FISCAL YEAR 2009 TO FISCAL YEAR 2013 _ f wb 03 V L to a t� Q y �' rr r r r r rr r r rr r r MMM r r r r r Town of Agawam Capita! Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 - Fiscal Year 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM PAGE NUMBER (1} Cover Memorandum to City Council 1 (2) Introduction 2 (3) List of Projects (Bonding&Appropriation Schedules) (FY2009 - FY2013) 5 (4) Project Descriptions 20 (5) Bond Payment Spreadsheet 26 (6) Chart- Budget Appropriations 27 (7) Chart- Existing Bond Costs 28 (8) Chart- Projected New Bond Costs 29 (9) Chart -Projected Total Bond Costs (before grants and reimbursements) 30 (10) Chart- Projected Total Bond Costs (after grants and reimbursements) 31 01) Chart- Self Sustaining Funds - Existing Bond Costs 32 (12) Chart - Self Sustaining Funds - Projected New Bond Costs 33 (13) Chart - Self Sustaining Funds - Projected Total Bond Costs (before grants and reimbursements) 34 (14) Chart- Self Sustaining Funds - Projected Total Bond Costs (after grants and reimbursements) 35 r r rr r■ r rr r irr r r rr rr r� r rr �■�r Mr r r� Town of Agawam 36 Main Street, Agawam, Massachusetts 01001 Telephone (413) 786-4520 1 FAX (413) 786-9927 Susan R. Dawson, Mayor Memorandum To: Agawam City Council From; Mayor Susan R. Dawson Re: Capital Improvement Program (Fiscal Year 2009 • Fiscal Year 2013) Date: April 14, 2008 Pursuant to Section 5-3 of the Agawam Home Rule Charter, I hereby submit the Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2009 to Fiscal Year 2013 to the Agawam City Council, The Capital Improvement Program is a prioritized plan of proposed capital improvements over the next five fiscal years. The major purposes of the Capital Improvement Program are as follows: (a) to develop and prioritize needed proposed capital improvement projects; (b) to research and estimate the revenue necessary to fund proposed capital improvement projects; (c) to set parameters on the revenue dedicated to fund proposed capital improvement projects; and (d) to forecast future principal and interest expenditures. The program presented represents a realistic financially feasible long term program. With the fiscal uncertainty presented by the Education Reform Act, as well as, diminishing state grant and project reimbursement money, the proposed plan may be delayed in its implementation. As revenue estimates become available, revisions shall be made and incorporated in the capital budget portion of the annual budget. Please call with any questions. Respectfully submitted, Mayor Susan R. Dawson 1 r r rr rr r rr w �r r rr �r r .� rr r � r r■ rr Town of Agawam Capital .Improvement ' Program .Fiscal Year 2009 Fiscal Year 2013 INTRODUCTION For the purposes of this Capital Improvement Program, a capital improvement is a project or undertaking which provides for (i) the planning, design, construction, reconstruction, renovation or replacement of a public building or facility; (ii) an addition to a public building or facility; (iii) the purchase of land, buildings or facilities for a public purpose; or (iv) a long range development study. While the type of improvement is the basic criteria, a project costing at least $20,000 that has a life expectancy of ten (10) years or more is generally considered to be a capital improvement. The Capital Improvement Program is designed to accomplish the following purposes: 1. To utilize town funds for capital improvements which are compatible with the town's mission of effective and efficient provision of quality services to the citizens and businesses of Agawam which in turn enhance the quality of life in our community; 2. To undertake Capital Improvement Projects on a coordinated basis; 3. To inform the community when needed and planned Capital Improvement Projects and corresponding expenditures are to be expected and initiated in the future; 4. To utilize town funds on the basis of community priorities in coordination with the availability of grants and/or other state, federal or private reimbursements; and 2 �r �r sir e r r rr r r �r r r r r r r rr r r� S. To undertake Capital Improvement after careful planning and financial analysis to avoid an undue burden on the town's fiscal capacity now and in the future. After many years of limited capital investment, the town was faced with many desperately needed projects which had to be undertaken in spite of projected limited revenue growth. Fiscal restraint and careful planning are required to assure long term stability, and care must be taken in project development and implementation in order that bond sales are timed so that principal and interest costs occur in the year scheduled. In addition, the funding requirements of the Education Reform Bill have placed severe limits on the Town's ability to undertake needed capital improvements. In developing this Capital Improvement Program the following general assumptions on fiscal capacity were assumed and applied: 1. Growth in total property tax revenues will continue to be limited by the restraints of Proposition 2 %2 and no debt exclusion overrides are contemplated in this plan; 2. The town will pursue the maximum property tax revenue allowed by Proposition 2 1/2; 3. For the upcoming fiscal year and future years, the Administration is continuing to recommend a greater emphasis be placed on capital improvements; and 4. During the next five years, the town should: a. Limit General Fund principal and interest payments to approximately $1 million dollars per year; b. Appropriate as much funding as possible annually from the general 3 fund for capital improvements on a pay as you go basis while maintaining existing service levels; and C. Utilize the Stabilization Fund to assist in meeting the above referenced goal for level principal and interest payments. The process of capital planning involves setting priorities within the fiscal capability of the town. Each year the entire plan is reviewed in light of changing needs and requirements. There are more needs for improvements by town departments that can be included in a five year time period, and certainly the net school spending requirements of the Education Reform Bill may cause further delays in making capital improvements. In developing the recommended Capital Improvement Program, the following priorities were addressed: f. Growth - The town must meet the needs of a growing population and at the same time direct and manage growth through the timing of public utility expansion; 2. Improve or Assist Service Delivery - Projects that will reduce the need for staff increases or make staff operations more efficient have been given priority; 3. Facilities - New and Maintenance of Existing facilities - When Proposition 2 was implemented communities were forced to delay constructing new facilities and defer maintenance on existing facilities which has led to the current backlog of need for new facilities and the provision of maintenance to existing facilities; and 4. Prior commitments - The Town is bound by commitments made in prior years. The commitments were considered in the proposed budget and program. The attached Capital Improvement Program was developed around the previously cited constraints and program objectives. It includes a bonding and appropriation plan for each of the five program years, a brief description of each project item, spread sheets and charts showing existing and proposed bond payments and graphical representations of these payments. 4 ■ Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 - Fiscal Year 2013 Fiscal Year 2009 Appropriation Schedule Genet Fund Appropriations ' Projected Pfc jgA Description Amount Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Real Estate Revaluation $48,100.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $248,530.00 Street Improvement Program $300,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $60,000.00 High School Autism Room $80,000.00 Middle School Classrooms $240,000.00 Fire Department Emergency Equipment (Jaws of Life) $7,257.00 Parks & Recreation Equipment (Utility Cart for School Street Park) $8,000.00 James Clark School Parking Lot Repairs $224,000.00 TOTAL 1.225.387.00 ' Wastewatgl Fund A ro riations Projected DogdjAion Amou t Wastewater Equipment Replacement 47 174A0 i 5 ' Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 - Fiscal Year 2013 Fiscal Year 2009 AwropriatiQn SchedWe tinued) Water Fund AppEonriations Projected Project Description Amount Water Department Equipment Replacement Agaa as Municipal Golf Course Appropriations . Projected Project Docbption Amo Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement 1 0.00 ' Ambulance Fund Appropriations Projected Project Description Amount Fire Department Emergency Equipment (Jaws of Life) 00 i 1 1 6 1 ' Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 - Fiscal Year 2013 t Fiscal Year 2009 Bonding Schedule Gguxa1„fund Projects Projected I"'Year 21!Q jest Descri tifln Amount Debt Service Voice Over Internet Protocol Telephone System $477,410.00 $67,096.40 Town HaUtPublic Safety Complex Phase I $450,000.00 $64,125.00 ' Waalrmater Fund Pro-'gets Projected 1"Year -Pjgject Descripti Amount Debt Service Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Extension Phase I $7,800,000.00 $721,500.00 ' Main Street Sewer Replacement $112,393,00 $10,476.70 ' Water d o'ect Projected I' Year Frojecl, escri tion Amount Debt Service Water]Main Improvements - Main Street & Suffield Street $1,500,877.00 $139,787.27 7 1 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 - Fiscal Year 2013 Fiscal Year 2Q.XO Appropriation Schedule Gen al Fund AppropriMions Projected Erpject Description Amount Hampden County Land Acquisition 59,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $202,030.00 Street Improvement Program $315,000.00 1 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $63,000.00 Phelps School Gym Floor $48,765.00 Robinson Park School Energy Management System $128,000.00 DPW Facility Energy Improvements $52,920.00 TOTAL 9 21 .OQ Wasteymjger Fund Appron 'ations Projected Project Description Amount Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 DPW Facility Energy Improvements $39,690.00 TOTAL Uk&4=0 i 1 8 I 1 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 - Fiscal Year 2013 Fiscal Year 2010 Appropriation Schedule(Continue Water ro ri ti PM-ject Desg6ptio Amount Water Equipment Replacement $31,530.00 DPW Facility Energy Improvements $39,690.00 ' TOTAL 71220.0 Agawam Murii6=16olf Course_Appropriations Projected Project Description mount Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement UJU0,00 9 Town of Agawam Capital improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 - Fiscal Year 2013 Fiscal Year 2010 Bonding Schedule ! general Fund Projects IProject 1"Ye PW-jeo Ppagdoion Amount Debt Smice, Town Ha1UPublic Safety Complex - Phase II $4,000,000.00 $380,000.00 School Department All Weather Track& Bleachers $2,329,000.00 $67,096.40 ' Wastewater Fund Projects Project V Year 1 PrQjert Description Amount Debt Service Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Extension Phase II $7,800,000.00 $741,000.00 Federal Street Extension Sewer Replacement $353,808.00 $35,921.36 Water_Fund Projects 1 ected I'Year Prajec .Qescription Amount Debt Service 1 Water Main Improvement -North Westfield Street $2,263,413.00 $216,853.59 Water Main Improvement - Springfield Street $2,294,445.00 $218,250.03 10 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 - Fiscal Year 2013 Fiscal Year 2011 Appropriation Schedule Gener Fund A.p r�priations Ped Proms ct DeaQdZion Amount ' Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $202,030.00 Street Improvement Program $330,750.00 1 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $66,150.00 Granger School Entry Doors $28,000A0 TQTAL $66 6. 00 Wastewater Fund ApprQnriations 1PEWmied Project Description Amount ' Wastewater Equipment Replacement 4 .00 Waterlund-Appropriatio Projecte Project DesQEjUtion Amo= Water Equipment Replacement 31 11 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 - Fiscal Year 2013 Fiscal Year 2011 Appropriation Schedule 1 n n Agawam MuWQjpAj Golf Course Ap rolLn i ProjCOW Desgjpti tint fMunicipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement 3$_l 1 ' 12 Town of Agawam Capital improvement Program Fiscal r2 1 sca Year 2D49 - Fiscal Year D 3 Fiscal e 1 Bonding dole i Wastewater FnndP_rajects ftiected lg'Year Protect Description Ar�qunt Debt Sendee Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Extension Phase III $7,800,000.00 $780,000.00 1 1 1 i 1 ' 13 ' Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 - Fiscal Year 2013 ' Fiscal Year 2012,Apprmriation SchedWe encral Fund ApprojLnations ' PrQiMted Project scri tin Amunt iHampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $202,030.00 ' Street Improvement Program $347,288.00 ' Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $69,458.00 Junior High School Folding Gym Door S25,000.00 TA jk 3 76.00 —WastewaterAppropriatio ' roj c Pxoject Qescrintion Amount Wastewater Equipment Replacement L42 l 74 Water E nd Appropriations Projected P-Qject Description Amount Water Equipment Replacement 30.00 14 1 1 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 - Fiscal Year 2013 Fiscal Year 2012 ' tin Schedule n ' Agawam Municial_Golf Course ropriat' Projected Erg joct DesgdDlion AMgunt Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement UUMILO 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ' 15 ' Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 - Fiscal Year 2013 Fiscal Year 2012 Bondingthe Wastewater Fund PrQjects Pr ' 1"Year Pcr ,ject Deseri to ion Aft vi Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Extension Phase 1V $7,800,000.00 $780,000.00 Water-Fund Projects Projected 15`�Y I PrQject Desgdptio Amount Debt Smdce ' Main Street - Suffield Street Water Main Connection $965,313.00 $88,265.65 ' 16 1 ' Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 - Fiscal Year 2013 i Fiscal Year2013 Appropriation Schedule General-Fund Appropriations PEQiectcd PrQiW Q=bUtion Amount Hampden County Land Acquisition S9,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $202,030.00 Street Improvement Program $364,652.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $72,930.00 TOTAL 649,112.00 W st wFund Aul2rol2riations ' Prgiccted ELgject Description Amount Wastewater Equipment Replacement jjZaL4M Water Fund Apropriati4 s Projecte Amount Water Equipment Replacement 00 17 1 Town of Agawam Capital .improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 - Fiscal Year 2013 Fiscal Year 2013 Appropriation Schedule (Continued) Agawam Municipal Golf Coursr, Appropriations �i r ject PjQjecA Description ArnoUnt Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement 1 l 18 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 - Fiscal Year 2013 Fiscal Year 2013 Bonding Schedule General Fund Projects Proected s'l Year scri tion Amount Debt Service Junior High Roof Replacement $1,575,000.00 $158,750.00 i 1 19 Tov►n of Aga vva ni Capital Improvement Program ' Fiscal Year 2009 - Fiscal Year2013 PROJECT DESCRIPTONS 1. MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS tAGAWAM TOWN HALUPUBLIC SAFETY COMPLEX While the opening of the new Department of Public Works facility alleviated some of the overcrowding in the Town Hall; much of it - remains crowded and inaccessible to the handicapped. The +� Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") requires that all public facilities be handicapped accessible. In addition, the Police Station is in need of repairs including the replacement of the heating, } ventilation and air conditioning system; new floors in the hallways, new ceramic tile in the holding cells, and a renovated locker/weight room with larger lockers. The first phase of this project will require a feasibility study and preliminary design of ' the project to be funded in fiscal year 2009. The project will encompass either construction of a new Town Hall/Public Safety Complex or the expansion and renovation of existing facilities. A new facility could be centrally located within the community to provide easy access for all residents. The new or expanded facility would also be fully handicapped accessible for residents and employees. The new or `--- expanded facilities would include adequate office space, conference room space and storage. Construction would be started in fiscal year 2010. DPW FACILITY ENERGY UPGRADES Funds are requested to replace the existing boiler in the Department of Public Works facility. The new Weil-McLain boiler is rated at 93% efficiency. The existing boiler is rated at only 45-55% efficiency. In addition, funding for energy efficient 13H windows in the vehicle storage and vehicle maintenance areas will reduce necessary funding for utilities and heat for the building. These appropriations will be shared by the general fund, wastewater fund and water fund. ' 20 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 -Fiscal Year2013 II. PUBLIC WORKS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for high value, large Department of Public Works trucks and other capital equipment. In Fiscal Year 2009, funds are included for additional equipment for the maintenance of School Street Park. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Funding is required for the improvement and maintenance of local roadways. Improvements include the construction, reconstruction, widening and resurfacing of roads and the installation 1 and repair of drainage structures and systems. Funds will be utilized in combination with state Chapter 90 funding to meet routine maintenance and improvement requirements. SIDEWALK REHABILITATION AND EXTENSION The Department of Public Works Highway Divisions' sidewalk construction and repair team will continue rehabilitation work on sidewalks throughout the community. Funds will be used to extend walks to provide connections to schools and recreation facilities. III. PUBLIC WORKS -WASTEWATER WASTEWATER EQUIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for large,high value, wastewater capital equipment. FEEDING HILLS SOUTHWEST SEWER EXTENSION This project involves extension of the sewer service to the Southwest portion of Town. The first step in this program, a plan of study of the evaluation of sewage disposal alternatives for the area, has been performed and information from residents concerning their current system and desire/need for sewers is being analyzed. The enormity of this project will require that it be 21 Townof Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009 -Fiscal Year2013 completed and funded in phases. It is anticipated that it will be completed in four phases at a total cost of approximately$31,200,000. MAIN STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT Emergency repairs were required this year to keep the sewer functioning. This work disclosed the need the replace 130 feet of 18"vitrified clay sewer that has lost integrity. FEDERAL STREET EXTENSION SEWER REPLACEMENT Open joints due to deterioration of poured bituminous filler have allowed severe root growth regularly blocking the flow of waste water. IV. PUBLIC WORKS - WATER WATER DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for high value, large water capital equipment. MAIN STREET- SUFFIELD STREET WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENT The Springfield Water and Sewer Commission is planning maintenance work on their transmission mains from which we receive our water. A portion of the mains will be taken out of service for the work. Hydraulic modeling of our system indicated that we do not have sufficient capacity in our distribution system to insure adequate pressure for our residents if we lose service from more than one connection. We need to build flow capacity in an east-west direction. NORTH WESTFIELD STREET WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENT This project will provide a link from our only connection to the Springfield northerly . transmission main to the rest of our system which only has connections to the southerly transmission line, allowing us to maintain service should the southerly transmission line go out of service. 22 I Townof Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year2009 -Fiscal Year2013 SPRINGFIELD STREET WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENT This project is the second phase of the program to improve our system's ability to transport water and east-west direction discussed above by enlarging the water main in Springfield Street from Suffield Street to Mill Street from 8" to 12" in diameter providing, a connection to the 16" main at Mill Street. MAIN - SUFFIELD STREETS WATER MAIN LOOP Funds are included to construct a water main at the southern boundary of Town connecting the current dead end water mains on both Main Street and Suffield Street. This connection was a priority in our water distribution and will improve system reliability as well as water quality for people residing on dead end mains. With over 20,000 visiting Six Flags each day, it is important for public health reasons that there is more than one way to deliver public water to that Park. 1 The elimination of dead end water mains is a goal urged by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection in their annual review of our water operations. V. MISCELLANEOUS ASSESSOR PROPERTY REVALUATION ' A multi year revaluation project is near completion, including a fall measure and list of the y p ] P g property in Town in order to ensure that our real estate taxes are applied equitably. Funds are included for the final phase of the project. 1 VOICE OVER INTERNET PROTOCOL TELEPHONE SYSTEM Nearly all of the phone systems at the schools and municipal buildings are at the end of their useful lives. Most of the phone systems are at capacity and cannot be upgraded without significant investment. New phone systems would leverage the town fiber network which would result in significant reduction of phone costs by reducing the number of phone lines that are run into and between each building by the phone company. FIRE DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT iThe fire department requires the purchase of a new vehicle extrication system (Jaws of Life). Funds to purchase new equipment will be allocated between the fire department general fund accounts and the Ambulance Fund. 23 Townof Agawam Capital Improvement Program FiscalYear - 1 ar 2009 Fiscal Year20 3 PARK AND RECREATION EQUIPMENT Funds are included for the Parks and Recreation Department to purchase a utility cart for the operation of the new School Street Park. GOLF COURSE EQUIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for high value, large Municipal Golf Course capital equipment. HAMPDEN COUNTY LAND ACQUISITION Agawam acquired most of the holdings of the Hampden County government that were within the Town's boundaries when the county was dissolved. The Town is required to reimburse the other county communities for their share of these assets. VI. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT HIGH SCHOOL AUTISM CLASSROOM A specially equipped classroom is required to provide special education services in compliance with Individual Educational Plans for students advancing to Agawam High School from the Middle School. Funds are requested to provide an autism classroom which will include life skills development areas. MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASSROOMS This project was begun by converting courtyard space into additional classrooms for students at the Middle School. Funds are requested to provide for the completion of two classrooms above the small gym. JAMES CLARK SCHOOL PARKING LOT REPAIRS Funds are requested to repair the parking lot at James Clark School. This project will include providing for proper drainage and repaving the parking lot. 24 Townof Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fisca]Year200 9 -FiscalYear2013 HIGH SCHOOL ALL WEATHER TRACK AND BLEACHER REPAIR An all weather track with field runways would greatly improve conditions for this sport while reducing maintenance requirements. Drainage facilities would also be included. Wooden bleacher planks continue to rot and require replacement each year. This safety project will encompass sand blasting and painting the metal runners and replacing the wooden planks with aluminum. JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ROOF REPLACEMENT The roof at the Junior High School is 22 years old and has been tested. It should last for another five to six years. A new roof will be required to ensure that the structure of the building and its contents are protected.. iSCHOOL REPAIRS These projects will be funded through annual appropriation. They include a new gym floor at the Benjamin Phelps School, a new energy management system at Robinson Park School, new exterior doors at the Clifford Granger School, and a new folding gym door at the Junior High School. r 25 S�SxBd 8 „ 8 8866 r g x $$ 88k8*8R 8R B t$Sv3 a asgz i S$s88R 8 88 9$08 $ Yt a 88 88F8A8;i 919 R B aaoSE a : a 8B8C 8 88 88,a6 � • a8 $'8R8,R88 88 F 8 R 28 98 a 888: 8 a 88a S 8 - 88 88S8Aa 19 B 8 Caa:k A RA 8g688» S 88 $88.8 , gS � �»8A. B8i@8,a.8.8 1?.9 tq 8 tzA'$g3 S E "" g � x9 s A 8e 8F8aa4 a 88 • ' a�s3�i i �i s�$#i s ' a # • ���3� i ���i$ ,� s8r 8888'a R 81.sm. 8,8aaaq aX�7.a S. g,V!a8% 8aR99lat 8188 n & g21a X 9:2x 8sa-a asa.a t axva�' "+e,r sf. -...$$sass:, ^2 $ . S k Isa.ax a „ ss.�s� ass.sass acai sxazvg aa.sss a. �n�s$ saaaAsa ray a x $ AARW a sza".�fi ifxaF a i Y Y ��.- ,� ss x'a8sm 2292 sasses ana.s: as it s ssssABa P?:^ s "seas a i ^�s ai�a��o izs $aEE# E aria �aa�aE g z � m 3 d . 8 $qg»a as�.�8sga ease g8a884 - assa.se t �g a s s�s V. 8 caaax a ! ®Ea z6�tt��a "gill i :���ai g3' a o � m ti $ga sua8zsgsa sass sea $ ...g.gsz� leaa: sssAa; r tsa x t4xaSa a N 88888.R 88»eB$a 8888 5888 g 8gnio a 88le3 8� 88R8a " ;t*lz C 8 h$fl ' 8 aaZ§R,,#i.$$E 9#1 4.#$i ' t 9 Vaa a a$�3a 8$gz, ' qI z £. $ Ss it.B%a ita88a'A 'aa88 YSSa R 8R .lets 88-P # a rigs a S;8 s s gSA.R� 78 �ti�F F ANC a8aaaz 88a8$8;a 8891 38 3 82210 3 ASw 8 2 12 8a 8 R R 38Aa g a 9 r "a, a�s_xi�sx ass#� a "88 R&�F2a8T88ai .SBS,B. s 9 8aa3: 3 1'8R 9:tv9a R sa 8 8 8 � �.tlaa: sTasss'� i �; • i f0s"ie a # �gxx 55i8A$88 12. 8S'a 8R$8 8$RM � 8 R85i ARR�"8n Rm 8 8 x 8 1 Budget Appropriations (FY2009 - FY2013)_ Category FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 General Fund $1,225,387 $819,215 $636,430 $653,276 $886,612 Sewer Fund $47,174 $86,864 $47,174 $47,174 $47,174 Water Fund $31,530 $71,220 $31,530 $31,530 $31,530 1 Municipal Golf Cour. $31,100 $31,100 $31,100 $31,100 $31,100 Ambulance Fund $14,537 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $1,349,728 $1,008.399 $746,234 $763,080 $996,416 I 1 Budget Appropriations (FY2009 - FY2013) 1 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 1 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 ' $o FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 F12013 1 27 1 ' General Fund Existing Bond Costs (FY2009 - FY2013) ' PROJECT FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 Junior High Heating $ 87,357 $ 83,256 $ 79,098 $ - $ - Fire Headquarters 137,763 127,715 122.740 117,715 112,640 ' Tuckohoe Turf Farm 76,620 73,665 70,680 67,665 64,620 School Projects I 746,156 723,844 701,400 678,694 655,725 ' School Projects II 789,983 763,768 737,553 711,070 684,320 Title V Community Septic Management 4,022 3,895 3.756 3.616 5,952 Public Library Expansion 341.601 333,614 325,064 316,064 307,064 1 Agawam High School Library Expansion 60,469 59,049 57,529 55,929 54.329 Fire Department Aerial Platform Truck 88,969 86,813 84,469 81,938 79,219 D.P.W. Facility Acquisition 82,865 81,140 79,265 77,240 75,065 D.P.W. Facility Alterations 101,724 99,372 97,020 94,668 92,316 Phase II Starmwater Management 16,770 16,674 16.579 16,475 16.368 Middle School Roof 38,060 37,180 36,300 35,420 34,540 Middle & Junior High Repairs 10,380 10,140 9,900 9,660 9,420 Elementary Schools - Modular Classrooms 138,400 135,200 132,000 128,800 125,600 Subtotal - Existing Bond Costs $ 2.721,138 $ 2,635,324 $ 2,553,351 $ 2,394,953 $ 2,317,178 ' Senior Center Construction 61,875 583,000 570.000 557,000 544,000 Fire Pumper Trucks 8,663 90,167 87,567 84,967 82,367 Perry Lane Pool Renovations 3,438 30,000 29,200 28,400 27,600 ' Voice Over Internet Protocol Telephone System - 67,096 65,176 63.256 61.336 Town Hail/Public Safety Complex Study - - 64,125 62,213 60.300 Town Hall/Public Safety Complex Construction - - 380,000 371.000 ' School Deparment All Weather Track A Bleachers - - 264,805 Jr High Roof - Total Existing and Projected Bond Costs $ 2.795.113 $ 3,405.587 $ 3,369,420 $ 3,570,789 $ 3,728,586 (" denotes project which (s authorized but not yet permanently b-, :'ed) (* denotes project which is planned but not yet authorized) 1 Existing Bond Costs (FY2009-FY2013) 1 $2,800,000 - $2,700,000 I $2,600,000 $2,500,000 $2,400,000 $2,300,000 $2,200.000 ' $2.100,000 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 28 1 General Fund ' Projected New Bond Costs (FY2009 - FY2013)_ IFY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 Senior Center Construction $ 61,875 $ 563,000 $ 570,000 $ 557,000 $ 544,000 Fire Pumper Trucks 8,663 90,167 87,567 84,967 82,367 Perry Lane Pool Renovations 3,438 30,000 29,200 28,400 27,600 ' Voice Over Internet Protocol Telephone Systi - 67,096 65,176 63,256 61,336 Town Hall/Public Safety Complex Study 64,125 62,213 60,300 Town Hall/Public Safety Complex Constructior _ - - 380,000 371,000 School Deparment All Weather Track A Bleac _ _ - 264,805 Jr. High Roof ' TOTAL $ 73,975 $ 770,263 $ 816,068 $ 1,175,836 $ 1,411,408 1 1 Projected New Bond Costs (FY2009- FY2013) $1,5Oo,Ooo $1,o0o.000 $500,000 ' FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 29 1 General Fund ' Pr2jected Total Bond Costs (FY2009 - FY2013) (before grants and reimbursements) ' FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 Existing Bond Costs $2,721,138 $2,635,324 $2,553,351 $2,394,953 $2,317,178 Projected New Bond Costs $73,975 $770,263 $816,068 $1,175,836 $1,411,408 ' TOTAL BOND COSTS $2,795,113 $3,405,587 $3,369,420 $3,570,789 $3,728,586 1 Total Projected Bond Costs (FY2009 -FY2013) (before grants and reimbursements) $4,000,000 $3,500,000 I $3,WO,OW $2.500•000 1 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 1 $1,000,000 $500.000 1 $0 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 S 1 30 General Fund ' Projected Total Bond Costs (FY2009 - FY2013) (after grants and reimbursements) FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 Existing Bond Costs $2,721,138 $2,635,324 $2,553,351 $2,394,953 $2,317,178 Projected New Bond Costs $73,975 $770,263 $816,068 $1,175,836 $1,411,408 Projected Grants & Reim b. $ 988,233 $ 1,028,752 $ 1,027,204 $ 1,025,652 $ 1,026,572 ' NET BOND COSTS $1,806,880 $2,376,835 $2,342,215 $2,545,137 $2,702,014 Projected Total Bond Costs (FY2009 - FY2013) (after grants and reimbursements) $3,000•000 — - $2,500,000 $2.000.000 $1,500.0 $1,000,000 $500'000 / FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 31 Self Sustaining Funds ' Existing Bond Costs (FY2009 - FY2013) PROJECT FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 ' Agawam Country Club $ 94.164 $ 89,744 $ 85,262 $ $ - Country Club Irrigation 22,480 21,495 20,500 - ' Westfield River Pump Station 76,722 76,706 76,641 76,600 76,540 Westfield River CSO (MWPAT) 154,647 154,731 143,406 146,171 147,040 Westfield River CSO - Local Share 61,179 59,759 58,239 56,639 55,039 Campbell Drive / Florida Drive Sewer 38.081 37.194 36,244 35,244 34,244 Q.P.W. Facility Alterations-Wastwater 76,293 74,529 72,765 71,001 69,237 Q.P.W. Facility Alterations-Water 76,293 74,529 72,765 71,001 69,237 Subtotal - Existing Bond Costs 599,859 588,686 565,821 456,656 451,336 Feeding Hills Sewer Extension Phase I 721,500 704,925 688,350 Feeding Hills Sewer Extension Phase II - 741,000 723,450 Main Street Sewer Replacement 10,477 10,234 9,992 Feeding Hills Sewer Extension Phase III - - 780,000 Federal Street Sewer Replacement - 35,921 35,021 ' Feeding Hills Sewer Extension Phase IV - - - Main Street-Suffield Street Water Main Improvement 139,787 136.557 133,327 North Westfield 5t Water Main Improvement - 216,854 211,679 Springfield 5t. Water Main Improvement - 218,250 213,075 Main Street-Suffield Street Water Loop - - ' Total Existing and Projected Bond Costs $599,859 $588,686 $1,437,585 $2.520,398 $3,246,231 (' denotes project which is authorized but not yet permanently bonded) (" denotes project which is planned but not yet authorized) Existing Bond Costs (FY2009-FY2013) 600.000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200.000 l00,000 FY2OO9 FY2O10 FY2O11 FY2012 FY2013 { 32 Self Sustaining Funds ' Projected New Bond Costs (FY2009 - FY2013) ' FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 Feeding Hills Sewer Extension Phase I $ $ _ $ 721,500 $ 704,925 $ 688,350 Feeding Hills Sewer Extension Phase II 741,000 723,450 Main Street Sewer Replacement _ - 10,477 10,234 9,992 ' Feeding Hills Sewer Extension Phase III = _ - - 780,000 Federal Street Sewer Replacement 35,921 35,021 Feeding Hills Sewer Extension Phase IV - - - - Main Street-Suffield Street Water Main Impr = = 139,787 136,557 133,327 North Westfield St Water Main Improvement 216,854 211,679 Springfield St Water Main Improvement - _ 218,250 213,075 Main Street-Suffield Street Water Loop - - - - ' =TAL -_ -. $0 $0 $871,764 $2,063,742 $2,794,894 a 1 ' Projected New Bond Costs FY2009 - FY2013 J t ) $3 000 000 $2,500,000 — $2,000,000 , $1,500,000 f $1,000,000 $500,000 $o lei FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 1 1 33 i ' Self Sustaining Funds Projected Total Bond Costs_ (FY2009 - FY2013) (before grants and reimbursements) FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 ' Existing Bond Costs $599,859 $588,686 $565,821 $456,656 $451,336 Projected New Bond Costs $0 $0 $871,764 $2,063,742 $2,794,894 ' TOTAL BOND COSTS $599,859 $588,686 $1,437,585 $2,520,398 $3,246,231 1 1 ' Total Projected Bond Costs (FY2009-FY2013) (before grants and reimbursements) ' $3,500,000 ' $3,000,000 $2,500,000 / $2 000 000 $1,500,000 / ' $1,000,000 ' $500 000 $0 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 34 Self Sustaining Funds ' Projected Total Bond Costs FY2009 FY2013) (after grants and reimbursements) 1 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 1 Existing Bond Costs $599,859 $588,686 $565,821 $456,656 $451,336 ' Projected New Bond Costs $0 $0 $871,764 $2,063,742 $2,794,894 ' Projected Grants & Reim b. $ 90,567 $ 87,856 $ 665,594 $ 1,271,233 $ 1,863,655 NET BOND COSTS $509,292 $500,830 $771,991 $1,249,165 $1,382,575 1 1 Projected Total Bond Costs (FY2009 - FY2013) ' (after grants and reimbursements) ' $1,400,000 -- $1,200,000 ' $1,0o0,000 - M-ff $800,000 ' $600,000 ' $400,000 $200,000 1 $0 LIL, FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 1 1 35