TR-2014-49 GRANT FOR APD 7 OLP3 -2�-NMI IYPD _ J TR-2014-49 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS STATE 911 DEPARTMENT PURSUANT TO MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 44, SECTION 53A FOR AGAWAM POLICE DEPARTMENT (Sponsored by Richard A. Cohen) WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam applied for and received a grant from the State 911 Department; and WHEREAS, the Agawam Police Department desires to accept said grant; and WHEREAS, the grant is in the amount of twenty-seven thousand sixty- three and 231100 ($27,063.23) dollars; WHEREAS, the Agawam Police Department will use the funds as authorized and awarded in compliance with the program guidelines and grantee's approved application, as well as for any other lawful purposes said funds may be used for; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to accept the grant from the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council hereby resolves pursuant to M.G.L. c.44, §53A to accept this grant from Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. DATED THIS DAY OF i , 2016 PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL i Vts Christopher G. J ty nson, President O K10 P VED S TO FORM AND LEGALITY Vinc t . ioscia, Solicitor CE11 CC CotA RoLL CC - Tr-eexs".er- --TO-&IS- MAYORAL, ACTION Received this rjA day of JMRAA42015 from Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this day of 15. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agaw er, as d I ereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this��y of 2015. Richard A. Cohen,Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter,as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2015 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen,Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this - day of�Lk& S. TR-2014-49 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS STATE 911 DEPARTMENT PURSUANT TO MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 44, SECTION 53A FOR AGAWAM POLICE DEPARTMENT (Sponsored by Richard A. Cohen) WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam applied for and received a grant from the State 911 Department; and WHEREAS, the Agawam Police Department desires to accept said grant; and WHEREAS, the grant is in the amount of twenty-seven thousand sixty- three and 231100 ($27,063.23) dollars; WHEREAS, the Agawam Police Department will use the funds as authorized and awarded in compliance with the program guidelines and grantee's approved application, as well as for any other lawful purposes said funds may be used for, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to accept the grant from the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council hereby resolves pursuant to M.G.L. c.44, §53A to accept this grant from Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2014. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL ti c Christopher G. Johnson, President : n� r--) PR VED S TO FORM AND LEGALITY Vince t ioscia, Solicitor #005 P,001 /005 ---7 ITo: I. Fax number: From: . Agawam Police Fax number: 413-786-4821 Department 681 Springfield Street Feeding Hills, MA 01030 Date: A (413) 786-4767 1 Regarding: er-lb I IS' Phone number for follow-up: Comments: FY IS 911 Trzk CO kAeNcl:k mnioro\)eA.1 Move- 4. -ROe'-j CAX-- 0-5. 5 C?Clrlt &--S MA Total Pages Sent This communication is intended only for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended addressee, any use, disclosure, copying or communication of the content is prohibited. Ifyou receive this message in error,please notify this agency immediately. 11120?0 4 1U;23 #U05 €'.002/005 James Donovan From: 911DeptGrants (EPS) <911deptgrants@state.ma.us> Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 8:57 AM To: Eric Gillis Cc: James Donovan Subject: FY2015 Training Grant and EMD/Regulatory Compliance Grant Attachments: AGAWAM.pdf Good Morning Chief Gillis, Attached you will find a scanned copy of your award letter and contract for your FY2015 Training Grant and EMD/Regulatory Compliance Grant. Your contract was signed late yesterday afternoon. Please be sure to make a copy of the award letter and contract for your grant file. I will not be mailing any copies to you this year. Your effective contract start date is: November 25, 2014 ■ There shall be no reimbursement for costs incurred prior to the Effective Date of the Contract. ■ All goods and services SHALL be received on or before June 30, 2015 to be eligible for reimbursement. • Reimbursement requests should be submitted tothe Department within thirty (30)days of the date on which the cost is incurred. Reimbursement requests must include expenditure and activity reports as well as supporting documentation, including but not limited to, copies of receipts, proof of payment and/or payroll records. All requests for reimbursement shall be submitted by December 31, 2015. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Marilyn Godfrey JGrants Specialistf State 911 Department 1380 Bay Street—Bldg.C Taunton, MA 02780 DIRECT: 508.821.7299 FAX: 508.828.2585 E-Mail 1911DeptGrants@state.ma.us Forms I Applications I EMD Resources J Approved Trainings j www.mass-gov/E911 3 � +. 11/26/2014 10:24 #005 P.003/005 From: ocemf911C&mas5mail.state.ma.us fmailto:ocemf9iIarnassmail.state.ma.us] Sent: Wednesday, NDVember 26, 2014 9:54 AM To: 911DeptGrants (EPS) Subject: Message from 35C-4 2 „v,,,. 11/26/2014 10:24 #005 P.004/005 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY EiuEeiEarcr * STATE 911 DEPARTMENT 1380 Bay Street, Building C -� Taunton, MA 02780-1088 0 Tel: 508-828 2911 _ TTY., 508-828-4572 -- Fax: 508-828-2585 Pollca.P4r..E34ft www.rnass.gov/e91 I DEVAL L. PATRICK ANDREA J. CABRAL Governor Secretary of Public Safety and Security FRANK POZNLtK Executive Director November 25, 2014 Chief Eric P.Gillis Agawam Police Department 681 Springfield Street Feeding Hills MA 01030 Dear Chief Gillis, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts,State 911 Department would like to thank you for participating in the FY 2015 State 911 Department Training Grant and EMD/Regulatory Compliance Grant program. For your files, attached please find a copy of the executed contract. Please note your contract start date is November 25, 2014 and will run through June 30, 2015. Please keep in mind that there shall be no reimbursement for costs incurred prior to the effective date of the contract and all goods and services MUST be received on or before June 30, 2015. Reimbursement requests should be submitted to the Department within thirty(30)days of the date on which the cost is incurred. We have made the request for payment forms available on our website www,mass.&oy1jt911. For any questions related to this process, please contact Michelle Hallahan at 508-821-7216. Please note that funding of reimbursement requests received more than six (6) months after the dose of the fiscal year under which costs were incurred cannot be guaranteed, If, in the future,you would like to make any changes to the authorized signatory,the contract manager, and/or the budget worksheet, please e-mail those proposed changes to 911De tGranis state.ma.0 . Grantees are strongly encouraged to submit final,year-end budget modification requests on or before April 30,2015. Sincerely, rank P.Pozniak Executive Director cc: FY 2015 Training Grant and EMD/Regulatory Compliance Grant File 11/Z61?U14 1U:25 #005 P.005l005 FY 2015 CONTRACTOR LEGAL NAME: r WA gal COMMOHWFALTH PEPARTMENT NAME; State 911 Department (and dlbra): Agawam Pollee Department MMARS DeJlartrrQnt Cadg: EPS LeqLl gddregs:(W9,W 4,Tae): 3(, fee;n Sent{ I-r%,/U 9usiness Mailing Address: 13M Bay Street,Building C,Taunton,MA 0279D i�q(ri=_[Atanagg,: 5aryeanl James i.Donovan Oir4 r Billing Aid ress(if different): E-hw! jdonovarr@agawam.ma.us gpntract Nananer. Marilyn Godfrey +'llonb: 413.726.975b r'ak.4s:•788.482t LYaii:PM1 -e tGr n s�ls�aie.ma.us Contractor Vendor-Cqde:VC6000191692 hone.- 509421.7299 Fax: 508-28.25M ftrioor Code ddrgss ID(e.g."AD001"): AD OD1 MMARS Doc ID(q): CT G R N T (Note:The Address id Most be set up for FFT payments) H FtVi'rockgonn tD f4u,ntr;: FY2015 GRNT X MESN.-CONTR CT _ CONTRACTAMENDMEIfi ?ROPVREMENJ OR UC EPT ION Y :(Check one option only) EnlerCurrent Contract End Date pig f to Amendment - 20_, Sta ewi e gontCac (OSD or an DSO-designated Department) Enter Amandmerd Amount:$ . .. . .(or•no change) _TCotlactive Purchase(Attach OSD approval,scope.budget) A_MENDMEN7 TY :(Check one option only.Attach details of Amendment changes.) -Department Ptacur;.ijjq t(includes Slate arFederai grants 515 CMR 2.001 `Ar tindnlent to SF or BudgM{Attach updated soope and budgeQ (Al>arh RFR and Response or other procurement supporting documentation) ,Interim Contract(Attach Justification for Interim Contract and updated scopelhudgett) rn Elneencx Contract (Alfarh justification for emergency,scope,budget) _Contract Emolovee(Attach Emofovmenl5tatus Form,scope,budget) on root Employee(Attach any apdates to scope or twdgef) Legjslatty e a o e 7(Atach authorizing hanguagellusiAcalim,scope and e i r LNe i or :(Atach authorizing ianguage4wlificaW and updated scope budget and budget) The following CCM N�YEALTH TERfr15 AND CO'1'. iIONS(T&C)has been executed,filed with CTR and is Incorporated by reference into this Contract, x Cammomeeallh Terms end Conditions _Commonwealth Terms and Conditions For Human and Social Servkes CQMPENSATIQN (Check ONE option);The Department certifies that payments for authorized performance accepted in aoeordance wdh the terms or this Contract will be supported in Me state accounting system by suffihenl appropriations or other non-appropriated funds,subject to intercept tar Cor monweadh owed debts under 815 CMR 9.00. 4 n gt Cc ntr (No Maximum Obligation. Attach details of an rates,units,calculations,oandibons or fem s and any charges f roles or temms are being amended)L loos locum O1:IirauQn ton nacg Enter Total Ma drnum Obligation for Ical duration of this Contract(or new Total it Contract is being amended).d d 7.0�iS PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNTSlt?PD-. CommorwwM payments are issued through J Fr d5 days from invaicc receipt.Contractors requesting accelerated paymttnls must identify a PPO as follows: Payrnant Issued MMIn 1 D days_%PPO;Paymenl issued within 15 days %PPD;Payment issued within 20 days T%PPD.,Payment tssoed within 30 days_% PPD. If PPD percentages ere left blank,identify reason:)(_agree to standard 45 day cycle_slalutoryllegal or Ready Payments(G L C_2 g=;,_ony inlliief payment(subsequent rtts scheduled to standard EFT 45 day raymenLqcfe.See Prop P n PuL �+CF DE$"RIPTtOf�OF COH7R4r;T pERfORMANCt or REASON FQlZ APAENDN}ENT:{Ertler the Contract title.prlrpose,fiscal years)and a detailec descdpBon of Ole scope of performance orwhat is being amended for a Contrail Amendment Attach all supporting documentation and juslirications.)For disbursement of funds under the State 911 DVartimistril.FMIS Tralnr 'and ENII/Rejuiatol Compliance Grant as authorized and awarded in compliance with piraigrarn guideline3 andgrantee's aerng appRadon. AN1 ICIPATED S1 ART DATE (Complete ONE option only)The Department and Cwvatdorcerlify for this Contract,or Conrad Amendment fhal Contract obfgakons; 1,may be irimrned as of the EReGrve Dale(latest signature date t dorw)and ng obligations have been inwmd Rr 2r to the Eftecyva Ddtg, _2.may be incurred es of. .20^a dale LATER than the E§aiq Dale below aril N obrigalionis have been Incurred np�r to the)tp1ve.Date. _3.were Incurred as of ,20 .a date PRIOR to the F I%KW.Lfbtp below.and the parties agree that payments for any obligations Incurred prior to the Effective Dal are autforized to be made el[her as settlement payments or as authorized reimbursement payments.and that the details and larcetrtrslances of ail obligations under this ConUW are attached and Inca led Into lhis Contrgcl Acceptance of peants forever releases the Commonwealth him further eiaena related to these atlons. CQEMCT fiND QATg: Caelract performance shall terminate as of _Jurf.e 30 ,2015- with no new obligations being Incurred after Ihia date unkm$the Contract 13 property mended,provided that the tams of this Cen trail and performance expectations and ohfgalions slkab survive ifs termination for the purpose of resolving any Haim or d wet,for oampleGng ny negotiated terms and warranties,to allow any dose out or transition performance,reporting,inwicing or final payments,or during any lapse betarecn amendrtients. Cf#TY ,AJVLS:ftwastandng�venial of oVrer represents!;o"by the parties,the`Efrecslve Hate"of this Car*acl or laaeodrrteat shall be Vte West da:e Ihal this Conlrad of Amendment has been a omrw by an ei(knred srpnalory of tha Gonumtor,the Deda,vrift.or a later Conuwt or Amendment St.?'t Date specked above.subied to any mu red approvals.The Cm2actor makes an 4:e4ircatlons required UMV the attached ConUeclvr mftw na{incorporated by reference tit nol attached Mrelo)under lne Gams and perta m or penury.agraes to prossie any ngwed dmumenlaton lemon request ho Support m malemca. and agrees Mat all lemhs gDverr4nq pedonuance of this Conlrac)and dReg bomnless to Massachusetts we sawied or rrxgporaled by(e.Wena hmern aaord,ng to Ina lork)*n;h4relchy of document p(ecedence.the eppufabte t'A3lftld}weigh Terms and Condrtrorrs.this Siar4aV Corbxl Form wjuaaV she Irtin=pM Q=QF .die Reqvest for Iesmise{RFR)or other sdrol Wrio the Contractors Response,amd addUriar eegoWhM lemks,provded that add-bonai negotoled tons win lake precedence over The rebvanl twins m the RFR and fie Comranor's Respo so only d mace using the lfut proceSS oved in J)1"SAP 71 n'_mcorporamd herein,provided lhal any ameWed RFR or Response terms rmswb in best value.to vwcostS.or a mom coal e8echve Con r;;cj C.Si FOR fhECONTRACTOR: X. = � ' Date: _ AJTiiC h NAT FQ THg,.CaMMC_V,' A T (Signature te�i+luslBeblandwrrttenAtTlmeofSlgnatwe) ~ Prim eme: 'Ells Illis )t f " Data: --.- .-- (Signature and Date Must Be Nantiwritten Al Time Signature Print Title:_'Chief of-P_oJJce __ _ Print Name,. Frank Poxnlsk Print ThW, ExtMIveDlr r 26