2007 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION (MEETING MINUTES) C �� � C ll a a,,, Agawam Conservation Commission December 27, 2007 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION December 27, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Fred Harpin Jill Messick Mark Soticheck Co MEMBERS ABSENT: I' Steven Douglas n"' Frank Meagher Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —November 29, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Becker to approve the minutes of 1�b- November 29, 2007 as written. VOTE 5-0 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—25 Kosciusko Avenue—Schnepp This RDA was submitted for a proposed 15' x 15" addition to the rear of an existing home. There is a stream adjacent to this property, approximately 75' from the home. Mr. Kozloski and Mr. Harpin have visited this site and recommend a Negative Determination. Haybales will be placed and staked during construction. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability for Schnepp on 25 KosciuskoAvenue. VOTE 5-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent—Indoor Coaster--Six Flags New England John Furman and Dave Pickard of Vanasse Hangen Brustlin(VHB)were in attendance to present NOI. Mr. Furman explained that the project area is the existing batman stage area that will be removed for this new attraction. Overall,the amount of impervious area within the riverfront area will be decreased. He stated that work within the floodplain will be done according to the Wetlands Protection Act standards. NHESP has received a copy of this filing and a response should be provided soon. The elevation of the first floor is at 57' which he stated is above the floodplain in this area. The site is Agawam Conservation Commission December 27, 2007 Page 2 hydrologically connected to the River via 12"pipes that are already in place. The members agreed to a site visit which was scheduled for January 3rd. The Commission continued the public hearing at this time. 4, PUBLIC HEARING CONT-- 1744 Main Street—Cirillo Joseph Petronino of Environmental Services was in attendance along with Mr. Cirillo. Mr. Cirillo stated that he will be removing the concrete pad that exists where the former machine shop was. DEP's comments included the requirement for drainage calculations. The Agawam Engineering Department reiterated that requirement and asked that they be based on 600' x 30"of landscaping pavers as well as the actual surface area of the units placed for the golf holes. The Commission continued the public hearing to January 10'k and agreed to send a letter to Mr. Cirillo with a copy to DEP, requiring the drainage calculations. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE.—Channel Drive—Petrucci Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to table the Certificate of Compliance for Petrucci on Channel Drive until Spring. VOTE 5-0 7. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) Main Street—Russo Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to lift the Enforcement Order for Russo on Main Street. VOTE 4-0-1 (Harpin abstained) Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Becker to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 5-0 DISCUSSION—Request to Amend Order of Conditions—916 Suffield Street—Pananas The Commission reviewed the information that was provided on proposed changes to the Pananas project on Suffield Street and agreed that no additional impacts to resource areas will be created. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck that a new Notice of Intent not be required for the changes to the Pananans project on Suffield Street. Agawam Conservation Commission December 27, 2007 Page 3 VOTE 5-0 A public hearing will be scheduled for an Amendment to the Order of Conditions for Pananas for the next meeting. DISCUSSION-Comission Laptop Software Ms. Messick explained that she has obtained information on the GPS software for the Commission laptop. A contract is required to be signed. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM. Agawam Conservation Commission November 29, 2007 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION November 29, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Steven Douglas co `µ Fred Harpin Frank Meagher r Jill Messick- 6:32 PM. "� 3 3 t v t-: MEMBERS ABSENT: Z5Z"-, Mark Soticheck - r ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -November 8, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the minutes of November 8, 2007 as written. VOTE 5-0 2. ORDER OF CONDITIONS -CVS- Springfield Street Mr. Kozloski announced that the agenda was incorrect (it states: PUBLIC HEARING CONT.) and that the public hearing was closed at the last meeting. The Commission wrote the Order of Conditions for the CVS project on Springfield Street. A condition was added that the Wetland Replication Area be monitored for three years with reports sent to the Commission. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue the Order of Conditions for CVS on Springfield Street as written. VOTE 6-0 Upon further discussion, the members felt that the monitoring of the Replication Area be carried out for five years. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded b y Mr. Meagher that the CVS wetland replication area be monitored for five years. VOTE 6-0 Agawam Conservation Commission November 29, 2007 Page 2 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—Northfield Estates—Hillside Dev. Corp. Mason Maronn of D.L. Bean, Inc. was in attendance this evening with a revised plan that addresses the Engineering Department's comments on the filing. Mr. Kozloski asked if the 12"pipe between the pond and the wetland will be retained. Mr. Maronn stated that he was waiting for the Commission's decision on that connection. Ms. Messick met on- site with Mr. Maronn since the last meeting. She and Mr. Kozloski both want the 12" pipe left as is. Mr. Maronn stated that another alternative to the 12"pipe would be to put in a bleeder pipe in the catch basin. He also stated that the pond and the wetland are not dependent on eachother as they are groundwater fed. Mr. Kozloski stated that if they are separated they will become isolated and could be filled at a later date, however, with the 12"pipe they are hydrologically connected. Ms. Messick stated that she wants that connection maintained whether it be through the existing 12"pipe or some other way. Mr. Douglas and Ms. Becker agreed with her. Mr. Kozloski stated that the state has declared this time a drought season but that he has seen water in that pipe previously. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Meagher to require the 12"pipe between the pond and the wetland remain or some other connection be maintained equal to the water flow in the 12"pipe. VOTE 6-0 Mr. Kozloski asked if they were proposing any clean up in the ravine at the back of the site. Mr. Maronn stated that a note has been added to the plans (per Engineering). There being no further public input, Mr. Kozloski closed the public hearing. 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent— 1744 Main Street—C.irillo Mr. Cirillo has requested a continuance of this public hearing to the next meeting. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Harpin to continue the public hearing for the Cirillo Notice of Intent for 1744 Main Street to the next meeting as requested by the applicant. VOTE 6-0 5. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION---Harvey Johnson Drive—American Renal Associates Ms. Messick stated that since the last meeting she met on-site with the wetland specialist. She stated that they dug down 19" and found no hydric soils. Mr. Kozloski stated that he went out on his own and walked the area and found a clay pipe but it is not related to this area. He also viewed an old print of the building plans and found that the pipe in question is for roof drains. Agawam Conservation Commission November 29, 2007 Page 3 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Harpin to issue a Negative Detennination of Applicability for American Renal Associates on Harvey Johnson Drive. VOTE 6-0 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—South Street—Twin Brook Farms Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Becker to continue the public hearing for Twin Brook Farms as requested by the applicant to January 10t'. VOTE 6-0 7. ENFORCEMENT ORDER (updates) River Road'(trucking concern) Mr. Kozloski stated that more dumping of brash has occurred in this area (Pynchon Point). Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Harpin to issue an Enforcement Order to the owner of the property where the trucking company is adjacent to Pynchon Point, stating that they are to clean up the trash and debris that has been dumped and to secure the property to prevent further dumping or the Commission will turn the matter over to the Town Solicitor. VOTE 6-0 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to amend the agenda to include the"add-on's". VOTE 6-0 S. COMPLAINT—Main Street—Cirillo Mr.Cirillo had issued a written complaint regarding the property next door to his 1744 Main Street property and dumping of asphalt. Mr. Kozloski and Mr. Harpin made an inspection and could not find any evidence of asphalt being dumped. 9. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—Lot 4 Westview Lane Mr. Kozloski made this inspection and recommended that the Certificate be denied at this time. Agawam Conservation Commission November 29, 2007 Page 4 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to deny the Certificate of Compliance for Lot 4 Westview Lane as the detention pond has not been properly graded; there is no fence around the detention pond; and the lawn has not been loamed or seeded. VOTE6-0 10. SET ON-SITE—Twisty's—tree trimming Mr. Cirillo would like to trim some of the trees along the side of his property. Members agreed to meet on-site with him tomorrow at 11:30 AM to view the area. 11. COMPLAINT--79 Forest Hill Road Mr. Kozloski received a complaint regarding tree cutting adjacent to 79 Forest Hill Road. .He made an inspection and found no evidence of tree cutting but found that some trees have fallen down. The Commission then wrote the Order of Conditions for Northfield Estates (a copy can be obtained from the Commission's office or the Town Clerk's office). Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms Becker to issue the Order of Conditions for Northfield Estates as written. VOTE 6-0 The meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM. Agawam Conservation Commission November 8, 2007 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 9� November 8, 2007 - c- MEMBERS PRESENT: rn v Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Steven Douglas Cr' Frank Meagher -0 v Jill Messick cr . MEMBERS ABSENT. O Sheryl Becker Fred Harpin Mark Soticheck ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 27, 2007 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the minutes of September 27,2007 as written. VOTE 4-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent—Northfield Estates—Hillside Development Corp. Mason Maronn of D.L. Bean, Inc. was in attendance to present the Notice of Intent for the Northfield Estates subdivision—fifteen lots on approximately ten acres of land on North Westfield Street. He stated that there is a previously dug pond on the property as well as a drainage ditch with wetlands and the proposal is for 2 to 2.5 feet of fill to be placed for the roadway between the pond and the wetlands. Lots 1 and 15 have wetland concerns. He stated that the houses on both these lots will be 50' away from the wetlands. Mr. Kozloski asked if he had received the Engineering Department comments and asked if borings have been taken in the area of the detention pond yet. Mr. Maronn. stated yes he'd received the comments and no borings have been taken for the detention pond yet. Mr. Kozloski asked about comment#4—removal of a 12"pipe that connects the wetlands—and why. Mr. Maronn stated that the pipe if almost 1' above the level of the pond and is only hydrollicly connected during excessive rains. Mr. Kozloski asked for any public input. i Agawam Conservation Commission November 8, 2007 Page 2 Andrea Moore,-81 Liquori Drive stated that there is a WMECO easement through the rear of the this parcel and asked if any of the proposed lots that connect to this area will be cleared or whether vegetation will remain. Mr. Maronn stated that the trees will remain as no work can be done within the easement. At this point the members agreed that a site visit was in order and agreed to meet there the following Wednesday at 4:00 PM. The public hearing was continued to the next meeting. 3. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent— 1744 Main Street—Cirillo Joe Petronino of Environmental Services was in attendance to present this Notice of Intent for a proposed miniature golf course which will include rock features and landscaping. Haybales and silt fences are shown on the plan. The Engineering Department submitted comments to be addressed(proposed and existing grades to be shown and drainage calculations to be submitted). Mr. Petronino stated those comments will be addressed and added that the area will be mostly landscaping and trap rock. Mr. Kozloski asked for public input. Lueen Jodoin, 1736 Main Street asked for a copy of the plan and expressed concern over stray golf balls landing on her property. Ms. Dachos explained that issue would be addressed with the Planning Board,however, a site plan has not yet been submitted. She explained that the Notice of Intent covers wetland issues only. Ms. Messick asked what work was proposed within the 50' buffer. Mr. Petronino stated that gravel will be placed and there will be structures within the 50' buffer. At this point the members agreed to a site visit for Saturday at 10:30 AM. The public hearing was continued to the next meeting. 4. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Harvey Johnson Drive—American Renal Associates Dave Thompson of Coler and Colantonio was in attendance to present this RDA. He explained that the proposal is to construct an addition to the existing building for a dialysis unit. He explained that there is a drainage swale across the front of this site and it appears that roof drainage goes into this swale. There was a lengthy discussion of the drainage and wetlands in this area. Mr. Kozloski stated that the Commission should hold an on-site and do some borings. The wetlands specialist for the project was also in attendance and stated that he had done some borings today. It was agreed to meet at the site the following morning at 10:00 AM. This RDA was continued to the next meeting. Agawam Conservation Commission November 8, 2007 Page 3 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.— Springfield Street—Colvest/Agawam LLC Peter LaPointe of Covest and Karro Frost of New England Environmental were in attendance this evening. Mr. Kozloski stated that the Commission received an email from DEP stating that the performance standards are not being met on this project. Ms. Frost stated that the Commission had voted on each performance standard at an earlier meeting as it applies to the "bank". She also stated that she spoke with DEP and was informed that the vote didn't matter unless a Form 6 (Notice of Non Significance)is voted on. She went on to explain the bank replication and that 128 linear feet of bank area is to be filled and 93 linear feet of replication is being provided. There was a general discussion of performance standards for banks and for wetlands. Ms. Messick,stated that she did not support this filing as it does not meet the standards. There being no public input,Mr. Kozloski closed the public hearing. Motion was made by Mr. Douglas and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue Form 6 regarding banks and habitat and attach it to the Order of Conditions for the CVS project. VOTE 2-2-0 (Messick&Meagher opposed) The motion failed. At this point it was agreed to hold off on a final vote on the Order of Conditions to the next meeting in hopes that there will be a full quorum to vote on this project. 6. REQUEST TO AMEND ORDER OF CONDITIONS— 1504 Main St— Cirillo Mr. Cirillo was in attendance. The Engineering Department is now satisfied with the plan and there comments have been addressed. There being no public input, the public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Meagher to amend the Order of Conditions for Twisty's to include the plan submitted with a revision date of 10-24-07. VOTE 4-0 9. ENFORCEMENT ORDER UPDATES Ms. Messick stated that she was recently up on Anvil Street and found that the level spreader and four bays have been installed and that fabric has been placed. However, water has traveled over the fabric and pools and then goes under it. Mr. Kozloski stated that he will check with the Engineering Department on this matter. 10. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—Wild Turkey Estates Agawam Conservation Commission November 8,-2007 Page 4 Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue a Certificate of Compliance on the detention pond for Wild Turkey Estates. VOTE 4-0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—Mass. Veterans Memorial Cemetery Mr. Kozloski and Mr.Harpin inspected this site and recommended that a Certificate be issued at this time. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr.Douglas to issue a Certificate of Compliance on the Mass. Veterans Memorial Cemetery. VOTE 4-0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE— 100 Bowles Road Mr. Kozloski stated that the two detention ponds have been cleaned and mowed and that grass has come up in one of them. He recommended that the Certificate be issued at this time. Motion was made by Mr. Douglas and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue a Certificate of Compliance on 100 Bowles Road. VOTE 4-0 11. CHAPTER 61 A—North Westfield Street—Impoco The Town was notified of their right of first refusal under Chapter 61 A to purchase the Impoco property (proposed Northfield Estates subdivision). Ms. Dachos had prepared a report for the Commission. During the discussion, Mr. Kozloski suggested that perhaps the Town could purchase one of the lots to use as a neighborhood playground. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Messick to send a negative recommendation to the Mayor with regard of the Town's right of first refusal under Chapter 6 1 A for the Impoco land on North Westfield Street. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Douglas to amend the agenda to include the add-on's. VOTE 4-0 DISCUSSION—South Street Pump Station Driveway(DPW) Agawam Conservation Commission November 8, 2007 Page 5 The Commission received a memo from the DPW regarding the need to repave the South Street Pump Station Driveway. The members discussed the work and agreed this would be considered normal maintenance. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Meagher that the proposed repaving of the South Street Pump Station driveway is considered normal maintenance and therefore a filing with the Commission is not necessary. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Douglas and seconded by Ms. Messick to add a discussion of the School Street Park and a complaint on Joanne Circle to the agenda. VOTE 4-0 Mr. Kozloski updated the members on School Street Park stating that he found some standing water in the swale and that the fabric over the infiltration is covered and that the Engineering Department may request that the fabric be removed. He stated that he has made six visits to the site recently and will continue to monitor it. COMPLAINT—Joanne Circle Ms. Messick stated that she inspected this complaint and found what appears to be neighbors dumping brush and debris in a wetland area at the end of Joanne Circle. She asked that letters be sent to the abutters to this area stating that is in violation of the Act and she also recommended that no dumping signs be placed there. The meeting adjourned at 8:3 0 PM. AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION September 27, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: - Henry Kozloski, Chairman C-3 Z_ Fred Harpin A Z- Jill Messick -�, n Sheryl Becker ` Mark Soticheck Frank Meagher Steven Douglas N Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES— September 12, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Becker to approve the minutes of September 13, 2007 as written. VOTE 7-0 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Nolan Lane—Sulborski Mason Maronn of D.L. Bean, Inc. was in attendance to present this RDA for the construction of a single family house at the corner of Nolan Lane and North Street. Pool 52' from wetlands,but wetlands on another property. Mr. Maronn submitted an aerial photo of the site. He stated that all work to be done is in an area that is now a lawn. He said the current plan puts the house as far away from the wetlands as possible. ; Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue a negative determination of applicability for Sulborski on Nolan Lane. VOTE 7-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Line St.- Kuzmenko Joe Petronino of Environmental Services was in attendance and submitted a revised plan showing the new wetlands delineation that was agreed upon at the last site visit. The addition to the single family house is within 50' of the stream. There will be 796 feet of disturbance. They can mitigate 600 feet-there is not much area in which to do mitigation. Mr. Kozloski stated that all excavated materials must be removed from site. Commission , members asked Mr. Petronino to provide them with a copy of the riverfront re- development calculations prior to the Order of Conditions being mailed out. Mr. Petronino stated that he would have them added to the plan. There being no public input, the Commission closed the public hearing. The.Order of Conditions will be written at the end of the meeting. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—Springfield St. Colvest- CVS- Peter LaPointe of Colvest Corp. was in attendance along with Carol Frost of New England Environmental. Revised plans and new stormwater calculations were submitted. Ms. Frost stated that they have received comments from DEP and the Agawam Engineering Department. 'The new plans snow a guardrail and chain link fence over new retaining wall. Mr. Kozloski stated that they must work out the engineering comments with the Engineering Department. Ms. Frost stated that they will be meeting with the Engineering Department next week. Ms. Frost responding to DEP comments of 9/24/07,read her responses (see letter from New England Environmental to ConComm, dated 9/27/07. She stated the stream: 1. Is unlikely to be significant to any interests of the act: a. There is no evidence that this is a public water supply b. No evidence of wells c. Filling in this stream would not interfere with groundwater supply-it would just be re-directed into pipe. d. It is not in an area subject to flooding, so it would not be against the interests of flood control. e. Storm damage prevention- does not provide that now, with little vegetation, and a deep channel. f. Pollution-it is heavily polluters. g. Water temperature/fisheries- filling in the stream would actually cool the water down,but there is no evidence of fisheries here. 2. Boundaries on the NOI are the same now as what we delineated. 3. No prohibition that says bank can't be altered. Can do replication of bank downstream. 4. Stormceptors, have been accepted thoughout state, but will get us the book/lit about them. There are calculations in the stormwater mgmt proposal. 5. Colvest to have maintenance agreement for sweeping more often that is minimally required. 6. Pipe out of retaining wall will be right at ground level,no fall, to little to no potential for erosion. 7. Health Department said o.k. to taking out trash. 8. In conclusion, ecological benefits downstream of the project,removal of invasive species, cleaner water,bank stability, Benefits outweigh impacts. Ms. Messick suggested that the Commission discuss each presumption of the Act separately. Mr. Kozloski agreed. Conservation Commission makes assumption that most of the water in stream is from groundwater. Motion was made by Ms. Becker and seconded by Mr. Douglas that the presumption about public and private water supply is overcome. VOTE 6-1 (Messick opposed) Discussion of groundwater supply- is water flow going to be changed by construction? Mark the engineer states that the current flow is 1.2 cfs, projected to be 2.9 cfs. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Becker that due to this info,the groundwater presumption is overcome. VOTE 6-1 (Messick opposed) Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Meagher to take Flood Control, Storm damage prevention,pollution prevention, protection of fisheries and wildlife habitats as presumptions overcome all at once. VOTE 6-1 (Messick opposed) Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr.Meagher that the Conservation Commission agrees with New England Environmental that all presumptions have been overcome. VOTE 6-1 (Messick opposed) Mr. Kozloski stated that an easement for replication on abutting property may be necessary before any work can be done. He also stated that the Commission will require bank replication. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Becker that the testing requested of Colvest by the Commission at the last meeting is no longer needed, due to our previous decision. VOTE 6-1 (Messick opposed) The Commission continued the public hearing to the next meeting. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent Twin Brooks This hearing was continued once again at the request of the applicant. A recent update from the applicant states that they may be back to the Commission in November with their revised plans. COMPLAINT - Main Street- Mr. Kozloski stated that he made an inspection of the area on Six Flags property where the complaint of dumping was regarding. He stated that it has been cleaned up. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to amend Motion to amend the agenda to include the"add-on's". VOTE 7-0 ENFORCEMENT ORDER UPDATE -Anvil Street Reggie Cole was in attendance and informed the Commission that he will be building,the level spreaders per original plan, and has re-graded the slope and seeded it. He stated that he is looking for coconut matting big enough to use on the slope. Ms. Messick asked for permission to inspect. Mr. Cole gave permission. ENFORCEMENT ORDER UPDATE—Turnbull -North West Street Commission members have walked the site and found that Mr. Turnbull has complied with the restoration plan that was approved. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to lift the Enforcmenet Order issued to Turnbull, North West Street. VOTE 7-0 COMPLAINT- Mawaga Club The Commission received another complaint from the Mawaga Club regarding siltation in their pond and holding pond. 'Mr. Kozloski stated that while walking the Town owned property behind the DPW building with a representative of Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program they found turtles and snakes (endangered) as well as a very large vernal pool. He stated while making that site walk be noticed that someone was 4 wheeling behind the property(behind John's trucking). He stated that he would contact the Mawaga Club representative to have him let him know about siltation when it is occurring. COMPLAINT - Barn Street Mr. Kozloski responded to this complaint regarding digging in a stream. He stated that he will inspect- culvert going under Barn Road as according to the area residents it is filled and water is backing up. The Commission then wrote the Order of Conditions for Kuzmenko on Line Street. A copy can be obtained from the Town Clerk's office or the Commission office. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue the Order of Conditions for Line Street as written. � r VOTE 7-0 COMPALINT—Joanne Circle Members received a copy of a complaint regarding dumping on a vacant piece of property at the end of Joanne Circle. Members will try to make inspections prior to the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:16 PM. Agawam Conservation Commission September 13, 2007 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION September 13, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: - Henry A. Kozloski � Sheryl Becker—6:35 PM —C-'+ n Steven Douglas Fred Harpin Frank Meagher X 1> Jill Messick ,. (n Mark Sotichek CA rr ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R.Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —August 23, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to approve the minutes of August 23, 2007 as written. VOTE 5-0-1 (Meagher abstained) 2. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent—Line Street—Kuzmenko Joe Petronino of Environmental Services was in attendance to present this Notice of Intent for an addition to an existing home on Line Street. He explained that the present site contains 3,365 SF of disturbed riverfront area. With the proposed addition,the amount of disturbed riverfront area would increase to 3,861 SF (an additional 796 SF). He stated that they are unable to meet the 10%requirement and are proposing a restoration area of 805SF. To establish a buffer, 13 red maple trees and natural vegetation will be planted.. A two year monitoring program is also proposed. DEP submitted several comments on the filing. Mr. Kozloski stated that a site visit must be scheduled for the Commission members to verify the wetland boundary as presented. A site visit was scheduled for next Friday at 10:00 AM. There was no public input this evening. The Commission continued the public hearing to the next meeting. 3. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION— 143 Forest Hill Road--Hamilton Ms. Hamilton was in attendance to present this RDA for the construction of a small shed and to enclose an existing deck. There is an intermittent stream.at the rear of her property. Mr. Kozloski stated that he and Mr. Harpin made a site visit and found that the stream was dry at this time. He stated that the deck exists and the site is very flat. Ms. Agawam Conservation Commission September 13, 2007 Page I AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION September 13, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A.Kozloski Sheryl Becker—6:35 PM DRAFT Steven Douglas Fred Harpin Frank Meagher Jill Messick Mark Sotichek ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—August 2.3, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to approve the minutes of August 23, 2007 as written. VOTE 5-0-1 (Meagher abstained) 2. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent--Line Street—Kuzmenko Joe Petronino of Environmental Services was in attendance to present this Nonce of Intent for an addition to an existing home on Line Street. He explained that the present site contains 3,365 SF of disturbed riverfront area. With the proposed addition,the amount of disturbed riverfront area would increase to 3,861 SF (an additional 796 SF). He stated that they are unable to meet the 10%requirement and are proposing a restoration area of 805SF. To establish a buffer, 13 red maple trees and natural vegetation will be planted. A two year monitoring program is also proposed. DEP submitted several comments on the filing. Mr. Kozloski stated that a site visit must be scheduled for the Commission members to verify the wetland boundary as presented. A site visit was scheduled for next Friday at 10:00 AM. There was no public input this evening. The Commission continued the public hearing to the next meeting. 3. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION— 143 Forest Hill Road—Hamilton Ms. Hamilton was in attendance to present this RDA for the construction of a small shed and to enclose an existing deck. There is an intermittent stream at the rear of her property. Mr. Kozloski stated that he and Mr. Harpin made a site visit and found that.the stream was dry at this time. He stated that the deck exists and the site is very flat. Ms. Agawam Conservation Commission September 13, 2007 Page 2 Hamilton stated that haybales will be placed prior to construction and agreed that any dirt removed will be taken off site. Mr. Harpin asked if she was proposing to use tubes or slabs. Ms. Hamilton stated slabs. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability for Hamilton, 143 Forest Hill Road. VOTE 7-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—CVS—Springfield Street Carol Cross of New England Environmental was in attendance this evening. She provided copies of her written response to DEP's comments as well as revised plans which show the bank and bordering vegetated wetland(bvw). She stated that once the site is upgraded it will improve the stability of the banks. Mr. LaPointe then stated that DEP sent a letter to the Agawam Health Department regarding this site. He stated that was probably in response the Enforcement Order the Commission issued to remove the debris. Ms. Cross then stated that the plans now show the replication area and that there is a proposed planting plan in the Notice of Intent. Ms. Messick stated that DEP comments 1 thru 3 need to be addressed to the Commmission. Mr. Kozloski stated that they are going to have to go back on-site to justify their decision that this area contains "not important wildlife habitat". Ms. Dachos then pointed out that this site is a former landfill and there is no stability of the banks as they exist. She stated that the proposed work will improve water quality and increase the stability of the bank. Ms. Becker asked how much water enters that channel from the site. Ms. Cross stated 100%of it comes from the site. Mr. Kozloski stated that this filing concerns filling a wetland area vs. cleaning up the downstream area—enhancing a perennial stream or keep an intermittent stream that is contaminated. He then stated that the Commission could require that the water be tested. Mr. LaPointe agreed to that. Mr. Soticheck stated that an aquatic toxicity test should be done for metals and also a t-clip for soils. The Commission continued this public hearing and set up an on-site for the following Friday at 10:30 AM. 5. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—Lot 4 North Street Extension Mr. Kozloski and Mr. Harpin made an inspection yesterday and found that the plan shows a 155' long 12"pipe that had not been installed. The work was done today and is covered and seeded and hay was placed on it,however, the grass is obviously not up yet. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Douglas to issue a Certificate of Compliance on Lot 4 North Street Extension. VOTE 7-0 Agawam Conservation Commission September 13, 2007 Page 3 6. DISCUSSION -Twisty's—Main Street—Cirillo Mr. Cirillo was in attendance this evening and stated that he would like to fill in an area on the site. Mr. Harpin stated that he feels this area should have been filled in previously. He feels it should have been filled, grassed and the fence removed. Mr. Kozloski stated that Mr. Cirillo was told that he does not need a stamp on the retaining wall. Ms. Dachos stated that the Building Inspector follows the state code but that the Commission, under the Wetlands Act, can require it to be stamped. Mr. Soticheck asked Mr. Cirillo if the asphalt had been removed. Mr. Cirillo stated that some of it has been removed. Mr. Soticheck asked if he had documentation of removal from the site. Mr. Cirillo stated that it went to Enfield, Conn. and that he has a dump fee receipt. Ms. Messick stated that there is an existing Order of Conditions on this site and an amendment. She asked if any of the previous Engineering Department comments had been addressed. She stated that the Commission could close out the original and require a new Notice of Intent for this proposed work. Mr. Kozloski stated that the riverfront area cleanup has been done and that the Commission must determine if his proposal to fill the area would have a significant impact on wetland resources which would require a new NOI. He went on to say that Mr. Cirillo is willing to submit a plan addressing the Engineering Department comments,however,he does not want to invest in a revised plan if the Commission does not support his proposal. Mr. Cirillo stated that he would like to plant grass in that area along with some trees and picnic tables. Ms. Messick stated that he should address the Engineering comments and bring that plan to the Commission. Mr. Kozloski stated that he met on-site with Mr. Cirillo and Mike Chase and John Decker of the Engineering Department at which Mr. Cirillo was told what they wanted addressed. Ms. Messick stated that she would like to see trees planted in front of the swale. Mr. Soticheck stated that he did not support Mr. Cirillo's proposal. Mr. Meagher, Ms. Messick and Mr. Douglas stated that if the Engineering Department comments are addressed they would be amenable to the proposal. 7. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—South Street—Twin Brook Farms This item was continued once again as the petitioner is revising the plan. Motion was made by Mr.Harpin and seconded by Mr.Meagher to amend the order of the agenda. VOTE 7-0 8. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) Anvil Street—Calabrese Mr. Calabrese was in attendance this evening. Mr. Kozloski stated that some grading had been done and then it rained. He asked if new plans were being prepared. Mr. Calabrese stated that he has installed one"bowl" and that the new plans show three big"bowls". Agawam Conservation Commission ' September 13,2007 Page 4 Ms. Messick stated that the restoration report submitted by D.L. Bean calls for the slope to be stabilized with fabric. Mr. Calabrese stated that the fabric has been ordered and should be delivered next week. Mr. Kozloski stated that this erosion problem must be corrected once and for all and that he wants calculations on the 18"'pipe that comes out of the hill with no detention basin. North West Street—Turnbull Mr. Turnbull was in attendance as well as Joseph Petronino of Environmental Services. Mr. Kozloski stated that an.on-site was held to view the wetland flags and provided photon of the area. Mr. Petronino stated that wetland vegetation exists but the area does not function as a wetland. A Restoration Plan was submitted which included the planting of eight Acer Rubrum (maple trees). After discussion,the members felt that highbush blueberries would be a better alternative as this area is used as a hayfield and there would be less leaves falling in it. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to agree with the wetland as delineated/flagged on the Turnbull property on North West Street. VOTE 7-0 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to approve the Restoration Plan for Turnbull on North West Street substituting the eight Acer Rubrum for 38 highbush blueberry plants. VOTE?-0 9. Friends of Robinson Park At the last meeting the Commission closed the discussion of the RDA for the Friends of Robinson Park. Motion was made by Ms.Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker that the Commission did not receive enough information on the Request for Determination to make a determination as no maps were submitted showing the wetland delineation. VOTE 7-0 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to amend the agendas to include the add-on's and also a discussion of Silver Lake and the Learning Tree property. VOTE 7-0 10. DISCUSSION—Request for Certificate of Compliance—Wild Turkey Estates The developer has requested a certificate of compliance for the Wild Turkey Estates subdivision. The members agreed to set up an on-site with the Engineering Department to walk the area. Agawam Conservation Commission September 13, 2007 Page 5 11. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE— 100 Bowles Road The office was notified that the two detention ponds on this site have been mowed and cleaned and have not yet been seeded. The members agreed to revisit the site in two weeks. CERTIFICATE OF.COMPLIANCE - 174 Juniper Ridge Drive Mr. Kozloski made this inspection and recommended that a Certificate be issued. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Harpin to issue a Certificate of Compliance on 174 Juniper Ridge Drive. VOTE 7-0 Silver Lake Ms. Messick updated the members on her site visit to Mrs. Cherubin's house on Edgewater Road. She had requested permission to remove a large tree that is leaning over her neighbor's property. She stated that the tree was approximately 25' from the Lake and it did need to be removed. A letter was sent per Ms. Messick which stated that no debris shall be allowed to fall into the Lake and the stump can be ground but must remain. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to ratify Ms. Messick's approval of the tree removal on Edgewater Road. VOTE 7-0 The Learning Tree Property At the suggestion of Mr. Kozloski, the Commission agreed to send a letter to the School Superintendent asking what their plans are for access to the Learning Tree Property behind the High School. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM. Agawam Conservation Commission . August 23, 2007 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION August 23, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. KozIoski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Steven Douglas Jill Mesick c MEMBERS ABSENT: n Fred Harpin Frank Meagher D`rn 3 Mark Soticheck _ ALSO PRESENT: w n Deborah S. Dachos ' Pamela R. Kerr 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—August 9, 2007 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to approve the minutes of August 9, 2007 as written. VOTE 4-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent— Springfield Street— Colvest/Agawam LLC Peter LaPoint of Colvest/Agawam LLC and Mickey Marcus of New England Environmental were in attendance this evening. Mr. Lapoint explained that the proposal is to demolish the existing CVS building on Springfield Street and construct a new 13,000 SF building with additional parking. They propose to fill in the depression in the rear that exists and construct a retaining wall at the back of the site. He went on to say that they have removed over a 30 yard dumpster of debris and stumps already. Silt fence and haybales have been in place and they have not worked in the "ravine" yet. He went on to explain that the two existing driveways will be utilized with the new building. Mr. Marcus then explained that they have not yet received a DEP file number/comments and they received comments from the Engineering Department today which they will address. He went on to say that as was explained during previous site visits with Commission members, they propose to fill approximately 800 SF of wetlands and provide approximately 900 SF of mitigation downstream. He stated that a plan showing the proposed downstream mitigation area has not yet been submitted to the Commission as it is still being prepared. The proposal includes cleaning trash and debris that exists on the site and a planting plan has been submitted. He stated that the project is a redevelopment project. Ms. Messick asked to what depth the 800 SF of wetland will be filled. Mr. _ 4 Agawam Conservation Commission August 23,2007 Page 2 Marcus explained that the exact amount of bordering vegetated wetland to be filled is 895 SF. Ms. Messick then asked for more information on the proposed retaining wall. Mr. LaPoint stated that the Engineering Department has received the proposed design which was prepared by a structural engineer. Mr. Kozloski asked that the Commission receive a copy of that plan. Mark Klusky of Huntley Associates then gave the Commission an overview of the proposed drainage design. He stated that soil borings were done and that currently the entire site drains to the back"ravine". He also stated that the DPW favors putting some of the drainage under the new design into Springfield Street. Ms.'Messick asked if any re-grading was proposed below the retaining wall. Mr. Marcus stated no,the same slopes will be maintained,however, the wetland mitigation area will require a small amount of grading. Mr. Kozloski pointed out an error on page 9 of NOI which reads "Connecticut River"and should read"Westfield River". He also stated that he attended a "team meeting"on this project. Mr. LaPoint stated that it geotechnical report has been prepared. There was no gublic input this evening. The Commission continued the public hearing to September 13 . 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent-1804 Main St.— Salmar Realty Colleen Forester and John Mazik of Pioneer Environmental were in attendance this evening. Mr. Mazik stated that he has revised plans which address some of the Engineering Department comments dated today. One of the comments was regarding the groundwater elevation at the detention basin and the recommendation that a note be placed on the plan that this may need to be addressed at a later date if it is not sufficient. Mr. Mazik stated that it is a 4' deep structure and that should be sufficient although some dewatering may be needed during construction. He agreed to place the note on the plan. Mr. Kozloski asked if a new Notice of Intent would be needed if they make revisions to the detention basin. Mr. Mazik stated that there should not be an issue with the detention basin functions. Mr. Kolzoski asked if the detention basin is to be mowed. Ms. Forester pointed out that there is a maintenance report included with the NOI. There was discussion regarding the original restoration area on this site. Ms. Forest stated that it is still being worked on by the previous consultant. The members agreed that a copy of this Order of Conditions be supplied to the previous applicant and their engineer. The Commission closed the.public hearing at this time. The Order of Conditions will be written at the end of the meeting. 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—Twin Brook Farms—South St. This hearing was continued once again as the applicant requested. 5. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Friends of Robinson Park Ray Weber was in attendance representing The Friends of Robinson Park. He informed the Commission that vernal pools have now been certified-with the Park. They are Agawam Conservation Commission August 23, 2007 Page 3 proceeding on gathering information on how to classify Robinson Park as an"urban parV. 6. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update)—Anvil Street Calabrese &N. West St. —Turnbull The members agreed to schedule a site visit for the following Monday at 11:00 AM and requested that the property owners of each site be present along with their representatives, the DPW Superintendent, Town Engineer, a representative of the Planning Board and Commission members. River Road(trucking co.) Mr. Kozloski stated that he will be meeting with the owner of this property Friday at 9:30 AM if any other members would like to attend. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss ways to prevent further dumping and erosion on the Pynchon Point property. The members then wrote the Order of Conditions for 1804 Main Street. A copy can be obtained from the Town Clerk's office or the Conservation Commission office. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM. V • r Agawam Conservation Commission August 9, 2007 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION August 9,2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Fred Harpin Frank Meagher o Mark Soticheck - � az MEMBERS ABSENT: pa Steven Douglas ' Jill Messick 3 3 nc ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—July 12, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Becker to approve the minutes of July.12, 2007 as written. VOTE 5-0 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Cosgrove Avenue—Russo Joseph Petronino of Environmental Services was in attendance along with Thomas Russo. Mr. Petronino submitted a revised plan showing the changes that were made at a recent site visit. The members viewed the revised mapping and agreed with it. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue a Positive Determination of Applicability for Russo on Cosgrove Avenue, approving the wetland delineation as revised. VOTE 4-0-1 (Harpin abstained) Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to amend the agenda to include the"add-on's". VOTE 5-0 11. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLL4NCE—64 Federal Street and Lot 15 Blair's Hill Road Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue a Certificate of Compliance on 64 Federal Street. VOTE 5-0 Agawam Conservation Commission August 9,2007 Page 2 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue a Certificate of Compliance on Lot 15 Blair's Hill Road. VOTE 5-0 13. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—Lot 17 Blair's Hill Road Mr. Harpin made this inspection and recommended that a Certificate be issued. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue a Certificate of Compliance on Lot 17 Blair's Hill Road. VOTE 5-0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE— 100 Bowles Road Mr. Kozloski explained that this is the former Martin Industries site on which there are two detention basins, however, they have not been maintained. He stated that the owners are working on getting these areas cleaned and mowed. He recommended that the Certificate be tabled at this time. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Becker to table the Certificate of Compliance for 100 Bowles Road. VOTE 5-0 14. DISCUSSION—Summer Intern Ms. Dachas approached the Commission regarding Kevin Clark, a summer intern in the Planning Department. She explained that he has provided assistance on Commission activities as well as helping to finalize the Open Space and Recreation Plan. The members were in agreement to pay Mr. Clark$500 for his summer work. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Harpin to allocate$500 to Kevin Clark for his summer work in the Conservation Commission office. VOTE 5-0 3. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Willowbrook Drive—Pressey This RDA was submitted for the installation of an inground pool. A plan was submitted showing its location. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability for Pressey on Willowbrook Drive. VOTE 5-0 v Agawam Conservation Commission August 9, 2007 Page 3 4. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION CONT. — 194 Pine Street The members walked this site to verify the wetland boundaries and asked that additional flags be placed in one area. Motion was made by Ms. Becker and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue a Positive Determination of Applicability for 194 Pine Street with the additional flags as requested to be placed on the plan. VOTE 4-0-1 (Harpin abstained) S. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION CONT. — 1000 Suffield Street—Town of Agawam Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue a Positive Determination of Applicability for 1000 Suffield Street, Town of Agawam, approving the wetland delineation. VOTE 5-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent— 1804 Main Street—Dunkin Donuts Heather Cornee of Pioneer Environmental was in attendance along with John Masik of Ecotec. Mrs. Comee explained that this project is riverfront redevelopment. It is a 3.4 acre site and a portion of Four Mile Brook flows through it. It contains degraded area within the riverfront. She stated that there is no floodplain or endangered species on the property. It is the site of Lennie's Fiberglass, as well as a cell tower. The proposed building will be outside of the riverfront area, however, some parking, stormwater systems landscaping and lawn will be within the riverfront area. All work is within a degraded area with the exception of the emergency outfall which will be outside the degraded area. She explained that mitigation will be on a 2:1 ratio and they propose to increase the supplemental planting area that was required of the cell tower applicant,by 1,000 SF. She stated,that all invasive plants will be removed and supplemental plants will be installed Mr. Masik then explained the drainage design. Mr. Kozloski stated that the planting area required under the Order of Conditions for the cell tower has not been completed. Mrs. Comee stated that some of the invasive species were removed from the area. Mr. Kozloski stated that he will check on the status of the restoration area as VHB had provided an update last fall but none since. The Engineering Department submitted comments which Mr. Mazik and Mrs. Comee stated can be addressed. The public hearing was continued to the next meeting to allow them to address Engineering comments. 6. PUBILC HEARING CONT. Notice of Intent—Main Street—Senior Center— Town of Agawam Agawam Conservation Commission August 9,2007 Page 4 Reinhardt Associates has now addressed Engineering Department comments as well as DE'P comments. The members agreed to add a requirement to the-Order of Conditions that the driveways and parking lots be swept on a regular basis. There being no public input, the public hearing was closed. The Order will be written at the end of the meeting. 7. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—Twin Brook Farms—South Street This item has been continued, at the request of the applicant,until they have a revised plan prepared for submittal. 8. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION CONT. —Friends of Robinson Park The Commission has received no communication on this filing for some time. A letter will be sent asking what the status is. 9. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS—(update)—Suffield Street—Russo Ms. Becker stated that she is satisfied with the restoration work that was done on the Russo property. Motion was made by Ms. Becker and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to lift the Enforcement Order issued to Russo on Suffield Street. VOTE 4-0-1 (Harpin abstained) Anvil Street—Calabrese Mr. Kozloski brought pictures to the meeting of the most recent erosion from this site_ He stated that there is now more silt in the wetlands. Mr. Calabrese was in attendance. He stated that Dave Bean is working with the Town Engineer on the possibility of creating a second detention basin. Mr.Kozloski stated that the Commission's Enforcement Order required Mr. Calabrese to remove the silt from the wetlands on the abutting properties. Reggi Cole was also in attendance. He owns some of the lots on the Anvil Street property on which he placed fill. He stated that he has raked out the wetlands and seeded them. Mr. Kozloski stated that the recent rains have resulted in further erosion and siltation and that a permanent solution is needed. He asked when the work on the subdivision will begin and the detention will be constructed. W. Calabrese stated that the new design is being worked on and it is his intent to begin construction as soon as possible. In conclusion, it was agreed that a site visit be scheduled with the Commission,Town Engineering,D.L.Bean and the developer so that a permanent solution can be formed. North West Street—Turnbull Agawam Conservation Commission August 9, 2007 Page 5 Mr. Kozloski.stated that the Anvil Street on-site can also include a site:visit.to the golf course where there is water draining onto Mr. Turnbull's property. He stated that an intermittent stream on the golf course no longer exists. The Commission then wrote the Order of Conditions for the Senior Center. A copy can be obtained from the Town Clerk's office or the Commission's office. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Becker to issue the Order of Conditions for the Agawam Senior Center as written. VOTE 5-0 Enforcement Order—River Road(trucking co.) Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Harpin to turn the Enforcement Order over to the Town Solicitor that was issued to the owner of the trucking company property adjacent to Pynchon Point where there is dumping and erosion occurring. VOTE 5-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM. 4 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION July 12, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Steven Douglas Fred Harpin Frank Meagher p+ � Jill Messick c err. MEMBERS ABSENT: Mark Soticheck ALSO PRESENT: Ln Deborah S. Dachos Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -June 12, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the minutes of June 12, 2007 as written. VOTE 6-0 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - 12 Springfield Street- Lamar Advertising This RDA was submitted by Lamar Advertising who leases the land for the billboard behind Dunkin Donuts at 12 Springfield Street. They are proposing to turn the-sign around. It will remain in the same location but face the opposite direction. No work is proposed to the riverbank. Mr. Kozloski stated that they should contact the office when they are ready to do the work. Motion was made by Ms. Becker and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability for Lamar Advertising at 12 Springfield Street. VOTE 5-0-1 (Harpin abstained) Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Becker to amend the agenda to include the "`add-on's". VOTE 6-0 Eagle Scout Chris Cross of 56 Barn Road was in attendance to present to the Commission his Scout project of installing ten informational signs along the bike.path- He will be using a post hole digger for the installation of the signs. 1 Of 1 Agawam Conservation Commission July 12, 2007 Page 2 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the proposed Eagle Scout project by Chris Cross of 56 Barn Road of installing ten informational signs along the bike path on River Road. VOTE 6-0 ENFORCEMENT ORDER - 1514 Main Street Mr.Kozloski stated that all work has been completed on this site per the Enforcement Order that was issued to the property owner. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Harpin to lift the Enforcement Order issued to Karen Connor, 1514 Main Street. VOTE 6-0 3. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION- School Street-Tiny Bull LLC Mark Reed of Heritage Surveys was in attendance along with soils specialist Mike Gragnolati. Mr. Gragnolati stated that per the site walks that were held it was determined that there are no wetlands on this property, however, there is a small piece of a buffer area on lot S. Russ Petrucci, 343 School Street stated that he has lived in this area for many years. He has photos of areas that he believe are wetlands or possibly vernal pools. He is concerned that these areas will be destroyed. Ms. Messick stated that she was one of the members that recently walked the property and she found no evidence of vernal pools. Walter Willard, 334 School Street stated that there is a very high groundwater level in that area. Pat 011ari, 29 Beverly Lane stated that she built in 1996 and had to file with the Conservation Commission due to the presence of wetlands Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability for Tiny Bull LLC, School Street. VOTE 6-0 4. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - 194 Pine Street - Philip Pine Street Realty Trust Dan Nitche of Baystate Environmental Consultants presented this RDA for a wetland delineation on 194 Pine Street. He stated that there are wetlands on the south and west sides of the property and there is an intermittent stream across the street. The property is mainly forest wetland and wet meadow. Members agreed to a site visit on the following Monday at 10:00 AM to walk the PA 1 Agawam Conservation Commission July 12, 2007 Pa e 3 property and view the flagging. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Becker to table the RDA for 194 Pine Street to the next meeting to allow for a site walk. VOTE 6-0 5. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - Suffield Street-Town of Agawam This RDA was filed for property behind the DPW facility on Suffield Street where they are proposing to install a salt storage barn and a recycling shed. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Messick to table the RDA far.1000 Suffield Street until a map of the site has been submitted. VOTE 6-0 6. PUBLIC HEARING -Notice of Intent- Main Street-Town of Agawam Rick Misiazek of Reinhardt Associates was in attendance to present this NOI along with his wetlands specialist, John Prenosil. The proposal is to construct a new Senior Center on Main Street. As proposed,there will be 305 SF of disturbance to a bordering vegetated wetland. DEP provided comments and a copy of Mr. Misiazek's response was given to the Commission. They also received the o.k. from Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. The Engineering Department has not yet reviewed the proposed drainage design. The Commission continued the public hearing to the next meeting. 10. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Turnbull -North West Street Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Douglas to grant a 30 day extension for Mr. Turnbull to submit the required information as stated in his Enforcement Order. VOTE 6-0 Calabrese- Anvil Street Ms. Messick stated that when the sedimentation and silt material is removed from the effected wetlands it must be placed away from the silt fence. � r a w Agawam Conservation Commission July 12, 2007 Page 4 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Meagher to send a letter to Mr. Calabrese instructing him to repair the silt fencing and stabilize the site. VOTE 6-0 c Calabrese-Barn Road C' n� A follow up inspection will be made at this site. o r 12. Six Flags - cn T Mr. Kozloski stated that in the area of the former motel building on Main Street which has cn recently been demolished, there is brush piled adjacent to or within a wetland. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue an Enforcement Order to Six Flags instructing them to remove the brush from the wetland area behind the former motel and stabilize the site. VOTE 5-0-1 (Harpin abstained) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - 64 Federal Street This site will be inspected on Monday and placed on the next agenda. DISCUSSION - CVS - Springfield Street The Commission was notified of their intent to conduct test borings on the CVS site on Springfield Street. To do this work, some cutting will be necessary. They would like to cut on Friday and do the soil borings on Monday. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue an Enforcement Order to CVS on Springfield Street to clean up the site (remove debris)to allow for test borings. VOTE 6-0 DISCUSSION -Pynchon Point The property owner has not yet contacted the Commission or done the required work at Pynchon Point. The return receipt of the Certified Mailing has been received. Mr. Kozloski will follow up. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM r r AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION June 14, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Fred Harpin Frank Meagher Jill Messick Mark Soticheck c MEMBERS ABSENT: Steven Douglas nr rn ALSO PRESENT: _ 3 Deborah S.Dachas o 't:-c Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. r 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 24,2007 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Harpin to approve the minutes of May 24, 2007 as written. VOTE 6-0 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - 232 South Street-Joy This RDA was filed for a proposed shed on the right side of the house on an existing stoned area. Mr. Kozloski pointed out that the map provided does not show the stream. Ms. Messick stated that she made a site visit and did not feel that this proposal would have any impact on the resource area. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability for Joy at 232 South Street. VOTE 6-0 3. REQU, FOR DETERMINATION CONT. - 1744 Main Street- Cirillo Joseph Petronino was in attendance along with Mr. Cirillo. Mr. Petronino presented the RDA for a wetland delineation and a proposed parking lot that will be graveled. Mr. Petronino stated that the pea stone will not extend past the 100'buffer line on the plan. Mr. Cirillo stated that he is not intending to put parking spaces beyond that buffer line. Mr. Kozloski stated that he observed fill that was placed within 5'of the wetland which is a violation. Ms. Becker stated that she would like to walk the property. After a lengthy discussion, the members agreed to approve the wetland delineation only this evening. A site visit will be held Tuesday at 10:00 AM. Agawam Conservation Commission June 14, 2007 Page 2 .. ... .� Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Harpin to issue a Positive Determination of Applicability for 1744 Main Street approving the wetland delineation only,not the work. VOTE 6-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - Shoemaker Lane Self Storage-Bonavita Steve Pikul of The Berkshire Design Group presented this NOI which shows the construction of 3 buildings of self storage units(112 units total). The property contains 1 I acres and approximately one half of the site contains wetlands. The Commission approved the wetland delineation for this property last month. No parking is proposed. A detention pond with sediment forebay is proposed. Mr. Pikul explained that the drainage design will allow for a 2 and 10 year storm to be held and then discharged into the Shoemaker Lane drainage system through a 24" concrete pipe. The 100 year storm will discharge into the existing wetland. He went on to say that the groundwater level in the area of the proposed detention pond is at 4; the b ottom of the basin will be T above the groundwater. The basin will be grass and will need to be mowed. There will be a Y high berm around the detention pond. Mr. Kozloski asked for any public input. Ken Blair, Shoemaker Lane asked for clarification on the layout. The members then discussed the DEP comments and the public hearing was closed. The Order of Conditions was then written. A copy can be obtained from the Town Clerk's office or the Commission office. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue the Order of Conditions for Shoemaker Lane Self Storage as written. VOTE 6-0 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Requ. To Amend Order-Main Street- Cirillo Mr. Cirillo submitted a letter to withdraw his request to Amend the Order of Conditions on Main Street(Twisty's). The members discussed this site and agreed that he must follow the original Order of Conditions if he is withdrawing this request. The members then discussed issuing an enforcement order. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue an Enforcement Order to Mr. Cirillo for his Twisty's property stating that the asphalt that he has dumped must be 'removed and disposed of at a permitted facility- Conservation Commission to receive proof of receipt from said facility within 30 days. VOTE 5-1 (Harpin opposed) Agawam Conservation Commission June 14, 2007 Pale 3 9. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - 68 Gold Street Mr. Kozloski made this inspection and recommended that the Certificate be denied at this time. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to deny the Certificate of Compliance for 68 Gold Street for the following reasons: the detention pond has not been adequately loamed and seeded; erosion is occurring on the hill; and the silt fence and haybales have not been removed yet. VOTE 6-0 10. ENFORCEMENT ORDER UPDATES - Suffield Street- Russo Members agreed to make inspections of this property prior to the next meeting. Anvil Street- Calabrese Mason Maronn of D.L. Bean, Inc. sent a letter to the Commission regarding Mr. Calabrese's enforcement order. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Meagher that the Commission does not agree with the letter from D.L. Bean, Inc. and to have a site visit on Tuesday at 10:30 AM. VOTE 6-0 Barn Road -Chuck Calabrese has removed the fill as requested. The members now want letters to go out to the abutters in this area stating that no dumping is allowed. Motion was made by Ms. Becker and seconded by Mr. Harpin to amend the agenda to include the add-on's. VOTE 6-0 DISCUSSION - Carr Avenue Ms. Becker has been back out to this area and stated that there has been on ongoing dumping problem. Mr. Kozloski stated that there is a drainage problem in that area that the DPW is looking into addressing in the near future. Ms. Becker stated that she spoke to a resident in that area- Grace Tilden- who admitted to doing some of the dumping to help prevent flooding. Ms. Becker stated that letters should be sent to the residents in that area stating no dumping in the wetland is allowed; debris to be removed; can be fined; and no further dumping to take place. The Commission then discussed Pynchon Point. Agawam Conservation Commission June 14, 2007 Page 4 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue an Enforcement Order to the owner of the trucking concern to clean up the clumping that has occurred and to give a time limit to submit a plan to the Commission to prevent future dumping. VOTE 6-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM. F AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION May 24, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Harpin,Acting Chairman Sheryl Becker c Steven Douglas C= Frank Meagher r Jill Messick C) 3 E7. Mark Soticheck i 3 Henry A. Kozloski- 6:45 PM zz',, ' �v C7 ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Mr. Harpin called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 10,2007 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to approve the minutes of May 10, 2007 as written. VOTE 6-0 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - Rowley Street-Benjamin Mason Maronn of D.L. Bean, Inc. was in attendance. He stated that the property is a 9.9 acre parcel that is basically very flat and is cultivated field with some seep areas on the slope at the rear(slopes to Ramah Circle). He stated that Mr. Benjamin is proposing to subdivide the property. Mr. Harpin asked where-the detention pond would drain. Mr. Maronn stated it would be just outside of the buffer and that Mr. Benjamin has an easement from "D'Amato" for drainage. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms.Messick to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability for Benjamin on Rowley Street. VOTE 6-0 Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Messick to amend the order of the agenda and to include the "add-on's". VOTE 6-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Twin Brook Farms- South Street Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to continue the Twin Brook Farms public hearing as requested by the applicant. VOTE 6-0 Agawam Conservation Commission May 24, 2007 Page 2 8. RDA CONT. -Friends of Robinson Park Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Becker to continue the RDA for Friends of Robinson Park as requested by the applicant. VOTE 6-0 9. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -NOI- 1200 Suffield St-Commonwealth Communities Motion was made by Ms. Becker and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to continue the public hearing for Commonwealth Communities to July 12' as requested by the applicant's representative. VOTE 6-0 10. COMPLAINT(update) - Castle Hills Ms. Messick stated that she went on-site with the Town Engineer, Mike Chase, and that there are issues with the downspouts. She stated that Mr. Chase will suggest some comments and possible solutions. She also stated that she has been keeping the manager of Castle Hills updated as well. 11. ENFORCEMENT ORDER(update) -Main Street -Russo & Suffield Street-Russo Nothing new to report on Main Street. Mr. Soticheck stated that Mr. Russo has pulled the material back on the Suffield Street property and has loamed and seeded and placed timbers. Joe Petronino will be submitted a report to the Commission. Calabrese Turnbull Mason Maronn of D.L. Bean, Inc. was in attendance and stated that he has inspected the site and found an area of approximately 50'of silt in the wetlands. He stated that there are plants growing UP through the silt. Joseph Petronino is representing Mr. Turnbull on his enforcement order. A site walk will be scheduled before the next meeting. 3. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - 17444 Main Street- Cirillo Joseph Petronino was in attendance to present this RDA. He explained that there is a wetland "finger" that extends from a larger area off of Mr. Cirillo's property. He stated that Mr. Cirillo wants to grade the are and place crushed stone. Ms. Messick asked what area of the site is now cleared. Mr. Petronino stated that the site is mostly dirt. The plan Mr. Petronino was using was not the same plan that was submitted to the Commission. The members agreed they need to walk the site. The abutter at 1736 Main Street was in attendance this evening and stated that she has no wetlands on her property and that when Mr. Cirillo's property was surveyed they went onto Agawam Conservation Commission May 24, 2007 Page 3 her land without permission. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to table the RDA for Cirillo at 1744 Main Street to allow for a site walk and to get the revised plans submitted to the office. VOTE 6-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING -NOI- Shoemaker Lane- Bonavita Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the public hearing for Bonavita on Shoemaker Lane at the request of the applicant's representative. VOTE 6-0 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Requ to Amend Order- Main Street- Cirillo Mr. Cirillo met with John Decker of the Engineering Department who asked that the swale be shown on the plan. Mr. Cirillo does not want to show the swale. There was a discussion regarding drainage from the site. Mr. Kozloski questioned whether there would be drainage issues. Motion was made by Mr. Kozloski and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the publiclearing for Cirillo to the next meeting. VOTE 6-0 7. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -NOI- Shoemaker/S. Westfield -Hunter Dev. Co. Mason Maronn of D.L. Bean, Inc, stated that they have received approval from Natural Heritage Endangered Species Program and there is now a 75'no disturbance area shown on the plan. There was no public input, therefore the Commission closed the public hearing. The Order will be written at the end of the meeting. 12. DISCUSSION- Pynchon Point Ms. Messick stated that the issue with dumping at.Pynchon Point is ongoing. She stated that since an Enforcement Order was issued on the trucking concern property in the past, she feels the Commission should proceed with requiring the owner to install a fence to help deter the dumping. After a lengthy discussion, the members agreed that a letter be sent to the owner of the property stating that a plan for construction of a fence is to be submitted to the Commission by their next meeting. Agawam Conservation Commission May 24, 2007 Pa e 5 Turnbull Enforcement Order Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to accepted Environmental Services as the environmental consultant for Mr. Turnbull's Enforcement Order VOTE 5-2 (Ms. Messick&Mr. Soticheck opposed) Calabrese Enforcement Order Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Meagher to accept D.L. Bean, Inc. as Mr. Calabrese's Environmental Consultant for his Enforcement Order. VOTE 7-0 The Commission then wrote the Order of Conditions for Hunter Development Co. A copy can be obtained from the Town Clerk's office or the Commission office. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue the Order of Conditions for Hunter Development Co. at Shoemaker Lane/South Westfield Street as written. VOTE 7-0 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Meagher to send a letter to Mr. Cirillo regarding his 1510 Main Street site, stating that his plans must reflect all proposed changes, and address all Engineering Department comments; and that his Professional Engineer attend the Commission meet to present the plan and answer questions. VOTE 7-0 The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. �cxffClJ//ry//���ff�I//Q/jJJ AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION May 10, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman-6:50 PM Sheryl Becker Fred Harpin a'Z- Frank Meagher ON b,� Jill Messick Mark Soticheck MEMBERS ABSENT: Steven Douglas `T ALSO PRESENT: Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Harpin called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 26, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Messick to approve the minutes of April 26, 2007 as written. VOTE 5-0 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION- 773 South West Street-Corriveau Mr. Corriveau was in attendance to present this RDA. He explained that he is proposing to construct a 36'x 50'garage at the rear of his property at 773 South West Street. He explained that there are wetlands to the side of his property where the garage will go,however,the work will be just over 100' away. Mr. Harpin stated that he and Mr. Kozloski have been to this property twice and he is well away from the wetland. A sketch of the property showing the wetland and proposed garage was provided to the Commission. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Harpin to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability for Corriveau, 773 South West Street. VOTE 5-0 3. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - 444 Shoemaker Lane-Bonavita Ward Smith of Valley Environmental was in attendance along with the applicant, Carlo Bonavita. Members of the Commission walked this site last week with Mr. Smith and all agreed with the wetland as mapped and flagged. This RDA is for approval of the wetland delineation. Agawam Conservation Commission May 10,2007 Page 2 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue a Positive Determination of Applicability for Bonavita,444 Shoemaker Lane, approving the wetland delineation. VOTE 5-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent-Twin Brook Farms - South Street The applicant is still working with the Engineering Department and has asked for another continuance. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the public hearing for the Twin Brook Farms Notice of Intent-at the request of the applicant. VOTE 5-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Requ. To Amend Order of Conditions - Main St.t- Cirillo Mr. Cirillo has submitted a revised plan this week that has not yet been reviewed by the Engineering Department. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and"seconded by Mr. Soticheck to continue the public hearing for Cirillo to the next meeting. VOTE 5-0 6. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION -Federal Street-Timne Mr. Tirone has requested to withdraw this RDA which was submitted for approval of the wetland delineation. The members had walked this site last week and did not agree with the wetland as flagged. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to accept Mr. Tirone's request to withdraw his Request for Determination of Applicability and to inform him that members have walked the property and were not in agreement with the wetland flagging. VOTE 5-0 S. PUBLIC.HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- S. Westifled/Shoemaker La/Hunter Dev. The applicant requested another continuation. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the public hearing for Hunter Development at the request of the applicant, VOTE 5-0 Agawam Conservation Commission May 10;2007 Pale 3 9. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION CONT. -Friends of Robinson Park Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the Request for Determination for Friends of Robinson Park to the second meeting in June. VOTE 5-0 10. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - Suffield Street-Commonwealth Communities The applicant's representative requested that this hearing be continued to July 12, 2007. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the public hearing for Commonwealth Communities to July 12�'as requested by the applicant's representative. VOTE 5-0 11. COMPLAINT- Castle Hill Several residents of Castle Hill were in attendance with complaints of water and drainage runoff from the adjacent property on Suffield Street. The Suffield Street property contains a single family home that Mr.Tirone built within the last two years. The residents stated that since the construction of the home they are experiencing flooding during heavy rains. Residents who spoke this evening were Alfred DiMauro, 29G Castle Hills; James Thompson, 29H Castle'Hills; Henry Noble, 29C Castle Hills. They also expressed concerns over the car wash that is being constructed and feel it will displace wildlife as well as decrease their property values. Ms. Messick stated that she and Mr. Kozloski met on-site last week with the representative of the Castle Hill property service. She stated that they are looking into where the roof leaders from the building drain to and they will also consult with the Engineering Department. This item will appear on the next agenda for an update. Mr. Kozloski entered the meeting at this time. 7. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION CONT. - Springfield Street- Colvest Group Mickey Marcus of New England Environmental was in attendance. A site visit was held last week. Mr. Marcus submitted a revised plan this evening. He stated that CVS is planning a future expansion or rebuild and will clean and restore this area under the Notice of Intent filing. He asked the members if they felt this area was of important wildlife habitat value. Upon discussion, the members agreed it was not of important wildlife habitat value and will include that in their motion. The plan shows 107' of intermittent stream bank; 611' SF of bank habitat; . F Agawam Conservation Commission May 10, 2007 Page 4 and 723 SF of bordering vegetated wetland. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue a Positive Determination of Applicability for Colvest Group on Springfield Street, approving the wetland delineation. VOTE 6-0 Motion was made by Mr. Kozloski and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to amend the Determination of Applicability to include their vote that this area is not of important wildlife habitat value and that the wetland delineation includes property to the southerly boundary. VOTE 6-0 12. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - 188 Suffield Street Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Kozloski to issue a Certificate of Compliance on 188 Suffield Street. VOTE 6-0 13. ENFORCEMENT ORDER- Suffield Street- Russo The members walked this site last week and went over the restoration plan that was submitted. Ms. Becker stated that the phragmites and debris must be removed. Mr. Russo was informed of that. Motion was made by Mr. Kozloski and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to accept the wetland flagging as placed on Mr. Russo's Suffield Street property and to approve the proposed restoration plan. VOTE 6-0 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 6-0 15. RATIFY EMERGENCY ORDER- Richardson Place Mr. Kozloski issued this Emergency Order as the drainage system failed around the house and was flooded. The house is approximately 35'from the brook. Haybales and silt fence will be placed prior to work and the Commission will be notified 24 hours prior to the work beginning. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Meagher to ratify the Emergency Order for 41 Richardson Place. VOTE 6-0 Agawam Conservation Commission May 10,2007 Page 5 16. DISCUSSION -Hendom Drive-Wrigley Ms. Messick and Ms. Becker have agreed to make a site visit next Wednesday. Mrs. Wrigley sent a letter to the Commission asking where she could legally put an addition on her home. Mr. Kozloski stated that there is an intermittent stream adjacent to the house. 11. COMPLAINT-Anvil Street Mr. Kozloski explained that two Enforcement Orders were drafted prior to the meeting. One to Mr. Calabrese and one to Mr. Turnbull, the farmer who owns the adjacent property where trees were cut in a wetland. DEP reviewed the draft enforcement orders and suggested the Commission follow a template that they forwarded. The members went over the template this evening for each enforcement order and made changes accordingly. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue the Enforcement Order to Mr. Calabrese for violations at the end of Anvil Street as written this evening. VOTE 6-0 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue the Enforcement Order to Turnbull for property at rear North West Street as written this evening. VOTE 6-0 Ms. Becker left the meeting at this time. A member of the Mawaga Club was in attendance (Dave Lafleur). He stated that the siltation in their pond is still an ongoing problem. He stated that they had the pond dredged and it is silting up again. He has asked that Commission members walk from Gold Street upstream to see where the problem is originating. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM. AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION April 26, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker o _. Steven Douglas 4 r�*C. Fred Harpin v a Frank Meagher Jill Messick "— X`; Mark Soticheck ALSO PRESENT: c,y Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - March 22 and April 5, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Messick to approve the minutes of March 22, 2007 with a noted correction to the Pynchon Point discussion on page one- add that Mr. Harpin and representatives of the Engineering Department also met with the Army Corps. VOTE 7-0 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Becker to approve the minutes of April 5, 2007 as written. VOTE 6-0-1 (Meagher abstained) 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - Shoemaker Lane - Bonavita The members agreed to continue this item to the next meeting and to schedule a site visit on Wednesday, May 2hd at 9:00 AM. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to continue the RDA for Bonavita on Shoemmaker Lane to the next meeting. VOTE 7-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent-Twin Brook Farm - South Street Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the public hearing for Twin Brooks Farm as requested by the applicant. VOTE 7-0 Agawam Conservation Commission April 26,2007 Page 3 7. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Shoemaker.& S. Westfield St. -Hunter This item has been continued indefinitely at the request of the applicant as they are dealing with endangered species on the site. 8. REQU. FOR DETERMINATION CONT. -Friends of Robinson Park The members asked that a letter be sent to the applicant stating that they will be taking action on this at their next meeting. 9. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -NOI - Suffield Street- Commonwealth Communities This item had been continued to May 10'. 10. ENFORCEMENT ORDER(updates) - Suffield Street - Russo The members agreed to make this site visit on May 2"d at 11:00 AM to go over the Restoration Plan that Mr. Russo's representative submitted. 11. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Lot I 1 Joey Drive Mr. Kozloski made this inspection and recommended that a Certificate be issued. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue a Certificate on Lot 11 Joey Drive. VOTE 7-0 Ms. Dachos then informed the Commission that she received a"white form" for two lots on Moore Street owned by Cesare Ferrari. The members agreed that the Order of Conditions they issued was for one house only and there was discussion at that time of the applicant merging the two lots. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to send a letter to the applicant stating that a Notice of Intent must be filed for lot 2 and if any changes are made to lot 1, a new filing will be required on that also. VOTE 7-0 The meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM. f fl.,✓h AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION April 5, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker CD c. Fred Harpin _ Jill Messick x' 10 3M MEMBERS ABSENT: - ';U Steven Douglas Z n c Frank Meagher rli Mark Soticheck w ALSO PRESENT: ,\t\ Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 1: PUBLIC HEARING- Request to Amend Order of Conditions - School StreevRiver Road Park-Town of Agawam Chris Sparks, Director of Parks and Recreation, was in attendance to present this Request to Amend the Order of Conditions for the Town's School Street/River Road Park. The amendment includes widening the emergency access drive from 8'to 12' at the strong recommendation of the Agawam Fire Department. This issue was discussed at the previous Commission meeting when reviewing the Order of Conditions with the contractor who will be constructing the Park. With the increase in width of the emergency access drive, the total area of altered wetlands increases from the original 950 SF to 1663 SF, and the area of wetland replication increases from the original 1150 SF to 1800 SF. Mr. Kozloski stated that the same soil that is removed for the access drive be used for the wetland replication area. Mr. Sparks stated that he would relay that information to the contractor. There being no public input on this request, the Commission closed the public hearing: Motion was made by Ms. Becker and seconded by Ms. Messick that the request to widen the emergency access drive at the School Street/River Road Park from 8'to 12'does not require the filing of a new Notice of Intent. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Ms. Becker and seconded by Ms. Messick to Amend the Order of Conditions for the School Street/River Road Park to reflect the new plan for the widening of the emergency access drive from 8' to 12'. VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at.6:15 PM. , i AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION March 22, 2007 o -- MEMBERS PRESENT: -4 zy Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman � v Sheryl Becker rr Steven Douglas `O 3 X Fred Harpin = n Frank Meagher cn Ln o C_ MEMBERS ABSENT: Jill Messick Mark Soticheck ALSO PRESENT: Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -March 8, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Becker to approve the minutes of March 8, 2007 as written. VOTE 5-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- South Street-Twin Brook Farm Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by.Ms. Becker to continue the public hearing for Twin Brook Farm as requested by the applicant. VOTE 5-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Pynchon Point-Town of Agawam Mr. Kozloski explained that he, Mr. Harpin, representatives of the Engineering Department and Deborah Dachos recently met on-site with a representative of the Army Corps of Engineers. It appears that they will be signing off on the project within days. The Commission can now issue their Order of Conditions. There being no public input, the public hearing was closed: The Order will be written at the end of the meeting. 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Requ. To Amend Order of Conditions - Main St. - Cirillo Mr. Cirillo was in attendance this evening. He has submitted a revised plan. The Engineering Department has reviewed the revised plan, however, it does not address Conservation Agawam Conservation Commission March 22, 2007 Page 2 - Commission comments made by Engineering. Mr. Kozloski asked if he would be filling onto the abutters property behind the location of the former barn. Mr. Cirillo stated yes and that he has a verbal o.k. Mr. Kozloski stated that the plan should show that area as previously disturbed. The members agreed that more information needs to be added to the plan(riverfront areas and buffer zone). Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the public hearing for Cirillo on Main Street to allow him to provide additional information on his plan.. VOTE 5-0 6. REQU. FOR DETERMINATION CONT. -Federal Street-Tirone Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the Request for Determination for Tirone on Federal Street until the weather permits a site visit to view the wetland flagging. VOTE 5-0 7. REQU. FOR DETERMINATION CONT. - Springfield Street- Colvest Corp. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the Request for Determination for Colvest Corp. on Springfield Street until the weather permits a site visit. VOTE 5-0 S. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent-Hunter Development- S. Westfield/ Shoemaker Lane Motion was made by Mr.Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the public hearing for Hunter Development as they are continuing to work with NHESP. VOTE 5-0 9. REQU. FOR DETERMINATION CONT. -Friends of Robinson Park Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded Mr. Harpin to continue the Friends of Robinson Park Request for Determination. VOTE 5-0 10. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- 1200 Suffield Street-Commonwealth Communities Agawam Conservation Commission March 22, 2007 Paje 3 Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Harpin to continue the public hearing for Commonwealth Communities until May 10, 2007 as requested by the applicant's representative. VOTE 5-0 11. ENFORCEMENT ORDER UPDATES There was nothing new.to update. A Restoration Plan has been submitted for Mr. Russo's Enforcement Order on Suffield Street. The members will meet on-site to discuss the Restoration Plan when the weather permits. The members then wrote the Order of Conditions for Pynchon Point. A copy can be obtained from the Town Clerk's office or the Conservation Commission office. Motion was made by Ms. Becker and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue the Order of Conditions on Pynchon Point as written. VOTE 5-0 5. REVIEW ORDER OF CONDITIONS - School Street Park-Town of Agawam A requirement in the School Street Park Order of Conditions is that the contractor come to a meeting to go over the Order. In attendance this evening were Ed Dwyer of Mountainview Landscaping(the contractor), Peter Wells of The Berkshire Design Group and Chris Sparks, Director of Parks and Recreation. Upon going through the Order, Mr. Wells stated that OCEA requirements must be adhered to when members make site visits(i.e.hard hats). When discussing the monitoring requirement of the swales and detention basin, Mr. Kozloski stated that the Commission can also help with the monitoring. Mr. Sparks then stated that per the Fire Department, they will be changing the width of the access road from 8'to 12'. Mr. Kozloski stated that will require an Amendment to the Order of Conditions. He also stated that the replications area will need to be enlarged as he had discussed this issue with DEP. Mr. Wells stated that the will be submitting a revised plan in time to have a public hearing advertised for the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM. t AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION January 25, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: a Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman r� Sheryl Becker rev yf Steven Douglas Fred Harpin Frank Meagher Jill Messick cn '� Mark Soticheck ALSO PRESENT: Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January I t, 2007 Motion was made by Mr, Meagher and seconded by Ms. Messick to approve the minutes of January 11, 2007 as written. VOTE 7-0 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - Springfield Street-Colvest Corp. Mickey Marcus of New England Environmental and Peter LaPointe of Colvest Corp.were in attendance to present this RDA which involves the CVS property on Springfield Street (O'Brien's Corner). Mr. Marcus stated that two site walks have been held with.Commission members. The first one in February of`06 and the second one in January of`07. Colvest Corp. is planning a future expansion of this facility(building and parking)but that no work is involved with this filing. He stated that there is a large ravine in the rear with a large amount of trash in it. He explained that the site will be cleaned up with the proposed expansion. He also stated that there are bordering vegetated wetlands (bvw) in the channel in the area where there is a breakout point of water. Mr. Kozloski asked where the stream starts. Mr. Marcus stated that it starts upgradient of the bvw. Mr. Kozloski pointed out that the existing drain pipes are not shown on the plan. Ms. Messick stated that during the site walk she asked that the tree locations be added to plan as well as where the actual stream starts. Mr. Marcus stated that the flow is seasonal and it changes. Ms. Becker asked that soils information and vegetation be added to the plan. Ms. Messick asked if the ravine would be filled. Mr. Marcus stated yes, it likely will be filled and that the wetlands are off the site. Mark Stinson of DEP was in attendance this evening. He stated that according to the Mass. GIS information he has available, a stream is shown approximately 688' from the edge of the parking lot and that the presumed perennial stream portion is approximately 400' away. Ms. Messick asked that along with the soils and vegetation information, that the bank be defined and flagged on the plan as well. She also questioned what effect filling the ravine would have on the wetland. Mr. Marcus stated that when the Notice of Intent for the proposed expansion is filed, a stormwater management plan will be submitted which will show improvements. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Marcus asked that this item be continued to allow him to provide further information to the Commission. The members continued this to their February 9"meeting. 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- School Street Park -Town of Agawam Peter Wells of The Berkshire Design Group was in attendance along with Chris Sparks, Director . of Parks and Recreation in Agawam. Mr. Wells presented a revised plan which addresses the Engineering Department's comments dated January 11" and January 1 S'. He stated that he has emailed these revised plans to the Engineering Department and they have approved them. He went on to say that the Planning Board has approved the Site Plan for this project as well. Mr. Kozloski stated that he met with the Engineering Department today to confirm their approval. Mr.Wells also stated that he received notification from the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program that there are no habitat areas on this parcel, The Commission also received that letter. Mr. Kozloski asked for any public input. Darin Driscoll, 33 Liberty Avenue stated that since he raised his privacy concern at the last meeting he has gathered pricing information on a wood fence vs..the chain link that is proposed. W. Kozloski explained that the Conservation Commission has no jurisdiction on changing the type of fence that is being provided along the abutters properties. Les Melanson, Seymour Avenue stated that he read a recent article about similar retention swales in West Springfield that do not function properly and that he has concerns over mosquitos from these swales. Mr.Wells stated that additional mosquitos associated with these swales should not be a concern as the soils in this area are very permeable and that standing water will not be an issue. Mr. Soticheck asked if perforated pipes could be added to the swales if they do no work properly. Mr. Wells stated that yes,something could be done such as adding more infiltration basins. Donna Jago, River Road asked for more information on the paved walkway and berm that is proposed adjacent to the abutting properties. Mr. Wells explained the design and stated that the 4' chainlink fence will be above the ground level, not above the berm. Ms. Jago then asked if there are any aquifers on this property. Mr. Wells stated that there is no aquifer overlay district in Agawam and that he not aware of any aquifers in the area. He also stated that they are proposing to connect into well water for irrigation.. Mr. Stinson stated that no aquifers are shown in this area. There being no further public input,the Commission closed the public hearing. 4. REQU.TO AMEND ORDER OF CONDITIONS - Cirillo-Main Street This item was continued once again as no revised plan has been submitted. 5. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION- Friends of Robinson Park This item was continued until March at the request of the applicant. 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - 1200 Suffield Street- Commonwealth Communities This hearing was continued until the end of February as requested by the applicant's representative. 7. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) There was nothing new to report on the outstanding enforcement orders, however, Mr. Stinson of DEP was in attendance to discuss the Enforcement Order issued to Thomas Russo on Suffield Street. Upon discussion of the property and the violation,he scheduled a site visit with the Commission members for Friday, February 21 at 2:15 PM. The members agreed to notify Mr. Russo. The members then wrote the Order of Conditions for the School Street Park. A copy can be obtained from the Commission's office or the Town Clerk's office. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue the Order of Conditions for the School Street Park as written. VOTE 7-0 The meting adjourned at 8:20 PM. AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION January 11, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski,Chairman Sheryl Becker a Fred Harpin A. Frank Meagher Jill Messick A.x f :;E C`) Mark Soticheck O1 MEMBERS ABSENT: d Steven Douglas ALSO PRESENT: Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - December 14, 2006 Motion was wade by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to approve the minutes of December 14, 2006 as written. VOTE 6-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING -Notice of Intent-Witheridge Street - Kot Mason Maronn of D.L. Bean, Inc. was in attendance to present this NOI for a single family house to be constructed at the end of Witheridge Street. He stated that the plan has been revised to address the Engineering Department comments dated today. He explained that this recently received a Positive Determination from the Commission. The house location is outside of the buffer zone. A 10'driveway is proposed, a portion of which is within the buffer zone. The proposed lawn area has been straightened at Mr. Harpin's suggestion. Additional work includes the relocation of a section of the existing paved waterway, approximately 10' south. Erosion controls have been shown. He stated that either staked haybales or silt fence will be used. He has not proposed an armored fence. The closest to the wetland that any work will occur is 70'. There was no public input, therefore the Commission closed the public hearing. The Order of Conditions was written at the end of the meeting. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 6-0 Agawam Conservation Commission January 11, 2007 Page 2 10. DISCUSSION - Shoemaker Lane/South Westfield Street - M. Maronn Mr. Maronn took this opportunity to update the Commission on.a Notice of Intent that he will be submitting for the corner of South Westfield Street and Shoemaker Lane. He briefly went over the proposed under pavement detention (leaching cells) and the proximity of the proposed work to the wetland. The members had no concerns with the proposed layout. 3. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION -Corey Street-Bonavita/Grassetti Heather Comee of Pioneer Environmental presented this RDA for a wetland delineation on the former Agawam Sportsman's Club. She explained that the property contains two wetlands as well as a man made pond with "land under water". Members have walked the property with her to view the wetland flagging. She explained that there is a small wetland system with bordering vegetated wetland on the west side. She stated that the east side of the site borders an intermittent stream which is located off site. Mr. Kozloski pointed out that the Commission did a wetland delineation on the abutting property which is owned by the Town of Agawam and deemed that stream to be perennial. She stated that she disagreed with that finding. The east side of the site also contains the pond area with "land under water". She stated that the property is not located within a floodplain or endangered species area. Katherine Kwiat,490 School Street asked who deemed the stream perennial. Mr. Kozloski stated that the Agawam Conservation Commission did. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue a Positive Determination of Applicability, approving the wetland delineation, on Corey Street for Bonavita/Grassetti. VOTE 6-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING -Notice of Intent- School Street-Town of Agawam Peter Wells of The Berkshire Design Group was in attendance as well as the Agawam Park and Recreation Director, Chris Sparks. Mr. Wells stated that the property contains 49.2 acres and this NOI covers Phase I of 11 of the School Street Park. There are six watershed areas on the site. The proposal is construct 210 parking spaces, with approximately ten handicapped spaces. Also proposed are: two soccer/multi purpose fields; softball field; shuffle board/bocci area; community garden area;baseball field with a 90'diamond; multi purpose field in the outfield; pedestrian ways/8'paved bike way. He stated that as a result of a recent in-house meeting,the plan has been revised: a five foot chainlink fence has been provided around the retention areas; dry wells have been added to the retention areas; the softball field has been moved 50; the retention pond has been moved further away from the property line(26) for the entire length. The will be removing an existing 24" drain pipe and replacing it with two 12" concrete pipes. The bikeway was widened to 8'. He went on to say that a stormwater management plan has been Agawam Conservation Commission January 11, 2007 Page 3 submitted and that retention basins are actually bio-retention swales which will contain native plant material. TSS removal is at 96% (DEP's standard is 80%). Grassed swales; sediment forebays and silt fences and haybales will be utilized. Two wetland/stream crossings are proposed which will result in 950 SF of alteration of bordering vegetated wetland. A 1,150 SF replication area is shown and a wetland replication planting plan has been submitted. Mr. Kozloski asked how much water would be in the retention swales during a 100 year storm. Mr. Wells stated that 6" of water will collect before it exits at 8". He explained that they are sized for a 100 year storm. Ms. Messick asked how long and how wide the retention swales would be. Mr. Wells stated that they average 25' wide and 480' long. Mr. Kozloski asked if an irrigation system was proposed. Mr. Wells stated yes and they will be fed by wells and that according to test pits that were taken, the most appropriate area for the well would be closer to the barn. Mr. Meagher asked who would maintain this facility. Mr. Sparks stated that they are looking into possibly privatizing the maintenance and having the DPW maintain the grounds. He stated that has not yet been finalized. Mr. Kozloski then asked for public input. Rick Seldonuidge, 11 Liberty Avenue pointed out that his property will abut one of the park's bio retention swales. He asked if there would be a gate behind him. Mr. Wells states yes, there will be a gate and also a paved walkway. He expressed his concern over possible impacts on his septic system. He stated that his experience with detention ponds is that they do not work and he does not believe that this system will work. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Kozloski stated that the Town of Agawam must fix the bio retention swales if they do not work. Mr. Kozloski then asked if it would be possible to install a foot bridge over the swale. Mr. Wells stated that would be possible. Les Melanson, Seymour Avenue asked if the grades shown on the plan were finish or existing. Mr. Wells states that both existing and proposed grades are shown. Dan Driscoll, 33 Liberty Avenue stated that this Park will create privacy issues for the abutters. He asked that instead of a chain link fence behind his home, that a wooden fence be provided or perhaps slats in the chain link. Chris Sparks stated that the abutters were all contacted in regards to whether they would like a gate in the fence behind them and whether they would want a tree'd buffer. Doug Taylor, Alhambra Circle asked if the gates were for access. Mr. Sparks stated those abutters who requested a gate will be provided with one and also some have requested plantings which they will provide. Dale Melanson, Seymour Avenue asked if Phase II would have another parking area. Mr. Sparks stated yes, an additional 200 spaces. Mr. Wells then stated that detention pond#5 (closest to School Street) will be flooded in the i Agawam Conservation Commission January 11, 2007 Page 4 winter to provide for ice skating. Katherine Kwiat,490 School Street stated that pond will create mosquitos. Mr. Wells stated that there will not be standing water in there during the summer as there is a drain outlet. Peter Kwiat, 490 School Street then asked if there was a chain link fence proposed around detention pond#5 originally. Mr. Wells stated not originally,but this was added per concerns raised in-house. Mr. Kwiat then asked if there would be any grading on either side of the barn. Mr. Wells stated yes, both sides. Mr. Kwiat asked about restrooms in the winter. Mr. Sparks stated that at this point they do not have final plans for the barn and they have'not finalized how they will handle restrooms in the winter. Mr. Meagher asked if there would be opportunity for cross country skiing. Mrs. Sparks stated yes,they could use the fields or the bike path. Mr. Kwiat then asked if the property would be gated and whether the main entrance way would be landscaped. Mr. Wells stated yes,the entrance will be gated and that trees will be provided along the entrance way. At this point, the members continued the public hearing to the next meeting. 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Main Street - Cirillo This hearing was continued once again as the applicant has not yet submitted final plans on his proposal. 6. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION CONT. - Friends of Robinson Park This item was tabled until March at the request of the applicant. 7. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Commonwealth Communities - Suffield Street This hearing was continued once again until the end of February at the request of the applicant's representative. 8. ENFORCEMENT ORDER - Suffield Street - Russo Ms. Messick issued this Enforcement Order to Mr. Russo for filling in or adjacent to a wetland on Suffield Street. Mr. Soticheck and Ms. Messick feel that this entire area should be turned over to DEP for enforcement. Mr. Kozloski did not agree with that and feels that the Commission could better handle the matter. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Meagher to ratify the Enforcement Order issued to Russo on Suffield Street. Agawam Conservation Commission January 11, 2007 Page 5 VOTE 5-0-1 (Mr. Harpin abstained) Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Meagher to request DEP to look at the Russo site on Suffield Street. VOTE 4-1-1 (Kozloski opposed,Harping abstained) Worthington Brook Circle - Gada Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Meagher to issue a second Enforcement Order to Gada on Worthington Brook Circle stating that the brush and debris that was dumped must be removed and the disturbed area shall be loamed, graded and seeded. VOTE 5-0-1 (Soticheck abstained) Main Street-Russo (ratify) This Enforcement Order was issued to Mr. Russo for the house he is building on Main Street. There is a deck being constructed off the back of the house that is not shown on the approved plan that the Order of Conditions was written for. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Meagher to ratify the Enforcement Order issued to Russo on Main Street. VOTE 5-0-1 (Hatpin abstained) Vernon Street- Molta The members asked that a follow-up letter be sent to this homeowner instructing him to remove the trees that were cut and placed over the embankment with ten days or the matter will be turned over to DEP. Suffield Street - Elias -ratify Mr. Elias was in attendance this evening. This Enforcement Order was issued for work taking place along a stream with a bobcat. Mr. Elias stated that they were cutting sumac only. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Meagher to ratify the Enforcement Order issued to Elias on Suffield Street. VOTE 6-0 Agawam Conservation Commission January 11, 2007 Page 6 The members agreed that the owner should not do any further work in this area and that he should place a row of haybales at the top of the stream and spread out some bales over the disturbed area and seed the area in the Spring. The members then wrote the Order of Conditions for Kot on Witheridge Street. A copy can be obtained from the Town Clerk's office or the Commission office. Motion was made by Mr.Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue the Order of Conditions for Kot on Witheridge Street as written. VOTE 6-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.