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appearance to you. Town of Agawam coitectot0s:Offce 36 Main Street,Agawam,Massachusetts 01001-1837 Tel 413-786-04110 east.8218 Fax 413-786-,"27 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF AGAWAM OFFICE OF THE COLLECTOR OF TAXES NOTICE OF TAX TAIUNG TO THE OWNERS OF THE HEWNAF ER DESCRIED LAND AND TO ALL OTHERS CONCERNED YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT on Monday,July 7;2014 at 10:00 o'clock&M at the Talc Golfe W.i Offioe,, Agawami City tlali,"pursuant to dte provisions of the general Laws,Chapter 60,Section 53,and; virtue of the an, rity vested:hi me as Collector of Taxes,IT lS MY INTENM0,N TO TAKE FOR"THE City af.Agawam the follow 1ng"parcels of land for non payfnent o€the fazes due thereon,with interest antl all''atcidotttai espenses and costs to the date of talang,unlm lire same shall have been paid before that date. To Avoid Tax Taking Please Calls 786-0400 for informathwon total amounts due including interest and,expenses. Ext.8218 Collector's Office Ed.8712 L aWel Placcek,ColleetorTreasurer - - Ext.87IO Mnhlatie H�artmantF;Axcistant Gollecfor DIV1RCiILlO JOSBFH, DIIWILIO"CAROL A, 11tihID&BUILDING located ak:15 CARM,LN ut-AGAWANI,",containing-4%ACRES:showwon Awsws Map t t1902WI0,r+carded at HAMPDEN GOUNTY.REGFSTR1 OF DEMS BooWPage 4260-/32.Tax for FY-20 2, . $295.44 and FY-2613$2,527.26. FRYER'MArMEW'A FRYER TREASURE R DAVIDSON LA AID&i BUILDING.locati4 at'b27 NORTH WESTFIELD ST inAGATAK containing.,387 AM shown on Assessor's Map D15020010,remnled at HAMPPEN COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS:-.BooWPage.:17991-6.Tax for FY 2013. 148$:72_ MOORE VERA M, LAND&.:IiURDiNt< ST in AGAWAM,containing.-230:ACREfi shown on Assessor's Map iR4130001, recoiled at HAMPDEN COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS-Book/Page 4982/390.Tax for FY-2013 s221.74; STEU ATO PETER E STEU ATO GiOVAffiNA, _ LAND.&SUIIDIlVG'located it 135�ELMAR DR in AGAWAM,contain ft,459 ACES shown w Assemes Map 71030007, r&ot*d a€iWDLN COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS.-B60WPW 12133-173•Tax for FY-2013 SCANNED 2-2 1 1/1 ...,,..appearance to you. Town. of Agawam . Coneeter's:office 36.Matn Street,Agawani,Massachusetts 010014837 del:413-786-0400 evL 8218 Fax 413. -9927 tHE'COMMONWEALTH'$F MASSACIMSETCS u TOWOF AGAVAR OFFICE OF'!'AE COLLECTOR OF TAXES NO1'ia Of TAX TAIQNG 10 THE OWNERS OF THE HERINAMR DESCRIBED LANWAND TO ALL OTHERS.CONCERNED %AItE fl,MR.NO ITFILD fHAT:oii Monday,July 7 20:i4 at i 0 00 o clock�M at the Tax,ro'Hktor's dicey A wani' ityy la I puisi atit to the provlstons of the a a!Uwa,Chapter��>kednn 53,�by y oT rhea, ' authority vested fn!�o as Collector o�i' es,[7 ISI1 Flv7 iqI TO ThlR ) sty ofA ► ti►aoltovi lssg::parceis a['l t for aeon payirieixtpf the razes due dwaou,VA uterest all tncic ental exRe ses acad¢4sk$ .; Kra the date 9fi,91 ng,unless the s id before that date To Avid ��7iease Ca1R 78CrQ0 Jos €rtbrtitatian.off►tdtat ati�a�n[s a incdti+ding WWx�st and eicpenses $211#r t3ctbris 0t� - 871a istlif iiek,4o}1tonTteasarer Sxt 8710 AnnMarie 1laitHIAM,AsslStant CtillOctor x 'IiGii,TO`�USEPH, DItriG113 8[TiLF1 aedat15CAIt Gi l4jgAJJ( W" c,,pinsng354AGUESshown,onAssessorsNair P@OlQ,reofdeti at;1iALP1 £fitITRY1�s ` 'a 42b /32,�Pax�Ot F1�flT�, } J115 �g ZZ s v iEl A S �a� L3�i,�onra l h►% 3 shown a .. E ;for SA pul50 3:�seed at IiAIN(*N COU4ft N,hGI�'t'Ry O�BREp3 Hook Pa a.17991L6 Iax for 61 ��tI AINOgd dt 11LSON ST> AGAWAM;mtAttiig> OCGissoruet ons�5ssessor's Map , rarottl ai� N tF31i GY tECrISfRY t7FE '8obkxgd.48239t1:Tax for FY Z03 3 DR a A6.WAl4i,co taYitirig r 4 AGI-W sh©wn brt e�sors Map 37A , ts� AEI COti1VT1 itEGISTEtYOFDEEDS Boolrag �2I33+i73 TaforPY 20i