Sponsored by Mayor Richard A. Cohen
Whereas, voters of Agawam chose to form a Community Preservation
Committee (CPA); and G
Whereas,pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 4413, Section 5(2)o r
allows the CPA Committee to make recommendations to the legislative body; and en �r
Q r�
Whereas, pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 4413, Section 5(3)(d)-13
states that the legislative body shall then take such action and approve such
appropriations for the CPA Committee; and `
Whereas, one of the CPA committee's functions is related to providing recreation
benefits to the City and its residents; and
Whereas, the Agawam Track Exploratory Committee has determined that a
master plan needs to be developed to determine the appropriate course of action in
rehabilitating and restoring the Agawam High School Track and Field Facility; and
Whereas, there is strong community support for such use of funds from elected
officials,department heads, and residents of Agawam; and
Whereas, The Community Preservation Committee has recommended
appropriation and expenditure in the amount of twenty thousand dollars and no cents
($20,000.00) from CPA undesignated fund balance; and
Whereas, it is the best interest of the public and the Town of Agawam to
appropriate from the community preservation fund and authorize the expenditure of
community preservation funds for the creation of a master plan for the rehabilitation and
restoration of the Agawam High School Track and Field Facility.
appropriates and authorizes the expenditure of Community Preservation Funds in the
amount of twenty thousand dollars and no cents ($20,000.00) from CPA undesignated
fund balance for the creation of a master plan for the rehabilitation and restoration of the
Agawam High School Track and Field Facility.
THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL hereby further resolves that the Mayor is
authorized to expend said funds, as permitted by law, and to do all things necessary for
the purposes so stated.
Dated this day of 2013.
Christopher C. J IT
son, President
intent F. scia, City Solicitor
C eryl St. Jo di or
The purpose of this form is to make sure that all project applications applying for Community
Preservation Act funding are eligible for funding. Please refer to Appendix-B in the Community
Preservation Plan when filling out this form. This form must be approved in order for an application to
be accepted.
Project Title: /V43
Project Sponsor/0 ion: // !
• � G(.!r✓3 � fir[V (IJ�++�.�►i �1 r"/Y+
Contact Name:
Mailing Address: 3 G M F,n S� , .4 G„ ��7�
Daytime phone#: fiax#: .
E-mail address:
CPA Program Area(check those that apply):
_Open Space _Historic Preservation
_Community Housing Q Recreation
Project Purpose(check those that apply): '
Acquisition —Creation _Preservation
_Support 0'-Rehabilitation4testoration
Project Summary: Please provide a brief description of the project. (provide additional pages if
dl-s 3 V) SM i Vs.
For CPC Use Eligible: Not Eligible: Date: Reviewer:
To: Jennifer Bonfiglio
Fr: Vincent Gloscla
Date: 20 June 2013
Re: CPA Application
You have asked whether the Community Preservation Committee ("the Committee") can make
recommendations to the City Council for the rehabilitation and restoration of recreational
Under G.L c. 44B, s. 5 the Committee is allowed to make recommendations for the rehabilitation
and restoration of recreational resources. Design services for the Agawam High School Track
Master Plan would be an appropriate use of Community Preservation Act funds.
Project 3-itic: ,�
h Sc" I t le 14 h
Project Summary:
Estimated start date: Y I Estimated completion date: 9 1 13
CPA Program Area(check all that apply):
Open Space _Historic Preservation _Community Housing recreation
Contact Person and or/primary applicant:
Organi mrrvTnm
zation(if applicable):
Mailing Address: ` Mi,
Daytime phone#: ra►-n,. ,� Fax#: I - )
B-mail address:
GalMc�rl�� FUr►-r�.r�o�.
Project Manager:
Total budget for project: 1
CPA funding request:
Other Funding Source:
Applicant's Signature: / �•;�;f�
Date Submitted:
Juan 19,2013
Mayor Rwhwd A.Cohen
Twn of ASmm
36 A9aia Street
Apwam lV3A 01001
RE: local
Agars 210 gtbCd TM&IFaCMy I=PrVMWGM2D
lM 04 "
Dow Mqw Cohen-.
Wane A MwBroom,Inc.O&Q Is plesed to p umnt our mp of wtviaea for the Aware
High Steal Truk and Athletic Fac9lity hweabnemt and Fesdbility Study. Basted qgm our most
remW meeting with you and the Lbw of the Trek Comwittm(the eommittwe we have
dmdopW a solid undmtmnding of tbs pzqect end bm prepavd ths followWg tope of swvioes
for your laWaw. As it b now emriaionA the improved fix hdm will Muds a um tmk
m oun ft a new footbaftac er sync or natural Ss W now Bela HAft baseball
field improvemefa;ram of wdsang tmw and ba&mft1 courts;nest'blencher
ay&=,cawemlons, +coa,and tichedng ftUh ea;ca well cm a asrs female teesm room and
patenthil lodes room renovadoas. It is awwwd tbst the athletie faculty imptnvemeam smd teems
maom addhkic would ba ccncgAuWIy/erratically designed to=ct f to standards ofthe
N`atiaa d FQ=km of High Sahnals(NMS), I olsstic Athletic Anion
(1M M),Rdaamchusstm SsraoI BWldma Auftrity(M1 I and the MundbuM
Ar uaal Aso=Botha(MAAB).
We uacdaatead t EI in W&T to s hOM the project$aaa wl>=it is tIO&j it will be om tMk to
pr pm wl=natic dstrias mOckatin datml to provide an cmume opm m ofprobsle
eonatguMdon oasm. The rem of thlo of mi vAll be used as the bade for obteanbg the wry
fll ift for the berme of th:e da2ign seazvim cad*2 evenUel cons on of the pqfszL An
you revim this saVe of cmviees,you will note flut vm have tailcnd our mope and twb to
provide db with the most void ad usable won of=dyaia,
ate,and deliewWes.
Mee&WcBroarzs,Inc.,One Finaadal P'Iask 1350 MaW Street,Suite 1012,4fing dd Mm pdnx>tta 01103
(413)241-OM Fax(413)241-6911
C.onnec&M-Maiue e Mamdnwm.Nardi Car ohm.South Ca chaff.vanwa
Mayor Rfcbnrd A.Comae
Jane 19,2013
Page 2
1.I Partichude in an inbW meeting with the commium to discuss in detail sad seerim
the project equem tons and propummadc elemems and establish a meetings and
deliverable schedule far the project.
I I Review wdohne maps ad pleas provided by the town Oar de outdoor dWctic
fa:hbas st pleas and the Wzkar x00%nhemn room archhecuasl drmwinp. A
composite bass map of the property will be d fiom then documef. A
now conditi=survey is not p t of this task although could be
cadd%vd c a on optional tP. maps nmy include ovmlable Sorrel
photography,MaasGIS.and whool pbw1drawiuga. (Note.The study.can be
completed udag emidin daN however.a ww topwaphtcJ=W survey of the
bcility Ymuld provide bow 2couracy for paojecdag costs as the project moves
finwi rd in the neut ph Am.)
1.3 Undertahm a site rwonaiduance OD obum the wdsnmg conditias,rshemetic ,
of*@ outdoor athlc&&cilidw and indoor laheshwm room(arcbluctmW,
m cakel,elecfti L surd plumbing)and to ido*oppmWnidea for
sad the no tbst may oa:ns tmin the project=propremeots. 'Isms
task will he d p' �4aicatly ad with as mad bew map
(p tcd in To&1.2). Field vmtfy the nauzl raw=aim kmatloms,if any.for
regulafty coasidemtiome.
1.4 Bzambn the nmtre of the coil berth tea fields to deems&e I of
impmvmnemts that would be aWm addedc Wf. It is eq=ted that
the W=will provide a b=hhm opmEtu,and labour for rhea trams. One day of
taxting should ba eWi .
1.5 Caadat as itnv ion of mftmffice conditions at the at. Owteolmical
bmrigp wdll ha ud=at cdocibai locuti+ama(teaiais,Wli om t%sad building
cqanaim am)to icy the amum sad compoddon of dw soils sad the eutemt
to which the bwe owditioms will=ad tb he mc&fied to anppant the Fopeaed
imp am®rts,eddMoz%or. in eddidom6 sail steles Will ba
talsea is idea fy the ptwmm of any awe tlmt May bdhm a the
dispaedtkm of the Boil to bs wroavWad f¢+oar b==&the tick and BSl. It is
ezp=tod that on clay of effwt will be regaired for this tmAL The cost of the
geotechnicol nbcoWeator$ad the testing Mmuk"is included in the few.
Noyor Rimed A.Calm
Joao 19,20l3
Pagm 3
1 A Review tha local lead use regulations as they may apply to impavunzab to the
athletic fields,par4icalarly with respect to sctbaclss,structure fights,sad
Munliaatian iadpsov zH.
1.7 ldleet with school facilities muff to fain an of cummi field
main mw p=tices,capabrMcs,and=panftarm One meeting is p wzed.
1.8 bleat with the committee and additional school athletic and adminietrmion
officials,as required,to undumtand the a d3ftg physical education and scholastic
athletic proamm needs and to develop a'wish Hat"of deed' Mb with
respect to outd=mt>rladc facilities and lcckw roonA m woun f wflWas. This
tas will fr3ude ganwal data on the use of the fields(e,g.,high school .
Put and Radon programs)and the b~storage facilities targeted for
improvements by the coawonittee. One meeting is proceed.
1.9 prize the findia of this phwe of thm wmt in a brief memamidn and
submit it to the omras Wam for ureic raviawi,comment,Bad gmad sccepwaa.
2.1 Nqm attauiadve cancepts fbr reaoveting or reco ail the athletic fixd itios
end building SWIties Urpbd for imp s to mm the MwAfied
pao�c nerds(defined is 1 bsk 1.7). This task will eddnm the team t+oom
611�ing agmasion and rea vatim field ream,otorsgo,conceadon end
dchce bmldwp,athletic field ovation%optimal use of synthetic turd may►
tree$rev ant hShtlag,ranovatingleliminatf Aww bleach,field mfity
impro"Wou,MAABIADA eamplianw,and similar athletic field issues. The
coueeptu evil]be paepued at exapW&scales and wifil show in g m=W taxman the
lacatkm of the dated impwv=ents. Building impmmma t WW=d =
will include mb=nWc floor pleas for cmy►addid*o)and outdoor affileft suppart
2.2 Mew with the oomunittee to&n=the alterna iv+es and to eolicit comimb for
refining the proposed improvemaata into a prod alternative eaacept far
imp ayezaa ts.
3.0 Feasibft Md I—u=t®mg fitudv
3.1 Prepare a draft edheaudc mestar plan by refining the desiaad com cA or
combinations of coamepts,to a lCVCl=fficient in detail to illwirate dw
co temtplated' . Ue concept plan will be pmp2red at b1e
sc alm,rmadered in oolos,and will almw in general tMM the bcaM r►of the
Meted imapavvrments. Tim plan will includ cohemade mite smftg,
Hapor Richard A.Cohen
Jane 19,2013
Pale 4
drainage and site ublitty locations,laaadon of new field lighting,and typical crows
sections for the tic and field The bolding imp mvemnmt altxaaa ive will
include schematic floor p3m for any addition(s)and f teflity suppoat stmehats to
tho school building and it 3D readsring of a grapaacd field hotme/ .
stnndcJtet window builft(s). The plan will=hide pateaU phases of
3.2 Prepare an opinion of probable lion costs(m Azonfie level)for the
prwposed improves based on the schematic plan divided by phasm including
the costs for desim inspection,and coWnemcies.
3.3 Prepare a cost4xnefit analysis comparing makiWnin8 the nOnnl Fm snfaeoe
to installing sfnffiL c turf and the impact on the overall athletic program. This
analysis will include the operation and maintenance costs associated with bath
3.4 Identify,the mphtary ep+ovals that will be required prior to implt►ateating the
3.5 Prepare a draft mart Haig the study process6 iaoa®memdod
fmpevvemeas.and oowt prajectioms and review the draft at a meeting with the
3.6 Finaiim the mama,plan and report mwrporWq oommemas received from the
NW acknowledges the tovWs desbmA schedule to have a compleb4 ftmalve ibaaihilitp
stady comphftd by the and of tic min mar,and our team is prepared to meat dart sahodule. The
sahoduke is based upon the aw=pdm that the town wlll be providing a bwkt oe,opammr,and
laborer far nun day of tort pits In the field awns,and the committee will be amensIde to the
scheduling of the pmoV ammatic ma drip dfwuuW in dds scope of services drroughout the
11►MrS project team will provide the services described above, subject to tlse firm's Standard
Teems and Ce AU=attached Ito,for the lump s®foes shown below:
1.0 Project Invem4ption ..........................................................................56,000
2.0 Schematic Design................................................................................$9,000
3.0 Feasrbllit/y�and I�Stardy.......................................................
Total wtiw....Nr... M.WW�Mp...MNs..wN...M.�.NMiNMM.MM.MMY...M�O
Mayor Richard A.Cohen
Jane 19,2013
The NNE project teem will be available to assist the wvm and/or committee m paeeenting the
project to the public bond upon our preferred hourly rate admiule;hvweva,that teal;has not
been included in this scope of services.
Please note that ft following services are not included in this proposal:
1. Traffic studica/engineeripg
2. Permitting
3. Detailed deaigitlengineeritrg doaimeats
4. SpeciSs�lions
3. Construction documents
Should the above items or any additional services be required,they can be provided an an hourly
basis or for an agreed upon lump sum bee.
The original and one copy of this proposal are enclosed. If it m*seta forth your
wrdaatanding of the anzogmum between us,we would appreciate your signing em 60"in the
space provided and s tinting it to us fbr our filet.
We look forward to a pleasant and sewamft amdmf n with you on this prof act.
Vey truly yours,
Mark 'gnat,LA.,Principal
Massaafiraetts Regional Manager
4't33�1yt3�to��oo .
The above proposal and attached S mlard Tams and Conditions are tmdersiood and acoepted:
By Date
(Print name and title)
Unlace embsded to the�:� s fi Taeam and C bmdW=are ----ad by edbtemns iota dm a ptopoad anon t end deal bo pan aft w ASMcmW
pads w�eea one to bo pwhrmW by 63tlena aft blaalleea, ibr Itse must
1. �M radW ma va inraips cmert bt all Seavima sandaled 6e ma�dh iav OAM wW be dare wm. urp M to�oiaa and
dwroobw daft of tmmim o�fie mw Omt da be do mod b r3d—o� tc d1"-aL�—I ��l�iu d�t�te R J-m Am be
42-A—rpmaad bleM atd tbea to ttm pefnalprl anrorrv<t are Fee Prim and Pbad P&o�raap xW bo-r pmaaod om�W _body a
by]OQ 17tlleal WW be Ice e�ao4 caw m fa►miree�ts, SL R+ and desalt G01ta wl1 ba iaroierd n remdonl D ro
8 16m wd4 be mrained d ooet a lQ preaeat aorypQ!b�paoeead� In arms m1t 1�[oases r ontleotioa ap to errors say
warm otred b a to M4 ttrro b! rhdl also arYltlad to eeernntr b re usolia Doss of waocdm Mod Iqd cum flvm C1121% 0 f s
and oosto loewmd 6y htld3 cads aaedWm aced lblwilaiptlo60 dn peaoeedep.11�ms Am be dole D��lulpaod al�lOrle rod r71 dbe 6�oleer If sq feaotard moot sot
sad rl�ol7rofmi
�Mahr Qum! Tam�tlaada rwam�asb dfiaulaa Mich�a amm lnmrta/ap t���t
The Gist's obiptlm as pery ibr tie Sattset peelhtmad rstdsr dam AQaaraset im m trayr OCadlnpp3 Canon sisi*le Ob t& �iq, of
vrawleotai Q eeeutsaomy fl Arlo jodp at of lamit,a t�oa a atmaorsmdd dpor mp arro>beR,$�iq�ao dd,Ooettra
eumrie rrsd i6�r r "" dtaat.o(12)eaon@A t�face die dCainte t. Tbarraar.tom'ma0 a�rMM- io rroardrma via Kmn W n1 waoma Hmoty
pasemd eras m4 be ml"od as as rem basis.
S �! • 76e Lend of Sarlas aria be pafbsmed br the esalwiao bmatlf.dG�at �+riV psefbrm tLe 8arlom miar that de�soo ataldG end aa:a ae�oMibr
a aandteara bi at
is mr rep�o��M ��e tba same a aladlr borflbr at the he pafiaemaoa Ne cdw wm mq.
Qepess or iotplied, do some mrs
C7ert drag on 6e aatlaed m,rant a elrba ��hod an aq�beaey d asl oa�ma rbtaeloa aftLa atessbsd dap aslsas cord tarsi C7bt Lot
oblabsd mr wtulttas opinfoe>}am a�xmaed, pa anted capoaal�lo aevlivamatW ■ err ihr Ibo 9m�#ara!n gaasdnq tlyd 1M(1�
has tha�patiQ mda of c m�1>rt 6�PAQW1esrotre is c�wllhta �mdertbfs Qom f�lrot ib•��pra r�la e�oh mdapmdte�f grldon to id11�
S IVOU ilaat I dabs
acom��111b�d fielireiabba bMW ye odid ieoaadd IM��pta ,meta m6om dc�a bt tsalea es
�e Qa I very,tier peq a e w cow an w'n F I t o A�mw ortmo Crum Ofat mat rQ dalt�6i■is�rd to the mat sot pdd>br m�9
weW i b 7t�moo of d and trill ool be m ad>ar daeisn.ooaeaa paradhS or Aft �dsoeb ddlsest�i P a m e�11 pTNd=d
aced tba ed>��. dsesy dsateaola media a<dltle a forlateesl>r dmmr aflr�9 da�v�ee smart�gecmar11 K aftddl*,COD dummts.
cep.. mR be m de►ura lea r rtaro�h made to the Gomm a paR of 29 sows dattlos All ao drsirlop.I and doitZOM
pr�arod by lhor �mts raesioa rod MIYII aha>i b•Beamed ors ataar at�am amd wdII emcee aII mmmasE bw,rf�er�,red atlrr eaaned
�shW hm the rwd to balsas phampmpI f a astiedo eepmesrdaas afore Lod swam Ail N p eaft el and ptadbadotsi I MR dog a am
0' now so die Pndm to to wia.Oat shall adriaa d err psopefsfary fatbaomter trhloi iarid bo maraca flam
d. gft%=-IMoo br olrmeow as as7w a t a te6ll a rsimeaadrat ru chins br dI 1 11 ama111 rplaat�bf Cht
sotas� tiamsbolint�m�loyaaa sad a as lbdbd b�AO i soile�y�i str!s paaoma[m��r��and as
arras` I a awes a eapsosmle ulrr�broidaetal. Q ooasrawattial dseabs lase afperds)iroeaeadlry QMat u r molt aNA
rr a oepr�msrroe oiEierloa_�eaeldeooe bs EC for eeetnr ttreaaeellcc or oast av<raiquaooes as b aha�d aaadlNooa err fbs fasts rdadd b llidre of Ilse
amsds b�e�rod eamuwd by DOS irk we(1 sties oao�latioo err a[4w Sasdear��e Doss A�efhfim aY bo derr,ad wakaod
S Qleal soil ladaeedQr rod bold Leaden Wo sod a arnmoidas.dlaolo<R implogmas sad Masts agatW as knoss or aced
eats carts ot'd�4 sd�seaf sad sataooldo baaD rrYrb soy err aQ d rlt�burr,eQaslEEat i�b-- y WIN( to
flu rm ar amldim at 1ct loss of ono)10 wm papas,=err a(tq r�a�O Oe d sot afar w8o4 sea In qy asloeo/w1b
m �R m Cklftm aptarideby lam orr �LOQY wttioh i!r -rr a m*raoandbio se cskw vbm may br wsombU emdbttte mm Ihr
7. maliia abdu he be bt d=px or dak)m ssmemrd b7 Foear err other swats bsyOad the mWol of ma Mcr pft and atridr maid nrt
tausmywttied a Far of file C7mtaot.Pau, IroLsdsa,bat is oast 8dled ad4reae r<reuhec mopaeds.mpidaala�
SIL abC .Won sad Odwl I I�saioeorra a!o aooddlans.t�aaidsala�e,�lou of s b aI- pamfp�poaalL�pilabr,
mr teak u4al err amrlosy sass Bade k gala of Oad,ask aadwo,terra or ey�dlao Otte of di llalhd dosses a tie aeraerl o or aw hmp aeery,or
asp owl"Lu aaebl rpg. SbOUW Faeces aoaat,ma pamtJmr mltaa m sore ao the tams stl roadaioos awaa rhleb h 9arrtou mq be oo
S ,�Thla C bcftd wmy bo%mft dad bysdd
krmpo dm of nhi&pseq�h nWww err dw ofaau
wdmta dtgs dtaoeYsdla4� br mhar�br atatima rrdssaa fttasatd b ft tbm etf i I , I l mid err thoso
tteedfndb Afton rose �a�sathalim iota A Oat� bare eaao�sdbsa boa m tie aaot�s minor asMoRUa m
A Thin Glmtad ocrertltrba to mdm mpaemeot, bosun ard�arard papos�) saoa ca b mod saeddnL t 6atwaer do red
�sadby or mM rSttaaoaaa,magorussl m err as seder -b-- - �ha pnetlas. 11da{�aoasr mapr 6e atsid o rby i�altbo
IL abaal/lisp errW Ma be eeosesMed trlbl Y�'.b pandaam�a�at�t�rp�rfeaatadb�t d b h at
aed!�i.not a b tbs MQ id be �haa�
for osme show a 111e KOae(s�sd Pee l�sated paaelda arpwtwllraa ttssitesoyr patiislag leu� orlon at rslu ail.i ttmu tho rsle shaae m$e
bra sahadufn Dart roam 1e teiaDaaa MQ br naaeesabb ltatsef.bQplag sad noel eMsnaoa that era laaamd h►oawli6 psvvld�siassr eapatQ:iaew�st
taaths�err a0at atiletoe. �q pp�
1L ao b m or 'Tir6 C>oaama�t$�4peaeedeON
� Lea eao��seryta�Op�ead aq diSe tot
b'b ba+eraam CSlst i�lss11 eaalse tits rampbtimshaft
tibom�Seniem Immumbr mad die t1=1111 s of thta��
11 m4r reotthe s Cmzlea&d a jrtiidirsuaMe 1a reowdmee wits der kin of do ttt:b dMrsoha�marhft M r dWn dlnr esid
1l. Aegr 4dM6 dbpmea err Omar asatto b RmtiM bapreao p sow b th coot uwm m afar edrtferp to tbua GleabarrA Q 6taaob thead
o pseoedwtodt ,_br attd�ttaeeese�o do pr�oeo of mediatiop Such meditdion p0000 abtll bo dme by mad tbraa�ao ittdcpeadatt asrat aestElSodaeedfaAos. Ait
.allied maapmd to by ft paoar ofm olZm mmd rtl beta b�da dpw,�'a'dhwdm°r oQber atmras m q.ealos batraee paatlor Dot
Received this Iti day of �U�-�0�2,r , 2013 from Council Clerk.
Signed by Council President this qll�- day of , 2013.
By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as
amended, I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this JQ`t_day of
YI- , 2013.
Richard A. Cohen, Mayor
By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as
amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of
2013 for the following reason(s):
Richard A. Cohen, Mayor
Returned to Council Cleric this I C�K — day of -p�,� _, 2013.
Sponsored by Mayor Richard A. Cohen
Whereas, voters of Agawam chose to form a Community Preservation Cn
Committee (CPA); and
� x
Whereas, pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44B, Section 5(2) ;; cnr'-
allows the CPA Committee to make recommendations to the legislative body; and
f r
Whereas, pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44B, Section 5(3)(d), 3 0
states that the legislative body shall then take such action and approve such
appropriations for the CPA Committee; and
Whereas, one of the CPA committee's functions is related to providing recreation
benefits to the City and its residents; and
Whereas, the Agawam Track Exploratory Committee has determined that a
master plan needs to be developed to determine the appropriate course of action in
rehabilitating and restoring the Agawam High School Track and Field Facility; and
Whereas,there is strong community support for such use of funds from elected
officials, department heads, and residents of Agawam; and
Whereas, The Community Preservation Committee has recommended
appropriation and expenditure in the amount of twenty thousand dollars and no cents
($20,000.00) from CPA undesignated fund balance; and
Whereas, it is the best interest of the public and the Town of Agawam to
appropriate from the community preservation fund and authorize the expenditure of
community preservation funds for the creation of a master plan for the rehabilitation and
restoration of the Agawam High School Track and Field Facility.
appropriates and authorizes the expenditure of Community Preservation Funds in the
amount of twenty thousand dollars and no cents ($20,000.00) from CPA undesignated
fund balance for the creation of a master plan for the rehabilitation and restoration of the
Agawam High School Track and Field Facility.
THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL hereby further resolves that the Mayor is
authorized to expend said funds, as permitted by law, and to do all things necessary for
the purposes so stated.
Dated this day of T , 2013.
Christopher C. Johnson, President
cia, City Solicitor
eryl St. Jo di or
The purpose of this form is to make sure that all project applications applying for Community
Preservation Act funding are eligible for funding. Please refer to Appendix-B in the Community.
Preservation Plan when filling out this form. This form must be approved in order for an application to
be accepted.
Project Title: ^ 1 -7;r l c Ao lit- f G✓]
Project Sponsor 'on: ^ /
Contact Name: 1J`Gi,, -�,� 1,
Mailing Address: 3 '/���+n S
Daytime phone#: I 'Fax#:
If13 ke *13 1 -71 9-
Frmail address: C.s 1..vr P". h�. Vs
CPA Program Area(dmmk those that apply):
Open Space i Historic Preservation
—Community Housing Cot,RacmMion
Project Purpose(check those that apply):
_Acquisition ,Creation _Preservation
_Support Q'-Rehabilitationaeftration
Project Summary: Please provide a brief dcsm#dm of the project. (provide additional pages if
� ►�; h�F;err ���� s� V) Ste;es.
For CPC Use Eligible: Not Eligible: Date: Reviewer:
To: Jennifer Bonfiglio
Fr: Vincent Gioscia
Date: 20 June 2013
Re: CPA Application
You have asked whether the Community Preservation Committee ("the Committee") can make
recommendations to the City Council for the rehabilitation and restoration of recreational
Under G.L c. 44B, s. 5 the Committee is allowed to make recommendations for the rehabilitation
and restoration of recreational resources. Design services for the Agawam High School Track
Master Plan would be an appropriate use of Community Preservation Act funds.
Project Title: se
Project Summary:
Estimated start date: ?Z I I Estimated completion date: 9 1 3
CPA Program Area(check all that apply):
Open Space _Historic Preservation _Community Housing tion
Enteaftr.on and orlprunary applicant: �i1r�r.r+ r ou-
inganwtion(if applicable):
Mailing Address: 3 t 47o�v S Mr�� /� s vrv�-, 1714 --04 J
Daytime phone#: �!3 In �y-nn ,�,c&,,y Fax#: �1 )
E-mail oddness:
W hntl�r lie
rr F t,,r�r,•vr�a. �;
Project Manager: �j k
�l�r �h O►�i
Total budget for project:
CPA funding request:
Other Funding Source:
Applicant's Signature:
Date Submitted:
Jam 19,2013
Mayor Mdwrd A.Cohm
Town of Agawam
36 Main Street
Agawam,MA 01001
RE: Prapowd.
Amuses BI&Sdwd Truk Fadltty hgwavemat<ta
Awm=n,A osdts
Doer Mayom Caliem:
WWm dt M mBroom,kL(twM is pleased to presew our mope of services for the Apwmn
Thigh School Truk and Athlalic Fae ft kyaknen t and FeambiMy Study. Bond epos our mast
reamg meadegs with yea and the membots of the Tm&Ce®imm(the commiume we have
developed a solid mWecsWdfmg of dw p*ed sad bava ps up me d&a foAowb*soopo of services
hr yaw mviaw. An it is now emi mxA the WWoved fltc!litiea will inch de a now teach
mzm mdlag a new fnotbalVaoeeer synttasdc m natural gross field:saw Bold bedsaball
field improvanseatg roomm dmcden ofmdsft tmtde and badmlhall coartsi sow bleaches
systems,cormula zu m*oomo%and ddm tug as well m a new famde tams room and
pown ial bdm mm monovatiams. It is= mod that dw athletic mcility sad team
moss addifion w mld be concephnHyhebeemadcaW deszg>sed to moat tbo st®dards M'tim
Nodonal Pedumdom of High Schools(NFIM,.Mammbosetts Athletic Asmatedon
(MIAA),Massechmatla Sclwa!Badldmg AuftrAyi(MSBA)and to)
At ddtectural Acocss Bowd(A"A
We undamtend that in order to advamoe dse projM fi m v& ma it is today it will be om task tin
pa+epae+e sehemeNc dadgm saw m dmil to provide imam opfidw ofprab ffib
csmOmfic l maul. The rats of 9de mart will be tmd as tbo basis for obtaining the moemary
Rmdmg foi the balms of the design services and the eventual o=xmucdm of tho pmjo& As
you review this scope of se viem you will noto that we bava tailored our scope and bWk3 to
p�tn►. the oamsmittee with the mad bmefida!and useable eomabb atiwn of=Wyals,
anemmems,and deiivr abler.
bilious&)&clxoom Inc..One htnancial PLst.1350 Mtia SbUt Suitt)012.4dngf dd M.ndtmdm o1103
(413)2.#14WM Fro(413)241-Ol t
Camnecticut-Meuse.MM=dMUM•NOf&COON=•Sovh Cuolini.Vermont
Mayor Richard A.Cobw
June 19,2013
Page 2
1.0 Pry+ f ga Inv
I.1 Pvddpdo in an initial meeting wft the Committee to discuss in detail and review
the Ponied c9mchfions and pro c elecaub and ostaMsh a meetings and
dolivetabla sc m&&fbr the pmject.
1.2 Review modag maps and plats p ovided by the tom for the outdoor athletic
fadl aite plans and the locker roomAcam room architectural drawings. A
composite base amp of the pwpmty will be prepared fi m these doc=ata. A
sew mcisft amditioms sm wy is not pact ofthis taat although could be
considered as an optional task. BWstmg maps may hmbWe available aerial
per,Mm sGM and school plamldmwkp. (Note:the dWy.can be
a mOeW asitg aadstiog dada;hmm m.a navy topographldacrial survey of the
%ditty would Fmide ballot amm*cy far projecting costs as the p m*d moves
forward in the resat pbssea.)
1.3 Undertakv a site xeoo amedmance to observe the axtating eondidozz,
of @m outdoor athletic fimllides and fadoor lockwtom-c m (amhhwtwd,
maw,decciwl.and phmibiW and to idoft oppwWnWm for
and the fistum do may constrain dhe project impmemments This
toot will bo dooameatodd photogn l'-dly and vft®trmuts eel base map
(p mparnd in'meat 1.21 Fidd vedfy the no aal reaoutnte am locations,if any.for
regulatory considendom.
I A R ami m the aamre of the seal beneath the fields to die tie aatmrt of
itnpm that w meld be regmb, Ito vappost ado tmf It is cspeoted that
the town will p:wlde a bacAm opei dmi and labarat for this tam. One day of
testing ebonld be audoipted.
1.5 Camduct an bmmdgWdm ofaubsmfiw amdhkm at the site. QoofthoW
borings will be ad=at selaled 1ocadana(tmmia,bastatball aour06 rmd building
comsion at*to idea ft the n>at n and am npmffion oftbe soils and them-
to which the base conditions will nand to be modified to support the p upoaed
Inp addWona,or moots ucdon I In addition,nail samples wM be
Wm to ideodify the presaaoe of my ommpoumb that may inflame the
disposition of the soft to be exon tied fim I ,neath the buk and field. It is
ergmaad that one day of effort will be required for this talc. The coat oftbe
geoU 4mmml sabconfraator and rho tasting laborotory is itcludod is the fem.
Mayo Rkbaed A.CW=
Jane 19,2013
Per 3
1.6 Review the!oast land use regulations as tbey may apply to ' to the
athletic fidds,particularly with r+esp d to wffimb,Muchm heights,and
MmnhLdion improven�ta.
1.7 Meet with school hdlWw sta$'ta gain an uadearstsndiaag of cm m=t fWd
mainteuame practises,capabiNce,and cgxnd u es. One meeting is proposed,
1.9 Meet with the cmamittee and additional school athletic and administee"
officials,as required,to undas4amd the odsting physical education and edwimsdo
a*Wc.program needs and to develop a"wish flat"of dcahad improvements with
respect to outdoor a>$lode hilitIm and lodger noomb m room haffidas. This
tsar will faclaate gesDesW data on the use of the fub(CS.,high school apaft
Pak and Remotion Prosmme)and the building/at, for
bW ov.-.-s by the cm mniam One me sdug is pnYpve &
19 $ummuiae the 8ndfm oftins ph=of the work in a brief memmzdx o and
submit it to the oan m Mm ft dkdw review,comment,sad gmeml acceptance.
2.1 hopm abm=dve:camoepte fur ring ar reoemstrvCftg da dcldfo fiodHtles
and buiWng fxffl ta mg,tod fir imp m em P oft to meat the identified
1. o ammatic needs(defied in Tit 1.7). M&task will address the team toom
balding eaarpensiaan and rmavogm field rawoom,xWmige,oanoereiam and
*kAWS bm'ldmgy,adrift fidd MWVWiOM optloanal use of gndWdc tart:row
tract,new event fi"g,nmaysdWelludunda ginew bleischere,field safdy
MAAB/ADA compdiam e,and similar idNed &M issues. The
come pts will be prepm+ed at me pZs&scales and wM sbo w in mmerad hams rho
beef=of the oemrtampfated t alwmg?ivts
will ind ad die floor plans for nay addfdam(s)and ouWom atblatic euppmt
2.2 Meet with the eammutttec to dEsaues the aftengbes and to solids fin
refining the paopoaed iampmveme:sts into a pryaftenmiln maan%for
3.0 Fessibftity and bmtmea, t v
3.1 Propene a draft sclieCnadc,master plan by refuadng the desired concept,or
oambin doms of concepts,to a level mdfidw in&UH to ilhmaite do
Anted fmpmveanea�. Mm concept plan wM be prepared at acoq table
sacles,remdan d in color,and will show in gmerd beeme the location of the
comMplded' . IU plan will isdude scbe mind aft grading,
���Mu oxB aMACU001o"
"r Richard A.Cohen
June 19,1013
PcCp 4
drainage and site udlity lamtio %lawA&on of ww held lighting,wd typical omsa
svfiona for the tress and field. I"m building improvemmg ire will
include mb=Wc Soor plans for my addition(a)end&ditty to
des mhcol buggy imd a 3D rcaderhis of a pmpocod field hm=llconsamion
met wWow bui dhgKs). The plan WM include pokodl ply of
32 Prepare an opinion Df probabb coon costs(odlma&love!)for the
p posed immm=M based on the sch=QNc plan divided by ply inohtdmg
am costa for design,WWWO A wd tonta8mmm.
3.3 Prepare a WdAme&tra*do cantpa ft m the natural Mw scarf =
to bm lling zyndwdc turf and to tmp=on the ov=U emetic ympm This
mmlymo will mchth&o opmtiam mul mmuteneaoa oozb===d eft bath
3.4 Ides►the T9ffWffbmW&PPMV&dent will be mqubW PAW to imp! the
propmed inzpaad .
3.3 Pfq=a draft repot wmmubkkg tm pro os% mmM
ami mot pmjaol=OW nmw the draft at a mmft with Rim
3.6 Fk9lim dm mooW phn arm mpmt mw*w=bsg Cummzda raeivod fam the
Ply >t�
lM Wmzwledgm the toga's dew cohoddle to have a compie fmm-bft
amly odd by t w ed of ft rnmm ow tem is pqp3rud to mag*mt cdmb& n e
cohmbdo is based up=the=mrf2hm that tha tDvm vM be pwvlft a tea,opmatm,and
lobmw for cm dny of teat pito In the&M auA and dw committee wM b3 tD tlha
whodulins of the FoWmmngdc meatinp ftommied in Rhin mp of smiam&muahm the
t 8 P748a Im m will provide th cmvim dwcdbod QbDtie,w4bdod tD ft fhM�S Stmdmd
Tom and Co AU=attmhW hxo,for the Imp oum fees shown blow
1.0 project Imodactitm .........................................................................$/��666,f�
x.o � .c ........................................NO..................................W,080
3.0 Fam*W it' ..y ad Invwbm d St*.................. ....................................
O" ..4.M.....M....MMN..M..N.N..MM..IYw.M.MY...w..�.a
Mayor Shlard A.Coltso
Jana 19,2013
The N&B project beam will be avaUMC to assist the town and/or committee in preaeuting the
pmjaa to the public besod upon ow pta:fmcd howiy rate schedule;however,that task has not
bocce included in this scope of aerviaaa.
please note that the fi glowing smvioes am trot included in this proposal:
1. 7hft sGldics/ehrgineaing
2. P resitting
3. Detailed deshJengineering don
4. Specificadow
S. Construction doc®aats
Should the above item or any additioned services be required,they can be provided on an burly
basis or for an agreed-upon lump sum fee.
The original and am copy of his proposal am mod. Wit mWskcwrUy seta Oath your
imdasfaaditag of the aaaagennart betwem us,wee mould appmcift your siSdall one copy in the
space provided and relearning it to us fbr our Mo.
We look fm vvazd to a John ant and www dh*assoaiatkra with you an Ws
very U►yowa
Math 'goni,L.A.,ftin p"
Massachuaetta liegieatal Mmager
The above proposal and attached Shrndard rams and Conditions art;amderstood and accepted;
By Date
(Print name and title)
���MxLa�a atcssOol4r
Ualeu wcdndad fo 9m C7uubva made Terms=d(mdltloas sM ldaer —ed by ndbrmoe ha deft I Fo or COMM add dl be pat afft Aaeaor�
saab>rim dm to he*a0oreod byMflaae&MAd*00m,kr_p1II►11J!Grose cam
L MIMICbMpt Moatbb,M 9 wflf f>raiae ad bt on Ses bw admad Unpaid'
wM be d ba tha mmdb, alada sa spo0 nraieb dad
fiat p 1YANids aa�tooirtB 30 d>rya tdMr ddsr �C>Qeat said ddotl�IdMI bt df or �b]D algal
m tr da dfarofaq �C>�t dl blaned b]tie aid Or oldadm to d fnadm a�d load to be� I p I R dap Mt w
b aamaad Maetadd and tbm>n WC ptfaatpel aososwt lap Sam Fad Pdw add Fbwd oaaI I rID be as a pnotat bubo
lh>leae athanelae aatm4 oaw f�►Mf1e >padr ma9lai tn�raior coalr ooalr wfp tie iordaad r dct
&baoault�fba a!U ba farolad at dear a lapasoe�aadmp lbr lleooe Is�a wool d ids whims aotleal#oss_ to ncIr n
tmmes>rddad by Oe>p to NaM am MMl the abo +deed a daaarOr ib tsdd>r dear daaifaatb0 deal f adgvl l aa�fi�aest leer,b�am Iftteltrdan
a�d a��aalt��iaomad br 1t711 air madrtfan ad�tl(Mpfan�pooe�edlap ]lea[[ and arirtdl�ree asq�and adt�a SatNoea!i�p�■■�� sq bnd�d son"so
C>anu add walmosa bdamA �dNs q Molt 60 dad d daa0 M=M�wwlamdtR ddq dud abs�artMdt
The C�aldfpeloab pay fir the 6nviob Fi tmmadm��uosddtiroaosh Apumtax b is 00 wry b abtalII aaa�, fd
DOmmad Or d atap0oipt,l abin ld��d4wa ar open C a auooaulld dp� lasso m� *ie Cfmhaat
pa0oe0dl b•a s>td in rst(12j mama. floc die dad 00nbb of ZlataptG tb�r mw a d>bd f0 aooedas0a wfti>sOQ'a aattaot tarateQ.. HM*
3. 76a hers!d8sarfas sr!!ba pad ibr tr amsuslto 6aeaLtdaW MM wM paslbrm ma eaitads vM d*w 0f dR ad otee adimtiy
�� omditisa�b�tapmabla RIM* R dl��I'.��tO tbs awe ardmiLr bOtilg use RM dr, 06 r Noun*,
ar hopuK b mob ar d ode aa�as
aaat all oat bs mddod to abut a dtlm )Mf]Ig Mad as tbaoey d Ot�lpmof dolt A R dada Munbtd adaa wbo ad id C11d bati
abtditad tr w>iltta opi0io a item a pobddd, dad gfasa�iaQh00>pet>ttl ■ itr alto llar{aea Ln�watftq!coal M�
bo rioittbd the aladaod dean tpplfaebb to d dfhow Savtaea>tdvtble C7isaeaot dlartdndf}tat pr ds aaalt t0�padd apiaioa b#�
and the patfat trap as rli n m pod l�l nmlrs G da4m w 30 d W
Ap bast p=M Mr of dd� dad tlmlodd mr�card v atpaetN pbatR add tpdeillwtlasa ptapd b IIDu httanada tbd be
as eat win>tri�q�br ymm aq tsot be and ar;aed y tb�I�a.��oN ar dad b1 qy rt >rtim of
terms�__atr_a[ptceaara w puree w�a Der wtltraa omatel ad'DaQ. a0tf Mad dtNtiiYe�Iabad b�a Cheat ax pafd fit lb Lop
w> he aaMw Ib Mm d>twd dual wa oat a am R>r dae�,osed�p 'WEV aWn*d�"wed in 9A teams b�e �of
d�a oruUMML ct dauo0iamadia ordbia dots d tw o[ a adoolttiaea,G1D mm■oaa
m0.ttdi aot bs mob adltble aa>s:d_at�oatda aaetmeoa it mrde 10 iha oo�sq�rpatd�e Barg atSrnioa r1gSt.pit t4+paoiSettles sat ddMsseltaa
pt1■d bs ll�� lmm WWII d i!!m lap he dataaed tlta aisd�a00 wip weeia rp mtamaa bra►, d adsa emnrOd sly
ltl�Jlbdm httro tldr ti�ttb hmifde pitolapt4ib ar aW10 t4isasao1 11 w dad l�,aMat M�'i pmatb>d a0d paat�f0ad salsit�1laQ itQ Is�
� pecd of to tesdta tadb flea abN al+rye liQii d apaaptMdq h�meefd wblab i0dd is awdadad pear
d. lbwgt tr dmunaarooa, I t *AM u by cllK
aft �asalalal� dad�aM a ibairi a ilk i ion tr d pwstad et�r,astd m
�Omps��iembrs0�data mas� ta0tbs8t�Aia�rst0t �a �dP�4?�gClntrawatatd'3O1>,t
uillop � _ wtrdtcraibasaswpttamtiebahaspdaaatitlaQatraMitaltledtOLraoafQa
by l:ssdtln odruM �OWN=wf d aw(l 7w@MwMiplafmar d4aSattioa WHOft Dods.Mydeie�iMflatbedwafted
S meat d wU laltde aid bidd htmloo MM d fiat 11 1 1da�diata4 itadgaad gad t d><alaa all imtte tr ad
aodb ddsAa;adtilbdabt dad eaboaiir wYtb a�a<efl d ray boar Lib bft bidet( M
Wt6a am ara�aima diced,as���b aadasb0aatataors,ar�9['1t�t ivied deep. a�aa�tar ara io amr w4aaAeete/wla
ft"M_1<ptodda�sll iatbaatloa sfth i Mdotas a tat eh=and*b Clwvh mob vows b amid mismiht
aaaspwtaa at ab aanaappw ae ptatttdSa ar aailgdtiEeld pbaaad,
y rataaaa son d pcpmL ad'fltCo0ra0 Famye Mahn i�Ar alraerawt o doa aliirriw
ati dal oedeq sob oPdod.raa Qa6arwdar dlilt
o ct�ie 1it�teeOAe eewnl atrtr,as w �or
soewetnadd apaq. Lpaald Faroea aoedd�tbs tha4 aside tpte aat10 taema adsoadldaad aspen whlah tha 6teriead taw be aotsehodd
p, trils ,1n tr>prb0s0t�am��edeb�yatdm�arp�rtgs*m�mlttr�l�Q" w�lliaoogwameaprtr bte�adpradabiar bimd rawartheaaae
at Umclob.r!!s=t aaa�ttar_ a�trsrlo0a aafi)oat ad�aatarad��ia�m afhe doe iami — — b
� y, �e
!. Ewa' 1IN p mq�beata+dadd4bY�m
!0. Sean M�a day fitMi tts>playae 60 b)a4 ar by bp►a fo'aride aaaa�at 1eMlm4 ar ochre aRldtaoe wads ratpeoNe tr
aa0 a�M dddR■parq a ura laa[[�aampa0te�d lBr dear trYs�s�d0asrat+.t s'ef�eaa�eeoaeta gsadaatia0 d��
iba ddaos abwa Dacia attadted Ate�II»bail pewldaadpattrrltaas twt�oa3►ptaio�a- - cry penlara tt ttdta dl3 td■lls0 ide abode m�e
Feu dabed>dt. ast mew a eOLtdsab MfidQ a waeaatbb t>st�iOdYa dad uteri ar>pasaet cite as Mdamd m a0 wl�prorYa tilstr taptetar a0a�at
t*dlmo�ar aadr aiiddaaa;
1L Z111111gi IN •71&cbrgmpactt4elt�eptea�eda0eorbatghu.naf taraae 8a4qlhMi 0aaldiadis myOlt —Undm 4tlo�
b m labbptq babdeds�t adiI�ti ONA* :ar w wse Omphtlra<m rtrhsaab>r dad ft umlbp a0 ed" dot Oora4at
M VRmmdwLLm TbM COMM dial be piaead by,o0offened tad fen aooatddoe wtm d Man Orris Bteot o[Msdaab n ft as da ts*ew dwioe alma ttdot
mw taattbaappaNionaftobAsofow �etJ>dtMdiWoa.
li. Ary Cb&A.ditpM at amen MAIO m tesadtioo batswm patlMa to tbid trap artdarrsletld>B aflitChap Q btaeob tlaed
asglaoi m tad aemaaa 67 dad doq A M I aredirHm Shah medMtim paoam dial!be dme by ad—P s�di asaA satlibd . All
astlad Ora y tlds ptaess•d e hW i0 8pdafd>oid,Mbdsohaertlt. as�ffMd aidimt►df�aEpd ar echo raim Ml gaat3a balsram patlae oat
asdtJeeta sod Bedded by dndt lfl vft