TR-2013-48 RESIDENTIAL FACTOR 829731 i 1 TR-2013- 48 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A RESIDENTIAL FACTOR OF 0.829731 PURSUANT TO MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, CHAPTER 40, SECTION 56 Sponsored by: Mayor Richard A. Cohen WHEREAS, beginning in Fiscal Year 1989 the Agawam City Council began adopting residential factors of less than one (1) pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 56; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the residential taxpayers of Agawam to adopt a residential factor of less than one(1); and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to adopt a residential factor of 0.82973 1; and NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby resolves after conducting a public hearing to adopt a residential factor of 0.829731 pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 56; and C.) CD DATED THIS OF NOWM&r-k 2013, C=) C)F: NJ > PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL :Krl :70 >C:) ly\ Christopher Vjohnson,President cc, - N) 1A PPROVED S TO FORM AND LEGALITY Vincent Gioscia, Solicitor cc_ MAYORAL ACTION Received this dayo VfArJX(—I , 2013 ftomCouncil Clerk. Signed by Council President this day of ( , 2013. APPROVAL 4F LEGISLATION N By the powers vested in me Pursuant to Article 3Section 3-6 of the Agawa harter, as zended, 1 hy approve the passage of the above legislation on this � ` day o NtMur 2013. Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested to me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended,'I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2013 for the following reason(s) Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this � � day of Wwm Ix r , 2013, ®s: kid AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL IDIOTIC PUBLIC HEARING A+GAWAM CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT Christopher C. Johnson The Agawam City Council will,conduct a public hearing, on Monday, November 18,2013, at 7.00pm, at the Roberta G. Doering School, 68 `ICE PRESIDENT" Main 'Street, Agawam, MA to consider the adoption of a Residential Dennis J Perry Tay factor' pursuant to Massachusetts General laws; Chapter 40, COUNCILORS Section 56 as submitted to the City Council by the Mayor on , George Bitzas November 1, 2012, cS Cecilia P. Calabrese Paul C Cavalla, The Resolution (TR-201' -48) is available for public inspection at thIp .lames P. Cichettl City Clerk's Office, 36 Main .Street, Agawam, MA between the hours Gina Al.Letellier Roberta, Magover of 8,3flam l to1:3pm, Monday through ridgy, It is also avalaale_ Joseph Mineo the Agawam public Library, 750 Cooper Street, Agawam, MA andiRe Donald M Rheault Agawam Senior Center, 954 Main Street, Agawam, MA; Cn t_r' Robert E. Rossi a ADNUNISTRATIVE BY ORDER OF ASSISTANT Barbara A.Bard Christopher C. Johnson President of the City Council TO BE ADVERTISED ON 10/31/13 TELEPHONE (413) 7 6-971+ FAX (413) 76-971 EMAIL bbardl@a agawam.ma.ius Works no later than Friday,: 2012. December b, 2013 @ 2:00 The Resolution(TR-2013 p.m. No proposals will be 48) is available for public accepted after the above stat- inspection at the City Clerk's ed date and hour. The Town Office, 36 Main Street, of Agawam reserves the right Agawam, MA between the to accept or reject any or all hours of 8:30am to 4:30pm, proposals if it appears to be Monday through Friday. It is in the public interest to do also available at the Agawam so. The Town of Agawam is Public Library, 750 Cooper an affirmative action/equal Street;Agawam,MA and the opportunity:employer (M/F1 Agawam Senior Center, 954 H)which encourages`utiliza- Main Street,Agawam,MA. tion of minority and women BY ORDER OF owned enterprises. Christopher C.Johnson Richard A.Cohen' President of the City Council Mayor 10/31113' 10131113' Commonwealth of Public Notice Massachusetts Pursuant to 33 U.S.C. The Trial Court 1341 and M.G.L. c. 21 §43,- Hampden Probate and notice is given of a 401 water Family Court quality certification applica 50 State Street tion for South Transmission Springfield,MA 01103 Main Replacement Project Docket No.HD13P1702GD by the Springfield Water and In the interests of Sewer Commission,PO Box Austin Mikael Stitznger 995 Springfield, MA 01101 Of Agawam,MA work is located from Provin Minor Mountain to Ellison Avenue NOTICE AND ORDER: in Agawam, MA to replace Petition for Appointment of the aged water transmission Guardian of a Minor main to avoid a water main NOTICE TO ALL rupture which would cause INTERESTED PARTIES loss of water and a public 1., Hearing Date/Time health and safety emergency. A hearing on a Petition for Additional information may Appointment of Guardian of be obtained from Dwight a Minor filed on 08/29/2013' Dunk, CDM Smith Inc., by Curtis C;Stitzinger of 50 Hampshire Street, Cam- Agawam, MA Frances E bridge, MA 02139, (617) Stitzinger of Agawam, MA 452-6601.Written comments will be held 1 t/2012013 should be sent to: the above 01:15 p.m. Guardianship DEP office within twenty- of Minor Hearing Located one days of this notice. Probate & Family`Court, Any group of ten persons, 50 State Street, 4th floor, any aggrieved person, or Springfield,MA 0 1.103 any governmental body or 2. Response to Petition: private organization with a You may respond by fil- mandate to protect the envi- ing a written response to ronment who submits written the Petition or by appearing comments may appeal the in person at the hearing. If Department's Certification, you choose to file a written Failure to submit written response,you need to: comments before the end of File the original with the the public comment period Court;and may result in the waiver of Mail a copy to all inter- any right to an adjudicatory ested parties at least five hearing. (5) business days before the 10/31/13 hearing. 3. Counsel for the Min LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL or:The minor(or an adult on NOTICE behalf of the minor) has the PUBLIC HEARING right to request that counsel AGAWAM be appointed for the minor, CITY COUNCIL 4.Presence of the Minor The Agawam City Court- at Hearing:A minor over cil will conduct a public hear- age 14 has the right to be ing on Monday, November present at any hearing,unless 18,2013, at 7:00 pm, at the the Court finds that it is not Roberta G.:Doering School, in the minor's best interests. .68 Main Street, Agawam, Date:October<23,2013 MA to consider the adoption Suzanne T.Seguin of a Residential Tax Factor Register of Probate pursuant to Massachusetts 10/31/13 General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 56 as;submit- ted to the City Councit by the Mayor on November 1; December 6, 2013 @ 2:00 The Resolution('iR-2013- pm. No proposals will be 48) is available for public accepted after the above stat- inspection,at the City Clerk's ed date and hour. The Town Office, 36 Main Street, of Agawam reserves the right Agawam, MA between the to accept or reject any or all hours of 8:30am to 4:30pm, proposals if it appears to be Monday through Friday. It is in the public interest to do also available at the Agawam so.The Town of Agawam is Public Library, 750 Cooper an affirmative action/equal Street,Agawam,MA and the opportunity employer (M/F/ Agawam Senior Center, 954 H)which encourages utdiza- Main Street,Agawam.MA. lion of minority and women BY ORDER OF owned enterprises. Christopher C.Johnson Richard A.Cohen President of the City Council Mayor 10/31113; 10/31/13 Commonwealth of Public Notice Massachusetts Pursuant to 33 U.S.C.. The Trial Court 1341 and M.G.L. c. 21 §43 Hampden Probate and notice is given of a 401 water Family Court quality certification applica-- 50 State Street tion for South 'transmission Springfield,MA 01103' Main Replacement Project Docket No.HD13PI702GD by the Springfield Water and In the interests of Sewer Commission, PO Box Austin Mikael Stitzinger 995, Springfield, MA 01101` Of Agawam,MA work is located from Provin Minor' Mountain to Ellison Avenue NOTICE AND ORDER: in Agawam, MA to replace Petition for Appointment of the aged water transmission Guardian of a Minor main to avoid a water main NOTICE TO ALL rupture which would cause INTERESTED PARTIES loss of water and a public 1 Hearing Date/Time health and safety emergency. A hearing on a Petition for Additional information may Appointment of Guardian of be obtained from Dwight a Minor filed on 0812912013` Dunk, CDM Smith Inc.,, by Curtis C Stitzinger of 50 Hampshire Street, Cam- Agawam, MA Frances E bridge, MA 02139, (617) Stitzinger of Agawam, MA .452-6601.'Written comments will be held 11/20/2013 should be sent to: the above 01:15 p.m. Guardianship DEP office within twenty- of Minor Hearing Located one-days of this notice. Probate & Family Court, Any group of ten persons, 50 State Street, 4th floor, any aggrieved person, or Springfield,MA 01103 any governmental body or 2. Response to Petition:' private organization with a You may respond by fil- mandate to protect the envi- ing a written response to ronment who submits written the Petition or by appearing comments may appeal the in person at the heating. If Department's Certification. 'you choose to file a written Failure to submit written response,you need to: comments before the end of File the original with the the public comment period Court,and may result in the waiver of Mail a copy to all inter any right to an adjudicatory ested parties at least five hearing. (5) business days before the 10/31/13 hearing. 3 Counsel for the Min LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL or:The minor(or an adult on N$' icE behalf of the minor) has the PUBLIC HEARING right to request that counsel' AGAWAM be appointed for the minor. CITY COUNCIL 4.;Presence of the Minor The Agawam City Coun- at Hearing: A minor over eil will conduct a public hear- age 14 has the right to be ing on Monday,November present at anyhearing,unless 18,2013, at 7:00 pm, at the the Court finds that it is not Roberta G. Doering School, in the:tninor'slbest interests. .68 Main Street, Agawam,, Dates Octobers23,2013 MA to consider the adoption Suzanne T.Seguin of a Residential Tax Factor Register of Probate pursuant to Massachusetts 10/31/13 General Laws, Chapter 40 Section 56 as submit- ted to the City Council by the'Mayor on November 1 1 F AGq Town of Agawam R7E6 Assessor's Office 36 Main St,Agawam,Massachusetts 01001-1837 Tel. 413-786-0400 X 8704 Fax 413-786-9927' Email: assessor@agawam.ma.us November 18, 2013' Dear Council Members: In order to provide more detail to the Tax Comparison Spreadsheet for FY'2014, 1 have provided the following information for your review. At the shift of 1.49;proposed by Mayor Cohen, the Residential tax rate would be $15.55/thousand and the Business rate would be$27.93/thousand. These rates would have the following effect on the Agawam tax base. Single-Family Residential 7,706 Parcels- 6,037 unchanged in value (78%), 1,041 increased in value, 628 went down in value 6,815 will experience a tax decrease (89%) 27` will have no change in taxes 864 will experience a tax increase(11%),with 376 of those having an increase of$30 or less Condominiums 1,597 Parcels- 1,465 decreased in value, 18 increased and 114 were unchanged Commercial & Industrial 469 parcels combined- 421 unchanged in value (90%),43 increased in value and 5 decreased in value SincVBaM/inl Ke i Asses Town of Agawam A Town of Agawam r; ssssal s Office : Maki ifi, tl�a vatna. i1�1 tssarchusells �l1001-11�.37 'AT ` Tel, 41 -786-0400 X R704 I•ats 413_726-2828 Email: rsscssor[flity.!aawwn,naar,us o C' >C-) 4� �? To: Citv Council Members w Fran Kevin l aticlirti C> am Date: October 29, 2013 Re: Classification Booklet r I°.rtclosed plcarsQ find the "Tax Classification Booklet" pi-cpatred by the Assm;ors' ffficc tatr behatlfc`rl'Marvctr Richard A. CChem I-lie Mayor has recommended at shift cif` 1.49 for I�iscol Year 2014. which restrlts ill at tatti } factor cif 0.829731. The pa- ill the booklet labeled *"Tvpicatl C:arrrlpatrisctrr Fy 2011 " is the hest indicator crfthe effi ct this spilt will harvv cara the typical residential. commercial and industrial property ill Aoaawatnr. For the comparison. three values have been, selected that are c1w;v io theovetIll!e clatsS vatlue'for residential_ conortercint and industrial properties, For the Commercial and industrial properties. [lire eNtreitrt: Vrr]ucs ill t°aach Claus \\'ere e.Ncltrcled arrcl the vttltte shown represents the typical Value for the Class. Bauer oil arts analysis of tlae market liar FY 2) l4l the values for the most part renraained flat in all property classes. wind this is represented ill tic)change ill rraalttcs boll FY 201 to FY 2014. There %vere sonic condominium complexes that sar\fir a decrease ill vaalttc due to market conditions. The highlighted shift of 1.49 shows the ell ct the proposed shift would have oil these properties ill relati rr to tile tax that was paid ill FY `01 a, The tarts dit'rerence for each ol'these properties from FY 2013 to lr"Y 2014 i typical for the rrra ority ol"properties in their respective classes. except Im those: prop ties that have had a change ill their physical nature'. such is atra addition, demolition oi-other alteration. 1 would especially like to thank Charlotte Gt•ondin. Administrative Assistant ill the :Assessors' Clll ice, for her help in putting this prink tooether. I hope than this inforination is helpful to you. If you creed all forthc:r intOrrrraation, please l'c l Free to contact tract.: all Assea,sgr . Cc: Mayor Richard A. Cohen t 3 } 4�`z st�£4t}ri tr s.ii t ty{,yrit�it}i �l y t ttt� ir rr2 �i i,�t :y � t i, r l n.. 7 t f@1�s2�t£�'ir��l}r£a'srs S`rti ri ' t e , Oa aVs �1 i rt ' All s t4 i, .... ......... £s i 5 t 1J �t'i 1r'Sil 2 2 sr�'Syr)t�t r� t }i t �4( 3 rss �i Wi 6 I L s I �kS ' IFC t 4 }J 7{ w TION it FY i £ s tt kit t O 'l s a ri•..-,, R }4 .. .. .. ..... tr i r "i rrt r �£ rt , r , ty S i£t i} 1� ......... Sit 1 y 11y li t i SI t Socioeconomitc School Structure K to 12 �� ......... ....... n., Form of Government mayor ***School Committee , ..... �...... .. .... .. �.�,.,. . .�.. .... .............. ...w .. ..... . .. . .,,,.... ...... ., Population 28,438 , ' 2012 Labor Force 15 f 2011 Per Capita Income 29,914 Land Square Miles 23.24 Unemployment Rate ***42012 6.41: «.... �t� , . ... . , �.... �.. —,; .... PROPOSED 20:14 ax .."."..assification ........... FV' T C"I Assessed Tax Classification zTax Rate., Tax Levy 3 Values k Residential 15.55 z k jr t P2t048t635f056 k F SSS { j { { f Commercial 27.93 i k ' i .. . { Industrial 27.93 60015f302 2lSf379,430 � F Personal 3 Property 3 1 6f884,r473 2460500,350 { { iTota I 51f743,S27 2,,760,5081,610 2014 Cll�,AXSSIFICATION BRE AKDOWN PROPERTYVALUE PERSONAL, y INDUSTRIALj COMM z nay s PERSONAL � Fy a 4% RESIDEmriAto n 048,635,056 COMMERCIAL 249,993,774 INDUSTRA L 215,379,430 PEERSONAL 246,5007350 FY'2013 SINGLE AVG. FAMILY TAX BILL RANK SINGLE, OUT OF ASSSSED AVERAGE TAX FAMILY VALUEMUNICIPALITY I ITS SOU WICK 730,203,800 3,A 2319,700 15,48 3,711 203 EAST1LONGMEAll N ,34 ,028,5010 5341 251,200 181,62 4,68 L 3 i TAX RATES SURROUNDING TOWNS "........$ ......... . ............. mg d" Municipality FY Residential Industrial ix 2012 14.93 30.83 1 74 31.40 :f U ii;-44EX66w 'i'lit 17,67 17.67 2012 16.85 38.53 2013 18-35 39.97 201,2. 19.68 19.68 2013 w. 21.54 21.54 13.44 .1344 2012 14.23 1,4.23 13 15.46 SPRINGFIELD 2011 19.49 38.97 2012 19.83 39.99 19-7 EST SPRINGFIELD 2011 16 4.20 2012 17.2S 3 64 5- 29,13 2 012 'Ies.1, 5, 16,72 3.1.09 01:, y ql tt Mist Rpm 4 k � Si 7200-299 o w 1 i (12-0x ..�.,+>�..,.., ........,: i�g 5 408 s.. 989 g x� 58 ?v <• 1 r a.9 ta �55 s 2 � 508 2,5114,008,260 268 VALUE 370,871,336 � d MB 33 s _ d RIE TOTAL COUNT,, 1, VALUE 2,88' . , 6 ACTOR CHAPTER OR F AGAWAM t Last year's s hose ; resirta;nhai percentage" i Residential only,, riot R & 0) � 63.9493% 2 sta€xw year's N4RF aRa;li`#g ca 1501 .. shift to Cii"u`ttrR;sar`a A ay. $2#626ataas at, initaaa,lrn residential share(R) in a u"react year using 150,'t:° Sta ,M to CIP, 61.3183% saaar.wtas a F? 4. Calculate as residential tag entiaral factor using a t ants, shift to C I s i taftipi this aaewaw residential iaactrar by thrs year's i F tn,V re s•tam entaaal' percentage (R), 6, aas`rthaaa i the lowest aistori ai residential ped: atage since the first certification, (R) 'f#5 sa greater,t c s tt STOP s ay st` t p to 5 a t �the ° C ara m to fhw s,s gasa:r aassaaY,asta Psi#.+ '" a:,'teYs It to is srttr,*west tti are #5, go r) Ta ke the ioaaaesy iaaaatCSC`aa,aal Fasaaifiassat6aai pera,;eriiaage, #6 t°t`'Pdsa it is ttaar current residential r aic enta ge at FFCV � the result is the imeest, resi'Jeratia i 4,"actor allowable (it, may carat be less than t,0xt) 8, ultiplys,that factor by F Fa,eV of ttie open space, add the new txt% and t„ shares, take tt,tty r yart.nii s its + a, a,sx;'='<<; total to equal the new rna-a+aaa"?aa3m CIP percentage share 9� Divide this taaaaa`ai maximum a,,3P share by FF V eta CIP share � to"aaa"iei`a'aime the as f"Na,'.e atiaa e Or' sht�t. (this isa *s be inore, than 'i r ) Resiatenfia i share in the year ita°aore first aaer ita6 aastion rna':ys be a se a if assessors etom,iisse nt it<was lower [",.ate six) a DEPARTMENTOF REVENUE MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL,FACTOR COMPUTATION FOR FY 2014 AGAWAM Class Full and Fair Cash Percentage Valuation Beare d � _,.. A ," ., v e �. 3 ..... �,..:,... m i TOTALS Maximum Share of Levy ' 1 50% x ot..,, .:x 8 a ti X�bob"°i P Classes Three, Four d Classes One and Two Mii"x S3`#`i.,ii'i Residential Fac.or 61 1 3 2122 8 2,5 a,s 5 a" � Faca or MINIMUM R „Si�.E i 11AL. FACTOR OR"1 82 62W,r x 9 i C h,ao,tei 58 Section #. 1-da,$\late i3 FBYi?urlry unn reskl Fnb aH i'a ctor of doc)P less than*45 pe3cewit, wYPICAL COMPARISON FY 2014 $51,743,527 TAX LEVY TYPICAL COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Value F� a xs a' ,t, 7 ! i�`q v, av, ., ; " ,,.v.; .,, x,5a ?> has, ��262 a`' 5 Tax , s'av, 5a3 gym„d avt,}4—,5 $18_ .a8,a Fiscal Year 2013 TYPICAL INDus,rRIAL PROPERTY 1 45 1 :' F ag 4 ` 4 fkarzax Bade 27 79 Fack,„., Sat4 0 i �56' 0836681, axf t,"fit +? Ux a�s�.e. xN, ,a„� : x�Pa 1 „?�:: x.i x,,,w o., v„82621z5,7 '"tA is3 k^ n 2 ak 18 $2 S.»;:: .5 S27 74 m,2 793 $ 8 t2v v r , '� t08 'SolY"a'a,sv.. S12,172: ax c r,,.,N,"_x $12,339 x,.,tay. 2.xt Fiscal Year 2013 TYPICAL SINGLE FAMILY HOME value s Tax Sume aa,aaa >,,a>vlo•� 0 � � e, 3 "$ �' t *}.a,„t f..,.2 ,. p tr; '�. z £i,.k s ,.�v c.xr:: 0829731 0 82625'7 Ni 'd'8 'a'� .lvfi?A�t4W�iY�'tiNN tk Tax v ,b,..a�tr ..„.v.78. ak3263 :s,u a,,ol S t2v..z. $ 2xat „,a'£„ a U,9sx vva'aW ,xa` gvx",v 1 i max.. loop WN $110o fill Nam NNW OWN1 1011 IMIN IND SIND Igloo 1110 loss loop loop Wis NO ..... West N...scemado Mrksheet 'issS .k, y �. .,h:i Qua., to rt: ,�:, $£j ,.. �., � � a .31 4 GIs � ^�xi � w"� c „ e tan a„+ t 2 jt i qIj �{ �I v s e .�w,ea2; F -. 5 tt< t's` *¢ ia, ea ,kn s }` ..#,� Ala. L`.i s, ,:t ..,N.. ,� $ �k;.,tit.. axe'tr;•ea. ,�, } q } } Aa R c ,w et, _.. ¢ 4 a. ..4 ., t� �. ., 1 4 3 "t yss:t 0:s aS i... t'3>x atKK �N ?a #j Ono � ,1t low � t,,t,t. 1, � \5.1,., tt ,a ;ak ,a, ..F d, it' i 1.; ,E. fi k 3 i n 9 t Ind ELI ,� Am" S is �„v, t ,. �aata..ax a ro `•3 t i � t � s �f '* „ "4 r, "a i;'e:i €, a s� .s, a=t a r vs } s..,,;s 4 �, S z':i t¢,, a ;is t at 't t�: y{ 4 lul #i stv tt i I:I MIA NMI Do1, s.aa [ er �s 11 P ,,t s„ i t& M" ws,.„ 2 a �, � ss, t a "ter' t ,,.a s l ? 's s.. t i a`o t Mks s�satkksas ;� 0 WWYJt .., M,? to t; xa< y, It, + 1 i 11 1 1 *1 How TOR Wm al t421W Rom iW_ a c. , t t # i . ..� j ti ! 3 t t ,`1 4,ra e4t 2 �l Y 1 d .'i.t k 3ti. 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Y t a a ~ Alan Iloilo Bill Wwo INNINN an 181001 loop doom fill loon, loop $01111 111B fill $NIB MW loop loop JAMMI 711, 71 ITT 1 ­1 s, .,. k; ...s.z tY,.. ...,a.( wti. A.,4,ti � tI t.. _�'s� 1 ..z;I. 3a:=.; ;* .. t .�t. i .. .. WHO� M,.k ...,a����: s- $3 4 s l l t <, s,R� I If x s 'tq sup., ..t,� 1 kf .ems,. 4 _s .;: r, .. a ZM NO OMINM ,a' e a a ' 0 , , k d z )yf ,a.�,a. ce 1',• tt ra�'ay ;"1 A..; t Ss l 4,..:v7�. F � .i.1 AEP � 1E `kl } iv Tel"lk12 4MI M S 8 ' a M„'.i VIM a i a 3.'c tt 7 in a i NMIf ?"x t ° $k ..,: ,. XX t ,.� � f r s, k6,t k t , j l is! mown .a zQQA ,s 's8 tit , two I k # wool Q mly t cv,ti t i e r z r k ­24", 00T.r§., a ON S,�' k e , MI = �t, e �, t } 1 PaW O..<b