(Sponsored by George Bitzas)
WHEREAS, the Agawam City Council has the authority to create "No Parking" zones;
WHEREAS, The Department of Public Works - Engineering Division has mapped out
the location for the proposed "No Parking"Zones on School Street, Alhambra Circle South and
Corey Street and are designated as red dots on the attached map (Exhibit A); and
WHEREAS, these new"No Parking" zones will assist in improving the safe ingress and
egress of vehicular,pedestrian and bicycle traffic on School Street, Corey Street and Alhambra
Circle South, the safety of residents living along School Street and Corey Street and also the
residents of the Town and those traveling along said Streets; and
WHEREAS, the Town Parks and Recreation, Engineering and Police Departments
believe the designated"No Parking" zones will improve the flow of traffic, both vehicular and
bicycle and pedestrian, along School Street, Corey Street and Alhambra Circle South; and
WHEREAS,the Town Parks and Recreation, Engineering and Police Departments have
studied the creation of new"No Parking" zones and have recommended the new"No Parking"
accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 85, §2, that the Traffic Rules and Orders of
the Town of Agawam, adopted by the Board of Selectmen on May 7, 1937; and subsequent
amendments thereto, be further amended as follows, as shown on Exhibit A:
Article V. Parking
Section 2 Prohibited on Certain Streets
Upon the following streets or highways or parts thereof, parking is hereby
Add: Beginning on the north side of Alhambra Cir South at#86 proceeding
west to the south west corner of#455 Corey Street
SUBJECT: TR-2015-30
DATE: JULY 9, 2015
Prior to the Community Relations Sub-Committee meeting and leaving for
vacation, I had a detailed discussion with Police Chief Gillis regarding parking
and safety along the streets of School Street Park. I agree with his suggestions
for the police to utilize temporary no parking "sandwich-type" boards for the
evening of the event(s). We also discussed the need to evaluate how these
temporary boards would work after the Grand Opening on July V.
As we all witnessed, these boards worked quite well and there were no parking
issues that evening or during the July W h concert event as well. Therefore in my
opinion the Resolution is no longer necessary. As sponsor of TR-2015-30, I
respectfully withdraw this item and ask that you remove it from our next City
Council Agenda during the July 13, 2015 meeting.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.
cc: Full Council, Mayor, Solicitor, Police Chief Gillis, Parks & Recreation
Director Chris Sparks
barbara bard
From: Mayor Richard Cohen
Sent: Thursday,June 25, 2015 9.43 AM
To: AII_City Councilors; barbara bard;Vince Gioscia;Christopher Golba
Cc: Eric Gillis; Michelle Chase
Subject: TR2015-30
Dear Council,
l am sending you remarks from our Town Engineer and Police Chief with their concerns to
TR2015-30 relevant to a recent memo about this Resolution for your review. Thank you
I still believe that there should be No Parking at all times at the locations we are proposing on School Street, Corey and
Alhambra Circle South. If someone parks on Corey Street near the entrance at any time, it creates a sight distance issue
for vehicles leaving the park.
On School Street we are investing a lot of money to have 4' shoulders, share the road signs,etc. all to make the road
safer for cyclists and pedestrians. Parking vehicles on School Street creates an unsafe situation for these people who
want to bike or walk to the park. I brought this up at the meeting this morning with MassDOT and Fuss&O'Neill and
they were happy to see that the Town was pushing for no parking on School Street.
School Street, Corey Street, Main Street and River Road when complete will be a nice loop for people to bike and walk
on. With the park now open, it will attract even more pedestrians and cyclists. Next year, we hope to repave Corey
Street and we will make the shoulders as wide as possible to encourage cycling and pedestrians(similar to School
Street). This is a nice network of roads that should be kept open to all modes of transportation and not be blocked by
parked vehicles.
Michelle C. Chase, P.E.
Town Engineer
P:41 M21-W25
Agawam-Engineering Division
1000 Suffield Street
Agawam,MA 01001
I have a number of thoughts that I have expressed to the members of the council during a previous hearing, but
will re-iterate them again. With respect to the School Street portion of the proposed area, it is my understanding
that there will now be a dedicated bike lane located where the proposed NO PARKING signs are to be installed.
The establishment of a zone in this area will be vital to the safety of all persons utilizing this dedicated bike
lane. The majority of the proposed NO PARKING zone that will be on Corey Street and Alhambra Circle South
is restricted to one side of the roadway. In the areas where it will be on both sides of the road, we have the
intersection of Corey Street and Janelle Drive, and the top of Alhambra South, where lane width is already at its
minimum. Everyone has acted in an effort to deal with this reasonably foreseeable situation in a proactive
manner, with the safety and well-being of our residents and those who visit School Street Park in mind.
. Unfoxtunately it has now devolved into politics, with little consideration for the safety impacts that will surely
come as a result of inaction and does not consider collateral consequences and the real potential for future
events to be held at this location at any time of the day. Half measures being proposed are generally ineffective,
and very difficult to enforce. Perhaps the creation of an ordinance that would give the Police Department the
ability to create emergency temporary NO PARKING areas might be worth considering and a thought that I am
happy to discuss further should you desire.
Respectfully submitted,
Eric P. Gillis
Chief of Police
Agawam Police Department
681 Springfield Street
Feeding Hills, MA 01030
(413) 786-4767
Richard A Cohen, Mayor
36 Main Street
Agawam, MA 01001
413-786-0400 Ext.8200
SUBJECT: TR-2015-30
DATE: JUNE 24, 2015
After hearing several concerns from area residents of School Street Park
regarding parking near their homes during concert events, I expressed these
concerns to the Administration. I was informed by the Mayor that the
Engineering and Parks & Recreation Departments along with the Police
Department were already working on a resolution to address these issues by
designating No Parking zones during concert events.
During conversations regarding this issue, Chris Sparks asked if I was willing to
sponsor the resolution. to bring to the Full Council to which I agreed as I
sympathize with the residents who have asked for my assistance. This issue
poses safety concerns for the residents along School Street, Corey Street and
Alhambra Circle South as well as those traveling these streets to utilize School
Street Park. These departments studied and recommended the No Parking
zones which were designated on the map attached to the resolution.
A traffic study is not available at this time because the concert event season has
not begun and in my opinion, without the concert events, there would be no
need for the placement of these signs. The study and evaluation can be done
after the first concert in July if necessary. We would have a better understanding
of the magnitude of the parking problem at that time. As you can see from the
Community Relations Sub-Committee minutes dated June 10, 2015, as many as
5000 concert attendees are expected during a concert. We must address this
issue in some manner and hopefully the area residents will attend our meetings
to express their concerns.
As Chair of the Community Relations Sub-Committee, you can invite whomever
you wish to attend our meeting on June 29, 2015 and/or our July 13, 2015 City
Council meeting in order to ask any specific questions that you or any other
committee member may have. The Administration along with the Park &
Recreation and Engineering Departments as well as the Police Department are
certainly willing to answer any additional questions you may have.
As I mentioned, I am unable to attend the June 29' sub-committee meeting but
would again like to suggest an amendment to the resolution. Because these
potential No Parking zones are intended solely for the summer concert series
and park events, there is no need for parking restrictions during other seasons.
In my opinion, it is unnecessary to have restricted parking year round.
Therefore, I plan to amend TR-2015-30 as follows:
Section 2 Prohibited on-Certain Streets
Upon the following treets or highways or parts thereof,parking is hereby prohibited during
concert and park events between Spm and llpm.
Please read and discuss this memo and potential amendment at the meeting as
well as reading my March 12t' Memo into record which is attached for your
convenience. Any other suggestions are most certainly welcome. Thank you.
cc: Community' Relations Sub-Committee, Full Council, Mayor, Solicitor,
Police Chief Gillis, Parks & Recreation Director Chris Sparks, Town
Engineer Michelle Chase,
SUBJECT: TR-2015-30
DATE: MARCH 12, 2015
As sponsor of this Resolution and because I cannot attend the Community
Relations Sub-Committee meeting on June 10t', I welcome any and all
comments, concerns and/or amendments to this item. In order to avoid issues
for the residents in the areas of concern, I offer the following suggestions:
• Signs designating No Parking during park concerts/events; or
• Signs designating No Parking between bpm and 11 pm during
My primary concern for sponsoring this item is for public safety in that area.
Thank you.
cc: Mayor, Solicitor
barbara bard
From: Christopher Sparks
Sent: Tuesday,June 09, 2015 2:51 PM
To: barbara bard;Anthony Suffriti;Anthony Suffriti; Cecilia P.Calabrese;Cecilia Calabrese;
Christopher C.Johnson;Christopher C.Johnson; Dennis Perry, Dennis J. Perry; Donald
M. Rheault; Donald Rheault;George Bitzas;George Bitzas; George Bitzas; Gina M.
Letellier, Gina Letellier,James P. Cichetti;James Cichetti;Joesph Mineo;Joseph Mineo;
Paul Cavallo; Paul C.Cavallo; Robert E. Rossi; Robert Rossi
Cc: Mayor Richard Cohen;Vince Gioscia; Eric Gillis
Subject: RE:TR-2015-30
Good afternoon,
Unfortunately, I will not be able to make Wednesday's meeting because my son's varsity baseball team is playing in the
Western Mass Tournament semi-finals at WNEC tomorrow.
I strongly support the No Parking zones as established by our engineering department and supported by the Agawam
Police. I brought this subject up trying to be proactive foreseeing the increased traffic and parking with the new School
Street Park on Corey Street.
I disagree with George's recommendation as there may be many instances where on street parking is needed besides
concerts. Putting extra stipulations in the No Parking zones will only lead to confusion and will make the zones harder to
control and enforce. I am sure Chief Gillis will agree and elaborate on this point.
Thank you for your support as we are striving for public safety with the projected increased traffic and parking concerns
that the new park will generate.
Have a good day,
Chris Sparks
From: barbara bard
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2015 1:01 PM
To: Anthony Suffriti; Anthony Suffriti; Cecilia P. Calabrese; Cecilia Calabrese; Christopher C. Johnson; Christopher C.
Johnson; Dennis Perry; Dennis J. Perry;.Donald M. Rheault; Donald Rheault; George Bitzas; George Bitzas; George Bitzas;
Gina M. Letellier; Gina Letellier; James P. Cichetti; James Cichetti; Joesph Mineo; .Joseph Mineo; Paul Cavallo; Paul C.
Cavallo; Robert E. Rossi; Robert Rossi
Cc: Mayor Richard Cohen; Vince Gioscia; Eric Gillis; Christopher Sparks
Subject: TR-2015-30
Make it a great day!
Barbara A. Bard
Administrative Assistant
Agawam City Council
36 Main Street
(413)726-9717 fax
(Sponsored by George Bitzas)
WHEREAS, the Agawam City Council has the authority to create "No Parking" zones;
WHEREAS,The Department of Public Works - Engineering Division has mapped out
the location for the proposed "No Parking" Zones on School Street, Alhambra Circle South and
Corey Street and are designated as red dots on the attached map (Exhibit A); and
WHEREAS,these new"No Parking" zones will assist in improving the safe ingress and
egress of vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle traffic on School Street, Corey Street and Alhambra
Circle South, the safety of residents living along School Street and Corey Street and also the
residents of the Town and those traveling along said Streets; and
WHEREAS, the Town Parks and Recreation, Engineering and Police Departments
believe the designated "No Parking" zones will improve the flow of traffic, both vehicular and
bicycle and pedestrian, along School Street, Corey Street and Alhambra Circle South; and
WHEREAS,the Town Parks and Recreation, Engineering and Police Departments have
studied the creation of new"No Parking"zones and have recommended the new "No Parking"
accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 85, §2, that the Traffic Rules and Orders of
the Town of Agawam, adopted by the Board of Selectmen on May 7, 1937; and subsequent
amendments thereto, be further amended as follows, as shown on Exhibit A:
Article V. Parking
Section 2 Prohibited on Certain Streets
Upon the following streets or highways or parts thereof, parking is hereby
Add: Beginning on the north side of Alhambra Cir South at#86 proceeding
west to the south west corner of#455 Corey Street
Add: Beginning on the north side of Corey Street opposite from #310 and
proceeding west to a point opposite from #8 Alexander Drive.
Add: Beginning on the northwest corner of 983 Alhambra Cir South and
extending along the south side of Corey Street until 30 feet west of the
entrance to Janelle Drive at#246 Corey Street
Add: Beginning on School Street at the intersection with River Road and
extending the entire length of School Street on both sides until the
intersection with Main Street.
As more particularly shown on the attached map marked Exhibit A.
Dated this_day of , 2015.
Christopher C. Johnson, Council President
Vincent F. 637iotcia, City Solicitor
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Chief of Police
May 20, 2015
Agawam Town Council
36 Main Street
Agawam, MA 01001
Dear Council Member,
I am writing you today in the hopes that you will give fair and timely consideration to the request
currently pending before you, which provides for the creation of a "NO PARKING" zone in the
vicinity of the newly expanded portion of School Street Park. To be clear this proposed "NO
PARKING" zone will encompass portions of both Corey Street and Alhambra Circle South
(Exact address ranges of both streets located within proposal). It is my understanding that this
new portion of the park will be utilized to host the Town Of Agawam Summer Concert Series
that has become quite popular with many of our residents.
As you may or may not be aware, several of the acts that were presented in Series of years past
drew well over 5,000 attendees. With those numbers a reality for this year and years to come, we
recognize that the number of parking spaces available at this new venue will not accommodate
all of the vehicles that attendees will arrive in. As such, we have worked proactively with our
partners in the Parks and Recreation Department, as well as the Engineering Department under
the umbrella of our DPW, to craft a plan to effectively deal with this anticipated overflow.
This plan has given careful consideration to a variety of factors including lane width on both
Corey and School Streets, average speed of traffic on both roadways, and lack of sidewalks on
Corey Street. Our Safety Sergeant, Steven Grasso has worked tirelessly with both Chris Sparks
and Michelle Chase to identify the best way in which to manage the parked vehicles we believe
will be the by-product of well-attended events. Our collective goal is to ensure the safety of all of
those who attend events at this location, as well as those who utilize the roadways around the
park. Given the significant limitations that we face, we firmly believe that the solution that has
been presented is the best way for us to realize our safety objectives.
I know that you are all aware that the new portion of the park is scheduled for a Grand Opening
on July 1, 2015. We have precious little time to get these signs erected prior to that date, so the
need for your timely assistance and ultimate action on this matter cannot be overstated. I can tell
you that the Engineering Department and our Safety Officer have a vast knowledge base of the
681 Springfield St. • Feeding Hills, MA 01030 • Tel:(413)786.4767 • Fax:(413) 786.4821 •
situation and are in the best position to answer technical questions that you may have related to
this proposal. I would encourage you to contact them directly with any questions or concerns that
you may have. Please find a copy of the report that was prepared by Sergeant Steven Grasso
regarding this proposal attached hereto for your further review. I am also available should you
have any questions or concerns.
Res ly submitt ,
r' P. Gillis
Chief of Police
To:Chief Gillis
CC: Lieutenant Blanchette
From: Sergeant Steven Grasso
Date: May 4, 2015
Re:Summer Concert Series-School St Park
I met with the Park and Recreation Director, Chris Sparks to have preliminary talks regarding the
upcoming Summer Concert Series that will now be located at School Street Park. The primary concern
will be the parking situation. Currently, the new parking lot will hold 210 vehicles and the old parking lot
(off School St)will hold 185 vehicles. I learned that the largest attendance for a concert in 2014 was
over 5,000 people. This will in all likelihood be more vehicles than the parking lot(s) can handle. This
will ultimately involve vehicles parking on the street. Both Mr. Sparks and I are in agreement that there
should be no on road parking on School Street. i feel the best on street parking will be Corey Street if it
can be limited to the north side of the street west of the entrance/exit of the parking lot to Janelle Drive.
There is enough room up to Janelle Drive to have parking on one side of the road only and still have the
ability to pass two way traffic. There should be no parking west of Janelle Drive as there is a guard
rail/wire in close proximity to the roadway. I don't believe there should be any parking on Corey Street
east of the entrance/exit until South Alhambra Circle. Presently, there is on street parking by residents
on South Alhambra Circle.
Chris Sparks and I met with Michelle Chase of the Engineering department to request no parking signs in
the aforementioned area. Chase agreed with recommendations on the restricted areas and will begin
the process to have these areas posted for no parking. Chase did inform us that the DPW may have to
put up temporary signs for no parking. Apparently, it may take several months to get the no parking
signs once they are ordered.
Sparks and I spoke regarding appropriate manpower and I suggested a minimum of four officers with
the potential of a fifth officer assigned to a marked cruiser to enforce parking restrictions. There wilt be
four posts; an officer will be assigned to the entrance/exit at both the Corey St parking lot and the
School St parking lot, Two officers will remain inside the School Street Park area during the concert.
These officers can assist with traffic control at the conclusion of the concert. I will monitor the situation
and address any traffic concerns as they evolve.
barbara bard
From: Christopher Sparks
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 1:08 PM
To: Nadine Porfilio; Mayor Richard Cohen; Michelle Chase; lawclerk; Roland Barbeito
Cc: Vince Gioscia;Christopher Golba; Eric Gillis;Steven Grasso; barbara bard
Subject: RE; Corey Street Parking
Based on the new inquiries from engineering we are unable to get the new resolution on the City Council agenda for
May 18. 1 would like to now try to get this ready for the June 1 City Council agenda. This would make the final
reading/vote on June 15. This does not give very much leeway for the July 1 Grand Opening of School Street. Can we
please schedule a meeting ASAP with all the powers to be to properly plan the no parking zones surrounding the School
Street Park?
Thank you,
Chris Sparks
From: Michelle Chase
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 11.28 AM
To: lawclerk; Christopher Sparks; Roland Barbeito
Cc: Vince Gioscia; Christopher Golba
Subject: RE: Corey Street Parking
We need to work on the description. I have the following comments:
1. Do we need to say how many parking signs are needed? Doesn't seem necessary.Things may change in the field
as we are installing them.The red dots are approximate locations that may need to be changed due to field
conditions(utilities, trees, etc.)
2. 1 don't believe the residents have had any input on this, unless Chris Sparks had a public hearing already?
3. The police department also had some input and recommendations on the study and creation of the no parking
zones,they should be included in this.
4. The no parking on Corey will include the 15 on either side of the driveway. The signs will be located 15 feet
away from the driveway but will have arrows in both directions.
5. There will be no parking allowed on the south side of Corey to the east of the park as well which isn't described.
6. Section 2 has no description of no parking on School Street.
Let me know if you have any questions or need to discuss anything. Thanks!
Michelle C. Chase, P.E.
Town Engineer
Agawam-Engineering Division
1000 Suffield Street
Agawam,MA 01001
APlease consider the environment before printing this email
From: lawclerk
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:12 AM
To: Christopher Sparks; Michelle Chase; Roland Barbeito