FISCAL YEAR 2003 TO FISCAL YEAR 2007 am0"- i am i Town of Agawam, Massachusetts Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2003--Fiscal year 2007 New Agawam Public Library - N Submitted by Richard A. Cohen, Mayor i am am 4W 4W M NIP O— 4M Wa0-0 a" 100 4W RM -a Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2003 - Fiscal Year 2007 TABLE OF CONTENT ITEM PAGE BE (1) Cover Memorandum to Town Council. 1 (2) Introduction 2 (3) List of Projects (Bonding &Appropriation Schedules) (FY2003 - FY2007) 5 (4) Project Descriptions 16 (5) Band Payment Spreadsheet 21 (6) Chart - Existing Bond Costs 22 (7) Chart - Budget Appropriations 23 (8) Chart - Projected New Bond Costs 24 (9) Chart - Projected Total Bond Costs (before grants and reimbursement) 25 (10) Chart - Projected Total Bond Costs (after grants and reimbursement) 26 a' W OW W, on 41K OW WK 4W- W-W vim !M "a lm W-K.' ,W, ow- " Town of Agawam S6 Main Street, .Agawam, Massachusetts 01001 Telephone (41S) 786-4520 ( FAX (413) 786-9927 Richard A. Cohen, Mayor Memorandum To. Agawam Town Council From; Richard A. Cohen, Mayor Re: Capital Improvement Program (Fiscal Year 2003 - Fiscal Year 2007) Date: April 12, 2002 ----------------------------------------------------------__-------------_---------__---------------------------------------- Pursuant to Section 5-3 of the Agawam Home Rule Charter, I hereby submit the Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2003 to Fiscal Year 2007 to the Agawam Town Council. The Capital Improvement Program is a prioritized plan of proposed capital improvements over the next five fiscal years. The major purposes of the Capital Improvement Program are as follows: (a) to develop and prioritize needed proposed capital improvement projects; (b) to research and estimate the revenue necessary to fund proposed capital improvement projects; (c) to set parameters on the revenue dedicated to fund proposed capital improvement projects; and (d) to forecast future principal and interest expenditures. The program presented represents a realistic financially feasible long term program. With the fiscal uncertainty presented by the Education Reform Act, as well as, diminishing state grant and project reimbursement money, the proposed plan may be delayed in its implementation. As revenue estimates become available, revisions shall be made and incorporated in the capital budget portion of the annual budget. Please call with any questions. Respectfully submitted, X � Richard A. Cohen, Mayor 1 err >t■�r +�► +� on 19W 40, AW SM a* 00 aw. wilt IM aai Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2003 - Fiscal Year 2007 INTRODUCTION For the purposes of this Capital Improvement Program, a capital improvement is a project or undertaking which provides for(i)the planning, design, construction, reconstruction, renovation or replacement of a public building or facility; (ii) an addition to a public building or facility; (iii) the purchase of land, buildings or facilities for a public purpose; or (iv) a long range development study. While the type of improvement is the basic criteria, a project costing at least $20,000 that has a life expectancy of ten (10) years or more is generally considered to be a capital improvement. The Capital Improvement Program is designed to accomplish the following purposes: 1. To utilize town funds for capital improvements which are compatible with the town's mission of effective and efficient provision of quality services to the citizens and businesses of Agawam which in turn enhance the quality of life in our community; 2. To undertake Capital Improvement Projects on a coordinated basis; 3. To inform the community when needed and planned Capital Improvement Projects and corresponding expenditures are to be expected and initiated in the future; 4. To utilize town funds on the basis of community priorities in coordination with the availability of grants and/or other state, federal or private reimbursements; and 5. To undertake Capital Improvements after careful planning and financial analysis to avoid an undue burden on the town's fiscal capacity now and in the future. 2 OKW a* IM, Wo so oft No am Aft OW After. many years of limited capital investMent, the town was faced with many desperately needed projects which had to be undertaken in spite of projected limited revenue growth. Fiscal restraint and careful planning are required to assure long term stability, and care must be-taken in project development and implementation in order that bond sales are timed so that principal and interest costs occur in the year scheduled. In addition, the funding requirements of the Education Reform Bill have placed severe limits on the Town's ability to undertake needed capital improvements. In developing this Capital Improvement Program the following general assumptions on fiscal capacity were assumed and applied: 1. Growth in total property tax revenues will continue to be limited by the restraints of Proposition 2 Y2 and no debt exclusion overrides are contemplated in this plan; 2. The town will pursue the maximum property tax revenue allowed by Proposition 2 1/2; 3. For the upcoming fiscal year and future years, the Administration is continuing to recommend a greater emphasis be placed on capital improvements; and 4. During the next five years, the town should: a. Limit General Fund principal and interest payments to approximately $1 million dollars per year; b. Appropriate as much funding as possible annually from the general fund for capital improvements on a pay as you go basis while maintaining existing service levels; and C. Utilize the Stabilization Fund to assist in meeting the above referenced goal for level principal and interest payments. The process of capital planning involves setting priorities within the fiscal capability of the town. Each year the entire plan is reviewed in light of changing needs and requirements. There are more needs for improvements by town departments that can be included in a five year time period, and certainly the net school spending requirements of the Education Reform Bill may cause further delays in making capital improvements. 3 In developing the recommended Capital Improvement Program, the following priorities were addressed: 1. ro . The town must meet the needs of a growing population and at the same time direct and manage growth through the timing of public utility expansion; 2. JW12rove or A5si5t Service Delivery - Projects that will reduce the need for staff increases or make staff operations more efficient have been given priority; I EEaCilities_ - New and Maintenance 4f Exiting FaciWies - When Proposition 2 % was implemented communities were forced to delay constructing new facilities and defer maintenance on existing facilities which has led to the current backlog of need for new facilities and the provision of maintenance to existing facilities; and 4. Prior commitments - The Town is bound by commitments made in prior years. The commitments were considered in the proposed budget and program. The attached Capital Improvement Program was developed around the previously cited constraints and program objectives. It includes a bonding and appropriation plan for each of the five program years, a brief description of each project item, spread sheets and charts showing existing and proposed bond payments and graphical representations of these payments. 4 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2003 - Fiscal Year 2007 Fiscal Year 2003 ApproprLai iron Schedule General and Appropriations Projected rrQJCct Description Amount Agawam Public Schools - Technology Education $125,000.00 Park Improvement Program $20,000.00 Real Estate Revaluation(1/3 of Town) $125,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $10,000.00 Street Improvement Program $140.000.00 TOTAL 0 000 00 5 OW OW 00 W W AM*,. Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2003 - Fiscal Year 2007 Fiscal Year 2003 Bonding Schedule General Fund Projects Projected First Year Project Description Amount Principal& Interest Public Works Facility $4,000,000.00 $4I0,000.00 Middle School Roof $400,000.00 $41,000.00 Revenue Fund Projects; Water Fund Projected First Year Project Description Amount Principal& Interest Suffield/Main Streets Water Loop $590,000.00 $60,475.00 6 M .M M dW M maw M M ice► doo' ow so 10. 00 4W 4M Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2003 - Fiscal Year 2007 Fiscal Year 2QU Bonding Schedule (Continued) Revenue Fund Projects: Sewer Fund Projected Firh t� Year Project Description Amount rinci al Inter Feeding Hills Trunk Sewer South (Design) $2,017,500,00 $206,793.75 Federal Street Sewer Replacement $210,000.00 $21,525.00 7 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2003 - Fiscal Year 2007 Fiscal Year 2004 Appropriation SchedMIC General Fund An,_uropriation Projected Projgd Desgdpfion Amount Agawam Public Schools -Technology Education $125,000.00 Junior High Intercom and Clocks $50,000.00 Park Improvement Program $20,000.00 Real Estate Revaluation(1/3 of Town) $125,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $20,000.00 Street Improvement Program 1250,000.00 TOTAL $590,000.00 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2003 - Fiscal Year 2007 Fiscal Year 2004 Bonding Schedule General Egnd Projects Projected First Year Project Ducr p 'on mou t Principal& Interest Senior Center Addition Construction $1,114,000.00 $114,185.00 Recreation Improvement Program: School Street Park $1,000,000.00 $107,500.00 9 r� r ram► r� r rr rr � r�R rt r� �r � �r �t � �w rw r Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2003 - Fiscal Year 2007 Fiscal Year 2005 noropriation Schedule General Fund Apnropria Projected Proje!;t Desgriptia Amount Agawam Public Schools -Technology Education $125,000.00 North Agawam Drainage Phase I $35,000.00 Park Improvement Program $20,000.00 Real Estate Revaluation(1/3 of Town) $125,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $20,000.00 Street Improvement Program $250,000.00 Town Hall Preliminary Design $30.000 00 TOTAL $605,00M 10 l won " M M M Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2003 - Fiscal Year 2007 Fiscal Year 20Q5, RondingSc edule General Find Projects Projected First Year Projeci,i]escription Amount _ rincipal & Interest School Department Additional High School Gym $200,000.00 $20,500.00 Rpv ne Fund PrWgcts: Sewer Fund Projected First Year Pro-ject Descdption Amount Principal& Interest Feeding Hills West Sewer Extension _Design $935,000.00 $95,837.50 11 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2003 - Fiscal Year 2007 Fiscal Year 2004 Anul'opriation Schedule General Fund Appropriations Projected Project Description Aineunt Agawam Public Schools- Technology Education $125,000.00 Agawam Town Hall Design $175,000.00 North Agawam Drainage Phase 2 S45,000.00 Park Improvement Program $20,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $20,000.00 Street Improvement Program $250 000.00 TOTAL _G35 0Z0 1� Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2003 - Fiscal Year 2007 Fiscal Year 2006 Bonding Schedule General Fund Proiects Projected First Year Project Description Amount Principal & Interest School Department All Weather Track $400,000.00 $41,000.00 Revenue F nd Erojects: Sewer Fund Projected First Year Project DgIcKIRtion AM Principal& Interest Feeding Hills Trunk Sewer South Construction $18,158,000.00 $1,861,195.00 13 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2003 - Fiscal Year 2007 Fiscal Year 2007Appropriation Schedule General Fund AppropriationN Projected Project Description Amount Agawam Public Schools- Technology Education $125,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $20,000.00 Street Improvement Program $175.000. TOTAL $320,000.0 i 14 So milt m M OM M MO M M � aw• ilr >11»� � � rr � r� Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2003 - Fiscal Year 2007 Fiscal Year 2007 ]Lending dule General Fund Projects Projected First Year Project Descri.ption Amount Principal & Interest Town Hall Construction $2,500,000.00 $256,250.00 Revenue Fund Projects: Se er Fund Projected First Year Project Description Amount Principal& Interest Feeding Hills West Sewer Extension Construction $8,145,000.00 $862,537.50 15 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2003 - Fiscal Year 2007 Agawam Public Library PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS Feeding Hills where roads freeze up first. Response time to these problem spots would be cut in half with a centrally I. MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS located site. NEW DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY The DPW Site Study Committee has recommended a facility location near the geographic center of the community The present Public Works facility is: which is scheduled to be brought to the Council for acquisition in 2002. Design of a facility will be undertaken (1) poorly located for efficient operation; in FY2003 with construction to begin in FY2004. (2) antiquated and unsafe; Temporary bonding would be utilized to fund the project (3) insufficient in land and building size; during principal and interest payments would begin in (4) poorly designed; and FY2005 when the town has paid off some existing bonds. (5) not energy efficient. The location of the present garage means that 1 to AGAWAM SENIOR CENTER EXPANSION 1.5 man years of time are lost in transportation versus a centrally located facility. This represents $26,000 to An addition to the senior center is sought to provide $46,000 per year in additional labor costs at the current space for Agawam's growing elderly population. The pay scale. present over 60 population in Agawam is 6,100 +/-. The permitted capacity of the present facility is 185. Existing In addition to basic transportation savings, response space has been utilized as efficiently as possible but no time in emergency situations and sanding/salting room is available for additional programs or activities. The operations would also be reduced. Currently the DPW is Council on Aging recently finished an interior facelift very remote from the areas in program for the center which helped alleviate some potential overcrowding, but expansion is needed to meet anticipated future needs. Land acquisition and design of 16 the addition is scheduled for FY2002 with construction to existing town hall structure is too small to meet existing follow as State Funding allows. The addition will allow for needs which has led to productivity problems. The new or greater client privacy, additional health programs and more expanded facility would include adequate office space, classroom and activity space. conference room space, bathroom facilities and meeting space. Construction would be slated to begin in FY2007. bE MIN u\ r Rear Town Hall since Annex Removal �\ AGAWAM TOWN HALL Proposed Town Hall Parking Improvement The first phase of this project would involve a preliminary design study to determine whether a new town II. PUBLIC WORKS hall facility should be built or whether the existing facility can be enlarged. This preliminary design study would be SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM funded in FY2005 with full design of the project to follow in FY2006. The project would encompass either the Funding is continued to rehabilitate sidewalks construction of a new town hall building or the expansion throughout the community. The DPW highway division, of the existing facility. A new facility could be centrally recently reorganized its manpower allocation to create a located within the community to provide easy access for all sidewalk construction and repair team, which is making residents. substantial progress with this work. Portions of the sidewalks on Main Street, Bridge Street, Walnut Street, The new or expanded facility would also be fully Suffield Street and Moore Street have been replaced. in handicap accessible for residents and employees. The addition, when critical repairs are complete, certain 17 r r m M r M M M M M M as r m m m Mon sidewalk systems should be extended to increase walking information from resident concerning their current system areas to schools and eventually reduce transportation and desire/need for sewers has been gathered and is being costs. analyzed. In the Spring of 2002 field investigations will be undertaken to verify and expand upon soil and ground STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM water data. Layout alternatives for various sewer extensions is currently underway. It is planned that the Funding for the improvement and maintenance of study will be completed in early summer of 2002. This our local roadways. Improvements include the construction, study is the first step in developing grant eligibility for the reconstruction, widening and resurfacing of roads and the project. installation and repair of drainage structures and systems. Funds will be utilized in combination with state Chapter 90 funding to meet routine maintenance and improvement - requirements. NORTH AGAWAM DRAINAGE PHASE I & II . An old private drainage system has deteriorated - which is resulting in water surfacing in yards and possible damage to structures. Phase I of the project would intercept the pond discharge that the old pipe system currently handles and divert it down Meadow Window to the High Street storm drain. In addition existing catch basins on Howard Street would be diverted to the Moore New Middle School Parking Lot Street - Ottawa Street drain system. Phase R of this project would improve capacity of the storm drain system serving High Street and lower Moore Street and is related to the FEEDING HILLS TRUNK SEWER - WEST above project. This project involves extension of the sewer system westerly along Southwick Street to the town line; to the III. PUBLIC WORKS - WASTEWATER southerly portion of North West and the northerly portion FEEDING HILLS TRUNK SOUTH of South West Streets and the surrounding areas. This area is included in the plan of study being undertaken for the This project involves extension of the sewer service Feeding Hills South Trunk Sewer project discussed earlier. to the South West portion of Town The first step in this program, a plan of study for the evaluation of sewage disposal alternatives for the area, is underway and 18 M r M IM M r M w m m m M = r m w � r IV. PUBLIC WORKS - WATER For FY2003 the requested funds will be used to replace the safety surface at all playgrounds and to make the restroom MAIN/SUFFIEL.D STREETS WATER MAIN LOOP facilities at Borgatti Park handicap accessable. 14 Funds are included to construct a water main at the southern boundary of Town connecting the current dead end water mains on both Main Street and Suffield Street, This connection was a priority in our water distribution and will improve system reliability as well as water quality for people residing on the dead end mains . With over 20,000 people a day visiting Six Flags it is important for public health reasons that there be more then one way to deliver public water to that Park. The elimination of dead end water mains is a goal urged by the Mass DEP in their annual review of our water operations. IV. ASSESSOR Skate Board Park PROPERTY REVALUATION RECREATION IMPROVEMENT PRO.IECT The Assessor and staff are able to inspect/view only some 600 properties a year. There are 11,500 properties in This program includes funding ($1,000,000.00) in Town. A revaluation is necessary to insure that our real FY2004 for a recreation improvement/sports field complex estate taxes are applied equitably. The Town will benefit at the former County property on School Street. A from an increase in assessments over the years to come. development plan for the site is nearing completion which will address the needs identified in the recent recreation V. MISCELL.ANEOUS study. The level of funding included in this program is based on PARK IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM a speculative estimate of what resources would be necessary to expand current recreation facilities and In FY1996, the town began the process of annual develop the School Street facility. Recreation is a vital part appropriation of funding to repair and rehabilitate its of the quality of life in our community and the current need existing parks and recreation facilities. The funding would is growing every year. This program recognizes that be utilized to replace existing outdated recreational growth and includes funding to meet the current and equipment such as swings, slides, basketball hoops, projected demand for recreational facilities and services. backstops, etc. The funding can also be utilized to leverage additional state and federal funding via competitive grants. 19 M r it = sir m m = m m r = rr M r m " M M PUBLIC SCHOOLS TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION rom to practice and allowing them to get home earlier. This would free gym time for Park and Recreation programs Funding for continued implementation of Agawam that currently find gym time difficult to secure. It is hoped Public Schools Local Technology Plan which was developed to open the new center to adults and senior citizens as by a team of teachers, administrators, school committee research has shown that weight training is a benefit to all members and community representatives. The Agawam ages and increases bone density in our elder years. Public Schools Local Technology Plan has been approved by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of ALL WEATHER TRACK - HIGH SCHOOL Education. An all weather track and field event runways would Capital Improvement funding will be utilized to greatly improve conditions for this sport while reducing acquire new computer and communications hardware, maintenance activities. Drainage facilities would be computer software, and for the provision of professional included. development training for the successful implementation of new hardware and software. Local Technology Plan MIDDLE SCHOOL ROOF includes the creation of an academic network which will eventually link all school buildings and all school In order to protect the Middle School and prevent classrooms together. damage to the building's structure and contents, Building Maintenance advises that a new roof is needed. ,R NIOR HIGH CLOCK &INTERCOM SYSTEM The present system is twenty-nine years old and ' pa' parts are no longer available to make repairs. Many of the room clocks suffer from numerous breakdowns of an annual basis. The main intercom switches are worn and suffering from poor reliability. The system needs to be Ap replaced before it suffers from total failure. HIGH SCHOOL WEIGHT/FTTNESS ROOM I �' Funding has been requested by the School y ' Department for an All-Purpose Weight/Fitness Room at the ti High School to enhance physical education curriculum. The room would be used by physical education students and by all athletic teams. The current after school weight training New Fire Platform Truck program is servicing 40-75 students daily. This new room would free up gymnasium space, enable winter athletes ?n Bond Payment Schedule FISCAL F'E31 ArAoUNF IMPACT BOND PAYMENTS YEAR YEAR FY2003 FY2004 FT2005 FY200B FY2007 FY2008 PY2000 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 E]L1STltlG.@GBQH PHASEIVSEWER S 165.750 S 1S5A50 WESTFLD RIV.PUMP STA,N S 50,343 $ $1.775 S 52.919 S 53,914 3 55.215 S 56,649 S 58,304 3 58.578 i 00.051 i 62,263 JRHIGH HEATING 109.125 $ 1051083 S 102,184 $ 98,508 S 95.0 S 91,399 S 67,55T i 83 57 S 79 90 COUNTRYCLIIB i 118.11M S 115.078 S 111237 S 1p7,313 S 102754 i 98.527 IS 94,104 f a9,744 S 86,252 FM STATION 3 187.110 S 162,175 S 157,502 S 152,725 S 14TA42 3 142,855 1 S 137.703 S 127.715 i 122,740 S 117,715 COUNTRY CLUB IRRIG. $ U.W S 33,170 S 32.057 $ 36A20 i 29.757 s 28.570 S 22.480 S 21A95 =rOIAW RICNAHOE TURF FARM $ 93,390 5 SOAM i 87 s 85.170 i 82.860 s 79,530 S 78,020 $ 73.M 7,685 SCHOOLADDITION61 i $93,300 i BW5.475 WOA06 S 613,094 S 790.781 S 768.489 $ 746156 723,844 a,694SCHOOLADDRKklSt12 f 850.770 3 918,379 3 694A70 S 8M.= i 640.540 5 815.603 S 789953 S 743.768 1.070VYFLD.RIV.POL.ELIMJCSO S 170.465 S 19B,699 S f68,430 i 166,401 i 104 313 S 162.181 S iS9 994 i 157,749 1,753TITLE SSUMC SYSTEM S 4.733 3 4,574 3 4,516 3 4407 3 4 254 S 4.149 s 4 023 i A895 16,39 WFLO.RIV.POL.EUMJC SO4X CAL $ 05,353 $ MOM $1.853 s W.329 S 83 929 S 82,529 3 81,129 i 59,729 S 63 29 S 56.929 CAMP9ELLPWLORIDA DR.SEWER IMPR. S 49,831 S 48.331 S 4GA31 S 40.675 f 34 1 S 28.981 3 23,143 $ 17,299 S 11AS5 S 6.611 PUB.LIBRARY ADD-(Not C4a1 i 398,728 i 385A70 S 374226 S 364,945 15 357.351 $ 349.757 S 342,193 3 334,569 3 320,976 $ 319,381 HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY i 70,68 LS 68.208 s $6,268 S 641619 6 63269 S 81,919 i 60,569 i 59,219 S 57809 i 56.519 SUBTOTAL 8 7,340.346 f 3.214,747 s 399 S 2.91 963 S 1031AM S 2,751,178 f 2.683A18 i 2 sm,52111 S 2 1117 S 2,M,216 SOLMS FIRE➢PT.AOWUL PLAY.TAIL 1 750010 =02 S 120,522 S 118,147 S 111.772 S 10Ta9'7 3 193,922 S 98,547 S 9427211 89Ew 3 85,522 i 81.147 BU87OT i 760,000 S 120,522'S 116,14J S 111,773 IF 167,W 3 10i,M $ 90,647 f $ 69,867 S sun i 3 ts1,1a 2003 f SO.F.H.TRUNK SEWER DEB. $ 2.017,5W 2004 i 206,794 1 201,49S S 196,302 3 190,905 S 185.610 $ 160314 3 175,018 i _ 169.7t $ 164.426 2003 MIDDLE SCHOOL ROOF S 400.000 2004 $ 41,000 1 39."0 S 38,9W $ 37.850 S 30,800 $ 33,750 S 34.700 $ 33.650 S 32.600 2003 FEDERAL ST.SEWER RER ACEMSIX i 2t0.000 1 2045 3 21.526 3 20.9T4 S 29.423 S 19.8T1 S 19= S Acm S 16.218 S 17,866 2003 PUB WRKSFAC. S 4,000,0001 2W5 410,0W S 399.5W S 389,ODO S 378 $ 366 i 357,500 3 347.000 $ 336,5W 2W3 SUFFIELO MNN STS.WATER LOOP S 590,000 2DOS i 60,475 $ 58.926 S 57.376 S 65.829 f $4.290 $ 52,731 S 51,193 $ 49,934 2004 SR.CEN.EXPANSION i 1,114,OW 2DDO S 114,185 S 111261 s 108.337 5 105,412 $ 102,488 5 99.504 $ 93.715 2W4 REC.IMPRVMNT.PROJECT 4 1=5w 2ON $ 102,5W S 09.875 S 97,250 S 94A25 $ 92,000 S W.975 $ 86,750 20D5 ADD_HIGH S0400LWM i 200,OW 2007 11$ 17.875 S i9A% $ 15.925 S 18A00 $ 17AM 2006 SO.F.K TRUW SEWN 3 18.758,000 208 1 1$ 1,861.195 f 1,613.530 S 1,765M8 S 1.718 1 1AFOAW 2806 WEST F.H.SEWER DESIGN`s 935400 2006 S 95AN S 93 i SDAn S 88,474 S is.= S 83im s $1,141 2006 HIGH SCIL ALL•WTHR TRACK $ 400.000 2007 S 44,OW S 38.375 6 36,900 s 37A50 s 3000 i 35.7517 X071 TOWN HALL S 2.500.000 2000 S 256.250,S 249,886 S 243.126 S 2X583 009 2007 WEST F,H.$EWER CONSTR $ 5.415.000 2 S 802 38 s 840,448 i 918.30 i 796,289 SUBTOTAL 3 39,939,500 i s 247,794 S _733 3 157,0D4 i 1,ON M8 i 2,690,SM 3 i S 3,832A02 S 3.727181 S 3,419,396 TOTAL BOND PAYMENTS _ i 3AWA80 3 026 HW f 3,M0,620 S 4,047,384 f 3,"tW i S,740 395 3 933 S SAM429 i 6,303 W # 5,931,759 POTEW"ALAIWGRANTS _ WF1D RN POL F-Liwcsol$ 2,257,759 S 8% S 83,890 S 81.722 S 79,505 S 3 4,918 S i 70.00 $�42.431 SH,CEN.EXPANSIOW$ IJU.OW _ 5 114,185 f 111 3 106,33 3 10S/L1 i 102,48840 FHTRIM6i SEWER DES, 5 504.375' S 91.4% S 50.374 ; 49,050 S 47 S S 46 3 43.755 $ 0 SCHOOLADORIONSX2 S OA51,500 S 675,04 i i W4,790,S 614, 1 S 5W $ 121 S fiWA86 S 542.275);$ 523,6B3 $ W4,860 MIDDLE SCH.ROOFS 284,OD0 S 1 t0 $ 28.385 t S 27.619 S ,874 ,12S 2 ,Ws 24.637 S 9 ,152 Ex15T1MO SCHOOL BOUNO9 31,388, i 1.341,868 $ 1.300.484 S 1.261.34 S 1,225AI 3 i,189,6 S 1,t52. i 1,115.31 S 1.077 SO.F.H.TRUNK SEWER S 4,5M,500 _ _ S 485,299 S 453.363 S 441.468 S (429,550) 3 417,634 WEST F.H.SEWER DESIGN 3 233,750 S 23,959 S_ 23346 i 22.732 S .its S 1,505 $ ffi,8911 _L_120,278 WEST F.H.SEWER CONSTR 3 2,103.750 i 215 034 S 210112 i (204,6W).i 199,06 TITLE 5 SEPTIC SY8TEMS S 2,014 S 1 1, S 1,BBB S 1,506 s 7,431 S "4 3 1,1 S tA37 s 898 SUBTOTAL i 149,66 S ,16021 f 097,51 f A171AMi S _(2,118,71 i 613, f 41 3 18 S 1A26 f 2,355,393 N!T BOND PAYMENTS i 1,311.W3 S 1, 71 f 1,743`406 9 1,05,963 1A86 612 f S,226AW f 3 S 923,606 # WZ773 3 3,570,304 ATER FUND PAYMENTS i s i A76 $ 58,920 S 5K37 f M5Anj 1___@L2S 3 52.731 S L51.1 s 49,834 SEWER FUND PAYMENTS IS 570AM 3 583,. 1 17907 $ 482,844 f 470,T7 3 A54,627 f ,02 i 2,388,5 S 2.324,31 i ,259,475 COUNTRY CLUB PAYMENTS 18 15m61 i 148,2 1 143294 i 138.233 f 132 51 i 3 127,091 f 110.644 s 111,239 S (105.1m S STABILIZATION FUND UW 355M INVESTED a 3,5% S 0. S 400,M i 5W,000 S 550.000 S 5p0,000 S 500, f 620.000 S 550 WD S 500 $ 4WA00 DEN.FUND BOND PAYMENTS f 397,921 S 337.139 # 43331 f _ 72SAXI S 6 SA= f "% i $21,057 i 831 i 447,266 Btabi@adw Fund Pe fonnanca• S 3.650.000 IM6 3,920500 3,947200 3,285,202 2.85D.184 .,. 2,"9,941 2.035,608 1,488,938 968,980 I 523 835 141,920 addl8onal Funds of$O In FYXW ...-*vma Wnw9wi to 6e h■+d■d by■ Pap■21 Existing Bond Costs (FY2003 - FY2007) PROJECT FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 Phase IV Sewer $165,750 $155,250 $0 $0 $0 Main Street Pump Station $50,343 $51,775 $52,919 $53,914 $55,275 Junior High Heating $109,125 $105,683 $102,164 $98,568 $95,326 Agawam Country Club $118,836 $115,078 $111,237 $107,313 $102,754 Fire Headquarters $167.110 $162,175 $157,502 $152,725 $147,842 1 Country Club Irrigation $34,345 $33,170 $32,057 $30,920 $29,757 Tuckahoe Turf Form $93,390 $90,570 $87,900 $85,170 $82,380 SchoaIProjects I $893,300 $865,475 $835,406 $813,094 $790,781 School Projects II $950,770 $918,370 $994,070 $864,883 $840,540 Westfield River CSO $170,465 $196,899 $168,450 $166,401 $164,313 Title V Community Septic Management $4,733 $4,624 $4,516 $4,407 $4,284 1 Westfield River CSO $65,353 $63,603 $61,853 $65,329 $63,929 Florida Drive Sewer $49,831 $48,331 $46,831 $40,675 $34,831 Public Library Expansion $396,726 $385,476 $374,226 $364,945 $357,351 Agawam High School library Expansion $70,268 $68,268 $66,268 $64,619 $63,269 Subtotal - Existing Bond Costs $3,340,345 $3,264,747 $2,995,399 $2,912,963 $2,832,632 Fire Dept. Aerial platform Truck $120,522 $116,147 $111,772 $107,397 $103,022 F.H. Trunk Sewer So. Design $0 $206,794 $201,498 $196,202 $190,906 Middle School Roof $0 $41.000 $39,950 $38,900 $37.850 Federal Street Sewer Replacement $0 $0 $21,525 $20,974 $20,423 Public Works Facility $0 $0 $410,000 $399,500 $389,000 Suffield A Main Sts. Water Loop $0 $0 $60,475 $58,926 $57,378 Senior Center Expansion $0 $0 $0 $114.185 $111,261 Recreation Improvement Project $0 $0 $0 $102,500 $99,875 Additional High School Gym $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,500 South Feeding Hills Trunk Sewer $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 West Feeding Hills Sewer Design $0 $0 $0 $95,838 $93,383 ' High School All Weather Track $0 $0 $0 $0 $41,000 Town Hall Expanmon $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 West Feeding Hills Sewer Construction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Existing and Projected Bond Costs $3,460,867 $3,628,688 $3,840,619 $4,047,385 $3,997,230 ('denotes project which is authorized but not yet permanently banded) ('denotes project which is planned but not yet authorized) Existing Bond Costs (FY2003-FY2007) $4,000,000 ' $3,000,000 $2,000,000 i $1,000,000 $0 - FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 22 Budget Appropriations (FY2003 - FY2007 Category FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 ' General Fund $420,000 $590,000 $605,000 $635,000 $320,000 Sewer Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Water Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Golf Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $420,000 $590,000 $605,000 $635,000 $3201 000 1 i Budget Appropriations (FY2003 - FY2007) $700,000 -- $600 000 } 1 $500,000 $400 000 $300 000 ' $200,000 - $100,000 $fl FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 23 Projected New Bond Costs FY2003 - FY2007 1 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 Fire Dept, Aerial Platform Truck $120,522 $116,148 $111,773 $107,397 $103,022 F.N. Trunk Sewer So. Design $0 $206,794 $201,498 $196,202 $190,906 Middle School Roof $0 $41,000 $39,950 $38,900 $37,850 Federal Street Sewer Replacement $0 $0 $21,525 $20,974 $20,423 Public Works Facility $0 $0 $410,000 $399,500 $389,000 Suffield 6 Main Sts_ Water Loop $0 $0 $60,475 $58,926 $57,378 Senior Center Expansion $0 $0 $0 $114,185 $111,261 Recreation Improvement Project $0 $0 $0 $102,500 $99,875 Additional High School Gym $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,500 South Feeding Hills Trunk Sewer $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 West Feeding Hills Sewer Design $0 $0 $0 $95,838 $93,383 High School All Weather Track $0 $0 $0 $0 $41,000 Town Hall Expansion $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 West Feeding Hills Sewer Construction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $120,522 $363,942 $845,221 $1,134,422 $1,164,598 1 Projected New Bond Costs (FY2003 - FY2007) ' $1,200,000 $1.000,0 ' $800 000 $600.000 - $400 000 / $200,000 $0 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 24 Projected Total Bond Costs FY2003 - FY2007 J � (before grants and reimbursements) ' FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 Existing Bond Costs $3,340,345 $3,264,747 $2,995,399 $2,912,963 $2,832,632 Projected New Bond Costs $120,522 $363,942 $845,221 $1,134,422 $1,164,598 TOTAL BOND COSTS $3,460,867 $3,628,689 $3,840,620 $4,047,385 $3,997,230 -- Projected Total Bond Costs (FY2003 - FY2007) (before grants and reimbursements) $4,100,000 — $4,000,000 $3,900,000 ' $3,800,000 — $3,700,000 $3,600,000 $3 500 000 - $3,400,000 - $3,300,000 _ $3,200,000 $3,100,000 ' FY2003 -- — FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 25 Projected Total Bond Costs FY2003 - FY2007 (after grants and reimbursements) ' FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 Existing Bond Costs $3,340,345 $3,264,747 $2,995,399 $2,912,963 $2,832,632 Projected New Bond Costs $120,522 $363,942 $845,221 $1,134,422 $1,164,598 Projected Grants A Reimb. ($2,149,865) ($2,160,219) ($2,097,512) ($2,171,422) ($2,110,717) NET BOND COSTS $1,311,002 $1,468,470 $1,743,108 $1,875,963 $1,886,513 Projected Total Bond Costs (FY2003 - FY2007) (after grants and reimbursements) $2.WO.WO — $1,800,000 ' ' $1,600,000 - $1,400,0 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800.000 1 $600,000 $400,000 / $200,000 $0 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 i 1 26