HISTORICAL COMMISSION� � H � ��r���l C'orr►rn�s� ib� AGAWAM HISTORICAL COMMISSION June 25, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: David Cecchi, Chairman Richard Bennett Gary Janulewicz a Alice Smith A Karl Stieg Marilyn Curry , MEMBERS ABSENT: Tim Bryant N, Old business a. 14 Wilson Street(Demolition Delay) Attorney Dennis Powers was in attendance with Frank Palange,petitioner. Attorney Powers asked how this Commission could help Mr. Palange. He stated that the onus is on the Agawam Historical Commission. No response has yet been received from the Law Department on the question: was demolition on the site started without a permit? Attorney Powers feels that the Historical Commission should assess whether or not property can be preserved. Mr. Cecchi stated that based on the site inspection,the Commission needs a legal opinion from the Law Department rearding the status of demolition. The inspection was made by Mr. Cecchi,Ms. Smith and Mr. Bennett. Mr. Palange asked why if the Commission inspected the property there is still no determination. Attorney Powers stated that he will contact the Law Department and determine their decision. He stated that they need notification of this decision. Mr. Bennett stated that the demolition work started long before the Commission became involved. Mr. Palange stated that it is not the Historical Commission's purview to determine if he can get a permit. Mr. Cecchi stated that the opinion should be available for the Commission's July meeting. Attorney Powers stated that he has read the ordinance and does not feel that the Historical Commission is empowered to determine whether demolition has occurred. Mr.Cecchi and.Mr. Bennett met with Town Solicitor Gioscia, and Associate Solicitor Patrick Toney. Mr. Bennett stated that Mr. Palange has placed the house on the market for $240,000 and the lot is 50, x 100'. He went on to say that at present there is no semblance of the original property. b. Main Street Project The members discussed the project and noted that is progressing nicely. Work on the curbs and tree belt are in progress. Trees will not be planted until Fall of 2013 or Spring of 2014. The members are hopeful the Town will maintain the trees. SCANNED �ll►� �,, C. School Street Barn No news yet on whether the Town has been awarded the $100,000 from the Mass. Historical Commission. CPA Funding for the barn project hinges on the town receiving this grant. Discussion of Goals and Objectives Mr. Cecchi suggested that the Commission consider preparing a set of goals and objectives of items the Commission wishes to consider. The members were asked to revisit past ideas and report them at the July meeting. Correspondence None The next meeting was set for July 30, 2013 AGAWAM HISTORICAL COMMISSION April 30, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: David Cecchi, Chairman Richard Bennettcon Gary Janulewicz p' Alice Smith G-) Karl Stieg Marilyn Curry -o _ MEMBERS ABSENT: Tim Bryant u, Public Hearing Continued-Demolition Permit— 14 Wilson Street Mr. Cecchi informed the audience that the site has been secured and cleaned up. The Law Department issued a cease and desist on March 19, 2013. Mr. Palange feels that homes of any historic significance should be listed on the demolition permit application. Mr. Palange will tear house down and add new building. Land is commercially zoned. Building will be same style as existing garage. All historical items of significance have been removed from the house. Asbestos has been removed. When Building Inspector contacted, Mr. Palange questioned as to historical significance. Mr. Cecchi stated that this area known as City View Heights has historical significance in architecture as a neighborhood. Motion was made by Mr. Bennett and seconded by to declare 14 Wilson Street as a house of historic significance. VOTE 6-0 The Commission then discussed the Selection of Historical Commission representative to serve on the Community Preservation Act Committee (CPA) Motion was made by Mr. Stieg and seconded by Ms. Smith to nominate Richard Bennett to serve as the Historical Commission's representative on the Community Preservation Act Committee. VOTE 6-0 Main Street Project The members were in agreement that Mr. Roberts is satisfied with the Commission's recent change in distribution of trees on his Main Street property. Correspondence and contract to this effect are in the Planning Department. SCANNED z 1 School Street Barn Mr. Bennett stated that he was at the Little League Opening Day at Memorial Field on Saturday, March 27t' and found lots of enthusiasm from young families with regard to the Barn. He reiterated that the$300,000 in town CPA funds is contingent upon the Town being successful in obtaining the $100,000 from the Mass. Historic Commission Preservation Fund grant. Correspondence None Any other business Mr. Stieg stated that he has spoken with Lester Smith,King House curator and barn superintendent and Suffield, CT town historian. Young people in Simsbury, CT worked with the Simsbury Historical Society to do a video of historic sites in town. He further stated that the chairman of the Simsbury Historical Society stated that he would be willing to come before this Commission to provide details. The next meeting date was set for June 25, 2013. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM. David Chase approached the commission and stated that although he is a member of the Planning Board he was not attending in that capacity, but as a citizen. He questioned the line of questioning from the Historical Commission regarding 14 Wilson Street and felt that the questions were out of line and not relevant to determining the historical significance of the property. He also asked if there was a way for the commission to reconsider its decision. h Agawam Historical Commission March 12, 2013 Page 1 AGAWAM HISTORICAL COMMISSION March 12, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: David Cecchi, Chairman x. Richard Bennett Marilyn Curry ' Gary Janulewicz Karl Stieg Ze ry MEMBERS ABSENT: ch Tim Bryant Alice Smith Mr. Cecchi called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. PUBLIC HEARING—Demolition Permit—14 Wilson Street The property owner, Frank Palange, was unable to attend this meeting. Attorney Dennis Powers was in attendance representing Mr. Palange. 200' in from Springfield Street is business zoned. Earlier Mr. Palange said"structure in serious disrepair. Cellar jacks holding building up. Major electrical work needed." Audience very upset over Mr. Palange's activities and question his having obtained a permit. Sandy Dean, 22 Wilson Street—Concerned about interior condition of house and attempts to secure same. Tony Macomber, 32 Wilson Street—Stated that demolition was already in progress. Copper removed,heating system removed and replacement windows removed. No security provided. Steve Dean, 22 Wilson Street—Remarked that no announcement of this meeting was sent to neighbors. Mr. Palange bought house from Mr. Dean's son. He told Mr. Dean he was going to rent the house. Attorney Powers—Stated that$1,000 was held back from sale to assure that sellers (Dean)would move out and leave property in"broom clean" condition. Money was returned. Ann Levenson,44 Wilson Street-present Carla Vandal, 19 Wilson Street—Stated that she purchased her house on 11/12/12 because of the neighborhood. Trees are now gone—view open to Springfield Street. Ms. Vandal told the commission that Mr. Palange told her he intends to purchase additional SCANNED 7 x Agawam Historical Commission March 12, 2013 Page 2 property on Wilson Street for Section 8 housing. She is concerned that property value on Wilson Street will plummet. Mrs. Vandal wants property returned to original condition. Kelley Tesiscini, 50 Wilson Street—Objected to the project. William Tessiscini, 50 Wilson Street—Objected to the project. Mr. Cecchi referred to the Demolition Delay Ordinance. Permits are required for demolition. Abutters request demolition permit be denied and property be returned to visual acceptance. Copy of 2002 Historical Inventory Form referenced. Gary 3anulewicz moved: Motion to table until April 30, 2013 meeting. Dick Bennett—Letter to be sent regarding work already done in advance of permit. Correspondence—None Main Street Project Present: Steve Roberts, engineer Tom Ruta from MassDOT. Compromise of trees to be planted. Gary—keep#1. David: move #243. Motion: Relocation of 41 slightly to the north, #3 to the corner of Parker Street. Eliminate#2, South Park. Eliminate#6,#4 and 45 move to north end of property. Two trees from this area to be relocated. Will DPW Superintendent be responsible for tree maintenance? Motion by Dick Bennett to accept this compromise. Second by Karl Steig. Vote 5-0 School Street Barn Dick Bennett noted negative comments by Councilor Calabrese in local paper. The next meeting was set for April 30, 2013, 7:00 PM. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM. AGAWAM HISTORICAL COMMISSION February 26, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: ^, David Cecchi, Chairman CAN Richard Bennett a Karl Stieg Alice Smith ! Marilyn Curry Gary Janulewicz =� PQ Mr. Cecchi called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Demolition Permit Application— 14 Wilson Street Present: Frank Palange(petitioner); Attorney Dennis Powers Mr. Palange stated that vandalism had occurred at house and a police report files. He also stated that he would be out of town on the date of the public hearing and that his attorney Dennis Powers would be in attendance. 21,933 sq.ft building—pictures of current condition of house and layout of new construction submitted. The public hearing for this item was scheduled for March 12, 2013. Main Street Project Present Steve Roberts,petitioner; Tom Ruta, MassDOT Mr. Roberts wants two trees removed from present plan as he feels it will obstruct his signage (to be installed). New trees—Ash,Maple, Oak—all 2"-3.5"diameter. Commission to make determination at Tuesday, March 12, 2013 meeting. School Street Barn Application for CPA Funding passed at Council meeting on Monday, 7 Yes,4 No. Other Business Motion was made by Mr. Stieg and seconded by Ms. Curry that Mr. Cecchi speak with School Superintendent William Sapelli re: any interested history students for the Commission. VOTE 6-0 SCANNED T The meeting adjourned. AGAWAM HISTORICAL COMMISSION January 29, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: David Cecchi,Chairman MOP Karl Stieg Alice Smith a Marilyn Curry Gary Janulewicz MEMBERS ABSENT: Richard Bennett ry Tim Bryant rn Paul Shafer , Mr. Cec chi called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM Main Street Project Present for this item were: Steve Roberts,Perry Powell, and Tim Reed. MUTCD—manual for uniform traffic control devices was cited. Object: Visibility of Roberts' property from road(Route 159)will be blocked by trees to be planted. Signs must be seen by drivers to access Exxon facility. Discussion: This project has been on the books for 8 to 10 years. First time Roberts has heard of tree location. Mrs. Curry stated that public.hearings were posted and well attended by Agawam citizens and officials. Commission will meet to visibly evaluate site and report at next meeting in February. School Street Barn Present for this item: Henry Kozloski, Chairman of the Community Preservation Act Committee (CPA). Mr. Kozloski stated CPA does not allow for the matching$100,000 available from Massachusetts Historical Preservation Fund. MHC grant application as well as application for CPA funding will be going before the Agawam Town Council in February. CPA Funding: 10%historical; 10%housing; 10%open space; the remainder to the undesignated fund. Only 1%is used for administration. Motion was made and seconded by Ms. Curry to support CPA funds for the School Street Barn. VOTE 5-0 The next meeting date was set for February 26, 2013, 7:00 PM. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM. SCANNED 7 I? 7/120- AGAWAM HISTORICAL COMMISSION December 27, 2012 MEMBERS PRESENT: David Cecchi, Chairman Karl Stieg Alice Smith Marilyn Curry Gary 3anulewicz w A MEMBERS ABSENT: Paul Shafer a Tim Bryant Dick Bennett -o ry Mr. Cecchi called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. --- M Public Hearing 26-28 North Westfield Street Demolition Permit Not much information available regarding the house at 26-28 North Westfield Street. Alice Smith knows this house. She stated that while it was once lovely,now after many renovations haphazardly done, no significant historical features remain. Tina DePahna, Ralph's daughter, was in attendance representing her father. She stated that the proposed new building will be 8700 sq. ft.; colonial nature; glass with brick,white trim. Barbara Murphy, 35 North Westfield Street(restoring Feeding Hills Congregational Church parsonage); not opposed to building but is concerned with traffic as both driveways are opposite. Mr. Cecchi stated he would like to see the new building brought forward and put the parking lot in the rear of the site. Ms. DePalma stated she would check with her father on that suggestion. Motion was made by Ms. Curry and seconded by Ms. Smith to approve the demolition permit for 26-28 North Westfield Street. VOTE 5-0 Ms. DePalma stated that she would like to see the Town do something about 14 North Westfield Street. She stated that the property is a disaster to look at. Correspondence None January meeting: F.L. Roberts - Steve Roberts will bring Perry Powell from Texas to discuss the Main Street project, specifically the proposed trees on his property. School Street Barn SCANNED z r �- The public hearing was held by the Planning Department and the School Street Barn Committee. It was the general consensus of those present to preserve the barn. The next meeting was set for January 29, 2013. AGAWAM HISTORICAL COMMISSION November 27, 2012 MEMBERS PRESENT: David Cecchi,Chairman Richard Bennett Karl Stieg Alice Smith G-' Gary Janulewicz k Marilyn Curry MEMBERS ABSENT: �•' - Tim Bryant rn Paul Shafer Mr. Cecchi called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Correspondence None School Street Barn The Barn Committee has met with architect William Crosskey. Public hearing for barn by Planning Department and Barn Committee was set for Senior Center, December 12th 7:00 PM. Challenge--three or four season use? Barn Committee members David Cecchi,Dick Bennett, Jill Messick, Deborah Dachos,Russ Petrucci, Bob Magovern and Henry Kozloski. Cost for three-season use= $681,000; four-season=$813,000. Funding source—CPA funds or Mass. Historical Commission grant? Agawam Historical Commission does not have an opinion regarding three or four season use. Plaque honoring Ed Squazza—Family has had sign made and will install at new home at 21 South Street. Anne Sullivan Memorial - Council has approved new replacement signs. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. SCANNED �� ��