SESQUICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE l�E tv7',E/U �1' ti AGAWAM SESQUICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE MEETING JULY 18, 2005 The meeting was opened at 7:03 P.M. by Chairperson Karla Young. Present were: Karla Young, David Cecchi, Wilma Gillan, Darcy Davis, Rose Palazzi, Marilyn Curry, Alice Smith, Teresa Kozloski, Patty Souder, Rob Keenan, Kathy Keenan, Shirley Kibbe, Doug Taylor, Marilyn Taylor, and Sally Loos. The secretary's report was approved as presented. Programs, calendars, and House Tour booklets will be placed in the library and some schools. Marilyn stated that perhaps another "House Tour" could take place in a couple of years. The DVD is being completed. The Ball and Encampment are done. It is hoped to have it completed by August 1. A copy will be given to the library. Rose reported as of June 30, 2005, there is a balance of$19,000. This is not a final figure. Each chairman received a report of their function. David reported on the 12 sycamore trees. They would be placed at each school, Veterans' Green, Town Hall, and Feeding Hills Center. They would be 2-2 1/2" in diameter at a cost of$450 each installed. Signs would also be installed with "Agawam settled in 1635, incorporated in 1855". On motion made by Marilyn Curry, seconded by Marilyn Taylor, it was voted that extra funds be spent on trees, signage, markers for the trees, and logo sign (brownish). Alice reported 424 tickets were sold for the House Tour. There were also many complimentary tickets. Cecchi Farms sold about 200 tickets. Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, - Wilma Gillan, Secretary ,, NEXT MEETING- , SEPTEMBER - 7 P.M.- LIBRARY � f SCANNED �' �, ''�- AGAWAM SESQUICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE MEETING JUKE 7, 2005 %a The meeting was opened at 6:35 P.M. by Chairperson Karla Young. Present were: Karla Young, David Cecchi, Wilma Gillan, Darcy Davis, Rose Palazzi, Marilyn Curry, Alice Smith, Teresa Kozloski, Patty Souder, Rob Keenan, Mark Dintzner, Michele Lindenmuth, Shirley Kibbe, Doug Taylor, Marilyn Taylor, Linda Ulschmann, Sally Loos, and Warren Tapply. The secretary's report was presented with an addition of an appropriation of$350 for Mr. Cable's reception. Then approved as presented. Darcy Davis received a round of applause for the successful concert. The visit with the Cable Family was well received and included a visit to "The Meadows" where the original house was built. Teresa reported 265 reservations have been made for the banquet. The band will play from 8-12. There will be a set up on Friday morning at 9 A.M. Mark reported on the Re-enactment. They expect about 20 attendees. There probably will not be any cannon. Mark is getting 2 regular sani-cans. An appropriation of$400 will be put in the Revolutionary Encampment Account. Alice showed the program for the Home Tour. Tickets are on sale every day at the Library from 5:30-8 P.M. They will also be available at the Capt. Leonard House the day of the book signing and the day of the tour. They are also available at Cecchi's Farm. Posters were distributed. Michelle reported on the picnic to be held from 4-9 P.M. on Saturday. There will be activities for children. $1500 was appropriated for the music and sound system provided by Brat Sound/Brass Attack. Patty reported pledges of$33,680 or 82% of our goal. David made a motion, seconded by Marilyn, that we purchase sycamore trees and plant them at the schools if funding is available at the conclusion of festivities. Approved. �('ANNED�Z� +? 'Me Also, if funding is available, it was suggested a granite stone with the logo be placed at the Town Hall. Patty distributed a list of entries in the parade. There will be a shuttle bus from 11:30-1:30 from the Polish Club to the High School. There will be a crane at Cecchi's Farm over the road to film the parade. Children will have the option to leave the parade at Granger of North Westfield Street. There will be bleacher seating in Feeding Hills Center for the town officials and the committee. David announced that the programs for the ball were at the printer. The medallions cost $2.50 each and will be sold for $5. Each person at the ball will receive one with their program. Calendars, ornaments, and commemorative envelopes will be available at the ball. Envelopes will sell for $2.50 each. The souvenir programs will be sold for $2.50 each. Souvenir items will be available also at the picnic. On motion made by David, seconded and carried, it was voted to donate items left after celebration to the Historical Association. Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, r Wilma Gillan, Secretary UW"-UP MEETING- JULY 189 2005 7 P.M. LIBRARY k 4 Sesquicentennial Committee Tuesday, June 7, 2005 6:30 PM Agawam Public Library It's HERE! Agenda 1. Call to order 2. Approval of minutes— May 3. Chair's Notes- Developments over the month 4. Committee Reports 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Any other business 7. Meeting Schedule 8. Adjournment SCANNED Sesquicentennial Committee Tuesday, June 7, 2005 6:30 PM Agawam Public Library It's HERE! Agenda 1. Call to order 2. Approval of minutes— May 3. Chair's Notes- Developments over the month 4. Committee Reports 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Any other business 7. Meeting Schedule 8. Adjournment f AGAWAM SESQUICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 9, 2005 The meeting was opened at 6:40 P.M. by Chairperson Karla Young. The Secretary's report was approved with the correction that it was a grant and not a donation of$1000 from the Cultural Committee. Present were: Karla Young, David Cecchi, Wilma Gillan, Darcy Davis, Rose Palazzi, Marilyn Curry, Alice Smith, Teresa Kozloski, Patty Souder, Rob Keenan, Mark Dintzner, Michele Lindenmuth, John Devecchi, Shirley Kibbe, Doug Taylor, Marilyn Taylor, Linda Ulschmann, and Sally Loos. Karla reported that Mr. Cable would be at the Captain Leonard House on May 19 from 5:30-7:00 P.M. Dinner will follow at Storrowton. Vendors have state licenses so there is nothing we can do to stop them from being along the parade route. The contract for the DVD has been signed. They need a check for $400. Karr will send a personal check and use cash from committee funds. There will be a transfer of$5000 to the Picnic fund. Need prices for food products. Teresa reported that Dan Keenan and Steve Buoniconti will attend. Father Brennan has been asked to give the Benediction. Teresa turned in $1900. Darcy turned in $1000 from concert tickets. Alice reported that Stop & Shop will provide an arrangement for the Captain Leonard House. Bobby Cecchi has donated arrangements for each house. Alice will have 500 tickets printed. Mark reported he will order 3 regular and 1 handicap sani-can for the Junior High area. Two water buffalos will be on site for water. The insurance for the re-enactment will be $60 per day. On motion made by Marilyn, and seconded, it was approved to pay the $120 to cover the insurance. Sally needs small rugs to set up displays for the quilt show. She would also like coat racks. Needs signs. `�t�ANNED b May 17 the proclamation will be read in the schools. Patty announced that Darcy Davis will be the Grand Marshall for the parade. There will be 10 walky-talkies on loan from Tower Communications. Patty reported funding received of$26,805.00, 65% of quota. The cost for 2000 copies of the coloring books distributed to the school children is $4000. Paid ads have brought in $7400. Marilyn announced we will have the library cases for June. Looking for material on Agawam to fill cases. Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M. Next meeting: Tuesday, June 7, 2005 at 6:3 0 P.M at the Library. Respectfully Submitted, Wilma Gillan, Secretary f r AGAWAM SESQUICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 11, 2005 The meeting was opened at 6:35 P.M. by Chairperson Karla Young. The Secretary's minutes approved with a change that the school waive the use of the cannon on school grounds. Present were: Karla Young, Wilma Gillan, Alice Smith, Rose Palazzi, Darcy Davis, Mayor Richard Cohen, Patty Souder, Rob Keenan, Kathy Keenan, Dawn Fleury, Mark Dintzner, Walter Maniani, Mary Anne Drobot, Michele Lindenmuth, J. Emile Cote, John Devecchi, Shirley Kibbe, Richard Chapman, Doug Taylor,tand Marilyn Taylor. Six Flags presented a check for $5000. Mayor Cohen thanked the group for all their hard work in preparing for the celebration. Patty reported $41,000 was needed to cover expenses. Have reached 52% of goal. Need to raise $19,000. OMG will be a sponsor and also will have volunteers for the picnic. Big E will sponsor a band for $850 but will not let out carousel. Mark reported that the Army Reserve Band will be fed by the Polish American Club after the parade. King Ward will supply two buses to shuttle people from the end of the parade back to the high school. The Cultural Council donated $1000 for poster winners. For the picnic, the Dunking Booth proceeds may go for scholarships. DARE will have a booth at the picnic, Giovanni's will donate Italian Ice, food served will be hot dogs, hamburgs, fried dough, soda, and water. Stop & Shop has asked corporate office for a $5000 donation for picnic. SCANNED z7 -W Y R - They expect 50-60 people to take part in the re-enactment. Alice reported the Captain Leonard House will serve refreshments instead of tea. For the House Tour, they still need flowers for the homes. Programs are in the process of being printed. John DeVecchi will show his garden on Briarcliff Drive. Alice showed markers that will be at each home. Walter reported that all events will be taped. There will be a remembrance DVD made available. There will be an $800 charge to shoot all and wants 1/2 up front. The cost will be about $6 per copy. Karla and Bob Young will fund. They will need hours and locations of all events. Will need clearance to allow filming. There will be a credit listing at the end. Hope to turn around for sale by Summerfest. The logo will be painted in front of all the schools and the post office. May 17 will be Agawam Day. All are encouraged to wear orange. Richard Chapman reported he is trying to get a 1934 Budweiser delivery truck for the parade. Emile Cote reported the "Friends of the Senior Center" will have a Pancake Breakfast from 7:30-11 A.M. on the day of the parade. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 P.M. Next meeting: May 9, 2005 at 6:30 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Wilma Gillan, Secretary r Sesquicentennial Committee Monday, March_14, 2005 7:00 PM Agawam Public Library Agenda 1. Call to order 2. Approval of minutes --February 3. Chair's Notes- Developments over the month 4. Committee Reports 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Any other business 7. Meeting Schedule S. Adjournment Agawam Public Library 7.00pm Monday April, 11, 2005 Monday May 9, 2005 Tuesday June 7, 2005 ,FANNED AGAWAM SESQUICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 2005 The meeting was opened at 7:07 P.M. by Chairperson Karla Young. The Secretary's minutes for November, December, and January were approved. Present were: Karla Young, David Cecchi, Wilma Gillan, Rose Palazzi, Darcy Davis, Marilyn Curry, Teresa Kozloski, Patty Souder, George Collins, Rob Keenan, Kathy Keenan, Bob Conti, Dawn Fleury, Donna DiLullo, Mark Dintzner, Doug Taylor, and Marilyn Taylor. Karla reported meeting with the Mayor. Town monetary donation was not established. Darcy spoke with the Police Department regarding using auxiliary police. Superintendent of Schools stated the High School Band will be in the parade. Fireworks have been eliminated from the celebration due to the lack of funds. Wednesday night concert and bonfire are eliminated. New plans are to have a concert and Family Picnic on Saturday from 4 P.M. to dusk. May omit chicken dinner and have only hot dogs and hamburgers and maybe fried dough. Berkshire Power will donate $650 to fund a fife and drum corps. A donation of$1000 was received from the Cultural Council to be used for a poster contest that the art teachers will do with the children. Thursday, a picture will be taken at Westfield Bank with their donation. 1500 Program Booklets will be printed for a cost of$5500. To date, $1200 is received. Six Flags has agreed to pay for two signs, one in Agawam Center and one in Feeding Hills Center. They will have a banner entering town and also a banner under their sign at the Park. Possibly, they will have a "Coupon Day" in April or May. 'ZrgNNED 2 -7 -11401- Charles Cable, descendant of John Cable, founder of Agawam, wants to come to the area May 19t'. A reception may be planned. Parade will have 60 units. The Clergy Group may work together to get a giant balloon. Program ads are needed. Memorial ads were suggested. Tickets for the Ball were distributed. Each Committee member was given ten tickets by Teresa. Mark reported on the Re-enactment. Has a commitment for wood and straw. Making plans for food. Suggestion to offer Sani-Can Company a 1/2 page ad for payment. Darcy announced May 15 concert tickets will be $10 for reserved seating. It was agreed that Darcy will be reimbursed for postage and other expenses. David is working on a banner for the celebration. Sweatshirts with the logo may be for sale. A price of$25 was suggested. Antique tractors may be available to pull floats. Bob Conti for Taylor Rental will work with members for needed items. Rotary has a popcorn machine and will supply materials at cost and run the machine. Face painting may be available. The Treasurer's report showed a balance of$3242.97. Meeting was adjourned at 9 P.M. Next meeting: March 14, 2005. Respectfully Submitted, w _ Wilma Gillan, Secretary t A GA WAM SESQUICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE MEETING- MARCH 14, 2005 The meeting was opened at 7:05 P.M. by the Chairperson Karla Young. Present were: Karla Young, David Cecchi, Wilma Gillan, Rose Palazzi, Marilyn Curry, Teresa Kozloski, Alice Smith, Darcy Davis, Mark Dintzner, Patty Souder, Sally Loos, Marilyn Taylor, Doug Taylor, Linda Uschmann, Dawn Fleury, Cindy Sanford, Rick Bellico, Richard Chapman, Shirley Kibbe. The secretary's minutes were approved as presented. Dick Bennett, of the town beautification committee, spoke regarding a town clean-up. More on this at the next meeting. Rick Bellico will talk to J & R Sweepers. Karla announced that Jack Sarat will donate $2500 and pay for two bands. Six Flags will donate the $5000 for the Shriners Units. We hope to get funding for filming of the parade and all events. Tony Albro will be contacted regarding the use of P.A. system for the re-enactment. It is hoped the town will absorb the cost of janitors. Hope to light the signs at night. o Dick Chapman, of the Agawam Crankers discussed the cars at the homes on the House Tour. They will also be on display at the Capt. Leonard House and the Agawam Congregational Church. Alice and Marilyn announced Tour ticket prices will be $10 in advance, $12 day of tour. Teresa announced a special children's ticket for the banquet of$18.95 with a special menu. There will be an Ann Sullivan Program on June 9 at the Library presented by Kate Carney. SCANNED Tim Ayre will be contacted to see if he will donate the programs for the Ball. The Agawam Flower Shop will donate centerpieces. David announced a postal cancellation will begin May 17 for one month at the Agawam post office. There will be a stencil along the parade route in orange. Coloring books will be distributed through the elementary schools from K- 4. Rick Bellico announced that Charles Cable will be at the Capt. Leonard House for a reception on May 19. Skip's wants to make a float with a replica of the first home in Agawam. Mark will get permission from the School Department to fire the cannon for the re-enactment. There will be a $75 fee for insurance rider. They hope to have 40-50 participants for the re-enactment. It was agreed to give a 1/4 page ad to T & J Construction for a donation of wood. Dawn announced picnic activities as follows: 4 Bands, Barbershop Quartet, Gladiator Joust, Bungee Run, Bounce House, Dunking Booth, Big "E" Carousel Organ, Face Painting. Omniglow will donate 500 necklaces. u Committee chairmen are asked to present their committee members at the next meeting. Darcy has tickets for the concert. CD On motion made by Patty Souder and seconded, it was voted to meet at a 6:30 P.M. a Next meeting April 11, 6:30 P.M., in the children's room at the library. Submitt d, , r Rose J. Palazzi February 15,2005 As of February 15, 2005, balance was $3242.97 in the Sesquicentennial treasury. Since then;, monies coming in were: Calendars/Tshirts $ 230.00 Ball 500.00 Donations/Sponsors 600.00 Ads 1.350.00 $ 2, 680.00 Expenses were: 1,000.00 Balance remaining $ 4,922.97 Respectfully, Rose Palazzi Its Sesquicentennial Committee Wednesday September 15 200_4 �.�. 7:00 PM Agawam Public Library Agenda 1. Call to order 2. Approval of minutes --June 3. Chair's Notes- Outline w/ estimates Fireworks Parade Bonfire & concert 4. Committee Reports 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Calendar& Ornament distribution "? 7. Any other business 8. Meeting Schedule 9. Adjournment Agawam Public Library 7:00pm Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2004 Monday,November 29, 2004 Monday, December 13, 2004 Monday, January 10,.2004 Monday, February 14, 2004 Monday, March 14, 2004 Monday April, 11, 2004 Monday May 9, 2004 Tuesday June 7, 2004 ".,ANNED 2I !I Sesquicentennial Committee W dnesdj 5&ptember 15, 2004 7:00 PM Agawam Public Library Agenda 1. Call to order 2. Approval of minutes—June 3. Chair's Notes- Outline wl estimates Fireworks Parade Bonfire & concert 4. Committee Reports 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Calendar & Ornament distribution cr. rT 7. Any other business 8. Meeting Schedule 9. Adjournment Agawam Public Library 7:00pm Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2004 Monday, November 29, 2004 Monday,December 13, 2004 Monday, January 10, 2004 Monday, February 14, 2004 Monday, March 14, 2004 Monday April, 11, 2004 Monday May 9, 2004 Tuesday June 7, 2004 AGAWAM SESQUICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Meeting15, 2004 The meeting was opened at 7 p.m. by the Chairperson Karla Young. The secretary `s minutes were tabled. Present were the following: Teresa Kozloski, William Euliano, Jr., Marilyn Taylor, Douglas Taylor, Wilma Gillan,Patty Souder, Darcy Davis, Alice D. Smith, Mark Dintzner, David Cecchi, Karla M. Young, Sally Loos. Sally Loos reviewed the list of categories of the quilt's squares that was suggested by the Historical Committee. Six women are committed to doing a block. She is always open to suggestions. Patty Souder will be in charge of the parade and is pursuing getting commitments for floats and organizations to participate in the parade. Carla Young stated that letters seeking funding for the celebration will be sent out before October. John Negrucci will be coordinator of fireworks. It was decided that a magnet picture as a souvenir for the ball will not be necessary. Teresa Kozloski showed a poster that was designed for promotion for the ball. It was stated that David Cecchi will be doing all poster designs for the sesquicentennial. Alice Smith reviewed the House Tour. Brochures will be ready in January.Nine houses plus a garden will be presented as noted in the following list. The committee is contacting florists for donations for flowers and plants. Houses: Captain Charles Leonard House, 663 Main St., Agawam Mr. & Mrs. Stephen DePalma, 56 Avonlon Pl., Feeding Hills Mr. & Mrs. Georgory Farmer, 1289 Main St., Agawam M.r. &Mfrs. Ph.Jlli;Kimball, 53 Perry Lane, Aga,=vam Mr. &-Mrs. Wayne Macey Mr. &Mrs. Howard Safford, 92 Juniper Ridge Dr., Feeding Hills -, Mrs. Alice D. Smith, 523 North Westfield St., Feeding Hllls Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Tabin, 28 River St., Agawam Cr I Linda Lewis and Gary Arnold, 847 So. West St., Feeding Hills Garden: Mr. & Mrs. David Cecchi, 29 Albert St., Agawam �- Cn cr) r-- ^TANNED 2 ` " Darcy Davis is coordinating a poster contest in both the junior high and high school to depict events of the founding of Agawam and the songs of Agawam. He is approaching the Agawam Cultural Council for a grant. Mark Dintzner will contact the Re-enactment group to find out their plans at this time. Submittted, Teresa Kozloski ZZ z ` cn c rn