOTAL A ;awarn;;Muni ipal Golf`CggL5e .App riations Pro-jrragd erect Description Amou Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $15,000.00 TOTAL- Waal 0 1� Town of Agawam X Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 201:4 - Fiscal Year 2018 Eiscal,Tear 2017 Bonding Schedule Wastewater Fund Projects r c qd is" rQ`ect 12gsdzim -mount Dgbt Service Feeding Hills Southwest Fewer Phase IV Design $388,000.00 $39,400.00 ajecte' J'Ne "mt ct De cri titan t Stryige Water amain design - Silver Street to Elm Street. $192,500.00 $19,625.00 Water Main design - South Street $200 000,00 $20,000.00 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 - Fiscal Year 201 Fiscal Year 2018r0 riat Q �elye�ltale enffa_l Fund Appropriations PLWected Erjaiegi 12eaghplion A of t Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $160,000°00 Street Improvement Program $500,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $50,000.00 Traffic c Eight Improvements $30,000.00 Fire Station Improvements and, Repairs $50,000.00 ■ TOTAL $222,00.00 Wastew ter F° d&inphafiwis `acted Project escri t Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 TOTAL JEX41,0 17 Town of Agawam Capital m rovement Program p Fiscal Year 2014 •- Fiscal Year 2018 fiscal Year 2018 ro ria " ti d Watt Fund Appropriations a l Er!Q,ject DeagdZion Amoun Water Equipment Replacement $47,147.00 TOTAL WjAzM0 Aeanam— MunigipAl GolfCgme A nations Fr . PrQ"ect etc tion AnYd.u,nl Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $l , 00.0 TOTAL 18 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program P Fiscal Year 2414 _ Fiscal Year 2018 Fisc Year 201 B—ondin Sc iLd-uIe Wastewater Pd Proiet P "ected " Yegr Pr-Wea Utsc i tion m!L)ant Deljt Service Feeding Hilts Southwest Sewer Phase IV Construction $3,755,300.00 $ 87,765.00 -Water fund Prowects Peg ed Jae Descril2lion Amount DQbt Sermice Water Main Construction - Silver Street to Elm Street $1,100,000.00 $110,000.00 Water Main Construction- South Street $1,500,000.00 $1 0,000.00 19 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 — Fiscal Year 2018 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS 1. MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS FIRE DEPARTMENT TMENT STATION 2,ELECTRICAL SERVICE At Station Two, the electrical service line from the street to the station and to the electrical panel in the station needs to be upgraded in order to facilitate installation of the new generator. The existing electrical system is almost fifty years old and has been modified heavily over the life of the building. It now needs to be upgraded. FIRE STATION IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS Funds are requested to make improvements and repairs to both fire.stations in fiscal year 2018 in ® order to increase the longevity of the buildings and to provide state of the art facilities. ■ POLICE STATION RENOVATION .Funds have been set aside to provide for a use and feasibility study for repairs and improvements P p P to the.Police Station. II. PUBLIC WORKS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ENT EQUIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide:funding for large, high cost Department of Public Works trucks and other capital equipment. Over the past few years several trucks and other departmental equipment have been replaced and financed over a number of years. Included in this line item are the annual lease payments for a dump truck, a CAT front end loader and a Toro 16 Foot winged rotary mower. The fiscal year 2014 lease payments total 144,2 0.00. In fiscal year 2014, the equipment request includes the purchase of a cargo van to replace a 1996 Ford E 250 used by the Engineering Department and the replacement of a 2001 Ford -150 with over 95,000 miles with a Ford F-250 4 4. In fiscal year 2015, funds are requested to purchase a Trackless MT - 20 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014—Fiscal Year 2018 Municipal Tractor to replace a 1993 Milton Brower Tractor which finally met its end because parts are no longer available to repair it. The tractor is used in conjunction with a snow thrower for clearing the 19.07 miles of sidewalks after each snowstorm. Funds are also requested to replace a 2002 Ford Ranger with 80,000 miles with a Ford F-250 4X4 with plow. The frame and body of the Ranger are rusted. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Funding is required for the improvement and maintenance of local roadways, Improvements include the construction, reconstruction, Widening and resurfacing of roads and the installation and repair of drainage structures and systems. Funds will be utilized in combination with Chapter 90 funding to meet routine maintenance, preventative maintenance and improvement requirements. Annual increases in this account are recommended based upon the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Pavement Management Study performed in 2010. SIDEWALK REHABILITATION AND EXTENSION The Department of Public Works Highway Division's sidewalk construction and repair to will continue rehabilitation work on sidewalks throughout the community, Funds will be used to extend walks to provide connections to schools and recreation facilities. Future increases in this account are recommended in order to implement a Sidewalk Master Plan currently under development. TRAFFIC LIGHT IMPROVEMENTS Funds are included to provide for upgrades of equipment and software for existing traffic lights. PINE STREET ROAD IMPROVEMENTS In conjunction with Phase 11 of the Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Extension, Pine Street will have to be rehabilitated, graded and resurfaced. SUFFIELD STREET DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS The culverts on Suffield Street arc inadequate to provide drainage during storms. Funds are included to enlarge the existing culverts to correct this problem, It is anticipated that partial Funding of this project will be provided from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency to reduce the costs to the Town for this project. - 21 - Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014— Fiscal Year 2018 It. PUBLIC WORKS w WASTEWATER WASTEWATER EQUIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for large,high value, wastewater capital equipment. FEEDING HILLS -:SOUTHWEST AREA SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION This project involves extension,of the sewer service to the southwest portion of Town. This project is on the City Council agenda and has been tabled indefinitely. The project continues to be included in the Capital Improvement Program in order to provide for ongoing discussion of this project and alternative• solutions in an effort to;alleviate the high costs and the burden that would be placed on businesses and residents not directly beneftting from this expansion. The first ~phase of this prograrn is complete, Funds are included for construction for recently combined Phases 11 and 111, followed by additional construction in the second subsequent year. The enormity of this project requires that it be completed and funded in phases. It is anticipated that it will be completed in several phases over many years at a total cost of over$30 ,000. WESTFIELD RIOTER BACKUP FORCE MAIN' Failure of the newer force main during fiscal year 28 required emergency repairs during which the 10 inch backup force main was used to continue flows to Bondi's Island. This backup force main should be completed to be ready to be put in service should any of the existing four river crossings fail in the future, Assistance will be sought from local communities that share the use of the force main, IV, PUBLIC WORKS - WATER WATER DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. funds may be carried from one fiscal ;year to the next in order to provide funding for high value, large water capital equipment. -22 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 — Fiscal Year 2018 NORTH WESTFIELD STREET WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION The need for the 24 inch water main in North Westfield Street from the intersection of North Street and North Westfield was first recommended in 2009 by Tighe and Bond based on a hydraulic model of the Town's water system. The 24 inch water main is the highest priority of the infrastructure improvements required to supply rater to the Town's water distribution system in the event that Springfield's southerly water transmission main were to be shut off for repair or replacement. The project consists of the installation;of a 24 inch water main from the intersection of North Westfield Street and North Street to Springfield's middle transmission main. The, project also calls for installation of a '12 inch water train to from the middle transmission main to the intersection of North Westfield Street with North West Street and the installation of an 8 inch main the remainder of the distance north on North Westfield Street to the Westfield town line., At that time (2009) it was planned to have the water twain improvements incorporated into the overall reconstruction of North Westfield Street (Rt. 187) but that project has been hindered with permitting delays and has not reached the % design threshold required to place it on the Pioneer Valley planning Commission's Transportation Improvement Flan for funding. In the meanwhile, on November 26, 2012 Springfield's southerly transmission line experienced a failure between North West and, Forth Westfield Streets resulting in the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission (`aSWSC") shutting down the southerly transmission line from Provin Mountain to Colemore Street. The southerly transmission; main is approximately 84 years old. The SWSC has conducted an inspection of the pipe and is currently rendering repairs to allow the line to be brought back into service for the near-term, but the failure and the results of the inspection on this section of pipe have pushed the scheduled replacement of the southerly transmission line up,significantly, Due to the acceleration of the southerly transmission litre replacement project by Springfield, the Town of Agawam needs to proceed with the North Westfield Street Water Main Improvement Project independently of the reconstruction of North Westfield Street to ensure that the Town has an adequate supply of drinking water. 23 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 — Fiscal Year 201 MAfN SUFFIELD AND REED STREETS TER MAIN IMPROVEMENT The Springfield Water and Sewer Commission is planning maintenance work on their transmission mains from which we receive our water. A portion of the mains will be taken out of service for the work. Hydraulic modeling of our system indicated that we do not have sufficient capacity in our distribution system to insure adequate pressure for our residents if we lase service from more than one connection. We need to build flow capacity in an east-west direction. Funds are requested to construct a twelve inch water main on Reed Street to replace 650 feet of six inch asbestos cement pipe and 1,050 feet of four inch cast iron pipe. This will also improve the east—west flow capabilities as well as fire flows. SILVER. ST ET-ELM STREET WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT Funds are requested to replace the existing six inch main running between Main Street and Suffield Street with a twelve inch maim to improve the east — west flaw capabilities as well as fire flows. SOUTH STREET WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT Funds are requested to replace the existing six inch main with 5,420 feet of eight inch ductile iron water main. V. MISCELLANEOUS PLANE PERMIT TRACKING SOFTWARE The Town of Agawam utilizes a permit tracking system ("MGMS") to track and manage its building related .permits. The application is being utilized far beyond its capacity and the performance of the application continues to suffer to the paint where looking up information can take 20 to 30 seconds per query. Upgrading permit tracking software'would allow the Clerk's - office and the DPW to manage their permits and business licenses electronically in MUNIS. Funds are included in appropriations in both FY2014 and FY2015 for full implementation in FY2015. 2 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014— Fiscal Year 2018 FIRE DEPARTMENT HYDRAULIC EXTRICATION EQUIPMENT( AWS OF LIFE Funds are requested to replace two hydraulic power plants and hoses that are in excess of twenty- five (25) years old. Hydraulic power plants are mission critical for the Fire Department and supply the energy to operate extrication tools Oaws of life) that are used to .disentangle victims from vehicle crashes and heavy machinery. FIRE DEPARTMENT MOTORVEHICLES Funding is included in fiscal year 201 to replace the Fire Department repair vehicle, a 199 Ford utility body pickup truck; This aging vehicle is relied upon to perform many tasks including pick up and transport of vital parts and equipment, transport of tools used in the Field for repairs, towing the department rescue boat and transport of 'heavy hoses, including; emergency response HAZMAT supplies. Funds are also needed to replace the Fire Inspector's' vehicle. In fiscal year 2015, funds are requested to replace a 2010 Ford Escape with a hybrid vehicle. Finally, in fiscal year 2017 funds are needed to replace the special hazards vehicle with newer used equipment. FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVER Fonds are requested for installation of a communications receiver site at the Agawam Industrial Park INSPECTIONS SERVICES DEPARTMENT MOTOR VEHICLE Funds are included for the replacement of a 1999 Ford Ranger with a Ford F-1; 0 in the Inspections Services Department, GOLF COURSE GOLF CART FLEET The fleet of golf carts needs replacement with seventy new carts. The resent fleet is twelve 12 p y p � ) years old, with an average of five to seven carts down for repairs at all times during the season due to their age. Some carts need significant, costly repairs in order to get them running, 25 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 — Fiscal Year 2018 GOLF COURSE EQUIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for high value,large Municipal Golf Course capital equipment. HAMPDEN COUNTY LAND ACQUISITION Agawam acquired most of the holdings of the Hampden County government that were within the Town's boundaries when the county was dissolved. The Town is required to reimburse the other county communities for their sham of these assets. `'VI. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT SCHOOL REPAIRS' These projects will continue to be funded through annual appropriation. They include a new energy management 'system at .Tames Clark Elementary School, rooftop air conditioners at the Junior High School,a new energy management system at Robinson Park Elementary School, and a new pool filtration system at the Junior High School. HIGH SCHOOL LOCKER ROOM AND BATHROOM RENOVATIONS Pursuant to the NEASC report, funds are included to provide for locker room and bathroom refurbishment at the High School. This renovation is also needed to comply with Title Nine requirements. EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER: e Early Childhood program has outgrown its present location on Perry Lane. A new facility is needed to allow for much needed additional classroom space as well as to provide for private bathroom and changing rooms for small children and an area for teachers to meet with parents. - 26- Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014 — Fiscal Year 2018 HIGH SCHOOL ALL WEATHER TRACK AND BLEACHER REPAIR An all weather track with field runways would greatly improve conditions while reducing maintenance costs. Drainage facilities would also be included. Wooden bleacher planks continue to rot and require replacement each year. This safety project will encompass sand blasting and painting the metal runners and replacing the wooden planks with aluminum. A special committee is presently researching the project to include the track, concessions, all surrounding facilities and amenities. -27 - a8 $$ 8 8 aBaa as-8a a 88888888 S 8 8 a$ 8"8a8 � ., 8 88 8�8a8l8S$8 8 8Sa888sS B asm`a g rtac Azle skafi S B a8 68$888 a B'B BarBs B46$ B aaSa.BBa,a 8 x`z are' as ftx gzi as 'Raab . -- B B 8a 88aa8`8a a _w, + 98.� a8a6=a sBBa s68a8aSB� az ga R aft ,:�w c _ gyzaa` r 8 R a 888:8a8 R T Rag a 888 88aa� 8 SIR Sa88a88 8 C 8$ 88�g8$� $ , , BS$ 8$�$9 S$ag 8 88a5$888 8 a 88$,$ 8 8 Ba 88818168 S at$a 4288 gaR$a a .. a -�8A189aaB3 a s moll ^$ SS$$ C,B C aS a68888 8 G , 8a8 88�8B a888 __- w .. 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B, , 9 8,8.S 8 r3$F :R, x,8$8R8.A �I a°xs, ^, sR _rgg wti s as°x s " s $' asvgn 8 It all a5stlsis,$38 882 $ 8R .$E a vI886AsS R'A"S _ 8 a a +" 5t sra a a 381a'398Fasaa8 26m 8a a'aiag 1 a R$88Ra :a4 k neral Fund $882,163 $855,15("'X) $665,500 $8091, I Sudget Appropriations (FY2014018 $ 0 , " , $ 00,000 001" O 00$ ' r 29, General Fund Existing Bond Cosh" FY2, ,' FY '8 OT Ilia\& '.�M'N:E 'cCk,YI Y'M1"015 @ Firo H u*rftr a 107,515 $ 97,470, School Pro, is I ,3T $ 1 „938 151,950 4,6 098,338 1,041,650' Title V Caa a aaa,ty, Sieptic Maflaq*ment $ 3 4T7 $ 3,337 $ 3,198 3 has 2,921 Agawam High SchocA Library E,xpansion 48,810 4-6,960 . .1 3 4 310 4 Z,!5d)0, Phase ,11 eta seater, arm9 rn Est $ 6,261 � =X � 15,440, Middle china r $ 33,660 1 k 1 Middlo x rnih, Higgh, Revairs S 9 1 wc�" $ 8,880 8,' r,lementary h " modUct, c£�"mmoom v 122"4krX 118,4 " ' 15,2W x 112, Via $ 1018,8100 w Net Pumjmr Trucks citi,9 10 $ 65,0966.: Perry L n't P0111 kerKw .„C 8 ,394 Phase I. Stomweer Campletim $ 6o 8 $ 6,5 8 $ 6,538 6.53 8 Building Mxtimleraxme RuAding Extemon 13,520 $ 12,,: 12,1cXI I.' awn Wick, Tefcphaw System S 68,880' $ 63, ( 4X) 61,200 IU ft N, � � Ry � ok 3 ''1O 371" �.0 3 6 2,(XN) 3,116,429 Existing Bond, Costs (F-Y2014-FY'2018) t t %) ,t �r F General Fund ected New Bond Pirmt Street Read rovern r s 58,lap N7,CIO 515,4 30 SO f d Street brainafg, ItAproverrents 3 iscm 32,660' ' 1 r �,,6gh School LAcke fk*am & „t e«s air, a ,s- 94 '1 tX, 189,375) Early Childhood Center, 3 80,CM, 3 62.O ; �-figs ":ikchcal Track sl ackheP's 4 a3 �7- �.,a „� 26 Ra M, Y�sasN uuN4}�wyklvva 'a'�v;H�� atss!a'sNN.uvr�� tnMat<}aAaMafi4:;PwftxlNa'uH3�% uaN�Ranuo-rmmia,Nx�.sNhvt� atwtdMh ntv'�kn4.CaR p �'` uwaa mw�w :aaagwsaam�se�vawrom�„muv+.�m�s, amwm g 81,005 a wa�*u, wa;.:a�a�,mzw.ae�wauaxwua-�.vuareav�zneaaaaabw:v' apruraawwt�,a �m>aansow.�aaaunxi..�au :n�rxivwwaa�nae�w.m4m+wnn a> an�swnm�a��manaawe�:arorw.� m.�nw+:s ua�.ww�wn�^ ��;, Projected New Sond giros FY2014- FY2018) $11, ),. ' $800,0w . t 400,r a (before grants and reimbursements $> Jected New Sand Cost $0 VI $670,90 $932,205 $9018,005 Total Projected Bond Costs (FY20 4 -FY20 8 (before grants and e burs ry nts �3,5m, r x 2,( , 0001 y 01 3 i 7 General Fund, and CgLt U,Y2014 (after grants and reimbursements) FY2014 FY2015FY201 7 FY Existint 2,06,953 Projected dotal Bond Costs ,FY20 4 FY2018 (After 'grants and reimbursements) n�500 ; }... $1, CM,, O t` "i k ar rt�� Mx) 000 r� 3 3- kc kt r Self 5ustaining, Funds Existing CostsFY2 +� ri�nwms�a;>. :uxwwxi-rmw:.w �xitn;, aas:�mara ,w,a,�a �s�wswnw�:u �4esesw:az�naw.��., ;, e�m�.�,a.'�m�.w';�*ca-a�mnsn�aas,..xvx•;oraw>rv.ww,wsa.� r;yewzxaxe'w<ewE PRE TECT F ` 0 14 FV2015 NCY2016 FY2017 Mots ` esff mid Kivu' C' Lccc€ Share 9, $ 47,240 $ 40, *tampbekk bwi Flom, a DrNw. .5' s?e $ o ',nt h s 29,220 $ 28,700 r �.7 190 26,69(l) b,P.W, F*611ty $ 67,473 $ W268 $ 6 5,%A, w 61,740 $ 59,976 6 Wevilhald $liver F-'Orce, Main w 401 626 '�€,.625 4ci, aka Z6 S 40,625 Fekedm4 Wills , werr sevvr Phase r V C M �A N; au.amals-I'meti Pt v t Feec.fiftg,400s Sw t weirt mower tmsd a $Thaw I"$ n Water Moir O Istt"'u«°wl'on ,,. M-A-fb ',`eestfiel, 5,t`T;;"?e > a3 akD 452,620 , lot s: muafn (Amm"wk' r hkct m ,5vff k, Al Red Str*t% Water Main sip Over at, EIRW sire t r maid tmsigr, South treel u +a k . � • � �a ,.ate°,. 3,089,036 dc Existing Bond C : ( 2 4 IFY201,8 g 5". ( X I i ti }ts 1 I t{ 2,N),0C), . M Selft� Fs P!t!2j!LqLJed, New Bon4 .2sls a 1, FYI 1 ), Wl "Palm % t"` sockup Force "to"'Ohn Dm as 2 P„C., a t 9 „D D f'*Aing� HARS Southwest Setvgr, �.,e,�€�'a"�S�S,.,�;�x�'.�3`1 Phase ,��'VE $ ,` � 3"OK),COG Feedfi% Hills wAhwesk° Via, x, awsa a Pha'a e, IV ^m� $ Feeding D HII Saaaa`hwas Sew'vr C�,,*;'*�Mx user Da aaa V water Main si as ry ., aahk, tSvffi ld & kletd Stnuats $ s 47,75,0far D aater Maria, Constmxflon Main, SuffWd a Reets t" is t 246 0,CXQ Wait" Main 1Usaa South Street. Water Daa .aata tructiaa - Dl a Daa EFfini Scree $ , Water hkain 'area n"s a°iaaaa - '155,%ith Street Gaff Carts $ 77,175 S 4is 40, D %m' K), 6563 ff 17T—Al Z,529,12 5, Projected New Bond Costs (FY201A FV2018) 4 � 5 q,C ) t k $2,00,10,MOO " ux °.,) { ` E !W,COAD \ -5- Self Susiginft- Funds (before gronts and reimbursements) s Exis Rune Cast,.; 8 ,8,0 .21.6 $580,768 $,575,237 $559,911 Projected New Owns Costs 7 75 $ 4 4 `'1,M0 ,105 $1,928,49,40 $2,529,125 36 , G Projected Bond Costs (F,,Y2014-,FY2018) (before. grants and reimbursements) F o0 t w.5 M) Y 2,(X #000 $1,SIN, ,0CX0 � $1,OW"000 3 $ , M) d 0 ti6a� .. Total So (after grants and r b ement frxisting Send Costs, $686,805 $ 7 ,693 $5,80, 6 $575,237 $559,911 �',',Ivojecicd New Barecosts 17 7 3 5 80 Projected Total Bond Costs (FY2014 FY201,8) (after grants and reimbursements) $rye,M)0,1700 ..000,000, 2, (XI � 2,0 "(W 1,5 0 I wo wo m ,e `F a - AGAWAM CITE' COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 � f s LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 77 PRESIDENT CY1 Christopher C Johnson The Agawam City Council will conduct a public hearing on Monday, ((( VICE PRESIDENT June 3, 2013, at 7:00pm, at the Roberta G. Doering School, 68 Mann Dennis J. Perry Street, Agawam, MA on the Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2014 to Fiscal Year 2018 as submitted to the City Council by the COUNCILORS Mayor on April 11, 2013, George Bitzas Cecilia P. Calabrese The Capital Improvement Program is a prioritized plan of proposed Paul C. Cavallo capital improvements over the next five fiscal years. A capital James A Cichetti Gina M. Letellier improvement is a project or undertaking which provides for the Robert A. Magovern planning, design, construction, reconstruction, renovation or Joseph Mineo replacement of a public building or facility; an addition to a public Donald M. Rheault building or facility; the purchase of land, buildings or facilities for a Robert E. Rossi public purpose; or a long range development study. ADMINISTRATIVE< The Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2014 to Fiscal Year ASSISTANT 2018 its available for public inspection at the City Clerk's Office, 36 Barbara A. Bard Main Street, Agawam, MA between the hours of 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday: The Capital Improvement Program is also available at the Agawam Public Library, 750 Cooper Street, Agawam, MA and the Agawam Senior Center, 954 Main Street, Agawam, MA. BY ORDER OF: Christopher C. Johnson President of the City Council TO BE ADVERTISED ON 5/16/13 TELEPHONE (413) 726:9716 FAX (413) 726-9717 EMAIL bbard@agawam.ma.us TR-2013- 2-� A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 _ 2018 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT'PROGRAM WHERE AS, The Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2014.20I8 vas submitted to the City Council on April 11, 2013 in accordance with Article 5,Section 5-3 (a) of the Charter; and WIIkREAS, The Capital Improvement Program contains a prioritized plan of proposed capital improvements over the next five fiscal,years in accordance with Article 5, Section 5-3 (b) of the Charter; and WHEREAS, The Capital Improvement Program is designed to utilize town funds for capital improvements on the basis of community priorities in coordination with the availability of grunts and/or other state,federal or private reimbursements; and WHEREAS, In developing the Capital Improvement Program each year, the planning process includes consideration of the growth of the town, the improvement of efficient service delivery reducing the need for staff increases,maintenance of new and existing;facilities, and consideration of existing commitments; and WHEREAS, Each year the Capital I`mprovemcnt Program is revised and updated in light of changing needs,requirements, and funding availability; and WHEREAS, In accordance with Article 5,Section 5-3 (c)and(d),the Council shall conduct tr public hearing and on or before the twentieth day of the last month of the current fiscal year, shall by resolution adopt the Capital Improvement Program. NOW THEREFORE,the Agawam City Council hereby resolves to adopt the Fiscal Year 2014- 2018 Capital Improvement Program as submitted by the Mayor on April 11, 2013. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2013, PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Christopher C. Johnson, President APPROVED AS TO FORM AND I,F.GA1.ITY Vw Vincent F. Gioscia, City Solicitor �X,' �1 &rAetOeoC 'fit" o u ncA TIC-2013-2-R A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 - 201 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, The Capital Improvement Program.for Fiscal Year 2014-2018 was submitted to the City Council on April 11,2013 in accordance with Article 5,Section 5- (a) of the Charter; and WHEREAS, The Capital Improvement Program contains a prioritized plan of proposed capital improvements over the next five fiscal years in accordance with Article 5,Section 5: (b)of the Charter;and WHEREAS, The Capital Improvement Program is designed to utilize town funds for capital improvements on the basis of community priorities in coordination with the availability of grants and/or other state,federal or private reimbursements;and WHEREAS, In developing the Capital Improvement Program each year, the planning process includes consideration of the growth of the town,the improvement of efficient service delivery reducing the need for staff increases,maintenance of new and existing facilities,and consideration of existing commitments; and WHEREAS, Each year the Capital Improvement Program is revised and updated in light of changing needs,requirements,and funding availability;and; WHEREAS, In accordance with Article 5,Section 5-3(c)and(d) the council shall conduct a public hearing and on or before the twentieth day of the last month of the current fiscal year, shall by resolution adopt the Capital Improvement Program. NOW THEREFORE,the Agawam City Council hereby resolves to adopt the Fiscal Year 2014 2018 Capital'Improvement Program as submitted by the Mayor on April 11,2013. DATED THIS 3 DAY OF 2013. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Christopl;er C.JAinson, President LA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY � Vincent F. Giosci.a, +City.Solicitor MAYORAL ACTION Received this 4-MI _day of ju , 2013 from Council Cleric. Signed by Council President this day of 2013. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section -6 of the Agawa Charter, as amend, I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this I L day of 1 Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation can this day of , 2013for the following reasons) Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this day of , 2013. P 1s AGANVAINI ADVERTISER NEN S gray9,2013 YCRBU,_`*, r a noon flato'on banquet Center lunch menu Monday, May 13: Chicken stir-fry, stir-fry vegetables,brown rice,bananas. Y Tuesday, May 14:Stuffed shells with meatballs,garden salad,birthday cake. Wednesday, May 15: Pork chops, trashed potatoes, gravy; peas and car« rots,applesauce. Thursday,May 16: Beef stew,mixed vegetables, homemade biscuits, beet salad,pudding. Friday, May 17: Linguini and red clam sauce,Caesar salad,peaches, t j t} Ll RCS5 Turley publications courtesy photo Chapter I of the Agawam Senior Center'Gold Age Club held is installation banquet re- LKTNG TO CURB HUNGER Gold- en t - -- The, Agawam Senior Center Golden Age Club Chap- • to I held its installation banquet last month at Crestview - Country Club. Chapter I is the.original Golden Age Club of Agawam and was established in November 1955. Meetings are held the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at the Agawam Senior Center.Guests are welcome and the groin welcomes new D J ° members. ? fX, Nq Berard members, pictured above from left, include Al- t h ' 'ter - w - c•" ~ r ice Buell.chaplain;Marie Fay,correspondence secretary; r. ` Joyce Asia-Ferrero, secretary; Millicent Barnard. vice president: Louise Balboni, treasurer; and Becky Wash- r - t bum.president. 7 r .t Notes from the Music Room Li V(,., € 'f ` ' By Marcy Davis When the fourth grade singers from Phelps School t: r came down to the Agawam Senior Center with some t 4 Christmas songs,the performance was entrancing.The }` Robinson Park Elementary School coricon at the Aga- wam Junior High School was, in many aspects, unhe lievable Paul Sawyer,music director,was a dynamo of activity Turtay Pub4cat ons courtesy photo and all of the singers from kindergarten through;grade Citizens Sank colleagues volunteered and walked the 44th annual Walk for Hunger held May 5 4 were incredible.The.senior center singers,who were in Boston. Citizens Sang Foundation is an underwriter for Project Bread's annual fundraising invited to be a part of;the program,enjoyed it beyond event that's aimed at ending hunger in Massachusetts. belief,We hope some of that Marie atmosphere will be created at the Agawam High School auditoriuru on Fri- day,May 10,when the fourth grade singers will join the L N(It L _ Agawam Senior Center Memory Lane chorus and the Cgd[ Melody Band in an Irving Berlin concert, The senior center groups have had a bit of multi-gcn erational aspect to some of their programs,but nothing LEGAL NOTICE- City Council:by the Mayor., 3, 2013, at 7:00prn, at the the City Clerk's Office and that comes even close to the magnitude of this year's PUBLIC HEARING TR-2013-28 is available Roberta G. Doering School,, the Planning department, 36 combination,It should be a memorable event. AGAWAM for public inspection at the 68 Main street, Agawam. Main Street, Agawam, MA CITY COUNCIL City Clerk's Office and the MA on TOIL-2013-5 which between the hours of 8:30am The Agawam+City Council Planning Department, 36 is an Ordinance Amending to 4:30pm, Monday through A R � B I � q L K will conduct a public hearing Main Street„ Agawam, MA §180 of the Agawam Zoning Friday. on Monday, June 3; 2013, between the hours of 8 30arn Ordinance Entitled "Article BY ORDER OF: A 8 A L 0 N E A R I A - at 7:00pm„ at the Roberta to 4:30pm, Monday through, KII, Fyloodplain Zone" as Christopher C.Johnson L a S AN - F t G. ring School, 68 Main Friday, submitted to the Agawam President of the Street,Agawam,MA on TR BY ORDER OF; City Council by the Planning Agawam City Council R E T I R E $ H E K E L 201 -28 which is a resolu- Christopher C.Johnson Board.TOR-2013-5 is avail- 19,5/16113 G 2 E D T A S tion authorizing the adoption President of the able for public inspection at of an Order of Taking for Agawam City Council s C H A 11 E AR p the Connecticut River Walk 5/9.5116/13 Loop under the authority of AGAWAM COMMUNITYM A R I S C H P C Section 14 of Chapter 40 and LEGAL NOTICE M I A M U R Y A P Chapter 79 and Chapter 84 PUBLIC FEARING PRESERVATION COMMITTEEN T I R 1r1 L P B of the Massachusetts{general AGAWAM Laws for the construction CITY COUNCIL 1 C L E B M G JE and maintenance of the Con The Agawam City Conn- �..,E+GAL A DYER RISE E T S O R E S A lV necticut River Wally Loop, cit will conduct a publicas submitted-to the Agawam hearing on Monday, June NoticeisherebygiventhattheAgawamCotnmunity O A B A A E E C Preservation Committee (CPC} will hold a public s L A S M A D R E S H hearing at the Agawam Literary Community Room; C A U I A t A C I A S 750 Cooper Street,Agawam, MA on Wednesday, H HOWTO ff May 9, 2013 tit 7:fl4PM. The Committee will ` N s E nl a E R provide an overview of the financial performance LEGAL S of the CPA fund and will also be seeking input on All legal;notices to be published in the Agawam Art- goals,activities,procedures and spending The CPC call verniser News should be sent directly to klanier@turley. is encouraging residents,town boards,committees 41.3-746-9)(800 Karen Lanier processes all legals for this newspa- and commissions to attend to discuss the needs per and can answer all of your questions regarding these For Legal Services and possibilities of projects that may qualify for notices, Please indicate the newspapers and publication ,Community Preservation Act funds. Please be Criminal Defense Law-Civil ,iti at on dates}for the notice(s)in the subject line of yourematt, g For questions regarding average area, procedures or advised that the CPA Cornmittee is required by Wills—Divorce-Real Estate Transactions cost,please call Karen directly at 413-28 -8'393 x271. WG.L.Ch.44B to consult with existing municipal Sales,Refinances,Purchases Turley Publications, Inc,publishes 15 weekly news- boards to study the needs the needs, possibilities papers throughout Western Massachusetts. Visit www. and resources of the city regarding community turtey.com for more information. preservation. May 9,2013< AGAVVAM ADWRESER N<=WS Page 17 CITY COUNCIL NOTEBOOK iscov rwn themysteries By Jennifer Wroblewski ter, Department of Revenue, and bond Staff Writer ing agencies to provide for the planning, of The Fifteen Ho design, construction and renovation of public building; an addition to public By Sarah Platanitis Public heariggs set for land takings, a g� building; purchase of land or buildings Turley Publications Correspondent capital improvement Y P The City Council,at its May meeting, for public purpose or long-range develop unanimously tabled a resolution authoriz- ment study.Generally,it consists of about: Jeanne Claire Probst, the local author of $20,000 and would last 10 years.or more, The Fifteen Houses,visited the Agawam Pub- said ing land takings for the Connecticut Riverg ' w Said Cohen. lie Library for April's Author Talk series. Walk Loop,pending a public shearing. r5 Included in the C1P for this year are The Fifteen Houses is set in East The two easements - one temporaryLong- and one permanent-are located in a sub- projected bond requests for phases two meadow in the early 1950s.Julianne Ivlargue-- division that were previously owned by and three of the Southwest Area Sewer ri l' te,the main character and one of 1 l children;. Extension Project; improvements or keeps a di while she investigates reoccur the developer of the property, said Deb- P diary g orah Dachos. director of Planning and renovations to the police and fire depart ring memories of her younger years. ments; highway department; traffic light Determined to learn them mysterious motive Turley Publications photo by Sarah Platanitis Community Development. y improvements; wastewater and water de- that the downfall of her family, Juli- a Local author Jeanne Claire Probst "[The developer] mistakenly filled out Y. a donation form and we found out he had partment equipment;replacement of per anne's memories become the clues to finding;; Visited Agawam Public Library transferred the property to someone else," mit tracking software and more. out the true story,each opening a different door' last month for a discussion of her she said,adding,"That individual did not A total of$882,162 in capital improve to the 15 different homes where she lived, book The Fifteen Houses, story g in East Lon want to donate:' ments will appear in the fiscal year 2014 "The begins meadow, g Dachos said the easements,for proper- budget, which is due to the council by continues in Springfield and away to another, nal story," said Probst, who also hopes one ty located on Michele Lane in Agawam, May 15. undisclosed place,"said Probst. "Some people day in her retirement,she can write children's are"very small. think Julianne moves to New Hampshire,New books, "We've done the appraisals and we South Westfield'Street construction York or Vermont but it's all u the ima ina pp p to g The book tour is sponsored by Winter Tree know how much they're worth," she set for this season, tion'of the reader to decide where she goes. Productions,which generously allowed Probst said. According to a May 1 memo from The book,self-published through Outskirts a stipend to dress up the table and offer re The property is owned by Travis and Agawam Department of Public Works; Press in January 2013,ends on a positive note freshments of gourmet cupcakes,cookies and Joanna K. Searles, according to the Superintendent Christopher J. Golba to when Julianne reconnects with members of chocolates. She also held a small raffle give- resolution submitted to the city council. Councilor Donald M.Rheault and Cohen;- her family after being away for over 30 years' away of a copy of her book and signed books= Damages will be$270 for the,temporary construction and paving on South West- and works at becoming the family that she, for the near dozen in the audience. easement and $1,910 for the;permanent field Street is Feeding Hills is tentatively` feels they should have always been. Probst's spring tour began March 5 and also easement.: scheduled for this construction season. "The book is all about surviving and mov- included visits to libraries in Ludlow, Mont. That public hearing will be Mon- The preliminary work, including rec ing on. It takes readers on a fictional journey gomery, Holyoke, Palmer, Longmeadow, day,June 3. lamation and reconstruction, will be about a person who leaves behind the idea of Granby,South Hadley and Easthampton. She Also on June 3, the city council will completed in late Summer with paving; staying a victim," said Probst. "The author's will start her summer book tour in late June. hold a public hearing for the 2014-2018 expected by early September. note is the most important page in the boot; "We're getting a very nice response from Capital Improvement Program (C1P), The estimated cost for the work on the because it shares how some real life expert this book and I'm very happy about that,"said recently submitted by Agawam Mayor approximately 3900 feet of roadway is ences of my own are in the story.The book is Probst. "Readers can really connect with the Richard A.Cohen, around$245,000. not all based on my life,though." characters and many people have come out to The CIP is required by the town char Probst started writing in high school in the events and have seen us on Channel 5 in English classes and has written much poetry' Longmeadow and Channel 12 in Granby. over the years.She always dreamed of writing Readers can borrow the book at the.library a book and The Fifteen Houses,her first pub or purchase it online. It is available as an e e '+�rSchool Committee lished work,is fulfilling that dream, book on amazon.com or bamesandnoble, "J just finished the second book in the se- coin. • ries. That took about three months to write. For more information about the book or meeting agenda The editors are planning on six more books, author Jeanne Probst, visit www.thef fteerr each highlighting a character from this origi houses.com; Roberta G.Doering School d. SCR-13-17,Request to designate June 68 Main St 25,2013,as a half-day of school May 14-7 m. 10.Business Meeting: y h• t 2 3 4 5 S- T 9 c 9 10 a.Routine Matters 1.Call to Order 1)Approval of Minutes 2.Moment of Silence 2)Calendar/Correspondence 3.Roll Cal l of Attendance b.Warrants/Transfers is 14 4.Regular Meeting-7 p.m. c.Reports: ,e 17 5.Citizen's Speak Time 1).Scheduled Reports 6. Highlights on Education: Doering *Curriculum Writing/Delivery(paper re- School z 22 z3 School chorus performance port) 2a as 26 7.Superintendent's Notes * Coordinated Family&Community En a ement Grant Update-R.Fernandes 27 2s; 29 30 8. Student Advisory Committee Repre- g g p sentative Update. 2).Subcommittee Updates 39 3z 33 34 9. Unfinished Business: IL New Business: a. SCR-13-14, Approval to establish a a.SCR-13-19,Approval of use of AH S au- ss 39' 3 3s Foreign Language Club as an extracurricular ditorium by The Academy of Artistic Perfor 39 40 41 42 activity with advisors mance for recital on June 19 and 22,2013 b. SCR-13-15, Approval to establish the b.SCR-13-20,Approval of continued par 43 44 4 Winter and Spring Arts Festival as an extra- ticipation in the School Choice Program 46 47 4e 4n, 50 curricular activity with advisors 12.Any other items that may legally come c. SCR-13-16,-Request to establish Camp before the committee 51 sz s3 s4 ss S.E.E.K. 13.Adjournment se 57 59>Free paper shredding for residents CLUES ACROSS Murphy Oi1 rp y Corp. 2.T ore down(gar. overacts AGAWAM-A free paper-shredding event confidential documents to be shredded on 1.Our 10 numerals 33,Talk noisily SO 28.Facial gesture will take place Saturday,June 22 at the De- site. A maximum' of 5 standard boxes of 7•Horseshoe cleat 35.-New Testament 3.22nd state(abbr.) 30.Absence of partmentof Public Works, 1000 Suffield St., confidential documents per vehicle will be 11.Ear shell 36.Tax collector 4.Tropical aggression from 9 a.m.until noon,,or until the truck is accepted.All three-ring binders and binder 12.Soprano solo 37.Mediation council constrictor 34.China full• clips must be removed. 13.Vestments 39.Not in use 5.Hostelry 38.Older Bridges' Residents are encouraged to bring their 14.Heart's singer 41.Act as master of 6.Examine and brother Wilson ceremonies expurgate 40,Plays; 15.Set of type in one 43.Skin lesions 7.Small restaurants 42.Term denoting 1 style 44.Stiff bristle 8.E.,Asian anis psychic abilities 16.Withdraw from 45.Equally liquor 43.Oral polio FLOWEP\ work 46.Pool dressing 9.Infestation of head vaccine developer �� t 18.Ancient Hebrew room louse 44.Any habitation at „ I coin 49.Eyebath 10.New Yorker film a high altitude THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE WITH LOVE: .sa 20.Megacycle 51.Thick piece of critic Pauline 46.Hyperbolic ► - - 2].26th British letter THOUSANDS OF BEAUTIFUL something 11.An orange-red cosecant PLANTS FOR MOTHER'S [yAY! % = 22.Colonnaded 52.Angry crystalline dye 47.Russian �' Greek walks55,20th Hebrew 13.Indicates position mountain range ANNUALS I PERENNIALS I ROSE BUSHES = 24.Russian sourgrass letter 16.Root mean 48.An aromatic' HANGING BASKETS I MIXED PLANTERS I CLEMATIS soup 56.3rd largest square(abbr.) salve PROVEN WINNERS I HERBS I VEGETABLE PLANTS 26.OK Corrals` Colombian city 17.Electronic 50.Venezuelan ORNAMENTAL GRASSES I SOIL I POTS I MOREL *SORRY r.rt Wyatt 57.Gum arabics counter- fashion designer 27.Cheremiss` 59.A song of praise countermeasures initials 28.Schenectady to God 19. 12-31 greeting 53.Highest card County Airport 60.Dispatcher 22.Fastens 54.5th son of Jacob; c �'a.Y' ]1 S 29.Laptop 23.Himalayan wild 58 Music storage E. Ir,, SPRINGFIELD STREET 31.Actress Farrow CLUES DOWN goats device FEEotrto HILLS, MASS. '1'Ti "Everythingyou'dgmv if you had forty aereu," 32.NYSE for 1.Word shortening , 25.One who hearing on Monday, June MA between the hours of 1 3, 2013, at 7:00pm, at the 8.34am to 4:30pm, Monday l Roberta G. Doering School, through Friday. The Capital I 68 Main Street, Agawam, Improvement Program is MA on the Capital Improve, also available at the Agawam ment Program for Fiscal Year Public library, 754 Cooper 2014 to Fiscal Year 2018 as Street,Agawam,.MA and the submitted to the City Council Agawam Senior Center, 954 by the Mayor on April I[, Main Street,Agawam,MA 2013. BY ORDER OF The Capital Improvement Christopher C.Johnson Program is a prioritized plait President of the City Council of proposed capital improve- 5116/13' ments over the next five fiscal years.A capital improvement is a project or undertaking which provide% for the plan. ning, design, construction, reconstruction, renovation or replacement of a public building or facility; an addi- tion to a public building or facility;the purchase of land, buildings or facilities for a public purpose; or a long range development study: LEGAL NOTICE The Capital Improvement PUBLIC HEARING Program for Fiscal Year 2014 AGAWAM to Fiscal Year 2018 is-avail- CITY COUNCIL able for public inspection The Agawam City Coun at the City Clerk's Office, cil will €.onduct a public 36 Main Street, Agawam 26 2S 29 3D 32, 34 36 37 38 40 1 1 41 43 44 45 48 49 52 55 ely, 21.Runs disconnected' of 23,Mourners nt 28.Old world,new 29.Atomic#25 30.Sweet potato wind instrument 31.Legend eep 32,3rd tone of the The boutique offers br } scale: lured furnishings from Hickc� Ling 33.Russian Jeweler Thibaut, CTH Sherrill Occasu Peter Call guard Furniture. Traditional and trendy act- idates 35.Capital lighting to fabrics come fr(, and of Mali companies like Robert Allen n