Agawam -East Longmeadow ADA Self-evaluation and Transition Plan
On behalf of Agawam and East Longmeadow, Agawam has been awarded funds from the DHCD to conduct
Self-evaluation and Transition Plans for each municipality's publicly owned properties. Consultant services are
sought for the successful completion of this project. A more detailed RFP is available at the PVPC, 60
Congress St— 1"Floor, Springfield, MA 01104, (413) 781-6045, from 9 AM to 5 PM. The RFP will be available
from the time of this notice until the due date specified below. The maximum project budget is $90,000.
Agawam reserves the right to reject any and all proposals if it is deemed in the best interests of the towns to do
so. The Mayor of Agawam will serve as the Contracting Authority for the Agawam ADA Self-evaluation and
Transition Plan and the East Longmeadow Board of Selectmen will serve as the Contracting Authority for the
East Longmeadow ADA Self-evaluation and Transition Plan. The municipalities do not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, national origin, sex religion and disability in employment or provision of services.
Completed proposals are to be submitted no later than 1:00 PM on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at the Pioneer
Valley Planning Commission,60 Congress Street—l"Floor, Springfield, MA 01104.
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Agawam- East Longmeadow ADA Self-evaluation and Transition Plan
On behalf of Agawam and East Longmeadow, Agawam has been awarded funds from the DHCD to conduct
Self-evaluation and Transition Plans for each municipality's publicly owned properties. Consultant services are
sought for the successful completion of this project. A more detailed RFP .is available at the PVPC, 60
Congress St— 1st Floor, Springfield, MA 01104, (413) 781-6045, from 9 AM to 5 PM. The RFP will be available
from the time of this notice until the due date specified below. The maximum project budget is $90.000.
Agawam reserves the right to reject any and aU proposals if it is deemed in the best interests of the towns to do
so. The Mayor of Agawam will serve as the Contracting Authority for the Agawam ADA Self-evaluation and
Transition Plan and the East Longmeadow Board of Selectmen will serve as the Contracting Authority for the
East Longmeadow ADA Self-evaluation and Transition Plan. The municipalities do not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, national origin, sex religion and disability in employment or provision of services.
Completed proposals are to be submitted no later than 1:00 PM on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at the Pioneer
Valley Planning Commission,60 Congress Street—ft Floor, Springfield, MA 01104.