TR-2013-35 OPERATING BUDGET .�����\ - - - - - - - i TOWN OF AGAWAM - FISCAL YEAR 2014 BUDGET' DEPARTMENT 660: LINE ITEMS' Org Object Fiscal2013 Fiscal2014 Fiscal2014 Account Description Code Code Appropriated Recommended Adopted' DEBT SERVICE LONG TERM DEBT PRINCIPAL 16601 57600 $ 2,353,500 $ 2,381,580 $ 2,381,580 DEBT INTEREST 16601 57610' $' 745,450 $" 585,785 $ 585,785 OTHER DEBT SERVICE' 16601 57690 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 DEBT SERVICE TOTAL $ 3,143,950 S 3,012,365 $ 3,012,365 ADMINISTRATION OVERTIME 16602 51030 $ 10,000 $' 10,000 $ 10,000 DAMAGE PERSONS & PROPERTY 16602 '52001 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION` 16602 52010 $` 12,000 $ 12,000 $ 12,000 STREET LIGHTING 16602 52120 $ 295,000 $ 31000' $ 310,000 TRAINING & EDUCATION 16602 52180 $` 5,000 $' 5,000 $ 5,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 16602 '52190` $' 90,000 $- 90,000 $ 90,000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 16602 52230 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 PRINTING'& COPYING 16602 52280 $' 50,000 $ 50,000' $ 50,000 PARKING TICKET EXPENSE 16602 52360 $ 2,500 $` 2,500 $ 2,500 TRAVEL 16602 52390 $< 7,500 $` 7,500 $ 7,500 SOLID WASTE EXPENSE 16602 52420 $ 2,0781388 $ 2,112,205 $ 2,112,205 SEWER & WATER 16602 52490 $' 65,000 $' 70,000 $ 70,000 PREVIOUS YEARS' BILLS' 16602 57501 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 TAX TITLE COSTS 16602 57700 $` 31,000 $ 31,000 $ 31,000` OFFICE EQUIPMENT 16602 58800 $' 20,000 $' 20,000 $ 20,000 TOWN WIDE SQL CONVERSION' 16602 52040 $' 18,232 $ S ADMINISTRATION TOTAL $ 21711,120 $ 2,746,705 $ 2746,705 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS& INSURANCE EMPLOYEE BENEFIT;BUYBACK 16603 51040' $ 192,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 FRINGE BENEFITS 16603 52350` $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS/INSUR 16603 57020' $ 75,000 $ 110,000 $ 110,000' MEDICARE INSURANCE 16603 57040 $ 600,000' $ 610,000 $ 610,000 MEDICAL CLAIMS/INSURANCE' 16603 57060' $ 8186%821 $ 8,389,895 $ 8,389,895' CONTRIBUTORY RETIREMENT 16603 57070' $ 3,673,415 $ 3,891,672 $ 3891,672 NON-CONTRIBUTORY RETIREMEN 16603 57080 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 PROPERTY & LIA. INSURANCE 16603 57500 $ 747,150 $ 725,000' $ 725,000 EMPLOYEE BEN. & INSURANCE TOTAL $ 14,165,386 $ 13',943,567 $ 13`943,567 TOWN OF AGAWAM - FISCAL YEAR 2014 BUDGET DEPARTMENT 660: LINE ITEMS Org Object Fiscal2013 Fiscal2014 Fiscal2014 Account Description Code Code Appropriated Recommended Adopted BOARDS& COMMISSIONS BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE 16604 52004 $ 1,000 S 1,000' $ 1,000 BOARD OF APPEALS 16604 51100 $ 20,813 $ 20,963 $' 20,963 CEMETERY COMMISSION 16604 52005 $ 820 S 820` S 820 CABLE TV COMMISSION 16604 52007 $ 1,099 $ 1,099 $ 1,099 CULTURAL COUNCIL 16604 52010; $ 3,000 $ 3,000 S 3,000 VETERANS' COUNCIL 16604 56540` $ 4,000 $ 4,000 S 4,000` VETERANS' BENEFITS 16604 57100 $ 165,000 $ 165,000 S 165,000` WEST. HAMPDEN DST. VETS. OFF. 16604 57150 $ 100,052 $ 105,401 $ 105,401 LPVPC 16604 57200` $ 4,266 $ 4,266' $ 4,266 BOARDS& COMMISSIONS TOTAL $ 300,050 $ 305,549 $ 305,549' RESER VE FUNDS RESERVE FUND 16605 57300` $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ 300,000' SALARY RESERVE 16605 57350 $ $ 310,000 S 210,000 RESERVE FUND TOTAL $ 350,000 $ 660,000 S 510,000 TRUST FUNDS OPEB TRUST FUND 16820 59000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 TRUST FUND TOTAL $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 DEPARTMENT 660: LINE ITEMS TOTAL $ 20,770,506 $ 20,768,186 $ 20,618,186 i� 3xt+iF01 A u u #a': fix\ s t a } l } Ff tri m3 P qS� 1 y! Yi7'Pt � �1 �d! P3 � ?M' � ti S4i't�#yW"'� I a{t � t4' c t t r s t a t�4 ��� l7 "" 1 P 1�}ytt `tticL°at tis j f 5t i it e rtk% ��` 4 YuAu+uit`k 141 �+ s�P 1175 S/1t 64i1�4r 1 t r ;a V tt t 4 d t�;,. ��,.•n " t P tlu �i i Ur 1 " r}{a ttrL n< gial,t.�dlP,,..rs ({pV Y+t4fr tt4 `f "tt a}y5 Y r"i^}�'�} �y ,�+ 2 I 4 r 4 1t 11MA ht� }t t t L1}tYi}R rs (t st. t s T.i:R WHEREAS, Under the provisions of Chapter 44, Section 32 of the Massachusetts General Laws and Section -1 of Article 5 of the Agawam borne Rule Charter,the proposed FY2014 Annual Operating Budget was submitted on May 14, 013; and WHEREAS, Under the provisions of Section 5-2(a) of Article 5 ofthe Charter, public hearing on the proposed annual operating budget was held on June 17, 2013,notice thereof having been published in one issue of newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Agawam more than fourteen (l 4) days before such hearing; and WHEREAS, It is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to adept the attached Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Operating Budget, and NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM TOWNCOUNCIL HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: I, That pursuant to the previsions of Chapter 44 of the Massachusetts General Laws and Article 5 of the Agawam Houle Rule Charter,the Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2014 which begins July 1, 2013, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby adopted, and the several Burns therein set forth to be raised by the levy of tax upon al taxable property within the corporate limits of the Town of Agawam, Massachusetts, all other funds and receipts are hereby appropriated for the several purposes therein stated- 2. The Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Operating Budget is adopted according to the departmental and line item categories contained therein. Said adoption allowing administrative transfer of funds from any lime item within any category' of any departmental or the line item budget to any other line item within the same category of the same departmental or line item budget. 3, There is hereby appropriated in the Line Item - Contributory Retirement an appropriation to the credit of the Hampden County Retirement Board to satisfy the Town of At awam's share of the Pension and Expense Credit Funds. 4. Consideration has been given for anticipated receipt of funds from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for street reconstruction purposes as set forth in the Highway portion of the budget which is attached hereto. 5. In addition to any specific appropriation, revolving, gift and grant funds are hereby established under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40, S 3 and Chapter 44 S 53A, S 53D and S 53 E1/2 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013, with the specific receipts credited to each fund, the purposes for which each fund may be spent and the maxim urn amount that may be spent from each fund for the fiscal year, as described in Exhibit A. 6. There is hereby appropriated all money from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the United States of America, as well as, from any grants or donations received for public purposes. 7. There is hereby appropriated all money received from the interest income on short term investments including the interest earned on funds in interest bearing bank accounts. 8. That the Assessor use not more than $1,500,000 of"Certified Free Cash" to reduce the Fiscal 2014 Tax Rate. 9. The Agawam City Council hereby resolves, authorizes and appropriates $575,000 from the Wastewater Retained Earnings, account 22500-31510 to Fund Balance Appropriations, account 22510-48500. 10 The Agawam City Council hereby resolves, authorizes and appropriates $150,000 from the Water Retained Earnings, account 60100-31510 to Fund Balance Appropriations, account 60110-48500. I L The Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Operating Budget for the Town of Agawam is hereby adopted as follows: GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET Council $ 177,283 Mayor $ 298,161 Administration Building S 212,954 Law Department $ 121,300 Auditor $ 152,359 Clerk/Elections $ 228,026 Assessor $ 254,856 Data Processing $ 223,481 Treasurer/Col lector $ 294,363 Police Department $ 4,546,031 Fire Department $ 3,781,556 Inspection Services S 261,889 Health Department $ 581,580 Community Development $ 130,746 Library $ 1,017,756 Parks & Recreation $ 174,332 Council on Aging $ 362,278 DPW Administration $ 90,050 Highway& Grounds $ 1,846,417 Motor Vehicle Maintenance $ 664,959 Engineering $ 192,203 Building Maintenance $ 3,900,744 Agawarn Public Schools $ 38,080,847 Emergency Management $ 34,750 Line Items $ -44- -g6 TOTAL - GEN. OPERATING BUDGET S 78,397,107 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET $ 8821163 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 79 SELF SUSTAINING DEPARTMENTS Wastewater Department $ 3,550,599 Wastewater Capital Improvement Budget $ 47,174 TOTAL- WASTEWATER $ 3,597,773 Water Department $ 4,077,025 Water Capital Improvement Budget $ 47,147 TOTAL - WATER $ 4,124,172 Golf Course S 656,419 Golf Course Equipment $ 0 TOTAL- GOLF $ 656,419 TOTAL- SELF SUSTAINING DEFT TOTAL - ALL DEPARTMENTS S 87,657,634 11. There is hereby levied upon all taxable property within the corporate limits of the Town ofAgawam, Massachusetts upon each dollar of assessed valuethereof,taxes in an amount to be determined. 12. The following available funds are transferred/appropriated for use in the Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Operating Budget to help reduce the tax burden: Ambulance Fees $ 50,,000 13. Authorize the Western Hampden District Veteran's Service to exceed its assessment limitation by $2,849 (Agawam's share) pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 59, Section 20B. Dated this m l day of 12A 1 . 2013. PER ORDER OF THE AqAWAM TOWN COUNCIL Christopher -0 ohnson, President APPRf)VED A TO FORM AND LEGALITY t Vincent F. Gioscia, City Solicitor ESTIMATED TAX LEVY Fiscal Year 2014 1. TO CALCULATE 'I'HE I`r' 2013 LEVY LIMIT A 1. AID A ME\, rDED FY 2013 G ROWTH B. ADD {IA 4 IA1 2.5% S 1,436,955 C. ADD FY 2013 NEW GROWTH (ESTIMATED) 1,639,610 D. ADD FY 2013 OVERRIDE _ E. FY 2013 LEVY LIMIT 60,55 ,774 11. TO CALCULATE" LEVY CEILING 100% FY 2013 DULL AND FAIR CASH VALUE 2,701,515,98 2.50 7,537,9I10 ESTIMATED FISCAL YEAR 2014 LEVY: FY 2013TAX LEVY 50,058,334 ADD 0.4% TAX INCREASE - -,- " t+ 1 S ADD FY 2014 NEW GROWTH (ESTIMATED) S 1,639,610 FY 2014 TAX LEVY S 51,893, 27 51, "743152: " EXCESS LEVY CAPACITY S 8,661,247 Page 7 Proposed Amendments t TR.- ` 1 - 5 Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Operating Budget For the Town of Agawam 1. Reduce the Line Items appropriation by $150,000 from $20,768 186.00 to $20, 18,18 .00 by; a. Reducing the appropriation for Reserve Fund b $50,000.00 from 3 5 0,000.00 t $3 00,000.00 y and b. Reducing the appropriation for Salary Reserve by $100,000.00 from $310,000.00 to 210,000.00 2, Reduce the appropriation for the School Department by $200,000.00 from 38,080,847.00 to $37,880,847.00. 3.. Reduce projected revenue from the Real Estate Tax Levy by$350,000,00 from $51,893,527.00 t $51543,527.00 4, Amend paragraph 2 ofTR-2013- 5 to read as follows,; "The Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Operating Budget is adopted according to the departmental and line item categories contained therein. Said adoption allowing administrative transfers of funds not to exceed one thousand $1,000,00 dollars in total for the fiscal year from any line item within any category of any departmental or the lame item budget to any other line item within the same category of the dale departmental or line item budget., All other transfers shall require advance approval of the Agawam City Council." AGAWAM CITY ..:' 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING AG W M CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT Christopher C. Johnson VICE PRESIDENT The Agawam City Council will conduct a public hearing on Monday, Dennis.I. Perry June 17, 20I3, at 7:00psn, at the Roberta Ci. Doering Schaal, 68 Main: COUNCILORS Street, Agawam, 'MA on the proposed Annual Operating Budget for George Bitzas Fiscal Year 2014 as submitted to the City Council by the Mayor. The Cecilia. Calabrese Annual Operating Budget for FY2014 is available for public Paul C. Cavallo inspection at the 'City Clerk's,Office, 36 Main Street, Agawam, MA. James P. Cichetti between the hours of 8:30arn to 4m30prn, Monday through Friday. The Drina M Letellier Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2014 is also available at the Robert A. Magovern Joseph Mineo Agawam Public Library, 750 Cooper Street, Agawam, MA- and the Donald M. Rhea tt Agawam Senior Center, 954 Main Street,,Agawam, MA. Hobert Rossi ' ADMINISTRATIVE` III l►RIIEIt OF: X;7- ASSISTANT Barbara A. Bard Christopher C. Johnson City Council President � �m M TELEPHONE (413)72 -971 FAX ('413) 726 9717 EMAIL bbard@agawam,ma.us TR-201 -35' RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF A G W A1' WHEREAS, Under the provisions ofChapter 44, Section 32 of the Massachusetts General Laws and'Section -1 of Article 5 of the Agawam Horne Rule Charter,the proposed FY 014 Annual Operating Budget was submitted on May 14, 013, and WHEREAS, Linder the provisions of Section - (a) of Article 5 of the Charter, a public hearing on the proposed annual operating budget was held on June 17, 2013, notice thereof having been published in one issue of newspaper of general circulation in the Tow of Agawam more than fourteen (14)days before such hearing; and WHEREAS, It is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to adopt the attached Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Operating Budget; and NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWA,M TOWN COUNCIL HEREBY' RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 44 of the Massachusetts General Laws and Article 5 of the Agawam Home Rule Charter,the Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2014 which begins July 1, 2013, a copy of which i < attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference,is hereby adopted,and the several sums therein set forth to be raised by the levy of a tact upon all taxable property within the corporate limits of the Town of Agawam, Massachusetts, all other funds and receipts are hereby appropriated for the several purposes therein stated.: 2. The Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Operating Budget is adopted according to the departmental and line item categories contained therein. Said adoption allowing administrative transfer of funds from any line item within any category of any departmental or the line item budget to any other line item within the same category of the same departmental or line item budget. 1 There is hereby appropriated in the Line It - Contributory Retirement an appropriation to the credit of the Hampden County Retirement Board to satisfy the Town of Agawam's share of the Pension and Expense Credit Funds. 4� Consideration has been given for anticipated receipt of funds from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for street reconstruction purposes as set forth in the Highway portion of the budget which is attached hereto, 5. In addition to any specific appropriation, revolving, gift and grant funds are hereby established under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40, S 3 and Chapter 44 S 53A, S 53D and S 53 El/2 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013, with the specific receipts credited to each fund, the purposes for which each fund may be spent and the maximum amount that may be spent from each fund for the fiscal year, as described in Exhibit A. 6. There is hereby appropriated all money from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the United States of America, as well as, from any grants or donations received for public purposes. 7. There is hereby appropriated all money received from the interest income on short term investments including the interest earned on funds in interest bearing bank accounts, 8. That the Assessor use not more than $1,500,000 of"Certified Free Cash" to reduce the Fiscal 2014 Tax Rate, 9. The Agawam City Council hereby resolves, authorizes and appropriates $575,000 from the Wastewater Retained Earnings, account 22500-31510 to Fund Balance Appropriations, account 2251048500. 10. The Agawam City Council hereby resolves, authorizes and appropriates S 150,000 from the Wastewater Retained Earnings, account 60100-3)510 to Fund Balance Appropriations, account 60110-48500. IL The Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Operating Budget for the Town of Agawam is hereby adopted as follows: GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET Council $ 177,283 Mayor $ 300,207 Administration Building S 212,954 Law Department $ 121,300 Auditor $ 152,359 Clerk/Elections $ 228,026 Assessor $ 254,856 Data Processing $ 223,481 Treasurer/Collector $ 294,363 Police Department $ 4,546,031 Fire DepaTtment $ 3,781,$56 Inspection Services $ 261,889 Health Department $ 581,580 Community Development $ 130,746 Library $ 1,017,756 Parks & Recreation $ 174,332 Council on Aging $ 362,278 DPW Administration $ 90,050 Highway& Grounds $ 1,846,417 Motor Vehicle Maintenance $ 664,959 Engineering $ 192,203 Building Maintenance $ 3,900,744 Agawam Public Schools $ 38,080,847 Emergency Management $ 34,750 Line Items L20,768.,186 TOTAL- GEN. OPERATING BUDGET 78,399,153 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 882,163 TOTAL GENE RALFUND 781.31 SELF SUSTAINING DEPARTMENTS Wastewater Department $ 3,550,599 Wastewater Capital Improvement Budget $ 47,174 TOTAL-WASTEWATER $ 3,597,773 Water Department $ 4,077,025 Water Capital Improvement Budget $ 47)147 TOTAL - WATER $ 4,124,172 Golf Course S 656,419 Golf Course Equipment $ 0 TOTAL- GOLF $ 656,419 TOTAL- SELF SUSTAINING DEPTS A TOTAL.- ALL DEPARTMENTS 11. There is hereby levied upon all taxable property within the corporate limits of the Town of Agawam,Massachusetts upon each dollar of assessed value thereof,takes in an amount to be determined. 12. The following available funds are transferred/appropriated for use in the Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Operating Budget to help reduce the tax burden: Ambulance Fees $ 50,000 13. Authorize the Western Hampden District Veteran's Service to exceed its assessment limitation by $2,849 (Agawam's share) pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 59, Section 20B. Dated this day of .2013. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL Christopher C. Johnson,President A PROVED SiTO FORM AND LEGALITY 0 F( Vincent P.t4scia, City Solicitor fill INNS INIR IINK INNI film fill Ills loop limp WO ININ INNS IMIR MOB idiom A, I.. .... RMMW . ......... ........... ..... ............. ................... .... . .... fill lemon am, loop fill 111B fill look IMMI Wo loop fill ......... . .... . . .. . ........ .......... ............ muumuu an fill fill WN IMIN , loll loll loop fool loll 00 loll loop 141mm M .................. 4"'A"',"A" 1 i MAW Am S',"'24 ISM Sp, loop MI OWN limit INAMMI 1001 1001 4101 IONOW IM so fill slow 00 Wil loop fill flow ........... .................................. ...............I.. ...... ... ........ -� ,............ 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