2007 PLANNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES ZO() 7 AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD July 5, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Frank Meagher Michael Morassi 4 Travis Ward 320 rr MEMBERS ABSENT: w Violet Baldwin x 7 >. ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos ' Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the order of the agenda. VOTE 4-0 2. SITE PLAN- Dunkin Donuts - 1804 Main Street Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to table the Dunkin Donuts Site Plan until the Conservation Commission has acted on the project. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN- Twin Brook Farm- South Street Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to table the Twin Brook Farms Site Plan until the Conservation Commission has acted on the project. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN-Agawam Senior Center Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to table the Site Plan for the Agawam Senior Center to the next meting. VOTE 4-0 3. PRELIMINARY PLAN - Connor's Cove Estates - Cosgrove Ave- Russo Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to table the Preliminary Plan for Connor's Cove Estates until the Conservation Commission has acted on the project. VOTE 4-0 Agawam Planning Board July 5, 2007 Page 2 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -June 21, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the minutes of June 21, 2007 as written. VOTE 2-0-2 (Meagher& Morassi abstained) 2. SITE PLAN - Hunter Development - Shoemaker Lane/S. Westfield Street Mike Frisbee of Hunter Development was in attendance this evening. The Engineering Department submitted comments on the revised plan. Mr. Frisbee stated that he can address all of the comments. Mr. Morassi brought up the issue of possible cut through traffic. Mr. Frisbee stated that he will report back to the Board every six months to review the driveway to Shoemaker Lane. The members agreed with that. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the Site Plan for Hunter Development at Shoemaker Lane/South Westfield Street with the condition that the July 5, 2007 comments from the Engineering Department be addressed and that the applicant submit a review of the driveway to Shoemaker Lane to the Planning Department every six months. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN - Main Street - H.P. Hood This Site Plan was submitted for the construction of a 50,000 gallon milk silo at the H.P. Hood plant on Main Street. The height of the silo is 70'. A filing with the Board of Appeals has been submitted for this project as well_ The Engineering Department had not yet submitted comments. Motion was made by Mr_ Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Site Plan for a new milk silo at H.P. Hood on Main Street conditional upon any Engineering Department comments being addressed. VOTE 4-0 4. PRELIMINARY PLAN - School Street - Tiny Bull Estates - Tiny Bull LLC Mark Reed of Heritage Surveys was in attendance this evening. He stated that since the last Board meeting, the applicant has filed a Request for Determination of Applicability with the Agawam Conservation Commission. He stated that although they have not issued a formal Determination, a site walk was held with members of the Commission and no wetlands were found on the property. Mr. Hopkins brought up the issue of sight distance but stated that it should not be an issue since roads on the south side of School Street are unlikely. The Board Agawam Planning Board July 5, 2007 Page 3 discussed the long length of sidewalk on the lot that contains the detention basin. It was recommended that a sidewalk should be placed on School Street instead. Thomas Bromley, 321 School Street stated that he does not want the land that was proposed to be given to him at the last meeting which would have allowed for more of a buffer between his pool and the new road and he also does not want a sidewalk along his property. Russell Petrucci, 343 School Street stated that property contains old cars and waste oil that were dumped there. He also stated that there are wetlands on the property. Mr. Hopkins stated that the junk cars and waste oil would be a matter for the Health Department. He suggested Mr. Petrucci submit a sketch of the property showing approximately where the waste is located. Ms. Dachos informed Mr. Petrucci that the Conservation Commission would be taking up the wetlands issue at their next meeting. Sherry Petrucci, 343 School Street asked about the size of the proposed homes. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Board does not get involved with the size or price of the homes. Brian Malcott; 49 Alexander Drive asked if a buffer was being provided. Mr. Hopkins explained that there is no longer a buffer requirement in the Subdivision Rules and Regulations. Ms. Dachos showed a large area of trees that was being provided on the west side of the subdivision. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Preliminary Plan for Tiny Bull Estates on School Street conditional upon Engineering Department comments dated June 28, 2007 and July 5, 2007 being addressed_ VOTE 4-0 5. FORM A - Pembroke Lane - Sitterly Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the plan for Sitterly on Pembroke Lane under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 4-0 FORM A - North Westfield Street- Hillside Development Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr_ Morassi to approve the plan for Hillside Development Corp. on North Westfield Street under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 4-0 FORM A - Poplar Street - Rose Agawam Planning Board July 5, 2007 Page 4 Mr. Rose submitted two separate Form A's. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the first plan by Rose on Poplar Street under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the second plan by Rose on Poplar Street under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the agenda to include the "add-on" VOTE 4-0 DISCUSSION -Willow Glenn II - Fether, Inc. The Board received a memo from the Engineering Department dated June 28, 2007 stating the following: "In item #1 of our memo to Planning dated 6/15/07, we stated that it was unknown whether the sidewalk through the driveway of Lot 2 was replaced (it does not appear to look new as do nearby replaced sidewalk panels). On 6/28/07 Engineering spoke with Betty Grimaldi, the developer of Willow Glen Estates_ Betty asked if she could donate $1500 to the DPW in lieu of replacing the sidewalk through the driveway of Lot 2. This money would be earmarked for the DPW's sidewalk maintenance and repair fund. Upon the Town's receipt of this money from Betty,there will be no further obligation from Betty to the Town for Willow Glen Estates." Mr. Morassi stated that would make an inspection and report back to the Board. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM. r r AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD AGAWAM SS. June 21, 2007 07 JUL20 AM 10: 17 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Travis Ward MEMBERS ABSENT: Frank Meagher Michael Morassi ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr The meeting was called to order by Mr. Hopkins at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 17, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the minutes of May 17, 2007 as written. VOTE 3-0 2. PRELIMINARY PLAN - Connor's Cove - Cosgrove Avenue - Russo Ed Chapdelaine presented this Preliminary Plan which shows the creation of a cul-de-sac roadway with five lots off of Cosgrove Avenue. He stated that 76 Cosgrove Avenue will be raized. There will be a drainage easement on lot 3. He stated that the site is now mostly wooded and that a Notice of Intent will be filed with the Definitive Plan. Ms. Dachas stated that a wetland delineation must be done with the Preliminary Plan as required in the Subdivision Rules and Regulations. Mr. Chapdelaine went on to say that lots 6 and 7 are open spaces and not building lots. There is also a drainage easement on lot 6. Mr. Hopkins asked what the length of the road is. Mr. Chapdelaine stated about 500'. Mr. Hopkins asked how far to South Street. Mr. Chapdelaine stated 895'. Mr. Hopkins stated that it is his opinion that this is an overlength street as Cosgrove Avenue is a dead end. He stated that a waiver would be needed for the street length. He also stated that lots 6 and 7 have no frontage and are not allowed. Mr. Chapdelaine stated those would be deeded to the Town. He also stated that he disagrees with Mr. Hopkins' interpretation of the street length. Ms. Dachos stated that the Town does not historically accept wetlands. Ms. Baldwin stated that he.must first file with the Conservation Commission,prior to the Planning Board taking action. Mr.Ward stated that the revisions must be made to the plan and a filing acted on by the Conservation Commission prior to coming back to the Board. Mr. Chapdelaine stated that waivers to be requested include: 300' minimum offset between parallel and adjacent streets; sidewalks on one side; and possibly the street length, At this point Mr. r Agawam Planning Board June 21, 2007 Page 2 Hopkins explained to the abutters in attendance that since the agenda was so long this evening and this plan is not ready for action and may require changes, he would allow public input when the revised plan is submitted. Mr. Russo submitted a request for a 60 day extension. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to table the Preliminary Plan for Connor's Cove Estates. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve a 60 day extension on the Connor's Cove Preliminary Plan as requested by the applicant. VOTE 3-0 3. PRELIMINARY PLAN- Tiny Bull Estates - School Street- Tiny Bull LLC Mark Reed of Heritage Surveys presented this Preliminary Flan which shows four existing parcels being subdivided into 17 lots. The total acreage for the parcels is 14 acres. A looped roadway and a cul-de-sac street are proposed. There are two lots with frontage on School Street which Mr. Reed stated will be ANR lots. Ms. Dachos stated that ANR lots are not allowed in subdivisions. Mr. Reed stated that house#333 will be razed and #331 will be retained. The detention basin is shown on a separate lot,however, Mr. Reed stated that per the Town Planner's review, the basin will be incorporated with the adjacent lot. A waiver of the offset between the two proposed streets will be needed to allow for approximately 255' to 260'rather than the required 300'. Mr. Hopkins then allowed the public to ask brief questions. Torn Bromley, 321 School Street stated that one of the proposed streets will run adjacent to his house and he is concerned with how close it will be to his pool. He stated that will be a privacy issue. He also questioned his responsibility in terms of the sidewalks that will run along his property line. Mr. Reed stated that there will be 10'between the sidewalk and boundary line. He explained that the right of way is 60'rather than the required 50' and that 10' of grass will be added. Mr. Bromley expressed concern over having to shovel 200' of sidewalk. He asked if buffers would be provided. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Town no longer has the buffer requirement in the Rules and Regulations. Gina Campiti, 39 Beverly Lane stated that there are wetlands on the back of the property and asked if the Conservation Commission is aware of this plan. Mr. Reed stated that they hired a soils scientist who submitted a letter to the Commission stating that there are no wetlands on the property. Ms. Dachos stated that the Commission has required that an actual RDA be filed on the property. Pat 011ari, 29 Beverly Lane also stated there are wetlands on the property. Agawam Planning Board June 21, 2007 Page 3 Dale & Sheryl Howes, 353 School Street stated that they submitted a letter to the Board with concerns on the detention basin. Ms. Dachos explained that the Definitive Plan will contain more detailed information on the actual drainage design. Tom Bromley then brought up the issue of old chemical drums on the property and who would handle that. Mr. Hopkins stated that would be a Health Department issue. Gina Campiti then brought up her concerns on traffic and the issue of no sidewalks on School Street. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Engineering Department and Police Department would report on traffic. Maria Davidson, Beverly Lane then asked for clarification on the offset waiver required. The developer submitted a request for a 30 day extension to allow for Cons. Comm. review. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to table the Preliminary Plan for Tiny Bull Estates. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to grant a 30 day extension on the Tiny Bull Estates Preliminary Plan as requested by the applicant. VOTE 3-0 4. PRELIMINARY PLAN - Lango Estates - RowIey Street- Benjamin Marc Shute of D.L. Bean, Inc. was in attendance to present this Preliminary Plan. He stated that the area is currently cultivated field and is split zoned Agr. And A2. He stated that a sight distance study was done by Jeff Pechulis. They are proposing to remove shrubs at an existing house and provide a sight distance easement as well. Ms. Dachas stated that the sight distance issue has not yet been reviewed by the Engineering Department. A drainage easement for the project has also been obtained. Mr. Shute stated that the following waivers will be requested: 300'required offset to Keating Lane (to allow for 185'); and 565' street length. Mr. Shute explained that they have a plan showing the same number of lots on a 480' street, however, the layout was not as appealing. The Conservation Commission has issued a Negative Determination on the property. The Engineering Department submitted comments to the Board which will be addressed. Mr. Shute stated that this subdivision may be partially sewered and septics. Mr. Hopkins allowed for questions from the abutters. Ted Kopyzinski, 200 Rowley Street expressed his concern for the safety of the children who will cross Rowley Street to get to the sidewalks. He also questioned effects on abutting properties if Agawam Planning Board June 21, 2007 Page 4 the whole subdivision is not severed. Ms. Dachos suggested that cross walks and signs be installed at this location to provide further safety measures. She also stated that the Health Department will be involved on the septic and sewer issue. Jim Rondinelli, 211 Rowley Street stated that property currently drains onto his property. He is concerned will receiving additional water post development. Mr. Hopkins stated that per the Town Drainage Ordinance,pre and post runoff rates must be met. This will be reviewed further with the Definitive Plan. Mr. Rondinelli also pointed out.that while Keating Lane is a"private way", the majority of the traffic from that street is large truck traffic. He questioned adequate sight distance with the new proposed street also. Mr. Benjamin stated that is why is going to remove a porch and bushes from the existing house - to allow for a greater sight distance. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the Lango Estates Preliminary Plan with the condition that the Engineering Department comments be addressed. VOTE 3-0 5. DISC. & POSSIBLE VOTE - Definitive Plan- High Meadow IV- Calabrese Ms. Dachos stated that the outstanding issue with this project is the erosion control plan. She also stated that Mr. Calabrese would like a Planning Board member to go out with him to view an issue he is having with an abutter regarding the property line. Ms. Baldwin stated that the Board received a letter from the Conservation Commission regarding outstanding erosion issues. Dave Bean was in attendance. He stated that the erosion problem was created by the fill that was brought on to the site by people who are buying future lots and that per the Conservation Commission, an erosion control plan is being prepared. Mr. Bean also submitted proposing wording for the protection by the Planning Board of Dr. Taylor's property. Dr. Taylor was given a copy of the proposed wording. Ms. Dachos pointed out that a filing with the Natural Heritage Endangered Species Program is also required. Mr. Bean stated that is in the process of being prepared also. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Definitive Plan for High Meadow IV with the following conditions: the written conditions as submitted for the protection. of Dr. Taylor's property; a filing be made with the NHESP; no additional lots are to be created without going through the subdivision process; Easements are to be submitted and a Performance Agreement and Covenant shall be executed. VOTE 2-1 (Baldwin opposed) b. SITE PLAN - 1154 Springfield Street- Hillside Development Corp. Dave Bean presented a.revised plan. He stated that the proposed retaining wall has been Agawam Planning Board June 21, 2007 Page 5 removed from the plan as the developer has gotten permission with Mr. Cecchi to grade out onto his land. Lighting information has been provided and a Thigh vinyl privacy fence is being shown. Additional landscaping has also been provided. The Engineering Department submitted a memo today with several items on it, one of which is the request for a drainage study. Mr. Bean stated that since the site is under one acre, a drainage permit is not required. Mr. Dachas asked where the site will drain to. Mr. Bean stated to the Springfield Street storm system and Cecchi's property. Mr. Hopkins stated that is up to Jack Stone. Mr. DePalma, the applicant, expressed concern over the fact that he received this memo at 3:00 today. The members agreed that must be worked out with the DPW, Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Site Plan for Hillside Dcvelopment Corp. at 1154 Springfield Street conditional upon the Engineering Department comments being addressed. VOTE 3-0 ' SITE PLAN - Shoemaker Lane/South Westfield Street -Hunter Development Co. Mike Frisbee of Hunter Development Co. was in attendance to present a revised plan to the Board. He explained that since the last time before the Board, they have filed with and received approval from NHESP on the endangered species issue. The plan has been revised per NHESP. He stated that it is a five acre parcel and three lots are proposed. One parcel will contain a 2500 SF bank building with drive thru. The Engineering Department submitted a memo to the Board today stating that they have not completed their review. Mr. Frisbee stated that the original plan had a larger landscaped buffer in the front, however, the revised plan shows the buildings being moved forward 12'to 1 S' feet per NHESP. Also, one of the buildings has been turned. The same drainage plan is being proposed however there will be more capacity. A traffic analysis was done and they met with the Safety Officer to address his recommendations. Timing changes will be made to this intersection and the Feeding Hills Center intersection. Mr. Hopkins asked for colors and textures. Mr. Frisbee stated that the buildings will be brick with clapboard; architectural shingles and coopolas. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to table the Site Plan for Hunter Development to the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 SITE PLAN- Shoemaker Lane Self Storage- Bonavita Steve Pikul of The Berkshire Design Group presented a revised plan which has been approved by the Conservation Commission. The proposal is for 112 units of self storage with one acre of impervious area. The Engineering Department comments have been addressed. Landscaping has Agawam Planning Board June 21, 2007 Page 6 been provided. He stated that the existing trees in the front will be retained. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the Site Plan for Shoemaker Lane Self Storage conditional upon Engineering Department comments. VOTE 3-0 SITE PLAN - 1000 Suffield Street - Town of Agawam Ms. Dachos presented this Site Plan which shows the construction of a salt storage building and a storage shed behind the DPW building. She stated that a Conservation Commission filing is need for the salt storage building, however, the storage shed location is o.. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the Site Plan for the 1000 Suffield Street by the Town of Agawam- approving the storage shed only- not the salt storage facility. VOTE 3-0 SITE PLAN- Main Street- Hood This item will appear on the next agenda. SITE PLAN - Dunkin Donuts Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr..Ward to table the Dunkin Donuts site plan and grant a 30 day extension as requested by the applicant's representative. VOTE 3-0 SITE PLAN - Twin Brook Farms - South Street Motion was made by Ms. Bladwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to table the Twin Brook Farms site plan as requested by the applicant. VOTE 3-0 SITE PLAN - Agawam Senior Center- Main Street Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to table the Agawam Senior Center Site Plan to the next meeting as the plan has not yet been reviewed by the Engineering Department. VOTE 3-0 Agawam Planning Board June 21, 2007 Page 7 7. DISCUSSION - 19 Family Lane(fence) Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send a letter to the abutter to 19 Family Lane that complained of the construction of a fence within the buffer, stating that the Board has no legal authority over this matter. VOTE 3-0 8. SIGN PLAN, EASEMENTS &PER. AGR. - Dova Subdivision- Aimua Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to sign the plan and execute the easements and performance agreement for the Dova Subdivision. VOTE 3-0 9. BOND SETTING - Lot 1 Dova- Aimua Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to set the bond for Lot 1 of the Dova Subdivision at$10,900 as recommended by the Engineering Department. VOTE 3-0 10. BOND STATUS - Willow Glenn Estates Phase II (2) Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to extend the two Performance Agreements for Willow Glenn 11 to August 21, 2007 as requested by the developer. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 3-0 12. VOTE TO BE PETITIONER -Zoning Amendment - Gasoline Storage The Council submitted a letter to the Board asking that they vote to be the petitioner on a zoning amendment that would increase gasoline storage, The members discussed the matter. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin that the Planning Board not be the petitioner for a zoning amendment for gasoline storage. VOTE 3-0 Agawam Planning Board June 21, 2007 P—age$ - 13. FORM A - Suffield Street/South Street- Fun Farms LLC The members viewed this plan. Ms. Dachos stated that there is a wetland near the frontage of the new parcel on South Street_ The members questioned whether that area would be usable for access to the rear of the parcel. They agreed to take no action on the plan. 14. FORM A - Riverview Avenue- Deming Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the plan for Deming on Riverview Avenue under "subdivision control law not required". VOTE 3-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD May 17, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Travis Ward, Acting Chairman Violet Baldwin Frank Meagher Michael Morassi f� Travis Ward � 3 Dennis B. Hopkins - 6:33 �[ C r Zn ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos r= Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Ward called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 19 and May 3, 2007 Motion was made by Ms.Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the minutes of April 19, 2007 as written. VOTE 3-0-1 (Morassi abstained) Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the minutes of May 3, 2007 as written. VOTE 4-0 Mr. Hopkins entered the meeting at this time. 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Zone Change - Springfield Street - V&F Realty Mr. Ward explained that the agenda was incorrect- the public hearing was closed at the last meeting. Attorney Dennis Powers addressed the Board on behalf of the applicant - V&F Realty Partnership. Attorney Powers had submitted a letter from two neighbors to this property who supported the proposal and also a letter of support from the President of the Agawam Chamber of Commerce. He explained that the existing easements on this property restrict potential development. If approved, he stated that his client would be looking at a modest expansion to his building. In response to abutters concerns expressed at the last meeting, Attorney Powers stated that Mr. Palange has agreed that if the zone change is granted he is willing to instruct his employees to use the front entrance to the site and he has already made a change to the early morning delivery- it has been changed to later in the day. Ms. Baldwin stated that she and Mr. Morassi visited the site since the last meeting. She stated that they walked the property and found it to be very well maintained and that upon speaking to abutters,their main concerns were the size of the trucks going into the site and the possibility of even more deliveries if the zone change is approved. Frank Palange then addressed the Board. He stated that the large truck that has been making the early morning delivery has been stopped. Now, a smaller truck will make Agawam Planning Board May 17, 2007 Page 2 the deliveries between 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM. Ms. Baldwin stated that the abutters had stated that the large trucks were damaging their lawns. There was a discussion as to the status of the street in this area. Mr. Morassi stated that if approved, further improvements could be made to the back of the property through site plan review for the proposed addition. Mr. Meagher questioned whether it was necessary to rezone the entire remainder of the parcel of if they could just rezone the area of the proposed addition. Mr. Palange stated that he would be willing to offer a deed restriction on the hours for parking and would use the parcel for parking only and no more development. Mr. Hopkins stated that this would be an extension of the 200' zone line along Springfield Street. Ms. Dachos explained that in the 1950's a 200'deep business zone was provided along Springfield Street. She stated this encourages strip development as it is tough for businesses to utilize the 200' deep business zone. Mr. Ward stated that this parcel is unique in the amount of restrictions on it. Attorney Powers stated that they would also provide screening with the site plan. Motion was made by Mr. Hopkins and seconded by Mr. Morassi to send a positive recommendation to the Town Council with regard to the requested zone change by V&F Realty Partnership for property known as Rear 443 Springfield Street. VOTE 4-1-0 (Hopkins opposed) 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan - Dova- Silver Street-Aimua Attorney Johnson was in attendance along with his client, Joseph Aimua. Attorney Johnson stated that most of the abutters concerns were regarding drainage and some had met with the Town Engineer who summarized the drainage design (as outlined in Eng. Dept. Memo dated May 17, 2007). Photographs of erosion along the stream bank were provided. Attorney Johnson stated that is an existing maintenance issue for the Town. He went on to say that Mr. Aimua will repair the outfall conditions and the Town of Agawam has agreed to take care of the permitting through the Conservation Commission and DEP. A riprap dish will be added to the outfall. The abutters in this area have requested a fence be installed above the outlet pipe area. He stated that the Town will look into that. Attorney Johnson stated that he has spoken with Jack Stone and was informed that when Silver Lake does its annual drawdown, Three Mile Brook gets very high. Mr. Stone has informed him that he will attempt to contact the Silver Lake owners to ask them to release the water at a slower rate to prevent erosion. Mr. Ward asked for any public input. Kristen Oberheim, 62 Perry Lane stated that she and her husband met with the Town Engineer who she stated was very helpful. Her question at this point is who would be responsible for future flood damage to her property and who will maintain the pollution filter that will be added to the detention pond. Todd Oberheim then stated that the damage to the stream area started approximately seven years ago. Ms. Dachos explained the Town's Storm Drainage Ordinance which has been updated in recent years to deal with maintenance and to require that a two year Agawam Planning Board May 17, 2007 Page 3 storm is now retained. As far as future damage, Ms. Dachos stated that items such as driveway cutting will be covered under the bond that the developer will post. At this point Mr. Ward closed the public hearing. Motion was made by Mr. Hopkins and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve a waiver of the distance between parallel and adjacent streets to allow for the Stevenson Lane to be 253' from Castle Hill Road (rather than the required 300'). VOTE 5-0 Motion was made by Mr. Hopkins and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Definitive Plan for Aimua on Silver Street with the following conditions: the May 17, 2007 Engineering Department comments are to be addressed; executed easements shall be submitted to the Planning board for review and approval; a Covenant and Performance Agreement shall be executed by the Developer; all approved plans, easements and covenant shall be recorded at Registry of Deeds and proof of recording provided to the Board prior to the start of construction; no further subdivision of the property shall occur until plans and supporting documents are submitted to the Planning Board as required in Chapter 159, Section 159-7 of the Agawam Subdivision Rules and Regulations. VOTE 5-0 4, PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan -High Meadow IV- Calabrese Dave Bean was in attendance along with Mr. Calabrese. He stated that changes have been made to the plan and sediment/erosion controls have been added,per the Engineering Department. Ms. Dachos stated that there are several issues with this plan: 1) the property is now shown as Priority Habitat on the new NHESP Map. This issue would usually kick in when a Notice of Intent is being submitted. She stated that this issue could significantly effect the design of the project. 2) Erosion and sedimentation has already occurred on this site and needs to be addressed immediately as it is effecting abutting properties. 3) Dr. Taylor's request(through his attorney) to provide more protection of his property. She went on to say that the site has been stripped and no temporary cover has been put down to alleviate the erosion problem. Mr. Meagher asked if work could begin on the development before NHESP has acted on it. Ms. Dachos stated that could be a condition of the approval. She reiterated the need for corrective measures to be taken immediately. Mr. Bean stated that the new NHESP map only covers a portion of the backs of the lots and no wetlands below. He also stated that the erosion control problem has been addressed on the plan and that they will be addressing the Conservation Commission's Enforcement Order on that matter. Ms. Dachos stated that the Conservation Commission can only address erosion in the wetlands - not other private properties. Warren Roberts, 131 Juniper Ridge Drive stated that he has silt on his property. He provided the Board with photographs. He stated that the erosion got bad after Mr. Cole brought in a lot of fill Agawarn Planning Board May.17, 2007 Page 4 on some of the lots on Anvil Street. Mr. Bean agreed that the siltation should be removed from private properties but could remain on Mr. Calabrese's land. Dr. Paul Taylor, 235 North Westfield Street asked if his letter to the Board from his attorney would be included in the approval. He stated that if not, he will appeal the Board's approval. He suggested covenants be placed on lots 5, 6 and 7 to prohibit erosion or siltation from reaching his land. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Board could require an erosion plan and the bond amount assigned to the erosion plan. There was a lengthy discussion at this point on how the Board could best provide the protection that Dr. Taylor is requesting. Mr. Bean stated that they will submit a 30 day extension request to allow there time to come up with a proposal to address the erosion existing erosion problem as well as future protection for Dr. Taylor's property. Motion was made by Mr. Hopkins and seconded by Mr. Morassi to grant a 30 day extension to the High Meadow IV Definitive Plan as requested by the applicant's representative. VOTE 5-0 Motion was made by Mr. Hopkins and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to table action on the High Meadow IV Definitive Plan. VOTE 5-0 5. SITE PLAN- 1154 Springfield Street - Hillside Development Corp. Dave Bean presented this Site Plan. Also in attendance was Ralph DePalma, the applicant. Mr. Bean stated that the subject property is the existing Getty Station on Springfield Street which has not been in operation for some time. He explained that a retaining wall is shown along this site abutting the farmland. The proposed building is a one story, 10,000 SF office building which is house the Hampden County Physician Associates and two small business offices. Both existing curbcuts will be removed and replaced with one, 24' wide curbcut for two way traffic. Parking has been provided with four handicapped (1 van accessible) and handicap signs will be installed on the spaces and handicapped access to the building has been provided with more detail being added to the railings and ramps. A 6' stockade fence is shown around the dumpster. A 5' concrete sidewalk has been show. Proposed landscaping has been provided and a new water line will be installed. Mr.Ward pointed out that the there was a previously approved site plan for a new Getty station. Mr. DePalma stated that he has acquired the land which is the same parcel - 200' deep and 190' across. Ms. Dachos explained that it is the same parcel but that a portion of it is currently farmed. Mr. Bean sated that the grade in the back of the site is being raised(2' at its highest) and that is why a concrete retaining wall is being proposed. Mr. Hopkins stated that the retaining wall should have a railing or guardrail; additional landscaping should be shown and asked if the retaining wall could be moved off of the property line. Mr. Bean stated that the exterior of the building will be brick and stone in the front and stucco or vinyl on the sides and Agawam Planning Board May 17, 2007 Page 5 rear. Mr. Hopkins also asked for a photogrametric plan on the proposed lighting. Ms. Dachos asked about potential screening along the western side, adjacent to the residences. Mr. DePalma stated that he could provide more trees in that area. Mr. Ward asked what the roof would be. Mr. DePalma stated that it would be architectural shingles. Mr. Morassi suggested that the retaining wall be "dressed up". Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the Site Plan for 1154 Springfield Street to the next meeting. VOTE 5-0 SITE PLAN - 1804 Main Street - Dunkin Donuts Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the Dunkin Donuts site plan as requested by the applicant's representative. VOTE 5-0 SITE PLAN - Shoemaker Lane Self Storage - Bonavita Steve Pikul of The Berkshire Design Group presented this site plan which shows the construction of three self storage buildings (122 units), with associated roadways and drainage on approximately eleven acres of land. He stated that a Notice of Intent has been filed with the Conservation Commission. A 4' high decorative fence is shown around the site. Landscaping has been provided. Rick Klein of The Berkshire Design Group was also in attendance and stated that the existing trees are to be saved as shown on the plan and that there will be a gated system to get into the site on a 20' wide paved access road. They have purposely kept aisles narrow to prevent vehicles from being parked there. No parking has been shown which he stated will prevent junk vehicles from being stored there. He went on to explain the proposed lighting. He stated that wallpack site lights are proposed on the buildings and they do not shine outside the exterior of the buildings into the aisles. Perimeter lighting is shown with shields. The exterior of the buildings will be off white with polar blue doors, metal on metal and the roofs will be flat. Ms. Baldwin asked for the dumpster location. Mr. Pikul stated that they are not proposing one. Mr. Hopkins asked if they were designating outside storage or restricting it. Mr. Klein stated that they prefer to not have outside storage and will not allow it. Mr. Meagher asked if the ADA Committee comments were addressed. Mr. Bonavita stated that they will set a percentage of the units to be handicap accessible. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the Site Plan for Shoemaker Lane Self Storage to the next meeting. VOTE 5-0 Agawam Planning Board May 17, 2007 Page 6 SITE PLAN - T.l's Sport House - Main Street Mr. Veilleux, owner of T3's Sport House, was in attendance. He has re-applied to the Board of Appeals for a Special Permit to allow him to park cars. He stated that there is a dirt sidewalk 4' off the curb of Main Street along his property that the patrons use to get to Six Flags. Ms. Dachos stated that it is a dirt path, there are no sidewalks in that area of Main Street. She went on to say that people were recently forced out into the roadway while walking in this vicinity and that somebody is going to get hit by a car. She went on to say that a new ordinance is being proposed for temporary parking. Mr. Veilleux stated that people have been parking there since 1980. Ms:Baldwin stated that from what she could see, the same plan was submitted,nothing changed. She stated that the sizes of the parking spaces are not correct and no dumpster has.been shown. Mr. Hopkins stated that when the Board is asked to review a Site Plan they normally look at landscaping, lighting, etc. Mr. Veilleux went on to say that people now use the front of his bar to drop off and pick up people and that often, children are left at the Park after it closes. Mr. Morassi stated that this plan as submitted is not complete. Mr. Hopkins questioned whether if he brings in a full site plan would the Board approve it. Mr. Morassi asked how the Board could approve this if there is no access (sidewalks) to Six Flags. Motion was made by Mr. Hopkins and seconded by Mr. Morassi to return the T] Sport House plan for temporary parking to the applicant as it does not meet the Site Plan requirements as set forth in Section 180-13 of the Agawam Zoning Ordinance; and the plan as submitted does not show safe access from this property to the pedestrian bridge on Six Flags property(walking in the street or across private property does not satisfy this requirement). VOTE 5-0 SITE PLAN - Twin Brook Farms - South Street Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the Site Plan for Twin Brook Farms as requested by the applicant. VOTE 5-0 SITE PLAN - Suffield. Street- Walz Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the Site Plan for Walz on Suffield Street as requested by the applicant. VOTE 5-0 Agawam Planning Board May 17, 2007 Page 7 6. VOTE TO BE PETITIONER- Zoning Amendment- Temporary Parking Motion was made by Mr. Hopkins and seconded by Mr. Meagher that the Planning Board be the petitioner for the Temporary Parking Zoning Amendment. VOTE 5-0 A joint public hearing with the Town Council and Planning Board will be scheduled for June 4, 2007. 7. BOND REDUCTION - Giroux Estates Motion was made by Mr. Hopkins and seconded by Mr. Meagher to reduce the bond on Giroux Estates to $148,600 as recommended by the Engineering Department. VOTE 5-0 8. PERF. AGREEMENT, EASEMENTS - Wysteria Lane Motion was made by Mr. Hopkins and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to sign the Performance Agreement and Easements for Wysteria Estates. VOTE 5-0 Motion was made by Mr. Hopkins and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the order of the agenda and to include the "add-on's". VOTE 5-0 12. REVISED SITE PLAN -North West Street- Arnold Calvin Arnold was in attendance this evening to present a revised Site Plan to the Board. He had received approval to construction seven tobacco barns on his North West Street property, however,upon excavation, they found a large outcropping of ledge. Due to the ledge on the site, one of the barns had to be repositioned slightly. The members viewed the revision and no issues with it. Motion was made by Mr. Hopkins and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Revised Site Plan for Arnold on North West Street conditional upon any Engineering comments. VOTE 5-0 10. FORM A - Silver/Suffield Streets - O'Leary-Vincunas No. Two LLC Agawam Planning Board May 17, 2007 Page S This plan shows the parcel at Suffield/Silver Streets being divided. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the plan for Suffield/Silver Street under "Subdivision Control Law Not Required". VOTE 4-0-1 (Ward abstained) FORM A - Riverview Avenue- Deming This plan appears to create a non-conforming lot. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to deny the Form A for Deming on Riverview Avenue as it creates a non-conforming lot. VOTE 5-0 13. BOND STATUS -Willow Glenn 11 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to extend the Performance Agreements for Willow Glenn II to June 30, 2007 as requested by the applicant. VOTE 5-0 1.1. DISCUSSION - fence in buffer- Family Lane The office received a complaint that a resident on Family Lane has constructed a fence within the buffer. Motion was made by Mr. Hopkins and seconded by Mr. Meagher to send a letter to the property owner on Family Lane telling them to cease and desist and to remove the fence from the buffer. VOTE 5-0 14. EASEMENTS - Burlington Estates The easements that were submitted for the Burlington Estates subdivision have corrections to be made on them. There are no easements on record at this time. Motion was made by Mr. Hopkins and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send a letter to the Burlington Estates developers stating that corrected, executed easements must be submitted to the Planning Office no later than Monday morning and that no work is to take place on the project until the easements have been recorded. VOTE 5-0 The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. f! C- i AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD May 3, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Frank Meagher Michael Morassi Travis Ward ALSO PRESENT: n` Deborah S. Dachos w �,— PameIa R. Kerr 3 rn D C. Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. c� 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 5 & 19, 2007 r-= Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the minutes of April 5, 2007 as written. VOTE 4-0-1 (Meagher abstained) Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the minutes of April 19, 2007 as they were not yet prepared. VOTE 5-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Definitive Plan - High Meadow IV - Calabrese Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to continue the public hearing for the Definitive Plan of High Meadow IV as requested by the applicant's representative. VOTE 5-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT.- Definitive Plan- Dova- Silver Street- Aimua The Engineering Department has not completed reviewing the revised plan that was submitted. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the public hearing for the Definitive Plan- Dova, Silver Street to the next meeting. VOTE 5-0 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to amend the order of the agenda. VOTE 5-0 Agawam Planning Board May 3, 2007 Page 2 6. SITE PLAN - Twin Brooks Farm - South Street The applicant requested that this item be tabled as they are working with the Engineering Department on their concerns. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the Site Plan for Twin Brook Farms to the next meeting as requested by the applicant. VOTE 5-0 SITE PLAN - Suffield Street-Walz Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to table the Site Plan for Walz on Suffield Street at the request of the applicant. VOTE 5-0 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 5-0 8. EASEMENTS - Burlington Estates The easements for this subdivision have been submitted and are currently being reviewed by the Town Solicitor and the Engineering Department. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve and execute the easements for the Burlington Estates subdivision pending approval by the Town Solicitor and Engineering Department. VOTE 5-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING - Modification to Definitive Plan - Giroux Estates The developer has withdrawn his request to modify the Giroux Estates Definitive Plan. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to accept the withdrawal of request to modify the Giroux Estates Definitive Plan. VOTE 5-0 6. SITE PLAN - Valenti's - Cooper Street Joe Valenti was in attendance to present this Site Plan which shows a proposed small addition off the side of the building to be used for two handicapped restrooms. The entrance to the restaurant Agawam Planning Board May 3, 2007 Page 3 will be moved to the right side also. This addition will allow him to "square off' the back to accommodate more kitchen space as well. Mr. Hopkins gave Mr. Valenti a copy of the Engineering Department memo on this plan . Mr. Valenti stated that there will be no change to his parking and this small addition should not effect the amount of customers. The Board will require an easement on the dumpster location. Mr. Valenti agreed to that. Ms.Dachos went over her review of the plan and asked for the following: the standard landscape maintenance note be added to the plan; and the proposed fence around the dumpster shall be provided on all four sides. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Site Plan for Valenti on Cooper Street with the following conditions: landscape maintenance note is to be added to the plan; an easement shall be provided for the dumpster location; and the dumpster shall be fenced on all sides. VOTE 5-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING -Zone Change - Rear 443 Springfield St. -V&F Realty Partnership Frank Palange presented his request to rezone the rear portion of his 443 Springfield Street property from,Agricultural to Business A. He explained that the property contains two easements that will impede development of portions of the rear land. His intention if the zone change is granted is to construct a small addition to the rear of his building. Mr. Hopkins asked if there was access from this property to Royal Lane. Mr. Palange stated yes. He then went on to say that if this zone change request is granted,he would then submit a site plan for the proposed addition and he would like to, in the future, pave the area and "clean it up". Mr. Hopkins asked for any public input. Doug Janik, Royal Lane asked who owns the access road to this rear property. Ms. Dachos stated that the status of this roadway is not clear but if it is not accepted street by the Town, then it is likely owned by the abutting property owners (each to the center line), for access purposes only. Mr. Janik stated that the traffic on Royal Lane should be minimized. Grace Janik, Royal Lane then spoke. She stated that roadway is utilized by employees and customers. Sue Ferrera, 85 Royal Lane stated that she is very opposed to this proposal and feels it will pose a further safety hazard for children and the elderly who live on this street. She stated that the traffic flow from that property now is horrendous and that vehicles exiting that site do not stop before entering onto Royal Lane. Joe Conte, Springfield Street stated that he is against this proposed zone change as it would allow Agawam Planning Board May 3, 2007 Page 4 for a business to penetrate a residential zone. His property abuts this site and if a family member decides to build, he does not want them abutting a business. He stated that in Business A they could store truck bodies, sanders, tailgates, etc. He recommended that the Board voted against this request and feels the Business line should not be extended. Steve Roulx, 38 Royal Lane stated he abuts this site and that half of the access road goes through his property. He is concerned with time of deliveries and whether there will be a loading dock proposed. He stated that the roadway constantly washes out; some traffic does speed on it; however, Mr. Palange does keep his yard clean. He went on to say that according to his deed this access road was granted to Mr. Conte. Doug Janik stated that the roadway is used for business purposes now and asked how it will be treated for the future. Joe Conte stated that has been a night of way since 1931 and can be used by anyone. Sue Ferrera then asked what if this property were sold one day and for example a dunkin donuts drive thru restaurant went in? She stated that Royal Lane is a quiet residential street. She also questioned how this would effect the property values in the area. Mr. Hopkins stated that this area of the property has two easements which will impede how much of it can be developed. Mr. Palange stated that even if he were to sell the property; a change to a drive thru restaurant would require site plan approval also. He stated that the proposed addition will require site plan review. Mr. Meagher questioned whether only that portion of the rear land needed for the proposed addition could be rezoned, rather than the whole remainder as requested. Mr. Hopkins stated yes. Ms. Baldwin asked if that area is being used now. Mr. Palange stated that it is a trap rock parking lot now and nothing will change other than the small addition. Ms. Dachos stated that if it were zoned business, the Planning Board could require fencing, landscaping and drainage. Grace Janik asked if any of the members had been down there. Some members had but it was agreed that prior to the next meeting members will revisit the area. The public hearing was closed at this point. Mr. Ward stated that the applicant could request that only the portion of the property for the proposed addition be rezoned; that change of zoning might allow for different uses but it would also give the Town the opportunity to improve the area(i.e. drainage, landscaping). He reiterated the fact that there are two easements on the property which will limit development. Ms. Baldwin stated that she appreciates the applicant's proposed addition but after hearing the abutters concerns there are existing traffic concerns from the site and to rezone the area would allow for Agawam Planning Board May 3, 2007 Page 5 other uses. She feels it would have an impact on the whole area.. Mr. Meagher stated that he has an issue with rezoning the whole rear parcel but could support rezoning only enough for the proposed addition. Mr. Morass] stated that he agrees with Mr. Ward that there are positives and negatives to the proposal. He also stated that he would like to revisit the site. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the Zone Change for V&F Realty Partnership to the next meeting. VOTE 5-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM. C1��� AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD April 19, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman Violet Baldwin Frank Meagher Travis Ward a MEMBERS ABSENT: : Michael Morassi ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos c Pamela R. Kerr cn Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Q 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 5, 2007 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to table approval of the April 5, 2007 minutes as they were not yet prepared. VOTE 4-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan-High Meadow IV- Calabrese Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to grant a 30 day extension for time to act on the High Meadow 1V Definitive Plan as requested by the applicant's representative. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to continue the public hearing for High Meadow IV to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. -Zone Change - Rear Main Street- Mushy's Golf Ctr. LLC Attorney Chris Johnson was in attendance as well as Keith Coppins of Opta.Site.. Mr. Coppins went over, once again, the target coverage area needed. He explained that the Bethany Assembly of God would be the ideal location for their needs,however, they are not interested. He then stated that the Mushy's site is the next best location. Since the last meeting they looked into the Hood site and the former Buxton site. He stated that the smokestack at the Buxton site is approximately 80'.tall. Mr. Sameer, an RF Engineer for T Mobile then addressed the Board. He stated that even using a height of 100' at that site, when plotted,the target area was not covered. He stated that they would need at least 170'. The attorney in attendance for T Mobile then y addressed the Board. She stated that they need reliable, continguous coverage for 911 and have looked at every alternative that the Board has suggested. Ms. Baldwin stated that by adding this parcel to the WTOD it changes the use of that land. Mr. Hopkins stated that it would create a right on 25 acres of property and this property was once a former landfill. Ms. Dachas stated this Agawam's "main street"; this location is approximately 6/10 mile away from Agawam's Historic District; this area is located within the floodplain of the Westfield River and therefore will probably never be developed and it contains numerous species and wildlife. There being no public input, Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to send a negative recommendation to the Town Council with regard to the request to include property at Rear Main Street, owned by Mushy's Golf Center LLC, in the Wireless Telecommunications Overlay District for the following reasons: 1) the applicant has not adequately pursued all possible alternatives to this proposal. During the course of the public hearing which was extended over three meetings,the only pursued alternatives raised by the Planning Board. The applicant has indicated that at least on other site would be better with regard to providing the necessary service and yet the owner of this site has not been approached in the last three years according to the applicant. Other sites may also be satisfactory. 2) During the drafting of the Town's Wireless Telecommunications Overlay District in 1998,the Town was careful to provide locations in all areas of Town. These locations were in keeping with the character and land use of surrounding areas. 3) The proposed site is over 20 acres in size. Once included in the Overlay District more than one tower could potentially be located on the parcel. 4)The applicant floated a balloon on the site which was observed by the Planning Board members. The balloon was highly visible when traveling north on Main Street. A large expanse of open area, uninterrupted by trees, buildings or other obstructions give those traveling north on Main Street clear views of the tower. 5) The proposed tower location is in Agawam Meadows. The Meadows is in the floodplain of the Westfield River and is the habitat for many plant and animal species. A portion of the Meadows is designated as Priority Habitat by the Massachusetts Natural Heritage Program. 6) Main Street is an important thoroughfare in Agawam. Within approximately one-half mile,the Agawam National Register Historic District begins. The Town is in the process of completing the design for an over $3 million renovation project which includes re-establishing an historic "grand allee" of shade trees on both sides of Main Street, new lighting, granite curbing, historic signs and traffic improvements. The proposed tower location, though not in the historic district, is close enough to not be in keeping with the character which the Main Street Improvement Project is intending to evoke. 7) During the Planning Board's public hearing at least one abutter expressed concern over the proposed zone change and the impact it would have on his property value. The Planning Board must take into consideration existing property owners which considering zone changes. VOTE 3-0-1 (Ward abstained) Agawam Planning Board April 19, 2007 Page 3 4. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan - Dova- Silver Street - Aimua Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to continue the public hearing for the Dova Definitive Plan as requested by the applicant. VOTE 4-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - New Zoning Map - Planning Board Ms. Dachos explained that Tighe and Bond was hired to prepare a new zoning map for the Town which will replace the 1950's version that has historically hung in the Building Department. She stated that it will eventually be accessible online. Once approved, the map will be included in the Zoning Ordinance. She went on to say that the Telecommunications Overlay District and the Historic Overlay will be referenced on the side of the map. Mr. Hopkins asked for any public input. Kim Masiuk, Associated Builders stated that as a consultant she is in support of this new map and asked when it would be available online. Ms. Dachos stated after it is approved by the Town Council. There being no further questions, Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to send a positive recommendation to the Town Council regarding the New Zoning Map. VOTE 4-0 6. SITE PLAN - Twin Brooks Farm - South Street Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to table the Site Plan for Twin Brooks Farm to the next meeting as requested by the applicant. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN - Agawam Crossing - SuffeldlSilver Streets Kim Masiuk and Doug Mattoon of Associated Builders were in attendance to present this Site Plan. Mr. Mattoon stated that the originally approved Site Plan has been changed. The building size(32,000 SF) has remained the same, however,the difference is in the location of the building and vehicular circulation around the building. He stated that the entrance now faces Silver Street with the building centered on the property and parking evenly distributed around the building. The use will be general office/medical offices. He went on to say that the Agawam Fire Department and Agawam Police Department will now have full access around the building. He stated that the previous plan had an entrance from Suffield Street-they are now proposing two entrances. A Form A will be submitted to divide the parcels. This evening they are looking for Agawam Planning Board April 19, 2007 Page 4 approval of Phase I(does not include the bank building). Landscaped buffers are shown as previously approved, however, additional street trees and landscaping has been provided per the Planning Director. Revised plans have been submitted to address the comments of the Safety Officer, Planning Department, Fire Department and Engineering Department. He stated that lighting will consist of wallpacks on the building and two pole lights. He stated that photometrics will be submitted at a later date but he did submit the manufacturer's information on the lighting this evening. Mr. Hopkins stated that the pavement markings are to be thermoplastic; photometrics on the lighting to be provided should show less than 1/2 candle power average and 1 candle power maximum; all wallpacks are to be full cut off; concrete should be provided on the radii at the entrances; and the two islands in the parking lot should be made larger to accommodate the proposed landsacping. Mr. Meagher questioned the size of the parking spaces and, in particular,he is concerned with backing out of them. Mr. Matt000n stated that they are 9'wide and 20'deep. Ms. Dachos asked if the plan specifies what the vacant lot will be. Kim Masiuk stated that there is a note stating "to be loamed and seeded". Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Site Plan for Agawam Crossing with the following conditions: paving markings are to be thermoplastic; photometrics on the lighting to be submitted; concrete radii at entrances; islands in parking lot be larger to accommodate landscaping; Agawam Fire Department, Police Department, Engineering Department comments to be incorporated; sign elevation to be submitted and approved at a later date; bank building not approved at this time; and a Form A is to be submitted separating the lots. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN - Suffield Street - Walz Paul Smith was in attendance along with the applicant, Joseph Walz, DMD. Dr. Walz explained that he is proposing to open a dental office in the new building on Suffield Street that was constructed by Russo. He has purchased land behind this building to accommodate a proposed addition and more parking as well as another entrance to the property. The addition will consist of 2,000 SF. Parking has been added on the Rowley Street property. He stated that the addition will be a similar facade and color of the existing building. He has proposed additional landscaping. Mr. Hopkins stated that the proposed dogwoods need to be of a larger caliper and shown on the plan. Dr. Walz stated that the primary entrance to the site will be off of Rowley Street. Mr. Hopkins asked how they would discourage traffic from entering from Suffield Street. Dr. Walz stated that he is proposing to install signs. Mr. Hopkins suggested that he designate employee parking on the Suffield Street side. The width of the access way was discussed and Mr. Smith suggested that possibly speed bumps could be provided. Ms. Dachos asked if any street trees were proposed on Rowley Street. Mr. Smith stated that they can add that. There was no sign information provided this evening. Mr. Hopkins stated that all lights are to be fully shielded. Dr. Walz thanked the Board for their suggestions and support this evening and stated Agawam Planning Board April 19, 2007 Page 5 that a revised plan will be submitted. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to table the Site Plan for Walz on Suffield Street. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN - Suffield Street The Dairy Store Attorney Bill Walsh was in attendance this evening as well as the owner of the store, Jim Greco. Attorney Walsh pointed out that the proposed gazebo behind the building is not an expansion of the business. Ms. Dachos stated that the previous presentation made by the owner before the board stated that there will be tv's for keeno and smoking in the gazebo. Since then, the applicant has filed with the Board of Appeals as it was determined at that time that this is a pre- existing non-conforming structure. Mr. Greco submitted photos of the gazebo that he has purchased which he is proposing to place 4' to 5' from the back of the building, 5' from the property line. Ms. Baldwin asked if this would be used year round. Mr. Greco stated no. Ms. Baldwin asked what the purpose of the gazebo is. Mr. Greco stated that on a nice day his customers can sit outside and read the newspaper. Mr. Ward stated that he does not feel a free standing gazebo behind a store is in the best interest of the Town as it will be located on parking spaces and is in conflict with the purpose of Agawam's Zoning Ordinance. He feels it will become a "hub" for keeno and leans towards changing the primary use of the store. Ms. Dachos pointed out that the information submitted does not address the Board's Site Plan requirements. At this point Mrs. Greco addressed the Board. She stated that customers gather there with other customers to play cards or keeno as a social thing for sometimes b to 7 hours. She then added that customers will stand outside for fresh air or to smoke. After a lengthy discussion the following motion was made Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to deny, as presented, the Site Plan for a gazebo at The Dairy Store on Suffield Street as the information submitted does not satisfy the Site Plan requirements of Section 180-13 of the Agawam Zoning Ordinance; the Board is of the opinion that allowing such uses, based on the information provided to the Board, exterior to a convenience store is not in the best interest of the Town and are in conflict with the purpose of Agawam's zoning ordinance to promote "...the health, safety,convenience, morals and welfare of its inhabitants; and the Board believes that allowing a gazebo for the primary purpose of smoking is a circumvention of the Town's Smoking Ordinance and will create an unacceptable precedence. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to amend the order of the agenda and to include the "add-on's". VOTE 4-0 i Agawam Planning Board April 19, 2007 Pae6 10. DISCUSSION - Giroux Estates -T. Lucia Mr. Lucia was in attendance to discuss possible alternatives to a cul-de-sac at the end of Westview Lane. The Board had previously denied his requested for a t type turn around. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Lucia and the members agreed that since the adjacent Burlington Estates subdivision will be started soon, this is a non issue as the two streets will connect. Another public hearing on this request was already advertised for the next meeting. Mr. Lucia requested that this item be withdrawn. 7. BOND STATUS - Willow Glenn II Ms. Grimaldi requested another 30 day extension of the two Performance Agreements covering Willow Glenn II. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to extend the Performance Agreements for Willow Glenn II for 30'days. VOTE 4-0 11. FORM A-North Street/Nolan Lane - Sulborski The members viewed this plan and did not take action on it as they did not support the layout of the property. The plan will be approved by default in 21 days. 14. DISCUSSION - Jehova's Witness building-North Westfield Street. Ms. Dachos explained that the abutter to this property on Torn Street is still not satisfied with the lighting situation. Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Ward will work on this matter. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD April 5, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman � Violet Baldwin --< n Michael Morassi ,a n Travis Ward Z 3� D C MEMBERS ABSENT: (n Frank Meagher w r_ ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - March 15, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the minutes of March 15, 2007 as written. VOTE 3-0-1 (Hopkins abstained) 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Zone Change- Mushy's Golf Center LLC-Main Street Attorney Christopher Johnson gave a brief overview of the proposal and explained that since the last meeting, additional information has been provided as requested by the Board. He also stated that since one of the Board's concerns is the total number of towers that would be able to locate on this site if a zone change was granted, the applicant would be more than willing to indicate to the Town that this would be the only tower(OptaSite lease) on the property. He stated that could be incorporated into the Zoning Board of Appeals process if the zone change is granted. Keith Coppins of OptaSite was in attendance and stated that the 170' monopole that is proposed would be capable of handling all the present carriers and will also provide E911. Dezerel Hagar, Radio Frequency Engineering for Tmobile was in attendance. He explained the members that since the last meeting they have provided coverage charts showing the Maple Street and WMECO towers that the Board requested. He stated that they would not meet the needed coverage on either location for a portion of Route 57. Mr. Hopkins stated that he was not present for the first two meetings on this item suggested that the silos at Hood be investigated as well as the chimney at Buxton or other existing utility towers in the area. He then asked for any public input. Fred Stratton-282 Silver Street - stated that T Mobile applied for a site on Silver Street previously and asked why they don't propose one at the new DPW facility on Suffield Street. Mr. Hopkins stated that location probably wouldn't provide the coverage area they are looking to Agawam Planning Board April 4, 2007 Page 2 cover. Mr. Hagar stated that site was too far south. At this point Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing. Ms. Baldwin stated that the WOTD was created with planning for the future in mind and does not see why a zone change is needed in this area. She stated that she questions how the town could limit this site to one tower only and she feels that, aesthetically, Main Street is not the proper location. Mr. Hopkins stated that this site is a former land fill and personally feels that this is not the last option and feels other alternatives could be investigated (i.e. WMECO towers). Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send a negative recommendation to the Town Council with regard to the requested zone change at rear Main. Street by Mushy's Golf Center LLC for the reasons discussed and other options could be pursued At this point, Attorney Johnson stated the legal standard isn't that "this is the last available option". He stated that there are currently holes in coverage in Agawam and this location fills them. Mr. Hopkins stated that he does not feel this is the best use for that land and its location. He stated that co-locations should be investigated first as well as the Hood or Buxton sites. Keith Coppins then stated that they have looked at multiple existing structures. He stated that he nearby WMECO towers do not fill in the holes. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to amend the motion under discussion that it is not up to the Board to instruct the applicant where to put the tower. Attorney Johnson stated that they are will to "run plots" for the Hood and Buxton locations as the Board suggested but feels that if they are not able to use those locations and the Board's opinion on Mushy's does not change, "they would be spinning their wheels". Ms. Baldwin stated that she feels they should explore every possible site. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by,Ms. Baldwin to withdraw the previous motion and motion to amend previous motion. VOTE 3-0-1 (Ward abstained) Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to re-open the public hearing for Zone Change- Rear Main Street - Mushy's Golf Center LLC. VOTE 3-0-1 (Ward abstained) Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to continue the public hearing for Zone Change - Rear Main Street- Mushy's Golf Center LLC to next meeting. VOTE 3-0-1 (Ward abstained) Agawam Planning Board April 4, 2007 Page 3 3. PUBLIC HEARING - Definitive Plan - Silver Street- Aimua Joseph Aimua was in attendance to present this Definitive Plan which shows seven lots off of Silver Street. He explained that the existing house will remain and there will be six additional lots. He stated that a traffic study has been done as well as a drainage study. He stated that the detention pond will eventually drain to Three Mile Brook. The Engineering Department submitted comments which need to be addressed. Mr. Hopkins asked for any public input. Henry Sullivan, 15 Mill Street asked who the owner and developer is and expressed concern over additional drainage going into Three Mile Brook. Ms. Dachos explained that there is a Storm Drain Ordinance in place and that a drainage permit is needed through the DPW. This process involves reviewing pre and post development calculations. She stated that there won't be a direct discharge into the stream. Kristen Oberheim, 26 Perry Lane stated that her land will be effected by adding drainage to the brook. She provided photos for the board showing erosion after a normal rainfall. Her husband Todd Oberheim also expressed concerns and stated that they denied Mr. Aimua's request for an easement on their property. Ms. Dachos stated that the Engineering Department reviews the proposed drainage to be sure there is no additional runoff post development. Mrs. Laporte, 79 Perry Lane stated that the grading will make the water end up in her yard. She stated that her driveway eroded. She questioned what would happen if her land ends up with additional water. Mr. Laporte stated that he and his neighbors get flooded now during rains. He feels the existing pipe should be replaced.. At this point, the members agreed to request a representative of the Engineering Department to attend their next meeting to discuss drainage issues. Ms. Dachos pointed out to the applicant that a separate "definitive plan" must be submitted and must be stamped by an engineer. She also stated that two waivers are needed and only one has been requested. Mr. Aimua stated that the roadway is 570'to the center of the cul-de-sac. A waiver will be needed. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to continue the public hearing for the Definitive Plan for Aimua on Silver Street to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING - Modification to Definitive Plan - Giroux Estates -T. Lucia Tom Lucia, developer, was in attendance to present this modification. He explained that the original plan shows a temporary cul-de-sac. He is now proposing to continue the street to the end of the property line and provide a turn around using the existing drainage easement. Mr. Hopkins Agawam Planning Board April 4, 2007 Pa e 4 stated that during his many years on the Board,they have never approved a bullhead turn around and it would be a risk to the Town as there is no bond on the adjacent Burlington Estates subdivision and if it never gets built, the Town would be stuck with a"T". Mr. Lucia explained that clue to the circumstances, a cul-de-sac is not viable. Ms. Dachos explained that the house on lot 3 was built too close to the proposed cul-de-sac and that the house would have to be moved if the cul-de-sac was built. Mr. Lucia stated that there is no house on lot 4.yet. Mr. Hopkins stated that he could go to the Board of Appeals and plead his case. He stated that he would not support this design as it sets a precedent. He asked for any public input. Mike Vendrala, 59 DePahna Street stated that the proposed turnaround would face his yard and the headlights would go into his yard. He asked if the developer could plant shrubs to help screen headlights. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Board can require that of the developer if this is approved. There being no further public input, the-public hearing was closed. Ms. Dachos stated that she agreed with Mr. Hopkins but feels that the Board can take action and be clear and concise on what forced this circumstance to occur. She went on to say that the Burlington Estates subdivision is designed to provide a Ioop to Poplar Street, however, that developer is dealing with endangered species and is questioned when and how the developer will proceed. She stated that the house on lot 3 is in the wrong location to accommodate the cul-de- sac and that the Board cannot release Mr. Lucia's bond without a turn around for emergency vehicles. Mr. Ward and Ms. Baldwin agreed that it is the owner of lot 3's responsibility to correct the zoning violation. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to deny the request for Modification to the Definitive Plan for Giroux Estates as the original plan showing a cul-de-sac and conforming with Agawam Subdivision Rules and Regulations is a better design for public access and safety. VOTE 4-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING - Repetitive Petition to Board of Appeals - Salema- 1804 Main St. Paul Caron was in attendance on behalf of John Salema who is attempting to go back before the Board of Appeals for a proposed Dunkin Donuts at 1804 Main Street. Gary Weiner of Eoctec presented a revised plan to the Board. He explained that the original plan that was denied by the Board of Appeals showed a 2800 SF retail building facing Main Street with access from a single driveway; nine parking spaces and the remainder greenspace with a drive thru exit to the south. The plan now shows an 1800 SF building, turned 90 degrees, with access off the side. Thirty- nine parking spaces are now shown with additional length for queuing. Mr. Caron submitted a letter from State Representative Rosemary Sandlin in support of this proposal. Mr. Hopkins asked for any public input. Agawam Planning Board April 4, 2007 Page 5 Scott Ricker, Southwick, asked about handicap parking and curbcuts. Mr. Hopkins explained that if the Board votes this evening that there are substantial changes to the plan to allow the applicant to repetition the Board of Appeals, then a full Site Plan would be submitted to the Planning Board and would show all details and would also get reviewed by the ADA Committee in town. Mr. Hopkins closed the public hearing at this time. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi that the new plan for 1804 Main Street represents specific and material changes have been made to the plan (i.e. size and configuration of building; elimination of proposed landlord's office; additional parking; and additional queuing area for drive thru traffic. VOTE 4-0 6. PUBLIC HEARING -Zoning Amendment-New Zoning Map -Planning Board Mr. Hopkins opened the public hearing, however, since there was not a full size version of the new zoning map at the meeting, the members agreed to continue the public hearing to the next meeting so that a complete presentation can be made at that time. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to continue the public hearing for the New Zoning Map until the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 7. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan -High Meadow IV- Calabrese The applicant's representative requested that this item be continued to the next meeting. He also requested a 30 day extension. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to continue the public hearing for High Meadow IV to the next meeting and to approve a 30 day extension for time consideration for action on the plan. VOTE 4-0 S. SITE PLAN - Twin Brook Farm- South Street- 194 South Street Partnership Ben Sumer and Mark Benoit were in attendance. They briefed the members on a recent meeting with the Engineering Department. They stated that revised plans will be submitted on Monday. They provided the members of written summaries for the Engineering Department's comments Agawam Planning Board April 4, 2007 Page 6 and their response. Some issues discussed this evening were sidewalks (applicant informed that a waiver of the requirement of sidewalks on both sides in lieu of one side must be proven to be in the best interest of the Town); paving of the secondary access road (applicant was informed of the Board's position on requiring the secondary access road to be paved). All waivers they will be requesting are to be submitted in writing. This item was tabled to the next meeting. 8. SITE PLAN -North West Street-Arnold Mr. Arnold was in attendance to present his plan to construct seven tobacco barns on his North West Street property. He received a copy of the Fire Department's comments on the plan which he stated will be addressed. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the Site Plan for Arnold on North West Street conditional upon the Agawam Fire Department comments being addressed. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN - Bridgeport National Bindery- Silver Street Tom Zabel of The O'Leary Company was in attendance to present this Site Plan for a 15,000 SF. addition. He explained that this proposed addition, drainage calculations and parking were included in the previous Site Plan for additional parking. He stated that all lighting will be shielded and that the addition will match the existing colors and textures. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Site Plan.for Bridgeport National Bindery on Silver Street. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to amend the agenda to include the add-on's. VOTE 4-0 10. SITE PLAN - H.P. Hood-Main Streeet This site plan shows the construction of a foundation/pad for a future silo. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the Site Plan for H.P. Hood on Main Street for the construction of a foundation/pad for a future silo. VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. calve AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD March 15, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Violet Baldwin,Acting Chairman Frank Meagher Michael Morassi ZZ MEMBERS ABSENT: Dennis B. Hopkins , nb- Travis Ward xM - z_ r r ALSO PRESENT: Cr) Deborah S. Dachos ,r Pamela R. Kerr Ms. Baldwin called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 15, 2007 & March 1, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the minutes of February 15, 2007 as written. VOTE 2-0-1 (Meagher abstained) Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the minutes of March 1, 2007 as written. VOTE 2-0-1 (Morassi abstained) Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to amend the order of the agenda. VOTE 3-0 4. SITE PLAN - E.D.S. - Suffield Street Gary Suffiiti was in attendance. He has submitted a revised plan which shows landscaping and lighting. Lighting cut sheets were also provided. In terms of the landscaping, Mr. Suffriti explained that he will be installing landscaping along the three new homes on Suffield Street behind this site and he would like to carry the same theme of plantings onto this site. Species shown on the plan include burning bushes, cypress and boxwoods. Mr. Meagher asked whether any lights would stay on all night. Mr. Suffriti stated no and that the homes he built behind this site are situated so that their garages will abut the new building. Ms. Baldwin asked what type of sign is proposed. Mr. Suffriti stated that he does not know what business will locate here yet but he agreed to submit an elevation of the proposed sign to the Planning Board at a later date. He also agreed to submit an elevation of the proposed building at a later date. He explained that he Agawam Planning Board March 15, 2007 Page 2 will be working with the Historical Commission on the type of building. Ms. Dachos asked if the comment by the Engineering Department regarding the need for easements has been addressed. Mr. Suffriti stated that the easements will be added to the deed. Mr. Morassi stated that the lighting on the site must all be shielded so that there is no spillage of lights onto the abutters. Ms. Dachos then brought up the Safety Officer's comments, one of which was the recommendation of a sidewalk on the north side Cooper Street along this site. Mr. Suffriti stated that he received those comments and that he would have to remove bushes to install the sidewalk. He indicated he would do so but stated that they would "go nowhere" as there are no sidewalks on that side of Cooper Street. He went on to say that there are sidewalks on the other side of Cooper Street and along Suffield Street. Upon discussion, the members did not recommend the installation of a sidewalk on'the north side of Cooper Street along this site. Mr. Suffriti stated that he could leave an opening in the landscaping for people to walk through the parking lot of the new building to access the sidewalk on Suffield Street. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the Site Plan for E.D.S. Development on Suffield Street with the following conditions: all proposed lighting is to be fully shielded; a sign elevation is to be submitted to the Planning Board for their review and approval; Engineering Department comments dated February 28, 2007 and March 1, 2007 must be addressed. VOTE 3-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Zone Change-Main Street -Mushy's Golf Center LLC Attorney Christopher Johnson was in attendance along with Keith Coppins of OptaSite. Attorney Johnson gave a brief overview of the request as one of the Board members in attendance this evening was not present at the original presentation. Attorney Johnson explained that the request is to include the rear portion of Mushy's Golf Center LLC's property on Main Street in the Town's Wireless Telecommunications Overlay District. T Mobile coverage maps were presented. Keith Coppins of OptaSite stated that at the request of the Board, a balloon was floated last week. Photographs of the balloon float were provided to the Board. Mr. Coppins stated that in terms of visibility of the tower, it will be seasonal to no visibility outside of Main Street. Ms. Dachos stated that the newest approved antenna location is on Maple Street and there is also a new antenna on Cooper Street. She asked whether they could co-locate in this area and whether that would improve their level of service. Deserel Hagar, Radio Frequency Engineer was in attendance this evening also. He stated that he does not have any information on that newest location,however, the Main Street location was chosen based on customer needs and T Mobile's goal to provide contiguous coverage. Ms. Dachos asked whether the Bethany Assembly of God church was approached. Mr. Coppins stated that location is the perfect spot, however, he has contacted them for other providers and the church has turned him down as well as other carriers. He stated that the church was not interested in a new tower or locating an antenna on the steeple. Ms. Dachos then stated that there are high tension wires behind the Agawam Planning Board March 15, 2007 Page 3 Mushy's site. Mr. Coppins stated that the high tension wires are located in West Springfield, across the river. He also stated that there is a tower proposed on the Big E property. After a lengthy discussion, the members agreed that it would be helpful to show the two new antennas (Maple Street and Cooper Street) and their service range on the map. Ms. Dachos asked if any calculations have been done to determine how many towers could locate on the Mushy's site as it is 23 acres in size. Mr. Coppins stated that the proposed tower would handle up to twelve co- locators. Attorney Johnson stated that it would be difficult to put multiple towers on this site due to setbacks and that fact that the majority of the back parcel is in the flood zone. Mr. Morassi asked if it would be possible. Attorney Johnson stated that it is not likely but not impossible. Mr. Meagher brought up the tower at 1804 Main Street and the fact that it was re-built. Mr. Coppins stated that changes in the industry have result in the number of carriers from six to four and that there may be another merger which would bring the number of carriers to three. He went on to say that the companies typically over-build. Mr. Meagher stated that it seems that co- locating on the proposed tower at the Bi E would provide adequate coverage in that area of Main Street. Attorney Johnson stated that you have to take into consideration the topography of the area. Ms. Baldwin then asked for any public input. David Lloyd, 300 Main Street- stated he has concerns with this 20+acre site being included in the Wireless Telecommunications Overlay District(WTOD)as more towers could be built there. He stated that he has been at 300 Main Street(Budget Cabinets) for twenty-five years and does not want multiple towers located here. Attorney Johnson stated that the property is zoned industrial and that it is up to the Town to upgrade the WTOD as new technology is developed. Mr. Morassi stated that he is in agreement with the need for more coverage but would like to see the impact of the Maple Street antenna on this area. Mr. Meagher asked that potential coverage from the proposed tower at the Big E also be provided. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the public hearing on the zone change for rear land on Main Street by Mushy's Golf Center LLC to the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan- High Meadow IV- Calabrese The applicant's representative requested a continuance to the next meeting, however; the time limit for action on the plan expires on April I". A request for extension is necessary. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to deny the Definitive Plan for High Meadow IV unless a request for extension is received. VOTE 3-0 • . T Agawam Planning Board March 15, 2007 Page 4 4. SITE PLAN - Twin Brook Farm - South Street Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the Site Plan for Twin Brook Farm to the next meeting as requested by the applicant. VOTE 3-0 4. SITE PLAN - Six Flags New England - "the Train Area" - Main Street John Furman of Vanasse Hangen Brustlin was in attendance to present this Site Plan. He explained that the location is an existing parking area where the new employee entrance was added. The work area consists of 131,000 SF. The existing impervious area is 116,877 SF and the proposed impervious area will be 79,000 SF. Ms. Dachos asked if there was any perimeter lighting proposed. Mr. Furman stated that the lighting is all inside and shielded. There is also an 8' fence in this area. He went on to say that he received comments from the Fire Department regarding access issues. He will address those comments on the plan and submit to the Town. The Engineering Department had no comments. Ms. Dachos's review of the site plan questioned the handicapped parking. Mr. Furman stated that the revised plan will also address that need. Ms. Dachos asked if there would be a train whistle at this location. Chuck Davis of Six Flags New England was also in attendance. He stated that the attraction will have an electric bell and whistle that will be volume controlled. Ms. Dachos asked if they have investigated potential impacts on residential abutters. Mr. Furman stated that they have not done a sound study on this attraction but do have the manufacturer's sound information that he will provide to the Town. Mr. Morassi asked about any proposed landscaping along Main Street. Mr. Davis stated that issue is being addressed this year. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the Site Plan for "The Train Area" at Six Flags New England with the following conditions: The Agawam Fire Department comments be addressed; sound information on the proposed attractions are to be submitted; the handicapped parking issue be addressed; and additional landscaping along Main Street is to be provided. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to amend the order of the agenda and to include the "add-on's"_ VOTE 3-0 7. DISCUSSION - Giroux Estates Tom Lucia(Poplar Development LLC), the developer of the Giroux Estates subdivision, was in attendance. He explained that his approved plan shows a temporary cul-de-sac as the street will R k Agawam Planning Board March 15, 2007 Page 5 eventually connect to the Burlington Estates subdivision. The owners of the Burlington Estates subdivision are in the process of a MESA filing with the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program which may have a big impact on their subdivision in terms of how much land they can develop and when it will be developed. His subdivision is near completion and does not want his bond to be held up, He presented the Board with alternatives to a temporary cul-de-sac. After reviewing Option 1 (includes use of the drainage easement) and Option 2 (a "T" at the end of the roadway), the members agreed that Option I was a better alternative. Mr. Lucia was informed that a public hearing must be scheduled for this as it would be a Modification to the Definitive Plan. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to give conceptual approval of Option 1 as presented for the Giroux Estates(West View Lane) Plan pending approval by the Engineering Department and Fire Department. VOTE 3-0 5. BOND STATUS - Wild Turkey Estates Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to extend the Performance Agreement for Wild Turkey Estates to October 1, 2007 and expects all work to be complete by that date. VOTE 3-0 BOND STATUS - Willow Glenn Estates 11 - Lots 1-6 &. 27-40 and Lots 7-21 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to extend the Performance Agreements for Lots 1-6 & 27-40 and Lots 7-21 Willow Glenn Estates II to May 1, 2007 and expects all work to be complete by that date. VOTE 3-0 8. PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT - Burlington Estates Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to execute the Performance Agreement for Burlington Estates. VOTE 3-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM. 4 AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD r March 1,2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Travis Ward, Acting Chairman . Violet Baldwin ' n Frank Meagher vT 01 r MEMBERS ABSENT: Dennis B. Hopkins Michael Morassi ALSO PRESENT: Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Ward called the meeting to order at 6:39 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -February 15, 2007 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to add approval of the January 18, 2007 minutes to the agenda. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the minutes of January 18, 2007 as written. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to table approval of the February 15, 2007 minutes and to make a correction to Mr. Meagher's name. VOTE 3-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING - Zone Change - 444 Shoemaker Lane-Bonavita Attorney Scott Skolnick was in attendance with his client, Carlo Bonavita. Attorney Skolnick explained that Mr. Bonavita has signed a purchase and sale agreement on the Bruno property at 444 Shoemaker Lane which is currently zoned Industrial B. The property contains approximately 5.08 acres and Mr. Bonavita is requesting a zone change to Residence A2 to allow for five single family homes to be constructed. Attorney Skolnick gave the Board members a copy of a letter of support from the Bruno's attorney, Attorney Silverman. He stated that the property has been on the market since 2005 and that there are businesses abutting the property and residences across the street. Jay Vinsky of The Berkshire Design Group was in attendance to explain the proposal. He stated that they are proposing to divide the property into five lots which he outlined to the Board on a plan. He stated that this would maximize the use of the property. Mr. Ward asked if Agawam Planning Board March 1, 2007 Page 2 they had seen the Engineering Department comments, one of which talks about drainage and wetland issues on this site. Attorney Skolnick stated that those issues can be addressed. Ms. Baldwin pointed out that there is a shortage of industrial land in town and asked if the applicant has considered a commercial development. Attorney Skolnick stated yes but he feels residential homes would be a better use. Mr. Meagher and Ms. Baldwin expressed concerns over the proposed lot configuration. Mr. Ward expressed concern over homes being in such close proximity to the industrial uses. Mr. Ward then asked for any public input. Jean Lewis, 15 Losito Lane asked if there was assurance that these would be single family homes and not condominiums. She stated that a traffic study should be required and that there are no sidewalks on Shoemaker Lane. She stated she would rather see houses on that site than another power plant. John Murphy, 65 Moylan Lane, Mechanical Plastics - stated he was adamantly opposed to this request. He stated that his operation is currently a 16 hrfday and there is a possibility in the future for a third shift. He stated that he has loud machines or machines that would be considered loud it terms of residential standards; and his employees break and sometimes go outside for their breaks which could create noise. He went on to say that he bought land in an industrial park to avoid conflicts with residences and that he is planning an expansion of his business in the future. He then pointed out the benefit of tax revenues with commercial development and in terms of services the Town has to provide for businesses, industrial is a far better use for the property. He feels the issue with this piece of land may be the selling price and how much of the land can be used. His closing remark was that he has invested in his commercial use for commercial reasons and did not "sign up for" residences abutting his business. Man McCarthy, 459 Shoemaker Lane asked the Board if residences would be the best use for this Iand. She stated that there are very few areas zoned industrial in town and that effects the tax table. She pointed out the drainage and wetland concerns on this piece and stated there is a high groundwater table in this area. She also feels that a traffic study would be needed. In closing she stated that the existing businesses are noisy and this area will not be compatible for residences.' Bern Goodman, Springfield Corrugated Box, 74 Moylan Lane stated that his business has been in this location since 1993. His concerns over the proposal are for the safety and well being of the residences and children that would live there. He does not feel the cul-de-sac on Moylan Lane is suited for the possibility of children riding their bicycles on as there are large tractor trailers in and out of Moylan Lane everyday. He feels the Town needs to look out for the best interests of the businesses in the industrial park who bought their land because it was an industrial area. Frank Basile, General Manager,Berkshire Power, Moylan Lane. He stated that Berkshire Power takes their relationship with the community and residential neighbors very seriously. For Agawam Planning Board March 1, 2007 Page 3 example, to address residents concerns on South Street,they are installing silencers or mufflers on their equipment. He went on to say that he was adamantly opposed to this proposal. He feels it is the wrong application for the wrong area. He feels this encroaches on the "buffer zone" of the industrial park and is fully opposed. Jim Ricco, JR Sweeping, 28 Moylan Lane also expressed opposition to this proposal. He stated that it is a great location for an industrial use but not a residential use. At this point, there being no further public input, Mr. Ward closed the public hearing. Mr. Meagher pointed out that there are wetlands on this property and that it may not be feasible to locate five homes on it. Attorney Skolnick stated that they would look into the wetland issue. He went on to say that prospective buyers would see the existing businesses and that there is a residential neighborhood across the street and that safety concerns can be resolved. He went on to say that he feels this proposal would be a benefit to the Town as currently the amount of taxes being paid on this property is $1800/year and that the addition of five residences would increase the amount of taxes to the Town. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to send a negative recommendation to the Town Council regarding the requested zone change by Bonavita on 444 Shoemaker Lane from Industrial B to Residence A-2 for the following reasons: there is a shortage of industrial zoned available in Town and due to the close proximity of businesses, a residential use would not be compatible; and there was strong opposition expressed at the public hearing by abutting property owners. VOTE 3-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING -Zone Change - Main Street(rear land) - Mushy's Golf Ctr. LLC Mr. Ward announced at this point that although he is chairing the meeting, he will abstain from any vote or action on this proposal due to conflict of interest. Attorney Christopher Johnson was in attendance to present this request on behalf of his client, OptiSite. He gave a brief history of the Town's Wireless Telecommunications Overlay District(WTOD) that was enacted when he was mayor. He stated that was developed per Federal Regulations but was based upon 1998 technology. At that time, sites were chosen around town for the location of cell towers. He stated that there are holes in coverage in town and that a Radio Frequency Engineer was in attendance to explain that. Desiel Hagar, RF Engineer for T-Mobile presented a map to the Board which shows their existing coverage in Agawam which has holes in it. He stated it is their goal to provide continuous coverage in town. He stated that they have documented dropped/blocked calls in this area on Main Street and that a cell tower in this location would provide the needed coverage. Mr. Meagher asked if this area was a problem for all carriers and Agawam Planning Board March 1, 2007 Page 4 are there multi carriers proposed on this cell tower. An OptiSite engineer responded that OptiSite works with all carriers and their coverage objective is Main Street/Route 57. He stated that he feels this rear land at Mushy's is the best location. Attorney Johnson stated that the tower would allow for co-locators and that is evident by their intent to construct a larger tower. Ms. Baldwin asked for the proposed height of the tower and how far back from Main Street is would be. OptiSite Engineer responded 170` in height and over 500` from Main Street, at the rear of the driving range. Ms. Baldwin pointed out the slope of the land. OptiSite Engineer stated that they would not raise the grade; the tower would be built at grade and the equipment would be located off the ground. Ms. Baldwin asked what the service range of this tower would be. OptiSite Engineer stated that terrain and topography affects the service area, however, the coverage stays in Agawam. Ms. Baldwin asked if they would be willing to float a balloon. Attorney Johnson stated that weather permitting, they could schedule a balloon to be flown within the next two weeks. He stated that floating a balloon is typically part of the ZBA process. The members agreed that the office would contact the ZBA members to notify them when the balloon is to be floated. Attorney Johnson went on to say that the area of no coverage would be better served with a tower located south of Route 57, however, due to the historic district/area, he recommended that his clients look to locate north of Route 57. Mr. Meagher stated that there were less cell phones in existence when the WTOD was passed. Attorney Johnson stated that there is also new technology now such as digital data that effects coverage. Attorney Carrie Larson of Cohen/Wilson, Bridgeport, CT was in attendance. She addressed the Board on the issue of the Federal Telecommunications Act which mandates that towns cannot prohibit cell towers. She went on to say that both the Telecommunications Act and the FCC Regulations allow only a certain amount of power from each tower known as power density limits. She went on to say that FCC licensing mandates that each carrier provide 911 coverage. Gary Suffriti, 228 Adams Street questioned whether this site contain endangered species. Attorney Larson stated that a rigorous environmental study is being done on the site. Mr. Suffriti then asked if an access road was proposed. OptiSitc Engineer stated that yes,they would be utilizing the existing access road. Motion was made by Mr. Meagher and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to continue the public hearing for the zone change by Mushy's LLC for two weeks to allow for a balloon to be floated. VOTE 3-0 4. PUBLIC HEARING - Zoning Amendment- Historic Overlay District Mr. Ward presented this item on which the Planning Board is the petitioner. He stated that it basically allows for the conversion of historic structures to allow for residential uses. A letter was received by the Historical Commission requesting that the amendment include commercial uses as well. Ms. Baldwin stated that her recollection of earlier meetings was that was included but seemed to be a "sticking point" and was not supported. There being no public input this Agawam Planning Board March 1, 2007 Page 5 evening, the public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to send a positive recommendation to the Town Council on the proposed zoning amendment entitled "historic overlay district". VOTE 3-0 5. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan- High Meadow IV - Calabrese Mr. Calabrese's representative requested that this item be continued to the next meeting and also requested a 30 day extension. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to continue the public hearing for High Meadow IV to the next meeting and approve a 30 day extension as requested by the applicant's representative. VOTE 3-0 6. SITE PLAN - E.D.S. Development - Suffield Street Marc Shute-of D.L. Bean, Inc.'was in attendance along with Gary and Everett Suffriti. He explained that they are proposing to construct a 2,000 SF office/retail building behind the existing house at the point of Suffield/Cooper Streets. Mr. Shute stated that in meeting with the previous town engineer, the previous entrance from Suffield Street was eliminated. There is a new one off of Cooper Street that will be used for both buildings. Adequate parking has been provided. The Engineering Department comments have been addressed. Currently the two (existing and proposed)buildings/sites are owned by two owners (same family). It was agreed that if one of the parcels were to be sold then easements would be put in place. Gary Suffriti stated that he is working with the Historical Commission on the elevations for the new building. He stated that he is trying to keep the same look as the former garage that he demolished. He stated that until he gets final elevations prepared he doesn't want to propose landscaping. He would like to find brick to match that on the existing house. Mr. Shute went on to say that the sign location has been shown,however, they do not have proposed elevations for that at this time. Also, exterior lighting has been shown(poles and wall lights). The members asked that cut sheets be provided for the lighting. The dumpster location is shown with 6' stockade fence for screening. Ms. Baldwin asked Mr. Suffhti if he recalled the 7-20-04 memo to him from the Board regarding paving the lot of the existing home/business. Mr. Suffriti stated that he did not pave that lot because of his future plans to develop this portion of the lot. He stated that he can now tie the two together. Ms. Baldwin stated that was a part of the previous site plan approval. Mr. Suffriti stated that the building inspector o.k.'d not paving the lot and that it was his understanding from the building inspector that he has the final say. The members agreed to table action on the plan until the next meeting to allow them to make a site visit and they have Agawam Planning Board March 1, 2007 Page 6 requested additional information be provided. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to table the Site Plan for E.D.S. Development on Suffield Street for two weeks and request the following information: lighting cut sheets, final elevations of building, detailed landscaping plan. VOTE 3-0 6. SITE PLAN - Twin Brooks Farm - South Street Ben Server and Mark Benoit (applicants)were in attendance along with Rick Miziasek of Reinhardt Associates. Mr. Server explained that the existing VFW hall will be used as a community center for this project which consist of duplex units for 55 and older(newly created Residence A-5 District). Mr. Benoit stated that 78 units on 30 acres are proposed(39 duplexes). All utilities will come in from South Street. A capacity study on South Street has been completed and the town found that it is o.k. to tie into the sewers. He stated that approximately 40% of the site is open space and buildings are set back 35 to 40 feet off the street. The main roadway will be called Twin Brooks Farm Road and the roadway that crosses through the middle will be Twin Brook Farms Way. The members agreed that they should check with the Fire Department on the proposed street names as they are so similar. A landscaping plan for the units has not been submitted and he stated that is not a requirement. They are showing one sidewalk along the outside perimeter of the roadway and on both sides of Twin Brooks Farm Way. He stated they will be requesting a waiver to allow only one sidewalk due to the nature of the development(adults vs. children) and it would allow for more open space. A detention basin is proposed for the southeast corner of the site. The community building (former VFW) will be used as a marketing center initially. He stated that the emergency access road exists. Mr. Server stated that during the "team meeting" on this project the Fire Department and Police Department stated that it would not be used and therefore there is no need to pave it. Mr. Server stated they would like to keep it gravel and they will keep it plowed and maintained. They supplied the Board with a written response to the Town Planner's review. She had questioned the status of the existing farm house. Mr. Semer stated it is their intention to utilize that house as a single family house. Elevations were provided this evening which show the duplexes with two car garages, 2 bedrooms, 2.5 stories. Exterior will be clapboard/vinyl siding with stone or bricks on the front. There is a 30' separation between buildings and there is access from the rear of the buildings to the common space. Mr. Ward asked if any traffic calming measures were proposed. Mr. Server stated that at this time, there are no traffic calming measures proposed as this will not be a thru street. He stated that the condominium association could add speed bumps at a later date if they were deemed necessary. Mr. Meagher stated that there are wetlands on the property. Mr. Benoit stated that there is a federally regulated wetland that has been deemed by the Army Corps of Engineers as a low value wetland and there is a stream on the property. A filing has been submitted to the Conservation Commission. Ms. Baldwin asked if they had addressed the Engineering Department comments. Mr. Benoit stated that they are currently addressing those r r Agawam Planning Board March 1, 2007 Page 7 comments and will submit a revised plan showing that. Ms. Baldwin asked if they were proposing any sidewalks on.South Street. Mr. Benoit stated that there are currently no sidewalks on South Street and feels they wouldn't be used much if they were to provide them along their frontage. He went on to say that they would prefer not to construct them as it would provide for additional wetland impacts as well. The members tabled this item to the next meeting to allow the applicants to address engineering comments. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. C C: 3 C-) AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD February 15, 2007 3 MEMBERS PRESENT: C-1 Cn T Dennis B. Hopkins,Chairman `' Michael Morassi Travis Ward MEMBERS ABSENT: Violet Baldwin Frank Meagher ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -January 18, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to table approval of the January 18, 2007 minutes to the next meeting. VOTE 3-0 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan- High Meadow IV- Calabrese Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to continue the public hearing for High Meadow IV to the next meeting as requested by the applicant's representative. VOTE 3-0 3. PRELIMINARY PLAN - Northfield Estates -North Westfield Street- DePalrna Ralph DePalma was in attendance along with Dave Bean of D.L. Bean, Inc. Mr. DePalrna submitted copies of proposed deeds on the two abutting lots on North Westfield Street for the road easement that will be needed. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the Preliminary Plan for Northfield Estates with the condition that the definitive plan show that the abutting properties on North Westfield Street conform with zoning. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to reconsider the previous motion for approval of Northfield Estates. VOTE 3-0 Agawam Planning Board February 15, 2007 Page 2 The members agreed that the Engineering Department continents should be incorporated into the approval as well. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the Preliminary Plan for Northfield Estates with the following conditions: the Definitive Plan shall show that the abutting properties on North Westfield Street conform with zoning and address the comments of the Engineering Department contained in their January 18, 2007 memo; and all Engineering comments dated December 7, 2006 and January 18,2007 are to be addressed. VOTE 3-0 Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's" as well as a Form A for DFF Corp on Abrams Drive. VOTE 3-0 Mr. Bean asked that the.Board act on the Form A that he submitted this week on behalf of KSD Limited Partnership (DFF Corp.) for property on Abrams Drive. The members viewed the plan and agreed to act on it conditional upon the Engineering Department and Building Department review. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward to approve the plan for KSD Limited Partnership on Abrams Drive under"Subdivision Control Law Not Required" conditional upon review by the Engineering and Building Departments. VOTE 3-0 4. DISCUSSION -Agawam Crossing Ken Vincunas was in attendance along with Doug Mattoon to discuss the proposed Agawam Crossing project with the Board. Mr. Vincunas stated that a new plan for this site has been prepared which shows the building "flipped" around and moved 112'to the west. The curb cut has been moved and an additional curb cut onto Silver Street has been provided. Parking will be closer. The building will have a flat roof. Mr. Hopkins stated that he would like the front areas to be landscaped and a buffer be provided between the commercial and existing residential properties. Mr. Hopkins asked if this would be a butler building. Mr. Mattoon stated no, not a pre-engineered building. Mr. Morassi and Mr. Hopkins both stated that the by/ac units must be shielded. Mr. Ward stated that this site has challenges but feels that the building as now proposed will also be an enhancement to the area. Mr. Hopkins also stated that there should be indirect lighting. Mr. Vincunas and Mr. Mattoon stated that they will take these comments into consideration when drafting the final new site plan for this site. Agawam Planning Board February 15, 2007 Page 3 5. VOTE TO BE PETITIONER - New Zoning Map Ms. Dachos explained that the new zoning map has been finalized and must now be approved. She asked the Board if they would be the petitioner's for this approval. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Ward that the Planning Board act as petitioner for the New Zoning Map. VOTE 3-0 8. DISCUSSION - School Street(former Maynard property) John Johnson and Dan D'Angelo were in attendance to discuss with the members their intent to develop property on School Street which was formerly owned by Mr. Maynard. They stated that a Preliminary Plan will be submitted next month showing 18 or 19 lots. They are proposing a subsurface detention pond and feel that the can retain most of the trees on the site. The members agreed that the subsurface detention pond must be approved by the Engineering Department. At this point in the meeting Calvin Arnold addressed the Board regarding tobacco barns that he is proposing to construct on North West Street. The members agreed that it is up to the Building Inspector on whether this constitutes Site Plan Review. Ms. Dachas stated that she would contact Mr. Urbinati and relay his answer to Mr. Arnold. DISCUSSION - Jehova's Witness Kingdom Hall -North Westfield Street Ms. Dachos stated that she has received another complaint from an abutter regarding the lighting on this site. The members agreed to ask the Building Inspector to enforce their site plan approval which incorporated a lighting plan for the site. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to send a letter to the Building Inspector asking him to enforce the Planning Board's site plan approval and to forward a copy of the approved lighting plan to him for his use and review. VOTE 3-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM. AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD January 18, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman o Violet Baldwin n 3 G7..w Frank Meagher Michael Morassi n . Travis Ward 3 C ALSO PRESENT: cn.. Deborah S. Dachos r, CD Pamela R. Kerr Mr. Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January 4, 2007 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the minutes of January 4, 2007 as written. VOTE 4-0-1 (Hopkins abstained) 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan - High Meadow IV - Calabrese Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to continue the public hearing for High Meadow IV to the next meeting as requested by the applicant's representative. VOTE 5-0 3. PRELIMINARY PLAN-Northfield Estates -DePalma Ralph DePalma was in attendance along with Marc Shute of D.L. Bean, Inc. to present a revised plan. Mr. Shute explained that revisions include: soil logs which were done the previous day (information added to the plan); they have met with the Associate Town Solicitor and the Town Planner and then met with the Superintendent of Public Works. The purpose of those meetings was to discuss the two existing corner lots on either side of the proposed roadway on North Westfield Street. Due to the location of these homes, the installation of a new roadway would create zoning violations on these Iots. In conclusion, they are now proposing to deed property to either abutter and then take easements on them to be transferred to the Town. The easements would be for sidewalks and treebelts. Ms. Dachso asked what the distance from each home to the property line is currently. Mr. Shute stated one is 14.98' and one is 20.8' to the property line. Required sideyards on corner lots are 25'. Mr. DePalma stated that he has not yet approached these property owners as he was waiting to see if this idea would be o.k. with the Planning Board. Mr. Shute stated that they will be requesting a waiver to allow the ROW for the new Agawam Planning Board January 18, 2007 Page 2 street to be 34.8' between lots A and B. Ms. Baldwin pointed out that according to the revised plan, weeping was at 4' on test home#3. Mr. Shute stated that was correct and that location is near the existing pond. Mr. Hopkins asked if they had the required radii at the street corners. Mr. Shute stated yes. Ms. Dachos stated that there are sidewalk easements on private property in other locations in town. She asked if the issue that of this street being used as a possible cut-thru has been looked at. Mr. Shute stated that the street as designed does not lend itself to being a cut-thru to North Street but that they could also propose some traffic calming ideas as well. Mr. Ward brought up lots 3 and 4. Mr. Shute and Mr. DePalma agreed that those lots can be "enhanced" to provide for abetter configuration. The members agreed to table this item so that Mr. DePalma can provide them with a written agreement from the two property owners on North Westfield Street regarding the right of way layout. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms, Baldwin to table the Preliminary Plan for Northfield Estates to the next meeting. VOTE 5-0 4. SITE PLAN - Cumberland Farms Car Wash- Suffield Street Jim Cranston of Bohler Engineering addressed the Board and stated that all Engineering comments have been addressed and explained that_since the Iast meetin-2 the had._a site visit with _ the Engineering Department and the Safety Officer. It was agreed that the east side curb cut would remain unchanged. Ms. Dachos stated that the Engineering Department did want to go on record to state that there may be some flooding of the parking lot. Mr. Cranston stated that they have added a small opening in the curb that would allow water to flow, if needed. He did not feel this situation would occur. There were no further comments. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Site Plan for the Cumberland Farms Car Wash on Suffield Street with the Engineering comments dated January 18, 2007. VOTE 4-0-1 (Hopkins abstained) SITE PLAN - Hunter Development - Shoemaker Lane/South Westfield Street Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to table the Site Plan for Hunter Development as requested. VOTE 5-0 SITE PLAN - Rocky's Ace Hardware- Springfield Street This site plan was filed as part of a Special Permit application filed with the ZBA for transient Agawam Planning Board January 18, 2007 P Le parking at Rocky's (Big E parking). A representative of Agawam Rocky's was in attendance and stated that there are 158 spaces total which are allotted for Rocyk's customers. He explained that as shown on the plan, they delineate approximately 100 spaces for Big E parking, which they charge a fee for. There will be no change to existing lighting. The safety officer had no comments on this plan. The members agreed to act on this site plan as presented and to outline the Town's parking guidelines in their letter. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Site Plan for transient parking at Rocky's, Springfield Street, outlining the Town parking guidelines for such a use. VOTE 5-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to amend the order of the agenda and to include the "add-on's". VOTE 5-0 6, DISCUSSION - Jehova's Witness Kingdom Hall -North Westfield Street Vince DeRose of 22 Tom Street was in attendance. He and his wife have been corresponding through e-mail with the Planning Office regarding the li ting at the new building_which is... directly behind their home. He stated that the lights are no Ionger kept on all night but are on until 9:00-9:30 PM. He stated that when the lights are on, his backyard and back of his house are lit up. He stated that the lights are brighter than a street light. He went on to say that the Building Inspector came to the house to view the situation and they found one light that is very bright. Mr. DeRose.went on to say that Mr. Tower, a representative of the Kingdom Hall has agreed to correct the situation. Mr. Hopkins stated that someone needs to take readings with a light meter. Mr. DeRose pointed out that the lights are not shielded. Ms. Dachos stated that a letter had previously been sent to the church and a response was received stating that the lighting was not on all night. Mr. Ward agreed to meet on-site with Mr. DeRose and a representative of the Jehova's.Witness Kingdom Hall. SITE PLAN - School Street Park - Town of Agawam Peter Wells of the Berkshire Design Group presented this site plan. He explained that the site contains 49 acres and that this is Phase I of Il for the park. He stated that access will be provided from School Street. Two parking areas are shown with 210 spaces (I 1 handicapped); a restroom facility and playground near the turn around; community gardens;bocci courts, shuffleboard courts; basketball court; wetland overlook area; soft ball field (60'diamond); two multi-use fields (soccer); and the detention basin closest to School Street can be flooded in the winter months for ice skating. Landscaping includes 160 shade trees in this phase and 180 evergreens for screening. He stated that the abutters were surveyed with regards to whether they wanted Agawam Planning Board January 18, 2007 Page 4 screening behind them and if they wanted a gate in the proposed 4' chain link fence that will abut the residential properties. Mr. Wells stated that some abutters wanted gates and screening. He went on to say that the Park will also include a walkway/bike system(8' wide bike trail); a 90' baseball diamond and a multi use trail on the west side of the site. Revisions that were made since the original submittal include a 5' chainlink fence around the major detention basin; dry wells were placed in the bio retention swales; moved the softball field 50; moved one retention pond away from the property line; and widened the bike path to 8'. He went over the design of the bio retention basins and stated that they will not overflow onto abutting properties due to their design and the soil types on the site. He went on to say that there would be three security lights: at the entrance; midway and one near the restrooms. He also stated that the Park would be closed after hours with a gate at the entrance. Mr. Hopkins asked if the northerly wetland crossing was wide enough for an ambulance. Mr. Wells stated that it is 8' wide presently but could be widened to 10'. Ms..Dachos brought up the Safety Officer's memo on this project in which he recommends sidewalks on a portion of School Street. She explained that a separate project that is being designed is the Riverwalk loop which would bring the bike path along School Street. She stated that the Mass. Highway Department is doing the survey work for that project. Another suggestion of the Safety Officer was to reduce the speed limit from 40 to 30 in that area and provide additional street lighting at the entrance to the Park. The Board members agreed with that suggestion as well as the comment from the Safety Officer regarding no parking sign on_River Road adjacent to_the.Park._Mr._Meagher asked if there would be_restrooms_ _ available in the barn when ice skating is offered. Ms. Dachos stated that she is on a committee now that is working on the barn and ways to aesthetically securing the structure until such time there is a proposal to use the barn. She stated that it may contain restrooms in the future but at this point nothing has been decided on the use of the barn. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the Site Plan for the School Street Park for the Town of Agawam with the condition that comments dated January 18, 2007 from the Engineering Department be addressed; additional street lighting be provided at the entrance to the Park(per the Safety Officer); at the Safety Officer's request, the Town Council should be petitioned to reduce the posted speed limit on School Street at least 100 yards in either direction from the entrance to the Park from 40 mpg to 30 mph; and no parking signs should be posted along River Road adjacent to the park entrance. VOTE 5-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM. �rc.J✓7 cleei (, + r AGAWAM PLANNING BOARD January 4, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Travis Ward, Acting Chairman Violet Baldwin Frank Meagher Michael Morassi _ N MEMBERS ABSENT: Dennis B. Hopkins, Chairman = ALSO PRESENT: Deborah S. Dachos 71 Mr. Ward called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -December 7, 2006 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Morassi to approve the minutes of December 7, 2006 as written. VOTE 2-0-2 (Meagher&Ward abstained) 2. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan- High Meadow IV - Calabrese The applicant's representative requested that this item be continued to the next meeting. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to continue the public hearing for the Definitive Plan of High Meadow IV to the next meeting as requested. VOTE 4-0 3. PUBLIC HEARING CONT. - Definitive Plan-North Street- Fazio Dave Bean of D.L. Bean, Inc. was in attendance. He stated that soil examinations have been done for the leaching cells and the area is mainly sand and gravel. A proposed driveway has been added per the Engineering Department and a stop sign has been added as well. The proposed storm system has been redesigned. At the developer's expense, he will trench a line to the existing manhole and IS" pipe. All Engineering comments have been added to the final plan. Mr. Morassi stated that he has issues with lot 6. Mr. Bean stated that cut is needed due to a sight distance easement. Mr. Morassi stated that he is concerned with the steep driveway. Mr. Ward asked for any public comments. Al Griffin, 104 North Street stated that backing out of his driveway is very dangerous due to the speed of the vehicles in the area. He suggested that they put sidewalks along North Street. Agawam Planning Board January 4, 2007 Page 2 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to close the public hearing for the Definitive Plan on North Street, Fazio. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Definitive Plan for Fazio on North Street with the following conditions: Engineering Department comments dated January 4, 2007 must be addressed; no additional lots shall be created unless through an amendment to the Subdivision Plan in conformance with MGL Chapter 41; a Covenant, Easements and Performance Agreement shall be executed by the developer. VOTE 4-0 4. PRELIMINARY PLAN - Northfield Estates - DePalma Dave Bean was in attendance on this plan as well. The Board members asked for more information on the proposal. There are concerns with the two existing houses on North Westfield Street and whether this proposal will create zoning violations on those corner lots. There was also concern over the water table in the area. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to table the Preliminary Plan for Northfield Estates to the next meeting and to request the following information: all documentation concerning the issues with the abutters located on North Westfield Street; and soils boring information and water table information. VOTE 4-0 Motion was ma de by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to extend the time period for action on the Northfield Estates plan to January 3 1" as requested by the applicant's representative. VOTE 4-0 5. SITE PLAN - TJ's Sport House - Main Street Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to accept the applicant's request to withdraw without prejudice on the Site Plan for transient parking at Us Sport House on Main Street. VOTE 4-0 Agawam Planning Board January 4, 2007 Page 3 SITE PLAN - South Agawam Self Storage - Main Street Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to accept the applicant's request to withdraw without prejudice the Site Plan for parking at South Agawam Self Storage on Main Street. VOTE 4-0 The members then discussed the possible zoning violations that were seen while making a site visit. Ms. Baldwin and Mr. Meagher stated that they will meet with the zoning officer to discuss this site. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to amend the order of the agenda. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN- Verizon- 1804 Main Street Attorney Ellen Freyman was in attendance to present this site plan which shows the replacement of six exiting antennas with six new antennas for a technological upgrade. The members had no concerns with the proposal but did ask that the standard note regarding the maintenance of the landscaping be added to the plan. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Site Plan for Verizon at 1804 Main Street with the condition that the standard note regarding maintenance of the landscaping be added to the plan. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN - Omnipoint- Shoemaker Lane- St. Ann's Attorney Simon Brighenti was in attendance and presented revised plans for the proposed construction of a new 150'monopole at St. Ann's Golf Course on Shoemaker Lane. The members asked that the equipment compound be fenced with a decorative board on board fence. Attorney Brighenti agreed with that. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Site Plan for Omnipoint on Shoemaker Lane with the following conditions: the proposed 18' wide fire land shall be paved with bituminous concrete; the equipment compound shall be enclosed with a white board on board type fence; the Engineering comments dated November 1, 2006 shall be addressed. VOTE 4-0 Agawam Planning Board January 4, 2007 Page 4 SITE PLAN - Cumberland Farms Car Wash- Suffield Street Jim Cranston of Bohler Engineering was in attendance as well as Steve Sevaria of Fuss & O'Neil and Blaine Applebee of Cumberland Farms, Inc. Also in attendance was Attorney Rich Sypek who stated that the Conservation Commission has issued an Order of Conditions for this project. Jim Cranston stated that the proposal is to construct a 867 SF car wash at the south end of the existing parking lot. There will be a bypass lane and also vacuums. There will be two outfalls from the storm drainage. Steve Sevaria of Fuss & O'Neil then stated that the southerly driveway proposes a conflict with the adjacent shopping center driveway. Mr. Morassi agreed to meet onsite with the proponents and the Safety Officer to view the current and proposed drivways. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to table the Site Plan for Cumberland Farms Car Wash to the next meeting. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN- Agawam Dental- Springfield/Northwood Streets Dave Bean presented this Site Plan which shows the construction of a 2700 SF building to house Agawam Dental Associates. He stated that existing utilities with be utilized and a sidewalk will be provided along this property line on Northwood Street to Springfield Street. Flowing dogwood trees are proposed in front of the building and they are planning to save the existing large maple tree. The proposed lighting will be shielded; roof leaders will be directed away from the abutter. Ms. Baldwin asked if there was a sign proposed. Mr. Bean stated it will be on the one story building. Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Site Plan for Agawam Dental Associates on Springfield/Northwood Streets. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLANS (3)- Six Flags New England - Main Street John Furman of VHB and Chuck Jenks of Six Flags New England were in attendance to present these plans. The first plan presented was the Kiddie Area. Mr Furman explained this will be a 92,000 SF area with multiple amusements. A filing with the Conservation Commission is note necessary as according to Mr. Furman is not Iocated within any resource areas. The Engineering Department submitted comments which will be incorporated into the approval, Motion was made by Ms. Baldwin and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Site Plan for the new Kiddie Area at Six Flags New England conditional upon the Engineering Department comments. VOTE 4-0 Agawam Planning Board January 4, 2007 Page 5 Employee Entrance Area Mr. Furman stated that this proposal is to modify a previously developed area to include a new patron restroom and improve the access area for park employees. Details of the proposal include re-orientation of an existing vendor area; installation of an existing amusement ride relocated from another themed area in the park, and expansion of an existing concrete pavement area to provide the ride placement as well as other underground utility work. Motion w as made by Mr.Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to approve the Site Plan for the new Employee Entrance Area with the condition that the January 4, 2007 comments from Engineering be addressed. VOTE 4-0 Route 159 Curb Cut The third Site Plan is for a proposed new curb cut on the east side of Main Street for employees which will provide access to the existing warehouse. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to approve the Site Plan for the new Route 159 Curb Cut by Six Flags New England. VOTE 4-0 SITE PLAN - Hunter Development - Shoemaker Lane/South Westfield Street Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms_ Baldwin to table the Site Plan for Hunter Development as requested as they are in the process of filing with the Conservation Commission. VOTE 4-0 Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Ms. Baldwin to amend the agenda to include the "add-on's". VOTE 4-0 BOND REDUCTION - Wild Turkey Estates The developer has requested a bond reduction, however, the Board made a reduction in 2006 and it is their.policy to only give one bond reduction and then final bond release. Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher to deny the request for a bond reduction on Wild Turkey Estates as one reduction has already been approved and it is the Board's policy to entertain only one reduction and then a final release. VOTE 4-0 r Agawam Planning Board January 4, 2007 Page 6 VOTE TO BE PETITIONER - Historic Incentives Zoning Motion was made by Mr. Morassi and seconded by Mr. Meagher that the Planning Board act as petitioner on a proposed Historic Incentives zoning amendment. VOTE 4-0 The meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.