2004 PLANNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES �aa J � AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD January 29, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: > f , Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman .� Vi Baldwin ZG'U ✓l v��J Rick Sullivan Travis Ward ALSO PRESENT: „- Deborah S.Dachos Pamela R. Edmunds u The meeting was called to order by Mr. Hopkins at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -December 18, 2003 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the minutes of December 18,2003 as written. VOTE 4-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Revision to Def. Plan- Plumtree Meadow-Kopatz Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to continue this public hearing as no new information has been submitted. VOTE 4-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Def. Plan - Woodside Drive Estates - Calabrese Marc Shute of D.L. Bean, Inc. was in attendance to present a revised plan. The Engineering Department submitted comments dated today which he stated will be addressed. He stated that an easement has been obtained from Bethany Assembly of God Church to allow for drainage onto that property. Three waivers have been requested: allow for buffers as shown;waive sidewalks on one side of the street; waive house locations in lieu of individual grading plans. Mr. Ward stated that he hopes the developer will satisfy the concerns of the abutters on lots 1 and 7 with regard to the buffer. Mr. Shute stated that they are proposing to plant arborvitae in the buffer along lots 1 and 7. Mr. Ward then asked what side of the street they were proposing the sidewalks. Mr. Shute stated that they are proposing to place sidewalks on the south side of the street along lots 7, 6, 5 and part of 4. Mr. Ward asked how the waiver of sidewalks on one side of the street would be in the best interest of the Town. Chuck Calabrese was in attendance and stated that he would provide sidewalks on both sides if the Board prefers. Mr. Hopkins then allowed for public input. SCANNED E ly 19 Agawam Planning Board January 29, 2004 Page 2 Skip Makuch, 90 Woodside Drive asked if the proposed hydrant that was in front of his house had been moved. Mr. Shute stated yes, it has been moved approximately 90'to the property line with lot 7. Mr. Makuch then asked how wide the buffer would be next to him and stated that his main objective is to have as much privacy as possible. Mr. Hopkins explained that the Board had not yet voted on the waivers but would take the abutters concerns into consideration. Mr. Makuch then asked if the utilities would be underground. Mr. Calabrese stated they would be over-head, Ms. Dachos stated that the Regulations call for underground utilities and that over- head utilities would require a waiver. Mr. Makuch then stated that he does not want his front lawn torn up for a sidewalk and does not want the responsibility of shoveling a sidewalk. Mr. Calabrese stated that the Town is requesting that the street be widened in front of the two existing corner lots. Edward Toon, 89 Woodside Drive stated that he understands the law calls for a 50' wide road. Ms. Dachos stated that is 46' including sidewalks. Mr. Toon then stated that he does not want his new neighbors climbing on his trees. (He has an existing row of arborvitae on his property.) He also wants the ability to get to the other side of his trees to prune them and maintain there. Mr. Fitzgerald, 123 Anthony Street then asked what type of buffer would be in place behind his house. Mr. Hopkins stated that the plan shows a 15' undisturbed buffer. Mr. Fitzgerald stated that there are existing sheds that may be in the buffer zone. Mr. Calabrese stated that the buffer along Mr. Toon's lot is "trash". Mr. Hopkins stated that the Board can require it to be cleaned. Mr. Ward asked if Mr. Calabrese would prefer a landscaped buffer. Mr. Calabrese stated that he would prefer hedges and lawn in a 15' protected buffer. Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing at this point. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to waive the requirement of showing the house locations on the plan and require that individual grading plans be submitted under the new grading plan requirements. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to deny the request to waive sidewalks on one side of the new street and to require sidewalks on both sides of the new street from Lot#1 to Lot#7. VOTE 3-0-1 (Hopkins abstained) Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to waive the requirement for a buffer strip not to exceed thirty feet to be replaced as follows: along the rear of lots 5,6 and 7 and the southeasterly property line of lot 4 there shall be a 15'permanently protected buffer which shall conform with the requirements as set forth in Section 159-23 A. Along the westerly Agawam Planning Board January 29, 2004 Page 3 side property line of lot 7 there shall be a 15'planted strip. The first 5' shall be planted with 4'to 5' arborvitae 5' on center. The remaining 10' shall be planted in lawn. No construction of buildings or other structures shall be allowed in this 15' strip. A restrictive covenant with this wording shall be recorded with the deed. Along the westerly side property line of lot 1 there shall be a 15'planted strip. This strip shall be planted in lawn. No construction of buildings or other structures shall be allowed in this 15' strip, A restrictive covenant with this wording shall be recorded with the deed. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. ,Sullivan to approve the Definitive Subdivision Plan entitled "Woodside Drive Estates" for Calabrese with the following conditions: 1) all continents contained in the Engineering Department memo dated January 29, 2004 must be addressed; 2) all executed easements must be received; 3) a Performance Agreement and Covenant must be executed; no additional lots can be created without amending the Definitive Plan as required in Chapter 41 M.G.L. VOTE 4-0 4. SITE PLAN -Responsive Trucking - Silver Street The applicant was not in attendance this evening. The Engineering Department submitted a memo to the Planning Board stating that additional work on this plan requires a filing with the Conservation Commission. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to table the Site Plan for Responsive Trucking as a filing with the Conservation Commission is necessary. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN - Gold Street- Microtest Laboratories Steve D'Ambrosio ofBaystate Environmental Consultants was in attendance to present this Site Plan. He submitted revised plans and a copy of a letter from Tennessee Gas Pipeline regarding work to be done with their right of way. The letter gives conditional approval for the proposal. He explained that they are proposing a 15,000 sg.ft: addition to the existing building long with additional parking spaces. There are currently 33 spaces and the plan is to increase the number to 80 spaces. He explained that this increase will be more than adequate to handle the existing deficiency in parking spaces and the proposed additional employees. Two detention basins are proposed. Mr. Hopkins asked what type of site lighting was proposed as none is shown on the plan. Mr.D'Ambrosio stated that light poles could be placed within the islands. A lighting plan will be submitted. Mr. Hopkins also stated that the dumpster must be fenced and gated. He also Agawam Planning Board January 29,2004 Pie 4 asked what the proposed color and textures would be. Mr. D'Ambrosio stated that the color will match the existing and that he texture will be different. Mr. Hopkins asked if a new sign is proposed. Mr. D'Ambrosio stated that the existing sign will be moved. Mr. Ward asked for the number of employees on a major shift. A representative of Microtest stated that there are currently 47 employees and the proposal will allow for a maximum of 60 on one shift. Mr. Hopkins then allowed an abutter to ask questions. Tim Daggett, owner of the abutting Daggett Gym, voiced his concerns over parking. He stated that there is an existing problem with parking at this site and that there are approximately 13 vehicles per day parked around the cul-de-sac. Tractor trailers are forced to turn around in his driveway and vehicles parking in front of fire hydrant. He is very concerned that the proposed new parking spaces be adequate and he's also concerned about parking during construction. Ms. Dachos explained that the town's guideline for parking spaces for this use is 1 space for each 1.5 employee. Jim Dobecki of MicroTest stated that they had sent a proposal to Mr. Daggett to rent some parking spaces from him. Mr. Hopkins explained that parking is based on employees, not square footage. He suggested that "no parking" signs be posted. Mr. Daggett reiterated that he is very concerned about the number of spaces to be lost during construction and that he has tried to have "no parking' signs posted and was told it could not be done. Ms. Dachas stated that she would look into that matter. After a lengthy discussion, the following motion was made: Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Site Plan for Microtest with the following conditions: 1) the type, height and wattage of exterior lighting to be used is to be submitted to the Planning Board for their approval; 2) the dumpster location is to be shown on the plan specifying that the dumpster is to be screened, fenced and gated. 3)the standard landscape maintenance note is to be added to the plan;4) the Engineering Department comments dated January 29, 2004 must be addressed; 5)there shall be a minimum of 33 parking spaces provided on-site during construction. Construction workers are to be provided parking on the site off the traveled way. . VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN-Maynard Street- Agawam Soccer Association Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to table the Site Plan for the Agawam Soccer Association to the next meeting as they are working on a revised plan. VOTE 4-0 5. REVISED SITE PLAN -Pride Convenience -North Westfield Street Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to table Revised Site Plan for Pride Convenience to the next meeting, at the request of the applicant. VOTE 4-0 Agawam Planning Board January 29, 2004 Page 5 6. FORM A - Moore Street- Maynard This plan has been reviewed in-house. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the plan for Maynard on Moore Street under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 4-0 FORM A - Gold Street - Richter This plan reflects the purchase of adjacent land to accommodate the new addition to Mirotest. The plan has been reviewed in-house. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the plan for Richter on Gold Street under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 4-0 FORM A -North Westfield Street- Schaedlich This plan has also been reviewed in-house. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the plan for Schaedlich on North Westfield Street under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 4-0 FORM A - Silver Street - Silver Street Associates This plan has been reviewed in-house. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the plan for Silver Street Associates on Silver Street under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 4-0 7. BOND RELEASE - Lot 25 Christopher Lane Ms. Dachos stated that she has spoken with the Town Solicitor and he recommended that the Agawam PIanning Board January 29, 2004 Page 6 Board release the money that is being held on Lot 25 Christopher Lane. The money has been held to insure that any necessary corrections are made to a drainage structure on this lot. The developer has requested the release in the past and the Board had denied it. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to release the bond being held on Lot 25 Christopher Lane, as recommended by the Town Solicitor. VOTE 4-0 8. DISCUSSION- Membrane Structures Ms. Dachos stated that the Building Inspector has asked if the Board would support restrictions on membrane structures. Ms. Baldwin and Mr. Sullivan stated that they would support restrictions on these structures. Ms. Dachos stated that she would work on a draft amendment in the near future. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD February 19, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Rick Sullivan Travis Ward MEMBERS ABSENT: Violet Baldwin J ALSO PRESENT: r Deborah S. Dachos � Pamela R. Edmunds LP V, w The meeting was called to order by Mr. Hopkins at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January 29, 2004 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the minutes of January 29, 2004 as written. VOTE 3-0 2. PRELIMINARY PLAN - Harvard Avenue Grimaldi Ron Huot was in attendance to present this Preliminary Plan which he prepared. He explained that the plan shows a two lot subdivision. The wetlands have been delineated on the site and a Notice of Intent will be filed with the Conservation Commission for the project. Existing utilities will be tied into the project. He submitted a revised plan which addresses Engineering Department comments. Ms. Dachos stated that a list of requested waivers should be submitted. Mr. Huot stated that this cover letter references waivers of pavement width to a"place" and sidewalks on one side of the street. Ms. Dachos brought up the regulation regarding parallel and off set streets. Mr. Hopkins brought up the question of whether this is a new subdivision or a modification of an existing subdivision plan: Mr. Huot stated that Harvard Avenue is a paper street shown on a subdivision plan that is on record at the Registry of Deeds. Ms. Dachos stated the existing houses on the abutting lots must be shown. Mr. Huot stated he would locate them on the plan. Ms. Dachos stated that there is a regulation which states that the Planning Board cannot approve a subdivision plan that creates zoning violations. The two abutting lots must conform to "corner lot distances". Ms. Dachos questioned the amount of buildable area on the two lots. Mr. Huot stated that one lot is fine and one lot is restricted by wetlands. Ms. Dachos then asked about on-site retention. Mr. Huot stated that he was not sure about on-site retention but perhaps a shallow system or infiltration system could be used. Mr. Hopkins stated that the issue of whether this is an amendment to an existing plan or a new subdivision plan will be determined prior to the next meeting. He then asked for any public comments. SCANNED- �� f Agawam Planning Board February 19, 2004 Page 2 _ Eleanor Gray, 17 Cambridge Street asked for the location of the proposed houses. Mr. Huot point out their locations on the plan. She also expressed concern over drainage from this property. Mr. Hopkins explained that the drainage will be designed so as not to flow onto her property. John Kelly, 72 Kellogg Avenue stated that there is an existing water problem in his basement and is concerned that this subdivision, when built, will create a bigger problem. Andrew Green, 144 North Westfield Street questioned the wetland location in relation to his property. Mr. Huot pointed out the wetland boundary and explained that the end of the property closest to Mr. Green's property has not yet been "flagged" and approved by the Conservation Commission. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to table the Preliminary Plan for Harvard Avenue to the next meeting to allow time to request a legal opinion from the Law Department regarding whether this is a modification to an existing plan or a new subdivision plan. VOTE 3-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING - Amendment to Rules & Regulations-New Grading Plan Procedure Georganne Hoymann, Town Engineer,was in attendance to present this proposal. She explained that the proposal is not much different from the procedure that is being followed presently except she has added a second step. There is no written policy on grading plan submittals at this time. She stated that the proposed changes are aimed at ensuring that the engineer/surveyor is aware of all information which the Engineering Division needs to review a submittal. The first step of the process has been revised to provide for more information outside of the subject lot. The second step is new and involves having the owneribuilding sign-off on the approved Lot Grading Plan before DPW approval of the building permit goes to the Building Department. To further assist the owneribuilder, the DPW is offering to field check the foundation form elevations within a 48 hr. window, Monday thru Friday. The members were in agreement that this is a professional approach that supports more communication. Mr. Hopkins questioned,however,whether there is Town liability for checking the foundation forms. Ms. Hoyman stated that she has added a disclaimer regarding costs but will look into Town liability on checking the forms. Ms. Dachos asked what enforcement is provided. Ms. Hoyman stated that this is an attempt for more communication and control. Ms. Dachos agreed to work with Ms. Hoyman prior to the next meeting on drafting a penalty clause to incorporate into the proposal. There was no public input this evening. Agawam Planning Board February 19, 2004 PaEe 3 Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Ward to continue the public hearing on the new grading plan procedure to the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 5. SITE PLAN - McKenna- Springfield Street Dr. Stephen McKenna was in attendance to present his site plan which shows eight additional parking spaces at his facility on Springfield Street. The addition of these spaces necessitates regrading in the detention basin to maintain the volume. Mr. Ward questioned whether there would be berms next to the dumpster. Dr. McKenna stated it will be paved to allow run off to the detention basin. Mr. Ward questioned why eight spaces are being provided. Dr. McKenna stated that they only need four at this time but since the site can accommodate eight, that's what he is proposing. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the Site Plan for McKenna on Springfield Street. VOTE 3-0 4. REVISED SITE PLAN - Pride Convenience -North Westfield Street Bob Bolduc was in attendance to go over his plan and the Engineering Department comments dated January 29, 2004. The Engineering Department made an inspection and found several inconsistencies with the approved plan. Mr. Bolduc then went over each item with the Board. Item#1A concerns signs that are not to MUTCD standards. Mr. Bolduc stated he will provide the correct size signs. Item#1 B states that air and vacuum machines have been installed. Mr. Bolduc stated that they have been removed but would like to re-install them. Item 1C concerns changes to the flood lights. The concern is that there will not be enough lighting at the stop sign intersection in the back of the parking lot. He stated that he did not install the flood light that was to be near the dumpster but feels there is sufficient lighting as is. Item 1D concerns the relocation of the handicap access ramp. Mr. Bolduc stated that the location was changed as a "field change" with engineering. He will bring that ramp to code. Item#2 concerns pavement markings that have faded. Thermoplastic traffic paint is being suggested by the Engineering Department. Mr. Bolduc stated that markings have faded and that it the Board requires, he will provide thermoplastic paint markings. Item#3 concerns the recommendation for a "no parking" sign along the driveway on the south side of the building. Mr. Bolduc will provide that sign. Item#4 concerns comments that have not yet been addressed from the Engineering Department's October 16, 2003 memo. These comments include: ATM machine not yet installed; Subway drive-up window not opened; angle of the dumpster; a sidewalk along the corner of North Westfield Street and Springfield Street has been constructed 5' further back from the road than approved; remove the sidewalk detail that is shown on the "as built"plan and replace it with the t Agawam Planning Board February 19, 2004 Page 4 Town Standard Detail; have the plan stamped by a Professional Engineer; remove the words "as built" from the plans; and the curb that was installed without the indented area should be changed on the plan. Mr. Hopkins suggested that he revise the plan per the Engineering Department or meet with them to go over the plan. Mr. Hopkins did not feel the "no parking" sign near the dumpster was necessary and concerning the lack of lighting at the "stop" sign, he reiterated that the Board does not support wall pack lighting. In conclusion, the members agreed that Mr. Bolduc meet with the Engineering Department and address their concerns so that the items in their memo can "go away". Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to table the Revised Site Plan for Pride Convenience. VOTE 3-0 5. SITE PLAN - Maynard Street-Agawam Soccer Association Jacques Wood and Bill Coughlin of the Agawam Soccer Association were in attendance to present this Site Plan which shows the existing road off Maynard Street to be subgraded and compact gravel placed to accommodate 59 additional parking spaces. This area is used for parking now. The proposal will create a more formal parking area. There are three landowners involved, however, the Agawam Soccer Association is taking care of the capital improvements. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the Site Plan for the Agawam Soccer Association on Maynard Street. VOTE 3-0 SITE PLAN -New England Custom Coatings - Shoemaker Lane Ms. Dachos presented this Site Plan which shows the construction of a 9'x.28' shed behind the existing building. All comments raised in-house have been addressed. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the Site Plan for New England Custom Coatings on Shoemaker Lane. VOTE 3-0 SITE PLAN-Responsive Trucking- Silver Street Ms. Dachos explained that a fling with the Conservation Commission is no longer necessary for the additional parking area that this Site Plan shows for Responsive Trucking on Silver Street. All Engineering Department comments have now been addressed. Agawam Planning Board February 19, 2004 Page S Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the Site Plan for Responsive Trucking on Silver Street. VOTE 3-0 6. BOND STATUS - Spear Farm Acres - Lomascolo Ms. Dachos explained that this Letter of Credit will expire on March 4, 2004. A copy of a signed contract with Palmer Paving to complete the final paving of the subdivision this Spring was submitted to the Board. An updated punch list will be prepared in the Spring when the weather permits. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve an extension of the Performance Agreement for Spear Farm Acres to May 20, 2004 with the condition that the Board receives a new Letter of Credit prior to March 4, 2004. If a new Letter of Credit is not received prior to March 4, 2004, legal proceedings will be initiated to secure the remaining bond funds. The new Letter of Credit should contain an expiration date of at least one year from now. VOTE 3-0 7. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Plumtree Meadow -Kopatz Construction No new information has been submitted on the proposed changes to the Definitive Plan for Plumtree Meadow regarding drainage. The members continued the hearing to the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM. i Y AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD March 4, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins Rick Sullivan Travis Ward MEMBERS ABSENT: Violet Baldwin =Z co c ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Edmunds The meeting was called to order by Mr. Hopkins at 7:05 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 19,2004 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the minutes of February 19, 2004 as written. VOTE 3-0 2. PRELIMINARY PLAN -Harvard Avenue - Grimaldi Ron Huot of Anderson Associates was in attendance to present a revised Preliminary Plan. He explained that he has located the two existing abutting houses on the plan and proposed a 10' buffer along the east and south side. A written request for waivers was submitted which includes: minimum distance between adjacent and parallel streets; classification from avenue to lane; to allow for a 10'buffer and to allow for one sidewalk only. Mr. Ward asked if there are any water issues with the site. Mr. Huot stated that the rear of the property is considered wetland. He also stated that the original subdivision plan for this property showed four lots. Two are now being shown(25,00 sq.fl, and 78,000 sq.ft. A Notice of Intent will he filed with the Conservation Commission. Mr. Hopkins then allowed for questions/comments from the abutters. Eleanor Gray, 17 Cambridge Street asked why a 10'buffer is shown and not a 30'buffer adjacent to her property. Mr. Hopkins explained that the Board members will look at the existing conditions prior to voting on the width of the waiver and they will decide what would be more appropriate (undisturbed vs. landscaped). Ms. Dachos explained that a preliminary plan basically shows the concept only and that a filing with the Conservation Commission will be next and then a Definitive Plan will be submitted. At the time of the Definitive Plan the Board will act o�the waivers. SCANNED-I '� Agawam Planning Board March 4, 2004 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the Preliminary Plan for Harvard Avenue by Grimaldi. VOTE 3-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Amendment to Rules&Regulations -New Lot Grading Plan Procedure Georganne Hoyman, Town Engineer, was in attendance. She explained that she has made revisions to the proposal regarding enforcement and penalty and more detail requirements. A new third step (inspecting of the foundation after is has been poured) has also been added. She added that if a problem is found and a "meeting of the minds" cannot not be accomplished then the Engineering Department would inform the Planning Board. The Planning Board could then request the Building Inspector to issue a stop work order. Mr. Ward asked what the likelihood of the Building Inspector supporting a stop work order request. Ms. Dachos stated that the Building Inspector is the enforcing entity for all rules and regulations and ordinances. Mr. Hopkins asked if there was a provision for bench mark information to be submitted. Ms. Hayman stated that she could request that information be provided on what bench mark was used. Ralph DePalma was in attendance and asked questions for clarification of the proposal. There was no other public input. Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing at this time. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the amendment to the Subdivision Rules and Regulations concerning the New Lot Grading Plan Procedure. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to amend the order of the agenda and to include the "add-on's". VOTE 3-0 7. DISCUSSION -Maple Street- DePalma Ralph DePalma was in attendance to discuss proposed work at the building he has purchased at O'Brien's Corner. He explained that he has been working on re-doing the facade of the building which will be used by the karate school which is currently in Feeding Hills Center. He explained that there are presently three entrances to the site. He would like to close the entrance closest to McGrath Terrace as he feels there are safety issues with vehicles trying to maneuver this entrance. He would like to remove the pavement that currently exists in front of the building and make that a grassed area. He would also like to extend the sidewalk through that area. He explained that he has approximately fifty parking spaces (gravel lot) and would like to eventually provide future access to the parking area from Begley Street and pave and mark the parking area. At this time, however, he wishes to only eliminate the one entrance near McGrath Terrace, Agawam Planning Board March 4, 2004 P-age_3 _ remove the existing pavement in front of the building and extend the sidewalk. He stated that he will submit a site plan at a later date for the future access to Begley Street and the layout of the parking area. Mr. Hopkins stated that he supports the proposed work with the sidewalk being extended. Georganne Hoyman, Town Engineer, was still in attendance and stated that a handicap Tamp will be necessary. 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Plumtree Meadow - Kopatz Construction Ms. Dachas stated that Mr. Kopatz has not yet submitted the additional information the proposed drainage swale at the Plumtree Meadow subdivision. She suggested that the Board send him a letter. Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Ward to send a letter to Kopatz Construction concerning the information on the proposed drainage swale that has not yet been submitted. VOTE 3-0 The public hearing was continued to the next meeting. 8. SIGN PLANS, EASEMENTS & PERF. AGREEMENT - Woodside Drive Estates Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to execute the Easements, Performance A�recinent and plans for the Woodside Drive Estates subdivision. VOTE 3-0 Ms. Dachas left the meeting at this time. 6. BOND SETTING - F.L. Roberts - Main St. & Lealand Avenue The Engineering Department came up with a figure of S65,400 for a bond amount for the completion of dic work at the new F.L. Roberts station on Main Street and Lealand Avenue. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to set the bond at $65,400 as recommended by the Engineering Department for the completion of the remaining work at the F.L. Roberts station on Main Street and Lealand Avenue. VOTE 3-0 The meeting adliourned at 7:55 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD April 1, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Travis Ward TIT- MEMBERS ABSENT: Patrick Sullivan ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Edmunds The meeting was called to order by Mr. Hopkins at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -March 4, 2004 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms.Baldwin to approve the minutes of March 4,2004 as written. VOTE 3-0 . 2. SITE PLAN - eco/Springfield, LLC -Bondi's Island A representative of eco/Springfield, LLC presented this Site Plan which shows the installation of a carbon injection system(will reduce mercury emissions) and a building to house the equipment (18/x 18/x 30'). Mr. Hopkins asked what color the building would be. He was informed that it will match the outside of the existing buildings (tan). Mr. Ward asked for the height of the two adjacent buildings. He was informed that they are 40' and shorter. It was pointed out that ZBA approval is needed for this project. Motion was made by Mr.Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Site Plan for eco/Springfield, LLC at Bondi's Island. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin-and seconded by Mr. Ward to amend the order of the agenda and include the "add-on's". VOTE 3-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Plumtree Meadow -Kopatz D.L.Bean submitted a letter to the Board outlining the status of the design of the proposed SCANNED L151_ 11 28 1 Agawam Planning Board April 1, 2004 Pa e 2 swale. Mr. Bean was also in attendance this evening. He stated that he will be walking the Channel 22 property tomorrow with the Town Engineer. Mr.Hopkins asked that he submit a plan for the next meeting. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to continue the public hearing for Plumtree Meadow to the next meeting and to send a letter to the developer stating that a plan for the swale must be submitted for that meeting. VOTE 3-0 2. SITE PLAN- Springfield Street-Palatium Realty Dave Bean presented this Site Plan on behalf of Ralph DePalma (Palatium Realty)who was also in attendance. The Site Plan shows the existing Woronoco Bank building being demolished as well the building next door that houses the karate school and the smaller building next to that. The plan shows the construction of a new`oronoco Bank building and another commercial building at the rear of the property. Mr, Hopkins asked in terms of square feet how much was corning down and how much would be new construction. Mr. Bean stated that there will be a net reduction if gross floor area of approximately 1600 sq.ft. He went on to explained that this project area consists of three lots reconfigured(Form A later on the agenda). The proposal is to develop the area as one site with multiple buildings. Three entrances are shown. The existing bank building will not be razed until the new building is in place. The rear of the post office will be sued for parking for the whole site. Approximately 84 spaces are shown. A 2,000 sq.ft. building is proposed for behind the new bank building. It is not know yet what type of business will be located there. A two way connection will be provided behind the post office to the adjacent Community Shops. They propose to use the existing drainage system. The easement has been increased. Twelve additional parking spaces for the Granger School are being shown at the rear of the site. The construction of the spaces would have to be provided by the Town. The existing picket fence will be extended to and along the easement line. Additional trees on Springfield Street have been shown at the request of Ms. Dachas. A planting schedule has been provided for the landscaping. Directional signage has been added per the Engineering Department. Mr. Bean stated that traffic marking will be done but does not want to use thermoplastic striping as the Engineering Department has requested. Mr.Hopkins stated that they should provide a note on the plan stating"striping to be maintained". The Engineering Department has submitted two memos. Mr. Bean stated that he had concerns with a few of the comments. One comment is regarding four parking spaces that the Engineering Department recommends be eliminated. Mr. DePalma does not feet it's necessary to remove the spaces that will be used for employee parking for the bank. He would like to keep it a paved area as it would be helpful for snow removal. The members agreed that it the spaces are a problem in terms of maneuvering, then Mr. DePalma could"cross hatch" the area so that it wouldn't be used for parking but would remain paved. Item#5 is regarding tearing up the sidewalk along Springfield Street and replacing it, with a permit from Mass.Highway Department to be sought t Agawam Planning Board April 1, 2004 Page 3 as it is a state.highway. Mr. DePalma stated that he has no problem with replacing the sidewalk but does not want to deal with state permitting. Mr. Hopkins stated that he could come back to the Board if it becomes an issue. Item#7 concerns the need for a traffic study. Ms. Dachos stated that is not necessary as there is plenty of stacking room on the site. Item#12 concerns the additional area for parking spaces for the Granger School. Ms. Dachas stated that the Mayor supported that but she wasn't sure if he was aware that the Town would have to construct the spaces. Mr. DePalma stated that when he was going through the zone change process,the principal of Granger School commented that she was in need of additional parking spaces and that's how this issue was brought up. He stated that he did not offer to construct the spaces but would set aside an area for them. The issue of exterior lighting was then brought up. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Board does not want any wall pack lighting. Mr. DePalma stated that he is proposing 20'poles with double heads and will provide the information to the Board. Ms. Dachos asked if they would be decorative. Mr. DePalma stated that decorative lighting may not give enough light but would look into it. The proposed sign location was then discussed. Mr. DePalma stated that he will maintain the existing sign for the bank and they will also have lettering on the building. Ms. Dachos asked about the building in the rear. Mr. DePalma stated that he will submit a sign design when they know what business will be in that building. He will submit an elevation of the building as well at that time. A colored elevation of the new bank building was brought to the meeting. Dental molding is shown on the building. Ms. Dachos asked if he would extend the dental molding to include the canopy of the drive up window. Mr. DePalma agreed to that. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Site Plan for Palatium Realty on Springfield Street with the following conditions: cut sheets for the proposed lighting shall be submitted to the Board; elevation of the rear building is to be submitted to the Board for their approval; dental moldings on the new bank building shall be extended to include the new Bank building; and the Engineering Department continents dated March 30, 2004 are to be addressed with the exception of items #4, 7 and 12. VOTE 3-0 A revised access easement for the common driveway will be submitted to the Town. 3. FORM A - Springfield Street -Palatium Realty This Form A shows the reconfiguration of the three parcels of Woronoco Bank site. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the plan for PaIatium Realty on Springfield Street under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 3-0 Agawam Planning Board April 1, 2004 Page 4 7. SITE PLAN-Meadow Street- W. Pynchon Apartments - Calabrese Chuck Calabrese presented this Site Plan which shows the construction of a storage shed behind the W. Pynchon Apartments on Meadow Street. An elevation of the proposed building was submitted. The members had no concerns with this plan. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Site Plan for a storage shed behind the W. Pynchon Apartments on Meadow-Street as shown on the elevation submitted. VOTE 3-0 8. RELEASE OF COVENANT - Gold Street-MicroTest Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to execute the Release of Covenant on Gold Street as prepared. VOTE 3-0 2. SITE PLAN-Malkoon Motors - Springfield,Mill Streets Ms. Dachos presented this Site Plan which shows a small addition to the Malkoon Motors building for use as an office. The members had no problems with the plan but asked that the landscaping match what is existing. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the Site Plan for Malkoon Motors,requiring that the proposed landscaping match what is existing. VOTE 3-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM. r" AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD April 15, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: r Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Rick Sullivan Travis Ward ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Edmunds The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mr. Hopkins. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 1,2004 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the minutes of April 1, 2004 as written. VOTE 4-0 2. PRELIMINARY PLAN- Silver Street-Aimua Joseph Aimua was in attendance to present this Preliminary Plan which shows the creation of fourteen lots on two parcels of land- one owned by Farina on Silver Street and the other owned by Melnichuk on Perry Lane. The Engineering Department submitted four pages of comments on this plan this afternoon. Mr. Aimua received the comments at the meeting and therefore had no time to respond to them. One of the first comments was in regards to line of sight at the intersection with Silver Street and Mr. Hopkins explained that due to the amount and extent of the comments, the presentation should be tabled to the next meeting. This would allow the applicant to meet with the Engineering Department and go over their concerns and bring in a revised plan. There were many abutters in attendance. Mr. Hopkins stated that they should contact the office.to see if this item will appear on the next agenda. Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Ms.Baldwin to table the Preliminary Plan for Aimua on Silver Street to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 3. SITE PLAN - Springfield Street-BankNorth Don Tencellent of BankNorth presented this Site Plan which shows a 216 sq.ft. addition to the SCANNED 1 ' • ' f Agawam Planning Board April 15, 2004 Page 2 existing bank building. Ms. Dachos pointed out in her review that the entrance/exit on Walnut Street is very dangerous. She asked Mr. Tencellent this evening if BankNorth would be willing to meet with her to discuss future possible changes to this entrance/exit. Mr. Tencellent stated that he is very willing to meet with her to discuss this area. Mr.Ward asked what the addition would look like in terms of colors and textures. Mr. Tencellent stated that it will match what is existing. Mr. Ward asked that BankNorth address the Walnut Street curbcut as soon as possible. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the Site Plan for BankNorth with the condition that the standard note regarding maintenance of the landscaping be added to the plan and a representative of BankNorth meet with the Town Planner in the near future to discuss possible future changes to the Walnut Street curbcut. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN- South Westfield Street- Omnipoint Holdings, Inc. Simon Brighenti of Omnipoint Holdings, Inc. a Division of Mobil was in attendance to present this Site Plan. He explained that the existing tower which is located at the Oak Ridge Country Club is 15V tall. This proposal will extend the height to 160'. Utility cabinets will also be placed within the compound area. Mr. Ward asked for the height of the cabinets. Mr. Brighenti stated that the height of the cabinets range from 37", 54" and 71" on a 8' x 6.5' concrete pad. A gps antenna will also be provided on the pole. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the Site Plan for Ornipoint Holdings, Inca on South Westfield Street. VOTE 4-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Revision to Plan-Plumtree Meadow-- Kopatz Construction Ms. Dachos stated that since the last meeting a letter was sent to Channel 22 asking them to address this matter immediately. The Town Engineer has since spoken with Dave Bean and they are awaiting a response from Channel 22. It was discussed that the majority of the work that is needed to be done on the Plumtree Meadow drainage design is unrelated to the work that Channel 22 needs to do. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send a letter to Channel 22 referring to the previous letter and the work that is needed and include that these issues must be addressed immediately as they are effecting the outcome of the work needed at the Plumtree Meadow subdivision. VOTE 4-0 e Agawam Planning Board April 15, 2004 Page 3 5. FORM A- Beverly Lane - Campiti Ms. Dachas presented this plan which shows two lots being created on Beverly Lane: The members agreed that the sidewalk must be installed on these lots. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the plan for Campiti on Beverly Lane under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required", and requiring that the sidewalk be' constructed on these Iots. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to amend the agenda to include the"add-on's". VOTE 4-0 7. FORM A-Mark Drive-Langone Ms. Dachos presented this plan and explained that the Engineering Department has not completed their review of the plan. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the plan for Langone on Mark Drive under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required" conditional upon the Engineering Department's review. VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD May.6, 2004 MEMBER PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Rick Sullivan Travis Ward ALSO PRESENT: Pamela R. Edmunds to Yam' The meeting was called to order by Mr. Hopkins at 7:00 PM. . 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 15, 2004 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the minutes of�§ril fir- 15, 2004 as written. N {'= VOTE 4-0 2. SITE PLAN -Lucia Lumber- Silver Street Mr. Lucia was in attendance to present this site plan which shows a proposed two story addition to the existing building to be used as a show room and an office. Mr. Hopkins asked what type of landscaping was proposed. The plan shows plantings in front of the addition but the size and species are not specified. Mr. Lucia stated that he would plant what the Board wants. The members agreed that 18" to 24" low growing junipers or yews would be appropriate. Mr. Lucia stated that he intends to install curbing and plant bushes and flowers. He stated that he would provide more details on the landscaping. Also,the Engineering Department submitted comments which Mr. Lucia must address. One of the items is that he must connect to the water line in Silver Street. Mr. Lucia stated that he was surprised with this comment as he was intending to connect to the Berkshire Power waterline and has written permission from Berkshire Power to do so. The members informed him that he must address that issue with the DPW. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Site Plan for Lucia Lumber with the condition that the May 6, 2004 Engineering Department comments be addressed and a landscape plan is to be submitted showing the size and species of the proposed plantings. VOTE 4-0 3. FORM A - Silver Street-Lucia This plan has been reviewed and approved in-house. SCANNED 4 4 I S% Agawam Planning Board May 6,2004 Page 2 Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the plan for Lucia on, Silver Street under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 4-0 4. CHAPTER 61A- South Street- Cook The Town received notification of its first right of refusal to purchase and approximately 25 acre site on South Street. The property is owned by Cook and a purchase and sale agreement has been signed. Mr. Hopkins explained to the newer members how the Chapter 6 1 A procedure works and that the Planning Board's role is to send a recommendation to the Mayor with regards to the Town purchasing the property. The Town must match the price in the purchase and sale agreement. The members discussed the property and its location. They were in agreement that the sale price does not make it feasible for the Town to purchase the property. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send a negative recommendation to the Mayor with regards to the Town's right of first refusal on the Chapter 6 1 A property owned by Cook on South Street. VOTE 4-0 5. PRELIMINARY PLAN- Silver Street& Perry Lane- Aimua Mr. Aimua requested that this item be tabled to the next meeting to allow him more time to address the Engineering Department comments. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to table the Preliminary Plan for Aimua on Silver Street and Perry Lane as requested. VOTE 4-0 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Revision to Def. Plan-Plumtree Meadow- Kopatz Mr.Kopatz asked for another continuance of this hearing. Motion was made by Mr.Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to continue the public hearing for the Revision to the Plumtree Meadow subdivision to the next meeting as requested. VOTE 4-0 The Town Engineer submitted a memo to the Board updating them on progress that is being made in coming up with a new design for the drainage swale in the Plumtree Meadow Agawam Planning Board May 6, 2004 Page 3 subdivision. She explained that she has walked the Channel 22 property with Dave Bean and Mr. Bean is re-doing the drainage on the site and will have something submitted in the near future. The memo also states that Mr. Kopatz would like a building permit on lot 3 and he contends that once lot 3 is graded and seeded it will help with the overall erosion problem. Ms. Hoymann stated that she supported that request at this time. The members discussed the matter and agreed that they had no problem with the issuance of a building permit on lot 3 however, they would like to review fixture building permits on a case by case basis. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 4-0 8. FORM A - Suffield& Cooper Streets - Suffriti This plan has been reviewed and approved in-house. The plan shows the former Deloghia property at the point of Suffield and Cooper Streets being divided into nine building lots. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the plan for Suffriti on Suffield and Cooper Streets under Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD May 20,2004 .MEMBERS PRESENT Dennis B. Hopkixis; Chairman Rick Sullivan . Travis Ward MEMBERS ABSENT: Violet Baldwin L ALSO PRESENT. Deborah S. Dachos The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mr. Hopkins. L: APPROVAL OF MINUTES May 6, 2004 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the minutes of May 5, 2004 as written. , VOTE 3-Q_ 2. BOND STATUS - Spear Farm Acres .-Lomas colo The members received a copy of the most recent punch list prepared by the Engineering ` Department The Letter of re it expires.on May 31;2004. Mr. Lomascolo has requested another extension of the Performance Agreement to allow him time to complete the punch list items.;.An abutter to the subclivisigri,Fredr Jeserslo of South West Street, was in attendance this everting.`His complaint is that lot 211VIuriel Lane abuts his property and has been graded so as #o drain onto hzs land There`aTe also other encroachments on this property. Ms. Dachos stated ^y that she met in house with Mr Lomascolo last week to go over the punch list items and discuss L ; Mr-,Jeserski's complaint1 M4 Lomascolo was to'contact Mr. Jeserski in an attempt to get an easement on his land ::The Board members discussed the amount of work yet to be completed as r well as IVIr'Jeserskt's complaint In conclusion they agreed to an extension to September 30, i 2004 with the condition that Mr Lomascolo submit written monthly progress reports to the n Board ' c ' Motion was made by Mr Ward And seconded by Mr. Sullivan to extend the Performance Agreement for Spear Farm Acres to September 30, 2004 with the condition that monthly progress reports be submitted to the.Board prior to their last meeting.of every month outlining that a'significant amount of work on the April 7, 2004 punch list has been completed at which time if the Board does notice that a significant progress has been made, the Board will entertain a motion to proceed with taking the remainig bond funds. VOTE 3-0` :J f,. F k . SCANNED 5 1 Agawam Planning Board May 20, 2004 PMe 2 - 3. FORM A - Suffield &Rowley Streets - Suffriti This plan was reviewed and approved in-house. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the plan for Suffriti on Suffield and Rowley Streets under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 3-0 4. PRELIMINARY PLAN- Silver Street- Aimua Mr. Aimua submitted a written request for an extension to the next meeting as he is still working on revised plans. Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Ward to extend the Preliminary Plan for Aimua on Silver Street to the next meeting as requested. VOTE 3-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Revision to Def. Plan -PIumtree Meadow-Kopatz The Engineering Department submitted a memo to the Board dated today that outlines remaining work to be completed at the subdivision. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to send a letter to Mr. Kopatz with a copy of the most recent Engineering memo and asking that he attend the next Board meeting to update the members on the progress the design and timetable for construction of the drainage system. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 3-0 7. SITE PLAN- Balfour Cars - 1801 Main Street Ms,Dachos presented this site plan which involves a used car license for 42 cars at 180I Main Street. The Board approved a site plan for the previous car lot at this location last year. Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the Site Plan for Balfour Cars at 1801 Main Street with the following conditions. additional landscaping is to be provided;pavement at the curb cut is to be repaired; auto parts found at the site are to be 1 Agawam Planning Board May 20, 2004 Page 3 removed; and the parking lot is to be re-striped. VOTE 3-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM. r f AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD June 3,2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Rick Sullivan Travis Ward - ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos " Pamela R. Edmunds -- r� The meeting was called to order by Mr. Hopkins at 7:00 PM. `n 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -May 20, 2004 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to table approval of the May 20, 2004 minutes as they were not yet prepared. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to amend the order of the agenda. VOTE 4-0 3. BOND STATUS - Willow Glenn Estates Phase 1I - Lots 1-6 &22-40 -Fether, Inc. Ms. Grimaldi requested a twelve month extension for Lots 1-6 and 22-40 Willow Glenn Estates. She also requested a bond reduction which will be acted upon at the next meeting. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to extend the Performance Agreement for Willow Glenn Estates Phase II Lots 1-6 and 22-40 for one year. VOTE 4-0 A punch list of outstanding work items on this phase will be requested for the next meeting. 4. PRELIMINARY PLAN - Silver Street-Aimua Mr.Aimua has submitted revised information to address Engineering comments however,the Engineering Department has not yet reviewed the additional information. A requested for an extension to the next meeting was submitted. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan tq extend the Preliminary Plan for Aimua on Silver Street to the June 17, 2004 meeting. VOTE 4-0 SCANNED 1 I Agawam Planning Board June 3, 2004 Page 2 S. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Revision to Def. Plan-Plumtree Meadow-Kopatz Mr. Kopatz was in attendance this evening. He informed the Board that he met with the Town Engineer and is waiting for Channel 22 to complete the work on their road. He stated that during the resurfacing of the 22 roadway a 6" cleanout was found on that road which requires added acreage to be added to the drainage calculations. He stated that he has cleaned and seeded the detention pond. He also stated that he met with Mr. Brown and his son as well as the owners of lots 9 and 9. The owner of lot 10 was not present but a representative was at the meeting. A new catch basin was proposed with Mr. Brown's property being lowered, Mr. Kopatz agreed to deliver four truckloads of topsoil to Mr. Brown. The owner of lot 10 was in attendance this evening. Mr. Kopatz stated that they have a conflict with the agreed upon resolution as there is no easement on their property. Mr. Hopkins stated that he should stabilize the area and come up with a final resolution that all parties will be satisfied with. Ms. Dachas stated that there are two issues with the subdivision: Lot 10 and the drainage issues on the north side of the development. Dennis Punch, 5 Plumtree Way (owner of lot 10) asked to address the Board at this point. He stated that he had no water on his property for the first eight months he has lived there. As a result of the recent work that Mr. Kopatz did in this area, he now has S'to 6' of standing water and an unusable sloped area. He stated that the water from Brown's property now flows to lot 10. He suggested that a perforated pipe be installed underground from the Brown property to the catch basin. Mr. Ward agreed to meet on-site with the developer, Town Engineer and affected lot owners. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to continue the public hearing on the Revision to the Plumtree Meadow Definitive Plan to the next meeting (June 17, 2004). VOTE 4-0 2. DISCUSSION -Avalon Place-tree cutting Mr. Hopkins removed himself from the table at this time. Mr. Ward took over as Chairman. Ms. Dachos gave the members a history of the complaint. The office received a call from an abutter regarding trees being cut within the buffer at 20 Avalon Place. The Planning Department requested the Building Inspector go out. The Building Inspector stopped the tree cutting as it appeared that trees were being cut within the 15'buffer. A letter was sent to the homeowners asking for their attendance at this meeting. The developer has had his surveyor go out and survey the lot and flag the buffer. The Engineering Department has been out to the site and took pictures today. The area has been graded and the stumps have been removed, There was no evidence of the trees so it was difficult to determine exactly how many were cut within the buffer. The Engineering Department has earlier pictures of the property and the Building Inspector also submitted gactures he took the day the complaint was received. The Engineering Department has reported that there are possible buffer violations on other lots on the street as well. There is a retaining wall within the buffer at 56 Avalon Place. The owner of 20 Avalon Agawam Planning Board June 3, 2004 Page 3 Place, Sue Nardi, was in attendance this evening. She submitted a written request to "remove the 15'buffer on her property. This buffer zone is filled with old grass clippings, ...and other items such as fence parts,paint cans and beer-bottles." Ms. Dachos explained that a public hearing will be necessary to make any changes to the buffer in this subdivision. Mr. Ward stated that he and other members of the Board met on-site today and found that it was difficult to determine whether trees were removed from the buffer. He was told that the Nolan Lane abutters were in agreement with a fence along the rear property line. Steven DePalma was in attendance. He stated that the prior entrance road to the property runs through the buffer from North Street. Ms. Nardi asked if a fence would be allowed within the buffer. Ms. Dachos stated that she would check with the Town Solicitor with regards to whether a fence is considered a structure or not. Pam and Pat Benvinudo of 9 Nolan Lane were in attendance this evening. They stated that they were told there would be a 15'buffer along the property behind them. Mr. Ward stated that a public hearing will be scheduled on this matter and all abutters will be notified. Ms. Dachos stated that anyone interested in the outcome of the Town Solicitor's opinion on whether a fence is a structure can contact the Planning Department next week. The public hearing will be scheduled for the first meeting in July. 3. BOND STATUS - Camlann Wood-Regal Homes &Development Mr. Hopkins returned to the table at this time. Steve DePalma of Regal Homes and Development was in attendance. He submitted a written request for a three month extension. He stated that he asked the Engineering Department to compile a punch list for his use in completing the work at the subdivision. He has scheduled the final paving for some time in July. Upon discussion, it was agreed that a six month extension would be appropriate: Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve a six month extension to the Performance Agreement for Camlann Wood to December 20, 2004. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Hopkins and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to amend the agenda to include the "add-on". VOTE 4-0 FORM A-Mill Street- Lchn This plan has been reviewed and approved in-house. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the plan for Lehn on Mill Street under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM. y AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD December 2, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Michael Morassi Travis Ward ALSO PRESENT: -- Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Edmunds The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mr. Hopkins. r cn 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -November 18, 2004 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table approval of the November 18, 2004 minutes as they were not completed for this meeting. VOTE 4-0 2. DISC. & POSSIBLE VOTE- Zone Change- 1176 Springfield Street-Beaumier Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to send a negative recommendation to the Town Council with regard to the proposed zone change at 1176 Springfield Street. VOTE 4-0 3. PRELIMINARY PLAN - Silver Street - Pelley/Malone Dave Bean of D.L. Bean, Inc. presented this Preliminary Plan which shows the creation of 12 lots on approximately 11 acres of land. The proposed street will come in off of Silver Street adjacent to house#404 and will connect out to Mountain View Street. An approximately 450'long dead end street with cul-de-sac will continue beyond Mountain.View Street. The front of the property is zoned Business, the remaining is zoned Agriculture. There are wetlands and a brook to the rear of the site. A Notice of Intent will be filed with the Conservation Commission. The detention basin is located on lot#7. One waiver request was submitted-to allow a low pressure sanitary sewer system for ten of the lots (three lots would have gravity sanitary sewer connections and the remaining would have a low pressure sanitary sewer system with grinder pumps. Mr. Hopkins then referred to the Engineering Department comments, one of which states"The Agawam DPW does not want a public low pressure sewer within the right of way. Low pressure Agawam Conservation Commission December 2, 2004 Page 2 then provided which include: A. "The entire subdivision could be serviced by gravity sewer if the proposed main connected to the existing sewer located in the easement at the northwest corner of Lot 6....." and B "The developer should investigate the option of connecting to the sewer main at a lower elevation on Silver Street....." Mr. Hopkins stated that the Planning Board may not be receptive to individual sewer systems. Mr. Bean stated that the municipal sewer easement "touches"the northwest corner of the property and is approximately 26' higher than the brook. Mr. Bean stated another option would be septic systems. Mr. Hopkins stated that if septics were proposed the Town may want a capped sewer line also or a pump station. Mr.Bean stated that individual grinder pumps would require one manhole with a flushing valve and a 2" to 3" plastic line. The individual pumps would be maintained, installed and repaired by the property owners. He stated that he will meet with the Town Engineer to discussion the sewer issue. He also stated that he has no problem with the remaining comments which will be addressed during the Definitive Plan review. Mr. Hopkins then allowed for questions from abutters. Roger Cardin, 36 Mountain View Street asked if the homes were single family. Mr. Bean stated Yes. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the Preliminary Plan for Pelley/Malone on Silver Street conditional upon the December 2, 2004 Engineering Department comments being addressed, VOTE 4-0 4. BOND STATUS - Camland Wood-Regal Homes &Development A letter was sent to the developer informing him that the Performance Agreement for Camaann Wood would expire on December 20, 2004. The developer was not in attendance this evening and did not submit a request for an extension. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to initiate legal proceedings to secure the bond on the Camlann Wood subdivision. VOTE 4-0 BOND STATUS - High Meadow III The Engineering Department submitted a memo to the Board stating that they would support an extension of the Performance Agreements for High Meadow III until the Spring as the developer has done a lot of the work but some items will have to wait until warmer weather. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr.Morassi to extend the Performance Agawam Conservation Commission December 2, 2004 Page 4 of 54 Avalon Place-tree cutting. VOTE 4-0 The Planning Department received phone calls from an abutter on Nolan.Lane stating that trees were being cut,possible within the buffer, on 54 Avalon Place. Ms. Dachos notified the Board members and some of them made site visits and found that numerous trees were removed at least within ten feet of the property line. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that a meeting be scheduled with one or two members of the Board and the Town Solicitor to discuss options on addressing the numerous violations at 54 Avalon Place. Ms. Dachos stated that she would scheduled the meeting as soon as possible and that she would also attend. At this time, Mr. DePalma of Regal Homes and Development Corp. entered the meeting. He stated that he did not receive the letter from the Planning Department regarding his Performance Agreement for Camlann Wood expiring but just received a call from his banker. He stated that he has a new address'and no longer receives mail at the address that is referenced all paperwork in the file including the Performance Agreement. (A copy of the letter was sent to United Bank.) Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to bring the Bond Status for Camlann Wood back on the table. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to rescind the previous motion to initiate legal action to secure the bond being held on Camlann Wood. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to extend the Performance Agreement for Camlann Wood to June lb, 2005. VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD November 18, 2004 . MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Travis Ward MEMBERS ABSENT: Michael Morassi `- Rick Sullivan ALSO PRESENT: �? c Deborah S. Dachos r Pamela R. Edmunds The meeting was called to order by Mr. Hopkins at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - October 28, 2004 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the minutes of October 28, 2004 as written. VOTE 3-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING -Zone Change - 1176 Springfield Street-Beaumier Attorney Mark Beglane was in attendance representing the applicant, Donna Beaumier, Trustee, 1176 Realty Trust. He stated that the property is located next to the Carriage House Apartments which are owned by his client also and that his client purchased 1176 Springfield Street to provide for more parking for the apartments and to utilize the house for business purposes. The property is zoned Business A in the front and Residence A-2 in the rear. They are seeking to have the entire parcel zoned Business A which would allow for parking at the rear of the site. He explained that they would provide cross easements for the use. He went on to say that currently his client Imses property from Mr. Cecchi which is used for tenant parking at the apartments. According to Attorney Beglane, Mr. Cecchi is not interested is selling this area to provide for permanent parking. It is their concern that someday Mr. Cecchi may not want to renew the lease. He stated that there are forty-four(44)units in the apartments and they would like to be able to provide two parking spaces per unit. He explained that a site plan would be submitted for the parking lot,if the zone change is granted. At that time they would be willing to provide a buffer to the residences in this area. At this point, Mr. Hopkins explained to those in attendance that the Planning Board is a recommending board to the Town Council who ultimately votes on the zone change. As part of the Planning Board's review, he explained that they must take into Agawam Planning Board November 18,2004 Page 2 under the Business A zone. He asked what the current use of the structure at 1176 is. Attorney Beglane stated that it is currently used as a house (residence). Ms. Baldwin asked how many parking spaces they currently provide for the tenants and how long they have been leasing this area. Attorney Beglane stated thirty-seven (37) spaces are currently provided and they have been leasing the land since 1989. Mr. Ward asked if they had considered taking down the existing house and using that area for parking. Attorney Beglane stated that his client would like to keep the house to use for business purposes. He did not think that the area of the existing house would provide for enough parking. Mr. Ward explained that they must look at what is in the best interest of the Town and that he feels parking would be better in the Business A area rather than the rear RA-2 area. Attorney Beglane reiterated that he did not feel the existing Business A area would be enough,they would still need at least a portion of the RA-2 zone. He stated that his client will provide buffers for the residences. At this point Mr. Hopkins allowed for public input. Bob Uschmann, 32 Northwood Street stated that if they take down the existing house there would be more than enough room for parking. His property directly abuts the RA-2 portion and he does not want parking in his backyard. Edward Dean, 25 Northwood Street stated that if they were to remove the existing stockade fence adjacent to the Business A residence they could provide more parking in that area. He also stated that the applicant bought the apartments with inadequate parking. Pam Massaro, 40 Northwood Street stated that she feels Agawam allows for too many zone changes. She questioned that if this zone change is granted,what if they don't put parking there. There are other uses allowed. Frank Kinsiey, 132 Northwood Street stated that he owns the house next to 1176, on the corner of Springfield and Northwood. He stated that cars from the apartments currently cut across his property. He expressed concerns over lighting and the provision of a buffer. Mr. Hopkins stated lighting and buffers would be discussed during site plan review. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to table action on the zone change request for Beaumier, 1176 Springfield Street to the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING -Violation of Definitive Plan- 54 Avalon Place - Bys Mr. Hopkins stated that the Board received a report dated October 15, 2004 from the Engineering Department in response to a complaint that the Planning Department received regarding the grading of 54 Avalon Place. The report basically states that significant grading has been done which is different from the approved plan.A copy of the October 15, 2004 is available Agawam Planning Board November 18, 2004 Pane 3 _ in Planning Department Ms. Dachos then stated that grading violations require revised grading plans. The direct abutter to this lot is being effected by drainage coming directly off this lot. Attorney Beglane represents the owners of 54 Avalon Place, Chet and Donna Bys. He stated that his clients were not aware of the requirement of the grading plan to stay the same forever and that it was always their intention to install an in-ground swimming pool. Ms. Dachos reiterated that it is the Board's policy that any revision to the definitive plan requires a public hearing. Attorney Beglane stated that the developer installed the retaining wall and driveway and that his clients have asked the abutters to allow it to stay and to allow drainage structures to keep the drainage on this lot. They have installed drains piped underground to carry the drainage to the back of the property. He stated that the pool is cemented in, the retaining wall is built and there is a grassed area for drainage between the wall and the pool. He also stated that his clients received a permit for the pool but were not aware they had to get approval to change the grading. Mr. Ward asked if the Board was addressing the just the pool issue this evening. Mr. Hopkins stated they are to address any significant change to the grading plan and any work that is proposed in the buffer. Attorney Beglane stated they propose to grade it gradually to flush with the ground from the retaining wall and with the consent of the neighbors they would propose work in the buffer(i.e. pipes underground to empty onto same property within 20'25' of the property line. Mr.Hopkins then asked for any public input. Bob Frenier, 39 Nolan Lane stated that he is one of the abutters to the back of this lot. He has lived there for ten years. The height of the house on 54.Avalon Place as infringed on his life and his privacy and that of his family. He stated that he now has a driveway on top of the stockade fence. He now experiences water problems and has grass/sod growing 3' out of his fence. He has a concrete wall 26" from his property line. Ms. Baldwin asked about his water problems. Mr. Frenier stated that he has waterfsoil runoff from the property behind him and now has approximately 1.5'of soil built up against his fence. Judy Ghoering, 71 Nolan Lane stated that the property on Avalon Place is approximately five feet higher than Nolan Lane. Mike Bourbonnais, 49 Nolan Lane stated that he would rather not have a retaining wall in his backyard and that he is also experiencing problems with water and soil runoff. At this point Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing. Attorney Beglane stated that the retaining wall and driveway were constructed by the developer. They are proposing drainage structures to control the water from running off onto the abutters to the rear. They are also proposing a "stucco'd" wall with a terraced effect that would keep the soils from eroding. Ms. Baldwin asked if they have approached the abutters to discuss these concerns. Attorney Beglane stated they have spoken with Mr. Borbounnais. Mr. Hopkins stated that they must correct the situation. He instructed them to submit a revised grading plan to the Town Engineer. He also stated that any work in the buffer would have to be agreeable by the Agawam Planning Board November 18, 2004 Page 4 abutters. Gary Liquori, attorney for Regal Homes and Development Corp. was in attendance. He stated that he has signed waivers from the residents in the Camlann Wood subdivision (Avalon Place) regarding the buffer. Ms. Dachos stated that the approved Definitive Plan shows a buffer. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to continue this public hearing until a revised grading plan,prepared by a professional engineer, has been submitted to the Town Engineer which controls the drainage on this lot and considers the buffer restriction - if any change to the buffer is proposed, it must be acceptable by the.abutters. VOTE 3-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Revision to Definitive Plan- Plumtree Meadow Kopatz Bill Kopatz was in attendance, however, his engineer could not be at the meeting to present the revised plan for the drainage swale. The Engineering Department submitted favorable comments on the proposed swale design to the Board which Mr.Hopkins read aloud. Within the comments, it is suggested that permanent grading restrictions be placed on the affected properties. Mr. Kopatz stated that since so much time has lapsed while during the design of this proposed drainage swale,he has done a significant amount of work out there(cuts and swales). The work is not quite as extensive as shown on the plan that the Engineering Department has reviewed, however, it appears it is "working". He has graded the area and check dams and riprap have been placed. He would like to be able to wait until Spring to see if the work he has done will control the runoff. Ms. Dachos stated that the proposal that was submitted was based on a design prepared by an engineer. George Bozoglos, 595 North West Street brought in pictures of the swale which is 18'wide and approximately 1.5' deep. He stated that he likes it and is satisfied so far. During a recent 24 hour rain event he stated that it did a great job in controlling flows. He went on to say that he is very pleased with the work that Channel 22 did on their roadway and also with the work that Mr. Kopatz has done. John Smidt, 583 North West Street stated that the swale is not proposed on his property but he owns part of the easement to the detention basin. He stated that the work that Channel 22 did on their roadway has corrected the problem with the detention basin as it does not fill up as it did before. Dan Harpin, 15 Plumtree Way as why the developer couldn't go in at this point and open up the drains(remove tarps from drains). He stated that everyone he has spoken with in the subdivision is happy with the work that has been done. Liza Curry,40 Plumtree Way stated that she now receives a lot less water on her property as a result of the work that Channel 22 did and Mr. Kopatz did. She stated that she would be agreeable to waiting until spring to see if the.work that has been done is sufficient. Agawam Planning Board November 18, 2004 Page 5 Mr. Hopkins suggested that Mr. Kopatz have his engineer look at the calculations of what he has done out there. He closed the public hearing at this time. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send a positive recommendation to the Town Engineer with regard to waiting until spring to complete the work as proposed and to allow the developer to install a temporary connection from the detention pond to the drain in North West Street. VOTE 3-0 5. SITE PLAN - W. Springfield Congregation of Jehova's Witnesses -North Westfield St. Mr. Hopkins explained to the large crowd that was in attendance that the Board has not received comments from the Engineering Department as they have requested that a traffic study by a certified traffic engineer be submitted as part of their review. Ms. Dachos explained that the Town Engineer, Safety Officer, and Planning Department all agree with the need for a traffic study for this site plan. Gary Weiner of Ecotec Environmental Associates was in attendance to present this site plan as well as Eric Roberts, project manager for the church. Mr. Weiner explained that the proposal is to construct a 5200 sf worship center on this approximately 4.4 acre site on North Westfield Street. There is a 100' WMECO easement that runs through the parcel. The site will be access from North Westfield Street. The proposed building will be 400 to 500 feet back from the street, approximately 100'from residences. He stated that the existing woodline would remain. The worship center will seat approximately 170 and approximately 94 parking spaces are shown. The services take place on Saturdays, Sundays and Thursday nights. The have approximately 60 to 70 parishioners. Mr. Roberts stated that during weekdays, approximately 20 members would be utilizing the facility and that all activity is basically done by 9:00 PM. Mr. Weiner stated that they recognize the traffic issue and have hired J. Pechulis to perform a traffic study. He then went on to explain that the building will be a one story, slab on grade building. The utilities will be within the driveway. Infiltration galleys have been proposed for drainage. Vegetation along the perimeter will essentially remain. A landscape plan will be submitted. They are proposing to cut the embankment at the entrance at North Westfield Street to allow for visibility. Mr. Hopkins asked what the color and textures of the building would be. Mr. Weiner stated that is will be brick veneer facing with some wood clapboard at the peak areas and architectural shingled roof. He stated that no hvlac units will be located on the roof and that no dumpster is proposed. The lighting will be fully shielded. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Board has not yet received comments from the Fire Department. Also, the.Safety Officer submitted a memo stating that he will complete his review of the site plan when he receives a traffic study. Ms. . Baldwin asked if the handicapped parking was adequate. Ms. Dachos stated that was up to the building inspector to determine. Mr. Hopkins then allowed for questions from the public. Agawam Planning Board November 18, 2004 Page b Marie Maleck, 44 Parkedge Drive asked if more parking would be provided if the membership were to increase. Mr. Hopkins stated that more parking would require a revised site plan. Mrs. Maleck then asked how much foliage would remain. Mr.Weiner stated that approximately 35' of vegetation would be maintained. Rick Bellico, 51 Parkedge Drive stated that he feels this is the worst location for this use as North Westfield Street is very dangerous in this area. They have had severe accidents in this location. He feels that this proposal will cause more severe accidents and maybe even deaths. He also was concerned that the Town would be open to lawsuits if this were to occur. Tom Marino, 40 Marlene Drive asked if the traffic study that was being prepared was taking into account volume only. Mr. Weiner stated that Mr. Pechulis will also look at momentun with stopping sight distance. He also stated that if the grade cannot be cut enough to satisfy safety requirements,Mr. Pechulis will not certify the location Mr.Marmo asked for a proposed completion date. Mr. Roberts stated that they are looking at the middle of next year. Mr. Marino stated that he has been a.police officer in this town for over twenty years and a homeowner in this immediate area. He spoke of the severity of the accidents in this location and also stated this is a very dangerous section of roadway. Jerry Fedora, 20 Parkedge Drive asked if traffic was the sole concern of the town. Mr. Hopkins stated no, the Building Inspector o.k.'s the use and the Planning Board looks at the traffic, lighting, drainage, buffers. Mr. Fedora asked about quality of life issues as his backyard looks directly on this site. Mr. Hopkins explained that churches are exempt from zoning but the Town can put reasonable controls on it. Joe MacDyer, 193 Parkedge Drive stated that he is concerned with drainage as his house is lower than this site. He also stated that he is a state trooper and reiterated previous comments that this is a very dangerous location. Mr. Weiner explained the drainage proposed and that he will not receive additional flows as a result of this proposal. Ron Pariseau, 59 Parkedge Drive asked how many feet to the crest of the hill on North Westfield Street from the proposed entrance to this site. Mr. Weiner attempted to provide that number however,the plan does not show the crest of the hill. Mr.Pariseau stated his concerns for safety also as large trucks heading south on North Westfield Street go easily 40 MPH in this area. Mike Dobise, 43 Parkedge Drive stated that the traffic study was started last week. He stated that the sun, weather conditions, different seasons all have an effect on visibility in this dangerous location. He questioned whether the traffic study would take into account all weather and visibility conditions. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Engineering Department will conduct a quite thorough review of the traffic study. Jack Duarte, 39 Marlene Drive stated that Westfield Sand and Gravel trucks use this roadway Agawam Planning Board November 18, 2004 Page 7 daily and travel at high speeds. He questioned the viability of a fire truck to enter this site. Mr. Marino then asked the width of the driveway. Mr. Weiner stated that the driveway would be 24' wide plus radius cutbacks. Mr. Marmo stated that from the pump station to the proposed driveway location there is an approximately 74' elevation change. Rick Bellico, 51 Parkedge Drive stated that the corner house on Parkedge Drive originally had a driveway onto North Westfield Street but due to safety reasons had to move it to Parkedge Drive. He stated that since the opening of the new Route 57,North Westfield Street is heavily traveled by tractor trailer trucks. Charlie Reutt, 21 Parkedge Drive stated that this section of North Westfield Street is the same section that the State has proposed to out and fill to provide for a more safe design. Janine Iacolo, 95 Parkedge Drive expressed concerns over the safety of school children in this area. She stated that the residents petitioned the Town and now the school buses pull into .Parkedge Drive to pick up/drop off school children. Mrs. McDyer, 193 Parkedge Drive stated that while she also has safety concerns, she asked what the back of the building would look like as well as the storage shed proposed. Mr. Weiner stated that the back of the building is proposed to be clapboard,not brick. There will be windows in the back of the building. Also, the storage shed will be wood framed with clapboard. He stated that the location of the storage shed could be moved. Rose Sharpe, 69 Parkedge Drive stated that during bad winter conditions,this section of roadway has been closed. She also stated that approximately five years ago, due to the number of accidents at this location, the residents in this area petitioned the Town for the installation of caution signs. Frank Maleck,44 Parkedge Drive stated that since the development of this parcel will take place approximately 30' from his property line, how can he maintain privacy with headlights,.etc. He also asked how much clearance there would be around the plot. Mr. Weiner stated that the existing wooded buffer would be undisturbed. They could also provide additional plantings if the Town required. He stated that they intend to clear only the area that needs to be graded on the site. Ann Bellico, 51 Parkedge Drive also spoke of the safety issue at this location. Ms. Dachos explained the site plan process and the Planning Board's role. She stated that the Board could place a condition that a new access to the site be provided, if required. Susan Cormier, 23 Marlene Drive stated that she feels a church would be a good neighbor. However, she expressed concerns with safety issues with snow and plowing. Agawam Planning Board November 18,2004 Pale 8 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send the Site Plan for the West Springfield Congregation of Jehova's Witnesses on North Westfield Street back to the petitioner until a traffic study prepared by a certified traffic engineer be submitted and reviewed by the Town and other issues brought up this evening be addressed (i.e. move location of shed, provide visual buffers; etc.). VOTE 3-0 The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD September 30, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Travis Ward MEMBERS ABSENT: 4 Michael Morassi Rick Sullivan ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Edmunds : rr, The meeting was called to order by Mr. Hopkins at 7:00 PM. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -August 19 and September 2, 2004 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the minutes of August 19, 2004 as written. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the minutes of September 2, 2004 as written. VOTE 3-0 2. SITE PLAN - Olympic Manufacturing-Bowles Road Doug Mattoon of Associated Builders presented this Site Plan which shows the construction of a 128,400 sq.ft. addition to the existing building on Bowles Road. The existing water main easement will be relocated for the addition. He explained that it will be a pre-engineered building with metal panels and split faced block. The will be mostly manufacturing and warehousing. Eighty-six (86) additional parking spaces will be provided for staff and visitor parking. Thirteen (13) loading docks will be constructed with one at-grade door and three(3) shipping docks. One new curbcut will be provided for truck access to the docks. They will connect to the existing utilities in the street. He stated that all work proposed is out of the 100' buffer zone to a wetland. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Engineering Department has not yet reviewed the plan. Mr. Mattoon stated that a"team meeting'was held prior to the submittal. Two hydrants will be provided on the site. A landscape plan was submitted with the proposal. No new sign is proposed. Mr. Hopkins asked what type of exterior lighting was proposed. Mr. Agawam Planning Board September 30, 2004 Page 2 Mattoon stated shielded wall packs will be used and two shielded pole lights will be used. Mr. Hopkins asked if there was room for additional parking spaces if needed. Mr. Mattoon stated that they have proposed a total of 228 spaces and that 129 are required. He added that approximately 100 additional spaces were provided to offset shift change. Ms. Baldwin asked if dumpsters were proposed. Mr. Mattoon stated that a covered storage area will be provided with the trash compactor and dumpster. Mr. Ward asked if there would be any visible hvac units on the roof. Mr. Mattoon stated that they will be located on the roof but the frame line shields them from view. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Site Plan for Olympic Manufacturing on Bowles Road conditional upon review of the Engineering Department. VOTE 3-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING-Amendment to Rules and Regulations re: buffers Ms. Dachos explained that this hearing is to be re-advertised as the legal ad contained incorrect information. 4. SITE PLAN- School Street-Town of Agawam Chris Sparks,Director of Parks and Recreation was in attendance to present this "conceptual" site plan. He stated that he is seeking approval of the"conceptual plan" in order to move forward with a funding request to the Community Preservation Committee. He explained that it is an approximately 50 acre parcel. The plan shows community event space. The Master Plan for the project was approved by the Planning Board in September of 2001. Mr. Sparks stated that it is the intent to move the events that take place at/near Phelps School to this site. Mr. Hopkins stated that they should be sure the lighting is not offensive to the abutting properties. He stated that he does not feel that sound from the proposed ampitheater will not be an issue as it is located lower than the seating. He also stated that he feels the project will complement the bike path. Ms.Dachos stated that a heavily landscaped buffer will be maintained along the residential properties and the stage will have sound-proof sides. A full site plan will be submitted if and when CPA funding is approved. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the conceptual site plan for School Street by the Town of Agawam. VOTE 3-0 Agawam Planning Board September 30, 2004 Page 3 9. SITE PLAN - Silver Street.- Vincunas Ken Vincunas was in attendance to present this Site Plan which shows a 15' wide driveway connector from the Olympic Mfg. site on Bowles Road to 630/604 Silver Street. Culverts will be provided under the driveway for drainage. The Engineering Department has not yet reviewed the plan. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the Site Plan for Vincunas on Silver Street conditional upon review by the Engineering Department. VOTE 3-0 SITE PLANT -JR Sweeping- Moylan Lane Jim Ricco of JR Sweeping was in attendance to present this Site Plan which shows the construction of a "membrane" structure to cover their sand pile that is used for roadway sanding in the winter. He stated that it will be located at the rear of the property. Mr. Hopkins stated that he drove by the site today and noticed that the rear of the property is used mainly for storage of equipment/vehicles. He asked how he is proposing to screen the area. Mr. R.icco stated that he placed slats in the existing fence today as a result of the Town Planner's Site Plan review which pointed out that screening would be needed. He stated that he would provide additional slats in the fence. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Site Plan for JR Sweeping on Moylan Lane with the condition that additional slats be installed into the fence to further shield the area for a distance of approximately 100' on the south side of the building. VOTE 3-0 5. BOND STATUS - High Meadow III The developer requested an extension to these Performance Agreements as well as a final punch list. The Engineering Department has not yet prepared the punch list. Ms. Dachos stated that she spoke with Chucky Calabrese today. He stated that he has constructed a swale with riprap on the bottom. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms.Baldwin to approve 60 day extensions to the Performance Agreements for High Meadow III (Wagon Wheel Drive and Anvil Street). VOTE 3-0 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Plumtree Estates -Kopatz Construction Agawam Planning Board September 30, 2004 Page 4 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to continue this hearing once again as the Engineering Dept. is reviewing the latest revisions to the plans. VOTE 3-0 7. DISCUSSION - Membrane Structures &Transient Parking The members had a brief discussion regarding regulating membrane structures. This item will be placed on a future agenda with the full Board present. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM. i AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD September 2, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins,Chairman r Violet Baldwin r Michael Morassi Rick Sullivan MEMBERS ABSENT: Travis Ward , s ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S.Dachos The meeting was called to order by Mr. Hopkins at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -August 19, 2004 Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table approval of the August 19,2004 minutes as they were not yet prepared. VOTE 4-0 2. DISCUSSION &POSSIBLE VOTE- Zone Change- 521 River Road-Rising The members discussed the proposed zone change at 521 River Road. Mr. Morassi and Mr. Sullivan stated that they did not feel that it would be a positive change for the neighborhood as the portion that is zoned Residential provides for a buffer to the neighboring residences. Also, possible future uses would not be positive to the"flavor" of the neighborhood. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to send a negative recommendation to the Town Council with regard to the proposed zone change at 521 River Road. VOTE 2-1-1 (Hopkins opposed, Baldwin abstained) 3. DISCUSSION- Pride.Convenience-North Westfield Street Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the release of bond being held on the Pride Convenience project pending notification from.the Engineering Department that the pavement markings have been satisfactorily completed. VOTE 4-0 Agawam Planning Board September 2, 2004 Page 2 4. PUBLIC HEARING -Revision to Definitive Plan-Plumtree Meadow-Kopatz Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr.Morassi to continue this hearing once again as the Engineering Department has recently received revised design plans for the proposed. drainage swale. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's" and a discussion of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Dova Development on Silver Street. VOTE 4-0 6. FORM A-Bowles Road - Olympic Mfg. Ms. Dachos explained that this plan came into the office late therefore review by the professional staff has not been completed. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the plan for Olympic Mfg. on Bowles Road under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required" pending favorable reviews by the professional staff. VOTE 4-0 7. DISCUSSION -Dova Development- Silver Street The Engineering Department has reviewed revised information that was submitted for this Preliminary Plan which the Planning Board previously denied. A memo dated August 23,2004 was sent to the Planning Board outlining comments on the recent submittal. Items#7 and#S concern the need for a sight distance easement and an executed document to that affect. The . members were in agreement that the sight distance easement is necessary for the plan to move forward with the entrance from Silver Street as shown. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send a letter to the Dova. Development applicant stating that items #7 and#8 of the August 23, 2004 memo from the Engineering Department must be addressed prior to the Board scheduling the Preliminary Plan on an agenda. VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 5:15 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD August 19, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: _ Dennis B.Hopkins, Chairman P v Violet Baldwin Rick Sullivan j M..f MEMBERS ABSENT: - Michael Morassi o Travis Ward cn ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Edmunds The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mr. Hopkins. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 15, 2004 Motion was made by Ms.Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the minutes of July 15, 2004 as written. VOTE 3-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING-Zone Change - 521 River Road-Rising Attorney Ray Gendron was in attendance to present this proposed zone change on behalf of Mr. Rising. He explained that the property is presently occupied as a used car lot and they also sell racing fuel. Approximately one third of the parcel is zoned residential. The request is zone the entire parcel Business A. He explained that Mr.Rising has owned the property since 1985 as one parcel and he would now like to make the entire parcel conform to Business A. Mr. Hopkins asked for any public input. Frank Carmel, 72 Channel Drive - spoke on behalf of Mr. Rising. He stated that he keeps the site very neat and clean and he has no objection to the request to zone the entire parcel Business A. Frank Dell, 13 Campbell Drive also spoke on behalf of Mr.Rising, stating that he is an honest and reliable businessman. There being no further public input,Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing. Ms. Dachos asked Mr. Rising if it were his intent to increase his car license. Mr. Rising stated that he will most likely be selling the property eventually. Ms. Dachos stated there are residential properties to the south and west of this site. She prepared a report for the Board which does not support the �i - Agawam Planning Board August 19,2004 Page 2 request. She stated that the car lot is presently a legal non-conforming use and that the existing zoning of the site creates a buffer for the residential properties. She also stated that there is a recently constructed bike path in the area which will be used by children as well as adults. In closing she stated that a more intensive use of the Iot(possible increase in number cars)does not appear to be in the best interest of the neighborhood. Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to table action on the zone change for 521 River Road to the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 At this point additional abutters entered the meeting. The letter sent to them stated that the public hearing would be at 7:15, not 7:00 as the agenda read. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to re-opcn the public hearing for the zone change for 521 River Road, Rising. VOTE 3-0 Mr. Hopkins gave a brief overview of the presentation that was given and asked for public input. Roger Proux, 300 Leonard Street asked how this zone change would effect the existing parcel. Ms. Dachos explained that an expansion of the car lot or a change to it requires a zone change. Susan Proux of 300 Leonard Street submitted photos the site. George Labun, 69 Oak Hill Avenue asked how many cars Mr. Rising was permitted for at this time. W. Rising stated ten. Mr. Labun asked if the intent was to request more cars to be sold there. Mr. Rising explained that he would just like to make the zoning of the consistent, all Business A. Lorraine Labun, 69 Oak Hill Avenue asked what the size of the Residential zone was. This area zoned for residential was point out to her. Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing at this point and explained that the item will be voted on at the next meeting. He also explained that the Planning Board votes to send a recommendation to the Town Council who makes the final decision on the request. 3, ZONE CHANGE - 271-279 Garden Street- Garden Park LLC Steve Graham of Toner Plastics, 699 Silver Street and president of Garden Park LLC was in attendance to present this zone change request. He stated that he purchased the property in February of 2004. There are currently five buildings on the site used as light industrial/business. Agawam Planning Board August 19, 2004 Page 3 The current zone line goes through the middle with the front of the site being Business B and the rear Agricultural. He is requesting that the entire site be zoned Business B. He stated that since 1947 the property has been used as light industrial use. His goal is to eliminate the existing buildings and construct new ones. There is a wetland area to the rear of the site, a portion of which was taken by the state for Route 57. He feels there would be no adverse impact on the neighborhood and that it would be a benefit to replace the existing old buildings with new, modem structures. Ms. Baldwin asked what type of business he proposes to put there. Mx. Graham explained that he owns Toner Plastics which manufactures plastic for crafts and vinyl coated wire. He stated that he built the building six years ago. Ms. Dachos asked if it was his intent to build new buildings on this site to sell. Mr. Graham stated that it is more likely that he will lease the new area. He also stated that currently four of the existing buildings are occupied by tenants. Mr. Sullivan stated that he is familiar with the area and that the buildings are very dated. He asked if the existing buildings would be dislocated. Mr. Graham stated that it would be ideal to construct the new buildings without dislocating the existing buildings,however,the tenants could be offered to rent in the new structures. Mr. Hopkins asked for any public input. Mary Avery, 202 James Street asked for more information on what effect the zone change would have. The members and Mr. Graham explained the zone change request as well as potential other uses that would be allowed under the Business B zone. There being no further public input, Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing. Ms. Dachos stated that the existing driveway into the site is in very poor condition and feels that the proposal would have a beneficial effect on the neighborhood. She supports the request. The members were in agreement with her. Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send a positive recommendation to the Town Council with regard to the proposed zone change at 271-279 Garden Street. VOTE 3-0 4. DISCUSSION - Pride Convenience -North Westfield Street Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to table this item to the end of the meeting as the petitioner was not yet present. VOTE 3-0 5. BOND STATUS - Spear Farm Acres -Lomascolo Ms. Dachos explained that the "white form" for the last remaining vacant lot in this subdivision has been submitted. She has not yet signed off on it. She also stated that within the past two weeks Mr. Lomascolo has contacted Lane Construction for paving, and Chapdelaine for pins and bounds. Hydrants need to be raised and painted. The members discussed the remaining work Agawam Planning Board August 19, 2004 Page 4 items and agreed to initiate action to secure the bond. In the meantime, the developer will have an opportunity to show additional progress on completing the work. Ms. Dachas stated that Lane Construction has been in contact with the Engineering Department to discuss what needs to be done. Motion was made by Ms.Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to send a letter to the Town Solicitor requesting that he initiate legal action to secure the remaining bond funds on the Spear Farm subdivision. VOTE 3-0 Fred Jeserski of 595 South West Street was in attendance and stated that he was happy to see the Board vote to take the bond. He stated that he has an ongoing drainage problem with one of the lots that abuts his property and wants that work to be included in the bond. Ms. Dachos stated that item was included in the most'recent punch list. 6. FORM A -Cooper& Suffield Streets - Suffriti This plan has been reviewed and approved in-house. Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the plan for Suffriti on Cooper and Suffield Streets under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 3-0 FORM A-Lincoln Street- Latimer This plan has also been reviewed and approved in-house. Motion was made by Ms.Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the plan for Latimer on Lincoln Street under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 3-0 FORM A -James Avenue - Calabrese Ms. Dachos explained that James Avenue is a private way. Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the plan for Calabrese on James Avenue under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 3-0 Agawam Planning Board August 19, 2004 Page 5 The members then discussed the situation with James Avenue and in conclusion agreed that the plan should not have been approved under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required" but as a perimeter plan. Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to rescind the previous vote to approve the Form A for Calabrese on James Avenue, VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the plan for Calabrese on James Avenue as a perimeter plan. VOTE 3-0 7. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Rev. to Def. Plan-Plurntree Meadow-Kopatz Motion was made by Ms.Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to send a letter to Mr. Kopatz stating that the revised plan on the proposed drainage swale is to be submitted for final review to be completed by the second meeting in September and that the work is to commence within fourteen days of that,with a copy to be sent to the bank. VOTE 3-0 8. DISCUSSION &POSSIBLE ACTION - South Main Street Ms. Dachas explained that she sent letters to two property owners on Main Street regarding the parking of vehicles for Six Flags customers. She explained this was as a result of a complaint she received from the Safety Officer. She stated that a meeting with the property owners will be scheduled next week with the various property owners to discuss the matter. 9. DISCUSSION-Amendment - Rules &Regulations Ms. Dachos suggested the Board amend their Rules and Regulations to prohibit fences in buffers. A discussion followed regarding Avalon Place. Mr. Hopkins asked that the Town Solicitor give the Planning Board a written response as to whether the Planning Board is empowered to enforce buffers. Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send a Ietter to the Town Solicitor asking who is responsible for enforcing the buffers within subdivisions. VOTE 3-0 Agawam Planning Board August 19, 2004 Page 6 10. LETTER OF CREDIT, RELEASE OF COVENANT, PERF. AGREEMENT-Woodside Drive Estates - Calabrese Motion was made by Ms.Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve and execute the Letter of Credit, Release of Covenant and new Performance Agreement for Woodside Drive Estates. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to amend the agenda to include the"add-on's". VOTE 3-0 12. CHAPTER 6 1 A -South Street - Cook The Town has been informed of their right of first refusal once again the Cook property on South Street. The new offer is slightly lower in price than the original. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to send a letter to the Mayor recommending that the Town not exercise its right of first refusal with regard to the Cook property on South Street. VOTE 3-0 13. DISCUSSION- Katy Lane -berms The Town Engineer has recommended the use of cape cod style berms on Katy Lane. (The Town has secured the bond funds to complete this subdivision.) Sine the plan does not show cape cod berms,permission from the Planning Board is needed. Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the use of cape cod style berms on Katy Lane as recommended by the Town Engineer. VOTE 3-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM. 1 / J' AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD July 15, 2004 MEMBERS PRESEN: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Michael Morassi Rick Sullivan MEMBERS ABSENT: Travis Ward ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos C Pamela R. Edmunds co Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. L. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - June 17 &July 1,2004 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the minutes of June 17 and July 1, 2004. VOTE 4-0 2, PUBLIC HEARING -Proposed Zoning Amendments (2) - Automatic Amusement Devices Mr. Hopkins read the two proposed zoning amendments into the record: TOR-2004-5 - Permitted Uses - Business A District and TOR-2004-7 Permitted Uses Business B District. He explained that this hearing was advertised on July 1 and July 8, 2004. The proposal stipulate the number of automatic amusement devices allowed. There being no public input, Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to send a positive recommendation to the Town Council with regard to the two proposed zoning amendments: TOR-2004-5 and TOR-2004-7. VOTE 4-0 3. SITE PLAN - 305 Suffield Street - E.D.S. Development Marc Shute of D.L. Bean, Inc. presented this Site PIan which entails an existing non-conforming structure (house) in a Business A zone to be used as a retail establishment, no residential use. Agawam Planning Board July 15, 2004 Page 2 Parking has been shown (8 spaces and 1 handicapped space) on the plan and the exit to Cooper Street will be closed. Proposed lighting is shown and a cut sheet has been provided. The lighting proposed consists of two on the building, one by the ramp and one by the row of arborvitae. Mr. Shute submitted a revised plan today which addresses the Engineering Department comments. The landscaping is in place. Mr. Hopkins asked what the use of the building would be. Mr. Shute stated that they do not have anything specific at this point but would likely be salon/retail-no food service. Mr. Shute also stated that a Form A for this property will be submitted on Monday, dividing this existing lot into two. Mr. Hopkins asked if a sign or dumpster is proposed. Mr. Shute stated a sign will most likely be used but no dumpster is proposed. Mr. Hopkins stated that since it is not shown on the Site Plan, the sign will be excluded. Mr. Hopkins then asked that the arborvitae be 4'to 5', 5' on center. Ms. Dachos suggested that they try something other than arborvitae. She also stated that the parking calculations were done for a retail use and that an office use is more intensive. The members agreed that the applicant would need to come back to have the parking re-analyzed if a more intensive use is proposed. There was discussion regarding the site being trap rocked rather than paved. In conclusion,the members were in agreement that the site should be paved vs.trap rock. Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the Site Plan at 305 Suffield Street for E.D.S. Development with the following conditions: the Planning Board shall be notified of the proposed tenant so that the parking can be analyzed; and the parking lot is to be paved. VOTE 4-0 4. DISCUSSION - Pride Convenience Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table this item to the next meeting as requested by the applicant. VOTE 4-0 5. DISC. &POSSIBLE VOTE-Revision to Definitive Plan-Avalon Place Ms. Dachos submitted a memo to the Board members indicating her conversation with the Town Solicitor with regard to the buffer violations in the Camlann Wood subdivision. The memo states .... "He has informed me as follows: 1) the buffer as shown on the Definitive Plan must be maintained. Any work in violation of the buffer(i.e. tree cutting, installation of structures) must be reversed. The Planning Board should not release the developer's bond until the subdivision is constructed according to the plan. 2) The developer and the affected property owners in the Camlann Wood subdivision may formally request an amendment to the Definitive Plan. The Planning Board shall hold a public hearing when such a request is received.. All abutters shall be Agawam Planning Board .July 15, 2004 Page 3 notified of the public hearing. The Planning Board may then vote to approve a revision to the Definitive Plan. A new plan would need to be submitted for approval and recording." Mr. Hopkins read this memo aloud. Many residents of Avalon Place and Nolan Lane were in attendance, as well as the developer of Avalon Place, Steve DePalma. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Building Inspector must look at the retaining wall in the buffer on Avalon Place. Mr. Sullivan stated that he, Mr. Morassi and Ms. Baldwin met with residents and abutters yesterday to hear their concerns and suggestions on the buffer. There was no action taken on this issue this evening. 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Revision to Def. Plan- Plumtree Meadow- Kopatz A continuance was requested. A revised plan was submitted and is being reviewed by the Engineering Department. The abutters will be re-notified when this hearing will be re-opened. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to send a letter to the developer stating that this matter must be resolved by the end of August. VOTE 4-0 7. BOND REDUCTION -Willow Glenn II -Fether, Inc. The Engineering Department submitted a punch list and reduced bond amount for this phase (lots 1-6 & 22-40). Ms. Dachos explained that the Board has already reduced this bond once. The Board's policy has been to give a mid-way reduction and then a final release when all work is complete. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to deny the request for bond reduction by Fether, Inc. for Willow Glenn Phase II Lots 1-6 &22-40 as the Board has already reduced this bond once and will give a final release when all work is complete. VOTE 4-0 8. BOND SETTING -Woodside Drive Estates - Calabrese The Engineering Department recommends that$233,000 be posted to cover the completion of the Woodside Drive Estates subdivision. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to set the bond for Woodside Drive Estates at $233,000 as recommended by the Engineering Department. VOTE 4-0 Agawam Planning Board July 15, 2004 Page 4 Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the agenda to include the"add-on's VOTE 4-0 10. FORM A -North Street -Beck This plan has been reviewed and approved in-house. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the plan for Beck on North Street under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 4-0 11. SITE PLAN- O'Brien's Corner-Agawam Beautification Committee Ms. Baldwin left the meeting at this time. Ms. Dachos presented this Site Plan which shows improvements to the Town of Agawam property at O'Brien's Corner which includes benches, lights, Iandscaping, etc. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to approve the Site Plan for O'Brien's Corner by the Agawam Beautification Committee with the condition that the lights do not shine onto adjacent residential properties. VOTE 2-0-1 (Sullivan abstained) The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. r - AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD July 1, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins Michael Morassi Rick Sullivan MEMBERS ABSENT: E Violet Baldwin Travis Ward -- ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Edmunds iv E w The meeting was called to order by Mr. Hopkins at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -June 17, 2004 Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table approval of the June 17, 2004 minutes as they were not yet prepared. VOTE 3-0 2. BOND REDUCTION -Willow Glenn lI The Engineering Department has not yet prepared a reduced bond amount as they are scheduling an inspection of the detention basins with the Conservation Commission chairman. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to deny the request for bond reduction for Willow Glenn 11 as the Engineering Department has not yet prepared a reduced bond amount. VOTE 3-0 3. FORM A - Spencer Street- Guiel The Engineering Department comments have been addressed. Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the plan for Guiel on Spencer Street under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 3-0 Agawam Planning Board July 1, 2004 Page 2 4. BOND SETTING -Woodside Drive - Calabrese The Engineering Department has not yet prepared a bond amount for this project. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to table the bond setting for Woodside Drive Estates to.the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the order of the agenda. VOTE 3-0 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Rev. to Def. Plan -Plumtree Meadow-Kopatz Ms. Dachos informed the members that a preliminary design of the drainage swale has been submitted and is being reviewed by the Town Engineer. Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Morassi to continue the public hearing for the Plumtree Meadow subdivision to the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING- Revision to Definitive Plan-Avalon Place Mr. Hopkins explained that work has taken place in the 15'protected buffer on Avalon Place. He stated that the Planning Board can require that the buffer be-restored or can come to a "middle ground" with those involved. He then asked for any public input. Craig Plante, 19 Nolan Lane stated that there are structures in the 15'buffer, who ok'd that. Mr. Hopkins stated that if a building permit was required it might have been looked at and that the people who violated the buffer are at risk. Mr. Plante asked if the driveway was approved by the Town. Ms. Dachos explained that most new subdivisions have a requirement for individual lot grading plans as waivers were granted for an overall grading plan showing house locations. However,this subdivision did not receive that waiver. An overall grading plan was approved showing "building envelopes". Mr. Plante suggested that future plans with buffers be staked out on the property. He stated that he would like a fence behind him with plantings on both sides of it. He is concerned with the fact that the properties on Avalon Place do not line up with Nolan Lane and he therefore has parts of two backyards that abut his. Agawam Planning Board July 1, 2004 Pale 3 - Mike Borbonnais, 49 Nolan Lane submitted pictures showing a drainage problem that he is having with runoff from the lot behind his. The driveway on that lot is 30' from his lot line and approximately 4" to 6" of dirt washes onto his property. Bob Frenier, 39 Nolan Lane asked who the "watchdog" is "as the Town erred". A retaining wall was built within the buffer on the property behind his. It is within 4' of his property line. He also is experiencing soil runoff onto his backyard. There is a driveway in the buffer on that lot which is approximately 10' from his stockade fence. He feels that his property value has gone down and he wants compensation. Ms. Dachos explained that she was informed by the Town Solicitor that the Planning Board is not a party to the deed restrictions concerning buffers and that the abutting property owner can pursue legal action against the violator. The Town is holding bond money on this subdivision through the developer. Jim Simpson, 36 Avalon Place stated that there is a large tree on his lot which located right on the edge of the 15'buffer zone that he would like to remove. He has no problem with leaving the other trees but would like to remove this one. He stated that the developer has offered to pay for a fence in the buffer but it would be the owner's responsibility to pay for the installation. Mrs. Borbonnais, 49 Nolan Lane stated that the trees behind her lot have not been removed and questioned whether they would be. Steve DePalma, the developer, was in attendance and stated that he has no intention of removing any more trees in that area and that a portion of her back lawn in located within the 15' buffer on Avalon Place. Pat Benvenuto, 9 Nolan Place stated that approximately 40' of the buffer zone was eliminated behind his house and he would like it restored with like-size trees (5" to 6" diameter). He also stated that he does not support a fence in the buffer. Mr.Hopkins asked that those in attendance submit letters to the Board with suggestions on how to correct the buffer violations. Mr. Sullivan called for a"straw vote" on who in attendance favors a fence. Six people in the audience (Avalon residents) showed support for the fence. Mr.Benvenuto then stated that he may be supportive a fence and trees. Mr. Frenier then asked if the Town would assume the cost for his attorney. Mr. Hopkins stated no. Mr. Simpson then stated he would like permission to remove the one tree in question in his backyard. Ms. Dachos stated that during the public hearing process for this subdivision,Nolan Lane residents were informed there would be a 15'undisturbed buffer. Mr. Hopkins stated that he should submit a written request to remove the tree. Chester Polvise, 54 Avalon Place stated that he is the owner of the lot with the retaining wall. He went on to say that there is a stockade fence behind him abutting his lot. He agrees that water does run off to the Borbonnais property. He suggests that if the retaining wall could be r Agawam Planning Board July 1,2004 Page 4 extended that would hep with the runoff problem. He stated that he supports a fence from North Street to the end of his property. Mr. Frenier stated once again that his property has been devalued as a result of the retaining wall. Mrs. Borbonnais asked if the water could be rerouted to the City of Springfield water property. Mr. Hopkins stated that would require a flowage easement. Sue Nardi, 20 Avalon Place stated that though trees were cut on her property, none were removed from the 15'buffer. At this point Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing. He remind those in attendance to leave their names and phone numbers along with times of the day when Board members could make site visits. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM. f Y ' AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD July 1,2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B.Hopkins Michael Morassi Rick Sullivan MEMBERS ABSENT: Violet Baldwin Travis Ward ALSO PRESENT: t Deborah S.Dachos Pamela R. Edmunds The meeting was called to order by Mr. Hopkins at 7:00 PM. ~ -- 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -June 17,2004 0 Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table approval of the June 17, 2004 minutes as they were not yet prepared. VOTE 3-0 2. BOND REDUCTION-Willow Glenn 1I The Engineering Department has not yet prepared a reduced bond amount as they are scheduling an inspection of the detention basins with the Conservation Commission chairman. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to deny the request for bond reduction for Willow Glenn II as the Engineering Department has not yet prepared a reduced bond amount. VOTE 3-0 3. FORM A - Spencer Street- Guiel The Engineering Department comments have been addressed. Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the plan for Guiel on Spencer Street under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 3-0 Agawam Planning Board July 1, 2004 Page 2 4. BOND SETTING -Woodside Drive - Calabrese The Engineering Department has not yet prepared a bond amount for this project. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Sullivan to table the bond setting for Woodside Drive Estates to the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the order of the agenda. VOTE 3-0 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Rev. to Def. Plan-Plumtree Meadow -Kopatz Ms. Dachos informed the members that a preliminary design of the drainage swale has been submitted and is being reviewed by the Town Engineer. Motion was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Morassi to continue the public hearing for the Plumtree Meadow subdivision to the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING-Revision to Definitive Plan-Avalon Place Mr.Hopkins explained that work has taken place in the 15'protected buffer on Avalon Place. He stated that the Planning Board can require that the buffer be.restored or can come to a "middle ground"with those involved. He then asked for any public input. Craig Plante, 19 Nolan Lane stated that there are structures in the 15' buffer,who ok'd that. Mr. Hopkins stated that if a building permit was required it might have been looked at and that the people who violated the buffer are at risk. Mr. Plante asked if the driveway was approved by the Town. Ms. Dachos explained that most new subdivisions have a requirement for individual lot grading plans as waivers were granted for an overall grading plan showing house locations. However, this subdivision did not receive that waiver. An overall grading plan was approved showing "building envelopes". Mr. Plante suggested that future plans with buffers be staked out on the property. He stated that he would like a fence behind him with plantings on both sides of it. He is concerned with the fact that the properties on Avalon Place do not line up with Nolan Lane and he therefore has parts of two backyards that abut his. Agawam Planning Board July 1, 2004 Page 3 Mike Borbonnais, 49 Nolan Lane submitted pictures showing a drainage problem that he is having with runoff from the lot behind his. The driveway on that lot is 30' from his lot line and approximately 4" to 6" of dirt washes onto his property. Bob Frenier, 39 Nolan Lane asked who the "watchdog" is "as the Town erred". A retaining wail was built within the buffer on the property behind his. It is within 4' of his property line. He also is experiencing soil runoff onto his backyard. There is a driveway in the buffer on that lot which is approximately 10' from his stockade fence. He feels that his property value has gone down and he wants compensation. Ms. Dachos explained that she was informed by the Town Solicitor that the Planning Board is not a party to the deed restrictions concerning buffers and that the abutting property owner can pursue legal action against the violator. The Town is holding bond money on this subdivision through the developer. Jim Simpson, 36 Avalon Place stated that there is a large tree on his lot which located right on the edge of the 15'buffer zone that he would like to remove. He has no problem with leaving the other trees but would like to remove this one. He stated that the developer has offered to pay for a fence in the buffer but it would be the owner's responsibility to pay for the installation. Mrs. Borbonnais, 49 Nolan Lane stated that the trees behind her lot have not been removed and questioned whether they would be. Steve DePalma,the developer,was in attendance and stated that he has no intention of removing any more trees in that area and that a portion of her back lawn in located within the 15' buffer on Avalon Place. Pat Benvenuto, 9 Nolan Place stated that approximately 40'of the buffer zone was eliminated behind his house and he would like it restored with like-size trees (5" to 6" diameter). He also stated that he does not support a fence in the buffer, Mr. Hopkins asked that those in attendance submit letters to the Board with suggestions on how to correct the buffer violations. Mr. Sullivan called for a"straw vote" on who in attendance favors a fence. Six people in the audience (Avalon residents) showed support for the fence. Mr. Benvenuto then stated that he may be supportive a fence and trees, Mr. Frenier then asked if the Town would assume the cost for his attorney. Mr. Hopkins stated no. Mr. Simpson then stated he would like permission to remove the one tree in question in his backyard. Ms. Dachos stated that during the public hearing process for this subdivision,Nolan Lane residents were informed there would be a 15'undisturbed buffer. Mr. Hopkins stated that he should submit a written request to remove the tree. Chester Polvise, 54 Avalon Place stated that he is the owner of the lot with the retaining wall. He went on to say that there is a stockade fence behind him abutting his lot. He agrees that water does run off to the Borbonnais property. He suggests that if the retaining wall could be Agawam Planning Board July 1, 2004 Page 4 extended that would hep with the runoff problem. He stated that he supports a fence from North Street to the end of his property. ' Mr. Frenier stated once again that his property has been devalued as a result of the retaining wall. Mrs. Borbonnais asked if the water could be rerouted to the City of Springfield water property. Mr. Hopkins stated that would require a flowage easement. Sue Nardi, 20 Avalon Place stated that though trees were cut on her property,none were removed from the 15'buffer. At this point Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing. He remind those in attendance to leave their names and phone numbers along with times of the day when Board members could make site visits. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD June 17, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: Travis Ward,Acting Chairman Violet Baldwin Michael Morassi MEMBERS ABSENT: _ Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Rick Sullivan —" ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Edmunds ca The meeting was called to order by Mr. Ward at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 20 and June 3, 2004 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the minutes of May 20, 2004 and June 3, 2004 as written. VOTE 2-0-1 (Morassi abstained) 2. VOTE TO BE PETITIONER- Zoning Amendments -Automatic Amusement Devices Councilor Robert Magovern was in attendance to present this proposal to the Planning Board. He stated there are three proposals which have been reviewed by the Building Inspector,the Town Solicitor and Joe Conte. He stated currently two amusement devices are allowed and the proposals would allow for 4 and 5 (depending on the zone). He asked the Board to be the petitioner for these amendments. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi that the Planning Board be the petitioner for proposed zoning amendments concerning automatic amusement devices. VOTE 3-0 3. PRELIMINARY PLAN - Silver Street-Aimua Joseph Aimu (applicant) was in attendance with his representative, Attorney Chris Johnson. Attorney Johnson explained that the drainage for the site will be worked out prior to the filing of a Definitive Plan and that a Notice of Intent will be filed with the Conservation Commission. He then gave a presentation of the plan. He stated that two separate parcels are shown on this proposal (106 Silver Street and Perry Lane). The plan shows Stevenson Lane coming in off of Agawam Planning Board June 17, 2004 Page 2 Silver Street and Comfort Lane off of Perry Lane with the creation of twelve new lots and two existing lots. The detention basin has been moved to the rear of the property and may change again with the Definitive Plan. Easements to drain the property to Three Mile Brook will be neded. He stated that the proposal is for single family homes in the range of 2,000 to 3,000 square feet. Mr. Ward brought up the June 15, 2004 memo from the Engineering Department which shows drainage as being a major concern for the project. Mr. Ward stated that if the plans may not satisfy the Town requirements as stated in the memo then the Definitive Plan may not get approved. His concern was the expense of preparing a Definitive Plan with these comments from Engineering. Attorney Johnson stated that a Preliminary Plan is concept only and that the original concerns with sight distances will also be addressed at the Definitive Plan stage. Mr. Ward asked if the sight distance issue had been addressed at all. Attorney Johnson stated that there is no problem with sight distance at Perry Lane, however, Silver Street bends and a sight easement(agreement not to have vegetation over T tall) on the existing house would be needed. Mr. Ward asked if any waivers were proposed. Attorney Johnson stated that is dependent upon resolving the drainage design. Mr. Ward asked if buffers were provided. Attorney Johnson stated no but will be shown on the Definitive Plan. At the beginning of the presentation Attorney Johnson provided the members with hand-out material. Ms. Dachos asked a question regarding the hand-outs. Mr. Aimua stated that it includes traffic count data including speed and number of cars, as well as sight distance information. Ms. Baldwin asked how long the traffic counts were done for. Mr. Aimua stated traffic counters were placed for seven days and that the posted speed on Silver Street in this area is 35 MPH,the average speed found was 45 MPH. Ms. Dachos reminded them of the Town's requirement of a minimum of 300' offset between adjacent and parallel streets. Mr. Ward then allowed for public input. Joe LaPorte, 79 Perry Lane stated that the stream cannot handle more water. During heavy rains the water flows down Mill Street and floods he and his neighbor. Phil Kimball,43 Perry Lane - stated that traffic counts were done on Silver Street but not Perry Lane. He feels that Perry Lane will have a worse impact in terms of traffic. Attorney Johnson stated that traffic counts can be performed on Perry Lane as well. Frank Pignatare, 685 Suffield Street questioned the name of the brook(Three Mile or Five Mile). Attorney Johnson stated that he believes it is considered Five Mile Brook between Main and River Road and Three Mile Brook in this area. Mr. Pignatare stated that his property abuts the brook and it has never come over land or flooded. Walter Berwald, 96 Silver Street asked what a sight easement means as his property abuts the proposed street off of Silver Street. Attorney Johnson stated that the developer purchases and easement in which nothing can be planted over 3' tall. Ms. Dachos.stated that the distance between parallel streets was raised by the Chairman at the last meeting. The regulations call for 300' and the proposed street off of Silver would be 253' Agawam Planning Board June 17, 2004 Page 3 from Castle Hill Road. Attorney Johnson stated that the roadway can be relocated but that would force the existing home out. The existing property owner lives in this house and wishes to continue to live there. Ms. Dachos stated that the Town Solicitor could rule whether the "driveway" to Castle Hills applies to the 300' offset requirement. Mr. Ward stated that he would feel more comfortable if the offset was changed to comply with the Regulations. Mr. LaPorte, 79 Perry Lane asked how the drainage from the project would get to the stream. Ms. Dachos stated that is to be resolved at the Definitive Plan stage. The Preliminary Plan shows the road and lot layouts. The drainage design will require easements to be obtained. Mr. Kimball, Perry Lane asked if a zone change would be required. Attorney Johnson stated no, single family homes are allowed in the Agricultural zone. Sue Mastroianni, 86 Silver Street asked what the distance from Comfort Lane to Elm Street is. Attorney Johnson stated approximately 150'to 200'. She asked if the 300' offset applied here as well. Mr. Ward stated yes. Ms. Dachos explained that the Subdivision Rules and Regulations can be waived by the Board if they are proved to be in the best interest of the Town. Jim Fenton, 55 Adams Street stated that he lives on Three Mile Brook and during heavy rains it overflows. At this point Attorney Johnson stated that he could conduct a traffic study on both sides of Perry Lane, north and south of Elm Street. He would also like a ruling from the Town Solicitor as to whether Castle Hill applies to the 300' offset. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to deny the Preliminary Plan for Aimua on Silver Street for the following reasons: the Planning Board hasconcerns over the sight distance at the intersection of Stevenson Lane and Silver Street. The Planning Board finds that the distance between Castle Hills Road and Stevenson Lane is 253' and the distance between Comfort Lane and Elm Street is approximately 190'. Agawam Subdivision rules and regulations require 300'between intersecting streets. Additional traffic analysis would be needed before the Planning Board would entertain this waiver. The June 15, 2004 memo from the Agawam Engineering Department raises concerns over the ability to drain the proposed subdivision. The Planning Board finds the applicant must explore, in more detail and to the satisfaction of the Engineering Department,the feasibility of provided drainage to this project. VOTE 3-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Rev. to Def. Plan -Plumtree Meadow - Kopatz Mr. Ward stated that he met with the developer and the lot owners abutting the Brown Farm. This issues must be worked on to be agreed by all involved. D.L. Bean is working on the Agawam Planning Board June 17, 2004 Page 4 revisions to the drainage swale. Ms. Dachos stated that the Board received a letter dated June 16, 2004 from D.L. Bean with a plan. This plan is being reviewed by the Engineering Department. She stated that the abutters will be re-notified when the public hearing on this is ready. 5. BOND REDUCTION - Willow Glenn II-Fether, Inc. The Engineering Department sent a memo stating that the reduced bond amount is not yet ready . Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to deny the request for a bond reduction for Willow Glenn II at this time as the Engineering Department has not yet prepared a reduced amount. VOTE 3-0 6. FORM A -River Road -Reynolds This plan has been reviewed in-house and revised accordingly. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the plan for Reynolds on River Road under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required" conditional upon the Building Inspectors approval. VOTE 3-0 7. DISCUSSION- Spear Farm Acres Fred Jeserski of South West Street is an abutter to the Spear Farm Acres subdivision. He has requested the Planning Board make his situation a priority for the developer to address. He has complained that the construction of lot 21 Muriel Lane has impacted his property. His concerns are that it drains onto his land and the buffer on this lot was removed. He was in attendance this evening as well as Alan Kotowitz, representative for the developer(Bernard Lomascolo). Ms. Dachos stated that at the last meeting the Board granted an extension to this Performance Agreement, a condition of which was that written updates will be submitted to the Board for their second meeting of each month. A report was not received this month. Mrs. Lomascolo was in attendance with Mr. Kotowitz and stated that her husband would submit a letter. Mr. Ward stated that the Board is aware of Mr. Lomascolo's health issues and feels that they have been patient with the progress on this subdivision. He stated that Mr. Jeserski's problems should be addressed as soon as possible. Mr.Kotowitcz stated that during construction on lot 21 there was some runoff to Mr. Jeserski's property with minor erosion. He has since hand shoveled the sand and brought in top soil and reseeded the area. Pipes from the gutters were directed to the area of high grass. The pipes have now been removed. Ms. Dachos stated that the approved Agawam Planning Board 'June 17,2004 Page 5 _ _ .�•• �_,_ ... _ ., grading plan was not adhered to,the 1 S'undisturbed buffer was removed and grading took place on the adjacent property. Mr. Kotowitz stated the only work on the adjacent property consisted of work by hand and a wheel barrow to correct the erosion problem. Ms. Dachos suggested that an easement or agreement with Mr. Jeserski is needed. She also stated that the Town is holding bond money on this project. There was a lengthy discussion regarding buffers. Mr. Ward suggested that the developer have his engineer go out to the property and come up with a way to address the problem. He also stated that a written update must be submitted prior to the second meeting in July showing that substantial progress has been made on this issue. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 3-0 9. FORM A- Spencer Street- Guiel The Engineering Department reviewed this plan and submitted comments which need to be addressed. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table action on the Form.A for Guiel on Spencer Street to allow the Engineering comments to be addressed. VOTE 3-0 10. DISCUSSION- Buffers Ms. Dachos gave a history on the buffer requirement in the Rules and Regulations since most of the Board members are new. She asked if they support buffers. After a brief discussion, the members expressed support of the buffer requirement. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM. y J AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD June 17, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: Travis Ward, Acting Chairman Violet Baldwin Michael Morassi MEMBERS ABSENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman j)IiAFT Rick Sullivan ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R.Edmunds The meeting was called to order by Mr. Ward at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -May 20 and June 3, 2004 co Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the minutes o?f May 20,2004 and June 3,2004 as written. VOTE 2-0-1 (Morassi abstained) 2. VOTE TO BE PETITIONER- Zoning Amendments -Automatic Amusement Devices Councilor Robert Magovern was in attendance to present this proposal to the Planning Board. He stated there are three proposals which have been reviewed by the Building Inspector,the Town Solicitor and Joe Conte. He stated currently two amusement devices are allowed and the proposals would allow for 4 and 5 (depending on the zone). He asked the Board to be the petitioner for these amendments. Motion was made by Ms.Baldwin and seconded by Mr.Morassi that the Planning Board be the petitioner for proposed zoning amendments concerning automatic amusement devices. VOTE 3-0 3. PRELIMINARY PLAN - Silver Street- Aimua Joseph Aimu (applicant)was in attendance with his representative,Attorney Chris Johnson. Attorney Johnson explained that the drainage for the site will be worked out prior to the filing of a Definitive Plan and that a Notice of Intent will be filed with the Conservation Commission. He then gave a presentation of the plan. He stated that two separate parcels are shown on this proposal (106 Silver Street and Perry Lane). The plan shows Stevenson Lane coming in off of Agawam Planning Board June 17, 2004 Page 2 Silver Street and Comfort Lane off of Perry Lane with the creation of twelve new lots and two existing lots. The detention basin has been moved to the rear of the property and may change again with the Definitive Plan. Easements to drain the property to Three Mile Brook will be neded. He stated that the proposal is for single family homes in the range of 2,000 to 3,000 square feet. Mr.Ward brought up the June 15,2004 memo from the Engineering Department which shows drainage as being a major concern for the project. Mr. Ward stated that if the plans may not satisfy the Town requirements as stated in the memo then the Definitive Plan may not get approved. His concern was the expense of preparing a Definitive Plan with these comments from Engineering. Attorney Johnson stated that a Preliminary Plan is concept only and that the original concerns with sight distances will also be addressed at the Definitive Plan stage. Mr. Ward asked if the sight distance issue had been addressed at all. Attorney Johnson stated that there is no problem with sight distance at Perry Lane,however, Silver Street bends and a sight easement(agreement not to have vegetation over 3'tall) on the existing house would be needed. Mr. Ward asked if any waivers were proposed. Attorney Johnson stated that is dependent upon resolving the drainage design. Mr. Ward asked if buffers were provided. Attorney Johnson stated no but will be shown on the Definitive Plan. At the beginning of the presentation Attorney Johnson provided the members with hand-out material. Ms. Dachos asked a question regarding the hand-outs. Mr.Aiinua stated that it includes traffic count data including speed and number of cars, as well as sight distance information. Ms. Baldwin asked how long the traffic counts were done for. Mr. Aimua stated traffic counters were placed for seven days and that the posted speed on Silver Street in this area is 35 MPH, the average speed found was 45 MPH. Ms. Dachos reminded them of the Town°s requirement of a minimum of 300' offset between adjacent and parallel streets. Mr. Ward then allowed for public input. Joe LaPorte,79 Perry Lane stated that the stream cannot handle more water. During heavy rains the water flows down Mill Street and floods he and his neighbor. Phil Kimball, 43 Perry Lane - stated that traffic counts were done on Silver Street but not Perry Lane. He feels that Perry Lane will have a worse impact in terms of traffic. Attorney Johnson stated that traffic counts can be performed on Perry Lane as well. Frank Pignatare, 685 Suffield Street questioned the name of the brook(Three Mile or Five Mile). Attorney Johnson stated that he believes it is considered Five Mile Brook between Main and River Road and Three Mile Brook in this area. Mr. Pignatare stated that his property abuts the brook and it has never come over land or flooded. Walter Berwald, 96 Silver Street asked what a sight easement means as his property abuts the proposed street off of Silver Street. Attorney Johnson stated that the developer purchases and easement in which nothing can be planted over 3' tall Ms. Dachos stated that the distance between parallel streets was raised by the Chairman at the last meeting. The regulations call for 300' and the proposed street off of Silver would be 253' Agawam Planning Board June 17,2004 PNee3_ from Castle Hill Road. Attorney Johnson stated that the roadway can be relocated but that would force the existing home out. The existing property owner lives in this house and wishes to continue to live there. Ms. Dachos stated that the Town Solicitor could rule whether the "driveway"to Castle Hills applies to the 300' offset requirement. Mr. Ward stated that he would feel more comfortable if the offset was changed to comply with the Regulations. Mr. LaPorte, 79 Perry Lane asked how the drainage from the project would get to the stream. Ms. Dachas stated that is to be resolved at the Definitive Plan stage. The Preliminary Plan shows the road and lot layouts. The drainage design will require easements to be obtained. Mr. Kimball,Perry Lane asked if a zone change would be required. Attorney Johnson stated no, single family homes are allowed in the Agricultural zone. Sue Mastroianni, 86 Silver Street asked what the distance from Comfort Lane to Elm Street is. Attorney Johnson stated approximately 150'to 200'. She asked if the 300' offset applied here as well. Mr. Ward stated yes. Ms. Dachos explained that the Subdivision Rules and Regulations can be waived by the Board if they are proved to be in the best interest of the Town. Jim Fenton, 55 Adams Street stated that he lives on Three Mile Brook and during heavy rains it overflows. At this point Attorney Johnson stated that he could conduct a traffic study on both sides of Perry Lane,north and south of Elm Street. He would also like a ruling from the Town Solicitor as to whether Castle Hill applies to the 300' offset. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to deny the Preliminary Plan for Aimua on Silver Street for the following reasons: the Planning Board hasconcerns over the sight distance at the intersection of Stevenson Lane and Silver Street. The Planning Board finds that the distance between Castle Hills Road and Stevenson Lane is 253` and the distance between Comfort Lane and Elm Street is approximately 190'. Agawam Subdivision rules and regulations require 300'between intersecting streets. Additional traffic analysis would be needed before the Planning Board would entertain this waiver. The June 15,2004 memo from the Agawam Engineering Department raises concerns over the ability to drain the proposed subdivision. The Planning Board finds the applicant must explore, in more detail and to the satisfaction of the Engineering Department, the feasibility of provided drainage to this project. VOTE 3-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Rev. to Def. Plan -Plumtree Meadow " Kopatz Mr. Ward stated that he met with the developer and the lot owners abutting the Brown Farm. This issues must be worked on to be agreed by all involved. D.L. Bean is working on the Agawam Planning Board June 17, 2004 Page 4 revisions to the drainage swale. Ms. Dachos stated that the Board received a letter dated June 16, 2004 from D.L. Bean with a plan. This plan is being reviewed by the Engineering Department. She stated that the abutters will be re-notified when the public hearing on this is ready. 5. BOND REDUCTION- Willow Glenn II -Fether,Inc. The Engineering Department sent a memo stating that the reduced bond amount is not yet ready. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to deny the request for a bond reduction for Willow Glenn II at this time as the Engineering Department has not yet prepared a reduced amount. VOTE 3-0 6. FORM A -River Road- Reynolds This plan has been reviewed in-house and revised accordingly. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the plan for Reynolds on River Road under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required" conditional upon the Building Inspectors approval. VOTE 3-0 7. DISCUSSION- Spear Farm Acres Fred Jeserski of South West Street is an abutter to the Spear Farm Acres subdivision. He has requested the Planning Board make his situation a priority for the developer to address. He has complained that the construction of lot 21 Muriel Lane has impacted his property. His concerns are that it drains onto his land and the buffer on this lot was removed. He was in attendance this evening as well as Alan Kotowitz,representative for the developer(Bernard Lomascolo). Ms. Dachos stated that at the last meeting the Board granted an extension to this Performance Agreement, a condition of which was that written updates will be submitted to the Board for their second meeting of each month. A report was not received this month. Mrs.Lomascolo was in attendance with Mr. Kotowitz and stated that her husband would submit a letter. Mr. Ward stated that the B oard is aware of Mr. Lomascolo's health issues and feels that they have been patient with the progress on this subdivision. He stated that Mr. Jeserski's problems should be addressed as soon as possible. Mr. Kotowitcz stated that during construction on lot 21 there was some runoff to Mr. Jeserski's property with minor erosion. He has since hand shoveled the sand and brought in top soil and reseeded the area. Pipes from the gutters were directed to the area of high grass. The pipes have now been removed. Ms. Dachos stated that the approved Agawam Planning Board June 17, 2004 Pa Le 5 grading plan was not adhered to, the 15'undisturbed buffer was removed and grading took place on the adjacent property. Mr. Kotowitz stated the only work on the adjacent property consisted of work by hand and a wheel barrow to correct the erosion problem. Ms. Dachos suggested that an easement or agreement with Mr. Jeserski is needed. She also stated that the Town is holding bond money on this project. There was a lengthy discussion regarding buffers. Mr. Ward suggested that the developer have his engineer go out to the property and come up with a way to address the problem. He also stated that a written update must be submitted prior to the second meeting in July showing that substantial progress has been made on this issue. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 3-0 9. FORM A- Spencer Street-Guiel The Engineering Department reviewed this plan and submitted comments which need to be addressed. Motion was made by Ms.Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table action on the Form A for Guiel on Spencer Street to allow the Engineering comments to be addressed. VOTE 3-0 10. DISCUSSION-Buffers Ms. Dachas gave a history on the buffer requirement in the Rules and Regulations since most of the Board members are new. She asked if they support buffers. After a brief discussion, the members expressed support of the buffer requirement. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.