TR-2013-55 APPROP TO WASTEWATER OT �Q s�wa4a car TR-2013-55 A RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE $8,040.00 FROM THE AGAWAM WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT'S RETAINED EARNINGS ACCOUNT TO FUND THE AGAWAM WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT REGULAR PERMANENT, REGULAR TEMPORARY& WASTEWATER OVERTIME ACCOUNTS (SPONSORED BY RICHARD A COHEN) WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam has negotiated a collective bargaining agreement with the following bargaining units within the Town of Agawam:The Department of Public Works Employees' Association; Agawam Clerical Employee's Association,Agawam Administrative Unit; and WHEREAS,the Town and Employee Unions have executed settlement agreements with the bargaining units; and WHEREAS the settlement agreement has been ratified and executed by the Unions; and o WHEREAS, the Settlement Agreement provides for increases as follows: U r a. Effective July 1, 2013-2%, FY2013 r+ b. Effective July 1, 2014-1.5%, FY2014 c. Effective July 1, 2015-1.5%, FY2015; and 5� WHEREAS, pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 150E, §7,The Agawam City Council musT appropriate the necessary funds; and WHEREAS, the necessary funds for the Agawam Wastewater Department must be appropriated from the Agawam Wastewater Department's Retained Earnings Account; and WHEREAS, there is$626,482.00 in the Agawam Wastewater Department's Retained Earnings account available for the purposes stated herein; and WHEREAS$8,040.00 is required to be appropriated from the Agawam Wastewater Department's Retained Earnings account to meet the Agawam Wastewater Department's 2014 fiscal year budget; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the tax payers and the City to appropriate said $8,040.00 from said Agawam Wastewater Department's Retained Earnings account to meet the Agawam Wastewater Department. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL AS FOLLOWS: the Agawam City Council hereby resolves, authorizes and appropriates$8,040.00 from the Agawam Wastewater Retained Earnings Account, $7,565.00 to the Agawam Wastewater Regular Permanent Account, $60.00 to the Wastewater Regular Temporary Account, and $415.00 to the Wastewater Overtime Account, totaling $8,040.00 appropriated from the Agawam Wastewater Retained Earnings Account (see attachment). DATED THIS—DAY OF December, 2013. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL Christopher C.Johnson, President aPRD A O FORM AND LEGALITY Vincent F. scia, City Solicitor SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET APPROPRIATION Department: WASTEWATER Amount: 58,040 Date: Title of Account Account Number Amount From: WASTEWATER RETAINED EARNINGS 22500 31510 $ 8,040.00 Title of Account Account Number Amount To: WASTEWATER REGULAR PERMANENT 22541 51010 $ 7,565.00 WASTEWATER REGULAR TEMPORARY 22541 51020 $ 60.00 WASTEWATER OVERTIME 22541 51030 $ 415.00