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�,,4jaA/-\ Scyloo 1 r' .- ��b , �erfor� Agawam Public Schools � ,�, � 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 9 ;1' ,�: Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 ALLISON LECLAIR,M.Ed. WILLIAM P. SAPELLI,C.A.G.S., PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,S.F.O. Director of Curriculum&Instruction Interim Superintendent of Schools Director of Finance/Human Resources (413)821-0568 (413)821-0548 (413)$21-0550 Fax(413)784-1835 www.agawarnpublicschools.org December 15, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a Special Meeting on Monday, December 19,2011 in ns the Superintendent's Conference Room, w 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 Zr cn Time: 5:30 p.m. Purpose: Hiring process or extension of administrative contracts fo the Interim Director of Special Services, Interim Supervisor of Special Services, Superintendent of Schools, & Director of Finance/Human Resources `Put Cfaalfren.T rst" 12/12/2011 19: 59 1-413-789-1835 AGAWAM PUBLIC SCHOOL. PAGE 02 Special School Committee Meeting Super'inteTident's Conference Room— 1305 Springfield Street, FH December 19, 2011 1. Call to order- 5s30 p.xn. 2_ Roll Call of Attendance 3. New Business: a. SCR-11-29, Approval to Authorize Preparation of Statement of Interest for a New Early Childhood Center and High School 4. Policy Review-. a. Policy J'JIF, Athletic Concussion Policy, 1" &2`1 readings b. Policy J.TTF-R, Athletic Concussion Regulations, 1" & 2A readings 5. Personnel: R. Administrative contracts for Werim Director of Special Education, Intcrim Supervisor of Special Education, Superintendent of Schools, Director of Finance/HR G. Adjournment n 'b CD iv a .�► 1 rn for� � ''� ,}� � 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools ;l' %'r Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 ti, n I�P�`•��r4 ALLISON LECLAIR, M.Ed. WILLIAM P. SAPFLLl,C,A.G.S.. PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, S.F.Q. Director of Curriculum&Instruction Interim Superintendent of Schools Director of Financeil4uman Resources (413)821-0568 (413)821-0548 (413)821-0550 Fax(413)789-1835 www.agawampublicschools.org December 5, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, r December 13, 2011 in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium v y� rn 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 N � ch t� to TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting Prior to Meeting: 6:00 p.m. — Common Core Workshop Conclusion of Meeting: Executive Session (To discuss Contract Negotiations) `Put CFia�ren First" erfoCzp r 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools ;`i s,t Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2188 ALLISON LECLAIR,M.Ed. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S., PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,S.F.O. Director of Curriculum&Instruction Interim Superintendent of Schools Director of FinanceJMuman Resources (413)821-0568 (413)821-0548 (413)823-0550 Fax(413)789-1835 www.agawampublicschoois.org November 14, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, November 22, 2011, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting A =ram Gn y `Put 66tld-ren First" erf°Y� � ,ti, � 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools ;1 , Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2188 � n � 5 ALLISON LECLAIR,M.Ed. WILLIAM P. SAPELLI, C.A.G.S„ PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,S.F.O. Director of Curriculum&Instruction interim Superintendent of Schools Director of Finance/Human Resources (413)821-0568 (413)821-0548 (413)821-0550 Fax(413)789-1835 www.agawampubGcschools.org October 17,2011 f•. C� POSTING >t! O `rl t SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING rn The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, October 25, 2011, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium at 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001. TIME: 7:00 p.m. - Citizen's Speak Time 7:I5 p.m. - Business Meeting At conclusion of meeting — Executive Session: (To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Committee) `Put C&fdren-7 rst" Regular School Committee Meeting Roberta. G. Doering School 68 Main Street Tuesday, October 25, 2011 -7:00 p.m. n 1. Call to Order y 2. Moment of Silence � 3 3. Roll Call of Attendance -0 �r M. n 4. Regular Meeting— 7:00 p.m. - ^•' 5. Citizen's Speak Time: 6. Highlights on Education: Recognition of AHS student, Zachary Sabadosa 7. Superintendent's Notes: 8. Student Advisory Committee Representative Update: 9. Unfinished Business: a. SCR-11-21, Designation of a MASC Voting Delegate & Alternate to the Annual Business Meeting on November 11, 2011 b. SCR-11-22, Adoption of 2011 MASC Resolutions 10. Business Meeting: a. Routine Matters 1) Approval of Minutes 2) Calendar/Correspondence b. Warrants/Transfers c. Reports: 1). Scheduled Reports: • Student/Teacher Enrollment(paper report) + HS Course Elimination (paper report) + AP & SAT Scores (paper report) • Personnel Report(paper report) + MCAS Scores—A. LeClair • School Year 2011 —2012 Priorities—W. Sapelli + Financial Update (P. Cavanaugh) 2). Subcommittee Updates 11.New Business: a. SCR-11-23, Approval to Dedicate a Rock with Placque in Memory of Thomas Lockwood at Phelps School b. SCR-11-24, Acceptance of Gift by Class of 1959 c. SCR-11-25, Approval to Accept a MSBA Grant for a Green Repair Program for the Agawam Junior High School 12. Any Other Items That May Legally Come Before the Committee 13. Executive Session--Contract Negotiations 14. Adjournment erfor 130v Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools l i Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 '1 c� MPS` S��n ALLISON LECLAIR, M.U. WILLIAM P. SAPELLI,C.A.G.S.. PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,S.F.O. Director of Curriculum&Instruction Interim Superintendent of Schools Director of FinancelHuman Resources (413)821-0568 (4(3)921-0548 (413)821-0550 Fax(413)70-1835 www.agawampubiicschools,wg September 22, 2011 POSTING - (REVISED) The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, September 27, 2011, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 n C) � r TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 3a 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting n¢ o -n n PRIOR TO MEETING - Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. Purpose: Collective Bargaining `Put C/2ild—ren,Firs t" �rf or, Agawam Public Schools ,1, .,. 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 ALLISON LECLAIR, M.Ed. WILLIAM P. SAPELLI,C.A.G.S.. PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, S.F.O. Director of Curriculum&instruction lnterim Superintendent of Schools Director of FinancefHutnan Resources (413)821-0568 (413)821.0548 (413)821-0550 Fax(413)789-1835 www.agawampublicschools org September 6, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, September 134, 2011, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 D �t C!a � TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time v M-U. 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting o� M —n `\ rrn 4 `Put Chad-ren zrrt" Agawam Public Schools a, 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 �i n Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2190 ALLISON LFCLAIR, M.> d. WILLIAM P. SAPELM, CA.G.S.. PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,S.F.C3. Director of Curriculum&Instruction Interim Superintendent of Schools Director of Financell Iuman Resources (413)821-0568 (413)921-0548 (413)92I-0550 Fax(413)789-1835 w ww.ag awam p u b l i csch o01 s,or g August 8, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday,— C-) b August 16, 2011, in the Agawam High School Library, G' 760 Cooper Street, Agawam, MA 01001 a 3 .. c, m TIME: 4:30 p.m. - Citizens' Speak Time 4:45 p.m. - Business Meeting `Put oiifdren jrir-.st" EtJ a�y� E Agawam Public Schools n - x' 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 ro Feeding Hills, MA 01 030-2 1 98 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI, C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B� Assistant Superintendent for Curriculutnllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Busif9 Es/Huma sources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-055�_ www.agawampubIicschools.org C :>D r— c) N % xl r-: >O July 29, 2011 X" -i cr n ir*► �J POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, August 2, 2011, in the Superintendent's Conference Room located at Agawam Junior High School, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030. TIME: 3:3 0 PM " Put children ,First" gr for�� FA ti Agawam Public Schools +' n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D, WILLIAM P.SAPELU,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A,CAVANALMH,M.B_X-) Assistant Superintendent for Cuncculumllnstruction (413)B21-0548 Assistant Superintendentfgr Busi ss/Hu man sources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-05fL "L www.agawampublicschoois.org r— �— N •*�t- t� r- 3� r � July 29, 2011 4- =' POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, August 2, 2011, in the Superintendent's Conference Room located at Agawam Junior High School, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030. TIME: 3,3 0 PM " Put chiCdren ,First" y�7 F A '}� �' 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools r �� Feeding Fulls, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed Q. WILLIAM P.SAPELL), C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/Instruction (4131 521-0548 Assistant Superintendent far BusinesslHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org July 20, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee's Policy Subcommittee will conduct a meeting on Monday, July 25, 2011, in the Superintendent's Conference Room, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 Cam— D D N nr o , 3 cr. Time: 6:00 p.m. o �� o -� -v- cll� " Put ChiCCren First" AGENDA Policy Subcommittee Meeting (Linda Galarneau, Chair) July 25, 2011 6:00 p.m. Superintendent's Conference Room 1. Call to order a 2. Discussion: > a. Development of policy for user fees 3. Adjournment a �o p -n M a tl3 Agawam Public Schools -Y 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 E4 '4y� MARY A. CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinesslFiuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org July 13, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Monday, July 18, 2011, in the Superintendent's Conference Room, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 TIME: 5:00 p.m. - Citizens' Speak Time 5:05 p.m. - Business Meeting _ " Put chiCdren ,First" error FA r �' n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Feeding Hills, MA 0 1 030-21 98 E4 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschaals.arg July 1, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct an Executive Session on Monday, July 11, 2011 Purpose: (To conduct contract negotiations with non-union personnel & to review job description for secretary to the Director of Agawam School Age Childcare) TIME: 5:00 p.m. LOCATION: Agawam Junior High School Superintendent's Conference Room 1305 Springfield Street Feeding Hills, MA 01030 r1V 16 " Put ChiCdren F&SC x F 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools 1 Feeding Hills, MA 0 1 030-21 98 Ell Mai` MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI, C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Currieulum!lnstruction (413}821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)788-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org June 21, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, June 28, 2011, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting C � CJ7 " Put ChiCdren First" exfo IF A r 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Feeding Bills, MA 01030-2198 N � ATEll M MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI,Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI, C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curricul uml instruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawatr pu biicschools.org June 6, 2011 yD POSTING --� CO 4= Cr The Agawam School Committee will conduct an Executive Session on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 Purpose: (To conduct strategy session in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel & to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining units for Cafeteria Workers, Paraprofessionals, Administrators, and Clerical Workers as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Committee) TIME: 5:30 p.m. LOCATION: Agawam Junior High School Superintendent's Conference Room 1305 Springfield Street Feeding Hills, MA 01030 " Put ChiCdren ,First" tiG} FA 'lr 1Z " 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Feeding Hills, MA 01030-219g E8 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P. SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curricu€umllnstruciion {413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business7Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org June 6, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, June 14, 2011, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting p ara � co p G � -s1 Cr cs C7� rn 7" " Put chiCdren ,First" F A a t- Lf3 Agawam Public Schools "' - n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 �o Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 ETI M�•, G MARY A. CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P. SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.R.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curricuiumllnstruction (413)821-0546 Assistant Superintendent for BusinessMuman Resources (413)821.056E Fax(413)789-1635 (413)821.0550 www.aqawampubiicschooIs.org May 23, 2011 POSTI i The Agawam School Committee will nd t an Executive Session on Wed da 25, 2011 for the purpose of d' c i g contract negotiations with non-union personnel •�4 TIME: 6:00 p.m. JCATION: Agawam Junior High School Superintendent's Conference Room 1305 Springfield Street Feeding Hills, MA 01030 a fv n - yM -0 w � ry -n n r*t " Put C&Cdren First" Cr�fQj�i F r �" 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed❑. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumlinstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for SusinesslHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-055C www.agawarnpublicschoois.org May 13, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, May 24, 2011, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 vC-) TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time o y'c3 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting c� Put chiCdren First" L5�erg r Agawam Public Schools - T. n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 ED MARY A. CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P. SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/instruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Humar Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools,org May 13, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct an Executive Session on Friday, May 20, 2011 for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations with non-union personnel c v < f TIME: 6:00 p.m. , ZIC M6 LOCATION: Agawam Junior High School c„ Superintendent's Conference Room rn 1305 Springfield Street Feeding Hills, MA 01030 " Put ChiCdren First" err op Agawam Public Schools '� 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 ?arc Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZA.JKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculurn/hrtruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschoots.org MAY 2, 2011 Z. - POSTING �u ti SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING rn The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, May 10, 2011, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium at 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. - Citizen's Speak Time 7:15 p.m. - Business Meeting At conclusion of meeting — Executive Session: (To conduct strategy session in preparation for negotiations with non- union personnel & to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Committee) " Put ChiCdren ,first" F A ► r � � Agawam Public Schools r 1303 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 EA ` MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-0546 Assistant Superintendent for 6usinesslHumar Resources (413)821-0566 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org April 19, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, April 26, 2011, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting PRIOR TO MEETING: Public Hearing on Proposed FY'12 School Budget TIME: 6:30 P.M. f_. f 7� irk . 1 c-n " Put ChiCdren First" Special School Committee Meeting Roberta G. Doering School Auditorium 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 0 100 1 Friday, April 29, 2011 1. CaIl to Order 2. Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call of Attendance 4. Executive Session: (collective bargaining) 5. FY'12 Budget 6. Adjournment r� VZ �n n� .. o rn r -47 r - �' 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 ED MARY A. CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P. SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curricuiumllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent For Businessiduman Resources (413)82141568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawarn pub licschools.org APRIL 5, 2011 POSTING SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, April 12, 2011, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium at 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. - Citizen's Speak Time Ln a 7:15 p.m. - Business Meeting 3z to n`' o r -n 53� - fi At conclusion of meeting — Executive Session: (Contract Negotiations & Personnel) " Put chic ren ,First" J c of Agawam Public Schools - 4 a i� n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 `1 Feeding Hills , MA 01030-2198 Ee tAA� MARY A. CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICiA A.CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstructior (413)821-05Q8 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschoc)ls.org March 28, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a workshop on Tuesday, April 5, 2011, in the Agawam Junior High School Auditorium, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss the proposed FY'12 School Budget. y Time: 5.30 p.m. r: Cr m " Put ChiCdren ,First" Agawam Public Schools �' n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 �� Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 ED `p� MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI, C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumlinstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-056$ Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschoois.org March 15, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 r C)3 TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time p1 v 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting coo �a cn � rn n m Prior to Meeting: 5:30 p.m. — FY'12 Budget Workshop Conclusion of Meeting: Executive Session (To discuss Collective Bargaining) " Put ChiCdren ,first" Agawam Public Schools ''' 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 rp Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 11 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI,Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.&S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,M.S.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Gurriculumlinstruction (413)821-0848 Assistant Superintendent for Businmfflurnan Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)8 2 1-11 55 0 www.agawampublicschools.org March 15, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, r1 March 22, 2011 in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium : �= r, �r- 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 � �, c7 fi TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting " Prior to Meeting: 5:30 p.m. — FY'12 Budget Workshop Conclusion of Meeting: Executive Session (To discuss Collective Bargaining) erfol 1 F A n Agawam Public Schools r n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 .� Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A. CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/instruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampubliuschoo€s.org March 18, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct an emergency meeting for the purpose of approving an overnight field trip on Monday, March 21, 2011, in the Superintendent's Conference Room 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 TIME: 5:00 — 5:15 p.m. C, �3 Cn n rn " Pact children First" Agawam Public Schools j 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.C7-AJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusmessrHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org POSTING February 24, 2011 The Agawam School Committee will conduct a Joint P.T.O. meeting on Monday, March 21, 2011, in the Agawam Junior High School auditorium, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030. v Time: 6:30 p.m. C: v Cv MX p rn to C] CJ � " Put chiCdren ,First" �fQ gY€oa y� y q Agawam Public Schools `' 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 � Feeding Hills, MA 01 030-21 9 8 5 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,M.B.A„ Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superinterdent for BusinesslHurnan Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www_agawampublicsrhools.org POSTING March 7, 2011 The Agawam School Committee's Budget/Finance Subcommittee will conduct a meeting on Monday, March 14, 2011, in the Agawam Junior High School Library, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030. �i � f D Time: 5:30 p.m. , nn � 3 Cr c's l\j �1 " Put chiCdrert ,First" ex f or r '` n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools x Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 EUA{ MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI, C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/Instruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinesslHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (41a)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org February 25, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, March 8, 2011, in the Roberta G. Doering School Auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. - Citizen's Speak Time 7:15 p.m. - Business Meeting PRIOR TO MEETING: 6:30 p.m. - Executive Session � �3 (Contract Negotiations & Personnel) � �12 W Cn O -rt rn " Put Ci(dren First" y erf°r� Agawam Public Schools " "' tl 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 11 MARY A.CZAJKQWSKI,Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)8214568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org POSTING March 7, 2011 The Agawam School Committee's Budget/Finance Subcommittee will conduct a meeting on Monday, March 14, 2011, in the Agawam Junior High School Library, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030. v A �3 Time: 5:30 p.m. 3 p p .. -n Cr n Agawam Public Schools " " laias Springfield Street Suite 1 5 Feeding Hills, MA 01 030-21 98 rt MARY A.CZAJKOWSKi,Ed D, WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.GAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumlinstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)B21-0568 Fax(03)789-1835 (413)821.0550 www.agawampublicschools.org February 25, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, March 8, 2011, in the Roberta G. Doering School Auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 4., f Ul i� TIME: 7:00 p.m. - Citizen's Speak Time XZ 7:15 p.m, - Business Meeting PRIOR TO MEETING: 6:30 p.m. - Executive Session (Contract Negotiations & Personnel) The Agawam Parent Advisory Council will be meeting on Thursday February 10, 2011 from 6-8 PM at the Roberta G. Doering Middle School. The meeting will be held in the cafeteria. Teachers from the Agawam High School will be discussing various programs. CO -0 O TIP. n -n F A r �`- n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH. M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumflnstructiorn (413J821.0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinesslHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)621-0550 www.agawarnpublicschools.org POSTING February 3, 2011 The Agawam School Committee's Budget/Finance Subcommittee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, February 8, 2011, in room 201 of the Roberta G. Doering School, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 Time: 5:00 p.m. a rn v 3 Zvi to rn " Put Chi[dren ,First" 5 Crfo),4�2 *� r "i n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools �x � Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 ED �� MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed a. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G_S. Superintendent of Scboofs PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curricu(umllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendentfor BusinessfHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawarnpublicschwls.org January 31, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, February 8, 2011, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA. TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting C- r CO cn a � " Put Children,First" tiG? 1 FA Agawam Public Schools K= n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 �a Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 c, E4 ` MARY A.CZAJKOWSKi,Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,M B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for CurrwOum)lristruction (413)B21-OW Assistant Super(ntendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-05M Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 wwvl.agawampublicschoDls.org POSTING January 25, 2011 The Agawam School Committee's Budget/Finance Subcommittee will conduct a meeting on Wednesday, February 2, 2011, in the Superintendent's Office, 1305 Springfield St., Feeding Hills, MA 01030. r- c` Time: 5:00 p.m. v p s� 3 c.n - t rn cli rn SL` " Tut chiCdren ,First" e,-r 07- ,19 f Agawam Public Schools - y, � 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A. CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/Instruction (413)B21-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Pesources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org January 19, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, January 25, 2011, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium, b$ Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. - Citizen's Speak Time 7:15 p.m. - Business Meeting r- PRIOR TO MEETING: 5:30 p.m. - Executive Session (Contract Negotiations) — � *� q.Fn O '41 W � Put children ,First" eYfaa-fir F A IV a r - �' n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools ,� Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 ED M MARY A.CZAJKQWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI, C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.- Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawarnpublicsr-hools.org POSTING January 3, 2011 The Agawam School Committee will conduct a workshop on Wednesday, January 19, 2011, in the Agawam Junior High School library, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA, 01030. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss revisions to the Agawam High School Program of Studies. Time: 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. " Put chiCdren,First" ex1 of� Agawam Public Schools r 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 g Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 n�^ MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistam Superintendent for CurricWvWlnstructian (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinesslHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821.0550 www.agawa rnpu 6licschools.oT January 3, 2011 POSTING The Agawam School Committee's Policy Subcommittee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday,January 11, 2011, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001. Time: 6:00 p.m. " Put ChYCdren .First" err P Agawam Public Schools 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, NSA 01030-2198 5 eo MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P. SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schoo)s PATRICIA A. CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumlinstruction (413)821.0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawarrtpublicschools.org POSTING January 4, 2011 The Agawam School Committee's Budget/Finance Subcommittee will conduct a meeting on Wednesday, January 12, 2011, in the Superintendent's office, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA, 01030. Time: 6:00 p.m. " Put ChiCCren First" BLS IF A Agawam Public Schools "� 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 • c, E9 MARY A.CZAJKaWSKI,Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A,G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Cufriculumllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinesslHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org POSTING January 3, 2011 The Long Range Planning Committee will hold a meeting on Wednesday, January 12, 2011, in the Agawam Public Library Community Room 750 Cooper Street, Agawam, MA 01001 Time; 5:00 P.M. " Put ChiCdren ,First" r +' 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 ED MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILL)AM P.SAPELLI, C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.- Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0566 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www,agawarnpubiicschools.org December 1, 2010 POSTING SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, December 14, 2010, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. - Citizen's Speak Time 7:15 p.m. - Business Meeting Prior to meeting — Executive Session Time: 5:30 p.m. (Contract Negotiations) { r " Put chi(dren First" y g}JfoY f A I� M + 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 r � ED M MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI,Ed D. WILLIAM P. SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schoois PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for CurriculumlInstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinesslHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)7B9-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampubl"ioschools.org POSTING December 1, 2010 The Agawam School Committee will conduct a workshop on Monday, December 13, 2010, in the Agawam Junior High School library, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA, 01030. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss revisions to courses offered in the Agawam High School Program of Studies. Time: 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. f " Put children First" gY f ory,� FA r - n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools �r"' Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 � 5 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M,B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumilnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org November 15, 2010 POSTING SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday., November 23, 2010, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium; 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. - Citizen's Speak Time 7:15 p.m. - Business Meeting Prior to meeting — Executive Session Time: 6:00 p.m. (Contract Negotiations) " Tut chiCdren.First" Agawam Public Schools r) 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 ED MARY A. CZAJKOWSKI,Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELL1,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A. CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent For Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-054B Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org November 1, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, November 9, 2010, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA. TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Spear Time 7.15 p.m. Business Meeting " Put ChiCdren First" r �' n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools �,�'' Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 Eli ` MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI, C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A. CAVANAUGH, M.B,A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/Instruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinesslHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)621-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org October 21, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, October 26, 2010, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA. TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting IN " Put chiCdren First" J FA � L!Z r 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 E4 M MARY A.C7AJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI, C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/Instruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (4'I3)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org October 4, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday,-- October 12, 2010, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA. TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting Put ChiCdren ,First" Agawam Public Schools "` 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 9� MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P. SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumltnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Businesslhuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org September 1, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a Special Meeting on Friday, September 3, 2010 - in the Superintendent's Conference Room, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 Time: 5:00 p.m. Purpose: To appropriate funding for 3 additional Kindergarten teachers & 3 paraprofessionals " Put ChiCdren ,First" c 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools n Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 E9 MARY A.C7AJKOWSKI, Ed Q. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI, C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH. M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/Instruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)B21.0550 www.agawampublicschooks.org zJ, September 7, 2010 POSTING SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Wednesday, September 15, 2010, in the Agawam Middle School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. - Citizen's Speak Time 7:15 p.m. - Business Meeting Prior to meeting — Executive Session Time: 5:00 p.m. (Contract Negotiations & Litigation) " Put ChiCdren F rst" g1•'tf)7�l Agawam Public Schools x 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 ,�. Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A,CZAJKOWSKI,Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumflnstruction (413)B21-D548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinesslHuman Resources (413)821-056a Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org September 21, 2010 POSTING SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Monday, September 27, 2010, in the Roberta G. Doering School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. - Citizen's Speak Time 7:15 p.m. - Business Meeting Prior to meeting — Executive Session Time: 6:00 p.m. (Contract Negotiations) " Put chiCdren ,first" er-t°7 fn r A r Fee Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKaWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH. M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/instruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinesslHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampubftschools.org POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a special meeting on Monday, August 30, 2010, in the Superintendent's office, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030. Time: 5:00 p.m. Purpose: To discuss the Green Repair Program regarding Federal money for School Districts. " Put chiCdren First" �, r Agawam Public Schools I' 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 ,gym Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed I]. WILT IAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/instruction (413)B21-0548 Assistant Supenntendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org NOTICE OF MEETING July 29, 2010 The Agawam School Committee and the Agawam Education Associationwill meet in the Superintendent's Conference Room at 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA, on the date below at 9:00 a.m. in Executive Session according to M.G.L. Chapter 39, Section 23B (3) for the purpose of collective bargaining. Date: Friday, August 13, 2010 PLEASE POST " Put chiCdren ,First" er'to7 FA Agawam Public Schools z " - 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 �o Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 11� MARY A. CZAJKOWSK1,Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.- Assistant Superintendent for CurriculumNnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)7B9-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublirschoolF,.org NOTICE OF MEETING July 19,2010 The Agawam School Committee and the Agawam Education Associationwill meet in the Superintendent's Conference Room, at 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA, on the date below at 8:00 a.m. in Executive Session according to M.G.L. Chapter 39, Section 23B (3) for the purpose of collective bargaining. Date: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 PLEASE POST " Put chiCdren First" a a LfS Agawam Public Schools f "' 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 ~ ,,� Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 EO N' MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P. SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH.M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumltnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Busmess,'Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)7139-1835 (413)821-0550 www agawampublicschools.org �J NOTICE OF MEETING June 16,2010 The Agawam School Committee and the Agawam Education Associationwill meet at the the Agawam Junior High School library, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA, on the date below at 2:00 p.m. in Executive Session according to M.G.L. Chapter 39, Section 23B (3) for the purpose of collective bargaining. Date: Monday, June 28, 2010 PLEASE POST " Put children First" ( 7 �110)_ FA Agawam Public Schools -r �'` n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 r Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 � G . ED MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A_G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A. CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumlinstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant S uperin tendent for Business/Human Resou roes (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampubliosr,hooJs.org June 23, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will hold an Executive Session on Monday, June 28, 2010, in the Superintendent's Conference Room, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 for the purpose of preparing strategies for union and non-union contract negotiations. Time: 5:00 P.M. " Put ChiCdren ,first" erfor,,� Agawam Public Schools tl� 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 . �ro Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 u MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI,Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A__ Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinessfHuman Resources (413)021-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org June 24, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a Special Meeting on Monday, June 28, 2010 in the Superintendent's Conference Room, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 Time: Immediately following Executive Session Purpose: FY'10 Budget " ��r t �`rii ti l-�vovr Tirct" Agawam Public Schools - 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 �. Grp Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculurn8nstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-055C www.agawampublicschoois.org June 16, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, June 22, 2010, in the Agawam Middle School auditorium 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting Prior to Meeting: 6:00 p.m. — Goals & Objectives Workshop Conclusion of Meeting: Executive Session (To discuss strategies for Collective Bargaining) Put chiCdren First" F A 4 " r } 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools �a Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 3v1ARYA.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Cur6culurnllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinesslHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0560 www.agawampublicschools.arg June 10, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a Special Meeting on Monday, June 14, 2010 in the Superintendent's Conference Room, = 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 Time: 6:30 p.m. Purpose: FY'11 Budget " Put chiCdren First" 9a, 4 � 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools r 'fi. Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 Y MARY A.CZAJKOrVVSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruebon (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org POSTING May 5, 2010 The Agawam School Committee's Long Range Planning Committee will conduct a meeting on Monday, June 14, 2010, at the Agawam Public Library's Community Room, 750 Cooper Street, Agawam, MA 01001. Time: 5:00 p.m. " Put ChiCdren, ,first" 7 FA ra r I' 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools ��r) Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 4 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P. SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumlinstruction (413)821-0546 Assistant Superintendent for BusinesslHumar Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicsohools.org May 28, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, June 8, 2010, in the Agawam Middle School auditorium 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting Prior to Meeting: 6:00 p.m. — Education Enrichment Workshop Conclusion of Meeting: Executive Session (To discuss strategies for Collective Bargaining & Litigation) " Put ChiCdren ,first" error G7 F A �ti P Gr 1Jn Agawam Public Schools " 1303 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 EA MARY A.CZASKOVVSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A. CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 WW W.agawampubllcschools.ora May 28, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a Workshop on Wednesday,June 2, 2010, in the Agawam Junior High School Library, 1305 Springfield St., Feeding Hills, MA 01030 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PURPOSE: Mass. Math & Science Initiative Grant Lee\, _. C1 " Put chiCCreri First" et�or� a Ln Ai l t Agawam Public Schools r) 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI,Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.- Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/Instruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinessMuman Resources (413)821-05W Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawannpu blicschool s.org POSTING May 5, 2010 The Agawam School Committee's Long Range Planning Committee will conduct a meeting on Monday, June 14, 2010, at the Agawam Public Library's Community Room, 750 Cooper Street, Agawam, MA 01001. Time: 5:00 p.m. " 'Pvt ('hirdrPv whet" ((� 0,—r O7 y�7 A 19� Agawam Public Schools - 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 E9 Ma MAFRY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Fd D. WILLIAM P. SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/instruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 wwva.agawam pu blicschoois.org May 19, 2010 POSTING = CNIP The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, May 25, 2010, in the Agawam Middle School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA. TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting " Put ChiCdren First" r "= n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools x Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 ED MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schoo4s PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413y 821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821.0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)a21-0550 wwmagawampublicschools.org April 28, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee's Policy Subcommittee will conduct a meeting on Monday, May 11, 2010, in the Superintendent's Office, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030. Time: 4:00 p.m. 7 " Put chi[dren First" Fir 4f �r rq., 1305 Springfieid Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools c . arc Feeding Hills, MA 01030-219$ MARY A. CZAJKOWSK1, Ed D- W1LLiAM P.SAPELLI, C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistani Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent For Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)769-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampuhlicschaals.org April 28,2010 POSTING SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 2010, in the Agawam Middle School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. - Citizen's Speak Time 7:15 p.m. - Business Meeting Prior to meeting — Executive Session Time: 6:00 p.m. (Contract Negotiations) " Pitt ch Cdren Firs is" �7F Cl]lyr y � rs ,o 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools � -� Feeding Hills, IVEA 01030-2198 MARY A. CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P. SAPELLI,C.A.G.S, Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruetion (413)821-OS4B Assistant Superintendent for BusinessNuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www agawampublicschools.org April 6, 2010 POSTING = The g on Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting Tuesda g Y, April 13, 2010, in the Agawam Middle School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA. TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7.1.S p.m. Business Meeting " Put Children ,First" > eYfo,� �{5 F r .1, f" 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKi,Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curncuiumllnslrucfion (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent far 8usinessfHuman Resources (413)821-0558 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawarnpublicschools.org April 6, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, April 27, 2010, in the Agawam Middle School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA. TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting PRIOR TO MEETING: Public Hearing on Proposed FVII School Budget TIME: 6:30 P.M. " Put chiCdren First" F A Agawam Public Schools y " 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 g Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821.0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinesslHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org March 24, 2010 NOTICE OF MEETING The Agawam School Committee and the Agawam Education Association will meet at the Agawam Junior High School library, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA, on the dates below at 5:00 p.m. in Executive Session according to M.G.L. Chapter 39 Section 23 B (3) for the purpose of collective bargaining. • Wednesday, April 14, 2010 • Tuesday, May 18, 2010 • Monday, May 24, 2010 • Wednesday, June 2, 2010 = • Monday, June 14, 2010 C PLEASE POST " Put Children ,First" Agawam Public Schools 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 L7 Eta MARY A.C7AJKOVVSK(, Ed D. WiLL(AM P. SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schoo4s PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for 8usinesslHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 ,Aww.agawampublicschools.org March 22, 2010 The Agawam School Committee's Budget/Finance Subcommittee will conduct a Joint Meeting with the City Council's School Budget Subcommittee on Tuesday, March 30, 2010, in the Agawam Junior High School library, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA, 01030. Time: 6:00 p.m. " Put Children ,First" r ri 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools �; Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2196 E9�� MARY A. CZAJKOWSKI. Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI.C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for 9usiness/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampubiicschools.org March 18, 2010 NOTICE OF MEETING The Agawam School Committee and the Agawam Education Association will meet at the Agawam Junior High School library, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA, on March 22, 2010, at 5:00 p.m. in Executive Session according to M.G.L. Chapter 39 Section 23 B (3) for the purpose of collective bargaining. PLEASE POST " Put ChiCdren First" FA Agawam Public Schools - x 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 ATE9 eh9y, c. MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.- Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/Instruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Businessli luman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org March 17, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, March 23, 2010, in the Agawam Middle School auditorium 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting Prior to Meeting: 5:30 p.m. - FY'11 Budget Workshop " Put ChiCdren,First" Agawam Public Schools t � - � 1345 Springitieict Street Suite 1 y� Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.C7_AJKGWSKI, Ed D, WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.- Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-Q548 Assistant Superintendent for Business]Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)621-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org February 24, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a workshop on Tuesday, March 16, 2010, in the Agawam Junior High School library, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss the proposed FY'11 School Budget. Time: 5:30 p.m. " Put Children First" ex f oYpy, °1 It, r h� 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools r Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 11 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI,Ed 0. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S_ Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/instruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0668 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org March 22, 2010 The Agawam School Committee's Budget/Finance Subcommittee will conduct a Joint Meeting with the City Council's School Budget Subcommittee on Tuesday, March 30, 2010, in the Agawam Junior High School library, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA, 01030. Time: 6:00 p.m. " Put f hirtlfrP.Yi. ` irCt" r �' n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Feeding Hills, MA 01 030-21 98 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH. M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curricufumlinstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)621-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org March 24, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct an Executive Session on Tuesday, March 30, 2010, for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations. TIME: 5:30 p.m. LOCATION: Agawam Junior High School _- Superintendent's Conference Room 1305 Springfield Street Feeding Hills, MA 01030 " Put Children First" ( t,for% r Agawam Public Schools 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 r Feeding Hills, MA 01 030-2 1 98 MARY A.C7AJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumltnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublioschools.org POSTING February 23, 201;0 The Agawam School Committee's Long Range Planning Committee will conduct a meeting on Monday, March 29, 2010, at the Agawam Early Childhood Center, Perry Lane, Agawam, MA 01001. Time: 5:00 p.m. " Tut ChiCdren First" •tiGS��}�DYm y t) Agawam Public Schools - x 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 ro Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P. SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A. CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.- Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnslruction (413)821-0545 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org POSTING February 24, 2010 The Agawam School Committee's Budget/Finance Subcommittee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, March 2, 2010, in the Superintendent's Office, 1305 Springfield St., Feeding Hills, MA 01030. Time: 5:00 p.m. " Put ChiCdren ,First" G5 FA ti K 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 EA�� MARY A. CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A. CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumflnstruction (413)821-Q548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinessMuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicsrhools.org POSTING February 24, 2010 The Agawam School Committee's Policy Subcommittee will conduct a meeting on Wednesday, March 10, 2010, in the Superintendent's Office, 1305 Springfield St., Feeding Hills, MA 01030. Time: 4:00 p.m. Put Children.First" eY�al� v a, CJn 1Z e ( n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools �f: Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI, C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.- Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumlinstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 i'ax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublioschools.org February 24, 2010 POSTING SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, March 9, 2010, in the Agawam Middle School auditorium 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. - Citizen's Speak Time 7:15 p.m. - Business Meeting Prior to meeting — Executive Session Time: 5:30 p.m. (Contract Negotiations) " Put chiCdren ,First" eY�al� F A ' Agawam Public Schools 1z V 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 e1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curricuiumllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampub4icschools.org February 4, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a special meeting on Monday, February S, 2010, in the Superintendent's Conference Room 1305 Springfield St., Feeding Hills, MA 01030 related to the retaining of legal counsel. TIME: 5:30 p.m. " Put ChiCdren ,First" et far,, FA r � 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH. M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/Instruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinesslHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1 B35 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.arg February 2, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will hold an Executive Session on`. ' Monday, February S, 2010, in the Superintendent's Conference Room, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 for the purpose of complying with the provisions of any general or special law or federal grant-in-aid requiarements. Time: 5:00 p.m. " Put ChiCdren ,First" 4 F Agawam Public Schools 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 �ro Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 ATE4� MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A. CAVANAUGH, M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumltnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampubllcschools.org January 27, 2010 POSTING f,l _ The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, February 9, 2010, in the Agawam Middle School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA. TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting " Put chiCdren ,First" a a,1,t.l3 e �" 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Mir Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 ` C MARY A.GZAJKOWSKI,Ed D. WILLIAM P. SAP£LLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATROA A.CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-054B Assistant Superintendent for BusinessfHuman Resources (413)B21-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 w&ww.agawampublicschools.org January 27, 2010 � POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct an Executive Session on Monday, February 1, 2010 for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations. TIME: 5:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m. LOCATION: Superintendent's Conference Room 1305 Springfield Street Feeding Hill, MA 01030 " Put Children,First" eY1 ory�� � P r " n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools � � �� Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 A� MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI,Ed D. W ILLIAM P.SAPELL),C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A.CAVANAUGH,M.B.A., Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/Instruction (413)821-0540 Assistant Superintendent for 8usineWHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 wwmagawampublicschoois.org February 17, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, February 23, 2010, in the Agawam Middle School auditorium 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001. TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting Prior to regular meeting: SPECIAL MEETING Time: 5:30 p.m. Purpose: To retain legal counsel 02/19/2010 11:21 1-413-789--1835 AGAWAM PUBLIC SCHOOL PAGE 02/02 4�, a ��7. Agawam Public Schools "Z 4 '1305 Springfield Street Suite I �� Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 � 5 MARY A.CMKOWSKI,Ed O_ WILDAM R.SAPEI_L!,C.A.G,S, Superintendent of Schods PAFRICK A.CAVANAUGH. M,B,A.. Assistant"arintendent'rr Cur6cu)um*)sfruabon (413)621-0546 Asslstmmt$uper1ntanderrtfor BuslnessMumen Resources (413)&1-me Fox(413)769.1835 (d13)821-DS55 www,n q e wam p u b rms ahooi s.M February 19, 201.0 POSTING They A gay .2m School Committee's Long.Range Planning Coin mittee will conduct a meeting Art Monday, February 22, 2010, at the Early Childhood Center,Perry Lane, Agmwl tm, MA 0100 1. Time, 6.00 P.M. r f 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A. CZAJKOWSKI. Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICIA A. CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllnstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resnurces f413)821-0568 Fax(413)789 1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschoois.org • January 19, 2010 POSTING The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday; January 26, 2010, in the Agawam Middie School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA. TIME: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting " Put CiCCren First" glo � CGS t► FA Agawam Public Schools 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 5 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI,Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.C.S. Superintendent of Schools GREGORY R. BARES,M.B.A.,C.P.A. Assistant Superintendent for Gurriculumllnstruclian (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinesslHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)621-0550 www.agawampublicsohools.org January 13, 2010 POSTING V The Agawam School Committee will hold an Executive Session on Monday, January 25, 2010, in the Superintendent's Conference Room, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations. Time: 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. " Put C&Cdren First" er�far Agawam Public Schools 1 1 . 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 1 Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 Ell ` t, MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools GREGORY R. BARES, M.B,A.,C.P.A. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/Instruction (413)821.0548 Assistant Superiniendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org POSTING January 05, 2010 The Agawam School Committee will hold a workshop on Monday, January 11, 2010, in the Agawam Junior High School library, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Mills, MA. 01030 Time: 6:30 P.M. Purpose: StudentAdvisory Committee Workshop " Put chit-dren. First" • (Y �Y�OYyyf� 1-c Y FA a n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 S Agawam Public Schools Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 E© MARY A.CZAJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C.A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools GREGORY R.BARES,M.B.A., C_P.A. Assistant Superintendent for CUfrlcuWmfinsiruoiion (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinesslHuman Resources (413)821-0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicscho6s.org POSTING January 04, 2010 The Agawam School Committee will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, January 12, 2010, in the Agawam Middle School auditorium, 68 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001. Time: 7:00 p.m. Citizens' Speak Time 7:15 p.m. Business Meeting '.. " Put ChiCdren First" J. a r 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 MARY A.C7-AJKOWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI,C,A.G.S. Superintendent of Schools PATRICfA A. CAVANAUGH,M.B.A.. Assistant Superintendent for Gurricuiumfinstructior (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for BusinesslHuman Resources (413)821-0558 Fax(413)789-1 B35 (413)621-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org POSTING December 21,2009, The Agawam School Committee will hold a workshop on Wednesday, January 6, 2010, in the Agawam Junior High School library 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 Time: 6:00 p.m. Purpose: Race to the Top Grant " Tut chiCdren ,First" - )' n 1305 Springfield Street Suite 1 Agawam Public Schools '� Feeding Hills, MA 01030-2198 E11 MARY A.CZAJKQWSKI, Ed D. WILLIAM P.SAPELLI, C.A,G.S Superintendent of Schools GREGORY R.BARES,M.B.A.,C.P.A. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculumllrstruction (413)821-0548 Assistant Superintendent for Business/Human Resources (413)821.0568 Fax(413)789-1835 (413)821-0550 www.agawampublicschools.org POSTING January 05, 2010 The Agawam School Committee will hold a workshop on Monday, January 11, 2010, in the Agawam Junior High School library, 1305 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 Time: 5:30 P.M. Purpose: Race to the Top Grant a " Put ChiCddren _Tarst"