TR-2013-40 APPROP FOR N WESTFIELD ST WATER MAIN �(Q�X13-q.o Qp � '�o 00
(Sponsored By: Mayor Richard Cohen)
WHEREAS, the current 54 inch water transmission main, owned by the Springfield
Water and Sewer Commission, and located within North Westfield Street was constructed in
1928; and
WHEREAS, currently five of the Town's six interconnections with the Springfield's
water supply are on this main; and
WHEREAS, if the main fails the Town of Agawam would be without a water§ �,pplyyt'r,
fire protection; and a car
WHEREAS, a catastrophic failure occurred on a section of the 54-inch transrwssioh x
main in November 2012; and
WHEREAS, testing and evaluation have determined that the water main is at the enj of r
its useful life; and CP
WHEREAS, the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission are in the process of
designing a replacement for this main contingent upon our North Westfield Street Water Main
WHEREAS, the North Westfield Street Water Main Project will create a redundant
system in the event of a failure of the water Main; and
WHEREAS, the City of Springfield will eventually discontinue use of the current water
main; and
WHEREAS, it has been determined to be in the best interests of the Town and the
residents to proceed with the North Westfield Street Water Main Construction Project.
NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby resolves to authorize
the following: That $6,340,000.00 is appropriated to pay costs of the North Westfield Street
Water Main Project, which includes, but is not limited to: (i) installation of approximately 11,500
feet of 24-inch, 12-inch and 8-inch DI water main, including valves, hydrants, services, fittings
and appurtenances on North Westfield Street, (ii) modifications of the Springfield Water and
Sewer Commission's existing 42-inch sleeve to accommodate the new 24-inch water main, (iii)
final surface restoration, including 2-inch mill and overlay along North Westfield Street, and (iv)
the payment of all other costs incidental and related thereto, and to meet this appropriation, the
Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor, is authorized to borrow said amount under and
pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7(1) of the General Laws, or pursuant to any other enabling
authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor.
/ C'4t
DATED THIS 1 OF L� k 41- , 2013
Christopher C. Jo son, President
Vincenl dlla4la, Solicitor
Department of Public Works
1000 Suffield Street • Agawam MA 01001
y Tel (413) 821-0600 • Fax (413) 821-0631
Christopher J. Golba — Superintendent
North Westfield Street
Water Main Construction Project
The North Westfield Street water main project consists of the installation of approximately 11,500
linear feet of water main starting at the Agawam/Westfield Town lines in North Westfield Street
ending at the intersection of North Westfield Street and North Street. The project includes the
installation of 8,500 feet of 24 inch water main starting at the intersection of North Street and North
Westfield Street to 1023 North Westfield Street. From 1023 North Westfield Street 1,700 feet of 12
inch water main will be installed to the intersection of North Westfield Street and North West Street.
From the intersection of North Westfield Street and North West Street, 1,300 feet of 8 inch water
main will be installed to the Agawam/Westfield Town lines.
The water main installation project is critical to the Town in order to provide redundancy to our water
system in the event of the failure of Springfield Water and Sewers 54/48 inch transmission main. The
main was installed in 1928. Currently, 5 of our 6 interconnections with the Springfield's water supply
are on this main and when the main fails the Town would be without water supply and fire
protection. Recently, in November of 2012, a catastrophic failure occurred on a section of the 54 inch
transmission main and subsequent evaluation and testing indicated that the water main is,
essentially, at the end of its useful life.
The Springfield Water and Sewer Commission are in the process of designing a replacement for this
main which is contingent on our North Westfield Street water main project. Anticipated costs for the
replacement of this main is approximately 30 million dollars and will commence once our project is
Received this_ 104�'N day of 0C+d)je!N. , 2013 from Council Clerk.
Signed by Council President this g'ti'�` day of U tk) �. , 2013.
By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as
ame ded, I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this day of
IZ , 2013.
Richard A. Cohen, Mayor
By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as
amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of
2013 for the following reason(s):
Richard A. Cohen, Mayor
Returned to Council Clerk this (; " day of alobtA- , 2013.
$4,340,000 Loan _
Project FY15 FYI FY17�
D P.W.Facility Altemtian•Water S 65,268 S 63,504 $ 63,505
Water Main Oesgn•Main 6 Suffield Streets $ - j - 3 -
Water Main Construction-Main 5 Suftid Streets S - $ . S -
Water Man Conzaurlion-North Wesdreld Sheet $ 392.607 i 393,602 $ 374,596
Water Man Construction-Reed Street S - S $ -
Water Man Construction-Silva 5 Elm Streets $ - $ - S
Water Man Design•South Street S - $ - j -
SWSC Tronsmisslon Main Replaeemant $ 66,323 j 330.463 $ 03.176
Water Main Construction•South Street S S . 3
Net Debt Service-Water Fund $ 524,198 S 627,569 $ 923,277
Total operating Budget+Debt Saivlce $ 4,900,115 S 5,327.195 S 5,566,063
Proposed Rafts
Resldentkd i 2.01 S 2.01 S 2.17
Cormmrdwwusmwr,er II Residential S 7.51 S 2.51 S 2.71
S4,640,009 Loan
Project FY7S FY76 FYI W`
OP.W.Facility Al orations-Water 6 65.268 S 63.504 $ 63,505
Water Main Design•Man 5 Suffield Strwt5 S - S S -
Water Main Construction-Main&SuMeld Streets f -
Water Main Construction-North Westfield Street S 437,839 j 427,796 S 417.753
Water Main Conatrrcum•Reed Sim" $ - S - f
Water Main Construction-Silver 5 Elm Streets S - f - s -
Wisher Mein Design.South Street j - $ - $ -
SWSC Trantndsaion Main Replacement j 66.323 S 350,463 S 485,176
Water Main Construction-Swth Street $ - S $
Net Debt Service-Water Fund $ 569,430 $ 871,763 S 9K434
Total 0parating Budget+Debt Service S 4,945.346 S 5,371,366 S 5.631,219
Proposed Rates
Residential S 2.03 S 2,03 $ 2.19
CertrneroiaVlndustrialiTier II Residen0et i 2.54 S 2.54 S 2.74
f5,340,00.0 Loan
Project FYI FY16 FYI
O.P.W,Facility A6erations•Water S 65,266 S 03,504 $ 61,505
Water Man Design-Main d Suffield Streets S - j $ -
Water Man Construction.Main 6 Suffield Streets S - S i
Water Main Construction-North Westfield Sheet 3 493,070 $ 471.989 S 460,909
Water Man Construction-Read Street $ f - S -
Water Man Conatrtrc0on-S ver 6 EIm Streets S - S - f -
Water Main Design-South Street $ - S S
SWSC Trans"Usm Main ReloWmmera S 66.323 3 380,463 S 485.176
Water Man Construction-South Street S . S S Not Data SmlcaWater Fund $ 614.661 S 915.956 $ 1,000,590
Total Operating Budget+Debt IllerNt:a S 4,96D,575 $ 5.415.582 $ 5,674.375
Proposed Rot"
Residential $ 2.05 S 2,05 S 2,23
Corm miMndustrwTier It Residardlal S 2.58 $ 2.56 S 2.79
$5,940,000 Loan
Project FY15 FY16 FYST f
DeAlterations-Water 65, S 63,534 $ 63.505
Water Main Design-Mein&SuDeld Streets 5 -
j - S �
Water Man Construction.Main d Suf7roid Streets $ - $ - $
Water Main Construction-North Westfield Street S 528,301 S 516,183 3 504,085
Water Man Construction-Reed Street $ - S $ -
Water Man cons1ruction-ewer E Elrn StraeLs S - j - $ /
Water Man Design-South Street S - -j - $ -
SWSC Transmbslon Man Replacerrlaa S 66,323 S 350,463 5 485,176
Water Main Construction-South Street S - S $ -
Net Debt Service-Water Fund $ 659.892 S 960,150 $ 1.052,746
Total Operating Budget+Debt Service S 5,035,609 S 5,459,776 S 5,717,532
Proposed Rates
Residential S 2.07 S 2.07 S 225
C mrnarGatllndustrlaiiTier 13 Residential f 2.59 S 2.59 3 2,82
56 340 OG0 Loan
Project FY15 FY16 FYI
O_P.W.Facility AAerstions-Water f 65,268 S $3.504 $ 631505
Water Man Design•Man h Suffie d Streets $ - S S -
Water Main Construction-Main d SuDleld Streets S - $ . S
Water Main Construction-North Westfield Street $ $73,532 S 560.371 s 547,221
Water Main Construction-Reed Street
Water Man Construction-Silver A Elm Streets
Water Man Design-South Street S
SWSC Tnrgmiesion Main Replacement S W.323 S 380,463 S 485,176
Water Main Construction-South Street f S $ .
Net Debt Smvic-WeMr Fund S 705,123 S 1.00413" 3 1,095.902
Total Operating Budget+Debt Lervlee 6 5,081.040 $ 5,503,970 $ 5,760,696
Propelled Rate
Residential $ 2.09 $ 2.09 $ 2,27
CemmerciaDlndustUVI-let 11 Residential $ 2.61 5 2.61 S 2.34
Springfield Water and Sewer Commission
Date: Tuesday, October 01, 2013
To: Files
From: Robert Stoops
Chief Engineer
Re: South Transmission Main Cost Impacts On Wholesale Communities
In response to a request from Chris Golba from the Town of Agawam, this memo serves to
summarize the preliminary construction cost outlays and resulting financing impact to wholesale
communities associated with the construction of the new 54/48-inch South Transmission Main.
The south transmission main located from Provin Mountain through Agawam to the Route 5
rotary has met its useful life. As a result of large main breaks and resulting engineering analyses,
the pipe needs to be replaced as soon as possible.
The Springfield Water and Sewer Commission(SWSC)applied to the MA Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP) for State Revolving Fund (SRF) loans to fund construction
costs. The State has indicated that low interest loans (2%) would be made available to the
SWSC for approximately $28 million of the expected $35 million dollar project. To finance the
balance of the project, the SWSC will likely sell approximately$6.7 million in General
Obligation Bonds and fund approximately $250,000 out of revenues and reserves.
The estimated costs for survey, permitting, design and preparation of various bid documents is
$1.2 million. The final construction bid documents should be complete by the end of 2013.
Bidding will take place in the spring of 2014.
The south transmission main project is comprised of phases including:
• Phase I includes the installation of some temporary 12-inch diameter HDPE piping to
provide redundancy during the course of the project in the event of a main break in an
area of Agawam that would be impacted the most. The total cost of phase I is estimated
at $100,000. This work is expected to be complete by fall of 2013.
• Phase II includes the replacement of a 36-inch diameter gate valve and piping at the
Provin Mountain storage tank site. The new gate valve is necessary to isolate the 54/48-
inch transmission main which will be taken off line for repair without impacting the
proposed new 24-inch main in Agawam. The cost of this work is approximately
$150,000. This work is expected to be complete by fall of 2013.
• Phase III involves replacing piping and valves at the Provin Mountain site that will
connect to the 54/48-inch transmission main. This work is estimated to be complete by
June 2014 at a cost of$1.5 million.
• Phase IV is construction of the 6.5 mile section of new transmission main,valves,
culverts and appurtenances. This portion of the project should nat start until Agawam
installs and operates their proposed 24-inch main. Agawam's main will provide the
Town with sufficient water volume and pressure during the nearly two-year anticipated
construction schedule and in the event of a major main break.
The preliminary design cost estimate is $32,000,000 for Phase IV. Assuming Agawam
approves its project and awards it as soon as possible, their schedule calls for the 24-inch
ductile iron pipe to be operational within a year,or November 2014.
The SWSC is basing its schedule on that completion date and will start construction on
its main in November 2014. The south transmission main project will need two full
construction seasons to complete. The estimated completion date is October 2016.
The information provided herein is based on engineering documents and plans prepared for the
SWSC by its consulting engineers. The costs presented herein are preliminary engineering
estimates. Actual construction costs will be determined by the bids received, the contract award
amount, change orders and change directives that occur in the field.
The schedules provided herein are dependent on the MADEP SRF funding requirements, MA
state procurement requirements, contractor schedules, means and methods, the Town of Agawam
24-inch main project completion, weather and other miscellaneous variables.
This project is expected to transcend two construction seasons and complete in October of 2016.
Therefore we plan to fund this project in three separate funding cycles. The SWSC will issue a
General Bond Obligation for an estimated $6.7 million and borrow$28 million from the
Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust(MWPAT). The follow is an estimated funding
12/1/2013 7/1/2014 7/1/2015 7/1/2016 7/1/2017 7/2/2017
Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Years
FUNDING AVAILIBLE 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019-2036
General Bond Obligation issuance $ 6,700.000
MWPAT(cycle 1 Interim Funding) $ 14,000,000
MWPAT(cycle 2 Interim Funding) $ 14,000,000
Total Funding $ 6,700,1100 $ 14,000,000 $_ 14,000,000 $ - $ - $ -
Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year's
DEBT SCHEDULE 2014 2016 2016 2017 2018 2019-2036
General Bond _
$6.7M @ 4%over 20 years $ 542,300 $ 542,300 $ 542,300 $ 542,300 $ 642,300
MWPAT(cyl 1-$14M @ 2%120 yrs)
Debt Service Pymt $ 856,200 5 856,200 $ 856,200 $ 856,200
Reserve Requirement first year $ 1,712,400
MWPAT(cyl 2-$14M @ 2%120 yrs)
Debt Service Pyrnt $ 856,200 $ 856,200 $ 856,200
Reserve Requirement first year 5 1,712,400
$ - $ 542,300 $ 3,110,900 $ 3.967.100 $ 2,254,700 $ 2,254,700
Agawam's 5 year Consumption Avg. 12.23% 12.23% 12.23% 12.23% 12.23%
Agawam's Estimate Project Cost $ ___ $ 66,323 $ 380Z463 $ 485,176 $ 275,750 $, 275,750
In Fiscal Year 2016 and 2017 please note the amounts listed are greater than that of the
remaining funding years. This is due to the SWSC's General Bond Resolution's (GBR) Bond
Reserve Requirement. Based on the formula within the GBR the SWSC is obligated to fund the
Debt Service Reserve Fund as well as the Debt Service Fund equal to two times the current debt
service payment. Therefore in first year of both MWPAT funding cycles the Bond Reserve will
need to reflect those increases.
The above schedule is an estimate for this project only. It does not reflect any future projects or
past projects that are nearing or at the end of their financing obligation. Also, other variables
that will change each fiscal year are Agawam's annual proportional water consumption. The
above percentage reflects a five year average.
Both MWPAT funding cycles assume permanent financing within 12 months of interim
financing. Permanent financing could also occur within 6 months or 18 months of interim
To: Barbara Bard October 1, 2013
From:Cece Calabrese
2 pages follow—notes from Community Relations Meeting last night
Present at meeting: Me,Jim Chicetti, George Bltzas, Paul Cavallo, Dennis Perry, Bob Rossi and Don
Also present: Chet Nicora, Mary McGinnis(sp7)from PVTA, Mr, Lemanski, Lou Conti, Henry Kozlowski
Give me a call If you cannot read the notes. we voted 5-0 to send positive recommendation on both
Thanks Barbi
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Springfield Water and Sewer Commission
Date: Tuesday, October 01, 2013
To: Files
From: Robert Stoops
Chief Engineer
Re: South Transmission Main Cost Impacts On Wholesale Communities
In response to a request from Chris Golba from the Town of Agawam, this memo serves to
summarize the preliminary construction cost outlays and resulting financing impact to wholesale
communities associated with the construction of the new 54/48-inch South Transmission Main.
The south transmission main located from Provin Mountain through Agawam to the Route 5
rotary has met its useful life. As a result of large main breaks and resulting engineering analyses,
the pipe needs to be replaced as soon as possible.
The Springfield Water and Sewer Commission (SWSC) applied to the MA Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP) for State Revolving Fund (SRF) loans to fund construction
costs. The State has indicated that low interest loans(2%) would be made available to the
SWSC for approximately $28 million of the expected $35 million dollar project. To finance the
balance of the project, the SWSC will likely sell approximately$6.7 million in General
Obligation Bonds and fund approximately $250,000 out of revenues and reserves.
The estimated costs for survey, permitting, design and preparation of various bid documents is
$l.2 million. The final construction bid documents should be complete by the end of 2013.
Bidding will take place in the spring of 2014.
The south transmission main project is comprised of phases including:
• Phase I includes the installation of some temporary 12-inch diameter HDPE piping to
provide redundancy during the course of the project in the event of a main break in an
area of Agawam that would be impacted the most. The total cost of phase I is estimated
at $100,000. This work is expected to be complete by fall of 2013.
• Phase II includes the replacement of a 36-inch diameter gate valve and piping at the
Provin Mountain storage tank site. The new gate valve is necessary to isolate the 54/48-
inch transmission main which will be taken off line for repair without impacting the
proposed new 24-inch main in Agawam. The cost of this work is approximately
$150,000. This work is expected to be complete by fall of 2013.
• Phase III involves replacing piping and valves at the Provin Mountain site that will
connect to the 54/48-inch transmission main. This work is estimated to be complete by
June 2014 at a cost of$1.5 million.
• Phase IV is construction of the 6.5 mile section of new transmission main, valves,
culverts and appurtenances. This portion of the project should not start until Agawam
installs and operates their proposed 24-inch main. Agawam's main will provide the
Town with sufficient water volume and pressure during the nearly two-year anticipated
construction schedule and in the event of a major main break.
The preliminary design cost estimate is $32,000,000 for Phase IV. Assuming Agawam
approves its project and awards it as soon as possible, their schedule calls for the 24-inch
ductile iron pipe to be operational within a year, or November 2014.
The SWSC is basing its schedule on that completion date and will start construction on
its main in November 2014. The south transmission main project will need two full
construction seasons to complete. The estimated completion date is October 2016.
The information provided herein is based on engineering documents and plans prepared for the
SWSC by its consulting engineers. The costs presented herein are preliminary engineering
estimates. Actual construction costs will be determined by the bids received, the contract award
amount, change orders and change directives that occur in the field.
The schedules provided herein are dependent on the MADEP SRF funding requirements, MA
state procurement requirements, contractor schedules, means and methods, the Town of Agawam
24-inch main project completion, weather and other miscellaneous variables.
This project is expected to transcend two construction seasons and complete in October of 2016.
Therefore we plan to fund this project in three separate funding cycles. The SWSC will issue a
General Bond Obligation for an estimated $6.7 million and borrow$28 million from the
Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust(MWPAT). The follow is an estimated funding
12/1/2013 7/1/2014 7/1/201.5 7/1/2016 7/1/2017 7/2/2017
Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Years
FUNDING AVAILISLE 2014 2016 2016 2017 2018 .2019-2036
General Bond Obligation issuance $ 6,700.000
MWPAT(cycle 1 Interim Funding) $ 14,000,000
MWPAT(cycle 2 Interim Funding) _ $ 14,000,000 _
Total Funding $ 6,700,000 $ 14,000,000 $ 14,000,000 $ - $
Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Years
DEBT SCHEDULE 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019-2036
General Bond
$6.7M @ 4%over 20 years $ 542,300 $ 542,300 S 542,300 $ 542,300 $ 542,300
M WPAT(cyl 1414M @ 2%120 yrs)
Debt Service Pyml $ 856,200 $ 856,200 $ 856,200 $ 856,200
Reserve Requirement first year $ 1,712,400
M WPAT(cyl 2414M @ 2%120 yrs)
Debt Service Pymt $ 856,200 $ 856,200 $ 856.200
Reserve Requirement first year 5 1,712,400
$ - $ 542,300 $ 3,110,900 $ 3,967,100 $ 2.254,700 $ 2,254,700
Agawam's 5 year Consumption Avg. 12,23% 12,23% 12.23% 12.23% 12.23%
Agawam's Estimate Project Cost $ - $ 66,323_ $ 380,463 $ 485,176 $ 276,760 $ 276,760
In Fiscal Year 2016 and 2017 please note the amounts listed are greater than that of the
remaining funding years. This is due to the SWSC's General Bond Resolution's (GBR) Bond
Reserve Requirement. Based on the formula within the GBR the SWSC is obligated to fund the
Debt Service Reserve Fund as well as the Debt Service Fund equal to two times the current debt
service payment. Therefore in first year of both MWPAT funding cycles the Bond Reserve will
need to reflect those increases.
The above schedule is an estimate for this project only. It does not reflect any future projects or
past projects that are nearing or at the end of their financing obligation. Also, other variables
that will change each fiscal year are Agawam's annual proportional water consumption. The
above percentage reflects a five year average.
Both MWPAT funding cycles assume permanent financing within 12 months of interim
financing. Permanent financing could also occur within 6 months or 18 months of interim
Springfield Water and Sewer Commission
Date: Tuesday, October 01, 2013
To: Files
From: Robert Stoops
Chief Engineer .
Re: South Transmission Main Cost Impacts On Wholesale Communities
In response to a request from Chris Golba from the Town of Agawam,this memo serves to
summarize the preliminary construction cost outlays and resulting financing impact to wholesale
communities associated with the construction of the new 54/48-inch South Transmission Main.
The south transmission main located from Provin Mountain through Agawam to the Route 5
rotary has met its useful life. As a result of large main breaks and resulting engineering analyses,
the pipe needs to be replaced as soon as possible.
The Springfield Water and Sewer Commission(SWSC)applied to the MA Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP) for State Revolving Fund (SRF) loans to fund construction
costs. The State has indicated that low interest loans (2%) would be made available to the
SWSC for approximately $28 million of the expected $35 million dollar project. To finance the
balance of the project, the SWSC will likely sell approximately$6.7 million in General
Obligation Bonds and fund approximately $250,000 out of revenues and reserves.
The estimated costs for survey,permitting, design and preparation of various bid documents is
$1.2 million. The final construction bid documents should be complete by the end of 2013.
Bidding will take place in the spring of 2014.
The south transmission main project is comprised of phases including:
• Phase I includes the installation of some temporary 12-inch diameter HDPE piping to
provide redundancy during the course of the project in the event of a main break in an
area of Agawam that would be impacted the most. The total cost of phase I is estimated
at $100,000. This work is expected to be complete by fall of 2013.
• Phase I1 includes the replacement of a 36-inch diameter gate valve and piping at the
Provin Mountain storage tank site. The new gate valve is necessary to isolate the 54148-
inch transmission main which will be taken off line for repair without impacting the
proposed new 24-inch main in Agawam. The cost of this approximately
$150,000. This work is expected to be complete by fall of 2013..
• Phase III involves replacing piping and valves at the Provin Mountain site that will
connect to the 54148-inch transmission main. This work is estimated to be complete by
June 2014 at a cost of$1.5 million.
• Phase IV is construction of the 6.5 mile section of new transmission main, valves,
culverts and appurtenances. This portion of the project should not start until Agawam
installs and operates their proposed 24-inch main. Agawam's main will provide the
Town with sufficient water volume and pressure during the nearly two-year anticipated
construction schedule and in the event of a major main break.
The preliminary design cost estimate is $32,000,000 for Phase IV. Assuming Agawam
approves its project and awards it as soon as possible, their schedule calls for the 24-inch
ductile iron pipe to be operational within a year, or November'2014.
The SWSC is basing its schedule on that completion date and will start construction on
its main in November 2014. The south transmission main project will need two full
construction seasons to complete. The estimated completion date is October 2016.
The information provided herein is based on engineering documents and plans prepared for the
SWSC by its consulting engineers. The costs presented herein are preliminary engineering
estimates. Actual construction costs will be determined by the bids received, the contract award
amount, change orders and change directives that occur in the field.
The schedules provided herein are dependent on the MADEP SRF funding requirements, MA
state procurement requirements, contractor schedules, means and methods, the Town of Agawam
24-inch main project completion, weather and other miscellaneous variables.
This project is expected to transcend two construction seasons and complete in October of 2016.
Therefore we plan to fund this project in three separate funding cycles. The SWSC will issue a
General Bond Obligation for an estimated $6.7 million and borrow $28 million from the
Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust(MWPAT). The follow is an estimated funding
J .
12/1/2013 7/1/2014 7/1/2015 7/1/2016 7/1/2017 7/2/2017
Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year's
FUNDING AVAILIBLE 2014 2015 2016 2017 2010 2019-2036
General Bond Obligation issuance $ 6,700,000
MWPAT(cycle 1 Interim Funding) $ 14,000,000
MWPAT(cycle 2 Interim Funding) _ $ 14,00Q000
Total Funding $ 6,700,000 $ 14,000,000 $ 14,000,000 $ - $ - $ -
Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year's
DEBT SCHEDULE 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019-2036
General Bond
S6.71V @ 4%over 20 years $ 542,300 $ 542,300 S 542,300 $ 542,300 $ 542,300
MWPAT(cyl 1-$14M @ 2%120 yrs)
Debt Service Pymt $ 856,200 $ 856,200 $ 856,200 $ 856,200
Reserve Requirement first year $ 1,712,400
MIN PAT(cyl 2-$14M @ 2%120 yrs)
Debt Service Pymt. $ 856,200 $ 856,200 $ 856,200
Reserve Requirement first year $ 1,712,400
$ - $ 542,300 $ 3,110,900 $ 3,967,100 $ 2,254,700 $ 2,254.700
Agawam's 5 year Consumption Avg. 12.23% 12.23% 12.23% 12.23% 12.23%
Agawam's Estimate Project Cost $ - $ 66,323 $ 380,463 $ , 485,176 $ 275160 $ 276,750
In Fiscal Year 2016 and 2017 please note the amounts listed are greater than that of the
remaining funding years. This is due to the SWSC's General Bond Resolution's (GBR) Bond
Reserve Requirement. Based on the formula within the GBR the SWSC is obligated to fund the
Debt Service Reserve Fund as well as the Debt Service Fund equal to two times the current debt
service payment. Therefore in first year of both MWPAT funding cycles the Bond Reserve will
need to reflect those increases.
The above schedule is an estimate for this project only. It does not reflect any future projects or
past projects that are nearing or at the end of their financing obligation. Also, other variables
that will change each fiscal year are Agawam's annual proportional water consumption. The
above percentage reflects a five year average.
Both MWPAT funding cycles assume permanent financing within 12 months of interim
financing. Permanent financing could also occur within 6 months or 18 months of interim
Springfield Water and Sewer Commission
Date: Tuesday, October 01, 2013
To: Files
From: Robert Stoops
Chief Engineer
Re: South Transmission Main Cost Impacts On Wholesale Communities
In response to a request from Chris Golba from the Town of Agawam, this memo serves to
summarize the preliminary construction cost outlays and resulting financing impact to wholesale
communities associated with the construction of the new 54/48-inch South Transmission Main.
The south transmission main located from Provin Mountain through Agawam to the Route 5
rotary has met its useful life. As a result of large main breaks and resulting engineering analyses,
the pipe needs to be replaced as soon as possible.
The Springfield Water and Sewer Commission (SWSC) applied to the MA Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP) for State Revolving Fund (SRF) loans to fund construction
costs. The State has indicated that low interest loans (2%) would be made available to the
SWSC for approximately $28 million of the expected $35 million dollar project. To finance the
balance of the project, the SWSC will likely sell approximately$6.7 million,in General
Obligation Bonds and fund approximately $250,000 out of revenues and reserves.
The estimated costs for survey, permitting, design and preparation of various bid documents is
$1.2 million. The final construction bid documents should be complete by the end of 2013.
Bidding will take place in the spring of 2014.
The south transmission main project is comprised of phases including:
• Phase I includes the installation of some temporary 12-inch diameter HDPE piping to
provide redundancy during the course of the project in the event of a main break in an
area of Agawam that would be impacted the most. The total cost of phase I is estimated
at $100,000. This work is expected to be complete by fall of 2013.
• Phase II includes the replacement of a 36-inch diameter gate valve and piping at the
Provin Mountain storage tank site. The new gate valve is necessary to isolate the 54/48-
inch transmission main which will be taken off line for repair without impacting the
proposed new 24-inch main in Agawam. The cost of this work is approximately
$150,000. This work is expected to be complete by fall of 2013.
• Phase III involves replacing piping and valves at the Provin Mountain site that will
connect to the 54/48-inch transmission main. This work is estimated to be complete by
June 2014 at a cost of$l.5 million.
• Phase IV is construction of the 6.5 mile section of new transmission main, valves,
culverts and appurtenances. This portion of the project should not start until Agawam
installs and operates their proposed 24-inch main. Agawam's main will provide the
Town with sufficient water volume and pressure during the nearly two-year anticipated
construction schedule and in the event of a major main break.
The preliminary design cost estimate is $32,000,000 for Phase IV. Assuming Agawam
approves its project and awards it as soon as possible, their schedule calls for the 24-inch
ductile iron pipe to be operational within a year, or November 2014.
The SWSC is basing its schedule on that completion date and will start construction on
its main in November 2014. The south transmission main project will need two full
construction seasons to complete. The estimated completion date is October 2016.
The information provided herein is based on engineering documents and plans prepared for the
SWSC by its consulting engineers. The costs presented herein are preliminary engineering
estimates. Actual construction costs will be determined by the bids received, the contract award
amount, change orders and change directives that occur in the field.
The schedules provided herein are dependent on the MADEP SRF funding requirements, MA
state procurement requirements, contractor schedules, means and methods, the Town of Agawam
24-inch main project completion, weather and other miscellaneous variables.
This project is expected to transcend two construction seasons and complete in October of 2016.
Therefore we plan to fund this project in three separate funding cycles. The SWSC will issue a
General Bond Obligation for an estimated $6.7 million and borrow$28 million from the
Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust (MWPAT). The follow is an estimated funding
12/1/2013 7/1/2014 7/1/2015 7/1/2016 7/1/2017 7/2/2017
Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year's
FUNDING AVAIL]BLE 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019-2036
General Bond Obligation issuance $ 6,700,000
MWPAT(cycle 1 Interim Funding) $ 14,000,000
MWPAT(cycle 2 Interim Funding) L 14,000,000
Total Funding $ 6,700,000 $ 14,000,000 $ 14,000,000 $ - $ - $
Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year's
DEBT SCHEDULE 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019-2036
General Bond
$6.7M Q 4%over 20 years $ 542,300 $ 542,300 $ 542,300 $ 542,300 $ 542,300
MWPAT(cyl 1-$14M @ 2%120 yrs)
Debt Service Pymt $ 856,200 S 956,200 $ 856,200 $ 856,200
Reserve Requirement first year $ 1,712,400
MIN PAT(cyl 2-$14M @ 2%120 yrs)
Debt Service Pymt $ 856,200 $ 856,200 $ 856.200
Reserve Requirement first year $ 1,712,400
$ - $ 542,300 $ 3,110,900 $ 3,967,100 $ 2,254,700 $ 2,254,700
Agawam's 5 year Consumption Avg. 12.23% 12.23% 12.23% 12.23% 12.23%
Agawam's Estimate Project Cost $ - $ 66,323 $ 380,463 $ 486,176 S_ 275,760 $ 275,760
In Fiscal Year 2016 and 2017 please note the amounts listed are greater than that of the
remaining funding years. This is due to the SWSC's General Bond Resolution's (GBR) Bond
Reserve Requirement. Based on the formula within the GBR the SWSC is obligated to fund the
Debt Service Reserve Fund as well as the Debt Service Fund equal to two times the current debt
service payment. Therefore in first year of both MWPAT funding cycles the Bond Reserve will
need to reflect those increases.
The above schedule is an estimate for this project only. It does not reflect any future projects or
past projects that are nearing or at the end of their financing obligation. Also, other variables
that will change each fiscal year are Agawam's annual proportional water consumption. The
above percentage reflects a five year average.
Both MWPAT funding cycles assume permanent financing within 12 months of interim
financing. Permanent financing could also occur within 6 months or 18 months of interim
(Sponsored By: Mayor Richard Cohen)
WHEREAS, the current 54 inch water transmission main, owned by the Springfield
Water and Sewer Commission, and located within North Westfield Street was constructed in
1928; and
WHEREAS, currently five of the Town's six interconnections with the Springfield's
water supply are on this main; and
WHEREAS, if the main fails the Town of Agawam would be without a water supply or
fire protection; and
WHEREAS, a catastrophic failure occurred on a section of the 54-inch transmission
main in November 2012; and
WHEREAS, testing and evaluation have determined that the water main is at the end of
its useful life; and
WHEREAS, the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission are in the process of
designing a replacement for this main contingent upon our North Westfield Street Water Main
Proj ect;
ti O
a �
WHEREAS, the North Westfield Street Water Main Project will create a redtnd ,
system in the event of a failure of the water Main; and r`"c, n�
WHEREAS, the City of Springfield will eventually discontinue use of the currentvat
main; and 3
WHEREAS, it has been determined to be in the best interests of the Town a& the n
residents to proceed with the North Westfield Street Water Main Construction Project, a- r-"
NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby resolves to authorize
the following: That $6,340,000.00 is appropriated to pay costs of the North Westfield Street
Water Main Project, which includes, but is not limited to: (i) installation of approximately 11,500
feet of 24-inch, 12-inch and 8-inch DI water main, including valves, hydrants, services, fittings
and appurtenances on North Westfield Street, (ii) modifications of the Springfield Water and
Sewer Commission's existing 42-inch sleeve to accommodate the new 24-inch water main, (iii)
final surface restoration, including 2-inch mill and overlay along North Westfield Street, and (iv)
the payment of all other costs incidental and related thereto, and to meet this appropriation, the
Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor, is authorized to borrow said amount under and
pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7(l) of the General Laws, or pursuant to any other enabling
authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor.
Christopher C. Johnson, President
Vincen ia, Solicitor
Department of Public Works
1000 Suffield Street • Agawam MA 01001
y Tel (413) 821-0600 • Fax (413) 821-0631
�op�Q Py�1 Christopher J. Golba — Superintendent
North Westfield Street
Water Main Construction Project
The North Westfield Street water main project consists of the installation of approximately 11,500
linear feet of water main starting at the Agawam/Westfield Town lines in North Westfield Street
ending at the intersection of North Westfield Street and North Street. The project includes the
installation of 8,500 feet of 24 inch water main starting at the intersection of North Street and North
Westfield Street to 1023 North Westfield Street. From 1023 North Westfield Street 1,700 feet of 12
inch water main will be installed to the intersection of North Westfield Street and North West Street.
From the intersection of North Westfield Street and North West Street, 1,300 feet of 8 inch water
main will be installed to the Agawam/Westfield Town lines.
The water main installation project is critical to the Town in order to provide redundancy to our water
system in the event of the failure of Springfield Water and Sewers 54/48 inch transmission main. The
main was installed in 1928. Currently, 5 of our 6 interconnections with the Springfield's water supply
are on this main and when the main fails the Town would be without water supply and fire
protection. Recently, in November of 2012, a catastrophic failure occurred on a section of the 54 inch
transmission main and subsequent evaluation and testing indicated that the water main is,
essentially, at the end of its useful life.
The Springfield Water and Sewer Commission are in the process of designing a replacement for this
main which is contingent on our North Westfield Street water main project. Anticipated costs for the
replacement of this main is approximately 30 million dollars and will commence once our project is