TR-2014-42 ACCEPTING GRANT FOR APD aav- HaCLUVI TR-2014-42 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS STATE 911 DEPARTMENT PURSUANT TO MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 44, SECTION 53A FOR AGAWAM POLICE DEPARTMENT (Sponsored by Richard A. Cohen) WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam applied for and received a grant from the State 911 Department; and WHEREAS, the Agawam Police Department desires to accept said grant; and WHEREAS, the grant is in the amount of Seventy thousand nine hundred ninety-nine and 00/100 ($70,999.00) dollars; WHEREAS, the Agawam Police Department will use the funds to offset expenses associated with radio system improvements, remodel of Detective Bureau and police muster/training room and other improvements to the Agawam Police Department funds permitting; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to accept the grant from the State 911 Department. NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council hereby resolves pursuant to M.G.L. c.44, §53A to accept this grant from State 911 Department. DATED THIS DAY OF0Wy_/_. 2014. —RiCA, PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Chns opher 3AST LT, son, President 't DROVEIDFORM AND LEGALITY Trea.s _ 4 Vincent F. Gi cia, Solicitor MAYORAL ACTION Received this _ day of (J � ;2014 from Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this dV � day of Cat�1 U 14. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the AgT-7 Charter, as am ded, hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on thish`� day of 2014. Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended,I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2014 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this � day of_bwhyl-✓'2014. James Donovan From: 911DeptGrants(EPS) <911deptgrants@state.ma.us> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 3:26 PM To: Eric Gillis Cc: James Donovan Subject: FY2015 Support 8 Incentive Grant Attachments: AGAWAM Si.pdf Good Afternoon Chief Gillis, Attached you will find a scanned copy of your award letter and contract for your FY2015 Support& Incentive Grant, Please be sure to make a copy of the award letter and contract for your grant file. I will not be mailing any copies to you this year. Your effective contract start date is: August 28, 2014 Attention: "There shall be no reimbursement for costs incurred prior to the Effective Date of the Contract and all goods and services SHALL be received on or before June 30, 2015. Further,the State 911 Department is unable to guarantee funding for reimbursement requests received more than six (6) months after the close of the fiscal year under which costs were incurred. Reimbursement requests should be submitted to the Department within thirty (30) days of the date on which the cost is Incurred. Reimbursement requests must include expenditure and activity reports as well as supporting documentation, including but not limited to,copies of receipts, proof of payment and/or payroll records. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Marilyn Godfrey iGrants Specialist) State 911 Department 1380 Bay Street—Bldg.C Taunton, MA 02780 DIRECT: 774.218.6780 FAX: 508.828.2585 E-Mail "i 9111)eRt:Grants@state.ma.us Forms 'J Applications i EMD Resources i Approved Trainings 'i www.mass.eov/E911 From: ocemf911(&massma1l.g&.ma.us [MA&:o.O f911 a-massmail.state.ma.us� Sent:Thursday, August 28, 2014 11:25 AM To: 911DeptGrants (EPS) Subject: Message from 3SC-4 1 , The-Commonwealth of Massachusetts EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY E1EA4EQt1 SXATE 911 DEPARTMENT 1380 Bay Street, BLdiding C- Tmmfor% MA 02780-2088 J Tel 508-828-2911 TTY.- 508-828-4572 -Fac 508-828 2585 1mgs uno w.mass.gov/e911 DEVAL L. PATAICK ANt)RFA J.C.ABRAL Govemor SecrWary of Pubffc Safety and Security FRANK POZTIAK Romdue Director August 29,2014 Chief Eric P. Gillis Agawam Police Department 681 Sprngfi9eld Street Feeding Hills,MA 01030 Dear Chief Gillis, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts,State 911 Department would like to thank you for participating in the FY 2015 State 911 Department Support and Incentive Grant program. For your files, attached please find a copy of the executed contract. Please note your contract start date Is August 28, 2014 and will run through June 30, 2015, Please keep in mind that there shall be no reimbursement for costs incurred prior to the effective date of the contract and all goods and services MUST be received on or before June 30, 2015. Reimbursement requests should be submitted to the Department within thirty(30)days of the date on which the cost is incurred. We have made the request for payment forms available on our website wwti�Trrzss a_LQj . For any questions related to this process, please contact Michelle Hallahan at 508-821-7216. Please note that funding of reimbursement requests received more than six(6) months after the dose of the fiscal year under which costs were Incurred cannot be guaranteed. If, in the future,you would like to make any changes to the authorized signatory,the contract manager, and/or the budget worksheet,please e-mail those proposed changes to:'i i[lvwU ',,;,r;r��statr:Ar.na.u;,. Grantees are strongly encouraged to submit final, year-end budget modification requests on or before April 30,2015. Sincerely, 4 Fra k WPozniak Executive Director cc: FY 2015 Support and Incentive Grant File FY 2015 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS w STANDARD CONTRACT FORM, . CONTRACTOR LEGALRAf4E d o a yr CQMMIS_WEALTH OEPARTMEDAME: State 911 Department Land d1b/4 Apnwm Police Dopartmard VMM6 DeplWealGod : EPS LM re (W.S,4V-4,TAC] _ 4wMyn ,A D/401 Buslnass Nhphro Address: 1380 Bay Street,Building C,Taunton,AttA 02780 Contract Manager SarpearrII Jamas F,Donovan PDlina Address{!!dlReront]: EMalh Jdenorara�svrarta rrta a ContraAK;MW. Marflyn Godfroy Aliens:413-7269755 Fax:413.1"21 LAILt 911fleptG a2stata,ma.us r •VCb000191642 �Rq: Fax:50&821-7299 50a•828�Zi8S Vendor Codo Address 1D(e4.'AD001'k AD_O/ JdMAARS Doe mfsk CT St1PG (Nato:TM Address Id Must be setup for ka payrmts.) RFRfProcur>;maRtgrQlher .ID Hy nt�r. FY2MS S!!PG R NEW_CQNTRAtiT _ CONTRACT AMENDMENT PROCUREMENT OR EXCEPT10N :(Check one option only) Enter Current Contract End Date fid2ro Aamendnrent .20� —Statew]dc Cantrad(OSD or an OSOdesgnated Dep rimem) Enter AmendmerN Arnount:S .(or'no charge'} _Colkctiva Purchase(Attach OSD approva',scope,budget) Aft1ENOlMEtT_TYPE:(Check ens option only.Attach deMlr of Amendment changes.) JLOopqrtmenlProcujorrent(ndides State or Federal grants 815 CUR 2.D(!? _Amendment to 6coaa or Budset(ABach updated scope and budget) (Allach RFR and Response or other procurement supporting docxotixttellon)EM=efl _interim Contract(Attach jusi(Katian lar:nterim Contract and updated swpelbcUgetl gontwL kC Ignin( ttach(Ab h rAljCation for emergency.scope.tudgeQ ContractEnmlovve(Attach any updales to scope of budgeQ (a4Il(r3fr).�Q14YfB(Attach Errs S't�F �SCOpe,budgall _Leafs40vakeaai or Other(AC9clh aarthomq b%t:agef]usbrralim.scope and _LeahlatfrefLeasf or Other(Attach avrhoru7ng tano aglrattfxom and updated tnrdgeQ 'cope and budget) The following OOMMOHWE.ALTHIERM{S A{fQ CONDMON (1' Q hu been executed,filed with CTR and is incorporated by reference into this Contract X C;ommonweallh Terms and CaUttions Commonwealth Terns and Conditions For Human and Social Services COMPENSATION:(Check ONE opnen):The Deperunenl cerll5es that paymenis for eutmortmd pexfamance accepted in acoardance with the terms of Dee Con=wilt be supported in the aisle accounting s m-n by sufficient appropriations or other rmn•epproorialed funds,subject to intercept for Commonweafth owed debts under 815 CMR BAD. _Rate Contract(No',Iaximurn Obtiga 0m. Anadi details of all rates.mis.calculations,oondilions or tennis and any duutycs 1 rates or terms am being arrerbed. 0 2_Miximurn Oblkaation Contract Enter Tote!tvlaxhum Obllgakon for total duration of 0us Contract for new Total If Contract is being emended].i 5AJ Q PROKEI PAYJAINT DISCOUNTS iPPDt: Comrrimwatih payments are Issued bough al 45 deye from invoice recelpl Contractors requesting Nccelorated payments mull identify a PPD as follows. Psyrnent issued h Aft 10 days_%PPD,Payrml issued within 15 days_'R APO:Payment Issued within 20 days r%PPD;Payment rsatred WIMIM 3Q days_Sic PPD. If PPD percentages ere left blank,identify reason:)(_,agree to standard 45 day cycle_stalu:oryftal or Ready Payments(p L c 28.i VA _only inleal psyment(suM!REM perynients scheduled to mWrt standard EFT 45 day nl c le.See Pmm:rl P 1tq.1nr9 Pnfv BRIEF DESCRIP gK OF CONTRACT PERFORMANCE ar REASON FOR AMENDIVEH7:{Enter the Conrrad 60e,purpose,fiscal year(s)and a deia`..ed description a Ate scope of pwIlo aance or what Is being amended for a ConbadArnendment Attach aD support!-9 documentation and jusutca6m3)Fordlsbursementof funds under the State 911 Deparurrent FY 2015 PSAP and Regional Emewcy Communication Centex Support and IncenM Grant as authatxed end awarded In compliance with program guidelkhea and grantee's approved Tb P ED : rAtnpleleONEopliv,only]TreDepehmeniandConmorcar*forthisContract,orConbactAknend.TentthatContradoblhgaiitm 1,may be Incurred as of the Eft cM Da (tales!signatwe date below]and tg g obbgaUkrns have been Incurred pft to the Eftgtive go . _2.rosy be Inetsrad as of�20_,a dale LATER than time Effe"Data below and f14 obligations have been Incurred gdg to the Effective On _3 wera inured as of ,20^,a date PRIOR to the EfferAva Dale below,and the parties agree NNt payments for any obligolkaru hewed prior to tte Eft'llve D era authorized to be made edw as Wlllarrmnl payments or as authorized refnbkxsemerd paymeala,and that the details and cuwrnofanees of all obtaMm under this Contract are attached and t2acrated into l his Contract.Acceptance of payments brevet releases the Commonwealth from further claime related to these obr alions CONTRACT END PJaE. Contract perlarawce sha0 temninale a Df Juns 30.2015 .with no new obligations being Incurred after d is date unless the Contract Is property amended.provided Brat the terra of tta Conirad end pedurmence agwdations and obligatau shall 3unWe lie lamination for be ptaposa of rwomnq any clwm ordsputtt,tw canplaft any negotiated tonne and warranties,to&flaw any dose out or transition perfannance.report,invoking of flnel payments,or during any lapse between amendments. Ct°IMMATIONS: M&C atenWng verbal or allm repnesagabom by lhs Paned,eto'ENoetNe Dale'd On Co graet a Amammenl shag be We 100i dare that Mo Coeaetk a Wenernerq tum Moen exaeuUd by an asnher¢ad sgaarcry of ere Contnrcaa.she Dcpenn�nL a■later t Detract a Amerdrahenl Stsl Date alaepMd •aut>gc1 a any repmasd approvals The Dma maw makes a0grWka1gna regmred under the eawhrd CatWor C,ynfr,Ant pMlxparaed M eeteretrax d not eU.sthed kerelo]trader Uwe pans and peaa4ras of prrFrry.agrees ID prov4e a ry kegaaad dcetaronla6an upon mrpm wnpYm mmmaece and rgreaa goad reads gwwrwa codwmance of ass Contract and a:ome brnrrressin tASSrettwrekt arc aUache6 a�racdrporated by mthrenoe rharsn accadrg m Due toemnaa hens ehr of dcnnreM precoNAce,to 2ppenbie()rrridp!t�1 A rN-m xACDrw1la- ,trim Shndvd Canrrach Farm ua WaV she inreuaws mad Ckrva y Ce,(IEVrti-rd.Nil Requerl rer Rsspoare(RFfQ or Dina ahCditloe,tee CantrNctori Raponse,Lo eddtrord negar.xed 1emn,proMed Owl eddltonai nopliaaad term vMI hire Womdera over L+e rokavw lama m Oe R FA and the Convasmis Response rely rl made using cis aaaarred-i gg 2107 maxpermed hereda,pwded Ina arty a rnonded RFR or Rospoase lams(ewe m bout valm brew omla,or a rmae cock effective Cw&aci AU T SIG AT F f TFtA %: Data: /c� AUTH I �k4 R MIW W , Signature and ust go HandwrfttonAt Time of Signature) X: [At w Date: Name: {S r>ature and Me Mual Ba H:nd1M4.n Al T r1alCTil>a: ema o Signs re] P _Chlef of Police Pain!Name: Print Tille: .E;eyulM Dinnclor �g TR-2014-42 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS STATE 911 DEPARTMENT PURSUANT TO MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 44, SECTION 53A FOR AGAWAM POLICE DEPARTMENT (Sponsored by Richard A. Cohen) WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam applied for and received a grant from the State 911 Department; and WHEREAS, the Agawam Police Department desires to accept said grant; and WHEREAS, the grant is in the amount of Seventy thousand nine hundred ninety-nine and 00/100 ($70,999.00) dollars; WHEREAS, the Agawam Police Department will use the funds to offset expenses associated with radio system improvements, remodel of Detective Bureau and police muster /training room and other improvements to the Agawam Police Department funds permitting; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to accept the grant from the State 911 Department. NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council hereby resolves pursuant to M.G.L. c.44, §53A to accept this grant from State 911 Department. DATED THIS DAY OF , v 1' , 2014. � A PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL l�v�- LX Chris opher C. FFORM dent n� DROVED ASD LEGALITY Vincent F. Gi cia, Solicitor MAYORAL ACTION Received this [ day of tXk ,2014 from Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this c�O _ day of Li 14. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as am nded, I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2014. Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2014 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEG�}ISLATION TO COUN�}C�I�L,CCLERK Returned to Council Clerk this oL� day of V�U Jti �, 2014. J James Donovan From: 911DeptGrants (FPS) <91 1 deptgrants@state.ma.us> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 3:26 PM To: Eric Gillis Cc: James Donovan Subject: FY2015 Support & Incentive Grant Attachments: AGAWAM SI.pdf Good Afternoon Chief Gillis, Attached you will find a scanned copy of your award letter and contract for your FY2015 Support& Incentive Grant. Please be sure to make a copy of the award letter and contract for your grant file. I will not be mailing any copies to you this year. Your effective contract start date is: August 28, 2014 Attention: "There shall be no reimbursement for costs incurred prior to the Effective Date of the Contract and all goods and services SHALL be received on or before June 30, 2015. Further, the State 911 Department is unable to guarantee funding for reimbursement requests received more than six (6) months after the close of the fiscal year under which costs were incurred. Reimbursement requests should be submitted to the Department within thirty (30) days of the date on which the cost is incurred. Reimbursement requests must include expenditure and activity reports as well as supporting documentation, including but not limited to, copies of receipts, proof of payment and/or payroll records. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Marilyn Godfrey IGrants Specialists State 911 Department 1380 Bay Street—Bldg. C Taunton, MA 02780 DIRECT: 774.218.6780 FAX: 508.828.2585 E-Mail s 911DeptGrants@state.ma.us Forms s Applications s EMD Resources s Approved Trainings www.mass.gov/E911 From: ocemf911@massmait.state.ma.us [mailto:ocemf9110massmaii.state.ma.us] Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 11:25 AM To: 911DeptGrants (EPS) Subject: Message from 35C-4 1 J The Commonwealth of Massachusetts EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY fpIE6eEdiY STATE 911 DEPARTMENT �.�,1 1380 Bay Street, Build --Building C Taunton, MA 02780-1088 1 Tel: 508-828-2911 TTY." 508-828-4572 - Fax: 508-828-2585 ''� -•ems urww.mass.gov/e911 DEVAL L. PATRICK ANt)REA J. CABRAL Gouernor Secretary of Public Safety and Security FRANK POZNIAK Executive!Erector August 28, 2014 Chief Eric P. Gillis Agawam Police Department 681 Sprngfi9eld Street Feeding Hills, MA 01030 Dear Chief Gillis, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State 911 Department would like to thank you for participating in the FY 2015 State 911 Department Support and Incentive Grant program. For your files, attached please find a copy of the executed contract. Please note your contract start date Is August 28, 2014 and will run through June 30, 2015. Please keep in mind that there shall be no reimbursement for costs incurred prior to the effective date of the contract and all goods and services MUST be received on or before June 30, 2015. Reimbursement requests should be submitted to the Department within thirty(30) days of the date on which the cost is incurred. We have made the request for payment forms available on our website Wt k'w.r11'3ss.gpv1Q]1. For any questions related to this process, please contact Michelle Hallahan at 508-821-7216. Please note that funding of reimbursement requests received more than six(6) months after the close of the fiscal year under which costs were incurred cannot be guaranteed. If, in the future, you would like to make any changes to the authorized signatory, the contract manager, and/or the budget worksheet,please e-mail those proposed changes to 9. s s s� �►k__flla.il';. Grantees are strongly encouraged to submit final, year-end budget modification requests on or before April 30, 2015. Sincerely, 4__ �� Frank P�Pozniak Executive Director cc: FY 2015 Support and Incentive Grant File FY 2015 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS — STANDARD CONTRACT FORM, /s CONTRACTOR LEGAL NAME: dWri n a w COMMONWEALTH DEPARTMENT NAME: State 911 Department (and dlbla): Agawam Police Department MMARS Departme t ode: EPS Le al ddress:(W-9,W-4,T&il y6AIlin St. oloOl Business Mailing Address: 13K Bay Street,Building C,Taun(on.MA 02780 Contract Manager; Sergeant James F.Donovan BiBin_ Address(if different): Eyall; JdanovanCagawam.ma.us Contract Manager. Marilyn Godfrey Phone: 413.726.9756 Fax:413.78b-4821 E-Mail. 911DeplGrants@state.ma.us Contractor Vendor Code:VC600019169I Phone: 509-821.7299 Fax: 508.828.2585 Vendor Code Address ID(e.g.vAD001"): AD 661 MMARS Dar IDfs): CT SUPG (Note:The Address Id Must be set up for EFT payments.) RFRIP(ocuremenl or Other 10 Number: FY2015 SUPG X NEW CONTRACT _ CONTRACT AMENDMENT PROCUREMENT OR EXCEPTION TYPE:IC hock one option only) En let Current Contract End Date Prior to Amendment —,20� _Stalewi e goatract(OSD or an OSDdesionated Department) Enter Amendment Amount:i .(or'no change) Colleclive_Purchase(Attach OSD approval.scope,budget) AMENDMENT TYPE;(Check one option only.Attach details of Amendment changes.) X Department Procurement(includes State or Federal grants 015 CMR 2.00) _Amendment to Scope or Budget(All updated scope and budget) (Attach RFR and Response or other procurement supporting documentation) _Interim Contract(Attach justification for Interim Contract and updated soopelbudgeI) _Emergency Contrac1(Alladh juslification for emergency,scope.budget) _Contract Employee(Attach any updates{o scope or budget) _Conlract Employee(Attach Employment Status Form,scope,budge[! - _Legislai lLegef or Olher(Attach aulhonnng languageljunficalion,scope and —LealslallvelLegal or Other(Attach authotamg languagefuslnccabon and updated budget) scope and budget) The foflowing COMMONWEALTH TERMS AND CONYTIONS(TdC)has been executed,filed with CTR and is incorporated by reference into this Contract. X Commonwealth Terms and Conditions Commonwealth Terms and Condilians For Human and Social Services COMPENSATION:(Check ONE option):The Department certifies that payments for authorized performance accepted in accordance with the terms of fhu,9 Contracl will be supported in the stale accounting system by suffkienb appropriations or other non•appropriaied funds,subject to in{ercept for Commonwealth owed deals under B15 CMR 9.00. Rate Untracl(No maximum Obligation.Attach details of all rates,urns,calculations,conditions or tents and any Changes if rates or tents are being amended. X Maximum Obligation Contracl Enter Total Maximum Obligation for total duration of this Contrad(o►new Total it Conlract is being amended).5 PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNTS TED1, Commonwealth payments are issued through EFT 45 days from invoce receipt Contractors requesting accelerated payments must identify a PPD a$follows. Payment issued within 10 days_°k PPD,Payment issued within 5 days_%PPD:Payment issued within 20 days_`/o PPD;Payment issued within 30 days_%PPD. It PPD percentages are leh blank,identify reason:X_agree ID standard 45 day cycle_stalutoryAegal or Ready Payments(P,L c 29.4 23A);_only initial payment(subsequent payrnents scheduled to support standard EFT 45 day men[c de.See Prompt Pa D:sc�lnls Poi BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT PERFORMANCE or REASON FOR AMENDMENT:(Enter the Contract title,purpose,fiscal year(s)and a detailed description of the scope of performance or what Is being amended tar a Contract Amendment. Attach an supporting documentation and jushftt ations)For disbursement of funds under the State 911 Department FY 2015 PSAP and Regional Emergency Communication Center Support and Incentive Grant as authorized and awarded In compliance with program guidelines and grantee's approved applkation. ANTICIPATED START DATE: (Complete ONE option only)The Department and Contractor certify for this Contract,or Conti act Amendment,that Contract obligations: 1.maybe incurred as of the Effective Date{latest signature date below)and no obligations have been incurred grior to the ENecl:ve Dare, _2.may be incurred es of.__ _,20_,a date LATER than the ENeclwe Dale below and g2 Dbligalmns have been incurred pi or to the Effective Date. _3 were incurred as of ,20 ,a date PRIOR to the Effective Date below,and the parties agree that payments for any oblgat*m incurred prior to the Elective Dale are authorized to be made either as settlement payments or as authorized reimbursement payments,and that[he details and circumstances of all obligations under this Contract are attached and inoo raled into this Contract. Acceptance of payments forever releases the Commonwealth from further claims related to these obli atfons CONTRACT END DATE. Conlract performance shaft terminate as of June 30,2Q15 ,with no new obligallorts being incurred after this date unless the Contract Is properly amended,provided Ithat the terms of this Conlract and performance expectations and obligations shall survive its termination for the purpose of resolving any claim or dispute,for comple ft any negotiated terms and warranties,to ellow any dose out or transition performance,reporting,irrvoirxng or final payments,or dudng any Lapse between amendrnanls. CERTIFICATIONS: Nolwrtrslanding veital or other representelans by the parties,the"Effective Date"or this Contract or Amendment shall be the West dale kttat this Contract oi Amendment has been executed by an auhhonzed signainty el the CQmractdr.the Depanfnenl.or a later Contract or Amendrnenl Snarl Date Spill above,subyeeh to any required approvals The ConUaclor makes all cerbficalmm required under the atixlted mrXiqf f r+{c `(mcorporaled by reference drat allacJted hereto)under the pains and pen tittles of perjury.agrees ID wovae any reitood doeumentalion upon request to support omphance and agrees that all terms governing perlarmance of this Canuacl and doing business in Mwsachusees are attached or incvrpdra:ed by reference herein according to the tb:low,ntr hierarchy or document precedence,the appizable Cbm-np me-pri Trvns an9 Coogo-cn; INS Standaro Contract Form+ncluduhp the inv uct!ons a^a Cul;rastor Ce,Rcatcl,s the Request tar Response(RFR)or other sokcilalan,the Cantraclor's RespoYTHEZONTRACT xid:qna negobahed terns.provided that addiGonar negotiated terms will take precedence ever the relevant terms m the RFR and the Conba=fs Response only d made using i s outlined itR I rcoipDratea harem,provided Thal any wwideo RFR or Response terms result in best value lower costs,or a mole cost eNeciive Contract AUTHO � G SIGNATU E O X: r Date: AUThQRgJNG WNATURE FOR THE COMMONWEALTH. Signature and D. Must Be Handwritten At Time of Signature) z t' �rinl Name:_Eric P. is Date: Pn"rlt�illa: Chief o!Police {Signature and Data Must Be Handwritten Al Time o 5ignalure) Print Name: Frank Poznlak Print Title: Executive Director 28 TR-2014-42 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS STATE 911 DEPARTMENT PURSUANT TO MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 44, SECTION 53A FOR AGAWAM POLICE.DEPARTMENT (Sponsored by Richard A. Cohen) WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam applied for and received a grant from the State 911 Department; and WHEREAS, the Agawam Police Department desires to accept said grant; and WHEREAS, the grant is in the amount of Seventy thousand nine hundred ninety-nine and 00/100 ($70,999.00) dollars; WHEREAS, the- Agawam Police Department will use the funds to offset expenses associated with radio system improvements, remodel of Detective Bureau and police muster /training room and other improvements to the Agawam Police Department funds permitting, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to accept the grant from the State 911 Department. NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council hereby resolves pursuant to M.G.L. c.44, §53A to accept this grant from State 911 Department. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2014. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Christopher C. Joh son, President AP ROVED AS T FORM AND LEGALITY w -C_ Vincent F. Gi cia, Solicitor James Donovan From: 911DeptGrants (EPS) <911deptgrants@state.ma.us> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 3:26 PM To: Eric Gillis Cc: James Donovan Subject: FY2015 Support & Incentive Grant Attachments: AGAWAM Sl.pdf Good Afternoon Chief Gillis, Attached you will find a scanned copy of your award letter and contract for your FY2015 Support& Incentive Grant. Please be sure to make a copy of the award letter and contract for your grant file. I will not be mailing any copies to you this year. Your effective contract start date is: August 28, 2014 Attention: "There shall be no reimbursement for costs incurred prior to the Effective Date of the Contract and all goods and services SHALL be received on or before June 30, 2015. Further, the State 911 Department is unable to guarantee funding for reimbursement requests received more than six (6) months after the close of the fiscal year under which costs were incurred. Reimbursement requests should be submitted to the Department within thirty (30) days of the date on which the cost is incurred. Reimbursement requests must include expenditure and activity reports as well as supporting documentation, including but not limited to, copies of receipts, proof of payment and/or payroll records. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Marilyn Godfrey iGrants Specialist) State 911 Department 1380 Bay Street—Bldg. C Taunton, MA 02780 DIRECT: 774.218.6780 FAX: 508.828.2585 E-Mail 911DeptGrants@state.ma.us Forms Applications I EMD Resources Approved Trainings i www.mass.aov/E911 From: ocemf911@m9ssmaii.state.ma.us (ma ilto:ocem_f911@massmail.state.ma.us] Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 11:25 AM To: 911DeptGrants (EPS) Subject: Message from 35C-4 i The,Commonwealth of Massachusetts EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY EgEEt;EAtT STATE 911 DEPARTMENT Q���� 1380 Bay Street, Building C -- TauntoN MA 02780-1088 f 1 Tel: 508-828-2911 TTY.• 508-828-4572 -- Fax 508-828-2585 �a�-•Fes-• 8 www.mass.gov/e911 DEVAL L. PATRICK ANDREA J. CABRAL Governor Secretary of Public Safety and Security FRANx Pozzmx Executive Director August 28,2014 Chief Eric P. Gillis Agawam Police Department 681 Sprngf19eld Street Feeding Hills, MA 01030 Dear Chief Gillis, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State 911 Department would like to thank you for participating In the FY 2015 State 911 Department Support and Incentive Grant program. For your files, attached please find a copy of the executed contract. Please note your contract start date Is August 28, 20]0 and will run through June 30, 2015. Please keep in mind that there shall be no reimbursement for costs incurred prior to the effective date of the contract and all goods and services MUST be received on or before June 30, 2015. Reimbursement requests should be submitted to the Department within thirty(30) days of the date on which the cost is incurred. We have made the request for payment forms available on our website �ti�ti ti1.n�355.Fcrt,f E93 3. For any questions related to this process, please contact Michelle Hallahan at 508-821-7216. Please note that funding of reimbursement requests received more than six (6) months after the close of the fiscal year under which costs were incurred cannot be guaranteed. If, in the future, you would like to make any changes to the authorized signatory,the contract manager, and/or the budget worksheet,please e-mail those proposed changes to 3 i_3I}!�PtGr.ant sCasr arr:.nlalm';. Grantees are strongly encouraged to submit final, year-end budget modification requests on or before April 30, 2015. Sincerely, ��Pi Frank P�Poznlak Executive Director cc: FY 2015 Support and Incentive Grant File r FY 2015 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS STANDARD CONTRACT FORM. CONTRACTOR LEGAL NAM et►sn o a+,u COMMONWEALTH DEPARTMENT NAME: State 911 Department (and dlbla): Agawam Police Department MMARS Department Code: EPS Legal Addrees(W-g,W-4,7&C)! 3(a/4acn St gvj&vy\ r4 L7/001 Business Mailin d r s: 1380 Bay Street,BuIlding C,la union,KA 02180 Contract Manager: Sergeant James F.Donovan Biilinq Address(if different): FcMall: Jdoneyarh@agawam.ma.m Contract Manager. Marilyn Godfrey P ne: 413.726.9756 Fax:413-786.4821 E�Ma11: 9110eptGrants@state.ma.us Contractor VendorQed_e.-VC6 00 01 91 692 Phone: 506-821.72% Fax: 50a-826.2585 Vendor Code Address ID(e.g.vAD001"): AD 40) f4{MARS Doc IDfs1: CT SUPG (Note:The Address Id Must be set up for EFT payments.) FR1Procurement 4 ther ID Number; FY2015 SUPG X NEW CONTRACT _ CONTRACT AMENDMENT PROCUREMENT R EXCEPTION TYPE:lCheck one option only} Enter Current Contract End Dale Prior to Amendment' 20_ _Statewide Contract(OSD or an OSD desionated Departmenl) Enter Amendment Amount:$ (or'no change) _Collective Purchase(Attach OSD approval,scope,budgel) AMENDMENT TYPE:(Check one option only.Attach details of Amendment changes.) _L Department Procurement(includes Slate or Federal grants 815 CMR 2.00) _Amendment to Scope or Budget(Attach updated scope and budget) (Attach RFR and Response or other procurement supporting docu men gtion) _Interim Contract(Attach juslikation for Interim Contract and updated scopes budgel) _Emergency Contract_(Attach juslifrcation for emergency,scope,budget) C nlract Em !o ee(Atach any updates to scope or budget) _Conlract Employee(Attacn Emptorrnepl Slalus Form,scope,budged Lei 4t9ve al or Other(Anach aulhorrzmg languaWjjustlGcalion,scope and —Le Islaflve/L al or Othefl(Attach authorizing languagefjustlficatron and updated budget) scope and budget) The following COMMONWEALTH TERMS AND CONDITIONS(T&C)has been executed,filed with CTR and is incorporated by reference into this Contract. X Commonwealth Terms and Conditions CcimmonweaM Terms and Conditions For Human and Social Services . COMPENSATION:(Check ONE option):The Deparlmenl certifies that payments for authorized performance accepted in accordance with the terms of thins Contract will be supported on the stale accounting system by sufficient appropriations or other non•appropliated funds,subject to intercept for Commonwealth rived debts under 815 CM1R 90. _Rate ntr c (No Maximum Obligation. Attach details of all rates,units.calculations,conditions or temu and any changes if rates or tames are being amended) 00 X Maximum Obligation Contrast Enter Total Maximum Obligation for Iolal duration of this Contract(or newTotal if Contract is being amended),S 1103 59 PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNTS(PPDI: Commonwealth payments are issued through LFY 45 days from invoroe receipl Contractors requesang accelerated payments must idenlify a PPD as follows. Payment issued within 10 days 4°h PPD,Payment issued within 15 days_%PPD;Payment issued within 20 days_%PPD;Payment Issued wilhin 30 days_%PPD, If PPD percentages are left blank,ident4,reason:)(_agree to standard 45 day cycle stalworynegal or Ready Payments&L c 29.8 23A1;_only initial payrritent(subsequent ments scheduled to sir rt standard EFT 45 day al c cbe.See Prompl P@ D scounts Polr BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT PERFORMANCE or REASON FOR AMENDMENT:(Enter the Contract Life,purpose,fiscal year(s)and a detailed description of the scope of performance or what is being amended lot a Contrail Amendment. Attach all supporting documentation and justifications J For disbursement of funds under the Stale 911 Department FY 2015 PSAP and Regionaf Emergency Communication Center Support and Incentive Grant as authorized and awarded In oompkarice with program guidelines and grantee's approved application. ANTICIPATED START DATE: (Complete ONE oplio i only)The Department and Contractor certify lot this Contracl,or Contract Amendment,that Contract obligations: 1.maybe incurred as of the Effective Dale(latest signature date below)and no obligations have been incurred prior to the Effective Dale. _2,may be incurred as of ,20_,a date LATER than the Effective Date below and 02 obligations have been incurred rfp_or to the Effective Dala. 3 were incurred as of ,20_,a date PRIOR to the EIfOlve Dale below,and the parties agree that payments for any obligations incurred prior to the Effective Date are authorized to be made either as settlement payments or as authorized reimbursement payments,and that the details and circumstances of all obligations under this Contract are attached and into rated into this Contract. Acceptance of payments forever releases the Commonwealth from further claims relayed to these obl' alions CONTRACT END Dom. Contract performance shall terminate as of Jung 30,2 15 with no new obligations being incurred after this dale unless the Contract is property amended,provided that the terms of this Contract and performance expectations and obtgauons shall survive its termination for the purpose of resolving any claim or dispute,for completing arty negotiated terms and warranties,to allow arty close out or transition performance,reporting,invoicing or ftnai payments,or during any lapse between amendments. CERTIFLCATIQN : NolwttAstanding verbal or alhtt representaboes by[be padres,the"EffaeUve Gate"of this Contract or ArnenomeAl shall be the latest daze that pus Contract ew MYndment has been executed by an authomed srgnaloiy of The Contractor.the Deparunenl,or abater Contract or Arriendmen!Star)Datespwriied above,subled to any required approvals The ConLraclor makes allceittkalVU required under the attached nvraciof f er�,r-c kpn1{mcorporaled by reference if not allached herein}under the paurs and penalties of Dowry.agrees to prov ae any required documentation upon request 10 .tjopoj4 compliance and agrees that all terms governing performance of ONS Coneacl and tWr<'•g business In MaSSB`husElls aft astached or incarpera:ed by refdence Attetn acCordrng to inn f0ildw,nq hierarchy rm or dccumerl precedence,the appt Cable WrmnQnwrif:yn 1 erns and Commlen; Ihu Standard Conlracr Form irrtludung the In n 3,T CQrVa-,JQ1 Ceft4cwt4.the Request for Responso fRFR)or other sohcitabon,the Contractor's Response a;0 add I"31 negm-aged terms,provided that additiDnat r Vobp,,W terms will take precedence cyst tore ralevanl terms in R.e RFR and the Contractors Response only if trade using cess outlined in MR 21 IN,incorporated herem.provided that any amended RFR or Response terms result in best value lower Costs,of a more cost effective Contract AUT HO ffG SIGNATt1 F R THE ONTRACTO : x: Date: '7>>?TaC� AUTH ING W.3NATURE FOR THE COMMONWEALTH: Signature and t4iWi tie Handwritten At Time of Signature) X: , not Name:_ _Eric P. Is ^" Dale: ISggnature and Date Must Be Handwritten At Time of Signature) Pit 'Ile: Chief of Police Print Name: Erank P umiak Print Title: Executive Director 28