C _
May 24, 2016
Members Present:
James Cichetti - Chair c
Corinne Wingard—Vice-Chair
Anthony Tassone r
Also Present:
Joseph Mineo w
Chair Cichetti called the meeting to order at 6:07 PM.
1. Approval of Minutes
Motion was made by Ms. Wingard and seconded by Mr. Cichetti to approve minutes from March 22,
2016. All in favor.
Motion was made by Ms. Wingard and seconded by Mr. Cichetti to approve minutes from April 12,
2016. All in favor.
2. Housing Study
Motion was made by Ms. Wingard and seconded by Mr. Tassone to table discussion about the
Housing Needs Assessment Study. All in favor.
3. Housing Production Plan/PATH Grant Application
Ms. Wingard stated the application has been completed and submitted.
4. Discussion of Appointment of Additional Agawam Housing Committee Members
An ordinance passed by Agawam City Council on May 16, 2016 will allow for two additional
members to be appointed to the City Council. Potential nominees were discussed.
5. Approval of Mission Statement
Motion was made by Ms. Wingard and seconded by Mr. Tassone to table discussion about approving
a mission statement for the Agawam Housing Committee. All in favor.
6. Presentation to Clergy Monthly Lunch Meeting
Ms. Wingard spoke about the Town of Agawam Housing Needs Assessment study and provided a
copy of the executive summary to all who attended.
7. Agawam Housing Committee Website
Ms. Wingard stated she will look into updating the order of the minutes and agendas. She will speak
with Planning Director Marc Strange about adding links to the Housing Needs Assessment
presentation and executive summary to the Website.
8. There was no further business discussed.
Motion was made by Ms. Wingard and seconded by Mr. Tassone to adjourn at 6:25 PM. All in
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