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1.�,laI7191hg fvw+� AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD December 7, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: QI Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman c� Violet Baldwin n c_. Michael Morassi le: 1 z �r 0 A r� MEMBERS ABSENT: Frank Meagher o ALSO PRESENT: Travis Ward n, Deborah S. Dachos Mr. Hopkins caIIed the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -November 16, 2006 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the minutes of November 16, 2006 as written. VOTE 2-0-1 (Morassi abstained) Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the order of the agenda. VOTE 3-0 5. SITE PLAN - Suffield/Silver Streets -Development Associates Tom Zabel of The O'Leary Co. was in attendance to present this Site Plan for the construction of a bank building with a drive thru at the site of Agawam Crossing(previous site plan approval). He stated that cross easements will be prepared and new signs are proposed. Also, the site will be ADA compliant. He stated that the Safety Officer's comments will be addressed and that the sidewalk will extend to the adjacent Beldon Court Apartments. The Engineering Department issued a comment on the sewer which will be addressed. The applicant has filed with the Board of Appeals for the drive thru window. The exterior of the building will be brick veneer and architectural shingles. All lighting will be shielded. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Site Plan for Development Associates new bank building at Suffield and Silver Streets with the condition that the Engineering Department comments and Safety Officer comments be addressed; and Board of Appeals approval. VOTE 3-0 Agawam Planning Board December 7, 2006 Page 2 7. FORM A - SuffieId/Silver Streets - Development Associates This plan shows the parcel to contain the bank building being separated from the office building. The Engineering Department submitted comments to be incorporated with this approval. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the plan for Development Associates on Silver/Suffield Streets under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required" conditional upon the Engineering Department memo dated 12/6/06. VOTE 3-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan - High Meadow IV - Calabrese Mr. Calabrese's representative requested a 60 day extension for action on this plan. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to grant a 60 day extension for action on the High Meadow IV Definitive Plan as requested. VOTE 3-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. Definitive Plan-North Street- Fazio Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the public hearing continuance on the Definitive Plan for Fazio on North Street to January 41h as requested. VOTE 3-0 4. PRELIMINAR'Y PLAN -North Westfield Street -DePalma Ralph DePalma was in attendance as well as Dave Bean of D,L. Bean, Inc. to present this preliminary subdivision plan which shows the creation of 15 lots on 16+ acres of land off of North Westfield Street (former Impoco Farm). Mr. Bean stated that the site is open with mostly fields and a pond. A wetland delineation was approved by the Conservation Commission as the site contains wetlands and an intermittent stream. The property contains storm drain easements, a WMECO easement and a Town of Agawam Sewer Easement. The proposed street will be 1450' long and will connect to the end of Elizabeth Street. A detention pond is proposed between lots 12 and 13. All existing buildings on the site will be razed with the exception of the existing house. No waivers are being requested at this time. There was a discussion regarding abutting lots and watertable issues. Mr. DePalma stated that the sewer easements references a subdivision. Mr. Bean stated that there is a 1967 plan that shows a proposed street on this property also. Abutters were notified of this meeting. Mr. Hopkins asked for any questions. Agawam Planning Board December 7, 2006 Page 3 Al Magnacca, 24 Elizabeth Street expressed concerns over Elizabeth Street being used as a cut through street for traffic. Paula Rodier, 212 North Westfield Street spoke regarding a water basin behind her property that fills in with heavy rains. She asked if the proposed site would be filled and whether there would be a building on the lot containing the detention pond. Mr. Bean stated that this project will require a Notice of Intent with the Conservation Commission and that yes, some areas of the site will be filled - a 3' maximum. Mr. Hopkins asked if there would be filling on the lots. Mr. Bean stated maybe, but the final grading plan has not yet been prepared as this is still in the Preliminary Plan stage. Dr. Taylor, North Westfield Street asked what the blue flags on the property mean. Mr. Bean stated that those indicate the edge of the wetland. Dr. Taylor expressed concern over drainage on the site. The Board members asked that the following information be provided: soils and water table information; building envelope on lot 3; and legal information. Also, it appears that a request for waiver on the radii will be needed. Mr. Bean submitted a requested for a 31 day extension on. this plan. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to grant a 31 day extension for action on the Preliminary Plan for DePalma on North Westfield Street as requested. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the Preliminary Plan for DePalma on North Westfield Street to the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 S. SITE PLAN - Kudlic- Springfield Street Ms. Dachos raised issues concerning large equipment being placed for sale at the front of the lot. It was agreed that the smaller vehicles for sale be placed at the front of the site and all other vehicles shall be parked in the rear. Mr. Morassi asked that the buffer at the front of the site which is now pavement, be mulched and planted with low growing shrubs/bushes. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the Site Plan for Kudlic on Springfield Street with the following conditions: the pavement in the front buffer area shall be removed and the area shall be mulched and planted with low growing shrubs; the paved area in front of the building shall be reserved for smaller vehicles only(those that can fit within a 10' x 20' parking space); all other vehicles shall be parked in the rear yard. VOTE 3-0 Agawam Planning Board December 7, 2006 Page 4 SITE PLAN - TJ's Sport House-Main Street Mr. VeiIleux (owner) was in attendance this evening. Ms. Baldwin and Mr. Meagher made site visits to this business and the adjacent business, since the last meeting. Ms. Baldwin asked what the seating capacity was in his building. Mr. Veilleux stated 42. Ms. Baldwin stated that she is not in favor of open air transient parking in this area and referenced the Safety Officer's comments. Ms. Dachos explained the process. Mr. VeilIeux has applied to the Board of Appeals for the use of his property for open air transient parking. The site plan is submitted to the Planning Board as part of that process. Motion was trade by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to send a negative report to the Board of Appeals for TJ's Sport House, Main Street application for open air transient parking for the following reasons: 1) the premises is currently used as a bar with a seating capacity of 42 patrons. The site plan shows 48 spaces - the site does not have adequate area for the parking of transient vehicles. 2) There is no sidewalk from the parking lot to the entrance of Six Flags. Pedestrians presently use a dirt path to access the pedestrian bridge or must walk on the traveled way. Either alternative presents safety issues for pedestrians (Safety Officer memo). 3) There are not adequate handicapped parking spaces for the existing or proposed use. 4) The parking spaces have not been adequately sized. 5) There is unrestricted access from the existing parking lot to Main Street which allows vehicles to back out into the traveled way. The parking lots should be reconfigured with a restricted curb cut on to Main Street. 6) The plan does not show exterior lighting or landscaping. 7) The dumpster must be fenced, gated and screened. VOTE 2-1 (Hopkins opposed) SITE PLAN - South Agawam Self Storage- Main Street Ms. Dachas began this discussion by explaining the Planning Board's role. As the earlier item, the applicant, Mr. Palazzi, has applied to the Board of Appeals for open air transient parking on his property. Ms. Baldwin stated that she and Mr. Meagher visited this also and found many old unregistered cars on the site and one in the detention pond. She also noted several propane tanks on the property and a car for sale at the front of the property. Mr. Palazzi stated that he is requesting open air transient parking on this property for his customers to park vehicles there. He also has a Penske Truck Rental business on this site. He stated that the use of his property is a self storage facility. The plan as submitted shows 41 parking spaces. Mr. Morassi stated that after viewing the plan he found that it was not professionally laid out. The members were in agreement that they send a letter to the Building Inspector with their concerns on this site. i i Agawam Planning Board December 7, 2006 Page 5 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send a letter to the Building Inspector regarding 1670 Main Street- South Agawam Storage,Inc. asking him to visit the site and inform the Planning Board whether all of the activities on the site are in conformance with previously approved site plans and the Agawam Zoning Ordinance. VOTE 3-0 The members asked that Mr. Palazzi submit a plan that conforms to the Site Plan requirements, professionally prepared and which clearly shows the various uses presently found on the site as well as the exact location of the new transient parking. It must also clearly indicate how pedestrians will safely access the Six Flags pedestrian bridge (i.e. sidewalk or other structure dedicated to pedestrian use). SITE PLAN - Omnipoint- Shoemaker Lane Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the Site Plan for Omnipoint as requested. VOTE 3-0 6. DISC. &POSSIBLE VOTE - Zoning Amendment- Inclusionary Zoning The members were in agreement that this item be withdrawn at this time as their does appear to be support for its passage. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to send a letter to the Town Council requesting that the Inclusionary Zoning Amendment be withdrawn without prejudice. VOTE 3-0 7, FORM A - Cosgrove Ave/Moreau Place - Russo Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the plan for Russo on Cosgrove Avenue under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the agenda to include the add-on's. VOTE 3-0 I wy i Agawam Planning Board December 7, 2006 Page 6 10. FORM A - Meadow Street LLC - Meadow Street Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the plan for Meadow Street LLC on Meadow Street under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 3-0 FORM A- Fairview Ave-Agarest LLC Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and scconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the plan for Meadow Street LLC on Meadow Street under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 3-0 S. DISCUSSION -2006 Open Space& Recreation Plan Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send a positive recommendation on the 2006 Open Space and Recreation Plan. VOTE 3-0 DISCUSSION -Zoning Amendment - Historic Incentive Zoning Amendment Ms. Dachos briefly went over changes that have been made to this proposal. The members agreed that it appear on their next agenda for a vote for the Board to be the petitioner. Ms. Dachos asked that they clearly review the uses that are included and be ready to make recommendations on how to revise them. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD November 16, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Frank Meagher 91*" MEMBERS ABSENT: Q Michael Morassi CO c Travis Ward n A d 21 r- ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos 3�` Pamela R. Kerr AN) Gil Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 6.30 PM. ' I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -November 2, 2006 Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the minutes of November 2, 2006 as written. VOTE 2-0-1 (Baldwin abstained) 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan - High Meadow IV - Calabrese Dave Bean of D.L. Bean, Inc. was in attendance to go over the revised plan he prepared to address previous Engineering Department comments with the Board. The Engineering Department has not yet commented on this revised plan. He explained that an erosion/ sedimentation plan has been submitted which includes silt fences and stoned areas. A stormwater management plan and facilities management plan has been submitted. Spot grades of the fill area have been provided. The emergency access will be constructed with grassed pavers and two concrete walkways and aprons have been provided. A 3%grade has been provided on the cul-de-sac. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Board received a letter this evening from an abutter, Dr. Taylor. He stated that the letter will be forwarded to the Law Department as it pertains to an existing drainage problem on his property. Mr. Hopkins then asked for any public input. Dr. Taylor, 235 North Westfield Street stated that he brought his engineer with him this evening, Gary Swanson. The letter he submitted to the Board is from Mr. Swanson. Dr. Taylor stated that he wants to prevent degradation of his property both long and short term and that he already has an existing drainage problem from the High Meadow subdivision. He is requesting the Town do further studies due to the slope of the land. Gary Swanson, PE of Southampton then addressed the Board stating that he prepared the report for Dr. Taylor and feels that the issues can be addressed with the cooperation of the Town. Agawam Planning Board November 16, 2006 Page 2 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the public hearing for High Meadow IV to the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 3. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE VOTE -Zoning Amendment- Inclusionary Zoning Ms. Dachos explained that a workshop is being scheduled with the Council subcommittee on the Open Space zoning amendment as well as the Inclusionary Zoning Amendment. The Board does not meet again prior to the next Council meeting so the members agreed send a memo to the Council requesting that they table inclusionary zoning. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to send a memo to the Town Council requesting that they table the zoning amendment for inclusionary zoning to allow the Board to attend a workshop with the Council subcommittee. VOTE 3-0 4. FORM A - Mark Drive - Langone Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the plan for Langone on Mark Drive under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to amend the order of the agenda. VOTE 3-0 S. SITE PLAN - Springfield Street- Kudlic Greg Kudlic was in attendance this evening to go over his site plan for 1) a transfer of a used car license; 2) request to increase number of vehicles from 26 to 46; and 3) also filing with Board of Appeals as this is non-conforming. Mr. Kudlic stated that he received comments from the Engineering Department which he will comply with(arrows and signs). Ms. Dachos stated that a 5' landscaped buffer around the perimeter of the front of the property is now required. Mr. Kudlic stated that the Building Inspector told him to move the bumper stops back 5' . Ms. Dachos asked if he was going to be selling heavy equipment. Mr. Kudlic stated yes and that the only means for him to do that is to apply for a used car license. Mr. Hopkins stated that all lighting must be shielded. Mr. Kudlic stated that he is not proposing new lighting. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the fact that heavy equipment will be sold here and whether or not the spaces as depicted on the plan will allow for the parking of 46 pieces of heavy equipment. In Agawam Planning Board November 16, 2006 Page 3 conclusion, Mr. Kudlic agreed to park the larger pieces of equipment in the rear and the small pieces towards the front of the lot. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to table the Site Plan for Kudlic on Springfield Street to the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING - Definitive Plan -North Street- Fazio Dave Bean presented this Definitive Plan for five lots on 3.82 acres. He stated that the existing home has been "form a'd" out and easements were provided. The front of the property is zoned Business A and Residence A2,the rear is zoned agriculture. Drainage will be connected down North Street to Springfield Street into a main trunk line. No detention pond is required. Subsurface leaching system per DEP best management practices is proposed. Erosion control measures are shown. He explained that the drainage calculations are currently being reviewed by the Engineering Department. Mr. Hopkins stated that a waiver of sidewalks on one side of the street is being requested and that the safety office has recommended that a sidewalk be constructed on North Street to Maynard Street. Mr. Bean stated that he does not wish to do that due to the expense and the requirement for an 8' easement through private properties. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Town could look into whether or not private properties would be involved or whether the ROW is large enough to accommodate sidewalks. Ms. Dachos asked about soil borings. Mr. Bean stated that they have requested a waiver of soil borings as the area is sand and gravel. Mr. Hopkins then asked for any public input. Al Griffin, 104 North Street stated that his wife is handicapped and would like to see sidewalks on North Street. He questioned whether there would be a traffic issue with this new street due to its location. Mr. Hopkins stated that there will be a street light at the intersection with North Street and the new street to illuminate it. Mr. Griffin also asked if the subdivision would be fenced. Mr. Hopkins stated no. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to continue the public hearing to December 7"' VOTE 3-0 6. PUBLIC HEARING - Zoning Amendment-Temporary Signs The Town Council is the petitioner on this proposed zoning amendment which would prohibit temporary signs. The members were in agreement to support this proposal due to safety and aesthetics. Mr. Hopkins asked for any public input. There being none, the Board closed the s Agawam Planning Board November 16, 2006 Page 4 public hearing. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send a positive recommendation to the Town Council regarding the Temporary Signs zoning amendment citing safety and aesthetics. VOTE 3-0 8. SITE PLAN - The Dairy Store - Suffield Street The owner of The Dairy Store, Jim Greco, was in attendance. Mr. Hopkins informed him that since both the store and the house are located on one parcel,this would be considered a pre- existing non-conforming lot and therefore would have to go to the Board of Appeals. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to send a memo to the Building Inspector that as part of the Planning Department's review of this site plan, it was determined that the house and store are located on one parcel. VOTE 3-0 7. PUBLIC HEARING - Zoning Amendment-Farmworker Housing The Town Council is the petitioner for this proposal. Ms. Dachos explained that this zoning amendment is a result of the settlement that was reached between the Town and the U.S.A. that required farmworker housing to be specified in the zoning as an accessory use to a farm. There being no public input, the Board closed the public hearing. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to send a positive recommendation to the Town Council on the Farmworker Housing Zoning Amendment. VOTE 3-0 8. SITE PLAN- TJ's Sporthouse - Main Street This site plan has been submitted as a result of letters that the Town sent out to property owners who were parking cars without site plan approval. The owner of TJ's, Tony Vellieux, was in attendance. He stated that he has this property since 1988 and that 50%of his patrons come in for a drink and then go to Six Flags. He charges for parking if the people don't patronize his establishment and are only parking there to go to Six Flags as oftentimes these people leave a mess in his parking lot. Mr. Hopkins stated that his plan shows room for fifty-two parking spaces and that there is a concern with no sidewalk on Main Street (per the safety officer). Ms. Baldwin stated that she would like to make a site visit. Mr. Vellieux stated that he received the Agawam Planning Board November 16, 2006 Page 5 .safety officer's comments and with regard to tractor trailers backing onto Main Street, that is not allowed. Ms. Dachos then stated that his dumpster must be screened. The members agreed to table this Site Plan to allow for a site visit and for other issues to be resolved. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to table the Site Plan for TFs Sport House to the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 SITE PLAN - South Agawam Self Storage -Main Street The owner of this business was not in attendance this evening. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to table the Site Plan for South Agawam Self Storage to the next meeting as no one was in attendance to present the plan. VOTE 3-0 Ms. Baldwin and Mr. Meagher agreed to make a site visit to TFs and South Agawam Self Storage on Tuesday, November 28'at 3:00 PM. SITE PLAN - Twisty's -Main Street Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Baldwin table the Site Plan for Twisty's until the applicant has gone before the Conservation Commission. VOTE 3-0 SITE PLAN - Omnipoint - St. Anne Golf Course Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to table the Site Plan for Omnipoint at the request of the applicant. VOTE 3-0 10. BOND STATUS - Willow Glenn II- Fether Inc. (2) Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to extend the two Performance Agreements for Willow Glenn II to April 1, 2007. VOTE 3-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM. pL&.'} a AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD November 2, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: z Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman ,CD n Frank Meagher •— Michael Morassi MEMBERS ABSENT: Violet Baldwin Travis Ward ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela.R. Kerr Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - October 5, 2006 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the minutes of October 5, 2006 as written. VOTE 3-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan- High Meadow IV - Calabrese Dave Bean of D.L. Bean, Inc. was in attendance. He stated that the plan has been revised as a result of abutter's concerns expressed at a previous meeting. He stated that a new topo survey was done due to the large amount of fill that was brought onto the site. The survey found that no fill was placed in the 50'WMECO easement and that the fill is "nowhere near" the abutter's property. The plan has also been adjusted to provide a 3% grade through the cul-de-sac(was previously 6.33%). He stated that while the Subdivision Rules and Regulations allow for up to a 8%grade, the DPW expressed concern over snowplowing so the plan was changed. The emergency access to Juniper Ridge Drive is proposed now to consist of grass pavers with two 3' wide concrete drives (grass pavers in between). Also,reflective stakes will be provided in this area. Mr. Morassi brought up the memo the Board received from the Engineering Department regarding the amount of fill placed on the property and the result erosion that is occurring. Mr. Bean stated that Mr. Calabrese has spoke with the person who is selling two lots to and is the one who brought the fill in. Mr. Morassi asked if the new design of the emergency access has been reviewed. Mr. Bean stated that the plan was submitted to the Engineering Department on Monday. Ms. Dachos questioned the necessity of the two 3' concrete drives as aesthetically they may not be appropriate. Mr. Bean stated that the two 3' concrete areas were added as there was a concern of snowplows digging up the grassed pavers. Mr. Hopkins then asked for any public input. Agawam Planning Board November 2, 2006 Page 2 Dr. Taylor, 235 North Westfield Street expressed his concerns over an existing drainage problem he is experiencing from this subdivision. He stated that the southwest corner of his property is becoming a wetland from previous building in the area and that there was a swale to be built as part of Phase III that was never constructed. He went on to say that there are two pipes that discharge onto his land. He does not want additional water on his property. Mr. Bean stated yes, there was a swale to be constructed as part of Phase III that would discharge the drainage to the detention area. He stated that the two pipes Dr. Taylor is referring to were likely installed by the individual property owners. Mr. Hopkins asked if there was a drainage easement for the swale. Mr. Bean stated no but the Phase IV plan includes a drainage design that accommodates additional impervious surfaces and that the result will be that the net runoff will be less than now. Ms. Dacshos suggested that the Board send a memo to the Engineering Department regarding Dr. Taylor's concerns and to ensure that no additional water is added to his land. Chuck Calabrese was in attendance and stated that the swale that was discussed was installed but that the individual property owners filled them in. Dr. Taylor then asked about the status of the WMECO easement - is it abandoned? Mr. Bean stated that the poles have been cut and the easement is not being used. They have petitioned WMECO to regrade a portion of the easement. Charles Calabrese then stated that Reggie Cole was now in attendance and that he is the one who purchased two lots and placed the fill on them. Mr. Cole addressed the Board and stated that he spoke with the Engineering Department and that the initial placement of the fill had been coordinated with the former Town Engineer and inspections were made, silt fences installed, haybales placed and seeding placed. Since the memo regarding the erosion problem he has met onsite with John Decker of the Engineering Department and will address the issue for a re- inspection next week. Mr. Morassi stated that since he has made site visits to view the fill, he would meet with the Engineering Department on-site, if needed. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the public hearing for the Definitive Plan for High Meadow IV to the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 3. SITE PLAN - DFF Corp. - Abrams Drive Dave Bean also presented this plan which shows the construction of a new building on this site with 103,000 SF of manufacturing space and 30,000 SF of offices with a loading dock in the rear of the building. He stated that the entire parcel is 23 acres (lots S & 9). The intention with the new building is to move all personnel into the larger building. He stated that a Request for Determination was filed with the Conservation Commission and they received a Negative Determination as there is an isolated wetland on the site. He stated that the wetland may come under the Army Corps jurisdiction, however, the area is less than the threshold for a filing. He went on to say that he met with the former Town Engineer on this project and to keep it on a "fast track", they have designed the drainage to retain all new impervious surfaces and collect it in a Agawam Planning Board November 2, 2006 Page 3 retention area up to a 100 year storm. The Engineering Department comments that were submitted on this plan, according to Mr. Bean, are in appropriate. He feels that they misinterpreted the whole concept of the drainage proposal. He will meet with Engineering tomorrow to resolve their concerns. He stated that 167 new parking spaces are being provided with seven handicap spaces. All entrances are at level grade. An easement is in place for access to Bowles Road. An erosion control plan has been submitted as per the Storm Drainage Ordinance. He stated that they would life to bring in fill material onto the site and install the footings and foundation before winter. Mr. Meagher asked whether the isolated wetland could be "recharged". Mr. Bean stated that it is supported from drainage from the property north of this site and part of this project will also discharge to it. Mr. Morassi asked about the roadway proposed. Mr. Bean stated that cross easements will be needed. Mr. Hopkins asked about lighting. Mr. Bean stated all lighting will be fully shielded. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Site Plan for DFF Corp. with the following conditions: November 2, 2006 Engineering Department comments are to be addressed; a detailed landscaping plan showing size and species is to be submitted; dumpster location shall be shown with screening; any proposed signs shall be shown; to date, the Planning Board has not received comments from the Fire Dept. - it is the applicant's responsibility to ensure they have no comments. VOTE 3-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING - Zoning Amendment- A5 - Age Restricted Housing Ms. Dachos explained that this amendment is meant to clarify the A5 section. The words "where it abuts a public way" are being added to the setback section. There was no public input, therefore Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to send a positive recommendation to the Town Council with regarding to the proposed zoning amendment to "A5 -Age Restricted Housing". VOTE 3-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING - Zoning Amendment- Inclusionary Zoning Andrew Smith of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission was in attendance to present a proposed inclusionary zoning ordinance. He stated inclusionary zoning allows towns to require developers of ten or more units to set aside 1%of the units as affordable and shall be built on or off the site. Ms. Dachas asked that he check on the "affordable" price for Agawam prior to this going to the Council. A construction time line would be required to ensure that the affordable Agawam Planning Board November 2, 2006 Page 4 units are built with the subdivision. A marketing plan would also be required of the developer. Deed restrictions would be placed on the affordable units to ensure they remain affordable for 30 years. There was a lengthy discussion regarding purchase price and restrictions on resale as well as the provision that the affordable units can be built off site. Betty Grimaldi, 431 Springfield Street - stated that she just recently dealt with an issue similar to this in Springfield Street and "it was a nightmare" in terms of the sale price vs. the appraisal. There being no further public input, Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing. This item will appear on the next agenda for discussion and possible vote. 6. SITE PLAN - Able Machine Tools - Silver Street Tom Zabel of The O'Leary Co. was in attendance to present this plan which shows a 4500 SF addition to the existing building and also additional parking area. Mr. Zabel submitted a copy of the Fire Department comments to the Board for their information. He stated that these comments have been addressed. A revised landscaping plan will be submitted. No new signs are proposed. All lighting will be shielded. The addition will be the same material as the existing building. He stated that the Engineering Department comments have been addressed and a revised plan has been submitted. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Site Plan for Able Machine Tools on Silver Street with the condition that the Engineering Department do a final review of the revised plan. VOTE 3-0 SITE PLAN - Bridgeport National Bindery- Silver Street Tom Zabel of The O'Leary Co. also presented this Site Plan which shows an additional parking area being constructed. The Engineering Department submitted comments dated November 2, 2006 which Mr. Zabel stated will be addressed. He explained that this is a"time sensitive" project as they are hoping to pave before the plants close. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Site Plan for Bridgeport National Bindery with the condition that the November 2, 2006 Engineering Department comments be addressed and the Planning Board did not receive Fire Department comments - it is up to the applicant to ensure that they have no comments on the plan. VOTE 3-0 Agawam Planning Board November 2, 2006 Page 5 SITE PLAN -Millenium Press - Silver Street Eric Forish of Forish Construction was in attendance along with Jim Sullivan, owner of Millenium Press. Mr. Forish explained that they are proposing a 5,000 SF addition(2 story office addition)to the existing building and expansion of the parking lot. A landscaping plan has been submitted which basically duplicates the existing landscaping. The Engineering Department submitted comments which Mr. Forish stated he will address. No Fire Department comments have been submitted. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Site Plan for Millenium Press with the condition that the Engineering Department comments be addressed and since the Planning Board received no comments from the Fire Department, it is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that they have no comments on this Site Plan. VOTE 3-0 SITE PLAN - Omnipoint- St. Ann's - Shoemaker Lane Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the Site Plan for Omnipoint at the request of their representative. VOTE 3-0 SITE PLAN - Town of Agawam - Suffield Street This Site Plan was withdrawn. 7. SIGN PLAN - Silver Street - Aimua This plan was not yet ready for the Board's signatures. 8. BOND RELEASE - Willow Glenn Estates (2) Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to release$148,400 of the bond being held on Lots 10-6 and 22-40 ; and to release $184,800 of the bond being held on Lots 7-21 of the Willow Glenn Estates Phase II subdivision. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 3-0 Agawam Planning Board November 2, 2006 Page 6 11. FORM A - Silver Street - Aimua Mr. Aimua was in attendance to present this Form A which shows the existing home of his proposed subdivision parcel being divided from the property. This leaves the remaining land with insufficient frontage. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to deny the plan for Aimua on Silver Street under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required" as it creates a lot with insufficient frontage. VOTE 3-0 9. BOND STATUS -Windermere Estates - Bretta Mr. Bretta requested a two year extension to his Performance Agreement. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Morassi to extend the Performance Agreement for Windermere Estates for two years. VOTE 3-0 12, DISCUSSION - 108 Coyote Circle The Engineering Department submitted a memo to the Board regarding 108 Coyote Circle. The swale is not constructed properly. The members agreed to send a letter to the developer instructing him to comply with the memo. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr, Morassi to send a letter to Wild Turkey Development LLC telling them to follow the recommendations as set forth in the memo from the Engineering Department regarding 108 Coyote Circle. VOTE 3-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD October 5, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins Frank Meagher o Michael Morassi z Travis Ward c n z. MEMBERS ABSENT: 3 Violet Baldwin i x: 1z can ALSO PRESENT: © "'c Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr r� a Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 28, 2006 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the minutes of September 28, 2006 as written. VOTE 3-0-1 (Meagher abstained) 2. SITE PLAN - Simmons - Bowles Road Tom Zabel of The O'Leary Co. was in attendance to present the Site Plan which shows an area that is presently gravel where trucks currently park and is proposed to be paved. Along with paving, drainage will be provided. Trees that will be removed will be replaced. The Engineering Department had one comment -they recommend that trash racks be provided over the drainage structures. The Fire Department also submitted comments which, according to Mr. Zabel, they are addressing at this time. Mr. Hopkins asked if any additional lighting or signs were proposed. Mr. Zabel stated no. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Site Plan for Simmons on Bowls Road with the condition that the Engineering Department comments and Agawam Fire Department comments be addressed. VOTE 4-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Def. Plan - High Meadow IV - Calabrese Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the public hearing for the Definitive Plan of High Meadow IV at the request of the applicant's representative. VOTE 4-0 Agawam Planning Board October 5, 2006 Page 2 Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the agenda to include the"add-on's" VOTE 4-0 5. BOND RELEASE- Woodside Drive Estates - Calabrese The Engineering Department has recommended that the bond be released on this subdivision if the Planning Board is satisfied with the buffer plantings that were required. Mr. Morassi stated that he has met on-site with the developer and noted that the buffer plantings were done. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to release the full bond being held on the Woodside Drive Estates subdivision. VOTE 4-0 6. VOTE TO BE PETITIONER-Zoning Amendment- "Inclusionary Zoning" At the last meeting, Eric Twarog of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission made a presentation to the Board of a proposed zoning amendment entitled "Inclusionary Zoning". The members made changes to the proposal that evening. Mr. Twarog has submitted a revised version for the Board. After reviewing the proposal, the members agreed to vote this evening to be the petitioner. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher that the Planning Board act as the petitioner for a proposed zoning amendment entitled "Inclusionary Zoning". VOTE 4-0 VOTE TO BE PETITIONER- Amendment to Residence A5 -Active Adult Community Ms. Dachos informed the Board of clarification that is needed in the newly approved Residence A5 district. She stated that the Building Inspector's interpretation of Section 180-115 E (3)is hat it apply to each individual structure within an Active Adult Community. She stated that it was her understanding while drafting this amendment with the Board members that the fifty fee minimum front yard setback was to apply only to the Active Adult Community as a whole. The members were in agreement with that. She has suggested the following amendment: "The minimum front yard(setback) shall be fifty feet where it abuts a public way only." Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi that the Planning Board be the petitioner for a zoning amendment to the Residence A5 District. VOTE 4-0 Agawam Planning Board October 5, 2006 Page 3 7. DISCUSSION -Jehova's Witness Kingdom Hall - N.Westfield Street Ms. Dachos stated that an abutter to this site contacted the office to see if the Board could require that the fence at the rear of the site be higher(8). Their concern is that when vehicles enter the site at night,the headlights shine into their homes. The members discussed the possibility of having the fence built on a berm as an S' fence may not be allowable under the zoning. Mr. Hopkins stated that he would check with the Building Inspector. The meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD September 7, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Frank Meagher Michael Morassi Travis Ward- 7:00 MEMBERS ABSENT: C n Violet Baldwin 4 *n ry rn ALSO PRESENT: = 3�x Deborah S. Dachos cn-r Pamela R. Kerr ev F, oo Mr.Hopkins called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - August 17, 2006 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the minutes of August 17, 2006 as written. VOTE 3-0 2. PRELIMINARY PLAN - Silver Street-Aimua The Engineering Department has not completed their review of the revised plans, therefore,the Board tabled this item to the next meeting. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the Preliminary Plan for Silver Street- Aimua to the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Zoning Amendment - Open Space Communities Eric Twarog of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission was in attendance to present this proposed zoning amendment regarding "open space communities". He went over the proposal and pointed out some of the main components: Open Space Residential Development,by right, where homes are cluster and open space is set aside the development and permanently protected. He stated that it allows the same density of housing and would apply to the following zoning Agawam Planning Board September 7, 2006 Page 2 districts: Residence AI, Residence A2 and Agriculture. He emphasized that this would be by right,but stronglly encouraged as it would help to preserve open space. He stated that the property must contain a minimum of five acres and have at least 100'of contiguous frontage on a public way. Permitted uses include single family homes, agricultural uses, public parks, recreation areas/wood lots. In terms of density,he stated that there are additional flexible controls allowed. The lots within the development would need 60'of contiguous frontage and the minimum lot size would be 10,000 SF. The property must have town sewer and water. In the Agricultural zone, 50% of the total area would be set side as permanently protected open space. In the RA1 and RA2 zones, 35% of the total area would be set aside as permanently protected open space. The area set aside would be owned by a homeowners association and 70%of that area must be contiguous. A permanent deed restriction would be placed on the open space. If there is an existing trail network in the vicinity or existing open space, it would be encouraged, if possible, to tie into that existing trail or open space. The members thanked him for the presentation. There being no public input, the public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to send a positive recommendation to the Town Council with regard to the Zoning Amendment entitled Open Space Communities. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to amend the order of the agenda and to include the "add-on's". VOTE 3-0 11. FORM A - Mill Street/Line Street - Provost This plan shows the creation of an additional lot on property owned by Provost. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the plan for Provost on Mill Street/Line Street under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 3-0 12. SIGN PLAN, EASEMENTS, PERF. AGREEMENT, COVENANT- Capua Estates Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to sign the Definitive Plan, Easements, Performance Agreement and accept the Covenant on the Capua Estates pending review and approval of the Law Department and Engineering Department. Agawam Planning Board September 7, 2006 Page 3 VOTE 3-0 8. SITE PLAN -Nextel - Maple Street Ms. Dachos presented this Site Plan which shows the installation of an antenna on an existing Northeast Utilities pole/tower on Maple Street. Also proposed is the construction of an equipment shelter with plantings around it. A gravel driveway is proposed. Per the Engineering Department and the Town Planner's review, a curb cut will be cut,pavement is to be placed to the back of the sidewalk. The plan specifies evergreen plantings but does not specify size or species. Mr. Hopkins stated that the pavement should extend from the roadway, 20' into the site. He also stated that the proposed evergreens be planted 6' on center. The members were in agreement with those requests. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Site Plan for Nextel on Maple Street with the following conditions: the Engineering Department comments dated August 31, 2006 must be addressed; the access driveway must be paved at least 20'into the site from the edge of pavement with provisions being made for sidewalk access across the driveway; and the proposed evergreen trees must be planted 6' on center at a minimum. VOTE 3-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING- Zone Change- Shoemaker Lane- Zielinski Mr. Zielinski stated that he is now seeking a zone change for 41.327 acres of his 102 acre parcel from Agricultural to Residence A3. He stated that there would be at least 30 acres of open space that would become part of the project. He also stated that there would be a 120'buffer around it. His proposal is for 4 to 6 family homes in a "courtyard arrangement". Mr. Hopkins stated for information that there would be the potential for 329 units if zoned A3. He asked Mr. Zielinski how a second means of access/egress would be provided for the project. Mr. Zielinski stated that there would be an emergency access roadway in the buffer. Mr. Meagher asked for the number of bedrooms and whether there would adults with families living there as this may have a significant effect on the school system. Mr. Zielinski stated that he has done studies of similar developments in town and that his development would be catered to professional couples and would be an "upscale development". He stated that he would try to steer families with school children away from this project and that with his design and deed restrictions, the number of children would be negligible. Mr. Meagher stated that even one child per unit could necessitate a new school. At this point, Mr. Casella,the architect for the project gave a brief overview of the proposed layout. He had renderings prepared which show the "courtyard layout" of the units. Mr. Ward asked if the units would be private or managed by an association. Mr. Zielinski's attorney was Agawam Planning Board September 7, 2006 Page 4 also present and stated that they would not be private and that there would be an association formed. Mr. Ward stated that the second means of egress/access to the site is a vital component of the project. Mr. Meagher asked if the units could be sub-let. Ms. Dachas stated that Residence A3 zones allow for apartments or condominiums. Mr. Morassi reiterated the necessity for a second means of access/egress to the site. Ms. Dachos stated that the Engineering Department submitted comments on this Zone Change. One of the comments is that there is not adequate sewer capacity on Shoemaker Lane for a development of this size and there are also significant soil issues. Mr. Morassi brought up the issue of traffic impacts. Mr. Zielinski stated that a traffic study has been done and that he has hired someone to review the sewer capacity issue. He also hired a soils exploration firm to look at the soils types. Mr. Hopkins then asked for any public inpt. Ken Blair, 373 Shoemaker Lane stated that this has the potential for 320 units. He asked if these would be built on slabs or foundations. Mr. Hopkins stated that this is not the appropriate time for that type of question. If the zone change is granted, Mr. Zielinski would then submit a site plan for the project. Mr. Blair asked if thew would be any restriction on the age of the owners. Mr. Hopkins stated no, not in Residence A3. He stated that the new Residence A5 zone is for ages 55 and older and provides for a lower density project. Mary Blazak, 349 Shoemaker Lane asked if the project was for seniors only. Mr. Hopkins stated no, there would be no age restriction. There being no further input, Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing. Mr. Ward stated that there are significant concerns with the sewer and traffic issues. Ms. Dachos stated that the Board can't put conditions on their recommendation to the Council. Mr. Ward stated that he would like to review the traffic study and comments from the firm that Mr. Zielinski hired to review the sewer capacity prior to the Board voting on their recommendation. Motion was made by Mr.Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to table action on the Zone Change for Zielinski on Shoemaker Lane to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING - Definitive Plan - High Meadow IV- Anvil Street- Calabrese Dave Bean of D.L. Bean, Inc. was in attendance to present this Definitive Plan which shows the extension of Anvil Street and the creation of seven lots on approximately 10 acres. He stated that during the Preliminary Plan review, there was an original recommendation of the Town to connect this road to Juniper Ridge. After reviewing that connection, it was agreed that an emergency connection be provided which would be made of brick/stone pavers with grass which Agawam Planning Board September 7, 2006 Page 5 can handle truck traffic and will look like "lawn". He stated that Phase III drainage was designed to handle Phase IV and that now that Phase IV is designed,there is less drainage to be accounted for and the outfall of the drainage will be enhanced. Mr. Morassi asked about the waiver requests. Mr. Bean stated that the following three waivers are being requested: 1)waiver of soil boring requirement; 2) waiver of street length to allow for a length of 508' (498'paved, 508'to right of way); and 3) waiver of 30'buffer requirement. Mr. Hopkins stated that the 30'buffer is no longer in the rules and regulations -that waiver is not needed. Mr. Ward asked for more information on the emergency access. Mr. Bean stated it will be 20' wide and that there was a provision left on Juniper Ridge for a future connection, at the top of the hill. Mr.Ward asked to refresh his memory on the issues or restrictions discussed during the preliminary plan review. Mr. Bean stated that DPW and Engineering wanted access between these two projects and that after review of sight distance calculations it was determined that it would not be safe for a public way. Mr. Ward asked how they would prevent this from being used. Mr. Bean stated it would be owned by lot 4; there would be an easement for the emergency access; and it could be plowed. Mr. Ward then asked how the enhanced drainage design would effect the Segal property on which it is located. Mr. Bean then went over the drainage design and the enhanced level spreader that will be constructed on the outlet. Mr. Morassi asked why they extra 8' on the street length was needed. Mr. Bean stated that the could make one of the lots more narrow but that the added 8'makes for a nicer layout. Mr. Hopkins pointed out that the extra 8' did not provide for another lot. Ms. Dachos then asked if work has started on this property. Mr. Bean stated yes, filling has occurred and it appears that trees have been cut. Ms. Dachos pointed out that trees over 8" in diameter cannot be removed without approval of the tree warden and that temporary vegetative cover is to be placed on soils that will be exposed for greater than a month. She asked if there were stockpiles on the site and whether work was taking place within the existing WMECO easement. Mr. Bean stated that there are four or five piles on the site and that work may have taken place within the easement and that the developer has not yet received approval from WMECO. Ms. Dachso stated that the office has received numerous complaints from abutters regarding the work that has been taking place. Mr. Hopkins then asked for public input. Warren Roberts, 131 Juniper Ridge Drive stated that thousands of yards of fill have been brought onto this site and spread out and no silt fences were in place and.no vegetative cover has been placed. He also stated that included with some of the fill was tires and concrete slabs that have been buried. He stated that this fill has resulted in silt on his property when it rains. He then asked who would be responsible for the maintenance of the emergency connection to Juniper Ridge. Mr. Hopkins stated that the owners of that lot would be responsible for mowing it. Mr. Roberts then expressed concern over the filling within the WMECO easement. He went on to say that he feels test borings should be required with the amount of fill that has been brought in. He stated that heavy machinery has been parked on this site for three years; there is a 30'high pile of sand that blows onto the neighboring properties during winds. He stated that he has pictures of the debris that was buried. Mr. Hopkins stated that the pictures should be forwarded to the Health Department. Mr. Hopkins also stated that the Engineering Department has required Agawam Planning Board September 7, 2006 Page 6 that the site be re-surveyed for current conditions. Ann Segal, 155 Anvil Street stated that she abuts the large pile of sand and it blows everywhere during winds. She feels it should be covered as the area children have been digging tunnels in it. She feels that is a safety hazard as well as the old truck that is parked there on which the children play. She feels it is a very dangerous situation. Mr. Ward asked for her feelings on the access issue to Juniper Ridge. She stated that she is happy with only having an emergency connection. Jeff Reynolds, 114 Wagon Wheel Drive asked about the two lots that will be behind him that will have grinder pumps for sewage. Mr. Hopkins stated that grinder pumps are located within the house. Mr. Reynolds expressed concern over receiving additional drainage as his yard now is "marshland" from receiving area drainage. Ms. Dachos explained that there is a new requirement for individual lot grading plans which will help to ensure that no additional drainage flows onto abutting properties. Linda Labbe, 144 Wagon Wheel Drive also expressed concerns over drainage. Mr. Hopkins stated that there is a swale proposed that will carry the drainage into the designed system. Dr. Taylor, 235 North Westfield Street expressed his concerns over drainage also. He stated that his property is at the bottom of the hill and that he received drainage from Wagon Wheel Drive. He stated that there swales have been eliminated or not constructed that should have protected him for receiving additional drainage. Mr. Hopkins stated that an area of natural vegetation is to remain and that only the roofs and driveways will be draining in his direction. At this point, the members agreed to continue the public hearing. Mr. Bean will submit new plans that reflect the current conditions on the site. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the public hearing for the High Meadow 1V Definitive Plan. VOTE 4-0 Mr. Ward then expressed his concerns over the working having started on this project and the adverse impacts on the abutters. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to send a letter to Mr. Calabrese, the developer, stating that work on this site must cease and that temporary vegetative cover be placed on exposed soils. VOTE 4-0 Agawam Planning Board September 7, 2006 Page 7 6. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Definitive Plan -Burlington Estates -Poplar Street Ron Huot of Anderson Associates was in attendance along with the developer, Dan Muldoon. Mr. Huot stated that the Engineering Department has approved the revisions that have been made but that the Conservation.Commission has not yet acted on the project. He stated that a 50` access has been provided to Twin Oaks and is labeled as "future road". John Spineti, 43 Twin Oaks Road requested that the Board place deed restrictions on access to Twin Oaks Road. Ms. Dachos stated that this "future access" is not an actual roadway until it is designed and approved. Mr. Spineti expressed his concerns over the impact on his quality of life with this subdivision. His attorney, Richard Evans of Northampton then addressed the Board. Attorney Evans requested that on behalf of Mr. Spineti, the Board require the developer to erect and maintain a barrier between the two lots adjacent to his and Twin Oaks Road; and that they require deed restrictions on those two lots to prevent any vehicle access to Twin Oaks Road. He also reminded the Board of the letter that was sent on Mr. Spineti's behalf by Berkshire Design. Mr. Spineti then brought up an issue that he expressed to the Conservation Commission regarding the presence of endangered species on the site and they Commission's concern over three of the lots that will be difficult to enforce the restricted areas on once built. Ms. Dachas explained that this site was not shown on the habitat map that is on file in the office to contain endangered species. Bob Gaj, 711 Mill Street expressed concerns over the lots closest to his property as he has operated an apple orchard on his land for thirty years. He sprays at night and is concerned that the new neighbors will complain and will effect his operation. The members were sympathetic to his concerns but informed him that the plan meets the rules and regulations that the property owner has a right to develop it. Kirk McNaughton, Blue Sky Builders addressed the Board and thanked them for their consideration of the access issue to Twin Oaks Road. He submitted a draft casement for the future access road but was informed that would be a legal issue for the developer's attorney and his as well as the Town Solicitor to work on. Mr. Spineti then asked about the ownership issue of Twin Oaks Road and the water line that exists. Mr. Hopkins stated that there is an easement in place to allow for the water line. There being no further public input,Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Definitive Plan for Burlington Estates with the following conditions: the Engineering Department comments dated August 17, 2006 and September 7, 2006 are to be addressed; all easements shall be executed and submitted to the Board for their signatures; a Covenant and Performance Agreement shall be b Agawam Planning Board September 7, 2006 Page 8 executed; no additional lots shall be created unless through an amendment to the Subdivision Plan in conformance with Chapter 41 MGL. VOTE 4-0 7. DISCUSSION - B'Shara- River Road Attorney Frank Caruso was in attendance along with his client, Michael B'Shara. Mr. B'Shara has applied to the Board of Appeals to allow for parking in front of his restaurant on River Road. Attorney Caruso stated that his client was unaware of a previous ZBA Decision that restricted parking in this area. Neighbors have complained that cars are parking there. Mr. B'Shara has put up a barrier but it has been vandalized. He stated that his client is not looking to expand his occupancy but allowing parking in this area would help to alleviate parking on the area side streets. He could also designate this area as employee parking only. Attorney Caruso went on to say that the parking spaces have been laid out so that vehicle would not have to back out onto River Road. Mr. Hopkins stated that as a board member he can't endorse this layout as it would set precedence. Mr. Ward stated that he would not support it as he feels it is not a safe situation. Ms. Dachos commented that the vehicles would be backing out onto a public sidewalk. After a lengthy discussion, the following motion was made: Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to send a negative recommendation to the Board of Appeals with regard to the application for parking in front of Michael's Ristorante on River Road by B'Shara. VOTE 4-0 8. SITE PLAN - Jehova's Witness Kingdom Hall -North Westfield Street Doug Laravee was in attendance. He explained that the plan has been revised to now show two windows on the North Westfield street side; ADA issues have been addressed; a fence has been shown along the entire back of the parcel; a planting plan has been provided. The type of fence is shown as a 6' stockade. Mr. Ward stated that the Board would prefer board on board or white vinyl. Ms. Dachos stated that the most recent Engineering comments are concerning traffic and parking. She also asked if a buffer has been provided to the adjacent property owner. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the buffer and landscaping to be included in it. In conclusion, the following items were left to be addressed: provision of a larger buffer(approximately 10); fencing/landscaping; address parking issues - possible redesign the parking layout. Joe Conte was in attendance on behalf of his son who is a direct abutter to the rear and asked that the Board consider the drainage of this site and impacts it may have on the abutters. Agawam Planning Board September 7, 2006 Page 9 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to table the Site Plan for the Jehova's Witness Kingdom Hall on North Westfield Street to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN - Pride Convenience-North Westfield Street Although the applicant was in attendance, the meeting had to adjourn as the building was closing. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to table the Site Plan for Pride Convenience to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. %own �e/K AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD September 28, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Michael Morassi Travis Ward 0 MEMBERS ABSENT: Violet Baldwin Frank Meagher as 3m s - � ALSO PRESENT: o Deborah S. Dachos CT r i�r Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. � 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 7, 2006 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the minutes of September 7, 2006 as written. VOTE 3-0 2. SITE PLAN- Pride Convenience-North Westfield Street Bob Bolduc of Pride Convenience, Inc. was in attendance along with Matt Chase of VHB. Mr. Chase went over the revised plan with the Board members. He stated that changes have been made since the second traffic study was conducted. Changes include: seven more parking spaces in back(now total of 37 parking spaces); a new entrance at the back of the store; more striping has been provided (one way traffic flow along back side of building); angled parking spaces along back side; one handicapped space relocated; existing crosswalk to be removed; stacking room for up to 17 cars for Dunkin Donuts drive up window; "no parking" signs on south side of building. Mr. Hopkins asked how wide the rear entrance door is and whether there would be side lights or a roof over it. Mr. Bolduc stated that he probably can't install side lights but the door will be white aluminum with full glass and he will install a sign for it. Mr. Hopkins then asked about the maintenance of the pavement markings and whether thermoplastic markings will be used. He suggested that thermoplastic be used for the traffic markings only. Mr. Bolduc agreed with that. Mr. Morassi asked if additional lighting would be provided at the back entrance. Mr. Bolduc stated that area is well lit now and he will install an entrance sign over it. Mr. Morassi then asked if the curbcut closest to the intersection on Springfield Street would be entrance only. Mr. Chase stated that a "no left turn" sign will be installed there. The ATM was discussed and in conclusion, Mr. Ward stated that he feels the plan discussed this evening is the best plan possible given the close proximity to a very busy intersection. Agawam Planning Board September 28, 2006 Page 2 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the Site Plan for Pride Convenience with the condition that an "entrance" sign be placed over the rear entrance door and thermoplastic markings be used for traffic marking. VOTE 3-0 SITE PLAN - Kingdom Hall of Jehova's Witnesses-North Westfield Street John Kopinsky of Innovative Engineering presented a revised plan to the Board. He stated that in terms of the buffer along the south side of the property, they have shortened the parking lanes to 18'and moved the berm 1'north. The plantings list has been modified to include smaller arborvitae. The buffer is now 6 6" and will include a fence as well as the plantings. Ms. Dachos went over the most recent engineering department comments: temporary bituminous sidewalk to be placed (Mr. Kopinsky stated that a note has been added to the plan on that); dust control comment(note has been added to plan); off site parking to be provided. The Board was provided with copies of letters from the Westfield Kingdom Hall of Jehova's Witnesses regarding the availability of off site parking and provision of transportation to and from. Mr. Hopkins stated that the off site parking issue should be done in the form of an easement and not just a notarized letter that has been submitted. Mr. Kopinsky stated that the number of seats that was used in the original traffic study was unacceptable and that there is seating for 150. Ms. Dachos stated that an abutter expressed concerns over working being done on this site on Sundays and asked that the Board not allow work on Sundays. Mr. Kopinsky stated that these buildings are constructed through what is called "quick build" and is done by volunteers and that the entire construction would consist of two weekends. Ms. Dachas then stated that the abutter to the east has requested hemlocks instead of arborvitae. Mr. Ward then stated that the offsite parking issue concerns him as well as the amount of construction on this site and asked if this was the best use for the parcel. Mr. Morassi felt that a new traffic study should be conducted on the correct number of seats being provided. Mr. Hopkins stated that with a seating capacity of 150 and 79 spaces being provided and the off site parking in the form of an easement should be sufficient. He reiterated the need for an easement as it would be legally enforceable. Ms. Dachos stated that the Town's parking guidelines for churches call for 1 space for every 4 seats. She then reiterated the abutters concerns over drainage and the possibility of water in their basements and asked that the record reflect these concerns. There was a discussion regarding the working taking place on Sundays and in conclusion, the members agreed to allow a maximum of three sundays to have the work take place. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the Site Plan for the Kingdom Hall of Jehova's Witnesses with the condition that an easement be provided for the off site parking and that in terms of working on sundays, a maximum of three sundays would be allowed during reasonable daylight hours and the Engineering Department comments dated 9/21/06 shall be addressed. VOTE 3-0 Agawam Planning Board September 28, 2006 Pa ee33 3. PRELIMINARY PLAN - Silver Street- Aimua Mr. Aimua was in attendance along with Karl Nimetz of Joslad Associates. Mr.Nimetz stated that the street length is now under 500' and there a total of seven lots (including existing house). No waivers are being requested at this time. A sight distance easement has been secured for the abutting lot on Silver Street. Ms. Dachos went over the 9/20/06 Engineering Department comments. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the Preliminary Plan on Silver Street for Aimua conditional upon the September 20, 2006 Engineering Department comments being addressed. VOTE 3-0 4. Zone Change - Zielinski - Shoemaker Lane Mr. Hopkins explained that the agenda was incorrect as the public hearing was closed at the last meeting. He asked the petitioner of any new information on traffic impacts, soils, and sewer capacity as these were the concerns brought forward at the last meeting. Mr. Zielinski stated that he has information on these items. Mr Ward asked why this information was not submitted prior to the meeting so that the professional staff could review it. Mr. Zielinski stated that he has in attendance with him Gary Swanson who has met with.lack Stone regarding the sewer capacity. Mr. Swanson stated that after meeting with Mr. Stone the question is how and at what expense the applicant can this site be sewered. He stated that Mr. Stone informed him of a sewer capacity study now being conducted by Tighe and Bond. Mr. Swanson stated that as a result of his meeting with Mr. Stone, he feels that there are sewering options for the site but until that study is completed he cannot provide more information. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Planning Board is a recommending body to the Town Council on zone changes. Mr. Morassi stated that he would. like the Town professional staff to review and information and provide comments. Ms. Dachos then went over the history of the A3 zone which allows for up to 8 units per acre. She stated that the Town recently adopted A5 which allows for up to 4 units per acre and is age restricted. She stated that she does not feel this proposal is an appropriate use for the site as the town will not pay for upgrading the sewers for the project; there is a very limited ability to provide a second means of egress to the site which is not good planning and could pose safety issues; and the fact that these could possibly be apartments with the potential for 300 or more school children. She recommended that the Board not send a positive recommendation to the Council. Mr. Ward stated that he does not feel that there is enough positive information for the Board to support the zone change. Mr. Hopkins stated that the second egress issue would be part of the site plan. Mr. Zielinski stated that he has more than enough frontage and that he would propose a driveway through the buffer zone that could be used for emergency access. He also stated that in terms of the allowed density of 9 units per acre,with the wetlands and buffer being provided it won't be close to that. He stated that his plan is showing 120 units. Mr. Zielinski's attorney, Joseph Agawam Planning Board September 28, 2006 Page 4 Conway asked if they request that this be tabled until they can get more information from Jack Stone on the sewers. Ms. Dachos stated that at this point the cannot as the Town Council has already continued their public hearing. Mr. Hopkins stated that they could withdraw without prejudice. Mr. Morassi stated that he would like more information on addressing the outstanding issues. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to send a negative recommendation to the Town Council on the Zielinski zone change Shoemaker Lane based on the items discussed this evening regarding traffic, soils, sewer capacity, second means of egress and potential number of school children. VOTE 3-0 S. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan - High Meadow IV- Calabrese Mr. Calabrese's representative requested that this item be continued. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to continue the public hearing for the Definitive Plan for High Meadow IV to the next meeting as requested. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the order of the agenda and to include the "add-on's". VOTE 3-0 8. DISCUSSION -Twisty's Main Street Ms. Dachos stated that Board member Vi Baldwin contacted her with regard to work taking place at Twisty's on Main Street that has not yet been approved by the Board. She stated that the outside seating has been provided and fill is taking place behind the building. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to send a letter to the applicant and Building Inspector that the work at Twisty's has not yet been approved by the Planning Board and that a revised Site Plan must be provided to the Planning Board. VOTE 3-0 9. DISCUSSION - correspondence from Provost - Mill Street Agawam Planning Board September 28, 2006 Page 5 Mr. and Mrs. Provost of 267 Mill Street were in attendance to ask the Board to consider moving the location of the recently approved subdivision, Capua Estates. They have concerns over the road being located directly in front of their driveway. Mr. Hopkins stated that given the small number of lots and the fact they the cars will being going up hill to a stop sign, he did not feel this would provide a big risk. Mrs. Provost stated that their concern is during bad weather. Mr. Ward stated that although there's not much the Board can do other than request that a guardrail be installed, he would meet with them to view the situation. Mr. and Mrs. Provost thanked the Board for their time and asked that their safety concerns go on record. 9. DISCUSSION - correspondence- Coyote Circle - Lubarsky The Board received a letter from Mr. Lubarsky which was forwarded to the Engineering Department for input. The Engineering Department's response was given to the Board. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to send a letter to the developer of Wild Turkey Estates reinforcing the Board's decision on the handicap ramp as previously discussed. VOTE 3-0 10. BOND STATUS - Wild Turkey Estates The developer has submitted a written request for a six month extension. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to extend the Performance Agreement for Wild Turkey Estates for six months to April 1, 2007. VOTE 3-0 6. DISCUSSION - Inclusionary Zoning- E. Twarog- Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Eric Twarog of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission was in attendance to go over a draft zoning amendment entitled "inclusionary zoning". He explained that Agawam's affordable housing stock is currently at 4.2% and the state requires it to be at least 10%. This proposal would require a developer who is proposing at least ten units or more must provide for 10% of them to be considered affordable. He went over the components of the proposal and the members gave him feed back. He stated that he will revise the draft and resubmit to them for their action. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD August 17, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: n _ Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman An Violet Baldwin Frank Meagher 3 m Travis Ward _ c MEMBERS ABSENT: Michael Morassi a+ rA ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachas Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 6 &20, 2006 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the minutes of July 6, 2006 as written. VOTE 3-0-1 (Meagher abstained) Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the minutes of July 20, 2006 as written. VOTE 3-0-1 (Meagher abstained) 2. PUBLIC HEARING -Zoning Amendment - Open Space Communities Mr. Hopkins opened the public hearing. Eric Twarog of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission worked with the Board on drafting this amendment. He was unable to attend this evening's meeting,therefore,the Board continued the public hearing to the next meeting. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the public hearing on the Open Space Communities Zoning Amendment to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to amend the order of the agenda. VOTE 4-0 Agawam Planning Board August 17, 2006 Page 2 4. SITE PLAN-Jehova's Witness Kingdom Hall -North Westfield Street Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to table the Site Plan for the Jehova's Witness Kingdom Hall on North Westfield Street as requested by the applicant. VOTE 4-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Definitive Plan - Burlington Estates -Poplar Street Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the public hearing for the Burlington Estates Definitive Plan to the next meeting as requested by the applicant's representative. VOTE 4-0 6. BOND STATUS -Willow Glenn II (2 Performance Agreements) Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to extend the two performance agreements on Willow Glenn II to November 2, 2006. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Ward to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 4-0 PRELIMINARY PLAN - Silver Street-Airnua Joseph Aimu and Carl Nimetz of Joslad Associates were in attendance to present this Preliminary Plan. Mr. Nimetz stated that the plan has been significantly revised since the Board last reviewed it. He explained that it now shows the creation of six lots on a cul-de-sac street off of Silver Street (no outlet to Perry Lane as previously shown). They have been working with the Engineering Department on these revisions. Mr. Hopkins stated that one of the Board's biggest concerns with this plan previously was traffic and sight distance. He asked who prepared the traffic study. Mr. Nimetz stated it was prepared by Joslad Associates. Mr. Hopkins asked how long the street was. Mr. Nimetz stated 550'. Mr. Aimua stated that he was unsure where the measurements are taken and will check with the Engineering Department. Mr. Hopkins stated that a street length greater than 500'requires a waiver from the Board's regulations and it must be in the best interest of the Town to grant a waiver. Mr. Ward asked how traffic concerns have been addressed. Ms. Dachos stated that sight distance was a prior concern,however, the applicant has been working with the Town Engineer and they are now proposing a sight easement Agawam Planning Board August 17, 2006 Pale 3 on the lot that Mr. Airnua owns. Mr. Hopkins asked for any public input. Joseph Campbell, 719 Suffield Street had concerns over lot 4 which abuts the back of his property. His concerns were over the house location and whether only one house would be built on it. The members explained to him that this is a single family lot with only one home and that in terms of its Iocation on the lot, it must conform to the zoning bylaws in terms of sideyards, rearyards and setbacks. Mr. Berwald, 96 Silver Street asked about the detention basin on lot 2 which is behind his house. The concept of a detention basin was explained to him and that there should not be standing water in it. Keven Zomek, 112 Silver Street asked about the types of homes to be built and whether they would be rental units. Mr. Hopkins explained that the Board cannot get involved with the types or prices of the homes but that the property was zoned for single family residences. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to table action on the Preliminary Plan for Silver Street-Aimua to allow for the applicant to address Engineering comments. VOTE 4-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING- Request for Sidewalk Waiver- Coyote Circle- Cloutier Attorney Bart Heemskerk was in attendance along with his clients, the Cloutiers of North Street Extension(corner of Coyote Circle). He explained that his clients are asking the sidewalk be waived on a portion of the west side of Coyote Circle(152' in length) along their sideyard property line. He stated that sidewalks are now constructed up to lot 29. Their concern is that water pools in an area on the back portion of their property which is lower than the subdivision. Mr. Cloutier is a heart transplant patient and they feel ponding water is a dangerous issue for him in terms of bacteria. They submitted a letter from the Tufts Cardiac Care Unit supporting their concerns. Mr. Hopkins read the letter aloud. Attorney Heemskerk pointed out that there are two neighboring subdivision on which sidewalk waivers were granted- Katy Lane and Plumtree Meadow. Mr. Hopkins then read aloud a letter the Board received from Chris and Deb Sanchez, 36 Hemlock Ridge who are opposed to waiving the sidewalk. Mr. Ward then stated that he worked on this issue previously with another Board member, the Town Engineer and the developer. He stated that at that time they came up with a solution which all felt would be sufficient to ensure water would not pond on that property. He stated that there was significant review done and that he supports that proposal. He stated that he does not support waiving this sidewalk due to the size of the neighborhood (49 lots) and the number of children in it and the fact that the corner of Coyote Circle and North Street Ext. is a bus stop for the school children. Mr. Hopkins then asked for any public input. Agawam Planning Board August 17, 2006 Page 4 Steve Lobarski, 108 Coyote Circle stated that he is concerned with a yard drain and asked where it would be as his lot abuts the Cloutiers to the rear. Mr. Ward stated that there is no "yard drain" proposed. Ms. Dachos explained that the sidewalk would be lowered to the road in one location. Mr. Lobarski stated that although he is sympathetic to the matter, he opposes the waiver. Frank Mazzei, ADA Commission stated that he supports keeping the sidewalks and asked that the handicapped ramp be included. There being no further public input, Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing. Attorney Heemskerk then stated that there is a sidewalk on the other side of Coyote Circle and that he did not ask to have the bus stop moved. He stated that the Town Engineer told him that having not sidewalk in this area would better alleviate the ponding. Ms. Dachos stated that the Town is still holding the developer's bond on this project and that they would require the developer to go in and raise the Cloutier's property with fill. After a lengthy discussion, the following motion was made: Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to deny the request for waiver of a portion of sidewalk on Coyote Circle(abutting land of Cloutier) and to enforce the installation the sidewalk as designed by the Town Engineer. VOTE 4-0 4. SITE PLAN -Meadow Street- Calabrese Dave Bean was in attendance. He stated that the plan now shows fir trees, 8' to 9'in height, planted 15'on center along the DeCaro property. The buffer in this area is 25' and the driveway has been moved closer to the building. A yard drain is proposed also for the DeCaro property. A note has been added to the plan regarding the maintenance of the drainage from the apartments and pipe on DeCaro property is the responsibility of Calabrese or owner of apartments. The one unresolved item on this plan with Engineering is a coupling that they are trying to find. Ms. Baldwin expressed concerns with the letter in the file from DeCaro. Mr. DeCaro was in attendance stated that when he signed that letter he was promised by Mr. Calabrese that he would fill in his yard and was told he would put trees along the property line. Mr. Bean stated the trees are proposed to be planted on the Calabrese property and that there will be no windows on the sides of the buildings. Mr. Hopkins asked if fill was being placed on the DeCaro property. Mr. Bean stated yes, to grade down to the invert of the inlet on the drainage structure. Mr. Bean stated that there has always been some ponding on the DeCaro property and that the fill will keep it from ponding even overnight. Mrs. DeCaro asked why the Calabrese property is being made higher than her property. Mr. Bean stated that is to control the drainage and prevent ponding. Mr. Ward stated although the Board relies on the Town Engineer recommendations, he still has Agawam Planning Board August 17, 2006 Page 5 concerns over the project and in particular the density of it. Ms. Dachos explained that the property is zoned RA3 and only multifamily units are allowed in that zone. Mr. DeCaro expressed concerns over snow-piling adjacent to his property. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Site Plan for Calabrese on Meadow Street with the following conditions: all comments from Engineering dated August 10, 2006 are to be addressed; comments from the Fire Inspector dated February 3, 2006 must be addressed; and there shall be no piling of snow along the entire length of the westerly side of Driveway A. VOTE 3-0-1 (Meagher abstained) SITE PLAN -Agawam Crossing- Silver& Suffield Streets -Development Associates Tom Zabel of The O'Leary Co. was in attendance along with the applicant, Ken Vincunas of Development Associates. Mr. Zabel explained that they have addressed the August 2, 2006 Engineering comments - spot elevations have been added and sidewalk cuts at corners has been shown (except for Dunkin Donuts). A no left turn sign has been added and the storm drainage calculations are currently being reviewed. A traffic study has been requested by the Engineering Department and they have agreed to address the traffic study on their corner(1/4 of the study). He stated that as the building will be used for service industry,pedestrian access is not a major issue. Ms. Dachas stated, per the Mayor, that information on the pedestrian phasing of the lights should include participation of all four corner property owners. Mr. Ward and Ms. Baldwin both agreed that Development Associates address their corner only. Ms. Dachos then asked about the previous comments on this plan(i.e. additional landscaping along detention basin). Mr. Zabel stated that trees and shrubbery have been added along the side adjacent to the apartment building. He stated that it may not be feasible to put plantings along the detention basin due to snow plowing. He also stated that there are some mature trees that exist on the house lot and they will try to save as many of them as possible. The sidewalk has been extended along the property on all sides. After viewing the cut sheets on the lighting, Mr. Hopkins asked that the lighting fixture located in the northwestern corner of the site abutting the apartments shall be shielded so that it does not shine into the apartments. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Site Plan for Agawam Crossing with the following conditions: 1) August 2, 2006 Engineering comments are to be addressed, however, with regard to comment #4, the Planning Board requires that all improvements to the Suffield Street/Silver Street intersection be borne equally by the owners of the four corner parcels. 2) The lighting fixture located in the northwestern corner of the site abutting the apartments shall be shielded so that it does not shine into the apartments. 3)All ADA requirements for parking and access must be met. VOTE 3-0-1 (Meagher abstained) Agawam Planning Board August 17, 2006 Page 6 SITE PLAN -Pride Convenience-North Westfield Street Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to table the Site Plan for Pride to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN - Elementary Schools John Strandberg was in attendance to go over the Site Plans for the addition of two modular classrooms to each of the elementary schools in town. He went over each plan for the Board. James Clark School-two additional modular classrooms that won't be seen from the parking lot. Granger School - extend the end of the building by one classroom in length and two in width. Exit lighting to be provided. Phelps School - two additional rooms off of the latest addition. Facade will be 4" faced brick. Robinson Park School - two classrooms to be added off the back of the building. Mr. Hopkins stated that the lighting must have cut offs and that the drainage at Phelps needs to be looked at, perhaps minimize the slope on the drainage swale. Frank Mazzei and Janine Davis of the ADA Committee were in attendance. Mr. Mazzei stated that the Committee has issues within the schools that create barriers for handicapped people. He stated that the ADA Committee is giving their"go ahead" for these additions only. Mr. Standberg stated that he will supply the Committee with plans. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the Site Plans for the Agawam Elementary Schools with the following conditions: 1) all exterior lighting shall have cut-offs so as not to shine on adjacent residential properties. 2) Comments dated 8-16-06 from AFD are to be addressed; 3) comments dated 8-15-06 from Engineering Department are to be addressed. VOTE 4-0 DISCUSSION- B'Shara- Special Permit Application- River Road The members received notice from the ZBA of a Special Permit Application by Mr. B'Shara to allow for parking in front of his restaurant on River Road. The members discussed the proposal and agreed to send a negative recommendation to the ZBA. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to send a negative recommendation to the Board of Appeals with regard to the B'Shara Special Permit application and recommend that the sidewalks should be restored in that area. VOTE 4-0 Agawam Planning Board August 17, 2006 Page 7 BOND SETTING- Lot 3A Moreau Place Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to set the bond for lot 3A Moreau PIace at S 1500 as recommended by the Engineering Department. VOTE 4-0 FORM A -North Westfield Street-McLean Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the plan for McLean on North Westfield Street under"Subdivision Control Law Not Requied". VOTE 4-0 BOND STATUS - Woodside Drive Estates - Calabrese Mr. Calabrese requested an extension of this Performance Agreement to allow for the Engineering Department to make a final inspection for final release of bond. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to extend the Performance Agreement for Woodside Drive Estates to November 2, 2006. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to add a discussion of the Historical Zoning Amendment to the agenda.. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to request to the Council to withdraw their petition without prejudice on the zoning amendment entitled"Historic Structures and Historic Places". VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. b c�Jh mere AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD July 20,2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman a r_ Violet Baldwin c c- � az Rick Zini �y rrt MEMBERS ABSENT: Michael Morassi T Travis Ward w �- \�+ n' ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos a Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -June 1 & 15,2006 and July 6, 2006 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to approve the minutes of June 1, 2006 as written. VOTE 3-0 Mr. Zini stated that he had a couple of corrections for the June 15, 2006 minutes. On page 1, Site Plan-Meadow Street - Calabrese, he asked that the minutes reflect that Ms. Baldwin was not notified of the Meadow Street site visit and had volunteered to participate in it. She then requested another site meeting as she felt more than one Board member should be present. The minutes should also state that the first site visit was at the request of the petitioner. Motion was made by Mr.Zini and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the minutes of June 15, 2006 with the above-noted changes. VOTE 3-0 Mr. Zini asked that the meeting notes that Ms. Baldwin took at the second site visit be included with the July 6,2006 minutes. Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to table the July 6, 2006 minute as they were not yet completed. VOTE 3-0 e A Agawam Planning Board July 20, 2006 Page 2 2. SITE PLAN -Meadow Street- Calabrese Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to table the Site Plan for Calabrese on Meadow Street as requested by the applicant's representative. VOTE 3-0 REVISED SITE PLAN -Main Street- Cirillo Tony Cirillo was in attendance. He explained that he is looking for two revisions to his site plan. 1) Extend the restaurant over the existing deck, using the existing foundation and add one unisex bathroom. He stated that this area would be used as a sitting area with a take-out window, Mr. Hopksin asked how much additional sealing and parking this would create. Mr. Cirillo stated that per the zoning officer he could seat 18 in this area but he is proposing and additional 10-12 seats. 2) He stated that his slope is washing away and he would like to fill the area to the end of his property and construct a 3'retaining wall with a guardrail. He stated that he will plant grass and shrubs and will place traprock. Ms. Dachos asked if this area was to be used for parking for Six Flags. Mr. Cirillo stated no,not this area but that he now owns 1744 Main Street and is using that property for Six Flags parking and that he is advertising free cones with the parking. Ms. Dachos explained that a site plan is required for that use as it is a house lot. She asked if a revised parking analysis was conducted for the site being discussed this evening and informed him that a new Notice of Intent would also have to be filed with the Conservation Commission. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Board would need elevations of the addition and the area to be filled. Ms. Dachos stated that Mr. Cirillo stated at a Conservation Commission meeting that this are would never be used for parking, only for picnic tables. Mr. Cirillo stated that circumstances change. Mr. Hopkins stated that the added seating could have an impact on the parking and that the following issues must be addressed on a revised plan: will the area be paved or impervious; drainage; landscaping; grading; signage; and proximity to brook. He also stated that if the addition has the possibility of 18 additional seats,the Board must look at that as the maximum allowed and that the parking analysis should reflect that. There was a general discussion regarding the temporary sign issue on the property also. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to table the Revised Site Plan for Cirillo on Main Street until a revised plan has been submitted. VOTE 3-0 SITE PLAN - Agawam Crossing- Suffield& Silver Streets Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to table the Site Plan for Agawam Crossing at the request of the developer's representative. VOTE 3-0 r Agawam Planning Board July 20, 2006 Page 3 SITE PLAN-Jehova's Witness Kingdom Hall -North Westfield Street Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to table the Site Plan for the Jehova's Witness Kingdom Hall on North Westfield Street at the request of the applicant's representative. VOTE 3-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan -Burlington Estates - Poplar Street Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to table the continued public hearing for the Definitive Plan of Burlington Estates as requested by the applicant's engineer. VOTE 3-0 Ms. Dachos explained to the members that she had met with various attorney regarding Mr. McNaughton's request that the Board provide access to a landlocked parcel. She prepared a written report for the members information. 4. SITE PLAN -Pride Convenience-North Westfield Street Bob Bolduc was in attenance along with Matt Chase, Traffic Engineer for VHB. Mr. Bolduc explained that he hired VHB to perform a traffic study and alternative plan for the layout of his site in Feeding Hills Center. Mr. Chase went over the findings and recommended changes. Mr. Hopkins asked if the drive thru window shown on the north side is active/current. Mr. Chase stated no. Mr. Bolduc stated that he submitted a new application to the ZBA yesterday to open the Dunkin Donuts window only. The members discussed the two ZBA applications and felt it would be better to combine them both on one filing. Mr. Chase stated that a traffic memo will be submitted to the Town. Mr. Zini thanked Mr. Bolduc and Mr. Chase for the input and felt this was moving in a positive direction. This item was tabled. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to amend the agenda to include the "add-on". VOTE 3-0 7. DISCUSSION- correspondence re: sidewalks on Coyote Circle Attorney Bart Heemskerk was in attendance along with his clients, the Cloutiers of North Street Extension to discuss their request that the Board waive the sidewalks along their property line on Coyote Circle. He stated that Mr. Cloutier is a heart transplant recipient and they fear there will be pond water in their backyard which may effect his health. Mr. Zini stated that he and another Agawam Planning Board July 20,2006 Page 4 member of the Board met on-site to discuss this issue and came up with a solution that all felt was appropriate: the sidewalk would be tilted to the grade of handicap ramp to allow water to runoff into the street. Attorney Heemskerk stated that it would be a better situation if there were no sidewalk in that area and that they have spoken with the developer and he would agree to not put the sidewalk there with the Board's approval. Attorney Heemskerk asked the Board to balance public vs. personal safety on this issue. Mr. Zini stated that there were a couple of site visits to check on pond water and it appears that the adjacent lot grading had changed from what was approved and that he feels that the yard drain and sidewalk on a tilt would be the best solution and the most reasonable solution. He stated that he would not support having no sidewalk in this area. Attorney Heemskerk stated that the proposed yard drain would have to be at the lowest point on the Cloutier's property and that would require maintenance/clogged drains. Mr. Zini stated the yard drain would be immediately adjacent to the sidewalk and wouldn't be a maintenance issue for the Cloutiers as it will be cleared when the sidewalk is cleared and it drains below the sidewalk and curb to the street. Mr. Hopkins stated that this would be a modification to the Definitive Plan and would require a public hearing. A public hearing will be scheduled on this request. 5. FORM A- River Road-Reynolds Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the plan for Reynolds on River Road under"subdivision control law not required". VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM. C�/vl 4 s AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD July 6, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Michael Morassi Travis Ward 0 MEMBERS ABSENT: a' Y �s .tom c Rick Zini n ALSO PRESENT: ter' Deborah S.Dachos o �c Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - June I & 15, 2006 a Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table approval of the June 1 and June 15, 2006 minutes as they were not yet prepared. VOTE 4-0 2. SITE PLAN CONT. -Meadow Street - Calabrese Dave Bean of D.L. Bean, Inc. was in attendance. He presented to the Board a concept plan as a result of last week's site meeting at which Planning Board members Vi Baldwin and Rick Zini, Mr. Bean, Mr. Calabrese and Mr. DeCaro were at. (A copy of the report of the site visit prepared by Vi Baldwin has been attached to these minutes.) Changes that were made include: road has been shifted 5'further off Mr. DeCaro's property line and proposed plantings in that area include arborvitae 6 to Tin height,planted 5' on center for 129; the existing hemlock hedge will remain; no windows on the end units of the two buildings in this area. Mr. DeCaro informed the Board that he had a water ponding problem on his property after last week's rain. He has concerns that the roadway will be higher than his property. Mr. Bean stated that the drainage has been revised to a 8" pipe and a catch basin with a backflow preventor will be installed. Mr. Calabrese has agreed to fill the low area on DeCaro's property to elevation 81. The ponding occurs during surcharges. Mr. Bean stated that they are still working on finalizing the drainage design for the storm systems. Ms. Baldwin stated that during the site meeting last week it was agreed that there should be 30'of vegetation provided along DeCaro's property and should be denser than presented tonight. Mr.Bean stated that a 30'buffer is not feasible as they would have to shift the roadway further and would only provide for only one-way traffic. He stated that a fence and screening has been provided on the detention basins. Ms. Baldwin stated that there was considerable water on DeCaro's property during the storms. Mr. Bean stated that installation of a pipe and raising the grade on that property will help that situation. Mr. DeCaro submitted t Agawam Planning Board July 6, 2006 Page 2 - pictures to the Board of the water problem he incurred. Mr. Hopkins stated that the drainage calculations provided should show that this development is not making the situation worse. Mr. DeCaro stated that he wants red and white pines planted along his property in the buffer. The members discussed the size of the buffer along DeCaro's property and the following motion was made: Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi that a 20'buffer planted with 2.5" caliper red and white pines, S'to 9'high be provided along the DeCaro property line Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to withdraw the previous motion. The members then discussed the buffer once again and asked to have the Engineering Department review the radius on the roadway to see if a 30'buffer is feasible. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to request the Engineering Department to review the radius on the proposed roadway to determine if a 30'buffer is feasible along the DeCaro property line. VOTE 3-1 (Hopkins opposed) A meeting will be set up with Mr. Bean, Ms. Dachos, the Town Engineer to discuss the roadway radii. Planning Board members will be informed of the meeting. This item was tabled to the next meeting. 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan- Capua Estates -Mill Street The agenda was incorrect as the public hearing was closed at the last meeting. Mr. Bean stated that he has addressed the most recent Engineering comments. He explained that they are proposing leaching basins 5' deep, 2'below grade. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Definitive Plan for Capua Estates with the following conditions: 1) all comments contained in the 7-6-06 Engineering Department memo must be addressed; 2) all executed easements shall be submitted to the Board for their approval; 3) a Performance Agreement and Covenant shall be executed; and 4) this property shall not be further subdivided without receiving approval as is specified in Section 159-7 of the Agawam Subdivision Rules and Regulations. VOTE 3-1 (Hopkins opposed) Mr. Hopkins stated that he did not feel this was the appropriate location for this size development r - r Agawam Planning Board July 6, 2006 Page 3 and felt that too much fill was needed for the project. 4. REVISED SITE PLAN-Main Street-Cirillo Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to table the Revised Site Plan for Cirillo on Main Street as he was not in attendance. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN - Agawam Crossing- Suffield & Silver Streets -Development Associates Ken Vincunas of Development Associates was in attendance along with Mr. Spooner, Mr. Dietrek and Mr. Nicholas of The O'Leary Co. They explained that this is a proposed masonry building with the main entrance on Silver Street. There is limited access with a curb cut on Suffield Street. There is a 6" water connection and sanitary sewer in Silver Street. A detention pond is proposed with the capacity of 56,000 cf to a 12" drainage pipe in Suffield Street. Pole mounted shielded fixtures are-proposed. Mr. Dietrek explained that a traffic study with counts was conducted. Some signal timing changes with be needed at the intersection There is an internal island to restrict the Suffield Street curb cut. Brian Nicholas then went over the landscaping plan. Mr. Morassi asked for moire landscaping in front of the detention pond. Mr. Nichoas stated that 2" to 2.5" caliper dogwoods are proposed as well as evergreens and deciduous trees. The following information was requested by the Board: show the entrance to the adjacent Dunkin Donuts on the plan; show design of Suffield Street entrance on the plan; submit a planting plan for the area adjacent to the apartments; provide additional landscaping in front of the detention pond; submit a detailed lighting plan; show a sidewalk along Silver Street; address Engineering comments. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table this item to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN -Kingdom Hall of Jehova's Witnesses -North Westfield Street Doug Larabee and John Tower were in attendance to present this Site Plan which shows the construction of a brick with vinyl clapboard church with the capacity to seat 150 people. 75 parking spaces have been shown. A 6' stockade fence with arborvitae is shown along the east property line- 40'of stockade fence with 30 arborvitae planted 5'on center. Kathleen McCane, abutter, feels that the stockade fence should be placed along the entire property line. Joe Conte stated that a buffer between residences and commercial uses should be provided. He expressed concerns over the possible drainage onto abutting properties and also about keeping the lighting r i Agawam Planning Board July 6, 2006 Page 4 _ away from residential properties. Mr. DeRose, an abutter, asked that the arborvitae be planted across the entire rear property line. Mr. Hopkins asked for more information on the lighting - actual wattage. The Engineering Department has not completed their review of this proposal. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table this site plan to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 S. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan-Burlington Estates -Poplar Street Ms. Dachos stated that a meeting has been scheduled with the various attorneys involved regarding access to other properties. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to continue the public hearing for Burlington Estates to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 6. SITE PLAN-Pride Convenience-North Westfield Street Mr. Bolduc requested that this item be tabled. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the Site Plan for Pride as requested by the applicant. VOTE 4-0 7. BOND STATUS -Willow Glenn Estates (two performance agreements) Mrs. Grimaldi requested that both Performance Agreements be extended to August 30`t'. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to extend the two Performance Agreements for Willow Glenn II to August 30, 2006 as requested by the developer. VOTE 4-0 8. DISCUSSION - Maynard appeal The members received subpeonas to attend the Board of Appeals hearing on Mr. Maynard's appeal. The members agreed to send a letter to the Board of Appeals asking that they continue this hearing as the Board's attorney cannot be present on that date. r Agawam Planning Board July 6, 2006 Page 5 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to send a letter to the Board of Appeals asking that they continue the hearing on the Maynard Appeal as the Board's legal counsel cannot make that date. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 4-0 10. DISCUSSION- vote to be petitioner- open space residential communities Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi that the Planning Board act as the petitioner on a proposed zoning amendment regarding open space communities. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN -Agawam Auto Mall - Springfield Street Ron Huot of Anderson Associates was in attendance to present the revised site plan for Agawam Auto Mall. There was a lengthy discussion regarding proposed plantings in the planter. The following was agreed upon: Manhattan Euonymous, Junipers,Dwarf Holly and Boxwood- to be spaced 4' apart and mulched. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the revised site plan for Agawam Auto Mall with the agreed upon landscaping. VOTE 4-0 FORM A- 3ames Street-Daubitz Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the plan for Daubitz on James Street under"subdivision control law not required". VOTE 4-0 4 SITE VISIT NOTES: June 20,2006 6;00p.m. 312 Meadow Street Attendees: Georganne Hoyman,Engineer for Tows of Agawam Charlie Calabrese-Developer Chuck Calabrese-Developer Dave Bean-Engineer for.Developer Joe and Maria DeCaro-abutters Lawrence and Paula Montagna-abutters Rick Zini-Planning.i3oard Vi.Baldwin-Planning Board Everyone walked the property and revievmd the site. Planning Hoard questions: >grading elevations on entire site >finish grade elevations `'--->We and caliper of trees >if there is an existing easemea with WME >WME's regs on tree planting >drainage plans adequate to accommodate impervious water >impact to abutters if backflowpreventer engages >impact to abutters as a result afraised grade Abutters concerns: Mr.DeCaro stated that the grade has been raised and he has concerns over draining water on to h is property, The other concern is the driveway of Building#3 which will direct the traffic in such a way that the I ights from the vehicles will shine onto/into his property. The set back of 15 feet does:not seem adequate enough to him to ensure privacy. He wants a 35 foot buffer with larger caliper trees filling in the area to help with privacy/noise issues p o matc e a u ng rats grade, Developer's response: Mr.Bean said the area that Mr.DeCaro is referring to is the low point of the land at 80.5 and there has always been some water puddling in that area. He felt the drainage design should be adequate to handle the site's water. If the backflow preventer were to engage there would be minimal puddling of water which would dissipate over a few hours time as the backflow preventer disengages as the street now lessens. He said the developer would be willing to bring in 20-25 yards of fill to the area Mr.DeCaro refers to but only to the 80.5 height. Mr.Bean raised the possibility of setting theaccess road to the third building another IS feet onto the Calabrese property. This would result in a 3O foot buffer between-the-buk-sectiort oMe-property where-it— � s abutts the DeCaro land. He discussed with Chuck Calabrese and Charlie Calabrese the possibility of creating an alternate one way access to the third building. This would solve the problem of vehicle tights shining onto/into the DeCaro property. Suggesting an alternate access raised two concerns: The access change would have to satisfy the safety/emergency codes and would result in the abutters on the other side of this site having lights shining onto/into their property. Mr.Calabrese,Sr. said if he had to plant larger trees to create a buffer on the back of the property he would reduce the number of trees planted along the property line. He felt planting the number of trees shown on the plan at a much larger caliper was cost prohibitive and was not willing to do so. The meeting ended without resolution. The Planning Board members requested Mr.Bean submit a revised plan to the Planning Board if any changes were made. Requested Engineering submit a review report on the drain design to the Planning Board with comments,concerns,etc. Meeting ended at 7:19 pm. Agawam Planning Board January 5, 2006 Page 1 AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD January 5, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Michael Morassi Travis Ward Rick Zini, Jr. ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S.Dachos Pamela Edmunds o r 7 Attorney Thomas Locke, Town Solicitor N Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM, EXECUTIVE SESSION—Camlann Wood The Board entered executive session at this time(separate minutes). Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Mr. Ward to amend the order of the agenda and to include an add-on"Discussion—Camlann Wood". VOTE 5-0 Mr. Zini asked Ms. Dachos to give a quick overview of the latest correspondences regarding Camlann Wood. After Ms. Dachos's overview, Mr. Morassi stated that the matter of Attorney Liquori setting up a meeting with the Avalon Place and Nolan Lane residents has not been addressed and an adequate drainage proposal has not yet been submitted. Mr. Zini stated that the drainage proposal that was submitted was incomplete and that a design analysis including calculations must be submitted along with a timetable of work and milestones to be submitted for review and approval prior to the January 19'h deadline the Board had outlined. He also stated that the Engineering Department has not yet approved the temporary measures that were installed. Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Mr. Morassi to send a letter to Regal Homes and Development Corp. with the following comments concerning their meeting the Board's requirements as contained in their November 18, 2005 letter: 1) -The temporary mediation plan submitted and implemented was inspected by the Engineering Dept. (11/29/05 memo lists measures to be employed to ensure their adequate operation) these temporary have not been approved by the Engineering Department, 2) The Board maintains its position that the developer has not satisfied its request to reach a consensus with the Nolan Lane and Avalon Place residents regarding the buffer as the Board has no Agawam Planning Board January 5, 2006 Page 2 evidence that you have taken any action in this regard. 3) Developer has until 1/19/06 to provide the Board with a complete drainage design to address the drainage problems resulting from their construction of houses on Avalon Place which did not conform to the approved grading plan. Prior to 1/19/06 the Board requires the submission of a complete drainage design containing design analysis calculations, a construction timetable with milestones and a response to the 1/5/06 Engineering Dept. memo. All Engineering comments must be addressed and a final sign off from Engineering must be obtained along with copies of written authorization from each of the affected property owners must be addressed prior to 1/19/06. VOTE 5-0 2. SMART GROWTH TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE GRANT - PVPC Ms. Dachos explained to the members that as part of the Smart Growth Technical Assistance Grant, the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission will be assisting the Town with three zoning amendments this spring: open space communities; inclusionary zoning; and right to farm ordinance. She suggested that a Planning Board subcommittee be formed to work on these amendments as well as the 55 and over zoning amendment and age restricted housing amendment. She stated that this item is to be tabled until the next meeting as the representative of PVPC could not attend this evening. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to table the Discussion on the Smart Growth Initiative by the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission until the next meeting. VOTE 5-0 3. DISCUSSION- Age Restricted Housing The following were in attendance to discuss a potential development of age restricted housing: Attorney John Drost of Fitzgerald P.C., Bob Molta, Mr. Benoit and Mr. Serna. Attorney Drost stated that the Town of Agawam does not allow these types of developments at this time and would hopes that the Town would develop a zoning bylaw for this use. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Town in general would welcome quality development of this type. Ms. Dachos stated that many different developers have approached the PIanning Department regarding this type of development and she suggested they submit a proposal to Town and if there was support, the Planning Board could vote to be the petitioner on a zoning amendment. Mr. Hopkins asked what zone this would be in. Mr. Benoit stated that.it would be proposed as a new zone and possibly an overlay district. Ms. Dachos stated that it may be easier to amend A-3 than create an overlay district. Mr. Morassi suggested that the Board look at other towns with similar zoning. Mr. Benoit then stated that the former VFW property (five acres)has been Agawam Planning Board January 5, 2006 Page 3 purchased and they have an agreement to purchase the Cook parcel (25 acres). They are proposing a high quality, attractive adult community. Their proposal is to develop 75 to 85 units on 30 acres at 2-3 units per acre. He went on to say that the development would contain lots of open space and landscaping with a residential feel as opposed to a condominium development. Mr. Hopkins asked if there would be a condominium association with separate ownership. Mr. Benoit stated that they are proposing duplex units,with two car garages per unit and they would be similar to condominium ownership with common area land. He went on to say that they feel this is a great location for this type of development and that there is a need in Town for it. He also stated that they used the Wilbraham ordinance which allows for a maximum of four units per acre. Mr. Hopkins asked how the Town could control these so they don't become rental properties. Mr. Benoit stated that these will be built to demand and that the "condo" regulations would have some restrictions regarding rental of unit. He also stated that the age restricted community will be tied into the deeds. He then pointed out that these types of developments are good for the tax base as they are good quality and require no demand on the community for services (i.e. snow plowing). He then stated that the units will be approximately 1700 to 2000 SF and they wish to attract people that are downsizing but actively want residences. Mr. Ward asked if any amenities would be provided such as food or medicine. Mr. Benoit stated that there would be a community building but that this would not be an assisted living complex. No tennis courts or pools are proposed at this time. Mr. Hopkins stated that the amendment must be made acceptable to Town and not just specific to this site. Ms. Baldwin asked about ADA requirements. Mr. Benoit stated it would comply with Federal law. Ms. Dachos asked if a percentage of area was to be used for passive or active recreation for residents. Attorney Drost stated that Section J—requirements addresses that. Ms. Baldwin and Mr. Zini both felt this was a well written proposal and would be an asset to the Town. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi that the Planning Board be the petitioner for a proposed zoning amendment for age restricted housing. VOTE 5-0 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—November 17 and December 15, 2005 Motion was.made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the minutes of November 17, 2005 as written. VOTE 3-0-2 (Ward and Morassi abstained) Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the December 15, 2005 minutes as they were not yet prepared. VOTE 5-0 5. PRELIMINARY PLAN—Anvil Street—Calabrese Agawam Planning Board January 5, 2006 Page 4 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to table the Preliminary Plan for Anvil Street by Calabrese. VOTE 5-0 6. FORM A—North Street—O'Krongly Ms. Dachos presented this Form A which shows a parcel on North Street being divided from a larger tract for which the frontage is not shown. The members were in agreement that the legal frontage of the remaining land must be shown. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to deny the Form A for O'Krongly on North Street as the legal frontage for the remaining land must be shown. VOTE 5-0 7. BOND RELEASE—Woodside Drive Estates Calabrese The Engineering Department recommended that $15,000 be retained to ensure that the detention pond is functioning properly in the spring. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to release $218,000 of the bond being held on Woodside Drive Estates, with a remaining amount of$15,000 VOTE 5-0 8. CHAPTER 61 A--Meadow Street—Christopher This item will appear on the next agenda to allow for the Town Planner to prepare a report. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD June 15, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Rick Zini o _ MEMBERS ABSENT: n i Michael Morassi :,En Travis Ward 3 ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos ` 7 r: Pamela R. Kerr rr Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 18 and June 1, 2006 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to approve the minutes of May 18, 2006 as written. VOTE 2-0-1 (Hopkins abstained) Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to table approval of the June 1, 2006 minutes as they were not yet completed. VOTE 3-0 2. SITE PLAN - Meadow Street - Calabrese Ms. Dachos stated that the Town Engineer has requested that the Board not take action on this Site Plan this evening. A site meeting, at the request of the petitioner, was held today with members of the Engineering Department, Chucky Calabrese and the abutters, the DeCaro's and Mr. Morassi of the Planning Board. There is a low area on DeCaro's property that needs to be addressed as the new road on the Calabrese site will be 4'higher than grade. Ms. Baldwin stated that she volunteered to attend the site visit but was not notified when another Board member went to the site. She felt that at least two Board members should have been present and asked that a second site visit be scheduled with members of the Board, Mr. Calabrese, Mr. DeCaro, D.L. Bean, Inc. and the Agawam Engineering Department. Mr, Hopkins asked whether the landscaping and lighting issues had been resolved. Mr. DeCaro stated no but that he spoke with Chuck Calabrese who agreed to provide fill and level his front yard. A Board meeting will be posted for the following Thursday at 6:00 PM at the Meadow Street site. Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to table the Site Plan for Calabrese on Meadow Street to the next meeting. i Agawam Planning Board June 15, 2006 Page 2 VOTE 3-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Definitive Plan - Capua Estates - Mill Street Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to continue the Definitive Plan for Capua Estates as requested by the developer's representative. VOTE 3-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan - Burlington Estates - Poplar Street Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to continue the public hearing for the Burlington Estates Definitive Plan as requested by the developer. VOTE 3-0 Ms. Dachos explained that a title search was done by the developer and the abutting proposed developer (Mr. McNaughton). Mr. Zini stated that he feels that either the developer or Mr. McNaughton should hire an independent title firm to review both the findings as they do not agreee. Mr. Hopkins agreed with that and the members asked that a letter be send the developer and Mr. McNaughton stating that. 5. DISC. &POSSIBLE VOTE - Zoning Amendment-Historic Structures &Historic Places Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to issue a positive recommendation to the Town Council with regard to the proposed zoning amendment on Historic Structures and Historic Places. VOTE 3-0 The members agreed to set up a joint meeting with the Historical Commission to go over this proposal 6. SITE PLAN - Pride Convenience -North Westfield Street Ms. Dachos explained that Mr. Ward attended the ZBA meeting on this site at which Mr. Bolduc offered to hire a consultant to look at the site congestion issues and submit a report to the Planning Board. Mr. Bolduc was not in attendance this evening. Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send a memo to the ZBA recommending that they continue the hearing on this as Mr. Bolduc was not in attendance this evening and no additional information has been provided to the Board. r Agawam Planning Board June 15, 2006 Page 3 VOTE 3-0 7. BOND STATUS - Lots 1-6 and 27-40 Willow Glenn Estates - Fether, Inc. Ms. Grimaldi asked for an extension to July 19''on this Performance Agreement. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to extend the Performance Agreement for Lots 1-6 and 27-40 Willow Glenn Estates to July 19, 2006 as requested by the developer. VOTE 3-0 8. DISCUSSION - Appeal - Maynard The Planning Board received notification from the Board of Appeals that they will be holding a hearing on the appeal of Peter Maynard regarding his Preliminary Plan denial by the Planning Board. An opinion was given by the Town Solicitor stating "it is the position of this department that the Board of Appeals cannot properly hear this case as the issue is not ripe for decision". Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send the opinion of the Town Solicitor regarding Mr. Maynard's appeal to the ZBA. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's" and the Agawam Auto Mall. VOTE 3-0 10. REVISED SITE PLAN - Parts Tool and Die- Shoemaker Lane Ms. Dachos presented this revised plan which shows an additional 20'on the east side of the building. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to approve the Revised Site Plan for Parts Tool and Die on Shoemaker Lane. VOTE 3-0 11. DISCUSSION - Open Space Communities Ms. Dachos stated that an in-house meeting will be scheduled on this item prior to June 30'"with Agawam Planning Board June 15, 2006 Pace 4 Eric Twarog of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission and representatives of the Planning Board. She will notify the members. 12. Agawam Auto Mall - Springfield Street A revised plan was submitted based on the Board's conditional Site Plan approval. The plan was reviewed this evening and was also reviewed by the Engineering Department. After reviewing the plan and their conditions of approval, the Board pointed out the following items yet to be addressed: show handicap sign; place note on plan that the existing planter is to be replaced; and provide a detailed landscaping plan. A letter will be sent to the applicant requesting this information be placed on the plan prior to their signatures. At this point in the meeting, Mr. Bolduc entered. Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to discuss the Site Plan for Pride Convenience on North Westfield Street. VOTE 3-0 Mr. Bolduc stated that a new traffic circulation plan has been designed and showed it to the Board. Ms. Dachos pointed out there were other items of concern such as parking and congestion. Mr. Zini stated that a defined path for the ATM traffic should be provided and that a traffic study is needed. Also, the traffic study and new plan must be submitted to the Engineering Department for their review. Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Ms. Baldwin that a revised plan for Pride on North Westfield Street with a defined path for the ATM traffic and a traffic study be submitted for review by the Engineering Department and approval by the Board. VOTE 3-0 Mr. Zini informed the Board members that he has submitted a letter resigning from the Board and that his resignation will become effective at the end of July. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to discuss the Maynard Appeal once again. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to request the Town Solicitor to represent the Planning Board and his written opinion on the Maynard appeal at the ZBA hearing if the ZBA holds the hearing. VOTE 3-0 Agawam Planning Board June 15, 2006 Page 5 The meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD June 1, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: o Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Michael Morassi N M t ri �rn Travis Ward Richard Zini, Jr. s o ALSO PRESENT: CA Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R.'Kerr Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 1. DISCUSSION - Smarth Growth Initiative- Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Eric Twarog of the PVPC was in attendance. He stated that he met with Ms. Dachos since the last meeting he had with the Board and they made some changes to the open space community zoning amendment. Ms. Dachos explained that there are some items that were left for discussion as it would be up to the Board to decide. Mr. Twarog went through the document with the members. Changes were made. Mr. Twarog will make the changes and come back before the Board with a final draft. 2. SITE PLAN- Meadow Street - Calabrese Marc Shute of D.L. Bean, Inc. was in attendance as well as Mr. Calabrese. Mr. Shute stated that since the last meeting the following changes have been made: a mixture of style of trees along the border has been shown (3 additional species); sidewalk with ramp has been shown; and size of concrete pads for each unit have been provided. Ms. Dachos stated that the Board was looking for what privacy the middle units would have to the parking lot. Mr. Shute stated that will be a 12' - 13' grassed area provided. He went on to say that details on the lighting have been provided and the detention areas will be fenced and additional landscaping is shown to screen the fence. Ms. Dachos stated that screening on the sides of the detention basin that face the units should be noted. Mr. Shute stated that the screening could be moved to the rear. Mr. Morassi and Mr. Ward suggested arborvitae for screening along the street side of the detention basins. There was a general discussion regarding the maintenance of the detention ponds. Mr. Calabrese asked if a white fence would be sufficient. Mr. Hopkins supported that ideas as he contends the arborvitae will eventually take over. Mr. Calabrese stated that he has not been unsuccessful in contacting Mr. DeCaro (immediate abutter). Ms. Dachos suggested that a separate landscape plan be provide that will address the abutters concerns. Mr. Shute stated that other engineering comments on the drainage system to be addressed include running a camera down the pipe. At this point Mr. DeCaro entered the meeting. He questioned whether there would be standing water in the detention ponds. Ms. Dachos explained that the developer must get a drainage Agawam Planning Board June 1, 2006 Page 2 permit from the DPW and that the Engineering Department is still requesting changes to the drainage design. Mr. Calabrese stated that he will meet with Mr. DeCaro prior to the next meeting to discuss his concerns. Mr. Zini stated that the Board could put conditions on the maintenance of the drainage controls. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the Site Plan for Calabrese on Meadow Street until the following items are addressed: relocate the screening on the north side of the building to the back of the building to provide privacy for outdoor use of the units; place a note on the plan indicating that the detention ponds will be properly maintained; meet with the abutter Joseph DeCaro to arrive at a reasonable provision for the planting of the buffer on the west side of the property; and address all of the Engineering Comments contained in memo dated May 19, 2006, VOTE 5-0 3. SITE PLAN- Pride Convenience -North Westfield Street Mr. Bolduc was in attendance and explained that his Site Plan was approved in 2002 with an ATM machine shown on the plan. The deal with the bank fell through and the ATM was never installed. The pads and conduits for electric/telephone were installed. He would now like to install the ATM but the Building Inspector has ruled that since it was not installed within two years he has to go back to the Board of Appeals and apply again. Mr. Bolduc has gone before the ZBA and they informed him that they cannot act on it until the Planning Board has. Ms. Dachos stated that she had spoke with the former Town Solicitor regarding this matter and was told that the Planning Board can vote to approve or deny the ATM but that the remainder of the site would not be under the Board's purview at this time. Mr. Ward stated that he understands the situation but that a lot of changes have taken place with that intersection since 2002 and that the traffic may actually have increased in this area. Ms. Baldwin asked if a traffic study had been done. Mr. Ward stated that if one was done in 2002 it would be fairly comparable. He feels that the site is too tight and the Board now has the benefit of today's knowledge. Mr. Zini stated that although the traffic in Feeding Hills Center "is a nightmare", he feels this is a workable site. He stated that the developer has already invested in the site and infrastructure. He suggested making some entrances directional controlled. Ms. Dachos suggested that the Board send their concerns to the ZBA. Mr. Bolduc stated that the traffic in this area is as busy as when it was built and that the plan was designed for those conditions. He went on to say that the plan that was approved was not designed by Pride but was designed by/for the Town (he referred to the fifty parking spaces he was required to construct). Ms.Dachos stated that he must show 50 parking spaces. Mr. Bolduc stated that there is amply queuing room, more than enough for what an ATM demands and that he is willing to work with the ZBA on traffic/circulation. Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send a list of the Board's Agawam Planning Board June 1, 2006 Page 3 concerns on the Pride site in Feeding Hills Center to the ZBA, Engineering and Building Department: 1) As the plan had previously been approved by the Planning Board and the property owner has invested in the appurtenances to the site with the intention to install the services shown on the originally approved plan, an attempt to reach some sort of agreement with the owner should be sought. 2) There are new issues which have resulted from the construction of the convenience store and its associated accessory uses. These issues may not have been anticipated when the plan was originally approved. One such issue is congestion resulting in bottlenecks, overcrowding and difficulty in exiting the site from various curb cuts. 3) Mr. Bolduc contends that the requirement for 50 parking spaces has prevented him from properly addressing circulation on the site. 4) Prior to acting on this proposal, a new traffic study should be undertaken. Such a study may support the redesign of the site with regard to access and egress, internal traffic flow and parking. VOTE 5-0 Mr. Zini agreed to attend the Board of Appeals meeting to express the Board's concerns verbally as well. 4, PUBLIC HEARING - Zone Change- South Street-Drost 5. PUBLIC HEARING -Zone Change - South Street- Cook At this point, Mr. Zini left the meeting. Mr. Hopkins asked Attorney Drost and Mr. and Mrs. Cook if these two public hearings could be heard at the same time as they pertain to the same proposal. All agreed. Ben Server began the presentation stating that it is their intent to construct an over 55 development on these two parcels of land on South Street. He stated that he and Mark Benoit are the managing partners and there two other partners as well. He went over the history of their business and showed pictures of their work-medical office buildings in the north end of Springfield. Mr. Benoit then addressed the Board. He explained that their proposal will encompass two parcels of land -the VFW property and the adjacent 164 South Street. The main entrance to the project will be through the VFW site. A conceptual plan was shown. He stated that the southern portion of the site is heavily wooded and will remain that way. At this time they are proposing 38 duplex buildings with 76 units which he stated is a lower density than is allowed. They will be approximately 2,000 SF units - two stories as they are going for larger units to give the feel of a residential community. They will have full basements and two car garages. Approximately 18 acres of open space will be provided. A 50'buffer around the perimeter is shown and will be landscaped. The site will have two means of egress/access. The former VFW building is proposed to be renovated for use as a community center for the project. Mr. hopkins asked if they would have the required 300'between roads. Mr. Benoit stated they will be providing access/egress from the existing VFW driveway and the existing wetland crossing through the Agawam Planning Board June 1, 2006 Page 4 Cook's property will be used and that allow for 320'between the two streets. Mr. Hopkins stated that infrastructure upgrades will be up to the developer. Mr. Benoit stated that they meet the master plan which outlines 95 units in this area (76 proposed) and that the increase in tax revenue will be approximately$500,000/year. Mr. Ward then stated that these properties are mainly Residence B and he outlined the uses allowed now vs. the newly created A5 zone which they are asking for. Mr. Hopkins then asked for any public input. Pauline Squazza, 92 South Street expressed concerns over traffic and spoke of the issues with Six Flags traffic. She asked if a light was proposed at South Street and Main Street. Ms. Dachos informed Ms. Squazza of the PWED grant that the Town received for Main Street. She stated that intersections have been studied and improvements proposed, however,the intersection at South and Main Streets does not meet the criteria required to warrant a traffic signal. She went on to explain that the Town Engineer will be requiring a traffic study for this proposal and infrastructure upgrades would be the developer's responsibility. Donald Cook, 164 South Street addressed the Board and submitted a petition in support of these zone change requests with approximately sixty signatures. Pauline Squazza then asked about the brook which flows behind her property. Mr. Benoit showed her on the conceptual plaza where the brook flows. Ms. Dachos explained that a Notice of Intent will be required through the Conservation Commission for this project. She also pointed out the Town Engineer's concerns on sewer capacity. Ben Serner stated that he is aware of the traffic concerns and feels that this is a blendable/doable project. Bob Molta then introduced himself as one of the partners in this venture and stated that they plan to be a quality project that will be good for the Town. Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing at this point. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to send a positive recommendation to the Town Council regarding the two zone change requests on South Street- 194 South Street (Drost) and 164 South Street (Cook). VOTE 4-0 6. PUBLIC HEARING - Definitive Plan- Burlington Estates - Poplar Street Mr. Zini returned to the meeting at this time. Ron Huot of Anderson Associates presented this plan which shows the creation of 18 lots on approximately 14.5 acres of land. He stated that a Notice of Intent is being prepared for Agawam Planning Board June 1, 2006 Page 5 submission to the Conservation Commission. Also, the Town Engineering Department has raised issues that need to be addressed and he is currently working with them. Ms. Dachos stated that the Engineering comments and the Conservation Commission filing must be addressed prior to the Planning Board taking final action on the plan. Mr. Hopkins asked what has changed on this plan since they approved the Preliminary Plan. Mr. Huot stated that the roadway has been pulled further away from the lots along the wetlands. He stated that the rear yards have been increased. He also stated that lot 15 may be in question. Mr. Hopkins asked for any public input this evening and explained that the Board will not be taking action tonight and that there are a number of engineering comments to be addressed. John Spinetti, 43 Twin Oaks Road stated that he submitted a letter to the Board from his consultant, Berkshire Design Group, in which concern was expressed over lots 10 and 11 and potential access along the water line. His concern is that Twin Oaks Road will be used as an access road. He requests that this be closed off and a deed restriction be placed on it. Attorney Jim Donahue was in attendance on behalf of Brunelle and Conway who own land in this area. He also represents Kirk McNaughton who has a purchase and sale on the Brunelle and Conway property. Mr. McNaughton has requested that the Planning Board require the developer of this subdivision to leave a connection from the cul-de-sac to this property. Attorney Donahue stated that a title exam was done and it was their opinion that the developers of this subdivision own Twin Oaks Road. Ms. Dachos stated that she had met with the former Town Solicitor on this matter and it was his opinion that the Brunelle parcel is not an abutting property to this subdivision and that he would need proof and evidence otherwise to research it. She explained that the title information was submitted to the office today and it will be forwarded to the Law Department. Alice Stepanik, 85 Twin Oaks Road stated that she is an abutter and owns part of Twin Oaks Road. Max Gadge, Jr., 711-717 Mill Street stated that this property abuts approximately 800' of his land which is currently an apple orchard. His concern is the proximity of the new houses to his farmland and possibility of the new residents complaining about him spraying pesticides. Mr. Hopkins explained that the Board is currently discussing a proposed right to farm bylaw which would protect farmers from nuisance lawsuits. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to continue the public hearing for the Definitive Plan of Burlington Estates. VOTE 5-0 Agawam Planning Board June 1, 2006 Page 6 7. PUBLIC HEARING -Zoning Amendment- Historic Places &Historic Structures Mr. Hopkins presented this proposed zoning amendment and gave a brief history on how it came to be. He explained that the owners of the old mill building on Elm Street would like to convert the building into condominiums but the current zoning does not allow for that. He explained that this proposal would allow historic structures to be used for other specific uses. A letter was received from David Cecchi, Chairman of the Historical Commission and read into the record. Mr. Hopkins explained that definitions were added to the proposal today. Ms. Dachos suggested the Board members sit down the Council's Zoning Review Committee to discuss the proposal. Mr. Hopkins asked for any public input. Marj Katsoulis, Maple Meadows Lane suggested that an article regarding this proposal be published in the local paper as many people may not be aware of the remaining historic structures in town. Jan Kingan, 45 Family Lane asked for clarification on the proposal. Mr. Hopkins explained that it will provide limits on uses of historic structures. Greg Farmer, 1289 Main Street had many comments on the proposal. Mr. Farmer is very familiar with historic properties as he conducted the Town's Historic Inventory in the 80's. He suggested that the proposal require that the proposed use be congruent with the historic character of the building. He felt there were no controls on the type or degree of alterations and asked for more standards for approval. In terms of town boards/committees review of each proposal,he asked if a positive report would be needed from all. Mr. Hopkins stated that it must receive a positive report from the Historical Commission first. Ms. Dachos suggested that Mr. Farmer meet with the Zoning Review Committee and also have members of the Historical Commission there as well. Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Mr. Morassi to close the public hearing on the Historic Structures/Places zoning amendment. VOTE 5-0 Mr. Zini stated that the National Trust guidelines for uses be looked at also. 8. BOND STATUS - Blair's Hill Road - Fether, Inc. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to extend the Performance Agreement for Blair's Hill Road for 45 days as requested by the developer. VOTE 5-0 Agawam Planning Board June 1, 2006 Page 7 9. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Zone Change- Shoemaker Lane-Zielinski Mr. Zielinski was in attendance along with his attorney. He explained that he has hired Heritage Surveys to look at the property and will be formulating a new proposal which will affect approximately 30 - 35 acres. He submitted a written request to withdraw this application without prejudice. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to allow Mr. Zielinski to withdraw his zone change application for 102 acres of land on Shoemaker Lane without prejudice. VOTE 5-0 10. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan - Capua Estates Mr. Capua was in attendance this evening. The plan has been revised; one lot has been eliminated and the road has been pulled back approximately 90'. There will be a 10'non disturbed area where all existing vegetation will remain. The proposed earthen berm has been pulled back to allow for that. Ms. Dachos stated that the Town Engineer has asked that the Board not take final action on the plan this evening as they have supported the'revisions conceptually, they have not completed the drainage calculations yet. The revised plan shows a 2.5% grade to the intersection for approximately 100' which will require a waiver. Ernest and Suzanne Ducette of 19 Family Lane were in attendance along with Jan Kingan of Family Lane. They all expressed concern over whether the vegetation will not be removed and how to control that. Ms. Dachos explained that deed restrictions will be placed on those lots. Mr. Ducette asked what guarantee they have that this development will not adversely impact their property. Mr. Hopkins explained that these plans are signed by a Professional Engineer. Ms. Dachos stated that individual grading plan will be submitted and reviewed prior to the issuance of building permits. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to close the public hearing for the Capua Estates Definitive Plan. VOTE 5-0 Mr. Capua asked the members for action on the plan this evening. Ms. Dachos reiterated the Town Engineer's request that final action not be taken this evening and suggested that perhaps the members would vote on the concept of the plan. Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to give "preliminary" definitive approval "in concept" for the Capua Estates Plan as discussed this evening. VOTE 5-0 Agawam Planning Board June 1, 2006 Page S Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Zini to amend the agenda to include the °add-on". VOTE 5-0 13. FORM A -James Street- Daubitz Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Mr. Ward to deny the Form A for Daubitz on James Street as the frontage is illusory and is intended to circumvent the Agawam Zoning Ordinance. VOTE 5-0 The meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM. 4 fo�� AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD May 18, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Violet Baldwin Michael Morassi Travis Ward-Acting Chairman Rick Zini, Jr. MEMBERS ABSENT: Dennis B. Hopkins ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Ward called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -May 4, 2006 r. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to approve the minutes of Ma 41 2006 as written. VOTE 4-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING - Zone Change- Shoemaker Lane-Zielinski Tim Zielinski was in attendance along with his architect, Ray CaseIla and his attorney, Joseph Conway. Mr. Zielinski and Mr. Casella gave a brief history of the Zielinski Bros. company and work they have done in the area. Mr. Zielinski stated that he is seeking A3 zoning on 102 acres of land that has 340' of frontage on Shoemaker Lane. He is proposing to set aside approximately 30 acres as woodland and open space. Mr. Casella stated that the proposal is for mostly single story residences, slab on grade with two bedrooms. Six foot walkways are proposed to keep it "pedestrian friendly". He also stated that they are looking to attract professional people who are beyond child bearing age. The proposal shows approximately 500' of roadway off of Shoemaker Lane until any development on the site. Mr. Zielinski stated that he would like to cluster the homes to preserve open space and limit the age of the owners to 55 and over as well as outside uses through deed restrictions. Mr. Ward asked why he is not seeking a zone change to the newly created A5 "Age Restricted Housing'. Mr. Zielinski stated that in terms of density he is proposing 3 units per acre with a combination of single family and duplexes. Mr. Ward stated that A5 would more appropriate for his proposal. He asked whether a there would be a homeowners association or would it be private. Mr. Zielinski stated that he would propose a condominium association. Mr. Ward asked how many acres would be used for the development. Mr. Zielinski stated less than forty acres would be developed. Ms. Baldwin asked what he meant f Agawam Planning Board May 18, 2006 Page 2 by restricting outside uses. Mr. Zielinski stated that would "imit playscapes and toys such ask in a condo project that limits children". He stated that he would also propose a community building within the project. Mr. Zini asked if he had an estimate on the number of units he is proposing. Mr. Zielinski stated that his proposal as drawn shows 136 units but he is unsure if that can be done. He stated that he intends to enhance the land with a random layout of units. Ms. Dachos stated that in the A3 zone the smallest unit allowed is a four family and that no one or two family units are allowed. The maximum in A3 would be up to eight units per acre. She stated that the A5 zone was created to allow for one and two family units. Mr. Zini stated asked that Mr. Zielinski provide the Board with an updated site plan for their information regarding proposed density, size of units and.layout. He stated that A5 was written for a specific purpose and this proposal does not meet A3. Ms. Dachos explained that when reviewing a zone change, the Planning Board must look at the maximum built out of the site based on the zone change being requested and that the developer is not"tied" to this plan. Mr. Morassi stated that it appears the proposal as submitted does not meet the zone that is being requested. Ms. Dachos then went over her review as well as the Town Engineer's comments on the request. She stated that Engineering has significant concerns regarding sewer service which could mean extensive reconstruction of sewer lines in this area at the developer's expense. She also stated that according to the soil information, this site contains some soils that would be highly difficult for development. Mr. Zielinski stated that a soil analysis was done by Tighe and Bond and it was determined that the soils for be "o.k." for this proposal. Ms. Dachos also pointed out that two means of egress are needed to the site as the roads would have to be built to subdivision regulations which also require a 300' offset between streets. She went onto say that with an A3 zone, this parcel has the possibility of 800 units with possibly 800 new students in the schools. She also stated that a traffic study would be needed as this development would outlet on a bend on Shoemaker Lane. Mr. Zielinski stated that he has contracted to do a traffic study however it is not yet completed. Attorney Burton Resnick, for Crestview Country Club, asked for the location of the development in relation to Crestview and how much untouched area there would be to the nearest structure. Mr. Zielinski pointed out on the plan that there is approximately 300'to 400'to the tenth hole. Mr. Zini pointed out that A5 has a larger setback. Attorney Resnick asked how many units would be constructed in each phase of the development and the prices. Mr.Zielinski stated he did not have that information. Ken Blair, 373 Shoemaker Lane asked where this development is in terms of location to him. Ms. Dachos stated that abutters.within 500' of the property are notified. Mr. Blair stated that one entrance to this site would not be enough and questioned whether the "open space" could ever be developed and whether a restriction could be placed on it. Mr. Ward stated that the open space could be developed and no restriction could be placed on it. Mary Blasack, 349 Shoemaker Lane asked how close the development would be to her property Agawam Planning:Board May 18, 2006 Pa e 3 line. Mr. Zielinski stated that A3 calls for a 40' setback from the property line. Mr. Ward stated that A5 would require a 50' setback and that the Board would want some type of a natural buffer. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to continue the public hearing for the Zielinski zone change to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 Mr. Ward stated that many issues must be addressed prior to the next meeting: determine whether this will be an age restricted development; sewer issue to be addressed; soil types to be addressed; two means of egress/access; more defined plan in relation to the bend in the road at this location; and a traffic study. Mr. Zini stated that he wants more information on the phasing of the development and density and layout. Ms. Dachos pointed out that the Town Council public hearing on this is scheduled for June 5, 2006. 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan- Capua Estates - Mill Street Dave Bean and Marc Shute of D.L. Bean, Inc. were in attendance along with the developer, Carmine Capua and his attorney, Mark Belgane. Attorney Beglane began by stating that the have met with the Engineering Department and a revised plan has been submitted. He stated that the drainage as designed does work but the Town Engineering has a concern over ponding during a 100 year storm. He stated that the water from this site is currently uncontrolled and that the development and drainage design will now put the water into a system with interceptors and an earthen berm is proposed for an area to pond. He stated that a letter has been submitted to justify the waiver request (300' offset between adjacent and parallel streets). He went on to say that the Town of Agawam drains on to this site now with no easement. An easement will be granted and the development of the site will lessen the amount of water going to Family Lane. He stated that the site has slopes on it but not in violation of the Rules and Regs and that restrictions will be placed on the lots with regard to the drainage. He stated that the engineering on the plan works and that the density meets the zoning requirements. Restrictions will be placed on the lots to control future lot grading. Ms. Baldwin stated that she and Mr. Zini walked the site last night and saw water along the backs of the lots on Family Lane. She asked what consideration was being given for "doing the right thing" for both the buyers and the neighbors. Attorney Belgane stated that the proposal will less the drainage problems that exist on Family Lane but there are other issues with Family Lane itself He went on to say that this proposal meets the requirements of the Board and that they "are not trying to build $700,000 homes" on this site and that they are looking to build "affordable homes". He stated that they realize this is a tough site to deal with the existing grades. He also stated that the requirement for a flat grade at the intersection requires much fill. Ms. Dachos stated that the most challenging subdivision is located across the street in the vicinity of this proposed subdivision and that the maximum use of the property regardless of challenge"ardships was proposed. She went on to say that all lots met zoning but Agawam Planning Board May 18, 2006 Pa e 4 due to the drainage design, some of the homeowners have no use of their property. She stated that was an example of land with constraints being made worse by accommodating drainage. She then spoke of the Planning Board's comments on the Capua Estates plan during the Preliminary Plan review. She asked that the developer work with the Board to move the slopes away from the property line and merge two of the lots. She went on to say that the earthen bean around the subdivision will eliminate all of the existing vegetation. Mr. Zini stated that the Planning Board has concerns as there are two nearby subdivisions where the engineer/drainage design doesn't work. He stated that when he walked the site he found that the drainage on Family Lane is blocked. He went on to say that three lots in the Capua Estates subdivision could have problems and that restrictions on the lots don't work. In terms of the earthen berm, he stated that the new homeowners could remove them. Attorney Beglane stated there will be deed restrictions. Mr. Zini stated that the drainage on lots 3, 4 and 5 won't work and that the removal of the vegetation and size of the houses change the dynamics of the drainage with the amount of impervious area. Dave Bean stated that lots 4 and 5 have a Swale design behind the houses that go to a detention area and that there is no way to get the water from lot 3 away from Family Lane. He stated that they have diverted the majority of the water to the detention pond and the berm along the property line stops all water from going to Family Lane. Mr. Zini asked where the drainage from lots 3 and 4 is going. Mr. Bean stated into the ground. Mr. Zini stated that when the ground is frozen or saturated the water will sit in a low spot between the two sites. Mr. Bean stated that the Town Engineer is requiring easements through the swale areas and there will be deed restrictions on grading. At this point Mr. Ward stated the Board's concerns have been discussed (i.e. quality of life issues; standing water; steep slopes; unusable areas on yards) and asked the developer to submit a plan that the Board feels more comfortable with. The developer, Mr. Capua, then asked for time to confer with his attorney. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the order of the agenda. VOTE 4-0 4. SITE PLAN - Meadow Street- Calabrese Since the recently revised plan has not yet been reviewed, the Engineering Department asked that the Board take no action on the plan this evening. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to table the Site Plan for Calabrese on Meadow Street to the next agenda. VOTE 4-0 Mr. Capua re-entered the meeting at this time and stated that he wants to cooperate with the Board and understands what they are looking for. He stated he is willing to remove one lot and Agawam Planning Board May 18, 2006 Page 5 make the grades better. He asked if the Board would be receptive to a waiver of the 2.5% slope requirement for the first 200' of the new roadway. He stated that would allow for a better grading design. Ms. Dachos stated that the intersection must be safe. She stated that she would arrange a meeting with herself, the Town Engineer and a member of the Planning Board as well as the developer to discuss the issues. Mr. Ward asked for any public input. Al Kingan, 45 Family Lane expressed concerns over removing the existing vegetation behind his property. He stated that this area is forested right now and that helps to keep the water from flowing onto his property. Suzanne Ducette,19 Family Lane spoke of the current ponding problem behind lot 3. She asked about the design for the runoff from the two new homes on Mill Street and lot 3. Mr. Bean stated that is why the berm is proposed. Mr. Ducette also spoke and stated that restrictions on the lots with the berms and swales will cause grief with the neighbors. He stated that this January he had a tremendous amount of water in his yard. He had a water level sample done a few weeks ago when we were experiencing drought conditions/high fire danger and water was found at Y. Jan Kingan, 45 Family Lane thanked the Board members for their efforts in working with the developer on these issues. She expressed sincere appreciation for their work. Jan Spellacy, 33 Family Lane asked for the Iocation of the new homes and stated that their neighbor has a tremendous amount of water on their property. Carmine Capua then stated that he would propose an infiltrator/catch basin at the low point on Family Lane. He requested a 30 day extension. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to continue the public hearing to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 4-0 6. FORM A - Suffield Street- Suffriti Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the plan for Suffriti on Suffield Street under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 4-0 Agawam Planning Board May 18, 2006 Page 6 7. LETTER OF CREDIT, REL. OF COVENANT& PERF. AGREEMENT- Giroux Estates Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Letter of Credit, Release of Covenant and Performance Agreement for Giroux Estates pending approval of the Law Department. VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD May 4, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Michael Morassi Rick Zini, Jr. MEMBERS ABSENT: v Travis Ward ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr �. Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to enter into Executive Session at this time to discuss Camlann Wood. ROLL CALL VOTE 4-0-0 Executive Session minutes are under separate cover. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to amend the agenda to include the "add-on". VOTE 4-0 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 6, 2006 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the minutes of April 6, 2006 as written. VOTE 2-0-2 (Zini &Morassi abstained) 2. SITE PLAN - Parts Tool &Die - Shoemaker Lane Marc Shute of D.L. Bean, Inc. presented this Site Plan which shows a 3,000 sf addition to the rear of an existing 12,000 sf industrial building. He submitted a revised plan addressing Engineering comments that he had received. He stated that the property is zoned Industrial B and the site is relatively flat. There is a wetland approximately 125' away from the addition. He Agawam Planning Board May 4, 2006 Page 2 stated that the same color and textures will be used on the addition as on the existing building. He had originally proposed a small detention area but per the Engineering Department he has removed that as the runoff will be insignificant. It will now sheet flow. He also stated that the dumpster will be moved with the addition. Ms. Dachos went over her comments. She stated that the new dumpster location must be shown and screened; the standard landscape maintenance note is to be added to the plan; and she asked that painted stakes be placed along the 100'buffer for the contractor's benefit. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to approve the Site Plan for Parts Tool and Die on Shoemaker Lane with the condition that the Engineering Department comments dated May 4, 2006 be addressed and the Town Planner's comments dated May 4, 2006 be addressed. VOTE 4-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Definitive Plan- Capua Estates - Mill Street March Shute of D.L. Bean, Inc, presented a revised plan this evening. He summarized some of the engineering changes that have been made. He stated that they have now applied for approval from the state for the drainage. Mr. Hopkins stated that there are other significant items that are to be addressed. He asked if the amount of fill to be brought onto the site has been calculated as the members requested at the last meeting. Mr. Shute stated no, not yet but they will provide that. Mr. Zini asked what the highest elevation in the proposed development is from the adjacent properties. Mr. Shute stated the highest grade is 150'and the lowest is 146'. Mr. Zini asked for the surrounding grades. Mr. Shute statd the ditch is at 142'. Mr. Hopkins stated that there may be problems with traffic impact with this development being across from Tennis Road where a major shopping center had been proposed. He stated that it is "good engineering" to get the drainage swale away from the property lines. Mr. Zini stated that there are two significant issues with this proposal: the proposed grades and the development is "too dense". Ms. Dachos pointed out that there were a number of issues raised at the last meeting including density; grades; and drainage. Mr. Shute stated that they have been working out the drainage with the Engineering Department. Mr. Zini stated that the record must clearly state that the drainage needs to be addressed. Attorney Mark Beglane was in attendance, representing the developer, Carmine Capua. He stated that they are working with the Town trying to address these issues and that in terms of density, if they can't resolve the drainage satisfactorily, they will eliminate one lot. However, at this point, they would not like to lose a lot unless necessary. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Planning board is looking for what is good for the Town and the neighbors and that economics do not effect the Board's decisions. Attorney Beglane stated that they want to make the drainage problem better for the abutters and that his client is "not saying screw you" to the Town's concerns. At this point Mr. Hopkins read a letter into the record from the abutter at 45 Family Lane, the Kingans. Mr. Hopkins then asked for any public input. Agawam Planning Board May 4, 2006 Page 3 Armand Provost, 267 Mill Street expressed concerns over the location of the new street in proximity to his driveway which is right across from it. He stated that the Town made the developer shift the roadway location which was offset from his driveway. Mr. Hopkins explained that there is a 300'offset requirement in the Rules and Regulations on adjacent and parallel streets. Ms. Dachas explained that the original location and design was on an angle with Mill Street and was a dangerous design. Mr. and Mrs. Ducette of Family Lane addressed the Board with their water/drainage concerns. They feel that the proposed development should remaining as the same elevation as Family Lane as they currently have a serious flooding problem. They fear that by removing the existing trees from this site it will make the drainage situation worse for them on Family Lane. Dan Spellacy, 33 Family Lane stated that he has lived there for 1.5 years and has sump pumps in his cellar. He stated that he is "up to his knees in water" when it rains. Mr. Shute stated that D.L. Bean, Inc. designed the Family Lane project but none of those houses were supposed to have walk-outs and that now individual grading plans are required. Ms. Baldwin stated that the members should walk the site. Mr. Hopkins continued the public hearing at this point and stated that letter will be sent to the developer summarizing the concerns that have been raised. 4. SITE PLAN - Meadow Street- Calabrese Marc Shute of D.L. Bean, Inc. presented this Site Plan which shows an extension of the William Pynchon Apartments on Meadow Street. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Engineering Department has significant concerns with the plan and asks that the Board not act on it this evening. Mr. Shute explained that the property is zoned Residence A3 and 22 additional units are proposed on 2.8 acres with a 10.4% lot coverage. Two parking spaces per unit have been shown with three buildings. Landscaping has been shown as well as 4' concrete sidewalks. A 15'landscaped strip is show surrounding the entire lot. Proposed landscaping includes C to 8`tall red maples. Two large detention areas are proposed. He went on to say that approximately 300' of drainage in Meadow Street is to be replaced/reconstructed as the Town wants everything to the outfall restructured. The ponding on the adjacent DeCaro property will be accounted for and the Engineering Department is requesting letters from the two abutters - DeCaro and Montagna. The Engineering Department is also recommending that the western most curbcut that exists for the apartments be closed off. Mr. Hopkins stated that the red maples shown should be labeled 1.5" to 2" in caliper and suggested that they may want to vary it with deciduous trees. He also stated that a rendering or colors and textures it to be provided. Ms. Dachos asked for the number of bedrooms in the units. Mr. Calabrese stated they will be all two bedroom units. Ms. Dachos stated that sidewalks along the main drive into the project should contain at least one sidewalk. Agawam Planning Board May 4, 2006 Page 4 Mr. Calabrese stated that he will put sidewalks on one side. Ms. Dachos pointed out that forty- four parking spaces may not be adequate and suggested an area for visitor parking be shown. She then asked if the units would have patios or decks. Mr. Calabrese stated that they will have 8" thick patios. Ms. Dachos suggested that some type of privacy screening be provided behind the units along the main drive. Mr. Calabrese stated that they could turn that building to face Meadow Street. Ms. Dachos pointed out that a fence must be provided around the detention basins and that screening be provided-. She suggested that the screening extend along the DeCaro property to shield headlights. She point out that no exterior lighting is shown. Mr. Shute stated that there will be one light in front of every unit as well as light posts. Mr. Hopkins stated that the light posts must be shown on the plan. Ms. Dachos asked about-trash removal. Mr. Shute stated that the dumpster locations will be shown and screened. Mr. Zini asked Mr. Calabrese his opinion on closing the existing western most curb cut. Mr. Calabrese stated that he does not wish to close that. The abutter on this side, Mr. Montagna, was in attendance and stated that he would not like that curbcut to be closed as the traffic flow would then allow headlights onto his property. Ms. Dachos informed the members that Mr. Montagna would like to purchase some of this land and add it to his property. She pointed out that the zoning requires a 15' landscaped -strip around the perimeter of the project. Mr. Shute stated that they may be able to shift the buffer and detention area to allow for this. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Zini to table the Site Plan for Calabrese on Meadow Street as there are a number of comments yet to be addressed. VOTE 4-0 5. PRELIMINARY PLAN - Witheridge Street - Kot The Engineering Department submitted comments on the latest revised plans that state they have concerns over the stability of the drainage system. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to deny the Preliminary Plan for Kot on Witheridge Street based on the Engineering Department comments. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the order of the agenda. VOTE 4-0 11. DISCUSSION - Eric Twarog- Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Mr. Twarog gave the members a brief summary of the Smart Growth Technical Assistance i Agawam Planning Board May 4, 2006 Pa e S Grant. He stated that 60% of the work must be done by June l 51. He stated that he will need to hold two additional meetings with the Board to discuss the two proposed zoning amendments: inclusionary zoning and open space developments. The open space development (cluster zoning) was discussed first. He stated that he has drafted the proposal allows this type of development by right but the Board could require a special permit. Ms. Dachos stated that this type of zoning makes for a very attractive subdivision where the density would be the same as a conventional subdivision with preservation of open space. Mr. Zini asked what other towns have this type of zoning in effect. Mr. Twarog stated this is being proposed in Blandford and Cummington and that Amherst currently has it in place and has many"open space subdivisions". He then spoke briefly about the inclusionary zoning. He stated the state mandates that towns have 10%of affordable housing and if not there is a comprehensive permit that developers can seek first through the state and then the zoning board of appeals. It essentially bypasses the Planning Board and town bylaws. He also spoke briefly about a right to farm bylaw which prevents nuisance suits on farmers. The members will review the information that he provided this evening and another meeting with him will be scheduled. 6. BOND STATUS - Lots 7-21 Blair's Hill Road- Fether, Inc. This Performance Agreement expires today. Mrs. Grimaldi requested a 30 day extension. The Engineering Department has prepared a punch list of remaining work items. That list will be forwarded to Mrs. Grimaldi. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Zini to extend the Performance Agreement for Lots 7-21 Blair's Hill Road for 30 days to June 4, 2006. VOTE 4-0 7. BOND SETTING - Giroux Estates The Engineering Department came up with a figure of$265,500 for the completion of the Giroux Estates subdivision. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to set the bond for the Giroux Estates subdivision at $265,500 as recommended by the Engineering Department. VOTE 4-0 S. SITE PLAN - Pride Convenience -North Westfield Street Mr. Bolduc requested the withdrawal of this Site Plan without prejudice. Agawam Planning Board May 4, 2006 Page 6 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Zini to allow the withdrawal of the Pride Convenience Site Plan without prejudice as requested by the applicant. VOTE 4-0 9. VOTE TO BE PETITIONER - Historic Structures and Historic Places Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin that the Planning Board be the petitioner on the proposed zoning amendment "Historic Structures and Historic Places".. VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD April 6, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Travis Ward MEMBERS ABSENT: Michael Morassi Richard Zini ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 2 & 16 and March 2 & 16, 2006 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the minutes of February 2, 2006, February 16, 2006, March 2, 2006 and March 16, 2006 as written. VOTE 3-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING - Definitive Plan- Capua Estates - Mill Street- Capua Dave Bean of D.L. Bean, Inc. presented this Definitive Plan which shows the construction of a 300' long cul-de-sac with five lots on the easterly side of Mill Street on approximately 4.3 acres. He stated that during the Preliminary Plan review, sight distance was an issue but has been resolved by shifting the street and obtaining sight distance easements. He stated that the site currently has a steep drop from Mill Street and is then relatively flat. The Town of Agawam and Mass. Highway Department have easements to drain onto the property and the water through to Family Lane. They are proposing to bring in fill to bring the street up to the intersection. The house location is shown on lot three with a walk out basement and the foundation as a retaining wall. He explained that the remainder of the lots will not be walk-out basements. He stated that the detention pond is on the north side of the site and is relatively shallow and elongated and that the site will be graded so that the flows that currently go towards Family Lane will be directed into this detention basin. Two waivers are being requested: distance to Tennis Road to allow for 28 F offset rather than the 300'that is required; and the requirement for test borings (Engineering wants some soil tests in the detention pond area). Mr. Hopkins asked how much fill would be brought in and how much of lot 6 would be buildable. Mr. Bean stated that he was not sure of the amount of fill that would be needed but he could provide an estimate. Also, he stated that lot 6 could accommodate a 30' x 60' house or larger. Mr. Hopkins asked how the earthen berm Agawam Planning Board April 6, 2006 Page 2 would work. Mr. Bean stated that it will work with a series of swales to pick up the stormwater. Mr. Hopkins questioned if the swale would work in the winter. Mr. Bean stated yes it would. Ms. Baldwin brought up a comment in the Engineering Department memo regarding the elevation of this proposed subdivision in relation to the Family Lane development. Mr. Bean asked why that would be a concern. Mr. Hopkins stated that on lot 4 the house is shown to be approximately 50' off the property line and will be at least 8'higher than the Family Lane lot adjacent to it. He stated that this is a concern as it relates to good planning. Mr. Ward stated that could potentially provide for headlights shining into a second floor bedroom on Family Lane. Mr. Bean stated that he doesn't know the elevation of the house on Family Lane but that the grades on the site must be raised to divert the water. Mr. Ward asked for more information on the proposed detention basin, citing a comment raised by the Engineering Department. Mr. Bean stated that this is not the typical catch basin structure but more like a yard drain. Ms. Dachos then asked what the high point of fill would be. Mr. Bean stated approximately 15'. She then asked what the purpose of the berm.is. Mr. Bean stated that during the Preliminary Plan review process it was suggested. He stated that the stormwater will pond for a short period during a storm and the berm will keep the water from flowing towards Family Lane. He also stated that 60% of the site drainage will be diverted from Family Lane and the berm will provide even more mitigation. Ms. Dachos asked if calculations were provided on the swale and stated that the site is currently flat and wooded and the water doesn't sheet flow but gets to Family Lane slowly. She stated that this could potentially increase how the water gets to Family Lane. Mr. Bean stated that he could provide calculations for the volume in the swale. Ms. Dachos stated that this proposal will not be aesthetically pleasing for Family Lane residents as they will look at this site will 15' of fill. She suggested that lots 4 and 5 be merged which would give the abutting Family Lane property consideration and reprieve and would improve the situation for the abutters. She then asked if they had an easement to discharge stormwater onto state property. Mr. Bean stated they have talked with the state in the past but do not have the approval yet. Ms. Dachos stated that a flowage easement wold be required and asked if the owners of lot 1 understand they responsibility to shovel the sidewalk. Carmine Capua, the developer, stated that yes, the owners of lot 1 are well aware of that. Ms. Dachos referred to a comment from the Engineering Department that suggests the sidewalk be extended along Mill Street to Family Lane. She also asked if a guardrail would be needed along the easterly side of the entrance. Mr. Bean stated that the state currently has a guardrail in this area and that they will "wrap" it into this project. Ms. Dachos also stated that details for the proposed swale will be needed. Mr. Hopkins then explained that due to the number of engineering comments, this public hearing would be continued but he allowed for questions at this time. Dot and Armand Provost of 267 Mill Street both spoke of existing problems they have getting out of their driveway which is approximately 30' offset from the new road across the street. They stated they have a steep driveway and cars speed along Mill Street. Ernie Ducette, 19 Family Lane stated that he has runoff concerns with this site and expressed Agawam Planning Board April 6, 2006 Page 3 these concerns to the Town Engineer and to the Planning Board during the Preliminary Plan review. He stated that there is standing water now on Family Lane as there is not enough elevation to get the water into the Family Lane Swale. He asked what protection he has with the new development. Mr. Hopkins stated that these plans are prepared and stamped by licensed . engineers and that the calculations provided should reduce the amount of runoff to Family Lane. Mr. Ducette stated that calculations were done on Family Lane also and that drainage design doesn't work. George Martin, 52 Belvedere Avenue stated that he feels this is a positive development for the area and wants to live there. He doesn't feel the addition of five houses will have a negative impact on traffic in the area. Mr. Hopkins stated that will approximately S' to 15' of fill being proposed, the Board will want to know roughly how many cubic yards of fill will be placed. He stated at this point the public hearing would be continued as there are many engineering comments to be addressed. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to continue the public hearing for the Definitive Plan of Capua Estates to the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 3. SITE PLAN - Pride Convenience - North Westfield Street Mr. Bolduc sent a letter to the Board asking that this item be removed from the agenda this evening. Ms. Dachos explained that this Site Plan is for the ATM machine which was shown on the approved site plan from 2001. She stated that the Board of Appeals is reviewing the proposal and asked for the Board's comments on the Site Plan. The Site Plan was routed to various departments as required and the Safety Officer came up with concerns that Mr. Bolduc is attempting to address. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the originally approved site plan already showing the ATM's and whether the Board could revisit the entire site with this Site Plan or just address the ATM's. In conclusion, the members agreed to ask the Town Solicitor what the Board's purview would be in this situation. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to request a legal opinion from the Town Solicitor on the Board's review of this Site Plan. VOTE 3-0 4. SITE PLAN - Agawam Auto Mall - Springfield Street Matt Falkowski of Falcor Auto Sales stated that he is under contract to purchase the Agawam t Agawam Planning Board April 6, 2006 Page 4 Auto Mall site on Springfield Street to use as a used car lot. Mr. Hopkins asked what would different from the approved site plan on this site. Mr. Falkowski stated that he will be removing the fenced in area in the back and will bring the building up to new standards and the license will be increased from 18 to 26 vehicles. Twenty-five spaces are shown on the plan. Mr. Ward asked if this would be a whole new permit. Mr. Falkowski stated yes, it will go to the Board of Appeals first and then the Council. Ms. Dachos stated that the customer parking that is shown is questionable. Mr. Falkowski stated that a revised plan has been submitted showing changes to the customer parking and dimensions. Ms. Baldwin asked about the dumpster location. Mr. Falkowski stated that it will probably be kept in the garage but he will provide screening around it if is to be kept outside. Mr. Ward asked if any trees were proposed to be planted. Mr. Falkowski stated shrubs will be planted but trees are not good for a car lot. Ms. Dachos asked if the existing planter that is in disrepair would be replaced. Mr. Falkowski stated yes he will replace it. Ms. Dachas stated that one handicapped parking space is shown in front of an existing overhead door. Mr. Falkowski stated that door will be removed. Ms. Dachos asked what kind of facade work would be done. Mr. Falkowski stated that he is planning to spend approximately $60,000 to re-do the roof and facade. Ms. Dachos stated that the Board requires an elevation or picture of the proposed facade improvements. Ms. Baldwin asked if the existing sign will remain. Mr. Falkowski stated it will remain in the same Iocation but will be repainted. Ms. Dachos stated that she visited the site during her review and feels that this proposal will significantly improve the area. Mr. Hopkins asked for more detail on the landscaping(size and species) and stated that the lighting on the building must be fully shielded. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Site Plan for the Agawam Auto Mall with the following conditions: 1)no outside dumpster has been approved at this time. If in the future a dumpster is needed, a plan showing the its location and screening must be submitted to the Board for its approval. 2)Comments contained in Engineering Department memo dated April 6, 2006 must be addressed. 3) An elevation, rendering and/or picture of proposed facade shall be submitted to the Board for its review and approval. Textures and colors shall be indicated. 4) The existing planter shall be indicated to be removed and replaced and the size of all proposed plantings shall be shown on the plan. 5)All exterior lighting must be shielded so as not to shine on adjacent properties. 6)The height of the new fence around the perimeter of the building is to be shown on the plan. VOTE 3-0 5. DISCUSSION - Proposed Preliminary Plan- McNaughton- Mill Street Kirk McNaughton was in attendance this evening to get the Board's opinion on a proposed subdivision plan. He explained that during the review of the Burlington Estates Preliminary Plan he addressed the Board regarding a parcel of land he is proposing to purchase which is currently landlocked. At that time he asked the Board to require the developer of the Burlington Estates 4 Agawam Planning Board April 6, 2006 Page 5 plan to allow him to connect to that cul-de-sac to build his subdivision. He explained that he has attempted to purchase land from Burlington Estates to allow for this connection but the developer is not interested in working with him. He now has a schematic of a proposed Preliminary Plan that would connect from Mill Street(other land his is proposing to purchase) and connect to the Burlington Estates cul-de-sac. Mr. Hopkins asked if he now holds title to connect to Burlington Estates. Mr. McNaughton stated no, he asking the Board to require it under its Regulations 158.8. Mr. Hopkins stated that sounds like a land taking to him and he wouldn't be inclined to do so unless the Town Solicitor says they have to or should. Ms. Dachos asked how long the street is from Mill Street to this property. Mr. McNaughton stated approximately 800'. Mr. Hopkins pointed out that "spite strips" are not allowed. The members were in agreement that Mr. McNaughton should contact the Town Solicitor and come back to the Board. Ms. Dachos stated that evidence of Twin Oaks Road's ownership should be given to the Solicitor for his review and that this area would have to be designed as an intersection. She also stated that the Burlington Estates plan may have to be redesigned if this is allowed. 6. FORM A - North Street Ext. - Matz Ms. Dachos presented this Form A which shows the creation of a building lot and the remaining frontage is insufficient for a building lot. She stated that this is a similar design of this property that the Board rejected in the past. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to deny the Form A for Matz on North Street Ext. as it creates a lot with insufficient frontage. VOTE 3-0 7. LANDSCAPE PLAN - Bethany Assembly of God As part of the Site Plan approval, the applicant has submitted a proposed barrier that would impede headlights from shining on the adjacent residential property on Stewart Lane. After reviewing the plan with the abutter, the members were in agreement that it was not sufficient. Mr. Ward agreed to meet on-site with a representative of Berkshire Design to come up with a better solution. 8. SIGN PLAN - Taylor Rental - Springfield Street Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to table signing the Taylor Rental plan at this time until the PIanning Department reviews it to determine if the Board's comments/conditions were addressed. VOTE 3-0 i Agawam Planning Board April 6, 2006 Page 6 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 3-0 10. SIGN - Declaration of Restrictions and Plan of Swale- Plurntree Meadow Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to sign the Declaration of Restrictions, Plan of Swale and Street Acceptance Plan for Plumtree Meadow conditional upon review by the Engineering Department and Law Department. VOTE 3-0 11. DISCUSSION _ Proposed Zoning Amendment- Historic Structures The owners of the old mill building on Elm Street would like to convert the building into housing. A draft zoning amendment was looked at this evening which would require a special permit for this through the ZBA. This item will appear on the next agenda for the Board to vote to be petitioner. The meeting adjourned at 8.45 PM. c ern CXf AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD March 16, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Michael Morassi Travis Ward MEMBERS ABSENT: Rick Zini ALSO PRESENT: Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 2 & 16, and March 2, 2006 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table approval of the minutes until the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 2. SITE PLAN -Captain Charles Leonard House- Main Street Martha Lyon,Landscape Architect,presented this Site Plan. She explained that community preservation funds were granted to fund a Landscape Master Plan for the Captain Charles Leonard House which was built in 1809. The site plan submitted represents the landscape master plan which includes: replacing existing shrubs around the house with lower plantings; a formal garde on the north side of the house; brick paver walkways; and the parking lot will be moved 10' further from the house. A new picket fence will be placed along the parking lot and front of the house. Mr. Hopkins asked if the dumpster is to be screened. Ms. Lyon stated that the dumpster has been relocated to behind the garage and will be fenced with a wooden picket fence and will be virtually opaque. Mr. Ward asked if there would be a reduction in parking spaces. Ms. Lyon stated there will be no reduction in the number of parking spaces and that three handicapped spaces and one van space will be provided. Mr. Ward asked if any changes to the drainage were proposed. Ms. Lyon stated no, the existing drainage design will remain and that the impervious area will be slightly reduced. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Site Plan for the Captain Charles Leonard House. VOTE 4-0 Agawam Planning Board March 16, 2006 Page 2 3. SITE PLAN - Verizon - South Westfield Street Attorney Ellen Freyman was in attendance to present this site plan. She explained that the plan that Board previously approved showed the antenna height at 129'which was in error. She stated that all of the engineering that was done was for a height of 137 which is now correctly shown on the plan. The Fire Department submitted comments which she stated will be addressed. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the Site Plan for Verizon on South Westfield Street with the condition that the Agawam Fire Department comments be addressed. VOTE 4-0 4. SITE PLAN - Bethany Assembly of God- Main Street Mark D'Urso of Berkshire Design Group was in attendance to present this revised plan. He explained that since the last meeting they have shifted the driveway to approximately 25'to 27' from the abutter. He stated that by shifting the driveway the existing trees will now be able to remain. Mary Johnston, the abutter on Stewart Lane, was in attendance. She stated that headlights from cars entering the driveway light up her house and that there is a large pile of dirt on the property. Mr. D'Urso stated that the pile of dirt will be used to reloam the area once the work has been completed. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that a proposal be submitted to the Board showing visual/natural buffer that would protect Ms. Johnston's property from headlights as they enter the site. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the Site Plan for the Bethany Assembly of God with the condition that a plan be submitted for the Board's approval showing a visual/natural barrier that would protect the abutting residence on Stewart Lane from headlights as they enter the site. VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM. C_ AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD March 2, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Michael Morassi Travis Ward MEMBERS ABSENT: -- Rick Zini w N ALSO PRESENT: Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM. 1. BOND STATUS -Wild Turkey Estates The developer has requested an extension of the Wild Turkey Estates Performance Agreement to October 1, 2006. This will be the second extension of the Performance Agreement. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to extend the Performance Agreement for Wild Turkey Estates to October 1, 2006. VOTE 4-0 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 2 and 16,2006 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to table approval of minutes to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's VOTE 4-0 4. FORM A -Rowley Street- Colvest Corp. This plan shows a piece of"back land" on Rowley Street being combined with the existing Colvest(CVS)property on Springfield Street. f. Agawam Planning Board March 2, 2006 Page 2 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the plan for Colvest Corp. on Rowley Street under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 4-0 FORM A- Elm Street- Duquette This plan shows additional land on Elm Street being combined with existing Agawam Cemetery property. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr..Ward to approve the plan for Duquette on Elm Street under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 5:55 PM. r Agawam Planning Board February, 16, 2006 Page 1 AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD February 16, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Michael Morassi Travis Ward 1 Rick Zini—7:10 :..: s:] MEMBERS ABSENT: Violet Baldwin ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 1. PUBLIC HEARING - Zoning Amendment — Assisted Living Facilities Ms. Dachas presented this proposal. She explained the history(ZBA filing for Country Estates)--Joe Conte, ZBA member, approached her to inquire whether the Planning Board would sponsor an amendment which would specify Assisted Living Facilities—as defined in M.G.L. Chapter 19D. The Planning Board voted to be the petitioner and Ms. Dachos researched the industry and found that most new facilities include independent living units in conjunction with assisted living facilities and nursing homes (proposal for the Country Estates site). As the original amendment would only allow the assisted living portion, she drafted changes to the amendment which would define and regulate independent living units. She explained that such facilities exist in Town currently(Quail Run and Heritage Woods). Mr. Ward stated that he feels it is in the best interest of the Town to provide for these uses as the market is very strong. After reviewing and discussing the proposal, it was agreed to eliminate a portion of the changes proposed by Ms. Dachos but retain the definition of independent living with the assisted living amendment. Agawam Planning Board February, 16, 2006 Page 2 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to support the changes made to the Zoning Amendment for Assisted Living Facilities (definition of independent living). VOTE 3-0 There being no public comments,the public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to send a positive recommendation to the Town Council regarding the Zoning Amendment on assisted living facilities, as amended. VOTE—3-0 Mr. Zini entered the meeting at this time. 2. SITE PLAN — Taylor Rental — Springfield Street Don Frydryk of Sherman & Frydryk presented this site plan which shows an 80' x 100' addition to rear southerly side of the existing building. The addition includes additional paved area and loading area. There are 33 spaces currently in front the building and they are proposing new lighting on the side of building—four 175 watt wallpacks east, west and south of building. He stated that they will be metal halite and can be shielded, if needed. The dumpster will be relocated and screened with fencing. Building elevations were shown. He explained that it will be a pre-engineered building identical to the existing facility. A drainage report has been submitted and reviewed by Town Engineer. A storm drain permit application will be submitted. Mr.Zini asked about the existing exterior propane tanks. Bob Conti of Taylor Rental stated that it will remain in its present location and has been approved by Agawam Fire Department. Mr. Zini asked if it was shown on the plan. Mr. Conti stated no,but it will not be affected by the addition. Mr, Zini asked if they were proposing any screening to block the area from the neighbors. Mr. Conti stated that this property does not abut directly residential property as there is a Tennessee Gas Pipeline easement that abuts his land. Ms. Dachos asked what the proposed use of the addition would be. Mr. Conti stated that they will be closing the West Springfield location and will move all inventory to the Agawam store. He stated that the addition will allow for greater efficiency. Ms. Dachas stated that there is an issue with existing zoning violations (i.e. trailer bodies). Mr. Conti stated that the addition will allow them to get rid of trailer trucks. Ms. Dachos stated that there are storage boxes shown. Mr. Conti stated that as part of the self storage facilities, he rents spots to store boxes. Mr. Zini asked if the employee parking was designated. Mr. Conti stated that is a non-issue as they park in the back. Mr. Zini asked if the fuel tanks were to be relocated. Mr. Conti stated that they will be located undercover off the addition. Mr. Zini stated that he would like to see some sort of a buffer if the storage trailers are allowed to stay. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the Site Plan for Taylor Rental on Springfield Street with the following conditions: a revised plan is to be submitted showing the existing propane tank and the location of the new fuel tanks; Agawam Planning Board February, 16, 2006 Page 3 applicant must work with the zoning officer to satisfy all zoning requirements; if the present storage units are allowed, the applicant must submit a plan showing a landscaped visual or manmade screen running along the eastern property line; the Engineering Dept. comments dated 2-1-06 must be addressed; and the Agawam Fire Department comments dated 1-31-06 and 2-15-06 are to be addressed. VOTE 4-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Zoning Amendment— Active Adult Community Ms. Dachas explained that she met with Mr. Ward and Mr. Morassi this week and made changes and additions to the proposed Active Adult Community Zoning Amendment. A revised version of the proposal was handed out this evening. A traffic study requirement has been added. Mr. Zini questioned whether they would have to adhere to the Subdivision Rules and Regulations. Ms. Dachas stated that this proposal reflects A3 as already required in Town which must comply with the Subdivision Rules and Regulations. Mr. Zini questioned the Town Engineer's comment on driveway design, traffic signal warrant analysis, etc. Ms. Dachos stated that in A 3, interior roadway must be designed to public standards but the Board has the ability to waive certain requirements. First paragraph of Town Engineer comments read into record. Travis— can take some out. Deb—traffic signal warrant analysis—Additional traffic may warrant updating or replacing a signal. Rick—should be more discretionary by Board during site review. Take out "at a minimum", should read"at discretion of Board it may include..". Rick--traffic study will show whether traffic/signal upgrade is needed. "shall be developer's responsibility if traffic study warrants upgrades Minimum parcel size, frontage and front, side and rear yards added. Buffer strip—may be modified by Planning Board. Rick—questioned minimum sideyards and setbacks. Deb existing A3 calls for 40' setback— 50' setback proposed. Discussion regarding why. Deb—only applies to periphery of development. On a public way. Deb —add 25' buffer to be included in 40' —inclusive of 25' landscaped buffer strip. Density requirement discussion—50%of acreage must be usable. Four units per acre maximum allowed. Third sentence item 1, page four Rick--some wetland should be considered greenspace. Take out sentence ...minimum of 50%... Minimum setback between buildings =40'. Rick does not support— should be based on lot development— feels 40' is too much. Mike would support 30'. Also, take out ADA requirements—covered under housing requirements by federal housing act. Rick—define language on stairways. Dennis—add"all egress". M (3)—Rick—wants more flexibility. Will effect quality of project. No on-street parking allowed—discussion. Dennis—make 2.5_ Agawam Planning Board February, 16, 2006 Page 4 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to amend the proposed zoning amendment for Active Adult Communities as noted. VOTE 4-0 Ben Serner& Mark Benoit were in attendance. They are the proposed developers of the South Street property as an active adult community. Mr. Benoit stated that when the proposal was drafted they looked at other communities and 55 plus developments. Garages were proposed for a planned community development which would provide for a quality development. Also, setbacks to allow for the buildings to be positioned differently and different sizes were sought. He provided written recommendations on the revised proposal: setbacks - change to 25' from 40'; change buffer from 25' to 15'; change setback between buildings from to 25' from 30'; and should require parking garages. He stated that a 40' setback is typical for condos or apartment complexes which are higher density. He stated that they would propose low density, with a residential feel and two-car garages with separate driveways. Mr. Hopkins asked if the 25' setback is to include the 15' buffer. Mr. Benoit stated yes. There was a lengthy discussion regarding setbacks, sideyards and buffers. Attorney John Drost then spoke. He stated that the proposal was intended to be more in line with At than A3. Mr. Benoit stated the benefits to the Town to a planned unit development. Ms. Dachso asked what would be the benefit to neighbors. Mr. Benoit stated that the duality of a master planned unit development is equal or greater than residences. Ms. Dachas stated that the distance between buildings could be smaller. Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing at this time. The members then took action on each individual written comment submitted by Mr. Serner and Mr. Benoit. Comment—change side and rear setback requirements to 25' vs. 40'. Discussion—Mr. Morassi stated that he feels 25' is too small. Mr. Zini stated that he wants flexibility and proposed 30'. Mr. Ward stated he would support 30'. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr.Zini to change the side and rear setback requirements to 30'. VOTE 3-1-0 (Hopkins opposed) Comment—change landscaped buffer strip to 15' vs. 25'. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to change the landscaped buffer strip to 15'. VOTE 3-1-0 (Hopkins opposed) Agawam Planning Board February, 16, 2006 Page 5 Comment—change minimum setback between buildings to 25' vs. 30'. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to leave the minimum setback between buildings at 30'. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Mr. Morassi to require garages. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Mr. Ward to send a positive recommendation to the Town Council with regarding the Zoning Amendment for Active Adult Communities, as amended. VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. Agawam Planning Board February 2, 2006 Page 1 AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD February 2, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Michael Morassi Travis Ward Rick Zini—7:45 PM ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 1. PUBLIC HEARING -Zoning Amendment - "Active Adult Communities" - Planning Board Mr. Hopkins,explained the format of this hearing. The Planning Board is the petitioner for this proposed zoning amendment. Ms. Dachos gave a brief presentation and historiy on the proposal. In attendance this evening were the proposed developers of a South Street parcel on which they would like to building an active adult community. One of the developers, Ben Semer, spoke before the Board. He stated that the Town has an opportunity with this proposal to have a much less dense project than is allowed in A-3, with fewer services. The proposal would create a new zone—A-5 and would allow for active adult communities. Don Cook of 164 South Street stated that he feels this proposal would be good for the Town in terms of fewer services and because it is for ages 55 and older, the Town would not see an increase in school children Andy DiFatta of Connecticut stated that the proposal should not include any"community facilities" and should let the market dictate that. He questioned item#3 on page 6 regarding maintenance by the owner. He asked if there would be an"association". Agawam Planning Board February 2, 2006 Page 2 Robert Molta, one of the proposed developers of the South Street parcel then addressed the Board. He stated that research has been done and the demographics in this area warrant a proposal such as this. Baby boomers are looking for different types of housing as they get older and this type of housing would be virtually maintenance free. He feels this is a good proposal for the Town. Ben Serner stated that they are proposing a community center and it was an oversight that they did not include it in their original narrative. Janet Cook of 164 South Street stated that aesthetics are very important in Agawam and she feels this proposal would allow for a quality development that is aesthetically pleasing. Mr. Ward and Mr. Morassi agreed to meet in-house prior to the next meeting to discuss the comments made this evening and staff comments and make minor changes to it. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to continue the public hearing on"Active Adult Communities" to the February 16'h meeting. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the order of the agenda and to include the "add-on's". VOTE 4-0 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—January 5 & 19, 2006 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the minutes of January 5 and January 19, 2006 as written. VOTE 4-0 5. RELEASE OF COVENANT—Lots B& S High Meadow III Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to Release the Covenant on Lots B&S High Meadow III conditional upon the receipt of building lot bonds. VOTE 4-0 7. FORM A -North Street—O'Krongly A note has been added to this plan which the Board previously denied. The note states that the remaining land is not a building lot. y t 1 Agawam Planning Board February 2, 2006 Page 3 VOTE 4-0 8. BOND SETTING—Lots S, B &N High Meadow III Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to set the bond for Lots S, B &N High Meadow III at$3500 per lot as recommended by the Engineering Department. VOTE 4-0 10. PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT—Lots S &B High Meadow III Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to execute Performance Agreements for Lots S &B High Meadow III. VOTE 4-0 Mr. Ward left the meeting at this time. 2. WORKSHOP W/TOWN COUNCIL--Zoning Amendment—Retail Shopping Centers A workshop was held at this time with members of the Council and Planning Board to discussion the Retail Shopping Zoning Amendment. A revised version will be prepared prior to the Council's public hearing incorporating the changes discussed this evening. A full presentation will be made at the Council hearing. 3. SMART GROWTH INITIATIVE—Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Eric Twarog of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission was in attendance to discuss with the Board of the Smart Growth Initiative and potential zoning amendments for the Town to consider(i.e. inclusionary zoning, open space communities). Members of the Board were very receptive to the suggestions and agreed to have two members work on each proposal. Mr. Twarog will arrange meetings with these members to discuss the proposals. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. Agawam Planning Board January 19, 2006 Page 1 AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD January 19, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Violet Baldwin Michael Morassi Richard Zini, Jr. MEMBERS ABSENT: Denis B. Hopkins Travis Ward �O ALSO PRESENT; Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Edmunds Ms. Baldwin called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. PUBLIC HEARING — Proposed Zoning Amendment — Age Restricted Housing Off agenda=no quorum present this evening to discuss this item. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Zini to amend order of agenda. VOTE 3-0 4. PRELIMINARY PLAN — Anvil Street Ext. — Calabrese Dave Bean presented a revised plan. He explained that this submittal shows 7 lots to be created on a 10 acre parcel as an extension of Anvil Street. One waiver is being requested—to allow for a street length of approximately 508'. He went on to say that per the Engineering Department, a connection to Juniper Ridge Estates was investigated, however, sight distance a safety factor and that was agreed to with the Engineering Department. The plan shows a cul-de-sac as originally submitted with an emergency access to Juniper Ridge with an easement. The access will be constructed of grassed pavers (honeycomb concrete) which allow the grass to grow through and will accommodate trucks. He went on to say that the Engineering Department agrees with the concept. He stated that the detention pond has been moved from lot 2 to an existing drainage easement on the Cole Agawam Planning Board January 19, 2006 Page 2 property. Currently there is a discharge outlet to a small retaining area which then sheet flows. That will be increased in size to accommodate additional impervious areas and will be designed at the definitive plan stage. Mr. Morassi asked if a curbcut on Junper Ridge exists. Mr. Bean stated no,but access was left for this. Ms. Bathos asked if this access would be plowed. Mr. Bean stated that no provisions have been made for winter. Mr. Morassi asked that the Safety Officer be requested to comment on the emergency access. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Zini to approve Preliminary Plan for Anvil Street-Ext. conditional upon the Engineering Department comments being addressed and further review by safety officer of the emergency access to be conducted at Definitive Plan review. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the order of the agenda. VOTE 3-0 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — December 15, 2005 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr.Zini to approve the minutes of December 15, 2005 as written. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Zini to table approval of the January 5, 2006 minutes as they were not yet prepared. VOTE 3-0 7. CHAPTER 61A — Meadow Street — Christopher Ms. Dachos informed the board that the Town has been notified of their right of first refusal for a parcel of land on the south side of Meadow Street(1.8 acres) owned by Christopher which is to be sold to an adjacent property owner. The parcel is zoned residential. The members were in agreement that this parcel would not be of value to the Town to own. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Zini to send negative recommendation to the Mayor with regard to the Town exercising its right of first refusal on the 1.8 acre parcel owned by Christopher on Meadow Street. VOTE 3-0 Agawam Planning Board January 19, 2006 Page 3 2. PUBLIC HEARING - Amendment to Definitive Plan -- Camlann Wood -- Regal Homes &-Dev. Corp. Attorney Gary Liquori, hand delivered a letter to Board this evening. He then asked Mr. Zini to recluse himself from the meeting as he has met with both Nolan and Avalon place residents and his family formerly owned the Nolan Lane property and has had a personal relationship with a DePalma family member. He stated that these issues create a conflict of interest for Mr. Zini. Mr. Zini responded that he is not willing to recluse himself as he personally has never owned property in either development and his personal relationship is irrelevant. He also stated that he has lived outside of Agawam for recent years and that these problems existed prior to him becoming a member of the Planning Board. He asked that Attorney Liquori leave his personal life out of public hearings. Attorney Locke then stated that,based on the information from Attorney Liquori, he does not see a conflict of interest with Mr. Zini's participation. Attorney Liquori stated that the letter to Board outlines Regal Homes' position. Signed assents from the owners of lot 2, 3 and 4 on Avalon Place have not been received. He stated that these individuals do not want to cooperate with developer and that he has contacted the attorneys on lots 2 and 4 as the assents were due today. He went on to say that he believes Regal Homes &Development Corp. have complied with the subdivision plans and that the owners of lot 2 took more trees out of the buffer than anybody—after the lot was sold by Regal Homes. He also stated that a prior abutter took some trees out of the buffer on lot 3. He stated that their engineer(Foresight Land Services) will attest that this subdivision is not 5' higher than the approved plan and that it conforms to the approved plan. Attorney Locke then stated that he is very surprised with tonight's discussion and letter that was submitted to the Board. He went on to say that he was at the meeting Tuesday evening with the owners of lot 2 and felt the meeting was positive and that drainage didn't seem to be the issue. With regard to the buffer, discussion regarding the fence to be removed and trees to be planted took place. He feels that this evening is a major change from Tuesday evening where is appeared there was an attempt to compromise—he believed. He stated that now Attorney Liquori says he's done with drainage. Ms. Baldwin then asked for any public comments. Dave LaFleur— 374 Main Street stated that he attended the Tuesday evening meeting(his daughter owns lot 2). He stated that they are being cautious and that two different designs on lot 2 were proposed and do they have a choice? Ms Dachos stated that the letter given to the Board this evening indicates they're not willing to go any further with the drainage. Bob Frenier, 39 Nolan Lane stated that the driveway within the buffer and concrete bunker" 27" from his property line on lot 4 were both built by Regal Homes &DeveIopment and results in water runoff with damage on his property and also a privacy issue. M Agawam Planning Board January 19, 2006 Page 4 Craig Plante, 19 Nolan Lane stated that he attended the Tuesday evening meeting and came away with the assumption that the drainage would be taken care of and that the Avalon owners wanted to make that work. He had asked for hardwood trees to be planted in the buffer and his bushes and playscape be replaced. Steven Mae, Foresight Land Services stated that the roadway was surveyed and is built per the approved Definitive Plan, however, the house sites have not been analyzed. Ms. Dachos stated that the developer submitted grading plans with house locations and that the individual houses are higher than approved. Pat Benvenudo, 9 Nolan Lane stated that he wants restoration of the buffer zone and resolution on the drainage issues. Attorney Liquori asked who would pay for the trees. He does not feel it is the developer's responsibility to pay for them since they did not remove them. Dave LaFleur stated that no one said developer had to pay for the trees. He stated that the developer will pay for the drainage but that no one said they had to pay for trees. At this point, Ms. Baldwin closed the public hearing. Mr. Morassi stated that the drainage issues still exist, and the original grading plans were not adhered to by developer. Mr. Zini stated that during the approval process Stephen DePalma was present and that the subdivision was planned to protect both streets. The buffer covenant is in the deeds of Avalon Place as was a requirement of the Board when it was approved. Attorney Locke addressed Attorney Liquori at this time regarding the Tuesday evening meeting and asked if he intends to continue working to get permission from the owners Lots 2, 3 and 4 with understanding that the owners of Lot 3 are out of Town. Attorney Liquori stated that he didn't think they could get them. Attorney Locke asked they intend on completing the drainage work if he is able to get their permission. Attorney Liquori stated yes. Attorney Locke then asked if permission is not given, what do they intend to do with the drainage that has already been installed and is not functioning properly, Attorney Liquori stated that the owners of Lot 2 raised their elevation causing flooding on lot 3. Ms. Dachos stated that Regal Homes built these homes above grade and also the retaining wall on lot 4 which is in the buffer and is where there is the most Agawam Planning Board January 19, 2006 Page 5 invasion/damage to the buffer. Attorney Liquori then stated that Lot 2 is causing the drainage problem on Lot 3. Mr. Devillier, owner of Lot 2 stated that there is a dispute between Regal Homes and the individual homeowners. He also stated that the drainage problem did not exist prior to these structures being put in. He also stated that he did not give assent for this work and wants a third party to look at the plan_ Mr. Zini then read aloud the 1/19/06 letter from Attorney Liquori. He stated that the Board has done all they can to help the situation. Ms. Baldwin stated that the Board has shown good faith and has worked with homeowners and walked the site and has extended timelines several times. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Zini to close the public hearing. VOTE 3-0 Motion by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Zini to reaffirm the Board's position on the following: 1) a complete drainage design to address the problems which have resulted from construction of houses on Avalon Place which do not conform with the approved grading plan must be submitted to the Board and be reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer. 2) In the absence of a complete, approved drainage plan, the PIanning Board does not approve any revisions to the originally approved Definitive Plan. 3) All items contained in the final punchlist dated November 17, 2005 and prepared by the Agawam Engineering Department must be completed. And 4) No bond funds shall be released until all punchlist items have been addressed to the satisfaction of the Planning Board. VOTE 3-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING - Amendment to Subdivision Rules & Regulations -.As Built Plans Ms. Dachos stated that the purpose of this amendment is to have grading plans for every single house lot and the requirement that the Engineering Department check the foundation elevation when poured. Also, a $70.00 inspection fee will be instituted. Prior to a certificate of occupancy being issued, an as-built plan must be submitted to Planning Board as evidence of the house location being built as shown on the approved plan. There being no public input, the public hearing was closed. Agawam Planning Board January 19, 2006 Page 6 Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the Subdivision Rules and Regulations as presented this evening with regard to as- built plans and associated fee. VOTE 3-0 5. SITE PLAN — Bethany Assembly of God — Main Street Jeffrey Squires, Berkshire Design stated that the Site Plan shows the widening of the driveway to Bethany Assembly of God from two lanes to four lanes. He also stated that he received Engineering comments late this afternoon from the Town and that he was unable to contact the applicant with regard to the Easement issue. He stated that a Mass. Highway Permit has been received and that they have added an island per MHD. He stated that any plants that are disturbed will be replaced with original species, and of similar caliper. There was a lengthy discussion of the proximity of the roadway to abutting property line. The immediate abutter, Mary Johnston was in attendance. The curb edge is shown to be right on her property line. Mr. Squires stated that they would be willing to realign the curb. Ms. Dachos stated that she has a similar concern with the roadway location. She stated that there is an existing stand of 25' high arborvitae which provides screening for the abutter and that this proposal will damage those arborvitae. She also mentioned the two large piles of loam exist on the house site and stated that these must be removed as soon as weather allows. She suggested that an agreement with the abutting property owner and Bethany be worked out for some type of screening to be provided. Ms. Dachos also spoke of the Main St PWED project and the planting of trees along Main Street that is proposed. She asked that this be incorporated into this Site Plan. She then asked if a police officer will continue to be present in this location on Sundays. Mr. Squires stated yes. Mr. Zini suggested that they expand on the south instead of north. Mr. Squires stated that they are at the cut off in terms of the proximity to the MHD ramp. Mr. Zini stated that the owner could approach state for waiver to move the driveway further north. Ms. Dachas agreed that there would be less impact to the abutter's property if the driveway was moved further north as it could save many trees. Mr. Squires agreed to investigate that possibility. Motion was made by Mr. Zini and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the Bethany Assembly of God Site Plan to allow the applicant to investigate the realignment of the proposed driveway to that it does not impact the abutter's property. VOTE 3-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. Agawam Planning Board January 19, 2006 Page 7