FISCAL YEAR 2013 TO FISCAL YEAR 2017 I ' 0 0 Ga .r V _ ICI ��Jr -�- t= Amlo �S 1 r7 . Q -- i•r 1 �+ C j, _ Ri t IMF— C 44 d , r r �r e r r rE ar r � rr r r■ ■r r r rr r r Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM PAGE NUMBER (1) Cover Memorandum to City Council 1 (2) Introduction 2 (3) List of Projects(Bonding &Appropriation Schedules) (FY2013 - FY2017) 5 (4) Project Descriptions 20 (5) Bond Payment Spreadsheet 26 (6) Chart- Budget Appropriations 27 (7) Chart-Existing Bond Costs 28 (8) Chart - Projected New Bond Costs 29 (9) Chart- Projected Total Bond Costs (before grants and reimbursements) 30 (10) Chart- Projected Total Bond Costs(after grants and reimbursements) 31 (11) Chart - Self Sustaining Funds - Existing Bond Costs 32 (12) Chart- Self Sustaining Funds - Projected New Bond Costs 33 (13) Chart - Self Sustaining Funds -Projected Total Bond Costs (before grants and reimbursements) 34 (14) Chart - Self Sustaining Funds - Projected Total Bond Costs (after grants and reimbursements) 35 � r � �r � r r r t�■ w r r w r r� r� �■■� � w Town of Agawam 36 Main Street, Agawam, Massachusetts 0100 i Telephone (413) 786-4520 1 FAX (413) 786-9927 Richard A. Cohen, Mayor Mmoandum To: Agawam City Council From: Mayor Richard A. Cohen Re: Capital Improvement Program (Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017) Bate: April 9, 2012 Pursuant to Section 5-3 of the Agawam Home Rule Charter, I hereby submit the Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2013 to Fiscal Year 2017 to the Agawam City Council. The Capital Improvement Program is a prioritized plan of proposed capital improvements over the next five fiscal years. The major purposes of the Capital Improvement Program are as follows: (a) to develop and prioritize needed proposed capital improvement projects; (b) to research and estimate the revenue necessary to fund proposed capital improvement projects; (c) to set parameters on the revenue dedicated to fund proposed capital improvement projects; and (d) to forecast future principal and interest expenditures. The program presented represents a realistic financially feasible long term program. As revenue estimates become available, revisions shall be made and incorporated in the capital budget portion of the annual budget. Please call with any questions. Respectfully submitted, 4Z41 ZY - ZO Lz-� Mayor Richard A. Cohen 1 Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 INTRODUCTION For the purposes of this Capital Improvement Program, a capital improvement is a project or undertaking which provides for (i) the planning, design, construction, reconstruction, renovation or replacement of a public building or facility; (ii) an addition to a public building or facility; (iii) the purchase of land, buildings or facilities for a public purpose; or (iv) a long range development study. While the type of improvement is the basic criteria, a project costing at least $20,000 that has a life expectancy of ten (10) years or more is generally considered to be a capital improvement. The Capital Improvement Program is designed to accomplish the following purposes: 1. To utilize town funds for capital improvements which are compatible with the town's mission of effective and efficient provision of quality services to the citizens and businesses of Agawam which in turn enhance the quality of life in our community; 2. To undertake Capital Improvement Projects on a coordinated basis; 3. To inform the community when needed and planned Capital Improvement Projects and corresponding expenditures are to be expected and initiated in the future; 4. To utilize town funds on the basis of community priorities in coordination with the availability of grants and/or other state, federal or private reimbursements; and 5. To undertake Capital Improvement after careful planning and financial analysis to avoid 2 rr r � � r ar r r r r r r r r � r ■r ■■■ r an undue burden on the town's fiscal capacity now and in the future. After many years of limited capital investment, the town was faced with many desperately needed projects which had to be undertaken in spite of projected limited revenue growth. Fiscal restraint and careful planning are required to assure long term stability, and care must be taken in project development and implementation in order that bond sales are timed so that principal and interest costs occur in the year scheduled. In addition, the funding requirements of the Education Reform. Bill have placed severe limits on the Town's ability to undertake needed capital improvements. In developing this Capital Improvement Program the following general assumptions on fiscal capacity were assumed and applied: 1. Growth in total property tax revenues will continue to be limited by the restraints of Proposition 2 1/2 and no debt exclusion overrides are contemplated in this plan; 2. The town will pursue the maximum property tax revenue allowed by Proposition 2 1/2; 3. For the upcoming fiscal year and future years, the Administration is continuing to recommend a greater emphasis be placed on capital improvements; and 4. During the next five years, the town should: a. Limit General Fund principal and interest payments to approximately $1 million dollars per year; b. Appropriate as much funding as possible annually from the general fund for capital improvements on a.pay as you go basis while maintaining existing service levels; and 3 r � r r err i t ■� r r �■r �■�■ r r� r � � r r C. Utilize the Stabilization Fund to assist in meeting the above referenced goal for level principal and interest payments. The process of capital planning involves setting priorities within the fiscal capability of the town. Each year the entire plan is reviewed in light of changing needs and requirements. There are more needs for improvements by town departments that can be included in a five year time period, and certainly the net school spending requirements of the Education Reform Bill may cause further delays in making capital improvements. In developing the recommended Capital Improvement Program, the following priorities were addressed: 1. Growth - The town must meet the needs of a growing population and at the same time direct and manage growth through the timing of public utility expansion; 2. Imtirove or Assist Service Delivery - Projects that will reduce the need for staff increases or make staff operations more efficient have been given priority; 3. Facilities - New and Maintenance of Existing Facilities - When Proposition 2 1h was implemented communities were forced to delay constructing new facilities and defer maintenance on existing facilities which has led to the current backlog of need for new facilities and the provision of maintenance to existing facilities; and 4. Prior commitments - The Town is bound by commitments made in prior years. The commitments were considered in the proposed budget and program. The attached Capital Improvement Program was developed around the previously cited constraints and program objectives. It includes a bonding and appropriation plan for each of the five program years, a brief description of each project item, spread sheets and charts showing existing and proposed bond payments and graphical representations of these payments. 4 i 1 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program ' Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 ' Fiscal Year 2013 Appropriation Schedule General Fund Appropriations Projected Project Description Amount Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $200,000.00 Street Improvement Program $150,000,00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $5,000.00 Permit Tracking Software $61,790.00 Fire Department Motor Vehicle $34,800.00 ' Fire Department Protective Gear $40,000.00 Town Hall Emergency Generator $25,000.00 ' Police Department HVAC System $75,000.00 TOTAL S601-0�90,ft0 5 i Town of Agawam ' Capital Improvement Program P P � ' Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 ' Fiscal Year 2.013 Appropriation Schedule (Continued) Wastewater Fund AppropLna ions Projected Project Description Amom Wastewater Equipment Replacement $20,000.00 ' Wastewater Motor Vehicle $47,174.00 TOTAL 61.174.00 Water Fund App=riations Projected Project Description Projected ' Water Department Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 ' TOTAL 14.L0 A aw unici al Golf Course A=oprialiglis Projected Project Description Amount Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $60,000.00 ' TOTAL MAN= Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program P P g ' Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 Fiscal Year 2013S inSchedulc General Fund Projects Projected i'Year Project D sgrigtion �t Debt SMice Junior High School Roof, Windows and HVAC $1,250,000.00 $112,500.00 ' High School Bathroom and Locker Room Renovation $1,750,000.00 $157,500.00 Pine Street Road Improvements $524,000.00 $55,960.00 ' Suffield Street Drainage Improvements $300,000.00 $32,000.00 Wastewater Fund Projects Projected V Year Project Dg$cription Amount Debt Saice ' Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Extension Phase 11 $10,700,000.00 $963,000.00 Water Fun c ' Projected 1"'Year Project Descriptio Amount Debt$gv_ice Water Main Design -Main & Suffield Streets $350,000.00 $34,000.00 7 Town of Agawa m Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 Fiscal Year 0 4 Appropriafwn Schedule ' General Fund Appropriations Projected PBoiect Description Amour Hampden County Land Acquisition S9,500.00 ' Department of Public Works Equipment $150,000.00 Street Improvement Program $160,000.00 ' Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $30,000.00 Traffic Light Improvements S30,000.00 tPool Filtration System-Junior High School S150,000.00 ' TOTAL $529.5QQ.00 Wastewater Fund =wpriatims Projected RQject Description Buz Wastewater Equipment Replacement S47,174.00 TOTAL $47,174.Q0 t r Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program P P g Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 Fiscal Year 2014 Appropriation Sched ulp, (Confinucd) Water Fund A=rclpriations Projected Ei iect Descries Water Equipment Replacement $47,100.00 TOTAL _ 47.1 .00 1 Agmam Municipal Golf C=se Appro 'ations Projected Project Descri on Amount Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $31,100.00 1 TOTAL 31 1 1 1 r 1 i 1 9 1 i Town of Agawam ' Capital Improvement Program P P g Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 Fiscal Ymajr 2014 Bqnding Schedu 1Wastewater Fund Lroe kWjected ls'�r iProject De5wdption Amount Debt Service Westfield River Backup Force Main Design $300,000.00 $30,000.00 1 Water FundEWjects ' ted i st Year _Project D-oxiip-tio Ammml Debt SgImice 1 Water Main Construction- Main& Suffield Streets $2,000,000.00 $200,000.00 Water Main Construction -North Westfield Street $3,300,000.00 $330,000.00 ' Water Main Construction.- Reed Street $600,000.00 $60,000.00 i . 1 - 1 1 ' 10 1 1 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program P P g rFiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 Fiscal Year 2015 Appropriation Schedule General Fund Appropriations Pr 'ect liroject Description Am4U, t Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $150,000.00 Street Improvement Program $400,000.00 ' Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $40,000.00 Traffic Light Improvements $30,000.00 Police Station Renovation -Feasibility Study& Preliminary Design $25,000.00 Robinson Park School Energy Management System $128,000.00 1 TOTAL $782.500.00 Wastewater Fund Appropriations Projected Project Description Amount Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 ' TOTAL 47 11 ' Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 ' Fiscal Year 2015 Appropriation Schedule-(Continued) iWater Fund Appropriations hlo-kgte P�ojec#Description Water Equipment Replacement $47,100.00 TOTAL 47l 0 ' Agawm Municipal Golf Course Appropriations Projecte ' Project Descrii tion AmQ= Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $31,100.00 TOTAL UU22.20 i t 12 1 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program ' Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 Fiscal Year 2015_Bondig Schedule Wastewater Fund Lrojects ject 1st Year PWiect Desk mount Debt Service Westfield River Backup Force Main Construction $2,000,000.00 $230,000.00 Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Extension Phase III $393,000.00 $45,545.00 Design ' VACTOR Truck $400,000.00 $106,000.00 Water Fund P;Qjects Pro e c ted 1_ Yeaz Project Descri tiara Amount Debt Seryipe Water Main Replacement- Silver Street to Elm Street $1,100,000,00 $126,500.00 13 T wn of Agawam o Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 ' Fiscal Year 2016 Appropriation Schedule ' General Fund Applopriations, Projected ' Project Description Amount Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $150,000.00 Street Improvement Program $500,000.00 ' Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $50,000.00 ' TOTAL 709.500. Waste d A o ri ' ecte Inject Descripa 'on Amount Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 ' TOTAL J42dL4J00 1 14 1 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program rFiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 Fiscal Year 2016 Appropriation Schedule (Continued) Water Fund Appropriations Pro'ec e Project Descri tion A 1 Water Equipment Replacement $47,100.00 r TOTAL U7,1= Ap-ar wam Muni _ l Golf Co se AppMLialions Project Project Desc6ption Amount ' Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $31,100.00 ' TOTAL 31 0 i i 1 1 r r Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 Fiscal Year 2016 Bonding Schedule Wastewater Fund Projects ' cted 1 g`Year PW-ject De5grip-tim amount Debt Service Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Extension Phase III Construction $3,900,000.00 $468,000.00 Water Fund Projects Protected ��� ' Project Description Amount Debt .Mice Water Main Design-South Street $200,000.00 $24,000.00 1 1 ' 16 1 1 ' Town of Agawam o g ' Capital Improvement Program ' Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 Fiscal Year 2017 Appropriation 5chdule ' General Fund A r riati ns PrQjepted EM.ject Degg6ption Amoun Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $160,000.00 Street Improvement Program $500,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $50,000.00 Traffic Light Improvements $30,000.00 1 TOTAL 4 .00 r ' Wastew ter Fund Appropriations PMjected ' Projecl Deagdption Amon Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 r TOTAL 7.174.OD 1 r r 17 r Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 ' Fiscal Year ZQ17 Appropriation Schedule (Continued) ' Water Fund Apopriations PrQjecte ' Projegl Description Amount Water Equipment Replacement $47,100.00 TOTAL S4LLQQM Aaawaw Municipal Golf CQlvse A ro na s Praj ecte Project Description A t ' Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $31,100.00 ' TOTAL U110120OR 1 r 18 1 Town of Agawam 1 Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2013 - Fiscal Year 2017 Fiscal Year„2017 Bonding Schedmlg ' Wastewater Emd Projects hr4jgcted 1� Project_,_Descn-�tion Amount Debt Service Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Extension Phase IV Design $388,000.00 $49,100.00 Water Fund Projeets ' fyqjtcte 19 Year Pxpject Description Augunt Debt Service Water Main Construction - South Street $1,500,000.00 $187,500.00 1 1 1 1 19 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program 1 Fiscal Year 2013 — Fiscal Year 2017 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS ' 1. MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS TOWN HALL EMERGENCY GENERATOR The Town has applied for a FEMA grant to purchase an emergency generator that will provide emergency power to the Town Hall in the event of an extended power outage. The estimated cost of the generator is $100,000. The FEMA grant will provide for seventy-five per cent of the cost, the Town's share would be $25,000. POLICE DEPARTMENT HVAC SYSTEM Fonds are requested to replace the heating and air conditioning system at the police station. The ' present system is over twenty years old and is required to operate twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Due to the age of the system, it does not operate efficiently. A new system should last between fifteen and twenty years and provide energy efficiency which will reduce operating costs. POLICE STATION RENOVATION Funds have been set aside to provide for a use and feasibility study for repairs and improvements to the Police Station. 1I. PUBLIC WORKS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT E UIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for high value, large Department of Public Works trucks and other icapital equipment. Two large dump trucks have been replaced and financed with a capital lease, $100.000 has been set aside for lease payments. As part of a scheduled replacement program, $50,000 has been included to provide one-third of the cost for the replacement of a CAT 199 IT 28G Loader with 8,595 operating hours (or converted to 257,850 miles). In addition$50,000 has - 20 - Town of Agawam ' Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2013 — Fiscal Year 2017 been included to provide for one-half of a two year lease for a 1999 Jacobson HR9016, a 16 foot winged rotary mower with 166,320 operating hours (or converted to 166,320 miles). STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Funding is required for the improvement and maintenance of local roadways. Improvements include the construction, reconstruction, widening and resurfacing of goads and the installation and repair of drainage structures and systems. Funds will be utilized in combination with state Chapter 90 funding to meet routine maintenance, preventative maintenance and improvement upon Valley requirements. Annual increases to this account are recommended based p the Pioneer Planning Commission Pavement Management Study performed in 2010. SIDEWALK REHABILITATION AND EXTENSION ' The Department of Public Works Highway Divisions' sidewalk construction and repair team will continue rehabilitation work on sidewalks throughout the community. Funds will be used to extend walks to provide connections to schools and recreation facilities. Future increases in this account are recommended in order to implement a Sidewalk Master Plan currently under development. tTRAFFIC LIGHT IMPROVEMENTS Funds are included to provide for upgrades of equipment and software for existing traffic lights. PINE STREET ROAD IMPROVEMENTS In conjunction with Phase IT of the Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Extension, Pine Street will have to be rehabilitated, graded and resurfaced. SUFFIELD STREET DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS The culverts on Suffield Street are inadequate to provide drainage during storms. Funds are included to enlarge the existing culverts to correct this problem. It is anticipated that partial funding will be provided from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency to reduce the ' costs to the Town for this project. ' -21 - Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2013 — Fiscal Year 2017 III. PUBLIC WORKS - WASTEWATER WASTEWATER EQUIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in iorder to provide funding for large, high value, wastewater capital equipment. ' FEEDING HILLS - SOUTHWEST AREA SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION iThis project involves extension of the sewer service to the Southwest portion of Town. The first phase of this program is complete. Funds are included for construction for recently combined i Phases II and 111, followed by additional construction in the second subsequent year. The enormity of this project requires that it be completed and funded in phases. It is anticipated that it will be completed in several phases over a period of approximately nine years at a total cost of over$30,000,000. WESTFIELD RIVER BACKUP FORCE MAIN ' Failure of the newer force main during fiscal year 2008 required emergency repairs during which the 10 inch backup force main was used to continue flows to Bondi's Island. This backup force main should be completed to be ready to be put in service should any of the existing four river crossings fail in the future. Assistance will be sought from local communities that share the use of the force main. i IV. PUBLIC WORKS -WATER ' WATER DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT ' An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for high value, large water capital equipment. - 22 - Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2013 -- Fiscal Year 2017 MAIN STREET - SUFFIELD STREET WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENT The Springfield Water and Sewer Commission is planning maintenance work on their transmission mains from which we receive our water. A portion of the mains will be taken out of service for the work. Hydraulic modeling of our system indicated that we do not have sufficient capacity in our distribution system to insure adequate pressure for our residents if we lose service from more than one connection. We need to build flow capacity in an east-west direction. NORTH WESTFIELD STREET WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENT This project will provide a link from our only connection to the Springfield northerly transmission main to the rest of our system, which only has connections to the southerly transmission line. This will allow the Town to maintain service should the southerly transmission line go out of service. Seventy-five per cent of design costs will be submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation with the Route 187 road improvement plans in Fiscal Year 2014. REED STREET WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION Funds are requested to construct a twelve inch water main to replace 650 feet of six inch asbestos cement pipe and 1,050 feet of four inch cast iron pipe. This will also improve the east — west flow capabilities as well as fire flows. SILVER STREET—ELM STREET WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT Funds are requested to replace the existing six inch main running between Main Street and Suffield Street with a twelve inch main to improve the east — west flow capabilities as well as fire flows. SOUTH STREET WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT 1 Funds are requested to replace the existing six inch main with 5,420 feet of eight inch ductile iron water main. - 23 - Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2013 — Fiscal Year 2017 V. MISCELLANEOUS REPLACE PERMIT TRACKING SOFTWARE Presently, the software services only the Inspection Services Department. In addition, the current application runs too slowly. Funds are requested to replace the current software with a Permit Tracking Software that will service the Inspection Services, Planning and Engineering departments and provide a speedier,accurate flow of information between departments. ' FIRE DEPARTMENT MOTOR VEHICLE Funding is included to replace the Fire Department 1997 Ford Crown Victoria that is currently utilized by the Deputy Fire Chief. The replacement vehicle will also serve as a secondary means of towing the Agawam Fire Department rescue boat when it is stored at Station 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT PROTECTIVE GEAR Funds are requested to replace twenty sets of firefighting personal protective equipment (turnout gear) that will ensure the safety of personnel in fire suppression and rescue operations. GOLF COURSE EQUIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. In fiscal year 2013, funds are required to replace golf carts. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for high value, large Municipal Golf Course capital equipment. HAMPDEN COUNTY LAND ACQUISITION Agawam acquired most of the holdings of the Hampden County government that were within the Town's boundaries when the county was dissolved. The Town is required to reimburse the other county communities for their share of these assets. - 24 - Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program ■ Fiscal Year 2013 — Fiscal Year 2017 VI. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ROOF, WINDOWS AND HVAC The roof at the Junior High School is being replaced, along with the windows and HVAC system as part of a Massachusetts School Building Authority Green Repair Project. The Town is required to fund 42.26 per cent of this project. SCHOOL REPAIRS These projects will continue to be funded throw annual appropriation. The include a new P J � Y folding gym door at the Junior High School, a new energy management system at Robinson Park School, and a new pool filtration system at the Junior High School. HIGH SCHOOL LOCKER ROOM AND BATHROOM RENOVATIONS Pursuant to the NEASC report, funds are included to provide for locker room and bathroom refurbishment at the High School. - 25 - 88 :aa 8 $$ 8888 888 8 a8S.8,18,888 8 At R 8 8 8 g8.e8 8 pB!s a B, B $ $8 8 8Sk �€, i k IASES S SS csa, q 8 8 8 $'$!$$ $ as .89 :$$8 6 ,.Il 8 8 B;Big;8.8'8,8 8 8 Ing F1Sxsi6 �S 88 as 9 5 G 8,B!8 B!8 8 8 8;8 8 8 8;8 8 6 8 AA cS sz I $ :ss gffa34 ask 8.888j8,8 wi 88 8888 8 8 a — -- 84z 8$ s�zj•a •� .: azx� � ese '�'as:x� '�:g � d �ssaiais� a 8+—� 8 B 8, 8 8 — n, --� 8 n n 8 8 E7 8 ass �' i.. 1a• a•�: ="s �g _ z�a - � n;ss d« «asp I� :� � � � �gG��� # BS8'888.Avie -8i888 B$8a ago 6 V�.w 8 88 88B; 888 qq 8 6;8;888885 8 IIIf:.e, .+c 'a ^4:11 a e c a -'s g:s "a c R i s 's s 5 88 Sg86188'RR'.2 188g 8888 :,88 p $,8888 SB 88.88 8,88818888a88 8 Ill _.£l 11iti my s s g � g d x's s� �a«s #� B a r a,a:a 'x — -8 S' 8-C�8 B'8i8l9'R 8 8 S & y is 8 8 8 81 a 8 8 8 s 8 8 8 8$8 8 8 8 8 -- ' 8 818.9 8 8.8p8 8 $ v -id g' z�as =a:ss as a tt 0 � SI6B; 8'8s8:8,8;8;85'�8 SBBM, r 88'86 Q_s;sx F 1188'88B S8 88888'8ie8 �6g R 8 8S'88.8Bib8 8 zi m'aa ddi �a Iac2ii if� ;.� N 89BS R8Rib8;Ills k o 19'8.819 8-$$88 8K:CSS T ^- 488s,:8 88 8888S-8 8 - --70 B B 888888 8 8 A>�s Sa88 8'8888.81$'8$ar BSss 8,88E 8qA 8 -$$8;8it 88 8 age 8 S ^? g S 8;8;S:S-8 $ B ^g� si.ss 0 �a IZiif:�:sf_ s: ^':s aA�� s "s #s�ssa — o a�As gf �i xB a 86B6 88AB8$8'8885 BBB 8888 SF:x'8 : i, i888C8 68 88 8. 8 �R E, 8 B8,8,8.5, 8 6 s:s I�� as• as d� �' r , ., a ass« s B 8888 8.8�,8888$8=S .88: 88:88 88a!8A C888'8.�E 88 '8 . . . . . 8 a ;E 8 8 8 8 .to ` e.� s a�tsxa«, nee i sto�it �s A; xA « s3 x r�9I ®s B s x s;8a's88:Ws114 $E8-$8»' - as'Bse E68B 8Bs"B11 8It8;Z sB �_=a s . . . . . . a ,pia i":� Q 3 IB'BBI8:8:8:1°88 8.8i8688.$&` i:8 �' 88�, 8 "0 8 .'Jt888-8-�� --88 fig " g B 8 .p + s rl ' 'ems. I tall �• ',�,tl P# k 5. ih`y g r a : s F 1 Budget Appropriations FY2013 - FY2017 ' CategoryFY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 ' ' General Fund $601,090 $529,500 $782,500 $709,500 $749,500 Sewer Fund $67,174 $47,174 $47,174 $47,174 $47,174 ' Water Fund $47,174 $47,100 $47,100 $47,100 $47,100 Municipal Golf Course $60,000 $31,100 $31,100 $31,100 $31,100 TOTAL $775,438 $654,874 $907,874 $834,874 $874,874 Budget Appropriations "2013 - FY2017) ' $1 000 000 $800,000 $600,000 $400.000 ' $200,000 ' $o FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 1 -27- General Fund Existing Bond Costs (FY2013 - FY2017) PROJECT FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Fire Headquarters $ I12,640 $ 107,515 $ 97,470 $ = $ ' Tuckahoe Turf Farm $ 64,620 $ 61,545 $ $ $ School Projects I • II $ 1,255,600 $ 1.200,938 $ 1,151,950 $ 1,098,338 $ 1,041,650 Title V Community Septic Management $ 5,952 $ 3,477 $ 3,337 $ 3,198 $ 3,058 Public Library Expansion $ 285,290 $ 280,350 $ 268,480 $ 260.710 $ 242,110 Agawam High School Library Expansion $ 49,670 $ 48,810 $ 46,960 $ 45.130 $ 44,310 Fire Department Aerial Piatform Truck $ 79.219 $ 76,406 $ - $ - $ - C.P.W. Facility Acquisition $ 75.065 $ 72,815 $ 70,520 $ 63,223 $ 60,940 b.P.W. Facility Alterations $ 92,316 $ 89,964 $ 87,024 $ 84,672 $ 82,320 Phase II Stormwater Management $ 16,368 $ 16,261 $ 16,150 $ 16,746 $ 16,000 Middle School Roof $ 34,540 $ 33,660 $ 32,56C $ 31,680 $ 30,800 Middle d Junior High Repairs $ 9,420 $ 9,180 $ 8,880 $ 8,640 $ 8,400 Elementary Schools - Modular Ciassrooms $ 125,600 $ 122,400 $ 118,400 $ 115,200 $ 112,000 Senior Center Construction $ 559,790 $ 548,740 $ 536,415 $ 522,815 $ 507,515 ' Fire Pumper Trucks $ 68,535 $ 66,910 $ 65.098 $ 63,098 $ 60,848 Perry Lane Pooi Renovations $ 27,325 $ 26,675 $ 25,950 $ 25,150 $ 24.250 Phase II Stormwater Completion $ 6,538 $ 6,538 $ 6,538 $ 6,538 $ 6,538 ' Subtotal - Existing Bond Costs $ 2,868,488 $ 2,772,184 $ 2,535,732 $ 2,345,138 $ 2,240,739 Building Maintenance Building Extension $ 16,884 $ 16,444 $ 16,055 $ 15,667 $ 15,278 Town Wide Telephone System $ 45,500 $ 44,450 $ 43,400 $ 42,350 $ 41,300 Junior High School Roof and HVAC System $ - $ 112,500 $ 110,000 $ I07,500 $ 105,000 Pine Street Road Improvements $ $ 55.960 $ 54,560 $ 53,160 $ 51.760 Suffield Street Drainage Improvements $ $ 32.000 $ 31,200 $ 30,400 $ 29,600 High School Locker Room d Bathroom $ $ 157,500 $ 154,000 $ 150,500 $ 147.000 Total Existing and Projected Bond Costs $ 2,930,872 $ 3,191,038 $ 2,944,947 $ 2,744,715 $ 2,630,677 ( denotes project which is authorized but not yet permanently bonded) Existing Bond Costs (FY2013-FY2017) f $3,000 000 $2,500.000 / ' $2,000.000 $1,500.000 $1000-000 4 $500,000 u $ FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 ' -28- ' General Fund Projected New Bond Costs (FY2013 - FY2017) FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Building Maintenance Building Extension $ 16,884 $ 16,444 $ 16,055 $ 15,667 $ 15,278 Town Wide Telephone System $ 45,500 $ 44,450 $ 43,400 $ 42,350 $ 41,300 Junior High School Roof and HVAC System $ _ $ 112,500 $ 110,000 $ 107,500 $ 105,000 Pine Street Road Improvements $ $ 55,960 $ 54,560 $ 53,160 $ 51,760 Suffield Street Drainage Improvements $ - $ 3 2,000 $ 31,200 $ 30,400 $ 29,600 IHigh School Locker Room Bathroom $ - $ 157,500 $ 154,OW $ 150,500 $ 147,000 1 TOTAL $ 62,384 $ 418,854 $ 409,215 $ 399,577 $ 389,938 r Projected New Bond Costs (FY2013- FY2017) I $500,000 ' $400,000 $300 000 $200,000 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 - - 1 -29- 1 rGeneral Fund Projected Total Bond Costs FY2013 - FY201 ` (before grants and reimbursements) FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Existing Bond Costs $2,868,488 $2,772,184 $2,535,732 $2,345,138 $2,240,739 ' Projected New Bond Costs $62,384 $418,854 $409,215 $399,577 $389,938 TOTAL BOND COST5 $2,930,872 $3,191,038 $2,944,947 $2,744.715 $2,630,677 1 ' Total Projected Bond Costs (FY2013 -FY2017) (before grants and reimbursements) $3,500,000 $3.000.000 f $2 500 000 ' I $2,000,000 $1 500 000 1 $1.OW,WO I $500,000 $0 f1/2013 fY2014 F1/2015 FY2016 FY2017 1 ' -30- General Fund Projected Total Bond Costs (FY2013 - FY2017) (after grants and reimbursements) FY2013 FY2O14 FY2015 FY2O16 FY2017 ' Existing Bond Costs $2,868,488 $2,772,184 $2,535,732 $2,345,138 $2,240,739 Projected New Bond Casts $62,394 $418,854 $409,215 $399,577 $389,936 1 Projected Grants & Reimb. $ 975,948 $ 971,728 $ 969.652 $ 967,377 $ 964,818 ' NET BOND COSTS $1,954,924 $2,219,310 $1,975,295 $1,777.338 $1.665.859 1 iProjected Total Bond Costs (FY2013 - FY2017) (after grants and reimbursements) $2.5W,OOO $2,000,000 -- $1 500 000 $1.000.000 $0 - 1 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 1 1 -31- ' Self Sustaining Funds Existing Bond Casts (FY2013 - FY2017) PROTECT FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Westfield River Pump Station $ 76,540 $ 76,499 $ 76,417 $ - $ - Westfield River CSO (MWPAT) $ 147,040 $ 143.194 $ 139,955 $ 138,275 $ 136,551 Westfield River CSO - Local Share $ 50,960 $ 49,090 $ 47,240 $ 40,460 $ 44,690 ' Campbell Drive / Florida Drive Sewer $ 31,290 $ 30,750 $ 29,220 $ 28,700 $ 27,190 D.P.W. Facility Alterations-Wastwater $ 69,237 $ 67,473 $ 65,268 $ 63,504 $ 61,740 Westfield River Force Main $ 40,625 $ 40,626 $ 40,625 $ 40,625 $ 40,626 1 D.P.W. Facility Alterations-Water $ 69,237 $ 67,473 $ 65,268 $ 63,504 $ 61,740 Subtotal - Existing Bond Costs 484,929 475,105 463,993 375,068 372,537 Feeding Hills Sewer Extension Phase I 220,000 215,875 211,750 207,625 203,500 Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Phase II - - 963,000 941.600 920,200 Westfield River Backup Force Main Design 30,000 29,250 Westfield River Backup Force Main Construction - - - 230,000 Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Design Phase III = - 45,545 V ACTOR Truck 101,000 96.SW Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Construction Phase III - - - - Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Design Phase IV - - - - Water Main Design - Main 6 Suffield Streets 34,000 33,200 32,400 Water Main Construction Main A Suffield Streets - - 200,000 195,000 Water Main Construction - North Westfield Street = _ = 330.000 321,750 Water Main Construction - Reed Street (>0,000 58.500 Water Main Construction - Silver d Elm Streets - - 112,750 117,700 1 Water Main Design - South Street - -- Water Main Construction - South Street - - - - - o I Existing and Projected Bond Costs 704,929 690.980 1,672,743 2,391,243 2,623,182 (* denotes project which is authorized but not yet permanently banded) ('denotes project which is planned but not yet authorized) Existing Bond Costs (FY2013-FY2017) 1 500,000 ' 400,000 300,000 ' 200,000 - 100,000 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 ' -32- Self Sustaining Funds Projected New Bond Costs (FY2013 - FY2017) 1 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Phase II $ $ - $ 963,000 $ 941,600 $ 920,200 ' Westfield River Backup Force Main Design $ $ = $ - $ 30,000 $ 29,250 Westfield River Backup Force Main Construction $ $ $ $ $ 230,000 Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Design Phase III $ $ - $ - $ - $ 45,545 1 VACTOR Truck $ - $ - $ - $ 101,000 $ 96,800 Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Construction Phase IM $ $ $ $ Feeding Hills Southwest Sewer Design Phase IV $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Water Main Design - Main A Suffield Streets $ - $ - $ 34,000 $ 33,200 $ 32,400 Water Main Construction - Main 6 Suffield Streets $ $ $ $ 200,000 $ 195,000 Water Main Construction - North Westfield Street $ - $ - $ - $ 330,000 $ 321,750 Water Main Construction - Reed Street $ - $ - $ - $ 60,000 $ 58,500 Water Main Construction - Silver & Elm Streets $ $ $ $ 112,750 $ 117.700 Water Main Design - South Street $ $ - $ - $ - $ - Water Main Construction - South Street $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL $ - $ - $ 997,000 $ 1,808,550 $ 2,047,145 1 Projected New Bond Costs (FY2013 - FY2017) ' $2,500,000 $2.000,000 r $1,500,000 �- $1 000 000 - $500,o00 71 I -tiz1 Y FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 33 1 Self SustainingFunds unds ' Projected Total Bond Costs (FY2013 - FY2017) (before grants and reimbursements) FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Existing Bond Costs $484,929 $475,105 $463,993 $375,068 $372,537 ' Projected New Bond Costs $0 $0 $997,000 $1,808,550 $2,047,145 TOTAL BOND COSTS $484,929 $475,105 $1,460,993 $2,183,618 $2,419,682 i Total Projected Bond Costs (FY2013-FY2017) (before grants and reimbursements) $2,500,000 $2.000.000 ' $1.500 000 - — - $1,000,000 1 $500,000 1 $0 - FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 1 ' 34 Self Sustaining Funds ' Projected Total Bond Costs (FY2013 - FY2017) (after grants and reimbursements) FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 ' Existing Bond Costs $484,929 $475,105 $463,993 $375,068 $372,537 Projected New Bond Costs $0 $0 $997,000 $1,808,550 $2,047,145 ' Projected &rants 3 Rehab- $ 74,204 J $ 70,557 $ 64,972 $ 52,499 $ 49,594 NET BOND COSTS $410,725 $404,548 $1,396,021 $2,131,119 $2,370,083 Projected Total Bond Costs (FY2013 - FY2017) (after grants and reimbursements) ' $2,500,000 _ - - $2.000,000 $1.500,000 $1.000,000 $500,000 $o ' FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 ' 35