COMMUNITY PRESERVATION ACT � p� , ►�r u �� '�' Chx'� �� �� ,'a 1 7Ffra. c r t� 0 lost—,, COMMUNITY'' PRESERVATION ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION FORM The purpose of this form is to make e that all project applications applying for o unity Preservation Act funding are eligible for funding. Please refer to Appendix_g in the Comm—unity Preservation Plan when filling out this form. This form roust be approved in order for an application t be accepted. Project Title: School Street`Park Phase iI Project Sponsor/Organization:Town of Agawam Parks&Recreation ontact'l e: hris Spark Mailing Address:1000 Suffield Street Daytime phone#: 1-0 1 Fax ': 21-06 7 E-mail address:recreation@aga atn.ma us CPA Program Area:(check those that apply): r Open Space [I Historic Preservation Community Housing 9 Recreation rT Mg.. Project Purpose (check those that apply):El rh Acquisition E Creation [I Preservation El Support []Rehabilitation/Restoration Project Summary: Please provide a brief description of the project. (provide additional pages if necessary) The final phase of construction may include, but is not limited to, open space with covered picnic shelters, a volleyball court, a playground, a spray park, restroom facilities, parking for I0+ cars, a band shell; an multiuse field, an educational wetland overlook,and maintenance facilities. In addition to satisfying a pressing town need for additional recreational facilities;the proposed Phase II addresses needs for additional athletic fields for, lacrosse, field hockey, and soccer. The entire community, children and adults, will be given -new areas to picnic,play, and enjoy concerts and outdoor shows. The entire community will have access to a new spraypark, playground..., be able to extend their walking biking through the park from the River Road like Path, as well as enjoy open field space for recreational opportunities. v a COMMUNITY PRESERVATION PROJECT APPLICATION COVER SHEET Project title: School Street Park Phase 11 Project Summary: The final phase of construction may include, but is not limited to, open space with covered picnic shelters, a volleyball court, a playground, a spray park, restroom... facilities,parking for 2: + cars, a band shell, an multi-use field, an educational wetland overlook, and maintenance facilities In addition to satisfying a pressing town need for additional recreational facilities, the proposed Phase 11 addresses needs for additional athletic fields for, lacrosse, field hockey,-and soccer. The entire community, children and adults, will be given new areas to picnic, play, and enjoy concerts and outdoor shows. The entire community will Have access to a new spray park, playground, be able to extend their walking/biking through the park from the River Road Bile Path., as well as enjoy open field space for recreational opportunities. Estimated start date: 2012 Estimated completion date:2014 CPA Program Area,(check all that apply): E] Open Space Historic Preservation El Community lousing Z Recreation r Contact Person and or/primary applicant: Chris Sparks Organization(if applicable): Town of Agawam Parks & Recreation Mailing Address: 100 Suffield Street,Agawam, MA 0 1001 Daytime phone#t: 821-0513 Fax#: 21-063 7 E-mail address: recr tion@agar arn.maua Project Manager: Chris Sparks l Total budget for project: $2, 68,000 See attached inion,ofProbable Cast. PAuundin request: ,000,04(? Other Funding Source-PARC Gant $500,000 .Appli unt's Signature. , Date Submitted. CPA:,Application School Street Park Phase II Narrative In 2002,the Town of Agawam purchased 50.62 acres of land located to the north of school street and to the west of Raver Road in Agawam. The land was formerly owned by Hampden County and referred to as the County Prison Farm:. The property was permanently restricted by the state to be used for recreational purposes. In 2015 the first phase of construction of the School Street Park was completed developing approximately 30 acres of the property, This first phase of development included the construction of;a: 60' softball diamond,a multi-use field(ie. soccer;lacrosse, field hockey, football), a 90'baseball diamond,bocce courts, shuffleboard courts,a playground,parking for 214 cars,buffers for immediate abutters, a walkway/bike path, and restroorn facilities. e final phase of construction may include,but is not limited to,open space with covered picnic shelters, a volleyball court, a playground, a spray park,restroom facilities,parking for 200+cats, a 60' baseball diamond, a band shell, an;multi-use field, an educational wetland overlook,and maintenance facilities. During its preparation of the Town's Open Space and Recreation Plans,the Town has conducted a number of town-wide surveys, Most recently,the Town undertook a survey in 1999. Sixty-eight percent (6 '1/6)of those respofiding to the survey felt that. gavwarn should preserve open space to meet' the Town's recreational needs. Most respondents felt that the number, quality and proximity of recreational facilities in Agawam did not completely satisfy their creeds. Specifically,39%of the respondents were not"satisfied"with the number of facilities in town. In.addition, 55%were not `'satisfied"with the places for children,to play and recreate in Agawam. In addition to satisfying,a pressing town need for additional recreational facilities,the proposed Phase It addresses needs for additional athletic fields for youth baseball, lacrosse, field hockey, and soccer. The entire community, children and adults.,will be given new areas to picnic,play, and enjoy concerts and outdoor shows. The entire community will have access to a new spray park,playground.,be able to extend their walking/biking through the park from. the River Road Bike Path, as well as enjoy ripen field space for recreational opportunities. Incorporated into the 50.63 acres are two separate wetland areas. The central wetland will have an overlook for observation with interpretive signage that will be used to educate the public about the immediate surroundings. Classrooms can also use this area for environmental education. The Town of Agawam Department of Public Works(DPW) will be maintaining the grounds of the School Street/River Road Park. Mr. Christopher Golba, Superintendent of Public'Works has stated that the DPW "will be budgeting for any additional maintenance costs in the future, when the park comes to ftifition, aad will be coordinating activities with the Department of Parks and Recreation's creeds as we do in other similar facilities.'" e School Street Park abuts the Agawam Sportsman Club and is in close proximity to,the Cote property, which is 15 acres of wildlife conservation area. The walking/bike paths within this park also connect to the Agawam Bike Path,which will then link the park to Pynchon Point,Meadowbrook Park, and Borgatti Park. Budget Attached is the Opinion of Probable Cost provided from The Berkshire Design Group, Inc.from Northampton Massachusetts. This budget reflects the Master Plan that was created in 2010. That conceptual plan will be revised once the wetland boundaries are determined and approved with the Agawam Conservation Commission. Throughout the spring of 2012 Tlie Berkshire Design Group will work closely with Town Officials and the general public to gather input before creating at final design plan and going to bid. The approved final design will determine the true final cost of the project and can not be truly determined at this time. The $2,000,000 requested at this time is needed to secure a$500,000 Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities (PARC) Grant that was applied for in July,2011 with the Cormonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. The PARC Grant is a reimbursement grant that will only be given if the community appropriates 1.00%of the project cost, Attached is an e-mail firom,Melissa Cryan. In 2005, this same process was taken when the CPA funded a$928,000 Opinion of Probable Cost to secure-funding for a$500,000 Urban Self Help grant, After the final design went to bid another $575,000 was funded to complete the project in 2007. Bids and Quotes Bids and quotes will not be available until a final design is approved and the project goes to bid in the summer of 2012. EMLect July 2011 Submit PARC Grant Application October 2011 Go to Bid for Architect/Engineer to Design School Street Phase 11 Berkshire Design Group chosen out of 5 potential bidders November 2011 PARC Grant to be Awarded January 2012 Secure Funding to satisfy PARC Grant requirements Council Resolution Awarding CPA Funds Council Resolution Accepting PARC Grant Spring 2012 Finalize Final Design of Park Summer 2012 Go to Bid and choose Contractor for Construction Fall 2012-Fall 2013 Construction The PARC grant stipulates that FY 2012 (7/li'l I —6/30112)is used for design and engineering of project. Reimbursement for design and engineering must take place before 6/30/12. FY 2013 (7/1/12—6/30/13)is used for construction of project. Reimbursement for construction must take place before 6/30/13. Visual Materials Conceptual Final Plan: Photos USES Locus Map A CoM21jance All aspects of this newly constructed;part:will follow the Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines d codes Documentation Property Deed Deed Restriction PARC Grant Guidelines and e ails from Executive Office of Energy and Environmental .Affairs Letter Supgort Nicholas Blodyga State Representative West of the River Chamber of Commerce Town of Agawam Office of Planning and Community Development Agawam Little League Agawam Youth Football Town of Agawam Council on Aging Attachment I Opinion on of Probable Cost School Street Phase 2 Master Plan Opinion of Probable Cost Prepared by: The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. 6/8/2011 Item Unit unit Price Total 1, Erosion Control Barrier LF 2300 STOO $16,100,00 2, Clear and Grub Vegetation AC 11.5 $3,500A0 $40,250,00 i Strip Loarn CY 12720 $5.00 $63,6'00.00 4. Earthwork/Rough Grade CY 47460 $3,50 $166,110.00 5, Parking SF 65080 $4.50 $292,860.00 6. Paved Walks SF 17404 $150 $60,914.00 7, Concrete Paving SF 9416 MOO $84,744-00 8. DrAiDagc LS 1 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 9. Water LS I $10,000.00 $10,000,00 10, Sewer LS 1 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 11. Irrigation LS 1 $40,000A0 S40,000.00 12. Lighting LS 1 $30,000A0 $30"000.00 13. Concession Building EA 1 $200,000.00 $200,000.00 14. Maintenance Building EA 1 $95,000,00 $95,000.00 15. Bandshell EA 1 $60,00,0.00 $60,000.00 16, Picnic Pvillions; EA a U,OKOO $32,000.00 17 Wetland Overlook EA 1 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 11, Spray Park LS 1 $100,000.00 $100,000-00 19, Playground Surfacing SF 7990 $3.50 $27,965-00 20. Play Equipment LS 1 $60,000,00 &60,000.00 21. Baseball Infield SF 3330 $150 $8,325.00 22. Backstop LS 1 $30,000.00 $30,000-00 23. Player Bench EA 6 $500.00 $3,000.00 24. Protective Fence LE 60 $32,00 $1,920.00 25. Volleyball LS 1 $6,000.00 $6,000-00 26. Picnic Tabels EA 40 $600.00 S24.M.00 27.Park Bench EA 20 $800.00 $16,000.00 28. Fencing LF 500 $32,00 $16,000,00 29. Screen&Spread Loam CY 7330 $1100 $87,960.00 30. Seed&Fertilize MSS` 395 $130.00 $51,350.00 31, Biobasin Seeding MSF 35 $120-00 $4,200-00 32. Shade Tree Planting EA 180 $400.00 $72,000.00 33. Evergreen Screen Planting EA 60 $200A0 $12,000.00 Subtotal $1,792,298.00 10%Contractor OAP $179,229.80 10%Contingency $179,229.80 6.5%Designer Fee SI 16,4".37 GRAND TOTAL S2,267,256.97 Note: This opinion of probable cost is NOT a guaranteed amount,and may vary due to uncontrollable fluctuations in labor prices and material prices, The amount shown is based on our professional judgement, and current-year pricing for similar work in the region of the project, Attachment 11 Master Plan r a m a t s s ? 4 a�, k Elsa" x in; s l s f r r � s � � ii i s �:s ��,�,e�t*afSS �,a'i t£��.�o'�1•f. s i .�£St��i;a F `., ``� s z,. t { 3L, t S} tit v Fl t si4iit i " §s; s k 1 `'s ,,Ft, ifl t s. 4mia�.. sz?# sus,fii f s£t ss i rs F t F Y z sistiitt �` s i Si F 3 i i7{til 'S t as s \ s 4t ,fila ` `" m . '�z��.)ili�" s � t k4i"F`,�``�?•w_k,,�",ik�. art r L`t l i s t`'ta��t����c1�1 f �' n�, �..� f zw AT" .; �`� "t" 'ju"i• ...3 t � ; '� y,s`i\?lii�''{tFe1.r'i{i, `�r �y da a ' q ,,,f'��#i s s��� �`''#2 st��t s r ssti 3• t'£2£Si ttt:,��g`k, ,�y� ` 1..�''��a�"fs� ..a t. 5 aF t s t t � k >„ .£. lGs:: '• { 1 "; �SlYc� i s s�F> h�t It s`}�s b (ms , ... ,�4.t��',� y, l :4 t �lS ry yt F �>c �£ � \``�� °''?tic � '�i.+i �� ;�=•tf� `'��tr�e�>, �,,. i hyl t� few OT, of f; w r l e a uf' J i 2 tiu { iil Onto cif sl. - t p{mV Y v G .< .. ,. # C Attachment III Photos � n School Street Park Phase 11, Schoolt Park Photos c j 1 n y ti Y. IL f h p :riel photo of undeveloped land Existing Playscape L)ndevelopcd Phase 11 Land vta, Existing Walking Path-_Thane tt abuts on left ;> a R Phase I Grand Opening Softball. Game r Existing Historic Bam on iProperty Undeveloped Phase 11 Land t e. Attachment IV S+GS Locus Map USGS Locus Map. do a ix Y •# jo A S zt Oft 40 4 k ep X4 � ilk � M �..� ram.•#y`°R' = , r e x , { Attachment F k,. 12133 Paste 416e2tsl .. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MA,SSACHUSETTS Release Dead The CQMMWEALTH OF I ASSACHUSETTS acting by and through its Division Of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance with a mailing address of One AshburtOn Place, Boston" !Massachusetts 021 g , 'hereinafter "Grantor", acting under the authority of Section 6 of Chapter 195 of the Acts of 1998 notwithstanding sections 40E through 40 J of Chapter 7 of the !Massachusetts General Laws, as amended, for consideration of One Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ( 1 8,B0B.Bg), to be paid as hereinafter provided, does hereby grant without covenants, express or implied, to Town of Agawam with a mailing address of Office of the Mayor, 36 plain Street, Agawam Massachusetts 01001, hereinafter "Grantee", all,right, title and interest of Grantor, i any, in that certain parcel of land. in Agawam, Hampden County, Massachusetts as hereinafter described. Being a certain parcel of land identified as parcel 12-8- 8 on the Town of Agawam Assessor's flaps and containing approximately Fifty and Sixty-Two Hundredths (BtJ. 2) acres (the 'Premises") and also shown as Marcel No. 7, No. B and No. 9 ,on that certain plan entitled "LAND OF l Al" -PDEN COUNTY AGAWAM, MA DEP ,RTMENT OF PUBLICRKS 'El ENGINEERING G DIVISIONSCALE IN = 08'" (the "Plans") to be maintained within the Engineering Division tiles within: the Grantee's Department of Public'V arks. The Premises consist of five (5)parcels of land situated in the T wn of Agawam, dieing located on the northerly side of School Street and the northwesterly aide of River Road as described in deeds into The Inhabitants of tha, bounty of Hampden listed in Exhibit A. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 80B of the General Laws o , any general or special law to the contrary, the Grantee shall within five (8) 'years after he effective date of the transfer of Premises pay the Grantor the sung equal to One Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ( 1 0, 00.0 )'. Said payment shall be made out to the "Commonwealth of Massachusetts" and delivered to the Office of Finance, Division of Capital Asset !Management" One ,Ashburton Place, t 5th Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02108 (or its successors):: .it is the intent of the parties hereto that all agreements and covenants herein shall run with the land and be deemed to be made for valuable consideration, This conveyance is made subject to and with the benefit of all rights, restrictions and easements'of record, i any, in the Hampden County Registry of Deeds insofar as the same remain in force and applicable: Use of the Premises shall be for agricultural, horticultural�or recreational purpose. In the event the Premises cease to be used for such agricultural,, horticultural or recreational purposes at any time said Premises shall revert to the Commonwealth to the care and control of the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance. i For Grantors titie, note as follows:' . Bee Exhibit A for deeds to the Inhabitants of Hampden County. . The Hampden County Qommission was dissolved as of July 1, 1998 by Chapter 48 of the Special Acts of 1997, all real property owned by The Inhabitants of Hampden County was transferred to the grantor to be held in the name of the Commonwealth of I' assachusetts and subject to the provisions of Chapter 7 of the General Lawn Therefore said Premises, pursuant to section 7 of Chapter 48 of the Special Acts of 1997, were transferred on July 1 1998 to said Grantor under section 7 of Chapter 48 of the Special Acts of 1997 without notice and without any further action or documentation in said Hampden.County Registrar.of Creeds. B. Chapter 198 of the Acts of 1998 transferred the Premises,to the Grantee,, said transfer to be effective upon acceptance by the-Grantee, 4. The Grantee by the recr?rding of this release dead hereby accepts the Premises and agrees to the conditions herein. IN VITNES�; '6d HER8017, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has caused these presents to be signed, sealed; acknowledged and delivered in its name and behalf by David B. Perini, the duly appointed and authorized Comm' si, r er of the Division of, a "al asset Management and Maintenance, on this day of ,2002. David B. Perini Commissioner, Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance A THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUS TTS Suffolk, ss: ' ,20I `hen personally appeared the above-named David B. Perini, Commissioner, Division of Capitai - Asset Management and Maintenance and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act griddeed -as Commissioner as aforesaid, and the free act and dead of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts before-me, riarrreNotary bli Print erne . My Commission Expires Mayor of the Town of Agawam, agree to Rlci and Ak Cohen accept the Prannis s on behalf of the Cnhabitan`'of the Town of Agawam. , 0C Date Pursuant to Chapter 40 Of ass ai1husetts General Caws, no excise tax shall be dui on this deed given by the 0ornmonwealth of Massachusetts, acting by and through its division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance. ti Attachment VI Deed Restriction Use of the Premises small be.for agricultural, horticultural"or recreational purpose; In the event the Premises cease to be used for such agricultural, horticultural or recreational purposes at any time said Premises shall revert to the Commonwealth tp the care and control of the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance.; For Grantors title, note as follows:: 1-;. See Exhibit A for deeds to the inhabitants of Hampden County, 2. The Hampden County Commission was dissolved as of July 1, 1098 ,by Chapter 48 of the Special Acts of 1997, all real property owned,by The Inhabitants of Hampden County was transferred to the Grantor to be held in' the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and subject to the provisions of Chapter 7 of the General Laves: Therefore said Premises, pursuant to section 7 of {Chapter. 48 of the Special Acts of 1997, were transferred on July 1,, 1998 to said Grantor under section 7" of Chapter 43 of the Special Acts of 1997 without notice and without any further action or documentation in said Hampden County Registry of needs. 5. . .Chapter 195 of the Acts of 199B transferred the Premises'to the Grantee, said transfer to be effective upon acceptance by the-Grantee. 4. The: Grantee by the recording of this release dead hereby accepts the Premise§ and agrees to the conditions herein. IN WITNESS EVER. 017, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has caused these presents to be signed; sealed, acknowledged and delivered in its name and behalf by David B. Perini, the duly appointed and authorized Comm' surer of the Division of, a "tal` Asset Management and Maintenance, on this day of�.��. , 2002. David B. Perini Commissioner, Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance Attachment VII PARC Guidelines and e- is PARC Projects Purchase parkland Develop new a lic outdoor recreation facilities Renovate existingmunicipal pub lic parrs Lard must be dedicated to public park purposes and under custody of Parr or Recreation Commission or Park Department x Victory Park,Medford h, TAND and PARC Grant Inform' . on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grant deadline July 14, 2011 at 100 pm Applicants must have current Open Space and Recreation Plan on file it rant deadline Applicants with outstanding conversionissues are ineligible Maximum rant award of $500,000 Reimbursement rate between 52 and Selection Process for DCS Grants ------ All projects are visited by DCS staff, then rated n ranked e .tin system is included in each grant's application package) Recommendations are approved by. the Secretary Recommendations .re approved by the Governor Anticipated grant award announcementis November 2011 (this i s an estimate) Fret completion date will be June 1 , 2012 for acquisition projects, June 1 , 2013 for construction projects Municipa--d Votes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ll pr cts, must have nmeetin r itR council to The vote will.- � Authorize grant application Approve appropriation of i of the total project cast Dedicate the (and to recreation or conservation purposes Sample vote language 'is in application package � Send all draft vote language to Celia or Melissa Vote can occur after application dea lin and/or after grant decisions have been announced Page l of Christopher Sparks From: Cryan, Melissa (EEA) [Melissa.Cryan@state.ma.usl Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 12:36 PM o (amaguire(c revere.org);(dyonika@ dedham-ma.gov) Odinardo@le minster°-ma.gov) (Ischiavone@dtyoftawrence.com); (Lucia,Del Negro a pea body-rna. ov); (mark@abincgtonrec.com) (wary.nadwarirskl@town.boxborough.ma.us); (MBRES@ orldband.net); Acton conservation (nr@acton-ma.gov); Acton recreation(r reabon@aeton-ma gov):Adam Boss! (abossi@wwrellesle m .gov);Alicia Zoeller; Amy Hamilton(amy@bedfordma. ov);Angela Cornacchio l Snell;Anne Phelps'(aphelps@newtonma,gov);Ann-Marie Mo tgio (recreation@northam tonma.go );Anthony M cciaco(amucciacclo@dedham-rna.gov); Armstrong,, Pat;Am Franzen;Ashby conservation fuonscorn@ci ashby_rna.us),Auburn conservation (conserv@townrn.auburn.ma.us);Auburn town (sconroy@towwrn.aubum ma.us); Barry I eBlasio (bdebtasio@townhaii,plymouth.ma.us), Becket conservation (conserveration@townofbecket.org) Bourne Natural Resources (TMullena tow nofb urne.com); Brendan Egan (re eation marblehead.orrg)„ Brockton conservation(conserv@ci.brockton.rna us); Bruce Doig (bdoiIg@bevedyma.gov);Bud Deyo(bdeyo@randolph-rna.gov); Caleb Mitchell (cmitchell@pittsfieldch.com); Caffrey auques (cduque @rnedford.org); Carol Gumbart (ConCom@TownotBolton.com); Caron, Krissanne; Christina'DerlRuss (odelrossi@ci. toneham.ma.us);Christopher Hayward(cha ard@+ aterto -rnargov); Cindy Delpalma(Cindy@randolphcon m.corn); City of Lynn ()I in@ci.lynn.rna.:us); Connie Silvia (sllviac@chielmsford.kl -ma.us); Cori Beckwith (CB+e kwith town. rlington.ma.us); Danielson, Stephanie; Darren Guertin (dag@framingharnma.gov); David Grasso (dgrasso&l.rnarlborough.ma.ue); David Mountain(dmountain@rnail.danvers-ma.org); David M-K, Diane Subject- DCS FY 12'Grant Round Open The Division of Conservation Services announces the opening of the FY 12 grant round. PARC funding is available for the acquisition of parkland or the development or renovation of a park, LAND funding is available for the acquisition of conservation land. The maximum grant award for both grants is$Soo,000. Please attend an informational grants workshop on May 4, 1011 at 1ra;oo am at 1oo Cambridge Street, Boston or May it, ?o1x at 11:oo am at 1o1 University Drive,Suite C4,Amherst. RSVP to Melissa Cryan at melissa.crvan Qstate.ma.us or' 17- 26-1171.forthe PARC grant program or Celia Riechel at celia.riech+elOstate,ma.us or 17- zG-11 7 for the LAND grant.program. Grant deadline is July 1.4, 1oaa at 3:00 pm, New for l=Y1 .Conservation Assistance for Small Communities grant Expanded program assists small communities(„000 or fewer residents)in applying for the LAND grant program. Funding is non-competitive. 8o%reimbursement provides up to s5,000 for each appraisal and s S,000 for preparation of an Open Space and recreation Plan (OSPP). Community must submit a complete application to the FY-i LAND grant program to receive payment,but will be reimbursed regardless of the outcome of their LAND application. Contracts will be awarded on a first-come,first-;served basis until May'3a, 2o:vi. Seethe DCS website or contact Celia Riechel at 617-828-s.187 orcelia.riechelr state-mavus for more information. 1 /20 11 Page I of 4 Christopher Sparks From: Cryan, Melissa(ENV)tmetissa.Bryan@state=,ma.us] Sent Wednesday,August 31, 2011 1:06 PM' To Christopher$parks Subject: RE:Agawam Application Chris, You should be set. Thanks Melissa ------------------------------- Melissa Aryan (6 7) 6'z -xi7s From: Christopher Sparks [mailt:o:CSparkks@agawam.ma.us] Sent: Wednesday,August 31, 2011. 10:00 AM To: Cryan, Melissa (EEA) Subject: Agawam Application Melissa, i am just checking to make sure that my application is complete. Thanks Chris Sparks Confidentiality Statement This Town of Agawam electronic message along wUh any corresponding attachments may contain privileged or confidentiai information,This information is for the use of the intended recipients)only.Any disclosure.copying.distribution,or use of the contents of this message in any manner is strictly prohibited by anyone other than it intended recipmi ntlsj.If,you have rec i rd this small in error,notify the'sender immediately by email and delete all copies from your network: Page I of 1 Christopher Sparks From- Cryan, Melissa(ENV) [melissia.cryan{ state.ma.us Sent. Monday,October 31, 2011 3:40 PM To: Christopher Sparks;ziomekd@arnherstrna.gov; GaryAyrassian; Parker,Alisha, Ghirin,Aldo-Parks Dept.; Chris Miller; Marc Resnick; Forbes„ David; Stanley Walczak-,Danielson, Stephanie; Marzie Galazka; kpacheco a fallriverma org; Heather Harper; Sarah Garcia,Stephen Winslow;Susan Fink; Kisker, Rachel:dwalker 6.lynn.ma.us; redauthQaoLcom; Ryder,Prl ilia; Clodagh Stoker-tong, park mm@mendonma.gov; patrick.suilivan newbedforrd-ma.gov Ann-Marie Mbggio;McGrath, Jim; Barry DeBlasio; Frank Stringi; Tam Devine; Lisa;Am Franzen, ecauley ct,�.i�town.southampton. a.us;'Fully, Michael D.; s aid alc field.ma.usm stomasello city.waltharr.ma.us LaCrosse, Jaynes; Fitz, Bryan; Tarallo, d;Antonelli, Robert C. Jr., Darks Asst.Comm.; Armstrong, Pat Subject: no PARC decisions yet Hi everyone, 1 had a bunch of messages that folks left me while l was on vacation last week regarding the status of the PAR ` grant announcements. i have no update for you at this point. The Governor has not approved the decisions a of yet. 1 promise to let you know the second that 1 can. We're not usually given any yarning that the decisions' are imminent,so 1, unfortunately, can't give you even a ballpark as to when they'll be announced. I hope that they will be announced in the next couple of weeks, but can't guarantee that. I know that it is frustrating to be this patient because it is for me tool I look forward to being able to call all of you with fantastic news;_ Thanks, Melissa Let us know what types of conservation and recreation projects you'd life to see Massachusetts spend its Land and Water Conservation Fund money on. Fill out the survey a hgEs: www.sury! yymogkey.com/s BL7W26. -------------------------------------------------------------- Melissa Cryan Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities(PAP ;Gram Coordinator Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affair ioo Cambridge Street,gth Floor csston,MA 0-2114 (6:j.7) 62 -117 www,mass,gavl ea/dcs-grants 12/20/2011 Page l of 1 Christopher Sparks From: Cryan, Melissa (ENV) [melissa.cryan@state.ma.us) Sent; Wednesday, November 30, 2011 11.06 AM' To: Christopher Sparks;ziomekd@amherstma.gov 'Gary Ayrasslan; Parker, Alisha, Chris Miller; Marc Resnick; Forbes, David; Stanley Walczak; Danielson,Stephanie; Marzie Galazka; kpach llriverma, ; Heather Harper;Sarah Garcia; Susan Fin Baker, Rachel; Don Walker;; redapth@aol.com;Ryder;;_Priscilla;Clodagh Stoker-Long; pai•lCoorrm@rnendonma.gov patri k.sullivan@newwbedford-ma,gov;Ann-Marie Moggio; McGrath, Jim; Barry DeBlasio; Frank Stringi; Torte Devine; Lisa,Am 'Franzen;ecauley( town.southampton.ma.0 ; Tully, Michael D. sma o@wakefield.ma.us; toma elio@clty,wwaltham.ma.us,LaCrosse, James; Litz, Bryan; Tarall , . Ed; Antonell, Robert G. Jr., Parks Asst.Comm.; Armstrong, Pat Subject: FYI PARC'grant update Hi everyone, I've been receiving a lot of phone calls and emails regarding the status of the FYia PARC grant round; Unfortunately,there is still no news to share. The capital budget was approved only last week,which has slowed down the approval process. Hopefully there will be something definite to tell all of you in the next couple of weeks. However,as always, I will tell you as soon as I'm able,so keep that in mind when you're dying to call or email me for a status update. I also wish that I had more solid answers for you and l apologize for the delay. I wish there was something to do to change it,but there isn't,: One thing to work on while you're waiting-the town meeting or city council vote. The deadline for the vote is supposed to be December 31. We maybe a bit flexible on the date given that tomorrow is December ist,but we cannot be dramatically flexible. keep in mind that you may take the vote in anticipation of the chant award, See attachment D in the PARC RFR(it's still online at h_ J wvwwuw.rnass.00v&e�aclocsteealdcslfvja-' rf arc-rFr 12b. df)for more information. Please have me review any vote before it occurs to verify that it includes all of the necessary language. Any questions, let me know; Thank you for your patience, Melissa ------------------------------------------------------------- Melissa Cryan; Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities(PARC)Grant Coordinator Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs ioo Cambridge Street,9th Floor Boston, A 023-14 (617) 626-13,71 www,mass.gov/eea/dcs-;grants 12/20/2 11 Page 1 of 1 Christopher Sparks From Cryan, Melissa (ENV) (melissai.cryan state.ma.us]' Sera': Wednesday, December 14, 201 2:42 PM To® Christopher Sparks Subject: RE: PARC Draft Resolution Chris, Two things are missing—a statement that the land is protected under Chapter 45 Section 3 or 14(whichever it is protected under)and the appropriation of a00%of the total project cost. Also,please note that we are the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, so make that change where needed. Once those items have been addedichanged, send me the vote back for final approval,. Thanks, . Melissa ------------------------------- Melissa Cryan (fit ) 626-1171 Fr m: Christopher Sparks [mailto:CSparks e@agawam.ma.us] 5etrvt: Wednesday, December 14, 20112: 4 Ply To: Cryan, Melissa (EEA) Subject: FW; PARC Draft Resolution From: Patrick Toney Sent: Wednesday,ay, mber 14, 2011215 Phil To; Christopher Spare Wince Cioscla, Mayor Richard Cohen Subject: PARC Draft Resolution Hey Chris, Please review attachment and give me your thoughts asap. Thanks-Patrick Torrey Corift3rifisfily Statement This Town of Agawam electronic message along with any corresponding attachments may contain privileged or confidential information,This information is for the use of the intended recipient(s)only.Any disclosure,copying,dlstiibution,or use of the contents of this message in any manner is strictly prohibited by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) it you have received this email in error,notify the sender immediately by email and deiete ah oopies[Toren Your network- 1 / / 011 J w f F Attachment VIII Letters of Support ! s n p HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES w STAI'r IHO.USE,BOSTOtV,INA 2133 10E4'� a NICHOL.AS A. BOLDYGA Comm=ttees: STATE REPRESENTATWE Financial Services- 3rd Hampden District Public safety 8 Homeland security Higher Education Agawam, Granville, RUSSell, Southwick ROOM 1`67, STATE HOUSE September S, 2011 TEL: (617) 722-2810 Christopher Sparks Director of Parks &Recreation 36 Main Street Agawam,MA 0100'1 Dear Christopher; The City of Agawam has my overwhelming support in its request to receive a PARC grant from the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. The state subsidies are being sought in order to renovate the School Street Park with picnic facilities,a spray park, athletic fields,parking, restrooms, walking trails, a permanent band shell and possibly a dog park, Renovating the School Street Park has been a great concern of City of Agawam for quite some time. A large number of my constituents have made it known to myself and other local officials that they would like to see the remaining 20 unfinished acres of the School Street Park refurbished. When this process is complete, I am certain that the entire area will be utilized for recreational activities by a large portion of the City of Agawam's population. Aside from contributing to the livability of the City of Agawam,the new facilities at the School Street Park will provide a safe place for our children to play while also providing the citizens of Agawam with more free space to enjoy the scenic landscape of Western Massachusetts. In addition to providing recreational facilities for the city's youth population, the School Street Park includes' outdoor facilities that can be utilized by residents of all ages including Senior Citizens and the Handicapped. For these reasons, I provide my overwhelming support to the City of Agawam in its effort to obtain a PARC grant for the purpose of renovating the School Street Park. If you require additional information or comment,please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely, NICHOLAS A. BOLDY State Representative 3'd District of Hampden Proudly Serving Agawam, Granville,Russell and Southwick West f the 7 RI'ver Chamber rc W-1- Agawam - West Springfield July 7,20,11 Mr. Christopher Sparks Agawam Parks& Recreation Department 1000 Suffield Street Agawam,MA 01001 Dew Chris a I would like for you to know that the Agawam Chamber of Commerce is fully in favor of the development of the School St.Park for the town recreational activities. We believe it will be a'benefit to the town residents,businesses and their employees,and others that would come to town to enjoy the activities. The businesses in that area of town should also be able to benefit from the flow of traffic which would be generated. Personally,I am a long life resident ofAgawam and would like to see this project approved and completed as suggested. Please let me know if you need any assistance from me or the Agawam Chamber of Commerce. Best regards r � = Remo Pizzichemi Chairman West of the River Chamber Town of Agawam 36 Main Street Agawam, Massachusetts 01001-1837 Tel. 413-786-0400 Fax 413-786-9927 Christopher Sparks, Director Agawam Parks and Recreation Department 1000 Suffield Street Agawam, NIA 0 100 Dear Mr. Sparks: Please accept this letter of support for A.gaw 's PARC Application for the completion of the School Street Park The School Street:Park is a tremendous facility that serves the needs of the neighborhood, the Town and the-region. Its diverse amenities are available to all age groups and are fully handicapped accessible. The final phase of the park will address some outstanding needs including the spray park which will the first: of its kind in Agawam. The extensive picnic area provides shaded areas for more passive activities and the hand shell will replace the current avenue which has limited parking and presents safety concerns for those attending A,gawam's popular concert series. `Phe opportunities for environmental education will be a great asset to the School Department and in particular the Phelps Elementary School. In-addition, the proposed volleypall court will allow for informal and formal adult recreation. Agawam residents are fortunate to have such a wonderM recreational facility. When completed, it will satisfy the needs of residents for years to come. Sincerely, Deborah S. Dachos, Director Office of Planning and Community Development CC. Mayor 1 v Agawam Lile League P.O. ox 778 Agawam, Ma 01001 July 11, 2011 I To Whom It May Concern My name is David DeMatteo and I am the current President of the Agawam Little League, Our league is made up of approximately 600 boys and gins and over 100 volunteer coaches„ Our Board of Directors works hand in hand with the Parks and 'Recreation Department and its Director, Mr. Christopher Sparks not only during the Little League season, but year round. From field assignments to rain-outs we are in constant communication. As of this slate we have a total of seven (7) fields owned by the Town of Agawam that Agawam Little League uses as well as two (2) fields at the Sacred Heart Church in Feeding Hills which the Agawam Little League pays a user fee for our teams to play games and practice at The Agawam Little League :and its members are in full support of the completion of the School Street Park. Not only for the hope of adding more baseball fields to the Town of Agawam but also for more open space and recreation areas that the entire town can enjoy. As a lifelong resident of Agawam, my family has enjoyed Phase 1 of the, School Street Park, spending many hours at the park. 1e mope to enjoy the completion of the park along with the other residents of the Town of Agawam.. Thank you for your time, David DeMatteo President, Agawam Little League knmeieri comcast,net ddematteo4 acawamlit'tleiea, ue,com 413.374.0975 .agawandfttleleague.co Ccammunq Preservation Committee Town `Agawam 36 Man Street E Agawam, MA 01001 The Agawam Community Preservation Committee will hold a :meeting as follows: DATE:TES: 'Wednesday Mach 23, 201 l TIME: + :30 P.M. LOCATION: Library Community Room Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA-01001 AGENDA 1, Approval of December 1, 2010 executive session minutes. 2. Approval of January , 2011 minutes 3. Application for funding: Chair Lift 4 Request for fundin /Uscussion: School Street Barn '. FY 201 reserves b Approval of 2011 CPA;Plan and Application ,. ,a 7. Discussion: Phelps School playground lighting 8. Discussion: Outdoor Classroom 9 Discussion: Affordable Housing Seminar 10. Correspondences 11<; Any other business that may legally come before the Bond. Community Preservation Committee J Town of Agawam 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 E The Agawam Community Preservation Committee will hold a public meeting and public hearing as follows: DATE: April 27,2011 TIME: 6:30 P.M. LOCATION: Library Community Room Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA ;;o 1. 6:30 P.M. Public Meeting a. Approval of March 23,20tl minutes b. Application for funding: Chair Lift c. Application for funding: Clerks office Laser fiche upgrade d. Closing accounts • Thomas Smith House 61152-58413 $26.34 • School Street Barn Repair 61152-58412 $700.00 C-: • ADA Playscape 61152-58410 $639.00 :;o >.S; • Historical Records Pres. 61152-58408 55,472.86r,,> e. Correspondences X--m L Any Business that comes before the Board rNa N 2. 7-.00 P.M. Annual Public Hearing: Discuss the state of the Community PresOervatbo Act • Financial Report • An Act to Sustain Community Preservation (HB 765/SB 1841) • "Green" CPA Projects Working with CPA to Create Sustainable Communities • Open Space • Historic Preservation • Community Housing • Recreation • Discussion I t . C mmunio Preservation Committee Town of Agawam 36 Main Street Agawam,m, MA 01001 E The Agawam Community Preservation Committee will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Wednesday,May 25,2011 TIME 6:00 P.M. LOCATION'. Library Community Room Agawam Public. Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1, Approval of April 27, 2011 minutes. 2 New Business Application for Funding;Cemetery signs - 555.00 3. Correspondences . Any other business that may legally come before the Board, 1� ca y a. rC Communi07 Preservation Committee * Town of Agave m !4w 36 Mein Street A aul m, MA 01001 The Agawam Community Preservation Committee will bold a meeting as follows. DATE: Wednesday September 21,2011 LOCATION Library Community Room Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1_. Approval of May 25, 2011 minutes. 2. Update: 'School Street Bam 1Update: School Street lark Timeline 4 update. Laserfiche 5. Discussion., Sportsman Club Correspondences 7.. Any other business that may legally come before the Board. z C Cammunq Preservation Committee ;* Town of Agawam 6 Main Street .Agawam, MA 01001 _E '`` The Agawam Community ty Preservation Committee nittee will hold a meeting asfollows: .DATE Wednesday December Z ,2011' TIME: 6:00 P.M. LOCATION: Library Community Room Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, Mil 0100 AGENDA 1. Approval of October 26, 2011 minutes. New Business; Application; School Street Park; phase 2; 3, Correspondences 4.- Any other business that may legally cone before the Board. Cummunity Preservation Committee ;'0 Town qfAgawam 36 Main Street E Agawam, MA 01001 The Agawam Community Preservation Committee will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Wednesday January 26, 2011 TIME: 6:00 P.M. LOCATION.- Library Community Room Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA 1. Discussion: School Street Barn 2. Discussion: School Street Park r rn 3. Discussion: Potential CPA projects X;V � ;r 4. Personnel update 5. Financial Review rn 6. Approval of December 1, 2010 minutes. 7. Approval of December 1, 2010 executive session minutes. 8. Correspondences 9. Any other business that may legally come before the Board. e Community Preservation Committee arww�. Town ofAgawam > a 36 Main Street Agawam, A 01001 The Agawam Community PreservationCommittee will hold a meeting as follows. .ATE: Wednesday December 1, 2010 TIME: 6:30 P.M. LOCATION Library Community Room Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam, MA 01001 AGENDA l_ Executive Session: Personnel 2. Approval of October 27, 2010 minutes. 3. Correspondences 4. y other business that may legally come before the Board. 5School Street Park Conceptual Plan Meeting 7:00 ".; 0 Community Preservation Committee Town of Aga wa 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 The Agawam Community Preservation Committee will hold a meeting as follows. TEA Wednesday October 27,2010 TIME. 6:30 P.M. LOCATION: Library Community Room Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street` Agawam,MA 01001 AGENDA 1. Approval of June 23 20 10 and September 22,2010 minutes. 2. Eligibility Determination tion Form:Agawam High drool Tracy ;. Correspondences 4. Any other business that may legally come before the Board..: sry NO r !F Rd 4!5— Community Preservation Committee Town ofAgawam MP, .r5 W •�' 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 *********REVISED********* The Agawam Community Preservation Committee will hold a meeting as follows: DATE September MO T 6r30 P.M. LOCATION: Library Community Room - Agawam Public Library � 750 Cooper Street Agawam,MA 01001 AGENDA 1. Approval of August 25,2010 minutes. . Application: Memorial field Irrigation ,, Update: School Street park Conceptual Plan 4. Application: Sportsman Club Purchase 5. Report of Sub-{Committee; Procurement Laws 6. Application: Historical Records Preservation 7. Discussion/Feedback: CPA Website 8. Correspondences % Any other business that may legally come before the Bo Community Preservation Committee Town of Agawam 36Main Street Agawam,MA 0100 The Agawam Community Preservation Committee will bold a meeting follows: DATE Wednesday August 25,201.0 TIME; 6.30 P.M. LOCATION Library Community Room Agawam:Public Library 750'Cooper Street m a Agawam,MA 01001 AGENDA 1. Approval of June 23,2010 minutes. 2. Application: Memorial Field Irrigation 3' Application: Sportsman Club purchase 4. Discussion: Historic Records Preservation Application 5. Discussion/Feedback: CPA.Web site 5. Any other business that may legally come before the Board. Community Preservation Committee mittee ,t ' Town of Agawam 36 Fain Street Agawam, MA 0100-1 The Agawam Community Preservation Committee will hold a public meeting and publieliearing a follows; T DATE. May 26,2010 TIME: :30 P.M. LOCATION Library Community Room Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam,MA 01001 AGENDA 1. +6:30 P.M. Public Meeting * Approval of May 3,2010 minutes • .Any Business that cores before the Board` 2. 7:00 P.M. Annual Public:Hearing: discuss the state of the Community preservation Act • Overview • Open Space; • Historic Resources • Community Housing, • Recreation • Financial Report • Discussion Community Preservation Committee Town o Agawam 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 R E ` The Agawam Community Preservation Committee will hold a meeting as follows: DATE: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 TIME: 600 P.M. LOCATION: Library Community Room Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam MA 01001 AGENDA 1. Approval of February 24, 2009 minutes. 2. Discussion:Eligibility Determination Forms for School Street/Sportsman Club Master Plan, Perry Lane Pavillion,and School Street Park Pavillion. 3 New Business: Application for Funding; Automatic Chair Lift-$2,809.00 4. Discussion: CPA Plan 5. Discussion: Annual Public Hearing 6 Any other business that may legally come before the Board. } r' s ' tr`c mntuntty Preservation Committee Town ofAgawam .-0 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 E The Agawam Community Preservation Committee will hold a meeting as follows LATE, Wednesday,February 24,2011) TIME: 6:30 P.M. LOCATION: Library Community Room Agawam Public Library 750 Cooper Street' Agawam,MA 01001 AGENDA 1, Approval of October 28, 2009 minutes. 1 Discussion: CPA website 3. Discussion: 2010 CPA Plan 4 Discussion: 2009 CPA Annual Report 5. y other business that may legally come before the Board. Town of Agawam,Massachusetts Community Preservation Committee Application for Funding Submission Date: 8 Check the appropriate CPA category/categories below for your proposal:(MGL CH.44B): ❑ open space j Historic Preservation ❑ Affordable housing ❑ Other(Recreation) Project Nam e n,*pplicant Name_ ms II.' Y Sponsoring Organization(Public or Private?) i e 5 c Mailing Address,.o-1s1C C1ty_AAaUj&M_State_JX4 Zip 01601 LJ Day "ime Phone: I 4" 0 i`7 Evening Phone;; Email Co-.Applicant A-n IS or Co-App.Address r► e- __City: '—State: Zip t,",) 10-3 0 Pp. y �� _ g Email Co-A Day Time Phone. Evenln Phone: Project Manager w ! in f 1s r'° Phone L j S— If Multi le year prqiect,specify amount r uested for each year in the table below. CPA Funding Requested Other Funding;Sources Source #I Source#2 I' Year $ V Year $ I Year S Year $ 2nd Year $ 'Year :-. 3`d Year $ P Year S 3rd Year $ CPA"Total $ Source#1 Total $ Source#2 Total $ Total Cost of Project$ a Signature Date 6 Signature indicates that the applicant has the right to enter into contracts for the organization seeking funding and has read and understands all regulations within this CPC Funding Packet., *PLEASE NOTE: if the proposed project is on Town-owned real estate,either the,applicant or the Co-,Applicant must be the Tam, Board or Department in control of the land or building, Do not rite in this space w For CPA use only !!Cftro Received on: C f_ Reviewed on i Determination; ❑ Reconimended to Council ❑ Denied ® Open space VHistoric Preservation ❑ Affordable housing ® Other(Recreation Page 3 of 12 Town of Agawam,Massachusetts Community Preservation Committee Itemization of funds requested Cost per Total Item unit units Cast Comment .. 1 ' 'W[ t 4 s t ,ru7o set oAlachwcl 1 Is — fe insi F`' ign, Architectural, Legal P'enr�its Fe Cost per# of Total m unit units Cast Comments Site Work (ClearipI.Excavation, Infrastructure Lands in Cost per# 01 Total Item unit -units Cost Comments .vSte . Construction (Materials, Ls r r e V14,00 sre a Vx tirU 41 ►i � • 60tid `� . Section 2 Rage 7 of 10 Town of Agawam,Massachusetts Community Preservation Committee TAX COMPLLANCE CERTIFICATION Pursuant to M.G.L. 62C,49A,I certify,under the penalties of perjury that,to the best of my knowledge and belief,I am in compliance with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes, reporting of employees and contractors,and withholding and remitting child support; Federal Employer ID Number Na of Corporation President's signature Date- Printed Name By: Date; r � Treasurer's Signature Printed Name , Project Name As is on your submission) Page 11 of 12 0 ONE MASSACHUSETrS DEPT.OF REVENUE PO Box 7W d Chelsea,MA Or2150-7014- NAVJEET K. BAL, COMMISSIONER TERESA O'BRIEWHORAN, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER AGAWAM HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION UW Notice 30048 INC Exemption 60 PARKER ST Number 6�►Q ;y, AGAWAM MA 01DOI-2443 ©ate 03/03/08 Bureau TSD MGT'SERV Phone (617) 887-6367 Dear Taxpayer, r A review of our records indicates that the Massachusetts salestuse tax exemption for AGAWAM HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION INC,a tax-exempt 501(c) (3) organization,wjll expire on 04/15108 The Department of Revenue is issuing this notice in lieu of a new Form St-2, "Certificate ofExemption". The notice verges that the Massachusetts Department of Revenue-has renewed the sales/use tax exemption for AGAWAM HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION INC subject to the conditions stated in Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 64H, sections 6(d) or(e),as applicable., The organization remains responsible for maintaining its exempt status and for reporting any loss or change of its status to the Department of Revenue. Absent the Department of Revenue's receipt of information from the taxpayer by the expiiration date of the current certificate that the entity no longer holds exempt status under the above provisions, the taxpayer's certificate is renewed.t �vitl .a The taxpayers existing Form ST-2,in combination with this renewal notice may be presented as evidence of the entity`s continuing exempt status. Provided that this requirement is met, all purchases of tangible personal property by the taxpayer are exempt fmm sales/use taxation under Chapter 64H or I respectively,to the extent that such property is used in the conduct of the purchaser's business. ;ALasatacrtaasetts i Form ST-2 Deparmentot Certificate of Exemption Revenue Certification is hereby made that the organization herein named is an exempt purchaser under General Laws,Chapter 64H sections 6(d)and(a).All purchases of tangible personal property by this organization are exempt fr=taxation under Said chap- ter to the extent that such property is used in the conduct of the business of the pu rcnaser.Any abuse or misuse of this certificate by any tax-exempt organization or any unauthorized use of this certificate by any individual constitutes a serious violation and will lead to revocation.Willful misuse of this Certificate of Exemption is subject to criminal sanctions of up to one year in prison and$10,000($50,000 for corporations)in fines.(See reverse side.) - sNL i T fSSUE DATE CERTIFICATE EXPIRES ON E1;4 v'4,4. L4115/06 NOT ASSIGNABLE OR TRANSFERABLE COMMISSIONER OF REVENUE AL AN L Er.t13f'I IAA L THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Y ONE Asmulz N PLACE BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02108 NIAMA O Y (6 7)727-2200 ATroRNEY GENERAL V1k AGAWAM HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Carol X Miller P.O. Box 562 rb icate for Solicitation This certificate has been issued to the organization listed below becauseit is current in its filings with the Attorney General's Division of Non-Profit Organizations/Public Charities. This registration in no manner constitutes endorsement or approval by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or the named organization. Name of Organization: AGAWAM HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Certificate End Date-; ~1011512009 AttorneyGeneral's Account Number- 022059 Issued By e Division of Non-Proftt Organizationsftblic Charities Business and Labor Bureau tl Town of Agawam,Massachusetts Community Preservation Committee CERTIFICATE OF NON-COLLUSION The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any person. As used in this certification, the"person" shall mean any natural person,business,partnership, corporation, union, committee, club, or other organization, entity, or group of individuals. Signature of person signing application Print Name TitleA - A ki 04" +Cif-,-A _ s o G Name of'Organization l Business Pre,_Wf4J;&" Project Name (As is on your submission) Date Page 10 of 12 k 1_ Historic Preservation Questions 1.)Is the property eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places? The Thomas Smith .House was placed on the National Register of Historic Places on 2 June 2005. 2.)Is the property eligible for listing on the State Historic Register? The Thomas Smith house is listed on the Town of Agawam Inventory of Historic Structures and the Massachusetts State Register of Historic Places. .)Is the property in danger of'being demolished?Not at this time. 4.)Are them potential archeological artifacts at the site?Yes. .)Has the property been noted in published histories of the town or county?Yes.The house is mentioned in Edith LdaFrancis'town history Agawam,Massachuseft(1980),and is also noted in David Agawam and Feeding Hilts(2000)and Agawam and Feeding Hiils Revisked(2005 6.) Are there other potential uses for the property,which could benefit the town?The Agawam Historical Association intends to open this historic property to the public as<a house museum.The'Thomas Smith House is one of the few remaining resources from the 18th century agricultural past of Feeding Him. 7.)Could the building be converted for affordable housing use while still retaining its historic quality?No. 8.)Is the owner also interested in preserving the historic integrity of the property?Yes. There are two outbuildings on the property,a bard; that may date to the raid-to tsate-1700s,and a garage that was built in the early 20"' century,which illustrates the shift from an agricultural use of the property to a more suburban use. q.)is there an opportunity for other matching funding to preserve the prop Not at this time.An application to the 1772`Foundation in 2006 was,not funded.The next round of Massachusetts Historical Commission Preservation Project Funding is to question dine to the current financial atmosphere at the state level— grants are competitive, and grant disbursement is subject to reauthorization of the capital accounts and the availability of sufficient allocated funds... 10.) What are the particularly important historic aspects about the property?The Agawam Historical Association became only the fifth owner of the property since the 1750s when it purchased the Thomas Smith Hoarse in 2002.During the preceding two and a half centuries, only four other families had owned the property: Smith (c.1757-1843)1 Parks(184 -c. 1 12); Hawthorne(1912-1962); and Rosenberg(19 2- 2 2). Builtc. 1757,the Smith House is among the oldest structures in the area.Massachusetts Historical Commission Survey Director Michael Steinitz described the house as a "rare and unusually well-preserved late lath century,sto -and-a-half,gambrel-roofed house.The cen l-e ` ney building interior retains its plan,and character-defining late lgth century features such as raised-panel fireplace walls,horizontal, head-edged paneling,and much early hardware. As such it certainly merits further intensive study of its fabric, recognition and careful preservation." The house is significant architecturally as an unusually intact example of l8th century building practices and is an'unusually unaltered example ofmid-to-late llith century Connecticut River Valley design and materials,and;c f vernacular Georgian style.The house has integrity of location, design,setting,materials,workmanship,feeling and association. Section 2 Page 10of10 The Thomas Smith muse is one of the few remaining resources from the 18th century agricultural past of Feeding ells.The history of its residents represents the long history of farming of this section of Agawam, well into the twentieth century.The shift into working outside the community that its later owners made is representative of the pattern of suburban development that occurred in the town. Because of this pattern, the Smith House evaded significant modernization for nearly two and u half centuries.Used a lodging for summer help at the turn of the 20th century, central heat was never installed,and the family who owned the property from about 1912 until 1962 never felt the need to install modern plumbing or central heats woodstoves and an outhouse filled those needs.Very limited electric service was installed:early in the 20th century. The Rosenbergs,who owned the property from 1962 until 2002,used the House as a summer retreat until about 1992,and other than adding a sink and toilet in the ell,did nothing to update the structure. 11.)Was a known architect of the era involved in the design of the structure?No,however,Massachusetts Historical'Commission 'Survey Director Michael Ste nitz described the house as a "rare and unusually well-preserved late 18th century,story and-a-half,gambrel-roofed house,The central-chimney building interior retains its plan,and character-defining late 18th century features such as raised-panel fireplace walls,horizontal,bead-edged paneling,and much early hardware.As such it certainly merits further intensive study of its fabric,recognition and careful preservation."The National Register nomination: noted that the house is significant architecturally as an unusually intact example of 18th century building- practices and is an unusually unaltered example of mid-to-late 18th century Connecticut River Valley design ``materials,and of vernacular Georgian style. 12.)Did the property ever play a documented role in the history of the town?The Thomas Smith House sits on a portion of a 1714 Land Grant from William Pyachon to Mathew Noble.The house was long thought to ,have been built in 1715 by Mathew Noble.research conducted on behalf of the Agawam Historical Association has indicated that the house was most likely built c. 1757 by Thomas Smith:: Section 2 Page 10 of 1 SUMMARY QUOTES ORIGINAL QUOTES ARE AVAILABLE AT THE C.P.A. OFFICE OUR PROJECT IS DIVIDED INTO FOUR AREAS: 1. GENERAL CONTRACTING 2. ELECTRICAL 3. EXCAVATION AND LANDSCAPING 4. MASONARY REPAIR GENERAL CONTRACTING: ROY'S HOME IMPROVEMENT $31,065.00 REVISED QUOTE$49,826.00 GAG NE BROS. $23,500.00 CHAMBERLIN CONST. $14,800.00 ELECTRICAL: ROY'S.HOME IMPROVEMENT $16,970.00*REVISED QUOTE$19,928-00 PELLE RIN ELECTRIC $ 5,600.00 NORTHUP ELECTRIC $12,667.00 CRAIG ELECTRIC $ 6,340.00 EXCAVATION AND LANDSCAPING. BOBS KILL PAVER STONE $ 3,SOO.00*REVISED QUOTE$9,5 19.00 O'KRONGLY CONST. $ 3,000.00 ROY'S HOME IMPROVEMENT $ 9,874.00 MASONARY REPAIR: VIECELI MASON CONTRACTOR $ 3,150.00 WILL.AM PARSONS $ 4,200-00 J&G MASONARY $ 2,805.00 INDICATES CHOSEN CONTRACTOR 9 ALL CONTRACTORS WERE CHOOSEN ON THE BASIS OF FIRST QUOTES. * ADJUSTMENTS WERE THEN MADE FOR ANY CHANGES IN THE SCOPE OF WORK THAT WAS AIDED. AFTER RECEIVING INITIAL QUOTES FROM THE ABOVE CONTRACTORS WE ASKED THOSE CONTRACTORS THAT WE FELT WE NEEDED ADDITONAL, CLARIFICATION FROM FOR AN ITEMIZED LISTING OF MATERIALS AND A BREAKDOWN DO OF IVIDUAL AREAS OF THEIR QUOTES. ROY'S HONE I SPRt V.ENIENT AND BOBSKILL PAVERS WERE THE ONLY CONTRACTORS FROM THOSE REQUESTED TO RESPOND. THE ELECTRICAL ICA.L QUOTES+ WERE;ALSO CHANGED FROM THE ORIGINAL UPON MEETING WITH THE BUILDING INSPECTOR AND REQUIREMENTS FROM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. ADDITIONAL. TREE REMOVAL TO ALLOW FOR.THE HANDICAPPED PARKING AREA. RICHY'S TREE SERVICE $1,800.00 * REVISED QUOTE $750.0 NORTHERN TREE SERVICE $1,550.00 ROY'S HOME IMPROVEMENT $ ,6'75.00 IN CHOOSING CONTRACTORS WE NOT ONLY TOOK INTO CONSIDERATION THE COST FACTOR BUT THE CONTRACTORS'UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT WE WERE TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH,AT THE'SMITH HOUSE, STRESSING THE IMPORTANCE OF RESTORATION AND PRESERVATION, IN THIS P14ASE OF OUR PROJECT WE FOUND THERE;IS A FINE LINE IN TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH THAT WHILE COMPLYING TO CODES AND PRESERVATION OF EXISTING UNIQUE FEATURES CIF`THE HOUSE .. IT HAS TAKEN US THE ENTIRE SUMMER AND NOW INTO THE FALL TO FIND JUST THOSE CONTRACTORS. WE RAVE MET WITH OVER;FIFTEEN CONTRACTORS FINALLY SELECTING THE ABOVE: GENERAL CONTRACTOR Roy' s Home Improvement LLC JOHN P.RO Y Sales Agent November 7, 2008' Agawam Historical Association P.O. Box 55 Agawam,MA 01001 Job Location: Thomas Smith House 51 North West Street Agawam,MA 01001 Attn: Judith Anderson toy's Home I , venwnt LLC hereafter called the company and Tkomas&qh House hereafter called the customer,whereas the company fwtishes labor and materials complete in accordance with the specifications listed below at the premises known as 251Nonk West Itred n + G►lal� ender this agreement the following described personal property'he r' referred to as the property or equipment.. Roy's Home Improvement LLC hereby submits specifications and estimates for ".Scope of Work" 5_ _kh House A-1 Hanftsg Unisex o hroo - ltt»2bing: • Cut concrete floor—expose pipe • Relocate toilet location and sink • Disconnect,all other plumbing not needed • Install handicap toilet • Install wall sink • Install pipe protection under sink Install• cast iron or copper vent 908 Chicopee * Chicopee, X4 0.1013 * TEL(423)42+t-0581 * P (4I3)420-0583 Install• venting above roof • Supply and connect electric hot water tank(20 gal.) • Copper water piping from rank and bathroom • Remove galls and save material • Build new walls using 2 x 4 studs(l "o.c) • Install moisture resistant sheetrock,tape& sad walls only • Install grab bar as per code • Install new wood six-panel pine door • Install handicap lever latch loci • Relocate exterior entrance • Install one new 36"out swing wood door with lever hardware • Pouring of new concrete floor: seal finish,install cove base • Window;trim existing opening wood,external wall to remain as is • System setup for easy draining Total tora ge ' • Build separate wall and door for storage area enclosed • Basement access door to be slider • Repair stair where needed :Total • Supply aluminum removable ramp • Fabricate new cabinet to store ramp • Fabricate bottom wood cabinet • Reface existing bank of drawers • Install open top shelves 2 Counter top fabricate out of wood • Supply l porcelain and faucet—allowance of$500.00 • Repair wall using white wash • ReMr existing doors and adjust Ceiling,sheetrock and skim coal 167 square t Total LLzujs A4 Old Kitchen area • Install Wainscot approximately ' "LFT supply by contractor • Patch walls using T.G.board supply by owner on site) • Repair&patch floor by fireplace using material on site • Ceiling sheetrock and skim coat finish • Install slate sink on outside wall including purnp, sink and faucet can site Toad A-5 • Removed and sheetrock ceiling,skim finish • Fireplace Cate raised panel and style to match existing close as possible • Install existing panel • Repair cabinet doors and adjust • Entrance door cut and adjust • Patch wall where needed • Dispose of all plaster Total 09 3 A-6 Front Entranee: • Repair &=replace as necessary flooring using material on site • Check all sleepers • Patch walls where needed • Ceiling remove plaster and sheetrock skim finish ■ Dispose of all plaster Total A 7 Repair flooring in front of back window using flooringmgkELal on site • Fabricate raised panel fireplace to snatch as close possible • Repair d ad Just fireplace cabinet dom • Cut and adjust entry doors • Repair floor by window • Sheetrock ceiling and skim coat • Repair wall where needed • Dispose of all plaster :Fatal � A,-8 * Patch walls where needed. • Patch partial plaster ceiling • Adjust entry door and closet Total IJAMA 4 A 9 Exterior work and basement- Gable end tram Porch railing,top rail and post, only end railing to be solid at 36" Side kitchen door landing,3'=x 4' with steps and railing Basement crawl space moisture `err using 6 Mill Poly Window locks-for 9 units gutter lined with lead for rear kitchen door area 6 LFT Yotaf Repan. where needed + Remove wall next to stair hisWI raining at open stairway +► Repair ceiling Total • Remove existing plaster r l and ceiling Shectrock walls and ceiling accept where wood planks o Skim coat ceiling w Gut and adjust entry door * Dispose of old plaster ToAd Remove plaster ceiling and one wall Expose wood laths Install plexiglass over wood laths Repair and patch floor between room next to fireplace from B-8 to B-7 Install 2 f. railing section next to brick fireplace Dispose of old plaster Total Electrical-By Electrical Service Pros lnc, Install wiring at the `Thomas Smith House"according to revised print faxed on 9I 108 including: Install a 100 amp underground service with meter in the basement Install a 7 IOW generator and automatic transfer switch All outlets, lights. Exit lights,fans, spot lights, switches to print' Wiring for 20 fire alarms devices(supplied by customer) • Wiring for new electric hot water tank • All wiring used for outlet and lighting circuits will be MC cable where exposed • Electrical Service Pros Inc.,will provide the fan,,mono point spotlights,exit signs d the repair of existing fixtures that will be re used, any other fixtures to be provided • Allowance of V 50.00 per fixture to be rebuild—total of 9' • ]kitchen light allowance of$200.00'one only • Install ( outside light fix —allowance of$1,178.00 • Wiring inspections fee 6 c t 0 a { v V./ A s y g. N M 4 Y q r 12 2,ti T Pr {, �+ : -Air Cot .5 r w _ G t , r - . . 1..,, _. ... � _ ..... ....:. ..-..». . P t. „T , . u . s 1 . S f i f .r .mm .. ca- t DIN � d _ (00 l� ice a"{ ELECTRICAL Lf a II ler it ith Hausa Per Cwtve r "'M Lit EF �# 11 Generator to operate (ec rl �-- all lighing oircuts as Li 5 4 �' labled on drevVings, R7 e,e h* ; f Generator is serf. can WA ranger H Catalog#399 Ll P9 Ciro #1 Ta Spec.Sheet on the sti+ ratan last page Generator Ths �"arael or ESP E S1 S I •x ElectricSub Panel Exit Ue Alarm @ Fire Panel 'r PS H It Lite Eli#LAe Feed TO generator Panel p Neste SPL spot ices and reept.can be P S wiredto rrsal S panel; ED R16 ovP'1"- Note S All energency and #' I rn exit Res tied to one Urrwult and wired to e generator panel s W Lae S ffra* Smith House Page aw: Stit ��u �late-I oke Detector Heat Detector Atl is above second Iloor space needs 2 <_--F)Bathroom,Fan hey detectors Threeway Switch Single Foie Snitch Fixture Pug Chain S . Cvvmded cir.#2 to Generator ailing Fixture with Pali Chain Ste`. connected to cir, l to Generator Fixture controlled by wall switch Receptical Nate 2 Basement Full Chain Fixture Star Stove Recepticai above All Smoke and Heat Bathroom Detectors are to be M Emergency Lftes to Generator wired back to Alarm Horn and Strobe t by Zone Attic a Zone strobe 2nd Floor a.Zone 1 st Floor a Zone PS Fire Putt Station DMNBasement a zone St UP Bathroom end Area Spot Res over tke place; above Bathroom a Zone L + � Not S e Second a Floor SI kited to one circus and brougil to Generator panel L is a Ifte Fixture tied to$ circut as P2 tides r -l[ but controlled by a;svvitch DN Fags Fitch . « . . � \Basamert \ Area . . . A Assessab \ Area \ \ \ in Ekmtric \ \dpalnel . P§ge .e' • --�, w a t r �r 12 ID Joe r •y� '- 1IL k � VI Til 3 ., m.•.< ems. EE F._ Plumbing.. Install hard black pipe for propane line No Painting No septic tank work included. We hereby propose to "sh material and labor complete in accordance with above specifications for the sum of &_754. E e 0 930 00 when contract is signed 20,930.00 0°/a of work completed 24 j]9.00 75 f work completed 6,975. Completion of work and final inspection 7 TERM AND CO TT OF CONTRACT Unless the above property/equipment and materials are fully paid for as set forth above, the title to all such property/equipment and materials shall remain in the company. In such case,the company may,at its election,remove said property/equipment unless payment is made within the time limit set forth above and retain payments made as liquidated damages without legal process. In the event the company elects to remove the said property/equipment,as aforesaid, it is understood and agreed that the company shall be under no obligation whatsoever to restore the premises to its original state. If you would like to change any work to be performed or material used,we will have to make such changes through a Cane e Work Order which may also change the total price and extend the date of completion. I reserve the right to make minor changes in any plans to substitute any materials of equal or better quality. Should I encounter any unknown conditions below the surface of the ground or concealed or unknown condition in any existing structure you will agree to make an equitable adjustment with me under a Cknze Work Order which shall increase the total price and extend the date for substantial completion of the work? My obligation to obtain permits is limited to those permits directly related to performing the work I agree to do. To the extent that other permits or governmental or regulatory agency approvals,such as but not limited to zone changes,variances,special permits,site plan approvals, or approvals of conservation commissions,are required to beobtained before I can obtain my permits,it is your obligation to satisfy such requirements and you should meet those requirements at your cost. If you are supplying any materials or equipment to be used in the work,you shall have such materials and equipment delivered to the work site not less than Ldays before they are needed for the work. If they are not delivered on a timely,basis,I will not be able to schedule work dependent upon them and the date of substantial completion will be extended due to such delay. If you are supplying any materials or equipment to be used in the work,you shall,have such materials and equipment delivered in good and workable condition. Any materials or equipment supplied by the owner or others contracted by the owner—owner will be responsible for any additional costs the occurred related to materials or equipment. The customer shall be responsible for any damage to the property/equipment herein described, not caused by the company's negligence,during the period of installation and before payment in full therefore by cash or the applicable financing contract, The customer shall carry fire and other necessary insurance. 8 Whatever method of installation may be employed and however, the property/equipment herein described way be attached,set or affixed to real estate or improvements thereon,such property/equipment shall be considered and remain s property notwithstanding. The customer agrees to grant and provide company free access to premises and free use of stairways and elevators at all tinges during the process of installation of property/equipment,and also during the removal of said property/equipment should the company so'elect in the went of a default in payment as heretofore provided.for. All work to be Clone during normal working hours unless otherwise stated. The=customer agrees finther that all payments must be made within 10 days of invoice billing date, to avoid warranties frorn being null and void, and firthet agrees to a two )percent per month finance charge on balance over 30 days(Annual percentage rate of 49/9) The company, Roy's Home Improvement LLC,must be notified in writing of any disputes or problems in regards to material or labor within 30 days of final billing. In the event that it becomes necessary for the company or its agent to place with an attorney or collection agency for collection of any sums due from the customer for property/equipment installatie ice rendered on the customer's property-1equipment,or due as a result of any defa on the apart fthe customer,then the customer will pay,in addition to the amount due,a re unable attom' or collection fee. John y geii D` 1 s nixie provement LLC' Acceptance of Proposal—The above prices, specifications and conditions we satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. James Birehall—President DATE, Authorized Signature Agawam Historical Association 9 jKoy's Honze Improvement LLC JOHN P.Ploy Sales Agat Nla'ssachu.Netb Llcpartteicilt of public �afet3 �a rr ,r !p °+ Tt� &,atrcl t�Y Building 12m�ralatirztta and "t�rattarcl C r'structton "U ez101so CerlS Board Of Duildin Regulations and tandatrds License: CS 17596 HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR ReVricted to. ,00 Reg!strAIOM,158576 �It7 hiN P t Y lax ft+ _ 010 Try 264122 .4ahlllty Corporation 908 CI-kICCS 'IE ST �w,, CHICOPEE,MA 01013 I > n�f ROY'S HOME IM WB CHICOPEE ..� Ehpratn: W21=10€ .weak a�rr 1 r= 1 CHICOPEE,MA 01 Administrator JOT= PICY McA5=RM)P6AjM&8A 7{I 0�43�6 HOh �"R� N CONTRACTOR is a member ingood standing o � IL" Kane kuilders Association op ST ET j LCof Westexn Messa&usetts and the e 1 1 � iCl1+DC _ 1IG_r E 1v EXPIRES HIC.O 1 `' O 2 „� .� 11 t �€ � I ��J3U/coos f •• w COGNE ; 97 Center Stre.et * Ludlow, AM 01056 TZL (4I3)583-2999 P ( : )a 3-884 From:Linda Punesmoor FwdC� Page 2 of oats=4=08QZ94 PM a OF OF IO IDAM II A' a .� C TIFI A`TE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE �� � W24 08 PROOMIM TkIIS(CERTIFICATE 15 MUED AS AMATTER OF INFOIti41IMON IRH lnsura=o Aq , In*, ONLY AND CrONFIeRB NO MINTS UPON THE-ERTMAIN Sarxy X. stophams, cpcV HOLDER,THIS+i ATE DOBSNOT AMEND.EXTEND OR 73 H*Zth Main 3 t.-! 0 box S64 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORM BY THE POLIC25 BELOW. ftst ZoAfMoadow M 01029 Vh*u*:413-75A-0010 rax:413—ISO-0017 NSURIERSA"ORDINQCO [fthlt4 INeuw TrG_kERk Olatical 20130 wr_aER E: The Hanovez lnrk, Co. Chi 9 acs aOstrtet tat Floor COVERAGES THE z0UMS OF 18"A rt U'sTeD M-LON HR"E BEE,,ISM TU 1m?:II,44J ED*M" _Lj AIK't FOR T-E PCLi®``PERPD tXlLAT` t4t'TNMT-STNiLzIW A>,i i REW Rr"McDr.TERM OR WND TICK OF MI COICUZT;R CMHER CONVENT Vil"H RESPECT T-3 Y641CH'THIS rERTIFICA a V,�,V SE ISSUED OR< MA'PE r,%I4,THE h AFFQR:)EC ly F%COKE R!9E0 Such 7R TYPE t}P G'E i PV7i.tCy DA .,,.) L EI+uCtPwFKE , 1t1080tl0 A ',IC COLOM'_RCIALSEWRALLMPLITP CLP7936367 05/16/08 05/16/09 MIS 100000 CLAW tI E OX X-lR �.. � NVD Erp pj�,: F an, $50 0 0 _ t NLAs-.-.9ec-"aTeLi5AttA .. .ctw s 3000000 JECt LO � I AIMIMOILE LwBM r@ C)MB§VEG N,ALS,fNIT pt°I`AkT3 I d?4E�13 01 08/25/08 I C18/2'G/09 (Eeaa taM] f 1000II00 ALL".wiifil=CAtsU1'OS $i L'F Y,W.dre" - kMww P�rDarsrt°� 8Cb L'I F3,It6�" NO.-4-MEL4hUTOa I (Per=iul$ �, w o PaOPMe - , IPer&:eltieeID �AIM � I � EA cc]g I..IT0�4 L^� I yc LA UAwirlyI t EACH Jt��r E ff Ca 7JR "rLr�iWSMaDEtaREG�.TCWORIOM � 611OLO' 's,LwKrNT1aN RNG K riaY A MY PR MErURPaR1 EFt Id vE11t��r1� � Jr� . r�E DEL 54-JH&CC IMV. 11100004 W+i;FR�tNEMB�la F';rLu "ct,. �. I FL.Cr'_�r E-EA. rrr°LOYa 410000o ZIA&Pprvtrl b I:L°c15E"A -rlxcy_IWIT f5o0000 G&8C#7lPrt4 16F OPERATKA&I L4C—A NS i Y6HICUS I ONS ADDS}$Y iM muNT I SPE 14"Vis oolm CERTIFICATIE HOLDER CAN+CELILATIION SWUW AW OF"M ADO&09W SO"LIC96$60Aly LED OWCHNIM. AT5N4 DATE OF.TIC YORTO AfawsmInstoxlO NOPM TOTHE CIRMAU NaM NAMEOT01M LW BuTrALURITO bo so WALL Thomas Smith Roaae 251 Kortbwors t St IMPGtLtE rani 4 r sATTGIB at LI 5t1^r 4P Ar�Y aSIFIG k1F C N t tt ttER,I*4 ?R 144awam xx 01041 ISO zusuraftc* ARLACm . AC ${I r D R N T 435 03A 13338 SECURITYFIRE AND COMPONETS My Smith House Pdce List No. of Units Qes ri tsvn Product No. P!i�per unit Total Price. 10 Smoke Detector ES -641-C $38.00 $380.00 1O Heat Detector --ED-281BPL $19.00 $190.00 12 Wireless Window Alarms NX-462 $32.50 $390.00 ;i Wireless—Motion Detectors NX-480 $53-50 $214.00 4 Motion Detector Bravo-2 $28.50 $114.00 ;I Passive Infrared Detector DS938 $19.80 12 Ademco Door MAG. '7924BR $2.00 $24.00 3 Pull Stations ES-10320 , $21 3.01D 5-Horn and Strobe ED-EGIRHDVM $40,00 $200.00 $1,675.00 ('a ite Material to complete fire and securatt ystems MASONARY: CHIMNEY REPAIR t P Vwr � i msmamcb MOTO mm=MD3� +^ !!J+i oil 0 ebllye-k bt�t o to bn�-k hoy fffi d h Ur-A I d, -S-fV, Mo r a qblo ,56Ufh r 60 bti- N x and mp-s. .I l CLWP�r . a em e-_= -IM'W-rC AVATION jvl�,x rx v AND LANDSCAPING Bob skill Paver Stone Co. Estimate 17 McKinley Street Feeding His,MA 01030 Bate Estimate 11 3 Name t Address Smith House 251 NorthWest Suva Feeding Hills,MA 01030 Project Description Oty late TOW Estimate 251 North West Street,Feeding Hills 3,500.00 3,500-00 General:Most materials are already on site.General work described as items from furnished list to include-, 1, 'Strip of3/4 stone( hed)along front guner line. 2. Repair ofwall back of ell.(stone on site)and sane stone end of drive to support raising end of drive for proper slope. 3. Placing split stone at two doors on bed of crushed;stonc.(ora site) #4 g surface about house for dmi e.(approx„8;yds loam needed),Seeding lawn in disturbed areas included. 45. Drive/handicap parking.Apply 3"layer crushed rock handicap/ 3"tracks leading to it.(Stone ishedd) #6.Drain pipe from small catch basin inside ell to rear yard.No dry weal needed: Design/Install paver sterna walk from ramp to handicap bathroom 3,400.00 3,400.00 rear bldg. length ap 87',width appm 4'.MateTf4 Holland Stone,Heritage series from Pavesto:ne catalog page 26.Need 12 yds process gravel,;2 yards coarse sand,Edger is to secure cdg icked ,(l$ ox_)- be_neaded to"fi ish";.. _ v.:_ ___-._.. ed,ges.(spprox 4 yds.)Polymeric joint sand will be needed for joints between pavcrs.(approx.h bags)This paver estimme does not include n'aatcrials.It dues include all labor,tools,equipment.Note= walk is approx.370 s.£ Paver Stone/Wall stone: 1,664.00 1,6".00 Base materials/Geogrid 955.00 455.00 NOTE:A 50%deposit required prior to the start of work. ESTIMATE Total $9,519.00 - , - a , t RaTyvp �g a. F� c ' w * X y.,«.,: • 6°.,, 7s`F''si**rr � �ksW+rt+WXturr..,iw.5.t�yp,e Y'+" � .��° i s' v c 1 n - „M , . . n Sex $co feed � � y Expiration Date business, Certificate ' Town of Agawam, Massachusetts rEo In conforraity with the provisions ofChapter one hundred and ten, Section five fthe General Laws,as amended,the undersigned declare(s)that a business is conducted under the title of: at Li i ,Address, I elclar� � by the foil wmg- erson( : (include corporate name and title,if corporate officer-) Fuii Name Residency —�, 3: .� C_ Nature of Business: r � aire(s : t e . a _ r - 04b the above named persons personally appeared=before me and made oath that the foregoing statement is true. j T FOR V t (se July 14.20 , C; siarx Notaty Public Expiration Date In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 337 of-the Acts of 1985 and`Chapter 110,Section 5 of Massachusetts General Laws, Business Certificates shall be in effect for four pears"frloni the date of issue and,shalt be renewed each four years thereafter. A statement`under oath must.be filed-with the TwAmn Clerk Lipon,discoatinuing,retiring or withdrawing from such business or partnership. Copies of such certificates shall be available at the address at which business is conducted and.shall be furnished on request during re lar business hours to any person who has purchased goods or services from such business: Violations are subject,to a fine of not more than three hundred dollars( . lair each rnonth during Which such - rin��finrtc^ TREE REMOVAL IN PREPERATION FOR HANDICAPPED PARKING AREA r � . II Za T+" :t`c; 'Ev1liE o- -.. t7€Pr t7t E:�W {iris 3 NAME AUDRESS q lCrfY,6TATE,ZIP }]ma y 0,107 ,�il'�B•D$Y �—C;,T':i t- ;.C3 L° 1 r-HAN I ON'ACOT. 1 frC7SE F;�B �F"�i,•_D .l! 4 � QUA11711Y PRICE M - B ' B 12 13 15 RECEIVED BY ,vie B THIS SUPFOR 3 F%E:I UNIVERSAL FIDE SHIELD, LL+C IN VOICEIRECEIPT 3SU Waterfie#d Pkwy, Lakeland, Office:863-667-1805 r Fax.863-667-1720 UNIVERSAL FIRE-SHIELD CHEMICALS AND PRODUCTS l www.firechemicals.cam / info@universalfire hield.com SM TI} Agawam Historical Association Contact.* Judith Anderson P D Box 552 Invoice Number. FL3113 Data: '10123lD8` Agawam, Mass 01001 Purchase Order:' SHIP TO Waiting for physical address. DESCRIPTION' QUANTITY @ AMOUNT Shingle Safe SS-200 6- gal. PAILS aa. $ 1,763.70 15 discount -$264,55 net amour; $ 11;405.15` $240.00 SHIPPING AND HANDLING; UPS Sales Tax Internet Transaction NIA $1,739.15 Total Invoice Amount -------- TO BE PAID BY. Credit'Card or Check Thank you for your order'...... AYNE "the Old Red Barn Visioning S A. w3 . �V The "old red lrttrn"is a trademark ark°resat°,,,WwwR England heritage, F ' ter � sxach e was once dettedit Ba tlaa�sa:; ltt�ttrrt r w r"e"«,, grit tr°t'to think rr 'where one �vend, trand. It is��as r�tar rr�rttembe� Jet" tt w it° art, no larger. Historic Burns, are disappearing at an ctltararrraag rate because their construction it ten drrc at stand the test of hint% l"lase School Street Barn is as rare/ader ate`a==n g a "cans's rich at trtc a taaraal history, In &V rrodd new location at the entrance to Agaaw am!s new a School Street Park it bridges A aawatarra"s° eaarlw, history wva"t a its, vibrant present It is critical that seas take time to thoroughly evaluate iti potential. The Qffice of laaraning and :trrtttraunirr evelcrlrttent mould like you to join us in as viva"rrrtlrag sevvion on the "old real burn" Guest panelixts will share their° (r. Itcrienc°cis°, experthse and takes. Ifyou are raraarlale tr) attend'.please contact the Plaaraettrrg Office at 78 - DATE: Monday, September 17, -1007 TIME. 7-00 P%4 PLACE-E- Agawam Public I ibr r y fit)Cooper Street Aga warn, MA 01001 AGENDA 7:10 PSI -'Bear Restoration tion P nell its: Bonnic Parsons, Historic Preset-ado Preset-vation Planner,nner, ioneer Valley planning nin Commission + Stephen Jablonski, Architect Walt Ctrdnolrtr sky, Walter .cadnob fsky Associates, Inc,, Peter Wells, it Design Gro,up, lace + Richard Potter, Potter Home Builders :00 PM - Discussion-:n Next Steps sl; PM . c�jcstrr Minutes of CPA meeting of Monday June 25, 2007 Agawam Public Library 630 P.1' � Present: Chair Henry Kozloski Ray Moreau Dottie<Drewnowski Dick Bennett 'V'i Baldwin Absent: Louis Russo Richard Maggi Tom Tierney Owen Broadhurst 1. Application for funding submitted by the Agawam historical Association for the historic preservation of the Thomas Smith Mouse in the amount of $203,600,00. The breakdown of the funding is over a two-year period. The first year is for$112,+60 , t1 which will be used for Part One. Foundation repairs and Part Two. Windows, Siding and Framing. The second year which is Part Three. Interior restoration and Part Four, The barn worn which includes new foundation, frame repair, new cedar root repair to original siding and doors, cleanup of the house, removal of all old debris, mopping of all floors, washing all walls, and removal of all trash in yard. Judith Anderson,Project Manager, explained in detail the needed restoration and how important it is to have this request for funding approved. Ms. Anderson reported on the status of the repairs and stabilization work that has successfully been completed using the previous three CPA's grants totaling$127,1 E1.00, She also stated there is a very small amount of work left to be done, Ray Moreau asked what work is unfinished, Ms Anderson responded that a very small section of the roof needs trim work:: Rick Bellico, started how crucial this funding is to preserve'this.structure. He discussed how necessary it is to have the building secured before winter. Mr. Bellico also stated that the cast of the foundation excavation and drainage work will be donated. Also, additional handing is being sought through United Bank's Community Foundation Program. The Historical Association:has provided` 500.00 for tree removal and site clean up. Ann,Marie Bellico presented for the committee's view a hand-painted historical sampler which she painted to be raffled off in December as part of the Historical' Association's fund drive: The 1-Ustorical Association is planning an open house for July or August of this year, Next year they are hoping to put together a house tour to raise funds. Mr. Kozloski said he would not be voting in favor of the application, as be was aware of another application being submitted for the School Street Barn. It was his opinion that to owned property should be considered for funding before non-town owned property, Ms, Anderson asked if the application for the School Street Barn had been submitted and if in fact it had not been submitted why would it affe ct the vote for the application that they were presenting tonight. Mr. Bennett stated that to his knowledge the School Street Barn application was still in the works and would be some time before it was presented. Mr. Kozloski raised the issue of the monies that the Smith House had already received and was concerned about depleting the historical portion of the fund, which would have an impact n the School St. Barn Project- Ms. Baldwin stated that as the CPA approved monies for the restoration of the Smith House how would not continuing the financial support impact the project. She stated it would be wise to continue the support to protect the initial investment and secure the building by at least completing the exterior work. She then stated that perhaps that those in favor and those against could compromise in some way. Dick Bennett presented a compromise to the AHA and the CPA for their consideration. He suggested the ARA amend their request and request funding for only Parts One and Two at this time. This would allow the building to be secured for the winter and would not deplete the historical portions of the budget, Mr. Bellico said they would be glad to amend their application to only request funding in the amount of$112,600.00 as opposed to $203,600.00. Mr.Kozloski stated that the application could not be voted on because the AHA had not submitted a completed deed conveyance, which he had discussed with Rick Bellico three months ago, Mr. Bellico said they would be glad to place a deed restriction and conveyance on the property but it did not make sense to convey something for wWch you had no cornmitment of funding for first. Mr. Kozloski then stated that the conveyance did not have to be completed but rather just prepared and ready in the event the council approved funding, Other members of the AHA expressed their concern over the raising of the conveyance 'issue when funding had already been received without deed conveyance. Mr. Kozlowski explained that the Committee just learned of this when he and the other members of the committee attended a training conference in April of this year. it was proposed that a request letter be sent out from the CPA,to the AHA requesting this conveyance. The question was raised whether or not the CPA should run conditional approval by the Legal Department. Councilor McGovern, who was in attendance, stated it would not be necessary as the Town Council would took at this issue when considering their vote. Mr. Bennett put forth a motion to approve the amended application conditional upon conveyance. Ray Moreau seconded the motion. The vote was four in favor —one opposed. Dottie Drewnow5ki, Ray Moreau, Vi Baldwin and Dick Bennett in favor. Henry Kozloski opposed, 2. The committee had a short discussion with regard to their application review process- They agreed that the application process would be best served if all pertinent information i,e. bids, etc. was completed and submitted with the application. Also discussed was the need for the committee to take enough time to thoroughly review the applications and vote only when their questions/concerns are satisfied. All agreed it was not in the town's best interest to rush fund approval without careful study. Meeting sadjourned at 8.37 parr. Respectfully submitted, Vi Baldwin �"arnmurr ty Preservation Committee _1 s Town of Agawam ;70 36Main Street Agawam, MA 0100l The,Agawam Community Preservation Committee will hold a meeting as follows:: DATE. July 30,2007 TIME: :30 P.M. LOCATION Library Community Room Agawam Pudic Library 750 Cooper Street Agawam,MA.0100 . AGENDA 1, Application for Funding: Captain Charles Leonard House: $73,87 .00 2. Approval of /22I07 and 6l5I07 Minutes. CO 3, Any other business that may legally came before the Board, Do not write in this space-For CPA use only Ppen space Hutoricu Affordable housing her(Recreation) TOWN OF AGAWAM COMMUNffY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR FUNDING NAME OF APPLICANT Marilyn Curry TITLE President SPONSORING ORGANIZATION Agawam Historical Association MAILING ADDRESS Post Office Box 552 CITY Agawam STATE MA ZIP 01001, DAY TIME PHONE 7861452EVENING PHONE 786 1452 E n!a' -- �- W. PROJECT NAME STRUCTURALIEXTERIOR Preservation/Restoration,of Thomas Smith Rouse and TEMPORARY Stabillsation of Thomas Smith Property Barn rT �JI PROJECT MANAGER Russell Jenks and Judith Anderson PHONE 78 55(J 786 15(Anderson) ADDRESS The Thomas Smith Rouse is located at 251 North West Street,Feeding Wills Check the appropriate CPA category/categories below for yourproposal.- GL CH. Open space 211istoric preservation []Affordable housing [:]Other(Recreation) If Multiple year project,!.Eft,!p.Eft, amount requested for each yEIr in the table below. CPA Funding Requested tither Funding Sources Sources t#1_1772 Foundation Sou #2 1' Year $64,850 e Year $61,350 e Year S 2nd Year S 2ed Year S- 2nd Year5 3'4 Year 3`d Year $ 3`d Year $ CPA Total 64,850 Source 41 Total S 61,350 Source#2'Total Total Cost of Project$ 126,200 Page 3 of 8 I have read the en ' e plication an , gree to the terms outlined. AP SIGNATURE DATE September 26,2006'- L >ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS >PLEASE WRITE"NIA"IF NOT APPLICABLE >INCLUDE SUPPORTING MATERIALS AS NECESSARY TIMELINE; What is the schedule for project implementation? Starting date Work will begin immediately upon approval of this funding request, pending'weather and other scheduling issues. 50%completion date By year end 2006,pending weather and other scheduling issues. Completion date Work to be completed by Spring=-Early Summer 2007,pending weather and other scheduling issues, GOALS: What are the goals of the proposed project` The Agawam Historical Association is a a non-profit,tax exempt organization founded in 1962. Its stated purpose and objectives are: to encourage an interest in the collection and preservation of historic materials,documents, and landmarks pertaining to the town of Agawam,Massachusetts so as to be available for the enjoyment of present and future generations.; to provide educational opportunities for the dissemination and understanding of facts concerning Agawam's history and the cultivation of civic pride in Agawam's heritage; and to provide facilities for the proper storage,preservation,and public display of historic artifacts and documents. In May,2002,the Agawam;Historical Association opened the Agawam Historical&Fire house Museum in the old Elm Street Fire Station after a six-year,S40,000+fundraising and renovation effort. The Preservation Plan for the Thomas Smith house was prepared by Stephen Jablonski Architects. Stephen Jablonski Architects is registered with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.Principal Stephen Jablonski is a member of the American'Institute of Architects,and former president of the AIA Western Mass. Chapter and AIA Executive Committee.He is a member of the Springfield Historical Commission and was appointed architect of the Commission in 1996.Jablonski has been involved with many historical preservation:projects,including Wistariahurst Museum in Holyoke,the Barney Carriage House in Springfield,and Old First Church Congregational in Springfield.He has been recognized by the Springfield Preservation Trust and the Massachusetts historical Commission for his preservation work. Page 4 of 8 All exterior preservation/restoration work will be performed by John Dresser Carpentry C.S.#08 s510,HIC 10)of Northfield,Mass.John Dresser Carpentry submitted the low bid for initial stabilization work and specialises in historic post&beaus and carpentry projects using authentic materials and construction methods where appropriate. The Agawam historical Association has successfully administered two previous CPA grants totalling $32,300 for the completion of a Conditions Assessment Report,Preservation Plan,and initial stabilization work on the House. The scope of work contained within thisapplication focuses on the repair of failing structural framing elements of the Thomas Smith House and the complete EXTERIOR preservation/restoratioB of the Thomas Smith HOUSE.This estimate does NOT include final painting of the exterior. Also included in this phase is TEMPORARY bracing dd stabilization work to the Thomas Smith „- property BARN to ensure that it will remain ► until preservation/restoration work can beginon that'. structure. PLAN: What is the plan? Include a one-page thumbnail of your proposal. The Agawam historical Association ( ) intends to preserve the Thomas Smith House property with the intention of opening it to the public The Thomas Smith House was originally part of an 18"'century land grant.The National Register nomination form describes the property as: `one of the few remaining resources from the 18t6 century agricultural past of Feeding Hills.The history of it residents represents the long history of farming of this section of Agawam,well into the twentieth century,and the shift into working outside the community that its later owners made is representative of the pattern of suburban development that occurred in town.The history of the land ownership—its assembly by grant and purchase,its speculative trade and familial division is a model for the history of typical d transfers of the le and 19'6 centuries.The house is significant architecturally as an unusually tact example of le century building practices. The house is an unusually unaltered example ofmid-to-late le century Connecticut River Valley design and materials,and of vernacular Georgian style.The house has integrity of location,design,setting,materials,workmanship,feeling, and,association and it is of local significance." AHA members are currently making mortgage and insurance payments on the property. Conditions Assessment Report,Preservation Plan,and stabilisation wank have been funded by the Community Preservation Committee and Agawam Town Council through two previous CPA grants totalling$32,300. Copies of the Conditions Assessment Report and Preservation Plan have been submitted with previous grant applications. COMMUNITY PR How will this project help to preserve and/or improve the character of Agawam?How will it benefit the town? The Thomas Smith house is not only among the oldest homes in Agawam,but one of the few rem ' ° original lgth century farmhouses surviving in the region.The structure has survived nearly 2$0 years" without significant modernisation.An ell was added to the house in the 19tb century—the ell has canning water;the main house does not. There is no central heat in the building,and the main house has only limited electric service.Many original/early features remain in the home. Page 5 of 8 The preservation of the Thomas Smith House will provide a link to the n's agricultural past and preserve a rare example of"an unusually intact example of 1 th century building practices"and"an unusually unaltered example of mid-to-late 18h eentary Connecticut River Valley design and materials, and of vernacular Georgian style." COMMUNITY SUPPORT, hat is the nature and level of support for this project? Include letters of support The Agawam historical Association's efforts to preserve the Thomas Smith House have been met with:: much community support.After the Town of Agawam declined to purchase the property from the previous owner(James Rosenberg),the Agawam Historical Association,realising the `importance and historical significance of the property,expressed interest in acquisition.Unable to purchase it outright,a: local bank made a mortgage available to the association.More than a dozen families,businesses,and organizations have pledged to pay the insurance on the property and to make one mortgage payment a year for the first five years.An effort to enlist supporters for the neat five years is currently under way: The ARA also continues to receive unsolicited donations from civic organizations,private groups,and individuals for the preservation of the Thomas Smith House. The efforts of the Agawam Historical Association are also supported by the Agawam Historical Commission.Historical commission chairman and association board member David Cecchi completed Images of America: Agawam and Feeding Hills Revisited for the association in 2005,with proceeds and royalties earmarked for an endowment fund for the Thomas Smith House. The historic significance of the "Thomas Smith House was recognized with an individual listing on the National Register of Historic Places on 2 June 2005. SUCCESS FACTOR:How will the success of this project be measured?Be as specific as possible. The total EXTERIOR preservation/restoration of the Thomas Smith House to its original appearance using authentic materials and methods will allow preservation/restoration efforts to move to the interior' of the structure, TEMPORARY stabilization work on the BARN will ensure it remains intact until preservation/restoration efforts can.begin on that structure. "lease provide the following additional information, as applicable. DOCUMENTATION: Applicant has evidence of site control,such as Purchase and Sale' Agreement or deed. The Agawam Historical Association purchased 251 North'West Street,Parcel ID C113 7,on 13 June 2002, (Agawam Assessor's Card legal Reference 12383-141)from James Rosenberg. EVIDENCE:Project does not violate any zoning ordinance of the Town of Agawam. /A Page 6 of IDENTIFICATION: Identify known hazardous materials and plans for remediation. Identify wetlands on the site. None EVIDENCE: Provide evidence that professional standards and state code be followed if construction, restoration or rehabilitation is proposed. The firm of Stephen Jablonski Architects was engaged to create the Preservation Plan,(including the Stabilisation Flan),which was funded by a previous CPA grant. Mr. Jablonski is a long time member of the Springfield Historical Commission,and was appointed Architect of the Commission in 1996.He has considerable experience with historical properties and is familiar with The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. The estimate from John Dresser Carpentry has been reviewed by Mr.Jablonski,who felt the proposal was "very thorough" and that"the techniques he recommends are historically accurate and will be beneficial to the House in the long run. BUDGET The total cost of this phase of the project is $126200; as follows EXTERIOR Preservation/Restoration of Thomas Smith House: $118,000. TEMPORARY Stabilization of Thomas Smith House Barn: $3400. Unforeseen materials/repairs * $5,000. Sub Total $126,200. Minus 1772 Foundation Request - $61,350. TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED$64,850 ($3,500 for Temporary;Barn Stabilization - $61,350 for Exterior House'Preservation/Restoration) *Based on previous experience with this type of project at the Thomas Smith House, a small amount is being requested in the event unforeseen repairs are called for or additional materials needed Page 7 of 8 In November of this year we will be submitting our formal request for the additional account of$61,350 to the 1772 Foundation.(See Attached)In April of this year we submitted our first letter of inquiry",(See attached),to which we received a favorable response for additional information. Hancock Shaker Vfflage,in Pi ld,it presently working on a$70,000.funding request'for construction i the village and has previously received $100,000. for a village roo g project. ey received funding "thin three to four months. There were no bidding or labor restrictions. Sturbridge Village has.also received funding from the 1772 foundation for their new tavern. John Dresser Carpentry had submitted the low bid for the stabilization work portion of this project,which was funded by a previous CPA grant and already completed.The Board of Directors of'the Agawam Historical Association voted that due to the unique nature of this project, and based on the expertise and quality of word previously completed at the property by John Dresser,to utilise John Dresser Carpentry for the balance of work on the property. Copies of estimates for the EXTERIOR preservation/restoration of the Thomas SmithHouse and the TFIVU110RARY stabilization of the Thomas Smith House BARN are attached. Page 8 of 8 ' . .' . - THOMAS SMITH HOUSE I AGAWAM HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Dresser built Carpentry Estimate John Dresser (413) 498-2783' 50 Fisher Road MA C.S. #085510 Northfield,MA 01360 H1C #48800 Restoration of the Thomas Smith House Scope of Work #1 Removal/Disposal of all siding, sub-sheathing and trim of main house. (not addition) if trim and sub-sheathing is good it will be re-used. #2 Repair the timber frame under the second floor gable end windows. Repair the sill above the bulkhead, repair the feet of the two front corner posts on the road side. All repairs will be done using traditional timberfra e scarf joints. We will use reclaimed hardwood beams to match the original frame. #3 Install new trim where needed, a-use original trim if still good and make new window sills where needed All trim will be custom made to match original trim. #4 Pre-prime siding. Siding will be traditional radial sawn spruce, the closest match to original. #5 Install new siding on main house. #6 Removal/Disposal of existing roof and roof trim on main house and addition. #7 Remove all plywood roof sheathing. #8 Repair/Replace original roof sheathing. We will used reclaimed boards to match in the attic of the main house. Dresser Built Carpentry pg. 2 #9 Remove entire roof of addition. (all framing)` Replace all rafters using 6"hardwood logs with a 1/3 cut off the top. #10 Reinstall roof sheathing replacing any bad boards'. #11 Install four new rafters in main house., #12 Install straping over entire house as a nailer for the new roof. Main house and addition, Using 1" x 4"Hemlock every 6". #13 Install new custom matched roof trim. #14 Install new roof using Alaskan yellow cedar. The yellow cedar is the closest match to the original old growth pine. We will weave the valley's of the roof which is a traditional roofing method. Fasteners: Siding, square-cut nails Roof„stainless steel nails Timber Frame, 'Wooden pegs, Timber lock screws This is a complete frame and exterior restoration. The total estimated cost is $ 118,000.000 Dresser Built Carpentry John Dresser (413)498-2783' Stabilisation of Barn at Smith House Estimate 5 collar ties 4 temporary',posts diagonal bracing where needed pull plates together This is just to save the barn and get it through winter. None of this would be permanent. The barn should be cleaned out but it needs some bracing up before that happens. Total $ 3,200.00 This price does not include clean out of the barn.