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rc r TOWN OF AGA WAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, AM OI00I 786.0400, ext. 245 December 1, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday,December 8, 2011 TIME: 6:30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. 6:30 PM—REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Main Street— MassDOT 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—Wright Street—Nardi 3. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE —Lot 15 Hemlock Ridge Lot 6 Jessica Place 4. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) =- Robin Ridge Estates (1) Optasite Towers LLC - Main Street Robin Ridge Estates (3) 5. Correspondences and Complaints 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 10, 2011 cry CM rn 1 TOWN 4FAGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, NSA 0I001 786•04ft ext. 245 December 6, 2011 Jeffrey O. Borne Sr. Land Management Administrator WMECO. 107 Selden Street Berlin, CT 06037 Dear Mr. Borne: Based upon our site visit of September 28, 2011 at the South West Street WMECO property(formerly Boglisch), no filing with the Conservation Commission will be necessary for use of the existing buildings at the site for electric utility purposes such as emergency equipment assembly and storage during storms (in the covered Butler building) and for office purposes as discussed. Please be advised, however, if these plans change or an expansion is necessary then the Commission would have to revisit the issue. If you have any questions,please contact this office at 786-0400, extension 245. y v z> Sincerely, � rr Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman :: a AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION W -n c n rn HAK:prk Cc: Barbara Charest, WMECO Town Clerk Pile Agawam Conservation Commission December &, 2011 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION December 8, 2011 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Magda Galiatsos Fred Harpin Jill Messick Mark Soticheck ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION —Main Street—MassDOT Robert Natario of MassDOT was in attendance this evening to present this RDA for work on Main Street. He explained that the Commission issued a Negative Determination in , 2008 for the Main Street PWED project. This RDA is for work within previously degraded Riverfront Area(Station 176+50 +-/-to Station +0- 178+35). They are now proposing additional sidewalks from South Street to Six Flags. Additional work on Bridge #A-05-009 (Worthington Brook crosses under Main Street) is also proposed which Mr.Natario stated was "Bridge Exempt" under the Wetlands Protection Act. There will be no resource area impacts associated with the work. Members conducted »1; site visit recently with a representative of MassDOT to view the area. a Zn Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability for MassDOT on Main Street. �+ VOTE 6-0 2, PUBLIC HEARING CONT. Notice of Intent-- Wright Street Nardi .Ion Goddard of R. Levesque Associates was in attendance as well as the applicant, Gary Nardi. Mr. Goddard explained that DEP had an issue with the wetland filing and has now been resolved. DEP has issued a Consent Order and a file number for the NOI. Restoration of a filled area to the north of Wright Street (per DEP) will be conducted and the work area is the southern portion of the parcel. Mr. Goddard stated that R. Levesque Associates will monitor the wetland replacement area. Ms. Messick stated that two visits during construction and a final report should be sufficient. Three Mile Brook runs north/south along the west property line. He stated that 90% of the site is resource area. The Board of Appeals issued a Decision to allow the construction of a single family house on the parcel. Mr. Goddard submitted an alternatives analysis to the Commission Agawam Conservation Commission December 8, 2011 Page 2 this evening as well as a copy of their written response to the DEP comments associated with the issuance of a file number. Mr. Kozloski pointed out that the northern portion of the site has not been fully delineated. Mr. Goddard stated that they are looking for approval of the northern area only in the vicinity of the work area. Ms. Messick stated that the southerly boundary can be approved as it currently exists. Mr. Goddard stated that a replacement wetland will be created as per DEP's Order. He also stated that this is a redevelopment riverfront project with existing degraded land (gravel parking). He stated that this filing will result in improvements over the existing conditions with plantings of native vegetation; 450 sf of impervious area; two trees and six shrub plantings in close proximity to the bank of Three Mile Brook. He stated that this filing does not require stormwater standards to be met as it is a single family home. Erosion controls shall consist of silt fences and erosion control fabric. A retaining wall is shown at the rear of the house to allow for more usable lawn. The exact location of the proposed plantings has not been provided. Mr. Goddard went on to say that the Consent Order from DEP also requires the replacement of a culvert on the parcel. There being no public input, the Commission closed.the public hearing. The members then wrote the Order of Conditions. A copy can be obtained from the Town Clerk's office or the Conservation Commission office. Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue the Order of Conditions for Nardi on Wright Street as written, only approving the wetland boundary on the northern section (W 1-W 15). VOTE 6-0 3. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—lot 15 Hemlock Ridge Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue a Certificate of Compliance on Lot 15 Hemlock Ridge pending the receipt of the required deed restriction. VOTE 6-0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—Lot 6 Jessica Place Mr. Kozloski made this inspection and recommended that a Certificate of Compliance be issued. Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Becker to issue a Certificate of Compliance for Lot 6 Jessica Place. VOTE 6-0 4. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Robin Ridge—Nothing new to report. r Agawam Conservation Commission December 8, 2011 Page 3 Optasite Towers—Nothing new to report. 5. CORRESPONDENCES— The Commission received a memo from Sahar Kafi, Planning Department intern from Westfield State regarding the GPS software that the Commission purchased previously for achieving a database of wetlands and boundaries in town. Mr. Kozloski explained that Ms. Kafi has experience and knowledge of GPS/GIS and he asked her to review the Commission's software and pending maintenance agreement extension. The members were in agreement that it would be more appropriate for the Engineering Department to have this software and associated license and agreement after reading her report. Ongoing training/education would be needed to operate the GPS; it requires a time commitment; and since the wetland delineations are only valid for three years it wouldn't be an accurate permanent database. 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —November 10, 2011 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Galiatsos to approve the minutes of November 10, 2011 as written. VOTE 6-0 The meeting adjourned at 8.15 PM. TO"W OF AGAW" CONSERVATION COMMISSION 35 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA UST DUI —- 78&0400, ext. 245 November 14, 2011 Deborah S. Dachos, Director Office of Planning & Community Development 36 Main Street Cn 'F Agawam., MA 01001 Dear Ms. Dachos: a At its duly called meeting held on November 10, 2011, the Agawam Conservation Commission voted to extend the Determination of Applicability for the property behind 1000 Suffield Street for two years. In keeping with the Governor's Permit Extension Act, the date of expiration is now August 14, 2013. If you have any questions,please contact the Conservation Commission. Sincerely, Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION HAK:prk Cc: Development Associates DEP Mayor Town Clem File c1le Agawam Conservation Commission November 10, 2011 Page I AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION November 10, 2011 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Magda Galiatsos Fred Harpin Jill Messick Mark Soticheck ALSO PRESENT: Pamela R. Kerr 3� Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. rn 1 � 1. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent—Main Street—Rivermoor-Citizens Agawam LLC c Ben Axelman of Citizens Energy, John Tourtelotte of Rivermoor, and Briony Angus of: Tighe & Bond were in attendance this evening to present the Notice of Intent for propert; fi at 369 Main Street. Mr. Tourtelotte explained that this is a proposed 1.5 megawatt solar Co voltaic facility and that H.P. Hood would be the beneficiary of the power produced. Briony Angus then explained that this is a 21 acre capped landfill parcel and the project area is approximately nine acres and is currently a driving range and that the entire site is shown to be within the 100 year floodplain. She went on to say that they performed a topography survey which found that the entire work area is at elevation 61' which is above the floodplain and should not be construed as bordering land subject to flooding. She also stated that wetland resource areas on and adjacent to the project site were delineate(Pbut noted that no off-site resource areas were formally4elineated but were evaluated for purposes of establishing potential buffer zone areas and to determine the jurisdictional status of on-site resource areas. The following resources were delineated: Bank and Bordering Vegetated Wetland with established 100' buffer zone from BVW and Bank. The plats shows Wetland A, Wetland C, Wetland D and Wetland E. The proposal shows the installation of ground-mounted ballasts with solar panels which will be approximately 15' apart. A gravel access road exists and a concrete pad for transformers and utility lines will be constructed. She explained that this is a buffer zone project only and that they are proposing selective clearing in the buffer zone to minimize shading. Mr. Soticheck asked why they couldn't move the panels rather than cut the trees. Mr. Tourtelotte explained that due to economics,the number of panels shown .would be needed to make the site work. Mr. Kozloski reminded the members that they can clear the buffer zone under the Act. Ms. Angus then stated that erosion controls will be used and a Stormwater Management Report was submitted which includes a Post Construction Operation and Maintenance Plan for the site. She went on to say that the Agawam Conservation Commission November 10, 2011 Page 2 panels have no effect on the run-off. She then went over their response letter to the DEP comments that were received. The first comment states "...the Commission should review the flood plain elevation from the FIS and determine whether or not work is proposed in BLSF. Tighe and Bond's response outlined their method in making this determination. The second DEP comment points out that the work appears to be restricted to work within the 100 foot buffer zone .... And the final DEP comment was in regard to the possibility of future point source discharges occurring if runoff from the panels creates rills. Ms. Angus stated that they do not anticipate the creation of rills and the project's Operation and Maintenance Plan requires that the site be inspected on a semi-annual basis for erosion. Mr. Kozloski suggested that the Commission put a requirement in the Order for the requirement that the site be monitored for run-off. He also stated that the Commission should require the same type of planting plan as was approved for the Shoemaker Lane site. The proposed plantings will be determined by the Commission on-site after the cutting has taken place. The members agreed with those suggestions. Mr. Harpin asked what if these facilities become obsolete in the future. Mr. Tourtelotte explained that is not a concern and that they have a 35 year timeframe on the property and can negotiate for longer. He also pointed out that in terms of maintenance, the panels will be washed twice per year. Ms. Galiatsos asked how much water would be used when the panels are cleaned twice per year. Mr. Tourtelotte explained that they use a minimal amount of water and a squeegee. He went on to say that DEP encourages solar facilities for post closure landfills. Ms. Galiatsos asked what type of fence and plantings they are proposing. Mr. Axelman stated that there will be a 9' fence at the southern end of the site to block the view from Main Street and it will be chainlink with slats and will also include a planted berm(shrubs). The remainder of the site will have a 6' chainlink fence. He went on to say that the panels will be monitored via the internet and there will be 7,000 panels. There being no public input, the Commission closed the public hearing. The Order of Conditions was written at the end of the meeting. 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—Wright Street—Nardi Motion was made by Mr. Harpin and seconded by Ms. Galiatsos to continue the public hearing for the Notice of Intent for Nardi on Wright Street as requested by the applicant's representative to the next Conservation Commission meeting(December 8, 2011). VOTE 6-0 3. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION—Notice of Intent—River Road—DeCaro Mr. DeCaro has requested an extension to his Order of Conditions on River Road. In keeping with the Governor's Permit Extension Act, the Commission voted on a two year extension. Agawam Conservation Commission November 10, 2011 Page 4 The Commission had received an earlier email from a contractor working on the WMECO GSRP project requesting permission to remove the gutter bags from various catch basins associated with the project. Mr. Kozloski viewed the locations and the members agreed with him that they can now be removed. Mr. Kozloski asked that the DPW Superintendent also be made aware of gutter bags on Meadow Street (not associated with the aforementioned project) that need to be removed. Complaint—South Street—Mr. Kozloski explained that the Commission received a complaint from an abutter to 286 South Street regarding a collapsed culvert at that location. Mr. Kozloski stated that he met on-site with a representative from the Engineering Department and found that the headwall had collapsed and there are cement blocks in the stream bed. The Town will not do the work as it is on private property and there is not a Town easement. The property owner, Holly Thompson, was in attendance this evening. She explained that she has an ongoing problem with the stream that flaws from Cosgrove Avenue. She stated that she has had extensive flooding issues in the past and feels that the new area subdivisions and associated drainage have created this problem and the pipe on her property can no longer handle the flows. She went on to say that she was completely flooded five times and the Agawam Fire Department and Police Department have had to be called. She stated that one part of the culvert had collapsed years ago and that more recently her neighbor's tree fell and crashed onto the headwall and their insurance company will not pay for it. She also stated that there is a drainage easement from the school property to hers. The members explained that they can only address the issue with the collapsed headwall and after a lengthy discussion they agreed to do that by issuing an Enforcement Order. They informed her that she could pursue meeting with Town officials regarding the repair of the culvert, Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue an Enforcement Order to Holly Thomson, owner of 286 South Street, to remove the cement blocks from the streambed within sixty days of receipt of the Enforcement Order. VOTE 5-1 (Kozloski opposed) 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —October 27, 2011 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to approve the minutes of October 27, 2011 as written. VOTE 5-0-1 (Harpin abstained) Mr. Harpin left the meeting at this time. The Commission then wrote the Order of Conditions for Rivermoor on Main Street. A copy can be obtained from the Town Clerk's office or the Conservation Commission office. Agawam Conservation Commission November 10, 2011 Page 5 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue the Order of Conditions for 369 Main Street to Rivermoor-Citizens Agawam LLC as written. VOTE 5-0 The members then set up a site visit with Tim Meyer of MassDOT to view an area on Main Street where they are proposing a sidewalk. The members agreed to meet next Thursday morning. The members also discussed the proposed changes to the Act that DEP is seeking input on. The members agreed to view the proposed changes and submit comments if they felt appropriate. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 0I00I 786-0400, ext. 245 November 15, 2011 ftoN � John Prenosil r JMP Environmental Consulting, Inc. o ZE Suite 2010 Monarch Place �n Springfield,MA 01144 Dear Mr. Prenosil: At its duly called meeting held on November 10, 2011, the Agawam Conservation Commission voted to send a correction letter.to you concerning the extension to the rn ANRAD for Diana's Bakery at 120 Bowles Road. This ANRAD is hereby extended to November 13, 2013. This reflects the two year extension in keeping with the Governor's Permit Extension Act. If you have any questions,.please contact this office at 786-0400, extension 245. Sincerely, Henry A. ozloski, ChaTrman AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION HAK:prk Cc: DEP Patrick Ma ari, Diana's Commonwealth Bakery Town C14 File 87-0554 T O%W OF AGAWAM CONSERVA77ON COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST".,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786-0400, ext. 245 November 3, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, November 10, 2011 A TIME: 6:30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01061 =C 3 cn AGENDACD 1. 6:30'PM—PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent-Main Street—Rivermoor-Citil hsrn Agawam LLC 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent— Wright Street—Nardi 3. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION—River Road—DeCaro Suffield Street—Town of Agawam 4. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Optasite Towers LLC - Main Street Robin Ridge Estates (3) 5. Correspondences and Complaints 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—October 27, 2011 TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 AMAIN ST.,nAdG/A�� W.�//AM, MA 01001 QQ i �R October 20, 2011 ',^` CD The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: -r q y u DATE: Thursday, October 27,2011 R; _ TIME: 6:30 PM c, LOCATION: Agawam Public Library ' 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. 6:30 PM—REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Main Street—Rivermoor-Citizens Agawam LLC 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent— Garden Street- Russo 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent— Wright Street—Nardi 4. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION —ANRAD—Bowles Road Diana's Bakery 5. RATIFY EMERGENCY ORDER- Castle Hills Main Street—Agawam DPW 6. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Optasite Towers LLC - Main Street Robin Ridge Estates (3) 7. Correspondences and Complaints 8. APPROVAL OF MINUTES— September 22, 2011 TO WN OF AGAWAM CONSERV.A77ON COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 010.01 786.0400, ext. 245 October 28, 2011 a a John Prenosil = JMP Environmental Consulting, Inc. - v� Suite 2010 Monarch Place Springfield, MA 01144 o Dear Mr..Prenosil: 'C C- At its duly called meeting held on October 27, 2011, the Agawam Conservation Commission voted to approve a one year extension to the ANRAD for Diana's Bakery at 120 Bowles Road to November 13, 2012, This is in keeping with the Governor's Permit Extension Act. Please be advised that there is no Extension Permit form for an ANRAD and per DEP, a letter is sufficient. If you have any questions, please contact this office at 786-0400, extension 245. Sincerely, Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION HAK:prk Cc: DEP Patrick Maca ', Diana's Commonwealth Bakery Town Clerl File 87-0554 Agawam Conservation Commission i September 22, 2011 Page 1 AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION September 22, 2011 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Magda Galiatsos Jill Messick Mark Soticheck MEMBERS ABSENT: Fred Hatpin x, ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos _ Pamela R. Kerr :C a cr; 4 C �7 Mr. Kozloski called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM, e �' n 1. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent--Garden Street—Russo Rob Levesque and Gary Weiner of R. Levesque Associates were in attendance along•with the property owner, Thomas Russo. Mr. Levesque explained that this is a 6.68 acre site on the south side of Garden Street on which Mr. Russo is proposing 36 units (five buildings) of condominiums. He stated that a wetlands delineation was approved in June of 2010 and that this site contains bordering vegetated wetland with riverfront area being off this site. He stated that buildings four and five have buffer zone work associated with them. He went on to say that there will be a single car garage for each unit and some units will have patios, some will have decks. A subsurface infiltration system is being proposed to handle the drainage and will also contain a Stormceptor. Mr. Levesque brought up the DEP comment regarding overflows and responded that the system will overflow all water to the wetland. The plan shows riprap aprons, however, DEP wants level spreaders,which he stated will be accommodated. He then went over the DEP comments and Engineering Department comments. The first DEP comment was in regards to the infiltration chambers and the need to register them with DEP. Mr. Levesque stated that he will register the drainage system with DEP. The second comment pointed out that the filing is for buffer zone work only which Mr. Levesque stated is correct. The third comment was regarding the level spreaders which he has addressed and will revise the plan accordingly. He then stated that he will be requesting as continuation this evening as they will go before the Planning Board next week and he will have the plans revised. The Engineering Department comments were reviewed next. The first comment requests a copy of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) when filed with EPA. Mr. Levesque stated he will provide that. The next comment was that the Operation and Maintenance Plan should include instructions for erosion and sediment control. Mr. Levesque stated that the Operation and Maintenance Plan will be r Agawam Conservation Commission September 22, 2011 Page 2 revised to change the detail of the riprap outfall. The next comment was the Engineering Department's concern over the areas that are proposed to be graded with a 2.5:1 slope and the need to prevent short and long term erosion. Mr. Levesque stated that is addressed in the Erosion Control Plan. Mr. Kozloski pointed out that the Commission did not receive a copy of that plan which is very important for their review, however he had the Engineering Department scan this plan and had it for tonight's meeting. The NOI filing consisted of sheets C4 and D4 only. Mr. Levesque apologized that thought they had submitted a full set to the Commission. The next three Engineering Department comments were the need for cleanouts at bends and ends of the proposed roof drains, a clean out at the 40 degree bend at the overflow in guest parking lot; a detail labeled Foundation Drain be renamed to Roof Drains. Mr. Levesque stated that he will address these comments as well. Gary Weiner then explained that soil evaluations were done and it was determined that the soils are loamy sand and well-drained. He stated that the infiltration beds were oversized which allows for a smaller overflow pipe (4") and that this should be non-erosive. Mr. Kozloski asked what the slope is at the outfall. Mr. Weiner stated that at the outfall it is an approximately 5% slope and the rectangular infiltration bed near the roadway has a 12%or 8:1 slope. Ms. Messick stated that a 2.5:1 slope is not preferable as there are areas in town with such slopes that have had severe washouts. She asked if the slope could be less. Mr. Levesque stated that would require major changes to the design and pointed out that the 2.5:1 slope is between buildings 4 and 5. 'Mr. Weiner stated that the basin in that area was doubled and that portion of the site will drain to the roadway and they have also provided for American green erosion control fabric to be placed in that location. Mr. Levesque went on to say that during construction the site must be opened up methodically and not all at once; the slopes won't be touched until the buildings are constructed; slopes disturbed during road construction will be"buttoned up" until work takes place on the buildings in that area. Mr. Kozloski asked if they have submitted a phased plan. Mr. Levesque stated no but that the buildings will be constructed according to the market. Ms. Messick asked that a timeline be submitted, her concern being that when the slope is stripped that it remain open for as little time as possible. She stated that this is a sensitive area and this drainage will eventually reach Silver Lake where there is an existing problem with sediment. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to continue the public hearing for Russo on Garden Street to the Commission's October 131h meeting. VOTE 5-0 Members discussed a site visit and agreed that one be scheduled for the week of October 3 rd 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—Wright Street--Nardi The applicant's representative requested a continuance of this hearing to the next meeting. Agawam Conservation Commission September 22, 2011 Page 3 Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Galiatsos to continue the public hearing for Wright Street to the Commission's October 131h meeting. VOTE 5-0 3. CHAPTER 6 1 B —Corey Street—Agawam Sportsman's Club Correspondence was received from the Town Solicitor and Town Assessor stating that this property is no longer under Chapter 61 B, therefore no action is required. Mr. Kozloski expressed his dissatisfaction that the Conservation Commission was not notified of this until September when the Town received the written notification from the seller's attorney in July. Ms. Dachos explained the process that is followed when a Chapter 61A or 61 B notice is received and stated that this notice was sent to the Law Department with a memo asking how this office should proceed. 4. RATIFY EMERGENCY ORDER— Shelley Lane Mr. Kozloski stated that he issued this Emergency Order for the removal of trees adjacent to a pond on Shelley Lane. The owner had notified the Commission that these trees were damaged during the recent storms. The Emergency Order allows for the removal of the damaged trees. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to ratify the Emergency Order issued by Mr. Kozloski to Mr. and Mrs. Reed on Shelley Lane for the removal of trees that were damaged by the recent heavy storms. VOTE 5-0 5. ENFORCEMENT ORDER UPDATES —Robin Ridge Members have conducted a site visit since the last meeting. Ms. Messick suggested that a letter be sent to the owners of lot 2 instructing them to re-set their silt fences and provide a timetable to the Commission for the installation of the culvert under the driveway. She is concerned that this work should be done before winter. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Galiatsos to send a letter to the owners of lot 2 Robin Ridge Estates instructing them to re-set their silt fences and provide a timetable to the Commission on the installation of the culvert under the driveway. VOTE 5-0 Optasite—Main Street Agawam Conservation Commission September 22, 2011 Page 4 Mr. Kozloski stated that VHB sent an email stating that SBA Towers is currently working with their staff to put together the information that has been requested and will comply with DEP's timeline that was set. 6. CORRESPONDENCES The Commission received copies of an email regarding a project change on the Main Street plans. The Commission had previously issued a Negative Determination for the Main Street project. The change involves a new sidewalk which the members feel is outside of the roadway and adjacent to a stream and would therefore necessitate a Notice of Intent. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck that the sidewalk change at Location 1 on the Main Street project plans would necessitate the filing of a Notice of Intent as the work will take place adjacent to a stream. VOTE 5-0 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — September 8,2011 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to approve the minutes of September 8, 2011 as written. VOTE 5-0 The meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM. r T40HW OF AGAWAM CONSER'VATTON COMMISSION .36 MAJIV ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786-0400y E". 245 October 13, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission meeting that was scheduled for 6:30 PM, October 13, 2011 at the Agawam Public Library has been canceled. v w ym �. :",K Z Sus �P ra �n c� m TOWN OF.AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAW M, MA 01001 786-0400, W. 245 October 6, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, October 13, 2011 TIME: 6:30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 v d� AGENDA —nr rn n 1. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—Garden Street- Russo 3�' 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent-Wright Street—Nardi a 3. RATIFY EMERGENCY ORDER- Castle Hills 6 rn 4. DISCUSSION— South West Street - WMECO 5. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Robin Ridge Estates(1) Optasite Towers LLC -Main Street Robin Ridge Estates (3) 6. Correspondences and Complaints 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—September 22,.2011 r Agawam Conservation Commission October 27, 2011 Page I AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION October 27, 2011 MEMBERS PRESENT: Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Sheryl Becker Jill Messick Mark Soticheck MEMBERS ASSENT: Magda Galiatsos Fred Harpin ALSO PRESENT: Pamela R. Kerr 1. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Main Street—Rivermoor-Citizens , r-n 4'3 Agawam LLC Brian Huntley of Tighe &Bond was in attendance as well as Ben Axelman of Citizens v Energy and John Tourtelotte of Rivermoor. Mr. Huntley explained that this is a 9.5 acres, r+ site or.Main Street which is currently a driving range and the proposal is to construct a r solar facility on the site. Mr. Huntley stated that the solar facility will be located on the grassed area, a small portion of the wooded area and a portion of the paved area. He explained that they will have to do grading on the property; construct a Iooped access road and the panels will be placed on top of concrete blocks. He went on to say that some clearing is also proposed in a jurisdictional area. Members walked the site with these representatives prior tot he meeting. Mr. Kozloski stated that he feels a Notice of Intent is needed for this project due to the wetland/resource area impacts (cutting in the buffer zone) and the need for a planting plan(similar to the one approved for the Shoemaker Lane site). Ms. Messick stated that she also favors a Notice of Intent as it will provide information on the extent of the proposed cutting; erosion control details; and information on the extent of grading on the site with the proposed contours. Mr. Huntley stated that they could have a Notice of Intent prepared and submitted next week to make it on the next agenda for a public hearing. He stated that he will address the planting and restoration plan in the narrative of the NOI. He asked if the Commission had any issues with the delineation. The members agreed with the delineation as submitted. Motion was made by Ms. Becker and seconded by Ms. Messick to issue a Positive Determination of Applicability for Rivermoor-Citizens Agawam LLC at 369 Main Street. VOTE 4-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—Garden Street—Russo r Agawam Conservation Commission October 27, 2011 Page 2 Rob Levesque of R. Levesque Associates was in attendance this evening along with Mr. Russo. Mr. Levesque stated that a revised plan has been submitted. Members met with him on-site last week and he stated that as a result of that, Mr. Russo has agreed to remove the two piles of debris. He went on to say that the amount of impervious surface has been reduced (per Planning Board); additional landscaping has been provided(shade trees, ornamental trees, foundation planting details); level spreaders are now shown; and a phasing plan for the erosion controls has been provided. Ms. Becker asked when the plantings would be done. Mr. Levesque stated that the utilities, roadway, drainage, base coat, construction of units,and then finish grade and seed. Plantings will be installed as units are sold. Ms. Messick stated that she is concerned that the slope in the back remain undisturbed as long as possible as it is very important that no erosion occur. She stated that Silver Lake and West Springfield Fish and Game Club pond are downstream. Mr. Levesque agreed and stated that NPDES reporting requirements call for reports every two weeks and after every rain event. There being no public input,the Commission closed the public hearing. The Order of Conditions was then written. A copy can be obtained from the Town Clerk's office or the Commission office. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to issue the Order of Conditions issued to Russo on Garden Street as written. VOTE 4-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent— Wright Street—Nardi Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to continue the public hearing for the Notice of Intent on Wright Street to the Commission's November 10d' meeting as requested by the applicant's representative. VOTE 4-0 4. REQUEST TO EXTEND—Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation (ANRAD)— Bowles Road—Diana's Bakery An extension to this ANRAD was requested by the applicant's representative. This would also be covered under the Governor's Permit Extension Act. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to extend the ANRAD for Diana's Bakery on Bowles Road for one year. VOTE 4-0 5. RATIFY EMERGENCY ORDER—Castle Hills r . F Agawam Conservation Commission October 27, 2011 Page 3 Mr. Kozloski stated that he issued this Emergency Order for the removal of trees that had fallen in the wetland during the recent heavy storms. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Mr. Soticheck to ratify the Emergency Order issued to Castle Hills for the removal of trees from the wetland. VOTE 4-0 RATIFY EMERGENCY ORDER Main Street--Agawam DPW Mr. Harpin had issued this Emergency Order for a washout that occurred with a Town drainage pipe behind Hood's on Main Street and on the bank of the Westfield River. Motion was made by Ms. Messick and seconded by Ms. Becker to ratify the Emergency Order issued to the Agawam DPW for the correction of a washout and erosion behind the Hood's facility on Main Street, VOTE 4-0 6. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS - updates Robin Ridge—nothing new to report. Optasite Tower—Mr. Kozloski stated that he spoke with Mr. Scheffler of DEP and was informed that it's up to the Conservation Commission as to whether or not to approve the information that was submitted on the flood elevation analysis. He stated that he will set up a meeting with the Engineering Department and VHB and that the work probably won't happen until next spring. 7. CORRESPONDENCES AND COMPLAINTS A complaint was received by Mr. Langone regarding filling of a lot adjacent to land he owns on Southwick Street. He is concerned that filling the lot above him will have negative erosion effects on his land and questioned whether there were wetlands affected. Mr. Kozloski stated that he was planning to go out to this site tomorrow and asked if other members wanted to go. He informed the members there he is also going to look at some town-owned lots as well. Ms. Messick and Ms. Becker agreed to do these site visits with Mr. Kozloski the following afternoon. Mr. Kozloski informed the members of a complaint that was received from a neighbor to Heritage Hall regarding a newly installed pipe in the vicinity of the pond adjacent to Route 57. Members will view the area to determine what the pipe is for and who installed it. The Commission received an email from the contractor that did the work at the Insurance Center of NE on Suffield Street asking for permission to remove the silt socks that they Agawam Conservation Commission October 27, 2011 Page 4 had installed for erosion control. Mr. Kozloski stated that he made a site visit and found that the area is re-established and the erosion controls can now be removed. A correspondence was received from a contractor working on the WMECO GSRP project asking for permission to remove the gutter bags from various catch basin locations. Mr. Kozloski stated that he would take a look at these locations prior to the next meting. 8. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 22, 2011 Motion was made by Mr. Soticheck and seconded by Ms. Messick to approve the minutes of September 22, 2011 as written. VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM. TOWN OF AGAWAM CO,NSERVAITON COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA DST U81f 786-0400, ext. 245 September 15, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, September 22,201T' TIME: 6:30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. 6:30 PM—PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent—Garden Street =Russo 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent—Wright Street—Nardi 3. CHAPTER 61B—Agawam Sportsman's Club—Corey Street 4. RATIFY EMERGENCY ORDER- Shelley Lane _ c 5. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Optasite Towers LLC -Main Street Ln Robin Ridge Estates (3) ZIP = 3 cn 6. Correspondences and Complaints co n w �n 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—September S, 2011 TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 010.01 786-0400, eat. 245 August 31, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, September 8, 2611 TIME: 630 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. 6:30 PM-REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION-Heritage Woods—Cooper Street 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—Wright Street—Nardi 3. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE —Heritage Woods—dialysis addition—Cooper Street 4. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS(updates) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Main Street - Drenzek Robin Ridge Estates (3) Optasite Towers LLC - Main Street 5. Correspondences and Complaints ,y 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—August 25, 2011 c-� x o �© r c7 c+i T %W OF AGA WAM CONSFRVA770N COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 1141 78&0400, ext. 245 August 18, 2011 REVISED: August 22,2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, August 25, 2011 TIME: 6:30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—Wright Street—Nardi 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—River Road—Kanesgberg 3. FY 2011/2012 Roadway Maintenance Program—C. Golba t>rn 4. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) s 3= Robin Ridge Estates(1) Main Street-Drenzek a cn Robin Ridge Estates (3) Optasite Towers LLC -Main Street r 4. Correspondences and Complaints rn 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—July 28, 2011 TOWN QFAG4WAM CONSERVA27ON COMMISSION 36 AMAIN ST.,AGAWAAM, AMA 01OO1 786.0400, exit. 245 August 11, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission meeting scheduled for 6:30 PM on August 11, 2011 at the Agawam Public Library has been canceled. Per Order of Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Agawam Conservation Commission C) v 4C7 �3 yam, W -Q ��c = 3cn s no CD N � TO WN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786-0440, wt. 245 August 8, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, August 11, 2011 TIME: 6:30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—Wright Street—Nardi 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—River Road—Kanesgberg 3. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Main Street- DrenzekA-,3 Robin Ridge Estates(3) Optasite Towers LLC -Main Street an g 3 4. Correspondences and Complaints 3 a w o 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—July 28, 2011 TOWN OF AGA WAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786.0400, on. 245 July 21, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, July 28, 2011 TIME: 6:30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. 6:30 PM PUBLIC HEARING —Notice of Intent Wright Street-Nardi 2. 6:45 PM—PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent— Shoemaker Lane—Rivermoor Citizens-Route 57 LLC 3. 7:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING—River Road—Kanesgberg 4. PUBLIC HEARING Notice of Intent—School Street—Town of Agawam �.. 2,, .5. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Main Street- Drenzek n, y Robin Ridge Estates (3) Optasite Towers LLC- Main Street 7. Correspondences and Complaints Sp ate' cm 8. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—July 14,2011 CIO n 9. RATIFY EMERGENCY ORDER—Robinson Park-DCR TOWN OF AGA WAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST ,AGAWAM, MA 01001 . 786-0400, ext. 245 June 16, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: "day' JuM 23, TIME: 6:30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam,MA 01001 AGENDA 1. 6:30 PM—PUBLIC HEARING=Notice of Intent— South Street—Herzog 2. 6:45 PM-PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent— School Street—Town of Agawam 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of intent- Langone - Mark Drive 4. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—Tracy Drive—Town of Agawam n 5. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) = b Robin Ridge Estates (1) Main Street - Drenzek )"3 Robin Ridge Estates (3) Optasite Towers LLC -Main Street 43 South West St. -Moquin 92 '/z Paul Revere Dr. - Babinov ' South West St. —T.O.A. 3�c = 3tn Z'p 6. EMERGENCY ORDER—28 Cesah Street(ratify) EMERGENCY ORDER—DCR—Robinson Park(ratify) ' rn 7. Correspondences and Complaints 8.. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—May 26,2011 TO WN OF AGA WAM CONSERVA77ON COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 78&0400, et. 245 July 1,2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Pt d&y `1jW1F,14,2 TIME: 6:30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. —Notice of Intent--South Street—Herzog 2. PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent—School Street—Town of Agawam 3. 6:45 PM—PUBLIC HEARING-Notice of Intent—AMEC—Connecticut River 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - Langone -Mark Drive 5. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION Order of Conditions—Main St.—Optasite Towers 6. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Robin Ridge Estates(1) Main Street- Drenzek Robin Ridge Estates (3) Optasite Towers LLC -Main Street s, South West St. —T.O.A. r � g 7. Correspondences and Complaintsrn 8. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—June 23, 2011 r-- v Mtn ' -c .n G l � 4 7OWN OFAGAWAM CONSERVA77O,l1T COMMISSION 36 AL41N ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786.0400, mt. 245 June 2, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thuoday, June 9, 2011 TIME: 6:30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. 6:30 PM—PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent South Street—Herzog 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—School Street—Town of Agawam 3. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—Tracy Drive—Town of Agawam 4. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Main Street- Drenzek G y Robin Ridge Estates (3) Optasite Towers LLC - Main Street 43 South West St. - Moquin 921/2 Paul Revere Dr. - Babinova p� South West St. —T.O.A. t.. 5. Correspondences and Complaints 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—May 26, 2011. 7. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Langone -Mark Drive TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 AMAIN ST.,AGA WAM, AM 0100.I _ 78&0400, ext. 245 May 19, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, May 26,2011 TIME: 6.30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street . Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent— School Street—Town of Agawam 2. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—Robinson Park—DCR 3. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—72 Elizabeth Street 4. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Robin Ridge Estates(1) Robin Ridge Estates (3) Optasite Towers LLC - Main Street 43 South West St. - Moquin 92 1/z Paul Revere Dr. - Babinov =1 South West St. —T.O.A. 5. Correspondences and Complaints 3- rr i 31, 3 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—May 12, 2011 ZC AU3 7. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - Langone -Mark Drive TOWN OFAGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786-04003, 245 May 9, 2011 m The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, May 12, 2011 as TIME: 6:30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street 3� Agawam, MA 01001 „� y►o AGENDA CA CIO 1. 6:30 PM--REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION- Parker Street-Ingari 2. 6:40 PM—REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Moutainview St.—King 3. 6:50 PM—REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION— Silver Street—Aspenwood Assoc. LLC 4. 7:00 PM—PUBLIC HEARING-Notice of Intent—School Street—Town of Agawam 5. REQUEST TO AMEND ORDER- Lot 2 Robin Ridge Estates - R. Levesque 6. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE—Robinson Park-DCR 7. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Robinson Park (DCR) (2) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Robin Ridge Estates (3) Optasite.Towers LLC -Main Street 43 South West St. - Moquin 92 1/2 Paul Revere Dr. - Babinov 8. Correspondences and Complaints 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -April 28, 2011 10. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent-Langone - Mark Drive TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAINAM, MA 01001 786.0400, ext. 245 April 21, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meek as follows: DATE: Thursday,April 29,2011 TIME: 6:30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - Garden Street- Russo 2. REQUEST TO AMEND ORDER- Lot 2 Robin Ridge Estates - R. Levesque 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Langone - Marls Drive 4. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Tracy Drive - Town of Agawam 5. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Robinson Park (DCR) (2) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Robin Ridge Estates (3) Optasite Towers LLC - Main Street 43 South West St. - Moquin 92 1/2 Paul Revere Dr. -Babinov x 6. Correspondences and Complaints r, yt-, r T >m 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -April 14, 2011. w o 8. ORDER OF CONDITIONS - St. Jacques Ave.- W&I Constructionrn cn 1 TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786.0400, ext. 245 April 7, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: n DATE: Thursday, April 14,2011 =- TIME: 6:30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library yr, 750 Cooper Street r Agawam, MA 01001 s 3cn AGENDA C --„ .rl a 1. 6:30 PM -REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION- Dept. Of Conservation & rn Recreation - Robinson Park 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Garden Street- Russo I 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- St. Jacques Ave.- W&I Construction 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Langone - Mark Drive 5. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - 72 Elizabeth Street 6. EMERGENCY ORDER- 43 South West Street- Moquin (ratify) 7. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Robinson Park(DCR) (2) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Robin Ridge Estates (3) Optasite Towers LLC - Main Street 43 South West St. - Moquin(ratify) 92 %2 Paul Revere Dr. - Babinov (raftify). 8. Correspondences and Complaints 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -March 24, 2011 10. Nominate CPA Representative 11. Update - Bike Loop TO%W OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA OAT 00I _ 786.0400, ext. 245 March 17, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday,March 24,2011 TIME: 6:30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. Conservation Restrictions - WMECO - Greater Springfield Reliability Project 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Garden Street- Russo 3. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Shoemaker Lane/Suffield Street - Tennessee Gas Pipeline 4. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) { Robinson Park(DCR) (2) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Robin Ridge Estates (3) Optasite Towers LLC -Main Street 5. Correspondences and Complaints 3 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - March 10, 2011 .ors 7. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- St. Jacques Avenue - W&I r`n Construction (continued to April 14th) 8. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent -Langone - Mark Drive TOWN OF A.GAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGA WAM, MA 01001 786-0400, ext. 245 —L-2. March 17, 2011 REVISED March 21,2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, March 24, 2011 TIME: 6:30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 _ n AGENDA =; � n 1. Conservation Restrictions - WMECO - Greater Springfield Reliability Project *M 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Garden Street- Russo X000 3 3� 3. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Shoemaker Lane/Suffield Street - Tennegee �n Gas Pipeline CID rn . 4. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS(updates) Robinson Park (DCR) (2) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Robin Ridge Estates (3) Optasite Towers LLC - Main Street 5. Correspondences and Complaints 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -March 10, 2011 7. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- St. Jacques Avenue - W&I Construction(continued to April 14th) S. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - Langone - Mark Drive 9. EMERGENCY ORDER- Agawam DPW- "the Meadows" - Meadow Street TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAK MA 01001 786.04000 ex . 245 March 3, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday,March 10,2011 TIME: 6:30 PMcl- a LOCATION: Agawam Public Library =� 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 , nc) w vm p 3 - 7C n`3 AGENDA o c") 1. 6:30 PM - PUBLIC HEARING - REQUEST TO AMEND ORDER OF r1i CONDITIONS - WMECO - Greater Springfield Reliability Project 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Notice of Intent - St. Jacques Avenue - W&I Construction (continued to April 14th) 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Langone -Mark Drive 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Garden Street-Russo 5. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Robinson Park(DCR) (2) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Robin Ridge Estates (3) Optasite Towers LLC - Main Street 6. Correspondences and Complaints 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 24, 2011 TOWNN OF AGA WAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAT+VAM, MA Opt 00I 786-0400, ext. 245 March 3, 2011 REVISED March 8, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, March 10, 2011 TIME: 6:30 PM LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. 6:30 PM -PUBLIC HEARING - REQUEST TO AMEND ORDER OF CONDITIONS - WMECO - Greater Springfield Reliability Project aq �o cs3 � yc, 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - St. Jacques Avenue - W&I co Construction(continued to April 14th) xa• cb � 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Langone - Mark Drive o -n as c, m 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Garden Street- Russo 5. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) . Robinson Park (DCR) (2) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Robin Ridge Estates (3) Optasite Towers LLC - Main. Street 6. Correspondences and Complaints 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 24, 2011 8. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - 167 Coyote Circle TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 —�-- 786-0400, ext. 245 February 25, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission WMECO Mitigation Plan Subcommittee will meet as follows: DATE: Monday,March 7,2011 TIME: 10:00 AM PLACE: Agawam DPW Meeting Room 1000 Suffield Street Agawam,'MA 01001 AGENDA 1. DISCUSSION - WMECO Mitigation Plan& Other Amendments - Greater Springfield Reliability Project A G^ a 3 � 3� C3 >p W "ors rn m T0"W OF At AWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786.0400, ext. 24S February 17,2011 r. The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday,February 24 2011 n TIME: 6:30 PM st 3 LOCATION: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street p c� Agawam, MA 01001 y" AGENDA 1. 6:30 PM -REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION- Springfield Water & Sewer Commission- River Road 2. REQUEST TO AMEND ORDER OF CONDITIONS - WMECO (87-0568) 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- St. Jacques Avenue - W&I Construction 4, PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - Langone - Mark Drive 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Garden Street- Russo 6. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Robinson Park(DCR) (2) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Robin Ridge Estates (3) Optasite Towers LLC - Main Street 7. Correspondences and Complaints 8. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -February 10, 2011 TOWN OF AGA WAM CONSER VATTON COMMISSION 36 MMN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786.0400, ext. 245 February 3, 2011 : co C�3 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: �- 'rrM 3 MCI; DATE: Thursday, February 10, 2011 © 3°0c7 -„ TIME: 6:30 PM :2 PLACE: Agawam Public Library m 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - Mark Drive - Langone 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - St. Jacques Ave - W&I Construction 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Garden Street- Russo (continued to Feb. I O'') 4. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION- Twin Brook Farm - South Street South Westfield Street- Hunter Dev./First Nine 5. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) Anvil Street - Calabrese River Road(trucking co.) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Robinson Park(DCR) (2) Optasite Towers LLC - Main Street Robin Ridge Estates (3) 6. Correspondences & Complaints 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January 27, 2011 c TOWN OF AGA'WAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786-0400, en. 245 January 20, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: C DATE: Thursday,January 27,2011 TIME: 6:30 PM �3 PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street �M Agawam, MA 01001 3 3 AGENDA -n 1. 6:30 PM—REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Columbia Gas of Massachusetts— Main Street 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent-Mark Drive -Langone 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - St. Jacques Avenue - W&I Construction 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.—Notice of Intent—Garden Street—Russo (continued to Feb. I0`) 5. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) - Anvil Street- Calabrese (2) River Road- (trucking co.) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Robinson Park (DCR)(2) Optasite Towers LLC - Main Street Robin Ridge Estates (3) 73 Elizabeth Street 6. Correspondences & Complaints 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—January 13, 2011 TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN S'T.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786-0400, ext. 245 March 15, 2006 Donald M. Rheault, President Robert A. Magovern, Vice President ° George Bitzas, Councilor Cecilia Calabrese, Councilor co Ruth Carr-Bitzas, Councilor Gina M. Letellier, Councilor Joseph Mineo, Councilor Dennis Perry, Councilor Robert Rossi, Councilor Jill Simpson, Councilor Robert M. Young, Councilor Agawam Town Council 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 Dear Councilors: At its meeting held on March 9, 2006, in a vote of 1-5, the Agawam Conservation Commission defeated a motion to support Renaming the Connecticut River Walk and Bikeway on River Road in honor of Paul Fieldstad and Ed Coffey. Sincerely, Henry A.2zloski, Chairman AGAW CONSERVATION COMMISSION cc: erk, Solicitor, File TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGA WAM, MA 01001 786-0400, ext. 245 January 6, 2011 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday' January 13,2011 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. 6:30 PM—REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION—Colonial Ave—Benoit 2. 6:40 PM—PUBLIC HEARING—Notice of Intent—Garden Street—Russo 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Mark Drive - Langone 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - St. Jacques Avenue - W&I Construction . 5. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) - Anvil Street - Calabrese (2) River Road - (trucking co.) Robin Ridge Estates (1) Robinson Park(DCR) (2) Optasite Towers LLC - Main Street Robin Ridge Estates (3) 73 Elizabeth Street Colonial Ave. 6. Correspondences & Complaints 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—December 9, 2010 TOWN OF AG4W.AAI CONSMVATION COMAMMSION 36 MAIN ST .AGAWAM, MA OIOOI 78&0400, mot. 245 December 2, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday,December 9,2010 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam,MA 01001 AGENDA 1. 6:30 PUBLIC HEARING -Notice of Intent - Mark Drive - Langone 2. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Mark Drive -Langone 3. REQUEST TO AMEND ORDER- Mark Drive -Langone 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- St. Jacques Avenue - W&I Construction S. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Federal Street- Tirone Dev. Corp. 6. DISC. ORDER OF CONDITIONS - South Westfield Street- First Nine LLC & RATIFY ENFORCEMENT ORDER 7. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) - Anvil Street- Calabrese (2) River Road - (trucking co.) Town of Agawam -Losito Lane Robin Ridge Estates (1) Robinson Park(DCR) (2) Optasite Towers LLC -Main Street Robin Ridge Estates (3) Barn Road 7 Country Road (Calabrese) (2) 73 Elizabeth Street Colonial Ave. (Ratify) 8. Correspondences & Complaints 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - October 28, 2010 T0%W OF AGAW4M CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 0100I 786.0400, ext. 245 November 4, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Tuesday,November 9,2010 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING - Order of Conditions - WMECO - Greater Springfield Reliability Project 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - St. Jacques Avenue - W&I Construction 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - Federal Street - Tirone Dev. Corp. 4. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Mark Drive - Langone 5. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) - Anvil Street- Calabrese (2) River Road - (trucking co.) Town of Agawam -Losito Lane Robin Ridge Estates (1) Robinson Park (DCR) (2) Optasite Towers LLC -Main Street Robin Ridge Estates (3) Barn Road 7 Country Road(Calabrese) (2) 73 Elizabeth Street 6. Correspondences & Complaints 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -October 28, 2010 T O%W OF AGAWAhf CONSFR VA 770N COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST'.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 78&0400, ext. 245 November 9, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission meeting scheduled for 6:30'PM"Tuesday,•November 9, 2010 at the Agawam Public Library has been canceled. Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Agawam Conservation Commission c__F E-J f� TOWN OF AGAt WAM CONSERVAMN COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786-0400, ext. 245 October 21, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, October 28,2010 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam,MA 01001 AGENDA 1. 6:30-REQU. FOR DETERMINATION - 737 North Street - Stillo 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- St. Jacques Avenue - W&I Construction 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Federal Street - Tirone Dev. Corp. 4. DISCUSSION -Fence Sketch - Wendy's - 1340 Springfield Street .5. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION -Northfield Estates - Hillside Dev. Corp. 6. CERTIFICATE.OF COMPLIANCE - Mark Drive - Langone 184 Tobacco Farm Road 7. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) - Anvil Street- Calabrese (2) River Road-(trucking co.) Town of Agawam -Losito Lane Robin Ridge Estates (1) Robinson Park(DCR) Optasite Towers LLC - Main Street Robin Ridge Estates (3) Barn Road and Country Road (Calabrese) (2) 8. Correspondences & Complaints 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -October 14, 2010 � r TOWV OF AGA NAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGA.WAM, MA 01001 .�_ 78&0400, eW.245 September 16, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, September 23,2010 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - Federal Street-Tirone Dev. Corp. 2. 6:40 - REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION- St. Jacques Avenue- W&I Construction 3. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION- Ridgeway Drive - Guiel 4. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) -Anvil Street - Calabrese (2) River Road - (trucking co.) Town of Agawam - Pheasant Hi11/Tuckahoe Robin Ridge Estates (1) Robinson Park(DCR) 5. Correspondences 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 9, 2010 l - TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 78&0400, ext. 245 October 7, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows. DATE: Thursday, October 14,2010 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. 6:30 -PUBLIC HEARING -Notice of Intent- St. Jacques Avenue - W&I Construction 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - Federal Street - Tirone Dev. Corp. 3. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (updates) - Anvil Street - CaIabrese (2) River Road- (trucking co.) Town of Agawam -Losito Lane Robin Ridge Estates (1) Robinson Park(DCR) Optasite Towers LLC -Main Street(ratify) 4. Correspondences & Complaints 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 23, 2010 TO WN OF AGAW" CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWA 4, M.4 010.01 786-0400, ext. 245 September 2, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, September 9, 2010 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam,MA 01001 •u AGENDA 1. 6:30 -REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION- Ellington Street- Truong 2. 6:40 -PUBLIC HEARING - REQUEST TO AMEND ORDER OF CONDITIONS - Twisty's - 1504 Main Street - Cirillo 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent-Federal Street- Tirone Dev. Corp. 4. 2010 Road Paving projects -Agawam DPW . 5. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION-Ridgeway Drive - Guiel 6. DISCUSSION -Prince Lane - Savonin 7. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) -Anvil Street - Calabrese (2) River Road - (trucking co.) 23 Kanawha Ave. - Forrester Robin Ridge Estates (1) Ellington Street- Truong Robinson Park (DCR) (ratify) Town of Agawam - Pheasant HilUTuckahoe (ratify) 9.. Correspondences 10. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -August 12, 2010 t TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVA17O.N COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AG4WAM, MA 01001 786-0400, ca. 245 August 19, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday,August 26,2010 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam,MA 01001 AGENDA 1. 6:30 - REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION -Ellington Street- Truong 2. 6:40 -PUBLIC HEARING -REQUEST TO AMEND ORDER OF CONDITIONS - Twisty's - 1504 Main Street- Cirillo 3, PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Notice of Intent- Federal Street- Tirone Dev. Corp. 4. 2010 Road Paving Projects -Agawam DPW 5. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION -Ridgeway Drive - Guiel 6. DISCUSSION - Prince Lane - Savonin 7. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) - Anvil Street - Calabrese (2) River Road - (trucking co.) 23 Kanawha Ave. - Forrester Robin Ridge Estates (1) Ellington Street -Truong 9. COMPLAINT - Robinson Park 9. Correspondences 10. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - August 12, 2010 TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA OI001 78&040O, exit. 245 August'5, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, August 12, 2010 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE- Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 22, 2010 2. 6:30 PM -PUBLIC HEARING -Notice of Intent- Federal Street- Tirone Development Corp. 3. 6:45 PM- PUBLIC HEARING - Amendment to Order of Conditions - 1340 Springfield Street- Coyote Realty 4. REQUEST TO AMEND ORDER OF CONDITIONS - Twisty's - 1504 Main Street- Cirillo S. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) - Anvil Street- Calabrese (2) River Road- (trucking co.) 23 Kanawha Ave. - Forrester Robin Ridge Estates (1) Ellington Street- Truong 6. Correspondences TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVA27ON COMMISSION 36 .MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786.0400, axt. 245 July 15, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: ` DATE: Thursday,July 22,2010 -7 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street f Agawam,MA 01001 AGENDA 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -June 24, 2010 2. 6:30 PM-PUBLIC HEARING -Notice of Intent Federal Street- Tirone Development Corp. 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Slope Stabilization - Six Flags New England 4. REVIEW ORDER OF CONDITIONS - WMECO-Agawam/West Springfield Project 5. REQUEST TO AMEND ORDER- Coyote Realty- Springfield Street 6. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) -Anvil Street - Calabrese (2) River Road - (trucking co.) 1744 Main St. - Cirillo Robin Ridge Estates (2) 23 Kanawha Ave. - Forrester 7. Any other business that may legally come before the Commission. TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSER VA77ON COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGA WAM, MA 01001 786-0400, ext. 245 June 17,2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday,June 24, 2010 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam,MA 01001 AGENDA 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - June 10,2010 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION CONT. -Garden Street- Russo 3. 6:40 PM- PUBLIC HEARING- Request to Amend Order of Conditions -Wright Street - Agawam Housing Authority 4. 6:50 PM - PUBLIC HEARING -Notice of Intent - Slope Stabilization - Six Flags New England .5. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) - Anvil Street- Calabrese (2) River Road-(trucking co.) Liquori Drive - T.O.A. Robin Ridge Estates (2) Walnut St. - Calabrese Ellington St. - Truong 1744 Main St. Cirillo 23 Kanawha Ave. - Forrester 6. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Lot 3 Elizabeth Street 7. Any other business that may legally come before the Commission. _._:: t_� TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 �-_— 786.0400, et. 245 is June 3, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday,June 10, 2010 TIME. 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam,MA 01001 AGENDA 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 27, 2010 2. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION CONT. -Garden Street- Russo 3. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) -Anvil Street- Calabrese (2) River Road- (trucking co) Liquori Drive - T.O.A. Robin Ridge Estates (2) Walnut St. - Calabrese Ellington St. - Truong 1744 Main St. - Cirillo 23 Kanawha Ave. - Forrester 4. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Lot 12 Elizabeth Street 5. Any other business that may legally come before the Commission. r ' TOWN OF AGA WAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 78&0400, ext. 245 May 20, 2010 t The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, May 27, 2010 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street . - Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 13, 2010 2. 6:30 - REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION -Garden Street - Russo 3. 6:40 - REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION -31 Rowley Street- Mendez 4. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update)- Anvil Street - Calabrese (2) River Road - (trucking co.) Liquori Drive - T.O.A. Robin Ridge Estates (2) Walnut St. - Calabrese .5. Any other business that may legally come before the Commission. r, s TOWN OF AGA WAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786-0400, exit. 245 April 1, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, Apri18, 2010 D TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam,MA 01.001 AGENDA 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - March 11, 2010 2. 6:30 PUBLIC HEARING - Notice of Intent-Crestview Country Club - Shoemaker Lane 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Silver Lake Drive- Silkey 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- 1504 Main Street(Twisty's) - Cirillo 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - Main Street - Six.Flags N.E. .6. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) - Anvil Street- Calabrese (2) River Road - (trucking co.) Liquori Drive - T.O.A. Robin Ridge Estates (2) Walnut St. - Calabrese 7. Any other business that may legally come before the Commission. TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST,AGA WAM, MA OI 001 786-0440, ext. 245 April 15, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday,April 22, 2010 TIME: 6:30 PM :. PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 8, 2010 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Main Street- Six Flags N.E. 3. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) - Anvil Street- Calabrese(2) River Road- (trucking co.) Liguori Drive - T.O.A. Robin Ridge Estates (2) Walnut St. - Calabrese 4. Any other business that may legally come before the Commission. TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSER VAT ION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA UIODI �-�- 786.0400, ext. 245 May 6, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, May 13, 2010 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA _. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April S, 2010 ;J 2. 6:30 -REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - Perry Lane- Town of Agawam 3. 6:40 - REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - 116 Hunter's Greene Circle- Sullivan 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - Main Street - Six Flags N.E. 5. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION- Shoemaker Lane Self Storage 6. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) -Anvil Street- Calabrese (2) River Road-(trucking co.) Liquori Drive- T.O.A. Robin Ridge Estates (2) Walnut St. - Calabrese 7. Any other business that may legally come before the Commission. r TO WN OF AGA WAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA OI UOI 786-0400, ext. 245 March 4, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday,March 11, 2010 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA , 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 16, &25, 2010 2. 6:30 REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - Suffield St. - Insurance Center of N.E. 3. 6:40 - PUBLIC HEARING-Notice of Intent - Main Street - Six Flags N.E. 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- Silver Lake Drive - Silkey 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent- 1504 Main Street (Twisty's) - Cirillo 6. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) - Anvil Street - Calabrese (2) River Road - (trucking co.) Liquori Drive- T.O.A. Robin Ridge Estates (2) Main Street - Cirillo Walnut St. - Calabrese 8. COMPLAINT - Agawam Shopping Court 9. Any other business that may legally come before the Commission. TO"W OFAGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 - 786.0400, ext. 245 March 25, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission meeting scheduled for 6:30 PM, Thursday, March 25, 2010 has been canceled due to lack of a quorum. Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Agawam Conservation Commission TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 - w 786-0400, ext. 245 March 18, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday,March 25, 2010 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 - AGENDA 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - March 11, 2010 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - Silver Lake Drive - Silkey 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Notice of Intent - 1504 Main Street(Twisty's) - Cirillo 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent - Main Street- Six Flags N.E. 5. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) - Anvil Street - Calabrese (2) River Road - (trucking co.) Liquori Drive - T.O.A. Robin Ridge Estates (2) Walnut St. - Calabrese 6. Any other business that may legally come before the Commission. TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAI".1V ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 - 786-0400, ext. 245 February 18, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, February 25, 2010 ` TIME: '6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA . , 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -January 14, 2010 & February 16, 2010 2. 6:30 REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - Route 57 - Mass. DOT Highway Div. 3. 6:40 PUBLIC HEARING -Notice of Intent- Silver Lake Drive- Silkey 4. 7:00 PUBLIC HEARING-Notice of Intent - 1504 Main Street(Twisty's) - Cirillo 5. 7:15 PUBLIC HEARING - Amendments to Agawam Open Space& Recreation Plan - Five Year Action Plan (include years 2012 and 2013 activities) 6. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) - Anvil Street- Calabrese (2) River Road- (trucking co.) Liquori Drive- T.O.A. Robin Ridge Estates (2) Main Street - Cirillo Walnut St. - Calabrese 7. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION - Windermere Estates - Bretta 8. Any other business that may legally come before the Commission. TOHW OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786-0400, ext. 245 February 11, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission meeting scheduled for 6:30 PM, Thursday, Februar 11 : 2010 has been canceled. Henry A. Kozloski, Chairman Agawam Conservation Commission 3 TOWN OF A►GAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786-0400, ca. 245 February 4, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, February 11, 2010 TIME: 6.30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam,MA 01001 AGENDA 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -January 14, 2010 2. 6:30 REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - Route 57 - Mass. DOT Highway Div. 3. 6:40 PUBLIC HEARING-Notice of Intent - Silver Lake Drive - Silkey 4. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) -Anvil Street - Calabrese (2) River Road - (trucking co.) Liquori Drive -T.O.A. Robin Ridge Estates (2) Main Street - Cirillo (ratify) Walnut St. - Calabrese (ratify) 5. DISCUSSION - Open Space & Recreation Plan- Five Year Action Plan 6. An other business that may legally come before the Commission. Y Y g Y 7 TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786-0400, ext. 245 February 18, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Monday, February 22, 2010 TIME: 9:30 AM PLACE: Agawam"Town Hall Conference Rm. - 2°d Fl.(Auditor's Dept.) 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. Discussion - Five Year Action Plan - Open Space & Recreation Plan TOWN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION _ 36 MAIN ST'.,AGAWAM, MA, DIOO t 786.0400, en. 245 February 12, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission,will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 TIME: 1:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Town Hall Conference Rm. (Auditing) 36 Main Street . Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA l. Discussion - Five Year Action Plan- Open Space & Recreation Plan C�� 1 TO WN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST., AGAWAM, MA 01001 -- 786.0400, ext. 245 February 4, 2010 The Agawam. Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, February 11, 2010 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -January 14, 2010 2. 6:30 REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - Route 57 - Mass. DOT Highway Div. 3, 6:40 PUBLIC HEARING- Notice of Intent - SiIver Lake Drive- Silkey 4. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) - Anvil Street - Calabrese (2) River Road - (trucking co.) Liquori Drive - T.O.A. Robin Ridge Estates (2) Main Street - Cirillo (ratify) Walnut St. - Calabrese (ratify) 5. DISCUSSION - Open Space & Recreation Plan - Five Year Action Plan. 6. Any other business that may legally come before the Commission. V TO WN OF AGAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST.,AGAWAM, MA 01001 786-0400, ext. 245 January 7, 2010 The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Thursday, January 14, 2010 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library , 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA , v 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -December 10, 2009 r� 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Notice of Intent -WMECO - Greater Springfield Reliability Project 3. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Lots 3 & 9 Windermere Drive 4. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION - Windermere Estates -Bretta 5. ENFORCEMENT ORDERS (update) - Anvil Street - Calabrese (2) River Road - (trucking co.) Liquori Drive - T.O.A. Robin Ridge Estates (2) 6. Any other business that may legally cane before the Commission. TOWN OF AOAWAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION 36 MAIN ST., AGAWAM, MA 01001 - 786-0400, ext. 245 January 15, 2004 c The Agawam Conservation Commission will hold a meeting as follows: -- DATE: Thursday, January 22, 2004 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January 8, 2004 2. PUBLIC HEARING - Notice of Intent - Autumn Street - Wiatrowski 3. DISCUSSION - Plumtree Meadow subdivision 4. Any other business that may legally come before the Commission.