TR-2015-21 CAP. IMP PLAN 11 1 `. .... . Agawam, Massachusetts , s Kam }° E C l t r� 't t u t T t fia l cFr 4; � Y ? aiWW'2�m'4wa4A.e4attilacWw`a.eAzm€aA S pca'�: ',�Wa�mWm 9,�tia\a .$AW1wti\avWte,cAvlKtks'4�Se"#^` �'snm\ h�amu4snwmc'a'WSA4A�,nmtiNanw\w'ib4aW;Wu1"�.a4aNi&,�??';�@o�3tWA\\'fiWtaa`�4n. lukti�h`Xkcik': A�Akgme'S.�.SAarN'aehWtmnaWW�im&l.ha dF�ak. �r',N+.wtsW'4{aJ�:a'WX�1MP''Gi 'Y�'4'x5.'kW.ts �iaKu &,�;am asvmk�`k^^sNSw'M,wN\6��` ia: unr.^tsat+ ,,�v�rau\.M }:a:LA4.4n•.4tietttYSW@5'WW"3�mR�.',mYS".c aeaa`Ml , Sv�W'a�)' AmYt4:\t�i,SkWkt 'l NaWu` Rk%' 6SIW�Ya'lEW'dldtx9 '�',W�ka�,�, S�W9W '�W'W'a�MWWFWW�tta$3+�AkWiwlYkad�.ItiWWtiN"s3nW..Y:a1�MY\'�W .5bV4 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Wm�wW,WVAA` ti `mho`.lRh`WW;v`�.W`�apN.vYN"XPh4'AXA4.. , d,4$t�W�"W. WnWW.\vCWHI'9'�.A'i?,W #�%IIiP,Sfi\kl$tS\Cldd,'�l4'S�kMkb`ik5e`.WdVk'Vi�.`Y4SkM1Sl6'N `FWY?p�lSaRi#n:4 b i4Waf41GK�,°.WMN.�W.AMs.W`t:Y!4"aY�NPItVNtiI§'ANW��W�,ikM\SWaa`#d:�W`.`wiKfit NUMBERTABLE OF CONTEN,rs ITEM PAGE 1) Cover emoaaarada.rai 41( 4V :`"raaaiaCH 1 3) List of Pr(" cct s ("floair ing& xa a ro );a°iaaaira4a Sc ra, eFo, (4, 20ti 20 2 1 5 ("hart - Budget Apj,iroyviafioxis 2 hw Chart a Proiecaexi New Bond ('Osts ,79 (9) Chart - Pro,jected Total Bond Costs (Mbrc:gnams and relindiursemcnts) Y) wa "hart- Projected Total ion .'osts (aafte 'r ants and aa:imbaarsci aera s) 31 1) Chart - Self Stv;taimng Funds - Existing Bond Costs 12 Charl elf'Sustai�a€aa �~ends �aa. �ectaw�; N n a.arid :'a-sty �a., '� � � w � � a4a Self Sustanning Funds Proj e:ec! Total [Iond iissrraayav hr i..x.. a!as i ,nd 333 Y art - Self Slustaining i:Jrai`a Pro,a ctcd T ota] Bortd Costs (if tar a raat`ats ant] a ,.ra.O',m sa.iaaents) „ Town of Agawam M'emorandum To'.: awam City COUnd Frorrr RichartJ A Cohen, Mayor Data, April shy 2015 Subject, Capital m proveme t Program (Fiscal Year 16 2 0 Pursuant fry rrrrtrrrrr 5 3 rrt the Agawaryi, Home Role Charier, I hereby Submit the Capital ln'iprovenient Program for Fiscal Year 2016 toFisc..r l Year 2020 to the Ag � rrr City Council, The Capital Improvement Program is r prioritize pan of proposed capital improvements over r next five, fiscal years, The rnajor purposes, of the C ri at Irn roveme Pr gr"am are a follow . a) to drr tflo r arrr phorifi e needed prrr yr r°d apital arnprove ent praje ts. (fir) to research and estimate the revenue necxnis ry to€unot prop se capdal innproven,'xmt projects, (C) to srrr parameters on the revenue dedicated to fund proposed capital v rrrrvrrr'�ent polo cts-I and r rr rrr�-ast rus t= err rrr�r�rrrl acid trrrrrr rr r rrddur The progrzim rre r rr er represents a realis ir'r'financiallyfeasible Iong term program of Capdai Prgjects. As rewenue estimates be orne a rr,l r e, revisions gall be made and incorporated in the capital budget portion of the annual budget Please cqJI with any quesfifons, Respectfully submitted, Q Mayor Richard A, Cohen .Lvwawmmaw 'raauuw " wv+axeu wv wwwuwnusse .ha:+�eron: F'orthe purposes ofthis ( apital Improvement Program, a capital, improvernent is a project or rvpJac(,,,n,"'tent, of a ptiblic buildirig or facility, (it) an addition to a public building or facility., (iii) Orle purctiase ofland, buildings or F cilities for a ptiblic 1",)urpose; or (W) a king rar',tge development study. WhIle the type of improvern,,ent is the basic criteria, a project costing at least S20,000 fl-wt has a life citizens and businesses ol' Agawam whi(,,,.h in turn e'rthaixe the (,,j,'uahty of life iri our comtnunfty, 'I"o ink,'irm the conan,-iunity when nee(Jed arid planned Capital Iniprov"Culent Pro'jects and corresponding expenditures are to be expi',cted and inifiate(l in the iiv'aflabihty of grants and/or other state, federal pdw'o,'(, and 2s.. an undue burden on the_to 's fiscal capacity now and in the future. After many years of limited capital investment, the town was faced with many desperately needed projects which had to beundertaken in spite of limited revenue growth. Fiscal. restraint and. careful planning e required to assure long term stability,;and care must be taken in project development and implementation in order'that bond sales are tuned so that principal and interest costs occur in the year scheduled. In addition, the funding requirements of the Education Reform Bill have placed severe limits on the To 's ability to undertake needed capital improvements.; In developing this Capital Improvement Program the following;general assumptions on fiscal capacity were assumed and applied; f. Growth in total property tax revenues will continue to be limited by the restraints of Proposition 2 1/2 and no debt exclusion overrides are contemplated in this plan:, .. The town will pursue the maximum property tax revenue allowed by Proposition 2 1/ .. For the upcoming fiscal year and future years, the Administration is continuing to recommend a greater emphasis be placed on capital improvements; and 4. During the next five years, the town should: a. Appropriate as much funding as possible annually frond, the general fund for capital improvements on a pay as you go basis while maintaining existing service levels, b. [,utilize the Stabilization;Fund if necessary to assist in meeting the above referenced goal for level principal and interest palqnents. 3 The process of capital planning involve setting priorities within the fiscal capability of the to Each year the entire plan is reviewed in light of changing needs,and requirements. There are more needs for improvements by town departments that can be included in a five year time period, and certainly the: net school spending requirements of the Education Reform gill may cause further delays in making capital improvements. In developing the recommended Capital Improvement Program, the following priorities were addressed. I. Growth The town must meet the needs of a growing population and at the. same time direct and manage growth throught the timing of public utility expansion; 2. Improve or Assist Service Delivery- Projects that will reduce the need for staff increases or make staff operations more efficient have been given priority 3. Facilities - Ngw and Maintenance of Existing Facilities When Proposition 2 Y2 was implemented communities were forced to delay constructing new facilities and defer maintenance on existing facilities which has led to the current' backlog of need for new facilities and the provision of maintenance to existing facilities, and 4; Prior commitments - The Town is bound by commitments made in prior years. The commitments were considered in the proposed budget and program. The attached Capital Improvement Programs was developed around the previously cited constraints and program objectives. It includes a bonding and appropriation plan for each of the five program years, a brief description of each project item, spread sheets and charts showing exciting and proposed bond payments and graphical representations of these payments. 4 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Yes 2016 - Fiscal Year 2020 Fiscal Year 2016 rat)riation Schedule General Fund Appropriations Projected Project Description Amount Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $ 87,000.00 Street/Infrastructure Improvement Program $175,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $30,000,00 Traffic Light Improvements $30,000.00 Fire Department Staff Vehicle $34,000.00 Fire Department Communications Infrastructure Improvements $14,000.00 Emergency Services Utility Terrain Vehicle $44,000.00 Early Childhood Center Feasibility Study $50,000.00 BuildingMaintenance D ent Vehicle 27 50 $ 0.00 Emergency Management:Radio Upgrade $21,4 5.00 TOTAL =2 5.00 5'. Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 201 - Fiscal Year 2020 Fiscal Year 2016 Appropriation 5ch d l Continugd) Wastewater Fund ActgEggt ati ns Projected Project De5criptian A.m�uttt Wastewater Equipment Replacement 6 ,405.00 TOTAL .405 00 Water Fund pgra riap turns.. ProjectedF'rajel Desri�aticrn aunt W'atcr Department Equipment Replacanent $6 ,405.00 TOTAL 2 doll00 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016 - Fiscal Year 2020 Fiscal Yeas 2016 Bonding Schedule General Fed PLojects Projected V Year Proiect_Description AM- cunt Debt Service High School Track,Bathrooms& Locher Roams $6,750,000.00 $653,700M Nigh School Auditorium Wheelchair and Companion Seating $ 50,000.00 $36, 50.00 7 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016 - Fiscal Year 2020` Fiscal Year 2017 Appropriation Schedule General Fund Appropriations Projected Project Description Amount Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment; S300,000A0 Street/infrastructure Improvement Program $200,000.00' Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $30,000.00 Traffic Light Improvements S30,000.00' Fire Department Computer and IT Upgrade $8,000.00 Fire Department Special Hazards Vehicle $200,000.00 Fire Department Communications Receiver $12,000.00 Robinson Park School Energy Management System $150,000.00 TOTAL $939,500.00 i Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016 - Fiscal Year 2020 Fiscal Year 2017 Appropriation Schedule (Continued) Wastewater Fund Anixonriations Projected Project Description Amount Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,700.00' TOTAL 7 f1t..t)0 '+Water Fund Appro nations Miected 'reject DogLnratio AmQu Water Equipment Repla ment $47,147. TOTAL 1ILL4 & 9 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016 - fiscal Year 2020 Fiscal Year 2017 Bonding;`Schedule _General Fund Projects Projected lLYear PMjg& Descri�ation Amount Debt Servicc Early Childhood Center 8,070 .00 $808, 00.00 Wastewater Fund_Projects Projected Pcaject Description Amount Debt $ yice Westfield 'liver Backup Scarce Maid Design $ 00,000.00 $30,000.00 Water Fund Pajects Projected 1§' Fear Project Desg1jgfijon Amoant Deb 'service Water Main Design -Main & Suffield Streets $455,000.00 $47,7 0.00 Water Wain Design - Silver to Elrn Street $192,500.00 $19,625,00 Water Main Design - South Street $200,000.00 $20,000.00 10 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016 - Fiscal Year 2020 Fiscal Year 2018 Ap pro p1jation,-Schedule General Fund Aunronriations Rrojected Project Description Amount Hampden County Land Acquisition s9,500m Department of Public Works Equipment $300,000,00 Street/infrastTucture Improvement Program $200,000M Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $30,000.00 Traffic Light Improvements $30,000.00 Fire Station Improvements & Repairs $50,000.00 TOTAL S612.500.09 Wastewater Fund U12mpriations Projected PLoject Description Amount Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 TOTAL $47.1 Zj=00 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016 - Fiscal Year 2020 Fiscal Year 2O8 A,ppropriatian Schedule (Continued Water Fund Appropriations w l'roigcted Pro t Desch n Amount Water Equipment Replacement $47,147.00 TOTA`1. L 47_00 AgawgM Mun jpal gglf Course Appropriation l7rojoct+exl P ) esc iption Amount Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement 1 5,000m TOTAL 1 L020 02.0O 1 Town of Agawam Capital,Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016 - Fiscal Year 2020 Fiscal Year 2018 Bondinji Schedule Cleneral. Fund Projects Projected 1$' Year Project Description Amaunt Debt Service Replace Fire:Engines 1 and 2 $1,000,000.00 $150,000.00 Wa e a er Fund Protects Projected 1 ' Year Project Dogdgtion Amount Debt S+ervicc Westfield River Backup Force Tin Construction $2,000,000.00 $200,000.00 3'ater Fund PLojects Proj!g ed li ear Project Description ount Debt Service Water Main Construction Main& Suffield Streets $2,600,000.00 $260,000.00 1- Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016 - Fiscal Year 2020 1 Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriation Schedule General Fund Appropriations Projected Project Description Amount Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $300,000.00 Street/Infrastructure Improvement Program $200,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $30,000.00 Traffic Light Improvements $30,000.00 Fire Hoses& Firefighting Equipment $24,000.00 Fare Department Staff Vehicle $45,000.00 TOTAL 63 8 500.00 Wastewater Fund Appropriations Proiected Project Description Amount Wastewater;Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 TOTAL 47174.00 r 14 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016 - Fiscal Year 202 Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriation Schedule LContinued) Water Fund.Appropriations Projected Pr 'ect Description Amount Water Equipment Replacement $47,147.00 TOTAL 4L l .Tl0 'Agawam Municipal Golf Cgurse Appropriations Proje ed Proiect Tie .on .Amount Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $15,000,00 TOTAL lujo& =00 1 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016 , Fiseal Year 2020 Fiscal Year 2019 Bonding_Schedule General Rand Projects Pro°ected I'Year Protect Description Ampunt Debt Service High School Renovations $15,000,000.00 $1 500,000.00 Tom Hall Feasibility Study $100 .00 $15,000,00 Water Fund PEQjects P o jgged 1 `year Project D ri tion Amount Debt SMice Water Main Construction - Silver Street to Elm Street $1,100,000.00 $110,000.00 Water Main Construction - South Street $1, 00,000.00 $1 0,000.00 16 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016 - Fiscal Year 2020 Fiscal Year 2020 Ap ro riat oan Schedule General Fund Appropriations Profited Project Des dption Amount Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $300,000.00 Street/lirifrastructure Improvement Program $150,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $30,000.00 Traffic Licit Improvements'' $30,000.00 Fire[department Self Contained Breathing Apparatus S225,000.00 TOTAL $244 590.00 Wastewater F pffopriations Projected Project-De ,ption ount Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 TOTAL, i 47 174.0 17 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016 - Fiscal Year 2020 ■' Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriation Schedule (Continued) Water Fund Appropriations Projected Project Description Amount Water,Equipment Replacement $47 147.O0 TOTAL 47147.O0 Agawam Municipal Golf Course Appropriations Projected Project Description Amount Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement; $15,000.00' TOTAL 15 000.00 18 Town of At awam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016 - Fiscal Year 2020 Fiscal Year 2O2 Bonding Schedule General Fund Projects �. Projected V Year ro e t Description Amount Debt Service Town Hall Construction 7,000 000.00 $700,000,00 Water Fund P oL_jects [projected V Year Project Description Amount debt Service Water Main Design - Meadow Street, $200,000.00 $20,000.00 1 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016 — Fiscal Year 2020 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS I. MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS FIRE STATION IMPROVEMENT AN REPAIR I_ E _ 1� S Funds have been requested to Nalco improvements and repairs to both Fire Stations in fiscal year 018 in order to increase the longevity of the buildings and to provide state of the art facilities. POLICE STATION RENOVATION Funds have been set aside to provide for a use and feasibility study for repairs and improvements to the Police Station. TOWN HALL Funds have been requested in fiscal yew 2019''for a feasibility study,and design for a new Town Hall, and in fiscal year 2020 for Town lull construction, H. 'PUBLIC WORKS HIG14WAY DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT UIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for large, high cost Department of Public Works trucks and other capital' equipment. In fiscal year 201+6 the equipment request includes the purchase of a new International 734 SFA Dump/Sander/Plow, a Ford F 50 4X4 truck with plow package and plow, a Ford F450 URW 4X4 XL with dump body and plow package. This equipment will be used for snow and ice operations and summer construction projects. In addition, a new EXMARK Laser "s" series V mower deck to provide equipment to maintain School 'Street Park, Phases l &2. Town of Agawam. Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016 — Fiscal Year 2020 STREET/INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Funding is required for the improvement and maintenance of local roadways. Improvements include the construction, reconstruction, widening and resurfacing of reads and the installation and repair of drainage structures and systems. Funds will be utilized in combination with Chapter 90 funding to meet routine maintenance, preventative maintenance and improvement requirements. Annual increases in this account are recommended based upon the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Pavement Management Study performed in 2010. In addition, funds may be applied toward a variety of municipal infrastructure projects and improvements. SIDEWALK RENABILITA`ITION AND EXTENSION The Department of Public Works Highway Division's sidewalk construction and repair team will continue rehabilitation work on sidewalks throughout the community. Funds will be used to extend walks to provide connections to schools and recreation facilities; Future increases in this account are recommended in order to implement a Sidewalk Master Plan currently under development. TRAFFIC LIGHT IMPROVEMENTS Funds are included to provide for upgrades of equipment and software for existing traffic lights. III..: PUBLIC WORKS -WASTEWATER WASTEWATER EQUIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for large, high value, wastewater capital equipment. Funds are requested to purchase a ford F450 DRW 2 WD Crew Gab; with a High Rise Utility Beady. This is the primary vehicle used to transport crews and equipment to construction sites, main lime sewer maintenance and sewer backups 21 . Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016— Fiscal Year 2020 FEEDING HILLS - SOUTHWEST AREA SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION This project has not been included in the Capital Improvement Program. This project is on the City Council agenda and has been tabled indefinitely. The first phase of this program is complete. The enormity of this project would require that it be completed and funded in phases. It is anticipated that it would be completed in several phases over many years at a total cost of over$40, 00 WESTFIELD RIVER BACKUP FORCE MAIN Failure of the newer force main during fiscal year Q required emergency repairs during which g y y " g the 10 inch backup farce amain was used to continue flows to Bondi's Island; This backup force main should be completed to be ready to be put in service should any of the existing four river crossings fail in the future. Assistance will be sought from local communities that share the use of the force main. V. PUBLIC WORKS-WATER WATE DEPAR.`I`MENT_E UIPNIJE IT' An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one Fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for high value, large water capital;equipment;. Funds are requested to purchase a Ford F4 0 DRW 2 WD Crew Cab with.. a High Rise Utility Body. This is the primary vehicle used to transport crews and equipment to construction sites and water main breaks. MAIN AND SUFFIELD ST ETS WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENT The Springfield Water and Sewer Commission is planning maintenance work on their transmission mains from which we receive our water. A portion of the mains will he taken out of service for the work. Hydraulic modeling of our system indicated that we do not have sufficient capacity in our distribution system to insure adequate pressure for our residents if we lose service from more than one connection. We need to build flow capacity in an east-west direction. Funds are requested to construct a twelve inch water main on Reed Street to replace - 22 - Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016 —Fiscal Year 2020 650 feet of six inch asbestos cement pipe and 1,050 feet of four inch cast iron pipe. This will also improve the east—west flow capabilities as well as fire flows. SILVER STREET-ELM STREET WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT Funds are requested to replace the existing six inch main running between Main Street and Suffield Street with a twelve inch main to improve the cast west flow capabilities as well as fire flows, SOUTH STREET WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT Funds are requested to replace the existing six inch main with 5,420 feet of eight inch ductile iron water main. MEADOW STREET WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT Funds are requested for water main design to replace the existing six inch train with 5,420 feet of eight inch ductile iron water toxin. V. MISCELLANEOUS FIRE DEPARTMENT MOTOR VEHICLES Funding is included in fiscal year 2016, funds are requested to replace the Fire department Staff Vehicle. Finally, in fiscal year 2017 funds are needed to replace the special hazards vehicle with newer equipment with a smaller chassis. This vehicle will act as a tow vehicle for the rescue boat. Replacement of Engines 1 and 2 is requested for fiscal year 2018, At that time, the present vehicles will be 10 years old, the age at which the National Fire Protection Association recommends replacing front line vehicles. FIRE DEPARTMENT COMPUTER AND INFORMATION TECITNOLOGY UPGRADE Funds are requested to provide for upgrades to the departments computer hardware and software. - 23 - Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2016— Fiscal Year 2020 FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS Funds are requested to improve the overall communications infrastructure at the Fire department. Funds are requested for installation of a communications receiver site at the Agawam Industrial Park. FIRE AND POLICE DEPARTMENT UTILITY TERRAIN VEHICLE A Utility Ter-rain (off road) vehicle is requested to provide for emergency services for accessing remote woodland areas for emergency responders, and would provide service to both the Fire and Police departments. This vehicle would allow for Emergency Medical Personnel to evacuate patients in remote areas and for search and rescue. Funds are requested in 2016 for the purchase of a vehicle and to provide for a small storage facility. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RADIO UPGRADE Funds are requested to upgrade the base radio and communications equipment to a digital format.GOLF COURSE EQ.UIPMENT Resuming in fiscal year 2018, an annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program, Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the:next in order to provide funding for high value, large Municipal Golf Course capital equipment. HAMPDEN COUNTY LAND ACQUISITION Agawam acquired most of the holdings of the Hampden County government that were within the Town's boundaries when the county was dissolved. The Town is required to reimburse the other county communities for their share of these assets, - 24 - Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Fear 2016 — Fiscal Year 2020 V1. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT HIGH SCHOOL ALL WEATHER TRACK AND BLEACHER REPAIRPROJECT INCLUDING HIGH SCUOOLLOCKER ROOM AND BATHROOM RENOVATIONS TR-201;4- 6 has been approved to fund a new track, field and school locker facility at the Agawam High 'School. EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER The Easy Childhood program has outgrown its resent location on ferry bane. new facility is p P needed to allow for much needed additional classroom space as well as to provide for private bathroom and charging rooms for small children and an area for teachers to meet with parents. Funds are rested to build a 30,OOO square foot facility. HIGH SCHOOL RENOVATIONS Funds are included in fiscal year 2019 to provide for renovations to .Agawam High; School. Renovations would include new science laboratories, windows, boilers, electrical panel boxes, heating and ventilation systems, lockers and information technology upgrades;and accompanying wiling. -25 - $8 a 8 aa- 8, , 8aa' 8 a8 aaa8°aaa8 a ' R g B8 a88 a as Reassess 9 88 a 4 a 9 a a a 9 8 x $88B $eYa8 '8 8 B8 8 aa88 a8! 88a R 8a asaaa88a 8 "s as 15 9 11 1E 5 10 , 8 $8 88aaa$: a8 aal 8a$ $ s8 aa8aaa $a a 8. a888 :E 8. - B B8' .9 8.8.8.$,88 . . . .so a $.ass 8a 3 sea - .$_$eggs 8 a " = I 53 ` $ .8;aaa a.8 1. as aa$aaaa as 8 8 8n a86 a 99a a a a a 8 a 9 a 8 83ia's $ a aB aa,8,8a88 AaA B $ # eI 889 1 898 a0a88.88a 8 z R A a '' 8aa98a "8 as aCH'aka9,8 $,v8 aa8: x °8BEr " � g„o8 assets 84 .8 k:ix" xo'� 81 - a.a Bess agaa,2�a g. xaa a6°$aa.a$ ee.a � e$a1.a1 eaa s as aaa$aeaa a 11 a,«E I k :;4 s8y f, vim" k '. „�, tl :. w �,.. ,. . r', , �w srGwt� y . sad a sawsa .�� Y 8a 8 ,a888a ,s8 6 14 89 88 Big aaa a;aa a'8,8 8 21 9.8 8 8,S:2.M a a a 888.88 8 � as B Big"eaI aas a k T 8aa 8 a a a 8 8 a a. a88888ite8sa8r 8 Bv" a 8ae6 s sr .aa $ fi888888 8$8 z A as 8asa B 'a' a8aa9 s8aaa'R8;#a88 zi, 88 as a' asa8 9 .a8$aa8 8 8 _ «_8 '9e8 age a s a aaa8 aaa8R88aa$S a:aEt: a �818$&at a 8 aaa �sx-# Ikaf,$ �� � � ►= ��� � � - � ��° � � x �, � � � � ��� }' Aug ��.� aa��� e { d r _ , ,a Generol Find $722,425 $929,5W $ $638,500 $ ,, Viewer Fund $62,405 $ 7, 00; $47,174 $47,174 $47,174 Municipal w 0 so-, $15,000 $15,000p oNY AppropriationsBudget FY2020) «000 $200,000 \ Y 2016 FYZ'017 FYZOIS FY2019F "27... General Fund Existing Costs ( Y;2 - FY2020) of Projects I - 11 1,098,338 $ 1,,041,650 3, 5 - Public, Library Exponsion 0,;a 10 242,110 41 680 223,350 $ 216.120 . W, Facitity Acquisition $ 63,223 $ 60,940 $ 58,603 ,210 Phase rl Stommwater Mam"ement $ 16,746 16,000 15,440 14,897 14,368 Middle SOW01 ;Roof 31,680. r 29,920 $ 2 040 M,1 l Middle & Zwwor High pairs $ 8,6,40 $ 8,400 $ 11.1 1:1 7,920 7,680 E'lementary Schools " slider Classriwws $ 115,200 112,00ki I W 81:' 1(A.,600 111 . X1 Senior Unter Co"Strwtion $ 522,625 U1 ,51 ',9 0 $ 476,065 $ 462,4605 PKase 11 stvwmwater, to l ,a .""15;l8 $ 6�538 6,538 " I 6, building, �� f �� i Ext ension 1 ,I1� 11„' , . � `own Wide Telephone Six 62,400 1"200 $ Junice lido School 1 VAC Sys llama. l 100al ll 98,460 96,080 92,880 14,ig4k ,.. * at# a"a a wheeidsaw 1. C%rmpa i ro.E"�� 36 Z�'tS,�f 34" 32,4575 aa,€fit .n a s a a 0 oar 7 8 ,%> 768,ON f ;501 Fire laaal as y3aa z la 14,�CX)> ll 111 ate t:'t� tl �1 111 1111 � .11la" � M1" 1 ,.11 x Existing Bond Costs (FY2016-FY2020) ti 1 1. 1X k: t 1,0 Mil,000 General Fund High School Track, Rathroms A Locker Rao $ $ 653,750 50 ,. ,4W 606 High 5choal ALWftoriwn Wheetchair A vase $ has .A $ 34, ) 32,875' EaMy Childhood Games° „!;ate 788,250768,0000 747,750 High � hof R . 'Viaiaa .SM,LXXI, $ 1,462,0500 Projected New Bond Costs 2 - FY, 2 3 $12,000,0100 4 $1"000 coo, FY2016 FY2017 FV20199 FY2020 -29- General Fund (beforerants and reimbursements) Are New Bvid Cots $0 $1,498,500 $1,611 3 $3,084,2510 $ ,r 5 Total Projected Bond Costs ( 2 -FY2020) (before.; rants and reimbursements) Vi,om000 , $3 ) $3,000,000 ! mns«uw �. ,000 nc '.ivmniuuwrew e4 $2,000,000 k, . s $ , FV2018 F2 0 0 General q (after grants and reimbursements) Existing lkmd, hosts $2,526,418 $2,413,919 $2,204A04 $1,212,472 $1,113,026 Pr tcd New Bond Costs $ $1,498,,' $1: ,375 $3,084,25D $3,704,125 j Total Bond Costs (F 2 - FY2020) (after grants and reimbursements) r $5,000, 000 ,0WODO$3,000 r� x $2 $1,000 �° S , }yitr43} 2, FY2019 � ,31 Self Sustainimg Fundy Existing Bond Costs (IFY' FY, 2020) 4 Westfield River CSO - E el'Share, $ 40,460 $ 44,690 $ 42,8801 ,090 S 44,270 CampWf Dave , Florida rome, Sewer $ 28, clx 2 ,,i0of 26,690 25,NXI $ Z , 'z(l West-fifild Rmer Fame Main S 40,62540,626 ,640�625 Fteding t-fills Sewer Extemmon PhoseI ?,05,70C) r 202,E $ 1 ,' v, nM), 193,M) , ,W, F*cifity Afteratkins- ' t e $ 6 3,NO 4 $ 6 1x740 11 59,976 , ,2 56,446 Water Main C n-OnxIt Westfirld Strect 1,SM 5, ,) 45,9,9 . V-1� (,Xl 4 318.E , ) 7 ' ase"eOrf"wrr"a Rives',. tuckyulr €nice Maim b ig a „ Westfifid Rarer r kqp Force Mai tr 1915 `r, I.. I �,.a„„ �� ;.N<s,".a..�.w�s v��,.„'r�;� ,`�, ,;n` �..: a~��� n+� s'�,. *�'iai'''a` w:. � Watt Catm t*S%P% Maze A "" mU .er Y,f e 5 47 7 4 61 ,so � Water a*s":r e.. ,q mmara'i`n Saa,e.r .'o E;m S z"s"ce,"S'" 19,625 19,125 15,625 q ua I vat; „a s....:,a wwta" .a°' Mx <n '\§ ` a.av"'i.¢`l,°a. ,,rr ;`,.: 0, 49 wa'"e,.e„s hkamn A „„ufficii*.,'da t'„stt,,v i s: <,1�,�n � m`�e' z 64,111,k KI"'NO 53 51AX 2 4 7 i wafer 'Mam, C',O Y.;"3,a"mst,.'t 4cm 54ver to 51 re"O ;.,!�,0 c,ss�'a t0 7,2',"N Water Mar Sckoh St et" ;`�` �� �",;,.. ;a j 5KII,COND, S 11,416, IM,) A" a"re hmaitk lwwsit �es" ,, M,Sz Geai�'+,a S asp,*`- Zp} (�`aw;�§ 1,801,447 Existing Bond Costs (FY2016 FY2020) „....,; n. ..............., $960, ` 2 16 2 2 2 -32- Self Sustain IginiMFunds Westfield Ri ak Backup Force Mama tiesign $ $ 30,00D $ 29,2WW, " a 50 Westfield a, Backup Farce Mama Construction � Zoo,wo190,000 Water a i « Akain & Suffield Streets 7„7 Water Main Oesig", ,. 54yer to F"Im Stree $ 19,625 $ 19,125 f, 18,625 $ 1 8Y 125 'Waiter �'lin Destgn - 'South Street, $ msw $ 19,tx 8,VADO Water Mair _. Main &Suffield Streets $ $ $ 260,000 $ 253,50* 247,ODG, Water i hon - South Street s, .7 W Water Main Design _ Meadow Street $ 20,000 Project Costs' FY z {} , 0,000 ' 4 $1 } \ -33 Self stet s c (beforegrants and reimbursements) Exisfing, Bond C z $1,052,668 $1,041,137 $1,019,911 $ 99o. l $982,572 Prolliected New Bond C.asts $0 $117,375 $574,375 $819,8711 $818,,875 1 L COSTA 10 2, 6 1 1� , t 'I "l� l Total Projected Bond, Costs (FY2016-FY2020) (before grants and r 0 1 600,000, $1,20,0,000 , $Iu r\ \ � gC :,< if Systainin Funds Lr2jLcto its (after grants and rep Existing Road Costs $1,052,668 ,041,137 $1,019,8119 , 2,57 Projecte4 New B4,m4 Costs $0 $117,375 $574 819,87� $81,8a875 755 Projected Total Costs (FY2016 FY2020) ants and reimbursements) *6 * Sdf $1,200,000 W' m $800 , +}yti tf i tf rf \:fJ}1j ll tfY ?! - (9Prc . TR-2015-Q l A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016-2020 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM' WHEREAS, The Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2016-2020 was submitted to the City Council on April 9,2015 in accordance with Article 5,Section"(a) of the Charter;and WHEREAS, The Capital Improvement Program contains a prioritized plan of proposed` capital improvements over the next five fiscal years in accordance with Ardele 5,Section 5-31 (b)of the Charter;and WHEREAS, The capital Improvement Program is designed to utilize town funds for capital improvements on the basis of community priorities In coordination with the availability of grants andlor other state,federal or private reimbursements;and WHEREAS, In developing the Capital Improvement Program each year, the planning process includes consideration of the growth of the town,the improvement of efficient service delivery reducing the need for staff increases,maintenance of new and existing facilities,and consideration of existing commitments;and WHEREAS, Each year the Capital Improvement Program is revised and updated in light of changing needs,requirements,and funding availability; and WHEREAS, In accordance with Article 5,Section 5-3(c)and(d),the Council shall conduct a public hearing and on or before the twentieth day of the last month of the current fiscal year, shall by resolution adopt the Capital Improvement Program;, Now THEREFORE,the Agawam City Council hereby resolves to adopt the Fiscal Year 2016 2020 Capital Improvement Program as submitted by the MMayor on April 4,2015. DATED THIS 1 sf- DAY OF 02015. PER ORDER OF THE AGA.WAM CITY COUNCIL Christopher C.J-O66son,President Ck- APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY 0 Q' 1 e Vincent F.G'Iloscia,City Solicitor -b c)r-f5+-cc Tio ccric Cc. O1"A,+V r Cc ',TM ems u,rt•r MAYORAL ACTION Received this 2nd day of June ,2015 from Council Clerk.. Signed by Council President=this Ist day of June .2015. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3,,Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter,as amended, I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this 2nd day of June-,2015. Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended,I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of ,2015 for the following reasons) Richard A., Cohen,Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this 2nd day of June ,2015. TR-2015- f A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 -2020 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM' WHEREAS, The Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2016=2020 was submitted to the City Council on April 9,2015 in accordance with Article 5,Section 5-3(a) of the Charter; and WHEREAS, The Capital Improvement Program;contains a prioritized plan of proposed capital improvements over the next five fiscal years in accordance with Article 5, Section 5-3 (b)of the Charter; and WHEREAS, The Capital Improvement Program is designed to utilize town funds for capital improvements on the basis of community priorities in coordination with the availability of grants and/or other state,federal or private reimbursements;and WHEREAS, In developing the Capital Improvement Program each year, the planning process includes consideration of the growth of the town,the improvement of efficient service delivery reducing the need for staff increases,maintenance of new and existing facilities,and consideration of existing commitments; and WHEREAS, Each year the Capital Improvement Program is revised and updated in light of changing needs,requirements, and funding availability;and WHEREAS, In accordance with Article 5,Section 5-3(c)and(d),the Council shall conduct a public hearing and on or before the°twentieth day of the last month of the current fiscal year, shall by ;resolution adopt the Capital Improvement Program. NOW THEREFORE,the Agawam City Council hereby resolves to adopt the Fiscal Year'2016 2020 Capital Improvement Program as submitted by the Mayor on April 9,2015. DATER THIS DAY OF 2015 PER ORDER;OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL i. Christopher C. Johnson, President APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY' Vincent F. Gioscia City Solicitor