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+ :`r i � S � � .� �, fis �► r ��.� � � - ` _ - � y`'� { ., ,. - �� �, � �`-- . S ;�"'� '� �.' �- `� � �, �� } _. - �' 6 � i ��'� ,, /r f - j i. , !� �� �. � �' ,� '�- . - , � o . 4' � �, U y � �ti - � � v '� - � T" iy,, �.. .,.. � � � �� t � V r ,_I . OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE COMMUNICATION#2016 DATE: APRIL 25, 2016 TO: TOWN CLERK, LIBRARY DIRECTOR & EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, COUNCIL ON AGING SUBJECT: FY2017-FY2021 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Attached please find the Proposed FY2017-2021 Capital Improvement Program to be placed on file. Copy is also provided to the Library Director and Executive Director, Council on Aging for public viewing purposes. Should you have any questions, please contact my office. Richard A. Cohen Mayor 1 � FAG Town of Agawam Memorandum To: Agawam City Council From: Richard A. Cohen, Mayor Date: April 12, 2016 Subject: Capital Improvement Program (Fiscal Year 2017-2021) Pursuant to Section 5-3 of the Agawam Home Rule Charter, I hereby submit the Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2017 to Fiscal Year 2021 to the Agawam City Council. The Capital Improvement Program is a prioritized plan of proposed capital improvements over the next five fiscal years. The major purposes of the Capital Improvement Program are as follows: (a) to develop and prioritize needed proposed capital improvement projects; ' (b) to research and estimate the revenue necessary to fund proposed capital improvement projects; (c) to set parameters on the revenue dedicated to fund proposed capital improvement projects; and (d) to forecast future principal and interest expenditures. ' The program presented represents a realistic financially feasible long term program of Capital Projects. As revenue estimates become available, revisions shall be made and incorporated in the capital budget portion of the annual budget. Please call with any questions. Respectfully submitted, 1 d. Z1441, Mayor Richard A. Cohen i Capital Improvement Program E::: Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 INTR DUCTIDN For the purposes of this Capital Improvement Program, a capital improvement is a project or undertaking which provides for (i) the planning, design, construction, reconstruction, renovation or replacement of a public building or facility; (ii) an addition to a public building or facility; (iii) the purchase of land, buildings or facilities for a public purpose; or (iv) a long range development study. While the type of improvement is the basic criteria, a project costing at least $20,000 that has a life expectancy of ten (10) years or more is generally considered to be a capital improvement. The Capital Improvement Program is designed to accomplish the following purposes: 1. To utilize town funds for capital improvements which are compatible with the town's mission of effective and efficient provision of quality services to the citizens and businesses of Agawam which in turn enhance the quality of life in our community; 2. To undertake Capital Improvement Projects on a coordinated basis; 3. To inform the community when needed and planned Capital Improvement Projects and corresponding expenditures are to be expected and initiated in the future; 4. To utilize town funds on the basis of community priorities in coordination with the availability of grants and/or other state, federal or private reimbursements; and S. To undertake Capital Improvement after careful planning and financial analysis to avoid 2 an undue burden on the town's fiscal capacity now and in the future. After many years of limited capital investment, the town was faced with many desperately needed projects which had to be undertaken in spite of projected limited revenue growth. Fiscal restraint and careful planning are required to assure long term stability, and care must be taken in project development and implementation in order that bond sales are timed so that principal and interest costs occur in the year scheduled. In addition, the funding requirements of the Education Reform Bill have placed severe limits on the Town's ability to undertake needed capital improvements. In developing this Capital Improvement Program the following general assumptions on fiscal capacity were assumed and applied: 1. Growth in total property tax revenues will continue to be limited by the restraints of Proposition 2 1/2 and no debt exclusion overrides are contemplated in this plan, 2. The town will pursue the maximum property tax revenue allowed by Proposition 2 1/2; 3. For the upcoming fiscal year and future years, the Administration is continuing to recommend a greater emphasis be placed on capital improvements; and 4. During the next five years, the town should: a. Appropriate as much funding as possible annually from the general fund for capital improvements on a pay as you go basis while maintaining existing service levels; b. Utilize the Stabilization Fund if necessary to assist in meeting the above referenced goal for level principal and interest payments. 3 The process of capital planning involves setting priorities within the fiscal capability of the town. Each year the entire plan is reviewed in light of changing needs and requirements. There are more needs for improvements by town departments that can be included in a five year time period, and certainly the net school spending requirements of the Education Reform Bill may cause further delays in making capital improvements. In developing the recommended Capital Improvement Program, the following priorities were addressed: 1. Growth - The town must meet the needs of a growing population and at the same time direct and manage growth through the timing of public utility expansion; 2. Improve or Assist Service Delivery - Projects that will reduce the need for staff increases or make staff operations more efficient have been given priority; 3. Facilities - New and Maintenance of Existing Facilities - When Proposition 2 Y2 was implemented communities were forced to delay constructing new facilities and defer maintenance on existing facilities which has led to the current backlog of need for new facilities and the provision of maintenance to existing facilities; and 4. Prior commitments - The Town is bound by commitments made in prior years. The commitments were considered in the proposed budget and program. The attached Capital Improvement Program was developed around the previously cited constraints and program objectives. It includes a bonding and appropriation plan for each of the five program years, a brief description of each project item, spread sheets and charts showing existing and proposed bond payments and graphical representations of these payments. 4 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM PAGE NUMBER (1) Cover Memorandum to City Council 1 (2) Introduction 2 (3) List of Projects (Bonding & Appropriation Schedules) (FY2017 - FY2021) 5 (4) Project Descriptions 21 (5) Bond Payment Spreadsheet 31 (6) Chart - Budget Appropriations 33 (7) Chart- Existing Bond Costs 34 (8) Chart -Projected New Bond Costs 35 (9) Chart-Projected Total Bond Costs (before grants and reimbursements) 36 (10) Chart - Projected Total Bond Costs (after grants and reimbursements) 37 (11) Chart - Self Sustaining Funds - Existing Bond Costs 38 (12) Chart- Self Sustaining Funds - Projected New Bond Costs 39 (13) Chart - Self Sustaining Funds - Projected Total Bond Costs (before grants and reimbursements) 40 (14) Chart - Self Sustaining Funds - Projected Total Bond Costs (after grants and reimbursements) 41 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 Fiscal Year 2017 Appropriation Schedule General Fund Apappriations Projected Proiect Description Am Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Police Station Locker Room Renovation $138,500.00 Town Hall Pitch Roof Replacement $159,500.00 Building Maintenance Garage Roof Replacement $24,100.00 Highway Department Equipment $352,109.00 Stvet/Infrastructure Improvement Program $200,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $50,000.00 Traffic Light improvements $30,000.00 Fire Department Special Hazards Vehicle $199,000.00 Building Maintenance Department Vehicle $24,604.00 Building Maintenance Elevating Work Platform $8,775.00 Voting Machines $75,000.00 Robinson Park School Gym Roof Replacement $71,000.00 TOTAL 134 88.00 5 1 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program ' Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 Fiscal Year 2017 Appropriation Schedule (Continued} Wastewater Fund Appropriations Projected Project Description Amount Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 TOTAL 4 174.00 ' Water Fund Appropriations Projected Project Description Amount Water Department Equipment Replacement $69,117.00 TOTAL SUhL17.00 1 I6 1 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 Fis al Ye r 2017 Bonding Schedule c a � General Fund Projects Projected 1' Year Pro_i_ect D�scrigtion Amo,unt Debt Service Early Childhood Center and Kindergarten Classrooms $21,350,000.00 $1,761,375.00 ' Wastewater Fund Projects Project 1"Year PLgjed Description Amount Debt Service Wastewater Pump Station Improvements Phase 1 $436,500.00 $97,121.25 Wastewater Collection System Inflow&Infiltration Project Phase 1 $650,000.00 $79,625.00 7 1 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program ' Fiscal 2 1 - al Year 21 Year 0 7 Fiscal ar 24 Fiscal Year 2017 B©nding Schedule &gn ntinuo ' Water Fund Projects Projected 1st Yeaz Prgiect Description Amount Debt Service ' Water Main Replacement- Springfield& Suffield Streets $441,000.00 $36,382.50 Liswell Hill Water Pump Station Improvements $77,500.00 $17,243.75 Water Main Design- Meadow Street $323,000.00 $26,647.50 Water Main Design - South Street $200,000.00 $16,500.00 8 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 i Fiscal Year 2018 ApRrollriation Schedule ' General Fund AnnMpriations Projected Project Description Amount Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $300,000.00 ' Street/infrastructure improvement Program $200,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $50,000.00 Traffic Light Improvements $30,000.00 Fire Station Improvements and Repairs $140,000.00 Doering School Sewer Storm Separation $245,000.00 ' TOTAL $974.5Q2.00 Wastewater Fond Amopdations Projected Project Description Amount Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 TOTAL 47174.00 9 r r Town of Agawam r Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 Fiscal Year 2018 Appropriation chedule Contin Water Fund Anvronriations Projected Project Description Amount Water Equipment Replacement $91,500.00 r TOTAL 9150 .00 rA&warn Muzji�cnal Golf Course Apropriations Projected ' P o'ect Des ion Amount Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $15,000.00 1 TOTAL 15 0 LO 1.0.0 1 r r i 1 10 r ' Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 ' Fis al Year 2018 Bqnding Schedule General Fund Projects Prgjected 1'`Year Project Description Amount Debt Nervice 1 Fire Department Engines 1 and 2 Replacement $1,100,000.00 $134,750.Oo Wastewater Fund Projects o'ected 11'Xgar Pro iect Description out Debt Sgrvice Wastewater Pump Station Improvements II $327,000.00 $73,575.00 tWastewater Collection System Inflow and Infiltration Project Phase II $299,600.00 $25,466.00 ' Westfield River Interceptor Relocation $235,000.00 $19,975.00 1 Water Fund Projects PMJwted 1s`Year Project Degcription Amount Debt 5113ice Water Main Design-Silver and Elm Streets $195,200.00 $16,592.00 Water Main Construction Meadow Street $1,800,000.00 $153,000.00 11 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriation Schedule General Fund Appropriations Project d Project Description Amount Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $300,000.00 1 Street/infrastructure Improvement Program $200,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $509000.00 Traffic Light Improvements $301,000.00 Fire Department Replace Hose&Firefighting Equipment $24,000.00 Fire Department Replace Staff Vehicle $45,000.00 1 TOTAL s 00.00 Wastewater Fund AggMristlons Pra a ed Project Dgscri Lion Amount Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 TOTAL 4 l 4.00 12 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriation Schedule Continued Water Fund Appropriations Projected Project Description Amount Water Equipment Replacement $91,500.00 TOTAL 4 5 Ud30 Agawam M nic' al Golf Course AgpoRriatioRs Projected Project Descn_ption Amount Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $15,000.00 TOTAL 1s.000.00 13 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program ' Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 Fiscal Year 2019 Bonding Schedule Wastewater Fund Projects — PrWnted 1't e r Project Description Amount Debt Service Wastewater Pump Station Improvements III $66,500.00 $151,128.75 Wastewater Collection System Inflo & Infiltration Project Phase 111 $4,850,000.00 $424,375.00 Westfield River Force Main Design $142,000.00 $13,135.00 Water Fund Projects ected IO Year Proeect De en lion aunt Debt Service Water Main Construction - South Street $1,500,000.00 $131,250.00 Water Main Design-Main Street $455,000.00 $39,912.50 14 i Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriation Schedule General Fund Appropriations Projected FL-ject Description Amount Hampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 1 Department of Public Works Equipment $300,000.00 Street/Infrastructure Improvement Program $200,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $50,000.00 1 Traffic Light Improvements $30,000.00 Fire Department Self Contained Breathing Apparatus $225,000.00 TOTAL 814.500.00 ' Wastewater Fund Appropriations Projected Project Description Amount Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 TOTAL 47�174�00 15 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 Fiscal Year 2020 ARpropriaflon Schedule (Continued) Water Fund Appropriations Projected Project Description Amoun Water Equipment Replacement $47,147.00 TOTAL 47U4 .00 Agawam Municipal Golf Course Appropriations ' Project Description Amount Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $15,000.00 TOTAL 15,000.a0 16 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 Fiscal Year 2020 Bonding Schedu! Wastewater Fund Projects Projected 1`t Year Project Description Amount Debt Service Westfield River Force Main Construction $2,500,000.00 $231,250.00 ' Water Fund Projects Projected 1'Year Project Description AMount Debt Service Water Main Construction - Silver surd Elm Streets $1,100,000.00 $101,750.OQ i 1 17 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 Fiscal Year 2021 Appropriation Schedule General Fund Appropriations Projected Project Description Amount lHampden County Land Acquisition $9,500.00 Department of Public Works Equipment $300,000.00 Street/Infrastructure Improvement Program $200,000.00 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Extension $50,000.00 Traffic Light Improvements $30,000.00 TOTAL 589 500. 0 Wastewater Fund Alapropriations Projected Project Description Amount Wastewater Equipment Replacement $47,174.00 TOTAL 7174.00 18 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 Fiscal Year 2021 Appropriation Schedule (Continued ' Water Fund Appropriations Projected Project Description Amount Water Equipment Replacement $47,147.00 TOTAL �47.0.0 ' Agawam Municipal Golf Course Apgmprjoons Projected Project feription Amo t Municipal Golf Course Equipment Replacement $159000.00 1 TOTAL 1 000.00 19 i Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 - Fiscal Year 2021 Fiscal Year 2021 Bonding Schedule General Fund Proje&ts Projected 15' Year Project Description o nt Debt Service Fire Department Aerial Platform Truck $1,225,000.00 $162,312.50 Water Fund Pro'ects Projected I'Year 1 Project Description &mount Debt_Nervice Water Maim Construction-Main& Suffield Streets. $2,600,000.00 $247,000.00 ' Water Maim Design-River Road $560,000.00 $53,200.00 20 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017— Fiscal Year 2021 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS I. MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS ' POLICE STATION LOCKER ROOM RENOVATION Funds have been set aside in fiscal year 2017 to provide for the expansion of both the men's and ' women's locker rooms, installation of lockers with sufficient size and capacity to securely hold all of the equipment that police officers need with them to perform their duties on a daily basis. Active electrical outlets would be available inside each locker for officers to connect charging 1 systems for their portable radios and flashlights. Separate boot drawers would be available under the bench so that officers can change footwear when coming to or leaving the station. Finally, an internal pistol locker would be provided inside each locker that can be locked with a standard hasp lock,providing a higher level of weapon security for departmentally issued weapons. TOWN HALL Funds have been requested in fiscal year 2017 for the replacement of the pitch roof portion of the Town Hall roof. It is leaking and beyond repair,requiring replacement at this time. BUILDING MAINTENANCE GARAGE ROOF REPLACEMENT ' In fiscal year 2017, funds have been requested for the replacement of the roof over the Building Maintenance Garage. It has deteriorated and is beginning to leak. This should improve the longevity of the building and protect the contents from water damage. FIRE STATION IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS ' Funds have been requested to make improvements and repairs to both Fire Stations in fiscal year 2018 in order to increase the longevity of the buildings and to provide state of the art facilities. 1 21 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017— Fiscal Year 2021 II. PUBLIC WORKS ' HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for on-going replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program_ Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for high value, large Department of Publics Works trucks and other capital equipment.The Department is in need for the following pieces of equipment to maintain safety for both the public and our employees and maintain the service to the community that the DPW provides. The equipment request is as follows: 1. Replace a 1999 dump/sander/plow (76,406 miles) because of extensive body rot. To ' be replaced with a current year International 7300 SFA dump/sander/plow to be used for summer construction projects and winter snow and ice operations($t 65,000.00). 2. Replace a 2007 Ford F-1 50 4X4 pick-up (71,150 miles) needs extensive body work. To be replaced with a current year Ford F250 4X4 regular cab XL with plow package and hydraulic lift gate to be used winter snow and ice operations and for summer construction projects ($35,105.00) 3. Purchase a current year Ford F-450 DRW 4X4 XL crew cab with a 3-4 yard dump body and a plow package with a 9' power angle snow plow.This vehicle will replace a 2008 Ford F-450 Super Duty with 96,338 miles. Additionally the vehicle will participate in our snow and ice operations Truck will be used for patching, catch 1 basin repair and maintenance. ($76,002.00). 4. Purchase a current year Ford F-450 DRW 4X4 XL crew cab with a 3-4 yard dump body and a plow package with a 9' power angle snow plow. In addition to being used for winter snow and ice operations, the truck will be dedicated to sidewalk repair and replacement. A crew of four (4) is included in the FY 17 budget to implement a cost effective means of addressing deteriorating sidewalks and comply with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act to Provide Curb Ramps. Finally, the purchase of this vehicle and creation of the crew will fulfill the sidewalk rehabilitation requirements ' are outlined in our Complete Streets Policy and will allow the Town access to new sources of funds($76,002.00). 22 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017—Fiscal Year 2021 STREET AND INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM tMunicipal infrastructure projects include maintenance of historic street lights, repair and installation of guard rails,repair of culverts and drainage systems, catch basin cleaning, trimming and/or removing diseased and dead trees on town property, repair and paving of Town owned property and related work in the Towns' right of Ways, pavement markings and signage. Funding is required for the improvement and maintenance of local roadways. Improvements include the construction, reconstruction, widening and resurfacing of roads and the installation and repair of drainage structures and systems. Funds will be utilized in combination with Chapter 90 funding to meet routine maintenance, preventative maintenance and improvement i requirements. Annual increases in this account are recommended based upon the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Pavement Management Study performed in 2010. In addition, funds may be applied toward a variety of municipal infrastructure projects and improvements. SIDEWALK REHABILITATION AND EXTENSION In order to implement a cost effective means of addressing deteriorating sidewalks and comply with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") to Provide Curb Ramps and to fulfill the sidewalk rehabilitation requirements as outlined in the Town's Complete Street Policy, a crew of four will be dedicated specifically to the repair, rehabilitation and replacement of sidewalks and implementation of a true Sidewalk Master Plan. Funds in this account will be used for material to repair, replace and construct new ADA compliant sidewalks. TRAFFIC LIGHT IMPROVEMENTS Funds are included to provide for upgrades of equipment and software for existing traffic lights. As older lenses are burning out, the Department of Public Works implemented a policy to replace them with brighter, energy efficient LCD lamps. 23 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 — Fiscal Year 2021 IIL PUBLIC WORKS -WASTEWATER IWASTEWATER EQUIPMENT An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for large,high value, wastewater capital equipment. PUMP STATION IMPROVMENTS Pump Station Fuel Oil Tank Removal and Replacement: the MassDEP is requiring single wall steel fuel oil tanks to be removed by August of 2017. There are four pump stations that have to have their tanks replaced: School Street, North Street, South Street and Pleasant Valley Drive. This request will fund a project to remove and replace these tanks. As part of the project, the tanks will be optimally sized under MassDEP guidelines in order to minimize the project costs and also to minimize the volume of fuel oil stored at each location. These improvements will be ' completed in three phases in fiscal years 2017,2018 and 2019. School Street Pump Station Odor Control Improvements: The DPW received several odor complaints from the area surrounding the School Street Pump Station that were forwarded to Suez (formerly United Water) to investigate. Suez determined that hydrogen sulfide levels were elevated outside of the pump station. They have recommended that we filter the exhaust from the wet well of the pump station. Funds will be used for the study, design and implementation of improvements. Currently, we are considering a bio-filtration system that has proven successful in Springfield at one of their large sanitary sewer pump stations. River Road Pump Station Improvements: Through Eversources's Energy Efficiency Program, we are seeking to replace the pump motors, motor drives (variable frequency drives —("VFDs") ' and outside lighting. It is estimated that the project will have a simple payback period of 2.01 years. Eversource's estimated contribution to the project is $27,600. Included in the project at the River Road Pump Station, we plan to install a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition,("SCADA") system that would permit remote monitoring of the pump station, thereby minimizing delays and promoting efficiency in responding to alarms. The SCADA system also permits for automated digitized data logging that can be used in regulatory 24 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 — Fiscal Year 2021 ' reporting and engineering studies. The requested funds will a for that portion of the cost not � g � g � pay covered by Eversource's incentive program and for the installation of the SCADA system. Westfield River PumpStation Improvements: Through Eversources's Energy Efficient p g gY Y Program, we are seeking to replace the pump motors, motor drives (variable frequency drives-- ("VFDs") and outside lighting. It is estimated that the project will have a simple payback period of 3.36 years. Eversource's estimated contribution to the project is $21,000. The wet well level ' controller has to be upgraded as part of the energy efficiency upgrade since the new VFD system is not compatible with the existing level control system. Included in the project at the Westfield River Pump Station, we plan to install a SCADA system. The requested funds will pay for that portion of the cost not covered by Eversource's incentive program and for the installation of the new level controller and the SCADA system. ' South Street Pump Station Improvements: The channel grinder at the South Street Pump Station (aka Three Mile Brook Pump Station) is broken beyond practical repair and requires replacement. Channel grinders are designed to grind the effluent coming into the station into ' small pieces that can then be passed easily through the pumps and the remainder of the wastewater collection system. Without the channel grinder in operation, the station needs to be closely monitored as it is a greater risk of"ragging up,"having the pumps jam because of rags or ' other materials. WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM INFLOW AND INFILTRATION PROJECT ' The Town of Agawam's wastewater collection system is required by the MassDEP and contractually by SWSC to perform and Inflow and Infiltration ("I&I") study and remediation. ' I&I to a wastewater collection system can represent a significant volume of water that has to be pumped and treated that does not require treatment. I&I therefore can have a significant impact on operational costs as well as have an environmental impact when the total volume of water entering the Springfield Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant exceeds the design capacity during wet weather events as this can cause wastewater to be discharged into the Connecticut River without full treatment. The I&I project will involve creating a GIS model of the ' wastewater collection system, system modeling, flow monitoring,video pipe inspections, smoke testing, property visits, sewer main rehabilitation or replacement, pipe spot repairs, manhole rehabilitation or replacement, manhole frame and cover replacement and public education. This project will be completed in three phases in fiscal years 2017, 2018 and 2019. ' 25 Town of Agawam 1 , Capital Improvement Program ■ Fiscal Year 2017 — Fiscal Year 2021 ' WESTFIELD RIVER INTERCEPTOR RELOCATION The Westfield River Interceptor sanitary sewer nuns along top of the embankment of the Westfield River. In recent years erosion has encroached on the easement for the sewer and despite slope stabilization by the Army Corps of Engineers, the erosion seems to continue. We are proposing to fund a design to reroute the sewer away from the area of erosion to minimize future financial and environmental impacts that may occur if the 24-inch line were to fail. tWESTFIELD RIVER BACKUP FORCE MAIN ' In fiscal year 2008, the newer force main failed requiring emergency repairs. During the repairs, the 10-inch backup force main was used to continue flows to Bondi's island. A new backup force main should be completed to be ready to be put in service should any of the existing four ' river crossings fail in the future. Assistance will be sought from local communities that share the use of the force main. IV. PUBLIC WORKS -WATER WATER DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT ' An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for High value, large water capital equipment. In fiscal year 2017, funds are requested to purchase a Ford Transit T350 High Top Van with an interior rack and bin system. This van carries the meter crew, tools, and material to a work site to install and repair water meters, test water backflow devices, and respond to water quality complaints. Funds are also included to purchase an Atlas Copco 185 CFM air compressor to replace a 1992 model. Funding requests are increased in fiscal years 2018 and 2019 to enable the purchase of a wheeled excavator to replace the current 2008 Volvo Backhoe. The excavator is used to repair and install water mains, service connections, fire hydrants and appurtenances. ' 26 t Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 — Fiscal Year 2021 SPRINGFIELD STREET & SUFFIELD STREET WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT In advance of MassDOT's planned work in the area around the Morgan Sullivan Bridge between Agawam and West Springfield, we are planning to replace the water main in this area. This main was identified by Tighe & Bond in 2009 for improvement; we plan on replacing approximately 1,300 feet of water main and appurtenances. The replacement will help to improve the fire flows,resiliency and age of the water system. LISWELL HILL WATER PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS ' Through the Eversource Energy Efficiency Program, we are seeking to replace the pump motors, motor drive (VFD) and outside lighting. It is estimated that this project will have a simple payback period of 1.98 years. Eversource's estimated contribution to the project is $27,600. In addition to the VFDs,we are seeking to install a SCADA system, a climate control system, and a hydraulic check valve. The requested funds will pay for the portion of these costs not covered by the Eversouce incentive program. ' WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT In 2009, Tighe and Bond prepared a hydraulic model of the Town's water distribution system. The model showed that replacement of water mains would provide improved fire flows, increased resiliency and improvement in the overall age of the water distribution system. The following mains were recommended for replacement. Meadow Street Water Main Replacement: Funds are requested for water main design to replace ' the existing six inch main with 8,730 feet of water main. South Street Water Main Replacement: Funds are requested to replace the existing six inch main with 5,420 feet of water main. This will also improve the hydraulic connection of the water mains on Main and Suffield Streets. Silver Street and Elm. Street Water Main Replacement: Funds are requested to replace the existing six-inch main running between Main Street and Suffield Street with approximately 5,000 of water main. 27 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 — Fiscal Year 2021 1 Main Street Water Main Replacement: The replacement of approximately 6,040 feet of water ep � aPp Y main between Suffield Street and Route 57. This will also improve the hydraulic connection to the water mains on Main Street South and Reed Street. River Road Water Main Replacement: The replacement of approximately 15,470 feet of water main and improve the hydraulic connection of the water mains on Main and Suffield Streets. V. MISCELLANEOUS FIRE DEPARTMENT MOTOR VEHICLES In fiscal year 2017, funds are requested to replace the special hazards vehicle with newer equipment with a smaller chassis. This vehicle will act as a tow vehicle for the rescue boat. Replacement of Engines 1 and 2 is requested for fiscal year 2018. At that time, the present vehicles will be 10 years old, the age at which the National Fire Protection Association recommends replacing front line vehicles. In fiscal year 2019, funds are requested to replace the I current staff vehicle, a 2005 Ford Expedition, with an SUV. Replacement of the 2001 Aerial Platform Truck is requested in fiscal year 2021. FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT Funds are requested to provide in fiscal year 2019 to replace hoses and firefighting equipment. There are presently hoses that are over 25 years old. In fiscal year 2020, funds are sought to replace outdated Self Contained Breathing Apparatus ("SCBA"). BUILDING MAINTENACE DEPARTMENT VEHICLE Funds are requested in fiscal year 2017 to purchase a new van that would replace the 1999 Ford Econoline van that is no longer able to pass inspection. BUILDING MA,INTENACE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT 1 Funds are requested to purchase a One Man Elevating Work Platform to replace the current model that is over 25 years old and is not in working order. 28 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017-- Fiscal Year 2021 VOTING MACHINES ' The Town currently uses nine Accu-Vote machines. There is one for each precinct and one spare. They are reaching the end of their useful life and have been subject to feeding jams at some locations. During the recent Presidential Primary, the machine at Doering School had a complete failure at approximately 6:30 pm which necessitated a hand count of the remaining ballots. The Accu-Vote machines are no longer in production and it is difficult to obtain replacement parts and effect repairs. Funds are requested in fiscal year 2017 to obtain new equipment, training and additional items, such as ballot boxes, software and support for new voting equipment. GOLF COURSE EQUIPMENT Resuming in fiscal year 2018, an annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for high value, large Municipal Golf ' Course capital equipment. HAMPDEN COUNTY LAND ACQUISITION Agawam acquired most of the holdings of the Hampden County government that were within the Town's boundaries when the county was dissolved. The Town is required to reimburse the other county communities for their share of these assets. VI. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT ROBINSON PARK SCHOOL GYM ROOF REPLACEMENT 1 The existing roofing covering the gym and the gym office and storage area has deteriorated to a point where the shingles are buckling and falling off onto the play area beneath. There are two layers of roofing, with the first being installed in 1960 and the second layer placed over that. Funds are requested to replace this roof in fiscal year 2017. ' 29 Town of Agawam Capital Improvement Program ' Fiscal Year 2017—Fiscal Year 2021 DOERING SCHOOLSEWER STORM SE SE FARATION ' Currently the roof drains and the parking lot drains at Doering School flow into the sanitary sewer drain. This project will allow for proper runoff of storm water and alleviate any storm water backup from entering the school basement. EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER AND KINDERGARTEN CLASSROOMS The Early Childhood program has outgrown its present location on Petry Lane. A new facility is needed to allow for much needed additional classroom space as well as to provide for private bathrooms and changing rooms for small children and an area for teachers to meet with parents. Funds are requested to build a 50,000 square foot facility that could also provide for Kindergarten classroom space and make classroom space available for special programming at the elementary schools. HIGH SCHOOL RENOVATIONS Funds are included in fiscal year 2021 to provide for renovations to Agawam High School. Renovations would include new science laboratories, windows, boilers, electrical panel boxes, heating and ventilation systems, lockers and information technology upgrades and accompanying wiring. 1 30 fennercliMunc?= M M M M M Pro ect 2017 2018 2019 1, 2020 2021 2022 2023 Exisfii eonds I Fund School Projects 2+II 1,04],650.00 943,950.00 - ! - - Title V Cann rwrity Septic Management 3,058.32 2,920.78 2,784.93 - - - - _._ _ . ............- - - - Public Library Expansion 242,110.00 234,680.00 223,350.00 216,120.00 203,010,00 ' - Agawam High School Library Expansion 44,310.00 42,500.00 40,710.00 33.990.00 33,330.00 D.P.W. Foci lty Acquisition 60.940.00 58,602.50 56.210.00 - - - ---- - - D.P-W_ Facility Alterations 82.320.00 79,960.00 77,616.00 I 75,264:00 - 72,912.00 -- 70,560.00 68,208.00 Phase II Stor"water Management 16.000.09 15,439.56 14,897.02 ` 14,367-72 17,310.25 16,617.67 15,881.92 0 Middle Schaal Roof 30,800, 0 29,920.00 - 29.040.Q0 -28,160.00 27,280.00 26,400.00 ! 25,520.00 _ -__ _. . ___... . _ _ Middle 6 Junior High Repairs 8,400.00 8,160.00 7,920-00 7,6W.00 7,440.00 I 7,200.00 6,960.00 Hanentary schools - Modular Classrooms 1]2,000.00 108,800.00 105,600.001 102,400.00 99,200.00 96,000-00 92,800.00 -- —-- ---- - __ _ ----- ..._.....-- - - — - ---- --- - -- - Senior Center Construction 507,515.00 490,940.00 476,065.00 462,465-00 448,865.00 435.180.00 421.155.00 Fire Pumper Trucks 60,847.50 58,430.001 51,322.50 49,522.50 47,722.50 45,911.25 j - Perry Lane Pool Renovations 24,250.00 18,393.75 17,737.50 11,137.50 16,537.50 15,933.75 15.315.00 base II stormwatar Com ion plet 6,537.86 6,536.42 6,537.73 6,537.75 6,538-42 6,537.70 6,537.5i6 Building Maintemnce.Building Extension 11,900.00 6,700.00 6,600.00 6,500.00 6,400.00 6,300.00 6,200.00 Town wig telephone system 6],200,0Q - j' - - - Junior High School Roof and HVAC System 100,080.00 98,480.00 96,060.00 92,880.00 89,680.00 86,480.00 83,280.00 Subtotal 2,413,918.77 2,204,403-01 1,212,470.68 1,113,024.47 1,076,225.67 813,120.37 ! 741,857.47 I Autharized/5che4ule4 Bonds. High School Track, Bathrooms A Locker Roams 692,500,00 681,165.00 669,030.00 658,495.00 647,160.00 635,825.00 t---624,490.00 Subtotal 692,500.00 681,165,00 669,830.00 658,495.00 647,160.00 635,825.00 624,490.00 New Projects: Early Chlldhaad Carter A Kindag~Classrom 1,761,375.00 1,726,681.25 1,691,987.50 1.657.293.75 1,622,600.00 1 1,587,906.25 Fire Engines 1 and 2 - 134,750.00 132,275.00 129,800.00 127,325.00 124,850.00 1 122,375.00 Fire Aerial Platform Truck - - - - 162,312 50 i - - 158 331.25 154,350,00 1,387,500.00 High School Renovations - --- _ 1,355,625.00 Subtotd - 1,896,125.00 1,858,956.25 1 1,821,787.50 1 17946,931.25 3,220,256.25 P�ential Aid and Grants � MA SBA8 Existing Bonds 901,116.()0 745 989.00 -- - - ------ - ...—.............. — -- - -- — -- -- Title V Canrmstity Septic Manageemeet(MWPAT 341.32 203.78 67.91 - - - - Phasre - 2,51 1,918.40, , 1,73 .00II storrrater Aawgeret(MWPAT) 1,542.73 Ambulance Fund Contribution 60,847.50 125,785.00 117,460.00 ' 114,422.50 111,385.00 108.336.25 61,197.50 Subtotal 964,818.06 874,350.51 119,760-86 116,515.55 113,303.40 110,070.25 , 62,730-23 Net Debt Service-Gerrsral Fund 2,141,600.71 113,907,342.50 1 3,621,496.07 3,476,791,42 3,557,013.52 4,632,156.37 4,523,873.49 32 SeMsta 1�g Funds Bond Payment Schedule - 2017 r 2211 _-2019 -- 020 Q 2022 2Err 4 z025 E Boads- I Wo leld Over CSQ(MWPAT) 136,551.12 13Q,063.67 128,901.65 127,46].14 - - - Wffk esld Rover CbO _ —._..- - Local shots 44,690.00 42.880,00 41,090.00 44,270.00 42,420 OD - - - - Campbelt bH w I Florida brine sawn 27,190.00 26,690-00 25,200.00 24,720,00 24,240 00 - - - - b.P.W.Facility Alterative-Wastewater 61,740.00 59,976.00 50.212.00 56,448.00 54.604.00 52,920.00 51,156.00 49,392,00 47.628.00 -- ---- ---- WestfHld River F Mainores 40,625,80 40,625.45 40,625.00 40,623.16 40,625.65 40,623.12 40,626.5.1 40,625.44 40,623.31 Feeding Hills Sewer Extension Phase I 202,700.00 399,700.00 1 196,700,00 193,700.00 190,7W.00 182,700.00 179,800.00 176,900.00 173,275.00 -- Subtotal 513.4%.92 4".9111.02 49Q728.65 487,224.30 352.669.65 276.245.22 271,561.57 266,017-44 261,528.51 New Pro-iaets, 91,228.593,192.76Wastawotsr Pmp station Improwmsnts I 97 121.25 5157 89,264.25 - Wastewater Collection System Inflow 4 Ioiltre - 79 625 00 79,162.30 75 700.00 15,237.50 i 73,775 00 72,312.30 70,850 00 u 69 387-50 Wastewater Pump Station Ywpavamants II - - - - - 73,575,00 71 940.OD 'M 305.0D 68,670 00 67,035.00 - - Wastewetor callsctien System Inflow 4 -- - - 25,466.00 24.941.10 ' 24,417.40_r 23,893.10 23,368.80 22,844,50 22.3ZQ_20 Ws:ffisld River Irrtsrespta`Releeaflen 19 M.00 19,563.75 19,152.50? 18,741.25 18,330.00 17,918,75 17,507.50 Wastewater Pump Stations Tmprsvemawrs III - 15 128.75 14 T63 OQ 14,347.25 14,031 50 13,665 75 - Wastawater cellaetlen _ System saftetr 6 - 424 375.00 414 281 25 406,187.50 397,093 75 388,000 aD 378 906.2y Westfield River eaehwF Fares Main basl,p► 13,135-001 12,833.25 12,531,50 12.229.75 11.928-00 Westfield River Badmp Force Main CansMuetian - - - 231,250,00 225,937,50 220,625.00 215,312,50 210,0W.00 Subtotal - 176,746,25 292,335-50 725,841,95 954.770,15 933,699,10 825,328.05 740.821.25 710,049.45 P4lawtial Aid and - - v Westfield River Pmnr Station(MWPA _ Westfield River CSQ(MWPAT) 40,599.47 46,60Q.43 44,129.951 39,692,11 - -- - total 49,599.47 46,600.43 44,129.95 39,692.11 Net baba Service-Wastawaer Fund l 463,897.45 630,080-84 738,934,20 1,173,374.14 1,307,439,80 1,209,944.32 1,096,909.62 1,007,738.69 971,577.96 � c Bonds waterfand b.P.w.Facility A1*&vt ae-Wafer 61.M.00 59.976.00 58,212 00 56,448.00 54.684.OD 55,920.00 -- 51,156 00 —- 49 392.00 47,628.00 Water Main Catisfraetlow- Nart1�Wutfisld 465,900.00 459,900.DD 450,9D0.00 438,900.00 426,900.00 414,900-00 402,900.00' 396,900.00 390,600.00 Subtotal 527,640.01) 519,876.00 W9,112.00 493,348,00 461,584,00 467,820.00 454,M6.00 446,292.00 438,228.00 t�P gets-Water Fund: t Water Main Replacement SpNngfidd 4 - 36,382.50 35,665-95 34 949.2t! 34.232.63 , 33,516 00 32,799.38 32,082.75 31,366_I3 _. . - _ . --. .35 - --- Uswsll Bill Water Pump Station Improvements - 17,243.75 16,895.00 16,W.25 16,197.501 15,00,75 - - - Watar Main Design- Meadow Street - 26,647.50 26,122.63 25,597 75 25 072.88 24.548.00 24,023.13 23,498.25 22,973.38 Water 16,5D0,00 26.175.00 15.M 00 i 151.625.00 15.200-00 14.875.00 14,5M,00 - 14_225.00 Wa1ar Main baslp-Sbser and Elm Ltrsets - - 16.02.00 16,250.40 16.908.80 15,567.20 15.225.60 14.584.00 14,542.40 Water Main Construction- Msadaw St, - - 153,000.00 149,850,0Q 146.700.00 143,550,00 140.400.00 137,M,00 134,100.00 -- - - __Ti__ -- - - - Water Main Comtruciion 5auth St. - - 131,250.00 l28,437 507 5,625.00 122,812,50 126,D00.00 117,187.50 Water Main Design - Matn 5treat - - 39,812.50 38,9 38 38.106.2r3 37.2".13 36,400.00 33.346.85 Water NAM Crwtn,ction-§ilvar 4 L'8a 91s_ - - - 101,750.00 j 99,412.so 97,079.00 94,737-50 92.400.00 Water Main Constriction'-Main JroWiwfield 5 - 247,000.00 241,150,OD 235,300.00 229,45DA0 Water Main Oesiyn- Riwr Raad - - - 53,Z00.00 53,940,00 50,680.00 49.420.00 Subtotal 96,773.75 264,450.51 1 430,106.15 j 522,783.69 611,573.70 777,553.74 799,382.50 , 741,211.29 Net Dsbf SeMee-water Fund -- 61,740.00 156,749.75 322,662.51 486,654.15 577,467.69 864,493.70 I 828.709.74 I 808,774.50 788,839.29 32 BudgetQpropriations (FY2017 - FY2021) ICategory FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 General Fund $1,342,088 $964,000 $658,500 $814,500 $580,000 ' Sewer Fund $47,700 $47,174 $47,174 $47,174 $47,174 Water Fund $69,117 $91,500 $91,500 $47,147 $47,147 Municipal Golf Course $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 TOTAL $1,473,905 $1,217,674 $812,174 $923,821 $689,321 ' Budget Appropriations (FY2017 - FY2021) ' $1,600,000 $1.400.000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800 000 ' $600,000 — $400,000 — - ' $200,000 $0 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2420 FY2021 1 33 General Fund ' Existing Bond Costs (FY2017 - FY2021) ' PROJECT FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 School Projects I - II $ 1,041,650 $ 943,950 $ $ $ Title V Community Septrc Management $ 3.058 $ 2,921 $ 2,785 $ - $ ' Public Library Expansion $ 242,110 $ 234,680 $ 223,350 $ 216.120 $ 203,010 Agawam High School Library Expansion $ 44,310 $ 42,500 $ 40,710 $ 33,990 $ 33,330 D.P.W. Facility Acquisition $ 60,940 $ 58,603 $ 56,210 $ - $ - ' D.P.W. Facility Alterations $ 82,320 $ 79,968 $ T7,616 $ 75.264 $ 72,912 Phase II Stormwater Management $ 16,000 $ 15,440 $ 14,897 $ 14,368 $ 17,310 Middle School Roof $ 30,800 $ 29,920 $ 29,040 $ 28.160 $ 27,280 Middle 6 Junior High Repairs $ 8,400 $ 8,160 $ 7,920 $ 7,680 $ 7,440 Elementary Schools - Modular Classrooms $ 112,000 $ 108,Boo $ 105,600 $ 102.400 $ 99,200 Senior Center Construction $ 507,515 $ 490,940 $ 476,065 $ 462.465 $ 448,865 Fire Pumper Trucks $ 60,848 $ 58,410 $ 51,323 $ 49,523 $ 47.723 Perry Lane Pool Renovations $ 24,250 $ 18,394 $ 17,738 $ 17,138 $ 16,538 Phase II Stormwater Completion $ 6,538 $ 6,538 $ 6,538 $ 6,538 $ 6,538 Building Maintenance Building Extension $ 11,900 $ 6,700 $ 6,600 $ 6,500 $ 6,400 Town Wide Telephone System $ 61,200 $ - $ - $ - $ - ' Junior High School Roof and HVAC System $ 100,080 $ 98,480 $ 96,080 $ 92,880 $ 89,680 Subtotal - Existing Bond Costs $ 2,413,919 $ 2,204,404 $ 1,212,472 $ 1,113.026 $ 1,076.226 High School Track, Bathrooms d Locker Rooms $ 642,500 $ 681,165 $ 669,830 $ 658,495 $ 647,160 ' New Projects: - Early Childhood Center A Kindergarten Classrooms $ $ 1.761.375 $ 1.726.681 $ 1,691 988 $ 1.657.294 Fire Engines 1 and 2 $ - $ 134,750 $ 1.32,275 $ 129.800 $ 127.325 ' Fire Aerial Plot-form Truck $ _ $ $ - $ _ $ 162.313 High School Renovations $ $ $ $ $ Total Existing and Projected Bond Costs $ 3,106,419 $ 4,781.694 $ 3.741,258 $ 3,593,309 $ 3,670.318 (' denotes project which is authorized but not yet permanently bonded) ' xI (FY2017-FY2021) E sung Bond Costs $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $5D0,000 ' FY2017 FY2016 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 34 1 General Fund Projected New Bond Costs (FY2017 - FY2021) ' FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 High School Track, Bathrooms & Locker Roo $ 692,500 $ 681,165 $ 669,830 $ 658,495 $ 647,160 Early Childhood Center & Kindergarten Class $ - $ 1,761,375 $ 1,726,681 $ 1,691,988 $ 1,657,294 Fire Engines 1 and 2 $ - $ 134,750 $ 132,275 $ 129,800 $ 127,325 Fire Aerial Platform Truck $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 162,313 High School Renovations $ $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL $ 692,500 $ 2,577,290 $ 2,528,786 $ 2,480,283 $ 2,594_092 1 1 ' Projected New Bond Costs (FY2O17- FY2021) ' $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 1 $1,000,000 $5011,000 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 ' 35 r ' General Fund ' Projected Total Bond Costs (FY2017 - FY2021} (before grants and reimbursements) ' FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 ' Existing Bond Costs $ 2,413,919 $ 2,204,403 $ 1,212,471 $ 1,113,024 $ 1,076,226 Projected New Bond Costs $ 692,500 $ 2,577,290 $ 2,528,786 $ 2,480,283 $ 2,594,092 ' TOTAL BOND COSTS $3.106,419 $4,781,693 $3,741,257 $3,593,307 $3,670,318 1 1 1 1 ' Total Projected Bond Costs (FY2017 -FY2021) (before grants and reimbursements) 1 $5.000,000 ' $4,500,000 $4,000.0 ' $3,500,000 $3 000 Q00 00, i $2,500,000 r $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 + ' $500,000 $0 ' FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 — FY2020 FY2021 i ' 36 1 General Fund ' Projected Total Bond Costs (FY2017 - FY2021) (after grants and reimbursements) 1 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Existing Bond Costs $2,413,919 $2,204,403 $1,212,471 $1,113,024 $1,076,226 ' Projected New Bond Costs $692,500 $2,577,290 $2,528,786 $2,480,283 $2,594,092 Projected Grants & Reimb. $ 964,818 $ 874,351 $ 119,761 $ 116,516 $ 113,303 ' NET BOND COSTS $2,141,601 $3,907,342 $3,621,496 $3,476,791 $3,557,015 1 1 Projected Total Bond Costs (FY2017 - FY2021) (after grants and reimbursements) ' $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3 000 000 $2 500 000 $2,000,000 ' $1,500,000 $1.000.0 i 1 $500,000 / $0 FY2017 FY2016 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 1 37 ' Self Sustaining Funds Existing Bond Costs (FY2017 - FY2021) ' PROJECT FY2017 FYZ018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 ' Westfield River CSO (MWPAT) $ 136,551 $ 130,064 $ 128,902 $ 127,461 Westfield River CSO - Local Share $ 44,690 $ 42,880 $ 41,090 $ 44,270 $ 42,420 Campbell Drive / Florida Drive Sewer $ 27,190 $ 26,690 $ 25,200 $ 24,720 $ 24,240 D-P W. Facility Alterations-Wastewater $ 61,740 $ 59,976 $ 58,212 $ 56,448 $ 54.684 Westfield River Force Main $ 40,626 $ 40,625 $ 40,625 $ 40,625 $ 40,626 Feeding Hills Sewer Extension Phase I $ 202,700 $ 199,700 $ 196,700 $ 193,700 $ 190,700 D.P.W. Facility Alterations-Water $ 61,740 $ 59,976 $ 58,212 $ 56,448 $ 54,684 Water Main Construction - North Westfield Street $ 465,900 $ 459,900 $ 450,900 $ 438,900 $ 426,900 ' Subtotal - Existing Bond Costs $ 1,041_137 1,019,811 999,841 982,572 _ 834,254 Wastewater Pump Station Improvements I $ $ 97,121 $ 95,157 $ 93.193 $ 91,229 Wastewater Collection System Inflow & Infiltration 1 $ - $ 79,625 $ 78,163 $ 76,700 $ 75,238 Wastewater Pump Station Improvements II $ _ $ - $ 73,575 $ 71,940 $ 70.305 Wastewater Collection System Inflow 3 Infiltration 1 $ $ $ 25,466 $ 24,942 $ 24,417 Westfield River Interceptor Relocation $ - $ - $ 19,975 $ 19,564 $ 19,153 ' Wastewater Pump Stations Improvements III $ $ _ $ _ $ 15,129 $ 14,763 Wastewater Collection System Inflow A Infiltration f $ $ $ ; 424.375 $ 415.281 Westfield River Backup Force Alain Design $ - $ - $ - $ $ 13,135 ' Westfield River 9ackup Force Main Construction $ - $ - $ - $ $ 231,250 Water Man Replacement - Springfield d Suffield St $ $ 36.383 $ 35,666 $ 34,949 $ 34,233 Liswell Hill Water Pump Station Improvements $ - $ 17,244 $ 16,895 $ 16,546 $ 16,198 Water Main Design - Meadow Street $ = $ 26,6M $ 26,123 $ 25.598 $ 25,073 Water Main Design South Street $ $ 16,500 $ 16.175 $ 15,850 $ 15,525 Water Main Design Silver and Elm Streets $ - $ - $ 16,592 $ 16,250 $ 15,909 ' Water Main Construction - Meadow St $ = $ - $ 153,000 $ 149,850 $ 146,700 Water Main Construction - South St. $ $ '$ $ 131.250 $ 128.438 Water Main Design - Main Street $ - : - $ $ 39,813 $ 38,959 ' Water Main Construction Silver 6 Elm Sts. $ - $ $ $ - $ 101,750 Water Main Constriction - Main from Suffield St_ $ - $ $ $ $ - ' Water Man Design - River Road $ - $ $ $ $ - Total Existing and Projected Bond Costs $ 1,041,137 1,293,332 1,556,628 2,138,521 2,311,810 ('denotes project which is planned but not vet outhorized) 1 Existing Bond Costs (FY2017 - FY2021) $1,200 000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 ' $200,000 ' FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 3 1 1 Self Sustaining Funds Projected New Bond Costs (FY2017 - FY2021) FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Wastewater Pump Station Improvements I $ = $ 97,121 $ 95,157 $ 93,193 $ 91,229 Wastewater Collection System Inflow 8 Infiltration Proje $ $ 79,625 $ 78,163 $ 76,700 $ 75,238 Wastewater Pump Station Improvements II $ - $ - $ 73,575 $ 71,940 $ 70,305 ' Wastewater Collection System Inflow $ Infiltration Proje $ - $ _ $ 25,466 $ 24,942 $ 24,417 Westfield River Interceptor Relocation $ $ $ 19,975 $ 19,564 $ 19,153 Wastewater Pump Stations Improvements III $ $ - $ - $ 15,129 $ 14,763 Wastewater Collection System Inflow h Infiltration Proje $ _ $ _ $ - $ 424,375 $ 415,281 Westfield River Backup Force Main Design $ $ $ $ $ 13,135 Westfield River Backup Force Main Construction $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 231,250 ' Water Main Replacement - SpringfAd 6 Suffield Street $ _ $ 36,383 $ 35,666 $ 34,949 $ 34,233 Lisweli Hill Water Pump Station Improvements $ $ 17,244 $ 16,895 $ 16,546 $ 16,198 Water Main Design - Meadow Street $ - $ 26.648 $ 26,123 $ 25,598 $ 25,073 Water Main Design - South Street $ _ $ 16,500 $ 16,175 $ 15,850 $ 15.525 Water Main Design - Silver and Elm Streets $ $+ $ 16,592 $ 16,250 $ 15,909 Water Main Construction - Meadow St. $ - $ - $ 153,000 $ 149,850 $ 146,700 Water Main Construction - South St. $ - $ - $ - $ 131,250 $ 128,438 Water Main Design - Main Street $ - $ - $ - $ 39,813 $ 38,959 Water Main Construction - Silver A Elm Sts. $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 101,750 Water Main Constriction - Main from Suffield St $ - $ - $ - $ $ - Water Main Design - River Road $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - ' TOTAL $ - $ 273,521 $ 556,787 $ 1,155,949 $ 1,477,556 ' Projected New Bond Costs (FY2017 - FY2021) $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 ' $800,000 $600,000 1 $400,000 $200,000 -- $ FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 1 39 ' Self Sustaining Funds Projected Total Bond Costs _(FY2017 - FY2021) ' (before grants and reimbursements) FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 ' Existing Bond Costs $1,041,137 $1,019,811 $999,841 $982,572 $834,254 Projected New Bond Costs $0 $273,521 $556,787 $1,155,949 $1,477,556 TOTAL BOND C05T5 $1,041,137 $1,293,332 $1,556,628 $2,138,521 $2,311,810 1 Total Projected Bond Costs (FY2017-FY2021) (before grants and reimbursements) ' $2,500,000 $z 000 000 $1 500 000 $1,000,000 ' $500,000 $0 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 1 40 Self Sustaining Funds Projected Total Bond Costs (FY2017 - FY2021� (after grants and reimbursements) 1 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Existing Bond Costs $1,041,137 $1,019,811 $999,841 $982,572 $834,254 Projected New Bond Costs $0 $273,521 $556,787 $1,155,949 $1,477,556 Projected Grants d Reimb. $ 49,599 46 F:)O 44,130 5) 39 692 NET BOND C05T5 $991,538 $1,246,732 $1,512,498 $2,098,829 $2,311,810 1 ' Projected Total Bond Costs (FY2017 - FY2021) (after grants and reimbursements) ' $2,500,000 1 � $2'000"000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 ' 500 000 $0 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 41