2008 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION (MEETING MINUTES) pr ,�,qawam Cor?VrV"M &mml'ssto6 l f" ,! 7�0 - Agawam Conservation Commission December 11, 2008 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION December 11, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: o Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman c 3 Sheryl Becker Steven Douglas =' Magda Galiatsos Fred Harpin Jill Messick f u O r" ca MEMBERS ABSENT: Mark Soticheck ALSO PRESENT: Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —November 13, 2008 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to approve the minutes of November 13, 20078 as written. VOTE 6-0 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION— 127 Forest Hill Road—Reshamwala Ms. Messick stated that she met on-site with the architect and builder regarding the proposed addition to this home. She stated that there is a stream in the back of the property(over 100' away). She went on to say that debris in the neighbor's yard has diverted the water somewhat. Mr. Kozloski stated that there is a pre-existing deck where the addition is proposed. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Harpin to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability for 127 Forest Hill Road. VOTE 6-0 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to amend the order of the agenda and to include the"add-on's" and a Certificate of Compliance for 61 Industrial Lane. VOTE 6-0 3. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION CONT. — Suffield Street—Town of Agawam Agawam Conservation Commission December 11, 2008 Page 2 The members set up a site visit to view the wetland flagging with the map that was submitted for Monday at 9:30 AM. This item was continued to the next meeting. 4. ORDER OF CONDITIONS —River Road—DeCaro The Engineering Department reviewed the final revised plan that was submitted and provided comments. One comment was that MHD approval is necessary. Mr. Petronino stated that the applicant has contacted MHD and that will be done concurrent with the curbcut application. He stated that he was given a"verbal no problem". 8. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—204 Lancaster Drive A Certificate of Compliance was previously issued for this lot, however, there are two Order of Conditions on the property. A new original is needed to reference the second Order of Conditions. Motion was made by Ms. Becker and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue and sign a new original Certificate of Compliance on 204 Lancaster Drive. VOTE 6-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent--Harvard Avenue—Grimaldi Joe Petronino of Environmental Services was in attendance to present this Notice of Intent that shows the construction of one single family home within the buffer zone to a bordering vegetated wetland. He stated that this proposal has been scaled back from the last one which showed a cul-de-sac and two homes. This filing shows a driveway to the new home off of Cambridge Street. He explained that most if not all of the work is outside of the 50' buffer zone. Haybales will be sued vs. silt fencing per the Engineering Department. He stated that a site visit was held with the Commission three years ago when the wetland was flagged and borings were done. He stated that has not changed. He also stated that a hydrology study was done previously that showed no impact to adjacent homes. Mr. Harpin asked if the owner was intending on cleaning the debris and brush that has been dumped on the property. Mr. Grimaldi,the owner, stated yes he will clean the area. Mr. Kozloski then allowed for public input. Eleanor Gray. 17 Cambridge Street asked how far away this would be from Philo Brook. Mr. Kozloski stated he researched this area on Google Earth and it showed the brook to be approximately 250' away. He also stated that he and Mr. Harpin were at the site today and both concur with the wetland flagging. Ms. Messick asked if there was a hydrological connection from this wetland. Mr. Petronino stated there is a ditch that carries water when it rains but then dries up. Ms. Messick pointed out that the Engineering Department has requested additional topography information. s Agawam Conservation Commission December 11, 2008 Page 3 Peter Cecchi, 102 North Westfield Street stated that he farms the area and it is very wet. He stated that it drains to his fields. He is concerned that this development will make the runoff even faster. He stated that it currently"plugs up the drains" and that he also receives drainage from the hill on the opposite side of North Westfield Street. He went on to say that he couldn't hay some of the property last year as it was too wet and the tractor would get stuck. He then stated that it is wet in the area of the sewer line and the water follows the pipe. He concluded that any development of this area would have further impacts on this land in terms of water, erosion and silt. He asked if the drains could be tied into the sewer. Mr. Kozloski stated no, that can't be done. Mrs. Gray then asked if the current proposal vs. the elevation of her house would mean that she would get water. Mr. Kozloski stated that the Engineering Department has asked for additional information to review. The Commission continued this public hearing to the next meeting which is scheduled for January 9a', to allow the applicant to address Engineering comments. The members then wrote the Order of Conditions for DeCaro on River Road. A copy can be obtained from the Town Clerk or Commission office. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Galiatsos to issue the Order of Conditions for DeCaro on River Road as written. VOTE 5-1 (Messick opposed) 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -- 1744 Main Street—Cirillo The applicant was sent a letter from the previous meeting asking for additional information. No response was provided. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Douglas to deny the Order of Conditions for Cirillo at 1744 Main Street due to insufficient information provided. VOTE 6-0 6. ENFORCEMENT ORDER(UPDATE)—Anvil Street—Calabrese The proposed stabilization and erosion control plan was approved by the Planning Board and work was to begin on this on Monday. Ms. Messick stated that she would make a site visit next Monday and reiterated the need to keep moving on the permanent solution with the Planning Board through the winter. River Road (Pynchon Point) Agawam Conservation Commission December 11, 2008 Page 4 Ms. Messick stated she spoke with Gary Weiner and was told that they are still working with Mass. Highway Department on gaining permission to connect this drainage although MHD is still saying no. She went on to say that Mr. Weiner and Pete Levesque were to be contacting the owner, Mr. Townsend regarding the berm and haybales. North Street Ext.—Town of Agawam Mr. Kozloski stated that he made a re-inspection and recommended that the Enforcement Order be lifted. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Galiatsos to lift the Enforcement Order issued to the Town of Agawam for cutting of trees and brash on North Street Ext. VOTE 6-0 Longbrook Estates The representative from GFI contacted the office this week to say that the funding has been approved and the work will begin as soon as the money is received. Cooper Street—Town of Agawam-This work is ongoing. Line Street—Kuzmenko Ms. Messick stated that she made a recent inspection and found that the haybales and silt fences have repaired/installed, the unregistered cars are still there, the cut trees have been removed, the DEP number has not yet been posted and the area needs to be reflagged. 9. Line Street—Vote on Amending Order The members agreed that a new plan is needed to be referred to in the Order of Conditions. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Douglas to allow for an Amendment to the Order of Conditions for Kuzmenko on Line Street. VOTE 5-1 (Harpin opposed) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE--61 Industrial Lane Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Harpin to issue a Certificate of Compliance on 61 Industrial Lane pending a favorable inspection by a Commission member. VOTE 6-0 The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. r / Dw r? Agawam Conservation Commission November 13, 2008 Page 1 AGAWA_M CONSERVATION COMMISSION November 13, 2008 co F � MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Steven Douglas Fred Harpin .fill Messick MEMBERS ABSENT: Magda Galiatsos Mark Soticheck Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —October 23, 2008 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to approve the minutes of October 23, 2008 as written. VOTE 5-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING—Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation 120 Bowles Road—Macari John Prenosil was in attendance to present this ANRAD which he prepared on behalf of Diana's Bakery at 120 Bowles Road. A site walk was held with Commission members last week to view the wetland flagging. He presented a map of the bordering vegetated wetland near the bakery and explained that there is a pond(Tumverein) and a stream located off the property. USGS map shows the stream to be approximately 500' away. Mr. Kozloski and Ms. Messick discussed the site visit. Motion was made by Ms. Becker and seconded by Mr. Douglas to approve the ANRAD for 120 Bowles Road as submitted. VOTE 5-0 3. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Barney Street—DeCaro Joseph Petronino of Environmental Services was in attendance to present this RDA he prepared for an addition to a home on Barney Street. The addition will be on the side of the house away from the river. The old driveway will be removed and the new driveway Agawam Conservation Commission November 13, 2008 Page 2 will be placed further away from the river. This property is not within the floodplain, however, it is entirely within riverfront area. Old driveway is 360 sf New structures are 28 x 30 garage (840 sf); 30 x 14 patio (420 sf); and 35 x 12 driveway(420 sf). A net increase of 1320 sf. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Becker to issue a Negative Determination for DeCaro on Barney Street. VOTE 4-1 (Messick opposed) 4. REQU. FOR DETERMINATION CONT.—Suffield Street—Town of Agawam This item was continued once again as a revised plan is being prepared. 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—River Road—DeCaro Mr. Petronino was in attendance to present the Commission with a hand drawn revised plan. He stated that his engineer has been sick or unavailable and a new map is being prepared. He stated that NHESP has issued a letter stating there will be no "take" of any species. Per NHESP he has submitted an alternatives analysis and an inventory of plant species. He provided the Commission with copies of what he sent. Ms. Becker pointed out that the.Engineering Department recommended that an Order of Conditions not be issued until the applicant gets approval from Mass. Highway. Mr. Petronino stated that someone had met with Mass. Highway regarding the pipe under the property and he thought it was resolved. Mr. Harpin suggested that it be added to the Order of Conditions that Mass. Highway approval is necessary prior to any construction starting. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Douglas to close the public hearing for DeCaro and to write the Order at the next meeting pending receipt of a final, legible plan. VOTE 4-1 (Messick opposed) 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent 1744 Main Street—Cirillo Mr. Cirillo was not in attendance this evening. The members discussed a motion by Ms. Messick to deny the Order of Conditions for an incomplete application. Mr. Kozloski stated that the Commission must first request the additional information in writing and if the Commission does not receive it they then can vote to deny. Motion was made by Ms. Becker and seconded by Mr. Douglas to send a letter to Mr. Cirillo asking for his final, legible plan to be submitted by December I"or the Commission will vote to deny the Order of Conditions. VOTE 5-0 Agawam Conservation Commission November 13, 2009 Page 3 7. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS—Anvil Street—Calabrese Mr. Kozloski and Ms. Messick informed the members of their recent site visit where they found new problems with runoff from a pipe running from toe drains on a neighbor's property onto the adjacent lot where erosion has been occurring. They agree that this runoff is the cause of new erosion in the back of the top lot on Anvil Street. They proposed that a meeting be set up with the owners of the house next to the lot, the owner of the lot, Mr. Calabrese, Conservation Commission member(s), Planning Board member(s), Engineering Dept and the building inspector. Longbrook Estates—Mr. Kozloski informed the members that the office received a phone call this week from Leif Ronaldson of GFl stating that they were meeting with the bank this week to get the funding to fix the problems. Cooper Street—Town of Agawam—Construction has not yet reached the point where the enforcement order requires work. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Becher to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 5-0 Ratify Enforcement Order—69 Line Street—The members expressed concern over how the owners of this property could get a demolition order and a building permit when the Commission issued an Order of Conditions for an addition not new construction. Motion was made by Ms. Becker and seconded by Mr. Douglas to ratify the Enforcement Order issued to Kuzmenko, 69 Line Street. VOTE 5-0 COMPLAINT - Shoemaker Lane—Letters were sent to two property owners (Juzba, South Westfield Street and Drewnowski on Shoemaker Lane) regarding a possible violation. Mr. Juzba responded and stated that he owns the property where there is a trailer parked in the wetland. He will remove the trailer as soon as possible. The other issue was part of a Halloween decoration and was removed. St. John's Field— flooding—Mr. Kozloski stated that a beaver dam is causing flooding in the parking lot and that the Health Department will be issuing a permit for trapping. 127 Forest Hill Road—The property owner wishes to construct an addition. Individual members of the Commission will make site visits and it was recommended that property owners file a Request for Determination. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM. Agawam Conservation Commission October 23, 2008 Page I AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION October 23,2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Steven Douglas—6.35 PM Fred Harpin Jill Messick Mark Soticheck MEMBERS ABSENT: Sheryl Becker U Magda Galiatsos co �r ALSO PRESENT: -- n� Pamela R. Kerr A K Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. X-,`,=-- I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —October 9, 2008 co `- Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to approve the minutes of October 9, 2008 as written. VOTE 3-0-I (Kozloski abstained) 2. PUBLIC HEARING—Request to Amend Order of Conditions—American Renal Associates—Harvey Johnson Drive Dave Thompson of Coler&Colantonio was in attendance to present this request to amend an existing Order of Conditions. He explained that the applicant has made some changes to the plan,most of which are inside the building. Changes outside of the building include: generator enclosure moved slightly; armor loc concrete blocks removed from drainage swale; sidewalk and screen wall between dialysis center and existing nursing home removed; loading area/dumpster driveway narrowed to one lane; and a portion of sidewalk along drive adjacent to day room has been removed. He stated that none of the changes will impact the relationship of the site work to the site wetlands or the operation of the site drainage or other utility systems or site vehicular or pedestrian circulation. The members had no questions and there was no input from the public. The public hearing was closed. The Amend Order to be voted on at the end of the meeting. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to amend the order of the agenda and to include the"add-on's" and also two discussion items: WMECO and South West Sewer Project. VOTE 5-0 Agawam Conservation Commission October 23, 2008 Page 2 9. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE— Lot 9 Burlington Drive Mr. Kozloski stated that he made an inspection and found that although the lot has been seeded, the grass is not yet established. He recommended that$1500 be held back to cover establishment of the grass. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Douglas to issue a Certificate of Compliance for Lot 9 Burlington Drive with$1500 to be held back at the time of the closing to cover the establishment of the lawn. VOTE 5-0 10. COMPLAINT—North West Street—pond Mr. Kozloski and Mr. Harpin responded to this complaint regarding tires that have been dumped in a pond along the waterline off of North West Street. Mr. Kozloski stated that it is owned by the Town. He recommended that a memo be sent to the DPW regarding this complaint. DISCUSSION—WMECO Mr. Kozloski stated that he had been contacted by the environmental firm doing the filing for the WMECO proposed upgrades asking if the Commission would be hiring an outside firm to review the filing. He stated that he informed them that the Conservation Commission does their own site visits and the Engineering Department reviews the filings. DISCUSSION—South West Sewer Project Tighe and Bond has contacted the office to schedule a site walk of proposed work associated with the South West Sewer Project. Members agreed to Monday, 1113108 at 1:00 PM. 7. ENFORCEMENT ORDER—River Road (trucking concern) Gary Weiner is working on the response to Mass. Highway Department and should have a copy of that to the office tomorrow. This information was relayed to the Commission by Pete Levesque through the office. North Street Ext. —Town of Agawam Mr. Kozloski stated that not all of the trees and brush that were cut have been removed. He will make a site visit with a representative of the DPW to show them what to remove. Agawam Conservation Commission October 23, 2008 Page 3 Cooper Street—Town of Agawam This project is ongoing. 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. --Notice of Intent—River Road--DeCaro This item was continued to the next meeting. The applicant's representative will have a final revised plan ready for that meeting now that they have received approval from NHESP. 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. — 1744 Main Street—Cirillo This item had been continued to November 13`h 3. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent—Department of Conservation and Recreation--north end of Oak Hill Avenue Alec McLeod was in attendance to present this Notice of Intent which he prepared on behalf of the Department of Conservation and Recreation. He stated that at the request of the Agawam Fire Department, they are proposing to upgrade the emergency access road in Robinson Park from the north end of Oak Hill Avenue to the dam on the River. He stated that it is a popular recreation area for four wheel vehicles and there is a swimming hole also in this area. He stated that the road is in poor condition with stormwater erosion and a culvert that has been torn out. The proposed work includes upgrade surface of roadway and stabilize it;provide for"kick outs"in the steep areas for drainage; and replace the culvert. He explained that the following resource areas would be impacted: riverfront area associated with the stream and the River;bordering vegetated wetland; and bank. He provided the Commission with copies of his written response to the DEP comments. He explained that they originally planned to install three new culverts to replace the one that is destroyed, however, that would have required added permitting. They are now proposing to replace it with a ductile iron culvert of the same size(18"). He stated that he received a response from NHESP today(Corrunission received a copy as well) and was given approval with conditions on the time of year the work can take place (i.e. work on road is to be done between November and April; turtle sweep to be done in May and replication area work to be done between May and October 31 st). The Engineering Department submitted comments on this filing. Mr. McLeod stated that comment#1 is not applicable any longer as they are now proposing the replacement of the culvert with one of the same size; #2 regarding 401 Water Quality, he stated this does not apply as the water does not flow into a drinking water supply; #3 was in regards to the types of erosion controls. He stated that silt fences will be used. And for item#4, an updated detail sheet was provided. Mr. Kozloski asked who would be monitoring the replication area. Mr. McLeod stated that has not been decided. Ms. Messick asked how deep the stream is. Mr. McLeod stated it is very shall but constant. Mr. Kozloski then asked for any public input. Agawam Conservation Commission October 23, 2008 Page 4 Mary Ellen DeMeano, 112 Oak Hill Avenue asked how this project would affect her house and what type of road this will be. Mr. McLeod stated it will not affect her house and that this will be a 4" gravel road—not paved. There being no further public input, Mr. Kozloski closed the public hearing. 7. ENFORCEMENT ORDER (updates)—Anvil Street—There was nothing new to report. The Planning Board has requested the Engineering Department to make an inspection. Longbrook Estates—Mr. Kozloski stated that he,Mr. Harpin and Ms. Messick met on- site today with the Town Engineer and a representative of GFI. He stated that another 10' of embankment has been lost. The members informed GFI that a written timetable for addressing the Enforcement Order is to be submitted by next week. 11. DISCUSSION—Roosevelt Avenue Mr. Kozloski stated that work is being done on a home on Roosevelt Avenue to the drainage system and foundation. The homeowner's son in law had contacted the Conservation Commission with concerns with possible erosion. Mr. Kozloski stated that the silt fence was not installed properly. He asked to have the contractor contact the office to schedule a site inspection. He stressed that this work must get completed before winter. The Commission then voted on the Amended Order for American Renal Associates. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue the Amended Order of Conditions for American Renal Associates, Harvey Johnson Drive. VOTE 5-0 The Commission then wrote the Order of Conditions for the Department of Conservation and Recreation(Robinson Park). Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue the Order of Conditions for the Department of Conservation and Recreation as written. VOTE 5-0 The meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM. b' Agawam Conservation Commission October 9, 2008 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION October 9, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Harpin, Acting Chairman Sheryl Becker Steven Douglas Magda Galiatsos Jill Messick Mark Soticheck _ � a r\� ZE MEMBERS ABSENT: s Henry A. Kozloski ALSO PRESENT: C - Pamela R. Kerr ' ' Mr. Harpin called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — September 25,2008 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to approve the minutes of September 25,2008 as written. VOTE 6-0 2. ANRAD— Shoemaker Lane Westmass Area Development Corp. Mark Bergeron.of VHB was in attendance along with Jeff Warren of Westmass. A site walk was held after the last meeting for the members to view the flagging. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Galiatsos to approve the Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation for Shoemaker Lane by Westmass Area Development Corp. VOTE 6-0 3. ENFORCEMENT ORDER (UPDATES) Anvil Street—Ms. Messick stated that she walked the site with Mr. Kozloski and members of the Planning Board last week. She stated that there is another large pile of dirt on the site now and when it rains there is a large amount of runoff and erosion from it. Mr. Calabrese was in attendance and provided the Commission with pictures of the newly repaired silt fences and haybales as was required by the Commission. Ms. Messick stated that the Planning Board will be discussing this at their next meeting. Agawam Conservation Commission October 9,2008 Page 2 Town of Agawam—North Street Extension Ms. Messick stated that the trees that were cut were removed as required, however, there is still brush to be removed. CVS— Springfield Street Ms. Messick stated that the retaining wall is complete and area is complete grassed. She recommended that the Enforcement Order be lifted at this time. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to lift the Enforcement Order issued to CVS. VOTE 6-0 River Road Ms. Messick stated that Ms. Becker and Ms. Galiatsos participated in a clean up of the area with the help of the watershed group. Ms. Galiatsos stated that the Springfield Sci-Tech High School ROTC also participated and did a great job. She recommended that the Commission send a letter thanking them. Ms. Messick stated that a Mass. Highway Dept. representative met at the site with Mr. Townsend's engineer to discuss connecting Mr. Townsend's drainage to the River Road system. She stated that the initial response from MHD was no,but that Mr. Weiner will be submitting a letter stating why the alternatives will not work. She stated that the berm was still not done. Longbrook Estates The Commission has not yet received a response from Longbrook Boston. The members agreed that if no response is received by the next meeting, the matter will be turned over to the Law Department. Town of Agawam—Cooper Street There was nothing new to report on this Enforcement Order. 4. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—Lot 7 West View Lane Mr. Harpin stated that he and Mr. Kozloski made this inspection and recommended that a Certificate be issued. Agawam Conservation Commission October 9, 2008 Page 3 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue a Certificate of Compliance on Lot 7 West View Lane. VOTE 6-0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE--Moore Street—Ferrari Mr. Harpin stated that he made this inspection and recommended that a Certificate be issued. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue a Certificate of Compliance on Moore Street for Ferrari. VOTE 6-0 5. DISCUSSION —Zone Change—Pine Street—Grace Baptist Church The Commission received a memo from the Planning Board regarding a proposed zone change from Agricultural to Residence B at 475 Pine Street by the Grace Baptist Church and asking for any comments. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to notify the Planning Board that any future expansion on this property may require a filing with the Conservation Commission. VOTE 6-0 6. REQU. FOR DETERMINATION CONT. —Suffield Street—Town of Agawam This item was continued once again as the consultant is still preparing the revised plan. 7. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—River Road—DeCaro This item was continued once again as the applicant is still working with NHESP. 8. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent— 1744 Main Street—Cirillo This hearing had been continued to November 11`h. Mr. Soticheck stated that asphalt has been placed on the rear of the lot. Members agreed to go look at that. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to amend the agenda to include the"add-on's". VOTE 6-0 9. DISCUSSION—American Renal Associates—Harvey Johnson Drive Agawam Conservation Commission October 9, 2008 Page 4 The Commission received correspondence outlining minor changes to the project. After reviewing the information,the members agreed to schedule a public hearing for an Amendment to the Order of Conditions. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Douglas to allow for the changes to the American Renal Associates plan by Amending the Order of Conditions. VOTE b-0 A public hearing will be scheduled for the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM. Agawam Conservation Commission September 25, 2008 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION September 25, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Magda Galiatsos Fred Harpin Jill Messick Mark Soticheck co n �-z- MEMBERS ABSENT: Steven DouglasIr v ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr v r�= Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —September 11, 2008 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to approve the minutes of September 11, 2008 as written. VOTE 5-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING - Amendment to Order of Conditions—Main Street— Senior Center—Town of Agawam Rick Misiazek of Reinhardt Associates was in attendance to present this request to amend the Order of Conditions for the new Senior Center on Main Street. He explained that the revision is to go back to the parking layout as was originally approved and it involves the area east of the present community building. He stated that the Engineering Department had submitted comments which they have addressed (copies were given to the Commission). There being no public input,the public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to amend the Order of Conditions for the Agawam Senior Center to allow for the revised parking as presented this evening. VOTE 5-0 3. ABBREVIATED NOTICE OF RESOURCE AREA.DELINEATION— Shoemaker Lane—Westmass Area Development Corp. t Agawam Conservation Commission September 25, 2008 Page 2 Jeff Warren of Westmass and Mark Bergeron of Vanasse Hangen Brustlin(VHB) were in attendance to present this ANRAD for property owned by Westmass on Shoemaker Lane. Mr. Bergeron stated that this parcel came before the Commission previously and an ANRAD was issued, however, that has expired. He stated that the plans have been revised to include additional information that was requested by DEP. He went on to say that the property includes an intermittent stream and the top of bank has been flagged. Mr. Warren explained that no work is proposed on this property at this time. The members agreed to walk the property the following Monday at 10:00 AM to verify the flagging. The Commission continued this ANRAD to the next meeting. 4. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION CONT. —Suffield Street—Town of Agawam Ms. Dachos explained that the plan is being revised to reflect the additional information the members requested when the site walk was held. She stated that this additional information may not be available by the next meeting as they have just received the revised contract for the additional work. She also stated that the dollar amount is now higher and asked that the Commission vote to approve the use of an additional $1400 to include the soil analysis and mapping. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to continue the RDA for the Town of Agawam on Suffield Street for 30 days. VOTE 6-0 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker that the Conservation Commission appropriate an additional $1400 for the soil analysis and mapping on the Town of Agawam property located behind the DPW on Suffield Street. VOTE 6-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—River Road—DeCaro This item was continued once again as the applicant is still working with NHESP. 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent— 1744 Main Street- Grillo This hearing was continued to November I Ith at the last meeting. 7. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) 1744 Main Street—Cirillo Mr. Kozloski stated that he made an inspection and found that the fence was removed that was in violation. He recommended that the Enforcement Order be lifted at this time. Agawam Conservation Commission September 25, 2008 Page 3 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Becker to lift the Enforcement Order issued to Cirillo at 1744 Main Street regarding the construction of a fence. VOTE 6-0 Anvil Street—Calabrese Ms. Messick and Ms. Galiatsos have made a site visit and found that the slope has been seeded and is grassed, however, silt is washing back into the wetland. Ms. Messick . stated that there are three layers of silt fences and the silt is still washing over them. Mr. Kozloski stated that the problem is that there is more water coming off the site post development than pre and the silt is getting into the wetland. He feels that the Commission should get the Planning Board involved as they are holding a bond on the subdivision. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Becker to send a letter to Mr. Calabrese stating that the silt is still getting into the wetland from the Anvil Street site and that the Commission is requiring that he provide a solution to this problem within fifteen days of receipt of the letter and to also send a letter to the Planning Board asking for their assistance in correcting this problem. VOTE 6-0 Pynchon Point—River Road Ms. Messick stated that the Commission received a copy of a letter from ECOTEC to Mass. Highway Department{MHD. She stated that she will also follow up with a phone call to Ken Crochiere at MHD. Mr. Kozloski stated that they will be pouring the concrete for the picnic tables next week. Longbrook Estates Mr. Kozloski stated that he and Mr. Harpin visited the site and it appears that another 20' of embankment has been washed away. Ms. Messick also went out to the site and spoke to a representative of the property management company and was informed that GFI Longbrook is no longer doing the construction and that GFI Boston now is handling it. He stated that Attorney Paceila is their legal representative and would have contact information for GFI Boston. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to contact Attorney Pacella to determine the proper contact information for GFI Boston so that the Enforcement Order matters can be resolved. VOTE 6-0 CVS Agawam Conservation Commission September 25, 2008 Page 4 Ms. Messick and Ms. Galiatsos made a site visit with Mr. Kozloski. They found that the approved planting plan is not being adhered to and the plantings do not appear to be doing well. They agreed that the planting area be monitored for five years and that a follow up inspection be made in the spring. Ms. Galiatsos stated that the abutters to this site should be notified regarding the dumping that is taking place over the embankment. Motion was made by Ms. Galiatsos and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to send letters to the immediate abutters to the CVS site regarding the dumping that is taking place over the embankment stating that the area will be monitored. VOTE 6-0 Town of Agawam—Cooper Street The Commission was notified by the construction company that the haybales are in place. Town of Agawam---Tracy Drive Ms. Messick stated that the fence has been installed. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to lift the Enforcement Order issued to the Town of Agawam on Tracy Drive. VOTE 6-0 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to amend the agenda to include the"add-on's" and also discussion of the Riverview Avenue complaint. VOTE 6-0 8. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—47 Cedar Knoll Drive Mr. Kozloski and Mr. Harpin made this inspection and recommended that a Certificate be issued at this time. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to issue a Certificate of Compliance for 47 Cedar Knoll Drive. VOTE 6-0 9. COMPLAINT—North Street Ext.—DEP Mr. Kozloski explained that the office received a call from DEP regarding a complaint they received that Town of Agawam DPW workers had cut trees within a wetland on North Street Ext and the trees were left. Agawam Conservation Commission September 25, 2008 Page 5 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms..Becker to issue an Enforcement Order to the Town of Agawam to remove the trees that were cut in the wetland and that the area will be re-inspected to determine if remediation is necessary. VOTE 6-0 COMPLAINT—Riverview Avenue Mr. Kozloski stated that he responded to DEP that he had previously gone out on this complaint but could not see anything from the road but that he would contact the complainant to arrange a site visit. The meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM. L Agawam Conservation Commission September 11, 2008 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION September 11, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Steven Douglas Magda Galiatsos Fred Harpin Sill Messick Mark Soticheck c� ao © ALSO PRESENT; Pamela R. Kerr r Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:3.0 PM. � 3 l. APPROVAL OF MINUTES--August 28, 2008 \ w Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Harpin to approve the m1utes of August 28, 2008 as written. VOTE 7-0 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Kosak Court—MacDonald This RDA was filed for the replacement of an existing above ground pool. The members viewed the plan that was submitted and agreed to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability as this is replacing an existing pool. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability for MacDonald on Kosak Court. VOTE 7-0 3. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION COT.—Suffield Street—Town of Agawam A site walk was conducted since the last meeting. A revised plan has not yet been submitted as a result of that site walk. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to continue the Request for Determination for the Town of Agawam on Suffield Street to the next meeting. VOTE 7-0 Agawam Conservation Commission September 11,2008 Page 2 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—Edgewater Road— McKiernan The members discussed the Engineering Department comments that were issued on this filing and agreed they pertained to the proposed work on the gabion wall. The Commission had issued an Enforcement Order for the gabion wall work, therefore, this filing covers on the work proposed on the dam. There being no public comments, the Commission closed the public hearing at this time. The Order of Conditions was then written. A copy can be obtained from the CIerk's office or the Commission office. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Hwpin to issue the Order of Conditions for McKiernan on Edgewater Road for work on the darn only, as written. VOTE 6-1 (Kozloski opposed) 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—River Road—DeCaro This hearing was continued once again as the MESA filing is still in process. 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.— 1744 Main Street—Cirillo Mr. Cirillo was in attendance and presented a revised plan which now shows the restaurant in the existing structure and also the mini golf course. He stated that the golf course area will contain rocks, grass and shrubs and that the entire site will be fenced. Mr. Kozloski stated that he will need to provide pre and post calculations and that a final revised plan must be submitted to DEP for their comments as well. Mr. Cirillo stated that this revised plan is not yet complete but that he will submit his final revised information to DEP. He asked that the public hearing be continued for sixty days. Motion was made by Ms.Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to continue the public hearing for Cirillo on 1744 Main Street for sixty days as requested. VOTE 7-0 Mr. Cirillo then asked when the Commission would be lifting the Enforcement Order has been on the agenda for some time. He stated that he removed the fence as soon as he received the Enforcement Order. The members agreed to vote to lift it pending a site inspection. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to lift the Enforcement Order issued to Cirillo at 1744 Main Street pending a favorable inspection by a Commission member to see that the fence in question has been removed. VOTE 7-0 Agawam Conservation Commission September 11, 2008 Page 3 7. COMPLAINT—Kanawha Avenue Mr. Kozloski and Mr. Harpin made an inspection of this complaint regarding filling of a wetland. Mr. Kozloski stated that it appears that the residents of this rental property are working on their lawn which is adjacent to the wetland. He stated that a letter has been sent to the owner of the property. 8. ENFORCEMENT ORDER—Anvil Street-nothing new to report. River Road(Pynchon Point)—A preliminary plan was submitted to the office today by ECOTEC who is working on the drainage issue for Mr. Townsend. The members asked that a site visit be scheduled for Monday morning at 10:00 AM with Gary Weiner of ECOTEC, Peter Levesque of Pioneer Environmental, Mr. Townsend if he is in town and a representative of the Engineering Department. Longbrook Estates—The members discussed the fact that they have not received anything on the restoration of the damaged streambed as was required in the Enforcement Order. The phone number on file is no longer in service. Motion was made by Ms. Galiatsos and seconded by Ms. Messick to send a certified letter to GFI Longbrook stating that a response is needed within seven days of receipt of the Commission will pursue legal action. VOTE 7-0 CVS—Ms. Becker stated that she has been out to the site and found that the area has been reseeded and that the wetland looks clean. Town of Agawam(2)—The members asked to send a memo to the DPW/Engineering Dept. asking for an update on these enforcement orders. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to amend the agenda to include the"add-on's". VOTE 7-0 9. DISCUSSION— Senior Center Revisions The Commission received a letter from Reinhardt Associates stating that the Town wishes to go back to the original parking layout which has since been changed. The members agreed that a new Notice of Intent would not be necessary and could amend the Order of Conditions once again. Agawam Conservation Commission September 11, 2008 Page 4 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Douglas that the proposed changes to the parking layout be allowed through an amended Order of Conditions and not a new Notice of Intent for the Senior Center. VOTE 7-0 10. DISCUSSION--- 174 Edgewater Road—correspondence The Commission received a letter from the owner of 174 Edgewater Road who would like to cut some trees. Ms. Messick and Ms. Becker agreed to make this site visit. 11. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION—Emergency Order—Meadow Street—Town of Agawam On behalf of the Town, Tighe &Bond submitted a written request for another 30 day extension. The dam has breached due to high water. Illness among the divers and high water have prevented the work from being completed. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to extend the' Emergency Order for the Town of Agawam,Meadow Street for 30 days as requested. VOTE 7-0 12. COMPLAINT—Willowbrook Drive Mr. Kozloski and Mr. Harpin responded to this complaint regarding flooding from a stream. They found that the stream is silted in. The Town does not have an easement in this area. They informed the owner that they must pursue ways to remove the sediment from the stream. 13. Heritage Landscape Inventory Program—Letter of Support The Planning Office is submitted an application to the Heritage Landscape Inventory Program and has asked for a letter of support from the Commission. The members agreed that this is a worthwhile effort and to support the application. Motion was made by Ms. Messsck and seconded by Ms. Becker to send a letter of support with the Planning Department's application to the Heritage Landscape Inventory Program. VOTE 7-0 The mdeting adjourned at 7:20 PM. • Agawam Conservation Commission c-le*;ot- September 11, 2008 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION September 11, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Steven Douglas <) Magda Galiatsos co Fred Harpin v n Jill Messick c" n f. Mark Soticheck 3':} � 3 ALSO PRESENT; Pamela R. Kerr cri Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES-August 28, 2008 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Harpin to approve the minutes of August 28, 2008 as written. VOTE 7-0 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION-Kosak Court-MacDonald This RDA was filed for the replacement of an existing above ground pool. The members viewed the plan that was submitted and agreed to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability as this is replacing an existing pool. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability for MacDonald on Kosak Court. VOTE 7-0 3. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION COT.- Suffield Street-Town of Agawam A site walk was conducted since the last meeting. A revised plan has not yet been submitted as a result of that site walk. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to continue the Request for Determination for the Town of Agawam on Suffield Street to the next meeting. VOTE 7-0 • Agawam Conservation Commission September 11, 2008 Page 2 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—Edgewater Road--- McKiernan The members discussed the Engineering Department comments that were issued on this filing and agreed they pertained to the proposed work on the gabion wall. The Commission had issued an Enforcement Order for the gabion wall work,therefore,this filing covers on the work proposed on the dam. There being no public comments, the Commission closed the public hearing at this time. The Order of Conditions was then written. A copy can be obtained from the Clerk's office or the Commission office. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Harpin to issue the Order of Conditions for McKiernan on Edgewater Road for work on the dam only, as written. VOTE 6-1 (Kozloski opposed) 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—River Road—DeCaro This hearing was continued once again as the MESA filing is still in process. 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. — 1744 Main Street—Cirillo Mr. Cirillo was in attendance and presented a revised plan which now shows the restaurant in the existing structure and also the mini golf course. He stated that the golf course area will contain rocks, grass and shrubs and that the entire site will be fenced. Mr. Kozloski stated that he will need to provide pre and post calculations and that a final revised plan must be submitted to DEP for their comments as well. Mr. Cirillo stated that this revised plan is not yet complete but that he will submit his final revised information to DEP. He asked that the public hearing be continued for sixty days. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to continue the public hearing for Cirillo on 1744 Main Street for sixty days as requested. VOTE 7-0 Mr. Cirillo then asked when the Commission would be lifting the Enforcement Order has been on the agenda for some time. He stated that he removed the fence as soon as he received the Enforcement Order. The members agreed to vote to lift it pending a site inspection. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to lift the Enforcement Order issued to Cirillo at 1744 Main Street pending a favorable inspection by a Commission member to see that the fence in question has been removed. VOTE 7-0 Agawam Conservation Commission. September 11, 2008 Page 3 7. COMPLAINT—Kanawha Avenue Mr. Kozloski and Mr. Harpin made an inspection of this complaint regarding filling of a wetland. Mr. Kozloski stated that it appears that the residents of this rental property are working on their lawn which is adjacent to the wetland. He stated that a letter has been sent to the owner of the property. 8. ENFORCEMENT ORDER—Anvil Street- nothing new to report. River Road(Pynchon Point)—A preliminary plan was submitted to the office today by ECOTEC who is working on the drainage issue for Mr. Townsend. The members asked that a site visit be scheduled for Monday morning at 10:00 AM with Gary Weiner of ECOTEC, Peter Levesque of Pioneer Environmental, Mr. Townsend if he is in town and a representative of the Engineering Department. Longbrook Estates-- The members discussed the fact that they have not received anything on the restoration of the damaged streambed as was required in the Enforcement Order. The phone number on file is no longer in service. Motion was made by Ms. Galiatsos and seconded by Ms. Messick to send a certified letter to GFI Longbrook stating that a response is needed within seven days of receipt of the Commission will pursue legal action. VOTE 7-0 CVS —Ms. Becker stated that she has been out to the site and found that the area has been reseeded and that the wetland looks clean. Town of Agawam (2)—The members asked to send a memo to the DPW/Engineering Dept. asking for an update on these enforcement orders. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 7-0 9. DISCUSSION—Senior Center Revisions The Commission received a letter from Reinhardt Associates stating that the Town wishes to go back to the original parking layout which has since been changed. The members agreed that a new Notice of Intent would not be necessary and could amend the Order of Conditions once again. • Agawam Conservation Commission September 11, 2008 Page 4 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Douglas that the proposed changes to the parking layout be allowed through an amended Order of Conditions and not a new Notice of Intent for the Senior Center. VOTE 7-0 10. DISCUSSION— 174 Edgewater Road—correspondence The Commission received a letter from the owner of 174 Edgewater Road who would Iike to cut some trees. Ms. Messick and Ms. Becker agreed to make this site visit. 11. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION—Emergency Order—Meadow Street—Town of Agawam On behalf of the Town, Tighe& Bond submitted a written request for another 30 day extension. The dam has breached due to high water. Illness among the divers and high water have prevented the work from being completed. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to extend the Emergency Order for the Town of Agawam, Meadow Street for 30 days as requested. VOTE 7-0 12. COMPLAINT—Willowbrook Drive Mr. Kozloski and Mr. Harpin responded to this complaint regarding flooding from a stream. They found that the stream is silted in. The Town does not have an easement in this area. They informed the owner that they must pursue ways to remove the sediment from the stream. 13. Heritage Landscape Inventory Program—Letter of Support The Planning Office is submitted an application to the Heritage Landscape Inventory Program and has asked for a letter of support from the Commission. The members agreed that this is a worthwhile effort and to support the application. Motion was made by Ms. Mesisek and seconded by Ms. Becker to send a letter of support with the Planning Department's application to the Heritage Landscape Inventory Program. VOTE 7-0 The meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM. Agawam Conservation Commission August 28,2008 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION August 28, 2008 co MEMBERS PRESENT: HenryA. Kozloski Chairman—6:55 PM Sheryl Becker r" Steven Douglas w, Magda Galiatsos © X-C. Fred Harpin cn Jill Messick ` MEMBERS ABSENT: Mark Soticheck ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachas Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Harpin called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —August 14, 2008 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to approve the minutes of August 14, 2008 as written. VOTE 5-0 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Suffield Street--Town of Agawam Ms.Dachos explained that this is the property behind the DPW on Suffield Street. Environmental Services was hired to prepare this filing. She stated that although Mr. Petronino was not in attendance this evening, he has asked that the members set up a site walk which he will attend. She went on to say that according to Mr.Petronino there are no resource areas on the site in the area they propose to develop. She.stated that the Town is aware the large wetland on this property, however,that is not the proposed development area. She also stated-that Mr. Petronino found an area that is a possible vernal pool, however, he did notleel that it met the critieria of a vernal pool. The members agreed to walk the property the following Wednesday at 10:00 AM. This RDA was continued to the next meeting. 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—Edgewater Road— McKiernan The Commission has not yet received DEP comments on this filing.. Ms. Messick stated that Lakes and Ponds guidelines have changed since 2004 which requires substantially more reporting on vegetation.management. She stated that this NOI is being amended to 3 i Agawam Conservation Commission August 28, 2008 Page 2 reflect the dam work only. She stated that the Commission issued a one year extension on the existing Order and an Enforcement Order was issued to repair the gabion wall, Silver Lake Association will then ask for a Certificate. Ms. Dachas stated that these are three separate projects and should have three separate Orders. Ms. Messick stated that she spoke with DEP and was told that you can have three separate Orders. Upon discussion, it was agreed that letters be sent to the Fish and Game Club and Mawaga Club informing them of the new Lakes and Ponds guidelines. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to continue the public hearing for the Edgewater Road NOI. VOTE 5-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—River Road—DeCaro This hearing was continued once again as the applicant is still working on the MESA filing. 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -- 1744 Main Street—Cirillo This hearing had been continued to September 12`h. 7. ORDER OF CONDITIONS —Robin Ridge Estates—Banville/Toomey LLC The Commission wrote the Order for the Robin Ridge Estates subdivision. A copy can be obtained from the Clerk's office or the Commission's office. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to issue the Order of Conditions for Robin Ridge Estates as written. VOTE 5-0 $. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—68 Gold Street Mr. Harpin stated that he and Mr. Kozloski made this site visit and requested additional work be performed. He staffed that a reinspection was made and recommended that a Certificate be issued at this lime. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Douglas to issue a Certificate of Compliance on 68 Gold Street. VOTE 5-0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—Suffield Street—Cumberland Farms r Agawam Conservation Commission August 28, 2008 Page 3 Mr. Harpin stated that he made this inspection and recommended that a Certificate be issued at this time. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to.issue a Certificate of Compliance for Cumberland Farms on Suffield Street. VOTE 5-0 9. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS—(Update)—Pynchon Point Ms. Messick stated that she has spoke with Mr. Townsend several times recently and he has stated that he will clean the path again and will place an earthen berm at the top of the embankment. She also stated that Mike Piccin of Agawam DPW told her that he would bring in some gravel for the sides of the path once it has been cleaned again. Longbrook Estates—nothing new to report. The members asked that a letter be sent to GFI Longbrook stating that they must complete the work under the Enforcement Order as soon as possible. Town of Agawam(2)—Tracy Drive and Cooper Street--There was nothing new to report on these Enforcement Orders. Anvil Street—nothing new to report. CVS —Ms. Galiatsos stated she was recently at the site and it appears the restoration work is almost complete. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Galiatsos to amend the order to include the"add-on's". VOTE 5-0 10. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION—West Springfield Fish& Game Club—Garden Street Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Galiatsos to extend the Order of Conditions for the West Springfield Fish and Game Club for one year. VOTE 6-0 The members agreed to a one year extension and to send the letter informing them of changes to the Lakes and Ponds Guidelines. COMPLAINT—Riverview Avenue Agawam Conservation Commission August 28, 2008 -_ -Page 4._ _ _ - - - A complaint was made regarding concrete being thrown over the river embankment on Riverview Avenue. Mr.Kozloski stated that he will try to contact the property owner as you cannot see this activity from the street and this is a rental property. 4. DISCUSSION r WMECO Jeffrey Towle of WMECO, David Cameron of ENSR and Jerry Fan of BMCD were in attendance to the give the Commission an overview of the proposed Greater Springfield Reliability Project—a two state project from Bloomfield, CT to Ludlow, MA which involves upgrading the lines and installing new Iines and upgrading of substations. It is anticipated that this construction will take three years with completion in 2013. David Cameron of ENSR spoke to the members regarding wetland and environmental issues. He stated that he anticipates submitted a Notice of Intent late in 2008. The members were in agreement that they should start walking areas of concern sooner as the weather in late 2008 will make it difficult. Mr. Cameron explained that they have begun mapping vernal pools and have had initial meetings with NHESP regarding this project. He asked that the Commission put some thought into possible wetland restoration sites The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. r • r- Agawam Conservation Commission August 14, 2008 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION August 14,2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman. Sheryl Becker Magda Galiatsos Fred Harpin Jill Messick MEMBERS ABSENT: Steven Douglas Mark Soticheck ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—July 10,2008 Mr. Kozloski pointed out a typo on the last page of the minutes. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Becker to approve the minutes of July 10, 2008 with the one noted change. VOTE 5-0 Mr.Kozloski asked that he 7 24-08 minutes reflect why"he left the meeting at this time" which was"for another meeting". co Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Galiatsos to approve the minutes of July 24, 2008 with the one noted correction. � VOTE 4-0-1 (Messick abstained) m 2. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent—Edgewater Road—McKiernan , Kevin McKiernan was in attendance and explained that silt is getting into Silver Lake an they are proposing maintenance on the sedimentation pond as rocks have fallen. The Engineering Department submitted comments on the proposal. No DEP comments have been issued. Mr. Kozloski pointed out that there is an existing Order of Conditions on the sedimentation basin that has been extended and that it also includes the aquatic vegetation management of the Lake. His concern is that the new Order of Conditions will supersede the existing one and the aquatic vegetation management will be effected. He stated that you can't have two Orders on one project. After a lengthy discussion, it Agawam Conservation Commission August 14, 2008 Page 2 was suggested that since the applicant is under a strict time frame in terms of weather, an Enforcement Order be issued for the silt getting into the Lake and to maintain the sedimentation basin. Mr. Kozloski stated that he did not agree with that suggestion. Mr. McKieman stated that they are proposing other work in this Notice of Intent as well and asked for a continuance to allow him to determine how best to handle this(i.e. include the aquatic vegetation management with this NOI also?). Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Harpin to issue an Enforcement Order to Silver Lake Corp. for sedimentation reaching Silver Lake and instructing them to repair the gabion wall of the sedimentation basin and restore the area to its original condition within 60 days. VOTE 4-1 (Kozloski opposed) The public hearing was continued to the next meeting. 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—Robin Ridge Estates Rob Levesque of R. Levesque Associates, Inc. was in attendance to present a revised plan which addresses the DEP, Engineering Department and MESA comments. He went over each comment and how he has addressed them with the Commission. He stated that a revised stormwater report has been submitted also. Mr. Kozloski stated that he spoke with the Superintendent of Public Works and was told that he will not require a fence around the detention basin. Mr. Levesque stated that had been brought up by DEP as an issue and that be was happy the Town was not requiring a fence. Ms. Messick brought up a previous abutter concern regarding access to Robinson Park. Mr. Levesque stated that a walking path to the Park will be provided through the drainage easement. Mr. Kozloski asked where the septic locations were proposed. Mr. Levesque pointed out on each lot where they would be located. Mr. Kozloski stated that he had spoken with the Health Agent and was told that if the Commission had concerns they could require an impervious barrier on lot 3. Terry Reynolds of R. Levesque Associates stated that could be provided and he would recommend it be installed across the entire downgradient portion of the field. There being no public input, the Commission closed the public hearing. The Order of Conditions will be written at the next meeting. 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent- Cooper Street—Town of Agawam vii 1 Melissa Coady of Tighe& Bond was in attendance. She stated that since the last meeting a site walk was conducted with members of the Commission and as a result, an Enforcement Order was issued due to a washout at the end of a headwall and stone wall. Ms. Messick asked about the DEP comments. Ms. Coady stated that those have been addressed. There being no public input, the public hearing was closed. The Order will. be written at the end of the meeting. 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—River Road—DeCaro Agawam Conservation Commission August 14, 2008 Page 3 This hearing was continued once again as the applicant's representative has not received a response to their MESA Filing. 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - 1744 Main Street—Cirillo This hearing has been continued to 9/12/08. 7. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION—Silver Lake Corporation The members discussed this extension request and agreed to grant a one year extension. This is the Order of Conditions that covers the sedimentation basin and the aquatic vegetation management. The Request was submitted by Lycott Environmental who does the vegetation management in the Lake. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Galiatsos to extend the Order of Conditions for Silver Lake Corporation for one year. VOTE 5-0 8. DISCUSSION—Emergency Order--Town of Agawam—Meadow Street Jack Stone, DPW Superintendent, submitted a request for a 30 day extension to the Emergency Order issued for the repair of the sewer main in the Westfield River. The divers became ill at another job site and then the heavy rains raised the water level too high to perform the work. , Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms.Messick to grant a 30 day extension to the Emergency Order issued to the Town of Agawam. VOTE 5-0 9. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update)—Anvil Street—nothing new to report. Pynchon Point—A letter was sent to Mr. Townsend(owner of trucking concern) instructing him to clean up the path once again as the recent heavy rains caused another washout and erosion. Ms. Messick stated that she spoke with Mr. Townsend recently and was informed that Gagliarducci Co. is to clean the area this week. She went on to say that there is also severe erosion on the right side of the path below the concrete. Also, Mr. Townsend had told her that Gagliarducci Co. will also put up a semi permanent berm along the edge of the embankment. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that another Enforcement Order be issued with timeframes for completion of the work. Agawam Conservation Commission August 14,2008 Page 4 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to issue an Enforcement Order to David Townsend instructing the following: 1)remove silt and debris along the path; 2)repair and stabilize embankment; 3)restore riprap along path;4) action must be taken to prevent further runoff onto the Town property; and require a response within fourteen days of receipt and work to be completed within 30 days of receipt of Enforcement Order. VOTE 5-0 Cirillo—nothing new to report. CVS—work is ongoing.. Ms. Galiatsos pointed out that there is a significant amount of water in the parking lot still. Mr. Harpin and Mr. Kozloski stated that the lot still needs to be graded_ She also pointed out that there is trash and debris on the embankment behind the strip mall. Tiny Bull—Mr. Kozloski reported that the work required in the Enforcement Order has been completed and the street was cleaned. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to lift the Enforcement Order issued to Tiny Bull LLC on School Street. VOTE 5-0 Town of Agawam—Tracy Drive(ratify) Mr.Kozloski issued this Enforcement Order to the Town to have them install a permanent fence on the Tracy Drive property where they are working. Motion was made by Ms: Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to ratify the Enforcement Order issued to the Town of Agawam on Tracy Drive. VOTE 5-0 Town of Agawam—Cooper Street Mr. Kozloski issued this Enforcement Order after last week's site walk of the Cooper Street Drainage Improvement Project. Mr. Stone submitted a memo to the Commission stating that the clean up work has been done, however, they requested an extension on the bank stabilization. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Galiatsos to ratify the Enforcement Order issued to the Town of Agawam on Cooper Street and to extend the time period for bank stabilization for 30 days. VOTE 5-0 Agawam Conservation Commission August 14, 2008 Page 5 The Commission then wrote the Order of Conditions for the Cooper Street Drainage Improvement Project for the Town of Agawam. A copy can be obtained from the Clerk's office or the Conservation Commission office. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue the Order of Conditions for the Town of Agawam-Cooper Street as written. VOTE 5-0 The meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM. r Agawam Conservation Commission July 24,2008 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION July 24, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: co Henry A. Kozloski Sheryl Becker -- Magda Galiatsos ` 3 Fred Harpin :X Steven Douglas—6:22 PM ice ' Mark Soticheck— 6:25 PM N Ix ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:20 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —July 10, 2008 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Becker to table the minutes of July 10, 2008 as they were not prepared. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Becker to amend the order of the agenda and to include the"add-on's". VOTE 4-0 10. ENF. ORDER—Pynchon Point, Tiny Bull and CVS There is an existing Enforcement Order in place on Pynchon Point for erosion problems. The owner has since the cleaned the path,however, this week's heavy rains have caused another washout on the path. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms Becker to send a letter to Mr. Townsend instructing him to immediately clean the path at Pynchon Point once again as a result of this week's wash out. VOTE 4-0 At the CVS site a portion of the retaining wall came down and resulted in sedimentation reaching the intermittent stream. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Becker to issue an Enforcement Order for the CVS Site on Springfield Street instructing them to remove the sediment from the intermittent stream and restore the area to its original condition. VOTE 4-0 + Agawam Conservation Commission July 24, 2008 Page 2 At the Tiny Bull Estates site there was runoff that reached the street. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Becker to issue an Enforcement Order on the Tiny Bull site instructing them to clean the street, clean around the catch basins and place a row of staked haybales 10' from the outlet of the catch basin on the southerly side of School Street. VOTE 4-0 Mr. Douglas and Mr. Soticheck arrived at this time. S. ORDER OF CONDITION—Optasite Towers—369 Main Street The Order of Conditions was the cell tower on Main Street was written. A copy can be obtained from the Commission office or the Town Clerk's office. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Douglas to issue the Order of Conditions for Optasite Towers LLC on 369 Main Street as written. VOTE 6-0 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION CONT. -Federal Street--Tirone Mr. Harpin and Mr. Douglas left the meeting at this time. Since the last meeting, members walked this site to view the wetland flagging. Several abutters were in attendance and expressed concerns over the amount of water on the site and wildlife concerns. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Galiatsos to issue a Positive Determination of Applicability, approving the wetland delineation, for Tirone on Federal Street. VOTE 4-0 Mr. Harpin and Mr. Douglas returned to the meeting at this time. Mr. Kozloski left the meeting for another meeting. 3. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent—Cooper Street—Town of Agawam Melissa Coady of Tighe and Bond was in attendance to present this Notice of Intent. The proposed project for the Town of Agawam Cooper Street Drainage Improvements Project Will repair the existing stormwater drainage system by replacing and lining sections of the system. The work includes the replacement of approximately 1,000 feet of storm drain and the lining of approximately 700 feet of storm drain with the Cooper Street roadway,beginning at Greenacre Lane and heading southwest past Yarmouth and Karen Drives to Three Mile Brook. Portions of the work will occur within Riverfront Area and the 100' buffer zone of bordering vegetated wetlands and inland Bank. This proposed Agawam Conservation Commission July 24, 2008 Page 3 work constitutes a Limited Project(repair of roadway drainage structures). Ms. Coady stated that there are riverfront area and buffer zones on both sides of the project. She went on to say that at Brien Street they will replace the stormdain line and manhole;at Lancaster Drive they will abandon the existing line and install a new one. At Three Mile Brook they will be modifying the manhole. DEP comments were issued and Ms. Coady provided the Commission with a copy of her written response to those comments that she mailed yesterday. The members set up a site walk for Monday, August 0 at 10:00 AM. The public hearing was continued to the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM. Agawam Conservation Commission July 10, 2008 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION July 10, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Steven Douglas Magda Galiotsos Fred Harpin ,. Jill Messick >f Mark Soticheck ;,o �r 3 ALSO PRESENT: ._ Deborah S. Dachos '' N r: � r Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—June 26, 2008 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Becker to approve the minutes of June 26, 2008 as written. VOTE 6-0-1 (Soticheck abstained) Mr. Harpin left the meeting at this time. 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Federal Street—Tirone Rob Levesque of R. Levesque Associates was in attendance to present this RDA for a wetland delineation. He stated that there is bordering vegetated wetlands on the southwest corner of the site and there is seepage from the slope. There is also islocated vegetated wetland on the other side. Mr, Kozloski asked where the borings were taken. Mr. Levesque stated they relied heavily on the soils types. Mr.Kozloski stated there is a large amount of skunk cabbage there. Ms. Messick stated there is wetland vegetation on most of the property. There were abutters in attendance. Mr. Kozloski allowed for input. Ron Plante, 31 Federal Street asked what the property is zoned. Mr. Levesque stated residential. John Uneegar, 49 Federal Street stated that this area is always wet and even more so in the spring. The members set up a site visit for July 17`h at 11:00 AM. This item was continued to the next meeting. 3. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent—Robin Ridge Estates— Banville/Toomey LLC Mr. Harpin returned to the meeting at this time. OF Agawam Conservation Commission July 10, 2009 Page 2 Rob Lesque and Terry Reynolds of R. Levesque Associates was in attendance to present this Notice of Intent as well as Mike Banville. Mr. Levesque explained that there are two bordering vegetated wetland systems on the site with a stream on the east side. Stormwater from the development will be directed into baysavers and then into a detention pond. Disturbance within riverfront area includes the detention pond and the septic system on lot 2. Ms. Messick asked what pre and post grades would be. Mr. Levesque stated that the roadway will be pretty much at grade. Mr. Kozloski asked if the location on lot 4 for the septic was the only place it perc'd. Mr. Levesque stated yes. Mr. Kozloski asked about the elevation of the septic system and detention pond. Mr. Levesque stated there would be a 10' difference in elevation. Ms. Becker asked if he had gotten a response yet from NHESP. Mr. Levesque stated not yet. Mr. Kozloski asked for a plan of the outlet structure. Mr. Levesque stated pvc pipes would be used where the septic systems are. At this time,the Commission and Mr. Levesque were given copies of Engineering Department comments dated today which were gone over. The Commission agreed to walk the site on July 17`h and to continue this public hearing to the next meeting to allow for the Engineering Department comments to be addressed. 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. Optasite Towers—369 Main Street Chuck Regulbato of Optasite Towers was in attendance. The Engineering Department has approved the revised plans. There being no public input this evening, the Commission closed the public hearing. The Order will be written at the end of the meeting. 5. RDA CONT. —Main Street—Town of Agawam Lenn Ruszczyk of C&C Consulting Engineers was in attendance to answer questions on this RDA. After reviewing the proposed work as outlined in the RDA, the Commission voted the following: Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Douglas to approve the wetland delineations as shown on the RDA for the Town of Agawam on Main Street. VOTE 7-0 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Harpin to issue a negative Determination of Applicability for the Town of Agawam RDA on Main Street. VOTE 6-1 (Messick opposed) 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —River Road—DeCaro The Commission continued this hearing again as the applicant is awaiting his response on the MESA filing. f Agawam Conservation Commission July 10, 2008 Page 3 7. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent— 1744 Main Street—Cirillo This hearing had been continued to September 126, 8. ENFORCEMENT ORDER UPDATES—Longbrook Estates Ms.Messick stated that the applicant does not want to remove the sediment from the streambed. The members agreed that should be put in writing. Ms. Messick stated she would email the applicant's environmental representative and let him know. There was nothing new to report on Pynchon Point, River Road or Main Street Enforcement Orders. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to amend the agenda to include the"add-on's". VOTE 7-0 9. DISCUSSION—FY09 Roadway Maintenance Plan—J. Stone Jack Stone, DPW Superintendent was in attendance to go over the FY09 Roadway Maintenance Plan. Each item was discussed. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded.by Mr. Harpin that the items in the FY09 Roadway Maintenance Plant as presented this evening are considered"normal maintenance"and do not necessitate further filings. VOTE 7-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM. Agawam Conservation Commission May 22, 2008 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION May 22, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman co Fred Harpin ra Magda Galiotsis Jill Messick �N', Mark Soticheck—6:35 PM ' s,. MEMBERS ABSENT: a Sheryl Becker Steven Douglas r ALSO PRESENT: Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —May 8, 2008 Mr. Kozloski stated that the motion.on Tracy Drive was missing from page 4 and there were two types of page 2. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Harpin to approve the minutes of May 8, 2008 with the noted changes/corrections above. VOTE 4-0 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Allison Lane—Kieffer The applicant's representative requested that this item be continued to the next meeting. 3. REUQEST FOR DETERMINATION CONT.—Main Street—Town of Agawam The Town's consultant asked that this item be continued once again to the next meeting. 4. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION--North.Westfield Street—Hillside Dev. Corp. Mason Maronn of D.L. Bean, Inc. was in attendance. Members have walked the site since the last meeting. Agawam Conservation Commission May 22, 2008 Page 2 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Harpin to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability for Hillside Development Corp. on North Westfield Street. VOTE 4-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—River Road- DeCaro Joe Petronino of Environmental Services was in attendance. He stated that he received comments back from Natural Heritage Endangered Species Program (NHESP) and they are requiring a MESA filing for this project. He asked for a continuation of the public hearing. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to continue the public hearing for DeCaro on River Road to the next meeting. VOTE 5-0 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Harvey Johnson Drive—American Renal Associates Dave Thompson of Coler and Colantonio was in attendance. The Engineering Department submitted comments to be addressed. In going over DEP comments, the members took the following vote Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Galiotsos that there is no wetland violation in the bordering vegetated wetland as referenced in DEP comments regarding the American Renal Associates Notice of Intent on Harvey Johnson Drive. VOTE 5-0 The members continued the public hearing to the next meeting to allow the applicant's representative to address Engineering Department comments. VOTE 5-0 7. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—Cosgrove Avenue— Connor's Cove—Russo Gary Weiner ofECOTEC and Joseph Petronino of Environmental Services were in attendance this evening. Mr. Petronino briefly went through the DEP comments The members agreed that the DEP comments must be addressed in writing and copied to the Commission for their review. Agawam Conservation Commission May 22, 2008 Page 3 The public hearing was continued to the next meeting. 8. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent— 1744 Main Street—Cirillo The members agreed to send a letter to Mr. Cirillo asking for an update on the status of this filing. The continued the public hearing to the next meeting. 9. ENFORCEMENT ORDER UPDATES—River Road Ms. Messick stated that she would meet with the property owner, Mr. Townsend. Mr. Kozloski agreed to meet with them also. A recent email from Mr. Townsend states that he intends to clean the path right away. Longbrook Estates A revised plan has been submitted and the Engineering Department has approved it. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to approve the plan submitted per the Longbrook Estates Enforcement Order as approved by the Engineering Department with a 5/5/08 revision date. VOTE 5-0 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to send a letter to GFI Longbrook informing them that in accordance with the Enforcement Order, a plan for restoration of the streambed and wetland is now required. VOTE 5-0 The members agreed that a site visit be scheduled with the applicant's environmentalist in attendance. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Harpin to amend the agenda to include the"add-on's". VOTE 5-0 10. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—91 Channel Drive—Petrucci Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue a Certificate of Compliance for Petrucci on 91 Channel Drive. VOTE 5-0 Agawam Conservation Commission May 22, 2008 Page 4 11. COMPLAINT—Barn Road Mr. Kozloski stated that the Town dug out a culvert but that the water is stagnating in the area still. He and Mr. Harpin feel the pipe should be"blown out"by the DPW. 12. DISCUSSION—Emergency Order—Town of Agawam—Meadow Street Mr. Kozloski stated that a site visit was held today to view the two exposed sewer lines in the River. Those in attendance included himself, Mr. Harpin, Ms. Messick, Ms. Becker and reps of DEP,NHESP, and Army Corps. He stated that.an Emergency Order will be needed, however, until a contractor is lined up, it should not be issue as there will be a 30 day time limit. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue an Emergency Order for the Town of Agawam—exposed sewer lines off Meadow Street when work is scheduled to begin. VOTE 5-0 13. DISCUSSION— 183 School Street D.L. Bean, Inc. has requested that the Commission submit a letter to the Planning Board stating that per a site walk this week there were no wetlands found on this site. Upon discussion, the members agreed that a formal RDA be required. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to require a formal RDA filing for 183 School Stret. VOTE 5-0 14. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—Main Street—Russo Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue a Certificate of Compliance for Russo on Main Street pending a favorable inspection by a Commission member. VOTE 5-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM. Agawam Conservation Commission May 8, 2008 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION May 8, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Steven Douglas Fred Harpin Jill Messick o Mark Soticheck co MEMBERS ABSENT: ca Magda Galiotsis - x =3• X 731, ALSO PRESENT: = can Deborah S. Dachos r-a C-,. ,�ca r- Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. l. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—April 24 &May 1, 2008 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to approve the minutes of April 24, 2008 as written. VOTE 6-0 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to approve the minutes of May 1, 2008 as written. VOTE 6-0 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Town of Agawam—Main Street Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to continue the Request for Determination to the next meeting as additional information is being prepared. VOTE 6-0 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to amend the order of the agenda and to include the"add-on's". VOTE 6-0 11. DISCUSSION—Agawam Towne Shops—Springfield Street Mr. Kozloski and Mr. Harpin met with the owner of the former Food Mart Plaza(Marcel Sander)regarding cleaning up the embankment along the parking lot. There is a drainage Agawam Conservation Commission May 8, 2008 Page 2 ditch that exists. Mr. Sander will be submitting a letter to the Commission regarding his proposed work in this area. 12. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION—Pananas-Suffield Street Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to approve a one year extension to the Order of Conditions for Pananas on Suffield Street as requested by the applicant. VOTE 6-0 9. ENFORCEMENT ORDER UPDATES —River Road(Pynchon Point) Mr. Townsend;owner of the property that houses the trucking concern adjacent to Pynchon Point, submitted a letter to the Commission outlining the on-site meeting that was held with reps of the Commission and the Engineering Department. The members discussed the correspondence and some felt that the property owner needs to address the erosion problem that occurs on the bike path immediately. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Douglas to issue another Enforcement Order to Mr. Townsend instructing him to immediately correct the existing erosion problem from the parking lot down to the Pynchon Point access trail. VOTE 4-2 (Kozloski & Harpin opposed) 3. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—North Westfield Street—Hillside Dev. Corp. Mason Maronn:of D.L. Bean, Inc. was in attendance to present this RDA forproperty on North Westfield Street on which a preliminary subdivision plan has been approved. Mr. Maronn stated that there is a pond on the property which he states is too small to be jurisdictional and is considered isolated land subject to flooding. Rick Cyr of 150 Valley Brook Road, an abutter to the property, referred to an aerial photo he has of the property. The members agreed to set up a site walk for the following Wednesday at 10:00 AM. This RDA was continued to the next meeting. 4. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent--River Road—DeCaro Joe Petronino of Environmental Services was in attendance to present this NOI for the construction of a single family home on River Road within the inner riparian area. He explained that compensatory flood storage is being provided(135 cubic feet) and he submitted a proposed planting plan for the site which is currently wooded. The Engineering Department submitted comments on the filing. John Litchfield, 267 River Road asked where the compensatory storage area would be in relation to the bike path and what type of house was being proposed. Mr. Petronino 1 Agawam Conservation Commission May 8, 2008 Page 3 explained where the comp storage would be and stated that he would have that area staked out and the house location as well. He went on to say that they are proposing a ranch style house. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the existing drainage pipe on the property. The public hearing was continued to the next meeting. 5. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent—Harvey Johnson Drive—American Renal Associates Dave Thompson of Coler& Colantonio was in attendance to present this NOI for a 6100 SF addition to an existing building at Heritage Hall. He stated that there will be no direct wetlands impact and that they have increased the size and depth of the drainage ditch. A biofiltration area has been built on the south side of the site. There was no public input this evening, however, the Commission continued the public hearing to the next meeting. 6. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent—Cosgrove Avenue—Connor's Cove Estates Gary Weiner of ECOTEC and Thomas Russo, Jr. (applicant)were in attendance. Mr. Weiner explained that they are proposing a new street with five lots and that house#76 Cosgrove Avenue will be demolished for the access roadway to the site. He stated that there are two wetland systems on the property and that they are proposing two detention basins for the subdivision. The detention ponds will contain leaching galleys and positive outflows. He went on to say that the soils arc well drained sands. An erosion control plan was submitted. DEP submitted comments on the filing. Joe Petronino of Environmental Services stated that he questions the DEP comment regarding cumulative impacts. The members agreed that they would like to meet on site if Mr. Petronino meets with DEP there. Mr. Kozloski asked for public input. Laurie Bryant, 106 Cosgrove Avenue asked for clarification on the location of the two detention ponds. The public hearing was continued to the next meeting. 7. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent—Tracy Drive—Town of Agawam Jack Stone, DPW Superintendent and John Decker of the Engineering Department were in attendance to explain the changes that were made to this filing to comply with DEP comments. Mr. Decker stated that the wetlands were flagged by Environmental Services and the riverfront area has been added to the plan. He stated that the work will take place in the outer riparian area. Changes include the outfall being moved; and installation of corrugated pipe to reduce the velocity in the pipe. Minor changes in the pipe slopes are were also made. He stated that they may have to remove some trees eventually. Upon discussion, some members felt that two of the trees should be removed before construction. Agawam Conservation Commission May 8, 2008 Page 4 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Douglas that the Town remove two trees for the Tracy Drive project prior to construction. VOTE 4-1 (Messick opposed) Mr. Kozloski then asked for any public input. Ted Pidgeon, 25 Tracy Drive expressed concern over the water going uphill. Mr. Decker stated that the Cooper Street reconstruction project will provide for two new manholes. Dick Bennett, Willow Brook Drive asked if this project would result in increased flows in Cooper Street. Mr. Decker stated that this work will relieve Cooper Street until it is reconstructed. Ken Cizek, 33 Tracy Drive asked if there would be a connection to Tracy Drive when the Cooper Street reconstruction is done. Mr. Decker stated yes but it would only be necessary in extreme situations. Mr. Kozloski asked when the Cooper Street project would be done. Mr. Stone stated that project should be done within one year. Mr. Kozloski closed the public hearing. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Becker that the Tracy Drive project by the Town of Agawam be granted limited project status. VOTE 5-0 The Order of Conditions was then written. A copy can be obtained from the Town Clerk's office or the Commission office. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to issue the Order of Conditions for the Town of Agawam--Tracy Drive, as written. VOTE 5-0 8. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent— 1744 Main Street—Cirillo Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to continue the public hearing for Cirillo— 1744 Main Street to the next meeting. VOTE 5-0 9. ENFORCEMENT ORDER UPDATES —Anvil Street Mr. Decker of the Engineering Department stated that he would go out to look at the site. Members that have been to the site stated that the silt fence appears to be working. Longbrook Estates Agawam Conservation Commission May 8, 2008 Page 5 A revised plan was submitted to address the Engineering Comments on the original plan to address the severe erosion problem. Mr. Decker stated that the revised plan has not yet been reviewed. The members asked that a letter be sent out stating that the eroded area must be cleaned up. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Douglas to discuss the Self Storage units on Shoemaker Lane. VOTE S-0 Mr. Soticheck pointed out that there is no fence around the detention pond. Ms. Dachos explained that the Town-does not require detention ponds to be fenced in an industrial area. The meting adjourned at 8:50 PM. /1c.�n r . Agawam Conservation Commission April 24, 2008 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION April 24, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Steven Douglas Magda Galiotsos Fred Harpin Jill Messick Mark Soticheck ALSO PRESENT: Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM and welcomed Magda Galiotsos as a new Commission member. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—April 10, 2008 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to approve the minutes of April 10, 2008 as written. MOTE 7-0 m c 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Robin Ridge—Banville/Toomey LL;� �- The petitioner had not yet entered the meeting. 3 - Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to table the RDA for Banville/Toomey LLC to later in the meeting. VOTE 7-0 �\ 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—School Street—Tiny Bull Estates Mark Reed of Heritage Surveys was in attendance and presented a revised plan to the Commission showing a redesign of detention basin#2 addressing DEP's comments on the filing. He explained that all of the School Street drainage as well as a portion of the new development will drain into.this basin. DEP has not responded to the revised information. The Engineering Department prepared a list of comments dated April 24, 2008 which Mr. Reed discussed with the Commission. He stated that they are asking for additional design criteria although the Definitive Plan has been approved by the Planning Board. Mr. Reed went on to say that these comments can be addressed immediately. The members discussed the possibility of holding a special meeting on this project if the Agawam Conservation Commission April 24, 2008 Page 2 changes can be made quickly. Upon discussion,they agreed to meet next week if all issues are resolved with the Engineering Department. There was no public input this evening. The public hearing was continued. 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Robin Ridge—Banville/Toomey LLC Rob Levesque of R. Levesque Associates, Inc. was in attendance to provide the members with a revised delineation of the subject property. He explained that a site walk was held with three members to view the flagging and some adjustments were made in the field as agreed upon. These adjustments are reflected on the revised plan. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue a Positive Determination of Applicability for Robin Ridge—Banville/Toomey LLC, approve the wetland as delineated on the revised plan submitted this evening. VOTE 7-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—Tracy Drive—Town of Agawam Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to continue the public hearing for Tracy Drive as requested by the Engineering Department. VOTE 7-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. --Notice of Intent— 1744 Main Street—Cirillo Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to continue Mr. Cirillo's public hearing for 30 days as requested. VOTE 7-0 5. DISCUSSION—Wetland Delineation rear 1000 Suffield Street The Commission was requested by the Planning Department to discuss the possibility of hiring a specialist to map the wetlands behind the DPW facility on Suffield Street. Upon discussion,the members agreed to this, however, they want to be part of the bid process when selecting the consultant. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Douglas to approve a request for bids to hire a wetland specialist to map the wetlands at the rear of 1000 Suffield Street. VOTE 7-0 6. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update)—Anvil Street Agawam Conservation Commission April 24, 2008 Page 3 Nothing new to report. River Road—trucking concern Mr. Kozloski, Mr. Harpin and the Town Engineer met with the owner of the property adjacent to Pynchon Point'last week. There is drainage flowing onto his property from the two parcels above. As a result of the on-site, the Town Engineer has agreed to look into the situation. Longbrook Estates The Commission received a plan today that is proposed to address the drainage problem and washout that has occurred at this site. A copy of the plan was sent to the Engineering Department for their review. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to amend the agenda to include the"add-on's" and a discussion of the Agawam Sportsmans Club. VOTE 7-0 Ms. Messick stated that Ms. Dachos had contacted her regarding a site visit at the Agawam Sportsmans Club for the following Tuesday at 1:00 PM. All Commission members are invited. 9. DISCUSSION— 15 Kosciusko Ave—correspondence The Commission received a letter from the owners of 15 Kosciusko Avenue asking for permission to remove trees that have died and fallen in the vicinity of their children's play set. Mr. Kozloski and Mr. Harpin had been out to the site and recommended the Commission allow them to remove the trees as they pose a hazard. Photos were submitted with the written request. The members viewed the photos. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to send a letter to the owners of 15 Kosciusko Avenue giving them permission to remove the trees they had referenced and were shown in the photos. VOTE 7-0 The member then discussed the openings on the CPA committee and unanimously agreed that Mr. Kozloski serve as the Commission's representative on the CPA Committee. The meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM. Agawam Conservation Commission April 10, 2008 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION April 10, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Steven Douglas Fred Harpin mow. Jill Messick � MEMBERS ABSENT: Mark Soticheck co ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —March 27, 2008 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Douglas to approve the minutes of March 27, 2008 as written. VOTE 4-0 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Robin Ridge Drive— Banville/Toomey LLC Rob Levesque of R. Levesque Associates was in attendance to present this RDA for a wetland delineation on approximately 30 acres of land. He explained that there was a 1970's subdivision approval on this property, however, it was never built. The property contains an unnamed perennial stream with associated bordering vegetated wetlands and there is also an isolated area that they feel would not be regulated. The members agreed to walk the property to view the wetland flagging on the following Monday at 9:30 AM. This RDA was continued to the next meeting. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Douglas to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 4-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING—Request to Amend Order—Senior Center—Main Street—Town of Agawam Agawam Conservation Commission April 10, 2008 Page 2 Rick Misiaszek of Reinhardt Associates was in attendance to present revisions to the Senior Center plan. He explained that the only change that takes place in the 10(Y buffer zone is a change from roadway to sidewalk. He stated that all other changes are outside of the buffer zone. Other changes include parking that was deleted and reconfigured. He stated that there are no changes to the drainage design and these changes result in a reduction in impervious area of 5,200 SF. He then stated that the design of the driveway is being reviewed by the Planning Board and they are intending to change the slope of the driveway from 10.5%to 8%. The members agreed that change is outside of the jurisdictional area and that they could act on the Amended Order this evening. There being no public input, the public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Mr. Hatpin and seconded by Mr. Douglas to Amend the Order of Conditions for the Senior Center to reflect the changes as presented this evening. VOTE 4-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—School Street—Tiny Bull LLC Mark Reed of Heritage Surveys was in attendance. He stated that the wetland has been reflagged(one flag was moved) and a plan has been prepared showing the delineation without the detention basin. He stated he would like the Commission to vote on the wetland boundary this evening. Members have visited the site since the reflagging. He explained that he is revising the plan to address DEP comments and will provide for a 2:1 slope rather than 3:1. He stated that the detention pond can now handle up to.a 100 year storm event for the subdivision and the School Street drainage. Walter Willard, 334 School Street submitted more photos to the Commission showing a skunk cabbage on the opposite side of the wetland flags. He questioned whether soil pits were done and asked with whom the burden of proof lies in terms of whether or not this area is a wctland. Mark Reed stated that the area was originally flagged last Fall and reflagged recently. He supplied the Commission with copies of the DEP data sheets there were submitted. Mr. Willard stated that water flows through the culvert pipe/ditch twelve months per year. Ms.Dachos explained that as in every subdivision,the Town will have an easement for this detention pond if any repairs are necessary. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Becker to approve the wetland delineation for Tiny Bull LLC on School Street as shown on the plan presented this evening.entitled'Existing Conditions &Wetland Boundaries, Granfield Parcel—for Notice of Intent Filing'.dated 4/9/08'. VOTE 4-0 Agawam Conservation Commission April 10, 2008 Page 3 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Becker to continue the public hearing for Tiny Bull Estates to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—Tracy Drive--Town of Agawam The Commission continued this public hearing as was requested by the Town as they are currently in the process of addressing DEP comments. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Douglas to continue the public hearing for Tracy Drive as requested by the Engineering Department. VOTE 4-0 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.--1744 Main Street Cirillo Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Becker to continue the public hearing for Cirillo to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 7_ REQUEST FOR EXTENSION—Ridgeway Drive-Guiel Mr. Guiel requested an extension of his Order of Conditions. Mr. Kozloski noted that the original Order does not expire until the beginning of September and therefore it is too early for the Commission to act on an extension. This item will be placed on a Commission agenda in July/August: 8. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS—Anvil Street—Nothing new to report. CVS—Springfield Street Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Douglas to lift the Enforcement Order issued for CVS on Springfield Street. VOTE 4-0 Longbrook Estates—nothing new has been submitted. The members agreed to grant another two week extension. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Douglas to grant a two week extension to allow for compliance with the Enforcement Order issued on Longbrook Estates. VOTE 4-0 Agawam Conservation Commission April 10, 2008 Page 4 Suffield Street—Ms. Messick made an inspection earlier this week and found that the trashMebris has been removed. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Douglas to lift the Enforcement Order that was issued for the Southgate Shopping Center on Suffield Street. VOTE 4-0 Pynchon Point (trucking concern) A site visit has been scheduled for Friday at 10:00 AM to meet with the owner of the trucking concern property. Cirillo—nothing new to report. 9. COMPLAINTS-105 Meadow Street A complaint was received regarding the placement of wood chips and landscaping at 105 Meadow Street within a jurisdictional area. Mr. Kozloski viewed the area and stated there were no violations. West Springfield Fish& Game Club Mr. Harpin responded to this complaint that was received by the Building Department regarding cutting of trees near the pond. He stated that there is a pile of wood chips that were brought in and will be spread out. No trees were cut. Cosgrove Avenue Ms. Dachos stated that she received a complaint regarding the same area that the Commission issued an Enforcement Order on last year(Worthington Brook Circle). She stated that she had Ms. Messick inspect and was told that the property owner is doing the work that the Commission had requested last year. The meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM. Agawam Conservation Commission March 13, 2008 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION March 13,.2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: co Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman c7 : Sheryl Becker a z Steve Douglas 3 Fred Harpin Jill Messick CD MEMBERS ABSENT: Mark Soticheck ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6.30 PM. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—February 28, 2008 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to approve the minutes of February 28, 2008 as written. VOTE 6-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—Twin Brook Farm—South Street Rick Misiaszek of Reinhardt Associates and Marc Benoit (developer)were in attendance. Mr. Benoit explained that the-Planning Board had approved a waiver to allow the emergency access road to remain gravel rather than being paved. The Engineering Department had recommended that the outfall of the existing culvert at the VFW be upgraded. There was a lengthy conversation and it was agreed by the members that they will monitor the area during construction. There being no public input, the public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to amend the order of the agenda. VOTE 6-0 7. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—59 Momingside Circle Mr. Harpin made this inspection and recommended that a Certificate be issued. Agawam Conservation Commission March 13, 2008 Page 2 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue a Certificate of Compliance for 59 Morningside Circle. VOTE b-0 11. DISCUSSION—Twisty's—Main Street—Cirillo Mr. Cirillo was in attendance to request permission to place flagstones under the picnic tables at the Twisty's site on Main Street. He stated that the grass will never survive under the tables and that he feels flagstones will look better. He assured the Commission that he only intends to place them under the picnic tables. The members agreed to this request. 8. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. — 1744 Main Street—Cirillo Mr. Cirillo received an enforcement order from the Commission for installing a stockade fence within the 100' buffer. He explained that there is a steep slope at the rear of his site and that he would like to install the fence along the back to prevent children from failing over the slope. He stated that he has stopped work on the fence since receiving the enforcement order. The members all agreed that this fence must be shown on the revised plan that he has filed for 1744 Main Street. The hearing had been continued to April 10, 2008 at Mr. Cirillo's request. 3. PUBLIC HEARING--Request to Amend Order— Shoemaker Lane/South Westfield St.—Hunter Development Mike Frisbie of Hunter Development was in attendance. He stated that there has been a minor revision to the plan in that they are now adding parking spaces in back of the building with an increase of impervious surface of less than 1,000 SF. The grade of the slope has been changed and riprap-will be placed. He stated that some of the work will take place within the buffer zone by three (3) feet. Mr. Kozloski asked for any public input. There being none, the public hearing was closed. The Amended Order will be issued at the end of the meeting. 4. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent—Tracy Drive—Town of Agawam Michael Chase,Town Engineer and John Decker also of the Agawam Engineering Department were in attendance to present this Notice of Intent. Mr. Chase explained that there has been a failure of the drainage system in Cooper Street(collapsed drain line) which is causing major flooding of private yards on Tracy Drive and is creating,hardships for the residents. The project proposed is the installation of a drain pipe from Tracy Drive to a tributary of Three Mile Brook(behind Tracy Drive). He went on to,say that a manhole will be installed and that easements have been obtained for the work. John Decker addressed the Commission and stated that BMPs will be used as well as silt fences and haybales. He went on to say that Tighe and Bond is working on the design of the Cooper Street project (repair/replace the drainage system of Cooper Street and then reconstruct Cooper Street. A DEP file number has not yet been received on this NOI. Agawam Conservation Commission March 13, 2008 Page 3 Ed Siren, 51 Tracy Drive—stated that when the roadway floods it flows through his backyard and floods his shed. He stated that he had 2.5' of water in the street in front of his house this week. He hopes that the Town will initiate the work on the Cooper Street project soon. Judy Meagher, 41 Tracy Drive asked if this new pipe will go through her yard. Mr. Chase showed her on the plan that it will run along her side property line. Ken Sizek, 33 Tracy Drive asked if the drainage would be blocked off at Cooper Street and Tracy Drive. Mr. Chase stated not at this time,however, when Cooper Street drainage is reconstructed it will be. There being no further public input, the Commission continued the public hearing to the next meeting. The members agreed to meet on-site next Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM. 5. CHAPTER 61 A—Rowley Street- Lango The Town has been notified of the Lango's intent to sell land on Rowley Street that is classified under Chapter 61 A which gives the Town the right of first refusal to purchase the property. Ms. Dachos had prepared a report on this parcel for the members to review. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Harpin to send a negative recommendation to the Mayor with regard to the Town exercising its right of first refusal for property on Rowley Street owned by Lango. VOTE 5-1 (Kozloski opposed) Mr. Kozloski feels that the Town needs to be more proactive in identifying parcels that they would like to preserve as open space. Ms. Dachos pointed out that the Open Space and Recreation Plan does such and the Lango property was not included as key land to preserve. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Douglas to include the"add-on's". VOTE 6-0 9. REQUEST TO AMEND ORDER-Senior Center—Main Street Rick Misiaszek of Reinhardt Associates was in attendance to go over some revisions to the Senior Center plan for the Commission to determine whether the Order of Condition can be amended or a New Notice of Intent be filed. He explained that parking spaces have been rearranged and that all changes are out of the buffer zone with the exception of one small corner where the sidewalk and spaces are rearranged. He went on to say that no increase in impervious area is proposed in the buffer zone. He also stated that there is a total of 5,000 SF less impervious area with these revisions which also include some Agawam Conservation Commission March 13, 2008 Page 4 grading changes. The Engineering Department has not yet reviewed the revised plan. The members all agreed that they need more information and the Engineering Department's review before they can vote on whether to Amend the Order of Conditions. They tabled this request to the next meeting to allow for the Engineering Department's review. 10. REQUEST TO AMEND ORDER—Six Flags New England—indoor coaster John Furman of VHB was in attendance to present this request to Amend the Order of Conditions for the indoor coaster project. He stated that updated floodplain and stormwater calculations have recently been submitted to the Town which show the use of the existing 10" drain pipe rather than the proposed 15"pipe that was shown on the original approval. He went on to say that the original plan showed the proposed building located up against the existing retaining wall and that to maintain a 10' fire code clearance, the building was shifted in location. The queue line building is now much shorter and the outside queue line is spread out more. With these revisions, he stated that 2,000 SF of impervious area has been removed. A site visit was held prior to the meeting to view the area and the changes. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Becker that the proposed revisions to the Six Flags New England indoor coaster project do not necessitate a new Notice of Intent and that a public hearing be scheduled for amending the Order of Conditions. VOTE 6-0 The members then wrote the Order of conditions for the Twin Brook Farm project on South Street. A copy can be obtained from the Town Clerk's office or the Commission office. Motion was made by Ms. Simpson and seconded by Ms. Becker to issue the Order of Conditions for Twin Brook Farm on South Street as written. VOTE 6-0 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to issue the Amended Order of Conditions for Hunter Development, incorporating the revised plan as presented this evening. VOTE 6-0 ENFORCEMENT ORDER UPDATES—Anvil Street—Calabrese The members agreed to make site visits next week to view site. Longbrook Estates--The Commission received correspondence from GFl Longbrook and agreed to set up a site visit prior to the next meeting. Agawam Conservation Commission March 13, 2008 Page 5 River Road—trucking concern Mr. Kozloski stated that there has been another major washout along the path from the trucking concern property. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to send a letter to Attorney Johnson, Town Solicitor, asking him to pursue legal action on this matter and to provide him with a history of the problem. VOTE 6-0 COMPLAINT—North Street Mr. Kozloski stated that he responded to a complaint of silt corning from a new constructed home and lot on North Street and entering a brook and wetland. He stated that he did not find any silt that had reached the wetland, however,he did contact the builder who assured him that the silt fences will be repaired. COMPLAINT— School Street—Tiny Bull Estates Mr. Kozloski stated that he received a complaint that the silt fences that were placed at the Tiny Bull Estates project had breached over the weekend rains. He stated that he contacted the developer and the fence was repaired the next day and reinspected by Mr. Kozloski. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. •r f Agawam Conservation Commission February 28, 2009 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION February 28, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Steven Douglas co Fred Harpin Jill Messick r MEMBERS ABSENT: Mark Soticheck x ALSO PRESENT: N Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -January 10, 2008 Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to approve the minutes of January 10, 2008 as written. VOTE 5-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—South Street—Twin Brook Farms Rob Levesque of R. Levesque Associates was in attendance to present the revisions to Notice of Intent for the proposed Twin Brook Farm Active Adult Community on South Street. Also in attendance were Marc Benoit and Ben Serner—the developers and Rick Misiazek of Reinhardt Associates. Mr. Levesque gave a brief overview of the 29 acre project site which includes the former VFW property and abutting farmland(formerly of Cook). He explained that the site contains a perennial stream, bordering vegetated wetlands,buffer zones and riverfront area. A Determination of Applicability was issued in 2006. The Notice of Intent which was filed in February of 2007 originally showed 78 units. After revisions to the plan per the Department of Environmental Protection,the proposal now shows 60 units. The plan also shows (per DEP) riverfront area on a portion of the abutting Veterans Cemetery property. He explained that work in this area will include grading and a detention basin. He stated that there will be a net decrease in impervious surface(near the VFW). The Engineering Department submitted comments which they have agreed to address. Mr. Kozloski stated that he feels a temporary gate should be placed over the existing gravel roadway(proposed emergency access roadway) during construction. The owners agreed with that. Mr. Kozloski also stated that he recommends some stabilization work around the existing culvert at the VFW. Mr. Levesque stated that area is very hard to access due to vegetation and topography. He Agawam Conservation Commission February 28, 2008. Page 2 went on to say that just to get into that area there would be bank disturbance as well as disturbance to land under water. He also stated that would affect comment#18 of the Engineering comments as they would lose separation. Mr. Benoit then informed the Commission of the phasing of the project stating that the roadways,utilities and drainage will be installed first and then the units will be built in ten-unit phases. Mr. Kozloski. stated that if the phasing changes they must notify the Conservation Commission. The members then discussed the emergency access road. Mr. Benoit stated that they have requested a waiver of the requirement that the roadway be paved through the Planning Board. The members agreed to send a letter to the Planning Board is support of that waiver request. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Messick to send a letter to the Planning Board stating that the Commission does not support paving of the emergency access roadway as it will pose a far greater impact to the wetland and stream. VOTE 5-0 The public hearing was continued to the next meeting. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to amend the order of the agenda and to include the"add-on's VOTE 5-0 8. DISCUSSION—Request to Amend Order—Hunter Development— Shoemaker Lane/South Westfield Street Mike Frisbie of Hunter Development was in attendance to present the Board with a proposed minor revision to his development at the corner of Shoemaker Lane and South Westfield Street. He is now showing parking spaces to the rear of the building on lot B. Rather than the approved retaining wall he now proposes a 2:1 slope with riprap and grading. He stated that approximately 1,000 SF of impervious surface will be added. Motion was made by Mr. Douglas and seconded by Mr. Becker that the proposed change to the parking for Hunter Development does not necessitate a new Notice of Intent and that an Amendment to the Order of Conditions would be appropriate. VOTE 5-0 A public hearing will be scheduled for the next meeting for an amendment to the Order of Conditions for Hunter Development. 3. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION—Windermere Estates—Bretta Mr. Brctta requested a three year extension to the Order of Conditions for Windermere Estates. The members discussed the request and agreed to a two year extension. r ' Agawam Conservation Commission February 28, 2008 Page 3 Motion was made by Mr. Harpidand seconded by Ms. Becker to extend the Order of Conditions for Windermere Estates for two years. VOTE 5-0 4. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS Anvil Street(ratify) Mr. Kozloski informed the members of the Enforcement Order he issued to Mr. Calabrese for work to be addressed at the Anvil Street subdivision. This now needs to be. ratified. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to ratify the Enforcement Order for Calabrese on Anvil Street. VOTE 5-0 CVS—Springfield Street—There was nothing new to report. River Road—(trucking concern)—Mr. Kozloski stated that there has been another washout on the embankment. 5. COMPLAINT—Florida Drive Mr. Kozloski informed,the members of a complaint he received(phone call) from a resident on Flordia Drive regarding a beaver dam and possible future flooding. He forwarded the information to the Engineering Department. COMPLAINT—Longbrook Estates There was a discussion of a recent major erosion problem at the rear of Longbrook Estates. Some members have been to the site and pictures are on file at the office. The members agreed to issue an enforcement order this evening. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to issue an Enforcement Order to GFI Longbrook LLC to include the following: take immediate steps with erosion controls to stop additional sediment from entering the wetlands and stream; determine the cause of the problem and submit plans to correct the problem within 30 days to the Commission.and Engineering Department for review and approval;evaluate the damage to the wetland and streambed and submit a plan to correct the damage within 30 days to the Agawam Conservation Commission for approval; contact the Conservation Commission when erosion controls have been placed so that a site inspection can be conducted. VOTE 5-0 Agawam Conservation Commission February 28, 2008 Page 4 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. Notice of Intent— 1744 Main Street--Cirillo This hearing has been continued to April 10tn 7. DISCUSSION—Northfield Estates Order of Conditions The Commission received a letter from Dave Bean regarding their proposal to maintain the connection between the pond and wetland at the Northfield Estates subdivision as was required in the Order of Conditions. The members viewed the proposal and agreed with it. A letter will be sent. School Street Park Mr. Kozloski informed the members that additional infiltration may be necessary at the School Street Park and that he makes regular inspections of the site. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. Agawam Conservation Commission January 10, 2008 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION January 10, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Harpin, Acting Chairman Steven Douglas Jill Messick Mark Soticheck o co - MEMBERS ABSENT: n s Henry A. Kozlo"ski '�r rn n r Sheryl Beckerleft ALSO PRESENT: n Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Harpin called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—December 27, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to approve the minutes of December 27,2007 as written. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to amend the order of the agenda and to include the"add-on's". VOTE 4-0 9. REIVEW ORDER OF CONDITIONS —CVS --Springfield Street As per the Order of Conditions for the.CVS project on Springfield Street, this item was placed on the agenda to discuss the Order of Conditions with the applicant, their engineer and their contractor. Peter LaPoint of the Colvest Group (applicant) was in attendance with his engineer and the contractor for the project. All had received copies of the Order and stated they understood the requirements. Mr. LaPoint stated that the erosion controls. will be placed and he will contact the Commission for them to inspect. He also stated that he has received a building permit at this time for the retaining wall only. Mr. Harpin stated that members are available during the day and if they run into any issues or problems they should contact the office. 2. PUBLIC HEARING—Request to Amend Order of Conditions— Suffield St. — Pananas John MacMillan of Reinhardt Associates was in attendance along with the owner, Mr. Pananas. Mr. MacMillan stated that the original filing for this project was in 2005 and Agawam Conservation Commission January 10, 2008 Page 2 the building permit was issued in 2006. They are before the Commission this evening to present proposed revisions to the approved plan. The revisions include: parking lot redesign. Mr. MacMillan explained that the parking lot is now smaller and provides for better.traffic circulation. Also, the site lighting has been improved(original plan showed . floodlights, new plan shows fixtures with cutoffs). A concrete patio is now proposed at the rear of the building and a small gazebo has been added as well. They will also be connecting existing exterior building downspout to underground stormwater system which will help prevent icing of the parking lot. The Commission had voted previously that a new Notice of Intent was not required for these changes and that the existing Order of Conditions can be amended. Mr. Harpin asked for public input. There being none, the Commission closed the public hearing. The Amended Order will be written at the end of the meeting. 3. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION— South West Street—Mass. Highway Dept. Tim Meyer of the Massachusetts Highway Department District.42 office was in attendance this evening to present this RDA for the demolition and removal of an existing home on South West Street. He explained that this home was purchased by the state for the extension of Route 57 and was previously used as their field office. There is a pond behind the house with a stream. Mr. Douglas asked how close the house was to the stream. Mr. Meyer stated that the house is just over 100' from the pond and approximately 190' from the stream. Haybales are proposed to be placed along the treeline behind the house. The cellar hole will be filled in and then loamed and seeded. Mr. Harpin asked when this work was proposed. Mr. Meyer stated that it would be during this construction season. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Douglas to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability for Mass. Highway Department on South West Street. VOTE 4-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—Six Flags New England— Main Street John Furman of VHB was in attendance this evening. He explained that since the last meeting they received their response NHESP and that the MESA review is ongoing. Mr. ' Harpin stated that floodplain elevations will be placed on an outside wall of the proposed building. Mr. Furman affirmed that and stated it was agreed to at a site visit. There was no public input this evening. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to close the public hearing for the indoor coaster at Six Flags. VOTE 4-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—Main Street—Cirillo Agawam Conservation Commission January 10, 2008 Page 3 Mr. Cirillo requested a continuance of this public hearing to the next meeting. 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—South Street—Twin Brook Farms The applicant requested that this hearing be continued once again to the Commission's next meeting. 7. ENFORCEMENT ORDER(update)--Anvil Street—Calabrese The Commission received a copy of a letter from D.L. Bean, Inc.regarding recent inspections of the High Meadow IV. Ms. Messick stated that she will make another site visit. 10. DISCUSSION—Farmington Heights Preliminary Plan-North Westfield Street Ms. Dachos explained to the members that the Planning Board recently approved a preliminary plan for Ralph DePalma on North Westfield Street and that according to abutters concerns there may be a hydraulic connection to a pond on Allison Lane. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to require a Request for Determination for the Farmington Heights subdivision on North Westfield Street. VOTE 4-0 The Commission then wrote the Order of Conditions for Six Flags New England indoor coaster. A copy can be obtained from the Town Clerk's office or the Commission office. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue the Order of Conditions for Six Flags New England indoor coaster as written. VOTE 4-0 The Commission then wrote the Amended Order of Conditions for Pananas. A copy can be obtained from the Town Clerk's office or the Commission office. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Mr. Douglas to issue the Amended Order of Conditions for Pananas on Suffield Street. VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM.