TR-2015-35 TRACK - INCREASE IN BOND AMT. I 4ujw 0i Ajmm mtly( 111-)/15- TR-2015-35 A RESOLUTION TO INCREASE THE AUTHORIZED BOND AMOUNT FOR THE NEW TRACK, FIELD AND SCHOOL LOCKER FACILITY AT THE AGAWAM HIGH SCHOOL (Sponsored by Mayor Richard A Cohen) WHEREAS, the Agawam High School is in need of new track and field facilities to meet the needs of students, residents and various community programs; and WHEREAS, the Agawam City Council, the Agawam School Committee and the School Administration has endorsed the Track Master Plan, (See TR-2014-26) and the purchase/placement/construction of a new track, turf field, tennis and basketball courts, baseball field, bleachers, concession stand/restroom facility at the Agawam High School, including paving, lighting, landscaping-and other site improvements related to such construction, and for reconstruction and renovation of the Agawam High School locker rooms, including the payment of all other costs incidental and related to such projects; and WHEREAS, the Agawam High School locker room renovations will meet the standards of Title IX and the requirements of the school's accreditation recommendations; and WHEREAS, the planning and design for the project is complete; and WHEREAS, the Agawam City Council authorized Community Preservation Funds in the amount of$1,035,000.00 to be expended on this project(See TR-2014-37); and WHEREAS, the Massachusetts School Building Authority did not approve the city's application for funds; and WHEREAS, the city has opened bids for the project and additional funds are required for construction of the project; and WHEREAS, the appropriation and authorization to borrow passed by the City Council on September 15, 2014 was $6,750,000.00 (See TR-2014-36); and WHEREAS, the contract is ready to be awarded and the lowest bid is $7,526,000.00 (not including a construction contingency and other miscellaneous items) and therefore there are insufficient appropriated funds to award the contract; and WHEREAS, completion of the project is scheduled for early October 2015 with the majority of construction taking place during the summer school break; and WHEREAS, a delay in funding would cause major disruption of student activities at the Agawam High School; and barbara bard From: Mayor Richard Cohen Sent Wednesday,June 24, 2015 1:53 PM To: barbara bard;All-City Councilors;Jennifer Bonfglio; marka@miloneandmacbroom.com; John Hammer Oohnh@miloneandmacbroom.com);Jim Hanifan (JHanifan@cbaarchitects.net);Vince Gioscia;William Sapelli Cc: Rebecca Budreau; Nadine Porfilio Subject: Track Funding resolution Importance: High Hello All I am hereby requesting that you withdraw Resolution TR2015-35 from your agenda as it is no longer necessary. Thank you for your continued support of this project and as you suggested last evening we will come back to you when the new bids for this project are received should additional funding be required. Best Wishes for an enjoyable summer and Richard A Cohen, Mayor 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 413-786-0400 Ext. 8200 I e( A 6 r4 I From: Mark Arigoni [mailto:marka(cbmiloneandmacbroom.com] Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015 4:55 PM To: Mayor Richard Cohen Cc: Jennifer Bonfiglio; Vince Gioscia; Jim Hanifan; John Hammer Subject: RE: Fields and Locker Room Renovations Mayor Cohen, As you are aware although we had two complete and acceptable bids at or below our anticipated project budget, unfortunately both bids have been withdrawn due to"clerical or numerical errors in their respective bids". This leaves us with only the third bid at approximately$8.8 million currently being on the table. Based upon the two lower bids being in relative close proximity to each other and our own opinion of the project value,we recommend that the third bid not be considered an acceptable bid amount for the current project scope. Upon review of the current project, the schedule, and with the intent to deliver the Town of Agawam and the students of the High school a new outdoor sports facility and locker rooms,we offer the following options for your consideration. 1. Re-bid the entire project this summer, for late summer or early fall construction start. This process will need to include a revised construction schedule that will restrict the use by the high school of the following for the entirety of the Fall 2015 seasons including the football stadium, all hardcourts (tennis/basketball), baseball field (old & proposed). Although the football stadium and track would be ready for the Spring 2016 seasons, the new baseball and renovated grass field areas would be ready for the fall 2016 seasons at the earliest. There will be the opportunity to consider maintaining the use of several multi-use natural grass practice fields not targeted for construction through the Fall 2015 season. The locker room renovations would be proposed to be constructed in the summer 2016 (early June to end of August). This schedule change will allow ample time to order and obtain any long lead time items, such the new lockers and ceiling tiles, and avoid any perceived scheduling constraints. This will require a fair amount of additional effort from both the Town, CBA (Jim Hanifan), and MMI. 2. Break the project into two projects. Essentially a site work, track &field bid package and concessions, storage and locker room package. This approach would essentially allow a site contractor to bid and construct the track and all field improvements, while a building contractor would bid the building work. This option would require two different contractors to coordinate together regarding the construction of the concessions and storage buildings. The construction schedules would be modified similarly to the above option presented. This option would be more difficult and would require two different types of bidding procedures and will require significantly more additional effort from both the Town, CBA (Jim Hanifan), and MMI to pull the two packages together. We are available to sit with you and the track committee to discuss the best and most feasible approach to proceed. Thank you. Mark Mark Arigoni, L.A., Principal Massachusetts Regional Manager =`hIMONIMAIACHR001f' One Financial Plaza 1350 Main Street, Suite 1012 Springfield,MA 01103 office 413.241.6920/cell 860.559.3970 www.miloneandmacbroom.com TR-2015-35 A RESOLUTION TO INCREASE THE AUTHORIZED BOND AMOUNT FOR THE NEW TRACK, FIELD AND SCHOOL LOCKER FACILITY AT THE AGAWAM HIGH SCHOOL (Sponsored by Mayor Richard A Cohen) WHEREAS, the Agawam High School is in need of new track and field facilities to meet the needs of students, residents and various community programs; and WHEREAS, the Agawam City Council, the Agawam School Committee and the School Administration has endorsed the Track Master Plan, (See TR-2014-26) and the purchase/placement/construction of a new track, turf field, tennis and basketball courts, baseball field, bleachers, concession stand/restroom facility at the Agawam High School, including paving, lighting, landscaping-and other site improvements related to such construction, and for reconstruction and renovation of the Agawam High School locker rooms, including the payment of all other costs incidental and related to such projects; and WHEREAS, the Agawam High School locker room renovations will meet the standards of Title IX and the requirements of the school's accreditation recommendations; and WHEREAS, the planning and design for the project is complete; and WHEREAS, the Agawam City Council authorized Community Preservation Funds in the amount of$1,035,000.00 to be expended on this project(See TR-2014-37); and WHEREAS, the Massachusetts School Building Authority did not approve the city's application for funds; and WHEREAS, the city has opened bids for the project and additional funds are required for construction of the project; and WHEREAS, the appropriation and authorization to borrow passed by the City Council on September 15, 2014 was $6,750,000.00 (See TR-2014-36); and WHEREAS, the contract is ready to be awarded and the lowest bid is $7,526,000.00 (not including a construction contingency and other miscellaneous items) and therefore there are insufficient appropriated funds to award the contract; and WHEREAS, completion of the project is scheduled for early October 2015 with the majority of construction taking place during the summer school break; and WHEREAS, a delay in funding would cause major disruption of student activities at the Agawam High School; and WHEREAS, said facilities shall and will be owned by the City of Agawam; and WHEREAS, the completion of the new track, fields and locker room facilities at the Agawam High School is in the best interests of the City of Agawam; and NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL HEREBY RESOLVES TO AUTHORIZE THE FOLLOWING: That Nine Hundred Ninety-Six Thousand ($996,000.00) Dollars is appropriated to pay costs of the planning, design, construction, original equipment and furnishing of,a new track, turf field, tennis and basketball courts, baseball field, bleachers and concession standlrestroom facility at the Agawam High School, including paving, lighting, landscaping and other site improvements related to such construction, and for the reconstruction and renovation of the Agawam High School locker rooms, including original equipment and furnishing, and including the payment of all other costs incidental and related to such projects; that such amount shall be in addition to the Six Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand ($6,750,000.00) Dollars previously appropriated for such project; and that to meet this appropriation, the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor, is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7 of the General Laws, or pursuant to any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2015. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Christopher C. J son, President ROVED S O FORM AND LEGALITY w incent F. ' scia, City Solicitor Town ofAgawam gbh° .1 Interoffice Memorandum DATE; June 1$,-2015 To: city coin RE: Project Update General bids were received Friday June 12, 2015 at 2-00 PM. The Town received three general contcacwr bids. After verbally accepting the project, the apparent low bid of$7,075,000 has since been withdrawn. The second low bidder has been con=ted and has agreed to accept the project Their base bid is$7,526,000 with an additional$145,200 for Masonry and Acoustical Tile to be added. As you can see from the attachment this has caused a shortO m the project budget of$994,21& At this time, we are unable to move forward and award the contract without the necessary funding; therefore an increase to the bond is needed. Because we are on a very tight schedule,any delays to this project will result in a major disruption for students and staff at the High School. Bond Counsel has also been notified of the request for an increase in the bond. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. Mayor Richard A.Cohen J er Bonfiglio TOWN OF AGAWAN4 AHS ATHLETIC FACILITIES & DOCKER ROOM 20 '15- INCOME AND FUNDING INCOME OR FUNDING SOURCE AMOUNT CPA Funding $1,035,000 Bon 6, 50,000 TOTAL FUNDING FOR PROJECT $7,785,000 �ExPENSE TYPE OF EXPENSE COST Architectural Services $455,000 Legal Advertisements $2,000 Construction Administration (Clerk of the Works) $30,000 Electronic Bidding Services(BidQocsOnline) $5,000 General Contractor(2nd lowest Bid) $7,526,000 Acoustical Tile Rebid(estimate) $100,006 Contingency $594,518 Furnishing& Equipment Allowance $10,000 !Utility Connections $5,000 bedication Plaque/Stone/Sign _ _ $6,500 Masonry(Add for second lowest bidder) $45,200.00 TOTAL PROJECT [TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET SHORTFALL $994 218 TR-2014-26 A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE TRACK MASTER PLAN AS PRESENTED AND THE ADMINISTRATION'S INTENTION TO CONTINUE WITH THE PROJECT, WITH SUPPORT FROM THE EXPLORATORY COMMITTEE, AND SEEK BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Sponsored by Mayor Richard A Cohen WHEREAS, the Track Facility Exploratory Committee seeks the support of the City Council before moving forward with the second phase of this project; and WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam commissioned the creation of a Master Plan layout the renovation of the Track &Field Facility at the High School;and WHEREAS, said plan was presented to the City Council and School Committee at a joint meeting in April where it received positive feedback; and WHEREAS, the next phase of the project would involve a bid for a firm to create construction drawings which would be used to bid for the construction of the facility; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to continue with this project in seeking bids for the creation of construction documents. NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council resolves to endorse the Track Master Plan as previously presented and encourage the Administration and Track Facility Exploratory Committee to continue with the project and pursue a firm for the creation of construction drawings for the final phase of the project. Dated this��ay of�:.�d=1 2014. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Christopher C. Ia on, President PROVE TO FORM AND LEGALITY !J V0 t 0-r �Y� 0 Nro VS W+- Vincent ioscia, City Solicitor Pt',-() pA TR-2014-36 tt= k�3li fir r.c:C A RESOLUTION TO BOND A NEW TRACK, FIELD AND SCHOOL LOCKER FACILITY AT THE AGAWAM HIGH SCHOOL (SPONSORED BY Mayor Richard A Cohen) WHEREAS,the City of Agawam at the Public High School is in need of new track and field facilities to meet the needs of students,residents and various programs;and WHEREAS,the Agawam City Council, The Agawam School Committee and the School Administration,has endorsed the Track Master Plau and the purchase/placementleonstruction of original equipment and furnishing of a new track,turf field,tennis and basketball courts,baseball field,bleachers,concession sund/restroom facility at the Mgb School,including paving, lighting,landscaping and other site improvements related to such construction,and for reconstruction and renovation of the High School locker rooms,including original equipment and furnishings and including the payment of all other costs incidents[and related to such proJem; and WHEREAS,the Locker Room Renovations will meet the standards of Title IX and the requirements of Accreditation Recommendations; and RREREAS,an July, 14,2014 The Agawam City Council endorsed the Track Master plan and the pwrchaselplacement/construction of original equipment and famishing of a new track.,turf field,tennis and basketball cosmts, baseball field,bleachers,concession stand/restroom facility at the High School,including paving,lighting,landscaping and other site improvements related to such constrvc6.on,and for reconstruction and renovation of the High School locker rooms, including ariVmid equipment and furnishings and including the payment of all other costs incidental and related to such projects;and WHEREAS, if applicable and approved Comrnun*Preservation Funds will be utilized to red»coats;:tad WHEREAS,if applicable and approved, Niassachusetts School Building Authority funds will be utilized to reduw costs; acid WHERAS,a Request for Qualifications(l2FQ)is being prepared, for the Architectural dt Design Phase of the project,to be disseminated and distributed;and WHEREAS,sand facilities shall and will be owned by the City of Agawazn;and WHEREAS, it i.,:in the best interests of the City of Agawam to meet the needs and requirements of physical edlicotion Bad the c0iidents and for the development of each various programs to appropriate and authorize borrowing in the amount of for the costs of the planning, design, c�snstnrctior�, original equipment and shing of a new track,turf field, �� �zl vro tennis and basketball courts, baseball field, bleachers, concession stand/restroorn facility at the High School,including paving, lighting,landscaping and other site improvements related to such construction,and for reconstruction and renovation of the High School Ioeker rooms, inclining original equipment and furnishing, and including the payment of all other costs incidental and related to such projects NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL HEREBY RESOLVES TO AtiTHORIZE'iHE FOLLOWfNG. That is appropriated to pay costs of the planning,design,construction, original equipment and furnishing of a new track, turf field,tennis and basketball courts, baseball field, bleachers,concession stand/restroom facility at the High School,including paving, fighting, landscaping and other site improvements related to such construction,and for reconstruction and renovation of the High School locker rooms, including original equipment and furnishing,and including the payment of all other costs incidental and related to such projects; and to meet this appropriation, the f-masurer, with the approval of the Mayor,is authorized to borrow said amount under and Ptu-tram to Chapter 44 Section 7 of the Massachusetts General Laws,or pursuant to any other emabliV, authority,and to issue bonds or notes of the City therefore. I kbqh(L DATED T KIS ',i _ DA V OF .2014. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCILN L L� V Christopher C. Jo -n; President APPRO jN3 'O a�0Pt M D AN LEGALiT`� y Vincent es;,ia,City Solicitor ttc_ TnCkL Cc se LAM' [L Cc{ute4, (t- c PA TR-2014-37 G i A RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FROM THE COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPEND]KITURE OF COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUNDS FOR THE REHABILITATION OF THE ATHLETIC FACILITY LOCATED AT THE AGAWAM HIGH SCHOOL Whereas,voters of Agawam chose to form a Community Preservation Committee (CPA); and Whereas, pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44B, Section 5(2) allows the CPA Committee to make recommendations to the legislative body; and Whereas, pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44B, Section 5(3)(d) states that the legislative body shall then take such action and approve such appropriations for the CPA Committee; and Whereas, one of the CPA committee's functions is related to providing recreation benefits to the City and its residents; and Whereas, A Master Plan has been prepared for the replacement/construction of a track, turf field,tennis and basketball courts,baseball field,bleachers, concession stand/restroom facility at the High School, including paving, lighting, landscaping and other site improvements and Whereas, &.e Community Preservation Committee has previously approved funds for said plan; and Whereas,the City of Agawam at the Public High School is in need of new track and field facilities to meet the needs of students,residents and various programs; and Whereas,the project is in need of additional funds to be used to reduce the amount of the debt; and Whereas,there is extremely strong community support for such use of funds from elected officials, City of Agawam Department Heads, and Residents of Agawam; and Whereas, The Community Preservation Committee has recommended appropriation and expenditure in the amount of one million thirty five thousand dollars and no cents ($1,035,000) from Undesignated Fund balance; and Whereas, it is the best interest of the public and the City of Agawam to appropriate from the community preservation fund and authorize the expenditure of community preservation funds for the creation of tennis and basketball courts, lighting, removal of baseball field, planting grass and creation of new baseball field; , NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby further resolves, appropriates and authorizes the expenditure of Community Preservation Funds in the amount of one million thirty five thousand dollars and no cents (S 1,035,000)from the undesignated fund balance for the rehabilitation of the athletic facility on property owned by the City of Agawam and located at the Agawam High School in accordance with M.G.L. Ch. 44b, Sec. 2. THE AGAWA-M TOWN COUNCIL hereby further resolves that the Mayor is authorized to expend said funds, as permitted by law, and to do all things necessary for the purposes so stated. Dated this )ay of l ,2014. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL c3kf kz�� Christopher C. o s n,President APPROV S TO FORM AND LEGALITY incent oscia, City Solicitor APPROVED AS TO APPROPRIATION { ) 1-4 A 4 n Cheryl St. Jo4,Auditor TO-2015-32 AN EMERGENCY PREAMBLE FOR TR-2015-35 A RESOLUTION TO INCREASE THE AUTHORIZED BOND AMOUNT FOR THE NEW TRACK, FIELD AND SCHOOL LOCKER FACILITY AT THE AGAWAM HIGH SCHOOL WHEREAS, completion of the new track, field and school locker facility project at the Agawam High School is scheduled for early October 2015 with the majority of construction taking place during the summer school break; and WHEREAS, TR-2015-35 has been placed on the City Council Special Meeting agenda on June 22, 2015; and WHEREAS, unless the City Council votes on TR-2015-35 at its June 22, 2015 Special Meeting, the completion of the new track, field and school locker facility project at the Agawam High School will be substantially delayed beyond early October 2015; and WHEREAS, the scope of construction for the new track, field and school locker facility may create numerous physical hazards to the students and staff of the Agawam High School; and WHEREAS, in order to promote the protection of health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Agawam, specifically the students and staff at the Agawam High School, the Agawam City Council must act on TR-2015-35 at a Special Meeting on June, 22, 2015; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Agawam City Council to act on TR- 2015-35 at its Special Meeting on June, 22, 2015; and NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council hereby declares pursuant to Section 2-9(b) of the Agawam Home Rule Charter that an emergency exists and hereby approves this Emergency Preamble to TR-2015-35. DATED THIS DAY OF ,2015. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Christopher C. Johnson, President A P O FORM AND LEGALITY a, City Solicitor